(0)je Imxte friMigttfje Volume XYIJINe. 29. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1881 Price Twe Gents. h IJJP s; NODGHASS, MUKKAY & CO. SNODGRASS, MURRAY & Ce., CLOTH HOUSE, MARKET AND NINTH STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Wedc-liv te call the attention of EAKLY HUVKliS te our superb selection of DEESS CLOTHS, Which have been prepared wish extra caic fermnking a serviceable Suit Je? a Yeung Lady or leung.Miss. tome have been shrunk, ethers have net; but our lacilities for having them .i r'li.mgi.u, nuuit uiiMuini.-ii fceuesirit, aie mi great inai u causes very littie delay, we J',.l.v.'',.,i.J"Ili?.I,2J-.o,..:e,0l,nKs in 1'-A1. CLOTHS, and a great many new effects in FINE CIILCh.S, NEAT MIVTI, ltl, STIMI'ES. I'LAlDS.&c. Among them may be mentioned some, very pretty GUKKN CHKCKS. entirelv new- ' ' relv W" liaVC these ClOtlli ilL lOW lllid lliedillin fabrics. 7 ' " ' Seal Skill Cleths and Seal Skin Flushes. These very haniKsome goods will be worn this winter for LongCeats, Delmans, Costume", .Suibi, itml extcn-ivcly used ler Tiiminlng; all grades up te the very flncstspun are represent eu, audit is wenh a visit te our .store, it ler nothing clhe than te see thesogeods. Fer WRAPS, SAOQUES AND MANTLES ter Fall, cur many novelties arc tee numerous te mention. We have everything desirable pretty and hand-eme. Including many new stylet, at low and medium prices. Fiub Merchant Tailerii Ms for Gentlemen's Wear. Our stecK et .SUITINGS and CASSIMEUK.S comprises all the new styles and standaid ikes i of Demestic and Foreign Goods, in low. mediiiiii and line qualities. We desire te call eclal attention 10 our unlimited variety of F..VG LHH, .SCOTCH anil FKKNCI1 fabrics ler in special Suits, Fall and Winter Overcoats, and Pantaloons. OT.' MAIL OKI) Ell DEPARTMENT. fcamples sent and erdcis filled te the satist.iciien et the buyer. In asking for samples please say it ler Ladle-,' or Gentlemen's Wear, and it low, medium or high giadc. grave or gay geed- are desired. Ali-cnt buyer- have the :une advantages, et ('HOICK AND PIHCK as I hoc present, SNODGRASS, MURRAY & CO., Market and Ninth Streets, Philadelphia. f-cptllKiiu.lAtw L ANE .V CO. LAjNTE & CO., Ne. 24 EAST KING STREET. Ne. 24 Have Ju-.J i.eive I, ipen-d and re.uly ler inspection a large and complete .stock ei geneial DRY (iOODS, CARPETINGS, ETC. At pi ice-, tint dely eompetilien. High Celeie I S.tlin Suiling-i, New and llicli, Flannel Suitings in C-l ami :t-4 geed". Kloeiuing Hhtck ;.isliuieiv, a mailer we p ly neeeial attention te. Shaw Is in long mid square, in cudlcs variety and quality. Flannels, Checksand Muslins in all widths, and in fact anything neee-sary le constitute a complete .-lock ler l he buyer te select from. TAPESTRY ISllUKSKIj CARPETING AT 75c. IEH YARD, Elegant in llesigns and Coloring-. Feathers, Steam Drc.s-e.l, the; best the markel produces, (.uccnswaic. Cleth, Cassimerc and Ladies' Ceat.s. BOLTING CLOTHS et the viry b.-si luand in the marl:.'!, a! New Vei k I'l-iec. An cxaminati m solicited el our entire stock, and satisfaction guaranteed te all. Jacob M. Marks. Jehn A. IKON lilTTEUS. ritON ItlTTKKS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIC. SURE APPETISER. IKON IllTTKIlSare highlyrecemmcnded ler all diseases requiring a certain and effi cient tunic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life te the nerves. It acts like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Eoetl, Mlelching, Ileal in the Htnmaeh, Heartburn, etc. 1'lie only iron Preparation that will uet Dlacfccu lli tf.ctli or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write ter the A I! C Heek, 32 pp. of use fill and amn.sing reading sent free. . BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, KMyU&w BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. J'L VMU Ur.': JOHN L. ARNOLD. -:e:- l.arcst, i'ine3t:ind OHTsTDELIERS EVER SEEN. IN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAS GLOBES CHEAP. TIN" PLATE ANT) PLUMPER'S SUPPLIES. JOHN" L. AE1ST0LD, Ncs. 11, 13 & 15 BAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. rapi-Mtd house Fusxisnrsti oeoos. TIJltACKS, liEATFRS, STOVES. j AHI'.r.LlZEO MAMI.bS. FLINN & VlLLSOlST, HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNACES, HEATERS & STOVES. Wc handle none but the best. New is the. lime te have your OLD FURNACES It R PAIR El or new ones put in before the cold -weather comes. MAKBLEIZED slate mantels. THE LARGEST, FINEST ANV CHEAPEST STOCK OF CHANDELIERS EVER OFFERED IN THE CITY. FLINN & WILLSON, Ne. 152 North Queen Street. tSTSTOVES AND FURNACES PROMPTLY REPAIRED. HOTELS. OW OPEN SrUECUEK HOUSE, ON iM Europeen plan. Dining Reems fei Ladies and Gentlemen. Entrance- at Ne. 31 North Duke street. Clam and Turtle Soup Soup Lebster Salad, Oystcra in Every Style and all the Delicacies et the Season. We solicit the patronage et the public. may 7-1 1 d (1KAIN AND PROVISIONS UOUGI1T y sold and carried for customers In Chicago and Philadelphia, in large and small lets, en margins te suit, by S. K. YUNDT, Rreker, Ne. 15 East King Street, jyl6-3md Lancaster.Ta. GOODS QNODGHAS?, MURRAY & CO. Til leea nKnnf lw. flrrf nTinlitlnc nf iinnnifn1 b ANK A" CO. Charles, Jehn B. Reth. tken i;itti:i:s. li VJ'J'L TES. JOHN I.. ARNOLD. Cheapest Stock et LANCASTER, JEWEEEKH. s ILVKR JGWLKV. .ACE PINS, EAR RINGS AN D RRACELETS, NKCK CHAINS AND HAIR PINS, STUDS, SLEEVE BUTTONS AND SCARF PINS OF SILVER. AUGUSTUS BHOADS, Ne 20 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa iUncastcr Jntciltgcnccr. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCT. 5, 1881. The 3!iuisiers Menagerie. By jlr. A. f. Ilallenspcrgcr in N. V. In dependent. Yes, sd the minister, rellcctively, if Paul, after the manner of men, fought with beasts at Ephesus, I also have had my conflicts with beasts in the church. I am net casting reflections upon former parishioners, though I have had much ex perience with some that a gainsaying world called mulish, dogmatic, and crabbed ; but I am rcferringtrictly te quadrupeds. The fir&t incident occurred when I had been but a short time in the ministry. I was preaching, one het Sabbath afternoon, in a country eliuich. I steed in a beauti ful giove of trees, and all the doers and windows were thrown wide open, te admit the sweet snmmer air, laden with the smell of the new-mown hay. The house was well filled with an attentive audience and I had just reached " thirdly " in my discourse when into the stillness el' tlie room stele a little iat-aud-taii terrier, drawn thither, doubtless, mere by cuiiesity than any worthier motive. lie sauntered in a leisurely way up the aisle te the open space in front of the pulpit ; and than he sat down and looked at me, with an air of pro found attention, that appeared gradually te deepen into interest. At first He seem ed te approved of my teachin2.s,and I even fancied he winked assent te my assertions ; but when I began te warm up with my subject, and emphasized a preposition with a forcible gesture, that misguided little beast misunderstood mc entirely and took it up as a personal reflection upon himself, llad hebeen satisfied te wait till the close of the services, and consult me privately in regard te it, I could doubtless, have cleared up the point te his entire satisfaction ; but, instead of doing se, he set up a erics of howls that quite drown ed my voice. The c mgregatien tried te leek serious, but the effort was a signal failure. At this juuuturc an officer in the church came forward with great dignity, and with thumb and finger lilted that un happy little terrier by the nape of his neck carried him te the open window near the pulpit, and threw him out with an empha sis that spoke mere forcibly of nature than grace: then, his duty done, he retired te his scat, and sat down with the air of a man who had proved himself equal te a (head ful emergency. The yelps of the small deg died sadly away, the audience had become compara tively solemn in demeanor, as befitted the day and occasion, audi resumed my iuter nipled discourse ; but I had hardly utter ed a sentence when, with a leek of injured innocence en his countenance, in at the open deer walked the very hearer who had been se unceremoniously " turned cut of meeting," and took his old .slalieniu front of inc. Hut the indignity iie had received had evideutly prejudiced him against my particular school of theology, for he de clined te listen quietly even te the most peaceful preposition I advanced, and com menced te howl his dissent before he was fairly seated. Te say I had a cheerful congregation at that moment is te express it mildly. They smiled decorously at first, behind hymn books and fans and hastily-found handker chiefs. As the discussion between -the deg and myself waxed warmer and mcre animated, with the deg getting the better of it, they beamed en us with uncovered faces. If my cars did net deceive me, I heard, in the momentary pauses of the ex cited debate, several audible smiles. The situation was becoming desperate. Just as I was decidiug te let the tee ex citable little quadruped have it all his own way, a man who had been seated near the deer, and who evidently belonged te the rat and-tan, walked nervously pait way up the aisle and gave a low whittle. The small canine, with commendable alaciity, dropped the disputed point, rushed after the whistle, and the pair left the church teL'cthcr. I managed le finish the services after a fashion ; but, in leviewing the afl'air, I have always had a suspicion that the exercises of that afternoon were mere animated than profitable. My next adventure was seveial years af ter the preceding. I had gene te a new field of labor and had undertaken te build up a new church. My first Sabbath ser vices were te be held in a theatre, that had been engaged for a few months, until wc could secure mere suitable quaitcrs. All that had been dene te fit it for worship was te make a low platform te stand in front of the stage, but seveial feet lower, and a desk or pulpit that steed en the plat form. On the Saturday evening previous te my first day's appearance before my new con gregation a strolling company had given an entertainment in that very theatre, in which some trained rabbits had taken part. As iheie was te be another performance the next week, the animals had been left in their cage behind the drop-curtain. I was very auxieus about the services of that Sabbath. I was undei taking an en terprise that many of my friends pro pre pro neuueed hopeless, and it was with fear and trembling that I went into the theatre that morning. I found a very geed congrega tion assembled ; but I knew that the novel ty of in caching m such a place had at tracted many of them, and I had gave doubts whether I should be able te inter est such an audience. The opening cxcrcisi passed off well and I commenced y sermon, first all listened atlenti 'y ; but I very At seen fancied that seme of my i. eaters looked as if the cnteitainmcnt were rather mere monotonous than what they had been ac customed te enjoy in the same place. I tried te put mere life into my discourse, and I was seen gratified by seeing a leek of interest steal into the faces of the most indiffeient. They cazed in my direction with an air of pleased surprise that ilrttered me highly and I mentally congratulated myself that I was making a decidedly favorable impression. The leek broadened and deepened en their faces, until I was forced te acknowledge te myself that it wa3 en tirely unnecessary te be quite se demon strative of their enjoyment of my minis tratiens ; nut I reilectctl that many of them were unaccustomed te preaching, and really did net what the refined the proper te manifest their appreciation hear knew way was. " And, really, " I said te myself, "this is net a church, but only a theatre, and they ought te be permitted some latitude of be havior. " On the whole, I felt a serene sense of satisfaction with myself and my success. Se, while under full headway with my sermon, I glanced around en the stage behind me ; aud, as sure as I live, there was one of these trained rabbits im itating all my gestures, and another glance showed me another rabbit, en the ether side of me, engaged in the same delightful pantomime. The evident enjoyment of my audience was accounted for. The discovery nearly took away my breath, and, while I made a momentary pause, a gcntlcmau in the audience, actu ated by the best of motives, went up en the stage te diivc off the impromptu per formers. They took in the situation at a glance, aud made their exit behind the curtain in the most approved style. The party who had started ou the rabbit-hunt made geed time behind the curtain after them ; but, when we heard him fall ever a box aud utter an exclamation indicative of braised shins, we were forced to.cenclude that the amusement was uet entirely un attended with danger. He seen reappear cd, looking as if his expedition had net been altogether sucecssiui, ana also very dusty. I succeeded once mere in getting the at tention of ray audience, though perhaps they looked a trifle less interested than be be feie, aud all went n smoothly till I rose te pronounce the benediction. Then, as if waiting for that signal, out walked the two rabbits side by side and took their stand en the stage behind me. As I raised my hands, they raised their paws and, standing up ou their hind feet, held thes.: paws elevated in air till I had fin ished the benediction. Then, with the ut most piepiiety, they made their best bows te the audience and once meie letircd be hind the curtain. It was well for all parties that the ser vices for that day had ended. Several years passed away. The congre gation had lett the theatre, and had taken pos&e&sien of a little stone church, a very gem el beauty. One very het evening iu July, I went te our usual Friday evening prayer meeting, accompanied by a staid and dignified col lege professor, who had consented te lead the meeting, and also my wife and her sister. Reaching the basement of the church, where our prayer meetings were held, we found the doers and windows all open, in order te get the benefit of auy stray breeze Owing te the excessive heat, but few persons were present. The pre fesser took his scat at the desk, and I sat- down by his side. On the ether side sat our perpendicular elder, who was sure te be at prayer meeting, let who would stay away. My wife, her sister, aud the .super intendent of the Sabbath-school leek a seat near an ep;u window, some distance from the desk. The professor opened the sei vices by leading a psalm. It was a very solemn poitien of scripture aud he lead it with gieat propriety. As I listened, I felt my soul elevated by the sacred weids, se im pressively rendered. Imagine tlie sur prise I felt whsii, glancing at my wife, I discovered that she and her sister, and the superintendent also, weie all smiling iu the most improper manner ! I would net have been se utterly astonished had it been only rav resp ctcd but somewhat volatile sister-in-law, as she had a talent for smiling in the most unseemly maun cr, in the most un expected places. Even the geed young man at her side had been known te fall into a similar snare ; but that my wife, whom I selected for her sobriety of de meanor and who had never, te my knewl edge been accused by the most fault-finding members of my congregation of giving array te impieper frivolity of behavior,that she should be thus led astray was beyond my compichcnsten. Ner could I see the slightest cause for their IH-tiined hilarity, se I frowned upon them ' in my severest manner (aud I have been told that my manner en such occasions is very impres sive) ; but it did net seem te have the slightest effect upon them. At the fclese of the psalm a hymn was sung, and the disgraceful levity of the partner of my besom and her companions was hidden from my reproving eyes by their conveni ent hymn books. The professor then re.'2 te offer a pray er, and wc all rose with him. Of course, I reverently c!e.-ed my eyes ; but the next instant I hcaid a peculiar clanking neiic near me, that caused me te open them. These, dis-cctly iu front of me, his head iu the geed elder's hat, which had been placed en the fleer, was the largest eoen I ever saw in my hie, and attached te his neck w.is about six feet of small ehain, which had made the peculiar noise that stail led me. Fer an instant I almost fancied an imp from the pit h:-'d broken loose and wasprowliiiiraieund in our meet ing. I understood then what caused the unusual deperlment of my wife, and as I looked at the animal I was disposed te judge her shortcomings mero leniently. JJy this time he was rolling the hat about en the fleer and occasionally diviug into it, the better te examine its contents. Hav ing satisfied himself that it contained noth ing te satisfy the cravings of his inner nature, he concluded te try " ficsh fields aud pastures new," and accordingly he stele up te the devout elder, who steed with closed eyes and hands hanging down by his side, and calmly took a nip at that Christian's finger's. The sudden start of that man was entirely unaffected and the leek that stele with surpsising quickness ever his peaceful countenance was net an aid te my devotion. By this time the pray er was ended ; but lam obliged loacknowl leacknowl loacknewl edge in candor that at this jnnure I was as demoralized as my misguided wife had been. Still the professor, intent en his duties, had seen or heard nothing of the unusual visitant, and he calmly commenced a run uing cxpositieti of the psalm he had read, which was both learned and profound, and which, judging from the pleased leeks of his auditors, must have met with their heait iest approval. Encouraged with their evident enjoyment of his disquisition and gratified at this evidence of their intelli gence, he went en from one vcise te an other, while I sat watching that coon, as lie circulated iu the most amiable manner among my happy people. At length, te my horror, he again seemed te lemember the elder, whose hospitalities he had a short time previously invoked aud who was new seated directly in front of the speaker and apparently absorbed in his remarks. Nearer he came, glanced upwaid at the benevolent face of the geed man, seemed satisfied from his perusal of it that he could safely confided in him, and then he steed n j and laid his two front paws and shaggy head en the official knee in the most engaging raanuer. At that ciitical piemcnt the professor caught his first sight of the beast, and the leek upon that man's countenance would have disturbed the gravity of the most devout cengrcga gatieu it was ever my privilege te see. What his emotions were will forever ic main matter for conjuncture ; but he stepped, coughed slightly, cleared his threat, tried again, and then, in a voice tremulous with excess of feeling, he re marked : " There arc further deductiet s that might be drawn from this psalm, which we will emit for the present. Ke ccive the benediction." "With the close of the exercise that ani mal made his exit from the house, and an advertisement iu the next morning's paper told us that somebody's pet coon had escaped aud was wandering about the city. That explained it all. Sweep Before Your Owu Doer. New Yerk; World. The Times allows one of its Ohie corre spondents te say : "Se far as anyoue has learned, Mr. Bookwalter, the Democratic nominee for governor, has net yet apologized for his abusive language concerning General Gar field a year age ; nor has hu retracted his declaration that he was a perjurer and a bribe-taker. The position of Mr. Book Beok Boek waiter is that of a majority of the Demo cratic newspapers of the state, and it strikes Republicans that, until the past is set right, the guardianship of General Garfield's memory does net lie in the bands of these who arc yet, se far as the public reserds go, General Garfield's enemies and slanderers." Well, for that matter, " se far as any one has learned," the Times "has net yet apologized" for saying substantially the same things which its correspondent, without adducing the slightest evidence te sustain him, charges Mr. Broekwaltcr with saying. The whole nation laments President Garfield. Is it discreet or de cent te disturb his grave by reviving qucs qucs trens qnite outside of partisanship as te theeourse in this or that matter of Con gressman Garfield ? Wiser Thau the Preachers. m New Yerk Sen. The number of the New Yerk Leihjer wlucli hears the date of October le reach ed us ycsterday,and wc find in its columns the following striking article : " PRAYint A UNIVERSAL INSTINCT. "There is, just at present,a particularly animated discussion going en as te the province and efficacy of prayer. "It is very easy for unbelievers te ridi cule prayer. They say : ' Dees it rain when you pray for rain ? ' ' Docs it step raining when you pray for suushine?' "Then they laugh at the idea that a universe which is manifestly governed by general laws should be influenced by special praycis. " In reply te all this it, may be stated that, all spiritual and religieus'aiTairs are envciepea in mystery. v e sec tlicm as through a glasr-darkly. "But what seems te us a powerful ai gument in favor of prayer, and, indeed, unanswerable, is the universal instinct te fall down behind a higher newcr and petition for help and relief under afflic tions for which there is no human remedy. " By the deathbed of euv beloved, who would net pray ? " Then it will net de te make light of prayer te attempt te ridicule the whole world en its knees ; for alike saint and sinner the revered pastor and the pirate in a storm supplicate the same Ged for forgiveness and preservation." These remarks en prayer were written by the late Mr. Bartlett and were read by Bishop Claik as a part of his discourse at his funeral, as affording evidence of the deep religious feeling of the deceased. They are, indeed, beautiful and impres sive ! In all the discussions respecting prayer that have recently been called forth, nothing has been uttered by any clergyman that has touched the heait of the matter like these few sentences of the dead journalist and lawyer. Spring ferinjja the blcsema. Autumn hriims the fruit and al.-e CeliN. etc.. ler which noth neth noth inxeupciierto Dr. Hull's Cough Sirup h:is ever heen offered te the pulilie. It always eini s. Price 25 cents. Hew te (let Sick. Es-pe-e yenivelf ay Mid night: eat tee much u ithe.it exercise ; work te hard without ret; doctor all the time: lake all the vile nos trums advertised, and then you will want te knew Hew te Oct Well. Which U answered in three words Take Hep ISIttei.s! See ether column. el-2wd&w T!ie lUztit Sert of General. .laceh Smith, Clinten street, lSnffule, says he has u -ed Spring l:io-"-sem in his family as a general medicine ler eases of indigestion, Lil Lil ieii'siicb'i, bowel and kidney cemplaintH. and disorders ari-ing from impurities of the bleed ; he speaks highly et its eilicacy. Price 50 cents. Fer Milt: at H. li. Cochran's drug store, 187 tui in tiieeu succi, i.ancaaiei. Noting tlie Effects. It. Cihb-i, of nutr.tle, N. Y., write?: " Hear inj; your Hurdeek ISIoed Hitlers favorably spoken of, I was induced te watch their effects, and find that in chronic diseases et the bleed, liver and kidneys, your bitten have been sig nally marked with success. I have used them myself with best results, ler torpidity or the liver; and in ca-sAet'a friend et mine suffer suffer iniclrem drop-y, the effect was marvelous." PiIcpI. Fer Mile ut H. H. Cochran's driijr store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Jacob Marteir, of Lancaster, N. Y., says your Spring Klns-mii works well ler every thing you recommend it; inys,cir, wife. ami children have all n..(i it, and you cau't iind a healthier lauiily in Xew Yerk btate October .1, ISA i. Pi ice ."in cents. Fer sale at H. I!. Cocli Cecli Cocli ran'sdrujrlerc, 137 North Queen stieet, Lan caster. ASTUIUU ISKU'S AltrjUlISJTJaHIfT. A STKicii r:i:es aevkktisement. ASTRICH BRO.'S, Ne. It i:.VST KING STREET. LANCASTER BAZAAR, Wert'.e new re.idy te sell the KLKUANT HOODS whi.-l! we had en exhibition this week at PUIi.'i:--T-lHT KVEUYP.ODY. In our 31 r L UN K li Y DKFA11FMENT , e-pcci.iHv, we arc able le offer special inducement-. Klegant and i;xtra Fine p.irr:nx ir.irn axd imxxnrs, uclia- were never seen before. STUA II JIATS. 2. Ml LAX. Mc unit 7:,n. Kuwait axd ki:ady, ext.rcne. A Lf.NIlA VESOFPOROUPTXnilATfi AXD JIOXXEIS AT 75c. GREAT BARGAINS: One let et MOSCOW KKAYKIl HATS, in all tie- latest shapes, 2:5c. (Twenty-live cents.) ilest fatality (iitA.SS HKAVKIiS. 7."c. P.' -t fiualily GhNl'I.VK BKA.VF.lt Hats, Ben- l.-w, Turbans, Pokes, Vc.. $3 apiece. Mlk Plush Hats, l.ni. PIinii Derbys and Tiirb.ms, $J.OO. Derhys, satin bound and trimmed, 1.7.j. Fine Dcrbvs, $1 00. Ndia bound Dcibys, iu Hrenx.e, Mvrtlc Navy, Carnct. Plum and Olive, at il.i". Velvet Derbvs, $1.. Children's Hats in all styles. PSATHHBS, PLUMES AND TIPS, Hlack, While, Plain, colored and Shaded. PLUSH HS, IN PLAIN.STIMPKD AND - SHADED. DUESS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, LACES, GLOVES, Hosiery and TJndorwear. Call and see OUK ELEGANT DISPLAY. l'APEKHAKtilXas, Jr. WA! .L l'AI'EUS. Our New Patterns et WALLPAPERS aie new coming in. The line embraces every giade, from the Lewest te the Finest Ceet's made. Plain Celer and F.mbessed Gilts for Parlors, Halls, Dining Beems, Chambers, Ac. Common ami Lew-Priced Papers el every description. Fringes, Borders, Centre Pieces, Transom Papers, &s. Wc have also opened a line lic of Dade Window Shades, entirely new, which are be coming very popular. Of Plain .shading wc have all colors and extra wide widths ier large window and store shades. Scotch Hollands in cardinal, brown, bull, white, ecru ami green. American Hollands. Tin and Weed Spring Hellers, Cord Fixtures, Heller Ends, Brackets,Picture Wire ami Cord, Fringes. Leeps, Nails, Cm lain Pins, Tassel Heeks, &c. All colors et Taper Curtains, ligurcd and plain, which will be sold te dealers at the lowest rates. Extension Window Cornices, ihe best and cheapest. Curtain 1'eles iu ash, ebony and walnut. eS-Onlcrs taken for FINE MIKROKS. PHARES W. FRY, NO. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST. CZOTJllXO, SC. rriu E BUSINESS OF SELLING CLOTHING AT OAK Has grown te its present greatness because these points an? faithfully observed : IN MAKING. Te Get the Best Material Te Spenge it Properly. Te Cut it Fashionably. Te Sew it Thoroughly. The Stock of MEN'S CLOTHING is always enu or ine season. In HOYS' CLOTH1X: the Stvles a".ii Heuse in the Country. A cordial wclcome ia ready for all who come, and wc expect te sell only when people am satitled in every respect. :e: WMAIAKEB, & BROWN, OAK HALL, Sixth and Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN AMERICA. E OSKNSTEINV5 ONE I'KICE nOUSK. ELEGANT FINE WOOLENS BEADY-MADE CLOTHING. AL. ROSENSTEIN, One Price MerciM (NEXT DOOU TO SIIULTZ Ne. 37 North Queen Stieet, A J'EuFEC"' FIT F ALL CAMPAIGN. MYERS & Are better prepared than ever te accommodate READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOi: MEN', YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDUK.V, At bottom prices, all our own manufacture no Sheddy Clothing. A man can get the best len Dellar All Weel Suit at Centre Hall sold iu America. While this Is a specialty, yet all out doming is bold proportionately cheap. Huylng your Clothing at Ctmtrc Hall yen suve one piefit. Our Custom Department is ma and complete. It you want a Cheap Business Suit you can have it made te order (all uoel) from Fifteen te Twenty-five Hollars, Dress Stilts from Eighteen te Forty Dollars. And remember you Jiave the Largest Stock and the llcst Variety le select from, and satisfaction in every way guaranteed. We are prepared te make up al short notice and in the best style and at the lowest prices. Our Cutters are Firt-CIass. Our stock et GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Is lull and complete. Don't Tail te c.ili and leek through Centre Hall before you make your fall anil Winter purchase. Yeu will find willing hands te show you through the immense stock et Woolens. Overcoats by the hundred for Men, Youths, Heys and Children. MYERS & RATHFON. CENTRE HALL, Ne. 12 EAST K1NH STREET, LANCASTER PEJLVA. SIlLMSEttY, 1881. HIST Ol'ENUI THE LTEST NEW FALL GOODS, Comprising .Millinery In all its branches et HATS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS & RIBBONS. Alse all the Latest Fall Styles of Dress Trimmings, Hnttens. Fringes, Gimps, Kill Gloves anil anything else that can he found in a lirst-class Trimming Stere. OUR MOTTO :-- BKST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES," M, A. HOTIGHTON'S CHEAP STORE, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, tteuKx axd sv.-1'ieirnjti . QCneOL I'.OOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS!. SCHOOL BOOKS! All Scheel Heeks am! Sehoel Snpnl'es at the very lowest rates at L. M. I?1 LYNN'S, Ne. Vi WEST KINO STREET. TOIIN 1! AEK'SKONS. SCHOOL BOOKS KOUTIIE LANCASTER SCHOOLS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, -AT THE BOOKSTORE: OF JOM BAER'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QO'SEN STREET, LANCASTER, IA. LIQVOJIS, it. WHITE WINK VINEGAR, 95 PER CENT. Alcohol, Wines and Liquors, CelTee?, Sugars anil Tea?, all at KINGWALT'S lebW-lvd Ne. 205 Wcat :;ins Street. HALL IN SELLING. Te Get the Cash. Te Have One Price. Te Pay Back Meney if Unsuited. Te Guarantee the Goods. kept very full in assortment, even te the Trimming is are net approached by any Clothing R OSKNSTKIN'S ONE TRICK HOUHK. :e:- DISPLAY -OF- -AND- -:e:- Tailor aud & HltO.'S HAT STOKK), Lancaster, Pa. GUARANTEED. "I7ALL CAMPAIGN. RATHFOM the public in JUST OPENED 1881. STYLES OF THE VAKKiAUKR, JtV. Carriages ! Carnages ! EDGERLEY & CO.'S, rniclicart'aniage Builders, Market Street, Bear of Central Market Heuse.-:, Lancaster, Pa. Wc have en hand a, Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which wc offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. AH work warranted, uive us a call Wltcpairing promptly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed ter hat purpose. InUdAw MEDICAL. D r GO TO 1JED TO-XIGUT KEFOUK YOU GO TO Ne. 0 EAST KING STREET, And purcliasc a Bettle et LOCKER'S DEATH 01 M0SQUIT0S, AMD THEN SLEEP IX PEACE. lAiC'f'fttfi. fjlu ft DOtu0 diner H