'L' - se"w LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCEK. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 1881. 3 Eancastct Intelligencer TUESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 27, 1881. ISUWMANSVtLLK JUtlErs. News from a Thriving Ceautry Town. JJewmansville, Lancaster county, is a thriving village en tbe state read from New Helland te lleadiug and two miles south of the Berks county line. The vil lage bas four streets and between one and two hundred inhabitants. The business places are : J. B. Mussclman, general country store, also a cigar manufactory ; W. S. GrelF, coach manufacturer, employs six persons, demand for his coaches has caused him te build a large factory re cently ; J. Z. Palm, principal blacksmith, has three employees and docs a large busi ness ; T. W Mcssncr, furniture maker and contractor, docs a flourishing busi ness ; G. H. Bewman, marble cutter, employs three pcrse'ns, among whom is Jehn Guntiicr, sculptor, of Reading. J. II. Miller, dealer in stoves, tin-ware, etc., does a geed business. In addition te the above t!ic village contains one doctor, a justice of 'the peace, a constable, a job printing office and a geed brass band. Three new school houses are put up in this township this year. At Muddy Creck, Silver Hill and Geed's. They will be JJO by 40 feet of stene and will be furnish ed with the latest improved patent furni ture, and each house will have a belfry and bell. The following teachers are em ployed te take charge of the schools dur ing the coming term : Miss Frances The resa Krcamcr, at Stone Hill ; Miss C. Sue Deem, at Silver Hill ; Louise G. Geed, at White Oak; Let W. Fraiiklieuscr, at Muddy Creek ; James W. Celdren, at Chestnut Hill; II. W. Haller, atStaevcrs; N. Franklin Hall, at Bewmausville. lied Hun school is vacant. M. T. Zieglcr has erected a line and commodious two-story stone dwelling house in town. IJcv. C. S. Slauffcr has tern down his dwelling house and in its place has elected a large and mere sub stantial brick mansion in town en Main street. S. (J. Seifeit, esq., has erected a fine house en his farm in the suburbs of the town, in place of the one which he tore down. Thcodeic Mussulman and Jehn Z. l'.ilm, have been te Washington, I). (J., te view the president's body. I. S. Becker, of the Denver iron works, was in tir.u looking after the interest of his business. Dr. anil Mrs. A. II. Kissinger, were in Heading during the firemen's tourna ment. D. II. ShillVr. assistant pest master, has accepted the lhtihj Eaijle agency from Beading. Jcicmiali Davidsen, mail driver between Fairvilie and Beading, was confined te his house en account of sickness. The tobacco crop throughout this part of the county is a failure. Geed fields are very scarce ; some few small patches here and thcic are of an average growth, but nine out of ten acres will net make a half crop, and acres of the weed may be seen that will net be worth cutting Seme farmers are sewing their winter seed, ethers preparing te de se, and still ethers waiting for rain belere beginning the wei k. Water is low and many wells and springs are entirely dry. Apples have nearly all fallen from the trees withered and scorched te a brownish color. Net since the death of our lamented Lincoln has there existed such a universal feeling of saduessand gloom as enshrouded this section upon the receipt of the news that James A. Garfield is dead. There is a sad pall hanging ever the town all the citizens being mere or less affected. Many houses here are draped in mourning. OUK llKKMr.. Return 1 the Hlillller Their Reception Ijy tli Friendship Parade ami ItaiKjuet. The Shinier left Beading at C o'clock Saturday evening, being escorted. te the depot by one of the Beading companies, and arrived in this city about 0 o'clock. They were met at the outer depot by a committee of reception of the Friendship company and escorted by them te the rear of that company stationed en I'rincc street right resting en James street. The line of march wa then commenced down James street te North Qtiseu and thence te the ShiMler engine heust: in the following order : Committee of Reception of the Friendship Fire Company, Cleinmcns's City Band, Chief Engineer Arneld and Assisf.uils Hewell and Jacobs, Friendship Fire Company SO men Chief Marshal, Jehn MeCullcv, Assist ants, Thes. F. MeEfligett, Gee. Campbell, J. Kcese. Keystone Band, Shililcr Fire Company 08 men equipped Shinier Steamer. The Friendship were a black fatigue cap and white silk badge and each man carried a Chinese lantern. Arriving at the Shinlcrciigiuc house the Friendship opened order, and, after giving them ample, time te change, hats and put away the innumerable tiiukcts brought with them, the column was again formed Excelsior hall being the desired point, in the second story of which a banquet, get up by the Friudship, awaited tliem. After each company had filed in, a com pany ou either side of the long table, Vice President Jehn McCulley, of the Friend ship, welcomed the Shiftier, spoke of the geed :celiug existing between the twe.and invited them te partake of the Friend ship's hospitality. Mr. P. S. Goedmau happily responded te Mr. McCulley; lye hoped the existing geed feeling would continue, and that his company may have a chance te return the compliment te her "twin sister.'' Scarcely had he closed his remarks ere the Keystone band rendered "Heme Airain," and before the echo of the last strain was heard the City band, from opposite end of the room, gave as a sequel " Auld Lang'Sync." " Pitch in " was the order given, and what followed may be imagined. It was near midnight wheu, after giving three reusing cheers for the Friendship, the Shiftier were allowed te return te their headquarters. The affair as a whole was a success, due te the indefatigable labors of the. commit tee of reception, consisting of Messrs. Geerge Nerbcck, James Fellcnbaum, Gee. S. Laudis, Andrew Mcixcll, James Flags, and the skill of the Messrs. Schecnbcrger. Mr. Jehn Garden, formerly of this place and new of Altoeua, and a member of the Goodwill tire company of the latter city, was a guest of the Friendship at the ban quet. He was fully equipped in his company's uniform. Hew te Get Well? ThousandsetpeiSsonsarc constantly Doubled with a combination of iliscu.su.-. Diseased kiinlneys ami costive bowels arc lic:lr tormen tormen eors. They Muiuld knew that hidncy-Wert nets en these erpins at the miiuc time, causing them te threw oil the poison that have clogged them, and e renewing the whole man. Ilun clfcils t stil'j te this J'ittsbiiry Pest. scp2G lwd&w Honorable Mention. Ot all the remedies en earth that well may claim atti'iitieu, lJr. Themas' Eclectric Oil command-" especial mention Fer wondrous power te cure disease, its fame none can throttle. Its merits are net in the putt, but' 'ure inside the bottle. Rheumatism, neuralgia, sere threat, asthma, bronchitis, diphtheria, etc., are. all cured by Themas Kclectric Oil. for miIe at II. IS. Cochran's drug store. 137 North Queen hi reef, Lancaster. Kidney Complaint Cured. 15. Turner, Rochester, N. Y., writes : " I have been for ever a year subject te serious dls dls dls orderef the kidneys, and often unable te at tend te business:'! procured your Burdock Bleed Hitters and was relieved before half a bottle was used. 1 intend te continue, as 1 feel confident t hat they will entirely cure me." Price f I. Fer sale ut II. It. Cochran's drug store. 'il North Queen streets Lancaster. Experientla Iecet. We must tell some men a great deal te teach them a littl, but the knowledge of the cura tive properties of Spring Blessem in cases of Hick ncadache, indigestion, and biliousness Is bought by experience. Price SO cents. Fer sale at II. IJ. Cochran's drug store, 137 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster. MEltlCAL. VALUABLE TRUTIIS. If you are suffering from peer health, or languishing en a bed of sickness, take cheer, or Hep Hitter 17111 Cure Toe. I J you are simply ailing: If you feel weak and dispirited, without clearly knowing why, Ueji lilt ters 1VI11 Rev ve Yeu. If yen are .n minister, and have overtaxed yourself with your pastoral duties ; or a mother, worn out with care and work. Hep Hitters Will Restore Yeu. If you arc a man et business, weakened by the strain of your everyday duties; or a man of letters, toiling ever your midnight work, Hep Hitters Will Strengthen Yeu. If you are young, ami suffering from any in discretion, or arc growing tee fast, as is elten tte case, Heii Hitlers 1V1II Relieve Yeu. If you are in t lie work shop, en the farm, at the dek any where, anil feel that your system needs cleansing, toning or stimulating with out Intoxicating, Hep Hitters Is What Yen Need. It you aie old, ami veur pulse is feeble, your nerves unsteady, and your faculties waning, Hep Hitters will give you New Life and Viger. Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company, Rochester. New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario, ic3-lydMWFAw K iunkv wok;. TJIi: ONLY MEDICINE IN EITHER LIQUID OR IUY FORM That Acts at the Same Time en The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys. WHY ARE WE SICK? . Jiecausc u-e ullew thc.e yreitt organ te be come clogged or torpid, antt poiimneMi humors are therefore forced into the bleed Unit theuld be expelled naturally. KIDNEY WOKT WILL SU 11 ELY CURE KiDXF.Y MSEASES, LIVEU COMPLAINTS, Pile, Constipation, Urinary diseases, Feiuale Weakness and Nervous Disorders, by causing free action of these organs undre storing their 'power te threw off diatase. U' In sutler bilious pains and aches? Why tormented with Piles, Constipation? Why frightened ever disordered Kidneys? Why endure nervous or sick headaches? Vie KIDNEY WOKT and rejoice in health. i" It is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, hi O-tin cans, one package of which makes six SJ-ijuarts of medicine. JSSAl.e in Liquid Ferm, very Concentrated 49" for the convenience et these who cannot ei' readily prepare it. 11 acts with equal tftr c(ilcicuci in cither form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, SI. WELLS, 1UCHAKDS0X As CO., Trey's, Hurliugteu, Vt. I Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec 27 Iyd.tw4 tiCMUtV AND CHAMOMILE PILLS. IN THESECRET. railroad .he:;, hank officers and capi rA lists affected SERIOUSLY. A Little luslde Chapter That Will be Head Willi Intercut by the Public. Railroads, ban s and capitalists arc thugre:it moving and controlling power of the world new, and there Isa road.areugh read, through which all that attain te eminence inu.st pass anil many tall in the light. Thought, study, mental and brain work is ttic highway te emi nence, and work, thought, worrying, plan ning, calculating, all feed upon the brain and nervous system, and t'je results are Nervous Prostration, Heart Disease, Apoplexy, Paraly sis, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleepless Nights, Sick and Nervous Headache, and a sudden dropping out of the business ranks from over work and nervousness in some of its forms. This is the natural consequence; but it the nervous system is fed and suppperted in pro portion te the waste and demands made upon it, these fearful results would net be heard et or known. The remedy is a simplc.sensibloeUc. Simply te feed the overworked. Irritable nervous sys tem. And that ean lie done, and that is being 'done successfully every day, by the use et Dr. j.enseus uciery ami ciiamuiiiiicj.'ius,u special preparation for Nervous Disease, sick and Nervous Headache, Nervousness, Sleepless ness, Neuralgia and Dyspepsia. These pills are net a patent medicine, but made by a reg ular physician and used by the profession at large. Sold by all druggists. Price. . ',0c. a box. Depot, 10.! North Kutaw street, Baltimore, Mil. Bv mail two boxes for $1, or. six boxes for fcJ.50, te any addre-s. DR. O. W. BENSON'S New Kcmcily and Favorite Prescription. SKIN CURE Is Warranted te Cute KC.EMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAM MATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROM. 11 SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OK HAIR AND SCALP. SCROFULA, ULCERS, P1MPLKS AND TENDER 1TCII1NGS en all pari et" the body. It makes the skin white, Mill, and smooth; removes tan and freckles, and is the I'.est toilet diessingiii the Wnild. Klegantly put up, two bottles in one package, consisting et" both internal and ex ternal treatment. All lirst-class druggl-ts have il. Price $1 per package. augiMyi I M . W .V S A w yveM'r GO TO RKD TO-NIGHT BEFORE YOU GO TO I Ne. 9 EAST KING STREET. And purch-ise a Bettle of LOOHEirS DEATH ON MQSQUITOS, AND THEN SLEEP IN PEACE. PRICE, 15c. a Kettle. N J OTIC K. DR. V, A. GREENE Takes this opportunity of notifying his nu merous patients and these who desire te get well, who are new diseased, that he will leave Lancaster about the FIRST OP AUGUST FOR HIS SUMMER VACATION. Renewals et his remcdials may lie obtained during Ids absence at his offices. C. A. GREENE, M. D. Ne. 14a F.AST KING STREET, OlidM-WFASl Lancaster. Pa. LIQUORS, SC. WHITK WINK V1NEG AK, 95 PliR CENT. Alcohol. Wine i and Liquors, Coffees, Sugars and Teas, all at RINGWALT'S tebW-lvd Ne. 303 West King Street. MEDICAL. READ THIS Lancaster, Pa.. Api il 23, 1SSI. Tax Kidxetccra Mi'b Cexiant. Qentt It gives me much pleasure te say that after using one pack et KIDNEYCURA I have been entirely cured et a severe pain in my back and side, of long standing, and that, tee, after tiying various known remedies. 1 have every confidence in your medicine, cheerfully recommend it, and knew that many of my mends who have used it have been benefited. PETER BAKER, m3Clyd Foreman Examiner and Express. OPECIAL AND CHRONIC DISEASES. Mary A. Longaker, M. D., OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, . Lancaster, pa., Diseases or the Eye, Ear and Threat Treated as a Specialty. Particular attention given te the treatment et Diseases or Women and Children. Free examination and treatment dally ex cept Sunday from 11 a. m. te 1 p. m. Consul tations in English and German. H. D. LONGAKER, M. D., LATE OF PHILADELPHIA, NOW OF LANCASTER, PA.. Office : Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, offers his professional services te the afflicted especially te these suffering from Chronic or Special Diseases. He will begladtoseeand talk with them. Itis his practice te plainly declare a disease incurable if he believes it te be se. In the case whicii he undertakes, he guarantees te de all that ean be done by unwearied atten tion and the application of experienced skill, gained bv many years of practice in treating disease in its various and most malignant forms. That his skill has net been exerted In vain, numerous certificates, that may be seen at his office, will testily. t'uticcrs, Tumors end SwelHugs Cures Without Palu or Using the Knife or Drawing Bleed. Skin Dlneases and every description et Ul ccratlen. Piles and Scrofulous Diseases Perma nently Cured. Female Diseases, Acute or Chronic, speedily and radically cured. Diseases of the Lungs, Threat, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys can undoubtedly be cured. Particular attention given te Private Dis eases of every description; also that state of alienation and weakness et mind, which ren ders persons incapable of enjoying the pleas ures of performing the duties of lite, complete ly cured, and the patient restored te active health and the enjoyments et life. Diseases et" the Eye and Eur treated as a specialty. Dr. Longaker will make professional visits any distance. Can be consulted by letter (con fidentially), and medicine sent with proper directions te an v rtart et the country. CONSULTATIONS FREE. Office: Ne. 13 East Walnat Street, LANCASTER, PA. Je25-lydTu.Th&S4w i)ky aoevm. VTKW CHEAP STOKE. I! Alii) & HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR Fer .Men, Women and Children. LargcstSteck In tiiis city at Lewest Prices. LOTS OF CHEAP STOCKINGS FOlt Men, Women and Children, AT Till: NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, r.etwecn the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel. (Adler's Old Stand.) LANCASTER, PA. DKV OODS, &C. . NEW FALL AND WINTER DRV GOODS. IAGER & BROTHER Have new open Full Lines et FLA XXELS, JtLAXKETS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, VELVETS, PLUSHES, CLOAKS, CLOAKINGS, SHAWLS, ., UW1U1J, GLOVES -ASIH- LACE GOODS. We Invite examination. Hapr & Brether. Ne. 25 West King Street. ISIRrV CZOIHLSO, USTtERlfXAM, &C. rpHU EN r EKFKISINU CLOTHIM HOUSE OF 1 C. YATES & CO., ALWAS ALIVE TO TUE INTERESTS OF TOT! PEOPLE, HAVE PREPARED A LARGE STOCK FOR THE FALL AND -WINTER SEASONS. 1881, FROM WHICH YOU CAN ALWAYS MAKE SATISFACTORY SELECTION. SEND FOR SAMPLES. LEDGER BUILDING, Chestnut and Sixth. Streets, PHILADELPHIA. eptl-lmd OPRINO OPKNINO AT H. GERHART'S New Tailoring; MMiM, Ne. 6 East King Street. I have jnt completed fitting up one of the Finest Tailoring Establishments te he found In this state, and am new prepared te show my customers a stock of goods for the SPRING TRADE. which for quality, style and variety et Patterns has never been equaled in this city. I will keen and sell no goods which I cannot recommend te my customers, no matter hew low In price. All goods warranted as -represented, and prices as low as the lowest, at Ne. 6 East King Street, Next Doer te the New Yerk Stere. H. GERHART. N KW STOCK (IF CLOTHINO , 0R SPRING 1881, D. B. Hostetter & Seu's, Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Having made un usual ctrerts te bring before the public a line, stylish and well made stock et BEADY-HADE GL0THIN&, we arc new eienared te show them one et the most carefully selected stocks of clothing in this city, ut tlie Lewest Cash Prices. MEN'S, UOYS' AND YOUTHS' OLOTHLNG! IN GREAT VARIETY. Piece Goods et the AleU Stylish Designs! and at prices within the reach et all. 49Uive us a call . D. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, W-lyd ' LANCASTER, PA. W1'1 1AMSON & KOSTKK. THE SURPRISE AI'.OUT Beys' & Children's Clothing Is that we have EXTRA PANTS AJJD PIECES FOR PATCHES, That are of the same geed i. Ladies have often complained te us that there was no goods with the Suits that they could use for Patches, as boys will wear out two pair et Pants with one Ceat. Rut new we can accommodate them. OUR ASSORTMENT OF Scheel Suits for Beys Is very large this lull, ami we have selected the goods with great care, and are new prepared te give the very best goods ter the least amount of money. HniXIAMSON & FOSTER'S ONE-PRICE HOUSE, 36-38 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. CLemixa, jtc. . PHE BUSINESS OF SELLING CLOTHING OAJK. HALL Has grown te its present greatness because these points are faithfully observed : IN MAKING. Te Get the Best Material. Te Spenge it Properly. Te Cut it Fashionably. Te Sew it'Thoreughly. The Stock or MEN'S CLOTHING U always kept very lull In assortment, even te the end et the season. In UOYS' CLOTHING the Styles and Trimmings are net approached by any Clothing Heuse In the Country. A cordial welcome Is ready for all who come, and we expect te sell only when people are satisfied tn every respect. WAEOLAKER & BROWN, OAK HATiTt, Sixth and Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. THE LAIiGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IX AMERICA. "If A LI. CAMPAIGN. F MYERS & RATHFON Are 1 elter prepared than ever te accommodate tiie pnblic in BEADY-MADE CLOTHLNG, FOR MEN, YOUTHS, ROYS AND CHILDREN, At bottom prk'PH. all our own manufacture no Sheildv Clethinir. A man can net the best Ten Dellar All Weel Suit ut Centre Hall sold in Clothing Is sold proportionately cheap. Buying prom, uur custom Department is lull anil complete, it you want a Cheap liitsiness hull you can have it made te order (all wool) from Fifteen te Twenty-live Dollars, Dress Suits from Eighteen te Forty Dollars. And remember you have the Largest Stock and the Rest Variety te select from, and satisfaction In every wuy guaranteed. We are prepared te make up at short notice and in the best style and at the lowest prices. Our Cutters arc Firt-Class. Our stock et GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Is full and complete. Don't fall te call and leek threugh'Ccntrc Hall belere you mai.-e your Fall and Winter purchase. Yeu will Unit willing hands te show you through tint iminiiiM iminiiiM steck et WoeIciih. Overcoats by yie hundred ler Men, Youths, Reys and Children. MYERS & RATHFON. CENTRE HALL, Ne. IS EAST KlNti STREET, MIS CELL HKLLMUT1I 1.AU1KS' COLLEGE. Patroness, II. It. 11. Princess Louise. Founder and President, The Right Rev. I.llellniutli, D. I) 1. C. L., Lord Rishep of Huren. F4II Ttrm opens Wednesday, .Sept. '.M. Handsome ami upacieus buildings, beautilully situated in a most healthy locality, about four hours by rail from Niagara Falls, and en one of the principal through routes between the East and West. The Grounds comprise 110 acres. The aim of the Founder et this college Is te provide the high est intellectual and practically useful education. The whole system Is based upon the sound, est PltOTr.STANT principles, as the only solid bails for tiie right lormatien et churactcr FKKNCII is the language spoken in the college. MUSIC a specialty. Heard, Laundry and Tuition Fees, including the whole course of English, t he Ancient and Modern Languages. Cal isthenics, Drawing and Painting, use of Piane and Libiary, Medical Attendance and Medicine, M30O per annum. A reduction et one-half ler the daughters et clergymen. Fer "circulars" and lull particulars address MISS CLINTON, Lady Principal llellniutti Ladies' College, Lon Len Lon eon, Ontario, Canada. IM-llltilMAK uiiY a vans, vndeuweae, xc. 8' OJlETntriG NKTvi LACE THREAD UNDERSHIRTS, Feather-weight drawers. SUSPENDERS, AT ERISMAN'S, THE sniRTMAKER, Nil. 5G UOKTII yUKkN STKKKT, J." MARTIN & CO. OUR STOCK OF Is ready ler your inspection. New Patterns ter Fall. SPECIAL BARGAIN ! CO PIECES TAPESTRY, NEW PATTERN AT 7."iC, WORTH S0. SEWING 5c. EXTRA. AB'-Takc a leek at them before purchasing elsewhere. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets; LANCASTER. PA. pi RAND OPENING OF NEW FALL GOODS NEW YORK STORE. 8 & 10 KAST KING STKEKT. We are new showing one of the largest and best asserted stocks of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, in the state at t he lowest market prices. Special ettering of DRESS GOODS Embracing the Latest Novelties of the season. Ombre Stripes and Plaids, all Weel French Plaids, Newest Colorings in Weel Suitings. Full lines of RIack and Colored Silks. Mack and Colored all Weel Cashmeres, Surrahs and Plain Satins ill the New Fall Shades. Canten Flannels, Muslins & Sheetings, and all kinds of Demestic Dry Goods, we are selling at less than Agents' Prices, having bought them previous te recent advance. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 1 Case Gcrstcr Suit ings at 2."c. per yard. :i Cases lest quality Pleached Muslins, perfect goods, in libit and quarter pieces. WATT, SHAND I CO., ' 8 & 10 E. KING STREET. JEWELERS. LJILVEK JKWKLRY. LACE FINS, .EAR RINGS AND BRACELETS. NECK CHAINS AND HAIR PINS, STUDS; SLEEVE BUTTONS AND SCARF PINS OF SILVER. AUGUSTUS RHOAUS, Ne. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa (1KAIN AND PROVISIONS UODGHT T sold and carried for customers in Chicago and Philadelphia, in large and small lets, en margins te suit, by S. K. YUNDT, Breker, Ne. 15K East King Street, lyl6-3md Jncaster, Pa. Carpets Fan AT IN SELLING. Te Get the Cash. Te Have One Price. Te Pay Back Meney if Unsuited. Te Guarantee the Goods. ALL. CAMPAIGN. America. While this is a specially, yet all our ynur Clothing at Centre Hall yen save one LANCASTER I'EN.VA. A NEO US. CLOTHIA'tl. pVL L CAMPAIGN, 1881. Our 11 rat invoice et the season of FALL AND WINTER GOODS MEN'S WEAR Arrived te-day. During this week the hulk et our Foreign orders will be in stock. We will be prepared te show the 11 nest line of ENGLISH AND FRENCH NOVELTIES ever offered te the citizens of Lancaster, in-" eluding u full line of the ever popular and celebrated Talamen's Specialties, confined ex clusively for our trade and conceded te be the handsomest goods imported, together witli a choice line of the latest novelties of the lead ing manufacturers. We invite an early in spectlen et our stock, feeling It our duty te advise persons in want of a Suit or an Over coat ler Fall or Winter te place their orders early before, the rush commences te insim: entire satistaetien. All are cordially invited te call 'at 121 N. QUEEN STREET. J. K SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR. UWAS aitfT JtKA WIN US. 10J1MONWEAI.TII llISTRIItUTION CO 36th Popular Monthly Drawing or TUB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. in the City of Louisville, en FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act et the J General Assembly of Kentucky. 1 The United States Circuit Court en March 31, ! rendered the following decisiens: J 1st That the Commonwealth Ills tr I but Ien , Company lit legal. j Sil Its drawings are fair. N. R. The Company has new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes ler the SEPTEMIJElt DRAWING. 1 prize f 30,000 t prZt3 X'ifULU 1 jjrizu fyjAH. 10 prizes $1,000 each 10,000 'JO prizes soeeacli 10,000 Jioe prizes $100 each 10,000 M) prizes 50 cacii 1O.00C COO prices 20 each l',O0C 1000 prizes lOeacli 10,010 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " 1,810 9 prizes 100 each, " " 9C0 ij"u j) rizcs 71 iK0v Whole tickets, tl; hair tickets, $1 ; 27 tickets ISO; 55 tickets, J100. Remit Meney or Hank Draft in Letter, 01 send by Express.- DON'T SEND RV REGIS TERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDEK. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can In sent at our expense. Address all orders te It. SI. ltOAKDMAN, Courier-Journal Ruildlng, Louisville, Ky., 01 It. AI. ISOARI1MAN, 09 Rreadwav. New Verk. lelil-TuTh&SAw fAIfEUMIAStJISaS, Sc. TVTALL PAPKRS. Our New Patterns et WALLPAPERS are new coming In. The line embraces every grade, from the Lewest te the Finest Goods made. Plain Celer and Embossed Gilts for Parlors, Halls, Dining Roems.-Chainbcrs. Ac. Common and Lew-Priced Papers of even' description. Fringes, Borders, Centre Pieces, Transom Papers, &c. We have also opened a line lie et Dade Window Shades, entirely new, which are be coming very popular, or Plain Shading we have all colors and extra wide widths for lar"e window and store shades. " Scotch Hollands in cardinal, brown, buir white, ecru and green. American Hollands' Tin and Weed Spring Rellers, Cord Fixtures. Reller Ends, llrackcts.Plcture Wire and Cord, fringes. Leeps, Nails, Curtain Pins. Tassel Heeks, Ac. All colors et Paper Curtains, figured and plain, which will be sold te dealers at the lowest rates. Extension Window Cornices, the best and cheapest. Curtain Pelea In ash, ebony and walnut. 45-Orders taken for 1? INE'MIRftOHS. PHARES W. PRY, NO. 57 NORTH O.UEEN ST. CARPETS. QKKAT UAIUJAINS I v.xi:PKl. 1 claim te have th Largest and line tockei CARPETS best te the cheapest as low as 25c. per yard. FISEST ASD CHOICE iM TTERSX that ever can be seen t n this city. 1 also have a Large and Fine Stock et mi own make Oliaiu and Beg Carpets, AS LOW AS 35c. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDER at shot notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. JS-Ne trouble te show goods If you de in. wisli te purchase. I earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KINO STRBXT, ANCASTKR PA. IWllVKSS, AC. NEW CARPETS 40,000 YARDS. Xew Designs, HeautiTtiMy Colored. 1 no cents. &: cents.; i n cents. W) centM. (TTicenU. $1.00. , no cents. & cents.; INGRAINS TAPESTRY BRUSSELS WILTON AND MOQUETTES, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, LIGNUMS. (73 cents. $L0O. :CcentM. $1.10.; (!H) cents. $1.20. GOOD VALUE AT ALL PRICES. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown formally year.. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut. Street, at-lydeedA2twj PHILADELPHIA. flAKl'KTS, COAL, c. PHILIP SC1IU3I, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY,: Ne. Ml SOUTH WATER STREET, Lameastkr, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES. COVERLETS, BLANKETS. CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either in the piece or In Garments; also, all kinds of silks. Ribbenn, Feat hem and Woolen Gr.nd.-t Dyed. Gen tlcmen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants. Vests, Ac. Dyed or Scoured ; uKe, Indigo Bine Dycinp done. All orders or geed lelt with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal et the best quality put up expressly ! family use, and at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD IW1M1UTH WATER STREET. 2-lVdRSl PHILIP SCIIUM. SON A CO EOlTsAiE. ' - AIJCTi0NlAUCTl0N7! The undersigned ifc-Mgnce el D. S Bursk will sell at the store. Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET, tin-entire stock of GROCERIES, SUGAKS.COFFKES.TEAS.SYRUPS.SPICES, CANNED AND BOTTLE GOODS. Ahn. Lamps.chamlellers, Bracket Lumps and Lamp Fixtures, Glassware. Stoneware, Rock ingham Ware, Crockery, Flowerpots, Ac. Ac. Sale te commence en WEDNESDAY EVEN ING. SEPT. '., at 7 o'clock", and te continue eachievening until the enltre stock is sold. C. WIDM VER, Assignee. llEXltV SlimtKUT. AllCt. VJI-lfd toen ciiANcr. A DESIRABLE COAL AND LUMBER VARD FOR SALE. The undersigned eilers at private sale a property consisting of seven lotserground in the town et Springvllle, Lancaster county, at the station en the Pennsylvania Railroad, about one mile west of Mount .ley and near the Lancaster A Ilarrisburg turnpike. The improvements are a two-storied Frame Heuse 'llxll feet, used as a Rai'.read Station and Ticket Ollice, a Frame Warehouse Six IS feet, and Ceal and Lumber Yard, with about 2IM1 feet el Ceal Shedding. New Fair bank's Scales efS ten capacity; :U)0 Feetel Railroad Siding. Trestle work for duuidng coal, with space ler exten sion or same. Buildings mostly ncwanil every thing In geed order. Location pleasant. In a thickly settled agricultural neighborhood and a fast Improving town, with no rival business In the town. Has an established coal trade, and capacity and advantages te de 11 geed shipping business and Increased passenger travel. Price f'l.OlM 011 reasonable terms. Fer further liilormatlen address JOrf. II. II A BECKER. Spring (.'allien P. ., IcCO-Ini Lancaster County. Pa. ORPHANS' COURT SALkTF VAI.OAI1LK City Property. On MONDAY, OCTOBER '-I, It-Si, at the tiie Fountain Inn, in the city el Luncaster, the iindi-rsigued In pursuance of an order the Orphan' Court or Lancaster county, will cxpo-e te public sale the follow ing very valuable real estate, late et .1. Yeates Ceny ughain, deceased. All that certain half let or piece of land situated en the southwest corner et Seuth Ouecn and Milllin streets, in said city, Ne. 35, trenting '.VI feet 'li inches en Seuth ijueen street, and extending '-'I.', feet along Millliu street te Beaver street, which biimls it en the rear. The improvements area line old-fashioned three-story and attic brick house, with two story brick back building, large two-story brick stable, a large two story brick warehouse en Beaver street, hydrant, fruit tree-i, Ac., Ac. This is one 01 the most desirable prepertlei for either a resilience or a business Ktand. which has been offered in t Ids city for a long time. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. 111., when attendance will lie given and terms mace known by EMLEN FRANKLIN, A. K. WITMKR. Executers. Ac., et J. Yeates Cenyngluun.dec'd. IfKititr SiiirisKirr. Aitct. sep'iitsd lXklJUTOllV MALI-. OF PKKSOA AL PRO- Ej PERTY and valuable real estate. The undersigned executers of Elizabeth B. S. Harberger. deceased, will exneseat public sale en SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, last, at the Fountain Hetel, en Seuth Oueeu street, Lan caster, Pa., at 7 o'clock P. M., all that certain double two-story-Brick Dwelling Heuse, with brick buck building attached, together witli ether improvement, and let thereto belong ing, situated en Seuth tmeen street. In said city. Ne. 223, fronting en e:.st sine of Seuth Queen street 31 feet 8 inches and extending in depth of that width 112 feet 1; Inches, ad joining properties of Dr. .Jehn L. Atleeand Susan .Smith. This property is centrally lo cated and adcslmblc residence. In the afternoon all o'clock, en SATURDAY, OCTOBIiR 15, issi, en the above premises, said executers will also expose at public sale the following poena! property of said de ceased, viz.: Bed. Bedstead, Marble-top Wash stand, Bureau, Mantle Cleck, Leeking Glass, Walnut Cane seat Chairs and Rocking Chairs, and ether household and kitchen furniture tee numerous te mention. Persons wishing te view realty before day or sale may call en A. .1. Harberger, one of tha undersigncd.at Ne. ; West Chestnut street. Terms made known en day or sale by the undersigned, L. B. HARRERGEtc, A.. I. HARBERGER, Executers. Htat .t Se.v, Auctioneers. Sl7,20,2l,27Ael,l,9,II,ll COAL. b: B. MAKTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all klnda of LUMBER AND COAL. I f aril : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n&lyd C0H0 & WILEY, 3BO NORTH WATER ST., Lancaster, fm Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL." Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Otlice : Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. . lebSMyd u IO TO REILLY & KELLER -FOR- 00D, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Alse, Hay nml.Str.iw by the talc or ten. Farmers and ethers In want et Superfei Manure w-IH hml ft te their advantage te call nun, iiarnseurg r ikc. I Office. 20JtJ East Chestnut street. agl7-ft