LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 1881. COLUMBIA HEWS. OVB. REGCLAB CORRESPONlJKNCK. . The river lias risen. y Late market will begia en Tuesday morning, the 4th proxime. The shower of Jast evening thoroughly cleansed our streets and sewers. The town is new bright as a new pin. The new departure taken en the P. R. R. is evidently satisfactory te the majority of our railieaders, although some of the firemen and engineers de net like it, en ac count of the removing their " things 'd after every trip. The new 5th street school house is Hear ing completion. It is new under cover, as the loef has been finished. The preparatory servicer in the Bethel church are still being continued and are largely attended. Congregations from ether churches are invited te attend. Gee. H. Adams's Ilumpty Dumpty troupe make their appearance in our opera house this evening. A large audience is expected te be present as Mr. Adams was here a year age and delighted these pre sent by his wonderful tricks. An invitation from the United Are com pany Ne. 3, or Frcdciickcitj', Md., was received by the Vigilant Ne. 2, of this t place. It has net been decided whether it will be accepted or net, but judginc by tome remarks mads by the tncinbcrs of the " Vigie " it will be. This morning about 0 o'clock the wife of Mr. Archcy Suavely was heiritied te find their little five months old babe dead. The child was well enough last night an3. no cause can be assigned for its sudden demise. Numbers of wild duck have made their appearance en the breast of the dam and the rocks below. This morning the crack of the sportsman's rifle echoed and re-echoed along the Yerk county hills as they let fly at his duckship. Our gunners weie net very fortunate in bagging their game, as we only could learn of live being brought " down. Market, which for the past month or two was very ceed, although prices were a little high, was scarcely able te provide tne wants of our townsmen this morning, and as a consequence prices for what was there were higher than ordinary. A colere barber named Jefterseu again comes te the front iu a 6crapc for the non payment of wages due a woman, whom he hired te whitewash a fence. Jeffersen is a whitewash artist himself and in tlius trying te defraud auether of that corps out of her wages is cempelled te have another tilt against justice. . This morning we were shown a lusus nalurcp, an apple tree in full bloom. The tree belongs te Mr. Geerge Murr and is of a common stock of apples. The regret he has is thut he will be unable te gather the second crop, sinne he intends te move. Rev. Henry Wheeler and wife left for Binghampton, N. J., this morning. Our young friend Mr. Harry Fasig, formerly au attache of J. A. Meyer's diug store, left for Philadelphia where he has accepted a position in the apothecary department of one of the hospitals ; we wish him success in his new home. Mr. Will Sliuman, of Philadelphia, who has been the guist of Mr. Jehn Ryueer, departed for his home this morning. Mr. Jas. Hamilton, agcut ler the " Hearts of Oak," was iu town te- day. Colonel Uatt, of Black's hotel, is lying ill with that dreaded malaria. A slight wreck occurred at Rohrerstown about six o'clock this morning. The wrecker from Columbia was immediately dispatched te the scene of the accident, and after a couple of hours work succeed ed in putting the train te rights, returning te Columbia at 9:10. Company " C" of the 4th regiment, will certaiuly go te Yorktewu. Colonel Uunkcl told one of our lawyers with whom he was talking, that our company ranked the second company in the state as far as regards personnel, aud closed his remarks with : The Columbia company will assuredly go te Yorktown." Se, boys, get ready aud let there be a full turnout, and let every one make all arrangements for the command, ' On te Yorktown." The Reading coal shutcs are working busily new in order te lead the fleet of beats lying at the wharves. The sale of some valuable property took place last evening at public sale. It is known as the Shuler property. The sale of that, known as Shuler's hall, brought $G,700 fiem Milten Wike, and the tavern staud brought $G,905 from Mr. Peter Mel lish. AN IMPOSING FUNERAL. Burial or Vie LdUe tiehn R. AlcVevern. The obsequies of the late Jehn R. Mc Mc Gevcrn, esq., whose death en Sunday evening last has been already announced in these columns, were solemnized this morning at St. Mary's church in the pres ence of a large uumber of the relatives and friends of the deceased. The funeral pageant was one of the largest ever wit nessed in this city, and composed as it was of many of our leading citizens both of his own and ether religious persuasions, it showed the high esteem iu which he was Held by the community. The solemn re quiem mass was celebrated by Rev P. J. McCulIagh, assisted by Rev. Fathers Kaul aud McNierney, as deacons aud sub-deacons respectively, and llev. .1. u. Hickey as master et ceie ceie menies. The pall-bearers were Hen. Jehn T. AlacGeiiiglc. D A. Altiek. J. W. Lo Le well, Daniel McLaughlin, Wm. E. Laut, and II. R McCouemy, esq. The choir under the leadership of Mr. Wm. B. Altiek furnished excellent music appropriate te the occasion, the rendering of the " Dies Ira" and "Agnus Dei" being especially fine. At the conclusion of the mass the absolu tion of the body was performed by Rev. J.C. Hickey, who also delivered a glowing trib ute te the worth of the deceased, counsel ing the widow and the fatherless te leek te heaven for aid iu their sere affliction. The route was then taken up for the come? tery, where, were'depesited in their last resting place the remains of ene whose name will be ever redelent of pleasant memories, and whose cheery face and genial mauncrs will be sadly missed iu ether firesides besides his own. TflE CULK-GVAUAHKK CASE".. GnPdaker Held In 92,000 Court. te Answer at This afternoon was the time fixed for a hearing in the case of Edw. H. Cele, vs. Eml. Gundaker for felonious assault and battery, surety of the peace and for carry ing concealed deadly weapons. Dro. Atlee and Carpenter certified that Cele was unable te attend the hearing, whereupon the defence asked for a post ponement of the hearing until such time as he would be able te atteud. The prosecution insisted en going en, and Alderman Samson e-derjd the cate te proceed ; whereupon the defense waived a hearing and entered bail in the sum of 41,000 te answer for felonious assault, and 9500 each for surety of the peace and car ryiug concealed deadly weapons. Humored Sale. There was a report en the street this morning that several capitalists Md pur chased the Shebcr property, corner North Queen and Orange streets, paying $65,000 for it, and intended te erect upon it a fine new opera house of commodious size and attractive appearance. Inquiry among these who ought te knew fails te confirm the truth of the rumor. A Little Wreck. This morning there was a little wreck en tile-Pennsylvania railroad near Rouers Reuers Rouers tewn. caused by the breaking of an axle. One freight car was wrecked and thrown across the opposite track, delaying the running of trains for some time. Ne one injured by the accident. "ncauTx OCMFTY.' Au Excellent Performance Last Night. Lrst evening Geerge H. Adams's new pantomime company appeared in the opera house te a very large audience, which would have been a great deal larger had it net been for the heavy rain which set in about the time the doers opened. "Humpty Dumpty" has often been played iu this city, but never better than last night. The performance opened with a pantomime scene and just before trans formation Geerge Adams, the clown, ap peared en the stage driving the handseme little pony Seneca, " hitched te a small wagon, in which he was seated ; he was greeted with greatest applause. After the transforma tion by tbe fairy queen the fun began, and the audience was kept in one rear te the rolling down of the curtaiu. Geerge Adams appeared as clown, and it is safe te say that he has no equal living. He is a wonderful actor in his peculiar line, and by his remarkably fine performance last evening he wen new laurels. The clown was ably assisted by James R. Adams, his brother, (known in circus cireles as " Pice ") who made an excellent Pantaleon, Albert Martinette was the nimble Harlequin and Miss Pauline Mar tinette the fascinating Columbine. This quartette make one of the strongest teams that has ever been seen in this country, and their performance was above criticism. The old tricks usually given by pantomime troupes have been discarded by tins com pany. Entirely new ones, which were gotten up by Mr. Adams during his sum mer vacation, were given. Ihey worked admirably and created great amusement. The whole pantomime performance was remarkably fine and it ended with a beau tiful scene entitled " The Bewpr of Bril liancy." The specialty performance was given between the first aud second acts of the pantomime, and it was first class through out, it introduced tue threat morn iu slight-ef-haud tricks, &c. Miss Belle Gabrelle in chrystalian chimes, Meds, and Mame Jules Tisset, the living automatons, Leslie Brethers, iu excellent gymnastic performance. the renowned Praeger Famiiy in Tyrolean warbling, and the well known cat ducts, the wonderful Mar tinetti Family, in grouping, &c, and Prof. Davis, a fine ventriloquist. Geerge Adams, the clown, gave his celebrated stilt act in which he is unrivaled, and the rest of the pregramme closed with the wonderful performance of Jehn Wing field's troupe of trained dogs, which was the best ever seen here. One of the ani mals did some remarkable leaping aud drew forth thunders of applause. The whele show was excellent and Mr.. Adams, the manager and star of the com pan', has geed cause te be proud of it. This evening they appear in Columbia, and the citizens of that town can rest as sured that it is ene of the strongest com binations traveling. Tne West Mission Fair. The fair for the benefit of the West Mission chapel is in progress in the opera house The attendance has beeu large and the patronage encouraging. The room is handsomely decorated with flags, ever greens, etc., and the tables are leaded down with fancy things. Among the ai tides te be chanced or voted for arc the following : A sewing' machiue, velocipede, easy chair, large dell, deuble-barreled trim, and a full set of Kuighls of Pythias (uniform rank) uni form, and many ethers. The fur will close en Saturday evening. ChrNt Evangelical Lutheran Sunday school will held its Uth anniversary this evening, be ginning ut 7 o'clock. Mothers, as a delightful sanitary measure, always enlcr the Cutlcura Medicinal Seap. Malt Bitters regulate, purity, strengthen and nourish the maternal functions. SPECIAL NOTICES.: Ills simply marvelous hew quickly consti pation, biliousness, sick headache, fever and ague, and malaria, are cured by "Sellers' Liver Pills." scn-lmdftw Rough en Rats." The thing desired found at last. Ask drug gist for Rough en Rats. It clears out rats, mice, reaches, flies, bedbugs, Vm boxes. Depot Jehn Black, Jr., 20 West Chestnut street. Noting the Effects. R. Glbbs, of Buffalo. N. Y., writes: " Hear ing your Burdock Bleed Bitters favorably spoken of. I was Induced te watch their effects, and find that in chronic diseases et the bleed, liver and kidneys, your bitters have been slg hally marked with success. I have used them myself with best results, ler torpidity of the liver; and in case of a friend et mine suffer ing fiem dropsy, the effect was marvelous." Piiceil. Fer sale nt It. Jl. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen stret, Lancaster. " Lindsey's Bleed Searcher" the great med icine for fever and ague, malaria, and all bleed poison. Don't fall te use it. sen-lindftw Regulate the Secretions. In our endeavors te preservfe health it is et the utmost Importance that we keep the se cretory system in perfect condition. The well known remedy Kidney-Wert, has specific ac tion en the kidneys, liver and bowels. Use It instead et dosing with vile bitters or drastic pills. It Is purely vegetable, and is prompt but mild in action. It is prepared in both dry and liquid form and sold by druggists every where. Reading Eaylc. sep20-lwdftw Ge te 11. B. Cecn run's Drug store, 137 North Queen street, for Mrs. Freeman's ffew Ra tional Dyes. Fer brightness and durability et color,are uncqnaled. Celer from 1 te 5 pounds. Directions in English and German. Price. 15 cents. Few complexions can bear the strong white morning light which exposes every speck of tin. every pimple and the slightest spotting et eczema. In Dr. Bensen's Skin Cure isurc relict liem the anneysmcc et thtse blemishes en the cheek f beauty. bcp27-lwdMW&S&w Nuthlug Short of Unmistakable Benefits Cenfericd upon tens or thousands of sufferers could originate and maintain the reputation which Ayer's SARSArAiiiLLA cuieys. It is a compound of the best vegetable alteratives, with the Iodides et Potassium andiron, and Is the most effectual of all remedies ter scrofu lous, mercurial, or bleed disorders. Unitennly successful and certain In Its remedial effects it pieduccs rapid and complete cures of Scip Scip fula,Seres, Beils, Humer?, Pimples, Eruptions, Skin Diseases and all disorders arising from impurity et the bleed. By its invigorating effects it always relieves and often cures Liver Complaints, Female Weaknesses and Irregu larities, and is n potent rencwer of vitality. Fer purifying the bleed it has no-equal. It tones up the system, restores anil preserves the health, and Imparts vigor and energy. Fer forty years it has been in extensive use, and is te-day the most available medicine for the suf fering sick, anywhere. Fer sale by all dealers sep29-l wdeed ft w Wicked ter Cleieymen. "1 believe ltte be all wrong and even wicked ter clergymen or ether public men te be led into giving testimonials te quack doctors or vile stuffs called medicines, but when a really mcrltorleng article is made up et common val uable remedies known te all. and that all phy sicians use and trust in daily, we should freely commend It. 1 therefore cheerfully and hear tily commend Hep Bitters for the geed they have done me and my friends, firmly believing they have no equal ter family use. I will net be without them." Rev. , Washington, D. C. sep!5-2wdAw A Ceugn, Celd or sere xnreat should ee stepped. Neglect frequently results in an In. curable Lung Disease or Consumption. Brown's irenchUU Troches de net disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly en thetnflamcdparts.allaying lr'-ltutlen. alvc relict In Asthma. Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles which Singers and PublicSpeaknrs are subject te Fer thlrly years Brown's Bronchial Troches have, been recommended by physician-, and always give perfect satisfaction. Having beeu tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have at tained well-merited rank among the tew staple remedies of the age. Sold at 25 cents a box everywhere. mS-lyuTTli&S&lyw save lour flair Keep n Keautitui. The " Londen Hair Celer Uesterer" Is the meat delightful article everj Introduced te the American people and Is totally different from all ether Hair Restorers, being entirely free lrem all Impure ingredients that render many ether articles for the hair obnoxious. Where baldness or foiling of the hair exists, or prema- tare gr&yness, fiem sickness or ether causes, its use will restore the natural yeuthlul color, and cause a healthy growth, cleansing the acalp from all impurities, dandruff, etc., at the same time a most pleasing and lasting hair dressing, fragrantly perfumed, rendering It seltand pliable, making it an indispensable article In every toilet. Ask your druggist for Londen Hair Celer Kestercr. Price 73 cents a bottle, Six bottles, $4. Main depot ler the United States, 330 North Sixth street, Philadel phia. mll-lvdTThAFAw tiny leTer. Messrs. White ft Bckdick, Druggists, Ithaca, X. Y. 1 can recommend Ely's Cream lilani te relieve all persons suffering with Kose Celd and Hay Fever. 1 have been a great sufferer from the same complaints ; have had great re lief by using the Balm. I have recommended lttomunyef my friends for Catarrh, and in all cases where they have used the Balm freely have been cured. T. Kexhkv, Dry Goods iner cliant, Ithaca, X. Y., Sept. C, 1880. Mr. A. L. Aveiiv, Pharmacist, Newark, X. J. Having been severely afflicted for eleven years with Hay Fever, after trying almost everything without avail, I gave up all hopes of being cured, when 1 purchased of you a box or Ely's Cream Balm. Te my surpilse, after a few applications. I was entirely re lieved. K. Watsen Harris, Letter Carrier Xe. 14, New P. O:, Xewark, X. J. Price 60 cents. sel5-2wdcedftw A Smeeth Complexion can be had by every lady who will use Parker's Ginger Tonic. Regulating the Internal organs and purifying the bleed it quickly removes pimples and gives a healthy bloom te the cheek. See notice. RESCUED FROM DEATH The following statement of William J Cough Ceugh lin, of Semervllle, Mass., in se rcmarkable that we beg te ask for It the attention of our read ers. He says : " In the fall of 1170 1 was taken with a violent bleeding of the lungs followed by a sevcre cough. I seen began te leso ray appetite and flesh. I was he weak at ene time that 1 could net leave my bed. In the summer of 1877 1 was admitted te the City Hospital. While there the deeiin'-t idd I had a hole In my left lung as big si-.i iialf cellar. 1 expend ed ever a hundred in doctors and med icine. I wassefar uetiuat one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me et Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs. I laughed at my friends, think ing that my case was incurable, but I get a bettle te satisfy them, when te my surprise and gratification, I commenced te feel better. My hope, once dead, began te revive, and to day I reel in better spirits than I have the past three years. "I write this hoping you will publish It, se that everyone afflicted witli Diseased Lungs will be Induced te take Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam ter the Lungs, and be convlnced that con sumption can be cured. 1 have taken two bottles and can positively say that it lias done mero geed t'jait all ether medicines I have taken since- my sickness. My cough has al most entirely disappeared and I shall seen be able te go te work." Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 Xerth Queen street. iv28-lrdeedTbw2 Better than putting one tiellar out at com pound interest, is the sending it te Dr. C. W. Bensen, Baltimore, Md., for two boxes of his Celery and Chamomile Pills, which cure nerv ous disease, quiet the mind, brim; en refresh ing sleep and prevent, naralysis. MARRIAGES. Jenes Beitzkl. July 11, 1881, at the parson age of Trinity church, by Rev. Dr. Green wuld, Edward Shreiner Jenes of Philadelphia, te MUs Mary E. Beitzel, of Lancaster. DEATHS. Byrrk. In this city, en the 2Sth of Septem ber. 1881, Jehn It., son et J. W. and Mary R. Byrne, aged 2 years ami 11 months. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from his parents' residence, Xe. 322 Xerth Queen street, en Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. ltd Dekley In this city, en the 2Dth et Septem ber, Theresa, daughter of Alexander and Mary Anna Derley, in the 20th year et her age. The i elatlves and friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funera1, t em her parents' residence, Xe. 435 Frelbum street, en Saturday morning at 8 o'clock. Iuteruieutnt St. Antheny's cemetery. 2td Villus. In tills city, en the 2Sth of Septem ber, or diphtheria. Herbert Edgar, son of Charles A. D. and M. Lizzie Vlllec, in the 3d year of his age. A father's aching head, A mother's sebblne heart,' Can only tell In silent agony, Hew hard it is te part. At rest. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents. Ne. 324, Beaver street, en Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill ceme tery. 2td JTOLITIVAIj. Democratic County Ticket. FKKSIDKKT JUDGE. SHERIFF. GEO. W. BROWX (Painter), 1st Ward, City. rROTHOSOTAltY. JOHX H. DkIIAVEX, Caernarvon. E. I. AMBLER, Drumore.' COUNTY TREASURER. PETER McCOXOMV, 5th Ward, City. CLERK Or QUARTER SESSIONS. REA REED, Burt. CLKRK OF OHl-HANS' COURT. PfiPER RUnilCH, 8th Want, City. rniseN UEErtR. ISAAC HULL, Earl. COUNTY CONMISSIONKK. M. HILDEBRANT, Mount Jey. CORONER. HEXRY M. GE1TER, 4th Ward, City. DIRECTORS OF TUE TOOK. PHILIP WALL, 5th Ward, City, ABRAM SIDES, West LampeUur. VRI80N INSPECTORS. LEMUEL WIEST, West Cocaliee, SOL 7.EAMER, Xerthwestcrn. AUDITOR. JOHX L. LIG11TXER, Leaceek. Vacancy. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MISS LIZZIE L. STROBKL TV ILL OPEN her Music Class en OCTOBER 3, 1881. Instructions given en Piane and Organ. Fer terms apply te 333 East Orange street. It A MEETING Or LADIES ANDUKNTLE men who favor the reorganization of the Lancaster Lyceum will be held this (Thurs day) evening. In the hall of the Y. M. C. A., Xe. 21 Seuth Queen street, ut 7J o'clock. ltd 1AX NOTICE. THE TREASURER HAS been directed by the Finance Committee et Councils te request prompt payment of all outstanding City Tax en or before the 13th day of October ensuing, at which time the de linquent tax lists will be placed in the hands et the Ward Constables for collection, and te give notice that all City Tax unpaid en the 27th day of December next will then bclicncd upon the property. By order of Finance Committee. WM. McCOMSEY, scp2tfdM,W&S Treasurer. P UltLIC HALE OF A COAL TABD, OX MOXDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1881. The undersigned will offer at nubile sale a property consisting of seven lets et ground In the town et SpringvUle, Lancaster county, at the station en tue Pennsylvania Railroad, about one mile west of Mount Jey and near the Lancaster ft Harrlsburg turnpike. The improvements are & two-storied Frame Heuse 21x24 feet, used as a Railroad Station and Ticket Office, a Frame Warchouse 24x48 feet, and Ceal and Lumber Ynrd, with about 200 feet et Coel Shedding. Xcw Fairbank's Scales of S ten capacity; 300 Feet et Railroad Siding. Trestle work for dumpine coal, with space ter exten sion of same. Buildings mostly new and every thing In geed order. Alse a let et ground containing 00 feet front and 200 feet deep, en which are erected a Frame Heuse 28x20, with kitchen attached 16x30, bam 28x20, suitable stabling for 4 head et horses, carriage house, tillrnn linncn anil n.imn tlflliaf. wlt.h cfftfnrn in attached. These buildings are all new, hav- lng Been erected uut two years ana are in ex cellent repair. There Is a variety et fruit trees en the .premises In bearing-order. Lo cation of business stand pleasant, in a thickly settled agricultural neighborhood antl a fast improving town, with no rival business lit the town, lias an established coal trade, and capacity and advantages te de a geed shipping business aud increased passenger travel. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. Fer further information address JOS. H. HABECKER, Spring Garden P. O., Lancaster County, Pa. L. D. Gallacher, Auct,- Jse. H. Zttuns, Clerk. ie20-lmd A'StT ADVERTISEMENTS- -pAIB. Everybody who loves singing should net fail te attend the KAlIt TO-X1GUT OF TUE WEST MIS SION M. E. CHUHCH. AT FULTOXOPEKA HOUSE. The evening will be devoted te the service et song by the Sunday Scheel. Everybody come and be made happy. ltd I DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Netice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between the under signed as Deisz ft Lerenz, Grocers. Sonth Queen street, has been dissolved by mutual consent. All our stock and geed will have geld te Christopher Dalsz, who will carry en the business at the old stand. FKAXK X. DAISZ. JOHN D. LORENZ. Late trading as Daiaz A Lerenz. The undersigned having purchased all the stock ami geed will of the late Arm of Dalsz ft Lerenz, hereby notifies Ills old customers anil the public generally that he will carry en the Grocery Business at the old stand en Seuth Queen street, where he will keep a lull stock ei evcryming in ma line ei uusiness. CIIKISTOPHER DAISZ. scpl29.1ect4d A STR1CII miO'S ADVERTISEMENT. On account of the rainy weather of lust evening we will extend our GRAND EAL1 OPEHM! UNTIL FIRDAY EVENING. AX ORCHESTRA WILL BE IX ATTEXD- AXCE THIS AXD TO-MORROW EVEXIXG. ASTRICH BRO.'S LANCASTER BAZAAR, Ne. 13 EAST KING STREET. CLOTHING, &C. D. B. Hostetter & Sen, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Our Assortment et CLOTHING MEN, 1S0YS AND YOUTHS FALL AND WINTER, Is larger and mere varied than ever betere. Prices the lewct. Give us a call. D. B. Hostetter & Seu, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, .-lyd LANCASTER. PA. PuiiLic sale or Valuable keal es tate. On FRIDAY', SEPTEMBER 30,1881' pursuant te an al:as order et the Orphans' Court et Lancaster county, Pa., will be sold nt public sale, at the Keystone Heuse. Xerth Queen street. In the city of Lancaster, the fel lowing real estate, late of Frederick l'yie, de ceased, all et which is situated in Lancaster city, te wit : Purpart Xe, 1, property Xe. 237 Xerth Mul berry street, l routing en said street 17 loete Inches, mere or less, and extendinir In depth 140 feeLinoreerless, te a 10 feet wide common alley. The improvements thereon consist et a two-story frame dwelling house, n two-story frame kitchen attached; open alley en the south side. Purpart Xe. 2, property Xe. 239 Xerth Mul berry street, lrentiug en said street 14 feet 7 Inches, mere or less, with common alley be tween this property, and the one adjoining en tnenerth, 2 feet Cinches widcf te the depth et 42 feet, aftsr which the let widens te the extent of halt the width of said alley, extending in depth 140 feet, mere or less, te a 10 feet wide common alley. The Improvements thereon consist et a two-story frame house, with a two story frame kitchen attached. Purpart Xe. 3, property Xe. 211 Xerth Mul berry street, fronting en said stceet 22 feet 1 inch, mere or less, together with the same common alley (right described in Xe.239), and extending in depth 140 feet, mere or less, te the alorcseld 10 feet wide common alley. The Improvements are a two-story brick house, with basement kitchen and large frame stable; i oem enough for eight horses und for three or four tens of hay. Purparts Kes. 4, 5 and C, properties Xe?. 243, 245 and 247 Xerth Mulberry street, te be sold separately. Xes. 243 and 245 fronting en, said street 13 feet ami 1 inch, mere or less, and Xe. 247 13 teet 7 Inches, mere or less, and all of them extending in depth 140 feet, mere or less te the aforesaid 10 feet wide common alley. The im provements en each of these lets arc a two story brick house, with a ono-stery frame out house, und en Xe. 245 a never-falling well et water, und en Xe. 217 a cistern, in geed condi tion, 12 feet deep. Purpart Xe. 7, property Xe. 212 Xerth Arch alley, In the city of Lancaster, fronting en said alley 15 feet 8 Inches, mere or less, including a 3 feet open space en thesenth eide.and extend ing In depth 100 feet, mere or less, te the afore said 10 feet wide common alley. The improve ments area two story brick beus, with one story frame attachment. Purparts Xes. 8. 9 and 11. properties Xe. 244, 24i; and 250 Xerth Arch alley uteresaid, te be sold separately, each fronting en said alley 12 feet S inches, mere or less, and cxlenuiugin depth 100 feet, mere or less, te the aforesaid 10 feet wide common alley. Xe. 250 lying en the north and aleugside that part of the said 10 teet wide common alley between Xes. 248 and 250 et the sold nrenertics. fronting en said Arch alley and intersecting that part of said A iv icet wiue common aucy running noun ana south In the rear of all these properties und these situated en Xerth Mulberry street, be fore mentioned and described. f'urpart Xe. 12, property Xe. 252 Xeith Arch ulliy, fronting en said alley 15 feet 8 inches, Zn ire or less, including an open space of 3 feet, mire or less, en the north side, and extending l.i depth 100 feet, mere or less, te the aforesaid 10 teet wide common alley, running north and south The improvements arc a two-story brick house, with one-story frame attachment, and geed bake even. The 10 feet wfdc common alley mentioned runs north and south, and also east and west, opening out en Arch alley between Xes. 248 and 250, and is common te all these purparts, both the Mnlberry street und the Arch alley properties, Allthese houses are comparatively new, ex cept purparts Xes. 1 and 2, und arc situated in one of the finest and most thriving parts et the city, convenient te schools, especially te the High Scheel, being only about IK squares trem tnc latter. The houses en Arch alley are finely located, and afford homes within the reach of any laboring man or mechanic far mere desirable than almost any ether part et the city, being equally near te all the active business of the railroad, tobacco warehouses and manufacturing places. The houses en Mulberry street, excepting purparts Xes. 1 and 2, are larger and mere valuable, and for location and surroundings are unsurpassed by any property in the city. Any person wishing te see the properties be fore tbeday et sale will call en W. C. Pyle, one of tue heirs, occupying Xe. 243. or en Jeseph Pyle. occupying Xe. 241 Xerth Mulberry street. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p, m when attendance will be (riven by JUXIUh B. K AUFM AX. Trustee of sale. U, SBV8EST, Auctioneer. s3,l0l17,21,28,29,30d ENTERTAINMENTS. PWITOX OPJCBA HOUSB. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4th. Reappearance In America after a series et triumphs in England, MB, and MBS. GEO. S. KNIGHT, Under the management of F. G. and B. G. Berger. assisted by u specially selected com- Sany, in their new serio-cemic drama by ronsen Heward, entitled "BARON KUDOLPH." XEW MUSIC. XEW SONGS. XEW SPECIALTIES. PRICES 35, 5t ft 75 VU. Reserved Seats at Yecker's Office. s29-5td JEWELERS. 0 1LYER JEWELRY. LACE PINS, EAR RIXGS AXD BRACELETS. NECK CHAINS AXD HAIR PINS. STUDS, SLEEVE BUTTONS AXD SCARF PIXS SILVER. OK AUGUSTUS RHOADS, Xe. 20 East King Street. Lancaster. Pa TA1LEY, BANKS ft BIDDLE. SOLID SILVER. Silverware is every day becoming mere and mero of a household necessity. At the same time there is an increasing demand ter Its tasteful and ingenious decoration. We have in our employ designers who be stow their undivided attention en new forms and patterns et silver fashioning and, orna menting. It is a study and an art involving a very high degree of skill. Consequently we are able from time te time continually te present designs which are net only the most novel, but which excel In taste and In artistic effect. Our stock et Silver, whieh is very large, and which comprises every variety of article ever fashioned in this metal may be freely and crit ically examined, whether with a view te pur. chose or only for the pleasure et looking at it. It will be found that while the designs are the most acceptable and the workmanship the most admirable the prices are uniformly low and perfectly reasonable. Persons at a distance can deal with us by moil and express, goods being treeiy sent " en approval." BAILEY, BANKS, BIDDLE, 12th AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. sept28-3nideed EOR SAZK. N OTICE. Our REAL ESTATE CATALOGUE for Oe teber will be issued shortly. Penens wishing their properties noticed should send descrip tions at once. Xe charge unless sold. ALLAX A. HERR & CO., Real Estate, Collection and Ins. Agents, scpt3-3md 3 Xerth Duke Street. AUCTION I AUCTION I ! The undersigned assignee nt D. S Bursk will sell at the store, Xe. 17 EAST KIXG STREET, the entire stock of GROCERIES, SUGARS, COFFEES. TEAS. SYRUPS. SPICES, CAXXED AXD BOTTLE GOODS. Alse. Lamps, chandeliers, Bracket Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, Glassware. Stoneware, Rock ingham Were. Crockery, Flowerpots, Ac, Ac. Sale te commence en WEDXESDAY EVEX IXG. SEPT. 28, at 7 o'clock, and te continue each evening until the entire stock is sold. C. WIDMY'ER, Assignee. Hekrt Shcbekt. Auct. s21-ttd ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE City Property. On MOXDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1881. at the the Fountain Inn. in the cltv of Lancaster, the undersigned In pursuance of an eruer tue urpuans' court ei Lancaster county, will expose te public sale the follow ing verv valuable real estate, late et J. Yeates Cenysgham, deceased. All that certain half let or piece of land situated en the southwest corner et Seuth Queen and Mifflin streets. In said city, Xe. 26, fronting 32 teet 1XA Inches en Seuth Queen street, und extending 245 feet along Mifflin street te Beaver street, which bounds it en the rear. The improvements are a fine old-fashioned three-story and attic brick heuse, with two story brick back building, large two-story brick stable, a large two story brick warehouse en Beaver street, hydrant, fruit trees, Ac, Ac. This Is one ei the most desirable properties for either a residence or a business stand, which has been offered In this city for a long time. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when attendance will be given and terms mace known by EMLEX FRANKLIX, A. K. WITMER. Executer'", Ac of J.Yeatcs Cenyngham.dec'd. Henry Suubekt, Auct. sep22 tsd ROOKS AUD STAi'IONERI. DCHOOL HOOKS I SCHOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS! AU Scheel Beeks and Scheel Supplies at the very lowest rates at L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 42 WEST KINO STREET. TOflN BAER'SSONa. SCHOOL BOOKS for Tnu LANCASTER SCHOOLS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, AT THE boekstore: or JOHN BAER'S SONS, IS md 17 NORTH QOBEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. CARRIAGES, JtC. Carriages! Carriages! AT EDGERLEY & CO.'S, PracticarCarriage Builders, Market Street, Rear of Central Market Houses, Lancaster, Pa. We have en hand a Large Assortment et HUG01ES AND CARRIAGES, Which we offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, uivc us a call, 49Repairing promptly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed ter hat purpose. rn26-Udw THIED EDITION. THDEfaDAY EVENING. SEPT. 29, 1881 WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C., Sept. 29. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, fair weather, winds shifting te easterly, rising followed by stationary barometer, stationary or lower temperature. THE TRIAL OF GU1TEAU. Xew Jersey's Autherltle Leave the Case te tne DUtrlet or Columela's Government. Washixgtex, Sept. 29. The United States district attorney received this morn ing from Attorney General Stockton, of New Jersey, a communication in which he states that no action will be taken in Guitcau's case by th authorities of that state. This re moves any obstacle that might have been expected in this direction, and the district attorney is prepared te push the case rapidly. There will probably be about twenty-one witnesses for the government when the case is brought te trial. Ne an swer has yet been received fiem Gee. Sco Sce ville, Guiteau's brother-in-law, who was requested by him te appear as his counsel. Guiteau stated this morn ing that he had abandoned the idea of writing te Hen. Emery Sterrs asking him te assist in his defense, and he will new leave the entire disposal of his case in the hands of Mr. Sceville. RACK TO TOE OLD UOSlfc. Mrs. Garfield's Emotion en Her Return te Menter. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 29. Colonel Rockwell, Majer Swaim and Majer Clapp, friends of the late President Garfield, ar rived in this city from Cleveland last night and, missing tbe connections, re mained ever until this morning, when they continued their journey te Washing ton. In the course of a conversation with a reporter of the Commercial- Gazette Maj. Swaim said : " We accompanied Mrs. Gar field, Grandma Garfield, the children, and Private Secretary Stanley Brown te the old homestead at Menter en Tuesday. We were met at the depot by the relatives of J Mrs. Garfield and were accompanied quietly te the homestead. When we came in sight of the old familiar spot Mrs. Gar field was quite overcome for a moment, but seen recovered her composure and entered the desolate home. Gen. Garfield's study remains just as he left it, and one of the sorrowing widow's first steps was te go into the room where she had spent se many happy hours." BV WIRE AND MAIL. Mews Notes of Current Interest. The Bryan, Tex., fires feet up losses of 435,000, with $20,000 insurance ; an old man named Spring was burned te death. G. R. McClellan, a traveling photo grapher, was murdered en the outskirts of Flushing, L. I. Showers in several parts of the burning district of western New Yerk have extin guished the fires. The Bosten University school of medi cine proposes te found a Garfield scholar ship fund for needy students. The reception of ox-Cenfedciato soldiers by the G. A. R. in Carlisle yesterday was a grand success. A special agent of the posteffico depart ment has arrived at New Brunswick, N. J. from Washington and taken charge of the local pest office. It is stated that he comes at the instance of ene of the bonds men of Jes. J. Fisher, the postmaster, who has been absent since Monday. President Arthur yesterday directed the removal of Sel Star, the postmaster at Deadwood, Dakota, for confessed complic ity with star route contractors in defraud ing the pest office department. The Massachusetts Prohibitory ceuveu tien yesterday at Bosten nominated a state ticket headed by Charles Almy for gov ernor. The 'Minnesota Republicans have nomi nated A. F. Hubbard for governor and the Wisconsin Democrats have conferred the same honorable distinction en N. D. Fratt. MADGE AND MISTRAL. Yachts Racing Under a High Wind. Sandt Heek, N. J., Sept. 29. When the yachts Madge and Mistral came out side the Narrows in the race te-day it was blowing twenty-eight miles from E. N. E., but the wind went down te 25 shortly after. The Madge came down the bay under jib and main sail, while the Mistral had a reef in her mainsail. They passed buoy 5J, the Madge under jib and rerecd mainsail with topmast housed, at 12:39. The Mistral at 12:54 under jib and close-reefed mainsail. Wind 25 miles east and a heavy sea outside. Philadelphia Conventions. Philadelphia, Sept. 29. The Repub lican conventions were held here te-day. In the recorder of deeds convention Jehn O'Donnell, of the Twenty-sixth ward, was nominated en the first ballet. Samuel T. Cellins was the only ether candidate. Fer judge of common pleas Hen. James J. Mitchell, was nominated en first ballet. William H. Ruddiman was named but net voted for. The Republican Rappy Family. Rochester, N. Y., Sept, 29. The Re publican senatorial convention split aud effected two organizations and held two conventions simultaneously iu the same hall. One reneminated Senater Pitts by acclamation, aud the ether A. B. Lamber Lamber ten by call of roll. The Lamberton or Stalwart body adjourned till 2 o'clock. The Government Gees' te Washington. Washington, Sept. 29. President Ar thur, with Secretaries Windem, Hunt, Lincoln and Postmaster General James, left for New Yerk at two o'clock this afternoon. It is believed the cabinet wfll new carry out the project of summer va cation. Attorney General Mac Veagh will probably remain here. - r vrylng te Blew Vp a Heuse. Londen, Sept. 29. An attempt Las been made te blew up the residence of Capt. Themas Floyd, at Palluas, Green county, Limerick. The residence was occupied at the time by Capt. Floyd and seventeen emergency men and . police. One side of the building was shattered, it is believed by dynamite, but nobody was injured. Guarding the Dead. Washington, Sept. 29. The secretary of war has ordered one company of the Tenth infantry from Ft. Wayne, near De troit, Mich., te go te Cleveland, Ohie, there te guard the remains of the late president until further orders. Ilara Uurned at Mlllersburg. Harrisberg, Pa., Sept. 29. Gee. Free land's large barn near Millersburg, this county, was burned by an incendiary fire last night. His entire crop and several head of horses and cattle were also de. streyed. The less is estimated at 5,000. Fair's Fair. San Francisce, Sept. 29. A dispatch from Virginia City says seme hitch has oc curred in Senater Fair's pair with Senater Piatt, of Connecticut. If it falls through Senatet Fair will pair with Miller, of Cali fornia. The Mai ley lleji. New Haven, Sept. 29. The time of the court trying the Malley boys has been principally occupied te-day with trying te rind out who occupied the room in the Feete building out of which the Malleya were seen te issue en Friday. OUR FEARrtL PRESIDENT. Mysterious Eocene, " afr. Arthur's Red Ouanl. " Apropos of the statement relative te th rumored plot te assassinate President .Arthur, the following from the Washing Washing ten special te the Baltimore American will be found interesting : It is stated by these who knew the president intimately, that he fears seme attempted violence npea himself cannot be doubted. This would seem te be proved net only by his declining te accompany the remains of the lata president te Ohie, but by the fact that ever since he took the oath of offlce he has almost continually kept mulct cover. Whenever he does go out his body guard, Eugcne P. Coivezicr, a stout Frenchman, generally knewu as "the mysterious Eugene," gees along also. It is said that Eugene is at present officiating as a private detective ; that hs is always armed te the teeth, aud is con tinually en the alert te sheet down the first person who makes an attempt te mo lest the president. Eugene has become quite famous of late iu consequence of his mysterious movements, though he is by na means unknown here. Fer a number of years he held the position of cabinetmaker in the Senate wing of the capitol. anil at the time of the death of the late Yice Pres ident, Wilsen prepared and draped the latter catafalque, en which the body lay in state in the rotunda of the capitol, witU his own hands. Later, when Cel. Bright was elected secretary of the Senate, and the Democrats entered into power. Eugene was removed. He then enlisted in the regular service of the army, and was de tailed te clercial duty in the war office. When Mr. Arthur was elected vice presi dent, hewever, he made Eugone his confi dential messenger, and he has beeu bi-t confidential man ever since. It is said that Eugene is te be appointed chieT doorkeeper at the White Heuse, an office held for many years by Charlie Loefler. MAMKETH. St xera- market. Sk urk. September 29. r'leur Sla: unit Western ruled quiet and firm, moderate inquiry.; SupcrHne Statu 15 -toga :tu; extra di fiifOiSU 50; cholce tle 111 eai; 7.1: lanry de S0gS (; round hoop Ohie tt JAftft 75; eheicii de li 803S 23; siipertlnu western 95 iOflii 30 ; common te geed extra de It; lO'dli 75; choice de i:ta)S5i: chelcx white wheat de, ut f7 25s 50. Southern tlrm ; common te fair extra f U5?i7 50 ; pernl te choice, de S7 COfiS 75. KPtl. m 53; my:. Cera rrlcegij&c liisher and fairly active ; ilxid wnstnru Knet. I182)75c. uiixed western snot. U8ft)75c. Oats !49Kc higher and acitvc 47c ; Western. 4233c. State U rniladelphla Market. Philadelphia, September 29. Fleur scare and prices firm; buperttne, f505.5U; cxtia at 15 7Mji; 50; Ohie and Indiana family, at 7 23tf8 00; Pennsylvania family f7 35Q 750; St. LeulH de 13 0OQ3 25; MiuneHOt Extra $7 5037 7: almight, $7 U53 00; winter patent IS eOftS 75; hpi1ii de 8 25? J 00. Kye flour at JO 20. Wheat Market quiet ; Ne. 2 Westeri lteil $1 48 ; Pennsylvania lied and de Amber ft 4681 49. Cern firm and geed local demand ; Hteam tr, 73c ; yellow, and mixed, 74c ; Ne. 3 Mixed, 0tK69c. Oats firm, geed demand ; Ne. i While. 53c; Ne. 2.de5QKu; Ne. 3, de 50c; Ne. 2, Mixed, 47&48c. itye scarce at $1 10. Previsions market firm ; rnf.s.s perk 116 $20 0020 50- beet ham?, at tiiil ; India mes beef. 122 50, f. e. b. Bacen Smoked shoulders 10; salt de) 9c ; .smoked hams 14c ; pickled li'ims, 12Q13c. Lard firm ; city kettle 113 00; I0014 hutclmra. $1200 ; prime steam $12 K. flutter steady ; choice grades scarce antl wanted; 1'enna creamery cxini35c; Western de33c ; de geed te cheicu 30(:i2in Itradfnnt county und New Yerk extra. 2829e ; firsts. 2K827c ; Wcatern dairy extra, 2tic ; de geed te choice, 2325c Kells none here. Kgga quiet; l'enn'a 2223c; Western 21c. Cheese firm fair demand ; New Yerk full cream 1314c: Western full cream J3Jc; du fair to'geod. 12c ; de halt skimmed sjfiOc; Peuna de., 75c. Petroleum nominal; refined, 7c. Whisky 11 rm at $118. Seeds Geed te prime Clever steady at 10 11; Timethy steady 12 75Q3U0 ; Klaxew d firm at $1 4.rl 50. Neea yuoiatiens of the uraln Market JTurntsLed by Jacob IS. Leng, Comrntien Itrekcr. Chicago. Oet. Nev. l)-c. Wheat 1.39 t lAi'i $ I.43J6 ar. i.:tai Cern 7176 -12x .11 Year Oats, 45 . 1 "i .T AVi 1 ear. .Ian. Perk 19.30 19.52J aua 1 11 ni ii"i, r7'i AjUII! ........... a ... . I.. ...... Jwl Philadelphia. Sept. Oct. Nev. Wheat $ 1.49J4 I.IS UH Dec. Cern. ...... .... .73 .71 .774 Dee. Oats 51 .50 -rl!4 Dee. .wvi Uratn and Prevision Quotations. One o'clock quotations of grain and provis previs ions, furnished by S. K. Ytindt. lireker. 15.' J Kast King street. Chicago. Sept. V.h Oc'. Nev. Oee. Wheat 1 1.391 $ 1.42J4 $ 1.43-K Cern 7 .Tl'A .72',i Oats 45 .47 .4''-j Perk 19.25 19.47 Lard 12.22 12.40 Philadelphia. Oct. Nev. Dec. Wheat $ 1.48 1.53 t 1.57 Cern 74 .77 .mli Oats 51 Ji .52J Btecs. maraet. New Yerk, Philadelphia antl Lecal Mecksi also United States Benda reported daily It Jacob It. Lotte. N. K. Cor. Centre Square. Nbw Yerk Stocks. Stocks firmer. Sept. 29. a. at. p. m. r X. 10:00 trtie 3.H0 Meney. 44?t: .... Chicago ft North Western 12SW vhm 12. Chicago. Mil. St, Paul 113 112 I12'2 Cunada Southern...... .... .... (iji i. K. Bb 1. Kf- 1- 1.... ........ .. . ..Is, .... a!t Del.. Lack, i Western I27J I28J 127JJ Deluwure A Hudsen Canal WA 109 109 Denver A Kle Grande 8H 67 86J Hannibal A St. Jee ion Lake Shere A Mich. Southern.. 125 125 124U Manhattan Elevated 21 21 20 Michigan Central 92'4 WA 91). Missouri. Kansas ft Texas 42 424 41)2 N. Y.,Lake Erie ft Western.... 45J' 45 45'2 New Jersey Central W? Wrjj .egg N. Y Ontario ft Western 33 :'A 3!j2 New Yerk Central 142 142J Ohie ft Mississippi 44? 44 44V? Pacific Mall Steamship Ce.... 51 5112 50)7 St. Paul ft Omaha :... 44 44 43; de Preferred ... 107 107 Central Pactflc 9fi.95 9W4 Texas Pacific 53 .... 52JZ vUnIen Pacific j. 121 120 isevg Wabash, St, Leuis ftPacinc... rn 51 se 4 Preferred. 9J 91 ui 'J Western Union Tel. Ce.". -7 8B !6 Philadelphia. T Stocks steady. Pennsylvania K. B C5 iye Heading 36 30 3. Lehigh Valleyr. Lehigh Navigation '" .... 4t; Buffalo, Pitta. ft-Weslem 23 .... 2114 Northern Central... m: 52 NerthernPadfle.:arr...v.... 40 40 3ujJ " Preferred 79 M 79 Hestenville... ..... .... .... -') Philadelphia ft Erie K, It 23 Iowa Gulch Mining............. .... Umrao States Bends. r. m. 1:00 United States 4 per cents 117 4 " 113 " 6 " 101 3 " 100 Z.EOAX. NOTICES. 1.STATK OF MARUAKKT Mlltl'HV, !i late of l'incaster City, dee'd. Letters "Of. administration en said cstatu having been granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted thercteare requested te make immedi ate payment, ami tliee having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, refilling in Lancaster City. JOHN MUKPHY, Administrator. Heur. J. Evaxb, Attorney, 11 Seuth Queen street, s206tdeaw