Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 23, 1881, Image 3

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Iren trade brisk.
The" Vigic ".steamer will get bere in
Rcailinjj & Columbia railroad pay lay.
Canal bieak at Stonington lepaircd ;
beats arriving.
Falling leaves mal:c the streets dirty.
The breast of the dam is perfectly dry
and several peels of stagnant water here
collided above the dam, making a filthy
Randall Allisen, the colored man who
participated in the Decoration day riot,
was seen en our street yesterday. Ne ar
rest was attempted.
A beat was Mink last evening at Big
Island by being overloaded. The occu
pants saved themselves by swimming te
the island. The beat was raised this
The Columbia accommodation train had
te be mil en the north track this morning
as the south track was blockaded with
freight trains and Ilia west yard was filled
Frcijfht is cxticmcly heavy this mouth.
Jtev. Kstcrline, of the Bethel church, in
tends holding " preparatory services,"
banning en Sunday evening next, and
will be continued a week or ten days. A
number of ministers from ether towns are
expected te be present.
Mrs. Frank Hays, of Leck Haven, is vis
iting Mir. Win. i. Given. Mr. Rebert
Dean, formerly clerk in the store of Gee.
W. it U. F. Haidcman, but who has lately
been working in Lancaster, left this nioin niein
nz for Renten. Mass., te accept an offered
clerkship in a large stoic there.
A 1 own official yesterday threatened a
correspondent that if he ever put anything
in the pa(crs about him again he " would
break his infernal neck." The reporter
who is noted for his "bland and childlike
smiles" put one upon hir, countenance and
remarked te the official that he should de
as the borough charter and ordinance re
quired him, and then maybe his name
would net apjicar in print.
Chief Burgess Jacob Sueath has issued a
proclamation calling en the citizens te
suspend business next Monday in view of
the funeral of the late picsldent, and he
recommends that all places of business be
closed throughout the entire day. and that
the- bells lie tolled from one te two o'clock
p. in., for a ublic meeting of the citizens
of Columbia be held in the opera house a1
2 o'clock p. in. te held a memorial service
Te the eleitty the management et the ex
erciscs is entrusted, and they arc requested
te make their announcement te their re
spective congregations and request their
attendance. Hotels, beer saloons am1
cigar st ores are especially requested te clesr
and net sell en that day
I'lreim-n's Pat-ado Te-Niglit.
The KtNpiic hook and ladder uenipan
will return from Ucadiur this evening, ant
in honor of the event the fiic department
will turn out and, after a .street parade,
escort them te their quarters. The route
of parade will bis as fellows : Ferm or
North l'rinec, right resting en James, ti
North Queen, te Orange, te Mary, te Wes
King, te Seuth Queen.te Vine, te Church,
te Fast Iving, te Duke, te Empire house
and dismiss.
At the close of the parade the Fmpir.
boys will be given a banquet by tin
Humane company, at their hall en Wes!
King street.
The ShiHIcr company will return from
Reading te-morrow and be received by
the Friendship.
Iu the Reading parade yestciday a Ner
ristewu company was the best looking
and one from Lebanon the biggest am
heaviest ; but the Lancaster boys wen
universally praised for fine appearance anc
decorous conduct.
Cusinefcg Fer the Beard of Haaltli.
i save Your Hair Keep it Beautiful.
The " Londen Hair Celer Restorer" Is the
me3t ileliglitlul article ever introducedjte the
r, ... .. r ,... -.. . -c I American people anil istetally different from
lempiainu ceme irem amerem. pari m , a,. etbr .-. . - Eegterers. bcim
Heme Again.
Postmaster Marshall and William Kit.
die, who had been te Washington, return
ed home last evening. They report ai
immense crowd and the eapitel an impres
sivc scene. They had a view of the eminent
dead as the body lay in state in the eapi eapi
eol. C. A. Heinitsh and wife returned te
Lancaster last evening after having com
pleted a few thousand miles excursion
among the wonders of the far West. They
left Lancaster five weeks age, Mr. Hein
itsh being a delegate te the American
Pharmaceutical association that met in
St. Leuis. At the conclusion of the soci
ety's business, the delegates went West,
one party te Santa Fc and the ether te
Colerado, Mr. and Mrs. Heinitsh accom
panying the last named party. They vis
ited Devcr, Manitou, Georgetown and
many ether points of interest, icturning
via Topeka, Keek Island, Waterloo. Chi
cago, Miilfale, Erie and the Lehigh Val
ley. Beth Mr. and Mrs. Heinitsh express
themselves delighted with their tour.
Court Preuccdiugs.
Mary Ann Brencman, of Litilz, was
granted the benefits of the'actef Assembly
of April ", 1872, giving te married women
their scperatc earnings.
The rule te show cause why a new trial
should net be granted in the suit of
Rcyburn, Hunter & Ce. vs. Jehn R. Themas
w:is discharged.
Sarah Hubcr, ef'East Lampeter, was
divorced from her husband, .laceb Ruber,
en the ground of desertion.
There wcra no cacs ready for argument
this morning and court adjourned until 9
o'clock en Saturday morning.
Eight Among tlie Cubbies.
There was a lively row this morning
amengthc cab-drivers in front of the
Pennsylvania railroad depot. Twe or mere
of them wanted te secure the same pas
sengers and baggage, and as it is a physi
cal impossibility for a man, woman or
trunk te be iu two cabs at one and the
same time, there was a fight as te which
cab should have the prize. The passen
gers ever whom the contest was waged
became se alarmed at the pugnacity or the
"enbbies," that they resolved te walk te
their hotel, which they did en a deuble
Twe Families llemeleis.
In the absence of his wife Mathias
Mciley, of Lexington, Warwick township,
cooked his own breakfast and went guu
ning. The fire must have set his house
ablaze and iu a few minutes it was totally
destroyed, together with the adjoining leg
lixmsc of Susan Imhoff. Less 1,500 ; lately
insured iu the Mauhcim mutual company
for 1400, but the owner failed te pay his
last assessment of 72 cents, consequently
the policy became null and void.
A silk Factory.
Union station, East Cocalico township,
is te have a silk factory. Six acres of
land were recently bought from Christian
Keller, one cichth of a mile southeast of
that place, by Reading parties. There
upon they wiil plant mulberry trees for the
propagation of the worm, erect buildings,
Would Like te Knew.
,J.J A mere agreeable speaker and mere
pleasant gentleman than Maj. A. S. Ed
wards, delcgate te the firemen's conven
tion fiem Lancaster?" is one of the
queries the Reading News of last evening
has under its column " What the News
would like te knew."
1 'a t oral Call Accepted.
Rev. J. B. Seule, of this city, was wait
ed upon yesterday by a committee from
the Celcrain Baptist church, consisting of
Messrs. Jehn Warden and Pennington
Moere, who tendered him in bclialf of the
church, a call te become their pastor,
which has been accepted. The people of
Colerain are getting a faithful preacher
aud zealous worker.
the city of the criminally filthy condition
of the gutters and drains. Belew the cot
ton factories aud thence te the "run"
there are a number of filthy, stagnant
peels from which poisonous vapors are
constantly arising. On North Christian
street between James and Frederick
streets the gutters aic clogged with grass,
weeds and filth "of various kinds, which is
kept moistened by the water that cannot
force itself through, and the whole of it lies
a decaying, stinking, festering, disease
breeding mass. In a private alley near by
arc piles of filth, in which dead cats and
chickens arc decaying. On the upper end
of Neith Queen street and some of the
streets intersecting it matters are even
worse. The gutters are clogged,
the drain that cresses North Queen
near Feagleyville clogged up, some
of the low lying lets filled with stag
nant water and decaying vegetation, aud
the sidewalks even filthy and almost im
passable from the droppings of large lleeks
of geese that ream the streets at pleasure.
Within two weeks past in this immediate
vicinity uine deaths have occurred nearly
all of them from diphtheria and typhoid
fever, aud a number of ether persons are
lying seriously il! of the same diseases.
That the mortality and disexse have been
caused iu a large measure by nuisance
arising from the filthy peels and gutters
there can be little doubt. There is work
for the street committee, the commission
er and the beard of health. If they de
net attend te it, there will be still mere
work for the doctors and the undertakers.
Tin-: i:(!i,iMiUM)AKKK ticeukle.
(umlakei Sues Cole for 110,000 Haulages.
Emanuel Gundaker this morning enter
ed suit in the prothenotary's office against
Edward II. Cele, charging him with the
seduction of his (Gur.daker's) wife, thus
depriving him of her:: flectien and society,
and injuring him te the extent of 10,000.
The complaint further states that Cele has
no real or personal estate sufficient te
meet the sum claimed, and as plaintiff be
lieves defendant is about te depart the
jurisdiction of the state, he asks that he
may be compelled te give bends for his
Soen after Mr. Guudakcr'.s claim had
been pi ecu in the hands of the sheriff
Deputy Sheriff Hippy called at Mrs.
Reese's and took Cele into custody. I lis
physician, Dr. Carpenter, certified that it
would net be safe te remove Cole from his
room, his wound being iu a worse condi
tion for a day or two past than it was for
some days preceding Thereupon an
other deputy sheriff was placed iu Mr.
Cele's room te take charge of him until he
shall be summoned before court. It is
said. that Mr. Cole's counsel will appear
before court te-morrow morning and ask
te have him discharged en common bail.
Kattery C.
Battery C, 3d U. S. Artillery, who are
n the march from New Yerk te York Yerk
own, Va., passed through Ceatcsville at
8:45 this morning, and expected te reach
Lancaster this evening, where they will
encamp for the night.
The battery passed Kinzer's at 2:20
p. m.
Railroad Station Robbed
Last night thieves broke into the rail rail
read station house at Pomcrey station
anil robbed it of a large numbers of tickets.
They also carried oil' the money drawer,
but it contained no money. They also
broke into the height house adjoining and
scattered things areuud in the liveliest
manner, but it is net yet known whether
they stele auything.
Tim Michigan Sullcrers.
The mayor acknowledges the receipt of
the following additional sums contributed
te aid the sufferers bv the Michigan fires :
Cash (M. II.), $1 ; Chas. Adelph Lecher,
5 ; Scncr Bres, (lumber), $10 ; cash (C.
B.), 10 ; cash (W. M.), -5; Reed & Hen Hen
dereon, $10. Total, including former ac
knewledgments, $059.25.
Teiirgee's Sew Heeks. '
Dr. A. W. Tourgce's new book, " A
Royal GcnUeman," has just been issued
from the press and is said te be fully equal
te previous works written by this distin
guished author. Mr. A. J. Sanderson has
secured the agency for the sale of the book
in this city, and will call upon our citizens
for subscriptions.
The Florences. On Monday even in;; the tal
cnled cniiuMhui Mr. W. .1. Florence and his ac
complished wife will nppcural the opera liouse
in their greatest succcs, " The Mighty Hellar."
The Honorable Ranlirell Stele and Mrs. Gcn'l
GUjIortnme. f. (old favorites) with Lancaster
people, who have laughed again and again evit
the eccentricities of the member from Oshkosh
and the delicious Frunch et the relict et" the
late Ceneral G.;" and the return et these two
notables suggests the propriety et seeming
seats early by all who I'esirc te bee and enjoy
tle'iu next Monday.
Hitrerly's ".S7-'v.7.v." Our citizens re
member with the liveliest pleasure the per
formance et the " .Strategists " at Fulton opera,
lien; last winter, one of the runniest light
comedies ever pi educcd here. Sine that time
tie play lias been purchased by Manager Ilav
eiiy, who, after putting it into the hands of n
competent, dramatist for improvement, ami
revision, .sent il out with a company whose
tour lias been one continued triumph. The
piee i will be produced here en Saturday even
ing by ll.iwrly's cemnany. et which a San
FrancNce paper speaks Iu this manner : " Mr.
Pellc had a very warm recaptien, and played
the chief role, a very arduous one, in a very
sueivsfnl manner. The leading lady. Miss
Gilbert, is petite in ligiire, handsome iu f.tce
and person, am! a bright vivacious and charm
ing actress. She wen the hearts et hcraiulilers
as well as amusing them. Hurry Linden is a
sterling comedian, who developed the charac
ter of the irascible Majer te ill full value.
Harry Hell had a small role, which lie gave in
a neat and satisfactory manner. All the
smaller parts were well tilled, and from be
ginning te end The Strategists' moved like
clock work."
Query Dees the note
Cuticiira Shaving Seap.
shaver shave Willi
Switchback Excursion,
en WcdiHiMlay, October 5. Keund trip tickets
geed for Thursday only, $3.25 irem Lancaster
ami Columbia. Manhclin, Kphrata and Lititz
only $:;. Train leaves Lancaster and Columbia
Allixm,; Manheim, 0:35; Lilitz,C:l 5; Kphrata,
7:01. scpl2l,22,25&ectl,3
The careworn and overworked liud comfort
and strength in Malt Bitters.
11 is simply marvelous hew quickly consti
pation, biliousness, sick headache, fever anil
ague, and malaria, arc cured by "Sellers'
Liver lills." uep-lmdAw
Better than putting one dollar out at com
pound interest, is the sending it te Dr. C. W.
Bensen, Baltimore, Mil., for two boxes of his
Celery and Chamomile Pills, which cure nerv
ous disease, quiet the mind, brim; en refresh
ing sleep and prevent paralysis.
Ge te II. II. Cochran's Drug store, 137 North
Queen street, for Mrs. Freeman's New Na
tional Dyes. Fer brightness and durability of
eoler,are unequalcd. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds.
Directions in English and German. Price. 15
" Lindsey's llloed Searcher" the great med
icine for fever and ague, malaria, and all bleed
poison. Don't fail te use it. scp-lmd&w
Why Wear Piasters ?
They may relieve, but they can't cure that
lame back ter the kidney's are the trouble and
you want a remedy te act directly en their se
cretiens, te purity and restore their healthy
condition. Kidney-Wert lias that specitic ac
tion and at the same time it regulates the
bowels perfectly. Don't wait te get sick, but
get a package te-day, and cure yourself.
Either liquid or dry for sale at the druggists.
JBlnyhatapten Republican. sl9-lwd&w
all ether Hair Kesterers, being entirely free
from all impure ingredients that render many
ether articles for the hair obnoxious. Where
baldness or falling of the hair exists, orprcma erprcma
ture grayiiess, from sickness or ether causes,
Ils u-e will restore the natural youthful color,
and cause a healthy growth, cleansing the
scalp Irem all impurities, dandrull, etc., at the
same time a most pleasing and lasting hair
dressing, fragrantly perfumed, rendering it
soft and pliable, making it an indispensable
urt icle in every toilet. Ask your druggist for
Londen Hair Celer Restorer. Price 75 cents a
bottle. Six bottles, $1. Main depot for the
United States, 830 North Sixth street, Phlladel
phla. uill-lvdTThAFAw
until TUESDAY nexten account of holi
days ; also en MONDAY, OCTOBER 3.
ltd A. HIKSH.
X and Ladder Company will meet at the
Truck Heuscat 7 o'clock THIS EVENING, for
the purpose of receiving the Company from
Reading. The members having equipments
will wear them. By order of
It C. M. HOWELL, President,
Terrible Less of Life.
Mill Ions el rats, mice, cats, bed bugs, reaches,
lese their lives by collision with "Rough en
Rats." Sold by druggists, 15c.
Universal Approbation
By the community at large lias been given te
Burdock Bleed Bitters. Ne instance Is known
where dissatisfaction has been manitestcd-by
their useTer where aught but benefit followed
their administration. Price $1. Fer sale at II.
B. Cochran's drug store, 1:J7 North Queen
slieet, Lancaster.
Itching illes symptoms una Cure.
The symptoms are moisture, like perspira
tien, intense itching, increased by scratching,
very distressing, particularly Ht night, as if
pin worms were crawling in anil about thu
rectum the private parts are sometimes af
fected ; il allowed te continue very serious result-'
may fellow. Dr. Swayne's All Healing
Ointment is a pleasant sure cure. Alse for
tetter, itch, salt rheum, scald head, Erysipelas,
barber's itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty, cuta cuta
neous eruptions. Price, .in cents, three boxes
for $125. Sent by mail te any address en re
ceipt of price In currency or three cent post
age stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swaynu .V
Sen. XXi North Sixth street. Philadelphia, Pa.
Sold by all prominent druggists.
i uncJ-:imilM Ws'&w
Wicked ter Clcisryiuen.
"1 believe it te beall wrong and even wicked
ter clergymen or ether public men te be led
Inte giving testimonials te quack doctors or
vile stall's called medicines, but when a really
meritorious article is made up et common val
uable remedies known te all. and that all phy
sicians use and tru-t in daily, we should lreely
commend It. I therefore cheerfully and hear
tily commend Hep Bitters for the geed they
have done me ami my friends, firmly believing
they have no equal for family use. 1 will net
be without, then;."
Rev. , Washington, !. C.
i:ijscui:i FKO.ii j)i;ath
The follewingstatementof William. I Cough Ceugh
lin, of Semcrvillc, Mass., Is se remarkable that
we beg te ask for it the attention of our read
ers, lie says : ." In the fall of 1S7A 1 was taken
with a violent bleeding of the lungs followed
by a severe cough. I seen begun te lese my
appetite and lle.-h. I was se weak at ene time
th:U) 1 could net leave my bed. In the summer
of 1877 I was admitted te the City Hospital.
While there the doctors said I had a hole In
my left lung us higus a half cellar. I expend
ed ever a hundred dollars in doctors anil med
icine. 1 was se far gene at one time a report
cut around that I was dead. I gave up hope,
but a friend told me et Dn. Wm. Hall's Balsam
von the Luxes. I laughed at my friends, think
ing that my case was incurable, but I get a
bottle te satisfy them, when te my surprlse
and grutilicatieii, 1 commenced te tcel better.
My hope, once dead, began te revive, and to
day 1 feel In better spirits than 1 have the past
three years.
"I write this hoping you will publish 11, he
that everyone allllcted with Diseased Lungs
will be Induced te take Dr. Win. Hall's Balsam
for the Lungs, and be convinced that con
sumption can be cured. 1 have taken two
bottles and can positively say that It has done
mere geed t'lan all ether medicines 1 have
taken since my sickness. My cough has al
most entirely disappeared ami I shall seen be
able te go te work." Sold in Lancaster at
Cochran's Drugstore, lSTiiml 139 North Queen
t rcet. 1 viS-lyilceclThA w2
A C'eugn, Celd or heiu Tiueal slieutil ne
etepped. Neglect frequently results In an In
curable Lung Disease or Consumption.
Brown's nreuchlal Troches de net disorder
the stomach like cough syrups and balsams,
but act directly en the inflamed parts, allaying
irritation, give relief in Asthma. Bronchial
Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles
which Singers and PublicSpeaker.s are subject
te. Fer thirty years Brown's Bronchial
Troches have been recommended by physi
cians, and always give perfect satisfaction.
Having been tested by wide and constant Use
for nearly an entire generation, they have at
tained well-iucrited runic among Urn lew staple
remedies of the age. Sold at i cents a box
everywhere. mS-lvdTTIiASAlyw
Aleuicrh! Jtletnurnts ilet!iers!l
Are you disturbed at night and brek-n of
your rest by a sick child guttering and crying
with the excruciating pain ntcuJHng teeth?
If se, go at once nnd get a bottle of MRS.
lieeo the peer little suflerer Immediately de
pend upon it; there is no mistake about it.
There Is net a mother en eailh who lias ever
used it, who will net tell you at once that it
will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the
mother, and relief and health te the child,
operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te
use in all cases, and pleasant, te the taste, and
id the prescription of one et the eldest am!
best female physician ami' nurses in the
Uu'leil States. Sold everywhere; 'i cents a
Lettie. inrMvil&ivM.W&S
In the Whole History or .Medicine.
Ne preparation has ever performed such mar mar
veleous cures, or maintained se wide u, reputa
tien, as Aviai's Cunnr.v Putekal, which is
rccegni.ed as tins world's remedy for all dis
eases of the threat and lungs. Its long-continued
series of wonderful cures in all cli
mates has made it universally known as a safe
and reliable agent te employ. Against ordi
nary colds, which are the forerunners et mere
serious disorders, it acts speedily and surelv,
always relieving suffering, mid often saving
life. The protection it affords, by its timely
use In threat and chest disorders, makes It an
invaluable remedy te be kept always en hand
In every home. Ne person can allerd te be
without It, and these who have once used it
never will. Frem their knowledge of its com
position and ellects. physicians use the Chei ry
Pectoral extensively in their practice, and
clergymen recommend it. It is absolutely cer
tain In its remedial effects-, and will always
euro where cures arc possible. Fer sale by all
dealers. sepil-lwdceilAw
Hay Fever.
Mcssim. Wiiiti:& Buami-K, Druggists, Ithaca,
N. Y. 1 can recommend Ely's Cream Blam te
rcHevc all persons suffering with Rese Celd
and Day Fever. 1 have been a great sufferer
from the same complaints ; have had great re
lict by using the Balm. 1 have recommended
it. te many of my friends for Catarrh, and in
all cases where they have used the Balm freely
have been cured. T. Kcnmsy, Dry Goods mer
chant, Ithaca. N. Y., Sept. 0, 18.S0.
Mr. A. L. Avery, Pharmacist, Newark, N. J.
Having been severely uilllcte.l for eleven
years with Hay Fever, after trying almost
everything without avail, I gave up all hopes
et being cured, when I purchased of you a
box of Ely's Cream Balm. Te iny snrpiise,
after a few applications, I was entirely rc rc
llevel. II. Watsen Harris, Letter Carrier Ne.
H, New P. O., Newark, X. .1. Price 50 cents.
Harsish. In West Lampeter township, en
September 23, lSSt, at. his residence, Michael
llarnish, sr., in the 81th year et his age.
The relatives and friends of the family
are respectfully invited te attend the iuncral,
from his late residence, West Lampeter town
ship, en Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock. I nter
mcutat burying ground en farm. 2til
TEMBER 21, 1S31, will be sold at public
sale ene car lead et sleck bulls at Jehn W.
Mentzer's Stock yard,
tober will be issued shortly. Persons wishing
their properties noticed should nend descrip
tions at once. Ne charge unles-i sold.
Real Estate, Colledion and Ins. Agents,
septS .lind 3 North Duke Street.
j and unequipped members of the Ameri
can Fiie Cempauv. Ne. 5. will meet at their
Heee Heuse THIS EVENING at y. o'clock, te
participate in the escort et the Empire, en
their return from treading.
By order of the President.
ltd JOEL L. HAINES, Sec'y.
At a meeting of the citizens et Lancaster
held at thu court house Tuesday, Sept. 20. 1SS1.
it was resolved '-that en the "day appointed
ter the tuneial et James A. Garlleld.late Presi
dent of the United States, all places of
business be closed, in token et respect te the
memory of the dead President"; and the
action of the meeting having uiet the approval
et our people, 1 request that en MONDAY.the
day appointed ter the funeral all places
of husine-s be closed throughout the entire
day, and that the bells of the city he tolled
from 2 te 1 o'clock p. m., the time at which the
obsequies are taking place at Cleveland.
sep22-3td Mayer.
liesale, en MONDAY, SEPT. 2H, 1SS1, at 2
o'clock, p. m., at the Black Herse hotel, iu the
City of Lancaster, Pa., one of Deal's improved
California Smutter ami operator combined.
Terms made known en day et side.
s20-5td JNO. B. SLOUGH.
The undersigned assignee et D. S
llursk will sell at the store,
the entire stock of
Alse. Lamps, chandeliers. Bracket Lamps and
Lamp Fixtures, Glassware. Stoneware, Rock
ingham Ware. Crockery, Flowerpots, Ac. &e.
Salete commence en WEDNESDAY EVEN
ING, SEPT. 2S, at 7 o'clock, and te continue
eacii evening until the entire stock is sold.
C. Wl DM YER, Assignee.
HiCM-.v SiiriuatT. Auct. s2l-ttd
This undersigned offers at private sale a
property consisting et seven lets of ground in
the town et Spiingvlllc, Lancaster county, at
the station en the Pennsylvania Railroad,
about one mile west of Mount Jey and near
the Lancaster & llarrlsburg turnpike. The
improvements are a two-storied Frame Heuse
21x21 feet, a Railroad Stat ion and Ticket
eilice, a Frame Warehouse 21x48 feet, and
Ceal mid Lumber Yard, with about 2(i0 feet, et
Ceal Shedding, New Fail-bank's Scales of s ten
capifcity ; .'WO Feet et Railroad Siding. Trestle
work for dumping coal, with space for exten
sion of same. Buildings mostly new and every
thing in geed order. Location pleasant, in a
thickly settled agricultural neighborhood and
a fast improving town, with no rival business
iu the town. Has an established coal trade,
and capacity and advantages te de a geed
shipping business and increased passenger
travel. Price $9.W en reasonable terms. Fer
further information address
Spring Garden P. O.,
fuSO-inr' Lancaster County, Pa.
City Property. On MONDAY, OCTOBER
21, 1SS1, at the the Fountain Inn, m the city et
Lancaster, the undersigned iu pursuance of
an order the Orphans' Court or Lancaster
county, will expose te public sale the follow
ing very valuable real estate, late et J. Ycatus
Cenyngliam, deceased.
All that certain half let or piece of land
situated en the southwest corner et Seuth
Queen and Mifllin streets, in said city, Ne. 2(1,
fronting .".'.! feat 2J4 inches en Seuth Queen
street, and extending 215 feet along Mltllln
street te Beaver street, which btaiuds Ren
the rear.
The Improvements area line old-tahiencd
thicc-Mery and attic brick house, with two
story brick back building, large two-story
brick stable, a large two-story brick wareheuse
en Reaver street, hydrant, fruit trees, &c, Ac.
This Is one el the most desirable properties
for either a residence or a business stand,
which has been offered in this city for a long
Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when
ntlcndiirtve will be given and terms made
Executers, c et J.Yeatcs Ceiiyngham,dec'd.
Hknrt SmriiKirr, Auct. sep22 tsd
TEM BER 21, 1SS, In pursuance i-fun order el
the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, will
be sold at. public vendue, at the Cailwell
Heuse, corner North Queen and Chestnut
streets. Lancaster, Pa., the following real es
tate, late of Jehn S. Gable, deceased, te wit:
Ne. 1, all that two-story frame dwelling
house part thereet used as a store room
with a two-story frame back building and
brick tobacco warehouse, and let or pieee et
ground, situated en the west side et North
Queen street, in the city of Lancaster afore,
said, containing in front about It; feet, and in
depth, along ils northern Hue. about 110 leet
te the Pennsylvania railroad. Bounded en the
north by ground of Jehn R. Bitncr, en the
south am! west by the Pennsylvania railreml,
ami en Hie east by North Qaeeii street afore
said. This properly has perfect drainage, cou
nt cteil with sewer in North Oueeu street. The
locution is well calculated ler public business
et any kind, being in the most populous part
of the city.
Ne. 2, a most Valuable building let, situate
en the southwest corneref WestChestiiut. and
Chariet iestrects, in said city, containing W feet
en Chestnut and 150 feet en Charlette street.
This Is unquestionably one et the most desir
able building lets te be found anywhnre in
the city of Lancaster, ami will be fold as a
whole or in parts, suit purchasers.
Possession and title en April I, 1SS2; of the
building let, however, possession may begivcn
Sale te commence at 7Jf o'clock p. m. en said
day, when terms will be made known by
II. SmimatT, Auct. seplfl-Tu&Sts
ESTATE. The undersigned assignee of
Geerge Mcngel and wite will sell at public
sale, at the Siiinmv Heuse, in the borough of
Manhcim, en SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1S8I,
the following described real estate, situate In
said borough :
Purpart Ne. 1, consisting of a let et ground
fronting en Prussian street 'M feet, mere or
Ie.-s, and extending in depth 257 teet, mere or
less, te Wolf street, thence along Wolf street
57 teet, mere or less, te property et Samnel
Ensininger en the. east, thence south 217 leet.
mere or less, te the corneref purpart Ne. 2
(being the store property), thence west along
tlie said store property 21 feet, mere or less,
thence north along said property 40 feet, mere
or less, te Prussian street te beginning, where
on is erected a two story and attic BRICK
DWELLING HOUSE, with frame kitchen at
tached, a large Frame Barn fronting en Wolf
street 41J. feet, mere or less, and extending in
depth VS feet, mere or less, with wagon sued
attached te said barn ; also geed nuthouses,
grape arbor and grapes, fruit of different va
rieties, and a well et never-failing water.
Purpart Ne. 2, consisting of a let of ground
fronting 21 teet, mere or less, c.n Prussian
street, adjoining purpart Ne. 1, and extending
In depth 40 leet, mere or less, te purpart Ne. I,
whereon Is erected a tuo-stery Brick Build
ing, built for and occupied as u Shee Stere.
Tim buildings en the above property are all
In geed condition.
Sale te commence at 7o"cleck p. m., when al
tendance will be given ami terms made known
sci)7,10,17,2l4ectl,8d Assignee.
2i PERTY and valuable real estate. The
undersigned executers of Elizabeth B. S.
Harberger, deceased, will cxpescat public sale
en SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1SSI, at the
Fountain Hetel, en Seuth Queen street, Lan
caster, Pa., at 7 o'clock 1. M., all that certain
double two-story Brick Dwelling Heuse, with
brick back building attached, together with
ether improvements, and let thereto belong
ing, situated en Seuth Queen street, in said
city. Ne. 225, fronting en eist sine of Seuth
Queen street:!! feet syz inches ami extending
in depth of that width 112 feet Inches, ad
joining properties of Dr. Jehn L. Alice and
Susan Smith. This property is centrally lo
cated and a desirable residence.
In the afternoon at 1 o'cleek, en SATURDAY',
OCTOBER 15, 1S.SI, en the above premises,
said executers will also expose at public sale
the following personal property of sail! de
ceased, viz.: Bed, Bedstead, Marble-top Wash
stand, Bureau, Mantle Cleck, Leeking Glass,
Walnut Cane seat Chairs ami Rocking Chairs,
ami ether household and kitchen furniture tee
numerous te mention.
Persons wishing te view realty before day
of sale may 'call en A. J. Harberger, one of the
u ndersigued, at Ne. 3 West Chestnut street.
Teiins made known en day of sale by the
undersigned, L. B. HARBERGElt,
Hkss'A Se::, Auctioneers.
I 3 UU Spokes for wile. Apply le
augC0-ltd&4tw Blrd-in-IIaml P. O.
The Deers of tbe Rotunda Closed.
"Washington, Sept. 23. The visitors te
the eapitel sensibly diminished about
midnight, aud, as night were en, ceased
almost entirely. A delegation of the
Philadelphia councils, headed by ex
Speaker Randall and Representative
O'Neill paid their last respects te the re
mains of the late president. The doers
of the rotunda were then closed aud at
10:50 all persons except officials were ex
cluded. At 11 o'clock the streets were
General Sheridan has been selected as
one of the guards of honor.
Mrs. Garfield With Her Dead.
Washington, D. C, Sept. 23. At 11:20
two closed carriages dreve te the cast lower
entrance of the Sonate wing and the occu
pants alighted, passed up the privates stair
way te the vice president's room. All cor
ridors aud passageways upon the maiu
floerof the Senate wing were quickly barred
te all comers and instructions given
by Scrgant-at-Arnis Bright, of the
Senate, te employees of the capite
cnduty,tekecpthemsclvc.i completely hid
den in the recesses of dcers and windows,
while Mrs. Garfield passed through the
rotunda. The rotunda itself was com
pletely cleared, the Guard of Hener retir
ing from view for the time being. In a
few minutes the little precession emerged
from the vice president's room and passing
around through the east corridor proceeded
in the following order through silent and
deserted main passageway of the building :
Sergeant at Arms Uright, leading, then
followed Mrs. Garfield leaning upeu the
arm of General Swaim, Harry Garfield,
Mellie Garfield and Miss Rockwell. Cel.
and Mrs. Rockwell, Attorney General
MacVeagh and Mrs Swaim. Net a
sound was heard save of the softly
pattering feet upon the marble lloer
as the little company, robed in sembre
garments of docpest mourning, passed
silently te mingle their tears and pay the
last earthly tribute ever the casket, which,
scaled from view the form and features of
the dearly loved husband, father and
friend. After remaining about twenty
minutes in the rotunda they returned
quietly and witli the same privacy that
marked their entrance, aud passing through
the Senate wing entered their car
riages and returned te the residence of
the attorney general.
riieusunils About tlie Capitel.
At 1 :45 p. m. te-day the crowd about
the eapitel numbers many thousands.
Every entrance te the building was closely
guarded and nene admitted without spe
cial tickets. The arrangements for the
funeral ceremonies arc all completed.
Tiie Floral Devices.
The position of the fieral eilerings lias
been changcd.Nething remaining upon the
casket save a few bunches of palm. At
the head of the catafalque stands a broken
column of white aud purple flowers, sur
mounted by a white dove. On cither
side are a tastefully arranged crown
and pyramid of rases ; at the feet and
resting against the black drapery is a
wreath which, by order of Quren Victeria,
was placed upon the casket. Arransred en
each side of this wrccth are handsome
cresses, while at their base is
placed a magnificent ileral pil
low, en which is inscribed in violets,
" OL'lt MARTYR PRESIDENT ;" UC.t te this
is placed " the gates ajar." The
Knights of Malta contributed a large
Maltese cress and the Union veteran corps
(of which Garfield was a member) a pil
low of white llewcrs bearing m violets the
inscription, u. v. c. te their com
rade." The whole appearance of the cata
falque was tasteful aud elegant. On
the south side of the casket are
arranged sofas for Mrs. Garfield
and family, aud en the north side
sofas arranged for members of the cabiue
and distinguished guests. Previsions are
also made for the justices of the supreme
con it and United States senators and rep
resentatives, representatives of the picss
ami the public generally. The army and
navy will probably be placed iu the north
eastern or northwestern part of the hall.
Knights Templar Offering.
At 1:45 p. m. the doers of the rotunda
were encucd. The first society le arrive
was IScauscant ceutmandcry Knights
Templar, of Baltimore, but they did net
remain, simply passing areuud the cata
falque. They placed an immense fieral
Maltese cress at the head of the dais.
At 2:10 the members of the Army of
the Cumberland passed in and took the
scats reserved for them. Immediately after
the doers were thrown open te all holders
of tickets. In ten minutes the chaiis
set apart for the general public were filled
seen the diplomatic corps arrived and
were assigned te the scats reserved for
them. The military formed at the cast
front of the eapitel at 2:15.
Wants a Chance at a Negro Jury.
Wilmington, Del., Sept. 23. In the
case of Wm. Neal, who is charged with
outraging Mrs. Margaret Messer in March,
1880, and who was subsequently
tricd convicted and sentenced te death by
the county court, which verdict was after
ward set aside by the United States su
preme court, ou the ground that the court
below erred in net admitting testimony
as te the alleged discrimination against
negrees as jurors, the court of eyer and
terminer this morning, in accordance with
the mandate of the supreme court, ordered
the original indictment quashed.
The case will ha remanded te the errand
jury te pass upon a new indictment. Ne
time has been set for a new trial.
Washington, D. C, Sept. 23. Fer the
Middle Atlantic states, fair weather, ex
cept local rains in the extreme northern
portion, south te west winds, stationary
barometer, stationary or higher temperature.
Twe Thousand Evictions.
Cerk, Sept. 23. A flying column has
completed 2,000 evictions at Mitchellstown,
xe nines nerinwcsc ei mis piacc. iue
tenants, except iu about a dozen cases,
paid their rent and were reinstated.
Iowa Gnl'eh Mining
UwrrzD States Bend's.
United States 4 per cants...
" 5 "
Beard adjourned at neon.
.. 117K
.. I13J5
.. 101-5
.. 101
Leral Mecks unit IJeuu.
An Extra Session of the IT. S. Senate Calicd
Washington, Sept. 23. The president
has issued a proclamation for an extra
session of the Senate te meet ou Oct. 10.
Cemment of the Londen Publication ou
the IeatIi-wennu of the President,
Defending the Surgeons.
Londen, Sept. 23. The Lancet, dis
cussing the cese of Gen. Garfield, says the
bullet did net wound any vital part in its
path, aud had the sinuous wound it made
closed up, all would have been well ; but
the wound did net heal, because its walls
were bruised and se injured that a primary
union was impossible. The retention of
pent-up and putrid matter in the wound
almost insured the absorption of septic
poison and death. It may be regarded as
an open question hew far successful
an attempt te render the wound asceptic
might have been. It would be unjust te
blame the surgeons, and it is a matter of
congratulation that tliey were net leu
away by the vulgar desire te extract the
bullet which had done no harm since it
reached its testing place near the pan
creas. Its extraction per ne would net have
influe need at all the subsequent course of
Philadelphia Market.
PuiLADULpiiiA, September 23. Fleur scarce
and iuxoed demand ; Superfine, (595 i SO: extra
nt (5 75QG 25 : Ohie and Indiana family, at
17 5egs 00; Pennsylvania family 7 i0
750; St. Leuis de (S UOQS 25; Minnesota
Extra (7 337 75; de straight, $7 757 S7;
winter patent (S 008 75 ; Bpiln de (8 23
9 00.
Eye Heur at $0 25.
Wheat active and higher; Ne. 2 Western
Bed $1 45; Delaware and Pennsylvania Bed.
l UV. : de Amber $1 41611 45.
Cern higher, geed local demand; steamer,
7!c ; sail yellow, 7IQ7ic ; de mixed, 70
61c ; Ne. 3 ai!xed,iyg0c.
Oats firm, geed inquiry; Ne. 1 White, 49J.J:
Ne. 2, de 43c ; Ne. 3, de 47c ; Ne. 2, Mixed,
Eye firm and scarce at $1 10.
Previsions market 11 rm ; mess perk at
$20 00S2O 50- beef ham?, at $2.2;5 ; India
mew beef, (22 50, t. e. I).
Bacen Smoked shoulders 10; salt de
0a ; smoked hams 14c ; pickled hams,
Lard 11 rm : city kettle I3 00; loene
huletierd'- $12 00 ; prime steum$12 fi5127.
Butter choice erratics llrm : ether kinds
iuict; Peiinacrcsiincryexira:t5:!lie; Western
de344z35c; de geed te choice 3132c: llradlerd
county and New Yerk extra. 2f520e ; lirats,
2527e ; Western dairy extra, 252tiu ; de ghed
te choice, 222lc.
Bells none here.
Eggs linn and scarce; Penn'a 2lffl25c;
Western 23e. '
Cheese choice scarce, and wanted ; peer
lets dull; New Yerk lull cream. 13Je ; West
ern lull cream 13c; de fair te goon. 12c ; de
half skimmed S10c; Penna de., 75Jc.
Petroleum nominal; rellned,8s;c.
Whisky firm at $118. ,
Seeds Uoed te prime Clever firm at. W,
11; Timethy dull $2 Sn$3 Ml ; Elaxseul firm
at $1 421 45.
Mew XerK market.
New ebk, Sept. 23. Fleur State and Wit
cm stronger and falrlv active : Superfine
Stale, at $5 23(I ; extra de 6 DO
(id 50; choice de fl 00S: 75; fancy de
$0 S0QS 00; round hoop Ohie JO loge 50:
choice de $0 C0S7 50; superfine western
(5 25C 00; common te Reed extra de
ili l OtJfi J ; choice de jr. 70JJ8 00 ; choice
white wheat de, at (7 00S 00. Southern
Jinn, demand fair ; common te fair extra
$01527 30 : ke.kI te choice de $7 40i8 50.
Wheat prices lc higher ; active specula
tive business ; Ne. 2 Bed, cash, $1 4SJ ; de Sept,
$1 4S1 4SM; de October, $1 40l 50l; de
Nev. $1 5Sgl 53 : de Dec, $1 1 ;;.
Cern Prices ;ije higher uiid active;
mixed western spot, 0771Jc; de future,
Oats MS?c higher, fairly acllve; Oct., 4.!;
4 IJc : state 42J50Kc ; Western 40.?j5!iXc.
Noen (jiioratiens or the urain market
Kurnlsl.ed by
.laeelt is. Leng, Commission
Oct, Nev.
...$ 1.33 f l.35.i
Otltu .
('I It
..$ lu;
20 45
$ LXi-Ji
drain anil Prevision IJuotatleiiR.
One o'clock quotations n( grain and provis previs
ions, furnished by S. K. Ynndt, Breker, I5)
East King street.
Chicago. Sept. 23.
Oct. Nev. Dee.
Wheat $ 1.3275 ' '
Cem 70J4 . -,:e
Oats 42 .I2jj .43;;;
l one.. ........... . . . i.i.i.i ...... ......
Lard...... .. . !-.-) ...... ......
Oct. Nev. Dec.
Wheat $147 $1.51 $1.51
Cern 71 -771-4 fi
Oats 4uj; .1 .51?;;
Live Stock niarKciH.
BtrrrALO. Cattle Receipts te-day, l..-Onea.l ;
total for the week thus far, !9),uoe head, against
10,45 head mime time last week ; eenslgne I
through, 405 ears ; market ulut and unchang
ed'; sales el geed steers at $5 505 50 ; Texiins,
$3 sMj:;!m.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts te-day. 4,'K
head ; total for week thus tar, 13,000 head,
against r.,500 head same time lust week ; con
signed through, 25 cars ; nothing doing for
want of stock, except sales of 2 leuiln of Can
ada lambs at $5 .lOfiiU; feeling steady.
Hogs Receipts te-day, 4,700 head ; total fei
week thus far, 2,000 head, against 2-1,000 head
same time last week ; consigned through, in
cars; market quiet and weak; sales of geed
te choice Yorkers at $S70S 85: light te fair,
Sr.QiiV); medium weights, $S 257 10; he.t
heavy, $71572S.
Chicaoe. l!tgs Receipts. 21,000 hcud; hl
ments, l.UO head; market strong and fairly
active; geed heavy 5c. higher; etheis steady;
mixed packing at V, 15G 75: choice heuvy.
Including Phlladelphsas, $fi007 35 ; culls mid
grasscrs, $15 15.
Cattle Kece.ipta, 7,000 head ; shipments 3.1KK1
head ; choice in geed demand ; experts, $6 4)rj)
i;S5; geed te choice shipping, $5 COfJt; ; com
mon te fnir dull at $1(55 2j; native butchers'
weak at $2 25(94, mainly at $3 25gJ 75; extra
cows. $4 25 1 50 ; stackers am! renders weak at
$2 7504 40 ; grass Texans, $J 7533 75 ; hal r- brce In
and natives, $3'J0&IC0.
Sheep Receipts, 2,0 M hend; market fairly
active and firmer ; sales ut $3 75l 50.
East Liberty Cnttle Receipts, l,3e: head ;
market slew at yesterday's prices.
Hogs Receipts, 2,000 head ; Phlladelphlas at
$7 10$7 30 ; best Yorkers at (C 50(J 75 ; common
te fair, $fiG 40.
Sheep Receipts, G03 head ; market llrm a
yesterday's prices.
New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks
also United States Bends reported dally lj
Jacob B. Letm, N. E. Cor. Centre Siuare.
New Yerk stocks.
3teek3 weaker..
Sept. 21.
A. I. P. M. P. U
10:00 la 3.0U
.... ifin
12C'4 12075 VX'4
113 II414 113J4
CI ... CI
22 21 21M
181 127 120JS
1091$ .... m;j2
89 VJ'si KJ4
126 m,yr 125J5
21M 21 212
iM aiM
T'7 ;s -y
.. rfr
& 3U
Aleney. . .........................
Chicago ft North Western. ...
Chicago. Mil. ft St, Paul
Canada Southern
t a A X J Ks Jfeaaa
Del.. t.ack.4 Western
Delaware A Hudsen Canal....
Denver EIe Grande
Hannibal & St. Jee
Lake Shere & Mich. Southern
Manhattan Elevated
Michigan Central
Mlsseuri.tKansas Texas
N. Y, Lake Eric & Western...
New Jersey Central
N. Y'Ontarle A Western
New Yerk Central
Ohie A Mississippi
Pacific Mall Steamship Ce...
at. I'aui x umana
Vitfi 122J5 122
7i t
H2J2 142 142:2
44i 4; U
51K 517;: 5ii
Paul & Omaha 41J2 44M 4414
de Preferred ltBJi lsCi 1071
Central Pacific IV 15 Ufr)5
xexas l'acinc
Union Pacific
Wabash, St, Leuis A Pacific....
" ' Preferred
Western Union Tel. Ce
Stocks steady.
Pennsylvania it. R.
ltcaiiinK .... ...........-......
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Navigation
Buffalo, Pitts. A Western ,
Northern central
Northern Pacific.
" Preferred
Philadelphia A Erie R. It...
.. C3
'.'. 45
.. van
21 M
Lenc.Clty 6 per et. Lean, due 1SS2.
' " IS!).,
" " IS..
" 5 per ct. In 1 or 30 years
' 5 per ct. Scheel Lean..
" 4 " in ler 2.) years.. lu
" 4 ' in -ft or 20 yearn.. 100
" 4 " in 10 or 20 ears. 100
First National Bank. $100
Farmers' National Bank 50
Lancaster County National Bank.. 50
Columbia National Bank loe
Ephrnta National Bank
First National Bank, Columbia.. .
First National Bank, Stnudiunt...
First National Bank. Marietta
First National Bank, Mount Jey.. loe
Lititz National Bank ltm
Manheim National Bank HO
Union National Bank. Mount Jey. 50
Quarryville R. R.. due ISO $100
Reading & Columbia R. R.,duu ISS2 loe
Lancaster Watch Ce., due li'AJ 100
Lancaster Cas Light and Fuel Ce.,
due In lerCO years 100
Lancaster lias Light ami Fuel Ce.,
lIUU lS2....................a.a....... lK)
Stevens I louse ItK)
(JuarryvlIIe R. R :
.Millersvllle Street Car
Inquirer Printing Company
Wateli Factory
Uas Light and Fuel Company....
Stevens Heuse
Columbia Jus Company
Columbia Water Company
Susquehanna Iren Company
Marietta llellov.-ware ."
Big Spring A Beaver V-ilIey
Columbia & Chestnut 11111
r:elumbla& Washington
Columbia A Big Spring
LancaMcr ,t Ephrata
L:ine.,l-:.lzubetlit'i! AMlddlut'ii....
lincaster A Fruitvllle.
Lancaster .t'Ltt it::
Lancaster A Williamstev.-n
Lancaster A Maner
Lancaster A Manheim
Lancaster A Mariettu
Lancaster A New Helland
I-imcastcr A Susquehanna
liueaster A Willow Street
Stnisburg A Millport
Marietta A Maytown...:
Marietta A Mount Jev
50 $...25
50 25
511 40
101) 115 hd,
Mil 7-.IO
$ 25 $ uvr
. 13M 20
. 25 IU
. 25 20
. 25 1 1. Ill
25 I7.2T
1(H) 51
. M 50
25 (W.JI
. 25 55
50 u-J
25 30.40
25 2.V.-3
100 85
M) 275.'-
25 IO.I.S
25 21
25 10
. 25
EX TJCli T. t tXM t:. T.V.
re opens OCTOBER l'.l.
will glve Icssmw singly or in elisses every
IN!.. Norn I.:ul!(jM and gentlemen can form pri
vate clashes tertile "UKUMAX." Mtt-lwtl
3-ONE NI(.HT"i
llavciiy's Comedy Company,
Supporting the Favorite New Yerk Comedian
In Thee. II. Suycra great farcied comedy tin
"These who conic te laugh remain te rear."'
ADMISSION 75, CO A afic.
Ne ..tru. charge ler reserved .seals. On sale
at the Opera Heuse Onlce. sep22-3tl
MR. JOHN D. MISIILKI. h:is the pleasure of
prcHcullngul Fulton Hall
MR. and MRS. W. J.
In their unprecedented success, the
Last season produced by them in Londen
ever one hundred nights.
ADMISSION 75, fill Si .15 CtH.
New open. Fep22-4td
atrr ihca winuh.
36th Popular Monthly Drawing
Or TK3
In the City of Louisville, en
The?e drawings occur monthly (Sundays
excepted) under previsions el 1111 Act el the
Cciicru! Assembly et Kentucky.
The United States Circuit Court en March3I,
rendered the following d 'cislens:
1st That tliOiuitnenweHllli Distribution
Company is legal.
JJd Ils alruuliigK iire lair.
N. I:. The Company has new en hand a
large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes ler
J J'l !.. 'P tAtXMnf
I 1 1 C . JlMn."
1 Mli1 .l'JUL
lOprl'MTl.ijeeiaeh lo.eoii
JO prl.csMxieucIi 10,000
;ioe prizes leileacli In.'iuO
iti) priz;w50cach 10,1 mc
KK)pri.es20eaeli Vi,nn
loeo prizes lOeach 10,000
'.1 sun eaen, approximation prizes z,7UB
half tickets, $1; 27 tickets
0 prizes 200 each,
j prizes imieacn,
lMl prizes
Whole tickets. $2;
450; 55 ticket!!, $100.
Remit Menev or t.aulc Drult in Letter, 01
send by Express. DON'T SEND BY RKOIS
Orders of $5 am! upward, by Express, run be
Kent nt our ex pensc. Address all orders te 1C.
M. HO A HUM AN, Courier-Journal Building,
LeulHVille. Kr., 01 K. ."!. KOAIC1IMAN.
103 Broadway. New Yerk. luhl-TuThASAw
issl, will be sold ut the public house 01 Jes. M
Potts, In the borough of htrasburg, the fellow
liigdchciibcil very desirable small farm, situ
ated about 0111: mile, southeast et Strashurg
borough, en the read leading te Georgetown,
containing 2 ACRES, en which Is erected a
substantial two-story Slated DWELLING.wIth
a ene and it-halt story Frame Kitchen attached,
Frame Bank Barn with slate reef, having com
bined with it a Wagen Shed and cellar, Heg
Pen and etherncccssary outbuildings ; a never
falling well et excellent water at the house
with pump therein ; a'se large rain cistern at
the heu-e with pump, and ene at the barn with
hydrant. There Is en the premises oneeftlie
Finest Apple Orchards et the choicest fruit
crown anywhere, from which ever $7'j0 worth
of apples were sold last season, about 12 choice
pear trees, u number of line cherry trees. 50
peach trees, grapes in abuudauce, and 11 large
vailety ofether fruit. Tliuroiseveroiic-ijuar-ter
acre set te Asparagus roots, the yield el
which Is net excelled by any in the county as
te quality and quantity. The land Is of llrst
quality limestone, well fenced ami bordered
en tbe north side by a branch of Beaver creek,
te which cattle have aceess. The fences ami
buildings are all In excellent repair. This, In
every particular, is one et the finest and most
desirable, und certainly the best fruited farm
new in the murkct, being located convenient
te churches, mills, stores and posteltice. and
would certainly inake a geed investment ter
anyone wishing iifarm et this size, and is oiler eiler
ed lerale only because the owner Is unable
te work it.
Ferrous wishing te view the premises before
tliy day of sale will please call upon the under
signed residing thereon, by whom the sumo
will cheerfully be shown.
Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. el said
day. when attendance will be given and terms
made known by
H. O. Boek, Clerk. sepl4-3tw
of Seuth Queen anil Vine streets. Lan
caster, Pa., has been entirely refitted and new
eners first-class accommodations at consid
erably reduced prices. Our yards ami stables
will mere than compete with the best in the
city, ami have geed ami attentive estlers.
Olvc us :i trial. II. M. MOORE,
iuar23-Vmw Proprietor.