TJ!!7?VJ,ir"'1 . -. y.-w$ . '- .' j r LANCASTER. DAILY INTELLIGENCER. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1881. LH 'i :&r f fLaurastct ntclliaencer. THURSDAY EVENING, SEPT. 15, 1881. CNGAGKD. I've sat at her lect by the hour In the properly werahiplul way ; I've carried her many a flower ; I've read te her many a lay ; Secial battles with friend and with lever Fer her bake I often have waged ; And new, from her lips, I discover That she eh ! that she Is engaged. One season we led in the gennan. And one wc were partners at whist, On Sundays wc heard the same sermon. The opera never once missed ; Wc were generally winners at tennis, Our skill at the taiget wc gauged. But a difference between new and then is, Fer new she for new she's engaged. I have carried a parasol o'er her, When wc strolled in the deep shaded grove " Whole minutes I've dallied before her, Assisting te button her glove; As she sprang te the saddle my lingers Her wee feet a moment have caged, And the thrill in my pulse still lingers Though new she though new she's engaged. Docs she ever live ever, 1 wonder. The night that we sat In the cove. One shawl wrapped about us, while thunder And windstorms and hail raged above? Hew, trembling, she hid her while lace en My shoulder, and hew I assuaged Her lcars by the story el Jasen Docs she think el all that when engaged? On my alls hang her many mementoes ; That cathedral she sketched me in Keine ; It was after my camp Hie she sent the-,e Silk slippers te welcome me home ; I've the letters she wrote me at college In a book all asserted and paged Hew delightful te read with the knowledge That new slic yes-new she's engaged . I am going te call there te-morrow. ; In her joy she will greet her old li lend Without even a shadow el sorrow That the friendship has come te an end ; And close in my arms I will fold her, Se matter for papa enraged, Shall his i rath from me longer withheld her When te me 'lis te mc "he's engaged. Ij. A ISIacklilrd Keost. An Interesting Daily Sight near Trey. Trey Times. 3Iany of our citizens have noticed large fiecks of blackbirds that Maily enter the city from the north and cast and fly to wards Mount Ida. These birds attracted the attenlien of a it-porter, and he resolved te find their roost. They apparently all come irem the country te the uertheast of the city.atul seem te have a common tryst ing place. Ascending the hill en Congress street the birds were seen te alight en the trees in the grounds attached te Ida cot tage, owned by the Wancns, and en enter ing the premises Mr. Eiscnlehr, the ganlcnrr in charge, accompanied the reporter te the roost. Though ene little blackbhd cannot make much noise, jet when tens of thousands are holding a caucus and imitating the De mocracy, their voices are well calculated te quiet, a speaker. Each of the little creatines seemed desirous of occupying the pai ! twig of its neighbor. Grad ually, as the sun sank behind the western hills, ihe twittering, nestling and chirping ceased, ami, except when an occasional shrill unto or fluttering sound told that some unfortunate had been crowded oil its roost, all was quiet. Shortly after sun rise the birds commence the (light te fields ascending with a whir resembling the noise of a hundred saw mills. They return home in scattered detachments, and leave in mere compact bodies, fre quently in one itumctis? Ileek, which some times actually casts a shadow of darkness ever the earth below. They continue their fliirlit together some distance into the country, when they divide into smaller flecks and go in all directions in search of fund. The distance ceveied by these birds must be many miles each day, as flecks of them are daily .seen as far as twenty miles from the city flying towards Trey in the evening, and appealing fiem that di rection in the morning. They arrive generally in this vicinity in May, aud stay uutil the approach of cold weather, when they disappear for mnie faveied climes in the south. Prem the fact that they are generally feuud in large numbers ucar grain Holds it is supposed that grain is their principal feed, ar.d from the crops of a few of them examined by a reporter the supposition was verilied. Each crop was filled with grain and the amount eaten bj' a bird was ever half an ounce. This would give a bushel a day for every 1,920 allowing them ene meal of half an ounce of grain each per day. Estimating the number of this roost at 20,000, 10 bushels .of grain per day would be ceifsutuccl in feeding them. It will be readily computed what it costs te maintain this feathered at my for a season. It is a question if they pay for their feed by the dcstiuclien of insects. The Spider and the Heuse. A curious spectacle was te be sceu en Monday in the office of Clever's livery stable in Lebanon, Ky. Against the wall of the loom stands n tolerably tall desk, and under this a small spider, net larger than a common pea. had constructed a web reaching te the fleer. On Monday forenoon it was observed that the spider had ensnared a young mouse by passiiiglilaincnts of her web around its tail. When first seen the mouse had its hind feet off the fleer, aud could barely touch the fleer with its fore feet. The spider was full of business, running up and down the line, occasionally biting the mouse's tail, making it struggle desperate ly. Its efforts te escape were unavailing, as the slender filaments about its tail were tee strong for it te break. lu a short time it was seen that the spider was slowly heisting its victim into the air. By 2 o'clock in the afternoon the mouse could barely touch the fleer with its fore feet ; by dark The point of its nose was an inch from the fleer. At U e clock at night the mouse was still alive, but made no sign except when the spider descended and bit its tail. At this time it war, an inch aud a half from the fleer. On Tuesday morning the mouse was dead, aiel hung three inches from the fleer. The news of the (nevcl sight seen be came circulated, and hundreds of people visited the stable te witness it. The mouse is a small euc probably less than half grown, mi-1 tilling ab'.nt one aud a half inches from the point of its nose te the root of its tail. Hew the spider succeeded in ensnaring it is net known. The mechanical ingenu ity of the spider, which enables her te raise a body which must weigh forty or fifty times as much as herself, has been the subject of a great deal Of comment and speculation, and no satisfactory solution of the difficulty has been feuud. A Sure euro for Files. De you knew what it is te suffer with Piles? If you de, yen knew uliatis one of the worst torments et the human Inmie. The most por ted cine ever known is Kidney-Wert. It cuies constipation, and thffli its Ionic action ivslnies hciiith te the diseased bowels and pre wnts ivciirrenee el disease. Try it without tlclu.i. The dry and the liquid are both Held by druggists. Glebe. sel2-lwd&w Nearly n Miracle. K. Ase.uiilijlull, llinghauiten, N. Y., writes: "I suffered ter several mouths with adull pain through left lung and shoulders. I lest my spirit:', appetllca'id color, and could with dit liculty keep up all day. My mother procured some Burdock Bleed Bitters; I took them as directed, and have Iclt no pain since first week after i.sing them. :in I am ne.v quite well ' Pri $!. Fer sale at II. IS. Cochran's ding gter:1, 1 .7 Nerfh Queen street, Lancaster. The Law of KlDdncsn? Is universal: it affects all the human family, all animals, and may be even found in patent medicines. Seme are drastic, and the patient is obliged te suffer pains worse than the (lis ease ; but in cases of obstinate constipation, dyspepsia, there is no remedy se kind, se gen tle fn its effects, and yet se satisfactory as .Bur dock Uloed Hitters. Price si. Fer sale at H. It. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Household Words. .las. Pearson, 23 Sixth Street, Buffalo, Says : "I have ued your Spring Blessem for mysell and Jamlly, and think itinvaluable asa house hold remedy, for regulating the bowels, liver and kilneys. 1 shall never be without it." FriccSO cents. Fer sale at U. B. Cochran's drug store, J37 North Queen street, Lancaster. JPOZ.ZTZCAX.. Democratic County Ticker. rnESIDEXT .Tl'DGE. E. H. YUNDa City. SHERIFF. GEO. W. BROWN (Painter). 1st Ward, City. rp.OTnoxeTAKV. E. L. HAMBRIGHT, Bohrerstewii. REGISTER. COUNTY TnEASrUKS. PETER McCONOMV, 5th Ward, City. CLERK OP QUARTER SESSIONS. KEA REED, Bart. CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT. PETER 1UERICH, 8th Ward, City. prison KEErtiu ISAAC HULL, Earl. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. M. HILDEBRANT, Mount .Jey. CORONER. HENRY M. GEITEE, 4th Ward, City. DIRECTORS OF THE rOOR. " PHI LIP WALL, 5th Ward, Citj, AISRAM SIDES, West Lampeter. PRISON INSPECTORS. LEM L'EL WI EST. West CocUice, -t JOSEPH HABAKER, Kaphe. AUDITOR. LlGilTNER, Leaeeck. JOHN I. Vacancy, te he lilletf by County Committee. 1 Declined. Delegates te State Convention. SENATORIAL. XIII District, H. L. ECKERT, XIV " W. H. OKI Kit. REPRESENTATIVE. 1. A. J. DUNLAP. 2. MARION IIAKKAK, IAS. P. MARSH. ::. AliUAM COLLIN'S, II." L. Kit 15, GEO. W.SCMROEDER. Democratic Statu Conventien: Williams Williams pert, SEPTEMBER 2& Meeting et Democratic Ceunlv Committee : Lancaster MONDAY, SEPTEMBER l'.i. 31 mm: am.. K riUMCY 1VOK7 DOE3 nder: WONDERFUL. VHY 9 CURES. V JLA A it acts en the LI VER. liDWIXS and KIDNES at the 8me time. Because it cleanses the system et the poison ous humors that develop 'in Kidney ami Uri nary Diseases, Biliousness, .Jaundice. Const 1 1 patien. Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Nervous Disorders and Female Complaints. SEE WHAT l'EOPL. SAY: Eugene It. Sterk, of Junction Cily. Kansas, says Kidney Wert cured him alter regular Physicians had been trying ter four year.-.. Mrs. Jehn Arnall, et" Washington, Ohie, says her boy was given up te die by tour prom inent physicians and that he was" afterwards cured by Kidney Wert. M. M. B. Goodwin, an editor in Chardon, Ohie, says he was net expected te live, being bleated beyond belie!, bet Kidney Wert cured him. Anna L. Jarretl. et Seuth Salem, N. Y.. says that seven ycaiy suffering Irem kidney troubles anil oilier complications ended by the use el Kidney Wert. Jehn is. Lawrence, et Jacksen. Ten n sutier ed ler years lrein liver and kidney trouble-, and alter taking "b.iricls et ether medicines," Kidney Wert made him well. Michael Cote, et Montgomery Centre, Vt., sullcrcd eight years w itli kidney dillieulty and was unable te weik. Kidney Weit made hint "well as ever." KIDNEY WOST PERMANENTLY t'URKs KIDXKY DISEASES JilVER COM PL AIM'S, CONSTIPATION AM) PILES. Sr It is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, m 5nln cans, one package el which makes siv J03"quarts el medicine. 3Alse In l.ujulif Iriti,very Cen emit rated 9ter the convenience el tliesti who -.tnnet fiST-readily prepare It. It tic's irith e iuul 5 efficiency Li cither form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICK, SI. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prep's, IturliiigtJiii, Vt. t Will send the dry pesl-pa'd.) dec'j; ljd.twi D DAT GO te p.kd Te-xiGiir bekei;:-: YOU GO TO LOCflER'S DEI Mil Xe. 9 -EAST KING STREET, And puicii.'.ceH Bettle et DBATil ON M0SQUIT0S, AND THEN SLEEP IN PEACE. PRICE, 1.1c. a ItuSile. ti:ad THIS IX .I.ANCAsrcn, P... A pi il 2S. lssi. TiinKiDXKTcrr.A JIp'e CeMr.v. Gents It gives me much pleasure te say Hint after using one pack et KIDNEYCURA 1 have been entirely cured of a. severe pain in my back and side, of long standing, anil that, tee. after Dying various known remedies. 1 have every confidence in your medicine cneeriuuv recommend li.anu Knew tnatmany of my lricnils who have used it have been benefited. PKTKR BAKER, mSClyd Foreman Examiner and Express. N JOTICE. HI 1 . DK. V, A. GISKKXE Takes this opportunity of netilying his nu merous patients and thewe who d'esiie te get well, who aie new diseased, that lie will leave Laneasteralieiit the FIRST OP AUGUST FOR HIS SUMMER VACATION. Renewals et I. is leinedials may he villained during his absence at his offices. C. A. GREENE, M. D. Ne. 140 i:A.VT KIM! STREET, 0ttdl-WF..-l Luii'-a-di r. Pa. DR. SAIFORL'S LITEE 1NV1G0RATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens -the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek sent free. Dr. SANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y: Fer sale by all druggists. ectlSlydcud alteew r , fLEDICAZ. c KLKItV AND CHAMOMILE riLLS. IN THE SECRET.. KAlLKOAD MEN, BANE OFFICECS AND CAPITALISTS AFFECTED SERIOUSLY. A Little Inside Chapter That Will be Head With Interest by the Public. Railroads, banks and capitalists arc the great moving and controlling power of tht world new, and there Isaroad.areughroad, through which all that attain te eminence must pass and many fall in the fight. Thought, study, mental and brain work is the highway te emi nence; and work, thought, worrying, plan ning, calculating, all feed upon the brain and nervous system, and Vie results are Nervous Prostration, Heart Disease, Apoplexy, Paraly sis, Neuralgia, Nervousness. Sleepless Nights, Sick and Nervous Headache, and a sudden dropping out of the business ranks from over work and nervousness in some of its forms. This is the natural consequence; but if the nervous system is fed and suppperted in pre portion te the waste and demands made upon it, these fearlul results would net be heard of or known. The remedy is a simple, sensible one. Simply te Iced the overworked, irritable nervous sys tem. And that can be done, and that is being done succeastully every day, by the use et Dr. Bensen's Celery and Chamomile Pills, a special preparation for Nervous Disease, Sick and Nervous Headache, Nervousness, Sleepless ness, Neuralgia and Dyspepsia. These pills arc net a patent medicine, but made by a reg ular physician and used by the profession at large. Sold by all druggists,, Price. 50c. a box. Depot, 10u North Eutaw street. Baltimore, Mil. Bv mail two boxes for $1, or.slxbees for $2.50, te any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S New Kemedy and Favorite l'rescriptleu. SKIN CURE Is Warranted te Cure ECfiMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAM MATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA, ULCERS, PIMPLES AND TENDER 1TCH1NGS en all parts of the body. It makes the. skin white, sett ami smooth; removes tan and freckles, and is the Best toilet dressing in the ' erM. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, consisting et both internal and ex ternal treatment. All lirst-class druggists have ii. Price $1 per package. aug2i-lyd M , W A S& w s FECIAL AND CHRONIC DISEASES. Mary A. Longaker, M. D., OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, LANCASTER, PA., ;i)lseasesef the Eye, Ear and Treated .as a Specialty. Particular attention given te the treatment et Disca&cs of Women and Children. Free examination and treatment daily ex cept Sunday from 11 a. m. te 1 p. m. Consul tations in English and German. H. D. LONGAKER, M. D., LATH OF PHILADELPHIA, NOW OF LANCASTER, PA., Office : Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, eilers his professional services te the alllicted especially te thee sullering from Chronic or Special Diseases. He will bcghidtesecandtalk withthem. Itis his practice te plainly declare a disease incurable it he believes it te be se. In the c;vse whicu he undertake-, he guarantees te de all that can be done by unwearied atten tion and the application of "cxpeiieneed skill, gained bv many years el practice in treating disease in its various and most malignant teriii-". That his skill has net been exerted in vain, numerous certificates, that maybe seen at his ellicc, will testily. Cahrprs, Tumors ami Swellings Cures Without Pniti or Using the Knife or Drawing Rloed. Skin Diseases and every desciiptien et Ul ccratlen. Piles and Scrofulous Diseases Perma nently Cured. Friuale Diseases, Acute or Chronic, spcedily and radically cured. Diseases et the Lungs, Threat, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys cau undoubtedly be cured. Particular attention given te Private Dis eases of every description; also that state of alienation and weakness et mind, which ren tiers persons incapable et enjoying the pleas ures of performing the duties et lite, complete ly cured, and the patient restored te active hca:l!i and the enjoyments et life. Diseases t the feye aud Ear treated as a specialty. Dr. Longaker will make professional visits any distance. Can be consulted by letter (con fidentially), and medicine sent with proper directions te anv Dart et the ceuntrv. CONSULTATIONS FREE. Office: Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, LANCASTER, PA. jc23-lvdTu.Th&S&w priu It ART'S OLD WINE STORE. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent for Reigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising phvsi cian of this county, who has extensively uscu the Brandy referred te in his regular practice It is commended te the attention of these a fliclcd with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te bt ued as a medicine of great potency in the cure of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away tneir annual thousandth of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice el invalids capo cape cially these alllicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which i3 nothing mere or less than .Brandy. The age,!, with lccbln appetite and mere et less debility,! find this simple mtdicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their Ills and aches. Be it, hewcvci strictly understood that we prescribe and usr but one article, and that Is REIGART'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young trlend, II K SLAYMAKER. This Ilrandy has steed the test ler years, and has never failed, as lm as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference ever all etaer Rrandics no matf er with hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would suffice te buy all the ltrandy te cure any such case et use;, uijireui m uic curative Dowersei Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Ds-spcpsta, we can summon mini hers et witnesses one case in part icular w cite: A hard-working-tanner hail been aiUictce with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number e' years; his stomach would i eject almost evcrj kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly no appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers ami stale bread, and as a beverage he used McUrann's Reet itcer. He is a Methodist, and then, as nnw preached at times, and in his discourses often iieciaimeii earnestly againsiau Kinds ei sirenc drink. When advised te trv Beicrart's Old Braudy, In his case, lie looked up with astenlsnmeni, but after hearing et its wonderful etlects in the cases et some ei ins near acquaintances, hi ULjUilllim!KI7it 111. r our advice. Ht and steainly; tin ipetite, and before; ai tasi ceusenieu ii imiew our auv lined the ISrandy faithfully llr.-t bottle tdving him an nunc the second was taken he was a sound man.wiM. a. stomach capable of digesting any thing whict heenesc te eat. lie still keen it and axes a lit tle occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene lit te I lie doctor. A Puactisine Phvsicun. II. K. SLAYMAKEI AOCUT FOR Kuigjuf s Old Wine JSteiv. Established In 1785, IMrO.'tTKIt AMI UKAI.KU IN FINE OLD ISRA.N'DIES, SHERRIES, SUPh RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in lSlrf. 1S27 and 1KB.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALK PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Se. '49 EAST KINO ST.. LANCASTER. PA jtnx 1881. JUST OPENED . THE LATEST NEW FALL GOODS, Comprising Millinery in all Its branches et HATS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS & RIBBONS. Alse all the Latest Fall Styles et Dress Trimmings, Buttens, Fringes, Gimps, Kid Gloves and anything else that can be found in a first-class Trimming Stere. OUR MOTTO : BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES," M. A. HOTJGHTON'S CHEAP STORE, " Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, llOVSE FVJlXISUUfa UOODS. rAKBLE IZED M-ATL WORK. FLIE"N & "WILLSOISr, 150 & 152 North Queen Street, Have just Opened the Finest Let et MARBLEIZED SLATE MANTELS, BORDERS FOR FLOOR AND SIDE JVALL REGISTERS, SHELVES AND BRACKETS EVER OFFERED IX THIS CITY. Parties desiring Mantels will find it greatly te their advantage te examine our stock be lore purchasing. Ne trouble te show goods. ASTKIdl JSllU'S A.OVEK1.1S1S3IENT. stkich m:es advertisement. ASTRTCH BROS LANCASTER BAZAAR, Ne. 13 EAST KING STREET. We announce our Fall Opening for Wednesday and Thursday, Sep tember 28 and 29, 1881. We are new ready te show te our patrons all the Latest Novelties Ter FALL WEAR in everyone et our departments. In our MILi.INERY DEPARTM EXT we arc showing all the Novelties in FEATHERS. SATINS, VELVETS, AND PLUSHES. Elegant Black Satins at 75c. and $1 a yawl. A full and fine selection of Ruchings, Lace Col Cel lars and Fichus, Lace Ties, Linen Cellars, Ac. The linest and" grandest display et Trim mings ever seen in this city. Fringes irem Mc. te $LG0 a yard. Pashamenteries from l!e. te $s a yard. Ornaments up te 1 apiece. Leeps, Buttens, Tassels, Girdles, Balls, Beads, and all ether novelties in great variety. Zephyr Worsted, any color made, at 9c. an en n co." Geriiiantewn Weel, Shetland, Saxony nnd German Knitting Weel in all colors. LADJES UNDERWEAR AND CORSETS A SPECIALTY. A lull and elegant assortment el" Gentle men's Furnishing Goods complete m every blanch et the department. Better and nicer goods for the meii'-y thin at any place In town. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Merine Un derwear, all sizes, all qualities. Come and sec u. UA.TS, &V. A WILLIAMSON A: FOSTER. -THE- BICYCLE SHIRT Is worn by many young in the Eastern states lerdrc-s: and when better known they will be in better use here. They are made et Blue, White and Gray Flannel, and just the Shirt for this kind of weather. Wc arc still selling t he; ARCTIC HAT for $l.r0, aiiTi wc have some of all -.ies new. OLIVETTE HAT is also a popular Hal, anil we have one coining inthls week called the LUM TUM.tlmt is neb by in appearance and well suited for the young gent trade. OUR PATENT SILK HAT must net be forgotten, and if you think el buying a Silk Hat this tall, this one is worth your while te see. Please call ami try one en. k ONE-PRICE H0USE: 36-38 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. O li'T 2RA WUftlS. WrtMONWHAIm DISTRIBUTION CO 36th Popular Monthly Drawing- Ot TUB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. in the City of Louisville, en FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act et tiie General Assembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court en March31, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distrilaitlei. Company In legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. S. B. The Company has new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes ler the SEPTEMIIKR DRAWING. 1 prize f 30,000 i iilaZUs l prize -. fauui, 10prl7cs$l,0(iepacli 10,000 20 prizes 500 each . 10,000 "300 prizes $100 each 10,000 200 prizesSO each 10,000 CX) prizes 20 each 12,000 1030 prizes 10 each 10,000 9 prizes SOOeach, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each,. " " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each. " 900 1,000 prizes ?U2,!(!( Whole tickets. $1; halt tickets. $1; 27 licliety $.-0; 53 tickets, $!U0. Remit Menev or Bank Draft in Letter, ei send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGIS TERED LETTER OR FOSTOFFICE ORDEIL ORDEIL Ordcrsef $5 and upward, by, Express, can 1h sent at our expense. Address all orders te R. M. IJOARDMAN, Courier-Ieurnal Building. Louisville, Ky., 01 It. ftl. ROARD5IAN, t09 Breadwav. New Verk. febl-TuThASAw GOODS JUST UW.XED STYLES OF THE 1881. M ARBLEIZED SLATE WORK. :0:- DRY aoens. OOHETIIING NEW I LACE THREAD UNDERSHIRTS, FEATHER-WEIGHT DRAWERS. SUSPENDERS, AT ERISMAN'S, THE SIIIKTMAKElt, SO. 5R NORTH JUEKN STREET, T 15. MARTIN & CO. Fer the Fall Trade offer Complete Lines el Goods in all Departments. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, FURNISHING GOODS, SHEETINGS, MUSLINS, LINENS, HOSIERY, -NOTIONS, GLOVES, Carpet and Wall Papers. WINDOW SHADES, CORNICES, CURTAIN POLES, CURTAIN AND LAMBREQUIN MATERIALS. China, Glass and Onecnswarc We respect luliy .solid a call. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. PA. nilAND OPENING OK NEW FALL GOODS AT THE 'NEW YORK STORE, 8 IO KAST MN STREET. We are new showing one of the largest and best asserted slecks et DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, in the state at the lowest market prices. Special ettering of DRESS GOODS Embracing the Latest Nevellles et the season. Ombre stripes and Plaids, all Weel French Plaids, Newest Colorings in Weel Suitings. Full lines of Black and Colored Silks, Black and Colored all Weel Cashmeres, burrahs aud Plain Satins in the New Fall Shades. Canten Flannels, Mnsiins & Sheetings, and all kinds of Demestic "Dry Goods, we are selling at less than Agents' Prices, having bought them previous te recent advance SPECIAL BARGAINS. 1 Case Gerster Suit ings at 23c. per yawl. 3 Cases bc-f quality Blenched Muslins, perfect goods, in half and quarter pieces. ff ATT, I'M CO., 8 & 10 E. KING STREET. ItUUiCS ANli STl'IONJUti . ocheol hoeks: SCHOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS! All Scheel Beeks and Scltfiel Supplies at the very lowest rales at L. M. tf LYNN'S, - Ne. 42 WEST KING STRKET. J OIIN RAER'SSON-5. SCHOOL BOOKS t FOR. THE LANCASTER SCHOOLS, AT THE & LOWEST PRICES, AT THE BOOKSTORE OF JOBT BAER'S SOIS, 15 and It NORTH QOEEN STREET, LANCASTER. hA? (1 ICAIN AND PROVISIONS BOBGUT T sold and carried for customers In Chicago and Philadelphia, iii large and small lets, en margins te suit, by S. K. Y UNDT, Breker, Ne. 15J East King Street, jylG 3md Lancaster, Pa. FOX SAJLE. BARBER SHOP AT PRIVATE SALS An old established flrst-clas stand, cen trally located, with geed-will and fixtures, new doing a line business, will be sold at a bargain Dy calling at Ne. 135 North streeL seBMwd R EAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. Business Properties, Dwellings and Bnlld Ins Lets for sale in all parts of tne city and at all prices. Alse farms and ether county prep- crLics. eee uui .uuiiiui v.uui'eue, jui 5ucu and tree te everyone. ALLAN A. HERR ft CO.. Real Estate, Collection and Ins. Agents, scpt3-3nu!l 3 North Duke Street. ORPHANS' COURT SALE IN FURSU FURSU ance et an order et the Orphans' Court et Lancasterceunty, directed te the undersigned, the undersigned will expose at public sale en SATURDAY. SEPT. 17. 1SSL at the Lancaster County Heuse, East King street, city et Lan caster, at yi p. m.. mese two onc-siery ami a-halt FRAME DWELLING HOUSES. Nes. 214 and 2tt Fulton street, under the same reef ami tne 101 upon wiucnsaiu neuses are erccieu; en the south side of Fulton street, between Lime and Shippen streets, in the city of Lan caster, containing in trent en said Fulton street 32 feet, and extending back et that width 92 feet mere or less, te the north side et a 10 feet wide allev. Adielning property et airs. Uyneman, heirs et Win. Lecliler, dee'd., and ethers. Parties wishing te view the premises before purchasing will call en the premises, or en the undersigned, at Ne. Sii East King street, Lancaster. Terms made known en day of sale. HENRY RODGERS, Executer. IIknt.y SucnEirr, Auctioneer. uug20,2i&scp3tMl i"1 OOD CHANCE. A DESIRABLE COAL AND LUMBER YARD FOR SALE. The undersigned offers at private sale a property consisting of teven lets of ground In the town et Springville, Lancaster county, at the station en the Pennsylvania Railroad, about one mile west of Mount Jey and near the Lancaster & Iiarrisburg turnpike. The improvements are a two-storied Frame Heuse 21x21 lect, used .as a Railroad Station and Ticket Otlicc, a Franic Warehouse 24x18 lcet, and Ceal and Lumber Yard, with about 200 feet et Ceal Shedding. Scxr Fairbank's Scales of S ten capacity; .'KXI Feet et Railroad Siding. Trestle work for dumpim; coal, with space ter exten sion of same, lluildlngsinestlynewan.l every thing in geed order. Location pleasant, in a thickly settled agricultural neighborhood and a fast improving town, with no rival business in the town. Has an established coal trade, and capacity and advantages te de a geed shipping business and increased passenger travel. Price $9,000 en reasonable terms. Fer further information address JOS.H.HABECKER. Spring Garden P. O., c?0-ini ' Lancaster County, Pa. ORl-HANS' COURT SALE. BY VIRTUE et an order of the Orphans' Court, the undersigned will expose at public sale, at the Lancaster County Heuse. East King street, city et Lancaster, en FRIDAY, SEl'xEM 15ER 10, 1SS1, at Vx o'clock p. 111. All that double two-story frame dwelling house with one ene one slery Iiame back building attached, and let or piece of ground upon which the same is erected ; also well with pump theieiu, situated en East Chestnut street, Nes. ".'Sand TGOc.istef Franklin street, containing en the south side of East Chestnut, forty feet, mere or less, and extending in depth that width, one hundred and twenty-live feet, containing Iniit and ether trees growing thereon, being the same property et t lie late Amanda iuig lev, deceased. Parties wishing te view the prenii-es will call at Nes. 7.1s iuul TOO East Chcstnnt street, or upon the undersigned at his ellicc, Ne. 0 Ceuit Avenue. Lancaster city. Terms e I purchase made known at time et sale. HENRY blilTBERT. aug 13,2iWfcSeptlO-l wd Executer. ASSIGNEE'S SAI.i: OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned assignee of Geerge Mcngel aild wile will sell at public sale, at the Siiinmv Heuse, in the borough id Manlieim, 011 SATURDAY, OCTOBER S, lSs, the following described real estate, situate in said borough : Purpart Ne. 1, consisting of a let et ground fronting en Prussian street '.X, feet, mere or less, nnd extending in depth 237 feet, mere or less, te Welt street, thence along Wolf street r7 lcet, mere or less, te pieperty et Samuel Ensmingei- 011 the east, thence south 217 leet, mere or less, te the corner of purpart Ne. 2 (being the store property), thence west along the said store property 21 leet, mere or less, thence north along raid prepeity 10 teet. mere or less, te Prussian street te beginning, wheie 011 is erected a two story and attic BRICK DWELLING HOUSK, witn frame kitchen at tached, a large Frame 15.ini fronting en Welt st.-cct4l teet, meie or less, and extending in depth ln"; feet, mere or less, with wagon shed attached "te said barn ; uNe geed outhouses, grape arbor and grapes, fruit el different va rieties, and a well et never-falling water. Purpart Ne. 2, consisting of a let of gieuud fronting 21 leet, mere or Ies,, en Prussian street, adjoining purpart Ne. 1, and extending in depth '111 feet, mere or less, te purpart Ne. 1, whereon is erected a two-story Brick Build ing, built for and occupied as a Shee Stere. The buildings en the above property are all in geed condition. Sale te commence at "o'clock p. in., when at tendance will be given and terms made known by JOHN W.LOWELL, sen7,10,17,2leet l.Sd Assignee. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE On SATURDAY, SEP TEMBLR2I. 1S8I, in pursuance or an order et the Orphans Court 01 Lancaster county, will be sold at public vendue, at the Cadwell Heuse, comer North Queen and Chestnut streets, Lancaster. Pa., the following real es tate, late or Jehn S. Gable, deceased, te wit : Xe. 1, all that two-story 1 runic dwelling house part thereof used as a store room with a two-story frame 'jack building and brick tobacco warehouse, anil let or piece of ground, situated en the west side of North Queen street, in the city of Lancaster afore said, containing in front about 111 feet, and jn depth, along its northern line, about 110 feel te the Pennsylvania railroad. Bounded en the north by ground of Jehn It. Bitner. en the south and west by the Pennsylvania railroad, and en the cast by Neith Queen street afore said. This property has pertect drainage, eon een ntctcd with sewer in North Queen street. The location is well calculated ter public business et any kind, being in the most populous pait of the city. . Ne. 2, a most valuable building let, situate en the southwest corner of West Chestnut and Chariet testrcets,ins:iidci;j-, containing SO feet en Chestnut and i;e teet 011 Charlette street. This Is unquestionably one et the most desir able building lets te be found anywhere in the city of Lancaster, and will be sold asa whole or in parts, suit purchasers. Possession and title en Anril 1. IS.!: of the building 101, However, possession may lie given immediately. Sale te commence at 7j. o'clock p. m. en mid day, when terms will be made known by i'. :iiii.ij.. E. M.SCIIAEFFER, ELIZAP.ETH R. GABLE, r.xecniers. II. SnuitEitr, Auct. scjitO-Tintsts COAT.. T ii. HAKTIS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. 43-rard: Ne. 20 North Water and Prince streets abeve Lemen. Lancaster. n't-lyd C0H0 & WILEY, .7.7 NOJtTSI WATJiH ST., Lanenster, M'a., Wholesale aud Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Connection AVitli the Telephonic Exchange. Branrh Otlicc : Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. tuliSd-Iyd i"1 T4I REILLY & KELLER FOR GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Alse, Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. Fanners and ethers In want et Supcriei Manure will llnd it te their advantage te call. Yard, Iiarrisburg Pike. i Office. 20K East Chestnut street. ng!7-t t JEWELERS. OILVER JKWELRY. LACE PINS, EAR RINGS AND BRACELETS. NECK CHAINS AND HAIR PINS, STUDS, SLEEVE BUTTONS AND SCARF PINS OF SILVER. J AUGUSTUS It JIO ADS, Ne. 3) East King Street, Lancaster, Pa HOTELS. JOW OPEN SRRECUEK HOUSE, ON 1M Europcen plan. Dining Reems ler Ladies and Gentlemen. Entrance at Ne. 31 North Duku street. Clam and Turtle Soup Soup Lebster Salad, Oysters In Every Style and. all the Delicacies et the Season. We solicit the patronage et the public. may7-tpl ROOT.i fc SHORS. I A DIKs, AND KNTM, IF YOU WANT A j Geed and Fine Fitting Beet or Shee, Ready-made or Made te Order, go te F.HIEMENZ'S, Ne. 103 North Queen Street. Custom Werk specialty. Jy2-HdS&W I'll A i';.,i li V SJrJ- j .-.-; 1 r ami "ii: ?r i:s. J!.: a ijti'--' run .ii uiimu t .... f M A i.t-iivc- imen.viiie (lower e:iil) :a ;. s, unit pi a. AL, nnd 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. in. Cars run daily ea ?" ive time except en bur day. C COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT It. It Trains new run regulai ly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit ea the follewint time: Stations NeKTU-jExprej-.Express.l Accen. 1FJ1EB. A. X. '. SI. P.M. Pert Deposit.. Fcuchbottem.. Safe Harber... Columbia :35 7:12 7:55 3:35 4-.CS 5:11 5:40 2:05 3:13 5:21 6:20 Sta7iei& Serrn- Express'Express.; Acceni WARD. I A.M. r. M. I A.V. Columbia 1 11:3 T.Ji. lithi 12:1S lrl3 6:20 i::tn 7:32 S:05 7:45 Ar9:tW Lc.h4u 11.07 r. si. 12:20 Safe Harber. Peachbottem Pert Deposit 11 KADINC5 a- COLUMBIA It. K. ARRANGEMENT OFPASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, JULY 11th, 1SS1. NORTHWARD. LSAVE. A.X. P. M. P. X. A. K. J Ca run a iuilv. -. I c.tve Ijiucns-cr P. It. Depot), e.t 7, f, .! lL.ia. uu.aii.l 2, I. f. nnd s;:kp. 111.. event ..r Siitutilay, when the caV leaves at xv j,. .... 'P.M. P.K. ... 2:30 .... 3:40 1:03 3:30 1:10 3:10 2:20 5.50 Quarryviiic e:ie Lancaster. ItingSt 7:50 S:40 9:15 Lancaster s:(!(l i-iir. .l-.Ji e-7 Columbia 7uH ARRIVE. Reading 10:05 SOUTHWARD. LSAVK. A 31. M. P.ST. P.M A 31. M. P.ST. 7:23 12:00 t:!0 P.M. 9-33 2:10 S.20 9:27 2.10 8:(d 9:37 :20 10:37 9:.'0 Reading ARRIVE. Columbia... Lancaster. 9:27 2.10 8:(d 5:30 Lancaster. King St...: 9:37 &20 5:40 Quarryviiic 10:37 9:.'0 15:4ft Trains connect at Reading with trains te aud from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Iiarrisburg, Al Al lentewn ami New Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and Ireni Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti Balti meie. A. M. WILSON. Supt. PENNS VLVAN I A RAII.BOAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY MAY Kith, lSc'I, trains 011 the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive and leave the lin caster and Philadelphia itepets as follews: Eastward. Leave Arrive Lanc'ter PhihuPis 2:33 a.-j. 5:1ft . ii 5:1 S " 7:35 ' b'.isi " S:tr " 1C:10 ' S:ift ' thin " lieir.ii. 1:10" " 1:2 p.m. 3.20 " 2.H0 5:011 3-0f " 5::l " 4.33 ' (5::t3 " I: is " :.:ift ilrJft ' tij !.oe - ii::n I.imv An ne Pliiia-1'a Lauc'tcr I-.31. . .!. ."..IO A.M 7:30 ' 10:20 " .. . 10.23 " MCI ' UlSft " .s:ta " 10:50 " I'ilO " 2:30 p.m. 2:33 2:50 2:311 r.M. 5:!3 1:00 " 7r-Y " flSill " 7i'i0 ti:2ft " 8:.V) " 9:10 " 11.53 " 11:35 ' 2.45 A.M Cincinnati Express YorlcAccen. Armc:.... Iiarrisburg Express DillervllleAeceiii. Arrive.-, Columbia Ien, Frederick Aceem. Arrives, Pacific Express Sunday Mail Johnstew 11 Ex ress, Chicago D.iy Express, St. Leuis Dav E.wivss Iiarrisburg Aci-einim-tlal'ii, WTfl5TVASl. Way Passcn ger, Mail Train Ne. l.via Jit .Ii , Mail Train Ne.2,vi:i Cel'bi.i Niagara Sc Chicnge Epr, -s Sunday Mail, Fust Line, Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville Leeal.via Mt.Jey Han isbnrg: Ac eniiiif Mlat'n, Columbia Accommodation. Iiarrisburg Express Pittsburg Expi ess, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Express, Pacific Expnw. east, en Mtiiuuy, wncn ting god, will step at Middletown, Eliyuhcthteivii, Mt. Jey, Landlsville, ISird-iu-Iianil, I .email Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coates ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when Hngucd, will step at Dowiiiiigtewn,Co.itcsyit!f , p.trkes. btirg.Mt.Jey, Elizabetlitewn and Middletown. Ilaniiveraccnmmodatien west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara mid Chicago Expicss at II:0a. m., will run through te Hanover. I'icdcriek Accommodation, west, connects ul Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2.:a p. it., ami will ran rnreiiirh te Frederick. CAJlfCi.". in:: XT BAItGAINS 1 falll'Mx, I claim te h.tve tin Largest ami Fines tockei CARPETS in lliist'ily. ISrusscI.s and Tapestry CARPETS Three-lily, Extra Super, Super, All Weel, Halt Weel and Part Weel Ingiaius: trmn the best te the cheapest as low as 2e. ibt yard. All the FTXKST AXD CHOIVR I'AT'i'KUKS that ever can he .seen in this city. 1 also have a Large ami Fine Stock et my own make Chain and lag Carpels, AS LOW AS IL-e. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDER at shot notice. Satisfaction guarcntced. 3Ne trouble te show goods if you de nt wish te purchase. I earnestly solicit a cull. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. ARPKT.S, &C. NEW CARPETS 40,000 YARDS. New Dcsitni, Mcant'dillY I'olereil. 1. 30 cents. 00eents. ( i. cent-". ! 73 cents. S3 cents. !Ki cents. S3 cents.; ! cent-. I.0.. fl.lK). fi.ui.: 51.20. INGRAIN'S TAPEsjTRI I5RUSSEI.S WILTON AND MOQUETTKS, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, LIGNUMS. IGOOD VALUE AT all pi:ici:s. MATTLNQS in Great Variety". Handsomest shown fermany yean. REEVE L KNIGHT, f Ne. 1222 Clieslnnt Street, al-IydeeiKi2twJ IMIILADELPIIIA. CARPETS, CO A I,, sv. PHILIP SCIIU3I, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY.' Ne. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Ia., Well-known Manufacturers or Genuine LANCASTER QUI LTS, COUNTERPANES, L'OVERLETri, BLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN. STOCKING YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed cither in the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds or silks. Ribbons, Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlemen'.s Coats, Overcoat-, Pants, Vests, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also. Indigo Blnu Dyeinp done. All orders or goods Iclt with us will receivt receivt prempt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL,. COAL. Ceal et the best eualityput up cxpre.-sly fei family use, and at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD-130 SOUTH WATER STREET. 2-lv.lRSI PHILIP SC'HUM. SON & CO 'II1XA AM ULASSWALKE. UCTION WARE. A Large Damaged WHITE STONE WARE Frem New Yerk Auction, at CHINA HALL.- Tea Set-. Chamber Set-, Plates, Cnps and Saucers. Bew's Scolleped and Sauce Dishes, Steak Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Pitchers, Cream Jugs, Ac, sold at Auction Prices. Don't miss Bargains, AT . HIGH & lifARTIN'S, 15 EAST KINO STREET. 1