LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATURDAY AUGUST 27, 1881. I V COLUMBIA NEWS. OUR Beiij. a brake man of I. KKGULAR CORKESfONOKNCK. Haridon, living en Fourth street, It. H., had the index linger of the left hand mashed last night. M'mc Hentz's minstrels in the opera house te nh-lit will he greeted with a large house. Mr. Edward Cellins, who was painfully gored by a fctcer a few days age, of which mention was made in this paper, at that time, is mere seriously hurt than was fiist supposed. He is compelled te sit all the time, being unable te lie down. The borough council have authorized the putting of lime in different cellars of town and adopting ether sanitary measures for the prevention of sickness in town. The fruit festival in the E. E. Lutheran church this evening premises te be a great success. The yard adjoining has been decorated and a fountain placed therein AH should attend and help the Ladies' Mite society in their geed work. A brakeman of the Frederick division of the P. H. It. had the misfortune te get his hand butwecn the bumpers while coupling this morning and had the first joint of the middle linger of his right hand taken off. A yellow canary with one black spot in the middle of its back, belonging te Mrs, W. AV. Upp, escaped from its cage yester day. After flying around among the trees in the neighborhood for a short time it flew away and has net since been seen. ".The Democratic primary election will be held tonight at the different places of meeting te elect dclegatts te the county convention at Lancaster. On Friday Dr. Abram Gather died at Ilcnove, Clinten county. He resided near Meunlville and his body passed through here this morning. Mr. Solemon Zcaiucr, of West Heinp- field township, sold his tobacco for '2 round as it stands in the field. As the workmen engaged in rebuilding some of the ?)icrs in the Sil.siiueliaiina bridge were heisting a large stone weigh -ing nearly three tens, the crape broke, dropping the stone te the ground. Seme of the workmen escaped by jumping into the river, but Christain Hess, living en Frent street, was considerably bruised en the leg by the stone striking him. Te services in the Presbyterian and Episcopal churches te-morrow. Jtev. T. M. -Jacksen, of Pine Greve, Pa, well known as a preacher of rare ability, will preach in the M. E. church te-morrow morning. I lev. E. M. Sneath is expected te preach in the evening. Will X. Fendrich returned home last night from a week's visit at Asbury Park. Mr. E. 13. Ferney, manager of the Central Pharmacy, left for the East yesterday te recuperate. Misses Katie Gesslcr and Lizzie Crane left this morning for .Jersey Shere, Pa. New that .las. P. Marsh, of the Gap, has withdrawn as a candidate for auditor, Chief Hurgess Ceergj W. Roberts, of Washington borough, will allow his name te go before the convention en Wednesday next. Mr. Huberts is a young man of sober and industrious habits, and a geed accountant. Messrs. W. II. Moere and C. C. KaulT Climbing a lag Stair. The rope that passes ever the pulley en the top of the flag staff en the Intelli gencer building having been pulled through the pulley, Tayler Dixen .and Jacob Hetz, the well-known telegraph re- pairsmcn, climbed the pole this morning aud made the necessary repairs Dixen going te the very top of the slender stick, en the corner et the reef four stories above the pavement, with as much confidence as if he were en terra tiriua. A Mveet Gutter. About neon te-day, a large freight wagon with a hogshead of molasses in it, was be ing moved in front of Dice & Lawrence's grocery, ea Seuth Queen street. The end gate was out of the wagon and the hogs head fell out into the gutter. The end was broken out, and nearly all the molasses was spilled into the gutter, much te the amusement of the small boys aud 1,000,000 flies that were in the neighborhood. Fine Draft Horses. Daniel Lefcvre shipped te New Yerk this morning a carload of as fiuc draft horses as perhaps ever left this city. They were nearly all laige Canada horses, bought hence in peer condition, and fed and prepared for market in this county. They were beauties and were much ad mired by the crowd that gathered te sec them shipped. fatal Tjpheid Fever. The death of ex-Peliccnian Peter Vat- ter and the critical illness of his wife and three children, are all attributed te ty phoid fever, resulting it is believed from the use of cistern water tee long staguaut iu this season of dreuth. Deceased was a carpenter by trade and the youngest mem ber of the police force under Mayer Slaufl'er. man, while out rowing iu their new beat a few evenings age, toekau involuntary bath in the Susqehanna, giving them a geed duckiug and spoiling tlieir new rigs which they have just purchased, and leek se well. Although they are embryo oarsmen, yet they handle their new craft with great dex terity, and visitors along the river shore can often see it .skimming ever the water like a sea-gull. SAVE UAKUOU. l'rempt Payment. The executers of the estate of the late Jehn S. Gable, received yesterdav from Dr. Helenius, the local agent of the Equit able life insurance company of New Yerk, $1,000, the amount of Mr. Gable's policy in said company. l!;is Fishing. The lishing is improving en the Susque hanna. A party from Lancaster which had iu it Charley Eberman,. Johnny Mar tin and ethers, had pretty fair luck yes terday at File's Eddy. The season for geed speit seems te be coming en apace. IMre.arl's itroken Nesr. Dr. II. F. Eberman, and nefDr. Davis, rendered the surgical aid necessary bv Derwart's mishap noticed iu yestcr- Fepularlty. Themas' Kclectric Oil lias obtained great popularity, irem its intrinsic value as a reli able medicine, in curing hoarseness, and all ir ritations of the threat, diseases et the chest, etc. Fer these it is an incomparable pulmenic. Fer sale at 11. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 13 North Queen street, Lancaster. Various Causes Advancing years, care, sickness, disappoint ment, and hereditary predisposition all op erate te turn the hair gray, and either of them Inclines it te shed prematurely. Avxr's Hair Viger will restore faded or gray, light or red hair te a ricli brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It removes and cures dandruff and humors. By its use tailing hair is checked, and a new growth will be pro duced in all cases where th2 follicles are net destroyed or the glands decayed. Its effects are beautifully shown en brashy. weak or sickly hair, en which a few applications will produce the gloss and freshness of youth Harmless ami sure in its operation, it is in comparable as a dressing, and la especially valued for the soft lustre aud richness of tone it imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye, and will net soil or color white cambric; yet it lasts long en the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigoreui Fer sale by all druggist". au23-lwdcedAw (ie te II. II. Cochran's ltruu store. 137 North Queen street, ler Mrs. VeeMfm' Xtw JVo JVe JVo tienal Dyes. Fer brightness and durability et co!or,are uncqualcd. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in English and German. Price. 15 cents. Malarial Fever. -Malarial Fevers, constipation, torpidity of the liver and kidneys, general debility, ucr-veusne.-.sund neuralgic ailments yitld readily te this great dlsvase conqueror. Hep Bilturs. It repairs the ravages of disease by converting the loed into rich bleed, and it given new life and vigor te the aged and infirm always. Sec Proverbs " in ether column. JfJiW ADrHItTlSEMESTS' TTOl'SKFUBNISHING GOOi)& TTOCSEFUKN1SUINU GOODS. ' FLUOT & WILLSOIST, SUCCESSORS TO FLINN ds BREXE3IAN, Have new en hand the Largest aud Most Complete Stock et HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS IN CENTRAL, PENNSYLVANIA. Fl or Oil Cleth 25e. a yard, Table Cutlery, JSuckeU 10c, Weed aud Willow Ware, Cook Steves, Parler Steves, Beem Steves, Steves et all kinds. Tabic Oil Cleth, Spoons, Breems 10c, Lamps, Ranges, Parler Heaters, Egg Steves, &c. THIED EDITION. SATURDAY EVENING. AUG. 27, 1881. DOWN GRADE. THE PRESIDENT STILL SINKING. HIS STRENGTH GRADUALLY FAILING. Every Steve guaranteed. Call and see our goods. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET. - - - LANCASTER, PA. THE OLD CORNER, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. DR. BLISS ABANDONS HOPE. Cabinet Officers at the White Heuse. THK t'ALAJlHV NEAK AT UAM). Law. lay's paper. Joint- linelv. Ilerwai t's broken nose is The Female Minstrels. Last evening the Ilcnlz female inin strels played in tbc opera beuse te :i small audience. Seme of the performance was geed and some net se geed ; en tlie whole it sectned te please. .MutiitTn: Jtlemcini: ittnlliers!! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child buffering and crying witli the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T It'"..;, go ut once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRU 1. It will re-1 lieve the peer little sullcrer immediately de pend uiien it ; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en eaitli who has ever used it, who will net tell yen at .nice that it will regulate, the beV i--, and give rest te the mother, and relict . .. health te li:e child, operating like mart . it. is perfectly safe te u-v in all cases, mi pleasant te the. taste, aud Ii tin; prescription et one et the elilcstand best female. pli..icinu ami ::urses in the United Muter.. .Sold every where ; 25ccntsa I ettle. liirMvd.Vw.M.W&S NORBECK & MILEY, Practical Carriage Builders, take this opportunity el calling the attention et the public te their Unrivalled Stock et hides, including every variety new in use. XOW IS THE TIME TO 13UY. FANCY BUSINESS WAGONS, with the the most artistic painting, made en short notice, and satistactinn guaranteed. The best in tliu market. Repairing promptly attended te. Remember ourMetMB "OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD," Land remember the place, COBNER OF SOUTH DUKE AND VINE STREETS. Ve We kill our rulers when we remove irem the human system whatever disorganizes the nerves. Dr. llcusen's Celery and Chamomile Pills relieve irem suliicctien te the power of headache, sleeplessness and dyspepsia. They contain no opium or hurtful drug. iiug22-lydM,W.tS&wl V xi:w AjtrnttTisnatEXTs- aL.zKi - : : r UIKAV'S'lOnK 1'UOPlsRTY AT SJSW AIU'JiRTJSXMEliTS. PKI- it Seuth Lime and Middle street, will be cold private sale. Apply te E. LAN-DAI', Hug-awtd Kcsiding thereon. Down the Hirer Items. The water is se low that the rait channel can he crossed at half a dozen places, dry footed. Eislicrinnii arc catching comparatively few bass, although the calties are plenty. The corn crop is very geed considering the long dry spell and tobacco is mere than fair, quite a large crop being har vested this season. Lancasterians ate frcpicnt visitors te this and points below, and generally have geed sport, although they de net always bag large lets of game or fish. There were three or four parties en a fishing trip this week, two of them having representatives from the Intelligenckb with them. They appeared te enjoy themselves. Munderf s, or Capt. Wcise's island, ap pears te be a favorite reserl,and en Thurs day there were twenty-two visitors from Lancaster these. Sitting en the perch that evening with half a dozen tobacco men about him. Jack said : "Talk about tobacco, the crop this year is the best ever raised en this island and the best in this section. Iiill, go down in the patch and bring up a leaf or two till we see them." Bill seen returned with half a dozen leaves as line as could be found anywhere. " Yeu see," said Capt. Jack, "there is net a llea llea bite, a grasshopper cut or a burn en .any of these. They arc as line as silk, but maybe they are net a large as some ethers." A rule produced showed that three of the six were 42 inches long with corresponding width, while the ethers wcrcaboute7and ',)$. These leaves were pulled about dusk and no special selections were made Where's tlie Health Heard. Lancaster Inquirer. The city's plague spots still lleurish. The stinking water in Farnum & Ce's. ponds still stagnates iu the summer sun, breeding corruption. l'vturiicd Heme Kcv. Win. Morrison has returned from his live weeks vacation, and will again assume the duties of his pastorate as usual. liune te me Cape Dr. Geerge A. Herling left Lancaster te-day for Cape May and Atlantic City, where he will remain for a few days. Shep Itroken Inte. Seme time during last night thieves broke into the blacksmith shop of II. S. Oster, en Water street, between Walnut and Lemen, and stele therefrem a crowbar ami perhaps a few ether tools. It is sup posed the tools were stolen te enable the thieves te commit a burglary somewhere else. Since writing the above wc learn that the manufactory of microscepical instru ments, situated en North Cherry street, between James and Frederick streets, was broken into last night, the thieves gaining an entrance by breaking oil' the liasp of the deer of the outside stairway leading te the second story of the factory. A num ber of bottles of chemicals were lifted out of a closet aud placed upon a bench by the thieves, who seem te have accidentally up set a workbench, and te have been scared off by the noise thus made. They left he hiud them a crowbar that answers the de scription of the one stolen from Ostcr's shop, though it has net yet been identified. Amusement. Mrs. Jliunmf us Tints;. On Tuesday even ing next, Mrs. G.C.Heward, the original im personator et the erratic Tpy, will appear iu that character at Fulton opera house, support ed by a full company. " Uncle Tem's Cabin" never (ails te draw lure, and with se well known a lady in the leading role, the piece will no doubt present additional attractions for these who never weary of witnessing the spectacle of peer I'nclc Tem's sufferings, and the sayings and doings or the various ether characters of Sirs. Stetve's famous story. Itching riles yiptem aim Cure. The symptoms- are moisture, like perspira tlen, intense itching, increased by scratching, very distressing, particularly at night, as if pin worms were crawling in and. about the rectum the private parts are sometimes af fected ; it allowed te continue very scrieu le siilta may lollew. Dr. Swayne's All-Healing Ointment is a pleasant, sure cure. Alse for tetter, itch, salt rheum, scald head, Erysipelas, barber's itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty, cuta cuta neous ernptieiw. Price, 50 cents, three boxes ferfcli. Sent by mail te any address en re ceipt of price in currency or three cent post ure stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swayne Sen. S North Sixth street. Philadelphia, Fa. Sold by all prominent druggists, j uneil-SmilM WS&w ji:atjis. A delightful shave Is possible only with the Cuticiira Shaving Seap. City Itlll Festers. Carsen X llensel, city bill pesters ami dis tributers, office I building, Ne.'i; (south Queen street. Night sweats, ceuh. emaciation and decline prevented by Malt Hitters. SI'EVIAIj MOTJVMf. Catarrh el tlie islander. Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary passages! iseascd discharges, eured by Buchu Paiba. Druggists. Depot Jehn F. Leng A Sens. Lancaster. Why Wear i'laHtcrs. They may relieve, lint they can't cure that lame back, ler Hie kidneys are the trouble and you waul a remedy te act directly en their se cretions, ie puriiy and restore their healthy condition. Kidney-Wert has that specific ac tion and at the same time it regulates the bowels perfectly. Don't wait te get sick, but get a package te-day, and cura yourself. Liquid and dry sold by nil druggists. Oar Oar mantewn Telegraph. au22-lwdw Hall. Iu lids city, Aug. '-ill, ls'SI. GeergeS. llali, aged CO years, ; months anil !! days. Funeral Irem his late residence, Ne. 214 East Lemen street, en Monday afternoon at :i o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. ltd Vattkk. !u this city, en the 'J7th of August, ISSl. Peter Vatter, in the isth your et ids age. The relatives and friends of the family, also Lancaster Ledge, Ne. , K. el P., ami the Sun lire company, are respectfully invited te at tend the luneral irem the residence of his father-in-law, Jehn Fairer, Ne. UK) North Mul berry st rent, en Monday" afternoon at three o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. ltd Funk. In this city, en the Alth of August, IsSI, Jehn G., son el Jehn and Elizabeth Funk, aged l: years and 21 days. The relatives and friends of tin; lamily are respecttully invited teatteud the luneral. from the parents resilience, Ne. 101 Seuth Fiince street, en Sunday morning at S o'clock. In terment at Jit. Hene cemetery. ltd 1 FADING KXCUKSION NOTICE. i Inrittd ISanils will report seen as possi ble who wish te take part in our Grand Ex cursion and Picnic at Luuar'u Park. Keadlng, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER B, ISM, Positively no tickets sold atter the :ilst . except by the Committee aud at the way stations. In order te secure the best accommodations- buv your tickets new. FEUD VEDEIC. Chairman. .I.Win. Keller. Jes. Cngley. jr., Wash l'etts, Leuis Heptlng. II. Gess, David Heard. E. nut ter. Committee. aug'JI-ltdS OCHOOL HOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS!. AlLSchoel Heeks and Scheel Supplies at the very lowest rates at L. MFLYNN'S, Ne. 42 WEST KING STKEKT. "131 FLO YJ'KS ANNUAL F.XCUKSION TO Philadelphia and Atlantic City, ON SJNDAY, SErTEMBEIt I. Hound trip tickets goed'lor t hrcc days. Fan; from Lancaster and Columbia te Atlantic City, only S3. Ilruckharts, Petersburg. Lan ilisville, Lancaster Junction, Jiauhciiu. Litltz, Ephrataand stations north, only S'J,,,i. Tickets te Philadelphia will be sold from Manliciii), Lititz, KpliratA and stations north, ler SSI. 75. Train leaves Lancaster (King Street) at 4 o'clock a. m.; Columbia, at 4 a. m.; Manhcim, 4::W; Lititz. 4:15; Ephrata, r.:0!. Train will re turn same day. The Great Cannstatler Velksfetill be held ai ncucuizcit ran;, snri r..ui; i. i aim if. augi7,'2D,tsl,:;ltw M1 1SS niAYEK'S HOME re-open en JIONDA1 , at ill Aeriu rnncc street. SCHOOL WILL SEFTEJlBEIi C, uu27-:2,:u,scp:J,5 INSTRUCTION Music, en Piane i N IN JNSTKUMKNTAL or Organ. JENNIE M. FOWEKS. Fer terms inquire at iVi West King street, Lancaster, l'a. ltd S'1 AUKR KICAUT LUNCH THIS (SATUK- DA ) evening at Jehn SpaiiKler's Fulton Opera Heuse Saleen, North I'rincc street. Uest et beer en tup. JOHN SPANGLEIJ, ltd Proprietor. F ;ilK (iO(lt), CHKAP AND KEL.1AISLE Furniture of all kinds, go te HOFKMEIEU'S. Our stock is immense ana we guarantee sat isfaction. Give us a call at. ltd a EAST KING STltEET. YKFF.KINAUY SUItuKON. DK. II. J. TUEACY, Member of the lleyal College et Veterinary Surgeons of Louden, England, and Member and Fallow of the Koyal Veterinary Medical Society et Edinburgh, Scotland, flavins: grad uated in the bast Veterinary Institutions et Great Britain, aud with eight years practical experience in treating Cattle and Derses, he lcels confident et giving satisfaction. Office and Uesidcuce, CAD WELL HOUSE, aug2l-ttd4wU Lancaster, l'a. 1)U1ILIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND Kitchen Furniture. On TIIUUbDAY, SEl'TEMltEK 1, 1831, will be sold at public vendue, at the late residence or Elizabeth Shirk, deceased, Ne. r,A North Queen street, Lancaster city, the following goods te wit : 15cd and bedsteads, sofas, bureaus, tables, chulrs, linen sheets, blankets, coverlets, let et leather beds, ingrain and rag carpet by the yard, clock, glass and qucenswarc. stoves and pipe, and a large variety et ether articles net mentioned. Sale te commence nt 3 o'clock a. in., when conditions will be niadn known by D. II. M AllKLEY, Executer. II. SllL'CEUT, Auct. aug25,27,29,:;e,51dU G RAND EXCURSION TO QUAKUYV1LLE AND PICNIC AT HESS'S WOODS. XJSW AltrUKTIlWMISXTS. '11IANU MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT V X at Hetel Franke Garden by Clcmmeus's t'ily Cornet lianil. P.arbev's Celebrated Lager Beer en lap. JOHN HESS, Proprietor. ltd CI RAND SOUR Kit OUT LUNCH AND J Geerge Keller's ice-cold Lager llcer this (SATURDAY) evening. Lunch every Satur day night at the rear bar Leepard hotel. ltd V UK REGULAR MONT1ILYMEKTINGOF the American Jlcchanics' Duildimr and Lean Association will be held tins (Saturday) evening at S o'clock, in Franklin's Ofllce, Ne. :i."i East orange street. WV.T. JEFFEIUES, ltd Secretary. RUNAWAY ACCIDENT. Weman anil Child Injured. This meruiug about 11 o'clock as Mrs. Snyder residing at Ne. 529 West Chest nut, in company with her infant child aud a boy aged about 13 years, was driving near Dillcrvillc, the horse attached te the carriage, took flight at an approaching train eT cars, and ran off. The car riage came in collision with some cars standing en a siding aud was upset, throw ing out the eccupauts, badly injuring Mrs. Snyder,-who suffered n very severe sprain of the right wrist, and had besides a deep cut and a bad sprain of the right ankle. The babe was also a geed deal cut about the head aud face. The ether boy escaped with slight injury. Dr. Ycagley was scut for and attended te the wounds of the barty, after which they were taken te their homes. Iay Your Tax. All taxpayers should give their attention te the payment of their city tax. en or be fore September 1. After that time an in crease of 2 J per-cent, is made te it, a rate of interest that will be very unprofitable te the delinquent. Pay up. After September 1, tee, the delinquent water rents will have te be put into the alderman's bauds for collection. "Water consumers will avoid fciinoyauce and ex pense by preventing tliis necessity with prompt payment. A Cough, Celd r .sere xnreai should ee etepped. Neglect frequently results in an In-cm-able Lung Disease or Consumption. Brown's Bronchial Troches de net disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly en the inflamed parts, allaying Irritation, give relief in Asthma, Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles which Singers and Public Speakers are subject te. Fer thirty years Brown's Bronchial Troches have been recommended by physi cians, and always give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have at tained well-merited rank among the lew staple remedies of the age. Sold at i" cents a box everywhere. ins-lvdTTli.tSftlvw INSTRUCTION ON 1'IANO AND ORGAN. . Miss MAUG1E SPUKlHEIt will resumein resumein structiens in instrumental music September.!. Pupils will receive close attention and thor ough training. Terms reasennli.e. App'-vut MB NOUTH DUKE STREET. a27-:;tiISV&si' T MIK REGULAR MONTHLY MEB.TING Fer Hiebcncill of sr. AyTiiexr'x vnujtuji, laxcahteu, and ut. cATirrnirxfrs ciiuncu, DRVMOliK. OX WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31. Excursion Tickets, including Picnic, Oc Children under 12 years pay hall price en train. T "HE WONDERFUL Tickets for sale bv Ojiceu street, and L. street. Jehn Ilicincnsc. .1 North M. Flyini, 42 Wc.-t King aiig:e,27--'J.t:M)il 7RUIT JARS AT F ' CHINA HALL. MASON rOKCELAIN LINED FRUIT JARS. JELLY TUMBLERS. COM. TUMBLERS, AT HIGH & MARTIN'S, in EAST KING STltEET. elation will be held this (Saturday) evening, at UeinochlVeflice, Ne. 41 North Duke street. Meney leaned at !i o'clock. Shares in 13th series ler pale. ltd II. XV. V1LLEE, Scc'y. ri0 THE DEMOCRACY OF THE SECOND JL WARD. The circular signed "Independ ent Democrat," would had better hud the sig natures et Jake Stelnmetz. Jake Liehty and Dave McMulIen te it, a clique supposed te be in the interest of Hiltlcbrand. ltd DEMOCRAT. Hay Fever. Mi:ssn.. Wmxr, A Bdhdick, Druggists, Ithaca, X. Y. I can recommend Ely's Cream Balm te relieve all persons sullering with Rese Celd and Hay Fever. I have been a sufferer from the same complaints; have had great relief bj using the Italm. I have recommended it te many of my friends for Cntnrrh, and in all cases where they have used the Balm frcclv have been cured. T. Kk-vjiet, Dry Goods Mer chant, Ithaca, N. Y., Sept. (5, 18S0. TnB.vrOK, N. J., Oct. 23, 18S0. I have suffered ler eight years with Hay Fever, during July, August and September. In the beginning et July, this year, 1 resorted te Ely's Cream Balm, and have been entirely free from the Fever since the first application. I can recommend it us a cure. Edward C. Hillman, at the New Jersey State Arsenal, rrice 50 cents. aul9-2wdeei&w HENRY'S CARROLIO SALVE. The best Salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, sal trhum, tetter,chapped hands, chilblains, corns aud all kinds et skin erup tions, freckles and pimples. The alTe i guaranteed te give perfect satisfaction in every cube or money relundcd. 15c nre you get Henry's Carbolic Salve, as all ethers are but imitations and counterfeits. Frice25centi. Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Prug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen street. A Geed Auger Visit A Tal et "Koea "Keea dalis." Rlaneuc called en KaU, one pleasant day, and found her sad anil sighing, dearest friend, once bright and gay, new scarce could keep Irem crying; ler, '-eh," she said, "'tis a dis grace te see with scrofula, my lace se badly marred !" then said hcrfriend, " Uesadall will your treuhlus end.-' Blanche called en Kate another day and found her once mero blithe and gay. her face as radiant, skin as fair, as any maiden's anywhere. Fer skin diseases and in) pure bleed, there's nothing In the world se geed as l'esmlali, it drives away nil skin disorders, humor, nay, it tones the sys tem, cures your ills and banishes all doctor's bills ! Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 Nertli Queen street. 4y30-lydeeU&w n'AXFAYERS, TAKE NOTICE. AFTER J the first day of SEPTEMBER next, in ac cordance with ordinance, 2J per cent, will be added te all unpaid city tax. At the same time unpaid Water Rents will be placed in The hands of an Alderman ler col lection. WM. McCOMSEY, a27-3td R Treasurer and Receiver of Taxes. -VTOTICE THE MEMKKI'S OF LANCAS- ll tcr Ledge. Ne. OS, K. efl. are requested te meet at the ledge room en MONDAY after noon, at 2 o'clock, ter the purpose of attend inir the funeral of llre. Knight Peter Vatter. Members of Inland City andTeutouialedgcs are respectfully invited te meet with them. JOHN S. GRAHAM, C. C. Attest : M. XV. Raub, K. of R. & S. ltd TEADJNG XX) & COLUMBIA RAILROAD L COMPANY. EXCURSION TO NEW PROVIDENCE. SUNDAY. AUGUST 2S. 18S1. Train leaves Lltilz at 8:15 a. in.; Mauhim, 8:20 ; Lancasicr (Upper Station), at 9, and King street at 0:10, arriving at New Providence at 9:55 a. m. Returning Train leaves New Prov idence at fi:30 p. in., arriving at King street at 7:33 p. in.; Lancaster (Upper Depot), 7:13; Jklan iicim, 8:17. and Lititz, 8:30 p. m. augiVStd A.M. WILSON, Supt. SCHOOL BOOKS! A FULL LINE OF SCHOOL BOOKS, New and Second Hand. Heeks exchanged at" Prices very low. S. H. Zabm & Ce.'s Boek Reems, Nes. 18 & SO SOUTH (JUEJSN STREET, aug27.29&31d Lancaster, l'a. CHOOL HOOKS : s( AM) SCHOOL SUPPLIES ! AT FenDersmith's BOOKSTORE, 32 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. "PBICE5 THE LOWEST."' ltd J." MARTIN & CO. Gents' Furnishing Goods Department. We are constantly receiving Novelties iu Gents' Furnishing Goods. NOVELTIES IX FALL HOSIERY. NOVELTIES IN FALL NECKWEAR. FANCY COLORED SHIRTS, CLUE FLANNEL SHIRTS. CHEVIOT SHIRTS. BUY THE PEARL SHLRT, Without any exception by far the Uest Shirt In the Market. riJICE ONLY $1.00. Special Measures taken, made el" Rest Wam sutla Muslin and Finest Linen, and guaran teed te lit. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, EMHIE SHIRT Is still en the lead ; and there it no el her that will equal It for long wear and PERFECT PITTING. It is made of the Best Waiusutla Mus lin and 2-I'Kl Linen, and SOLD FOll $1.00. II you have never tried the Shirt you arc unacquainted with its merits. They arc made with two lengths el SlCttVCb. And alter you have tried the SHIRT and lind it is net sa'isfaclery we will refund the money. Still Lesing Strength. Executive Mansion, "Washington, D. C, Aug. 27. StfO A. M. Official. Tlie president slept from half an hour te an hour or mero at a, time throughout the ni-ht. He continues te retain the liquid feed, administered by the mouth, and the stimulating cucmata, nevertheless his pulse has been mero frequent since mid night, and he is evidently feebler this morning thau yesterday. Pulse 120, temperature 98.4, respiration 22. D. AV. Bliss, J. IC Barnes, J. J. "Woodward. Heur. Keybukn, F. II. Hamilton. Ol most Alarming Cnaracter. Executive Mansion, "Washington Aug. 27. Secretary Blaine sent the following telegram te Minister Lewell this morning : " Tlie president had a bad night and his symptoms at this hour, 9 o'clock, are of the most alarming character." Signed J Blaine, Sec'ry. Crndually Failing. Execi'tive Mansion, "Washington, 1). C, Aug. 27. Dr. Bliss reports at neon that there has been no marked change in the president's condition, but that he is gradually failing in strength. His pulse when last taken was 11G te 118 and slightly better in charaeter than at 7 a. m. The Cabinet ut tlie White HeiiKe. Executive Mansion, "Washington, 1). C, Aug. 27. The situation of the presi dent has net changed much since the earlier part of the morning, but continues very critical. Tlie'membcrs of the cabinet are all still here. Dr. Hllsti Thinks He Cannet Recover. Executing Mansion, "Washington, Aug. 27, 12:30 p. m. Unofficial. The mcmbers of the cabinet are still here. Ne decisive change has taken place in the president's condition. Attorney General MacVeagh authorizes the statement that Vice Presi dent Arthur has net been telegraphed and no decision te seud for him has yet been arrived at. Dr. Bliss said te a reporter of the associated press, at neon, that his be lief is that the president cannot recover. He thinks, however, that his death Will net occur immediately, and that he may linger several days. Notepelet-s Hut Critical. Washington, Aug. 27. The following has just been filed for transmissien: Te Leicell, Minister, Londen : There has been no change for the better in the president's condition since morning. His fever has risen, and his pulse at this hour, 2 p. in., is 120. His physicians'de net regard the case as hopeless but very dangerous and criti cal. Signed! Blaine, Secy. i;,3."0 head same tluie hist eek ; censignel through, W cars ; market active aud firm ; feeling weak. Sheep and Lambs KeceipU te-dav. 1,90(1 head ; total for weet thus tar. 15,i!i lieaa, against 12,000 head same time last week : eon signed through, SJ cars ; geed sheep steady ; common dull and lower; lair te geed West ern. U254 30 ; extra, $55 23. Lambs a dru; at $5S5 25. ami a let of caw remain unsold. Hogs Receipts te-day, LOOD head : total for week thus far, 22.000 head, against 21,500 hcaU same time last week : consigned through, 131 cars : grassers. $5503025; corn, fed Yorkers at $G 1 Ogti 75 ; best heavy. J SDQ7. Kocuilueti-'toiu-olttie ursln Market Furnished by Jaceo i;. Leng, Commission Breker. CnioAtie. Wheat corn vtlK9 ruiK !tri! ....! rmLADELrmA. Wheat , Liern.t.. ! vUUI. Sept. .. 1.2K .. .H!2 - .a"i .. 1&05 Sept. 1.42?' . .7l .47 Oct. Mil 1S.15 11.55 Oct. 47? Year. I.SVi .152 Nev. 1.48. .4S Uratn and FroVUlen Ouotatleus. On o'clock quotations of gnii u and provis previs ions, furnished by S. K. Yundt, Breker, 15 r.ast iving street. Chicago. t IlC&t "ui .AjHrii rutLADUFUIA. Wheat corn .......... Sept. ,.$ 1.2,i - -; .. 17.U7 J.-: .. 11.30 Sept. .$ 1.42 . .70 ec'. $ 1.2S IS.15 11.5(1 Oct. lX.'X Aug. 27. Nev. .59 Nev. $ 1.47'.; .75 stecKMarKm. New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks also United States Bends reported daily by Jaceii B. Lemi. N. L". Cor. Centre Square. Nkw Yerk Stocks. -Stocks steady. Meney......V Chicago A North Western. Chicago. Mil. & St. l'aui Canada Southern C. C. I. C. R. K Del., Lack. A Western.... Delaware & Hudsen Canal. Denver & Bie (Jninde Hannibal A St. Jee Lake Shere A Mich. Southern.. Manhattan KIcvatciL Michigan Central Missouri, Kansas A Texas N. V.. Lake Erie A Western.... New Jersey Central N. Y., Ontario A Western New Ohie A Mississippi 1'acitic Mail Steamship Ce.... St. l'aul A Oiualia de freferrcd Central Pnciilc A l,.ltf X (, II l Union Pacific Wabash, St. Leuis A I'acille.... " " Pre furred. Western Union Tel. Ce 1'HILADKLVIIlA. 3tecks steady. Pennsylvania B. It Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation ButTale, Pitts. A Western Northern Central Northern Paei lie " Preferred Hestonville Philadelphia A Erie B. B Iowa Gulch Mining Unitke Statim Bends. Unitid States i per cunts 14 rt ' it A. M. 10:00 .. 121' n:;; hi I.I-M I.H7 ....... j4 j n I2S, 17 s 3S " .'il 1 1!. 17 hi -7 Aug. 27. 1". M. 1- II. IMKI 3.1HJ Iff.". .... l'D' 125 1S!C 9 Mi 1I2'Z Sk .... ini'i . w.Z lai'i lii ISJ' 4S 21 li'i it 2aU :v.y. 42 SttJ-i i.i itT-' .''; i"i4 :1s" 7S WM. 1:01) 114'i HSJiC 101 " 10IK kvu: ml IU .... 43?,J .... 52" :isj,'t :w 7J 7'Jli 'il ... T1 Lecal Stocks anil I'eimh. Par val. Lanc.Cily l: per ct. Lean, due I.ss2...$l(l KKI tee lee Kit inn lim loe ISKi.. " lwm... " ISO... ." per el. in I or "AI years., ft per cl. Scheel Lean.... 4 " in 1 or 20 years.. 4 '- iu 5 or 2i years.. 4 " in 10 or 20 years. MISCELLANEOUS HON US. Duarryville B. it., due 1 $I(H) ueaiiinir ,t leiumma n. ic.ilue ISH: inn lue Las salt IIU5 114 IIS.1 120 lllf 112 in: m:.r,e 105 in: Hi.rni 105.5I! CHICAGO'S JSIU HL.AZK. & ONE-PRICE HOUSE, 3Q-38 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTKB. PA. The J.uss Jsellevcd te Aggregate a million. Cihcace, Aug. 27. A fire broke out about 8 o'clock last night iu Jehn Heteley's perk packing establishment at the Union stock yards. The fire was confined te Heteley's cstablshmcnt in which 4,000,000 pounds of meat were stored. Heteley's less is $150,000 en the stock and $100,000 en the building and fixtures. Peter Mc- ueecii, ei -uuwauKce ami Chicago, was the ether priucipal loser, his steck'in store being valued at $500,000. Other smaller losers will bring the total up te $1,000,000. The above figures represent about the total insurance, which was placed in nearly all of the companies represented in this city. WKAIUISK INDICATIONS. Washington, Aug. -Fer the Middle Atlantic states, mcrcasilig cloudiness, fol lowed by rain, variable winds mostly easterly, stationary or lower tcmperattiie, falling barometer. F' XT DOOK TO THE COU1CT IIODaE. LANCASTEB. l'A. 1AKPKTS, COAL, c. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTOBY Ne. 150 SOUTH WATEB STBEET, Lancaster, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTEB QUILTS, COUNTEBPANES, COVEBLETS, BLANKETS, CABPETS. CAliPET CHAIN, STOCKINU YABN, Ac. CUSTOM BAG CABPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTEB FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed cither in the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds of silks, Bibheng, Feathers anil Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlcmcn's Coats, Overcoats, Pants. cats, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also, Indigo Blue Dyeing done. All orders or goods left with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOB SEWED CABPET BAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal el the best quality put up expressly lei family use, and at the lowest market rates. TBY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 tOUTII WATEB STBEE1. 2-lyOBSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON A CO FAHNESTOCK! F1BST FALL OPENING OF NEW GOODS. BLANKETS! BLANKETS! White and Colored, in ijuantitlcs. for Hotels, Institutions aud Private Families, at LOW PRICES. Marsellcs and Heney Comb Quilts U2c, 75c, $1, $1.2) and up. Of be' COTTON FLANNELS, WOOL FLANNELS, . TICKINGS, MUSLIN, TABLE LINEN, &c. All of the above Domestics arc new and sold at our USUAL LOW PBICES. te We have just completed a large and well lighted Basement ter the sale et goods by the piece, at a small advance en Commission and Auction Cost. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te Court Heuse. MAltKETS. I'lilludelpnia Market. I'HiLAUULfHiA, August 27. Fleur strong but iiuiet : .Superfine, at ! 37'ffti U0; extra at : (XI85 50: Ohie and Indiana familv, at 7 M)J7 SO; Pennsylvania lainlly te" r,''Q 7 00: St. Leuis de 7 007 50; Minnesota Extra fCS'Sil 87: de straight, $; 877 25; winter patent 7 :iSS (): spring de 7 50 Bye flour at $5 235 50. Wheat market and prices unchanged ; Ne. 2 Western Bed 1 42; Dl. and Penn'a Bed $1 II1 12; de Amber 1 WH'iy,. Cern Market iuiet; steamer," lilifiT'-c ; sail vellew 73J$71e ; sail mixed, "JWITNe. :i, mixed, 72tf72J$c. Oats scarce and irregular ; Ne. 1 White, W57c; Ne. 2. de 5e ; Ne. 3, de 51c; Ne.2, Mixed, .r.2ffl".:e. Bye none here but 85cb!d. Previsions Market 11 rm ; geed jobbing ; mtss perk $18 50I9 O'l- heet hams $232l ; India mcis beet. $!) ee. Bacen Smoked shoulders 8J4;- salt de 8c ; smeke.d hams V.i'Ani Ike ; pickled hums, llUfflllc. Lard firm and scarce: city kettle $12f$I2 50; iiie-e uuicuers' ii w; prime steam sil 7i 12 OX Butter Market in fainieuiand and steady; Creamery exlra Western at2fj2;)c; Pennsylva nia at ."We: de gee. I te choice 25327c: Bradford county ami New Yerk extra, 2l25c ; firsts, 2I23c. Bells steady ; Pennsylvania 15lijc ; West ern, 12 He. Eggs steady ; Penn'a 21XS22c; Western 2 21c. Cheese scarce and ilrni ; New Yerk full cream lS12c ; Western full cream llffillc; de fair te geed, lOSlOUc. Petroleum ateiuly ; Bellned 7c Whisky llrm and scarce at $1 20. Seeds Geed te prime Clever firm and scarce at !K10: Timethy linn at $2 UOJpOO ; de Flaxseed at $1 37J ler pure. Lancaster Watch Ce.. due ISSU. Lancaster uas i.ignt ami fuel Ce., due in 1 fir 'Jl years 100 11(1.50 Lancaster Gas Liuht and Fuel Ce.. dueisjsi; . ion let; Stevcnslleuse loe 71) BANK STOCKS. First National Banir $100 $l70bt Farmers' National Bank 50 inift Lane-aster County National Bank.. 50 102.23 Columbia National Bank m lln Kphrata National Bank 1(H First, National Bank, Columbia.. .. ion VSi First National Bank, Strasburg 11)0 l:5I..Vl First National Bank, Marietta loe 202.W First National flank, Mount Jey., tee 115 75 Lititz National Bank lue Manhcim National Bank loe lll.1i Union National Bank. Mount Jey. 50 TO.-'.-U TURNriKKSTK;KS. Big Spring & Beaver Valley $25 3 10.2 Bridgeixtrl i:y 31 Columbia ,fc Cliestnut Hill 25 is Celiiinliia A Washington 25 20 Celumljia& Big Spring 25 H.IH LancaslerA Ephrata 25 I7.2J Lain;.,'n A JlindJet'ii 100 r,l Lancaster & Fruitville. M 50 LnncnstcrAV.Lititz 25 02.5(1 LaiiCiLlei.'fc Williamstewii 25 55 Lancasler.t Maner 50 !iC Laiieaitcr ."fc Manhcim 25 5thV I.aneaster & Marietta 35 25.?5 Lancaster & New Helland loe 85 Lancaster &Susrufhanna :joe Lancaster & Willow Street 25 40.i! Stnisburgft iM ill pert , -j Marietta A Maytown 25 40 Marietta .t Mount Jev 25 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. O-iarryville B. B $ 50 Millersvilli: Street Car lniuirerPriiitingCenipany Watch Factory Gas Light and Fuel Company.... Stevens Heuse Columbia Gas Company Columbia Water Company Siisipiehanua Iren Company Marietta Hellew ware 50 50 urn i5i 10!) 10!) $..'.. 25 10 1J5 bl. 75.10 HXTJiltrAIXMKATS. UI.TON Ol'KKA UOl'SK. flew XerK nmrxet. New'erk. Aug. 27. Fleur Stale and West ern linn and moderately active ; Superfine State $50035 S5; extra de 5 253C0O ; choice detCttl3''75:fancy detfi S0Q7 75 : round hoop Ohie 000; 50 : choice de f G t;03750 ; superline western $5 25g( 00; common te geed ex tra de id 20S'50 ; choice de $ m7 75 ; choice white wheat de, at te 5508 CO. Southern market very firm; common te fair extra $G 00 7 25 ; geed te choice de $7 3)38 50. Wheat prices Kc higher, and fairly ac tive speculative trading ; Ne. 2 Bed, September, $1 4tl 45; de Ocleber, $14Gi 1 47; de November, $1 491 l! Cern Prices J4'4c lower and market heavy; mixed western spot, U"71'c: de future, 7175c. ' Oats unchanged ; State 4S491c : Western 4018c:Ne. 2 October, 4li4l. Live Stock Markets. CaicAOO. Hogs Receipts. 18,000 head; ship ments, 4.WD liead ; market generally un changed, closing weak; mixed packing. t 10 45; light, $(eeU SO; choice heavy, $ 705; culls and grassers, $4C 23. Cattle Reccipu, 6,000 head; shipments. 2,40) heatl ; choice strong : peer grades weak ; experts.'; 10C 00; geed te choice shipping, $5 505t)0; common te fair $." HOffil'Je: half-fat very dull ; native butcliei-' $2 208-1 30; stock steck em and feeders, $265:-5'j; dairj- calves, $7 UO 1500; range cattle market fairly active and steady ; grass Texans, $3053 CO; half-brccds $3 754 25. Sheep Receipts, i.noehead; sliipinents, SOO head; market fairly active : common weak : common te medium, $3: 73; gee 1 te choice, $1 254 65. Bufkale. Cattle Receipts te day, 3000 ncad ; total for the week thus far, 13,000 head, against Tuesday Evening-, August 30, 1881 Yeu have seen imitations, new see tin great original MRS. . 0. HOWARD, Who will appear in her original and world re nowned clciracter of TOPSY, In her entire new version of Mrs. Harriet BeecherStewe's Immortal Werk, UKCLE TOM'S CABItf Supported by the Full Company, Irem the Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia. This Heme Picture, performed liy her in all the lirst-classTiieatreset Die country, and origi nally in New Yerk 3i:0 consecutive nights. The grand and realistic Plantation Scene., loe col ored people, men, women and children, will appear. Savannah Jubilee Singers, New and Appropriate Scenery, painted expressly for the piece; the Ohie River during a .Snow Storm : the Great Auction .Scene and Slave -Market ; Beautiful Transformation The Gates, Ajar, Eva in Heaven. The play lias iccelveil the unqalilied endorteiiieiiteftlii: Clergy and Christian people of all creeds. ADMISSION, .., 35 & COc. BESEBVED SKATS 50c. Fer sale at Opera Heuse Olllce. aug27?td WAXTJSH. e4y-jEyju! j. WANTKL- A COOK AND CHAMIIKK maid. Bclcrencc required. Applv at ltd 31 NORTH LIME STREET. HITK WINK ViNF.GAlt, 5 1'KK CKNtI Alcohol, Wines and Liquors, Coffees. Sugars and Tea", all at RING WALT'S teblMvil Ne. 203 West King Street. ANTKD A tilKI. OK WOMAN. TO Cook and de housework. Apply;at ltd 413 NORTn DUKE STREET. BOY8- WANTED. THE INQUIKEIC Printing Company will take a few intel ligent boy te learn the printing business. In quire either In person or by fetter at their office, 53 and 55 Nertli Queen street. Lancaster, Pa. auglJ-6tdeedA2tw WANTED Y ALLEGHENY VaLLEV Bull read Company at ICth street, near Allegheny River Bridge, Pittsburgh, Twcnty Twcnty flve Carpenters. Wages, $2.25 per dav. Ai Ai plyte .1.1,. JONES, nuglS-tdS2tw Foreman, en the Ground. ESTATE OF DANIEL. M1SHLKK. LATK et Witt t G'ncalice township, dec'd.Lettem of udministr.Uieii en said estate having lin-u. granted te the undersigned, ail persons in debtcd thereto arc requested te make imme diate settlement, and these having claims el demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the under, signed, residing in paid township. HENRY 1IAUCK, Administrator. V illiamS. Axwee, Attorney, Ne. 20 Seuth Queen street, Lancaster. jyCOltdaitw ' 1 J SfA feJ VI vl VI - .i A t :'! 'i J