3(ntdJx0ett& f k Volume XVIII Ne. 33. DHY JOHN WANAMAKER'S ADVERTISKMNT. NEW GOODS FROM EUROPE, AT- JOHN WANAMAKER'S, PHILADELPHIA. SILKS. Leng-pilc-plushcs. ,One. plain black with pile longer tliitn t-t-ul lur.and with high lustre, having the effects et a very glossy lur; ter coats, $9. Anether, figured, the figure made by varying the length et the pile: several colon", $5 .'-0. Sealskin pluh, $3.75 te $a.riO Alternate wide strips of moire antique anil bright arm u res of an oriental diameter, ti. batln-dc-Lyen brocade in luess color combi nations : berdeaux bronze green " bronze light bronze light-green Zulu icd-brewn iron-rust The effects arc strong, though the colors arc net striking. Wide embre snipes eeveied with grape vine da-uiussc alternating with wide stupes et a lace effect. Four dark effects, tluee in evening colors. $!. JOHN' WANAMAKEU. Next-outer circle, Chcstnut-sticct entrance. HITK GOODS. Of Hue white goods we have a cemplelc Bleck wanting nothing. Whatever one may want, that ladies, children or babies wear. Is te be found here, with many sorts te cheese from. JOHN WANAMAKEU. Ncxteutcr circle- City-hall squaic. DUESS GOODS. A chsvlet drcs cloth, really et a fine check witii an iricgular Humiliation and a very obscure plaid; but, looked at u yard away. It appears te be a biiskct. It is therelere a basket-etlect produced by color; if we mis take net, an entirely new uiid Interesting piece et color-work. 42 inches wide; $1.10.i Anether cheviot et tne very tame small ehecks, but without the basket effect, simpler, plainer, and when closely looked at probably prettier, though it Is hardlv fair te say that. Jl.20. JOIIN WANAMAKEU. Third ciiclc, southeast from centre. CASIIMEKKS AND MERINOS. Lupin's merinos and cashmeres, accepted throughout the world as the standard et qual ity, we have In sixteen colors and ten quali ties of each, SO cent te $1. Evening cashnieies el about thirty-live colors and shades, anil et live iiMlities, .V cents tefl. JOHN WANAMAKEU. NexteutsrcIrcle.Thliteenth-strcct entrance. BLACK DUESS GOODS, ltlack cashmeres et seventeen qualities, 37 cents te i and black merinos el twelve qualities. 50 cents te $1,85; et three makes. Lupin's, Vegel's and Curlier'; of three shades, let-black, medium-black and blue-black, JOHN WANAMAKEU. Next-outer circle. Chestnut-street entrance. JOHN WANAMAKER, Thirteenth, Chestnut and Market Streets and City Hall Square, Philadelphia. CZOTIIIXG, K OSKNSTEIN'S ONE PRICE HOUSE. -:e:- ELEGANT -OF- FINE WOOLENS - AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. -:e:- AL. ROSENSTEIN, One Price Merchant Tailor awl Clothier, (NEXT DOOR TO SHULTZ Ne. 37 North Queen Street, A PERFECT FIT ALL CAMPAIGN. F MYERS & RATHFON Are better prepared than ever te accommodate the public in BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN, At bottom prices, all our own manufacture no Sheddy Clothing. A man can get the best Ten Dellar All Weel Suit at Centre Hall sold in America. While this Is a specialty, yet ail our Clothing is sold proportionately cheap. Buying your Clothing at Centre Hall you save one profit. Our Custom Department is lull and complete. It you want a Cheap Business Suit you can have It made te order (alt wool) from Fifteen te Twenty-live Dollars, Dress Suits from Eighteen te Forty Dollars. And remember you have the Largest Stock and the Best Variety te select from, and satisfaction in every way guaranteed. We are prepared te make up at short notice and In the best style and at the lowest prices. Our Cutters are Firt-Clas. Our GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Is full and complete. Don't fail te call and leek through Centre Hall before you make yeui Fall and Winter purchase. Yeu will find willing hands te show you through the immense stock et Woolens. Overcoats by the hundred ler Men, Youths, Beys and Children. MYERS & RATHFON. CENTRE Ne. 12 EAST KINtt STREET, 1UON WON BITTERS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIC. IUON B1TTEUS arc liighlylreceuimcndcd ter all diseases requiring a certain and cfil cient tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles, and gives new Hie te the nerves. It acts like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tatting the Feed, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iren Preparation that will net Dlacktm the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write ler the ABC Boek, JH pp. et useful and amusing reading tent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, rc-iyt&w BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 130 North Queen tr t,l!ianeartr. OOOVS. LINENS. We have tome Scotch bleached double damask table-linen tuat we'd like you te see. 1 1 is i yards wide and 91 a yard. The patterns are beven, diverse enough, new, and we like them all. It you lind the Fame linens else where in Philadelphia or New Yetk, we think you'll lind them at $2.50 or thereabouts. Napkins te match, $7.50 ler three-quarters, and $5 for tive-elghth. JOHN WANAMAKEU. Next-outer circle. City-hall-square entrance. UNDERWEAR. Twe extremes et the French hend-made underwear, lately come te us, attract notice. Sonic et it is se plain that It seems scarcely te belong te the class of embroidered work it reminds one rather of the hand-work we used te make families here twenty-live years age. Thcothcrexlremeistherichetet embroidery It needs te be seen. Nobedy'll believe liein description the work that Is in it; tlielttip ticts, the richness, the extravagance. We shetv it with pleasure. At the same time hce what the sewing ma chine has done for us, in our American fac tory made underwear. E&ch lias a perfection et its own. Factory-work, made as we get it, is a new grade et sewing. JOHN WANAMAKEU. West from Chestnut-street entrance. UPHOLSTERY. One of the most beautiful et the draper ies and furniture-covers that have come te us this year is a very quiet tinsel-and-silk fabric, J ust received, $12.00. JOHN WANAMAKEU. Northwest gallery. CAKI'ETS. ;We are often told that wc have uncom monly choice patterns in carpets. We certainly have the best makes. JOHN WANAMAKEU. Northern gallery. TEW LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS WITH JA colored borders have come ; but, se far as we have seen yet, there's nothing notably new in styles. They are nlmestuU mechanical Hgurcs et the general character that has pre vailed for some months. Twe new initial handkerchiefs: one em broidered in colors, 12 cents ; one with very large, white, block or diamond initials lermed by a hemstitch stitch, 25 cents. The latter is veiy neat indeed. JOHN WANAMAKEU. Outer circle, ChcUiiut street entrance. JtC. "DOSE? OSKNSTKIN'S ONE PRICK HOUSh. DISPLAY - & BUO.'S HAT STOUE), Lancaster, Fa. GUARANTEED. ALU CAMPAIGN. HALL, LANCASTER PENXA. ItlTTEItS. ritON BITTERS. SURE APPETISER. LANCASTER, Hancaster JnteUfgencer. MONDAY EVENING, OCT. 10, 1881. THE STATE CAMPAIGN. DHIVT OF THE DISCUSSION. Peluts ler Reflection by Thinking People. These who insist that either Mr. Ran dall or Mr. Wallace must have interfered te secure Neble's nomination they had an entire right te de se are referred te the fact that Mr. Neble only get one vote from the congressional district in which Mr. Wal laeelives, and uone .from Mr. RandalU's district. The big Wolfe meeting in Newcastle, Lawrence county, was presided ever "by James M. Martin, a well known lawyer, and there was along list of vice presidents men who have been life-long Republi cans, such as Charles M. Phillips, Themas W. Phillins (who were as ultimate as i brothers with the late President Gar field). Bound te Prevail Soen. Northern Tier Importer. The Democrats recently assembled in state convention at Williamsport, neglect ed te pass any rules governing the organ ization and deliberation of futtfre assem blages of the same character. Fer this inexcusable nejlect, the rauk and file of the party certainly have a right te com plain and demaud the whys and where fores. The time viiluotne when these things will be etherw i-f. The adoption of amended rules for tins better organization of the party was r.-ully the most import ant business bel'eie the convention, as these rules provided for the permanent or ganization of the slate committee, besides ether matters of reform which had they been adopted would have dene away with the picsent loeso and obnoxious manter of discharging business. Mr. Neble in Erie. The fact that the Eric Evening Herald is net supporting Mr. Neble has been very widely and gleefully advertised by the Re publican papers. It does net appcar.hewc ver that it is having a damaging effect upon Mr. Neble's prospects. As yet net a Dcra Dcra ecat has been found in Erie who will net vote for him, and hundreds of Republicans will. This is net because the Herald has net been a very respectable paper, but be cause its present course is believed te be the result of a petty personal pique which the Democracy cannot afford te let affect a state campaign. The Herald is estepped from saying anything effective against Mr. Neblo by its own recorded attitude toward him when a candidate for the Legislature last year. Tnen he was appealed te te become a candidate, in a public letter signed by his fellow citizens, among tltem the turner and editor of this same Herald, who thou said and cannot new deny that Neble's integrity was " unquestioned," his votes " always en the side of practical reform," and his character and public services ample assurances that he would de right whetcver placed. In its issue of August 28, 1880, when Mr. Neblo was a candidate for the Legis lature, the Herald said of him at the con clusion of a lengthy article : "It remains te be stated that he is wide and favorably known ever the common wealth, as was signally evidenced by the handsome vote he received for state treas urer in the Democratic convention in 1873, He would net go te Harrisburg an un known man, but would be prominent and influential from the start. Ne person could be sent te the Legislature as the representative of our city who could de mere te promote its interests, and who would be mere likely te vote right en public questions than Orange Neble. "Let us, then, putting aside all political prejudices, give him such a vote as will testify our appreciation of a public-spirited citizen, and show te the slate at large that Erie has at last resolved te demand as a right such favors at the hands of the com monwealth as she has been tee slew in asking in the past." A Hopeless Cause. Petroleum World, Independent, Kcp. " The nomination of Neble for state treas urer by the Democratic convention has destroyed the last vestige of hope for the election of Baily, and it leeks new as if nothing short of a special dispensation of Providence could prevent the machine fiein bciug completely snowed under in November. Things are looking mighty blue aud no mistake. The elder bosses, Cameren, Quay aud Magee, are silent, and have been ever since the Harrisburg convention. Bess Cooper, a novice in political management eutside of his own prccinct,has vainly endeavored te galvanize the rank and file of the party into activity, but somehow or ether the boys fail te enthuse. Cooper has been at the helm for less than a mouth, but in that short period he has succeeded in getting things into a little bit the worst shape they have been in since the Camcrenian dynasty came into existence. He began by issuing a circular giving the Republican papers of the state a let of impertinent and unsolicited ad vice aAwut their editorial utterances, and se wrote himself down a failure at the out set. Wolfe's candidacy was a thunder bolt te the machinists aud the nomination of Neblo is all that was needed te make their demoralization complete. The outlook for Bess Cooper is blue, indeed. He has an unpopular candidate and a divided party against two popular candidates with loyal followers. The mevement in favor of Welfe is gaining ground steadily in all counties in this part of the state and there is danger that Baily will be the third man in the race. Neble will poll mero than his party vete and many of the Republican strongholds in this end of the commonwealth will reverse themselves " for this date only," and let their traditional majorities be divided. The Philadelphia Press, the foremost party organ in the state, sulks in its tent, and says nothing ler the bosses save te warm them against feeling with a man who has a provocation te fight. Candidate Baily is busy attending country fairs and admiring the robust squashes there dis played ; Attorney General Palmer and Governer Heyt arc still masquerading as the " Twe Dromies " of reform, and all afferts te get the machine into active op eration have failed utterly. Cooper has sounded the keynote two or thrce of them in fact and boomed several minia ture booms, but all te no purpose things won't enthuse. Affairs are in bad shape, and there's no use denying it all f which are calculated te make the future leek almightly blue for a man who wants te run for governor in 1882. In nominating Neble the Democrats made a ten strike for party success. They presented the strongest man in their party, and nominated him upon a platform which speaks in strong, hopeful terms of the only real issue before, the country. Its utter ances en the monopoly question are in complete accord with the antecedents of tue party anu pympatnies et me candi date, and will be endorsed heartily and unreservedly by thoughtful voters from one end of the state te the ether. In comparison, with the ominous record of PA., MONDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1881. General Baily and the ominous silence of the platform en which he stands, the record of Mr. Neble and the ringing decla rations of the Democratic platform pre sent a vivid contrast. Mr. Neble is no stranger te the oil region. Interested in its early development, and identified with many of its largest enterprises, he seen learned te appreciate the true character of the Standard Oil Ring and assisted in or ganizing the first formal opposition te the lawless encroachment of that corrupt in stitution. It is a significant circumstance, aud one creditable in the highest degree te Mr. Neble, that the most relentless op position te his nomination came directly from and through a known agent of tbe Standard Oil Ring. Mr. Neble is one of the most creditable candidates the Demo crats have presented for years, and if they de net new turn in and give him a triumph ant election there will be no one te blame but themselves. He can be elected iu fact nothing short e( the most insane blundering can prevent it. Aud this is the reason, also, things leek dreadfully blue for Bess Cooper. Against Advertising V. elfe. Fer thO ISTELL1GESCER. Is it net a comical sight, Audy Kauff mau in the role of Bembastes Furio&e? Mark hew the fellow bowls them down ! Chairman of the "Resolutions committee" in the county committee; one of the mem orable 30C ; a fellow of infinite jest and most excellent faucy ; see hew he nicks them ! It is worth living for te see. a fellow with all the courage, a modicum of his wit, and nearly all the appetite of Falstaff lording it ever the Republican party in- Lancaster county. With what a dignity he issues his writs of qui-jtus and index prohibitory ! Mark hew he damns with a nod everybody who dares te staud iu his way te great ness ! Is it net a rare sight te see him take under his charge the fate and des tinies of the eighteen thousand grown-up, and bearded Republicans of Lancaster county ? He says te them, in effect : "I am your master, I Audy Kauffmau, attorney at law and notary public ! In me you see the aggregated wisdom of the age ; in me the essence- of political philosophy ! Bo Be fore me must fall down and worship the peliwigs and toads, ripe and green, of the great"intelligence represented by .the Re publican party. I am chairman of the county committee's committee en resolu tions, and rule the party of moral ideas. It is true that I am laughed at for a wiudy braggart, but out of that wiud and brag will I draw profit. Mind that, ye canaille of the party !" Aud se the chairman of the committce thinks, and peer devils who despise him must obey his behests ; ostra estra cise whom he shall denounce, aud work and vete for these whom he shall designate as his friends. A Kkpurmcan. Columbia, Pa., Oct. 8. WUITEAU INDICTED FOU MOltDKli. A True Kill et Kleven Counts Presented uy the ilriiud Jury of the Dis trict of Columbia. The indictment against Charles J. Gui teau for the murder of President Garfield was presented te the grand jury at about 11 o'clock Saturday morning. The in dictment cmbraces eleven counts and is drawn with great minuteness. The fifth and sixth counts are the ones upon which it is said the prosecution will mainly rely. They describe the sheeting as having been done at the Baltimore & Potomac depot, Washington, " of malice aforethought, with a pistol of the value of $5, indicting a mortal wound of the depth of six inches and breadth of one inch, of which said mortal wound the said James A. Garfield, until the nineteenth day of September, as well at and in the county of Washington and District of Columbia as at and in the county of Monmouth, state of New Jer sey, did languish aud languishing did live and ultimately did die." Each count for mally repeats the charge that Guitcau in the manner and by the means described, " feloniously, wilfully and of his malice aforethought did kill and murder against the form of the statute in such case made aud provided and against the peace and government of the United States." At 12:43 the grand jury entered the criminal court room and presented the indictment against Guitcau, indorsed " A true bill," and signed by Caleb Churchman, fore man. Needlessly Prolix. N. Y. Wet Id. The indictment against Guitcau is drawn in elevcu counts and with all the prolixity and technical formality which the common law seems te require. It is undoubtedly a geed' indictment, and it was diawu under the supervision et Attorney ucnerat Mac Vcagh, who, after the manner of Philadel phia lawyers, is a clese cenvcyaucer and special pleader. This is fortunate. Therg should be no loopholes in such an in dictment, and some of Mr. District At torney Corkhill's procedures in this case have reasonably shaken public confidence in his discretion. With out meeting the question of the propriety of the means taken te in duce Guiteau te " empty himself upon paper, " there can be no doubt as te the impropriety of allowing Guiteau's se called autobiography te be sold befere his trial. Under our own new cede of criminal pre cedure Guiteau's indictment would have mere briefly and mere simply drawn. Our cedo recites that an " indictment must contain a plain and concise statement of the act constituting the crime without un necessary repetition, " and a New Yerk indictment of Guitcau would have simply charged that "en the second day of July, 1831, Charles J. Guiteau, at the city of Washington, with a premeditated design te take the life of James A. Garfield, then and there in being did provide himself with a pistol leaded with gunpowder and ball, aud did with such design discharge this pistol and its contents at the said James A. Garfield se as te wound him mortally in his body aud te cause him by said wounding te subse quently die en the nineteenth day of Sep tember, 1881." This simple form has been used for nearly twenty years in Great Britain under what was called the Lord Campbell amendment acts, and for as long a period our rural legislators regularly and repeatedly refused te allow it te be adopted in this state. m - The Proper Cenrse. The unanimous agreement of the Demo cratic senators in caucus te put Senater Bayard into the chair of that body when it assembles en Tuesday will command the cordial approbation net only of all Democrats but of sensible and conserva tive men of all parties. Ne better evidence could be given of the law-abiding censtitu. tienal temper of the Democratic paity,and it concerns the future of this great coun try intimately te be assured that such is the temper of the Democratic party. It is net likely, we may assume, that the sen ators who have taken this discreet and resolute action in regard te the temporary presidency of the Senate will waste much time ever the discussion of such secondary matters as the distribution of the salaried offices of the Senate. The Republicans, who have tried te use these offices already for purposes of political corruption and te ratify bargains with repudiators, will no doubt make a desperate effort te secure an undue control et tuem. xc is cenawiy better that they should be suffered te succeed in such an effort than that sena tors of the party of law, order and the constitution should descend into an elec tioneering squabble ever senatorial pat ronage and the senatorial spoils. The most assiduous parental attention will frequently fail te prevent Coughs, Colds, Croup, etc. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is a most valuable temedv te have convenient when needed. Price 25 cents. Pender en these Truths. Kidney-Wert is nature's remedy for kidney and liver diseases, piles and constipation. Sediment or mucous in the urine Is a sure indication et disease. -Take Kidney-Wert. Torpid liver anil kidneys poison the bleed. Kidney-Wert revives them and cleanses the system. Headache, bilious attacks, dizziness, and lets et appetite", are cured by Kidney-Wert. See advertisement. elO lwdw Sinn of the Fathers Visited en the Children. Physicians say that scroluleus taint cannot be eradicated; we deny it "in tete." If you jre through a thorough course et Burdock li'oed Bitters, your bleed will get as pure as you can wish Price $t. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, .Lancaster. Years of Suffering. Mrs. Barnhart. cer. Pratt and Broadway, Buffalo, was ler twelve years a sutlerer from rheumatism, and alter trying every known remedy without avail, was entirely cured by Themas' Kclectric Oil. Fer sale at II. B. Coch Cech ran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. ir. It Adam had had a game or "Fifteen" placed in his hand at an early period of his existence, the whole course of history might have been materially altered for the better, and it bil iousness, indigestion, sick headache or dys pepsia ere unknown. Spring Blessem would net be needed. Price 50 cents. Fer sale at II. . Cochran's di ug store. i;7 North Queen ttteet, Lancaster.. I'Arj-wHjLNersas, &c. w ALL. PAFKKS. Our New Patterns et WALLPAPERS aic new coming in. The line embraces every grade, from the "Lewest te the Finest Goods made. Plain Celer and Embossed Gilts Ter Parlerc, Halls, Dining Beems, Chambers. &c. Common and Lew-Priced Papers el every dcsciiptien. Fringes, Borders, Centre Pieces, Transom Papers, &c. We have also opened a fine ll"c et Dade Window Shades, entirely new, which are be coming very popular. Of Plain Shading we have all colors and extra wide widths for large window and store shades. bcetch Hollands in cardinal, brown, bull, white, ecru and green. American Hollands. Tin and Weed Spring Hellers. Cord Fixtures, Heller Ends, Brackcts.Picture Wire aud Cord, Fringes. Leeps, Nails, C.mtain Pins, Tassel Heeks, Ac. All colors et Paper Curtains, figured and plain, which will be-sold te dealers at the lowest rates. Extension Window Cornices, the best and cheapest. Curtain Poles in ash, ebony and v.almil. e-Ordi:rs taken for i 1NE MIHHOHS. PHARES W. FRY, NO. 57 NOKTH QUEKN ST. CM.OTMUIU. w ILLIAMSON & FOSTEK. This cool weather Is a gentle reminder el HEAVY UNDERWEAR. We de net claim te have the largest stock of any retail house in the state, but. what we have get we are selling at very low prices, and we invite everybody whether they arc looking ter line goods or cheap, te see what we have before thev buy. This week we have received case after case et OVERCOATS, Be'Ii for Fall and Winter Wear, and a man innst be very hard te please, indeed, that can not be suited In our stock. OUB SPECIAL ALL WOOL SUIT for men for S11.87, is celling the best In .Men's Clothing, because it Is worth at least S 15.00. the BOYS' & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING We keep in great variety, and you must net forget te call at the ONE-PRICE HOUSE. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 36-38 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. HOOKS ANJi STAilONEm. OCHOOL HOOKS I SCHOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS: All Scheel I'.oeks and Scheel Supplies at the very lowest rates at L. M. 1'LYNN'S, Ne. 48 WJKST KINO STREET. JOHN KAER'SSONS. SCHOOL BOOKS FOR THE LANCASTER SCHOOLS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, AT THE 1500KSTOKEI JOM BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. A. LIQUORS, CC. WHITE WINK VINEGAR. 95 I'R CENT. Alcohol, Wine and Liquors, Collets. Sugars and Teas, all at KINGWALT'S , leblMyd Ke. 395 West King StreL vbt ONODGBASS. MURRAY & CO. SNODGRASS, MURRAY & Ce., CLOTH HOUSE, JIARKEl AND NINW STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. We desire te call the attention of EARLY BUYERS te our superb selection et DBESS CLOTHS, Which have been prepared with extra care for making a serviceable Suit for a Yeung Lady or Yeung Miss. Seme have been shrunk, ethers, have net; but our facilitte fr having them steam spengtd, when customers se desire, are se great that it causes very little delay. We have a long list of colorings in PLAIN CLOTHS, and a great many new effects In FINE CHECKS. NEAT MIXTURES, STRIPES. PLAIOS, Ac. Among theni may be mentioned some, very pretty GREEN CHECKS, entirely new. .,,,. Wc nave these Cleths in low and medium prices, also of the finest qualities of imported fabrics. Seal Skin Cleths and These very handsome goods will be worn this winter for Leng Coats, Delmans, Costumes, Suits, and extenslvelv used ler Trimming; all grade- up te the very tlnestspun are represent ed, and It Is worth a visit te our stere, if ler nothing else than te see these goods. Fer WRAPS, SAOQUES AND MANTLES for Fall, our many novelties are tee numerous te mention. We have everything deslrable pretty and handsome, including many new styles, at low and medium prices. le leicbait Tailoring Goods 1 Gentlemen's Wear. Our stecK et SUITINGS and CASSIMERES comprises all the new .! vies and standard makes of Demestic and Foreign Goods, in low. medium and line qualities. We desire te call special attention te our unlimited variety of EXULIbli, SCOTCH anil FRKNCH fabrics ler Suits, Fall and Winter Overcoats, and Pantaloons. OUR MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT. Samples sent and orders JUIed te the satisfaction et the buyer. in asking for samples please say It ter Ladies' or Gentlemen's Wear, and tr low, medium or high grade, grave or gay goods are desired. Absent buyers have the sne advantages, et CHOICE AND PRICE as these present, exactly. -je;- SNODGRASS, MURRAY & CO., Market and Ninth Streets, Philadelphia. pi IVLEK, BOWERS & 1IUKST FLANNELS! BLANKETS! Fine, large stock lust opened and new eflVring at low prices. All qualities from the very lowest te the finest made, in White, Scarlet, Gray aud Blue. ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF WHITE AND GRAY BLANKETS AT HARdAlN PRICES. COMFORTS. Large stock of our own make. Deublc-Faccd Canten Flannels m all Shades, made expressly ler Curtains and Driplng. Bleaclel anil nieaiM Canten Flannels ALL PRICES. Elegant New Line of PRINTS just opened this morning. Yeu will lind no trouble te make a selection from this let. Alse opening NEW DRESS GOODS daily. LADIKS. We offer larce and well selected Please call and examine what we have te GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST'S Dry Goods, Mercian Tailering: ami Carpet Heuse, 25 EAST KING STREET, T ANK & CO. LAJSTE & CO., Ne. 24 EAST KING STREET. Ne. 24 Have just received, opened and ready for Inspection a large and complete stock et general TKY GOODS, CAEPETINGS, ETC. At price that dory competition. High Colored Satin Suitings, New and Rich, Flannel Suitings in M and 3-4 geed. Uloeining lllack Cashmeres, a matter we pay special intention te. hliewls in long and square, in endless variety and quality. Flannels, Checks and Muslins in all widths, and iu fact anything necessary te constitute a complete stock for the buyer t select rrem. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETING AT 75c. PER YARD, Elegant in Designs and Colorings. Feathers Steam Dressed, the best the market produces. Qucenswarc, Cleth, Cossimere and Ladies' Coats. , BOI-TINa CLOTHS et the vtiTbest brand in tlia market, at New Yerk Prices. An examination solicited of our entire stecK, and satisfaction guaranteed 10 un. Jacob M. Marks. Jehn TLVMBER'S J OIIN L. ARNOLD. Largest, Finest and Cheapest Steek el CHANDELIERS EVEB SEEN IN LANCASTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAS GLOBES CHEAP. TIN PLATE AND PLUMBER'S SUPPLIES. JOHN" L. AEKOLD, Nea. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. rapr2-tfd MJSV1VAL. pARKJSR'S HAIR RALSAM. "pARKEU'S GINGER TONIC. TAKKEIVS HAIR BALSAM. The Best, Cheapest and Most Economical Hair Dressing Never tails te restore youthful color te gray hair. 50c. and $1 sizes. PAKKER'S GINGER TONIC Ginger, Buchu, Mandrake, and many of the best medi cines known are here combined into a medicine or such varied powers, as te make iiwc .nte, ninnrf inrflrgnii Tniti Hnnitti urn strenirth Restorer Ever Uaetl. It cures Complaints or Women, and diseases et the Stomach. Bowels, Lungs, Liver and Kidneys,:" is entirely ainercm irem umers, oec. anu si sizes, iii&u.v x w. MIS CELLAXJSO VS. HELLMUTH LADIES' COLLEGE. . ,,,, Patroness. II. K.H. Princess Lenisc. Founder and President Jl",.:I"SI1?J?f D. D.. D. C. L., Lord Bishop of Huren. Fall Term opens Wednesday, Sept. ' "j"'?!01",?, "! spacious buildings, beautilully situated in a most healthy locality ab1fouJsleu",lb?v from Niagara Fafu, and en one or the principal through routes iKtwccntlc JXhtLi,Sui The Grounds comprise M0 acres. The aim et the Founder et this college fa te Prerlde thcl 1 cst.lntcllectual and practieally usclul education. The whole , ; SSltimfSl !cSSSti'r est PROTESTANT principles, as the only solid basis for the right formation e chact ritENCH is the language spoken in the college. WUSCaspccia lty Bwrd.Lanndau I Tuition Fees, Including the whole course or English the Ancient udMcmBnafl udMcmBnafl isthenice. Drawing and Painting, use of Piane and Libiary, Medical AUcmlancc and 1 5tl'it . 1S300 per annum. A reduction et one-hair for tile daugniers pi ciurgyiucii . n,,J"i"' , andluil particulars address MISS CLINTON, Lady Principal Hcllmuth ladles' COUw.Len- W WJ WHMV Price Twe Cents. aoeoa OSODCRAS9, MURRAY Jfc CO. Seal Skin Plushes. fscptl9-3iudw MXVXKK, 1JOWERS ft UURSTI slecks of goods In every department. offer. LANCASTER, PA. L VNK Si CO. A; Charles, Jehn B. Reth. SUl'fUSS. JOHN L. ARNOLD. rs, Ginger Essences, and etner Tonics, as it never intoxicates. ., Chemists, N. Y. I.arge saving buying W