B)t mti$x frttdJfcgeri8e Volume XVIII Ne. 22. LANCASTER PA.5 TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1881. Price Twe Ceils. vnv uevvs. M AllRfcT AND NINTH STKKETS, FUILAUKXPIIIA. SEPTEMBER, 1881. Lancaster Jntclligenrcr. TUESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 27, 1881. MORE Woolens In Stere. MORE Woolens under contract ler future delivery. MOKK Woolens afloat awlin transit from lereign countries. MOKE and greater facilities than ever before for meeting the wants and demands or the Uf;OPTiils is our situation at the opening of our FA 1.1. AND WINTER BUSINESS OF 1381. We new have already in pert a large invoice ei SEAL SKIN CLOTHS AND PLUSHES. COI.OR-UI.ACK, BROWN, SEAL. OTTER MOI.E, DItAll ANI) WHITE, FOR LADIES' COATS. SACQUE?, WRAPS, JACKETS, CLOAKS AND FOR TRIMMING. ."KALSKIN CLOTHS of every quality ami color will be ene et our leading specialties this heae:i. LADIES' DEESS CLOTHS. Our assortment contains mere new colors, a greater variety of shades anil a wider langc or effects in SMALL CHECKS, STRIPES AND NEAT SMALL FIGURES, &c, than can be found elsewhere. Seme of our lriding colors, are handsome, bright shades et l.Uhi'.., OLIVE, SAGE, liltOWX, GARNET, &e. Children's Saeques and Wraps. NEW FUiVRKD CLOTHS IN GREAT VARIETY FOR YOUNG MUSES", CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS1 WEAR. OUR mars aid boys' depaetimts Have received their usual careful attention, only our purchases have been larger te meet the demands el our grewini. business. Much attention has been devoted te selecting line, season able and fashionable fabrics for G EXTLEM UN's STREET AND DRESS SUITS. FLANNELS FOR UNDERWEAR And ether general purposes, in iarge assortment et every quality at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES lerthe REST STANDARD MAKES. INVITATIONS are cordially extended te citizens and strangers te make a personal cxaminatlonjef the Largest unit Handsomest Stock et Cleakings and Woolens in Philadelphia at Retail. SNODGRASS, MURRAY & CO., (JltKA T RETAIL CLOTH HOUSE, Market and Ninth Streets, Philadelphia. rscpU'.Kiind&w NEWS OF THREE DATS. G 11VI.KU, IIOWKUS & HUltST! i :vi.i:i:, r UUWritS A: IIUKSTI STRIKING INCIDENTS OF P.KCCNT OCCCKKkNCE. Colliding freight trains near Crockett, Tcx killed the fireman of one and engi neer el the ether. Wm. Applegatc, of Trenten, was fatally crushed between the fenders of the steamboat Gem at Florence. The falling wall of a burned building iu Denver, killed Isaac McG'ermack. James Williams's body was horribly mangled in fallir g down a 500 feet coal shaft near Wilkcsbarrc. The boiler explosion of a steam thresher killed three men and a lady in Tburlew, Out. At a coal mine near West Kcllevillc, Missouri; Dickey Helmes, aged 5, while picking coal was horribly burned en a " slack pile" of meuldering fire ; his fester sister, aged 14, rushed in te save him and was se burned that both died. The forest fire which desolated a large territory in California and rolled a sheet of llamc up the slopes of Mount Tamalpais, was accidentally kindled by a careless farmer named William Pixlcy, in the attempt te rid his land of troublesome underbrush, lie perished iu the fiery fur nace which he set blazing aud in the at tempt te step the flames heroically met his fate. Elmira, N.Y., has experienced an earth quake, followed by a hurricane. Censul erablc damage was done te property. A strange disease has broken out among the horses in St. Leuis, aud eue-tlnrd el tlie entire number in that city arc new sick. An incendiary lire at Lawrence. Mich . consumed the pest office and several other ether building. A lire at Ottawa, 111., destroyed tlie town hall and oilier" property, in volving an estimated less of ever $150,000. At liestdii, Jehn ! .ii)y, a laborer, in a fit of jealousy ku.;:keil his wife down, jumped upon her stomach she being in a delicate condition and then cut her threat with a razor. Fiederick Ueittingcr, an aged man, en whose life it is said, parties have an insurance of $70,000, has been found drowned at Wilkcsbarre, Pa. One half of the business portion of Lawrence ARE NOW SHOWING THE LARGEST STOCK OF OW STYLE CAEPETS IS L A N C A ST I : R, AT T 1 1 K LOWEST PRICES. CALL AND SEE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. . -:e: GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST'S Dry Ms, MA Tailor nd Carem 25 EAST KING STttE it LANCASTER, TA. IIOVSi: FIKXISIllStl vaults. J OUN 1.. AKNOLI). J OliN 1.. AKNOLI). I.arge-d, Finest and Chcapi--t Stock el CHA-JNTDELIERS EVER SEEN IX LANCASTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAS GLOBES CHEAP. TIN" VLATE AND PLUMBER'S SUPPLIES. L . JOHN L. ARNOLD, Neb. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. fapi-3-tld AUOl: STOCK. Ulllll OOIW. I UW rillUM. Fer Heusefurnishing Goods. STOVES, HEATERS, FURNACES, KOOM STOVES, RANGES; ' PARLOR STOVES, OFFICE STOVES, EGG STOVES, AND ALL OTHER KIND OF STOVES, Cliaudeliers, Lamps, and all kind of Lamp (Joerts, MAUBLEIZED SLATE MANTELS. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, &c, GO TO FLIra" & WILLSON'S, 150 & 152 North Queen Street. MlLf.IXEi:Y. 1881. JUST OFKNKI. JUST MUCKED THE LATEST STYLES OF THE $$. NEW FALL GOODS, Compiling rfilllncry in all it branches ei HATS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS & RIBBONS. Alse all tin- Latest Fall Styles et Dress Trimmings, Buttens, Fringes, Gimps, Kill Gloves Hiiythlngclse that can be found in a Hrst-class Trimming Stere. OUR MOTTO : " BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES," M. A. HOtTQ-HTON'S CHEAP STOKE, J Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, ami ffj,'! pAKKtSll'S UA1K BAtSAM. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Never clncs MEDIVAI T)AKKIiU'S GINGEKTONIC. -Tlic Best. Cheapest ami Most Economical Hair Dressing. mcili- the Restorer Ever Used. It cures KUlncys, anil intoxicates. r falls te restore yeutliful color te gray lialr. sue. ami 91 sizes. FRKER'S GINGER TONIC Ginger, Bucliu, Mandrake, anil many of the best m i known are here combined into a medicine of such varied powers, as te inakc it Mifnct IClWliI I'lirilll!' ILUll AHUliCSi ?... i,i. .r, .j.i,.i. 7vnr.ininti of Women, and diseases et the Stomach. Bowels, Lungs, Liver and is entireiv different Irem Hitters, Ginger Essences, and etner Tonics, as It never 5l"7a 2. nicnnv ivi I'lir.mU. V V lm rr i vimr lnivinc SI size. OK. auu l alius. iii!. v-K s., v....., ... -. 0 0 r scpl'-I-lycodcewAw village, nine miles west of raw l aw, Mich., has been wiped out by lire. lhc less is $31,000 ami the insuraiice less than $10,000. The store of II. L. Cernell, whose less is $20,000, with insurance $8,000, had been entered by burglars and then set en fire. The pest eflicc was among the buildings burned. The contents were saved. Jehn McCiisker, a painter aged 50, of New Yerk, had an altcreai ion with .Tames Feley. Later in the evening their quarrel was renewed, McCusker hied two shots at Feley whom he missed, but one ball sit tick Maggie llenis, a peer and re spectable girl, in the forehead and killed her instantly. Tlie presidential ISnrtul Let. Tlie luiint-. selected and which Mrs. Gar field approved, is ene of tiie highest in the grounds. The view which it commands is beautiful. Lake Krie lies two and a half miles te the north. The oily, with its spires and many columns of smoke, lies down in the west three miles away. Be tween the bluff and the lake arc level lands covered with garden plots. At tlie feet of the bluff is a little lake en which white swans lleat. The ground is rolling, and divided by a ravine. The point upon which the president's monument is te stand is a sort of promontory ever-looking this scene. People carried away twigs and pebbles as mementoes of the spot. The body will net be buried here ler :i month. In the meantime it will be de posited in the receiving vault.. The celli ns already there will be concealed from view by the black hangings of the walls and ceilings. The lady teachers of the public schools have contributed $250 worth of cut ilewers for its decoration The approach te the vault will be under a black canopy and ever thickly strewn ever greens and rosebuds. The casket will be placed upon a bier in the centre of the lloer. A Ulg Wst. Chester Kebbery. Twe strange men entered Jonathan I. Garrett's shoe store in West Chester en Friday night and bought a valise, into which one of them stuficd a box contain ing $1",000 in money and papers which was lying in a cupboard en the wall, while tlie storekeeper was decoyed by the ether thief into another room. The thieves had been in the store en the pre vious day looking at valises, and returned as thev had premised. Five minutes after the men had disappeared with their pre cious luggage the robbery was discovered. Garrett with the sheri IV, a constable and a couple of policemen, started in pursuit. When S):20 p. m. train for Philadelphia was about starting the robbers were seen bearding the cars. One man with the papers and money was captured after the train moved off, but the ether fellow es es eiincd. Michael Haley, the prisoner gave his residence as Philadelphia, and impli cated "Thrcc-fingcrcd Jee" Walten, a dis charged Eastern penitentiary convict. The Deatli-Dcaling Tornado. On Saturday afternoon a tornado swept ever a path two miles wide and through the heart of Quincy. The reef of Joel Harrison's tobacco factory was blown off. and the walls toppled ever, killing Henry Woedhousc and badly wounding Wright Harrison and a boy named Ilewcn, besides bruising a dozen ethers. A team of horses were killed. All the streets between Sixth and Frent arc lumbered up with reefs, trees and telegraph wires. ( ne of the worst disasters was at the foundry of Bennett, Duff & Ce., which was almost entirely demolished by the wind, the reef being lifted bodily. The killed at the foundry arc Henry Kllcrybroek, Geerge Rowland and Frank Smith. Four ethers were seriously injured. JSeya' ratal Quarrel. Julius Hacfner, 11 years old, and Jehn Lecschcr, jr., of 40 Deminick street, New Yerk, quarreled about the division of some pcais that they had bought and were eating. They did net display mere feeling than is common in boyish quarrels, and contented themselves with throwing pears aud spitting at one anelhcr. Neither suf fered hurt, but both nursed bitter feelings after the miarrel which cropped out when ever they met. On Friday night they had a fierce war of words aud Saturday night when they met in Deminick street, none of their young companions was. surprised te sec them come te blows. The witnesses de net clearly tell who struck the first blew, nor did any of them see a knife. Nene seem te have noticed the encounter much until young Hacfner was seen te fall te the ground, while bleed streamed irem a wound in his breast. He was taken te the station house en a stretcher from a neighboring drug store, but died before the ambulance arrived.. SWAKTIISIOUK in PLAnlKS. The yuaker Institution Destroyed. Swarthmore college, Delaware county, was entirely destroyed by fire yesterday morning. A dispatch te the Times thus relates the affair : " The fire started about 11 a'cleck. There was a spontaneous explosion of chemicals in the laboratory. Following the explosion" came the flames. They spread rapidlv. The students were in bed and most of them fast asleep when the dread alarm was sounded, They awoke te the cry of ' Fire !' and te the sound of crackling timbers. The greatest excite ment followed. The young men leaped from their beds and ran for their lives. In the girls' department the excitement was even mere intense. Hastily snatching whatever articles of clothing were the haudiest they sought the hallways and the open air, thinking only of escape for themselves. There are two hundred and eight students connected with the college and fifteen professors and teachers. Hew they ever get one alive is a maivcl. But in spite of the consternation and confu sion, in spite of the hasty flight from the burning building, net a life was lest. But one accident is reported. Caleb Cepe, who lives in Philadelphia, fell while mak ing his escape and broke an arm. It is a matter for congratulation that the casual tics were net greater, and that they were net is something wonderful. 'There is no water within a quarter of a mile of the building. The facilities for putting out a fire were very crude. The tire had a geed start. The chemicals burned fiercely and the flames had a tre mendous held upon the building before anything could be dene toward staying them. The students were tee bewildered at first te be of auy use. They steed about KtaritiL' at the burning Imildiii'r as if it were all a dream. Hurried from their beds, their clothing was of but a scant descrip tion. They had left all their property be hind them. Beeks, money, jewelry everything but the clothing upon their backs was licinmeii in ey tne shiekc anu flame. Attracted by the firc-pcople from the neighborhood seen began flecking te the college grounds. They brought buckets with them and went te work with a will, lint it was a hopeless, up-hill fight. The water poured upon the burning building was like drops falling upon a red-het stpve. It did no geed whatever. "The flames increased in fury as the minutes rolled by. In a very short space of time it seemed te be en fire in all its parts. Great clouds of smoke rolled up as if trying te smother and crush out the tongues of fire which seen made of the college building a rearing furnace. The heat was intense. The excited men who had gathered te lend a helping hand, could de little else than leek en aud let the fire take its course. Had steam engines been en the spot at the start the college might have been saved. Once the flames had get a lfeld, however, it was scen that all effeits must prove unavailing. The great heat caused the outbuildings te smoke and thou te burst out in flames. The students worked haul te save the gymnasium and laundry, but the flames spread, and at this hour it docs net seem possible that anything whatever can be saved. The students and professors are encamped about the burning buildings watching the rapid destruction e their be loved and honored institution. Mostef them are entirely destitute. Their meney has been destroyed with their ether prop erty. They have'net enough te pay their way te their homes. It is probable that most of them will find shelter iu the neighborhood until they can hear from their relatives." the president, and sympathy for his afflicted family are heard; everywhere. It is well for us when we feel this "touch of nature that makes the whole world kin," that we can and de forget our antagonisms of politics. m Salisbury. Items et Interest from tbe East End. On last Tuesday morning, a heavy gloom spread ever " Old Salisbury" when the papers announced the death of Pres ident Garfield. Flags were hung at half mast and heavily draped and many houses arc draped, without regard te party. Near all of our farmers have their corn cut and shocked, and are new busy seed ing. The corn crop is a very light one and corn is selling for 73 cents a bushel iicrc On Saturday Jacob Thompson, a highly respected colored man, of Cempassville, departed this life in his ninetieth year. He has been a sexton of St. Jehn's Episco pal church, of Cempassville, for the last fnrt.v vears. L Great improvements arc being made at the White lierse, ei late, isaac 11. niasuu, Henry Ubil and Hervey Sweigart have erected themselves new houses, and Gee. Robinson and Reuben Martin have com menced digging foundations for new buildings. Mr. Martin has also started a cigar factory and keeps six hands em ployed regular, and as seen as he nets his new house erected, he intends te employ about twenty hands. m m At a recent concert, it w as the subject of re mark that in what tine '-voice" tlie singers were ; in commending ins geed judgment, the leader will pardon us ler whispering that lie always recommends lr. Hull's Cough Syrnp ler ciearlnjjand strengthening the voice. DKT GOODS TOHX WANAMAKER'S. TOUN WANAMAKER'S. It is Werth a Trial. " 1 was troubled ler many years with Kidney Complaint, Gravclf Ac.; my bleed became thin; I was dull and inactive ; could hardly crawl about, and was an old worn out man all ever, and could get nothing te help ine, until I get Hep Uitters. and new 1 am a boy again. My blend anil kidneys are all right, and I am as active as a man et :, although I am 72, and I have no doubt it will de as well ler ethers of my age. it is worth the trial. (Father). scl5-2wd&w Escaped Irem the Tells. .Ine. llacnn, Laporte. Ind., writes: " Hurrah for Spring IJlossem ; it's all you recommended it te be. My dyspepsia has all vanished. Why don't you advertise it f What allowance will veuniakeit 1 take a dozen bottles, se that I could oblige my friends occasionally V Price SOccntH. Fer sale at II. 15. Cochran' drug store. 1.(7 North Queen street, Lancaster. Hundreds of men, women and children res cued in every community fteni beds of sick ness and almost death, and made strong by i'arker's Ginger Tonic are the best evidences in the world et Its sterling worth. I'et. Millcrsvllle Once Mere. A Challenge from One r the Pamphlet. Publishers. Te tilt! ICditer-i of tin; lNTUi.t.iiii:.vrr.i:: The public is informed by "a gentle man in a position te knew." through the columns el" Thursday's Ixti:i,li:i;nci:i:, that the "statement " issued by the stu dents who left the Nermal last June " is full of the most outrageous misstate ments." fTe contents himself, however, with this general statement and neglects te point out a single error or untruth ; thought that course, I may parenthetically remark, is entirely the satcst for him te iii'.rsue. Myself being "in a position te kuev." I will state that every means was taken te secure a fair and entirely truth ful account of the exodus, the causes of the . same, and the circumstances sur rounding it, both in its inception and con summation. Unlike the " New Era state ment." which the Nermal authorities sent out te all the alumni "and ether parties, our version of the affair contains nothing which cannot be substantiated. I chal lenge the gentlemen te point out a single material error ; I defy him te produce an untruth iu the whole article. His statement that the faculty did net fellow the young men out into the world and endeavor te hurt "them by keeping them out of employment does net alter the truth of that charge. The " state ment " declares the nmlwrum uui se aim cites cases te show that the trustees were the actual offenders. If he wants te dis prove that assertion wc arc ready te meet him. In fact, the signers of the disputed doc ument can prove every statement they make and desire te hear what this gentle man has te say. I am net " speaking hy hy pethetically" new. One ev tub Bey.-j. Selving mid Kcuplng. When a young lady hems handkerchiefs for a rich bachelor she sews that she may reap. When seeds of disease are planted through overindulgence, you can prevent the under taker from reaping the benefit by using Spring lllossem. Price SO cents. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. A Itaptist Minister's Experience. I am a Raptist Minister, and befcre I even thought et being a clergyman, I gradnated in niedlcine,biit left a lucrative practice for my present prolcssien, 40 years age. I was ler ni'iiiv vears a sufferer from (iiiinsv : "Themas' Kclectric Oil cured me." 1 was also troubled with hoarseness, niiATIiemas' Eclectric Oilal wavs relieved me. Viy wins ami child had dip'hthcria, and "Themas' Eclectric Oil cured them," and it taken in time it will cure seven out et ten. 1 am confident it is a cure for the ment obstinate cold or cough, and it anyone will take a small teaspoon ami half fill it with the Oil, and then place the end et the spoon iu one nostril and draw the Oil out of the spoon into the head by sniffing us liaril as they can, until the Oil falls ever into the threat, and practice that twice a week, I don't care hew offensive their head may be, it will clean it out and cure their catarrh. Fer deafness and earache it has done wonders te my certain knowledge. It Is the only medicine dubbed patent medicine that I have ever felt like re commending, and 1 am very anxious te sec it in every place, ter I tell you that I would net be without it in my lienu ler any considera tion. I am new sintering witli a pain like rheumatism in mv light limb, and nothing re lieves me like Tiienui' Eclectric Oil. Ir. E. F. CKANK, Cerry, Pa. Fer sale at 11. I!. Cochran's drug store, i:J7 North Queen street, Lancaster. IIUUKS AyV SVATlOlfJiKi, OCHOOL ISOOlVSI SCHOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS! The Michigan Sufferers. Mayer. MacGenigle, of this city, has re ceived a letter from the mayor of Detroit, of which the following is a copy : Cnv of Detueit, Mayer's Office, ) Sept. 21st, 1SSI. $ I foil. .i T. Miietitniigtr: My Dear Sir Your favor of the 19th inst., with enclosure of draft for $.00, for reliel el suuercrs ey nrc in huh mate, .ir received this day. Accept the thanks of the committee en behalf of the sufferers. There has been no exaggera tion in published statements of Iesb by lire; there were ever 2000 families burned out, who lest almost everything. They r.inst substantially be supported until they can raise something from their ground. Wc are lurnislimg tlicm loon, cieiuuig, axes and tools, harness and plows, wagons, seed for wheat and lumber te reef their leg cabins ; blankets and bedding, medi cine and eats and hay. It is estimated the lire swept ever 750,000 acres of land, and the less amounts te millions of dollar.-!. We have received here something ever 100.000. and need much mere. I hope at some time, net far distant, te visit my birth-place, for which I st ill cherish feelings of affection. Very sincerely yours, W. G. Thompson-, Mayer and Chairman of Relief Committee. Mayer Thompson is a native or this city a son of the late Rev. J. L. Thomp son, formerly district attorney of Lancas ter county Ern. Int.! Contribution et tne High Scnoel. Mayer MacGenigle received from Mr. J. V TVTnf'asknv. a check for twenty two dollars, the contribution of the boys and their teachers te the fund for the relief of the suffering from the late fires in Michi gan. Mayer MacGenigle acknowledges the following additional recsipts : J. W. Bair, Catnarge, $3 ; Jehn K. Hestcttcr, $1. -:e:- NEW FALL GOODS -AT- JOHN WANAMAKER'S, Chestnut, Thirteenth, Market Streets and City Hall Square, P JUL A DEL J III A . HOSE. 800 pairs of ladies' lisle hose at 5(f cents ; plain colors ; 1,000 pairs sam ple half-hose, 2. and 37$ cents; bought just new iu Nottingham. They are worth twice the prices ; seme of them mere. We ordered lately 100 dozen of ladies' plain" black silk hose, all of ene tpiality and just alike. The manufac turer said it was the largest order he had ever received from a retailer. Wc buy in quantities only staple articles. We shah have, may be, before the season is ever, 1,000 sorts of hese ; of some of them only a single pair. Outer circle, east from Chestnut street entrance. LINENS. We are willing that these should be taken as samples of our summer buy ing of linens; Uarnslcy donble da mask tabic linen at 1.50, Scotch ditto at $2, and German napkins, a half inch under j yd. square, $2.25 a dozen. There are about 0 patterns of each. We have a wide range in linens very fully covered. Outer and next-outer circles, Clly-hall-square entrance. LACES. BLANKETS. Let a 5 wool blanket speak for our bedding. Manufacturers arc responsible for a geed deal of the common cheating in blankets. Cotten gets into almost all the low-priced blankets, without get ting into the. tickets. They are sold for all wool by the makers, and few merchants knew the fact. A little cotton can be hidden in a woolen blanket, and a geed profit hidden with it. If you find a fibre of cotton in our $5 woolen blanket ceme and tell us. Southwest corner of building. Our lace buyer has returned from Europe and the new things are begin ning te come in. We have these new : Fless Iaco (first appear.uice here), embroidered with floss silk en silk net; cream and black. Only two widths as yet, $1.25 and $3.23 ; mero ou the water. Spanish ties and fichus, cream and black. Tics, $1.50 te $12.51); fichus, $1.25 te $27. We judge our prices are about 13 per cent, below last sea son's. Souffle net, dotted, various colors, . 40 cents new ; last season 50. Autitpie tidies, 20 cents te $1. Ten con liters, southwest Irem centre. DRESSES. Fall dresses ready. Colored silk, viz.: Brown, bronze, blue, garnet and green, $28 te $50. Black cash mere, $10 te $30. Mourning dresses ready-made, also made te measure en very short notice. Fall jackets also. Light cloth, $4 te $8 ; dark cloth, $G te $10 ; plaid, $8 te $10. Black cloth wraps, $C te $30 light cloth wraps, $7 te $25. Southeast corner el building. LADIES' HATS. F.arly fall hats and bonnets, trim med aud untrimmed ; black silk and crape bonnets; fall feathers; new ribbons. Thirleentli-street entrance. SHAWLS. Chuddas, 4 yards by 2, aud very heavy for $15. Such shawls are net te be get for less than $25 in the or dinary course of trade. We can't re place them at the price. All cream ; no colors. East from Chestnut street entrance. AH Scheel Heeks and Scheel Supplies at the very lowest rates at L. M. L1 LYNN'S, Ne. 42 WKST KINO STKEKT. TOI1N 'HA KK'M SONS. SCHOOL BOOKS reuTHE LANCASTER SCHOOLS, ATT1IK LOWEST PRICES, ATTHK koetcstoke: OF JOIIf BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 SORTH QDEEN STREET, I.ANCA5TKK. l-A. :e:- JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth, Market Streets and City Hall Square, Philadelphia. T ANK 4 CO. L ANK & CO. VAKRIAVWS, AC. Carriages! Carnages I LANE & CO., Ne. 24 . EAST KING STREET. Ne. 24 Have just received, opened and ready for inspection a large and f omplcte stock ei general DRY GOODS, CABPETTNttS, ETC. long and square, in endless variety and quality. Kiaimels Cheeksand Muslins in aH widths, and Inlact anything necessary te constitute a complete sjeck for the buyer te i-elcct from. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETING AT 75c. PER YARD, Klefjant in Designs and Colorings. IJuecnsware, Cleth, Cassiinere and Feathers, Steam Urcswd, the Ladies' Ceat-j. he-it tlri market produce. Down in Urumere. A birth-dav surprise was given Miss Ella Wright last week. Mr. Samuel Boyd, who moved from AT EDGERLEY & CO.'S, I'raclicart'arriagc Builders, Market Strcel, Hear or Central Market Houses, Lancaster, Pa. W.e have en hand a Large Assortment el BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which wc offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, uivc us a call , S" Repairing promptly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed for hat purpose. fn'jr-tld&w BOLTING CLOTHS or tlie very best brand in I he market, at New Yerk Prices, cntire'ateek, and satisfaction guaranteed te all. An examination solicited of enr Jacob M. Marks. Jehn A. Charles, Jehn B. Reth.: 1KOX IC1TTEKS. TO -H.TOTICK 1 nroneal9 will be received at Commissioners' elllce at Lancaster. Pa., until Fairfield te West Virginia last spring, has heen visiting friends here "and leeks and feels well aud hearty. Expressions of sorrow for the death of COM-ItACTUKS.-aKAL.EU the County FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7,1831, at 12 o'clock, m., for the erection and completion of a gallery in the- Law Library Roem or the Court Heuse. Bids mnst Include painting and all material and labor required. Plans and spcclticalien can be seen by calling at the efllce of Ccl. W. It. Gcrhart, Law Building, near the Court Heuse. The Commissioners reserve the right te reject any or all bids. Bv order of the Commissioners. Attest- I. X. 3. WILL, sep2t--2td Clerk. XKON BITTKKS. T" BITTKKS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIO. SURE APPETISER. IRON BITTERS arc hlglily'recemuicnilcil ter all diseases requiring a certain anil effi cient tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscle-, and gives new lite te e'TallMb like a "ham en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic 1PE1,SWS reed. Belching, Heat in the Stemaeb, Heartburn etc Th only I"&'? ..! fHS net Dlackea tbe tMtb or gire headache. Sold by all druggists. Write ter the ABC Boek, .. pp. et nserul and amusing reading tent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, 123-iydAwl BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at OOOHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. rr.