Xdi ?'?' SSSw KAlJ ?n ' r - && " j t-3r . h5-? L"VT " LANCASTER DAILY INTELUGENCER, MONDAY, AUGJTSt 15, 1881. , 3-T igr Jr X.- . - -- .- & -J.'-f . & I t, K 5' 1 ?; Lancaster intelligencer MONDAY EVENING, AUO. 16, 1881. THE PHANTOM OX. CernklU Magazine. In Norway It Is a superstition among the peasants that a spectre In the lerm or a white ex glides tlireusli villages and larms, and that any person en whom he breathes will at once sicken and die. "What frightens you In from your play my - child Your cheeks arc as while as snow. Your lips arc pale and your eyes arc wild ; Oh, why de you tremble se?" "Dear mother, while I was wailing the brook Fer lilies along the brink, A ghostly or, with a deathly leek. Came down te the stream te drink. " The creature was net or flesh and bones, But paler than crystal glass : I saw through his body the trcesnd stones And messes, andmeadew-gras ' lib wander'd round, and, wherever he went. He stepp'd with se light a tread, Ne harebell under his hoof was bent, Ne violet bew'd its head. "He cast no shadow upon the ground, Ne Image upon the stream ; His lowing was fainter tlian any sound That ever was heard In a dream. " Iiulvcr'd and quaked In every limb ! I knew net whither te flee ; The further away I shrank from htm. The nearer he came te me. " My handful et lilies he snlff'd and smelt : His breath was chilly and fresh; Ills horns, as they teueh'd me setlly, felt Like Icicles te my flesh. I Bhlver'd with cold, I burn'd with flame, I call'd upon Ued and man ; But nobody heard, and nobody came, And then 1 started anil ran. "1 rush'd through the water, across the brook, And high en the shelving shore I stepp'd and ventured te turn and leek, In hope te ee liim no mere. " He walk'd In my wake en the lop of the Heed And lollew'd me up up the bank ! A blast horn his nostrils froze my bleed ! My spirit within mc sank. 'I hid In the reeds, eh mother dear. But Hwift as a whifl' of air He lollew'd ma there ! He fellows me here ! He fellows me everywhere : 'Oh, frown ut him, frighten him, drive him away: He's coming In at the deer :" And down fell the lad in n swoon, and lay At his mother's leet en the fleer. Tliemether loek'd round her.dazcd and dumb: She saw but the empty air. Yet knew, it the phantom ex had come. The shadow el death was tnere. She caught the pallid boy te her breast, And plllew'd him en his bed ; The white-jyed moon kept watch lu the west : The beautiful child lay dead. Theodeiie Tilton. Tobacco Market. Sceit 1-eal and Havana for the AVeeU End ing Saturday, August 13, 10 A. M. Untied fctate Tobacco Journal. Though our market were a drcarv as pect, a very satisfactory business was done. Exporters were busy looking at low grades of '80 crops, regardless of their names and leeks. Their offers vacillated between 4 and 7 cents. They succeeded in getting 2.000 cases of 1880 Ohie at from 5 J te 6 cents. Frem what we learn, it is reason ably certain that many mere such sales will be made shortly. As long as holders are willing te unload at such ligurcs, ex porters will inircbase. Twe small" packings of '80 Pennsylvania were sold te manufacturers, the prices be ing quoted at 15 te 18 cents. A geed deal of low '80 Pennsylvania is being offered in the market at from 12 te 14 cents, but no sales are reported. Geed '80 Pennsyl vania stock soils easily if offered at reasonable prices. Of '7'.) stock we hear of nearly 800 cases (includiug ene exten sive sale of 400 cases, niade at the close of last week's market). The '78 crop is rapidly leaving the market, and when sampling or r80 tobacco begius, it is ex pected the last will be seen of that memerable crop. Business prospects con cen tituin most excellent. Havana : Market active, with sales of 1,000 bales, mostly '80 sleck, Prices firm. The Philadelphia Market. Leaf. Seed Leaf Trade in cigar leaf ceutiuues improving and hears upon its face all that is encouraging. New leaf appears te meet the expectations of all parties, se that you may expect that splendid results will fol fel low the balancing of leaf dealers' books t the fust of the new year. Last Year's Business. There were returned for taxation in the past fiscal year 2,G82,G20,797 .cigars and cheroots the cheroots bcinff se few in number as net te be worth considering by themselves. Of the cigars en which taxes were paid, about 45,000,000 were lm ported, leaving 2,G37,G20,797 of domestic production. The practice of the office of internal revenue is te allow 25 pounds of reweighed or sweated leaf te each thous and cigars in accounting with cigar raan facturcrs. and accentinsr this number as a measure, it will be seen that subject te deductions new te be mentioned last year's domestic cigars embraced 63,940, 519 pounds of seed leaf, equal te 188,401 cases of 350 pounds each. In their manu facture about 8,000,000 pounds of Havana and 2.000 000 pounds Sumatra and ether kinds of tobacco were involved, which de ducting, au appropriation of 0u,D4U,DlV pounds, or 159,830 cases, is shown. In the period under consideration 5G7,- 386,982 cigarettes and 47,554,870 pounds of smoking tobacco were made. Iho cigarettes, at five pounds of leaf per thou sand, required 2.63G.934 pounds, whereof one-fourth, or IVJ.'JSS pounds, or H,uae cases, was seed leaf. Of the smoking to bacco oiie-fourtli, or 11,888,719 pounds, equal te 33,9G7 cases, was also composed of seed leaf. Recapitulating the several items, there is te be debited te seed leaf consumption, te Cases. Cigars 159,830 Cigarettes 2,026 Smoking tobacco 33,967 Total 195,823 Tobacco-Grewing in Lyceinlug and Clinten Counties. Jersey Shere, of 1,400 inhabitants, is the centre of the tobacco-growing districts of Lycoming and Clinten counties, which lie in the aich valley of the west branch of the Susquehanua river, and this industry is in creasing in importance each year. Tobacco was raised in this valley fifty years age, but it is only in the past few years that se much attention has been paid te it. Last year evir 2,000,000 peuuds were raised, and sold for geed prices, and this year the yield will reach nearly 4,000,000 pounds. The estimate is made from the number of acres new under cultivation in the two counties of Clinten and Lycoming. In the former two townships only are noted for the quautity of tobacco raised Pine Creek and Wayne. A careful canvass shows that 293 acres are planted in the former,and 120 in the latter. A partial canvass in Lycoming shows that Nippecess township has 110 acres; Pratt 71, Perter',231, and Miflliu 20, a total of 857 acres in (he six townships. Estimates from townships net yet canvassed indicate that their acreage will be swelled te 2,000 at least in the two counties. The larger portion of this crop leeks exceedingly well, the plants being large and the leaves developing well. But some portions of the crop, as in ether sections of Pennsylvania, have suffered for want of rain, and hare a stunted appearance. Where replanting was made necessary by the ravages of the cut worm, the plants are se small that it is doubtful if they will mature in time te escape the early frosts. The recent rains, covering the whole dis trict, have done incalculable geed, and as the growers are doing all in their power te aid in the geed work, even putting manure about the roots of the backward plants, in order te stimulate them, the prospects for a geed crop are lirei rare. If the growers in this little district con tinue te be successful, there is little doubt that in a few years the farmers in the whole valley of the west branch, from Northumberland te Leck Haven, a dis tance of sixty miles, will embark in the culture of tobacco, for the soil is pe culiarly adapted te the raising .of this crop. m As a Cere for Files Kidney-Wert acts first by overcoming in the mildest manner all tendency te constipation ; then, by its gi cat tonic and invigorating pro pre perties.it restores te health the debilitated and weakened parts. We have hundreds of certified cures, where all else had fulled. Use It and sutler no longer. Exchange. aulMwd&w An Old Friend. He was afflicted with a lame back and gen eral debility; he was recommended Themas' Eclectric Oil, which cured him at once. This famous specific is a positive remedy for bodily pain. Fer sale at H. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. A Ifaptist minister's Krperlence. I am a Baptist minister, and beierc 1 even thought of being a clergyman, 1 graduated in medicine, but lctt a lucrative practice lermv present, 40 years age. I was ler many years a sufferer from quinsv ; "Themas' Eclectric Oil cured me." I was also troubled with hoarse ness, and Themas' Eclectric OH always re lieved me. My witc and child had diphtheria, and "Themas' Eclectric OH cured them," and if taken in time It will cure seven tluiex out of ten. I am cenfldent it is a cure for the most obstinate cold or cough, and it any one will take a small teaspoon and halt All itwithtlic Oil, and then place the endet the spoon in one nostril and draw the Oil out cf the spoon Inte the head by sniffing as hard as they can, until the Oil falls ever into the threat, and practice that twice a week, I don't care hew offensive their head maybe. It will clean it out and cure their catarrh. Fer deafness and earache it lias done wonders te my certain knowledge. It is the only medicine dubbed patent medicine t hut I have ever Iclt like recommending, and I am very anxious te see It In every place, ler l ten you mat, x weuiu net. ue wuuuut it in uiy house ler any consideration. I am new suf fering witha pain llke rheumatism in my rixht limb, and nothing relieves me like Themas' Kclcctric Oil. Or. E. F. CRANE, Cerry, la. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's Drugstore 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Gcerge Meredith, Jersey City, writes : "The Spring Blessem you sent me has had the hap piest eflect en my daughter; her heauachcand depression of spirits has vanished. She is again able te go te school, and is as lively ns a cricket. I shall certainly recommend it te all mytrlends. Price 50 cents. Fer sale at 11. 1!. Cechran'adrug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. MEDICAL. "lATARKH. CATARRH, COLD IN THE HEAD, HAY FEVER. CATARRHAL DIRECTIONS. Fer Catarrh, Hay Fever,Coul In the Head Ac, insert with little linger u particle et Balm into the nostrils ; draw strong breaths through the nose. It will be absorbed, cleansing and healing the diseased mem brane. FOR DEAFNESS Apply a particle into the ear. DEAFNESS, CAN BE CURED. ELY'S CREAM BALM, having gained an enviable local reputation, displacing all ether preparations in the vicin ity et discovery, is, en its merits alone, recog nized as a wonderful remedy wherever known. A lair trial will convince the most skeptical of its curative pewfrs. It effectually cleanses the nasal passages or catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions, allays inflammation and irritation, protects the membranal linings et the head lrem additional colds, completely heals the sores and restores the sense et taste and smell. Beneficial results are realized by a lew applications. A thorough treatment ns directed, will cure Catarrh. As a household remedv for cold in the head it is unequalled The Balm is casv te use and agreeable. Sold by druggists at 50 cents. On receipt or 30 cents will mail a package. Send ler circular with full Information. KL'i 'S CREAM BALM CO., Owego, N. Y. Fer sale by the. Lancaster druggist, and .by wholesale u'ruggists generally. A. 122-Gmeed&w TRUTHS. Hep Kilters are the Purest and Itest Hitters ever made. They are compounded lrem Heps, Buchu, Mandrake and Dandelion, the eldest, best, and most valuable medicines in tlia world uud contain all the best and most curative pi-eperties of all ether Bitters, being the great-e-t Bleed Purifier, Liver Regulator, and J.tre and Health Restoring Agent en earth. Ne dis ease or ill health can possibly long exist where these Bitters are used, se varied and perlect are their operations. Tlicj' give new lite and vigor te the aged and lnllrni. Te all whose employments cause ir regularity et the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Appetizer, Tonic and mild Stimulant, these Bitters arc invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, with out intoxicating. Ne matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment i use Hep Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but it you only feel bad or miserable, use the Bitter at once. It may save your Hie. Hundreds have been saved by se doing. 43-8500-ssi will be paid for a case they will net cure or help. De net suffer yeureelf or let your friends sut ler, but use and urge thein te use Hep Bitters. Remember, Hep Bitters is no vile drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest ami Best Medicine ever made: the "Invalid's Friend and Hepe," and no person or family should be without them. Try the Hitters te-day. Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company, Recnester. New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario ie3-lvdMWF&w T)KAI THIS JX LAiiCABTKii, Pa., April 23, 1S3I. Tub Kidsetcuba. Mr'e Company. Gents It gives me much pleasure te say thdt after using one pack el IvIDNEYCURA I have been entirely cured et a severe pain in my back and side, of long standing, and that, tee, alter trying various known remedies. 1 iiave every confidence in your medicine, cheerfully recommend It, and knew that many of mylriends who have used it have .been benefited. PETER BAKEit, m261yd Foreman Examiner and Express. T-IIJNKY 1VOKI. THE ONLY MEDICINE IN EITHER LIQUID OR DRY FORM Tliat Acts at the Same Time en The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys. WHY ARE WE SIOK? Because we allow these great organ te be come clogged or torpid, and poisonous humor are therefore forced into the uloed that should be expelled naturallu. KIDNEY WORT WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, Piles, Constipation, Urinary Diseases, Female Weakness and Nervous Disorders, by causing free action of these organs and rt storing their power te threw off disease.- Why suffer bilious pains and aches? Why tormented with Piles, Constipation? Why frightened ever disordered Kidneys ? Why endure nervous or sick headaches? iTse KIDNEff WORT and rejoice in health. J9- II is put up in I)iy Vegetable Ferm, in 43tin cans, one package of which inakm si x 49quarts of medicine. 09" Alse In Liquid Feriu.very Cencmttritteit t&-ter the convenience el these who .aiinnt J-readily prepare It. It acts with equal MO-efficiency in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, SI. WELLS, RICHARDSOX & CO., Prep's Burlington. VI. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) Oec27 lydwi MEDICAL. LOCKER'S Renowned Cough Syrup! A Pleasant, Safe, SpeedyandSure Bemedy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma. Influ enza, Soreness et the Threat and Chest, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ting of Bleed, Inflammation of the Lungs, ant' all Diseases of the Cheat and Air Passages.) Thls'valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most sale and efficient qualities ter the cure or all kinds or Lung Diseases. Price S3 cents. Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 9 EAST KINO STREET, elfi-tl TOTICK. mm, RECREATION ! DR. C. A. GREENE Takes this opportunity of notifying Ills nu merous patients and thoe who desire te get well, who are new diseased, that he will leave Lancaster about the FIRST OF AUGUST FOR HIS SUMMER VACATION. Renewals et his remedial may be obtained during his absence at his efllcca. O. A. GREENE, M. D. Ne. 14C EAST KI.NG STREET, OtfdM-WF&Sl Lancaster. Pa. iote HULKS DRUG STORE Pe.l PISHING TACKLE, BODS, REELS, &c, OF E V E U Y DESCRIPTION. Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, aug28-lyd LANCASTER. PA. s FECIAL. AND CUUONIC D1SKASKS. Mary A. Longaker, M. D., OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, I.aNCASTER,;PA., Diseases of the Eye, liar and Tlireut Treated as a Specialty. Particular attention given te the treatment et Diseases of Women and Children. Free examination and treatment dally ex cel)!. Sunday from 11 a. m. te 1 p. m. Consul tations in English and German. H. D. LONGAKER, M. D., IATK OF rillLAUELI'HIA, NOW OF LANCASTER, PA., Office : Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, eilers hU professional services te the alllictcd csneciallv te these suuerinr from Chronic or Special Diseases. He will be clad te sec and talk with them. It is ids practice te plainly declare a disease incurable it he believes it te be se. In the case whlcn he undertakes, lie guarantees te no an tiuit, can ec none iy unwearied atten tion uud the application of cxpciicnccd skill, gained bv manv years el practice in treating disease in its various and most malignant ierms. That his skill has net been exerted lu vain, numerous certificates, that may be seen at Ids elllce, will testily. Cancers, Tumors end Swellings Cure Without Pain or Using the Knife or Drawing Bleed. Skin Diseases and every description el Ul ccratien.Pilcsaud Scrofulous Diseases Perma nently Cured. Female Diseases, Acute or ChrenIc,epccdily and radically cured. Diseases of the Lungs, Threat, Stomach, "Liver and Kidneys can undoubtedly be cured. Particular attention given te Private Dis eases of every description; also that state of alienation anil weakness et mind, widen ren ders persons Incapable el enjoying the pleas ures of performing the duties et 111c, complete ly cured, and the patient restored te active health and the enjoyments et life. Diseases of the tiye anil Ear treated as a specialty. Dr. Longaker will make pro'esienal visits any distance. Can be consulted by letter (con fidentially), and medicine sent with proper directions te any part et the country. CONSULTATIONS FREE. Office : Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, LANCASTER, PA. jc25-lydTu,Th&Sw ziyueMts, &v. ri'HK PLACE FOR GOOD COKFEES, JL Fresh Sugars, Puie Syrups, Best Teas, at A. Z. RINGWALT'S Old Wine and Liquor Stere, t ibl9-lvd Ne. 205 West King Street. MIS CISZLAlf0 US. (KAIN AND PROVISIONS IIOUGI1T, T sold and carried for customers In Chicago and Philadelphia, in laigc and emul) lets, en margins te suit, bv S. K YUNDT, Breker, Ne. 13$ East King Street, jyl(5-3md Lancaster, Pa. PROPOSALS. Sealed proposals will be received at the County Commissioners' efllcc until WEDNES DAY', AUG. 17. at 12 o'clock, AL. te furnish at the Court Heuse, en or before October 1. 1881, Eighty tens et the best quality of Lehigh or Baltimore company broken coal. The Commissioners reserve the right, te re ject any or all'blds. By order of the Cemmlsslsncrs. Attest : I. N. S. WILL, al3-3td Clerk. COPLAND'S KESTAUK ANT. H A V I N (1 engaged the services of a first-class Res taurant Cook, I am new prepared te serve article! in my line at short notice, such as Chicken Croquettes, Chicken Salad, Fried Oysters, Terrapin, and all delicacies found in season, yourpatrenagc is res peetfully solicited. JOHN COPLAND, Ne. 125 North Queen Street. P. S. Weddings and parties served aj asenable rates. f-24SI."tStfd 1 PROPOSALS FOK A TUKNPII1E. The Beard of Directors el the Manhelm and Pcnn township turnpike company will receive sealed proposals for the grading and construction of a turnpike read extending lrem the northern terminus of the Lancaster & Fruitville turnpike. In Manheim township, for a distance et two and a-halt miles, te a polntater near the residence of Samuel Shirk. In Penn township. Proposals- will be received for the entire read, or for sections of one mile or mere. All proposals must be banded te the beard at the law offices et A. F. Hostetter and A. S. Hcrsliey, csqs., Ne. 47 Grant street ( Law Building), Lancaster, between the hours of 4 and 5p in., en MONDAY', AUGUST 22, at which place the specifications en which bids must be based may be seen after SATURDAY", AUGUST 13. " All proposals must be scaled and endorsed 'Proposals ler Turnpike." anil must be ac companied by a bend, with sufficient sureties, in double the amount of the bid. The Beard reserves the right te reject any and all proposals. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD. A. C. Ilyus, Secretary. aug!2 2td<w HOOTS SllOKH. r ADIKM AND GENTS, IP YOU WANT A Li Geed and Fine Fitting Beet or Shee. Ready-made or Made te Order, go te F. HIEMENZ'S. Ne. 105 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. Jy2-tfdS4W Moerjse, Jtc. w ATER9-AND RANGES. r JOHN L. CONTRACTOR FOB Slate Reefing, M Reefing, Tin Reefing, PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. -:e:- Nee. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE MOVB FUSNISHJXO HOODS. H OUSKFUKNISHING. FLZNIST & WILLSOST, SUCCESSORS TO FLMN & BRENEMAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR FISHINGS TACKLE. New Invoice just received, containing the Latest Novelties in the Market. Full line et Housefernishing Goods for Summer. BROOMS, 10c; BUCKETS, 10c; OIL CLOTH 23c. PER YARD; FRUIT CANS, ftc. 43Call and examine our stock. Ne trouble te show goods. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, ZIVJiltY CUKST-CLASs LIVERY STA1JLE. HOUGHTON'S ELRST-CLASS IIVERT STABLE! -:e:- Five First-Glass New .Omnibuses te Hire at Lew Rates, for Private, Public & Sunday Scheel Picnics. -ALsO- First-Class Driving Horses, Buggies and Phaetons te Hire, at Ne. 221 NORTH QUEEN STREET, 3-FORMERLY ZECHER BBO.S' OLD LIVERY' STAND. jiiscEU-dirneva. w ELLMUTn LADIES' COLLEGE. i.iiiu u if u PHnea Ince HVinTirtpj- nml Pnfilnt- Th Ritrhr. Ttnv. I. Hellmntn. ii it n f t. 1 .nrri Riafinn or Huren. Full Trm enenn Wednesdav. Sent. 21. Handsome and spacious buildings, bcantilully situated in a most healthy locality, about four hours by rail from Niagara Falls, and en one or the principal through routes between the East and West. The Grounds comprise 110 acres. The aim of the Founder et this college Is te provide the high est intellectual and practically useful education. The whole system is based upon the sound est PROTHJJTANT principles, as the only solid basis for the right formation el cliaracter. BENCH is the language spoken in the college. MUSIC a specialty. Beard, Laundry and Tuition Fees, including the whole course of English, the Ancient and Modern Languages. Cal isthenics, Drawing and Painting, use of Piane and Library, Medical Attendance and Medicine. S300 per annum. A reduction et one-half ler the daughters et clergymen. Fer "circulars" and luR particulars address MISS CLINTON, Lady Principal Hellinuth Ladles' College, Lon Len Lon eon, Ontario, Canada. ilM6tdMF rA.PHBlIANaiXUS, gc. liltY OOOItS, VNVEltWEJJt, CC. XTtTIKE WINDOW SCREENS. gOMETHlKG NEW I " LACE THREAD I n order net te carry ever any stock we have TT"TTYF! "R ftTTTT? Tft reduced the price cf our - - -i-'-i-J IIOIUJ. J- O, Extension Frames for Wire FEATHER-WEIGHT DRAWERS. Window Screens suspenders, te seventy-live cents and upwards. We mcas- at ure the windows and put them up at short no tice and in suchu manner that you need net UTRTSHVT A"NPSt remeve them when you wisli te close the win- JaxVAIJIVIfLl K7, dew. All kinds et plain, figured and land- ..,, ,,,,,,-.,,.,, scapcwlrcs. THE SHIRTM AKER, T7ATT n A TiTTTJO we- north quein street, WALLPAPERS - B.MAimN.ce. In elegant styles and large assortment for the coming season. We have opened some choice Dade Window Shades entirely new. The designs are beauti- New is the time te get that ful and cannot- fail te please. Otplalngoedswehavoallcolorsandwldths. n -nTlTl TT I IT rf TIT CI Hollands. Paper Curtains, Fixtures, Cords, II 1 II Ii' II IIIKIIUMIl SttET" x"""en "AM mMM WBK AND MANTLE MIRRORS. SSim3 PHARES W. FRY, We offer a SPECIAL DISCOUNT NO. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. w" w v w ' ON JtOOKS AJfli 8TA.TIONJCK1. n ffAIiPAPERAluANuINu STATIONERY. NEW BOOKS nuitiNG the dull season. AND MAGAZINES, L. M. je-LYNN'S. J- B. MARTIN & CO., "" TOO W JQjjg M princfl Strectg Jehn raer'm sons, lancaster. pa. SCHOOL BOOKS yKTZGER, BARD HAUOHMAN. AND Scheel Supplies, Netice te the & ! ATTnE We Have J ust Opened LOWEST PRICES, A LARGE LOT OF te all our customers. Wholesale buyers supplied at liberal rates. 15 lllll 17 NORTff QOEEN STREET, our own Trade Mark, and cannot be had elsewhere. LANCASTER. FA. emm asp ulswaIa. WE GUARANTEE EACH GARMENT U1NA hall. TO'BB JELLY TUMBLERS. JELLY TUMBLERS. WATERPROOF, COM. TUMBLERS, mTTrnrTc, and te give general satisfaction. LiOM. TUMBLERS. MASON FRUIT JARS. 1.200 ODD CUPS. high &"Sartln'S, Mite Bart k HaiM lg EAST KING STREKT. j jp gj HOWLS. west king STREETj 10W OPEN SPRECHEK HOUSE, ON . ll Europeen plan. Dining Reems ler ladles and Gentlemen. Entrance at Ne. 31 LANOASLEB, FA., North Duke street. Clam and Turtle Soup Soup Lebster Salad. Oysters in Every Style and all the Delicacies et the Season. We solicit the f ADLEB'8 OLD STAND), patronage nt the public. may7-tid "" I ROOFS REPAIRED AND FAINTED. AKNOLD, STREET, LANCASTER, PA. faprt-tid H OUSEFTJKNISllING. LANCASTER, PA. STABLE. THIRST-CLASS LIVERY STAULE. LEOAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF MART ANN tDWAKD-, late el Lancaster city. Letters or ad ministration en said estate havingbeen grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said estate are requested te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or de mands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing 250 West King street, Lancaster. CHARLES EDWARDS, Administrator. J. B. Geed, Attorney. jlySWtueaw ESTATE OF PHILIP SCHOM, IATE UK Lancaster city. Pa., deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the bands et Jehn E. Sclium and Charles Helzwartb, administrators with the wOl annexed of PhUIp Sclium, dee'd, te and among these legally entitled te tiie same, and te pass upon exceptions filed t the account of said administrators, wUl sit for that purpose en THURSDAY. AUGUST 25, 1SS1, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Beem or the Court Heuse, in the city et Lancaster, where all persons Interested In said distribution may attend. WM. D. WEAVER, jyl3-4tdeaw Auditor. E STATE Or JOHN TAMANY, LATE OF the city et Lancaster, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto, are requested te make Imme diate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in said city. FRANKLIN TAMANY, Administrator. Wir. R. Wilsejt, Atfy. jy2l-Gtdeaw INSTATE OFKILLIAN BECK, LATE OB j Lancaster city, dee'd. The undersigned auditor, appointed te distribute the balance re maining in the hands et Andrew Shrcincr. ex ecuter, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purposeten FRIDAY, the 2Cth day or AUGUST, 1831, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the library room or the court house, in the City et Lancaster, where all persons inter ested in said distribution may attend. JOHN II. FRY, Jy264tdeaw Auditor. ESTATE Or STEPHEN GERTKISEN, late or Lancaster city, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate having been granted te the nndersigned, all persons in debted te said decedent are requested te make Immediate settlement, anil these having claims or demands ngalnst the estate et said dece dent, te make known the same te the nnder signed without delay, residing in the city et Lancaster. MARY GERTEISEN, Administratrix. J. B. KAumrAN, Att'y. jy2S-6tdeaw E8TATK OF JOHN ARNOLD, DEC'D., of Lancaster city, Lancaster county. The undersigned Auditor appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Mar garet Arneld, Executrix of the will of Jehn Arneld, late et the City erLancastcr, deceased, te and among theso legally entitle! te the Fame, will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY, AUGUST 23d, 1SS1, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the City et Lancaster, where all persons interested lu Bald distribution may attend. DANIEL G. RAKER, iy30-auC,13420 Auditor. MEDICAL. R EIGAKT'S OLD WINE STORE. Brandy as a Medicine. The lollewlng article was voluntarily sent te Mr. H. E. Slayinakcr, Agent for Hcigarl's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian el this county, who has extensively usce the Brandy referred te in his regnlar practice It Is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stliuulum was never intended as a beverage, but te be used as a medicine of great potency in the cu re of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands or vict luis With a nurelv philanthropic motive we pre sent te the raverable notice et invalids espe cially these afflicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which 13 nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with feeble appetite ami mere ei less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Bemedy or all their ills and aches. Re it, hewcvei strictly understood that we prescribe and in but ene article, and that Is REIGAET'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II R SLAYMAKER. This Brandy has steed the test for years, and has never failed, as fai as our experience extends, and we thercfert give it the preference ever all etner Rramllcs no matt cr with hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money tliat is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would suffice te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case ei ases. In proof of the curative powers et Beigart's Old Brandy, incases of Dyspepsia, we can summon nuiu bcrs of witnesses oue case in particular wf cite: A hard-working farmer iiau ncen ainicieu with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number e? years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had -sour eructatiens con cen con stantlyeo appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and slule bread, and as a beverage he used McGrann's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new S reached at times, and In his discourses often eclaimed earnestly againstall kinds or strong drink. W hen ad vlsciite try Belsrart's Old Brandy, In his case, be looked up with astonishment, but after hearing et Its weudcrlul cllccts in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, lif at last consented te fellow our advice, lit used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man.wiii. a stomach capable efdigestinganythingwhlcl: hejehese te cat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tie occasionally; and since lie has this medl cine lie lias been or very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Pbaotisime Physician. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AOKirr vor Reigart's Old Wine Stere. Established In 17SC, ntrOBIKR AND UBALS3 Ul FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPh RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in lsl. 1827 and 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER. BROWN STOUT. Ne. SO EAST KING ST.. LANCASTER. PA Tffi. SAIFOBL'S LIVEE INVIG0RAT0R Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek sent free. . Dr. S ANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Fer sale by all druggists, ect 18 lydcud alt cow COAL. R B. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. 49i"ard: Ne. 420 North Water anil Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd C0H0 & WILEY. SSOlfORXH WATER ST., Laneater, fc, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Office : Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. teb2S-l;d (IV TO RBLLLY & K HI! f J HiK GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers and ethers in want et Superior Manure will find it te their advantage te call. yard, Harrlsburg Pike. Office. 20J East Chestnut street. agl7-lt TJt A rE7i:ll&' HC IOI. JVXf.WTKK AND .V l!.l.Mt K.i.K Ii. ., C'irs run a folleu-: Leave Laucater P. It. SSejw.i), .u 7, , . lltAia. in., and 2, 4. t und S-.'kip. m.. .-v.a a Saturday, when the ItvU cr leave-, .it :vn j,. ,. . Leave Mlllersviile (iewnr t-int; ut s. , und 10 a. M., and 1, 3. 5 and 7 p. 111. Cars run daily en abevn time tixceiu en Sui day. CIOLCMBIA AND POUT DEPOSIT It. K TralnsnowrnnregularlyentheColumbiM and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time Statiess North- Express. Express. Accm., WAR3. A. X. P. M. T. M. Pert Deposit. &3S 8:55 i Peachbotteni.... 7:12 4:28 3:1U BaTe Harber. 7:55 5:11 551 Columbia... 8:25 3:40 6:20 Stations Seuth- Express. Express.. Accem WARD. A.V. P.M. A.M. Columbia. 11A 650 7:45 r. k. ArftOfi Sale Harber. 12:06 6:49 Le9:40 Peachbottem 12:43 7 J! ll.e; Pert Deposit....... 1:25 8.-03 1220 TEADINO 4C COLUMBIA R. R. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, JULY Uth, 1831. NORTHWARD. UAVK. Quarryvllle Lancaster, King St.... Lancaster Columbia. ARRIVK. Reading A.M. 75 9:13 9:27 SOUTHWARD. UAVK. AKB1VX. Columbia Lancaster.... Lancaster. King St Quarrwllle a.m. r.if. P.M. 6:40 ... 30 7:50 .... 3:40 8:00 15 3JW -7:50 1:10 3:10 10:05 3:20 5.50 F.M 5:30 5:40 6:45 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and lrem Philadelphia, Potts ville, Harrlsburg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Round Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY MAY 16th, 1881, trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrlve and leave the Ijiii caster and Philadelphia depots an follews: Eabtwabe. Leave Lanc'tei Arrni- Phtlad'it Cincinnati Express ast Line...... ....... Yerk Accem. Arrives; Harrlsburg Express Dillerville Accem. Arrlven, Columbia Accomiueilat Ien, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express,..., Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express Chicago Day Express, St. Leuis Day Express 25a.m. 6:f8 ' 8:00 " 85 ' 8:45 ' 9:10 " 1:10 " 1:2.1 r.M. 20 " S:05 " ;i:35 4:18 " CriS " 5:1.1 a. 7:35 ioae idiV.. 3:20 " 5:00 - 5:30 6:45 t.il5 9 ' 11:35 Harrlsburg Accouwiedui'ii, MUll 9:00 j Wbbtwabv. Leuvt I Arme i'hiiaii'a Lanc'ter Way Passenger, Mail Train Ne.l.via Mt..lnv, MaU Train Ne. 2,vla Cel'bla. Niagara & Chicago Express Sunday Mall, ' ast Line,.... ... Frederick Accommodation, DillcrviUoLecaI.viaMt.Jov SO j :30 5:00 a.m IikSO " 125 lft55 " 10-.S0 " 230 F.M. 33 " 30 " 5:45 " 7.-2C " 730 8-M " 11.53. " 9-.00 S:0f 12:10 Harrlsburg Accoinmedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, 2:30 4.-00 5:30 623 9:10 11:55 P.M. iiarnseurg express, Pittsburg Express Clucinnati Express, Pacific Express 2.45 A.M Pacific Express, east, en bunnay, wucn flag ged, will step at Middlctewn, Ellzabethtewii, Mt. Jey, Landlsville, Bird-in-Hand, Leman Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coates ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downingtown, Coatesville, Purkes-bnrg.Mt-Joy.ElIzabcthtewnandMiddletown. Hanover accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at 1 1:00 a. 111., will run through Xe Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:30 p. m., and will run ttiroueh te Frederick. CABPETS. G BKAT IIABGAINS IM UAKPKTS, 1 claim te have th: Larcest and Fines lock el CARPETS In this City. Brussels and Tapestry CARPETS Three-ply, Extra Super. Super, All Weel, Halt Weel and Part Weel Ingrains : from the best te the cheapest as low us 25c. per yard. All the FITTEST AA'I CHOICE PA TTERMI tlmt ever can be seen In this city. 1 also have u Large and Fine Sleck et my own make Chain and Bag Carpets, A3 LOW AS 35c. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDER at shot notice. Satisfaction guaranteed . 4SNe trouble te show goods if yen de n. wish te purchase. I earnestly solicit a call. h. s. shire:, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. flAKPETS, &C. NEW CARPETS 40.000 YARDS. New Designs, KeantiniUj Colored. k 50 cents. 83 cents. I CO cents. 90 cente. 75 cents. $1.00. 73 cents. $1.00. J 85 cents. $1.10. 90 cents. $1.20. geed VALUE I ALL PRICKS. INGRAINS TAPESTRY RRUSSELS WILTON AND MOQUETTES, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, LIGNUMS. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Street, at-lydcedA2twJ PHILADELPHIA. riAKPETS, COAL, C. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY,' Ne. 130 SOUTH WATER STREET, LAnaABTER, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES. COVERLETS. BLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed cither in the piece or In Garments; also, all kinds of silks. Ribbons, Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlcmcn's Coats, Overcoats, Pants. I cats, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also, Indigo 111 no Dyeing: done. AU orders or goods lett with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. GOAL. GOAL. Ceal et the best quality put up expressly iei family use, and at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD-150UTH WATER STREET. 2-lvdRSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON A CO "" JEWELERS. ILVEK Jr.WELRY. LACE PINS, EAR RINGS AND BRACELETS. NECK CHAINS AND HAIR PINS. STUDS, SLEEVE BUTTONS AND SCARF PINS SILVER. OF AUGUSTUS RHOADS, Ne. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa A.M. M. P.M. 7.-25 12:00 6:10 P.M. 9:35 2:10 8:20 9:17 2.10 8-.08 0-.37 .... 850 10-.37 .... 9-JO fctfj jp-t .'y '.-f "t-