TL-TB iy qn V"-E j LANCASTER DAILY INTELUGENCER, FRIDAY AOGUST it 18$L -N I knew what the expense was like te be, and that it did net exceed all reasonable Bounds, I would rather be at the whole charge or firing myself than suffer my estate te be at the discretion of the com mon soldiery, who will net only cut what is sufficient for their own use,but for a dram extraordinary will supply all the rascally Tavern Keepers and ethers in the town." Renewing his complaints that one per son should be subject te this extraordi nary expense, or that private estates should be made te meet public expenses, he urges all who have suffered te appeal te the cominissieneis, and advise his agent te proceed against all trespassers in further depredations, and " try whether the laws for security of property upon which Englishmen reiy, have really any force or are only brula fulmina, or empty sounds without auy coercive power." Mr. Hamilton further expresses his willingness te nay 5 per annum te the free school for the town, acknowledges his obligations te Mr. Shippen for many favors net compen sated ; sends him 50 en account of ser vices and offers te pay whatever Air. b. considers a fair compensation ; complains that his tax of 33 15s. is higb,and advises his agent te appeal if be thinks any partial ity has been shown. As he is about te go where his expenses will be high and the length of his stay uncertain, and where he must ask for re mittances, he urges a prompt collection of rents, and especially of arrears, "as a longer forbearance will be rather a preju dice than etherwise te the defaulter, as well as te myself." COLUMBIA NEWS. OCR REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE. The stated meeting of the Columbia school beard, was held last evening, in the council chamber, with President Meyers in the chair. All members present except Wm. B. Given. The fiuauce com mittee reported as follews: iiEt'Eirrs. Balance en hand per hist lopert J7.VJ.H J. G. Hcvj, collector duplicate. 1878 27.25 ' ' 1879...... 153.72 T.B.Dunbar ' ' 18tl!m!I IVtm Total $1,15111 KXrENDlTUllES. Olden paid blnce last report $317.32 Balance en band $80l.7'J Finance committee reported that they found $104.CG due the school district from T. B. Dunbar en duplicate of 1830, after allowing all commissions and exonerations. On motion it was ordered that if the finance committee's statement was found te be correct, and upon payment by T. B. Dunbar of the above amount, $104.66, the duplicate of 1880 be finally closed. Fin ance committee reported the bend efT. B. Dunbar as collector of tax duplicates for 1881. On consideration the beard deemed the security offered en the bend insufficient and the bend was reported back. Repair and supply committee reported that the bids for the supply of coal would net be ready for consideration until Satur day evening uext. The building committee was instructed te ascertain costs and recommend a suit able heater te be placed in tbe new 5 th street school building. An order was passed for $15 in favor of the building committee te pay for plans and specifica tion of the 5th street building. On motion of Mr. Wike the sum et $1.25 per month was fixed as compensa tion te be paid te the superintendent of the opera house, C. Strawbridge, for services rendered in consequence of the meetings of the beard. An order was granted in favor of C. Strawbridge for $3.75 te pay for three months service from June 1, 1881. An opinion of Solicitor A. J. Kauffhian was read relating te the issue of new bends, $5,000, stating that it was net nec essary te ask the consent of the court, in order te issue the prep jscd new bends. An order was granted in favor of S. II. Heffman for $16.66 te pay for two mouths salary as librarian of school library, in full, te June 6. 1831. Bills te the amount of $21.09 wcre ordered te he' paid. The beard adjourned te meet en next Saturday evening at 8:30 p. m. in the office of Mr. Meyers. The Borough Budget. Mr. Hiram Wilsen's family and guests picnic at Wild Cat te-day. W. Dunbar had his finger badly mashed by the heisting crane at Supplce's engine On Thursday Mrs. Sarah A. White, of this place, had her pocket picket in Wana maker's store in Philadelphia et $17. P. R. R. engine Ne. 102 played out at Kinzers and had te be sent back for re pairs, and engine Ne. 175 is in the shops having her Hues repaired. Persons, whose names are a guarautee of geed management are arranging for a grand picnic in Duffy's park next week. The assault and battery and fornication cases tried before 'Squire Yeung en Thurs day evening and continued last evening were both dismissed. On Monday next the C. & P. D. R. R. will begin running their obsevatien car every Monday, Thursday and Saturday, for the benefit of passengers who wish te see the beautiful scenery along the read. A member of Ce. C received a bad bruise below the eye last evening, while practicing the dangerous bayonet exercise with anether member. Misses Gussie and Annie Heek, Flor ence Lyen, Florcuce Wolfe, and Messrs. Geerge W. Ryen. R. W. Kair, A. M. Slade, went te Marietta last evening in the 6:20 train, and spent part of the evcuiug with Miss Lizzie Nagle. Dauciug, singiug and refreshments were the principal fea tures. All had an enjoyable time and vote their thanks te their hostess. They re turned at 8:30. One of the largest atid most pleasant surprise birthday parties ever held in Col umbia was given te Mrs. W. B. Supplee in honor of her 46th birthday, last evening at her home en Locust street. A number et strangers from Philadelphia and Yerk were present. The gifts were numerous and costly and everybody enjoyed them selves. The party broke up at a late hour, all being fully satisfied with their pleasant evening. This morning Officer Dyssingcr arrested a man named Jehn Myers, at 4 o'clock, at the market house. He had in his posses sion a bag containing a set of new harness with an extra pair of lines. He claimed te ha7e received them from a partner. He waB taken before Squire Gricr who com mitted him for a further hearing. In the meantime the harness awaits an owner at Justice Grier's office. Yesterday afternoon while in swimming, a little boy named Sherman Gramm, be came weak and sank beneath the water. He had gene down for the third and last time, when Mr. Gee. McFadden seeing the youngster's danger, sprang into the water and pulled him te shore. He was insensi ble when placed upon the raft, but re covered as scen as the water had been shaken from his body. Mr. McFadden re ceives the thanks of our entire community. Miss Mame Davis is visiting friends in Conshohocken ; Miss Florence Wolfe, of Frederick, is the guest of Mr. Rebert Ryen; Mr. Geerge Wike, who is new learning te be a machinist in Alcoena, is home en a week's vacation, accompanied by his friend E. A. Dumpling, of Alteena; Mr. Frank Steacy, who is new working in a large wholesale drug store in Philadel phia, has returned home te spend part of his vacation with his parents. - Registered as Law Student. Jehn T. Curran, priucipalbf. the Steel Steel ten, Dauphin county, high school, was te day registered as a law student with B. Frank Eshleman, esq., having passed the required preliminary examination of the committee. DR. LBWIN. VABEKB OF AM ADVENTURER. The Russian Docter Who Ilad tne Fancy Team. About two years age there came te Lan caster a Russian Jew named Dr. Lewin. He appeared te be peer but had a great deal of assurance and " push " in him, and being of genteel appearance and manners he seen made friends. He advertised lib erally, put en a geed deal of style, drove a fancy double team with liveried driver.and seen acquired considerable practice. Among his patients was the wife of A. Walter, tinsmith, 237 North Queen street, who obtained great relief from Dr. Lewin's treatment, and, in gratitude, Mr. Walter paid him well for his services and became his patron,advancing him considerable sums' of money, and aiding him in ether ways. After a somewhat checquered experience in this city Dr. Lewin embarked in the establishment of a hospital in Columbia, renting for tbe purpose one of the largest buildings in the borough. Aided by Mr Walter he fitted it up at very considerable expense purchasing nearly $1,000 worth of furniture from Henry Wolf, of this city. He also bought a coach, a coupe, a horse arid sleigh, robes, harness and everything else necessary te a complete outfit for a physician. He hired a coachman and foot man and rolled through the streets in a style that caused envy in the breas,t.ef less favored physicians. On Monday last he purchased from Mr. Cyrus H. Celvin the fine pair of white-faced, black match horses se familiar te many of our' Lancas ter readers, paying for them $625, of which sum $200 was cash and $425 a promissory note endorsed by Mr. Walter. Dr. Lewin appeared te be getting along swimmingly until yesterday, when a tele gram dated Philadelphia and sigued Martin, 615 North" 5th street," and ad dressed te the "Proprietor of the principal hotel Lancaster," was received by Mr. A. Hicstand, of the Steveus house. The dispatch stated that Dr. N. Lewin was in Philadelphia with a pair of black match horses, and asked whether the doctor had hired them in this city. This telegram was very seen brought te the attention of Mr. A. Walter, who, having his suspi cions awakened, telegraphed te Mr. Mar tin, of Philadelphia, te held the man and horses. Mr. Walter next called upon Sheriff Strine and had an execution issued against Dr. Lewin's furniture, at the "hospital," in Columbia. The sheriff hastened te Columbia te make the execution, but when he reached there he found that a consider able part of the furniture had been removed by a party from Philadelphia, who held a bill of sale from Dr. Lcwiu. The sheriff levicd en all that was left and locked it up. R. Struckert is the name of the gentleman who holds the bill of sale. Frem present appearances Dr. Lewin played a bold but risky game. He in duced Mr. Walter, who appears te bd the principal sufferer, te advance money, en derse notes, and become surety in various ways for mere than $1,500. He bought from Philip Rudy, 239 North Queen street, two sets of double harness, two sets of single harness, robes, blankets, &c. te the value of about $200. He also bought a set of harness from J. C. Pfahler, of Columbia He received en credit from Dr.C. A. Loch Lech cr for considerable quantities of medicine. He bought a fire and burglar proof safe from Edwin Franke, and ewes upon it a balance of $75, and we hear of several ether business men who were victimized te some extent, J. B. Martin & Sen being his creditors for carpets and laces. When Lewin was here en Monday he is said te have had in his possession four $1,000 bills. He left Lancaster en Tues day evening, went te Columbia, and en Wednesday started for Philadelphia in his two-horse coach, since which time nothing has been heard of him except through the telegram of Mr. Martin above alluded te. It is said that when the prothenotary procured the book, -required by law, in which all practicing physiciaus are obliged te enter their names, ages, degrees con ferred, &c, that Dr. Lewin appeared at the effice with a document written in the Russian language, and said it was his di ploma. Neither the protheuotary nor his clerks being versed in the liussian lan guage, the document was submitted te Prof. Haas, who declared it te be only a Rus sian passport, whereupon the doctor said he had made a mistake aud brought along the wrong document. He never returned, however, te have himself registered. Deputy Sheriff Striue, who made the levy en Dr. Lewiu's furniture, etc., has returned te Lancaster and says he thinks none of the doctor's furniture has been re moved from the " hospital." The burglar proof safe was being removed when he arrived te make the execution, and two large chests, by two of the doctor's female "patients" weie all detained by the sheriff, as they refused te open them and said the doctor had the keys. The sheriff says there was great excitement in Columbia this morning, and the butcher, baker, milkman, grocer and ether dealers are anxiously inquiring for the doctor. At 1:20 this afternoon Officer Swenk started for Philadelphia with warrants is sued by Alderman Barr for Dr. Lewin's arrest en two complaints of false pretense, one of them preferred by Mr. Walter and the ether by Dr. Lecher. THE WRONG MAN. A Mistake Corrected. Some clays age a paragraph appeared in this paper, statinglthat Jehn Schaenenber Schaenenber ger during a disturbance after the close et a Sunday school celebration at Lexing ton, had shot at seme ene whose name the reporters had net learned, and that the ball entered the leg of Wayne Ulrich. Mr. Schaenenberger writes us that instead of firing off a pistol as stated, he was the target for a Berks county ruffian, whose shot, intended for him, struck and wound ed Mr. Ulrich, from whose groin the ball has been extracted, and he is in a serious condition. As Ulrich is a Dunkard he would net sue anybody, but leading citi zens of Lexington entered complaint be fore 'Squire Keidenbach for disorderly conduct against Henry Cenrad, Lititz ; Jehn Werner, near Lititz ; Jehn Jurell, Millway, and Geerge Heffman, White Oak. Constable Helman arrested Jehn Jurell and Heffman, while the-ether two made their escape aud are nowhere te be found. Arrested After Seme Time. Lewis Reidcubach, who has been wanted for some time in this city te answer charges of drunken and disorderly con duet, preferred by Christ Helglegans, but who skipped, was arrested last night. He get en a drunk and Officers Helmau and Merringer came across him at East King and Lime streets. He ran down street te a point near Knapp's, where he was caught. He made a desperate fight and worked hard te get away. The nippers were placed upon him and he was landed in the lockup. He was committed by Al derman Barr for a hearing. Bey Seriously Injured. A son of Jeseph Garman, of Martinsdale, aged about 12 years, was seriously injured while watering a horse yesterday after noon; the chain he was leading the horse with was quite long, when he suddenly wheeled about and kicked him en the head. Drs. Reemsnyder and MacUrnel attended te his wounds. A Large Picnic. The picnic of Zion Lutheran church, held yesterday at What Glen, was attend ed by nearly 400 persons, who were taken te the grounds in Fowl's fine of 'buses. The day was delightfully spent in the en joyment of the rccre i.iens usual at sum mer picnics. Thepaty returned te the city at an early hour in the evening. LITTLE LOCALS. tlere and There and Everywhere. Nick Roberts's pantomime, with forty clowns and a double specialty company will be here September 5. The Sunbury Daily notices the presence in that town of J. J. Smaling, of Lancas ter. Mr. Herman Hirsh, sued by Prof. Aust for turning the hose en the professor, has "".settled it." Terms private. Frem Lititz and 'stations south the Reading & Columbia railroad will run a special train te the New Providence camp meeting next Sunday. Mrs. Gee. Calder, jr., and children, of this city, were stepped at the Engle Side hotel, Beach Haven, just across from the laige hotel which burned down there yes terday morning. Mr. Gee. W. Hoever, of the Eighth waid, has raised a two-pound tomato, perfectly ripe. He calls it the Hancock tomato. Among tbe B. U. (II. F.) nominations for grand efflsers next year is Samuel Fritz, of Circle Ne. 108, this city, as rep resentative of the supreme circle. The geld bracelet found by Miss Mary Ilusen, of Mt. Jey, at the Landisville campmecting, has been returned te the owner, a lady resident of 28 East German street, Lancaster. The remains of Rev. Nehemiah Dedge, formerly of Cedar Hill seminary, wife and infant daughter have all been reinterred at old Denegal, where his former students are about te erect a fine monument ever him. Abraham Lincoln Stener, aged 20, whose death occurred at Manbeim, Tuesday af ternoen, was a native of Highspire, Dau phin county, the youngest son of the late Jlr. Stener, who for years kept the White Heuse en the Susquehanna river, a famous resort for lumbermen. He moved te Manheim te escape the river malaria, but it was tee late. David G. Zeigler, attorney-at-law of Yerk, started from bis father's house at Huntingdon, August 2, en the Chicago express for his home in Yerk, having pur chased a ticket for there. He mailed a letter at Ilarrisbunr his wife at Leb anon, stating that : would be with her en Saturday, the (ii ii. The mailing of the letter is the last trace of bis existence, and his friends fear foul play. Steve Skeeu's Scrape. A Washington dispatch te the Philadel phia Times says : "The new treasury in vestigation, in which the chief of the treas ury laboring corps, Skecn, is involved, progresses slowly. In fact it may be said te have stepped. The reason of this is tbe fact that Assistant Secretary Upton, Cap tain Cebaugb, Bill Russell, Lamphere and the entire Pitney ring, it may be said, came te the rescue of tbe disgraced Skeen and joined in the effort te clear the skirts of their associate. It is highly improbable under the circumstances that anything will be done te expose the scandal further.". Important U True. Lebanon Times. C. II. Steinmetz paid a visit te Lancas ter county this week, and finds that Leba non county can compete with this old to bacco growing district in cultivating the weed. Wash-house Burned. The wash-house of Jacob Ranck, near Strasburg. was burned this morning. It was with difficulty that his dwelling and ether valuable property were saved. For tunately the less will be small. Feet Crushed. Isaac Phencgar, the well-known coal and lumber dealer of Strasburg, had his feet crushed this morning. While em ployees were shifting cars ou the trestle work, Mr. Phcnegar, who was standing en the track with a customer, attempted te get en the cars te put ou the brakes, when his left feet was caught between the bum pers and badly crushed. A SUCCESSFUL STKAMKR. Large Sales el a New Invention. On last Tuesday a week, Mr. J. H. Kauffman, of the firm of Heise & JKauff- man, Locust street, Columbia, Pa., started for Dauphin county with a horse and two steamers. On his way be sold 13 of them, and during his absence, Mr. Harry Heise, the ether partner, received an order of 10 from a firm iu Lebanon county, making a total of 23 steamers in one week, fifteen being copper and 8 gal vanized iron. Their steamers are used for washing clothes, steaming feed, heat ing tobacco, stripping rooms, and at the same time carrying steam a distance of from ene te two hundred and fifty feet from where the steamer stands. Their steamers are manufactured, and the im provements have been patented, by Heise & Kauffman, the patent en the improve ments being taken out the 23 of July, 1881. Persons will de well te go te their store en Locust street aud see them work. Either of the firm will explain it te you. Electricity. Dr. ltriibakcr, of Philadelphia, the eleclro eleclre pathic physician, treats all "diseases success lully with electricity, without medicine or pain te tlie patient. The Docter comes well recommended by men of standing nnd celeb rity of Philadelphia nnd throughout the conn cenn try, and whose names arc sufficient evidence el his ability. Ofllcc217 West King street, Lan caster, Pa. ltd City Bill rosters. OaiHOii & Hensel, city bill pesters and dis tribulers, office Iictellieencbr building, Ne.'6 Seath Queen street. The queen of medicinal and toilet soaps, the fragrant Cuticura. Prevent weakness and degeneration el the kidneys and urinary organs Malt Bitters. SPECIAL NOTICES. See Here. Yeu are sick ; well, there Is Just one remedy that will cure you beyond possibility el doubt. If it's Liver or Kidney trouble. Consumption, Dyspepsia, Debility,' Wells' Health Renewer is your nope. $1. Druggists. Depot 'Jehn F. Leng ft Sens Lancaster. Ge te II. B. Cochran's Drug store, 137 North Queen street, for Mr. Freeman' New iVa iVa (tenal Dyes. Fer brightness and durability et coler.aro uncqualed. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in English and German. Price. 16 cents. Frank Bardal, North Bennett street, Buffalo, says : " 1 have tried your Spring Blessem as a family medicine and have never come across anything te de se mnch geed in se short a time in cases et Indigestion, dyspepsia and de rangement et the stomach ; I strongly recom mend it." Price 50 cents. Fer sale atH. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Save lour Hair neep it Jleautlful. The " Londen Hair Celer Restorer" Is the most dcllghttnl article evcrJiintroduced;te the American people and Is totally different from all ether Hair Restorers, being entirely free from all impure ingredients that render many ether articles for the hair obnoxious. Where baldness or falling of the hair exists, or prema ture grayncss, from sickness or ether causes, Its use will restore the natural youthful color, and cause a healthy growth, cleansing the scalp from all Impurities, dandruff, eta, at the same time a most pleasing and lasting hair dressing, lragrantly perfumed, rendering it seltand pliable, making It an indispensable article In every toilet. Ask your druggist for Londen Hair Celer Restorer. Price 75 cents a bottle. Six bottles, $4. Main depot for the United States, 330 North Sixth street, Philadel phia. mlMvdTThftFftW "I Don't Want a Plaster," said a sick man te a druggist, " can't you give me something te cure met" His symptoms were a lame back and disordered urine and were a sure indication of kidney disease. The druggist told him te use Kidney-Wert and in a short time it effected a complete cure. Have you these symptoms ? Then get a box or bottle te-day before you become Incurable. Itis the core; safe and. sure. Knoxville Republican. auS-lwd&w JTJSW ADTEMTIBEMMNia'- H EATERS AND RANOES. JOH2ST L. CONTRACTOR FOB, Slate Reefing. Gravel Reefing. Tin Reefing, PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. Nee. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, T, A NO ASTER, FA. rapra-ttdJI Itching Pllee syutptems and Care. The symptoms are moisture, like pcrsplra tlen. Intense itching, increased by scratching, very distressing, particularly at night, as if pin worms were crawling in and about the rectum the private parts are sometimes af fected ; If allowed te continue very serious re- enlts may fellow. Dr. Swayne's All Healing Ointment la a pleasant sure cure. Alse for tetter. Itch, salt rheum, scald head. Erysipelas, barber's itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty, cuta cuta neous eruptions. Trice, 50 cents, three boxes for $125. Sent by mall te any address en re ceipt of price in currency or three cunt post age stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swayne ft Sen. 330 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by all prominent druggists. une23-3indM WSftw Hay Fever. Mr. A. Ii. Avert, Pharmacist, Newark, N. J. Having been Bcvcrcly afflicted for cloven years with Hay Fever, after trying almost everything without avail, I gave up all hopes of being cured, when I purchased of you a box of Ely's Cream Balm. Te my surprise, alter a few applications, I was entirely re lieved. R. Watsen Harris, Letter Carrier, Ne. 14, New P. O., Newark, N. J. Messrs. White A Burdick, Druggists, Ithaca, N. Y. I recommend te these suffering (as I have been) with Hay Fever, Ely's Cream Balm. Having tried nearly all the remedies I could find, and give this a decided preference ever them all. It has given me immediate re lief. C. T. Stephens, Hardware Merchant, Ithaca, N. Y. Sept. C, 1880. Price SO cents. iv29-2wdeed&w RKSCUJSD FROM DEATH. The follewlngstatcmcnt of WlUlniu J. Cough Ceugh lin, of Semcrvlllc, Mass., is se remarkable that we beg te ask for It the attention of our read ers. He says: "In the fall of 187G I was taken witli a violent bleeding of the lungs followed by a severe cough. I seen began te lese my appetite and flesh. I was se weak at one time that I could net leave my bed. in the summer of 1877 I was admitted te the City Hospital. While there the doctors said I had a hole in my left lung as big ns a half cellar. 1 expend ed ever a hundred dollars in doctors and med icine. I was se far gene at one time a lepert went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told mc et Dr. Wx. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs. I laughed at my friends, think ing that my cese was incurable, but I get a bottle te satisfy them, when te my surprise and gratification, I commenced te feel better. My hope, once dead, began te revive, and to day I feel in better spirits than I have the past three years. "I write this hoping you will publish it, se that everyone attilcted with Diseased Lungs will be induced te take Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam ter the Lungs, nnd be convinced that con sumption can be cured. I have taken two bottles and can positively say that It has dene mere geed than all ether medicines I have taken since my sickness. My cough has al most entirely disappeared and I shall seen be able te go te work." Sold iu Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Iv28-lydeedTh&w2 In the Whole History of Medicine Ne preparation has ever performed such mar velous cures, or maintained se wide a reputa tion, as Ayer's Cherrt Pectoral, which Is recognized as the world's remedy ter nil dis eases of the threat and lungs. lis long-continued series of wonderful cures in all climates has mane it universally known as a sate and reliable agent te employ. Against ordinary colds, which are the fererunners et mere serious disorders. It acts speedily and surely, always relieving suffering, and often saving life. The protection It affords, by its timely use lu threat nnd chest disorders, makes it an Invaluable remedy te be kept al ways en hand In every home. Ne person can afford te be without It, and these who have once used It never will. Frem their knowl edge et its composition and effects, physicians nse the Crbrrt Pectoral extensively in their practice, and clergymen recommend it. Itis absolutely certain in its remedial effects, and will always cure where cures are possible. Fer sale by all dealers. aull-lwdeedft w A Cough, Celd or Sote xnreat should de stepped. Neglect frequently results in an In curable I.'ing Disease or Consumption. Brown's Bronchial Troches de net disorder the Hteniach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly en the inflamed parts, allaying lr'-itatlen, give relict In Asthma, Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles which Singers and Public Speakers are subject te. Fer thirty years Brown's Bronchial Troches have been recommended by physi cians, and always give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have at tained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. Sold at '23 cents a box everywhere. mS-ivdTTh&Sftlrw Metnersl IHemeraii Mothers!! Aie you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? If se, go at once and get a bottle of MltS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will re lieve the peer little suilerer immediately de pend upon it; there Is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who lian ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating llke magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all ceses, nnd pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physician and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere; 25 cents a tettlc. marMvdAwM.WAS The Tidy Housewife. The careful, tidy housewife, when she is giv ing her beuse its spring cleaning, should bear in mind tliat the dear inmates of her house are mere precious than houses, and that their sys. terns need cleansing by purifying the bleed, regulating the stomach and bowels te prevent and cure the diseases arising from spring ma laria and miasma, and she should knew that there is nothing that will de it se perfectly and surely as Hep Bitters, the purest and best of all medicines. See ether column. aul-2w(IAw HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE. The best Salve in the world for cuts, btulses, sores, ulcers, saltrhcum, tetter,cbuppcd hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds et skin erup tions, freckles and pimples. The salve Is guaranteed te give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Be sure you get Henry's Carbolic Salve, as all ethers are but imitations and counterfeits. Price 25 cents. Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drugstore, 137 and 139 North Queen street A Geed Angel's Visit A Tale et "Rosa "Resa dalis." Blanche called en Kate, one pleasant day, and found her sad and sighing, dearest friend, once bright and gay, new scarce could keep from crying; ler, eh," she said, "'tis a dis grace te see with scrofula, my face se badly marred!" then said her friend, "Resadalis will your troubles end." Blanche called en Kate another day and found her once mere blithe and gay, her face as radiant, skin as fair, as any maiden's anywhere. Fer skin diseases and impure bleed, there's nothing in the world se geed as Resadalis, it drives away all skin disorders, humor, nay, it tones tlie sys tem, cures your ills and banishes all doctor's bills! Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Jy30-lydeedAwS Found at Lfcst. What every one should have, and never be without, is Themas' Eclectric Oil. , It is thorough and safe in its effects, producing the most wondrous cures et rheumatism, neural gia, burns, bruises, and wounds et every kind. Fer sale at H. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. PIN ROOFS REPAIRED AND FAINTED. :e:- AKNOLD, -:e:- POLITICAL. Fer County Commissiener: FP.ANK CLARK, of Strasburg township Subject te the choice et the Democratic coun ty convention. 3pi6-dftwtp ADAM S. DIETRICH, of Maner township. Subject te the decision of the Democratic ceilnty convention. HENRY F. HAUTMAN (Lime Burner), of East Lampeter township. Subject te the choice of the Democratic county convention. apr2-dftwtp MARTIN UILDEBKANr. of Mount Jey Borough. Subject te the decision of the Dem ocratic county convention. aplS-dftwtp J ERE MOHLEK. Epbrata. Subject te the decision of the Democratic cennty conven tion, aprll-dftwtp ISAIAH MeKILLIPS, et Lancaster city, subject te the choice et the Democratle County Convention. Jly29-lmd Fer County Auditor : JOHN S. BBOWN, et Drumore township. Subject te Democratic rules. m27-dft wtp JOHN L. LIGIITNER, of Leacock township. Snblect te the decision of the Democratic ceuntv convention. aprlS-tfd&w JAMES P. MAKSU, et Salisbury township, subject te Democratic rules. aug3-tfdftw DEATHS. Neoderfv. In this city, en the 11th Inst., Ru Ru eolph H. G., son of Frantz and Mary Neuderff, in the 4th year et his age. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from tbe residence et the parents, Ne. 310 Seuth Duke street, ou Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Intermentat Zion cemetery. 2td Gable.' Jehn s. Gable, en Thursday, August 11, 1881, In the 70th year or his age.J Funeral en Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from his laic residence. Ne. 210 North Queen street, te proceed te the church, corner of Prince and Orange streets, where scrvlees will be held. Interment at the Lancaster cemeteiy. Relatives and friends et the family arc respect fully Invited te attend the funeral without lurther notice. 2td Abel. In this city, en the 11th Inst., Augus tus, son of Frank nnd Clara Abel, in the 2Jd year et his age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited te attend the luneral, from the residence of the parents, Carpenter's farm, 8th ward, en Saturday morning at 8 o'clock. High Mass at St. Jeseph's church. Interment at St. Jeseph's cemetery. Shirk. At Lincoln, Lancaster county. Pa., en the 12th lnst, Mrs. Elizabeth Shirk, et Lan caster city, aged 71 years, 2 months and 2 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from the First M. E. church.en Monday morning at 0 o'clock. Interment In Lancaster cemetery. 2td Trout. August 12, 1881, In Marietta, Dr. Henry S. Trout, aged 43 years, 7 months and 11 days. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral en Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Services by Bishop Jacob Lehman, of Chambersbnrg, and Reverend Ellas Uershcy at Marietta. Inter ment at Mount Jey cemetery. NJSW ADVERTISEMENTS- Democratic County Committee. There will be n meeting of the Democratic Ceuirrr Cemmittke at Shebcr's jHeteJ, Lancas ter, at 10 a. in., en Monday, August 15, te fix the tlme or the County Convention. A full attendance of the members is requested. W. U. HENSEL, Jv27-tddw Chairman. ATTENTION FRIENDSHIP. ASPECIAL meeting of the company will be held this evening te take action en the death et our late president, Jehn S. Gable, ltd JACOB REESE, Sce'y. 1UIK PLACE FOR UUOD COFFEES, . Fresh Sugars, Pure Syrups. Best Teas, at A. .. 1UUWALT Old Wine nnd Liquor Stere, Ne. 205 West Kiug Street. fcblMvd LARGE LOT OF WATERMELONS AND Cantelepes just received and kept en ice. Sweet Potatoes, Kgg Plants, Ac Elegant Cape May Oysters en Ice, at ECKEET'S. ltd 129 East King street. PUHL1V SALE OF HHOKT-bOKNKD Durham Cows. On SATURDAY, AUG. 13, 1881, will be sold at Stewart's drove yards, Lancaster, Pa., one car lead of Ohie Cows. Fale te commence at 1 o'clock, p. m. A cred it of r0 days will be given. all-2td DANIEL LOGAN. INVITATION TO ALL BRASS BANDS Or LANCASTER COUNTY, Is tendered by the Keystone Band of Lancaster, te their Grand Excursion and Picnic at Lauer's Park, Reading, te take active part in playing the National -Airs In a Bedy, at 3 o'clock p. m. en TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1881. We respect fully ask the Secretary et each Band te send ns their address, se we can extend an invita tion nnd give nil necessary Information. . FERD WEBER, Chairman, ltd Lancaster, Pa. pXCUBSION TO READING, ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1881. TICKETS, --- - SSI. 50, Geed for ilvcdays, let return en any regular train. Special trainlcavcs King street depot at 6:50 a. ni. Tickets ler sale at J. Albright ft Bre.'s cigar store, 103 East King street, and J. F. Kantz's coal office, 126 Seuth Water street. 49Ne lickets sold after Monday evening. al2-2td PROPOSALS FOR A TURNPIKE. The Beard of Directors et the Manheim and Penn township turnpike company will receive sealed proposals for the grading and construction of a turnpike read extending from the northern terminus or the Lancaster A Frultvllle turnpike, in Manheim township, for a distance et two and a-hall miles, te a point at or near the residence of Samuel Shirk. In Penn township. Proposals will be received for the entire read, or for sections of one mile or mere. All proposals must be handed te the beard at the law efflces of A. F. Hostetter and A. S. Henhey, esqs., Ne. 47 Grant street (Law BulldlDg), Lancaster, between the hours of 4 and 5p7 m., en MONDAY, AUGUST 22, at which place the specifications en which bids must be based may be seen after SATURDAY, AUGUST 13. All proposals must be sealed and endorsed "Proposals ler Turnpike," and must be ac companied by a bend, with sufficient sureties, in double the amount of the bid. The Beard reserves the right te reject any and all proposals. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD. A. C. Iltus, Secretary. augl2-2tdftltw AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL THE first section et the ordinance of April S. 1827. Be it ordained by Select and Common Councils or the City of Lancaster, that the first section of the ordinance et April 3, 1827, confining the sale et shad, in the City of Lan caster, te Vine street, between Seuth Queen and Seuth Duke streets, be and is hereby re pealed. Ordained and enacted into a law, at the city et Lancaster, en the 3d day et August, 188L JOHN LEVEKGOOD. President Common Council. Hkrbert Jornsteit, Clerk et Common Council. ROBERT A. EVANS, President Select Council. J. K. Barr, Clerk et Select Council. Approved August 11, 1881. - JNO. T. MacGONIGLE. ali-3td Mayer. THIRD EDITION. FRIDAY BVBHIMO. AUG. 13, 1881. SLEPT WELL. FEVER SUBSIDING. A FAVORABLE REPORT. The OScUl Morning Bulletin. Executive Mansion, Washington, D. C, August 12.-8:90 a. m. The president slept well the greater part of the night. The fever of yesterday afternoon subsided during the evening and has net been per ceptible since 10 p. m. His general con dition this morning is geed. Pulse, 100; temperature, 98.6, respiration, 19. Signed D. W. Buss, J. K. Barnes, J. J. Woedwabd, Robt. Rkybubn, F. H. Hamilton. Doing Well Te-Day. Executive Mansion, Washington, D. C, Aug. 11, 12:30 p. m. Official Bulletin. The president has passed a comfortable night. He continues te take, without re pugnance, the liquid nourishment allowed, and ate with relish for breakfast, a larger quantity of solid feed than he took yester day. At present his pulse is 100; tempera ture 99.3; respiration 19. Signed D. W. Buss, J. E. Barnes, J. J. Woodward, kebt. HETBUBN, Frank H. Hamilton. All Well ac 3 1. M. Executive Mansion, Washington, D. C, Aug. 122 r. m. Unofficial Bul letin. Since the 12:30 p. m. bulletin there has been no material change in the president's condition. At this hour he is doing very well, there is no mere fever than was noted at the last official buletin and the patient is resting quietly. Or. Bliss's Misfortune. Washington, Aug. 12. When Dr. Bliss returned te the White Heuse te attend the midday examination te-day, he carried his arm in a sling. Upen being asked the cause therefer, the doctor said, " I have received a little pus poisoning." Further inquiry elicited the information that during the operation which was per formed en the presiHnt en Monday morn ing, the doctor accidentally struck the instrument which had been used te make the incision, receiving a small cut en his forefinger. The wound, although slight, became irritated and is new con siderably swollen, and it is supposed that with tbe cut he received some of the pus which had adhered te the instrument. DR. AGNEW DISCLAIMS Responsibility for HU' Alleged " Views " Published In m Newspaper. Executive Mansion, Washington, Aug. 12. The following was received te-day. Iu the Philadelphia Timet of August 8th, 1881, a communication appeared which professes te present my views in regard te several points connected with President Garfield's wound. As this article has been made the basis of an editorial en the same subject in the New Yerk Herald, and has, I understand, been the subject of cemment in ether papers, I deem it my duty te say mac in no particular ie tne details given represent my views of the case, nor were they ever given by me te any representa tive of the press. Signed D. Hayes Agnew, 1611 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. HOT. Unparalleled Weather in Bfauitoea, Winnepeg, Man., Aug. 12. The tem perature during the last fortnight has ranged from 73 te 91 degrees. This is said te be without parallel in the history of the country. 108 Degrees. Quincy, 111., Aug., 12. Yesterday was the hottest day in fourteen years, the mercury registering 108 degrees. A star Keuter Defeated. Washington, Aug. 12. In the case of increased and expedited star route mail service, Aleman's appeal from settlement of the sixth auditor te the first comptroller of the treasury, Judge Lawrence te day affirmed the decision of the sixth auditor which was in effect that the increase of 50 per cent, en original contracts only could be allowed en expedited service and net 50 per cent, en each trip when a route might be changed from a weekly te a daily ene. Cleared or a Heinous Charge. Wilmamspekt, Pa., Aug. 12. Samuel Miller, who was arrested last week, charged with causing the death of his father by poison, se as te obtain the in surance en his life, was discharged from custody te-day. The charge couldn't in any way be substantiated. injured in a Mine. Tbement, Pa., Aug. 12. The miners at Colket colliery struck a feeder of gas this morning, which ignited from the open lights, and an explosion ensued. Jonathan Reineel and Willam Brennan, inside bosses, and Peter Greager and Gee. Hoverocker, miners, were badly burned, but it is thought net fatally. Saratoga Races. Saratoga, Aug. 12. First lace: Per plex first, Lest Cause second, MacDufl third. Second race: Checkmate first, Belle of the Highlands second, Edelweiss third. Third race: Eele first, Getaway second; only two ran. Deatn of a Prominent Klngstenlan, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Aug. 12. Alexan der J. Pringle, a wealthy and prominent citizen of Kingsten, died this morning, aged 65 years. He was well known throughout the state. Tne Ready Pistol. Galveston, Tex., Aug. 11. A special despatch te the Neve from Walda, dated yesterday, says a sheeting affray occurred last night at the Frie river, between two Mexicans named Hansom and Flercs, which resulted in the fatal wounding of the latter. Hansom escaped. Meedy's Meetings. Springfield, Mass., Aug. 12. The Meedy meetings at Nerthfleld continue te attract people from a distance,Ta party from Canada and one from the Wyoming Valley, being included in the late arrivals. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Aug 12. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, warmer, fair weather, followed by increasing cloudiness and local rain, westerly windB, lower pressure. Acquitted. Chicago, Aug. 12. A speeial te the Times from Effingham, this state, says : " Hiram Maynard, who had been arrested in Colerado and brought here en the charge of murder, was acquitted yesterday at his preliminary examination." et PniLAamraXA. Aug. 12. Fleur Market streng: Superfine, $3 253 73; ex tra H 2S4M 75 ; Ohie ft Indiana family, at n 00S 88; Pennsylvania family 13 730 600; St. Leuis dO$S 23063X; Minnesota Extra S5 73)6 25: de straight, s 37H86f; winter patent $S 757 5 ; spring de 7 0$)7 75. Bye flour at MOMS . . Wheat excited aadadvanclag ; Ne. West ern Bed $1 X; Dl. aad Feaa'a Red tl 3S 0130; de Amber SI 381 SL ' Cera-exerted -and higher; sUaer. SB 62c; sail yellow SSMSKe; sail mixed, 62) , 63c;e. 3,mlxed7lc. , ' Oats strong and higher; Nev-lWhR. 46e ; Na 2. de 43c; Ne. 3, de 4M; Ne. 2, Mixed, UUe. Rv nominal at 73a7Sc. Previsions market and pricts firm perk S18 2M1S 50; beet aams, a 9S0S; India mess beet 93s OS. Bacen Smoked shoulders 89V alt de pickled 7K8c: smoked hams 12K4J13K eams, IV0UXO. Lard imarket firmer: city kettle Ml 87012 ; loose butchers' at $112301130; prime steam 11 62K9U 73. Butter strong, choice grades scarce; Creamery extra Western at 36; Pennsylva nia at 28030c; de geed te choice 22025c Bradford county aud New Yerk extra, 23024O ; firsts, 20022c Rolls steady ; Pennsylvania 15010c ; Western, Xggs firmer en local scarcity; Penn 17)c; Western 16c Cheese Market and prices steady ; New Yerk full cream 10)jc ; Western fuU creaas tjrc; de fair te geed, Ji0c. Petroleum firm; Refined 7Xc. Whisky scarce and higher at SI IX Seeds-Geed te prime Clever Jobbing at 80 8c; Timethy firm at a 0903 10; de flax seed firmer at SI 28 for spot. NOW XOTB! marftm. Naw ebk. Aug. 12. Fleur State and West ern stronger, moderately active ; Superfine State $4 1004 80 ; extra de 14800310 ; choice de S3 1505 25: fancy de S3 3006 73: round hoop ume sa evsjs 3D : cneice ae ss xm ; supernne western $4 1004 80 ; common te geed ex tra de $4 800525 : choice de $S S0O6 73 ; choice white wheat de. at SB 250C 25. Southern firm; common te fair extra S3 15 66 23 ; geed te choice de 86 3007 SO. Wheat feverish and excited : VAdVUc higher: 4I2iC Ne. 2 Red. August, $1 31Jil 32 ; co September, tl 31Xai3lJi; de October. $1 34Vfl Zi; de November, 91 37 ; de December, $1 39. Cern Market IfllJic higher and active; specnlrtlve business : mixed western spot, KQWXc : de future, SSvjti&Xc. Oatsc higher and fairly active ; State, 4653c; Western. 44Q53KC : Including Ne. 2 Aug., 41414c ; de Sept., S9439e ; de Oc tober. 4030c. Uratn and Prevision Uuotatleaa. One o'clock quotations of grain and provis previs ions, furnished by S. K. Yundt, Breker, 15 .Bast nmg street. Chicago. Aug. Wheat $ 1.25 Cern 8M Oats 35 Perk 17.67K Lard PinXADBXrHIA. Aug. Wheat $ L3H Cern a Aug. 12. Oc. Sent. 1.17K X 17.70 11.37K Sept, SL& . .65 1.17 Oct. 1.3JJ Neeu Quotations of tne Grain Market Furnished by Jacob U. Leng, Commission Breker. Chicaoe. Ang. Wheat 1.25 34K 17.72& 11.40 Sept. Oct. 1.17J5 .was Year. 1.165 Oct: .31 .34) 17.7V 17.13 11.40 11.42K Sept. Oot. 1 Mk $ L3SK . .66J Cern Oats JrOrKeeee PniLADELrniA. Aug. Wheat LSOjK Live Steek'Markets. Chicaoe. Hogs Receipts. 19,000 head ; ship ments, 4.3U0 head ; best Una ; common weak ; mixed pecking. 1006 45; lights, tS 40080; choice heavy, 9ii COjjG 85 ; skips and culls, 994) 6 10. Cattle Receipts, 6,500 head; shipments, 3,80) head; market steady and fairly active; experts, 9636 40; geed te choice shipping. 95 5035 90 ; common te fair, 94 6035 20 : butch ers' in geed demand at 922504 25; steckera' and feeders, 930390; common Texansl015c higher and active at 93 1003 25 ; wintered Tex ans, 933034 ; half-breeds and natives, 93 500 4 55 : dairy calves, $11015 ft head. Sheep Receipts, 400 ;head; shipments, 200 head ; market active and strong ; common te choice, 93 3005 ; Texaus, 93 5003 90. East Libkbtt. Cattle Receipts, 1,411 head ; nothing doing ; leellng unchanged. Hogs KeceintB. 1.500 bead: Philadelphias. 96 2587; Yorkers, 96250650. Sheep Receipts 1,400 Ticad ; no sales ; feeling unchanged. stecKStaraec New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks also United States Bends reported dally by Jacob B. Lohe, N. E. Cor. Centre Square. Naw Yerk Stocks. Stocks strong. Aug. 12. a- st. r. m. r. m. 10:00 10 3:09 Meney. 2K03 .... Chicago A North Western 125 126-X 125 Chicago. Mil. ft St. Paul 114 115 114 Canada Southern w 66)4 65)2 C. C. A I. C. R. R. 22 .... 22J2 Del., Lack. Western . 1243 125Ji 124)5 ueiawanj a iiuubuii isuiisi...... nvyt llnff, liu uenvcr c iuu unuiue... Hannibal A St. Joe 99 9! 98 94 93 Lake Shere ft Mich. Southern.. 123X 124X 123 Manhattan isievutcd Michigan Central Missouri, Kanens ft Texas... N. Y..Lake Eric ft Western. UK JJt 17 97J2 98J 97 J2 4i 43 43 44 43 L m m New Jersey Central 96 m. x., untaries western.... New Yerk Central Ohie ft Mississippi Pacific Mall Steamship Ce. St. Paul ft Omaha de Preferred Central Pacific .. et 071, ym .. 143J2 144Ji 143 -. 38 S7 37 ..52 52 51 .. 41K 41'X 41 103)4 103 104 S Texas Pacinc Union Pacific Wabash, St. Leuis ft Pacific... " Preferred. Western Union Tel. Ce PHU.ADM.PniA. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania R. R ilJ Reading Wi Lchlirh Vallev 62 Lehigh Navigation , Buffalo, Pitts, ft Western.. Northern Central Northern Pacific. , " Prelerred Ilcstenvllle. ....... .......... 41 54 41 82 41 82 Philadelphia ft Erie K. R Iowa Gulch Mining Uhitsd Statks Bends. k w. 1:00 United States 4 per cents lf&X " 4 114 5 " 102 3 " 102 Lecal stocks and Henda. Par Las LancClty C- per ct. Lean, due 1882.. .9100 910 " 1885... 100 114 " " 1890... 109 118.;t " " 1895... 100 1 " 5 per ct. in 1 or 30 years. . 100 105 ' Sperct. Scheel Lean.... 100 112 " 4 " In ler 20 years.. 100 103 " 4 " In 5 or 20 years.. 100 103.5O " 4 " In 10 or 20 years. 100 105 HISCKIXA1TEOU8 BONDS. Quarry ville R. R., due 1893 9100 9114 Reading ft Columbia R. R due 1882 loe I0i3e Lancaster Watch Ce., due 1886 100 100JS Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., due In ler 20 years 100 108.59 Lancaster Uas Light and Fuel Ce., due 188(5 100 I0S Stevens Heuse .. 100 70 BARK STOCKS. First National Bank. 9100 9170ba Farmers' National Bank 50 102.5 Lancaster County National Bank.. SO 102.29 Columbia National Bank 100 140 Epbrata National Bank 10 First National Bank, Columbia.. .. 100 135 First National Bank, Strasburg.... 100 134.5b First National Bank, Marietta 100 , 2e2.Br First National Bank. Mount Jey.. 100,, 145 75 Lititz National Bank 100 Manheim National Bank 100 14L3- Union National Bank. Mount Jey. 00 70M- TUBSriKK STOCKS. Big Spring ft Beaver Valley 9 25 9 10.2 Bridgeport ; u ae Columbia ft Chestnut Hill 25 Columbia ft Washington 23 Columbia ft Big Spring 25 Lancaster ft Ephrata 25 Lane., Ellzabetht'n ft Mlddlet'n 100 Lancaster ft Frultvllle. M Lancaster AILltitz..... ...... ......... 3d Lancaster ft WlUhunstewn 25 Lancaster ft Maner.. ...... .......... 50 Lancaster A Manheim 25 Lancaster ft Marietta........ 25 Lancaster A New Helland 100 Lancaster 4 Susquehanna. 300 Lancaster A WBIew Street 25 Strasburg ft Millport..... 25 Marietta ft Maytown 25 Marietta ft Mount Jey. 25 MSCXUAKEOCS STOCKS. Quarryville R. R. 9 50 Millersville Street Car. 50 Inquirer Printing Company 50 Watch Factory...... 100 Uas Light and Fuel Company. ... 25 Stevens Heuse 100 Columbia Gas Company.. Columbia Water Company Susquehanna Iren Company 100 Marietta HoUewware 100 18 20 14.1 47.2S 01 SO turn OR 9t 40.1ft ,21 40 93.95 25 40 115 bi. 3 75.10 MuTta O Ol-K .... UJf 125 120 126 H 5m M74 88 m 88 soy, 9a seji 32 .11 .... 612 ... 45 .... 22 .... 541? 41 81 22 2$ m mi I 2i -'I 1 J SI