Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 10, 1881, Image 3

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Scheel beard meeting te-morrow even
ing. The Pennsylvania track indicator car
passed through here this morning.
Great preparation are being made for a
fruit festival te be held in the E. . Luth
eran lecture loom, some time this month
by the Ladies Aid society of that church.
The regular monthly business meeting
of the Citizens' band will be held in their
room this evening. Members arc requested
te be present.
''A comical fight took place en Union
street last evening between a Dutchman
and Iiishman ; every time they struck
at each ether they would shut their eyes.
Neither paity received any injury.
The Gcras" will give another entcr-
. tainment for the benefit of the peer next
month. As a number of persons out of
town will take part the pregramme will be
a geed one.
A little white boy while attempting te
cress :i freight train in motion fell and had
his head cut, besides being hint about the
hands ui:d knees.
A coleicd man last evening attempted
te take a eircus ticket from a little girl and
would have succeeded had it net been for
the iiitcrfcicnee of two white men who put
the rascal te llight.
Our efliceis wcie all en the lookout yes
tci day for drunk and disorderly persons,
but none could be found. What a wonder
and en a circus day, tee.
In last night's performance as Mr. Win.
(ienium was lirfing his lightning hurdle
act, his horse, in attempting te leap a
high gale, had his feet caught between the
liars and was tin own te the ground, Mr.
German making a narrow escape, by giv
ing an up and eutwaid leap, landing safely
upon the edge of the ring.
A laige dieve el cattle, numbering fifty
live, passed through town this morning,
coming from Yerk county.
Mr. Wm. 15. Given leaves te day en a
business trip te Albien, New Yerk; Miss
Kva Fondersmith, of Lancaster, is the
guest of Miss Lilly Wilsen; Miss Maggie
Ziciilcr is viniling friends in Baltimore.
This; morning a meeting oftlie owners
and pcisens who taught the boom legs
which came down last month was held in
Kquiie (filer's eilicc, and as te morrow :s
the day -n which the catchers of the legs
must he paid, it was decided te pay them
and have t'ie legs marked, and, unless this
is done, the catchers will be the rightful
ewneis of the legs.
Yesleui.iy afternoon Mr. Leuis Ljcb, of
Philadelphia, in company with a number
of Columbia ladies, went te the eircus.
They all et en one seat, with the excep
tion of Leuis. Iy some cause or ether
the seat upon which the ladies were sit
ting, slipped off at one end, and had it net
been for the ipiicknt-ss and strength of
Mr. Lech, who caught and held the seat,
the ladies would have had a terrible fall
which ini;;hl have ended in serious results.
As it. was the ladies weie a great deal
frightened, while Leuis was showered with
thanks and praises for his bravery.
Se much lias been said ( but nothing
done) about tiueks and wheelbarrows
being run en our pavements that there is
net much mere te add. Yesterday as
Chief burgess Sneath was walking along
Frent stivet he was startled by some one
shouting "leek out there !" Turning he
saw a truck coining ri"ht behind and near
him. lie erdcicd it te be run into the
street, but no attention was paid te him.
Will the burgess pass this matter coely
hy :
As two repeileis of the Lancaster
apcrs, one of whom was the Col
umbia eei respondent of the Examiner, was
crossing Seuth Second street, comparing
notes, they saw what appeared te be a
seventeen- car locust, dragging another
locust. The Examiner icpertcr was
told te kill ii, and with cautious step he
stele upon the unsuspecting insect, lie ami gave a quick stamp,
misM'd the locust, and the next moment
was crossing thestieet at. a time which
would have shiimed Maud S., with the
locust following him. Kwry minute or
two his note book would lie seen at the
hack part of his head trying te scare-the
new aroused insect. The ether reporter
thinking ' discretion the better part of
valor," also made himself scarce. It. was
a laughable but dangerous scene.
The emus has come and gene, and Col
umbia has again set itself down te its reg
ular routine of business. Twe large and
hiuhly appreciative audiences witnessed
the performances ycsleulay afternoon and
evening, and te say that they weie pleased
would besetting it down te a very low
mark. Our citizens have net since the
day et Dan Iticc scen a performance that
could equal it. There was net au artu-t
who was net master of his or her part.
The menagerie was smaller than we c
pectcd te. sec, but. the animals was very
mic, some never befeie seen here.
Mr. Ike Ilinkle has pin chased tlieeiicrs
bill be.tsils. and this uieining the weik of
tearing them down and hauling them
away began. As one of the teams was
coming up ever the embankment nearly
opposite the. Pennsylvania railroad depot
one of the horses fell and could net get up.
The ether h.rse becoming frightened
began jumping and kiekiug and get his
leg fastened in the harccss of the
that was down, from which he was loosen
ed by cutting s-ve:al pieces of the har
ness Mr. .lull ii l'entlrich, tobacconist, who,
a few months age, advanced his em
ployees' wages te fiO cents per thousand
cigars, has again increased it from 50 cents
te 1. Mr. Fcudrich has one of the
largest tobacco trades in the state, and
this increase of wages, without it being
asked, shows that his business is surely
gaining ground. If our ether tobacco
dealeis euld fellow the example set by
Mr. Fcudrich, it would net only better the
condition of their employees but would
also be el" advantage te our town.
Attempted te !re:ik Jail.
Jehn Te! ii n and Ike Buzzard attempted
te get out of jail yesterday afternoon.
These men occupied cell Ne. C'2 en one of
the upper tiers. About three o'clock iu
the afternoon, as Utidci keeper Mnrr was
making his 1 emuls, he discovered Tobin
iu thcact of filing oH'enc of the iron guards
of the transom with his cigar knife. The
guard was almost cut oil when the meu wcic
caught, but even if they had succeeded in
cutting them oil" it would have been difii
"cult for them te have get into the yard,
as the opening is very small. Ike Buzzard
is well-known, as he was a member of the
gang who attempted te escape en Sunday.
Tobin is iu jail for robbing the office of
Dr. Boyd an4 he has four months te serve
Run Over.
This morning as Sells Brethers' Million
aire Confederation of Stupendous Railroad
Shows was passing the Stevens house,
two small boys, whose names we did net
asceitain attempted te climb upon a coun
try wagon which was following the show.
By some mishap they fell, and the wheel
of the wagon passed ever the head of one
of them, and the back or the ether. The
driver who ran ever them was se absorbed
iu contemplating the big show that he
never stepped te leek back at the damage
done by his team. The boys were carried
into Jehn Il.Pcarsel's printing office where
they were properly cared for. and they
seen afterwards .started for their homes
without telling who they were.
unusual Mortality.
Te day Fred. Brimmer, liveryman, had
no less ban four funerals te leek after
and yesterday he had three ; and besides
these there were one or two ether funerals
in the city. Yesterday afternoon there
were thrce funeral corteges en North Duke
street within half an hour.
A Oec Noted Burglar rawing Away in an
Philadelphia Press.
Lying at the point of death in the Mont
gomery county almshouse is one of the
most noted criminals of years gene
hv. "ftnhert CoeDer. better known
as Old Beb Ridley, is the name of
the pauper who thirty years age
sprang into prominence en account of
his connection with a danng bnrglary
committed in Lancaster county. Fer this
offense he received but five years, and as
seen as he was released he became the lead
ing spirit in a gang of counterfeiters which
infested Lancaster county and for a long
long while carried en their nefarious
occupation .in defiance of the law.
He is new 75 years of age and
has spent most of his time in prison.
Years age, while incarcerated in the
Eastern penitentiary, he made knives,
forks and ether articles from the bones
which were served in the soup furnished
the convicts. These trinkets were sold for
his benefit, and many who have new grown
te maturity will probably remember hav
ing purchased his curiosities
A Deg Shet.
Yesterday a large vicious terrier deg,
belonging te Philip Graybill, Seuth Water
street, was shot en account of his bad
practices. About two weeks age while
chained in the yard he bit a boy, who ap ap ap
proachedteo closely, but did net hurt him
seriously. A day or two age Dr. Bolenius,
who had occasion te visit the premises,
was seized by the deg, who sank his
tusks through the doctor's beet and into
his great tee. The deg was then killed, it
requiring two shots and several blows
from an axe te end his miserable life.
Wagons Wrecked.
Yesterday two wagons heavily leaded
with lumber, broke down en the Millers
villc pike, near the normal school, and had
the hind wheels tern off. The accident ap
pears te have been caused partly by the
track of the horse railroad and partly by
the carelessness of the drivers, who were
intoxicated. One of the wrecked lumber
wagons ran against two carnages stand
ing in front of the normal school and some
what damaged them.
Air. Slieiik'ti Insurance salt.
IL M. North and William Leaman, csqs.,
counsel for Mrs. R. W. Shenk, have
brought suit against the Mutual life in
surance company of New Yerk for the re-,
cevcry or $20,000 (net $5,000, as erro
neously stated yesterday), the amount of
the four insurance policies held by the late
Mr. Shenk in the company named, which
has declined te pay ever the money.
Deuble Apple.
Peter Ililler, of Conestoga, this morning
presented us with a double apple. The
stem is single at its point of union with the
bough, but is separated into two distinct
branches a short distance below. The
apple has double blossom mark, double
core and in shape perfect spheres, con
nected by a narrow strip, something after
the manner of " the double headed girl."
A Gang or Tramps.
Frem information received, Officers
Shay, Crcmcr and Lcraan went te New
Danville and arrested a gang of eleven
tramps who had been disturbing and dep
redating en the residents of that vicinity.
They were locked up for a hearing before
Alderman Spurrier at 2 o'clock te-morrow.
Runaway Accident.
Yesterday afternoon as Jehn Ochs's
business wagon was being driven en Mid
dle street, his Iiorse took fright at some
thing and ran oft". The wagon was badly
broken and the feed with which it was
leaded spilled upon the street.
Gnne te Ceney Island.
W. C. Buchmillcr left for Ceney Islaud
this morning te spend a week or mere.
Excursion Register.
Saturday, Aug. 13. Uinggeid Band Excursion
te Atlantic City via. Reading read, $3. Three
Thursday, Aug. IS. Clark & Schmidt's ex
cursion te Atlantic City. Twe days, $3.
Klnggeld Band Excursion
te Atlantic Cily en Saturday, August 13.
Round trip tickets geed for three days, $3.
Petersburg, Miiuhcim, Bruckharts, Landls
ville, Lititz and Kphrata, $2.73. Train leaves
Lancaster (King street) at 4:10a. in.; Columbia,
4:10; ManlJ.'iiii, 4:15; Lititz. 4:.V, See circulars
and hill-;. jy2S,30,iiug3,,S,llft2lw
Rcuutifit-s the complexion hy stimulating
the s.nall bleed ve-sels Cuticur.i Medicinal
City IIIII festers.
Carben & liciibel, city bill pesters and dis
Uihuters, eillce Intkllihkxcki: building, Ne. (
S.iuth Queen street.
A loed and a medicine arc combined In the
m(wt perfect manner hv Malt Hitters.
Irlinn or Mali.
Impotence et mind, limb, or vital liinctieu,
nervous weakness sexual debility &c, cured
by Wells' Health Eenewcr. $1. At Druggists.
Depot Jehn F. Leng ft Sens, Lancaster.
Ge te II. IS. Cochran's lrug store, 137 North
Queen stivet, ler Jr. J&eeman,s iVn Abv
tienal Dyes. Ker brightness ami durability et
coler.are uncqualcd. Celer from 2 to5peuiids.
Directions in English and German, l'rice. 15
cents. .
Mive ettr Hair rkvi it Beautiful.
The " Londen Hair Celer Restorer" Is the
most delightful article cvcriintroduccd;te the
American people and Is totally different Irem
all ether Ilutr Restorers, being entirely free
Irem all impure ingredients that rentier many
ether articles for the liiiir obnoxious. Where
baldness or falling of the hair exists, or prema
ture gniyness, from sickness or ether causes,
its ue will restore tiie natural youthful color,
and cause a healthy growth, cleansing the
sculp Irem all impurities, dimdrutr, etc., at the
.same time a most pleasing and lasting hair
dressing, lragrantly perfumed, rendering It
salt and pliable, making it an indispensable
article in every toilet. Ask your druggist for
Londen Hair Celer Restorer. Price 7.r cents a
bottle. Six bottles, $4. Main depot ler the
United States, XX) North Sixth street, Philadel-
phla. mll-lvdTTliAF&w
A Cough, Celd or bore Tiireat should ee
stepped. Neglect Irequently results in an In.
curable Lung Disease or Consumption.
Brown's) Bronchial Troches de net disorder
the stomach like cough syrups and balsams,
but act directly en the Inflamed parts, allaying
irritation, give relict in Asthma, Bronchial
Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles
which Singers and Public Speakers are subject
te. l-'or thirty years .Brown's Bronchial
Trecncs have been recommended by physi
cians, and always give perfect satisfaction.
Having been tested by wide and constant use
for nearly an entire generation, they liave at
tained welt-merited rank among the lew staple
remedies of the age. Sold at 25 cents a box
everywhere. re8-lvdTTliftS&lyw
Itching e lies sjl"ptem ana Cure.
The symptoms arc moisture, like persplra
tien, intense itching, increased by scratching,
very distressing, particularly at night, as if
pin worms were crawling in ami about the
rectum the private parts are sometimes af
lected ; If allowed te continue very serious re
sults may lollew. Dr. Swayne's All-Healing
Ointment is a pleasant sure cure. Alse for
fetter, itch, salt rheum, scald hcadj Erysipelas,
barber's itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty, cuta cuta
neous eruptions. Price, 50 cents, three boxes
for $12.-i. Sent by mall te any address en re
ceipt of price in currency or thrce cent post
age stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swayne ft
Sen, :Ki0 North Sixth street. Philadelphia Pa.
Sold by all prominent druggists.
i unc23-3indM ffSiw
Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound
revives the drooping spirits ; invigorates and
harmonizes the organic functions; gives elas
ticity and llrmncss te the step, restores the
natural lustre te the eye, and plants en the
pale cheek et beauty the fresh roses et lire's
spring and early summer time.
Lace Buntings, Fancy Dress Goods and Plaids.
in addition te above we shall offer a great drive in
Black Silts aM Blact CasMeres
Wcewn these goods at prices never purchased se low before and will offer them te
our customers at a small profit. .. . , . .
Until September 1st we shall close at C o'clock, Saturdays excepted.
Dry Goods and Carpet Heuse,
Hay Kever.
Mi. a i a,-i,iv TlinnniirtHt Newark. N.
J. Having bfen severely alllicted ter eleven
venra wiiii iinv Kever. after trvlng almost
everything without avail, I gave up all hop.'s
or being cured, when i purcnaseu ei you a
box of Ely's Cream Balm. Te my surprise,
alter a few applications, I was entirely re
lieved. U. iVaisen Harris, Letter Carrier, Ne.
14, New P. O., Newark, . .1.
Mkssks. White ft Burdick, Druggists, Ithaca,
N. Y- 1 recommend te these suffering (as I
have been) with Hay Fever, Ely's Cream
Balm. Having tried nearly all the remedies I
could find, and give tills a decided preference
ever them all. It has given me immediate re
lief. C. T. Stephens, Hardware Merchant,
Ithaca, N. V. Sept, C, ISA). Price 50 cents.
The Tidy Housewife.
The careful, tidy heuewire, when she is giv
ing her house Its spring cleaning, should bear
in mind that the dear inmates or her hcfcse are
mere precious tlian houses, and that their sys
tems need cleansing by purifying the bleed,
regulating the stomach and bowels te prevent
and cure the diseases arising from spring ma
laria and miasma, and she should knew that
there is nothing that will de itse perfectly and
surely as Hep Bitters, the purest and. best or
all medicines. See ether column.
Frank Bar.Ial, North Bennett street Buffalo,
says : " 1 have tried your Spring Blessem as
a family medicine and haveneverceme across
anything te de se mucli geed in se short a
.time in cases el indigestion, dyspepsia and de
rangement et the stomach ; I strongly recom
mend it." Price 50 cents. Fer sale at II. B.
Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street,
flletnera! Metneraii mothers It
Arc you disturbed at night and broken of
your rest by a sick child suffcrtug and crying
with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T
If sc, go at once and get a bottle of MUS.
lieve the peer lltUc sufferer Immediately de
pend upon it; there Is no mistake about it.
There is net a mother en earth who has ever
used it, who will net tell you at once that it
will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the
mother, and relief and health te the child,
operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te
use in all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and
is the prescription et one et the eldest and
bast female physician and nurses in the
United States. Sold everywhere ; 25 cents a
uettle. nmrMvdftwM.WftS
"I Don't Wttut a Plaser,"
said a sick man te a druggist, " can't you give
me something te cure me?" His symptoms
were a lame back and disordered urine and
were a sine indication of kidney disease. The
druggisttoldhimte use Kidney-Wert and in
a short time it effected a complete cure. liave
you these symptoms ? Tikui get a box or bottle
te-day before you become incurable. Itis the
cure; safe und sure. Knexvillc Republican.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kexewer
Is a scientific combination et some or the most
powerful restorative agents in the vegetable
kingdom. It restores gray hair te its original
color. It makes the scalp white and clean. It
cures dandruff and humors, und liilling-eut of
the hair. Itlurnishcs the nutritive principle
by which the hair is nourished and supported.
It makes the hair moist, soft and glossy, and Is
unsurpassed as a hair dressing. It is the most
economical preparation ever offered te the
public, us its effects remain a long time, mak
ing only an occasional application necessary.
It is recommended and used by eminent medi
cal men, anil officially endorsed by the State
Assayeret Massachusetts. The popularity et
Hall's Hair Kenewcr lias increased with the
test et many years, both in lliiiceiintry and in
foreign lands, and it is new known and used
iu alt the civilized countries et the world, ler
sale by all dealers. " au4-Iwdcedftw
31 Alt It I AG JtS.
Wilev Imhefp On the 9th el August, 1831,
by the Rev. W. T. Gerhard, at ids residence.
Ne. 31 East Orange street. Mr. William Wiley
te Miss Anna L. Imhoff, betli et I-uncaster
city. ltd
Oswald In this city, en the 8th inst..
Clarissa, wile of Edmund Oswald, in the 4-.M
year of her age.
The relatives ami friends of the family arc
respectfully invited te attend the funei al, from
the residence ether husband, 6 II Seuth Queen
street, en Thursday atternoen at 2 o'clock.
Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. Leb
anon papers please copy. 2td
WiLSOir. !n this city, en August 10, 1881, Mrs.
Anna Wilsen, iu the 73d year of her age.
Her relatives and friends are respectfully in
vited te attend the funeral, from the residence
et her son, Jeseph Wilsen, Ne. 31 Leve Jane, en
Friday morning at 9 o'clock. Services and in
terment at the Old Mcnnenile meeting house,
en the Millersville turnpike. 2td
Ccmsiises. August 9, 1831, in this city. Harry
Arthur, only child of W. Parke and Addie A.
Cummings, aged 9 months and 18 days.
-The relatives and friends arc invited te at
tend the funeral, from the residence et his
parents, 23 East Lemen street, en Thursday
afternoon, August 11, at 4 o'clock. Interment
at Lancaster cemetery. ltd
Fer County Commissiener:
FP.ANK CLARK, or Strasburg township
Su'-ject te the choice et the Democratic coun
ty convention. tprfi-d&wtp
ADAM S. IHETEIcn, of Maner township.
Subject te the decision or the Democratic
county convention.
HENRY F. HARTMAN (Lime Burner), el
East Lampeter township. Subject te the choice
oftlie Democratic county convention.
Borough. Subject te the decision or the Dem
ocratic ceuntv convention. apl3-d&wtp
J ERE MOIILEE. Ephrata. Subject te the
decision or the Democratic cennty conven
tion. uprll-dAwtp
ISAIAH McKILLIPS, et Lancaster ctty,
subject te the choice et the Democratic County
Convention. Jly29-lnid
Ker County Auditer:
JOHN S. BROWN, of Drumerc township.
Subject te Democratic rules. m27-dwtp
JOHN L. LIGUTNER, of Leacock township.
Subject te the decision or the Democratic
ceuntv convention. uprlS-tfdAw
JAMES P. MARSH, et Salisbury township.
subject te Democratic rules. aug3-tfd4w
Democratic County Committee.
There will be a meeting of the Dejcocbatie
Ceuntv CeiiiiiTTEU at Slieber's -Hetel, Lancas
ter, at 10 a. m., en Monday, August 15, te fix
the time of the County Convention. A full
attendance et Hid i. lumbers is requested.
Jv27-tdd&w Chairman.
ONLY 83.00.
Secure your tickets at once for the best ex
cursion e'r ttie season, for sale at all stations.
Persons can step at Philadelphia, saving
$1.10 ever regular fare.
We have secured the best et cars and accom
modations. "There is no recreation like that te be had
en an excursion te the seaside. Ge by all
means." New lira.
J. 5
New is the time te get that
We offer a
Cor. W. King and Prince Streets,
rArjCRUAxaimis, at.
We make te order all kinds et
Fer Deers and Windows. We liave Extension
Frames for Windows ready te taek the wire
en, and put them up'in such a manner that
you need net remove thPin when you close
the window.
Plain, Figured ami Landscape Wires sold by
the loot or put up as above.
An Attractive rjtoeket"
for tliis season of the year. Seme bargains in
cuds that we wish te close out.
in Plain and Figured, Fixtures, Cords, Tassels,
Leeps. Paper Shades. Hollands. Ac.
EXTENSION CORNICES, the best in the
market. Curtain Poles, Trimmings, &c.
Orders taken ler Fine Pier and Mantel Mir Mir
ters. PHARES W. FRY,
The undersigned offers at private sale a
property consisting et seven lets or ground in
the town et Sprlngvtlle, Lancaster county, at
the station en the Pennsylvania Railroad,
about one mile west of Mount Jey and near
the Lancaster & Harrisburg turnpike. The
improvements arc a two-storied Frame Heuse
21x24 feet, used as a Railroad Station and Ticket
Office, a Frame Warehouse 24x28 feet, and
Ceal and Lumber Yard, with about 2C0 feet et
Ceal Shedding, New Fairbank's Scales ere ten
capacity ; 300 Feet et Railroad Siding. Trestle
work for dumplmr coal, with space ter exten
sion or same. Buildings mostly new and every
thing in geed order. Location pleasant, In a
thickly settled agricultural neighborhood and
a rast improving town, with no rival business
in the town. Has an established coal trade,
and capacity and advantages te de a geed
shipping business and increased passenger
travel. Price $9.000 en reasonable terms. Fer
further information address
Spring Garden P. O.,
Ic20-4ni'1 Lancaster County, Pa.
housework. A rare chance offered. Ap
ply at this office jy28-2wd
roeking and general housework in a
small family. Wages $2 te $4 per week, accord
ing te competency. Call at this office. at-ttd
An endowed Christian institution of the
highest grade. Separate Courses in Classics
and Science, and a Department for Ladies.
Tuition S40 per annum, includingall branches;
Ample Library ; complete apparatus; Faculty
et seven. Heard $4 and $5 per week. Ninth
year begins September 5th. Fer Catalogue
REV. JAMES McDOUqALL, Jr., Ph. D., Pres
ident, or s. SMALL. jyl3-mced
But the Presidential Pulse Still Higb.
Tbe Herning Bulletin.
Executive Mansion, "Washington, D.
C, Aug. 10, 8 a. m. Official. The
president slept soundly daring tbe night
and this morning his temperature is again
normal, although his pulse is still frequent.
At present it is 104, temperature 98.5,
respiration 19.
Signed D. TV. Bliss,
J. K. Barnes,
J. J. Woodward,
Robt. Reybtjrn.
Entire Subsidence of Fever.
Executive Mansiex, Washington, Aug.
10.-10:11 p. m. Unofficial bulletin. The
continuous fever, which has been the most
marked feature of the president's case for
the past three or fenr days, subsided entire
ly during the night, and the patient's tem
perature this morning was normal for the
first time since Sunday. The breaking of
the fever was followed by a profuse per
spiratien, and the rather high pulse shown
by the morning bulletin is probably due
te weakness resulting therefrem. The
discharge of pus at the morning drcssingwas
unusually copious, showing that the wound
is new perfectly and thoroughly drained.
The drainage tube was put in again and
the wound washed out with a weak solu
tion of carbolic acid and water. Siuce the
dressing the patient has taken nourish
ment in the shape of milk and lime water
and at this hour he is quiet and comfort
able. The surgeons report that he is doing
Tbe Pus Discharges free and Healthy.
Executive Mansion. Wasuinqtex, D.
C August 1012:30 r. m. Official Bulle
tinThe president is getting through the
day iu a very satisfactory manner. He
has asked for and taken a small quantity
of solid feed in addition te the liquid
nourishment allowed. At the morning
dressing the discharge of pus through the
new epeniug was mere free than nt any
previous time, its character was geed and
the wound leeks well. His temperature
and respiration continues within the nor
mal range, though the debility following
the operation is still shown by frequency
of pulse. At present his pulse is 110,
temperature 9S-G, respiration 19.
Signed D: W. Bliss,
J. K. Barnes,
J. J. Woodward,
R ev.T Reyburn.
Tbe President Signs a State Paper.
Washington, D. C, Aug. 10. The
following was sent this afternoon : Te
Lewell, minister, Londen. At 1 p. m.. the
president's condition has net essentially
changed since the morning report. At 12
neon he signed au important public docu
ment, te which his signature was indis indis
pcnsable with a firm, clear hand.
Signed Blaine,
The Directors Adept President Bend's
Philadelphia, Aug. 19. President
Bend's plan for the adjustment of the in
debtedness of the Reading railroad com
pany was submitted te the beard of direc
tors te-day and was approved by that
body and ordered te be submitted te the
In general form the plan is new under
stood from the best sources te be as fel
lows : In place of all present out
standing indebtedness (the ontire bended
and floating debt of the two companies) a
new mortgage is te be created, iuvelving
a bended debt of $125,000,000 being a
first lieu ou all the realties and roll
ing stock, fixtures and mining machin
ery owned by the Reading companies.
The bends issued under this general
mortgage arc te be of two classes. The
first scries will run for fifty or seventy-five
years, bear interest at four and one-half
per cent, and have prier lien ever the
bends of the seceud scries, which will run
for a correspondingly low period, but aie
only guaranteed three per cent., with such
increase as the earnings may justify, this
higher rate te be paid only at such time as
equal increase is made in the stock divi
dends. Under the plan, all the highest rate leaus
new outstanding, including the improve
ment sixes and consolidated sevens, are te
run until maturity, a sufficient quantity of
the new 4's being set aside te take up at
maturity, such as are net provided for by
the sinking fund. In addition, fully $42,
000,000 of the 4J's are te be floated te ex
change for "the general mortgage and the
income mortgage bends.
Mr. Gewen Answers tlie " Ledger's " Charge.
Philadelphia, Aug. 10. The follow
ing cablegram was received this morning
by eue et' the Reading railroad receivers :
Londen, Aug. 10. Te Keim : Refer
ring te Ledger article, iuferm public that
all subscriptions te deferred income bends
are absolutely bona fide. Out of the entire
issue of $34,300,000, $26,400,000 have paid
llrst;in8talment, and money for remaining
$7,900,000 ready te be paid the moment
court permits.
Signed Gewen.
Death or Matthew Vassar.
Peughkeetsie, N. Y.. Aug. 10. Mat
thew Vassar died this merniug.
Matthew Vassar, the founder of the
Vassar female college, was born in the
county of Norfolk, England, in 1792. His
father removed te the United States, set
tled in 1797 en a farm about thrce miles
from the present city of Poughkeepsie, and
in 1801, in company with his brother, com
menced a brewery in Poughkeepsie, which
they continued until 1812, when it was
burned. Yeung Vassar, who had been
for a time in school, and subsequently an
assistant in a country store, began the
brewery beeinesi in a small way, and
by steady industry accumulated a large
fortune. In February, 1801, he delivered
te trustees incorporated for the purpose
by tbe Legislature bends, stocks and ether
securities te the 'amount of $408,000 for
the founding of the Vassar fe
male college, designed . te offer the
highest education te females, and
the institution has grown te proportions
that have mere than realized tbe fondest
desires of its generous founder and stands
te day the enduring monument of his
wise benevolence. Eds. Intelligencer.
Fatal Affray Between Cowboys.
Galveston, Texas, Aug. 10. A News
special from Henrietta states that a cow
boy named Wra. Cowan was shot and
killed by Jas. Williams, another cowboy.
a lew miles from that town.
Meeting at tbe State Committee September
XBt zixea ae ustim iviiuams iviiuams
pert tbe Plaee for tae State
Convention Mew Bales . e
te be Adopted.
Special despatch te the Ixteluqxsczr
Harrisburg, Pa., August 10. About
twenty members were present at tbe meet
ing of the Democratic state committee
held here te-day. September 28th was
fixed as the time for holding the state con
vention. A vete was then taken
en a place for holding the con
vention, and resulted as lollews :
Williamsport S, Easten 4, Harrisburg 4,
Reading 1, Sunbury 1. Enough changes
were made te elect Williamsport and the
choice was made unanimous. On Mr.
Hcnsel's motion the chairman was auth
orized te appoint a committee of seven te
draft rules for the government of the
Democratic organization of Pennsylvania
and submit them te the next state conven
tion ; the committee te report te a special
meeting of the state committee at Wil Wil
liamspeit en tbe night before the conven
tion. tbe warrliq trunk lines.
Sleeting et the Kallreau Managers la Mew
New Yerk, Aug. 10. The joint execu
tive committee of railroad managers con
vened in Commissioner Pink's office en
Broadway, about 11 o'clock this morning,
and are still in session at the time of this
writing. The subject under discussion is
the question of adjusting the difficulties
existing between the rival reads, which
have led te the cutting of rates. The meet
ing is secret and no information would be
given further than about 50 gentlemen rep
resenting nearly all the reads in the as secia
tien were present. An animated discussion
is in progress. It is reported that the
joint executive committee voted te restore
rates en grain from Chicago te New Yerk
te 20 cents per 100 en Aug. 22.
The raverlte Sent te tbe Rear by tbe Judges.
Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. 10. The at
tendance te-day is geed, the weather is
warm and the track is in splendid condi
tion. Reb Rey is the favorite for the
first race.
First race, eue mile dash : Maggie
Ayrc first, Constantina second, and
Valentine third.. Time, 1:43. Reb
Rey finished first, but the judges,
with the idea that he fouled
Maggie Ayre, placed him last andgave the
race te Maggie Ayre. The fouling was &
misapprehension. Reb Rey was clear of
the filly all through the race.
Tne Despairing Deed of m 'Widowed French
Babylon, L. I., Aug. 10. Jeseph De
Sendzeeimir, a wealthy Frenchman, ewni
ing a - large farm at Amityville,
was feuud en his wife's grave
this merninr with bis threat cut
from ear te ear. By his side were two
large revolvers and two razors. A letter
was found, iu which he explained that the
death of his wife six weeks since had
driven him te the act. He leaves censid
erable property.
American Bankers' Convention.
Nlvgaka Falls, N. Y., August 10.
The convention of the American Bankers'
association met at Prospect Park pavilion
atlloclecK tins morning, ine atten
dance is geed.
Adventlsts' Camptneetlng.
Springfield, Mass., August 10. The
Advent campmeeting in session here this
week is largely attended, many Western
people being in Jhe grounds. Rev. P. G.
Bewman, of Seuth Carolina, preached this
Washington, Aug 10. Fer the Middle
Atlantic states fair weather, southwest
veering te cooler northwest winds, higher
Philadelphia Market.
fiiiLAUBLPHlA. Aug. 10. Flenr strong, with
n. .lA.nn.i.1 . tt,-lj,rt,,i. A'! OTft'I ?.. V.
fill. 1 l,;,.l4.l.i, . . t.,rj. ..... . w - V" -
trtt ft 2rf4 (T : Ohie & lnilluna family, nt
Id enjiis fO; l'cnniylviini'i tainlly $5 73
lIHi: 21.. i.iiuih iiu tu -r(yu u ; diiiihcwih
Extra tr 73G 2 : dn straight, ffi S7jec r,i: win
ter jmliiiit i 7j7 50 : opting ile 87 O077.".
live flour at St M)5 00
Wheat easier ; Ne. 2 Western Keel $1 5K
1 CO ; Oil. and Pen n'a lied 1 291 '.; de
Cern higher en local market ; steamer, B7
ISc ; sail vellew 6lClc:&ail niitcd,(X))(;ic;
Ne. :t, mixed, 534J57C.
ivyi? nun ti icjftw
rilfVIPIIIIIllll". ,. JUIJUlllf, . f -r-
perk llSffllS 50- beet hum?, $!1 502S;
lndiu mens beet. 290(.
bit-en Smoked shoulders 8jSc ; salt de
7G$a: s'oeki'd harm 12)g)l3:; picklad
Lard market unchanged: cltv kettle
$I187J12 00 ; ioei- liiiifiicn. at $UU25c;
Uuttcr market in tfoed demand and 11 rm ;
Creiimeiy exiraat 2."i2Cc; de geed le cholre
222lct llradferd county ami New Yerk
extra. 232le J firsts, ':0g22e.
Rolls steady; Pennsylvania 15lCc ; Wiwtci n,
KciiH steady for Ircsh; Penn'a 17e; Western
Cheese Market and prices easier : New
Yerk lull cream lie; Western mil ereim
lc ; de talr te geed, SJiSWic.
Petroleum dull ; Refined Te.-
Whisky linn at $1 11.
Seed-" Geed te prime Clever jobbing at S
S'4e; Timethy Aim at:. C03310: de Klas
' d steady at fl 25
Hew or Market.
New Zena. Aug. 10. Fleur State and
Western steady, moderate expert and
home trade Inquiry; Superfine State
at $4 1034 10 ; extra de M 8505 10 ; choice
de5ir523:lancy de $5 30QK 79: round hoop
Ohie 15 00Q5 30 : choice de 5 35Q6 75 ; snperfl ne
western 4 104 80 : common te geed ex
tra de $4 85525 ; choice de $5 SOAR 73 ; choice
white wheat de, at 5 25Q6 25. Southern
firm ; common te fair extra 5 15
ilG 25 : eoed te choice de (6 3037 50.
Wheat irregular and unsettled; opening
liKc better; afterward advance was ipstand
declined about !c; Ne. 2 Ked, August, $1 31
01 31 ; co September, $1 329132 : de Octo
ber, $1 S4V1 34 : de December, It 39J.
Cern Market without decided change;
mixed western spot, 50G0c; de future,
Oats unchanged and quiet ; State, 4G0a ;
Western, 45ffl50c.
Grain and Prevision notations.
One o'clock quotations or grain and provis previs
ions, furnished by S. K. Yundt, Breker, 15
East King street.
Chicago. Aug. 10.
Aug. Sept. Oci.
Wheat $ 1.24 ? 1.17 1.17
Cern 54 .54 .SSfi
Oata 33 .32 .32
Perk 17.87 17.85 17.00
Lard 11.35 11.32 11.33
Philadklphta. ,
Aug. Sept. Oct.
Wheat 130 $ 1.30 $ 1.32
Cern 0114 .62 .04
Necu ijaoianensorthe Grain Market
tarnished by Jacob is. Leng, Commission
Chicago. Aujr. Sept. Oct.
Wheat $ 1.24 $ 1.17 9 1.17
9 1.15X
Cern 51 .31 .53
Oats . 33 .32 .32k
Perk 17.77 17.82
Lard 11.37 11.35 11.32
Aug. Sept. Oct.
Wheat $ LS0: $ lMi 9 U3Z
Cern .G0 .01 .64
Oats .42 .39 .40
tlVe Steelc Markets.
.. rtennhcad; shin-
IJllls Iirmer : OKI crop m-iircc mm wmueii ;
Ne. 1 White t."c; Ne. 2, de Kc; Ne. 3,
de liUc; Ne. 2 Mixed, 40$(fi41c.
and active; experts. KW SO; common te geed
shipping, 9475650; native butchers' tf 25
38v: stockers' and feeders, 130383; range
plenty; Texans, 9333 55; halt breeds and
natives, 93 75450.
Sheep Receipts, 1,000 head : market active
and 10930c higher : common te fair. 93 234 IS ;
geed te choice. 94 ae4 50. Lambs,!03.
East Libxbtt. Cattle Receipts 1,700 nead ;
selling rather dull at Monday's pricca.
Hogs Receipts. 708 head; Philadelphia,
9G73eX685: Yorkers. 96 3S6 45.
Sheen Kecelnta 6.000 head : selling fair at
stronger prices; feeling better.
New Yerk. Philadelnhla and Lecal Stocks
also United States Bends reported dally by
Jacob B. lAa. N. E. Cor. Centre Square.
Nsw Yeks Stocks.
Stocks dull.
Aug. 10.
A. X. T.M.TU
UhOO 1:08 &6tt
Meney. 2K03 ....
Chicago North Western 126 125& 125
Chicago. MU. X St, Paul 114; 113 114
Canada Southern G) .... 65
UC.4I.CVK.1L. 22 2 22
OeL.Lack.ft Western 124W 124 1249
Delaware A Hudsen Cana: 110X 109 19
Denver & Rie Grande !K 9
Hannibal ft St. Jee M
Lake Shere ft Mich. Southern.. 124 123 12
Manhattan Elevated.
Michigan Central
Missouri, Kansas ft Texas...
N. Y..Lake Erie A Western.
hew Jersey Central.
N. Y.. Ontario ft Western....
New Yerk Central
Ohie ft Mlsslssltml 3S 38
Pacific Mall Steamship Ce.... 51 51&
St. Paul ft Omaha
de Preferred
Central Pacific
Texas .Pacific
Union Pacific
Wabash, St, Leuis ft Pacific....
" " Preferred.
Western Union Tel. Ce
3tecks steady.
Pennsylvania U. It
Heading ... ... ...
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Navigation
Buffalo, Pitts, ft Western
Northern Central
Northern Pacific.........
" Preferred
lies ten vllle...
Philadelnhla ft Erie It. K
lewaUutch Mining
Uhitke States Bends.
"" 54$
.... 4H?
V. M.
United States 4 per cents.
" 5 "
3 "
Lecal Stocks and Iteuds.
Par Lu
val. huW-
LancCfty I? per ct. Lean, due 1nS2. . .leu $105
" 1S83... 10O 111
" 18D0... 100 1IH.'."
it it 1S113... 100 120
" 5 per ct. in 1 or 30 years.! loe 105
' ft iicr ct. Scheel Lean.... 100 112
" 4 " in ler 20 years., loe Ktt
" 4 " In 5 oral years., loe 10X50
" 4 " in 10 or 20 years. IU1 103
tiuarryvillc II. It., due 1803 $100 Jit J
Reading ft Columbia It. Itdne 1882 100 102..
Lancaster Watch Ce., anc ISA! lpu 105Jir
Lancaster Gas Light and i'uel Ce.,
due In ler 20 years 100 103JM
Lancaster (Jas Light ami Fuel Ce.,
ducl88f 100 10G
Stevens Heuse 100 70
First National Bank. $100 $170ba
Farmers' National Bank 50 102.!
Lancaster County National Bank.. 50 102.2
Columbia National Bank loe 140
Ephrata National Bank IU
First National Bank, Columbia.. ..tee 135
first National Bank, Strasburg.... 100 KtM
First National Bank. Marietta 100 202..V
First Natlenal'ltank, Mount Jey.. 100 115 75
Lltitz National Bank 100
Man helm National Bank 100 lll.&i
Union National Bank. Mount Jey. 50 70.51
Big Spring ft Beaver Valley 9 25 9 10.2t
Bridgeport..... 13 20
Columbia ft Chestnut Hill 25 18
Columbia ft Washington 23 20
Columbia & jjig spring - ij.ju
Lancaster Ephrata 25 47.2J
Lane, Ellzabetht'n ft Mlddlat'n 100 51
Lancaster ft Fruitville. 50 SO
Lancaster ftJLititz 25 - G2.SI
Lancaster A WlUiamstewn 23 55
Lancaster A Maner 50 9i
Lancaster A Manhelm 25 30.46
Lancasterft Marietta 23 25.?:
Lancaster ft New Helland 100 83
Lancaster ft Susquehanna. 300
Lancaster ft Willow Street 25 40.1!'
Strasburg Millport 23 21
Marietta aiaytewn - w
Marietta ft Mount Jey 25
QuarryvIHc R. 11. rr. $ 50 $3.23
MllleravUIe Street Car 60 25
Inquirer Printing Company 50 -te
Watch Factory 100 113 bd.
Gas Ltirht and Fuel Company.... 23
Stevens Heuse loe
Columbia Gas Company
Columbia Water Cem puny 2
Susquehanna Iren Company ine 73.10
Marietta Hellew ware tee
T sold and carried for customers In Chicago
and Philadelphia, in large and ,mall lets, en
margins te suit, by
S. Ji. 1 UNIJT, iirnker.
Ne. 15 East King Street,
jylG-3ind Ijancastcr, Pit,
CElVEDfer the iurnlsliinjr of about one
thousand tens, mere or 1ch, of the following
kinds of coal : Ilalllmeru Company iirekeii
and egg. Enterprise or Ceal of like quality,
and about twenty-live tens nl Lyketis Valley
c"ff-. .....
mils 10 suue price per ion 01 eaeu kiihi 011
the Yard. Proposals will also lie received for
same quantity and kind kept under cover.
Mark at the head et bid " under cover or
" net undercover."
Bids wilt be opened en Saturday morning,
Auirust 20th. at II o'clock. Hidden, are re
quested te be present when bids areepiMied.
seal olds una address 10 11. r. cex. r.n r.n
ders.c. " Bida ter Ceal."
augf-atil B. V. COX, Clerk.
Wiieiikas, The Honorable JOHN l:. LIV
INGSTON, President, and Honorable HAVIP
W. PATTERSON. Associate Judge el the
Court of Common lleas,iii am for the co iintyet
Lancaster, and Assistant JiistieesoftlicCeurtH
of Oyer und Terminer ami General Jail lle
llvery ami Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in
ami ler the county of Lancaster, have issued
their precept, te me directed, requiring me,
among ether things, te make public proclama
tion throughout my bailiwick, that a Court el
Oyer and Terminer and a General Jail Deliv
ery, also a Court et General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace and Jail Deliver', will commence
in the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster in
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en the
In pursuance of which precept public notlce
is hereby given te the Mayer ami Aldermen el
the city of Lancaster, In the said county, and
all the Justices of the Peace, the Corener and
Constables, of the said city and county of Lan
caster, tliat they be then and there In their own
proper persons, with their rolls, records and
examinations, and Inquisitions, and thcirether
remembrances, te de these things which te
and also all these who will prosecute against
the prisoners who are. Or then shall b. In the
Jail of said county of Lancaster, are te be then
and there te prosecute against them as shall be
uatcii at iancesier me -iu uay 01 .uiy,
JACOi; S. STRINE, Sherttr.
35th Popular Monthly Drawing
in the City of Louisville, en
WEDNESDAY, AUG., 31st, 1881.
These drawings occur monthly (Sundays,
excepted) under previsions et an Act et tfid
General Assembly of Kentucky.
The United States Circuit Court en March 31,
rendered the lollewing diclsiens :
1st That the Commonwealth Dlttrlbatle
Company la legal.
2d IU draw lugs are fair. ,
N. B. The Company lias no? en hand a
large reserve fund. Read the Hat of prizes ler
lpnze 9 30,010
1 prize ... 10,010
1 prize 5.00c
10 prizes 91,000 each 10,008
20 prizes 500 each 10,000
100 prizes $100 each io.eue
200 prizes50 each 10.0PC
600 prizes 20 each 12,008
1000 prizes lOeacb ...... 10,one
9 prizes 300 each, approximation prises 2,709
9 prizes 200 each, " 1,809
9 prizes lOOeacji, " " M
L9B0 prizes $112,400
Whole tickets. 92; hair ticket. $1 ;.2? tickets
50; 55 tickets, 9100.
Remit Meney or Bank Draft In Letter. 01
send by Express. HON'T SEND BY REGIS
Orders of 95 and upward, by Express, can 1
sent at our expense. Address all orders te K.
M.BOAKDMAN, Courier-Journal Buildinar.
LeahnrlHe. Ky., 01 It. M. BOAROMAN,
399 Breadwav. New Yerk. febl-TuTliftSftw
9X 99
15X 1 1G
U7K 96?i 97
44 '43 4$g
43 43 43
' t J$
32& 322 32G
..r. 14352 14391
41 41
. 101 101
am 57
126 125K 125
rd?M C0 50
88$ 88 88
892 88i 88.