-Z'z - y jr-jv-' -- " - -A i. t LANCASTER DAILY INTJEIXIGENCEH, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28.1881. -i & ivr I Lancaster intelligencer WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 28,1881. Tebicce Market. There has been nothing peculiarly striking iu the tobacco market during the past week. Most of the sampled crop of loot) has been sela at uign prices ana tue holders of unsampled goods-evince no dis- Eisitien te part with their packings, early all the crop of 1881 has been cut, and fully one half of it has been sold at high prices. It is cuiiug admirably, geed judges declaring that in color and odor it mere nearly approaches Havar na tobacco than any former crop. The extreme dry and het weather is said te be the cause of this improved condition of the leaf. The following sales are reported. Jacob Leanhart, of Ceney township, te Kescnbaum, i acres at Sj, 1U ana e ; Jehn Shank, of Ceney township, te Frank Waller, 4 acres at 23 round ; Jehn Dcnter man, of Ceney township, te Lederman, at 15 round ; Beujamin L. Warfel, of Salis bury township, te Frank Bard, at 28, 12, 8 and 3 : Jeseph Miller, of Salisbury town ship, te Hendersen at 27, 15, 8 and 3 ; William Pickel. of Salisbury township, te J. Eaby at 25, 10 and 3 ; David Seuders, of Salisbury township, te r rank Bam at 25, 10, G and 3; Geerge Seldemridge, of Salis bury township, te Hendersen at 28, 13, G and 3; Jeseph K. Frantz, of Salisbury township, te Breneman at 28, 13, 8 lud 3. Our Drumerc correspondent writes : Wc are still selling some tobacco, although sales were net se numerous last week as they have been some weeks previous. We expect somewhat of a lull iu buyers new till we have our weed stripped. But wc have a great deal of geed tobacco yet un sold ami it will strip very nicely and bring nice prices or net be sold in a hurry. We have tlie following sales te report from Fulton township and wish te regis ter our thanks te a Fulton friend for his kindness in furnishing us the names and prices. Jacob, Id cider bought T acres from Samuel Derscy for 23c. round ; 3 acres from Heward Bradley for 27, 12, 8, 3 ; 1 acre from II. Flaharty for 28, 12, 8. 3 ; 1 acre fi em Wm. McVey for 22 round, and 1 acre from Ed Hess, of Little Britain, for 25, 12, 7, 3. Andy Charles sold 7 acres te Teller Bres, for 29, 15, 8, 3 ; Jes. Swift & Bies., of Fulton house, bought 1 aero from Titos. King, paying 15 round ; from Alvin King, 3 acres for 20 round, and 2 acres for 1G round ; 4 acres from Titos. Jenes fer24, 12, 7, 3. Kirk Brown bought the Boyd store and saw-mill property at Peach Bettem from Jere B. Boyd last week for $5,000. Calvin Helm bought Samuel Boyd's farm at Fairfield for j80 an acre. Mr. Havcrstick bought two hundred acres from the Barnes farm near Unicorn for $15,500. Frem Salisbury tlie following transac tions arc reported by our correspondent at the Gap : Jehn Masen sold te Reland Brubaker 2 acres at 30, 15, G and 3, must show 22 inches for 30 cents ; Kebt. ltess te bamuel Hcndet.sen, agent for Skilcs & Frey, 2 acres at 27, 10, 5 and 3 ; Goe. N. Worst te same I ncic at 25, 12 and 3; Wm. Whit man t7 same ? acres at 25, 10, 5 and 3 ; Martin Kurtz te same 4 acres at 24, 10, 5 and 3 ; Joint Swatzinirrever te same 2 acres at 23, 10, 5 and 3 ; Geeige Seldemridge te same aetc at 29, 15, G and 3 ; must show 22 incites for 2U cents, ar.u Frank Seldom ridge te Gee. Senile 2 acres at 22, G and 3, This gees te show that Salisbury is one of the leading tobacco growing townships in the county. The New Yerk market is thus reported in the Tobacco Leaf: In seed leaf there has been rcmatkablc activity the past week, the sales reaching 7,400 cases, ana embracing all varieties of available stock. The activity in old stack that we antici pated and prepaid! the way for by our reccnts reports of the new crop in the field, is being realized. At this writing, we see no reason te change our impression that it is a safe operation te get held of a1! the geed old and new seed leaf that is at tainable. Fer the next two years this article is geiug te be choice prepeity te buy, sell or held. Make a note or the pre diction. tians' Repert. Sales of .seed leaf tobacco rcpeited by J. S. Gaus' Sen & Ce.. tobacco brokers, Ne. 121 Water street, New Yerk, for week ending Sept. 27 : 3,000 cases 1880 Penn sylvania, asserted let, ll(St21c. ; 2,100 cases lbsu JNew Jugland Havana seed -'Ufa.; 25c. ; East Hartferd wrappers, 2735c. ; West hide wrappers, i(a,.J0c. ; llousatenic, asserted, 22(,25c. : 1,000 cases 1880 state, 718c. ; 500 cases 1880 Ohie, 01(5,130. ; 50 cases 1879 Ohie 8c. ; 400 cases 1880 Wisconsin 5(,i:0e. Total 7,IM) cascc. Extreme activity has prevailed. LANVASTKK HOCSEUIILU MAKKI'T. DAIRY. Eultcr lfi 2Jfi.i Cup cheese, -cups 5c Cottage cheese, 'J pieces lie Dutch cheese f limn) 810c FRUITS. Apples $t pfc 10Sl2c crauappics ii :igic liananas dez to&iiec i njic;t fi ut . iuc Elderberries V lt 5c Cherries, tilled, ) (t 12c Currants, dried, Vt tt 12c Cranberries ft t 10c Cantcleupes IjJIOc Dried Annies ) it (!f88c " lcaclics 91 qt 10fi)12c Huckleberries box 1012c Lemens t dez :u50c Oranges 91 dez 30Q903 Teaches i y, pk 30c 91 basket $3.00 l'ears, Itartlett p y. pk :tOc ' Watermelon fJKl' 25c llliie Plums?) box 10c Watermelons each 2050c VKGKTABLKH. Beans IJipk 5Cc Beans, l.iina,fte.L 10l2c Beets 91 "bunch DC Cucumbers 91 dez 10c Cauliflower 91 head 1425c Cabbage fi head 812c Carrots f) bunch 5l0c Egg riants 1012c Green Cern 91 dez 12c Large Pepper 91 dez 12c Unions 9Kpk 2Ti30c " 91 bunch 5c Totatecs, (new,) ft bushel $1 " (Sweet) l Jpeckgr 25c Radishes ft bunch 23c Tomatoes pk 12c Rhubarb 9 bunch .., Jt.ag5c Soup Beans fl qt loc Salsify 91 buncn ic Turnips 9? i pk 20e renLTnv. Chickens 9) pair (live) .'..". (u7" 91 ft (cleaned) 12 Wc Ducks 9 pair 7 c XISCELLAHKOC8. Apple Butter ftqt 20c Coceanntseaeh 527c Cider 91 ga'lnn 12c JfiS&B y uOZ .... 20C Heney 91 lb 2023c Seap 91 8. 5Sc Sauerkraut if) qt 812c MEATS. Beet Steak, 9 ft 1015e " Iteaat (rib) M ft 1214c " " (chuck) ft ft 1012c ' Corned, 91 & I2l5c " Dried, ft ft '..25350 Bologna alried 30c Ham 9 ft 22c Bacen 9 &.-.. 10c Lamb9)B li20c Lard 91 lb l3Mc Hutten 91 lt 1010c rerk 9 10012c !)iuSlt.(! ff wh IkC VciU ji !!' m.l"fyHC K1SU. Black Kas 91 lb 15c Blue Ki-.li V ft 10c Cattish 91 8. 15c Ced 12c Clams 91 dez 10c Eels fl ft 1215c jmxiuuiiKa aXvC Halibut W ft 12k15c Mullets lOe Perch 12Kc Keck. 15lt)c Sun 10c SUCK' a 7U Smoked baliueu 9) ft 30c eka m. Hay Tirnrtliy 91 ten .$1822 " Clever 91 ten :....:..$141G Oats 9 bus 45c Byeji bus 8590c TimetliySeeed 91 bus 3.2503X0 Wheat bua r.L9lJ0 FI. -. 7 6J0fbbl 1 Hew te Gat Well? Thousands otpersens are constantly troubled with a combination of diseases. Diseased klndneys and costive bowels are their tormen tormen eors. They should knew that Kidney-Wert acts en these organs at the same time, causing them te threw oil the poison that have clogged them, and no renewing the whole man. Hun dreds testlfj te'this Pittsburg Pett. sepSS 1 wdiw 1 Honorable Mention Ot all the remedies en earth that well may r-uim attention. Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil commands especial mention Fer wondrous power te -cure disease, iu muw uuue uu throttle. Its merits are net in the pull, but are Inside the bottle. Khcumatlsm, neuralgia, sere threat, asthma, bronchitis, diphtheria, etc., are all cured by Themas' Eclectric Oil. Fer Kale at II. B. Cochran's drug store. 137 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster. -. Ifldney Complaint Cured. B. Turner, Kechester, N. Y., writes : " I have been for ever a year subject te serious dis order of the kidnevs, and often unable te at tend te business:! precm-ed jour Burdock Bleed Bitters and was relieved betere half a bottle was used. 1 intend te continue, as I feel confident that they willentircly cure me." l'ricc $1. Fer sale at II. 11. Cochran's drug store, 137 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster. Universal Approbation By the community at large has been given te Burdock Bleed Bitter. Ne Instance is Known wherelibsatistactien has been manifested by their use, or where aught but benelit followed their administi ninistnuien. I'riccsi. rersaicam. 11. Cochran's drug street, Lancaster. store; 137 Xeith .Queen rOLITlVAM. Democratic County Ticket. PRESIDENT .imOE. hllhltlVF. UKO. W. BROW.N ( Fainter), 1st Ward, City. l'ltOTIIONOTAUY. JOHN II. DullAVEN, Caernarvon. KEGISTBR. E. F. A JlBI.EK, Drumerc. COUIJTY tbesukkh. FKTKU AIcCONOM V, 5th Ward, C3. CLEniC Or QUARTER SESSIONS. KEA UEKD, Hart. CLERK OV Oltl'IIAJiS' 'OUBT. FETKK UtKUICIl, 8lh Ward, City. r HI SON KKEl-Elt. ISAAC HULL, Earl. COl'NTY COMMISSIONt'It. .M. IIII.Di:iSKANT, Mount Jey. COIIOTJEIt. 1IK.NUV M. UElTEKr4th War.l, City. IHltECTOUS OF THE l'OOR. FHILIF WALL, Mil Ward, City, A It RAM SHIES', West'Lanipeter. ritlSON INSPECTORS. LEMUEL W1EST. West Cocalico, .SOL ZEA.MEU, Northwestern. AUDITOR. ' JOHN L. LIUHTNEU, Leaeeek. Vacancy. MlililVA.L. VALUABLE TRUTHS. If you are suffering trem peer lieallli, or laiiguishing en a bed of sickness, take cheer, or Hep Hitters Will Cure Yen. It you are simply ailing: if you leel weak and dispirited, without clearly knowing why, Hep Hitters Will Kev ve Yeu. If you are a minister, and have overtaxed yeurselt with your pastoral duties; or a mother, worn out with care and work, Hep Hitters Will Restore Yeu. It you arc a man et business, weakened by the hti-ain of your everyday duties; or a man et letters, toiling ever your midnight work, Hep Hitters Will Strengthen Yeu. I f yen aiv young, and suffering Irem any in dUeietlen, or are growing tee bust, as is ettcn the case, Hep Hitters Will Kelleve Yeu. It you are in the workshop, en the farm, at the desk anywhere, and teel that your system needs cleansing, toning or .stimulating with out intoxicating, Hep Hitters is What Yeu Need. It you arc old, and your pulse is feeble, your nerves unsteady, ani your faculties waning, Hep Hitters will give you New Life and Viger. Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company! Uecuester, New Ydrk, and Terente, Ontario. le3-lvdMWFAw K IDNEY WOR7. THE ONLY MEDICINE IN EITHER LIQUID OR DRY FORM That Acts at the Same Time 011 The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys. WHY ARE WE SICK? Uecause tee allow these great organ te be come clogged or torpid, and poisonous humor i are therefore forced into the bleed that should be expelled natural!. KIDNEY WORT WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, Files, Constipation, Crintry Diseases, Female Weakness and Nervous Disorders! by causing free action of these organs and re storing their power te threw off disease. Why suffer bilious pains,and aches? . Why tormented with Files, Constipation? WliyTrightened ever disordered Kidneys? Why endure nervous or sick headaches? Use KIDNEY WORT and rejoice in health. fOr It is put up la Dry Vegetable Ferm, in 9-tln cutis, one package of which makes six 49qunrts of medicine. U Alse In Liquid Ferni,very Cenceutrated 49ter the convenience et these who cannot -readily prepare it II acts with equal 93T efficiency in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICK, 91. WELLS, KICIIAUDSOX & CO., Prep's, Hurlingteu, Vt. f Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec 27 lydAwl D .OAT GO TO I5E1) TO-NIGHT-BEFORK YOU GO TO - Ne. 9 EAST KING STREET, And purchase a bottle et TjOC CHER'S DEATH ON M0SQUIT0S, AND THEN SLEEP IN PEACE. I'KICK, 15c. a (te tile. K TVUVt iiRKKTINti. DR. GREENE takes great pleasure In re porting the sate arrival home of Mrs. Greene and sett, alter a vacation of nearly two mouths, and wliile he is sad te learn of the deaths of persons, some of whom were strongly induced te test OMNIFATHY. He is especially glad te knew that no deaths have occurred among his numerous patients during his absence, and that many who had been invalids and in many ways diseased are new well, have fully recov ered their health. Among them Is a lady who en the 8th of June last was told by Drs. Agncw, Kline and Gress, el Philadelphia, te go home and die witli a Scirrheus Cancer of the breast, new greatly improved. Anethor case was a mother and her first babe, who only a week be be eore I left were'siippescd te be dying by two of tne most eminent physicians el this city, both et whom arc alive and the mother doing her household work. Ne quinine, merphia or ether drugs given te any of them; only ex ternal applications of simple remedies. Ne charge made for examining patients. DR. OHAS. A. GREENE, 14G EAST KING STREET. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.-aEALED proposals will be received at the County Commissioners' office at Lancaster, Fa., until FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1881, at 12 o'clock, m., for the erection and completion of a gallery in the Law Library Roem of the Court Heuse. Bids must include painting and all material and labor required. Flans and specifications can ue seen uy canine at tne emce 01 uei. w. R. Gerhart. Law Buildinsr. near the Court Heuse. The Commissioners reserve the right te rejcci any or an uius. By order of the Commissioners. Attest- I. N.S.WILL, ep24-2td cleric MJUHCAIm c ELERK AND CHAMOMILK FILLS. IN THE SECRET. RAILROAD MEN, BANK OFFICELS AND CAPITALISTS AFFECTED SERIOUSLY. A Little Iabte Ciiapter That Will be Read Wltb Interest bj tne Public. Railroads, banks and capitalists are the great moving and controlling-power of the. world new, and there m read, a rough read, through which all that attain te eminence must pass and many fall in the fight. Thought, study, mental and brain work Is the highway te emi nence; and work, thought, worrying, plan ning, calculating, all feedupen the brain and nervous system, and Via results are Nervous Prostration, Heart Disease, Apoplexy, Paraly sis, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleepless Nights, Sick and Nervous Headache, and a sudden dropping out of the business ranks from over work and nervousness In some or Its forms. This Is the natural consequence; but if the nervous system Is fed and snppperted In pre- Jiortlen te the waste and demands made upon t, these feariul results would net be heard et or known. The remedy Is a simple, sensible one. Simply te feed the overworked. Irritable nervous sys tem. And that can be done, and that Is being done successfully every day, by the use et Dr. Bensen's Celery and Chamomile Pills, a special preparation for Nervous Disease, sick and Nervous Headache, Nervousness, Sleepless ness, Neuralgia and Dyspepsia. These pills are net a patent medicine, but made by a reg ular physician and used by the profession at large. Sold by all druggists. Price. 60c. a box. Depot, 106 North Eutaw street. Baltimore, Md. By mall two boxes for $1, or six boxes for $2.50, te any address. DR. O. W. BENSON'S New Remedy and' Favorite Prescription. SKIN CURE ' Is Warranted te Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAM MATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA, ULCERS, PIMPLES AND TENDER ITCIUNGS en all parts of the body. It makes the skin while, selt and smooth; removes tan and freckles, and Is the Best toilet dressing in the W erld. Elegantly put up, two bottles In one package, consisting or both internal and ex ternal treatment. A 11 nrst-class drnggUts have It. Price $1 per package. aug23-lydM.WS4w DST 0OOD8. NE EW CHEAP STORE. BARD& is HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS von UNDERWEAK UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR Fer Men, Women and Children. Largest Stock in tills city at Lewest Prices. tOTS OF CHEAP STOCKINGS Men, Women and Children, AT TUB NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel. (Adler's Old Stand.) liAtJCASTEH, PA. D HY GOODS, &C. NEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. HAGER & BROTHER Have new open Full Lines of FLANXELS, BLANKETS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, VELVETS, PLUSHES, CLOAKS, CLOAKING3, SHAWLS, GLOVES -AXD LACE GOODS. Wc invite examination. Hapr & Brether, Ne. 25 West King Street. HOOTS Jt SIIOBS. LADIK AND GENTS, IF WV WANT A Geed and Fine Fitting Reet or Shee, Ready-made or Made te Order, go te F. IIIEMENZ'S, Ne. IO.". North Qneen Street. Custom Werk Specialty. iy2-tldSW Hosiery czotMnre, xnntxRWMAM, Jtc. I1HE ENTERFRISINU CLOTHUG HOUSE or 1. C. YATES & CO., ALWAYS ALIVE TO THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE, HAVE PREPARED A LARGE STOCK FOR THE FALL AND WINTER SEASONS. 1881, FROM WHICH YOU CAN ALWAYS MAKE SATISFACTORY SELECTION. SEND FOR SAMPLES: LEDGER BUILDING,. Chestnut and Sixth Streets, PHILADELPHIA. fceptl-ltnd OFRINO OPENING AT H. GERHART'S New TiMi Esiliiiit, Ne. 6 East King Street. I have just completed fitting up one et the Finest Tailoring Establishments te be found In this state, and am new prepared te show my customers a stock of goods for the SPRING TRADE. " which for quality, style and vailety el Patterns has never been equaled In this city. I will keep and sell no goods which I cannot recommend te my customers, no matter hew low in price. All goods warranted as - represented, and prices as low as the lowest, at Ne. 6 East King Street, flNext Doer te the New Yerk Stere. H. GERHART. N EW STOCK OF CLOTH1NO FOR SPRING 1881, D. B. Hostetter & Seu's, Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Having made unusual ctrerta te bring before the public a tine, stylish and well made stock el READY-MADE CLOTH!!, we are new prepitrcd te show them one el the most carefully selected stocks of clothing In this city, at the Lewest Cash Prices. MEN'S, HOYS' AM) YOUTHS' CLOTHING! IN GREAT VARIETY. Piece Goods et the Most Stylish Designs and at prices within the reach et all.) 43-(iive us a call . D. B. Hostetter & Sed, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 26-lyd LANCASTER, PA. w ILLIAMSON & FOSTER. THE SURPRISE ABOUT Beys' & Children's Clothing Is that we have EXTRA PANTS AMD- PIECES FOR PATCHES, Tliat arc of the same goods. Ladles "have often complained te us that there was no goods with the Suits that they could use for Patches, as boys will wear out two pair et Pants with one Ceat. Hut new we can accommodate them. OUR ASSORTMENT OF Sclioel Suits for Beys Is very large this tall, and we have selected the goods with great care, and are new prepared te give the very best goods ter the least amount of money. HAMSON & FOSTER'S ONE-PRICE HOUSE, 36-38 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. BMT OOOJfB, VlOfSSWSAJt, JtC. OOMKTHIHG NEWi LACE THEE AD UNDERSHIRTS FEATHER-WEIGHT DRAWERS. SUSPENDERS, AT ERISMAN'S, THE SBIBTMAKEB, NO. S6 .NORTH O.CKB-N STREET, G KAND OPENING OF NEW FALL GOODS -AT TUB NEW YORK STORE, S 10 EAST KINO STREET. Wc are new showing one of the largest and best asserted stocks or ... DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, In the state at the lowest market prices. Special eflering or DRESS GOODS Embracing the Latest Novelties of the season. Oiuhre stripes and Plaids, all Weel French Plaids, Newest Colorings in Weel Suitings. Full lines or Iilack and Colored Silks, Illack and Colored all Weel Cashmeres, Stirrahs ami Plain Satins In the Ncw Fall Shades. Canten Flannels. Muslins & Sheetings, ami all kinds et Demestic Dry Goods, we are selling at less than Agents' Prices, having bought them previous te recent advance. SFEC1AL BAKU A1NS. 1 Case tierster Suit ings at 25c. per yard. 3 Cases best quality Bleached Muslins, perfect goods, in holt and quarterpleces. if An, seTi 4 co, 8 & IO E. KING STREET. N EXT DOOK TO THE COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCKI Never before In the history et our store have we had as large and complete a stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods As at the present time. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, MUSLINS, TABLE LINENS, QUILf S, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS VELVETS, SILKS, VNDERWEAlt, SKIJITS, JIOSIEJtY, tlv., tt'c, A'c. All new ettered at our usual LOW PRICES. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te Court Heuse. VAJtrjcia. G REAT BARGAINS IN VARVK1S, I claim te have the Largest and Fines tock el CARPETS In this City. Brussels and Tapestry CARPETS Three-ply, Extra Super, Super, All Weel, Halt Weel and Part Weel Ingrains : from the best te the cheapest as low as 25c. per yard. AH the FINEST AND CHOICE PATTERNS that ever can he seen in Hits city. 1 also have a Large and Fine Stock el my own make Chain and Rag Carpets, AS LOW AS 3fic PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDKKat shot . notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. 3".Ne trouble te show goods if you de ne wish te purchase. I earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER PA. CARPETS, &C. NEW CARPETS 40,000 YARDS. New Designs, Beautifully Colored. I! l 50 cents. 85 cents.; (GO cents. SO cents. INC RAINS 75 cents. 11.00. 75 cents. $1.00. 85 cents. 91.10" 90 cents. $1.20. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS WILTON AND f MOQUETTES, GOOD VALUE UUj ULUJ.J1S, LINOLEUM, LIUNUMS. ( AT ALL PRICES. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut. Street, al-lydeed 42twJ Pin L A-DE LPIII A. rARPETS, COAL, C. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY,' Ne. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lawgastxr, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANC ASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES. COVERLETS, 11LANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either In the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds of silks. Ribbons, Feathers and WoeleA Goods Dyed. Gen tlcmen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also, Indigo Blue Dyclna done. All orders or goods lelt with us will receive prompt attention. CASn PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal et the best quality put up expressly le family use, and at the lowest market rates TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 tOUTU WATER STREET. 2-lydBSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON ft CO TOM SAXE. AUCTION I AUCTION I! The undersigned asshjuce et D. S Bursk will sell at the store. Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET, the entire stock of GROCERIES, bUGARS.COFFEES.TEAS.SYRUPS.SPICES, CANNED AND BOTTLE GOODS. Alse. Lamps, chandeliers. Bracket Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, Glassware. Stoneware, Rock ingham Ware. Crockery, Flowerpots, 4c. Ac. Sale te commence en WEDNESDAY EVEN ING. SEPT. 28, at 7 o'clock, and te continue each evening until the entire stock Is sold. C. WIDMYER, Assignee. IIenuy Sucbeet. Auct. v'l-ttil S" OOD CHANCE. A DESIRABLE COAL AND LUMBER YARD FOR SALE. The undersigned offers at private sale a property consisting of seven lets of ground in the town et Springville, Lancaster county, at the station en the Pennsylvania Railroad, about one mile west of Mount Jey and near the Lancaster A Uarrtsburg turnpike. The Improvements are a two-storied Frame Heuse 21x21 feet, used as a Railroad Station and Ticket Ofliee, a Franie Warehouse 2lxlS feet, and Ceal and Lumber Yard, with about 200 feet et Ceal Shedding. New Fairbanks Scales of 8 ten capacity ; 300 Feet et Railroad Siding. Trestle work for dumplntr coal, with space for exten sion of same. Buildings mostly new and every thing in geed order. Location pleasant, in a thlcklv settled agricultural neighborhood and a fast improving town, with no rival business in the town. Has an established, coal trade, and capacity and advantages te de a icoed shipping business and increased passenger travel. Price $9.000en reasonable terms. Fer further information address JOS. IT. HABECKER, Spring Garden P. O., e20-4m Lancaster County. Pa. ORPHANS COURT SALE OF VALUABLE City Property. On MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1881, at the the Fountain Inn, in the city et Lancaster, tlie undersigned In pursuance of an order the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, win expose te pueiic saie me innow innew ing very valnable real estate, late et .1. Y'eates Conyngham, deceased. All that certain half let or piece of land situated en the southwest corner et Seuth Queen and Mifflin streets, iu said city, Ne. 2t, Irenting :t2 feet 2 incites en Seuth Qiii-en street, and extending 215. feet along Ml 111 in street te Beaver street, which bound It en the rear. The Improvements am a tine old-tashiencd three-story and uttlc brick house, witli two story brick back building, large two-story brick stable, a large two story brick warehouse en Beaver street, hydrant, fruit trce, Ac, Ae. This is one 01 the most desirable properties for cither a residence or a business stand, which lias been offered in this city ter a long time. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when attendance will be given and terms lum.c known by EMLEN FRANKLIN, A. K. WITMEU, Executers, Ac, et.I.Yeates Cenyngham.dccM. Henhy Siiuiikkt, Auct. 8ip22 tsd PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE 1CKAL ES TATE. On FRIDAY', SBPTEMBER30.18S1 pursuant te an alias order et the orphans' Court et Lancaster county. Pa., will be sold at public sale, at the Keystone Heuse. North Queen street, in the city et Lancaster, the fol lowing real estate, late el Frederick Pyle, dn ccascil. all et which is situated In Lancaster city, te wit : Purpart Ne, 1, properly Ne. 237 North Mul berry street, irenting en said street 17 Icetii Inches, mere erless, and extending in depth 140 feet, mero or less, te a 10 feet wide common alley. The improvements thereon consist et a two-story Irame dwelling house, a two story frame kitchen attached ; open alley en the south side. Purpart Ne. 2, property Ne. 239 North Mul berry street, fronting en said street II feet 7 Inches, mere or less, with common alley be tween this property, and the one adjoining en tne north, 2 feet U Inches wide, te the depth et 42 feet, after which the let widens te the extent of half the width of said alley, extending In depth 110 feet, mere or less, te a 10 feet wide common alley. The improvements thereon consistet a two-story frame house, with a two story frame kitchen attached. Purpart Ne. 3, property Ne. 211 North Mul berry street, fronting en said .stecet 22 teet 1 inch, mere or less, together with the same common alley (right described in Ne.23)), and extending. in depth 140 lect, mero or less, te the aforesaid 10 feet wide common alley. The Improvements are a two-story brick house, with basement kitchen and large frame stable; room enough for eight horses und for three or lour tens of hay. Purparts Nes. 4. 5 and C, properties Ne. 2U, 245 and 247 North Mulberry street, te be sold separately. Nes. 243 and 215 fronting en said street 13 lect and 1 Inch, mere or less, and Ne. 247 13 teet 7 inches, mere erless, and all of t hem extending in depth 140 lect, mere erless te the atercsaid 10 feet wide common alley. The im provements en each of these lets are a two story brick house, with a one-story frame out house, and en Ne. 215 a never-fafllng well of water, and en Ne. 247 a cistCrn, in geed condi tion, 12 teet deep. Purpart Ne. 7, property Ne. 212 North Arch alley, In the city of Lancaster, fronting en said alley 15 feet 8 Inches, mero or less, including a 3 feet open space en theseuth siilc.and extend ing in depth 100 feet, mere or less, te the afore said 10 feet wide common alley. The improve ments are a two story brick house, with one story frame attachment. Purparts Nes. 8. 9 and 11. properties Ne. 211, 24U and 250 North Arch alley ateresald, te be sold separately, each fronting en said alley 12 loot 8 Inches, mere or less, and cxtenalngin depth 1(0 feet, mere or less, te the atercsalu 10 feet wide common alley. Ne. 250 lying 011 the north and alongside that part of the said 10 feet wide common alley between Nes. 248 and 250 et the said properties, fronting en said Arch alley and intersecting that part or said 10 feet wide common alley running north and seu li in the rear of all these properties and these situated en North Mulberry street, be fore mentioned and'dcscrlbed. Purpart Ne. 12, property Ne. 252 North Arch alley, fronting en said alley 15 feet 8 Inches, mere or less, including an open space et 3 feet, mere or less, en the north side, ami extending In depth 100 feet, mere or less, te the aforesaid 10 lcet wide common alley, running north and gesth The improvements arc a two-story brick house, with one-story frame attachment, and geed bake even. The 10 feet wide common alley mentioned runs lierth and south, and also cast and west, opening out en Arch alley between Nes. 2IS and 250, and Is common te all these purparts, both the Mulberry street ami the Arch alley properties. All these houses are comparatively new, ex cept purparts Nes. 1 and 2, and are situated in one of the finest and most thriving parts et the city, convenient te schools, especially te the High Scheel, being only about 1 "-J squares trem the latter. The neuses en Arch alley are llnely located, and ntTerd homes within the reach of any labeiing man or mechanic far mere desirable than almost any ether part et the city, being equally near te all the active business of the railroad, tobacco warehouses and manufacturing places. The houses en Mulberry street, excepting purparts Nes. 1 and 2, arc larger and mere valuable, and for location and surroundings are unsurpassed by any property In the city. Any person wishing tosce the properties be fore the day of sale will call en W. C. Pyle, one et the heirs, occupying Ne. 213, or en Jeseph Pyln. occupying Ne. 241 North Mulberry street. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in., wiicn attendance win uc given uy J UNIUS B. K AUFM AN, Trustee of sale. II. Siicbeut, Auctioneer. s3,10,l7,24,29,29,30d HUKN1TVRB. Ev EUYBODY IS THEIK OWN JUDUfc. Itberciere extend a cordial invitation and would have yen call and examine for yourself the merits of my gemN and com pare them for quality and price with these that may be 9een elsewhere. My aim is te sell nrst-class goods as low as they can be sold. I will esteem It a pleasure te show goods whether you desire te buy or net. Wc can show them at night and are open till 9 p. m. FURNITURE, PICTURE FRAMK AND LOOKING-G LASS WA KEROOMS, 15 EAST KING STREKT. WALTER A. HEINITSH. sep21-3md B. B. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds or LUMBER AND COAL. 3-ard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd C0H0 & WILEY, 3SO NORTH WATER ST., Lancaster, PaH Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER' AND GOAL. Connection with the Telephonic Exchange. Urahch Office : Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. leb28-lyd poie REILLY & KELLER GOOD3 CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Alse, Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. Farmers and ethers In want et Superiei MannrtAvill find it te their advantage te call Yard, Harrisbufg Pike. 1 Office. 20) East Chestnut street. agl7-ft tkaVt.lkhm' mint IANC&STEK AND M1LLKKSVILLK K. -j Car run iw fellows : Leave LancatNer P. It. Depot), at 7, 9, an 1 U:.tua. nu.and 2, 4, ti and 8 JO p. m.,exret en T Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9-JO p. w. Leave Milleruvllle (lower end) at 5, 8. and 10 a. M., and 1, 3. 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run tlally en r ve time except en Snt day. CWjLUMBIA AN1 FORT DEPOSIT K. K ', Vain new n,5 regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Station North- Express. Express. Acceu. wap. a.m. r. . F.M. Pert Deposit. 635 SS5 2K Peachbottem.... 7:12 4.-2S 318 Safe Harber. 7:55 5:11 5:xl Columbia.. 8:25 5:40 630 STATiem SecTH-lExpress. Express. Accem ward. a. v. T.M. A.X. Columbia. 1!U1' 6:20 7:45 r. . ArUKM Safe Harber. 12:06 6:4tt Le9:e Peachbottem..... 12:48 7:32 11.07 Pert Deposit 1:25 8:05 122U "DEADINU COLUMBIA R.K. ARRANGEMENT OFPASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY", JULY 11th, 1881. NORTHWARD. .. tBAV:. .. p.ji. r.M. A.M. A.x. r.x. r. m. &40 .1. -iSU 7:50 .... 3:40 8:00 1:05 3:50 7:50 1:10 3:10 10:05 3:20 5.50 Quarryviiie t:40 .1. u:30 7:35 Ijinaister, King St 7:50 3:40 9:15 Lancaster 8:00 1:05 3:50 9:27 cetuniuia. ARRIVK. Reading SOUTHWARD, LKAVB. AH. M. P.M. P.M ah. it. r.x. 7r25 12:00 U:I0 P.M. !h35 2:10 8:20 9:27 2.10 8:08 9:37 .... 8:20 10:37 .... 9-.50 KCUillng ARRIVK. Columbia Lancaster. 9:27 2.10 8:08 5:30 Lancaster, King St....... 9:37 8:20 5:40 Quarryviiie 10:37 9-.50 C:45 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Pettaville. Ilarrisburg, Al Al lentewn and New Y'erk, via Round Broelt Reute. At Columbia witli trains te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Sunt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after MONDAt MAY' Itith, 181, 'trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive and leave the Lan caster and Philadelphia depots asfolleww: Pimwinn Leave Arrive -BTWARP. Lanc'ler Phil!'.. Cincinnati Express 2:55 a.m. 5:15 a. m Fast Line 5:d8 ' 7:35 Yerk Accem. Arrives; 8.00 " .... Uarrtsburg Express 8:05- " 10:10 Dlllervllle Aeeeni. Arrives, 8:45 ' .... Columbia Accommodation, 9;iu 12:01p.m. Frederick Accem. Arrives, 1:10 " .... Paclltc Express 1:2.) p.m. 3:20 Sunday Mall, 20 " 5:00 " Johnstown Express 3.06 " 5:30 ' Chicago Day Express 4:35 " 6:35 St. Leuis Day Express 4:48 " l.45 Ilarrisburg Accommedai'n, 6:25 " 'MMt Mall 9.00 1 11:35 Wbstward. Leave I Arrivu Fhilad'a Lanc'ter Way Passenger, Mail Train Ne.l.via Mt Jey, Mail Train Ne. 2,v in Cel'lda. Niagara A Chicago Express Sunday Mall, Fast-Line, Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville Local.vlaMt.Jey Ilarrisburg Accommedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, Ilarrisburg Express, Pittsburg Express, CIueinnatRxpress, Pacific Express, 12:30 i 7.30 9:00 8:00 12.10 5:00 a.m 10:20 " 10:25 " 10:55 " 10:50 ' 2:30 P.M. 235 " 2iSO " 5:45 " 7:2C " 730 830 " 2::ai 4:00 5:30 6:25 9:10 11:55 r.M. 11.55 2.15 A.M Pacific Express, east, en sunnay, wuen nag Sed, will step at Middletown, Klizabethtewn, It. Jey. Landlsville, Bird-in-llaud, Leiuaii Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Ceafes ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downlngtewn.Coatesville, Parkes hnrg,Mt. Jey, Elizubethtewn and Middletown. Hanover accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster witli Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:00 a. m., will run threngh te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:30 p. m., and will run tnreuirh te Frederick. vhOTume. iAl.I. CAMPAIGN, 1881. Our first Invoice et the season or FALL Al WINTER MS MEN'S WEAK Arrived 1 0-1 lay. During this week the bulk of our Foreign orders -will be la stock. We will be prepared te show the finest line or ENGLISH AND FRENCH NOVELTIES ever ettered te the citizens or Lancaster, in clndlns a roll line of the ever popular and celebrated Talamen's Specialties, confined ex clusively for our trade and conceded te he the handsomest goods imported, together with a choice line et tlie latest novelties or the lead ing manufacturers. We invite an early In spectlen et our stock, feeling It our duty te advise persons in want or a Suit or an Over coat ler Fidl or Winter te place their orders early before the rush commences te Insure entire satisfaction. All are cordially invited te call at 121 N. QUEEN STREET. J. K SMATJNG, ARTIST TAILOR. MWAS VU1NA HN1 OLA8SWAKm. H IHU Si MARTIN. DECORATED WARE AT CHINA HALL. Constantly en hand and receiving a large line et Decorated French China (HavilandM and Porcelain Ware In FKU1T SETS, ICE CICEAM SETS, BREAKFAST SETS, KUOTH HOWLS D INS Eli SETS, TEA SETS, RREA A'f'AST SETS, A. D. COFFEES A 1.9 ru Line et Decorated CMr Sets. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 East King. Street. The queen or medicinal soaps, the matchless Cuticura. Sales, 1979, 450,000 cakes. VAKKIAUKH, dtV. Carriages ! Carnages I EDGERLEY & COS, PracticarCarrUge Bailden, Market Street, Rear of Central Market Ilensez, Lancaster, Pa. We have en hand a Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which we offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, uive us a call -Repairing promptly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed for bat purpose. fu&UdAw i.