h i - v - ..i.-,,,,.., j. rv - A. ?S. "T- -'- - "-J -;.n itff...n,-sggy,STrrsT."i,s',r,TJvgaagK " ' '" " LANCASTER DAILY INTELMGENCEtt. FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1881. "H ---' 1 iancaster fntellfaencer. FRIDAY KVKNLNO, ATJQ. 26, 1881. DOBBIN'S SPINNING. AX OLD-TIME BALLAD. She sat at the upper chamber T was a summer of long age And looked through the gable window At the river that ran below, And ever the quiet pastures. And up at the wide blue sky. And envied the jay his freedom As be lazily flitted by. Yet patiently at her spinning, in a hale of happy light. She wrought, though a shimmer rippled The heads el tue wneai in sigm. Though the garden was spilling ever Its cups en the fragrant air, And the hollyhocks at the doorway Had never looked half se lair. She saw, as her wheel kept whirling, The leisure el Nature tee The beantirul holiday weather Left nothing for her te de, The cattle were idly grazing, And even the lrisky sheep, Away In the distant meadows. Lay under the shade asleep. Se sitting, she heard sweet laughter. And a bevy of maidens lair. With u babble of merry voices, Come climbing the chamber stair ; "O Derrls ! hew can you bear It, Te drone at your spinning here? Why, girl ! it's the heart of summer. The geldencst time el year ! Put out el your hand the distall, This wearisome whirl relax There arc things that arc gayer, Derrls, Than sitting and spinning flax ; Come with us away te the lerest : When It rains is the time te ply Such tiresome tasks and te-day is The fllteenth day et July !" With u lace that was softly saddened. Sweet Derrls looked up and said. As she ravelled a bit of tai.glc. And twisted again her thread, Nay, nay, I must de my spinning ! It wouldn't be kind or right That the loom hheuld be kepta-walUng ; My hanks must be done te-night. Aye surely the day i.v lovely ! It tugs at my very heart Te leek at Its drifting beauty. Ner share in its joy my part ; I may net go forth te meet it, But the summer is kind, you sec. And I think, as 1 sit at my spinning I think it will come te me. " Se the Irollcseinc maidens left her, With something of mildsurprlse That Derrls should ehoesc a duty, With pleasure before her eyes ; Net dreaming that when her mother. Her "dozens " should count up-fltairs, And kiss her and say " My darling!" Her day would be glad as theirs. Se she minded her wheel, and blithely She wing as she twirled It round, And cunningly Irem her fingers The delicate fibre wound ; And en through the sunny hours. That neither were sad nor long. She toiled in her sweet obedience. And lightened her toil with senjr. ( She sings.) " Come hither, happy bird'. With warbling wee me. Till hengsthat have no words Melt through and tluwigh me! Come, bees, and drop and rl-e Within the clever, Where jellew butterflies Ce glancing ever! O roses, red and white, And lilies, shining Like gilded goblets bright With silver lining Kach te my window elld Gilts worth the winning, Te cheer me as I bend Above my spinning ! O ripples en the sand, That break in Iwauty, O pines, that stiffly stand Like guards en duty. Green meadows, where, this morn, The scythes were mewing, Selt slopes, where o'er the corn The wind is blowing. White clouds above the hill That sail together, Kich summer scents, that till This summer weather All bring the sweets you've found Since morn's beginning. Ami come and crowd them round My day of spinning !" MttrgarelJ. Vresten.in Wide Awal.e. Werth Knewing. Hew te Cook Tarrapin. Washington Republican. It was in a little cove iu Chesapeake Bay and you might have called it then the home of the terrapin that was thirty four years age, and still people in these days thought they were scarce. I have heard an old inhabitant say: " Me and my boys' used te go out te the salt marsh of morn ings, before the suti was well up, and catch one, two and three dozen at any time, real diamond-backs. What I didn't eat I used te send te Baltimore or Norfolk, and if I get 20 cents apiece for them I thought I was well paid." It happened once, iu 1849, as long age as that, that I was first mate of a sugar brig, and we were bound for Baltimore and get becalmed for the whole day in Chesapeake Bay, some forty six miles from Cape Charles. We had net had a rough but a mighty slew Teyage from Cuba, and we cut se quick from Havana en account of Yellow Jack, just then a-breaking out there, that we hadn't time te leek much as te stores. We weren't short, but what we had was peer fowl And little in it. Just where we Leve te, because there was a strong tide running, I saw a parcel of darkeys a-lishing and I hailed 'cm. We were net mere than a short mile from shore. They were a Spanish mackerel fishing. They told me they were iishiug for their master, who lived en a plantation whose house was just ou the shore. I wanted te stretch my legs badly, as did the captain, and, as theic would be no chance of making-head against the tide before sundown, we thought we would go ashore and have a chat and get a sight of some papers. Se the captain and me and one of the crew took a beat, aud the darkies having point ed out te us their master's house, we made for the shore. Just in case of need, we had a basket put en beard with something in it. It might have been hardtack, some lemons and a bottle of Santa Cruz, wh ich latter thing we kuowed would be as geed as a letter of introduction. New it hap pened that the third day out we had ceme across an English ship bhert of prevision; and we had sent them .seme beef and bread which they had paid us for, aud quite politely the captain had given te out old man a couple of bottles of pert aud sherry, and one bottle of that pert I had pnt in the basket. We seen get ashore and had no difficulty in finding the house. A fine-looking old gentleman dressed in nar keens met us and received us in the most polite way. " Wouldn't we stay te dinner and make ourselves generally at home? " he asked. We kind of introduced our selves as belonging te the vessel out in the bay, and seen we were quite sociable. " I don't apologize," says he, " for what I am going te give you for dinner. It will be a chicken or we, and there is green corn and tomatoes and Spanish mackerel and terrapin." "Terrapin !" says I ; "Oh!" "Maybe you aiut fend of it?" aavs lie. Aint I?" Bays I. Oh says lie. " we kind of get sick of them here. At about this tune of year, August, it's terrapin all the time. The sea meadow there just swarms with them. The ne ne geoes get se tired of thein that they won't touch them. Then again I make no ex cuse, gentlemen, but seasons have been bad tobacco is almost a drag, and terra pin ain't much without wine,andmy stock is used up. I don't say but what with geed wine ou 'em they are mere or less palatable." "And what's the wine yea ought te use?" I asked. "Well," said he, '-there's been mere disputing about that question what kind of wine yen ought te use than anything else. My father, who was great en precedents, used te differ with my mother en that topic. It seems pretty certain that in General Washington's time, it used te be, en the Virginia side, pert wine and net sherry, and my grandmother who was a Carter, used te say pert wine was right. If I had anv rwirt wine I would have Melinda that's Jiy cook serve them for you that "It's ciuite possible," says I. "Jim, says I, calling te our man, who was loung leung loung areund with the basket, "let's see the contents of that 'ere," and I hauled en a bottle of pert, for se it was labelled. That old Maryland planter's eyes just gleamed. "Ain't it a pity," said he, "te waste it en terrapin?" "Ne," says the captain, "for there is mere of it aboard, and, Jim, you go and fetch that ether bettle of pert. It's in the mate's locker, I suppose." But the Maryland man wouldn't think of it. "Half the bottle will de," said he, eying it, "and there will be enough left te wash down the terrapin with." But Jim was off at a word of the captain, and in about au hour he came back with the ether bot tle. Our captain was a moderate man, though, and net given te liquor. "Yeu wouldn't object," says I, " te my going te the kitchen and seeing Melinda and learning hew te cook terrapin in geed old Maryland style ?" Fer just as early as that I was of an inquiring mind. " Net a bit of it." says he. " Melinda's been cook for me ever since I was born, aud nursed me, and Is mighty proud of her kitchen lore, and will doubtless impart information." New, while the captain and he were chatting I went te the kitchen some short distance from the house, where I saw a dark colored woman, tidy enough with a handkei chief ou her head, busy with a weed fire. " Auuty," says I, " I have come te take a lessen iu terrapin cooking. Your mas ter says you are the boss cook of this whole country." " Sakes, Mar's," says she, " ray mar's de me proud. But dis yere is a peer kitchen. We ain't get de tings. Wharfs de wine te make dat tarrapin stew wid and de lemon? Dis here place run down." " Here they be," says I ; wine and here's the lemon, " here ' and is the I took them out of the basket. " Sakes J but is dat wine geed ?" " Yeu shall taste it, Auut Melinda, aud judge for yourself ; and I poured out seme into a cocoanut dipper. "Bless us! tisse real sluil jess like we had forty year age, wheu I war a gal ; and Mar's dere is some cream been sav in" it. Tarrapin stew ? We is just going te fetch it. New, you set down ou dat settle aud jess watch me. Most anybody can brile chickens, bile corn, stew tomato; but it's science wid tarrapin. Fsc had dese tarrapin in new an hour, a oiling hard, and new I'se going te suck 'em. I takes dem out and cools dem in dis spring water, and oil', you see, conies de black hide. Then Melinda took off the black skin aud divided the terrapin in two. Then Bhe separated the uall carefully and chop ped up the liver. She took two large tabic spoensful of butter aud a leaspoenful et Heur, and set that en her weed lire in at: earthcru crock stirring it with a wooden spoon and then she called mc. " Jess as seen as de butter froth aud take mulatto color you jess step ; udderwise you burn him. 1 den t want none et ais yere spice in my tarrapin ; it jess kill 'em. Yeu see mc salt him ever se little. New, I put dis yere biled tarrapin what is chop up fine in that there butter, aud I warm him, but don't bring him te the bile. Whar's your cream ? 1 tilts into dis jist dis yere tum blerful of cream and I shakes him. New whar's dis yere wiue what you was a bragging about V There is most four quart of tarrapin here. I am gwir.e te take jess lour wineglassful of dat ycie pert wiue and put in dis yere tumbler, and I am gwine te break dis egg and take de yaller of it aud beat it up wid de wiue. Is you ready for your dinner ? Fer by dc time you's set te table dis yer mess of tarrapin will be ready, for de wine and de egg is de very last thing 1 puts in and I don't bile 'em, but stir 'cm up while tie tarapin is het dat's cooking enough. Thai's one thing wanting, and dat's giccu pepper. Alenzo" this was addressed Le a little darkey "you go quick and pull me iu de garden one small green peper, and hurry. " In a trice Alon Alen zo was back. Melinda cut a picce of the green pepper net larger than a teaspoon and cut it up wonderfully fine and strewed it en the het terrapin. " Dcy don't de that 'ere en the Virginia side," said Melinda; "but dey don't knew nothing ever dar," and she pointed defiantly with a spoon ever her shoulder at some imaginary place ; "and me and Miss Fitzhugh's cook, Wcnus, come near wunst te blows ever that pepper. She don't knew nttfiin', a cramming nutmegs, and passley, and all sorts of garden stuff in her tarrapin. An up-country nigger war never did knew nutliu' mere dan hew te bake Johnny cake. New you go te put that green pepper in in hunks, und you spile tarrapin ske heuey, Dis old woman ought te have just ene mere hup of dat wine le set her up, for dis ere kitchen mighty close, and new I'll bile dis lish, and give dis yere chicken a fry. Ge eat your dinner, young man, and mind you tell Mas'r dat dis yere tarra pin take every drop of dis yere wine you hear." And Melinda handed the dish of terrapin te Alenzo, aud I followed it iute the dining room. There never was such a terrapin stew, nor a kinder host. For tunately, there was auether bettle of pert. The captain brewed a punch. Oh, the geed old days en that Maryland coast, wheu tei rapin were plenty! Beb, the Sea Cook. Complications. If the thousands that new have their rest and .comfort destroyed by complication of liver and kidney complaints would give na ture's remedy. Kidnev Wert,a trial they would be speedily cured. It acls en both organs at the same lime anil therefore completely tills the bill for a perfect remedy. If you have a lamu back and disordered kidneys use it at once Don't neglect them. Mirror and Far icr. au22 lwd&w The Londen Lancet. The Londen Lancet says': " Many a life has been wived by the moral courage of the suffer er" and many a lire has been saved by taking fcpring Ble'snm in case et bilious lever, inui inui gcstleii or liver complaints." Price jO cents. Fer sale ut II. 11. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Short Breath. O. lleitlc, Manchester, N. Y.,m tieubled with ndhma for eleven years. Had been obliged te sit up sometimes ten or twelve nights in succession. Found immediate re lief lrem Themas' EclcctricOil, and is new en tirely cured. Fer sale at 11. IJ. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Our Glorious Independence. What can be mere glorious than te be inde pendent of suffering, caused by dyspepsia, in digestion, constipation, sick headache, or ether diseases emanating from the stomach. This can be easily gained by a timely use et Burdock Bleed Bitters. Price $1. Fer sale at H. B. Cochran's Drug Stere", 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Nm ICE MRS. K. WEILAND, FASHIONABLE DKESSMAKEI1, Ne. 4 WILST KING STREET, who has been absent some three weeks en a Summer Vacation expects te return about September :i, when she will be pleased te re ccive and accommodate her lady patrons. aug2Mtsl MEDICAID flATAKRH. CATARRH, COLD IN THE HEAD, HAY FEVEE. CATABBHAL D1EECTIONS. Fer Catarrh. Hay Fever,Coidin the Head 4c, insert with little finger a particle et Balm into the nestras : draw strong breaths through the nose. It will be absorbed, cleansing and healing t n e eiseaseu mem brane. FOE DEAFNESS , Apply a particle Inte the ear. DEAFNESS, CAN BE CUEED. ELY'S CREAM BALM, having gained an enviable local reputation, displacing all ether preparations in the vicin ity ei discovery, is, en its merits alone, recog nized as a wendertul remedy wherever known. A lair trial will convince the most skeptical of its curative powers. It cttcctually cleanses the nasal passages of catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions, allays Inflammation and irritation, protects the membranal linings et the head lrem additional colds, completely heals the sores and restores the sense et taste and smell. Beneficial results are realized by a lew applications. A thoreugn treatment as directed, will cure Catarrh. As a household remedy for cold in the head it is unequalled The Balm is easy te use and agreeable. Sold by druggists at 50 cents. On receipt of 50 cents will mail a package. Send ler circular with full Information. EL1 'S CUE AM BALM CO., Owego, N. Y . Fer sale by the Lancaster druggist, and ;by wholesale druggists generally. f-22-CmeedAw TRUTHS. Hep Bitters are the Purest and Best Bitters ever made. They are compounded lrem Heps, Bnchn, Mandrake and Dandelion, ttie eldest, best, and most valuable medicines in the world and contain all the best and most curative properties of all ether Bitters, being the great est liloed Purifier, Liver Begulater, and Life and Health Restoring Agent en earth. Ne dis ease or ill health can possibly long exist where these Bitters arc used, se varied and pcrlect are their operations. They give new lite and vigor te the aged and infirm. Te all whose employments cause Ir regularity et the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Appetizer, Tonic and mild Stimulant, these Bitters arc invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, with out intoxicating. Ne matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment is, use Hep Bitters. Don't wait until yen are sick, but it you only feel bad or miserable, use the Bitters at once. It mav pave your Hie. Hundreds have been saved by se doing. O-S500-S9L will be psiid for a case they will net cure or help. De net suffer yourself or lctyeur friends sut ler, but use and urge them te use Hep Bitters. Remember, Hep Bitters is no vile drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicine ever made: The " Invalid's Friend and Hepe," and no person or family should be without them. Trv the Bitters te-day. Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company, Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. e3-lydMWFftw -TT-IDNEY WOKT. DOES WONDERFUL CUBES. WHY? Because it acts en the LIVER, BOWELS and KIDNEXS at the same time. Because it cleanses the system et the poison ous humors that develop in Kidney and Uri nary Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Consti pation, Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervous Disorders and Female Complaints. SEE WHAT PEOPLE. SAY: EmrcncB. Sterk, of Junction Citv. Kansas. says Kidney TVert cured him after regular Physicians had been trying for four years. Mrs. Jehn Arnall, of Washington, Ohie, says her boy was given up te die by tour prom inent physicians and that he was alterwards cured by Kidney Wert. M. M. 11. Goodwin, an editor in Chardon, Ohie, says he was net expected te live, being bleated beyond belief, but Kidney Wert cured him. Anna L. J arret t. et Seuth Salem, N. Y.. says that seven years suffering from kidney troubles and ether complications was ended by the use et Kidney Wert. Jehn u. Lawrence, et Jacksen, Tcnn..'sullcr cd ter years from liver and kidney troubles and alter taking "barrels et ether medicines," Kidney Wert made him well.-- - Michael Cote. et Monteemcrv Centre. Vt.. sintered eight years with kidney difficulty and was unable te wei k. Kidney Wert made him " well as ever." KIDNEY WORT PERMANENTLY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES, LITER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION AND PILES. ter It is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, in 49-lin cans, one package of which makes six 49(iuarts of medicine. 43 Alse in Liquid Ferm.very Concentrated 49 ler the convenience et these who cannot 49 readily prepare it. It ads with equal 49 efficiency in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, SI. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prep's, Burlington, Vt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec 27 lydftw4 OPECIAL AND CHRONIC DISEASES. Mary A. Longaker, M. D., OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, LANCASTER, PA., Dliieascs of the Eye, Ear and Threat Treated as a Specialty. Particular attention given te the treatment of Diseases or Women and Children. Free examination and treatment daily ex cept Sunday from 11 a. in. le 1 p. m. Censul tatiens iu Kngusn and uerman. H. D. LONGAKER, M. D., LATE OF PHILADELPHIA, NOW OF LANCASTER, TA., Office : Ne. 13 Eestalnut Street, etlcrs his professional services te the alllicted especially te these suffering from Chronic or Special Diseases. He will be clad te see and talk with them, ltis his practice te plainly declare a disease incurable it lie believes it te be se. In the case widen he undertakes, lie guarantees te de all that can be done by unwearied atten tion and the application of cxpcileuced skill, gained bv many years et practice In treating disease in its various and most malignant forms. That his skill has net been exerted in vain, nu nicrens certificates, that may be seen at his office, will testily. Cabccrs, Tumors end Swellings Cure Without Palu or Using the EulFe or Drawing Bleed. Skin Dlneases and every description et Ul ceratlen. Piles and Scrofulous Diseases Perma nently Cured. Female Diseases, Acntc or Chronic, speedily and radically cured. Diseases et the Lungs, Threat, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys can undoubtedly be cured. Particular attention given te Prlvat Dis eases of every description; also that state el alienation and weakness et mind, which ren ders persons incapable of enjoying the pleas ures of performing the duties et 111c, complete ly cured, and the patient restored te active health and the enjoyments et life. Diseases or the Eye and Ear treated as a specialty. Dr. Longaker will make prolecslenal visits any distance. Can be consulted by letter (con fidentially), and medicine sent with proper directions te anv nart et the country. CONSULTATIONS FREE. Office: Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, LANCASTER, PA. je25-lydTu,ThiS4w DR. SAMORB'S LIVEE 1NVIG0RAT0R Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek sent free. Dr. SANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Fer sale by all druggists. octlSlydeed alteew ZXTXBT F IRST-CLA83 L1VKRT STABLE. HOUGHTON'S FIRST-GLASS LIVERY STABLE ! -:e Five First-Class New Omnibuses te Hire at Lew Rates, for Private, Public & Sunday Scheel Picnics. -ALSO First-Class Driving Horses, Buggies and Phaetons te Hire, at Ne. 221 NORTH QUEEN STREET, 43-FORMEKLY ZECHEB BBO.S' OLD LIVEEY STAND. HOUSE FUBNISHINO GOODS. H OUSKFCRNISHING COOOS. FLINN" & SUCCESSORS TO FLINN & BRENEMAN, Have new en hand the Largest and Most Complete Stock et HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. Ficor OH Cleth 25c. a yard, Table Cutlery. Buckets 10e., Weed and Willow Ware, ?oek Steves, Parler Steves, Beem Steves, Steves el all kinds. Table Oil Cleth, Spoons, Breems 10c., Lamps, Ranges, Parler Heaters, Egg Steves, Ac. Every Steve guaranteed. Call and see our goods. -:e:- 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET. DRY GOODS. OOMETHtMO NEW I m LACE THREAD UNDERSHIRTS, FEATHER-WEIGHT DRAWERS. SUSPENDERS, AT ERISMAN'S, THE SHIETMAKER, NO. 56 NORTH QUEEN STREET, J." MARTIN Sc CO. New offering Fall Stock of Brussels & Ingrain Carpets RUGS. MATS, CRUMB CLOTHS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, 4c. IN NEW FALL COLOB1NGS. fflosunite Canopies from $1.80 up. Ne extra charge for putting up. J. B, MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. PA. s KASONABLK GOODS. D.RE9S GINGHAMS, VICTORIA LAWNS. INDIA LINBNS AT THE NEW YOEK STOKE. WATT. SIUHD k CO. Are showing a great variety of Fancy Dress G lnghams at 12c a yard Elegant Styles, Best Quality 15c Real Scotch ZcphyrGinghamaenly.35c ' One Case Printed Lawns 7c " Nevel Designs, Best Quality. 12J5 " CLOSING SALE OF Summer Dress Goods. Cream Lace Bantings 10c a yard Halt Weel Lace Buntings 12Jc " All Weel Plain and Lace Buntings 15c, 17c, 20c, 25c te 5ec a yard MOM IE CREPE BUNTINGS, NUN'S VEILINGS, i FRENCH FOULE SUITINGS ' At Very Lew Prices, at the NEW YORK STORE, 8 & 10 EAST KING STREET. CAJiKlAOXS, AC. Carriages! Carriages! EDGERLEY & CO.'S, rracticarCarrlage Builders, Market Street, Rear of Central Market Houses, Lancaster, Pa. We have en hand a Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which we offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Ail work warrantcn. uivc us a caU S-Uenatring promptly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed for hat purpose. fn-a-UdAw EDUCATIONAL, YOKK (PA.) COL1.EGIATJS INSTITUTE. An endowed Christian institution of the highest grade Separate Courses in Classics and Science, and a Department for Ladies. Tuition $40 per annum, includingall branches ; Ample Library ; complete apparatus; Faculty et seven. Beard H and $5 per week. Nintli year begins September 6th. Fer Catalogue address. . REV. JAMES McDOUGALL, Jr., Ph. D., Pres ldcnt. or S. SMALL. . lyia-lmeed T A CASTER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. FALL TERM BEGINS AUGUST 29, 1831. The only Business Scheel in Lancaster where young Men and Ladles are taught Deuble Entry Bookkeeping and all branches pcrtainlngtaji Bnsiness Education. Call at the rooms. Ne. 4 West King Street, Third Heer. for circulars or address augl7-Jmd WKIDLEB A MOS3ER. 1UAIN AND PROVISIONS BOUGHT. T T aeldand carried for customers In Chicago- and Philadelphia, in large and small lets, en margins te suit, by S. K. TUNDT, Breker, Ne. 15 East King Street, . jylG-3md Lancaster, Pa. wall Pans Wall Pap STABLE. THIRST-CLASS LIVERY STABLE. TTOUSEFUBNISHING GOODS. WILLSOISr, LANCASTEK, PA. MEDICAID .. i.iii ' N tITICK. HEALTH, DE. C. A. GREENE Takes this opportunity of notifying his nu merous patients and theso who desire te get well, who arc new diseased, that he will leave Lancaster about the FIRST OF AUGUST FOR HIS SUMMER VACATION. Renewals et his remediate may be obtained during his absence at his offices. G. A Ne. GREENE, M. D. 140 EAST KlftG STREET, OttdM-WF&Sl Lancaster, Pa. lOTO HULL'S DRUG STORE FOB FISHING TACKLE, BODS, REELS, &c., OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, aug28-lyd LANCASTER. FA. TJEIG ART'S OLD WINE STORE. Brandy as a Medicine. The lollewlng article was voluntarily sent te Mr. H. E. Slaymaker, Agent for Reigart's Old Wine Stere, by ft prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te In his regular practice It is commended te the attention of these ad dicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulani was never intended as a beverage, but te be used as a medicine of great potency in the cu re of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. Willi a purely pnuaiiuirapic muure we i sent te the favorable notice et invalids esne- . dally these attltcted with that miserable dis- I ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which i3 i netiung mere or less iuun Brandy. The aged, with lecble appetite and mere or less debility, will And this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their Ills and aches. Be it, however strictly understood that we prescribe und w bu t one article, and that is REIGART'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young triend, II E SLAYMAKER. This Brandy has steed the test for years, and has never failed, as fat as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference ever all etacr Brandies no matter with hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various Impotent dyspepsia specifics would suffice te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case ei acs. In proof of the curative powers el Reigart's Old Brandy, In eases et Dyspepsia, we can summon nuin bers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had been ailllctee with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number of years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; be had sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, unil nu a. bevcrave he used McGrann's Reet ! Beer. He Is a Methodist, and then, as new preached at times, and in his discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds of strong urinK. w nen auviscu 10 irv ReUrart's Old Brandy, In his case, be looked up with astenlsnment, but after hearing et its wonderful etlects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, lit at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man.witl. a stomach capable of digesting anything whici: hejehese te eat. .He still keens it and uses a lit. tie occasionally; and since he has this medl cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Practising Physician. H. E. SLAYMAKER, ASKKT FOR Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established In 1785, IXrORTXB AND DIALER IN FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in 1818, 1S27 and 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER. BROWN STOUT. Ne. 29 EAST KING ST.. LANCASTER. PA READ TniS Lancaster, Pa.. April 28, 1881. Tint KiDSKTCtiRA Mf'e Company. Gents It gives me much pleasure te say thttaftcr.usTngene pack el KIDNEYCURA I have been entirely cured el a severe pain in my back and side, of long standing, and that, tee. after trying various known remedies. 1 have every confidence In your medicine, cheerfully recommend It, and knew thatmany of my Irlends who have used it have been benefited. PETER BAKER, mSClyd Foreman Examiner and Express. BEGBEAT10N FOMSALE. pOODCHANCE. ADESIRABLE COAL AND LUMBER YARD FOB SALE. The undersigned offers at private sale a property consisting of seven lets or greunu tn the town et Springvllle, Lancaster county, at the station en the Pennsylvania Railroad, about one mile westef Mount Jey and near the Lancaster ft Uarrisburg turnpike. The improvements are a two-storied Frame Heuse 21x54 feet, used as a Railroad Station and Ticket Office, a Frame Warehouse 24x28 leet, and Ceal and Lumber Yard, with about 200 feet et Ceal Shedding. New Falrbank's Scales of S ten capacity; SOU Feet et Railroad Siding. Trestle work for dumpln? coal, with space ler exten sion ef'samc. Buildings mostly new and every thing in geed order. Location pleasant ma thickly settled agricultural neighborhood and a fast improving town, with no rival business In the town. Has an estaDiisneu ceai irauc, and capacity and advantages te de a geed shipping business and increased passenger trawl. Price ttMWO en reasonable terms, ter further information address .. JOS. H. UABECKER, Spring Garden P. O., icavtiu'1 Lancaster County, Pa. SSIGNEE'S SALE ON SATURDAY, SKF TEMBER 10. 1831, by virtue of an order et the Court et Common Pleas et Lancaster county, the undersigned, assignee of Daniel S. Bursk, will sail at public sale, at the Cooper house, in the city et Lancaster, the following property, te wit.: All that valuable let or ground, situated en the north side or East King street. Ne. 17, be tween Monument Square and Duke street, known as " Bursk's Grocery Stere," contain ing in front ou East King street 22 Tect, and extending in depth SI leet, en which is erected a. substantial three-story brick building, nearly the entire depth et the let. The building has an outside stairway leading te the second and third floors making the latter eligible ler renting te geed advantage. The property is bounded en the east, by Christian street, with nn pntnm trem said street te the rear of the building making it. a desirable property Ter any business. -Persons wishing te view the property will please call en the premises. Sale te commence at VA o'clock p. in., when attendance will be given and terms niadu known by CHRISTIAN W1DMYER. aulG-dced.wts Assignee. TlRIVATE SALE OF CITY DWELLINGS. X Ne. 1. The two-story and Mansard roer Brick Dwelling Heuse, with two-story brick back building anil one-story brick kitchen, containing 9 rooms and ball, range, bath, water closet ami gas. Pertice in trent et house and bay window in rear. Let 19 by liO fect te 12-tcet wide alley, situate Ne. 113 East James street. ....... Ne. 2. Same as Ne. 1, situate Ne. 14 East James street. . . ... Ne. 3. The three story Brick Dwelling Heuse with two-story brick back building, contain ing 8 rooms, gas. water in kitchen and yard. Let 17J4 by tu leet, situate Ne. 121 East James trcct Ne. 4. The two-story Brick Dwelling Heuse with two-story brick back building, contain ing 7 rooms, gas. water in kitchen and yard, and excellent fruit. Let 17 by 130 feet te a 10 loot alley, situate Ne. 711 North Queen street. Ne. 5. Same as Ne. 4, situate Ne. tU North (Jucen street. Forter,ns,&c..appJvtef Ne. 9 Seuth Duke Street. ang20 S.Tu&Thtfd . ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN PUBSU PUBSU ance et an order et the Orphans' Court et Lancaster county, directed te the undersigned, ti,n,,niinraicni will cxneseat nubile sale en SATURDAY, SEPT. 17, 1831. at the Lancaster County Heuse, East King street, city el Lan caster, at 7 p. m.. these two one-story and a-halt FRAME DWELLING HOUSES, Nes. 211 and 21t! Fulton street, under the same roer and the let upon w hlch said houses are erected; en the south side of K'ulten street, between Lime and Shlppcn streets, in the city of Lan caster, containing in front en said iulteii street 32 feet, and extending back et that width 92 feet mere or less, te the north side et a 10 feet wide alley. Adjoining property et Mrs. Hyneman, heirs et Wm. Lechler, deed., and ethers. , , , Parties wishing te view the premises before purchasing will call en the premises, or en the undersigned, at Ne. 323 East King street, Lancaster. Terms made known en day of sale. HENRY RODGERS, Executer. Hksry Siicbkrt, Auctioneer. aug20,27&sep3t3d ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Br VIRTUE " et an order of the Orphans' Court, the undersigned will expose at public sale, at the Lancaster County Heuse East King r street city et Lancaster, en FRIDA , SEPTEMBER 16, 1881, at 7K o'clock p. m. All that double two-story frame dwelling house with one story frame back building attached, and let or piece of ground upon wfilch the same Is erected ; also well with pump therein, situated en East Chestnut street, Nes. 728 and 760 east et Franklin street, containing en the south side or East Chestnut, forty leet, mere or less, and extending in depth that width, one hundred and twenty-live feet.'ceutalnlng lruit and ether trees. growing xnereen, eeing the same property et the late Amanda Quig ley, deceased. , ... Parties wishing te view the premise will call at Nes. 758 and 7C0East Chestnut street, or upon the undersigned at his office, Ne. 6 Court Avenue. Lrncasterclty. Terms et purchase made known at time of sale. HENRY SHUBERT. auglS,20&ScptlO-lwd Executer. JAJPEEUAMOIXOS, &c. w IRE WINDOW SCREENS. In order net te carryover any stock we have reduced the price of our Extension Frames for Wire Window Screens te scvcnty-fivc cents and upwards. We meas ure the windows and put them up at short no tice and in such a manner that you need net remove them when you wish te close the win dow. All kinds et plain, figured and land scape wires. WALLPAPERS in elegant styles and large assortment for the coming season. We have opened some choice Dade Window Shades entirely new. The designs are beauti ful and cannot, fall te please. Ot plain goods we have all colors and widths. Hollands. Paper Curtains, Fixtures, Cords, Tassels, Fringes, Loep, Extension Cornices, Poles, Ends, Sc. Orders taken for Fine PIER AND MANTLE MIRR0ES. PHARES W. PRY, NO. 87 NORTH QUEEN ST. JjHOAJ. NOTICES. INSTATE OF MARY ANN JsDWAKDS, It late et Lancaster city. Letters of ad ministration en said cstatetiavingbeen grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said estate are requested te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or de mands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing 250 West King street, Lancaster. CHARLES EDWARDS, Administrator. J. B. Goen, Attorney jly'JO-Ctdeaw ESTATE Otr JOHN TAMANV, LATE OF the city el Lancaster, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto, arc requested te make imme diate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in said city. FRANKLIN T AM ANY, Administrator. Wm. R. Wilsen, Att'y. Jy21-6tdeaw ESTATE Or STEPHEN OERTKISKN, late of Lancaster city, deeeascd. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted te said decedent are requested te make immedlatesettlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate et said dece dent, te make known the same te the under signed without delay, residing In the city et Lancaster. MARY GERTEISEN, Administratrix-. J. B. Kauffman, Att'y. jy2Ctdeaw MOTELS. NOW OPEN SPRECHEK HOUSE, ON Europcen plan. Dining Reems ler Ladies and Gentlemen. Entrance at Ne. 31 North Dnkc street. Clam and Turtle Soup Soup Lebster Salad. Oysters in Every Style and all the Delicacies et the Season. We solicit the r atrenagc et the public. may7-ttd hoots & snens. LADIES AND GENTS, IF YOU WANT A Geed anil Fine Fitting Beet or Shee, Ready-made or Made te Order, go te ' F.HIEMENZ'S. Ne. 105 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. jv2-tfdSW 'wiPLAND'S BESTAUBANT-HAVINO X i einraxcd ttie services of a flrstrclase Res taurant Cook, I am new prepared te serve article in my line at short notice, such at. Sicken Croquettes, Chicken Salad, tried Oysters, Terrapin, and all delicacies found in season. rea pCCtfnlly solicited. 11 JOHN COPLAND, Ne. 125 North Queen Street, P. S. Weddings and parties served aj asenablc rates. f-21MStfd TMA TELEKS' HVlVt. I A I j Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancateer (P. R. Depot), at 7, , mii.i 11:30a.m., and 2, 4, and 8-JSOp. m., e.xitut ! Saturday, when the last car leaves at 8U Leave MUlersville (lower end) at 5, ,'' 10 a. M., and 1,'3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Sui day. ttOLUMBlA AND PORT DEPOSIT K. It ; Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Statieks North- Express. Express. Aceen. wabd. a. x. r. m. r. M. Pert Deposit. 6:35 55 2:06 Peachbottem 7:12 4:23 3:18 Safe Harber. 735 5:11 5:21 Columbia.. 3:25 5:40 6: Stations SoeTH-lExpress. Express. Accein WARD. A. If. P.M. A.M. Columbia. 11:30 63) 7:4T. r. m. . Ar!h0i Safe Harber. lies 6:49 Le40 Peachbottem 12:48 7:32 11.C7 P.M. Pert Deposit 1:25 8:05 12SS T EADINU X COLUMBIA K. K. ARRANGEMENT OFPASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, JULY 11th, 1881. NORTHWARD. LEAVE. Quarryville Lancaster, 'King St.... Lancaster Columbia ARRIVE. Reading A.M. 7:35 9:15 9:27 SOUTHWARD. LEAVE. Reading ARRIVE. Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster, King St.... Uuarryvllic A.M. P.M. P-.M. 6:10 ... 2:30 7:50 .... 3:40 8:00 1:05 3M 750 1:10 3:10 10:05 3:20 5.50 A.M. M. P.M. 7:25 12:00 t:10 P.M. 9:35 2:10 8:20 9:27 2.10 8:08 9-.S7 .... 8:20 10-.37 .... 9:10 5:30 5:40 6:45 Trains connect at ncatiing wiin iruins u anu from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Uarrisburg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Bound Broek Rente. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY MAY' ltitb, 1881, trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive and leave the Lan caster and Philadelphia depots as follews: Eastward. Leave Lanc'tcr Arrive Philad'a Cincinnati Express YorkAccem. Arrrves; Uarrisburg Express DillervilleAceem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express, Chicago Day Express, St. Leuis Day Express Uarrisburg Accommedat'ii, Aall 235 a.m. 5:18 8 00 " 8:05 8:45 ' 9:10 " 1:10 " 1.2J P.M. 20 " 3:05 " 4:35 " 4:48 " 5:15 a.m 7:35 10:1(5" " 121 P.M. 3.20"" 5:00 5:30 " 6:35 " u:45 " 9-JM ' 6:25 9:00 11:35 ' Leave Arrive Philnd'a Lane'ter tiSOA.M. 5:00 A.M 7:30 " 10:20 " Ifc25 " 9:00 10:65 " 8:00 " 10:50 " 12:10 ' 230 p.M. 235 " 2S0 " 2-jaip.M. 5:45 40 " 7sar " 5:30 " 730 6:25 " 8:50 " 9:10 " 11.55 " 11:55 " 2.45 a.m Westward. Way Passenger, MaU Train Ne.l.via Mt.Jey, Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia, Niagara ft Chicago Express Sunday Mail, J? jLSI ajIIH. Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville Lecal, via Mt. Jey Uarrisburg Accommedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, MarnsDurg express,... Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express Pacific Express, Pacific Express, east, en sunnay, wnen flag ged, will step at Middletown, Elizalicthtewn, Mt. Jey, Landisville, Bird-in-Hand, Leman Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Ceatcs villc, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step atDoWningtewn,Coatesvillc. Parkes burg, Mt. Jey, Elizabcthtewn and Mlddletewn. Hanover accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:00 a. m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:30 p. m., and will run tnreuzh te Frederick. CAIWEtlf. G BEAT BARGAINS I.N CAKI'ITl. 1 claim te have th i Largest and Fines tock et CAEPETS In tills City. Brussels and-Tapestry CARPETS Three-ply, Extra Snper. Super, All Weel, Halt Weel and Part Weel Ingrains : from the best te the cheapest as low as S5c. per yard. All the ' FIXEST AND CHOICE PA TTERNS that ever can be seen In this city. 1 also have a Large and Fine Sterk et my own make Chain and Rag Carpets, AS LOW AS 35c. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDERatshOL notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. 4SNe trouble te show goods If yen de m. wish te purchase. I earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KTNQ STREET, LANCASTER PA. "1AUPKTS, &C NEW CARPETS 40,000 YARDS. New Designs, Ileantihillr Colored. i se cen I m cen (75 cen l 50 cents. &: cents.; 90 rents. 91.00. 91.00. 91.10.: $1.20. INGRAINS I cents. cents. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS WILTON AND MOQUETTES, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, LIGNUMS. cents, cents, cents. I I GOOD VALUE i AT ALL PRICES. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnnt Street, a4-1ydced&2twJ PHILADELPHIA. "1ARPETS, COAL. C. PHILIP SCRUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY," Ne. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lakcastkb, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, BLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed cither In the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds of silks. Ribbons, Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlchien's Coats, Overcoats, Pants, ests, Ae. Dyed or Scoured; also. Indigo lilue Dyelnp done. All orders or goods lelt with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. - COAL. COAL. Ceal el the best quality put up expressly lei family use, and at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD-150 tOUTII WATER STREET. 2-lvuitSl PHILIP 8CHUM. SON ft CO CHINA AND OLASSWAIU,. -llllNA HALL. - JELLY TUMBLERS. JELLY TUMBLERS. COM. TUMBLERS, COM. TUMBLERS. MASON FRUIT JARS. 1,200 ODD CUPS. HIGH & MARTIN'S, 10 EAST KINO STREET. iTW-isliIVXrrfcwWCfcfaai&