(0e l&wtfagtei! Volume XVUI-Ne. 20. LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1881. Price Twe Grata. 1 DKT HOODS. J-VBESS GOODS, C. HAGER & BROTHER Have 11 a Large Line et DRESS GOODS, In all eualltles. including many or tlie Choicest styles of the Season. Alse Black and Colored Silk. GINGHAMS, LAWNS, CHINTZES AND WHITE GOODS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, All et which will le seli I at Very Lew Prices te Kcduee Sleck. Sp" ClAI.I Fer JULY una AUGUST we have made a Special Lew Price ter CARPETS, Or which w have :i Handsome Line et tlie Newest Patterns in JJODY ItllUSSKLS, TAPESTRY UKUSSELS, KXTKA SUPEU INGUAIN, WOKSTED, WOOL AND HALL AND STAIR CARPET WITH RORDERS. Alse a line or Carpels at 25, 31, 27J anil GOe. OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS Will be sold en the same low basis. Wis invite examination. HAGER & BROTHER. "nr am. papkk, &c. WALL PAPER, WALL PAPER. Our Stock Includes all tlie Choice Spring Patterns in EM1SOSSKD AND PLAIN GILT SATINS PLATS, HLNKS, CEILING DECO RATIONS, FRIEZES, DADOS AND RORDERS. Te reduce sleek wewill make a SPECIAL LOW Pit WE. We luvitiMitiuiiinullen. HAGER & BROTHER. N KXT IMIOIC TO TI1K CUUKT HOUStt. FAHNESTOCKI HLANKKTS, FLANNELS, MUSLINS, RLANKETS, t L ANN ELS, MUSLINS, ULANKKTS, FLANNELS, MUSLINS, HLANKKTS, FLANNELS. MUSLINS. ULANKETS, FLANNELS, MUSLINS. White and Colored Quills, White and Colored Quilts, White and Colored Quilts, In Quantity, from W11 up. I At fl,$l.M). $1.7.1 anil $2. TAP.LE LINENS AND NAPKINS, TAKLK LINENS AND NAPKINS, TAItLK LINENS AND NAPKINS, Frem the Lewest te the Finc-d Grades, at LOW PRICES. Fer Ladies, Gents, Heys ami Girl". Large nml Attractive Stock, trem -Sl.OO up. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te Court Heuse. N EW CHKAP STOKK. BARM HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS FOll UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR Fer Men, Women anil Chlhlien. I argcstStcck in thl city at Lewest Prices. LOTS OK CHEAP STOCKINGS Fen Men, Women and Children, AT THE NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, Between the Cooper Heuse ami Serrel Herse Hetel. (Adler's OKI Stand.) LAtfCASTEK, PA. GossanLerwaterpeois DRY "VTAKKliT AND NINTH STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. SEPTEMBER, 1881. MORE Woolens in Stere. MORE Woolens under contract ter future delivery. MORE Woolens afloat anil In transit from lerelgn countries. MORE ami greater facilities than ever before for meeting the wants and demands or the pcepl' This is our situation at the opening or our FALL AND WINTER BUSINESS OF 1SSI. We new have already in pert a large invoice et SEAL SKIN CLOTHS AND PLUSHES. COLOR BLACK, .BROWN, SEAL, OTTER COATS. SACQUES, WRAPS, JACKETS, CLOAKS AND FOR TRIMMING. J-EAL SKIN CLOTHS of every quality and color will be one et our leading specialties this season. LADIES' DRESS CLOTHS. Our assortment contains mere new colors, a gi eater variety of shades and a wider tango et effects in SMALL CHECKS, STRIPES AND NEAT SMALL FIGURES, Ac, than can lie found elsewhere. Seme of our leading colors, are handsome, bright shades et GREEN, OLIVE, SAGE, BROWN, GARNET, c. Children's Saeques and "Wraps. NEW FIGURED CLOTHS IN GREAT VARIETY FOR YOUNG MISSES', CHILDREN S AND INFANTS' WEAR. OUR KEFS AID BOYS' BEPARTIEITS Have received their usual careful attention, only our purchases have been larger te meet the demands et our growing business. Much attention has been devoted te selecting line, -seasen-ableand 1'ashlenahle fabrics rer GENTLEMEN'S STREET AND DRESS SUITS. FLANNELS FOR UNDERWEAR And ether general purposes, in large assortment et every quality at the LOWEST POSSIKLK PRICES ler the BEST STANDARD MAKES. INVITATIONS ure cordially extended te citizens and strangers te make a personal cxaininationjef the Largest and Handsomest Sleck et Cleakings and Woolens in Philadelphia at Rftail. SNODGRASS, MURRAY & CO., GREAT RETAIL CLOTH HOUSE, Market and Ninth Streets, Philadelphia. G "1IVI.KK, HOWKKS & SIUICST! -:e:- NOTICE! On account et thedirtand duut caused by tearing down the Lancaster County National Bank building, next deer te our store, we cannot display any goods at our doers, but our customers and lrieuds will llnd that wc show in our store soein. in the different departments, the largest and most desirable lines or goods ever shown in this city, and as we buy all our goods ler cash, we sell tliein at the lowest possible prices. IN OUR SILK DEPARTMENT Weare showing all the new shades in colors, and in Ulack Silk we have the best makes at priees te please evervbedv. New things in ILLUMINATED HOMERS and OMBRli. STRIPES and PLAIDS in all shades and colorings. CASUMERKSand FOULES, In street and evening shades. ALL-WOOL HEAVY SUITINGS, Plaid striped and plain, rer ladles and children. We are censt.uitly buying all the Newest Styles in all the different qualities, te suit everyone. A full line et MOURNING GOODS. New Fall Styles In PERCALES, MOMIES and PRINTS, CANTON mid WOOL FLANNELS, HOSIERY. GLOVES and UNDERWEAR. Closing out MOSQUITO CANOPI KS cheap. Call and see for yourselves. GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST'S Dry Goods and Carpet Heuse, 25 EAST KING STREET. Our store will be closed the cnlire day en t,he memory et the 1-ite President et the United f ANK & CO. LANE Ne. 24 EAST KING STREET. Ne. 24 Have just received, opened and ready for.Inspectlen a large and complete stock et general PRY GOODS, CA11PET1NGS, ETC. At pi ices that dciy competition. High Colored Satin Suitings, New and Rich, Flannel Suitings in ;-J and .'I-t geed. Blooming Black Cashmeres, a matter we pay special attention te. Shawls in long and square, in endless variety and quality. Flannels, Checks and Mnslms in all widths, and in tact anything necessary te constitute a complete stock ler the buyer te .-elect trem. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETING AT 75c. PER YARD, Elegant in Designs and Colorings. Feathers, Steam Dressed, the be.3t the market produces. (Jiiccnswaiv, Cleth, Cassiniere and Ladies' Coats. BOLTING CLOTHS el the very best,braiid wt the market, at New Yerk Prices. An examination solicited et our entile stock, and satisfaction guaranteed te all. . Jacob M. Marks. Jehn A. MILLINERY. jOQI JUST OPENED .1UST OPKNKD 1QQ1 THE LATEST STYLES OF THE NEW FALL GOODS, Comprising Millinery in all Its branches et HATS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS & RIBBONS. Alse all the Latest Fall Styles et Dress Trimmings, Buttens, Fringes, Gimps, Kid Gloves and anything else that can be found In a llrst-class Trimming Stere. OUR MOTTO :--" BEST GOtftlS AT LOWEST PRICES," AT M. A. HOTTGHTOlsrS CHEAP STORE, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, IROX RITTERS. ritON HITTERS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIC. IRON BITTERS are hlglily'rcceinuicinltKl ter all diseases requiring a certain and cfll cfll clent tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles, and gives new Hie te the nerves. It acts like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Feed, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iren Preparation that will net blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write ter-the A B C Boek, 3-2 pp. et useful, and amusing reading sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, l2HydAw BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at COOHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and .139 North Queen street, Lancaster. LIQUORS, JtV. WHITE WINK VlNEGAlC, 95 PJSR CENT. Alcohol, Wines and Liquors, Coffees, Sugars and Teas, all at RING WALT'S 1ebl9-lvd Ne. 205 West King Street. HOODS. MOLE, DRAB AND WHITE, FOR LADIES' rseptUKiiiul&w UVI.KK, 1IOWK1K & 1IUUST! LANCASTER, PA. Monday, September 2.;, In token or respect te States. LA? ANK & CO. & CO., Charles, Jehn B. Reth. TKON ItlTTKKS. SURE APPETISER. BOOTS & SllOltS. LADIES AND GENTS, IF YOS WANT A I Geed and Fine Fitting Beet or Shee, Ready-made or Made te Order, go te F.IIIEMENZ'S, Ne. 10S North Queen Street. Custom Werk Specialty. jy2-ttdS&V Hancastct Jntdltgcncer. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 23, 1881. MATRIMONIAL. TAB GARBER-KADFFMAN WEDDINS. Anether Urllllant Wedding at Mount vlllc. It is seldom tbat any generous host Las Ithesarae opportunity, or embraces it se miy, ie entertain uis irieuus as mr. isaac II. KaufTuian, the well-known tobacco packer and farmer, of Meuutville, who yesterday had the satisfaction of seeing another daughter duly married in tlie presence of one of the largest and happiest companies that ever assembled en such an occasion in this country. It has only been a few weeks since we found occasion te notice the brilliant nuptials of Mr. Kauff man's second daughter and Mr. (Jharlcs, and the elegant entertainment and profuse hospitality of the bride's parents en that occasion. The cemffany which assembled yesterday te witness the wedding of Mr. Christian CJ. Garber and jmss Annie 31. Kauffman, Mr. Kauffmau's eldest (laugh ter, was even larger than at her sister's marriage. Frem 2 te i p.m. there was an almost constant stream of arrivals, from every section of the country, and the whole party was duly assembled at the hour fixed for the ceremony. As the at tendance was live-fold larger than any room in an erditiary heuse could accom modate, the ladies and gentlemen wcie seated en the well-shaded lawn in front of the house, and the ceremony took place en the bread perch of the family resi dence. The In idal party consisted of Sir. Christian G. Garber and Miss Annie 31. Iiaufltnau, bride and groom, attended by Uriah II. Kauiiman and 3Iiss Kalie Erisman, Mr. Harry Garber and Jliss Ellie Hcishcy, Jlr. Tilghmau llestctter and 31iss II. Mary Williams. The ladies were handsomely dressed and literally as "pretty as pictures," while the gentlemen were duly attired in the conventional black and were button-hole bouquets. Kcv. A. 11. ivaulltnan, of llighspire. a minister of the U. B. church and a rela tive of the family, pronounced the cere mony, and at its conclusion the guests offered their congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Gather. The company were invited te the dining rooms where an clcgaut collation was pre paicd, under the direction of Mr. Jes. R. Reycr, the table being most tastefully decorated ; but, the immense number of persons present crowding the house, hun dreds were promptly served under the trees in the lawn and in the many grape arbors en the grounds, where they fully enjoyed their sandwiches, ice cream and cake, fittits of every kind, claret punch and lemonade, cigars- and " ether re freshments." In an upper chamber there was a display, filling the room, of the presents received by the bride scarcely less than two hun dred in number 'and including a most varied assortment of elegant and .useful articles, testifying by -their number and the taste of their selection te the high cs teem in which the young ceuple are held. It would lie impossible te specify the whole of them, butameng them were as(jwing ma chine and pair of oil paintings, seven clocks, an ebony and marble tabic, easy chairs, lamp, about a dozen pairs of china, glass and silver vases, mirror, countless linens, table-cloths, towels, napkins, tidies, cush ions, ifcc , a large family Bible, three silver casters, a half-dozen butter dishes, seven pickcl casters, two large silver pitchers, three cake baskets, four silver and glass preserve dishes, three dozen silver knives, napkin rings, single dessert, sugar and cream spoons, molasses pitcher, uut picks, table and tea spoons, butter knives and countless small articles of silver, glass atid china ware ; pitchers, tea sets, decorated fruit plates, table knives and forks, and every variety of household articles of util ity, luxury and comfort. The Meuutville band, stationed en the ground played the wedding march and seicnade, and discoursed music threngh the afternoon and evening ; the festivities continuing until a late hour. The Guests. Of the estimated 400 or 500 guests pres ent, the following names were gathered. Where no address is given, that of Monnt Mennt ville is te be understood : Lemen Art., Lancaster; Henry Binklcy, and wife ; . I). Dewers, Lancaster; Fred. G. Bcrnthcizcr ; Naemi Bewman, 3Iiss Emma Bewers, Lancaster ; B. N. Brcne man, Crcswell : Miss Sue Brcncman, Co lumbia ; Jehn Baker, Landisville : S. A. Bcckius and wife, Columbia ; Cassic Beckius, Gcrmantewn ; MissMellicBIetz, Jehn W. Beekman, AbramG. Bernthciscl, Samuel Barley ; Miss Mamie Bear, Wil liam L. Bear, Manchester ; Miss Susie Beck, Millersvillc ; Geerge Brewnstcin, San Francisce ; Bcnj. Dharlcs, East llcmp ficld ; 3Iiss Sue Charles, Jes. Charles and wife, Benjamin Charles and wife, Jehn Clmrles and wife, David Charles and wife, Jes. F, Charles and wife, Jeseph Charles and wife, Jacob Charles, Ames Charles and wife, Jeseph Charles and wife, Christian F. Charles ; Jeseph Cremcr and wife, Jehn Copland, Henry Copland, Lancaster ; I. B. Dietrich, Millersvillc ; Harry C. Dietrich aud wife ; Philip Doer Deer Doer sem and wife, Lancaster ; S. S. Detwiler, Columbia ; R. R. Darrah, Millersvillc : Jehn M. Freclich and wife, Henry 31. Fisher, aud wife ; Christian Fate aud wife, Lancaster ; Jehn Ferroy, Columbia ; Jacob Ferrey and wife, Adeline Fcn stcrmacher, Millersvillc ; Jehn Fen drich and wife, Columbia ; rctcr Frey and wife, Fertility; Cyrus Frey, Mount Jey ; Ames Fergusen and wife ; B. S. Frey, Highville ; Jehn Fchl, Slack water ; Jacob "II. Fiidy aud wife, Ed. Freclich ; E. E. Fetter, Mil lcrsvillc ; C. C. Freclich and wife ; Miss Kate Erisman, Lancaster; Miss Martha Englc, Spring Garden ; Lillie Eshlcman, Spring Garden ; Mary Erisman, Sporting Hill ; 3Irs. Annie Eshbach, Mil lersvillc ; Christ Eshbacb, Millersvillc ; Win. II. Emig, Emigsville ; Jacob Frey, Hcttic Frey, Sam. 3Iatt Fridy and wife, J. Halls Fridy and wife, 3Iiss Barbara Fridy ; Miss Alice Herr, Crcswell ; J. Hal deman Herr, Columbia ; Franklin Hake, Yerk ; W. U. Henscl, Lancaster ; Jac. R. Hershey and wife, Jliss Ella Hcrshcy, Miss Lizzie Hcrshcy ; II. II. He:se, Columbia ; Al. Herr, Washington Bore.; Fred. Heise and wife, Henry Humphrcville and wife, Minnie Humphrcville, Miss Mary Hoever ; A. K. Hoffmier and wife, Lancaster ; Harry 31. Herr, Miss 3Iafy R. Herr, 31iss Lizzie R. Herr ; Andrew Garber and wife, Jonas B. Garber and wife, Drew Garber, Harry Garber; Ames Garber, 3Iiss Kate Garber, Annie Garber, 3Iaytewn; Jehn 31. Grider and wife ; W. Hayes Grier, 3Iiss May Grier, Columbia ; Miss Annie Greider, Meuntville ; 3Iiss Annie Greider, Jehn H. Greider, Miss Susau Greider, Sil ver Springs ; Jehn Gable and wife, Cor Cer delia ; Wm. B. Given, Columbia ; Jehn S. Givler, Lancaster ; Jehn P. Gable ; Jehn Garber, Maytown ; Henry B. Hcrshcy and wife, Jacob B. Hershey, Salunga; Jehn Hartman, Jehn Hartman, Cerdelia ; Jehn S.Hoever and wife ; Zena Hess, E.L.IIam bright and wife, Herapfield ; C. Bachman Herr, 3IasenvilIe; Abram Hicstand, Lancaster; Frank Hilt, Geerge Hilt, ilountville ; Miss Lizzie Kendig, Millvcrsvlle ; II. N. Kehler and and wife, Columbia ; H. 31. Kauffman, Maner ; 3Irs. 3Iaria Klugh ; P. S. Kray bill. Slavtewn : I. 31. Kauffman, High ville ; Henry Kiefer ; Uriah Klugh ; Rev. A. II. Kauffman aud wife, Highspire ; Jehn II. Kauffman, Andrew J. Kauffman and wife, Columbia ; Levi Kauffman and wife, Mcchanicsburg ; Aaren Kauffman and wife ; Ed. II. Kauffman and wife, Jehn Kauffman, Lancaster ; Jehn H. K. Kauffman, Silver Spring ; Miss Christie Kauffman. Buck ; Annie Lichty, Susan Lichty, 3Ieunt Wolf; 3Iilten Leenard, Dr. T. 31. Livingston and wife, Miss Sadie Lehman, 3Iiss Emma Lehman ; Jehn S. Mann, Hattie 3Iann, Ida Mann, Edwin 3Iann, Columbia ; Andrew 3Iycrs and wife, Emigsville ; G. W. 3Ioere, Wr igh ville ; Levi 3Iycrs and wife, Ephraim Myers and wife, Miss Nera 3Iycrs, Jacob u. Myers and wife, Christ 3Iusscr and wife, 31. G. 3Iusscr and wife, A. R. 3Iycrs and wife ; B. K. Miller, 3IasenvilIe ; Benj. E. Matin, Washington Borough ; W. S. Martin, 3Iiss Lena Martin, Ilempficld ; D. 31. 3Iy"ers, Lancaster ; Wm 31arkley, Col umbia ; 3Iiss Fanny 3Iumma, 3Ieunt Jey ; .Miss iMiima Miller, Millcrsville ; Daniel Slayers, Lancaster ; Fred, 3Ianu and wife ; Geerge W. 3Iann, A. K. Mann, E. II. Kattffman, Crcswell ; Jlrs. Annie Strieklcr, Lebanon ; Eph. Newcomer and wife, Jacob New comer, Aaren Ober aud v.ife ; Edmund Rutter, Emigsville ; Jacob Rothchild, Col umbia : Dr. A. K. Rehrcr. Jehn Resh ; C. K. Shcnk, Columbia ; Miss 3Iazie Shu man, 3Iiss Kate Shuman, Cresswcll ; II. L. Stchman aud wife, Hempfield ; Peter Snyder and wife ; Jac. C. Stauifer and wife, Washingtan borough ; 3Iiss Anna hookers ; Hen. J. L. Steiumctz, Lancas ter ; Jno. P. Stchman aud wife, Columbia ; Jehn 31. Stehmau, Hempfield ; Jehn Stoi Stei glcmau and wife, Masenville ; Ed Sinyscr, Emigsville ; Jacob Scitz, jr., and wife, Clayten Seitz, Jeseph Scitz, Charles C. Scitz, Jacob Seitz Jehn B. Stchman and Jonas G. Stchman and wife, Andrew Shcl lcnbcrgcr and wife ; Jehn Slough and wife, Lancaster ; A. II. Sheuk and wife, Hempfield ; G. R. Sherk, New Helland ; Geerge Trout, Landisville. 3Irs. Andrew Shellcnbcrger, Levi M. Stencr, 3Irs. Lizzie Stencr and Sliss Annie Witmcr ; 3Iiss Effie Welsh, Columbia ; Cenrad Waltz ; J. W. Yocum, Columbia ; Geerge II. Wolf and wife, Jehn II. Wegan and wife, Caleb L. Wegan, Jennie Wegan, Annie W. Wegan, Gcerge Wegan, Mount Wolf, ; Jacob n. Witmcr and wife, Jacob S. Witmcr and wife, Milten Wike, Aaren Weaver, B. F. Weaver ; Jehn E. Weaver and wife, Lancaster; Hiram Wil Wil eon aud wife, Columbia ; 3Iiss Emma Wit mcr, 3Iiss Saline Witmcr, Silver Springs ; Walter Winters, Buck ; 3Iiss Edith Wikc, Columbia ; Hiram Yeung, Yerk ; David Yohn, 3Iiss Sallie Yehu, Edward Yohn and wife, Clement Yohn and wife ; Adam Zcch, PIcasurcvillc ; 3Irs. Kate Zacharias, Lancaster ; Sel. Zcamcr and wife, Colum bia ; 31. S. Greff, Landisville ; 3Iiss Fanny Garber, 3Iaytewn ; Jeffersen Gresh, Ncffsville ; Jehn P. Gable ; T. G. Hess, Columbia ; Jehn Henry ; 3Iiss 3Iary llestctter, 3Ieunt Jey ; 3Iiss Sue Hershey, East ncmpficld ; Jehn Hum phrcville ; 31. R. Heffman, Bainbridge ; Christian II. Herr, Crcswell ; Frank Heise, Columbia ; Levi llestctter, Mount Jey ; 3Irs. Henry Hershey, 3Iiss Eliza Puff, Jehn Pennypacker, Henry Pad", Charles Scheppf.' Senater J one?. Kxpresses the View of the New Admin istration. I'hlladclphla Recerd lntciview. " The president feels very well aud is fully impressed with the .'cnse of his duties. While the shock .has been exceedingly .severe, he has made up his mind that he must new shoulJer tlie responsibilities, and he is fully able and picparcd te meet them, lie will make a geed president, aud his administration will be ene of credit, net only te himself, but te the country. That is my impression, because I knew the man. " President Arthur is a better judge of men than President Garfield was. He has keen perception in this regard and can sec clear through a man at a glauce. He could never have held his place as chair man of the New Yerk state committee for se many years had he net been. He is thoroughly honest and fair in all his deal ings, and if he had been otherwise iu his long public career there would certainly have been something te come te the sur face which would have tainted his charac ter. " Tiie administration of President Ar thur will be a wis.) ene. He has had vast experience, and, being a geed judge of the temper of people, will de netliinir of fensive." "As t the cabinet?" was asked. "I will net speak authoritatively, but e far as 1 knew, all the present members will resign. I have heard that tiic cabinet as it stands new, and under President Garfield, was inharmonious ; se if that be the case it could hardly be harmonious with President Arthur." "Of course, no ene knows who will re main ?" said the reporter inquiringly. " Net as yet. I de net speak for any one, but my impression is the changes will be numerous, and a cabin:-. t chosen which will be entirely in harmony with the views of the new president. I de net sec hew there can be any change in the linancial policy and de net apprehend, any. I have heard within a few days that Secretary VVindem is anxious te retire from the head of the treasury department and re turn te the Senate He says that his work is completed, and thcre remains nothing for him te de since the bends have all been refunded aud things are tunning smoothly. Secretary Blaine's health is net se geed. He i3 looking better within the past few weeks, but he complains of rheumatism, and fears it may strike his heart at any moment. ' I think the Democrats will organize the Senate aud elect a president pre tcm. The contest for this honor, as I have hcard.lics between two most excellent and honorable gcntlcmen, Senater BayarJ, of Delaware, and Senater Harris, of Tennes see. The first business upon meeting will be te elect a president pre tern. After that, the new senators will be sworn iu, and we will proceed te elect a secretary in place of Mr. Burch, who died last summer. The senators-elect can be sworn in before a secretary is chosen, because there is an assistant, and his presence is net essential te the organization of the body. The Re publican senators will insist upon" a Re publican secretary. I think we will have along session of Congress, and will proba bly net get away before next July. The work of Garfield s administration was net completed, and as the country is growing fast and as there are vast sectional inter ests te be considered, the chances of pro tracted sessions of Cengress'are n:e.e proL preL able each year." The Democrats of Bradford have post poned their county convention until after the funeral of the president. A CITY IN MOURNING. Hew Philadelphia Inspires l'Allotephlc Ke Ke flectlen. Special Correspondence IXTEtxievfcitn. Philadelphia, cpt. 22. Our great city is in mourning deep mourning for the lest president. At least they say they are mourning here, but take down the tens of thousands of black trim med flags, drooping at half mast all ever the city, take down the yards aud yards of somber draping, hung and fastened in all imaginable places and styles, and you would never for a moment think that just ever in Washington only uext deer, as it were is the corpse of the highest in our nation, his soul borne te heaven by the up rising prayers of an afllictcd, loyal people. Thcre are as many bright-looking and joyous faces en the streets as thcie ever were ; the carts, wagons, drays, cars aud carriages are running with their clatter and rattle aud jingle as thickly as they ever did. The feet passengers who are always in such a wonderful hurry, hurry en as rapidly as ever. The dandies, males and females, are all here ou the streets, showy and hollow hollow in head, heart and life, as they always have been. (If our assassins would make it a point te sheet the feels instead of our geed raen,it would help along the economy of things greatly.) The stores are as full as ever, and the business men and their assistants as busy. As I said, if it were net for the show of mourning a man awakened from a Van Winkle sleep wouldn't knew that we mourn. But after all, ometious of any kind would be less emotional if it were net for the ostentation tliey preduce and the effects that fellow. AH the stores and places of business en the princi pal streets and the lager beer saloons everywhere are deeply draped or as an old lady remarked te mc deco rated with black. The bigger the houses the deeper the black ; big besoms are capable of mere sorrow than the ordinary ones of mediocrity. Philadelphia's indi viduals have spent lets ef dollars for this mourning, and Philadelphia city wouldn't take for it forty times what it cost. Wau amakcr, the ne plug ultra in everything, of course is ahead in the profusion of mourn ing. Philadelphia would have liked te have had the president's body in state at the stale house. All the bells tolled mourn fully as the body passed through Wednes day, a little after neon. The business men say that the death will net affect business te any extent, but that a slight falling off may be experienced until after the funeral. A geed many of the law. abiding Christian citizens here would grid iron the murderer of the president if they could ; and every ene is wondering what Arthur will de, and will be wonder fully surprised if, by a paradoxical chance, plums should grew en the thistle Arthur, while net a few who voted for him because he was en the ticket, begin te rcalize that net always the man who occupies the ticket can competently fill the office. Of ceurse we expect the two factions te be at the threats of each ether seen as they can with Republican decency, and let them fight. Which ever way the wind blew it will fan our fire. "The mills erund grind slowly. Rut they grind exceeding small." Dhumeri:. It is Werth a Trial. "I was treiililed ler many years with Kidney Complaint, C ravel, &.; my Meed hecame thin ; I was dull and inactive; could hardly crawl ahent, and was an old worn out man all ever, ami could get nothing te help mc, until I get Hep Kilters, ami new 1 amaliey again. My hloed and kidneys are ail right, and 1 am as active as aman et ."., although I am 72, and I have no doubt It will de as well ter ethers or my age. It Is worth the trial. (Father). sc1.V2wd&w I'll. n,(Ml .-..llu.l 11.1 -., .... ..-..a. ,1.1 ....arl- ing diapason te the gentle llntc ; and the con gregation accompanied by deep sepulchral coughs te coughs scarcely audible, bceaii'-e Minghs te coughs scarcely audible, bceaii'-e lliey had net yet heard or' tin; wonderful elll-i-ncy or Or. Hull's Cough Syrup. nicy caey Sewing anil Kcaplng. Will. I .1 ,.mi, If. Imlt llaallll 1,1 ailL-laalll l.af.1 f..a. ".! a J r ., . a. -iii-i II.H-IW li,llli;i-l nil a rich bachelor she sews that she may reap. v lieu seens ei micasc are piauicn inreiign nl... itiillllirniiAii v.aa. n.aa aiaa.a-.... , It... .!... if,, t iiiiBiiifi.iii . j.p.k wail jfii.tuiiii ill; iiiii;.- tnkcrlrem rcapingthelienelit by using Spring I.Io-heiii. I'lici; 0 cents Fer sale at II. IS. Cochran'.-, ilrtigstoie, 187 North Queen street, Lancaster. Ksc-iped from the Tells. Jno. Racen, I.apnrte. Ind., writes: " Hurrah for Spring llos-em; it's all you recommended it te be. My dyspepsia has all vanished. Why don't you advertise It? What allowance wlil you make II 1 take a dozen bottles, se that I could oblige my friends occasionally V I'rice .VK-cnts. Fer sain at 11. IS. Cochran's drug store. 137 North (jneen street. Lancaster. A ISuptist Minister's Kxperlence. I am a Baptist Minister, aud before I even thought et beluga clergyman, 1. graduated in medicine, but lull a lucrative practice rer my present profession. Ill years age. 1 was ler inauy ycarsas'ilTercr Trou quinsy ; "Themas' Kelectrlc Oil cured me." 1 was also troubled with hoarseness, and Themas' Eelectric Oil al ways relieved me. My wile and child had diphtheria, ami "Themas' Kelectrlc Oil cured them," and II taken in time it will cure seven out et ten. I am eenlident it Is a cure rer the most obstinate cold or cough, and it anyone will take a small teaspoon and hair till it with the Oil, and then place the end or the spoon in one nostril and draw the Oil out f the spoon into the heailby snilllngiLS hard as they can, until the Oil fails ever Inte the threat, and practice that twice a week, I don't care hew oirepslve their head mar be, it will clean it out and cure their catarrh. Fer deafness and caiiichc It has done wonders te my certain knowledge. It is the only medicine dubbed patent medicine that I have ever felt like re commending, and 1 am very anxious te see it In every place, ler I tell you that I would net be without it in my house ter any considera tion. I am new .sintering with a pain like rheumatism in my right limb, and nothing re lieves mu like Themas' Kelectrlc Oil. Dr. K. V. CKANK, Cerry.Pa. Fer sale at II. U. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. ) '. VAKKIAUES, JtC. Carriages ! Carnages I AT EDGERLEY & CO.'S, Practicalt'arriage Builders, Market Street, Hear or Central Market Houses, Lancaster, Pa. We have en hand a Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which we offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, uivcus a callj 45-Repairing promptly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed for hat purpose. Inae-tfdiw (-1KAIN ANO FKOVISIONS llOUOUT 3F sold and carried for customers In Chicago and Philadelphia, in large and small lets, en margins te suit, by S.K. YIINDT, Breker, Ne. 15 Kiist King Street, ylG-3md Lancaster, l'a. 1KY UOOVS, UA'DEKWJSAS, JtV. OUMKTH1NG NKWi LACE THREAD UNDERSHIRTS, c FEATHEK-iraGHT DRAWERS. SUSPENDERS, AT ERISMACTS, THE SIIIKTilAKEK, NO. 56 NORTH OUKKN STKKET. J." MAKTI'N & CO. OUlt STOCK OF Carpets anil Wall Papers Is ready ler your inspection. New Patterns ter Fall. SPECIAL BARGAIN ! CO PIKCES TAPKSTKV, NEW I'ATTKliN AT 7.-c., WOIITII VOe. SKWINCJ flc. KXTICA. tfTake a leek at them l-elen pitrcleising el-ewhere. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTKK. PA. 1 ICAMI OPKNINO or NEW FALL GOODS VTTKK NEW YORK STORE, 8 Jfc lO KA.HT HINtI SritKET. Weare new showing one el the largest m:d best asserted stocks of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, In the shite at the lowest market prices. Special eilcring or DRESS GOODS Embracing the Latest Novelties of the season. Omhrc Stripes and Plaids, all Weel French Plaids, Newest. Colorings in Weel -Suiting--. Full lines or I. lack and Colored Silks, lllack and Colored all Weel Cashmeres, Surrajis and Plain Satins In the New Fall Shades. Canten Flannels. Muslins & Sheetings, and all kinds of llemestic Dry Cneds. wn are selling at less than Agents' Prices, having bought them previous te recent ad vanee. Sl'KCIAL UACUAINS. I Case (ierster Suit ings at Sic. per yard. :t Cases best iiiialily ISlcachcil Muslins, perfect goods, in In. it ami quarter piceus. utatt, mm & CO., 8 & 10 E. KING STREET. ASTKlVIl HUiyX AltyEICI IStliKXT. STK1U11 intO'S ADVKRTISK1WKNT. ASTRTCH BROS LANCASTER ItAZAAK, Ne. 1:5 K.VST KINO STREET. Weaiiiiouiieueur Fall Opening ler Wednesday and Thursday, Sep tember 28 and 29, 1881. Weare. new leaVtoshew te our patrons nil the Idlest Novelties rer KALI. WKAI: in everyone, el our departments. Iu our .MII.I.IXI.I.Y lKPAIiTMK.NTwei.re showing all the Nevel! li-.-i In HITS. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FKATIIF.KS. SATINS, VKI.VKT-, AND PUJSIIKS. Klegaut I'.Iaclc Sat ins at. ?.-.. and. fl a yard. A full and Hue selection el Ituehiiig-i. Iici- Col Cel lars ami Fiehus, Lace Ties, Linen Cellars. Ac. The finest and grandest display el Trim mings ever seen in this city. Fringe- from .Vie. te f 1.50 a yard. I'lf-saiucntcrics liem ise. te js a yard. Ornaments up te $1 apiece. Leeps, lluttens, Tasie.s, flirdlcs, IJ.ills. Heads, and all ether novelties in gniit variety. Zephyr Worsted, any color made, at Ik:, an ounce. (icriuantewn Weel, Shetland, Saxony anil (icrman Knitting Weel iu all colors. LADIKS' UNDKIiWKAi: AND COIlSKTs A SPKCIAI.TV. A lull ami elegant, assortment of tleutle men's Furnishing floods complete in "every branch et the department. lletter and nicer goods ter tin: money than at any place In town. Ladles', tJents .ind Children's Merine Un derwear, all sizes, all .iialll!i;s. Come and see us. CHINA AMD HI. ASH IVAHi.. TTIUII & MAKT. DECORATED WARE AT CHINA HALL. Constantly en hand nml receiving a large lilt:: or Decorated French China (llavilami's) and Porcelain Ware in FKUIT SKTS, ICK ci:eam SKTS, liUKAK FAST SKTS, I.UOTII I.OWLS- D I XX Eli SETS, TEA NETS, It RE A KFAST SETS, A. D. COFFEES A Large Line et f HIGH & MAJITIN, Ne. 15 East Kin? Street,