Sje Imtf a$ie Vk. 'V -.,-! j -J i v S3 irnnnmiainn i tj r -. Traare vv wrwrwiv U f h L Volume XVUI-Ne. 11. czoTunre. rpaK business of selling clothing OAK HALL Has grown te its present greatness because these points are faithfully observed : IN MAKING. Te Get the Be3t Material. Te Spenge it Properly. Te Cut it Fashionably. Te Sew it Thoroughly. The Stock or MEN'S CLOTHING i always Kept very lull lti assortment, even te the end et the season. , . In BOYS' CLOTHING tlie Styles and Trimmings are net approached by any Clothing Heuse in. the Country. A cenllal welcome is ready for all who come, and we expect te sell only when people arc satisfied In every respect. :e: WAMIAKEB, & BROWU, OAK HALL, Sixth and Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN AMERICA. I)OSKNSTKIN'S ONE PRICK HOUSE. V -:e:- AL. ROSENSTEIN'S ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, NO. IK NORTH QUEEN STREET. -:e:- SPECIAL OFFERING FOR IN ORDKR TO CLOSE OUT MY ENTIRE STOCK OF BOYS' SUITS I have leduced them i". per cent. In-low the ORIGIN A L COST. Nete the Trice as marked In the win. low. Children's Suits from 81.50 up. Beys' Scheel Suits from $2.00 up. Suits te Fit Beys from 12 te 16 years $3.O0 up. Se rare u eliaucc ill net ! etlercd aoen again. Call early and et a geed choice. -:e:- AL. ROSENSTEIN'S ONE PRICE HOUSE. CLOTHING 1 Anyone having in-sleeted or put oil geltlng themselves a SPUING Oil SUMMER SUIT de w II te e.ill at CENTKE HALL, Ne. 12 EAST KING STREET. Will .MYERS & The LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PHILADELPHIA. We are ettering our Stock et Spring and Summer Goods At reduced prices, in order te make room ter our coming Fall Stock. It von want n Ready Made Suit you can he nulled ter it very small amount or money. II you pre'er ieing measured and having a Suit made te order you can find no better stock te select Irem and at such prices as will astonish you. Indeed the prices are se low that no one need go about in a aluibby nit these days. Just think or it, we can furnish yen with COAT, PANTS ANT TEST te keep cool in, ter the the enormous amount or THREE DOLLARS. Ye, ler a man te wear, and a big man tee. Call and see and be suited and save money. We employ the best experi enced Cutter, and we can guarantee satisfaction in every particular. MYERS & RATHFON. CENTRE HALL, Ne. 12 EAST KINH STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. . DRY G IVLKR, BOWEIIS llUKSTt --IN Silk aid Dress Ms Departments We arc opening New Goods daily ler Fall and Winter Wear, atneng thcni-seme or the Latest Novelties or the Season. In our SILK DEPARTMENT vc are receiving the Newest Shades and Colorings, and are offering the best Colored and Mack Silks ter the prices that have ever been offered in Lan caster. Alse a mil line 01 uiacic aim i;oiercu satins ami - iik civeis. In our CASHMERE DEPARTMENT we have the best makes in Jet and Ulue, Black and Celers, at prices that dcly competition. IN OUR MOURNING GOODS DEPARTMENT We have an Elegant Assortment. We also have a few choice things left in Summer Goods, Summer Silks, Lawns, Ginghams, Chintzes Dress Goods, White Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ac, which will be sold cheap te make room for Fall Goods. Alse open tins morning a new let or MOSQUITO CANOPIES AND NETTINGS At very Lew Trices. Call and be convinced. GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST'S Dry Goods and Carpet Heuse, 25 EAST KING STKEET. LANCASTER, PA. IRON "HON HITTERS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIO. IRON BITTERS arc highly'rccemmendcd ter all diseases requiring a certain and effi cient tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OP APPE TITE, LOSS OP STRENGTH, LACK OP ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, strengthens the mnscles, and gives new Hie te the nerves. It acts like a charm en the digestive brgans, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the k,i nifhitn rrnt in th ftinmtirh. iTnttrihum. ctr. The enlv Iren Preparation that will net Blacken the teeth or rive headache. Sold pp. et useful and amusing reading sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, m-lydiwl BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Vale at COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE,. 137 and 139 North Queen 0treet,Laneaster. at IN SELLING. Te Get the Cash. Te Have One Price. Te Pay Back Meney if Unsuited. Te Guarantee the Goods. "OOSENSTEIN'S ONE PRICK HOUSE. XL A FEW DAYS ONLY. ll MLOTU1NG! RATHFOH. tiOODS. SIVLER, BOWERS St HURST! OUR - RITTJiRS. t TRON HITTERS. SURE APPETISER. by all druggists. Write ter the ABC Boek, 32 LANCASTER, Lancaster Jntc lifgencer. TUESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 13, 1881. THE "LOCAL" ABROAD. THE VENERABLE TOWN OF CARLISLE. Leeking Up ibe Lancaster People. Special Correspondence Intelligences. Carlisle, Sept. 11, 1881. A sojeuru of a week in and about Carlisle impresses me with a be lief that it is a very quiet, slow slew going town, inhabited by rather piously inclined and well-behaved people. I have net seen a drunken man siuce I have been here, and though I have been en the prin cipal streets every day I have net heard a dozen "swear words," nor seen the re molest approach te a quarrel. There are many fine residences in the place, but most of them have an eldish appearance and would be much improved by a coat or two of paint ; ethers have a shabby genteel appearance that reminds one of a high-toned gentleman in reduced circum stances ; and net a few arc tumble-down, rattle-trap, wooden structures, erected fifty or a hundred years age, and geiug 'ewly te decay. The stores and shops, as a rule, de net compare at all favorably with these of Lancaster. Thcre arc a few large and at tractive ones en Main and Hanover streets, but most ethers arc small and cramped, illy-lighted, and inconveniently and poor ly supplied with mcicliaudise. The stores close early in the evening.and by 9 o'clock, even en Saturday night, the streets are dark and almost dcsei ted. If half a dozen or a dezen live business men fiem abroad wcre te open first-class stores in Carlisle, and wake up the natives by liberal adver tising and cheap prices, they would confer a lasting benefit en the town. Seme of the public institutions of Car lisle are important and deserving of special notice. Dickinsen college stands at the head of the list, is ene of the eldest insti tutions of learning in the state, and has a deservedly liiih reputation in all sections of the country, North and Seuth. The high school and twenty-two ether public schools, including thrce colored schools, are well managed and aftbtd facilities for educat ing all children of school age. The Melz ger seminary, a magnificent stiucturc, recently completed, will be opened as a bearding school for girls en the 28th inst. There arc also a number of excellent de nominational schools, and, mere wonder ful than all, the Indian Training -Scheel, an institution well deserving of a special letter, and of which I will say nothing here. The churches of Carlisle include Cath olic, Episcopal, Reformed, Presbyterian, Methodist, Evangelical and Lutheran for white people ; and llaptist, Weslcyau and Bethel for colored people. Many of them are fine buildings, handsomely furnished, largely attended and liberally supported. I attendsd the Reformed church this morning and had the pleasure of hearing our old Lancaster friend, Dr. A. II. Krcmcr, preach an excellent sermon from the fifth chapter aud ninth verse of Reve lations. The venerable pastor is mere ro bust and in much better health than when he left Lancaster. Through his vigorous labors here he has greatly beautified the intcriar of his church, which has been newly frescoed and furnished, and has be sides built a large and convenient chapel adjoining the church and fitted it up with all modern improvements, including au excellent library ; and notwithstanding all these expensive improvements, he has re duced the church debt neatly $3,000. The choir of the church is an exceptionally fine one. Under the leadership of Prof. Newberry it has attained a rare degree of excellence, aud is considered by discrimin ating musicians te be one of the best, if net the very best, in Carlisle. Perhaps ether Carlisle clergymen have done as well or better, but we mention Dr. Kicmcr's successful ministry because we knew it will afford unalloyed pleasure te the Lancaster congregation, for whom he se long aud faithfully labored, and who gratefully remember his qualities as a suc cessful financier. During his sixteen years' pastorate of the First Reformed church in Lancaster he paid off a debt of ever $10,000, added largely te the mem bership of the church,' and when he re tired from his labors left the church out of debt and with money en interest. A large brick building is being erected near the posteflico for a public library James Hamilton, a prominent citizen, lately deceased, having bequeathed for that purpose, $10,000, and his own exten sive library as a nucleus ier the new insti tution. Several ether public-spirited citizens have also added liberal donations. The buil ling will be finished this fall. The Cumberland County Agricultural society is far ahead of its sister society in Lancaster. "While the latter drags along a sickly existence without money, without property, without 'enterprise enough te get up an annual fair, the former owns a fine tract of laud, with all necessary build ings for the exhibition of stock, imple ments, manufactures, farm and household products, works of art, etc., etc., and gives annual fairs that are attended by thousands and thousands of people. Dur ing the present season the society has pur chased additional ground, elected addi tional buildings and laid out ene of the best half-mile tracks in the state. Their annual fair commences the 27th of this month and continues four days. In military matters, also, Carlisle is far ahead of Lancaster. The Gebin guards, perhaps the best drilled cempauy in the National Guard of Pennsylvania, have almost completed the erection of ene of the finest armories in the state. It is a brick building 91 feet in length by 02 feet in width, all of which space, except 13 feet at the southern end of the building, is included in the drill room. It is situated en West street, near Leuther street, and will be occupied by the company about the 1st of October, en which occasion there PA., TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 1881. will be a grand military display in Carlisle ; the Eighth regiment, te which the Gebin Guards belong, and which carried off the honors at the recent encampment at Wilkesbarre (making 99.3 out of a pos sible 100), will be present in a body. Besides the Gebin Guards there is a strong pest of the G. A. R., and au organ ization known as the Meade Veteran asso ciation flourishing here. While writing of the military, I must net forget te a say a word about the very pretty monument elected in Court-heuso square, in honor of the soldiers of Cumberland county, who fell during the war for the Union. The monument has a granite base, sur mounted by a die en which is cut the names of all the fallen braves. Resting en the die is a marble shaft cylindrical in form aud surmounted by a large and well carved eagle, with outspread wings. Around the shaft is wound a scroll in which is cut the names of the battles in which the Cumberland county soldiers distinguished themselves. The monument is handsomely and artistically designed, but is net se large nor se elaborately planned as the one in Centre square, Lan caster. While speaking of Court heuse square, I may as well mention that the court house itself has rccentlwundargoue extensive al teratiuus and repairs, including improved acoustic and ventilating arrangements aud if remodeling and enlargement of the bar, se all jurors, both grand and petit, are new brought within its rail and uudci theeye of the judge thus prevent ing the " setting up" or tampering with jurors, as has been done sometimes, both in this aud ether courts. These improve ments wetc made at a cost of about $4,000, but still the court-heuso and court-room proper de net compare favorably with these of Lancaster Opposite the court-house is the new market-house, a very handseme structure with wide avenues aud conveniently ar ranged stalls. It is wider and loftier and, architecturally, much superior te the Farmers' Northern market, of Lancaster. The second story front of the building is fitted up for the use of the beard of school directors and the borough council. The property belongs te the borough. A very pretty opera-henso is located en Court-house avenue, in rear of the coutt ceutt coutt heusc. The building was recently pur chased by Mr. II. K. Peffer, editor and proprietor of the Valley Sentinel, who has entirely remodeled it, and in place of a shabby old hall has given the people of Carlisle a handsome aud comfortable opera house, with large stage, new scenery, aud all the paraphernalia needed in the repre sentation of first-class dramatic, musical or ether entertainments. Carlisle, how ever, is net regarded as a very desirable field for showman and hence the opera house, which occupies the second lloer, is net be much in demand as te make it a bonanza te the enterprising owner. The first lloer e'f the -Building has been fitted up in geed style as a printing oflice for the Sentinel which is in a most nourishing condition. , The job office, tee, is turning out a great deal of geed work. Your correspondent finds the old Democratic Volunteer and the Republican Herald in prosperous circumstances, ably editcd,and bravely battling for the truth and the right as they arc able te see them. Were it net that this letter is already much tee long I might say something about the water works, and the fire de partment, and the jail, aud county offices, aud ether public institutions, and compare them with these in Lancaster, but time and space forbid ; se in conclusion I will only add that besides Rev. Dr. Kremer and his family and his seu Brainerd and his family, I have met several ether old Lancaster friends in Carlisle, Jehn Bursk is in the gents' furnishing aud hat busi ness aud has ene of the prettiest stores en Main street; Win. P. Campbell, a graduate of Franklin aud Marshall college, has re ceived an appointment iu the Indian train ing school, where his wife, formerly Miss Johnsten, of Lancaster, is With him ; J. Zearacr, formerly of Columbia, owns and edits the Volunteer ; Will Robinson, son of Rev. Robinson, of the Duke street M. E. church, Lancaster, is attending Dickinsen collcge and is librarian of the Belles Lcttrcs library ; Lieut. Harry Heek is stepping at the American house, Han over strcet. All the above named are in geed health and prospering. J. 31. J. m m Ren Butler at Heme. Ills Devotion te Ills Wire aud Family. Frem a Sketch in New Yerk Sun. There is an air of comfort about his library, with the exception of one chair, which is JtJcn. Butler's favorite scat. It is necessary te keep one's sea legs en te occupy the chair. It is about as difficult te sit in as a bicycle is te ride, but the manufacturer having furnished two legs of the chair, Gen. Butler contends that he has done his share, and that whoever occupies it must furnish the ether, two legs. A visitor who wanted te cress his legs found that the chair ran from under him like a frightened steed, and -in a mo ment moie he was gyrating his arms and legs among the wolf skins en the fleer. Gen. Butler's face did net change a par ticle at the sight, but, as he puffed out a little biscer cloud of smoke, he said in guttural tones : " The chair is all right, if you keep your legs straight.'' It requires some ingenuity te master the scat, and Gen. Butler seems te revel in the exer cise. The bookcases are adorned with busts of emiuent lawyers, for whom Gen. Butler has unqualified words of praise. One richly-beuud volume resting en a shelf is entitled " The Republican Court," and it gives the portraits of the most beautiful women of the Revolutionary time. The book was a Christmas present from Gen. Butler te his wife many years age, and after he had been married te her about eleven years. Accompanying the gift he sent a letter, afterward pasted by 3Ir.s Butler upon the fly leaf, in which letter he avows that no fcature limned within the pages of the book by the burin of the engraver appeared te him half se beautiful as these which had for eleven years shed se much of light and joy into his life. The devotion of Gen. Butler te his charming wife, who died some years age during his presence under a surgical operation, is instanced in many ways by his circle of friends, and his bold temper and rugged nature yield te noth ing se quickly as te her memory. lie has studiously kept her room in the condition in which she left it. Her pictures are nearly all within his own apaitmenr, with specimens of her needlework and remind ers of her womanly neatness. The volume of Shakespeare she used te read aloud, with the skill that came from her training as an actress, is treasured by the husband. The ardor with which, as a youth, he fol lowed the beautiful actress from New England te the banks of the Ohie, where he at length made au 'irresistible declara tion of his love, never dimmed through life, and seems new as strong in his deve tien te her memory. Her theatrical genius found appreciation and opportunity in her own home, for Gen. Butler provided her with a theatre under her own reef, and one most complete in his appointments. It is new his billiard room, but it was then also his theatre. The billiard table is upon wheels rest ing en a track. When a performance was designed the billiard table was run upon its track against the wall, and covered with the flooring for the stage. The foot lights were arranged, the scenery was placed, and the curtain was hung. There was a dressing room back of the stage, and a wardrobe adequate for all needs. Here Mrs. Butler and her little company of children and friends efteu gave theatri cal entertainments te rare audiences, and no one appreciated the performances mere than Maj. Gen. B. F. Butler, the general manager. The billiard room has a "pol ished hard-weed lloer and frescoed walls and ceilings. A rack contains a spangled Egyptian saddle, which was a present te Gen. Butler from the Khedive. A practi cal feature of the saddle lis the construc tion of the stirrups, which have the spurs set into them. Paintings by 3Irs. Ames are scattered about the house. Mrs. Butler's picture is the fust object that meets his eye in the morning, and the last that he leeks upon at night. Butler displayed great affection for his children constantly when in their presence, and when he was at home he wanted the boys about him. He would make sorae startling assertion new aud then such, for instance, as that Brethor Jasper is right and that the " suu de move," and then he would marshal up the mostingo mestingo mostinge nious arguments in order te excite his sons te assail them and try te break them down. He would claim that the earth is as flat as a batter cake; that its centre is the polar region, which no man can peno pene peno trate ; that it is surrounded by water, and that the arguments in favor of a globular earth, such as that the masts of ships are seen befere the hulls aud the tops of meuutains before their bases, arc all grounded upon a misconception of the law of perspective. He would set his boys te work te fight this theory, and he made it sometimes rather difficult for them te an swer him' because of his fertility in inge nious arguments. Gen. Butler smokes Havana cigais as long as a penstaff, sits up late reading or talking, and retires about midnight. He is up again at C o'clock, looking as fresh as a school boy and ready for any amount of hard work, of which he seems never yet te have had tee much. He makes a tour of his grounds, leeks at the beautiful beds of foliage plants bordered with sweet alyssum, watches the coloring of the hy drangeas from buff te blue, by the char coal he mixed with the earth about them, takes a leek for his squirrels, and then walks into breakfast. His table has a mass of flowers in its centre, fresh from his con servatory, and as he settles into his scat, Peter, who appears in a swallow-tail coat aud a white nccktic,pius a bouquet in the gencral's left lapel. Thirty years age 3Irs. Butler began this practice, and the general keeps it up. The cofTce urn used by Geerge Washington afi'ectienately termed " Unde Geerge " by the general graces the table. Thcre is a conspicieus cabinet in the dining room which is a fine speci men of antique Flemish carving.ltsjeutline is a mass of mermuids, griflins, leaves, and fruits, and although new 230 years old, it premises te iast forever. Upen one shelf is a coffce set painted with the pic tures of Gen. Butler and his staff. Gen. Butler is a hearty cater and he sips a little sherry at his meals. His breakfast ever, Peter bauds him ene of his big Havana cigars, holds a light te its end and leads the way te the carriage that has just stepped at the deer. As the general takes his scat Peter hands him a bouquet cov ered with tissue paper, and the driver cracks his whip. The carriage rolls away, leaving a train of cigar smoke behind. Gen. Butler seems te find happiness in. little things, aud ene of the incidents of his day's pleasure is te just ceme within a second of missing the train te Bosten, and yet net miss it. He often makes ex periments in seeing hew long ha cau re main iu his house or effice and then hew fast he cau go te the depot, and hew near he can come te being left. B It Seems Imposslule That a remedy made et such common, simple plants as Hep, Itnclui. Mandrake, Dandelion, Xc. should make se manyand such marvelous anil wonderful cures as Hep Jiitters de, but when old and young, rich and peer. Paster and Docter, Lawyer and Editor, all te-stltv te having been cured by them, you must believe anil try them yourself, and doubt no longer. See ether column. sl-2wd&v She Passed it Along. "1 send you my testimonial in reference te Spring Jllo-isem, havingtaken It for dyspepsia, and receiving almost immediate relict. I pased it te my neighbor, who is using it witii same results. MKS. J. W. I.KFFELT, " Klmira. Jf. Y." Price fO cents. Fer sal e at II. U. Cochran's drugstore, M7 North Queen street, Lancaster. lie te II. II. Cucnrau's Iirug sierc, 137 North Queen street, ler Mrs. Freer.ian,s yew JVd JVd tienal D;c. Fer brightness and durability et coler.are uncualed. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in English and Herman. Price. 15 cents. Incredible. F. A. Scratch, druggist,- Itnthren, Ont., writes: 1 have the greatest confidence in your Burdock JllCed Hitters. In one case with which I am personally acquainted their sue cess was almost incredible. One lady told me that hair a bottle did her mere geed than hun dreds or dollars' worth of medicine she had Ercvieusly taken." Trice $1. Fer sale at II. ;. Cochran's drng store, YM North Queen street, Lancaster. VAJiJtlAU EH, XC. Carriages! Carnages 1 AT EDGERLEY & COS, PractiearCarrluge Builders, Market Street, Hear of Central Market Houses, Lancaster, Pa. We have en hand a Large Assortment el BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which we offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, uivc us a call ; JVltepairing promptly attended te. One set or workmen especially employed rcr hat purpose. In'X-Udiw CIKAIN AMD PROVISIONS BOUGHT X sold and carried for customers In Chicago and Philadelphia, In large and small lets, en margins te suit, by 4. K. Y UNDT, llrekci-, Ne. 1. East King Street, jyl9-3md Lancaster, Pa. czermxa. w E COM3IENCE THE FALL SEASON READT-IABE CLOTHIM, COMPRISING EVERY POSSIBLE VARIETY OF Cassimere Suits, Business Suits, Workingmen's Suits, Diagonal Suits, Full Dress Suits. Positively all New and Ftesh Goods at Lewest Prices. Ledger Building, A. C. YATES & CO., ut PHILADELPHIA. ZirXKY ll'IKST- CLASS L1VKRV STAHLE. HOUGHTON'S FmST-CLASS LIVERY STABLE ! -te:- Five First-Class New Omnibuses te Hire at Lew Rates, for Private, Public & Sunday Scheel Picnics. ALSO First-Class Driving Horses, Buggies and Phaetons te Hire, at Ne. 221 NORTH QUEEN STREET, 43-FOUMEKLY 2KC1IEK UBO.S' OLD LIVEUY STAND. KOOrXNO, JtV. H KATKKS AND RANGES. -:e:- JOHN L. CONTRACTOR FOR- Slate Reefing. Gravel Reefing. Tin Reefing, PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. Nes. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGtE HOUSE FUJiXISHINU OOOVS. A fARlll.KIZKD MI.ATK WORK. FLINN & WILLSOIST, 150 & 152 North Queen Street, Have just Opened the Finest Let of. MARBLEIZED SLATE MANTELS, BORDERS FOR FLOOR AND SIDE .WALL REGISTERS, SHELVES AND BRACKETS EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY. Parties desiring Mantels will find it j?reatly lore purchasing. Ne trouble te show goods. ASTKIVU two's AVVJSRIISKMENT. stkiuii in:e's advertisement. ASTRICHBRO.'S l!eg te announce that they have open, and ready for inspection, a complete line of . Novelties for Fall ta We have en hand new a full line el the LATEST FALL SHAPES OB' STRAW HATS IN CANTON, MILAN, CHIP and PORCUPINE. FINE PORCUPINE HATS AT 1. An excellent variety et Black Deuble Ostrich Plumes from $1 up te $10. SPECIAL BARGAINS ! We offer Plumes at $2 and $3 apiece, which havu never been sold ler less than $1 and $.". NEW VELVETS. NEW PLUSHES, FANCY PLUSHES, NEW RIBBONS, PLUSH RIBBONS. Bargains in Black Satins at 75c. and $1. Colored Satins at SI. We have also opened a Complete New Line of Dress and Cleak Trimmings. Wc arc able te show te our customers an assortment of these goods never seen before in Lancaster. Silk, Chenille and Jet Fringes, In Black and Colored. Ombre Shaded Fringes. Passementeries In Choice Patterns from 20c. up te $1 per yard. ORNAMENTS. LOOPS, TASSELS, GIRDLES, CORDS AND BUTTONS. New Zephyr 9c. per ounce Saxony Weel.... $2.00 per pound Shetland Weel Gcrmantewn Weel $1.20 " Ne. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. Ne. 1.1 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. COAX. B. B. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. met. r..- i . Vi 4m Nnrth WatAr mill Prlnctl streets above Lemen. Lancaster. nS-lyd C0H0 & WILEY. 3SO NORTH WATER ST., Imneeutert rm.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exehaage. Branch Office : Ne. 30 CENTRE SQUARE. teb28-l;d piO TO RELLLY & KELLER JOB 000D, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Alse, Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. Farmers and ethers In want et Superior Manure will find It te their advantage te call Yard, Harrlsburg Pike. t OUlce. X East Chestnut street. agl7-lt Price Tw Gnts. OF 81 WITH FULL UMCS OF Pamts and Tests Hatched, Fine Doeskin Pants, Wbrkinginen's Pants, Coarse and Fine Pants, Fall Overcoats. Sixth. scptl-4ml STAJH.K. iURST-ULASS L1VKKY STAULK. T UN ROOFS REPAIRED AND PAINTED. AKNOLD, :e:- STREET, LANCASTER, PA. faprt-tfd VTARBLEIZKD SLATK WORK. :e:- te their advantage le examine our sleck be 1'AfJZKUANUlXUa, Jte. w IRK WINDOW SCREENS. In order net te carryover any stock wc have reduced the price of our Extension Frames for Wire Window Screens te seventy-five cents and upwards. We meas ure the windows and put them up at short no tlcc and in such a manner that you need net remove them when yen wish te ciose the win dow. All kinds et plain, figured and land scape wire. WALLPAPERS In elegant styles and large assortment for the coming season. We have opened some choice Dade Window Shades entirely new. The designs are bcantl ful and cannot fall te please. Ot plain goods we have all colors and widths. Hollands. Paper Curtains, Fixtures, Cords, Tassels, Fringes, Leeps, Extension Cornices, Poles, Ends, Ac. Orders taken for Fine ' - PIER AND MANTLE MIRRORS. PHARES W. PRY, NO. 07 NORTH QUEEN 8T. .BOOK AM HTaiIBNJSMI. OCHOOL BOOKS t SCHOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS! AU Scheel Beeks and Scheel Supplies at the very lowest rates at L. M. JfliYNN'S. M. 48 WEST KINO STREET. JOHN BilER SONS. SCHOOL BOOKS FOB THE LANCASTER SCHOOLS, AT TUB LOWEST PRICES, AT TTTB BOOKSTORE JOM BAER'S SOp 15 ted 17 NORTH QOHN STBHT, LANCASTER, PA. . f4