Sfye Dmtettii) fnteUiaene y Volume XVIH-Ne. 28. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY'. OCTOBER 4 1881. Price Twe Cent. I)Ji ss NODUKASS, MCKItAY i CO. SNODGRASS, MURRAY & Ce., CLOTH HOUSE, MARKET AND NINTH STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. We (lustre te call the attention of E AKLY UUYEHS te our superb "election el DEESS CLOTHS, Whi eh have been prepare! with extra care for making a ierviceablc Suit ler a Yeung Lady or Yenng.Mlss. Seme have been shrunk, ethers Ij:.Vj net ; liut our facilities for having them bteain sponged, when customer-' be desire, aie se gicat that it causes very little delay. Wc have a long Hit et colorings in PLAIN CLOTHS, and a great many new effects in FINE CHECKS, NEAT MIXTI'KES, STKll'ES, l'LAHH.&e. Among them may be mentioned some, very pretty UUEEX C1IECK.S, entirely new. Wc nave these Cleths in low sum medium fabrics. Seal Skin Cleths and These very handsome goods win be worn this winter for LongCeats, Delmans, Costumes, Suits, ninl extensively used ler Trimming ; all grades up te the very finestspun are represent CO, anil it is worth u visit te our store, if ter nothing cite than tesce these goods. Fer WRAPS, SACQUES AND MANTLES ter Fall, our many novelties are tee numerous te mention. We' have everything desirable pretty and handsome. Including many new styles, at low and medium prices. Flee fctat Tailering: Ms for Gentlemen's Wear. Our slecttr el SI'ITI.NOS and UASSIMEltES comprise:! all the new styles and standard makes et Demestic and Foreign Goods, in low. medium and line qualities. We desire te call special attention toeiir unlimited variety el ENGLISH, SCOTCH and FRENCH fabrics ter Suits, Fall and Winter Overcoats, and Pantaloons. (tl'li MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT. Samples scut and orders titled te the latist.tctien et the buyer. in asMng ler samples plcn.se say it ter Ladies' or Gentlemen's Wear, and II low, medium or high giaile, grave or gay goods aie desired. Ah-cnt buyers have the same advantages, el CHOICE AND 1'ItlCE us these prc-ent, exactly. -Jej- SNODGRASS, MURRAY & CO. Market and Ninth Streets, Philadelphia. fi ivi.ei:. i:tivhi:s & nun ST BLACK CASHMERES! nkw line:; .mist ei'km:i this meusing, we effku e.tka- OKIl..K I!AU;A1.NS IN THESE GOODS. BLACK SILKS. Several New Pieces just placed en our Counters at VERY LOW THICKS. Quality and Make guar.int) cd te be the lir-i. COLORED SLLKS. Elegant A-ertment, in all the .Sen- shades. We can show you any shade you ask ter Novelties in Fancy Dress Goods. We Shew Many Choice New Things. lie sure and give us a call. We eensidi r it no tieuble te show goods whether wishing te purcha-eat the time or net. I'nees the lowest. :e: GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST'S Dry Ms, Merchant Merii :ii Carpet Hense, 25 EAST KINO STREET, L AM; At CO. LA-iNTE & CO., Ne. 24 EAST KING STREET. Ne. 24 Have Just received, opened and ready for Inspection a large and complete stock et general Pitt" GOODS, CAHPET1NGS, ETC. At pi ices that dcly romH-titieu. High Coleied Satin Suitings, New and Rich, Flannel Suitings in ;-4 and :!-l goods. Klenming Klack Cashmeres, a matter we pay special attention te. Shawls In long and square, in endless variety and quality. Fiapnels, Checks and Muslins In all widths, and lji tact anything necessary te constitute a complete stock ler the buyer te select from. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETING AT 75c. PER YARD, Elegant in Designs and Colorings. Feathers, Steam Dressed, the best the market produces. IJuecnswarc, Cleth, Cas-dmcrc and Ladies' Coats. BOLTING CLOTHS et the V(ry best brand in the market, at Xew Vmk l'ricc". An examination solicited of our entire block, and satlstactien guaranteed te all. Jacob M. Marks. Ma A. XKOX JtlTTJSSS. ritON KITTEKS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIC. IKON KlTTEKSaie hlghlyrccemniended ler all diseases requiring a certain and effi cient tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OP APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH; LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, f-trejigthens the muscles, and gives new lile te the nerves. It acta like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tatting the feed. Belching, Ileal in the S'emach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iren Preparation that will net elacken the tetli or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write ter the ABC 15oek, 32 pp. et useful and amusing reading sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, I23lyd4w BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 130 North Queen street, Lancaster. VL.V3111EIVS J OUN L. ARNOLD. -:e:- Largest, Finest and Cheapest Stock of CHA-aNTDELIERS EVER SEEN IK LANCASTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAS GLOBES CHEAP. TIN PLATE AND PLUMBER'S SUPPLIES.- -:e:- JOHN" L. ARNOLD, Ncs. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. fapr2-tfd UOODS ONODGRAS?, MURRAY & CO. pi Ices, also ni the II nest qualities of impeitcd Seal Skin Flushes. rseptiariindJfcw d : VI. Kit, ItOWEKS Sc IIUKSTI LANCASTER, PA. am: a- CO. Charles, Jehn B. Retb. rUON HITTERS. SURE APPETISER. svi'ri.ix. TO UN L. ARNOLD. fLanrastrr Jjntelligenccr. TUESDAY EVENING, OCT. 4, 1331. AGRICULTURE. MEETING OV THE AGIUCUL1UKAL AND HOKTICL'LTUKAL SOCIETY. Crep Reports Keeping Seed Cern and Apples Fruits en .Exhibition County Fairs. A stated meeting of the Lancaster county agricultural and .horticultural so ciety was held in their roetiL in City Hall, yesterday afternoon. The following members were present : Henry M. Engle, Marietta ; Calvin Coop er, Bird-iu-Hand ; Cyrus Xcflf, Maner ; SI. D. Kendig, Cresswell ; Daniel Smeych, city ; Jehnsen Slillcr, Warwick ; C. L. Hunsecker, Manhcim ; Hciirv Kurtz, Sit. Jey ; C. A. Gast, city ; W." W. Griest. city ; C. A. Gieene, city ; F. R. Difl'en derfcr, city ; J. Frank Landis, East Lam peter ; James Weed, Little Britain ; D. W. Greybill, East Hempficld ; Jehn H. Landis, Slaner ; Levi S. Heist, Manhcim ; J. SI. Johnsten, city. President Witmcr being President Henry SI. Engle the chair. County Fairs. Reports from committees for. Calvin Coener renertcd absent Vice was called te being "called that he had attended the annual fair at Oxfeid, Ches ter county, and that it was a very creditable- show, in all its departments. The number of spectators in attendance was 12,000 and the fair was a financial sue cess. Jehnsen Miller made a somewhat sim ilar report regarding the Berks county fair. He said it was a very creditable ex hibition 'and had pievcd a financial suc cess. Ciep I! ports. Crep reports being called for, Henry Kurtz, of Mount Jey, Calvin Cooper, of Bird-in-Hand, Henry SI. Engle, of Sla lictta, D. AV. G i ay bill, East Hcmpiicld, Dr. Greene, city, Jehnsen Slillcr, War wick, SI. D. Kendig, and one or two ethers responded. The purport of their several rejterts was. te the ell'ect that the long dreuth had almost destroyed the pas ture, that some farmers were al ready using cured feed for their cattle, that the corn crop in some sections would net yield a half crop, while in ethers it might reach two-thirds ; that the wheat crop had net yielded mere than from 7 te 13 bushels per aero ; that the late potatoes turned out poorly ; that tobacco was mostly rather short, but very clean, was curing nicely and brought high prices, that apples were falling off, that a portion of the new fall wheat had been sewed, that net mere than two inches of rain had fallen during September, and in some places net mere than eight-tenths of an inch, and that the mercury during the fourteen days of the past month had rang ed from 90 te 105 degrees, Fahieuheit, in the shade. Dr. Green stated at some length his ob servations during a recent trip through the netheastern states and Canada, and presented specimens of some white Hus sian eats, that he had found growing in the Genesee valley, which appealed te be far superior te the ordinary eats growing in the same vicinity. It steed in the fields from 4.1 te C3 inches in height, produced in a dry season from -Vi te ! bushels per aero. Keeping Seed Cern. " What is the best method of keeping seed corn ?" was the next matter con sidcred. I. Frank Landis, Jehnsen Slillcr, SI.'D. Kendig, Dr. Greene, C. L. Hun secker ami Calvin Cooper all gave their views en the subject, the purport of which were, that the corn should be thoroughly ripe, carefully dried and kept in a dry place at neither tee high or tee low a tem perature. James Weed, of Little Britian, threw a " damper " en the views of the ether speakers by saying that a neighbor of his kept his seed corn in a milk cellar, and almost every grain of it germinated ! Keeping Applet). "What is the best method of keeping apples during the winter and spring'.1" was the next question discussed. Calvin Cooper said pick them as seen as ripe select the sound ones put them in clean barrels lay them en their sides and keep tucm away from severe frosts. If in tended for spring use, btiry them in the ground. Fer winter use an ordinary cel lar will de pretty well. Dr. Greene suggested that they be packed in rice chaff and kept at alew tem perature, but Sir. Cooper objected te packing them in any diy Mibstauce, as it would absorb a part of their juices and lessen their llaver. He prefened the New Yerk plan of packiug them in barrels without anything te protect them, except pressure enough te prevent them from moving about and being bruised. C. L. Hunsecker advocated close pack ing, and Sir. Engle referred te the success of the California packers who sent their fruit East in barrels, packed with charred bran. Fruits Exhibited. Dr. Greene laid before the society, in addition te the Russian eats mentioned above, specimens of double apples of no great value, of which he saw one hundred and fifty en a single tree. " A basket of grapes ' for a name " were presented by G. W. Shreycr. The com mittee did net knew what te call them, they appeared te be something like the Isabella or Franklin. D. W Graybill presented specimens of red plum from Kansas. They were very like our native red plum. Seme very line large chestnuts were shown by Henry SI. Euglc. They wcre from a native tree grafted en a Spauish stock. Specimens of persimmon from Wiscon sin, from a graft from Samuel Miller, of Blufton, were presented by Levi S. Heist. They were large and highly flavored. Representatives te Cenntj Fairs. The chair appointed Jehnsen Slillcr, Cyrus Ncff and SI. D. Kendig as commit tee te attend the annual fair of Yerk county en the 11th inst., and Jehn II. Landis, Calvin Cooper and Levi S. Rcist te attend the Lebanon county fair en the .,.,. . ... - .... u.n ipse, witn power te appoint substi- , tutes if any of them cannot attend Adjourned. Poultry A flairs Meeting of the Lecal SecietyTalk and Ac tion Valuable te the Jinsulug Fair. At the regular meeting of the Lancaster county Poultry and Pet Game association in the Agricultural society's room en Mon day morning, there were" present II. II. Tshudy, president, Lititz ; V. L. Ilershcy, Chickics ; W. A. Shecnberger, city ; Chas. Lippold, city ; Jehn A. Sclmni, city ; C. II. Gast, city ; J. B. Lichty, city ; T. Prank Evans, Lititz ; J. W. Bruckhart, Salauga ; "W. W. Griest, city ; J. M. Johnsten, city ; A. S. Flower, Mount Jey ; J. W. Brack bill, Strasburg ; J. B. Garman. Leacock ; Chas. H. Leng, city ; BTarrisen T. Shultz, city ; S. P. Eby, city. After a geed deal of talk regarding the details of the next annual fair, it wa3 de cided te secure the services of the judges who acted for the society last year, and te add te their number Sir. Diclil. After a rambling discussion, during which it was stated that a geed deal of dissatisfaction had been expressed by semc exhibitors at the last annual fair be cause their birds had net been scored, F. R. Diffenderfcr moved that the rule re quiring all birds te be scored be rescinded. The motion was agreed te. A motion was made by Secretary Lichty that the judges be directed te score all birds that they had time te 'score from Thursday te Saturday inclusive, during the fair Un Sir. Unas. ,. .Leng s motion it was amended by directing that all premium birds be scored and as many mere as the judges should have time te score. J. SI. Johnsten suggested that cxhibi cxhibi teis of birds net scored by the judges, be entitled te have them scored ou payment of twenty-five cents, the funds thus se emed te go into the society treasury. J. W. Bauckhart thought it would be better te previde that all exhibitors who pay 23 cents extra for each exhibit at the time they make their entries, be entitled te have their birds scored whether they de or de net take premiums. He made a motion te that effect which was carried. It was agreed that special premiums, as heretofore, slmli be priutcd en the pre mium list, and that the executive com mittee shall make such arrangements as they deem necessary for the offering of combination premiums-. II. L. Shultz, of Elizabcthtewn, was elected a member of the society. STARVED HERSELF. A VERY PECULIAR CASE. Neus I'r..!n Around Lamllsvllle. A peculiar kind of mental alienation alllicted a daughter of Sir. Christian Nelt, of West Hempficld township, net far from Landisville this county, which le&ultcd in her death last Friday neon, in her 03d year. In the early spring of this year she expressed a desire te abstain fium eating feed. She was prevailed upon by her friends who icseitcd te every means they could devise ; at times they were success ful, buti no time would she partake of feed or mink with any regularity. Fer intei vals of a week s.he ate and drank noth ing. An intimate l.tdy friend of the fam ily whom the young lady thought much of called there frequently, could de much with her and often induced her te eat. SIcdical aid was procured, but the peer sufferer refused te be benefitted. During the last eleven days of her life she took nothing and tinned a deaf car te the one who had often administered te her wants. Thus in a home surrounded by plenty, with loving hand-; te attend her, she allowed death te end her miserable ex istence. Her funeral took place ou Slon Slen day and she was laid te rest in the ccmc tcry at Silver Springs. Sir. Reuben Bewman, el East 1 lump field, near Landisville, sold this year's crop of tob.iece 5 acres at 23 cents round. His crop of last year was cut by hail. 1 he schools of this township are well attended. There is considerable outdoor work te de yet, nevertheless many of the parents, awake te their best interests, sent their bej's te school at the commence ment. Samuel Clair, of Sleunt Jey, has been appointed te teach the Seuth ward gram mar school at Sliddlctewn, Dauphin county, Sir. Nissley, of Landisville, hav ing resigned. The rain of last week cam-! in time te put the soil in geed condition for seeding. Cern cutting and husking will go better, tee. There is an abundance of tramps about here. Farmers complain about them and it would be well te enforce the tramp law. Sliss Kate Swartley, who was sick of malaria, opened her school at Landisville ou the 20th ult. Beth school buildings of this village are draped in mourning. There is some talk of starling the liter ary society next Friday evening. There is lets of talent spoiling for the want of an oppei Utility te "spout." Driimerc Items. 'f he New Frem Around Fairfield. Last Saturday about one hundred friends and neighbors gave Levi Willheur and wife, an old couple living about one and a-half miles cast of Fairfield, a very pleas ant donation surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Willheur ate in rather indigent circum stances, and en account of the failure of hia health, Mr. Willheur is no longer able te dehatd work, and the presents of pro pre visions, clothing and fuel taken them by their open hearted friends must have been highly acceptable, and the free-will and geed grace with which the donations wcre made certainly illustrated that it is at least as pleasant te .give, where your heart is in it as it i-- te leccivc. The ladies of the paityhad come fully prepared te keep the male portion of the company in a geed humor, by giving them a geed surpiisc it was te have been a lunch, but these old rough farmers always make a meal of everything. After the re past, Mr. AVilliam Dunlap, a Scotchman, whose birthplace was right where a Sect should be most proud te have been born, where that ether Scot who sang as bard uever sang, of the Ayr and the Afteu and the cotter's home, was born, sang a a mimbcr'ef songs, Scetish and English, that wcre highly appreciated, and praised by his audience. Levi K. Brown made a few remaiks appropriate te the occasion, and, in behalf of the recipients of the fa vors, thanked the company for its gener osity and kindness. Will. F. MeSp.irran read a selection and rccited one, aud all agreed that it was a a most enjoyable occasion, as it certainly was a most commendable one. Miss Sallie Granccll, the young and gifted elocutionist, of Philadelphia, is vis iting her aunt, Mrs. Dersey, in Fairfield. Clever Bccd is being threshed and it is making scarcely mere than a peck te the acre, nene as high as a bushel. Jacob Aument, of Peach Bettem, sold 4 acres of tobacco te Kreidcr for 22 through, Rebert McPhcrsen sold te Jehn McLaughlin ff Q.1 1, qml n TCnllnrf .......... e.v& "-, ', ,v. r , wf. v Leng sold te same for 23, 8 and 3 ; William Smith sold te same for 24 through, for six acres from his farm at Puseyville. -m Notable News There was perhaps never a mere extra ordinary suicide than that of a police em em peoye iu the Prussian village of Hohemol Hehemol Hohemel sen, who a few weeks age drove a three inch nail into his forehead with a curtain red. The surgeons had difuculty, with the exertion of their whole strength, in getting the nail out. A young girl, ltf years old, while rccit ing in a Sabbath-school class in Bristel, R. I., en Sunday, September 25th, was suddenly deprived of the power of speech, and has been unable te speak since. Her bodily health is geed, and no explanation of her affliction has been given. In response te a communication signed by several hundred leading citizens the district commissioners have issued a call inviting the citizens of the District of Co lumbia te meet in Lincoln hall next "Wed- nesday te consider the subject of estab lishing a " Garfield SIcmerial Hospital " in this city. m The Ohie Canvass. The Last Week te be a Lively One by the Democrats. The Ohie Democratic state executive committee are urging upon all the county committees of the state te use special care in printing their tickets. Tbtew requires that they shall be printed en ' plain white paper net mere than two and three eighths inches wide. Especial care should be taken te comply with the law in this respect ; and as te the space te be left between the name's the law should be care fully complied with, because if the vote should happen te be any way close en the state ticket the Republicans will net scruple te take advantage of all technicali ties and threw out all the Democratic votes they can. Senater Thurman and wife have sailed from Liverpool and will arrive iu New Yeik about Friday and reach home in time te vote. The Democrats are perfecting one of the most thorough and complete organiza tions they have had iu Ohie since the Tildcn campaign. The still hunt will go en by day and night from this en until the polls open. The Republican managers de net feel encouraged ever the outlook. The meetings they have been trying te held since the president's funeral have been flat failures, and the indications are that thepeople arc net in a mood te listen te stump oratory. There is considerable comment ever Sherman's refusal te take any further part in the campaign. "Efferts are being made te induce him te rehearse his Woestcr speech next week. The stei ies being .sent out that the Dem- eciatic campaign committee is giving money te support the temperance move ment is correct in every particular save the truth. The Democratic committee have no money te spend en side-shows, and it keeps them busy scrapiuc enough te gether te pay postage stamps. The work of the Democratic committee will be prac tically finished and the clerks will be dis charged. The most encouraging repeits continue te come up te Democratic headquarters from all sections of the" state. The poll that has been reported se far shows a fall ing off of 20 per cent, in the Republican vote and 7 per cent, with the Democrat c vote. In 1877, when Governer Bishop was elected by 22.000 the Republican vote fell off 2 1 per cent, from the presidential vofe the year before. Ensilage. Mr. Mills, the apostle of ensilage, or the preservation of crops in a green state for fodder, the possibilities of which he is illustrating at Arrabcck farm, Pompton, X. J., lays down the following conditions as essential te success : Air must be per fectly excluded from the pit or silo by a uniform and continuous pressure of about 2e0 pounds te the square feet ; the crop should have flowered before being cut, and the knives should be sharp enough net te tear the saccharine sacks. Last year Mr. Mills fed for seven months 1-10 animals, cows and horses, from ten acres of corn fodder. The past summer he fed for six weeks 100 cattle, mostly milch cows, from five acres of eats sewn in the spiing, and he believes that during the coming winter aud until his corn crop of 1882 is ready he cau. in spite of an infeiiur yield occasioned by the dreuth, keep 125 cattle en the corn fodder cut from tweuty-five acres. Mr. Mills states that one ten of grass preserved green in a silo possesses as great feeding capacity as twenty tens of the best hay. These arc startling figures, but if anyone feels disposed te dispute them Mr. Mills will gladly furnish the proof, and triumph antly point te his sleek and happy cows, whose rich milk biings ene cent a quart morn than the usual price. I ii thN moist and vaiiahle climate Colds arc the l itle rather than thu exception. Dr. Hull's Cmijrh Syrup Is just the remedy for every one te take when untici-in; front a Cough, Celd or any Threat trouble. flew te Get Sick. Kxpe-e yourself ny said nllit : cut loe lunch u lthe.it excit-nc; work te hard without test; doclerall the time; take all the vile nos nes tritms advertised, and then jeu will want te knew Hew te Get Well. Which isniiHwcicd in three words Take Hep Hit lei s! c.mi her column. el-2wd&w A .Short ICead te Health. Te all who are suH'crin;; I rout boils, ulcers, scielttlii, carbuncles, or ether obstinate dis eases el the bleed and kin, a course et Ilur Ilur deck ISUiecI I'ltteis will be Sound te be tixwrt ritail te health. Price $1. Fer sale at 11.15. Ceelmm'a iliu ."-lore, 1.17 Neilh Queen street, I. nic.tiicr. lac: jour Martznir, et Lancaster, N. Y'., k:yi pi'iiiK Jilospem works well for everj"- tiling ii reeeuimeiKl it: invhell. wile. and chlldii-u have all Used it, ami you can'ttinda healthier family iu New Yerk Slate October .", ls-Ni. I"i ice. e cents. Fer 'ale at II. I!. Coeh Ceeh ranV d:u store, i:!7 North Queen stieet. Lan caster. Hal in In (iilead. . Theie is a b.ilm in Uilead te hc.il each gaping wound ; In Themas' Kclcctric Oil, the remedy is found, j Fer internal and ler outward use, j-eu lrecly liiayappij' n ; Fer all pain and inllaiuiiiatleu, j-eu should net tall te try it. It only costs a trille, 'tis worth Its weight In sold. Anil lij every dealer in the land this remedy is sold, ler sale at 11. 11. Cochran's drug stew, 1.17 North Queen street, Lanc-wtcr. Asricivn ittuyn auvjsiciihejumnt. A bi i:it:ii m:e's aevkktiskmknt. ASTRICH BRO.'S, Ne. 13 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER BAZAAK, We are new ready te sell the KLKOANT IjOOPS which wc had en exhibition this week at PKICKS TO bUIT KVEKYIIODY. In our MILLINERY DEPARP3IENT, (upeciallj, wc arc able te offer special Induce ments. Klegantand Extra Fine VATTERX JUTS AXD JIOXXKTS, such at were never seen before. NTJtAM'JIATS, Jc. MI LAX. COc. and 7Jc. ROUGH AXD READY, OXLYtOc. ALLSIIAVESOFPORCUPIXEIIATXAXD Ii OXXE2 HATir,c. GREAT BARGAINS: One let et MOSCOW" I1EAVEU HATS, in all the latest shapes. 25c. (Twenty-live e:nts.) Ilet quality UUAbS IlEAVKKS. 73c. ltest quality GENUINE UEAVElt Hats, 15en- nets, Turbans, Pokes, Ate., $:! apiece. Silk Plush Hats, $1.09. Plush Derbj-s and Turbans, $1.00. Derbya, satin bound and trimmed, l.7". Fine Dcrbj-s, $1 00. feaUn bound Derbys. in lirenze, Myrtle Navy, Garnet. Pluin and Olive, at !.i". . Velvet Derbj-.s, $1.0.1. Children's Hats in all styles. FEATHERS, PLUMES AND TIPS, Klack, While, Plain, colored and .Shaded. PLUSHES, IN PLAIN, 8TRIPEO AND SHADED. DRESS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, LACES, GLOVES, Hosiery and TJnderwear. Call and see OUR ELKUAXT DISPLAY. CZOTHWG, JtC. T HIE BUSINESS OF SELLING CLOTHING ejk: hall Has grown te its present greatness because these points aru faithfully IN MAKING. Te Get the Best Material. Te Spenge it Properly. Te Cut it Fashionably. Te Sew it Thoroughly. The StecK of MEN'S CLOTHING w always cnit et the season. In HOYS' CLOTHING the StvU-s and Triinmin Heuse in the Cenntrv. A cordial welcome is ready for all who come, and we expect te sell only when people ate satis tied in every respect. WAM1AKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, Sixth and Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IX AMERICA. "nOSENSTKIN'.S JNE FKICK nOUSK. ELEGANT FINE WOOLENS BEADY-MADE CLOTHING. AL. ROSENSTEIN, One Price Hercbant Tailor and Mm. (p.T DOOlt TO SHUI.T7. & IHIO.'.S HAT STOItK), 9 Ne. 37 North Queen Street, A PERFECT FIT F A I.I. CAMPAIGN. MYERS & Are belter prepared than ever te accommodate the public in BEADY-MADE CLOTHLNGr, FOR MEN, YOUTHS, HOYS AND CHILDREN', At boltein prices, all our own inanulaetiirc no Sheddy Clothing. A man can j;el th be-t Ten Dellar AH Weel Suit at Centre Hall sold In America. .While this Is a specialty, jet all our Clothing is sold proportionately cheap, llnylnjcj-eur Clothing at Centre Hall you .save one prellt. Our Custom Department is lull and complete. It j'eu want a Cheap ISusincss Suit you can have it made te order (all wee!) from Fifteen te Twenty-live Dollars. Diess .suits from Eighteen te Forty Dollars. And remember yen have the Largest Sleck and the Rest Vnrictj Vnrictj te .select from, and. sattstactien in every waj guaranteed. Wc are prepaied te make up at short notice and in the best style and tit the lowest prices. Our Cutlers ate Firl-Clas. Our stock et GENTIJEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Is full and complete. Don't fail te call and leek through Centre Hall before j-eu make your Fall ami Winter purcha.se. Yeu will ilnd willing hands te show yen through tint immense stock el Woolens. Overcoats bj- the hundred ter Men, Youths, llej-saud Childicu. MYERS & RATHFON. CENTRE HALL, X. 12 EAST Kl STREET, LANCASTER, FEX.VA. Ml I.I.I 18S1. JUST eri:Bii THE LATEST NEW FALL GOODS, Cemprl-Ing Millinery in all iti branches et HATS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS & RIBBONS. Alse till the Latest Fall Styles et Dress Trimmings, KutteiH, Ftinges, Ciinps, Kid anything cNe that can be leuud in a Hrst-class Trimming Stere. OUR MOTTO :--' BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES," M.A. HOTJG-HTON'S CHEAP STOTtE, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, I tOOli.S AND HfjlXlONEKl. OCIiOOL HOOKS I SCHOOL BOOKS ! SCHOOL BOOKS ! All Scheel Reeks and Scheel Supplies at the very lowest rates at L. M. JbLYNN'S, Ne. 4 WEST KINO 8TKKET. JOHN ISA EK'S SON.-. SCHOOL BOOKS FOR THK LANCASTER SCHOOLS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, AT THE boekstore: JOM BIER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. 1A. TAQVOKS, JtC. WHITE WINK VlNEG AK, 95 fKK CENT. Alcohol, Winca anil Liquors, Coffees, Sugars and Tca, all at RINGWALT'3 lebKMva Ne. 203 West King Street. AT ebserred : IN SELLING. Te Get the Gash. Te Have One Price. Te Pay Back Meney if Unsuited. Te Guarantee the Goods. kept very lull in assortment, even te the are net approached by any Clothing TIOSKNSTKIN'S ONK I'KIUK HOlK. :e:- DISPLAY -OF -ANI- -e:- Lancaster, P:i. GUARANTEED. T?AI.L. CAMPAIGN. RATHFON SXltY. .JUST llt'CNKII 1881. STYLES OF THE Gloves mid (.'AMtKIAtliCH, JtV. Carriages ! Carnages L EDGERLEY & OO.'S. Practical 'Cart iuge Uullilers, Market Sticet, iiear of Central Market Heuse.-;, Lancaster, 1'a. We have en hand a Large Assortment et lUTGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which wc eiler at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. AH work warranted, uivens a call 49Kcpairing promptly attended te. One set or workmen especially employed ler hat purpose. firJMXd&w MEDIVAI.. Tea'r GO TO j;KI TONIGHT UEFOIiE - YOU C-O TO If Ne. 9 EAST KING STREET, And purchase a Ilettlc et TjOCI'IER'S DEATH ON M0SQUIT08, AND THEN SLEEf IN PEACE. r I'KICK, ISc. a Bettle.