pww-w-w m rJmt LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY AUGUST 9. 1881. - - - ,?i TOBACCO MATTERS. Favorable Kalpa aud Destructive. Hali. Tlie several fine showers or rain that Lave fallen in almost all parts of our comity during the past week have greatly im proved the growing tobacco. A little mere rain and a little less hail will have the effect of making the late-planted fields yield almost a full crop. A large part of the early-planted has been topped, and while some of it is short and stunted we hear of sonic very fine- fields. A gentleman who has traveled through the eastern and southern townships says the tobacco is better than he expected te find it, considering the long dreuth te which it was subjected, and mentions many crops as being especially fine. The rain of Sunday extended ever the greater sart of the county and did a work of geed. Unfortunately there was a strcak.ef hail running through the storm, which did considerable damage in the vicinity of Quarryville, Camargo, May, Georgetown and ether points in Providence Eden, Bart and Salisbury. We learn that three or four acres belonging te Rebert Montgomery, and about the same quanti ty belonging te Jacob Kckman, Samuel Shimp, .leh n li:iir and Christian V. Sliultz, iiear Camargo terribly riddled by the hail and that many ether farmers had their crops mere or less damaged. A correspondent writing from Quarry ville says the storm was very severe in that vicinity. " The wind was high and hail was very large The storm seems te have commenced above New Providence and continued as far as Christiana, running in astiip net ever a mile wide. Frem tlie hills below New Providence te Smyrna it was the weret. The tobacco is all ruined and net worth the cutting. The section through which the storm passed had in it sonic extra linn tobacco, much of which was insured. Over fi fty acres were reported as a total less bcfoie S) o'clock yesterday, and doubtless much mere than that is dam aged.' Jly the hail-storm of hist week 'Jehn Nisslcy, residing near Junction, had five acres of tobacco se entirely cut te pieces that he plowed it under as green manure. It was net insured. J. Little, residing in the same vicinity, had four acres cut te pieces at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, which he li:il insured at 9 o'clock in Ilia morning. Helders of last year's crop continue very linn in demands and de net seem te be at all :in:ieiis te sell until their packings :JialI have been sampled. Buyers arc en tliealeit, but we hear of no transactions of moment. Mr. Musscr has sold a pack ing of '10 or HO cases te Mr. Charles Schu bei tli, and a few ether small sales have bt-en made. Larceny. Frank Grey, white tramp, passing Bechtold's store, en North Queen street, picked up a bundle containing a dozen pairs of stockings, and walked off with them. He was caught in the act, and arrested by Officer Harman. He was locked up for a hearing en Thursday, before Alderman McConemy. Large Faneral. The funeral of Ames Deverter took place this afternoon from his late residence en North Queen street. It was largely attended aud the interment was made at Woodward Hill cemetery. XHSW ADFJCMTMXMMXna AHK BUSINESS OF SELLING CLOTHING AT THIRD EDITIOff. TUESDAY EVKNZNO. AUO. 9, 1881. Excursion te Atlantic City. The excursion te Atlantic City, adver tised for Thursday, the 18th inst., presents attractions certain te secure for it a liberal and deserved patronage. The fact that the tickets, sold for $3 for the round trip, are geed for two days and entitle the pur chaser te step off in Philadelphia if do de sired, enables excursionists te spend a day at the seashore and enjoy a geed- whiff or the invigorating atmosphere that has made Atlantic City famous, aud a day te attend te any business they may have in the city, or the eh tire time may be spent in Atlantic City or Philadelphia as prefer red Messrs. Clark & Schmid, who have the management of tlie excursion itself ample guarantee of of first-class arrange mentshave provided that only geed cars and thorough accommodations shall be furnished by the railroad companies, se that patrons of their enterprise are assured of an avoidance of the slightest discomfort while en route, no matter iiew large may be the crowd. The time of leaving from this city, aud at all way stations, is desig- natcn in the pesters and hand hi lis, to gether with ether interesting and import ant information for intending excursionists. Has grown te its present greatness because these points are faithfully observed : ANXIETY ALLAYED. IN MAKING. Te Get the Beet Material. Te Spenge it Properly. Te Cut it Fashionably. Te Sew it Thoroughly. IN SELLING. Te Get the Cash. Te Have One Price. Te Pay Back Meney if Unsuited. Te Guarantee the Goods.' the The Stock of MEN'S CLOTHING is always kept very lull In assortment, even te enu ei tne season. In BOYS' CLOTHING the Styles and Trimmings are net approached by any Clothing Heuse In the Country. A cordial welcome Is ready for all who come, and we expect te sell only when people ae satisfied in every respect. :e; WAAATO. & BROW, OAK HALT i, Sixth and Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IX AMERICA. Geed News Frem the Sick Chamber. GARFIELD MUCH BETTER TO-DAY. PHYSICIANS GREATLY ENCOURAGED. DU. AGNCW TO START FOR HOME. TIUBUTl!. OF KESl'KCT. this the the 1IAKT 11'h.MS. Ill ami Annum Georgetown. The festival mania slill clings te section of the community aud one of best of the season will no doubt be one lobe held at the Gap nickel mines en the 2flth inst., for thebeneiit of the Nickel Mines church. The Itait Vigilant association will held their annual picnic en the 18th. A baud of limbic aud speaking will be some of the feaiuicsef the meeting. Messrs. Deble aud Hawkins, of the Nickel Mines band, have procured new E ilat horns, which arc quite an improve ment te the music. The horns will all be renewed before a great while, when excel lent music will he expected. On Thin sday evening, 4th inst., two yeunir men, employees at the Nickel Mines while returning from a picnic en the Mine hill, wcie saluted with a lead of shot from some unseen aud unknown person. The shot struck one of them, several grains cnterin;' through the skin which weie picked out by Dr. .1. Martin, The ether, mere fortunate, received but. one grain. Whoever thed the shot was trying a long range of a very small charge of powder, as the shot, was scattered from head te feet ofthe youth who received the lead. Sus picion points te a certain young man of net. very geed repute. On Sunday, 7th inst., a heavy rain fell in this section, and te the terror et the tobacco men, a .section of hail. The hail covered a scope cvtendim; the entire width of this township and about half a mile nei Mi c f this village. Hew far south it went we have net yet heard, but it in creased in force te a short distance south west. Seme of the best tobacco has been somewhat damaged, and the owners are looking up their insurance policies. Among these who will Miller fiem the ravages of the hail-stones are scveial of the residents of this village who raise the weed en their own lets and have large tobacco but no insurance. The Death of Mrs. S. T. Montgomery. At the regular Meeting et tlu: trustees of the Millcrsvillc normal school, held at that insti tution en Saturday, An;;, (J, en motion et An drew M. Fruntz, esq., a committee consisting et J. IS. Wartcl, .Iac..l M. Fr.intz and Jacob Bailsman was appointed te draft resolutions expresii ve of tlie sense of the t rustees en the deal li of 51 rs. S. T. Montgomery. After a Uriel delay the lollewing preamble ami resolutions wen; prc-cnlcd and unanimously adopted : Wiikheas, It lias plea-ed Divine Providence te remove Hern us It v death Mrs. 8. T. Mont gomery, long identified with this Institution as a teacher and as a faithful liiend and pro moter of all lis behtiiitcrc-ds, mid Wiihkisas, It Is lilting that, an event se lnti mat civ affecting the well-being of the institu tien should be made of speelal record in its efllcial history ; therefore, be It Jlcifultcil, Thai while we bow in humble .sub mission te the Divine will, we mourn the less et one endeared te us by long association and friendship, and one whose death will leave a void that can never be filled. Resolved, That in the death of this me3t es timable and gilted woman we realize that our less is deeply shared by the pupils et the school, who always found in her a true friend, and whose love ler her was equalled only by her devotion te them. Resolved, That we tender te her deeply be reuved family and fiiends, in this, the hour of their sere ailllctien, our most heartfelt sym pathy, assuViug them that we will ever cherish the kindest and nie-d. grateful recollections of her whose death wc new deplore. Resolved, That in respect for her memory the beard el trustees attend the funeral and that the secretary be directed te transmit te the family of the deceased a copy et these resolutions. ir Yeu Are Mick, Read the Kidney-Wert advertisement in another column, and it will explain te you the rational mcihed el getting well. Kidney-Wert will save you mere doctor's hills than any ether medicine known. Acting with spccille energy en the kidneys nnd liver, it cures the worst diseases caused by their derangement. Use it at once in dry or liquid form. Either is equal ly efficient, the liquid is the easiest, but the dry is the most economical. Inter ier. anl-lwd&w DEATHS. ' The Tidy Housewife. The careful, tidy housewife, when she is giv ing her house its spring cleaning, should hear in mind that the dear inmates of her house are mere precious than houses, and that their sys tems need cleansing by purifying the bleed, regulating the stomach and bowels te prevent and cure the diseases arising from spring ma-hirie-and miasma, ami she should knew that there is nothing that will de It se perfectly and surely as Hep Hitters, the purest and best of all medicines. Sec et her column. Sr. Jehn's Free Church Picnic. The committee appointed te arrange for a Sunday-school and parish picnic for St. Jehn's Kpiseepil church, have agreed upon Thurs day, the lSMi inst., and Litllz Springs. The tickets for the round trip will be SO cents for adultsai.d il cents for children under twelve. Excursion Register. Saturday, Aug. 13. Kiuggeld Hand Excursion te Atlantic City via. Keading read, $3. Three days. Ihur-day, Aug. IS. Clark .t Schmidt's cx-ciir.-deu te Atlantic City. Twe days, $3 Frank ISarilal, North I'.ennett street- Buffalo, says : " 1 have tried your Spring Blessem us a family medicine ami have never come across anything te de se much geed in se short a time in cases et indigestion, dyspepsia and de rangement et the stomach ; I strongly recom mend it." Price 50 cent". Fer sale at II. 1!. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. nieriiers: Meinereii itletlierst! Are you disturbed nt night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If Sw, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYUUP. It will re lieve the peer little sutlercr immediately de pend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en cat th who has ever used it, wiie will net tell jeu at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleasant te the. taste, and is the prescription el one et the eldest and best temulc physician and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere; 25 cents a tonic. mar7-lvdftwM,Wft$ FATAL SilNsTKllKK. Heath et n Lancaster Soldier In the Went. licnjaniin K. Duchman, son of Mrs. Ann S. Durhmaii. of Ne. lir North Lime stiect this city, and of Cel. Jehu II. Dnehman, deceased, died about two weeks age from the elfccts of a sunstroke in Leavenworth, Kansas. Mr. Duchman was a private in Company 15. Sixth infantry, and was sta tioned at White Hivcr agency, Colerado He left White llivcr agency en June SO, for Feit Leavenworth, in charge of two militaiy prisoners. After delivering his prisencis he went te Leavenworth City te spend a 15 days' leave of absence, and while stepping at the Kansas Central hotel, he was alfectcd by the sun and died. Mr. Duchman was about. A'i years of ag., and was a soldier in the late war. He was a man of strong physique. He was last :n this city during the year 1878. Police Cases. Emma Aichcy, colored, was locked up by Alderman Alex. Dennelly for a hearing ou a charge of drunken and disorderly conduct ; and Ellen Pcarsel, white, was sent te jail for five days for the same eiTcncc. Alderman Samson locked up Charles Gray, white, for 15 days ler the same eiTcncc. Reuben llnlten get drunk yestctday and went te the lesidence of his brother en High sticet te te tantalize him. He is jail te-day awaiting a hearing before Al derman McConemy en the charges of as sault and battery and diuuken aud dis orderly conduct. Reuben Hutten, of High street, en com plaint of his brother Elias Hutteu, who charges him with assaulting him with a butcher knife, was locked up for a hearing before Alderman McConemy, te-morrow evening. Mrs. M. M. Diggs and Miss Hettic Thompson, en complaint of Rev. M. M. Diggs, were arrested ou a charge of drunken aud disorderly conduct, and gave bail for a hearing this evening at 8 o'clock before Aldermau Samson. Ringgold Hand Excursion te Atlantic city en Saturday, August. 1". Bound tilp tickets geed for three days, $3. Petersburg, Manlieim, ISruckhart-i, Lnndls villc, l.ititz and Kphrata, $!.7T. Train leaves Lancaster (King street) at 4:10a. ui.; Columbia, 4:10; Manlieim, 4:1.1 ; Mtilx. 4:.V, See eircuiais and bills. y2S,Ul,ang'J,(i,8,UA2lw The only medicinal soap adapted te easy hhaviiij? (Jutlcuni Starving Seap. Nutrition improved, strength ro&tered and disease tirretc I by Malt Hitters. SL'EVIAI. yOTJCJCN. Suicide and Dyspepsia. A most remarkable cure for dyspepsia " Wells' Health Ucnejver." The greatest tonic, best bilious ami Liver Itcmcdy known. $1. Druggists. Depot, Jehn F. Leng & Sens. Lancaster. Lydi.i K. I'lnkhani's Vegetable Compound revives the drooping spirits; Invigorates and harmonizes the organic lunctieus; gives elas ticity and tlrmncss te the step, restores the natural lustre te the eye, and plants en the pah! check e! beauty the lresh roses et life's spring ami early summer time. 1 Don't Want a Punier," said a sick man te n druggist, " can't you give me .something tecurc me?" His symptoms were alame back and disordered urine and were a suie indication ei kidney disease. The druggist told him te use Kidney-Wert and In a short time it effected a complete cure. Huve you these symptoms ? Then get a box or bottle te-day before you become inctuablc. It is the cure; safe and sure Knoxville Republican. anS-lwd&w Cosurevb. In this city, August 7. 1881, Bridget, relict et the late Jehn Cosgrove, in the 85th year et her age. The relatives and friends arc respectfully in vited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her daughter. Ne. 302 East Orange street, en Wednesday morning at 8:30 o'clock. High Mass at St. Antheny's church at 9 o'clock. In terment at SL Mary's cemetery. 2td Smith. August 8, in this city, Carrie L. Smith, enlv daughter of Senhia and the late J.evl Smith. The l datives and mends are respectfully in vited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her mother. 121 East King street, en Wed nesday, afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill ccincleiy. 2td Oswald In this city, en the 8th inst.. Clarissa, wile of Edmund Oswald, in the 42d year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family me respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband. Sit Seuth Queen street, en Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. Leb anon papers please copy. 2td Zikekl. In this city, en Aug. 8, 1831. Mary, wifeet Franz Ziescl, aged fi years, 6 months and 11 days. Her relatives and Iricnds arc respectfully in vited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband. Ne. 341 Seuth Queen street, en te-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 2J o'clock. Interment in Lancaster cemetery. ltd Lkdermax In this city, en the 8th inst., Geerge Washington Lcdermau, beloved son of Julius nnd Resa Lederman, aged 5 years, 1 month and 6 days. The relatives and friends et the family arc respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from the residence et the bereaved parents, Ne. 400 North Queen street, en Wednesday morning, August 10, at II o'clock. New Yerk Herald please copy. HEW AltrZltTlMCSUSliTS. TTOItSKS AND CARTS XX Laborers wanted. AND GOOD FRANK ARMSTRONG. Contractor. ltd Park Heuse, New Helland Pike. VTOTICK TO REAL KSTATK OWNERS. XI Our Monthly Catalogue will be issued shortly. If you have real estate te sell or ex change enter it en our books at once. Fer city properties no charge until sale. Terms reasonable and facilities ler selling the best in the county. ALLAN A. 1IERR & CO.. Real Estate and Insurance Agents, jySOliudR 3 North Dnke Street. S1 Don't Die In the Heuse. Ask druggists ler "Rough en Rats." It clears out rats, mice, bed-hugs, reaches, ver min, Hit's, ants, insects. 15c per box. A Cem stepped, curable I'.rewn's ;h. Celd or sere "inreat should na Neglect frequently results In an In. I.'ing Disease or Consumption. Itretichial Troches de net disorder (Intnuilable Matters. A letter addressed Frank T. Kcc, esq., 8th av. bet. lGtlVand 17th streets, city, A. Alexander's beet and shoe store, is held for better directions, the posteflico men being uncertain as te the name of the "city ' in which Mr. Kce resides. A letter addressed te the Gcrmania Publishing company, Milwaukee, is held for postage. Contract for Western Werk. Cel. Edward McGevcrn, of this city, has been awarded the contract for grading a branch of the Denver & Rie Grande rail road in Colorada, te run from Manitou Springs te Seuth Park. The branch is between 20 aud 30 miles in length. Cel. McGevcrn will leave for his new work this evening or te-morrow. Gene Kast. Arneld Haas left Laucastcr te-day for a week's trip te Philadelphia, New Yerk and Bosten. the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, lint act directly mi thcinllnmed parts, allaying ii-'-itallen, give relict in Asthma, Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles which Singers ami I'ubHeSpcaker.s are subject te. Fer thirty years ilrewn's Ilrencliial Troches have been recommended by physi cians, and always give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have at tained well-merited rank among the lew staple remedies of the age. Sold at 25 cents a box everywhere. uiS-ivdTTIi&S&lyw Hall's Vugktauli: Sicilian Hair Renkwet. is a scientific combination of some of the most powerful restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom. It restores gray hair te its original color. It makes the scalp white and clean. It cures dandrufTand Humors, and hilling-eul of the hair. It furnishes the nutritive principle by which the hair is nourished and supported. It makes the hair moist, soft and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a hair dressing. It is the most economical preparation ever etrercd te the public, ils its eirecls remain a long time, mak ing only an occasional application necessary. It is recommended and used by eminent medi cal men, and officially endorsed by the State Assayer et Massachusetts. The popularity el Halt's Hair Rcncwcr has increased with the test et many years, both in this country and in foreign lands, and it is new known and used in nil the civilized countries et the world. Fer sale by all dealers. au4-lwdced&w Itching Files symptoms and Cure. The symptoms arc moisture, like pcrspira tien, intense itching, increased by scratching, very-distressing, particularly at night? as if pin worms were crawling in and about the rectum the private parts are sometimes ar fected ; II allowed te continue very serious re sults may fellow. Dr. Swayne's All Healing Ointment is a pleasant sure cure. Alse for tetter, itch, salt rheum, scald head, Erysipelas, barber's Itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty, cuta cuta neous eruptions. Price, CO cent, three boxes for $12-1. Sent by mall te any address en re ceipt of price In currency or three cent post age stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swayne Sen. SJ0 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by all prominent druggists. 1une23-3tudMWS&w Ce te II. 15. Cochran's Drug store, 137 North Queen street, ter Mrs. Freeman's Ifew Na tional Dyes. Fer brightness and durability et color,are uneuualed. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in English and German. Price. 15 cents. Grandmother Used te say: "Beys, it your bleed Is out et enler trv Burdock tea;" and then they had te dig the Burdock nnd boil it down In kettles, making a nasty-smelling decoction ; new you act all the curative properties put up in a pal gtable tenn In Burdock Bleed Bitters. Frlc $1. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Save Your II air iveep it Heautlfm. Tlie " Londen Hair Celer Restorer" is the most delightful article evcrintroducc!F.te the American people and is totally different from all ether Hair Restorers, being entirely free from all Impure ingredients that render many ether articles for the hair obnoxious. Where baldness or hilling of the hair exists, or prema tuiegrnyness, from sickness or ether causes, lis use will restore tlie natural youthful color, and cause a healthy growth, cleansing the scalp from all impurities, dandruff, etc., at the same time a most pleasing and lasting hair dressing, fragrantly perfumed, rendering it sol t and pliable, making it an indispensable article in every toilet. Ask your druggist for Londen Hair Celer Restorer. Price 75 cents a bottle. Six bottles, 4. Main depot ler the Untied States. 330 North Sixth street, Philadel phia. uill-lvdTTh4FAw TI1K FARMICRS FR1KND. Dr. Barber's Red Herse Powders are the best in the market. They are net a mere feed made et inert and cheap materials, but a veritable Medicine. They contain four times the strength of ordinary horse and cattle powders, and will cure ami latten stock in one fourth the time, acting at once upon the digestive organs and secretions, and may be safely relied upon for the euro of cenghs, colds, distemper, glanders and all diseases of horses, mules, cattle, sheep, hogs nnd poultry- They will lncreascthe quantity and quality of milk in cows and keep all kinds of stock in a healthy condition. Sold everywhere at 20c. per pack, ( ler $1 ; large size Ws., or 3 for $1. Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drugstore, 137 and 139 North Queen streets. ung2-lydcnd&wl KAI.ICD lROPOSALS WILL BIS KK- CEIVED for the furnlshinir of about one thousand tens, mere or less, of the following kinds of Ceal : Baltimore Cemnanv broken iand egg, Enterprise or Ceal of like quality, aud about twenty-tive tens of Lykens Valley egg. Bids te state price per ten of each kind en the yard. Proposals will also be received for same quantity and kind kept under cover. Mark at the head et bid " under cover " or " net under cover." Bids will he opened en Saturday morning, August 20th, at 11 o'clock. Bidders are re quested te he present when bids are opened. Seal bids land address te B. F. Cox." En En eorse. " Bids ler Ceal." augi'-Std B. F. COX, Clerk. WANTED. WANTKD A GIRL TO DO GISNERAL housework. A rare chance elfcred. Ap ply at tins elllcc. jy2S-2wd WANTKD A WOMAN TO DO THB cooking and general housework in a small family. Wages $2 te $1 per week, accord ing te competency. Call at this office. a4-ttd ANTKll-IIYA YOUNirGERMAN GIRL a situation in de general housework. Apply at this efllce. ltd Eli VCA TIOXA., Hay Fever. Mr. A. L. Avery, Pharmacist, Newark. N. J. Having been severely afflicted for cloven years with Hay Fever, alter trying almost everything without avail, I gave up all hopes of being cured, when I purchased et you a box of Ely's Cream Balm. Te my surprise, alter a few applications, I was entirely re lieved. K. waisen Harris, Letter Carrier, Ne. 14, New P. O., Newark, N. J. Messrs. White & Bcreick, Druggists, Ithaca, N. V.l recommend te these suffering (as I have been) with Hay Fever, Ely's Cream Balm. Having tried nearly all the remedies I could find, and give this a decided preference ever them all. It. has given me immediate re lief. . C. T. STEriiENS, Hardware Merchant, Ithaca, X. Y. Sept. (J, 1880. Price 50 cents. I v29-2wdeed&w Ne Humbugging tlie American People. Yeu can't humbug the American people, when they tlnd a remedy that suits them ; tljey use it and recommend it te their friends. Just exactly the case witli Spring Blessem which lias become a household word all ever the United States. Price 50 cents. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store. 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. VOLZTIVAL. Fer County Commissiener: FRANK CLARK, or Strasburg township Schject te the Choice et the Democratic coun ty convention. apr6-dAwtp ADAM S. DIETRICH, of Maner township. Subject te the decision of the Democratic county convention. HENRY F. HARTMAN (Lime Burner), el East Lampeter township. Subject te the choice of the Democratic county convention. aprt-d&wlp MARTIN II1LDEBRANT, or Mennt Jey Borough. Subject te the decision of the Dem ocratic ceuntv convention. uplU-dAwtp J ERE MOIILER. Ephrata. Subject te the decision of the Democratic comity conven tion. uprll-dftwtp ISAIAH McKILLIPS, et Lancaster city, subject te the choice et the Democratic County Convention. Jly29-lmd Fer County Auditer: JOHX S. BROWN, et Drumerc township. Subject te Democratic rules m27-d&wtp JOHN L. LIG1ITNER, of Leacock township. Sublcct te the decision of the Democratic ceuntv convention. aprlS-tfd&w JAMES P. MARSH, et Salisbury township, subject te Democratic rules. aug.T-tfd&w YORK (PA.) COLLICUIATK INSTITUTE. An endowed Christian institution of the highest grade. Separate Courses in Classics and Science, and u Department for Ladies. Tuition $40 pernnuuni.includlngall branches; Ample Library ; complete apparatus; Faculty el seven. Beard $4 and $i per week. Ninth year begins September 5th. Fer Catalogue nddress. REV. JAMES McDOUGALL, Jr., Ph. D., Pres ident, or S. SMALL. jylS-lmced The President Has a Geed Night. Washington, D. C, Aug. 98:30 a. m. Official Bulletin. Notwithstanding the effects of yesterday's operation the presi dent slept the greater part of the night, without the use of any anedyne. The febrile rise of yesterday afternoon slowly subsided during the night. This morning at 8:30 his pulse is 98, temperature 99.8, respiration 19. Since yesterday afternoon small quantities of liquid nourishment, given at short intervals, have been retained and this merniusr larger quantities arc being administered, without gastric dis turbance. Signed D. Hayes Aqnew, J. K. Barnes.. D. W. Bliss. J. J. Woodward. Robt. Reyburn. Lewer Pulse ana Temperature and Greatly Improved Condition. Executive Mansion, Washington, Aug. 9.-11:45 a. m. Unofficial The president at this hour is resting comfort ably ; he has taking nourishment quite freely during the morning and relished it Dr. Reyburn says the pulse and tempera ture are at present perceptibly lower than when the morning bulletin was issued.aud he considers that the patient is progressing finely. He says there is no cause for alarm whatevcr. Dr. Agncw considers the president's condition te be very en couraging, and he expects te leave for Philadelphia during the day if the patient continues te improve. Tbe discharge from the wound this morning has been entirely satisfactory and the pus is of a perfectly healthy character. The nourish ment which the president has taken this morning consisted of koumiss and milk and lime water. All reports that the president is sinking are entirely unfound ed. Tne Noen Bulletin Favorable. Executive Mansion, Aug. 9, 12:30, p. in. Official Bulletin. At the dressing of the president's wound this morning, it was found that pus had been discharging spontanceualy and freely through the counter opening made yesterday. He has been quite comferable this morning and taken a liberal supply of liquid nourish ment. His pulse is new 104, temperature 99-7, respiration 19. Signed D, D. J. J. Beut. Reyburn In Geed Condition at 2 Y. HI. Washington, D. C, Aug. 9. The fol lowing was sent this afteiuoeu : Te Low Lew ell minister, Louden : At this hour (2 p. m.) the physicians give an encouraging report of the president's couditien. Pulse aud temperature slightly diminished since morning, pus flowing freely, appetite im proved. He has been able te sleep with comfort lying ou his wounded side. Signed. Blaine, Scc'y. MATTEKS IN MEXICO. Te-day's Tidings from ear XatgBkar Mm piic. San Francisce, August 9. A desptch received here from Guaymea, Mexico, dated August 2d, says: "Sam Brannan, the holder of the large grant from Mexico, is still here. He proposes te go down, te his grant notwithstanding the injunction of the federal judge. " A number of American desperadoes were here recently and left for Alamosa, presumably te rob the bullion train. Only zenules mere of rails have te be laid te connect Hermoselle with Guaymes. "A large ship is iu the offing here laden with railroad iron te be used in the com pletion of the read. "A carriage containing 5000 eagle dollars was stepped en the Altar read, 30 miles from Hermoselle, and the money carried en. "There has been no overland mail from United States for a month owing te a dis agreement between the postal authorities and the stage company." COUNTY POLITICS. Dauphin Republican Nominations. Harrisbure, Pa., August 9. The Re publican county convention met here this morning and nominated Jehn W. Simon Simen Simon ten for additional law judge, William Shcesleyfer sberiff, Philip and Michael Meycr for commissioners, J. S. Long Leng Long neckcr for treasurer and ether persons for miner offices. 4,mH 5IK fll ObieftMisslasrppL Pactse Mali Steamship Ce.... 51X St Paul 4 Omaha.....1. '.; ft de Preferred jesu Central Pacific 932 xexas facinc 57 5: union jracine 12B v ieuis x racmc teyc " Preterred. 8?J western union xei. ue sayA Philadelphia. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania R.R.. SIX 6CK 64 Beading; 33 33j2 sag Lehigh Valley wZ Lenign Navigation 44JS BnfiUle, Pitts, ft Western SSi .... Ki NerthernCentral .... .... M nennernracinc. 4u wg 4mc w H Prelerred., Hestenvllle Philadelphia Erie It. It Iowa Gulch Mining 44 UaTnee Statks Bends. r. x. 1:00 United States 4 per cents 116K .... " AX " 1I4J2 ... sx " icm .... XAMKETH. , Hayes Agnew, W. Bliss, K. Barnes, J. Woodward, "TUE LONG AND SUOKT MCN. t'ltiiarteipiua Market. 1'BiLADKi.rniA, Aug. 9. Fleur strong, with linn Inquiry: Superfine, $3 253 73; ex tra (4 234 65 : uhln A Indiana family, at 16 0036 0; Pennsylvanli family (5 75 5 90 : St. Leuis de (6 236 C! : Minnesota Extra $." 7536 ' : de straight, $t 37S 2: win ter patent SG 75M7 50 : spiing de $7 0097 75. Kvc flour at $1 10.". 00 Wheat easier ; Ne. 2 Western Red $1 29 ; Del. and Pcnn'a Red $1 2701 27; de Amber si 2I3t). Cern firm, fair local demand ; steamer. 55 57c ; sail voilew C0KGlc; sail mixed, OXgtfOKc; Ne. 3, mixed, 5t56c. Oats firmer, with fair demand ; Ne. 1 White 44)c; Ne. 2, de43Kc; Ne. 3. de 42c; Ne. 2 Mixed, 40c. Rve dull at 75c. Previsions steady : mess perk $1218 50 : beet hams, $21 50223 ; India mess beet. 12900. Ihicen Smoked shoulders SiiSKe : salt de 7M8c; smoked haun 12)13c; pickled hiuis, 10ail-ic. Lard market and prices steady: citv kettle $1187K12 00; loe-i- hnicliers' at $I1U 25c ; prime steam $11 62VU 75. flutter market fairly active and prices firm ; Creamery extra at 25426c; de geed te cholce 2224c: Bradford county and New Yerk extra. 2324e ; 11 rets. 1921c. Rolls steady; Pennsylvania 15lCe ; Western, 12014c. . Kees steady ler lresh; Penn'a 17c; Western 15310c. Cheese steady for choice grades ; New Yerk full cream llUc ; Western full cream 910c; de lair te geed, S339)c. Petroleum dull ; Refined T&c. Whisky dull at $1 11. Seeds Geed te prime Clever jobbing at 8 8c; Timethy liim at:tC0310; de ft'lax ftd steady at $1 25i Lecal Stocks and Itends. Par LancClty 6 per ct. Lean, due IS82.. .$leu 1SS5... 100 " " 1S90... 100 " ltt... IOO " 5 per ct. in 1 -or SO years. . IOO ft per et. Scheel Lean.... 100 " 4 " in ler 20 years., loe 4 " in 5 or S years., let) 4 " in 10 or 2u years. 100 MISCKLLAHEOCS BONDS. Quarryville R. R., due 1SKJ $100 Reading A Columbia R. Rdue 182 100 Lancaster Watch Ce., due 1SS6 100 Lancaster Gas Light nnd Fuel Ce., due in ler 20 years 100 Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., Stevens Heuse 100 BANK STOCKS. Plrst National Bank. $100 Farmers' National Rank 50 Lancaster County National Rank.. 50 Columbia National Bank... Kplir.ita National Rank IOO 10 100 100 100 Itw tee 50 First National Bank, Celli in Ida.. .. 100 rirst .National nank, strasiiur.... First National Rank. Marietta First National Bank, Mouut.fey.. Lititz National Bank Manlieim National Bank Union National Bank. Mount. toy. 1 u ita -i IV G 9 IVL' l. Big Sprinir A Beaver Vallev $ 25 Bridgeport 13J v.eiuuuiia.'c uiiesinut iiiu Columbia .t Washington 2.". LVIiuiibiaftBIg Spring 25 lincasirrdE r.purnia - Lunc , Uiizabctht'n AMtddiet'n 100 Lancaster Frnitville...... 50 l-nni-axierAlLUit7. 25 Lancaster A Willhiiiistewn 25 Lancaster Maner 50 Lancaster & Manlieim 25 Lancaster A Marietta 23 Lancaster ft New Helland 100 Lancaster & Susquehanna :mi Lancaster A Willow Street 25 Strasburg ft Millport 25 21 Marietta ,t Slay town ir, 40 Marietta ft Mount Jey 25 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Quarryville R. K $ 50 LUS sal $105 114 us.: 120 105 112 103 103.50 105 $114 102..V 10&5T 103.50 IOC 70 $170be 102 102.2J 140 133 I34.X 20iSr 143 73 141.5 1 9 10. 20 18 20 I4.1b 47.2f SI 50 62.31 5i US 30.4 25.?? 83 273.41 new Yera market. New Yerk, Aug. 9. Fleur State and Western without decided change ; Supcrtine State $4 004 75; extra de $4 75510; choice de $5 1505 25 : fancy de $5 3006 75 : round hoop Ohie 500J5 30 : choice de $5 3306 75 ; superfine western 4 0034 75: common te geed ex tra de 4 75Q5 2". ; choice de $5 30f 75 ; choice white . wheat de, at $5 256 23. Southern firm; common te fair extra $5 13 Q6 25 : geMl te chelcn de C 3007 50. Wheat feverish and unsettled ; opening K lc higher: subseauentlv the advance was lest and prices necitned &Kc ; Ne. 2 Red, August, $1 3OV01 31K : ie September, $1 31JJ vd de December, 132K ; de October, $f 341 35 si mm 40. Cern opened a shade higher ; subsequently the advance was lest and prices declined Yb fie ; mixed western spot, 5059c ; de future, 59J65Jc. Oats a shade stronger ; State, 4i."0;j ; West ern, 4550c. Western Grain Markets. Milwaukee, Wis. Fleur dull and unchang- MISVELLANEOVS. Democratic County Committee. There will be a meeting of the Democratic Ceuntv Committee at Shober's -Hetel, Lancas ter, at 10 a. in., ou Monday, August 15, te fix the time of the County Convention. A lull attendance of the members is requested. W.U. II ENSEL, jv27-tddiYr Chairman. s ISCOND ANNUAL CANNSTATTER VOLKSPEST, Under the auspices of the Cwtatter West 7n, OF LANCASTER, MONDAY AND TUESDAY', AUG. 22 & 23, 1SSI, AT WHAT GLEN PARK. It is evident that this year's Velksfest will be the largest ever held in Lancaster, and the committee of arrangements spare neither pains nor money te produce new attractions. The Fruit or Festive Column will be hand somely decorated ; the Swablan Wedding : the Hunt of the Seven Men after the Hare or Rab bit, and ether new feature?, which will be made public later, and which will tend te rep resent mere closely the original " Cannstatter velksfest." TICKETS, 26c JyCO.augS.13.20 COMMITTEE. TRUTHS. Mop Bitters are the Purest and Best Bitters ever made. They are compounded lrem Heps, Bnchu, Mandrake and Dandelion, the eldest, best, nnd most valuable medicines in the world and contain all the best and most curative properties of all ether Bitters, being the great est Bleed Puriller, Liver Regulator, and Life and Health Restoring Agent en earth. Ne dis ease or ill health can possibly long exist where these Bitters are used, se varied and perfect are their operations. They give new lite and vigor te the aged and infirm. Te all whose employments cause Ir regularity et the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Appetizer, Tonic and mild Stimulant, these Bitters are invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, with out Intoxicating. Ne matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment is, use Hep Bitters. Don't wait until you ere sick, but it you only feel bad or miserable, use the Sitters at once. It may save your lite. Hundreds have been saved by se doing. S-S0O-a will be paid for a cese they will net cure or help. De net suffer yourself or letyenr friends sut ler, but use and urge them te use Hep Bitters. Remember, Hep Bitters Is no vile drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicine ever mede: the "Invalid's Friend and Hepe," and no person or famUy should be without them. Try the Bitters te-day. Hep Bitters ManntactHriBgCenpanT, Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. ieMydMWFaw Consternation Caused by the Performances T 11 Noted Uang of Texas Bobbers. Galveston, Texas, Aug. 9. A special te the News says the notorious " Leng and Short Men " who have been operating for seme time upon the stage lines of West ern Texas have again made their appear ance. They robbed the passengers and the mail bags of the San Antonie & Fred ericksburg stage at a place known as "Bebbeis' Delight," about live miles this side of Fredericksburg. It is also said 1 hey robbed the Austin & Fredericksburg stage at a eint eight miles east of " Bobbers' Delight." AWA-KKNKU AT HIS BURIAL; Only te Become a leaving Maniac The Sad Werk et Lightning. WiXNirEe, Man., August 9. A tent occupied by meu in grading en the Canadian Pacific railroad, near Giaml Valley, was struck by light ning during a storm en the 30th ult., aud two of the men were instantly killed. Anether one of the men who was supposed te have been killed was laid out, for burial. He recovered, but seeing the blackened corpses of his comrades en each side, his mind became se affected that he is new a raving maniac. The names of the unfor tunate have net as yet been ascertained. cd Wheat excited : Ne. 1 Milwaukee, hard and soft, nominal ; Ne. 2 Milwaukee, hard, nom inal; Ne. 2 Milwaukee, soft casii, $1 liW ; de August, $1 19; de September, 1 l.;de October, $117; November and December. $117; Ne. 3 Milwaukee, $107; Ne. 4 de and Rejected nominal. Cern scare and Arm ; Ne. 2. Ttl'yis". Oats scarce and linn ; Ne. 2, 10c. Rye dull ; Ne. 1, 83c. Barley strong ; Ne. 2 Spring, September, at 76c. Previsions ilrmcr ; Mcs Perk, $17 93 eisii and August ; $18 CO, September. Lard-Prime Steam, $1145, cash and August ; $1150, September. Hogs weak at $fifflC 45. Receipts Fleur. 10,K)0 hbls.; Wheat, 19,000 bushels ; Cern. 2.400 bushels. Shipments Fleur. 13,000 hbls ; Wheat, 126,000 bushels : Cern, 18,000 bushels. TotEeo, Ohie. Wheat quiet; Ne. 2 Red, Wabash, August. $1 'UJg ; September. $126U; October. $1 2SJ' ; November, $1 30 ; Ne. 3 Red, Wabash, $119. Cern quiet; High Mixed, 51c; Ne. 2 spot, TCc ; September, wiVc. Afternoon call Wheat steady ; Ne. 2 Red Wabash, spot, 1 1 24 hid, $1 23 asked ; August. $1 21?6 ; September, 1 27 ; October. $1 28- ; uecemucr, i 31 ; an me year, 91 -yK. Cern stcadj ; Ne. 2 spet,54c ; August, 5tc hid 54c asked ; September, S5jc ; October, 56ie ; all the year, 53c. Oats dull ; Ne. 2 August, 3l)j bid, 34c asked. Receipts Wheat, 83,003 bushels : Cern, 34,000 bushels ; Oats, 400 bushels. Shipments Wheat, 60.000 bushels ; Cera, 10,000 bushels ; Oats, 2,CO0 bushels. Millers villc Street Car Inquirer Printing Company. .. . Watch Factory Gas Light and Fuel Company.. Stevens Heuse Columbia Gas Company Columbia Water Company Susquehanna Iren Company... Marietta Hellew ware 50 50 IOO 23 100 100 100 $3.25 23 40 115 bit. 73.10 MEDICAL. itATAi:itII. CATARRH, COLD IN THE HEAD, HAY FEVKR. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS, CAN RE CURED. DIRECTIONS. Fer Catarrh, Hay Fever, Celd in the Head Ac, insert witli little finger a particle et Bulm into the nostrils ; draw strong breaths through the nose. It will he absorbed. cleansing and healing 1 no eiseascu mem brane. FOR DEAFNKSN Apply u particle into tlie ear. ELY'S CREAM BALM, having gained an enviable local reputation, displacing all ether preparations in tlie vicin ity et discovery, is, en its merits alone, recog nized as a wonder 1 ul remedy wherever known. A fair trial will convince the mestskeptlcal of its curative powers. It effectually cleanses the nasal passages of caturrnal virus, causing healthy secretions, allays inflammation ami irritation, protects the membrannl linings et the head from additional colds, completely heuis the sores and restores the sense et taste and smell. Renctlciul resnILs are realized by a tevr applications. A thorough treatment as directed, will cure Catarrh. As a household remedy for cold iu the head it is unequalled The liulin Is easy te use and agreeable. Sold by druggists at 50 cents. On receipt of 50 cents will n.ali a package. Send ler. circular with full in formation. EL 'S CREAM BALM CO., Owego, N. Y. Fer sale by the I-incaster druggists, nmt;by wholesale druggists generally. fZMmced&w A NEW HAMPSHIRE BORGIA. te Have Been Mysterious Deaths Believed Caused by Poison. Bosten, Aug. 9. A special dispatch states that several prominent persons have mvstcrieusly died at Lancaster, N. II., I mtuiii a J cur, miu iuui a young numau is suspected of killing them by poison. It is stated that arsenic has been found in the stomach of one of the deceased, and that the immediate exhumation and examina tion of the internal organs of the ethers who mysteriously died will take place. K1LLKD WITH A BASK BALL BAT. A Bey's Fatal Interference in His Father's Quarrel. Burlinoten, N. Y., Aug. 9. Yesterday while Jehu Reagan and Newton Martin were fighting in this city a son of Reagan, aged 14, struck Martin, who had Reagan down, with a baseball bat, hitting him at the base of the brain and causing instant death, Reagan and his son were arrested. An autopsy will be held te-day. MURDERED AND BURNED. The Unnatural Crime Charged Against Ne gro Parents. Lake "Village. N. H., Aug. 9. The coroner's jury in the case of the three chil dren of Charles Meedy (colored) who were burned en the evening of July 4, have returned a verdict that the children were murdered and the house was burned te conceal the crime. Meedy and his wife have been arrested and committed te jail te await action of the grand jnry. Suicide of a Lady at Newport. Newport, R. I., Aug. 9. Mrs. Ida Harris, wife of II. M. Harris, of Easteu, Pa., while suffering from temporary de rangement, this morning jumped from the third story window of the Kay street house and was instantly killed. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Aug 9. Fer the Middle Atlantic states partly clendy weather, followed by local rains, winds, lower pressure. warmer westerly Live Stock Markets. Chicago. Hogs Receipts, 18,000 head ; ship ments. 4.H 0 head ; market steady ; common te lair mixed packing, $5 906 40; geed te choice mixed and heavy shipping, $6M3685; light, $S 20r 70; skips nnd culls, $4 750. Cattle Receipts. 4,500 head; shipments, 3,000 head : demand bctur and prices firm ; experts. $'J6C0; geed te choice shipping, $5 40590; common te fair, $I50520; butchers' steady at $24 ; range cattle steady, with a fair demand : common te fair, $393 10; geed te clielce, $3 20 3 73 ; steckcrs' and feeders, $334. Sheep Receipts, COO head: shipments 300 head; market active, firmer and scarce; quality peer; common te medium, $3254: geed fat, $20S4 CO. The Journal's Londen, Liverpool and Glas gow specials quote cattle as better: American, 14c.; Canadian, 16c. Sheep dull at 14c. Kast Liberty. Cattle Receipts since Fri day, 2,771 nead through and 1,139 head yard stock; supply equal te the demand; prices unsteady, but lower. Hogs Receipts, 3,100 head; Philadelphia.1, $6 7306 SO ; Yorkers. $6 25G 50. Sheep Receipts c,8C0 head ; sale3 at $3 505. drain and Prevision Quotations. One o'clock quotations of gmin and provis previs ions, furnished by S. K. Y'ttndt, Breker, 15 Fast King street. Chicago. Aug. 9. Aug. Sept. Oc Wheat iVUii $1.18 $ 1.1854 Cern 54 M .55 Oats 51 .32 .32 Perk 17.82 17.83 17.90 Lard 11.42)4 11.43 1I.47J 1'uiladiu.fhia. Aug. Sept. Oct. Wheat $130 $1.31 $!.: Cern 60 .61 XA Neeu y rotations or the Oraln Market Furnished by Jacob B. Leng, Commission Breker. Chicago. Aug. Sept. Oct. Wheat $ 1.25 $ 1.18 1.18 Year. $1.16 Oct. Cern 54 .54:5 .55 Oats 33 .32 .33 Perk 17.90 17.9J 17.95 Lard 11.43 11.45 11.50 Philadelphia. Aug. Sept. Oct, Wheat $1.30 $1.30 $1.33 Cern C0 .61K .63 Oats 41 .39 .39 steca nmm. New Y'erk, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks also United States Bends reported daily by Jacob B. Loke, N. E. Cor. Centre Square. Naw Yerc Stocks. Stocks lower. Chicago ft North Western. ... Chicago. Mil. ft St. Paul.... Canada Southern C C A 1. CR. Rm. ....... Del.. Lack. & Western Delaware ft Hudsen Cana!.... Ilenvcr ft Rie Grande Hannibal ft St. Jee Lake Shere ft Mich. Southern Manhattan Elevated..- Michigan Central Missouri. Kansas A Texas N. Y., Lake Erie ft Western New Jersey Central N. Y., Ontario Western New Yerk Central Aug. 9. a. x. r. it. r 11 Hfcte 1:00 3:00 7)Qv 120 126 126 112 113 111 64 6.-A? 6& ' .... 22 22 123 12344 121 109s 109 110 93 a 7il 123 123 123 .... 17 15 96Ji 97 98 43 43?J 44 43 4334 43J 32 143 . 95 9S . 3l 32 141 Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OF LYNN, MASS., Has tt Ite Dimery ! Her Vegetable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA K PraKHAMS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer AH Female Complaints. This preparation, as Its name signifies, con sists 01 Vegetable Properties that are liurmlcss te the most delicate invalid. Upen ene trial the mcritset this compound will lie recognized, as relief is immeilLite; and when its use is con tinued, in ninety-nine cases in a hundred, a permanent cure is effected, as thousands will tcstUy. On account of Its proven is te-day recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Leucerrhma, Irregular and pnln lnl Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, In flammation and Ulceration, Ploedings, all Dis placements and the consequent spinal weak ness, and Is especially adapted te the Ciange of Lite. In tact it has proved te be the greatest and best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, ami gives new life aud vigor. It removes falntnesa. flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bleating, Headaches, Nervous Pres. presslen and Indigestion. That icclingef bcai- tratlen. General Debility. Sleeplessness, De pressien and indigestion. That feeling of heal ing down, causing pain, weight and backache. Is always permanently cured by Its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances. act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney cemptaints of cither-sea this Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ei prepared at 233 and 233 Western Avenue Lynn, Mess. Price $1. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in tlie form et pills, also in the form eL lozenges, en receipt et price, $1 per box. for either. Mrs. PINKIIAM Ireely answers all let ters of inquiry. Send ler pamphlet. Address as above. Mention this paper. Ne family should be without LYDIA K PINKUAM'S LIVEtt PILLS. They cure Con stipation, Biliousness and Torpidity or flie Liver. 25 cents per box. Johnsten, Holleway '& Ce., Ueaeral Ageats, Philadelphia. Fer sale by C. A. Leeher, 9 East King street and Gee. W. Hall, 15 West King street. i'29-lvdeedftw Ir YOU SUFFER. WITH A PAIN IN THE hack, or nave a constant tlml feeling in your back and limbs, it Is sere indication your Liver ami Kidneys are out of order. Te re move these symptoms you should use KIDNEYOURA ! This tea is purely vegetable, and Is sold In packs, which will make four pints of tea Price. 50c. a pack. Fer sale at KAUFFMAN'S DKUG STORE, marll-lmd&lyw 116 North Queen Street. -f T r ? a r il Ai .jgys .jfrgsftf.