XT -., --; LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCEK, FRIDAY, SEPTBKEEBL 23 1881. ttmj1t0&&ynm uni m, Lancaster intelligencer. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 23, 1881. AN ODE. Fer the Yorktown Centennial. BY l'ACL U. IIAYNE, OF GEORGIA. I. Hark, hark! down the ccntury'sleng reaching slope Te these transports el triumph, these raptures of hope, The voices et main and mountain combined In glad resonance borne en the wings of the wind. The bass of the drum and the trumpet that thrills Through the multiplied echoes or jubilant hills. And mark hew the years melting upward like mist, Which the breath of bemc splendid enchant ress lias kissed, lteveal en the ocean, rbveal en the shore. The proud pageant or conquest that graced them or yore. When blended forever in love as in tame Sec, the standard which stele from the star light its lame. Anil typcet all chivalry, glory, romance, The fair Mica, the luminous lilies of France. ii. Oh stubborn the Mrlle ere the cenlllct was wen: And the wild hiding war wrack half .stilled the sun. The thunders of cannon that boomed en the lea But re-echoed rar thunders pcak-d up liem the sea, Wher.;gu-ir.lhi! Ills seu Hits, a knight en the waves. Held 1): G raise kept at bay the hint! bull-dogs el Uravcb. The day turned te darkness the night turned te lire. Still meie fierce waxed Hie combat, mere deadly the ire. Undnnini'd by the gloom. In majestic advance. Oh beheld when: they ride o'er the red battle tide. These banners united in leve as In fame, The brave standard which drew from the star beams their llame. Ami type el all chivalry, glory romance, The fair lilies, the luminous lilies et France. HI. Ne respite, no p mse ; by the Yeik's tertutcd flood. The gray I. Ien el England Is iw-ithlug iu bleed. Cornwall is in ty chute and coirne Tarleton aver As he mIi irp.ins I1I4 bio ids word and buckles his spur. "This blade, which se elteu h is r-ap"d rebids likegiaiii, Shall new harvest for death the ru le yeomen again." Vain beast; hirer.! sunset hei flying in tear With the rebels he scouted close, close in his rear. The French en his Hank hurl such volleys et shot That e'en GleuciMtJi-'s redoubt must be grew ing tee hut. Thus wedded in love as united iu lame. I.e! the .Und:ud which stele irem the itar- liglit its fume. And tyjis efall chivalry, glory, romance The tair lilies, th! luminous lilies of France. O morning supci b ! when the siege reached its cle-,e m See! the siiudawn outblewu like the ulchc m KIN lese! The hist wreath et smoke tiein dim tienchcs iipenrled Are transformed te a glory that smiles en the world. Jey. Jey! .Save the wan, wasted lient et the tee, Willi his battle Hags lulled and his in ins trail ing low Respect fur the brave! Iu grin; silence they yield Ami iu silence they pass with bowed heads liem the Held, Then triumph transcendent ! se Titan et tone That home vowed it must starlit; King Geerge en his thiene. v. When Pence te her own timed the pul-c et the land. And the war waipin sank liem the war wearied hand, leuiig Ireidem upberne te the height et the goal She had yearned terse long with deep travail el soul, Asongel the future raised, tlullllngiiinl clear. Till the weeds leaned te hearken, the hill slopes te hear. Yet fraught witli all magical giaiuleurs that silcum On the heie's l.igh hepu, or the patriot's dream, The stern beauty that halves the blew of the past. Oh! wedded In love, as united in lame, Sec the .stnmlaid hich Mele liem t lies tin light us dame. And type ernll chivalry, glory, romance, The lair lilies, the luminous lilies of France. Til H HYMN, 11V CIIAH. rOINDEVTEIt, OP ltlCIIMOM. Our tathcis' tind, who en these plains Ot old gave victory te our land, This day in gracious laver deigns Te ble.-s the labor el our hand. Te Him let us our voices rula. In lelly hymns and notes el prule, Our grateful homage pa'. His was the strength that nctved their heart. In taith te battle for the right. As did the wlsem high liup-irl. That battled all the feeuian's might; And gave our land In days of yeie, Deliv'rancc strong from trouble sere. Of war and bltterstiife. Bullion toiiudiitlen strong and deep, The sturward pointing shaft we rear. The forms et mighty deeds te deep. And tell te every coming year, Se let us In our hearts upraise, A monument of these brave days Of faith and victory.! lie SentilDle. Yeu have allowed your bowels te become habitually costive, your liver has Itecemc tor pid, the same thing ails your kidneys, and you are just used up. New be sensible, get a pack age et KMney-Wert, take it faithfully and seen yen wilt erget you've get any such or er jrans, for you will be a well man. Albany Aryux. sI'J-lwdAw Honorable Mention. Ot all the remedies en earth that well may claim attention, Dr. Themas' Kc lee trie Oil commands especial mention Fer wondrous power te cure disease, its fiune none can throttle. Its merits are net in the puff, but arc inside the bottle. Rheumatism, neuralgia, bore threat, asthma, bronchitis, diphtheria, etc., are all cured by Themas' Eclectric OH. Fer sale ut II. It. Cochran's drug store. 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Kidney Complaint Cured. B. Turner, Rochester, N. Y., writes : ' I have been for ever a year subject te serious dis order of the kidneys, and eltcn unable te at tend te business; I procured your Burdock Bleed Hitters and was relieved before half a bottle was uved. 1 Intend te continue, as I feel confident that they will cntlrclycure me." Price $1. Fer sale at II. It. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. Lancaster. Kxperlentla Decet. We must tell some men a great deal te teach thenwi littl". but the knowledge of the cura tive proper! ies of Spring Blessem in cases of Bick Headache, indigestion, and biliousness 1s bought by experience. Price 50 cents. Fer saleutli. IJ. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen sticet, Lancaster. " Ah, hew well de I remember It was in the bleak November," when I caught the Celd that was u caring me surely and swiltly away ; but I heard of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ; took it, and am as well as ever. HOTELS. OW OPEN SPRKCHKK UOUSK, ON Jl Europeon plan. Dining Beems ter Ladies ami Gentlemen. Entrance at Ne. 31 Vnrtll Dllkft street fMutn nnil Tiirtln Kitnn. Lebster Salad, Oysters in Every Style and all I the Delicacies el the Season. We solicit the I patronage et the public- may7-tpl POLITICAL. Democratic County Ticket. I'KE3IIEXT JCDQE. BIIERIFP. GEO. W. BROWN (Painter). 1st Ward, City. PKOTHOSOTART. JOHN II. DeII AVEX, Caernarvon. EEOISTET- E. P. AM BLEU, Drnmere. COCM-Y TT.RA8UP.cn. PETER McCONOMY, 5th Ward, City. CXEUK OF QUARTER SESSIONS. KEA BEED, Bart. CLERK OV ORPHANS.' COURT. PETER RWRTCH, 8th Ward, City. PRISON KEEPES. ISAAC HULL, Earl. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. M. HILDEURANT, Mount Jey. coroner. HENRY M. GEITER, h Ward, City. directors or the roeit. PHILIP WALL, 5th Ward, City, ABUAM SIDES, West Lampeter. PRISON lSPECTOBS. LEMUEL W1EST, West Cocaliee, SOL ZEAMER, Northwestern. AUDITOR. JOHN L. LIGIITNER, Leacock. Vacancy. Delegates te State Convention. SENATORIAL. AIII District, II. L.ECKERT, XIV " W.II. GRIER. UEI'ltUSENTATlYE. 1. A. J. DUXLAP. 2. MABIOX HAUKAB, .IAS. P. MAKSII. 3. ABUAM COLLINS, II. L. ER15, (,EO. W. SCIIROEDER. Democratic Mate Conventien: Williams Williams pert, SEPTEMBER 2s. Ninth Ward Election. The Democratic voters or the Ninth ward, Lancaster, will assemble at Arneld Haas's saloon en Saturday, September 21. between C and 8 o'clock, and elect a County Committee man ter the ensuing year, vice Jacob Pentz, resigned. By elder e: the County Committee. W. U. HEXSEL, Chairman. MEDICAL. VALUABLE TRUTHS. If you are sulTeilng irem peer health, or uishing en a bed of sickness, take cheer, laug or Uep Hitters Will Cure Yeu. It you aie simply ailing: if you feel weak ami dispirited, itheut clearly knowing why, Uep Hitters Will Kcv ve Yeu. It you are a minister, and have overtaxed yuieelt with your pastoral duties; or a mother, worn out with care and work, Iiep Bitters Will Kestore Yeu. It you arc a man et business, weakened by the strain et your everyday duties; or a man of letters, toiling ever your midnight work, Hep Hitters Will Strengthen Yeu. If you arsyenng.aiul suffering irem any in discretion, or are growing tee last, as is often the case, Uep Hitters Will Kellcve Yeu. iryen are in the work shop, en the farm, at the desk anywhere, and leel that your system needs cleansing, toning or stimulating with out intoxicating, Uep Hitters is What Yeu Need. It you an; old, and veur pulse is feeble, your nerves unsteady, and your facilities waning, Hep Hitters will give you New Lire and Viger. Hen Hitters MauuTactuTiuir Company, Itociicsier, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario, le3-lydMWF&w tt-idney weky. TEE GREAT CURE I'OR RHEUMATISM, As it Is for all diseases of the K1DNK1S, L1VEU AX Ii BOWELS. It cleanses the system of the acrid poison that causes the dicadttil suffering which only the victims et Rheumatism can realize. Thousand of Cases el the worst ierins et this terrible disease have been quickly re lieved, iu a sliei t time Perfectly Cured. KIDNEY WORT has had wendei lul success, and an immense sale in eveiy part et the count! y. In hundreds et cases it has cured where all else, hud failed. It is mild, but eflicient, CERTAIN IX ITS ACTION, but harmless in all cases. It Cleanses strengthens and elves New Lite te all the important ei galls of the body. The natmul action et the Kidneys is restored. The Liver is eic.insed et all disease, and the Bowels move I reel y and healthfully. In this way the weist diseases me eradicated from thu system. As it lias been pieved by thousands that KIDNEY WORT. la the most, effectual remedy for cleansing the. system et all meibid secretions, it should be used iu cveiy household as a SPRING MEIUCIXE. Always cures Biliousness, Constipation 1 lies and all female Diseases. 49 It Is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, in 49tin cans, one package of which makes sir 4Wiiarts el medicine. "Alsol:i Liquid Ferm, very Concentrated S-ier the convenience et these who cannot 5-readlly prupare it. it arti with equal tfefilciciicy in either fort. GET IT OF YOU 11 DRUGGIST. PItICK, 1. WKLI.S, KlfHI.lKDSON Ac CO., Prep's, Uiirliugteii, Vt. ' i Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec27 lyd&wt N OTICK. Dll. C. A. GREtiNE Takes this oppeitiinily or nelityliig his nu merous piitients and these who desiie te get well, who are new diseased, that he will leave Lancaster about the FIRST OF AUGUST FOB HIS SUMMER VACATION. Renewals et his rcmc dials may be obtained during his absence at Ills ellices. O. A. GREENE, M.D. Ne. 140 EA.ST KINO STICF.ICT, OtWM.WF.Sl Lancaster, Pa. Ty'i GO TO l!.-:i) TO-NIGHT BEFORE YOU GO TO Ne. 3 EAST KING STREET, And purchase a Bettle et T OPHFR'S DEATJI OjST MOSQUITOS, AXI THEN SLEEP IN PEACE. PRICE, 15c. a Bettle. BE. SAMORD'S LIVEE INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acta directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness. Malaria. Oes- tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek sent free. Dr. SANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Fer sale by all drngglsli. octI8Jydeea alt coir BOOKS AJTD STA1I0XEB1. DVHOOL BOOKS l SCHOOL BOOKS ! SCHOOL BOOKS ! All Scheel Beeks and Scheel Supplle3 at the verj" lowest rates at L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 48 WEST KINO STKEET. JOHN BAEB'S SOXs. SCHOOL BOOKS FOR THE LANCASTER SCHOOLS, at t;ie LOWEST PRICES, AT THE BOOKSTORE! OF JOO BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTEK. fA. l-Al'JZKIIANaiXUH, &e. w ALL PAPEBS. Our New Patterns et WALLPAPERS aie new coming in. The line emhraics every grade, from the Lewest te the finest Goods made. Plain Celer and Embossed Gilts for Parlors. Halls, Oining Beems, Chambers, &c. Common and Lew-Priced Papers el every description. Fringes, Borders, Centre Pieces, Transom Papers, &e. We have also opened a tine li"e el Dade Window bhades, entirely new, which arc be coming very popular. Ol Plain Shading we have all colors and extra wide widths for large window and store shades. Scotch Hollands in cardinal, brown, bull', white, ecru and green. American Hollands. Tin and Weed Spring Boilers, Cord Fixtures, Beiler Ends, Brackets, I'icture Wire and Cord, Fringes. Leeps, Nails, Cut tain Pius. Tassel Heeks, Jkc. All colors et Paper Curtains, llgurcd and plain, which will be sold te dealers at the lowest rates Extension Window Cornices, ihc best and cheapest. Curtain Poles in ash, ebony and walnut. AUTOrdcrs taken for FINE M1UK0RS. PHARES W. PRY, NO. 57 NORTH JUKKN ST. MEDICAL. "pKIGAKT'S OLI WINK STOKE. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. It. E. Slayinaker, Agent for Beigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising phvsi clan et this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af tlicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te he used as a medicine of great potency iu the cure of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousand),- of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pr sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these alliictcd with that miserable dis dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which 13 nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with Icebln appetite and mere or less debility, will 11 nil this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. Be it, however strictly understood that we prescribe ami u- but one article, and that is KKIGARTS OtD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young trlcnd, II E SLAYMAKEB. This Brandy has steed the test for -years, and has never failed, as fai as our experience 'extends, and we therefore give it the preference ever all etner Brandies no matter with hew many jaw-brcakingFrencl; titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would suffice te buy all the Brandy te euro any such case ei ases. In proof of the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, v.e can summon nnre bers el witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had been afflicted with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number of years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly uenppetlle in fact, lie was obliged te rcstiictliis diet te crackers and stale bread, ami as a beverage he used .McGrann's Beel Beer. lie is a .Methodist, and then, as new preached at times, and in his discourses eltcn declaimed earnestly againstall kinds of Htreni; dri ii k. W hen ail vised te trv Reigart's Old Brandy, lu his case, he looked up with astenlsuuieni, but after hearing et its weiulerliil etlccts in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadilv; the tiivt bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man, with a steftiach capable or digesting anything w hicL' hejehe-ie te eat. He still keens it and uses a lit tie occasionally; and since he has this medi cine he has been el very little pecuniary bene fit te I he doctor. A Practising Physician. II. E. SLAYMAKEK. AOKNT FOR Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established in 1785, IMTORTKX AMD UKALKR IN FINE OLD BKANDIES, SIIEUIUES, SUl'fc KIOll OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in ISIS, 1S27 and 1828,) CHAMPAGNES O EVEBY BBAND, SCOTCH ALE POKTEB, BUOWN STOUT. Ne. VO EAST KINO ST.. LANCASTER. l'A COAL. B. II. MAKTIN, Wholesale ami Bctall Dealer in all kinds et LUMBEU AND COAL. f ard : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince Bti-eets above Lemen. Lancaster. nS-lyd C0H0 & WILEY. :SO NORTH WATER ST., Lancaster, fa., Wholcsale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Office : Ne. 20 CENTUE SQUARE. teb28-lyd G O.TO REILLY & KELLER TOR G00D3 CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Alse, Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. Farmers and ethers In want et Supciiei Manure will llnd it te their advantage te call inru, iiarrisuurg riKC. i OIHce. S) East Chestnut street. agl7-lt VTEW LIVERY STAULE. . The undersigned has reopened a LIVERY STABLE At the old stand, rear el the Grape Hetel. WAGONS OF THE LATEST STTLES AND FUOM THE 15 EST MAKERS. First-Glass Horses, Careful Drivers. Alse always en hand and for sale Horses ami Wagons or eveiy description. Horses and Wagons bought. CYRUS H. COLVIN. 0-lmdS CLOTHXSQ. THE ENTERPKISINO GLOTHUG HOUSE or 1 C. YATES & CO., ALWAYS ALIVE TO THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE, HAVE PREPARED A LABGH STOCK FOB THE FALL AND WINTER SEASONS. 1881, FROM WHICH YOU CAN ALWAYS MAKE SATISFACTORY SELECTION. SEND FOR SAMPLES. LEDGER BUILDING, Chestnut and Sixth Streets, PHILADELPHIA. scptl-lind S1 PRING OPENING H. GERHART'S New Tailoring; EstaUlisMent, Ne. 6 East Kins Street. I have just completed lilting np one of the Finest Tailoring Establishment te be found in this state, and am new prepared te show my customers a stock of goods ter the SPRING TRADE. which for quality, style and variety et Patterns has never been equaled in this city. 1 will keen and sell no goods which I cannot recommend te my customers, no matter hew low in price. All goods warranted as represented, and .prices as low us the lowest, at Ne. 6 East King Street, Next Doer te the New Yerk Stere. H. GERHART. MKW STOCK OF CLOTHINO FOR SPRING 1881, AT D. B. Hostetter & Seu's, Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Having made unniual efforts te bring before the public a flue, styllsJi and well made stock et MDY-MADE CLOTHING, we arc new prepared te show them one of the most carcliilly selected stocks of clothing In this city, at the Lewest Cash Prices. MEN'S, HOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING! IN OREAT VAKIETVj Piece Goods el the Most Stylish Designs' and at prices within the reach et all.l 9(Jive us a cull . D. B. Hostetter & Seb, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 26-lyd LANCASTER, PA. w ILLIAMSON & FOSTER. THE SUltPKISE ABOUT Beys' & Children's Clothing Is that wc have EXTRA PANTS PIECES FOR PATCHES, That are of the same goods. Ladles have often complained te us that there was no goods with the Suits that they could use for Patches, as boys will wear out two pair et Pants with one Ceat. IJut new wc can accommodate them. OUU ASSORTMENT OP Scheel Snits Ter Beys Is very large this tail, and wc have selected the goons with great care, nnd are new prepared te give the very best goods ler the least amount of money. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER'S ONE-PRICE HOUSE, 36-38 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. CLOTJLLMO. -pOSENSTKIN'S SPECIAL NOTICE. I Hereby Inform My - MY STORE WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER. 24, UNTIL 6 O'CLOCK P. M. AL. ROSENSTEIN, Frice Hercbant (NEXT DOOR TO SHULTZ Ne. 37 North Queen Street, rime business of selling clothing One OK HALL Has grown te its present greatness because these points are faithfully observed : IN MAKING. Te Get the Best Material. Te Spenge it Properly. Te Cut it Fashionably. Te Sew it Thoroughly. The StecK or MEN'S CLOTHING is always kept very lull lu assortment, even te the end et the season. - In BOYS' CLOTHING the Styles and Trimmings nre net approached by any Clothing Heuse In the Country. A cordial welcome is ready for alrVhe come, and we expect te sell only when people arc Sttfc.au.. Ml. I.VV.JT !U(lll.la -:e:- WAMIAEM & BROW, OAK HALL, Sixth and Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IX AMERICA. rALL CAMPAIGN. MYERS & RATHFON Arc better prepared than ever te accommodate the public In EEADY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN, At bottom pi ices, all our own manufacture no Sheddy Clothing. A man can get the best Ten Dellar All Weel Suit at Centre Hall sold in America. While this Is a specialty, yet all our Clothing is sold proportionately cheap, liuying your Clothing at Centre Hall you save one profit. Our Custom Department is lull and complete. It you want a Cheap Iluslness Suit you can have it made te order (all wool) irem Fifteen te Twenty-live Dollars. Dress Suits Irem Eighteen te Forty Dollars. And remember you have the Largest Stock and the ilest Variety te select from, and walls tactien in every way guaranteed. We are prepared te make up at short notice ami in the best style and at the lowest prices. Our Cutters tire Firt-Class. Our stock et GENTLEMEN'S FUBNISHING GOODS Is full mid complete. Don't fall te call and leek an anil winter purcliase. you will nnd willing Hands te show you through the limni-iiic stock et Woolens. Overcoats by the hundred ler Men, Youths, Heys and Children. MYERS & RATHFON. CENTRE HALL, Ne. IS EAST K1NU STREET, HOUSE EUitxisuma UOODS. TOllN L. AKNOLD. J OUN L,. ARNOLD. Largest, Finest and (Jhcape.it Stock of CHANDELIERS EVEIt SEEN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAS GLOBES CHEAP. TIN PLATE AND PLUMBER'S SUPPLIES. JOHN L. AEJSTOLD, Nes. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. faprt-tfil H OUSEFDKNIsniNG. FLINN & WILLSON Have new en hand the finest and me3t complete line el the best STOVES ever eirered In the city. Heaters, Cook Steves, Parler Steves, Cannen Steves, Roem Steves, Ranges, Office Steves, Egg Steves, And many ethers tee numeraus te mention. Wc ihtve just opened the most elcrant assort ment of GAS and COAL OIL CHANDELIERS, LAM1M and LAMP GOODS ever seen In Lan caster. A Pull Line of MARBLEIZED SLATE MANTELS. 43Call and examine our stock. Ne trouble te show goods. 150 & 152 North Queen Street. MISCELLANEOUS. HELLMUTIl LADIES' COLLEGE. Patroness. H. 1C. II. Princess Louise. Founder and President, The Right Rev. I. Hcllmutn. D.D..D.C.L., Lord lilshep or Huren. Pall Trm opens Wednesday, Sept. 21. Haudsotne and spacious buildings, beautifully situated In a most healthy locality, about four hours by rail from Niagara Kalis, and en one of the principal through routes between the East and West The Grounds comprise 140 acres. The aim et the Founder et this college Is te provide the high est intellectual and practically useful education. The whole system Is based upon the sound est FKOTMTANT principles, as the only solid basis for the right formation el character FKKNCII is the language spoken in the college. TWUS1C a specialty. Heard, laundry and Tuition Fee?. Including the whole course of English, the Ancient and Uilim Ijuivh.k.. -..i. isthenlcs. Drawing and Painting, use of Piane and Library, Medical Attendance and Medicine S30O per annum. A reduction et one-hair ler the daughters et clergymen. Fer " circulars " and lull particulars uddrcss MISS CLINTON, Lady Principal Ilellmutu Laities' Cellcec. Lon Len Lon eon. Ontario, Canada. 111-lctdM4l MEDICAL. READ THIS Lancaster, Pa.. April 28, 1S81. Tuk Kidxkyccra Mr'e Company. Gents It gives, me much pleasure te say that after using one pack of KIDNEYCURA 1 have been entirely cured et a severe pain in my back and frlde, of long standing, and that. tee, alter trying various kuewn remedies. 1 have every confidence In your medicine, cheerfully recommend It, and knew thatmany of my friends who have used it have been benefited. PETER BAKER, m2Glyd Foreman Examiner and Express. jOSENSTEIN'S SPECIAL NOTICE. -:e:- Friends and the Public THAT - -ON- -:e:- Tailor ant Clothier, A IIUO.'S HAT STOKE), Lancaster, Pa. at IN SELLING. Te Get the Cash. Te Have One Price. Te Pay Back Meney if Unsuited. Te Guarantee the Goods. IIALL CAMPAIGN. through Centre Hall before you make your LANCASTER, i'EN.VA. IN LANCASTER, H ODSEFORNISH1MO. JEWELERS. LJILVEK JKWELKY. LACE PINS, EAR RINGS AND 1SRACELETS. NECK CHAINS AND HAIR PINS. STUDS, SLEEVE BUTTONS AND SCARF PINS OF SILVER. AUGUSTUS RHOADS,! Ne. 20 East KlngStrcet, Lancaster, Pa tr a rsi. t:ns- O Ullit La.ncastli: Axy n;n.f.i:i:sii.i.K u. u -Cars run as fellow? : Leave Laucat?cr (P. Ii. Depot), at 7, s, i. 11:3 a. tn., and 2, I. 6 and S:30 p. m., exre.ut ou Saturday, when the hist car leaves at a-30 p. ,.. Leave Millcrsville (lower end) at 5, S, and le a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run dally en - ivc time except en Sui . day. C COLUMBIA AJJO PORT DEPOSIT IS. K j Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit lUUread ea lae fellow ins time: Statieks NeKrH-iExpre.3s.Expres3. Acceu. WAttU. I A.M. v. m. t. . Pert Deposit. Peachbotteui Safe Harber. Columbia...: 6:35 7:12 7:55 8:35 3:55 4:23 5:11 5:10 2.-04 3:18 5:21 630 Stations Sec-ru- Express. Express. WARD. A. II. r. X. Columbia. 11:3. H-V v. x. Safe Harber. li(W e-4 Peachbotteui liU 7.3 Pert Deposit ir:5 8:05 Aci-jui A.M. 7:45 Ar.MW Le&40 U.e; P.M. 12:20 TEADINU x COLUMBIA K. K. ARRANGEMENT OFPASSENGER TRAIN1 MONDAY, JULY 11th, 1SSI. NORTHWARD. LXAVK. A.M. A.M. 7:35 1M5 0-.27 Quarryville iJincastcr, King St Lancaster Columbia ARR1VK. Reading :4U 7:50 8:00 10:05 SOUTHWARD, I.XAVX. Reading ARR1VK. Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster, King St Quarryville r.M. p.m. ... 2:30 .... 3:40 1:05 3:50 1:10 3:tii 3:20 5.50 P.M 5:.I0 5:40 (1:15 Trains connect at Heading with train te and Irem Philadelphia, PetUtvlllc, HarrLsburg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Round ItroeK Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Uultl! mere. A.JA. WILSON. Sunt. PENNSYLVANIA KAJ1.KOAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after MONDA. MAY 10th, last trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive and leave the Lan caster and Philadelphia depots as fellow;: A M. M. P.M. 7:i"i 12:00 t!:ie P.M. 0:35 2:10 8:20 SW7 2.10 8:08 0:37 .... 8:20 10:37 .... tfcIO Eastward. , 'lY,t: "U,V Laiu-.'ler Philad'M Cincinnati Express 2:55 a.m. 5:1.1 a, Fast Line 5-tS " 7:35 Yerk Accem. Arrives; 8.00 " llarrisburg Express 8:ur ' Kfcie Dillerville Accem. Arrives, 8:15 Columbia Accommodation, y:le " 12.01 p.m. Frederick Accein. Arrives, 1:10 ' .... Pacific Express, 1:20 p.m. 3:20 ' Sunday Mall 2:00 " 5:0u Johnstown Express 3:05 " 5de Chicago Day Express, 4:i" " :: St. Leuis Day Express t:tri " ti:4.r " llarrisburg Accommedui'n, rrir " )::se Mull 1 000 " ll::t5 ' Westward. i.VVIW". .Arri,' l'hllad'ii Laiu-'tcr Way Passenger, 12::!.a.m. 5-ikia.m MailTrainNe.l,viaMt Jey. 7:30 " lir.au Mail Train Ne. 2,viaCel'hla, 11135 " Niagara & Chicago Epi ess Out ' 10-55 " Sunday Mall, :(ie " 10-0 " FastLIne, 12:10 " 2:30 r.M. Frederick Accommetlatlon, .... 2-3.'i ' Dillcr-illeLocal.via51t.Jey se llarrisburg Accommedat'n, l;ir.. 5:l." Columbia Accommetlatlon, 4:00 " T.X " llarrisburg Express 5::!0 " 7:30 " Pittsburg Express, 6:25 " SiO " Cincinnati Expresj 'J:I0 " H..V. " Pacific Express, 11:55 " 2.45 a.m Pacific Express, east, en siineay, wnen flag ed, will step at Mlddlctewn, EliAibethlewu, It. Jev. Laudisville. ilird-in-Ilaiid. I.ninuii ft Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkcsburg, C'eates villc, Oakland ami Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step atDownlngtewn.Coatesville, Parke burg, Mt. Jey, Ellzabethtewn and Mlddlutewn. Hanover accommodation west, connecting ut Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express: at 11:00 a. m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, wet, at 2:80 r. m., and will run t iireuirh tn Frederick. VARPEXS. G KEAT BARGAINS J VAKI'KIS, 1 claim te have th-i Largest and Fint-M lock ei CARPETS IntliisCltj-. Brussels and Tapestry CARPETS Thrcc-nly, Extra fcuper, Super, All Wul, Halt Weel anil Part Weel Ingrains : from the best te the cheapest-as low us S5c. per yard. All the FINEST AND CHOICE PA.TTERNS that ever can be seen In this city. 1 also have a Large and Fine Stock et my own make Chain and liag Carpets, AS LOW AS 3.1c. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDER :ttsliei( notice. Satisfaction giiarenteed. S-Ne trouble le show goods If yen de iu wish te purchase. 1 earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. "lAKPETS, COM, SC. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY,? NO. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, Law caster, Pa., Well-known Manutac-turcrs of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, I5LANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, Ac CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either in the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds of silks. RibbeiiM, Feathers and Woolen Grods Dyed. Gen tlciiien's Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Ac. Dyed or Scoured ; also. Indigo lllue Dyclnp done. All orders or goods lelt with nw will receiii prnmpt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COA$. Ceal el the best finality put up expressly iei family use, nnd at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD-150 S.OUTII WATER STREET. 2-lydRSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON A CO "1ARPKTS, AC. NEW CARPETS 40.000 YARDS. Xew Designs, licaHtirally Colored. 50 cents. 85 cents.; INGRAINS nu-ents. 'JO cents. (75 cents. 91.00. TAPESTRY URUSSELS WILTON AND MOQUETTES, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, LIGNUMS. l7.-( 85 cents. $1.00. cent-. 31.10.; cents. $1.20. GOOD VALUE AT ALL PRICES. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Street, al-lydcedA2twJ PHILADELPHIA. LEGAL NOTICES. ISTATK Or JANE DOWHUIU, OF LAN. !i caster city, Pa., deceased. Letters el ad ministration en said estate having been rant cd te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto arc requested te make immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay ler .settlement te the undersigned, re siding In Lancaster city. W. II. METZGER. sepOCtdeaw . Administrator. ISTATK Or MARGARET MURPHY, Xi late of Lancaster City, dee'd. Letters or administration 011 tnid estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persona In debted thereto are requested te make immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in Lancaster City. JOHN MURPHY, Administrator. Robt. J. Evaxs, Attorney, 11 Seuth Queen street. s20-6tdeaw 1 -V 1