-.. .. ,,, j . - . - V &)t ptttfa; fntdug Volume XVllINe. 7. LANCASTER PA., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1881. Price TwtCwite. eira J ; VLOTHIXU. ri'iiK isu.siNicss in- skm-im; clothing at OAK HALL Has grown te its present greatness because these points are faith fully ebserved: IN MAKING. Te Get the Best Material. Te Spenge it Properly. Te Cut it Fashionably. Te Sew it Thoroughly. Tin; Meck I JIKS'S CLOTHING u always kept very lull in assortment, even le the uml el tli! hca-en. In HOW CLOTHING the Style and Trimmings arc net approached by any Clothing Heuse in I lie. Cen nl ry. A cordial welcome is ready ler all who cpinc, anil wc expect te .sell only when people are Mititficd in every respect. WASA1AKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, Sixth and Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN AMEItWA. pOSKNSTKIN'S ONK PIUCK HOU.SK. AL. ROSEN STEIN'S ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, NO. :7 XOKTII QUEEN STREET. SPECIAL OFFERING FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. IN ORDER TO CLOSK OUT MY ENTIRE STOCK OF BOYS' SUITS I have: reduced them il per cent, below the ORIGINAL COST. Nete the Price as marked in Hie u-imlew. Children's Suits from $1.50 up. Beys' Scheel Suits from $2.00 up. Suits te Fit Beys from 12 te 16 years $3.00 up. Se rare a chance will nut be tillered mjeii again. Call early anil Ret a geed choice. AL. ROSENSTEIN'S ONE PRICE HOUSE. C etiiing! Anyone having neglected or put oft" getting themselves :i SPUING Oil SUMMER SUIT will de well te call at CENTRE II ALL, Ne. 12 EAST KING STREET. MYERS & RATHFON. The LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PHILADELPHIA. We are offering our Stock el Spring and Summer Goods At reduced prices, in enler te make room ler our coming Fall Sleck. If veu want a Ready Made Suit yen can be suited ler a very Miiall anieunt of money. It you prcier being mcaHiircd and having a Sua made te enler you can Hud no belter Meck te select lrem and atxtich prices as will a.-lenisli you. Indeed the prices are se low that no one need go about in a shabby suit these days. .lust thiiikef it, we can furnish you with COAT, PANTS AND VEST te keep cool in, ler the the enormous amount of THREE DOLLARS. Yes ler a man te wear,' and a bin man tee. Call anil f-ee and be suited and save money. We employ the best experi enced Cutters, ami we can guarantee, sati-daclien in every particular. MYERS & RATHFON. CENTRE Ne. 12 LAST KIKU STBEET, 1WX rivMsit, uewiais & uuksti CARPETING8 ! Elegant Styles New Open for the Pall Trade. New Styles in Hotly IJrussels, ler Parlors, Dining Roem-5, Chambers, Halls and Stairs. New Styles in Tapestry llrtmscls, ler Parlors, Dining Kooms, Chambers, Halls ami Stalls. New Styles in Ingrain Carpets, ler Parlors, Dining Kooms, Chambers, Halls and Stairs. New Styles in VeiiHian Carpels, ler Halls ami Stairs. NEW STYLES MOQUET, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS AND TAP- ESTRY BRUSSELS RUGS. NEW STILES IN FLOOR Oil- CLOTHS, all widths. NEW STYLES IN DRUGGET CIIU.MI; CLOTHS, all sizes. MOSQUITO CANOPIES. ANOTHER LOT OPENED THIS MORNING. 483-Opcn evenings until 8 o'clock as herctolerc. :e: GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST'S Dry Goods and Carpet Heuse, 25 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. ueeur jt ritON B1TTE1CS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIO. I HON HITTERS arc liighlylrccomniended ter all diseases requiring a certain and efll clcnt tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles, ami gives new lite te the nerves. It acts like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic .symptoms, hiich as Tasting the Feed, Belching, Heat tn the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iren Preparation that will net elacken the teetu or give headache. Sold by all druggb.ts. Write ler the A II C Boek, 32 pp. et useful and amusing reading sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, 123-lydAw BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 139 North Queen street,Lancast9r. IN SELLING. Te Get the Cash. Te Have One Price. Te Pay Back Meney if Unsuited. Te Guarantee the Goods. TIUSKNSTISIXVS ONE l'lUCK 1IOUS!-:. e 1I.OTU1NG! HALL, LAKCASTElt, I'KSLVA. UVVOS. i ivlisic, i;ewi:i a uuksti ltt wits. TKON 1UTTKKS. SURE APPETISER. ilancastrf Jjntclligntccr. THURSDAY EVENING, SEPT. 8, 1881. A WARM NIGHT. HUT PLENTY Ol-' WORK DONE. Cintiici!, Alter ii Het Ilihein-leii et it iiet Sitl'jerl, Kenelve te Continue the Vel. iiiitvftr I"ir liepartnieiit wiiti heum ;iiaiigc antl :. llc- tliicctt r timber of Ceinpa- nii" Other Tepic of InterrM. Tin.' overpowering heal of last niglit did" u-t have nmeli ellect upon the attendance at tin! staled meeting of city councils, there beinj ;i large turnout in both brunches. It was the expectation upon all hands that business of importance would be transacted, in view of the fact that the special committee en the reorgan ization of the lire department, had iiuished their labors and prepared a long report upon t lie subject, which is reproduced in full te day upon our fourth page. As will be seen from the proceeding-, reported in detail below, council, after a spirited de bate, iu which buth the paid and volun teer systems had their staunch .supporter, resolved te cling te the present .system iu a revised form and with a reduced number of companies. The proposed lire alarm telegraph met with very general favor, and the special committee in charge of the subject is centini ! with authority te flirt Iter inquire in! : he feasibility and cost of its establish .i -lit here, and also te draft rules for the government of the re organized department. During the interval since last meeting of council the chamber of the select branch has undergone some decided and long needed improvements. The stairway leading from the lower main entrance has been handsomely painted and the walls kalsemiucd, while within the chamber it self a handsome brussels carpet has taken the place of the dilapidated and ragged old rag that formerly did service iu that capacity, while the walls had been adorned with a paper of a pretty pattern, and the whole place new pre- scnts an appearance ei chcerlnliiess that hitherto has been foreign te it. Chairman Zecher, of the finance committee, we be lieve, proposes te carry the geed work into the chamber of the common council and t'ltis redeem that room also from the deso late condition iu which it has been se long. Select Council. The following members weie present : Messrs. Uarr, IJergcr, Deorr, Franklin, .ludiih, G. W. Zecher, Philip Zecher, and Evans, president. Mr. Franklin's motion that the reading of the minutes be dispensed with was car ried and the clerk .smiled his thanks. Mr. G. AV. Zecher moved that action be taken en the reorganization of the lire de partment. It was a matter that needed council's immediate attention. Several systems had been proposed, but te bring the matte;- before councils he would move that the "call" system be adopted. He was for no particular plan, but wauled something done. The examples of the last few weeks proved this, lie would like the matter freely discussed. Mr. Fniukliu thought, tee, that the "call" system "was the best, provided suitable arrangements could be made with the companies as te renting their houses and apparatus, and would like te sec a cemmittee see the different cempanic; and ascertain their terms. Mr. G. W.Zecher said he had rcceiwd the terms of a manufacturing company with reference te tenting apparlus for one or many years. The speaker then rehearsed the most serious defects in the present system the water lights, the refusal of one company te lend another hose, the fre ipteney of lire.-', and the disobedience te the chief's orders. Mr. Franklin agreed with Mr. Zecher en the latter subject. If councils would pay a chief they would getter belter work from that eilieial. Mr. Zecher iu calling for the " question " stated that if .some did net like the " call " system let us retain the volunteer system with a reduction of engines. The vote en the adoption of the " call " system was put and carried unanimously. Mr. Franklin asked that, the com mittee be continued ; that they see the seveia! companies about their terms of rental and report at next meet ing ; also what an alarm telegraph can be purchased for. Carried. Mr. G. W. Zecher presented a petition for the guttering of Plum street, from Orange te the railroad, and moved that it be referred te the street committee with power te act ; the motion was agreed te but common council refused te concur. Mr. Zecher presented the monthly re port of the city treasurer. The report showed the receipts for the month of Au gust te be 9,801.59; the expenditures $17,1(31.88; balance en hand 19,250.51. Mr. Zecher presented a message from his 'honor the mayor, which the clerk read. It was en the recent changes in the police, in relation te the suspension of,elli cer Jehn MeDevit, of the Fourth ward, for non-perferinanco of duty, and officer Cas per Weitzel, of the First, for being found in a private dwelling during duty hours. The document was, en motion of Mr. Zecher, referred te the committee en ex ecutive appointments. The report of the water committee was read and approved. Mr. Gee. W. Zecher, when the action of common council in refusing te concur in the matter of lire reorganization was transmitted, moved that a committee of conference be appointed te consult with a similar committee from common council, for the purpose of adjusting the differences between the two bodies. Agreed te, and Messrs. Gee. W. Zecher and Franklin were appointed. Mr. Gee. W Zecher presented the report of the beard of health ; a communication from the same iu regard te the defective sewerage ; and a communication from J. D. Pyottte him as chairman of the finance committee with reference te the number ing of houses e:i West Orange street. The clerk then read the several docu ments. The beard of health was working admirably ; the ether paper denounced the defective drainage of Seuth Water street near Andrew. Mr. Pyett-jn a letter told of the improper way iu which houses were numbered in West Orange aud in the new streets iu that section, disarranging the numbering of that entire section, ail of which were rcfcrried te the preper com mittees, as was also a resolution providing for the numbering of houses in West Orange stfect, in the manner suggested by Mr. Pyott. Common council con curred. The ordinance known as "Common J Council Ordinance Ne. 2," in relation te street excavations passed the select council unanimously. It is printed in the pro ceedings of common council. City Solicitor Stcinmctz presented a communication legally answering a ques tion as te whether the city is responsible for the expenses of the beard of health in the purchase of blank books, documents, etc. He was of the opinion that the city must assume all debts of such a charac ter, and. quoted from the digest of city ordinances te sustain this view. Mr. G. W. Zecher; taking advantage of the "rest" in which councils had stepped te "cool off, wanted te knew ii the lire-1 business hadn't better be settled. Mr. Evans, who has been favorable te the present system and of the opinion that a paid lire depattment will eventually come of itself, told councils he understood their feelings, no one was ready te name the company or companies te be ordered out of service. Mr. G. W. Zecher said he was ready te take his r-tand and name the companies. The committee of conference retired and iu a a short time returned. Mr. Franklin said the conference committee had agreed te report en a volunteer sys tem and he would move that councils re consider their former action iu regard te the adoption of the "call" system. It was seconded by Mr. Zecher aud carried. Mr. Franklin moved that council amend their action by the adoption of the volun teer system as prescribed in the commit tee '.s plan, the rest of their endorsement standing. AH voted iu its favor except President Evans. Adjourned. Ceimiiuu Council. The following named members answered te the clerk's call of the roll : Messrs. Albert, Barnes, Heek, Drewn, Cormeny, Cox, Everts, Fisher, Franklin, Hays, lluber, Jehnsen, MeMullen, Mid Mid dleten, Ostermayer, Smeyeh, Stene, White, Yackly, Lcvergoed, president. Mr. Jehnsen moved that reading of the minutes be dispensed with, te which prop prep osition the swe'tcring solens gratefully acceded. Mr. Jehnsen presented the petition of property holders en Plum street between East King aud Orange, asking for the lay ing of a gutter, which went te the street committee. The same gentleman presented a peti tion for the vacation of an alley running between aud parallel with West Chestnut and West Walnut streets as laid out iu the city plan adopted by the court in 1877, the subscribers explaining that the own ing of said alley would prove only an in convenience and burden, in view of the fact that there are new open two alleys supplying tire place of the same. Referred te the street committee. Mr. Ostermayer presented a petition for the erection of a lamp en Market slrect betwecil Liberty and Clay. Rcfeircd te the lamp committee. Mr. Jehnsen presented the petition of the American Rapid telegraph cempauy. signed by Edwin Reed, the president of that new corporation, asking for permis sion te erect aud maintain a line of tele graph wires and pests en the following .streets of the city, viz.: Commencing at city limits en East King street, te Middle street, thence te Church, tlieuce te Conestoga, thence te Filbert, thence te Lafayette, thence te Maner, thence te Charlette, thence te turnpike, or such ether streets eralleys as may iu the judgment of the city councils be te the best interests of these concerned. Mr. Jehnsen moved that the prayer of the petitioners be granted ou condition that all pests erected by the same be painted. Mr. Hays was opposed te granting any new privileges te telegraph companies un less the city nere te derive some revenue from the same, ami Mr. Albert moved te amend Mr. Jehnsen's motion by reference of the subject te the street committee with directions te report upon the same te coun cils. Mr. Jehnsen explained that any de lay, iu the matter was ve y undesirable from the circumstances of the case, aud hoped the street committee would be al lowed te exercise its discretion in treating with the petitioners en this important question. After some further talk upon the matter it was placed in the hands of the committee, with power te aet, under the stipulated conditions that all pests put up by the company shall be painted, and the same erected under supervision of the street commissioner ; in which action select council concurred. Mr. Middlcten presented the report of the committee en printing aud stationery, stating the approval of various bills. The report of the treasurer of the Amer ican lire company was prescrnctl by Mr. Cox, chairman of the firccngine and hose committee, setting forth the financial condition of said company, from which it. appeared that the debts of the organiza tion amount te about $:)00. Common council ordinance Ne. 1, being a series of regulations for the government of the beard of health, which passed first reading some months since, was en motion of Mr. Franklin referred back te the com mittee with which it originated, for amend ment. Consideration of common council ordi nance Ne. 2, providing against injuries te roadways from excavations therein was resumed. At the last stated meeting its sections were severally adopted, with the exception of section 2, te which certain amendments were proposed by Mr. Mid Mid dlceon and Dr. Davis, and this section, as amended, was new taken up aud passed and the ordinance adopted as a whole. It is as fellows : All Ordinance Te prvvMc (iainxt injuries te tlm reailwaj. in the streets ami at fey of the Citi of IavicusIci; j mm defective or careless jilting el excava tions and diggings therein. Section 1. He it ordained by the Select ami Common Councils et the City of Lancaster, that from ami alter the passage or this ordi nance, no person or persons whatsoever shall dig up or excavate the roadway in any of the streets or alleys et the City of Lancaster, ter laying water, gas .or sewer pipes, or making connections with or repairs te the same, or for any ether purpose whatsoever, without having lirst obtained a permit ler se doing from Hie Mayer of paid City. Six1. '-'. That any person or persons digsinj; or excavating in any et the said streets or alleys, by virtue of any such permit, shall le requited, en filling in such excavation or dig ging, te ram or puddle the earth filled inland shall remove any surplus or supply any deli eieney et material as may be necessary te leave the roadway even antl solid, and in as goetl condition as it was beterc such digging, aud shall keep such part of the roadway in repair ter the period et six months. In case anv ex cavation remain open ever night t tie person making the game shall display a red light a-j a signal of danger. six-. 3. That in ease el default en the part of anv nersen or nernens making such exeavn tien, or digging, te fill up the same inthe man-, ner required by Section 'J, the Street Commis siener snail give notice te me person or per sons at whose instance or for whose benetit such excavation or digging was macle.et the de fault, anil if audi person or persons shall re fuse or neglect for two days alter being se no tified, te repair the roadway, in the manner required by Section 2, then the Street Commis sioner shall make such repairs, at the expense efthe said person or persons for whose benetit, or at whose instance, the ercavatleu or dig ging was made, anil the expenses incurred, together with a penalty et twenty percent, shall be recoverable, in an action et debt, at the suit et the City of Lancaster, as debts et like amount are new recoverable. Sue. 4. That in all cases of contracts entered into by any efthe departments et the govern gevern gevern et said City, witli any person or persons, Jer work which will render necessary any exca vatien in the roadway, iu 9iy of the streets or alleys of said City, the contractor shall be bound by recognizance te repair said road way, as required bySectlon2eftlilsordinance. aud no final estimate for any such work shall be approved by the proper committee until mc coiuracier snail nave preuuccti a ccriiu catc from the Street Commissioner that Sec tion 2 has been tully complied with. Sec. 5. Tliatany person or persons digging np the roadway, in any of the streets or alleys or said city, without having Ilr3t obtained the permit provided ter in Section 1, shall be liable te a penalty el lilty dollars, te be collected in au action of debt, in the name of the City of Lancaster, before any Alderman et .--litl City. Sec. . It shall be the duty et the Mayer et the Citv te procure, at the uxpense et the City, printed blank tonus of such permits, ami te till and Usue the same, en personal applica tion, agreeably te Hie first section et this Ordi nance, and also te retain a lit of every permit issued, with the number and date thereof, the location efthe proposed excavation or digging, ami the name of the person or persons, for whose benefit or at whose instance the same is te be done. Mr. Cox presented a communication from the chief engineer of the lite depart ment, wherein he informed councils that he had imposed a fine of $25 each, en -the American aud Friendship companies, for indulging in the recent water fight ou Plum street, and $10 en the Shi tiler for their refusal te lean their hose te the Hu inane company at the lire en Love Lane, when requested te de' se by Assistant Engineer Jacobs. Council approved the chief engineer's action. Select cenn cil concurred. When the report of the special commit tee en reorganization of the lire depart mcut,as printed entire en our fourth page, came ever from select council with the action of that body adopting the "call" sys tern as reported above, Mr. Barnes moved te concur, and Mr. Cox moved te amend by non-concurring. Mr. MeMullen thought it a geed idea te empower the committee with authority te confer with the several lire companies te secure information as te what arrangements could be made with them for the purchase or rent of their ap paratus, aud also with the manufacturers of fire apparatus, with the object of attain ing the end of the project adopted by the select council, namely, the establish ment of the "call" system en the most advantageous terms. Mr. Franklin regarded the action of se lect council as premature and hasty ; they had adopted a plan which had been very imperfectly and loosely explained by the special committce fhaviug the subject in charge, and with the details of which the great body of council and of our citizens generally arc totally ignorant net, he explained, that he desired te east any re flections upon the manner in which the committce had performed the work con fided te them ; he believed, en the con trary, that they had done their best. It is proposed, however, te abolish a system new in operation, aud substitute therefer one which wc knew nothing about. Mr. Franklin openly avowed that he was an advocate of the volunteer fire department, and drew a parallel, in which he com pared it with our volunteer militia system. Ne oue disputes that our militia is au effective organization. It is, te be sure, under the strictest discipline aud subject te iullexible rules ; why cannot we carry the same species of discipline into the government of our volunteer ('fire depart ment, and, while maintaining the volun teer system, subject it te the rigid disci pliue of the municipal authorities ? Mr. McMulIen, while conceding that it was a little het te make a speech about fire at this time, though the subject presented by the report of this committee one of such magnitude as te demand earnest and immereate attention. The yards of peti tions that have come before councils bear ing en this theme of reorganization of the fire department .sufficiently attest the pub lic interest felt therein, and admonish councils te deal with it in no half-way manner ami without needless delay. He disputed the parallel sought te be estab lished by Mr. Franklin between a volunteer fire department and our militia system. The latter is net by any means run en the vehlntccr theory. The state owns all the property and appurtenances of our militia organization, aud they are under the absolute command aud disposition of the commonwealth. Is this se with fire companies as con ducted under the volunteer system'.' Net at all. Yeu may prescribe " rules " for the government of a department operated upon this principle, but if the companies don't like them they can treat them with contempt and tell you that they own their houses and their engines, hose carriages and elher apparatus, and with draw them from service at any time they please. The plan of a paid lire depart ment has been found absolutely indis pensable iu cities of the size and import ance te which our own is rapidly attain ing, aud this "call" system which has found favor with select council and which is se fully explained by the special committee, despite Mr. Franklin's criti cism te the contrary is an approach te the paid system that it is desirable should be cordially approved by councils aud put te the test of practical experience, premising as it does the gradual acquirement by the city of necessary apparatus aud the ulti mate establishment of the paid system. A vote being taken the motion te concur with select council appeared te be lest, and the chair se declared, there being no disposition te call for a division. Te select council's request for a com mittee of conference common council acceded, aud Messrs. Cox and Rees were appointed en the part of common council te confer with Messrs. G. W. Zecher and Goe. M. Franklin, representing the ether branch. It was subsequently announced by the clerk of select council that the con ference committee had agreed te report in favor of the volunteer system as outlined by the special committee, said committce te be retained and te report at the next meeting of councils the probable cost of sccuriug a fire alarm telegraph ; also that select council had rescinded its former action in adopting the "call" system and acceded te the recommendations of the committee of conference. Mr. McMulIen thereupon again took the fleer in opposition te the action of the committee of conference in recommend ing the volunteer system. He contended that the volunteer system se-'callcd in op oration in Reading and ether "cities was net at all similar te that here proposed. In these places the city owned the appar atus which was consequently under the complete control aud management of the municipal authorities. The volunteer plan as contemplated Mr. McMulIen des ignated as vicious and no improvement upon that new in operation. By its ad option, he said, councils would threw themselves open te the suspicion of pol itical or ether unworthy motives. He would 'net say that the disposition se strongly manifested by some of his fellow members te retain the volunteer system arose from the fact that they were presi dents, treasurers or influential members of volunteer companies, nor from the circumstance that the men who compose these companies have votes that can be used with effect in electing or defeating cettncilmcn, but he weuhT'say that this proposed retention of a volunteer system was in direct contravention of the wishes of the citizens of Lancaster as can be amply attested by the abundance of petitieus that have poured iu upon coun cils asking for a change. Mr. McMulIen said he would never vote te appropriate a dollar for the support of a fire department that did net eventually leek te the estab lishment of a paid svstem. Messrs. Cox and Barnes indulged in au intercharge of opinions, the former for and the latter against the volunteer plan, and then Mr. Franklin took te iloer te deny the soft impeachment made by Mr. Mc MulIen that his action in contending for a volunteer system was in any way in tluenced by his relation- with the present department, andhetl'cleclared, " I won't allow auy gentleman te impugn my motives or the motives of ethers, who are advocating with me the same side of this discussion." He concluded with a vigorous defense of the volunteer system aud its sujierier virtues ever any ether plau. A vete was taken and the action of select council in appreviug the report of the eenimitttce of conference in favor of the volunteer plan was concurred in. After action upon the several ether mat ters, sent ever from select council, as re ported in the proceedings of that body, common council adjourned, after a session that may be truthfully described as "warm " in mere senses than one. It Seems Impossible That a remedy made el such common, simple plants as Heps, lliiehu. Mandrake. Dandelion, Ve., should make se many and such marvelous antl v.-entlerful cures as Hep Hitters de, but when old ami young. Well anil peer, l'aster ami Docter. Lawyer antl Ktliter, all testily te having been cured bv them, you must believe ami try them yourself, antl doubt no longer. See ether column. si-jhi.iw Slie l'assetl it Along. "1 send you my testimonial in reference te Spring r.Iossem, having lukcn it lerilyspepsja, antl receiving almost immediate rebel. .1 lia-setl it te my neighbor, who Is u-dng it with same results. MUS. .1. W. LKKi-'KLT. ? "Klinlra. X. V." Price Te cents. Fer sale at 11. It. Cochran's li ug store, l."7 Xerth IJuecn street, Lancaster. Incredible. K. A. Scratch, druggiM. Kuthveii, -Out., writes: "1 have the greatest confidence In veur r.ui-ileek llloed Hitters. In one case with which 1 am personally acquainted their sue cess wasalmest incredible. One lady told me that half a bottle did her mere goetl than hun dreds of dollars' worth of medicine she hail previously taken." Price $1. Fer sale at II. IS. Cochran s ilru siere, let - en ii vi--K street, Lancaster. (Je te II. It. Cectirau's hthjj .Mere, 1.17 North Queen -.trcet, for Mrs. J-'reeman's AVie iV iV tienal lilies. Fer brightness and durabillTy et coler.are uneiiiialetl. Celer from 2 te .'i pounds. Directions in I'ngUsh and (Jerman. Price. IS cents. ASTMIVtl lUtU'S AltVKlil 1HHMKNT. t STKICIl ISVU'S A11VKKTISK9IKNT. ASTRTCH BRO.'S lleg te announce that they have open, anil ready ler inspection, a complete line el ins for We have en hand new a lull line el the LATEST FA I.I. SUA PUS Of STRAW HATS IN' CANTON, MILAN, CHIP . antl POKCUP1NK. F1XK POUCUPINK HATS AT I. An excellent variety el Klaek Deuble Ostrich Plumes trem $1 up te $10. SPKC1A L IIAUtJAlXS ! We offer Plumes at W and $.' apiece, which have never been sold for less than f 1 ami $.". NliW VKLVKTS. XKW PLUSH i;s. FANCY PLCSIIKS, KW nillP.ONS. PLUSH KIKKONS. llargaius iu lilack Satins at 7-"e. ami $1. Colored Satins at $ 1. We have also opened a Complete Xew Line et Dress and Cleak Trimmings. We are aide te show te our customers an assortment of these goods never seen belere in Lancaster. Silk, Chenille am! .let Fringes, in lllack anil Colored. Ombre Shaded Fringes. Passementeries in Choice Patterns from 2t)c. up te $1 pur yard. ei:namkxts, loops, t ass kl?. ihcdlks, ceuds and kuttens. New Zephyr Saxony Weel Shetland Wetd Ucriitantewn Weel. ....ft:, per ounce . .fJ.(KI per pound ..$I.2U Ne. I" KAST KING STUKKT, LANCASTKU. Ne. Ill KAST KINli STItKET. LANCASTKI!. VAJtClilAiSEti, JbV. Carriages ! Carriages ! UDGEKLEY & OCX'S, J'laclical 'Carriage ItiuMcrs, Market Street, Hear of Cent nil Market Houses, Lancaster, Pa. We. have en hand a Large Assortment et KlTJIKS AND CAKRIAUES, Which we eiler at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, uivcusa call, tri;cpairing promptly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed ter hat purpose. IiniiMid&w VAVJHtllANUlNUH, &c. ikk window scki;i;ns. w In order net te carryover any stock wc have re luced the juice of our Extension Frames for Wire Window Screens te seventy-live cents and upwards. We mcas ui e the windows antl put them up at short no tice and in such a manner that you need net remove, them when you wish te close the win dow. All kinds et plain, llgurcd antl land scape wires. WALLPAPERS in elegant styles anil large assortment for the coming season. We have opened some choice Dade Window Shades entirely new. Thu, designs are beauti ful ami cannot, fail te please. Ot plain goods we haveall colors and widths. Hollands. Paper Curtains, Fixtures, Cords, Tassels, Fringes, Loejn, Extension Cornices, Poles, Ends, e. Orders taken for Fine TIER AND MANTLE M1KR0US. PHARES W. FRY, NO. 7 KOK-ril tJUEKN ST. COAL. B. It. MARTIN, Wholesale antl Ketail Dealer In all kinds Of LUMUEIi AND COAL. Iff f ard : Xe. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd COHO & WILEY, J.IO XOltTIf WATER ST., Lanecuter, ife, Wholesale ami Ketail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Office : Ne. 20 CKNTKE SQUARE. lebSMyd G IU TO REDL.LY & KELLER -FOB- GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY 0AL, Alse, Hay antl Straw by the bale or ten. Farmers anil ethers in want et Superior Manure will liml it te their advantage te call. Yard, Harrisburgl'Ike. i Otllcc. 20$ East Chestnut street, i egl7-K DKY UOODS. S1K CIAL NOTICE. THE NEW CHEAP STORE, Metier, Bam & Him, Bought several months age a Large Stock of lllcaclicd, Unbleached antl Colored Cotten Flannels, Cotten Flannels, Cotten Flannels, Cotten Flannels. Alse a Full Stock of White ami Colored WOOL FLANNELS; WOOL FLANNELS, At prices considerably lower than they can be bought ler new, hence you see they can sell at LOWER PRICES, LOWER 1'RICES, Than il bought new. METZGER, BARD& HAUGHMAN'S NKW CHEAP STORE, Ne. r.l WEST KINU STREET, ISetween the Cooper Meuse anil Serrel Herse Hetel. (Aider's Old Stand.) LANCASTER; PA. TKKSS OODS, AC. UAGElt & BROTHER Have still a Large Line ei DRESS GOODS, In all qualities, including many or the Choicest Styles of the Season. Alse Black aud Colored Silk. UINUHAMS, LAWNS, CHINTZKS AND WIUTK UOODS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, Allet which will be sold at Very Lew Prices te Kcduce Stock. S1 1'KC'IAI.t Fer JULY ami AUCJUST we havu made a Special Lew l'rice for CARPETS, Of which we have a Handsome Line of the Newest Patterns in JIODY URSJSSKLS, TAPKSTRY IIKUSSKLS, KXTKA SUPER INIJKAIN, WOKSTKD, WOOL AND HALL AND STAIlt CARPET WITH ISOKDKRS. Alse a If ne of Cariiet.s at , .'II, :(7 and Wie. OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINS Will be sold ou tin: same low basis. Wc invite examination. . HAGER & BROTHER. llTAI.t. FAl'JSK, C. WALL PAPER, WALT, PAPER. Our Stock includes all the ChoUe Spring Patterns in EMIIOSSED ANI PLAIN tJll.T SATINS, FLATS, BLANKS. CEILING DECO RATIONS, FRIE.ES, DADOS AND BORDERS. Te reduce stock we will make a SPECIAL LOW PRICE. Wc Invite cauui hiatlen. HAGER & BROTHER. N EXT IIUOK TO THE COURT HOUdB. FAHNESTCCK! FIRST FALL OPENING O' J NEW GOODS. BLANKETS! BLANKETS! White ami Colored, in juan titles, for Hotels, Institiitiejis and Private Families, at LOW PRICES. Marselles ami Heney Comb (juilts K2c, 75c, $l,$l.'iunilup. Files of New M Calicoes. COTTON FLANNELS, WOOL FLANNELS, TICKINGS, MUSLIN, TABLE LINEN, &c. AU or the above Domestics are new and te be seltl at our USUAL LOW PRICES.: We have just completed a large and well lighted Basement rer the sale et goods by the piece, at a small advance en Commission and Auction Cost. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te Court Heuse.