HitHmmr'J: -''"'' & : 3 . -.- .. ; nir- & . 3 .-.sifC-w's-t H 4 --S'' BexsT7" P -T1 -i 'rS&-Ji. "" -r- " - - " ' LANCASTER" DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1881. j-r k Eancastci liifellfseuccr. TUESDAY EVENING, AUqy T 30, 1881. Druuerc Kens. Frem Our Regular Correspondent. We have an overabundance of dust en ourreadsjuhtnowand if ifc doesn't rain boeh we will have it in our fields. A great deal of plowing for wheat was done before it became se dry, but a great mauy of our farmers are new waiting and praying and farmers de pray for rain. Our corn will be a fair crop, an excellent premise being countermanded by the dreuth at caring time. Our general tobacco crop will net be as long leaved as it would have beeu with mere rain ; and the farm ers say in the absence of rain there is an almost total absence of seed in the clever heads. If these farmers of ours only had the imaginative control ever the weather possessed by Jehnsen's "learned astrono mer," and could bring a shower just when they wanted it, they would certainly "knock the bottom er.t " of farming. They might irrigate Tobacco. We arc crazy ever tobacco, "and we have acres and acres of as geed tobacco as ever crew, a great deal of ordi nary, and scarcely any peer. Buyers are kicking np the dust in every direction and blowing some of it into seme of the farmers' eves, tee. A number of the buyers say they arc merely en tours of observation and will buy for no price till the weed is marketable, and are calling their brother craftsmen, who are buying and offering such tempting prices, "Feels," "Irregulars," "Jackasses," &c. We will net sell much till it is stripped. Jehn Dougherty, the warmest DemecratI in the state, says lie raised en mi, near Eldera, the biggest tobacco in thrce town ships. He has it measuring 45 inches long and 20 inches wide. There's no use disputing the measure, for Mr. Dougherty is a tailor. Miss Ilachcl Clark's friends gave her a very pleasant birthday surprise last week. The presiding elder preached at Zion church, Fairlielil, Sunday. Mr. Themas McSparran ami Miss Maggie Morrison, of Mexico, Missouri, who have been visiting their friends here for three weeks start West this week. As Miss Sallie Sides and Sallie siudi Daisy King were driving through Fair field, last Saturday evening, the holding-back-strap of the harness broke near S. .1. Boyd's bterc,and the horse ran fur about one-half a mile, when it was caught at S. C. McSpairan & Ce.'s store by Mr. Edwin Gregg. The ladies suffered no injury, but were well shaken up and dusted. Miss Sides exercised her proficiency in horse manship te geed effect, aud at one time had her horse almost stepped, but coming te a hill she lest control of him aud was completely exhausted when rescued by the gallant Mr. Gregg. The fair passengers niade geed use of their lungs in their rapid transit through the village, and as many people after them as followed the " miller of Dee" when he went te ride with "his three children." Mi.ss Sides collided with Mr. Barten Aehcseu en the journey, and greeted him rather unceremoniously by ttking a shaft from his buggy. Artist uud Fisherman. Lord Eugremeut once invited Turner te stay a week at I'etwerth aud paint two pictures for him of sonic f.iveritc bits of scenery en the estate. On the liist morn ing of his visit Lord Egrument asked Turner what he should like te de, and the ffrcatj painter leplicd that he would go lishinir. The next inernitijr at breakfast Leid E inquired again what it wen Id please Mr. Turner te de ; and he replied, that having enjoyed himself se much yes terday he would co fishing again. On the third morning Lrd Eugremeut thought he would wait for Turner te announce his plans and was greatly amused when he quietly said he was going fishing. On the fourth morning Lord E., unable te conceal his anxictv, said : " Well, Mr. Turner, I am only tee glad for you te en joy yourself, but you are talking of going away te-morrow, and I felt anxious about the pictures." "Come up-stairs te my room," said Turner, " and set your mind at rest." Nothing could exceed the sur prise and delight of Lord Egrcment when Turner introduced him te two exquisite pictures painted as he had desired. The great man had risen each morning with the sun, and before breakfast had, by a geed day's work, earned his pleasure in fishing. What Became .of 3Ia. The " labor question " and the question of taxation arc the great practical problems of Fijian life. It is net easy te ascertain hew far " blackballing " or coelcy-stcal-iug prevailed before the annexation. Mr. Cooper's own accounts of the matter seem rather inconsistent. At present the gov ernor does his best te secure the return of imported laborers te their homes when their term has expired. Mr. Cooper thinks that these half-civilized returned emigrants raise the moral tone of their neighbors. It is certain that the Solemon Islanders hccin te have become rather mere than less savage during recent years. An amusing story is told of an imported Polynesian nurse who re turned te her own pcople after she had served her time. A " recruiting agent " met her aud asked her if she would return te Fiji. " Well," said the girl, " I like it, but I don't knew if my pa will let me go." " O, I :;ec ; the old folks live here, ch ?" " My pa live here, but ma's dead. ' " Oh, hew did the old lady die ?" " Gentleman eeme visitiug, and pa get jealous ; se he fight and kill ma, then he put her in a loco (or even) and pa aud h is fiicnds cat peer ma all up." Sull'erlng Weman. There is but very small proportion et the women et this nation that de net sillier trem miiiic of the diseases ter which Kidney-Wert is a specific When the bowels have become ce-stive, headache torments, kidneys out et fix, or piles distress, lake a package, and its wonder wender lul tonic and renovating power will cure you and give nevvlile. Mocemu. iui29 lwd&w I'relfy Geed. Ine. Bacen, Lnpertc, lud., writes: "lour 'Spring Blessem' is all you cracked it tip te be. My dyspepsia liasall vanished ; why don't you advertise it: what allowance will you make if I take a dozen bottles, se that 1 could oblige my friends occasionally?" I'nc.Vi cents. Fer sate at II. I!. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster. IV lien There's a 1VII1 There's a "Way. Anyone who has the will te try Themas' Kc lectric Oil will surely find the way te ijibust health; in cases et bronchial affections, sere threat, pains, etc.; and as an internal reined v. It Is Invaluable. Fer sale at H. B. Cochran's Drug.Stere, 137 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster. Don't Threw up the Speng. When suffering humanity are enduring the horrors el dyspepsia, indigestion, or nervous and general debility, tliey are tee etten in clined te threw up the sponge and resign themselves te late. We say, don't de it. Take Burdock Bleed Bitters the unfailing remedy. Price $1. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's Drug ere, 1S7 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster. MOTELS. OW OPEN SPRKCHKK HOUSE, ON 111 Europeen plan. Dining Reems ler Ladies and Gentlemen. Entrance at Xe. 31 North Diike street. Clam and Turtle Soup Seup Soup Leh'tcr Salad. Oysters in Every Style and all llie Delicacies et the Season. We solicit the I alrenagc et the public. niayT-tpl BOOTS A- SUORS. IADIKH AND GENTS, IF YOU WANT A j Geed and Fine Fitting Beet or Shee, Ready-made or Made te Order, go te F. HIEMENZ'S, Ne. lOl Xerth Queen Street, fjugtem) Werk a Specialty. Jy2-tidS& w MEDICAL. pATABKB. CATARRH, COLD IX THE UK AD, MAY FEVEK, CATARRHAL DEAFNESS, CAX BE CURED. DIRECTIONS. Fer Catarrb, Hay Fever.Ceid In the Head &c. Insert with little finger a particle et Benn into the nostrils ; drew strong breaths through the nose. It will be absorbed, cleansing and healing the diseased mem brane. FOB, DEAFNESS-, Apply a particle into the ear. ELY'S CREAM BALM, having gained mi unviable local reputation, displacing all ether preparations in the vicin ity et discovery, is, en its merits alone, recog nized as a wenderlul remedy wherever known. A lair trial will convince the most skeptical of its curative powers. It effectually cleanses the nasal passages of catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions, allays inflammation and irritation, protects the meinbranal linings et the head Irem additional colds, completely heals the sores ami restores the sense et taste and smell. Beneficial results are realized by a lew applications. A thorough treatment as directed, will cure Catarrh. As a household remedy for cold in the head it is unequalled The Balm is easy te use and agreeable. Sold bv druggists at 50 cents. On receipt of 50 cents will mail a package. Send ler circular with full information. ELI 'S CBEAM BALM CO., Owego, X. Y. Fer hale by the Lancaster druggists, and ;by wholesale druggists generally. fJ-6uieed&w TRUTHS. Hep Hitters are the Purest and Heat Hitters ever made. They are compounded lrem Heps, Buchu, Mandrake ami Dandelion, tlie eldest, best, and most valuable medicines in thu world ami contain all the best ami most curative properties of all ether Bitters, being tUe great-e-t Bleed Purifier, Liver Regulator, and Life ami Health Restoring Agent en earth. Xe dis ease or ill health can possibly long exist where these Bitters are used, se varied and perlcct are their operations. They give new lite and vigor te the aged and infirm. Te all whose employments cause ir regularity el the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Appetizer, Tonic and mild .Stimulant, these Bitters are invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, with out intoxicating. Xe matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the di-case or ailment is, use Hep Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but it you only feel bad or miserable, use. the Bitters at once. It may save your lilc. Hundreds have been saved by se doing. 5S500-Sa will be paid for a case they will net cure or help. De net suffer yourself or let your friends sut ler, but use and urge them te use Hep Bitters. Remember, Hep Bitters is no vile drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicine ever made: the "Invalid's Friend and Hepe," and no person or family should be without them. Trv the Hitters te-day. Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company, Kociie-uer, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. IeS-lydMWFAw 1ELKK1 AND CHAMOMILK PILLS. CELERY AND CHAMOMILE PILLS. Are Prepared Expressly te Curn Kick Head ache, Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, f-ei veusiicss. Sleeplessness anil Dys prpsi.i, aud will Cure any Case. The JipUrepul JfclheclUt, the well known re ligious paper, of Hallimervaid recently: " Dr. C. W. Bensen, a practicing physician, at Xe. l(w Xert'i r.utaw street, of this city (who has paid much attention te nervous diseases), has di-covered that Extract of Celery and Chame mile, combined in a certain proportion, in variably cures headache, either bilious, dys peptic, nervous or sick headache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, nervousness and p.iralysis. This is a triumph in medical chem istry. The doctor is largely known and highly respected in Baltimore." Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents n box. Depot, li)i Xerth Kutavv street, Baltimore, Md. I!- m dl, two boxes for $1, or six boxes for $ J..'(, te any addre.-s. AV'liat First-Class Piryslcians Say of Them. " Dr. Bensen's Celery and Chamomile Pills are worth their weight in geld in nervous and sick headache" Dr. A. II. Schlichtcr, el Baltimore. "These Celery ami Chamomile Tills et Dr. Bcusens are invaluable in nervous diseases.' Dr. Hammend, of New Yerk. " Dr. Bensen's Pills for the cure el Neuralgia are a success." Dr. G. P. Helman, of Chris tianburg!), Va. DR. O. W. BENSON'S Xevv Remedy and Favorite l'rescrlptleu. SKIN CURE Is Warranted te Cure ECZEMA, TETTEUS, HUMOUS, INFLAM- MATIOX, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AXD SCALP, SCROFULA, ULCERS, PIMPLES AXD TENDER ITCH1NGS en all parts of the body. It makes the skin white, soil and smooth; removes tan and ficcMcs, aud is the Best toilet dressing in the World. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, consisting el betii internal and ex ternal treatment. All lirst-class druggi-ds have it. Price $1 per package. augMydM,V&S&w TIUNEY WORT. THE GREAT CURE i-ou 1UIEUMATISM, As it is for all diseases of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AXD BOWELS. It cleanses the system of the acrid poison that causes the dread tul suffering which only the victims et Rheumatism can realize. Tneiisaud of Cases et the worst lerms et this terrible disease have been quickly re lieved, in a short time Perfectly Cured. KIDNEY WORT has bad wonderful success, and an Immense s.de in every part of the country. In hundreds of cases it has cured where all else had failed, it is mild, hut efficient, CERTAIN IN ITS ACTION, but harmless in all cases. It Cleanses, .Strengthens and gives New I.ile te all the important organs of the body. The natural action et the Kidneys is restored. The Liver is cleansed of all disease, and t lie Rowels move freely and healthfully, lit this way tin: worst diseases are eradicated irem the system. As it has been proved by thousands that KIDNEY WORT. 13 the most effectual remedy for cleansing the system et all morbid secretions. It should be used in every household as a SPRING MEDICINE. Always cures Ililieusness, CM-istlpatinn l'ilesaiid all Female Diseases. 9Sr It is put up"In Dry Vegetable Ferm, in 2tiii cans, one package of which makes six arquartset medicine. , MSr Alse in L.lquhl Fone.very Concentrated -ler the. convenience. et these who cannot S-readily prepare it. It act with equal 83 efficiency in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, 91. WELLS, MCIIARDSOX & CO., Prep's, nurlingten, Vt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec27 lydftw D ,0'T GO TO BED TO-NIGHT BEFORE Y'OU GO TO U V UUJJ11 HI Ul V U MX UJ.IXJI Ne. 9 EAST KING STKEET, And purchase a Bettle et LOCHER'S DEATH ON MOSQUITOS, AND THEN SLEEP IN, PEACE.. PBICE, 10 a Italic. MEDICAL. READ THIS Lancaster, Pa., April 23, 18S1. Tub Kidnetcuka Mr'e Compact. Gent It gives ine much pleasure te say that after using one pack of KIDNEYCURA I have been entirely cured et a severe pain in my back and side, of long standing, and that, tee, alter Dying various known remedies. 1 have every confidence in your medicine, cheerfully recommend it, and knew that many of my friends who liave used it have beeu benefited. PETER BAKER, m2;iyd Foreman Examiner and Express. jetice. HEALTH, BECBEATION ! DR. C. A. GREENE Takes this opportunity of notifying his nu merous patients and these who desire te get well, who are new diseased, tliat he will leave Lancaster about the FIRST OP AUGUST FOR HIS SUMMER VACATION'. Renewals et his remedials maybe obtained during his absence at his offices. C. A. GREENE, M. D. Ne. 14 EAST KING STREET, Otld M-W FAS 1 Lancaster. Pa. pe TO HULLS DRUG-STORE ren FISHING TACKLE, BODS, REELS, &c, ok E VE li Y D ES CJUP Tl 0 iV". Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, aui2S-lydi LANCASTER. FA. O FECIAL. AND CUHON1C DISKASKS. Mary A. Leiigakcr, M. D., OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, LANCASTER, PA., 'Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Threat Treated as a Specialty. Particular attention given te the trcitment et Diseases of Women and Children. Free examination and treatment daily ex cept Sunday trem 11 a. in. te I p. in. Consul tations in English aud German. H. D. LONGAKE&, M. D., I.ATK OF PHILADELPHIA, NOW OF LAXCASTER, PA.. Office: Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, eilers his nrofessienal services te the atllieled especially te these sullering from Chronic or Special Diseases. He will be glad te see ami talk withthem. Itis his practice te plainly declare a disease lncurame it lie ueiicves it te ne. se. in the case widen he undertakes, be guarantees te de all that can be done by unwearied atten tion and the application of experienced skill, gained bv ninny years el practice in treating disease in its various and most malignant lerms. That his skill has net been exerted in vain, numerous certificates, that may be seen at his elllce, will testily. Cancers, Tumors nuil Swellings Cures Without rain or Using llie Knife or Drawing Ifloetl. Skin Diseases aud every description et Ul ceratien. Piles and Scroluleus Diseases Perma nently Cured. Female Diseases, Acute or Chronic, speedily and radically cured. Diseases et the Lungs, Threat, Stomach, Liver anil Kidneys can undoubtedly be cured: Particular attention given te Private Dis eases of every description; also that state ei alienation and weakness et mind, which ren ders persons incapable of enjoying the pleas ures of performing the duties et lite, complete ly cured, and the patient restored te uetivc health and the enjoyments et life. Diseases of the Eye and Ear treated as a specialty. Dr. Leiigakcr will make professional visits any distance. Can be consulted by letter (con fidentially), and medicine sent with proper directions te nnv rart et the country. CQNSULTATIONS PBEE. Office: Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, LAXCASTER, PA. Jc25-lydTu,Th&S&w DR. SAMffiD'S LIVEE . 1NVIG0BAT0R Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek Sent free. Dr. S ANPOED, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Fer sale by all druggists, ect 18 lydced alt cow AJiTKlVU ItHO'S AJirjHtllSEBlliNT. A STIUUII I1KOTII KltS' LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STItEET. We have made great reductions in every, one of our departments and we are closing outeiir stock el Trirt Eats anil Bennets AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. Lace Trimmed Hats, one let at i"ie. Anether let et Fine Hats at .Vic. llargains in Ombrie shaded Ribbons, Xe. 9, 12, lfi, 22, te, at 5e, :0c. 3Sc, 41c and 50c a sard. Large Shetland Shawls at 73c. Fipe Linen Dusters at $1. HOOP-SKIRTS. 15 springs, 5 la pes 40c 20 springs, 5 tapes 4.rc 25 springs. 5 tapes 50c 20 springs, tape lrent cec LADIES' UXDERWBAR CHEAP. CORSETS A SPECIALTY. PARASOLS LESS THAX COST. i Mesquite ct Canopies $2, including all Fixtures Hamburg Edgings and Inscrlings in Swiss, -Lawn and Xaineoek. Deep Flouncing at 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.23 a yard. Laces of all kinds at greatly reduced prices. Lace Cellars for ladies and children in large variety, lrem 10c te $3.50 npiecc. Lace Mils and Lisle Gloves greatly reduced te close out the stock. Chirds' Pink and UIuc Hese, knit, seamless, fast colors, 2 pair ler 25c. ASTRltJHBRO'S. hevbe JFUxmaanra aoeos. TTOUSEFBBN1SHIXG GOOjJS. FLINN & WILLSON, SUCCESSORS TO FLINN it BRENEMAN, Have new en hand the Largest and Most Complete Stock et HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. l'l or Oil Cleth 23c. a yard, Tabic Cutlery. Huckets 10c., Weed and Willow Ware, Cook Steves, Parler Steves, Beem Steves, Steves et all kinds, Table Oil Cleth, Spoons, Breems 10c., Lamps, Ranges, Parler Heaters, Kgg Steves, &c. Every Steve guaranteed. CaU and see our 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, ZIVJSJtY 7IItST-CLASd L1V1SUY STABLE. HOUGHTON'S HBST-CLASS IIVMT STABLE! Five First-Class New Omnibuses te Hire at Lew Rates, for Private, Public & Sunday Scheel Picnics. ALSO First-Class Driving Horses, Buggies and Phaetons te Hire, at Ne. 221 NORTH QUEEN STREET, 49TFORMERLV ZECHER BRO.S' OLD LIVERY STAXD. MOOFISO, AC. H EATKUS AND ICAXGES. JOHN L. -COXTRACTOR KOR- Slate Reefing, H Reefing, Tin Reefing, PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. Nea. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. InprJ-ttd MIS CELL HKLLMUTI1 LADlKS' COLLKGE. Patroness. II. R. II. Princess Louise. Founder and President, The Right Rev. I. Hcllniutli, D. D.. I). C. L., Lord Hishep of Huren. Fall Ttrni opens Wednesday, Sept. 21. Handsome and spacious buildings, beautltully situated in a most healthy locality, about four hours by rail from Niagara Falls, and en one of the principal through routes between the East and "West. The Grounds comprise HO acres. The aim et the Founder et this cellege is te prevlc the high est intellectual and practically useful education. The whole system is bacd upon the sound, est PKTJ'.S1ANT principles, as the only solid basis for the right lorinatien et character t'KKNCH is th language spoken in the college. MUSIC a specialty. Heard, Laundry and Tuition Fees, including the whole course of English, the Ancient and Modern Languages, enl ist lieuics. Drawing ami Painting, use of Piane and Library, Medieal Attendance and Medicine. $300 per annum. A reduction et one-half ter the dat'ghterset clergymen. Fer " circulars " and lull particulars address MISS CLINTON, Lady Principal Helhnuth Ladies' College, Lon Len Lon eon, Ontario. Canada. H-lGtdM&F ItltY GOODS. OCIA1KTU1NG NKW! LACE THREAD UNDERSKIRTS, FEATHER-WEIGHT DRAWERS. SUSPENDERS, AT ERISMAliTS, THE SHIBTMAKEB, NU. 50 NORTH QUKILN STREET, J." MARTIN & CO. Gents' Furnishing Goods Department. Wc arc constantly receiving Novelties in Gents' Furnishing Goods. NOVELTIES IN FALL HOSIERY, XOVELTIES IX FALL NECKWEAR. FANCY COLORED SHIRTS, BLUE FLANNEL SHIRTS, CHEVIOT SHIRTS. BUY THE PEARL SHIRT, Without any exception by l.vr the Best Shirt In the Market. PRICE ONLY $1.00. Spcci.il Measures taken, made of Best Warn sutta Muslin and Finest Linen, and guaran teed te lit. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. PA. "JKXT HOUR TO THE COURT HOUaE. FAHNESTOCK! FIRST FALL OPENING OF NEW GOODS. BLANKETS! BLANKETS! White and Colored, in quantities, for Hotels, Institutions and Private Families, at LOW PRICES. Marselles and Hdncy Comb Quilts mc, 75c, $1, $1.23 and up. Piles of New Dark Calicoes. COTTON FLANNELS, WOOL FLANNELS, TICKINGS, MUSLIN, TABLE LINEN, &c.' All of the above Domestics arc new and te be sold at our USUAL LOW PItlCES. Wc have just completed a large and well lighted Basement ter the sale et goods by the piece, at a small advance en Commission and Aubtien Cost. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te Court Heuse. rOCSEFCKNlSillXG GOODS. goods. :e:- LANCASTER, PA. STABLE. iUKST-CLASS UTEKY STABLE. :e:- PIN HOOFS UKPAIKKD AND PAINTED. AENOLD, AX MO VS.' BOOKS AN1 Si'Al'lONEItX. VJCHOUL HOOKS! A FULL LINE OF SCHOOL BOOKS, New ami Second Hand. Prices very low. Beeks exchanged at; , S. H. Zabm & Ce.'s Boek Reems, Nes. 18 & SO SOUTH QUKEN STREET, aug27,2!)A3ld Lancaster, Fa. OCHOOL HOOKS: SCHOOL BOOKS'! SCHOOL BOOKS! All Scheel Beeks and Scheel Supplies at the very lowest rates at L. M. I'LYNN'S, Ne. 48 WEST KING STREET. rOHX RAER'S SONS. SCHOOL BOOKS AKD Scheel Supplies, LOWEST PRICES, te all our customers. Wholesale buyers supplied at liberal rates. At the bookstore of JOBT BABE'S SOSS, 15 and 17 NORTH QOEEN STREET, LANCASTER. 1 A. COAX. B. B. MARTIN, Wholesale ami Retail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. S" f ard : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd C0H0 & WILEY, 3SO NOUT1I WATER ST., Lancaster, Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Office : Ne. 20 CENXRE SQUARE. no TO BEILLY & KELLER FOR GOOD, CLEAN FAMIEY 0AL, Alse, Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. Farmers and ether; in want et Superior Manure will tind it te their advantage te call. Yard, Harrisburg Pike. Office. 20K East Chestnut street. ( ag!7-tt CAJtKlAOES, JtC Carriages ! Carnages ! AT EDGERLEY & CO.'S, ,. Practlcal'C'arrlage Builders, Market Street, Bear of Cent ral MarkA Houses, Lancaster, Pa. We have en hand a Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which we offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted. Uivc us a call , Repairing promptly attended te. y attended te. specially employed for Onesetofwerl rJEmen especially empleye nat purpose. inaeeiusw TTl FOX SALE. S"1 OOD CHANCE. A DESIRABLE COAL AND LUMBER YARD -FOR SALE. The undersigned offers at private sale a property consisting of seven lets of ground in the town et Springville, Lancaster county, at the station en the Pennsylvania Railroad, about one mile west of Mount Jey and near the Lancaster & Harrisburg turnpike. The improvements are a two-storied Frame Heuse 21x24 feet, used as a Railroad Station and Ticket Office, a Frame Warehouse 21x28 leet, and Ceal ami Lumber Yard, with about 2U0 feet et Ceal Shedding. New Fairbanks Scales or S ten capacity ; 300 Feet et Railroad Siding. Trestle work for dumpimr coal, with space ler exten sion ers-ame. Buildings mostly newand every thing In geed order. Location pleasant, in a thicklv settled agricultural neighborhood and a fast improving town, with no rival business in the town. Has an established coal trade, and capacity aud advantages te de a geed shipping business aud increased passenger travel. Price I9.C00 en reasonable terms. Fer further in lorinatien address JOS. II. HABECKEK. Spring Garden P. O., IcaWin-' Lancaster County, Pa. VSSHiNEE'S SALE ON SATURDAY, SEP TEMBER 10, 1881, by virtue of an order et the Court et Common Pleas et Lancaster county, the undersigned, assignee of Daniel S. Bursk, will soil at public sale, at the Cooper house, in the city et Lancaster, the following property, te wit.: All that valuable let or ground, situated en the north side of East King street. Ne. 17, be tween Monument Square ami Dnke street, known as " Bursk's Grocery Stere," contain ing in trent en East King street 22 feet, and extending in depth Si leet, en which is erected a substantial three-story brick building, nearly the entire depth et the let. The building has an outside stairway leading te the second aud third lloers making the latter eligible ler renting te geed advantage. The property is bounded en the cast by Christian street, with an entrance lrem said street te the rear of the building making it. a desirable property for any business. Persons wishing te view the property will please call en the piemises. Sale te commence at VA o'clock p. in., when attendance will be given and terms made known by CHRISTIAN W1DMYER, aulG-dced&wts Assignee. PRIVATE SALE OF C1TX IWEL.T.INGS. Ne.. The. two-story and Mansard reef Brick Dwelling Heuse, with two-story brick back building and one-story brick kitchen, containing 1) rooms and hall, range, bath, water closet and gas. Pertice in trout et house and bay window in rear. Let 10 by 120 feet te 12-lcct wide alley, situate Ne. II.'! East James street. Ne. 2. sjune as Ne. 1, situate Ne. 117 East James street. Ne. .1. Tlie three story Brick Dwelling Heuse with two story brick back building, contain ing 8 rooms, gas. water in kitchen aud yard. Let 17 by 01 leet, sltuate.Ne. 121 East James street. , Ne. 4. llie two-story Brick Dwelling Ilou-e with two-story brick back building, contain ing 7 rooms, gas. water in .kitchen and yard, and excellent lruit. Let 17J by 13) leet te a 10 loot alley, situate Ne. 711 North Queen street. Ne. 5. bame as Ne. 4, situate Ne. 713 North Queen street. Fer terms, &e., apply te JOHN II. METZLER, Ne. 0 Seuth Duke Street. aug20 S.Tu&Tlitfd ORPHANS' COURT SALE IN PUHSU anee et an order et the Orphans' Court et Lancastereeunty, directed te the undersigned, the undersigned will exposeat public sale en SATURDAY, SEFT. 17, 1S31, at the Lancaster Comity Heuse, East King street, city et Lan caster, at 7'C p. in., these two one-story and a-halt FRAME HWELLING HOUSES, Nes. 214 and 2t: Fulton street, under the same reef and the let upon which said houses are erected; en the south side of Fulton street, between Lime and Shippcn streets, in the city of Lan caster, containing in lrent en said Fulton street XI feet, and extending back et that width 02 feet mere or less, te the north side et a 10 feet wide alley. Adieiuing property et Mrs. Hyneuian, heirs et W'm. Lechler, dee'd., and ethers. Parties wishing te view the premises before purchasing will call en the premise-, or en the unders!gue.', at Ne. ."25 East King street, Lauc:tster. Terms mule known en ilavef sale. HENRY RODGERS, Executer. Hbm'.v Snur.Eirr, Auctioneer. aug20.27&sep."tsd OR'rllANS' VOVK'l MALE. BV VIRTUE et an order of the Orphans' Court, the liudersigiieil will expose at public sale, at the Lancaster County Heuse. East King street, city el Lam-aster, en FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1(, 1SS1, at Hi o'clock p. in. All that double two-story Inline dwelling house with one story Iranie buck building attached, and let or piece of ground upon wldeh the same is erected ; also well with pump therein, situated en East Chestnut street, Nes. ,tf and 7t0c:istet Franklin street, containing en the south side el' East Chestnut, forty leet, mere or less, and extending in depth that width, one hundred and twenty-live feet, containing lruit and oilier trees growing thereon, being the same property et the late Amanda Qulg lcy, deceased. Partks wishing te view the premises will call at Nes. 7.'iSand 700 East Chestnut street, or upon the undersigned at his elllce, Ne. G Court Avenue. Lrncaster eity. Terms et purchase made known at time of bale. HENRY SUUBERT, aug lS.20A!i'cnt 10-1 wd Executer. fAfEKllA-XOlXOS, JCC. "yrjJKE WINDOW SCREENS. In order net te carryover any stock we have reduced the price of our Extension Frames for Wire Window .Screens te seventy-live cents ami upwards. We meas ure the windows and put them up at short no tice and in such a manner that yen need net remove them when you wish te close the win dow. All kinds et pluln, figured and laud scape wires. WALLPAPERS in elegant styles and large assortment for the coming season. Wc have opened some choice Dade Window Shades entirely new. The designs arc beauti ful and cannot fail te please Ot plain goods we have all colors and widths. Hollands. Paper Curtains, Fixtures, Cords, Tassels, Fringe', Leeps, Extension Cornices, Poles, Ends, &c. Orders taken for Fine AEK AND MANTLE MIRK01&. PHARES W. PRY, NO.B7 NORTH JUEEN ST. OLK'T BRA WINUS. COMMONWEALTH 1IISTRIUUTION CO 36tli Popular Monthly Drawing OF THK COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. in the Cir or Louisville, en FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th, 1381. These drawings occur monthly (Sunday.', excepted) under previsions et an Act et the uencrui -isscmui) et ncntucKy. The United State) Circuit Court en March 21, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distrlbutiec Company is legal. 2rt Its drawings are fair. N. B. The Company hiis new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes ler the SEPTEMBER DRAWING. !" .$ eUtUC0 jiwzis ' .(,. 5t0 JC 10nrl7es$1.000eacli lo.etui 20 prizes 500each 10,000 ;100 prizes $100 each 10,0110 200 prlzcsSO each lO.OUtf 600 prices 20 each 12,OU0 1000 prizes lOeach 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " i fJe 9 prizes 100 each, " " gec l,9fi0prizes $112,100 Whole tickets. $2; hair tickets, $1; 27 tickets Remit Meney or Bank Draft in Letter, ei semi by Express. PON'T SEND BY REGIS TERED LETTER Ott POSTOFFICE ORDER Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our expense. Address all orders te R. ai.BOAKDMAN, Courier-Journal Building Louisville, Ky., ei R. M. BOARDMAN, 303 Broadway. New Yerk. feh1-TuTh.tSw EDUCATIONAL, T AM CASTER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. FALL TERM BEGINS AUGUST SO, 1SS1. The only Business Scheel in Lancaster where young Men ami Ladies are taught Deuble Entry Bookkeeping anil all branches pertaining te a Business Education. Call at the rooms. Ne. 4 West King Street, Third Heer. for circulars or address augl7-lmd WEIDLER & MOS3EB. ("1RAIN AND PROVISIONS 1IOUGHT T sold and carried for customers In Chicago and Philadelphia, in large and small lets, en margins te suit, by S.K.YUNDT, Breker, Ne, 15J$ East King Street, Jyie-SmU Lancaster, Pa. TRAVELERS' UVIVR, JANCA3TER AND MlLLERSVlLLe K. . j Cars run as fellows : Leavs Lancatser P. R. Depot), at 7, 9, and 11:30 a.m., and 2, 4, e and 8:30 p. ni., exceat en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 930 p. i... Leave Millersvillel lower end) at 5, 8, and 10 a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Sue day. COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT K. H ) Trains new run regularly en the Columbi and Pert Deposit Railroad en the follewina time: Statiews Ne ktu- I Express. I Express. I Accei i- WASn. a. x. r. m. r. . Pert Deposit. Peachbottem Safe Harber. Columbia... 6:35 7:12 7ft S:2T 3:55 4:28 5:11 5:40 2 .1:1(1 5:21 6:20 Statiess Secth- Express. Express. Accem WABD. A. Jf. r. H. A.M. Columbia. lia GrJO 7:45 p. Jf. ArftOK Safe Harber. liOfi 6:49 LeMu Peachbottem 12:48 7:32 ILK F.ir. Pert Deposit Ir25 8:05 129 TEADINO COLUMBIA R. R. ARRANGEMENT OFPASSENGEH TRAINS . MONDAY, JULY" lira, 18S1. NORTHWARD. LKAVK. Qtiarryvllle Lancaster, King St Lancaster Columbia ARRIVE. A.M. p.m. r.ir. .... 3:40 1:05 3:50 1:10 3:10 3:20 5.50 6:40 7:35 9:15 927 7:50 8:00 7:30 Reading... 10:05 SOUTHWARD. X.EAVK. Reading ARRIVE. Columbia Lancaster. r.x Lancaster. King St 9:37 .... 8:20 5:40 Quarryville 10:37 .... 9y0 6:45- Trains connect at Reading with trains te and lrem Philadelphia, Pettsvillv. Harrisburg, AN Ientewn and New Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frcdcrirk and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Supt. 1)ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW . SCHEDULE On uud after MONDAY MAY lGtb, lssi, tndus en thu Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive and leave -the Lan caster and Philadelphia ucpets aslollewo: a m. x. r.x. 7:25 12:00 6:10 r.x. 9SI5 2:10 8:20 0:27 2.10 8:08 9:37 .... 8:20 10:37 90 VAHTw-vnn Leave Arrive "-taiip. Lanc'ter I'hllad'u Cincinnati Express 2A1A.X. 5:15 a. . Fast Line 5:08 " 7:35 Yerk Accem. Arrives; 8.00 " .... Harrisburg Express 8.05 " 10:10 " Dillcrville Accem. Arrives, 8:45 Columbia Accommodation, ftie " r01 p.m. Frederick Accem. Arrives, 1:10 " .... Pacific Express, 1:2 p.m. 3:20 " Sunday Mail, 2:00 " 5:00 " Johnstown Express, 3:05 " 5:30 " Chicago D.iy Express, 4:.'5.' " 6.35 " St, Leuis Day Express 4:4S " ii:45 t Harrisburg Accommedai'n, 6:25 " ftMi Mail 9:00 " 11:35 ' ffiihTwinn Leave Arrive j WJteTWABD. l'liilad'a l-anc'ler ! Way Passenger, I2::!e..si. 5:ti0 a.u. MailTrainNo.l,viaMt.Jey, 7: ' H:20 Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia 1025 " Niagara & Chicago Express .i:00 ' 10.55 " Sunday Mail, ?..... s.oe " 10:50 " Fast Line, 12:10 " 2:30 r.M. Frederick Accommodation, .... 2:35 " DillervilIcLocai:viaMt.Jey 2:50 " Harrisburg Accuiumedat'n, 30 p.m. 5:15 " Columbia Accommodation, 4:00 " 7rx " Harrisburg Express, 5:.'i0 " 7:30 " Pittsburg Express, 6:25 " 8:50 " Cincinnati Express, 9:10 " IL55 " Pacific Express, 11:53 " 2.45 a. m Pacific Express, rast, en Mineay, weeu nag" fed, will step at Middietewn, Elizabethtown. It. Jey, Landisville, Blrd-in-IIand, Leman Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkcsburg, Coates Ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step atDowningtewn.Coatesville, I'arkes burg,Mt. Jey. Elizabethtown ami Middietewn. llanoveraccemmodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:00 a. m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west.ceuneetsut Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2.30 p. M., and will run tiu-eugh te Frederick. VABPEXS. G 1CKAT BARGAINS IN CAKI'im, I claim te have the Largest and Fines lock ei CAEPBTS In this City. Itrussels and Tapestry CARPETS Three-ply, Extra feu pur, Sujier, All Weel, Halt Weel and Part Weel Ingrains : from the best te the cheapest as low as 85c. per yard. All the FINEST AND CHOICE PATTERNS that ever can be seen In this clly. I alsobave a Large and Fine Sleck et my own make Chain ami lias Carpets, - AS LOW AS 35c. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDER at shen notice. Satisfaction guarcnteed. S-Ne trouble te show goods If you de n. wish te purchase. I earnestly solicit a call. . H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KDia STBEET, LANCASTER PA. "1ARPE1S, JtC. NEW CAEPBTS 40,000 YARS. New Designs, Beautifully Colored. .50 50 cents. 83 cents.' 'M cents. $1.00. $1.00. $1.10.: $1.20. INGRAINS 60 cents. u cents. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS WILTON AND MOO.UKTTKS, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, LICNUMS. i 75 cents. P5 cents. 90 cents. (: GOOD VALUE AT ALL PRICES. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Street, al-lydcedA2twJ PHILADELPHIA. 1ARPETS. COAL, c. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., .MANUFACTORY Ne. 130 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, " COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, BLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, At'. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed cither in the nleee or In Garments; also, all kinds or silks. Ribbon. Feathers anil Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlenien's Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also, Indigo Blue Dyeing done. All orders or goeils lclt with us will receive promptattcntlen. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL,. GOAL. Ceal et the best quality put up expressly for family use. and at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 S.OUTH WATER STREET. 2-lyuRSl PHILIP SCHUM. 80N ft CO XTEW LIVERY STAKLK. The undersigned has reopened a MVERY STABLE At the old stand, rear el the Grape Hetel. WAGONS OF THK LATEST STYLES AND FROM THE BEST MAKERS. First-Class Horses, Careful Drivers. Alse always en hand and for sale Horses and Wagons et every description . Horses and Wagons bought. CYRUS H. COLVIN. Mads