-"-V;'1' !- V, '-? - ' - - '' m-'-CXt--f'-, -" LANCASTER DAILY INTELUGENOER, MONDAY AOGUST 8. 1881. Scbenabercer shot at another whose name we have net learned. He missed the man he nhet at, hut his ballet entered the leg of Wayne Ulrich, inflicting a painful, but net dangerous -wound. The bullet has net yet been extracted, nor has Scbenaberger been artested. . THE REPUBLICANS. THE CUIJXTV COMMITTER ORGANIZES. The Examiner Faction Triumphant. The Republican county committee met in 6. A. It. hall at 11 o'clock this morning for the purpose of organization. The committee was called te order by J. A. Steber, chairman of the late beard of return judges, and en motion A. C. Welchans and Win. Fraim were chosen temporary secretaries. The roll was called and a number of substitutions of committeemen were made without opposition. When the Ninth ward, city, was called (in which it will lie remembered there was a tie vote for committeeman between AI. Speecc and William P. O'Brien), a paper was read signed by Mr. O'Brien, in which he stated that he withdrew from the con test in favor of 31 r. Speece. A motion was made te declare Mr. Sjx;ccc the committeeman. This was opposed by .1. W. Jehnsen, es-q., 4th ward, city, and Mr. Casscll of Marietta, who maintained that as Mr. O'Brien had net been elected, he could net therefore substitute anybody. Mr Johnseu nominated J. I. Ilattmau as sub stitutc, and went se far as te say that it was reported that money had been paid te O'Brien te withdraw from the contest. This charge crealed a geed deal of ex citement and from vaiieus parts of the room tlicre were ones el " slander, "Marnier," and calls upon Mr. Jehnsen te make geed the charge. A. J. KaufTtnati, esq , of Columbia, said it was evident that Mr. Speece represented one half the Republicans of the Ninth ward and Mr. O'Brien the ether, and, if Mr. O'Brien delegated Mr. Speece te rep resent his half of the voters he didn't sec that eutsidcis had any right te object. Mr. Jehnsen moved that the paper be net received. Mr. lvaull'man innvetl 10 amend by strik ing out the weid "net,'' and that the paper be leceivcd. The jeas and nays weie called en Mr. iCaun'inan'.s uinci.dmcnt and resulted yeas oil ; nays :(). Se the paper was received and Mr. Spuece was declared the member from the Ninth ward. A. F. Sheiiek, 2d waul, city, and A. F. Frantz, Lancaster township, were nomi nated fur chairman of the county com mittee. A vote being taken icsultcdas follews: Fer Mr.Shcnck 40 votes Fer Mr. Frantz 32 votes Mr. Shcnck was declared elected and took his seat amid great applause. He thanked the committee for the honor con ferred, accepted ths position as a compli ment net te himself, but te the great Re publican pnity, of which he was an humble representative, and premised te discharge his duties te the be-t of his ability in the interest, of the Republican party. Fer lieasuier of the committee, U.S. Danuer, of Manheim, and II. B. Casscll, of Marietta, were placed in nomination. A vote being taken resulted : Fer Mr. Danuer, ...US votes. Fer Mr. Casscll, 28 " Mr. Danner was declared elected. On motion of A. J. ICaulfmau, esq., D. W. Grabi II, of Petersburg, and A. C. Welchans, 1st ward, city, were unani mously selected as peimaiieut secretaries of the committee. A. J. KaufTman, esq., said that this was the proper time te appoint a committee te make an assessment upon the Republican candidates ; hefeie that was done, how ever, he moved that there be no assess ment be made upon I Ien. J. B. Livingston the candidate ferjudge. He though the honorable ellice for which he was a c.mdi date should be placed above partisan poli tics, and that he should net be required te pay an nr&cssnieut te aid the party. Mr. KaullV.iaifs motion was unanimous ly agreed te. Mr. A. C. Welchans moved that the chair appoint a committee of live te fix the rate of assessment upon the several candidates ami that said committee report te an adjoin ned meeting of the county committee one o'clock, sharp, this after noon. The motion was adopted and the chair appointed the following : A. C. Welchans, 1st ward, city. J. (J. l'ewnall, Sadsbury. .1. G. Sellers, Mount Jey. A. F. Frantz, Lancaster township. A. J. Kaull'mau, Columbia. The committee then adjourned te re assemble at 1 o'clock. Tin Afternoon's Meeting. The committee met this afternoon, when the sub committee reported the following assessments of candidates : Prothenotary, sheriff, register and treasurer, $373 each ; quarter sessions clerk,$17.ri ; orphans' court clerk, 105; prison keeper, SCO; commis sioners, jJOOeach ; coroner, Sid; directors of the piHir, $10; inspectors, $10; audi tors, $." each. A committee te revise the rules was ap pointed It consists of A. J. Kaufl'iuan, A. F. Frantz, Henry Musscr and Levi Brubaker, of the county committee ; J. 31. W. Geist, of the Era ; Jehn A. Hicstand, of the Examiner, and Eiwoed Gricst, of the Inquirer. Police Case. Jehn Doebler, who was charged several weeks age with committing an assault aud battel y en Mrs. Barbara S.iyler, but who avoided arrest, was taken into custody by Oflici r Ceylc last evening and gave bail for a hearing before Alderman McCouemy te-morrow evening. Sarah Gumpf, for drunken aud diser derly conduct, was committed te prison for live clays by Alderman Samson. Jonathan Applcten, aged 15 years, was arrested for malicious mischief, en com plaint of his mother, and committed te jail for a hearing before Alderman Samson en Saturday next. Jacob llcrzeg, aged 11 years, was ar rested for assaulL and battery en a son of Wm. K. Keller, llcivasheld te bail for a hearing befie Alderman Samson en Saturday. Prof. Aust, the musician, has entered complaint against llermau Ilirsli, charging him with turning a stream of water upon him from a pave wash. Mr. llirsh is held for a hearing. Cyrus Limcbach was this morning com mitted te jail for five days by Alderman Spurrier for drunken and disorderly con duct. Henry McCleskcy, for similar miscon duct was committed for 10 days. "William Butler and his wife, Nan, of Middle street, both of whom are well known, have been arrested for keeping a disorderly house. Nan is also charged with being drunk and disorderly. They gave bail for a hearing before Alderman Dennelly, of the Seventh ward. Mary GrefT has been held by Alderman Barr te answer at ceuit the charge of sure ty of the peace, preferred by Mary Foehl. Il.tseball Officers. The Friendship baseball club met in their hall Saturday evening, and organized by electing the following officers and players : President Thce Wcnditz. Vice President James Fcllcnbaum. Treasurer Jehn King. Secretary Samuel B. Lcvan. Captain Geerge M. Myers. Jehn King a, James Cosgrevc p., James Bums 1st b., Chas. Currie 2d b , William Chapman 3d h., Geerge Myers s. s., Jehn Davis I. f., Chas. Shay c. f., Jehn Heek r. f., Samuel Le van, Jehn Cogley, subs. JAIL BREAKERS. KlOHTOFfUBM ALMOST OUT. Timely Discovery of Beld Operations. Last night eight of the most desperate criminals confined in the Lancaster county prison, made an unsuccessful attempt te escape. The numbers of the cells which were occupied by the men, together with their names are as fellows : Cell- Ne. 28, occupied by Abraham Buzzard and Paul Quigley ; Ne. 29, Jacob Weaver ; "Ne. SO, Jehn Lippincott and Charles Albright; Ne 31, Ike and Jee Buzzard; Ne. 32, Charles Gibsen. The cells in which the men were confined are situated en the ground fleer en the east side of the prison. Seme time age the county com missioners had iron plates placed en the north side of cell Ne. 28, and the south side of Ne. 32 ; the east and west ends of each of the live cells, together with the floors of all arc made of iron, leaving the walls between Nes. 2S and 32 of brick only. Seme time yesterday the pris oner -began cutting the . walls be between the cells, using their cigar maker's tools te de the work. They cut holes large enough for a man te crawl through between the cells, until they came te the wall separating Nes. 28 atid 29 This wall iike all of the ethers is made of brick and is 18 inches thick. When tticy reached this wall they cut it out into the yard. About 10 o'clock last night Watch man William Reed was walking around in the eastern part of the prison yard when he discovered that a hole had been cut in the wall between cells Ne. 28 aud 29. He quickly alarmed Keeper Wcfce, who arose from bed and dressed himself. After procuring pistols the keeper went upon a search te sec if the men had es caped. He first stationed one watchman at the hole and another in the prison, giv ing them orders te sheet any man who would attempt te escape. Mr. Wcisethen walked around the jail yaul in order te ascei tain whether any of the men had es caped, as it was net then known whether any uacl cot away, no examined tne walls, and from what he could sec he be lieved that none had get out. He went into the prison and found Quigley, Weaver and Abe Buzzard in cell Ne. 28. All of the ether prisoners weie found in their own cells. An examination was then made ami it was found that the hole lead ing te the yard was net sufiiciently large Ter a man te net his body through, as two" sharp pointed stones were yet in the way. These stones could have been easily re moved in a short time, however, and the whole gang of prisoners would have been at liberty in a short time had it net been for the timely discovery of Watchman Reed. The prisoners were removed te ether cells, immediately after their cells had been examined and a close watch was kept ever them. In one of the cells two ropes made of bed-clothing were found. One of them had sticks fastened in it aud they were te have been used in scaling the walls. The bricks, which had been taken from the walls had been placed in boxes used te deposit tobacco, all of the prison cm being engaged at cigar making. Had these prisoners been successful in theirattempt te escape it would have been an easy matter for them te have overpow ered the two watchmen. They could then have easily taken possession of the prison and would no doubt have liberated all of their friends, including Frankford and llambrixht, who occupy cells directly op pesite these which weie broken, aud the keeper and his family would have been in danger. When some of these who attempt ed te escape were, interviewed this morn ing they told ene of the nudcrkcepers that they did most of their wei'k yesterday. Quigley stated that he began his part of it last week. The walls between the cells arc very soft and a man with any tools could easily cut a hole through them 'in a short time. The prisoners had drilled small holes through these walls and through them they were enabled te communicate with each .ether. On Saturday all of the cells were ex amined and nothing was found te be wrong. Nene of the iron was cut, and had iron been placed en the walls between all of the cells the prisoners would net have made an attempt te es cae, as the iron is very hard and they would uethave bsen able te affect it with the tools they had. The whole fault seems te be with the commissioners, who would have shown a geed deal meie wisdom if they had lined each wall with iron. It is said that they were advised of this before the work was iIdiic, but they seemed te think that what they placed en the walls of two cells was sufficient. They did net have any idea that the prisoners would be able te escape after getting into one cell. Ne blame whatever can be at tached te the prison officials, but they de serve the greatest praise for their success ful cffei ts in preventing the escape. The tools with which the work was done weie only these used by cigar makers, such as knives, clamps, etc., and it would be impossible for the men te be kept at work without them. The walls of the cells are in a terribly bad condition, and if the com missioners want te keep desperate prison ers secure they must cover all the walls with iron. The cost would net be as large te have the work done at once as te be continually rcpaiiing the brick walls between the cells. Some history of the men who attempted te escape may be interesting and our read ers will then knew who they arc and something concerning their crimes : Chas. Gibsen was convicted in November, 1877, of horse stealing and was sentenced te eight years imprisonment. He escaped from prison en July 25, 1878, aud was recap tured in Pittsburgh en Skhtembcr 7th of same year ; en the letliT July, 1879, he again escaped and . was recaptured iti Grccnsburg en September 1st, 1880. He was afterwards tried for breaking jail and received a sentence of 1 year and 6 mouths. He is a son-in-law of Jehu Frankford, who was convicted with bim of stealing horses and is new serving a sentence of 19 years'. He is regarded as a bad man and certainly a hard one te held. Abe Buzzard is well known, as he belongs te the notorious Buzzard family. At the last Apiii court he was convicted of burglary and received a sentence of 13 yeais. Ike Buzzard is a brother of Abe, and is a somewhat notorious criminal. He is the smartest in the family. His crime was burglary, and he was sentenced for 10 years at the last April court. Jee Buzzard, the youngest of the frailly, is yet " new" in the business. His sentence was four years, having been convicted of burglary with his brother at the same time. Paul Quigley is a resident of thiscity,aud is well known. He was convicted of burglary in November, 1880, and received a sentence of two years and six months. Jehn Lip pincott is another long term man. He belonged te a gang of thieves who were sent te jail in November, 1875. He was convicted of burglary, and his term is ten years and six months. One of his part ners was Phares Armstcad, who brekejail and is new at liberty. Jacob Weaver and Charles Albright are both Lancaster boys and they were convicted of larceny in No vember, 1880. Their sentences are for one year and nine months A Ulg Snapper. Wm. Shober, of Slackwater, caught a 15 pound snapper at that place with the hook and Hue. When Mr. Shober drew the turtle te' the surface he could net land it and was compelled te call J. McIIeury, the crack shot of that place, te his as sistance, who shot the snapper. Meeting et Firemen. This eveuing the American fire company will held a meeting for the purpose of taking action in regard te reorganization. The committee is expected te report. COLUMBIA NEWS. OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE. Pleasant weather. Churches well attended yesterday. The rains have raised the river two feet. Sells' circus and lively times te-morrow. Harry Saunders, late of the P. R. R., has started in work at King's grocery. The break of a connecting red en the R. & C. engine "Case" occasioned twenty minutes delay te the outgoing passenger train en Saturday afternoon. Mr. James Leckard, day watchman en the P. R. R-, at the feet of Locust street, has been chauged te night watchman, in place of Mr. Moere, who takes Jim's place. Engine Ne. 113's tank has been sent te Philadelphia for repairs of damages re ceived in the accident at the Little Cones Cenes Cones teca bridge. An ere car off the track at the Cerdelia mines en Saturday caused an hour's delay in the work. Sherman Swingle, a lad working for Sam' I Filbert, had his feet mxshed by a piece of ice falling en it. Geerge Owens, working at a net even in the Shawnee furnace, was cut by a dis placed stone wluch in falliug struck him. The C. C. C. camping club returned home en Saturday. The boys arc some what sunburned, but all claim te have had a delightful time The Old Coderas club leave for a week or ten days encampment at the mouth of the Coderus creek next Friday. While workmen were engage d in scrap ing mud from under the coal chute en Saturday, a heavy oak skid, becoming de tached in some manner, fell from the top of the chutes, a distance of nearly forty feet, nearly striking one of the laborers. On Saturday afternoon a mule broke loose and ran out of the boatmen's stables, near ttie coal chutes, and after running about the lumber piles for awhile he al lowed himself te be caught and returned te his stable. Mr. Geerge Ryen, of Pottsville, ac companied by his friend Richard Case, are the the guests of .Mr. Rebeit Ryen ; Mr. II. F. Yergey left en Saturday ler a few days' visit at Pottstown ; Miss Alice Bucher, who has been visiting in Philadel phia, returned home en Saturday evening ; Miss Eva Nesbitt returned te her home in Pert Deposit. She had been visiting Miss Annie Fcndrich. On account of the heavy shipment of coal ever the R.A: C. railroad en Saturday, aud net wishing te have tee many leaded cars en the sidings, freight engine " Maltby " w;is kept at work shifting and dumping coal at the coal chutes until 8:30 p. m. A number of our doctors aud families have received invitations te attend the fourth annual reunion of the Pennsylva nia and Maryland Union medical associa tion, which will be held at Pert Deposit Thursday, August 25, 1881. This morning Officer Struck arrested a man for being drunk aud disorderly aud indecently exposing his person. He was placed in the lock-up and seen after had a hearing before Squire Frauk, who commit ted him for ten days. On Saturday morning while Mame Eves, a young girl about four years of age, was sitting in her nurse's lap playing with a glass jar, she slipped and fell, the jar breaking and severing the arteries and sinews of her left wrist, aud had it net been for the timely arrival of a doctor the little one would have bled te death. She is new somewhat better, but suffering in tense pain. Yesterday B. Suavely, jiytoek his wife and childreu out te one of the islauds be low the dam te spend the day, but the storm coming up they, were compelled te go home, and while attempting this their beat stuck upon a sand bar and could net be pushed off. They had te remain in this position during the whole of the storm; and all received a thorough wetting. On Satuiday afternoon Special Police man Henry Redenhauscr hearing that the negrees were lighting en " Tew Hill," went up aud attempted te arrest a "coon" by the name of Lensr, but all the rest of the "gentlemen of color" turned upon him and handled him pretty roughly. "Think ing " discretion the better part of valor " he made his escape, but returned as seen as he had obtained warrants te arrest sev eral of the fighters. They could net ha l'eu ud. Henry has his face and neck some what cut and bruised, but considers that he made a lucky escape. Leng, the man who started the fuss, had his face aud head all cut up by plucky Henry. Effects of tne Saturday aterin. About 8 o'clock ou Saturday evening the wind aud rain storm struck the town with considerable fury, aud seme damage done te houses, grain fields, etc., wasthe result. As William Wallacs was rowing ever from Wrigbtsville, the wind capsized his beat, but being a geed swimmer" he managed te reach this side. His beat was afterwaids caught. The unoccupied house near Blctz's saw mill, had all the window panes and several shutters broken. The heavy rain falls have put our streets in a very bad condition The wheat field back of Columbia, was considerably damaged, slacks were blown ever and two very large "wash in's" occurred, and the larger portion of the corn field, near Heffman's quarry, was totally destroyed. A small bridge in the same field was washed away. " Quilla " Frisby in company with two ether colored men, while eutsailing, were upset, but clung te the beat which finally drifted te the slieie. VIBES. Darn Destroyed Dwellng Damaged. A large trame barn belonging te Isaac Broeinell, of Christiana, and situated ever the Chester county line, near the "Swan,' was destroyed by fire en Satcrday after noon, together with all its contents, con sisting of the summer crops, hay, grain, Arc ., mewing machine, wagons aud farm implements generally. One horse perished in the flames. The less will, perhaps, reach $3,000, part of which will fall upon Mr. Broemell's tenant, who has a one thiid interest in the crop. It is net known hew the liro'eriginatcd, as all the family were absent at the time. On Saturday a dwelling house belonging te the widow Phillips, near Atglen, was seriously damaged by tire. A new addi tion was being" made te the house, and shavings en the reef of the kitchen, it is supposed, caught fire from a spark of the chimney, set the reef en lire and spread te ether parts of the building. The reef aud second story are badly damaged, but the extent of the less is net stated. STARTLING COINCIDENCE. Orandcnild Dies at Its Grandmother's Funeral. On Saturday afternoon a startling inci dent occurred at the residence of Wm. Fisher, Ne. 240 West Yina street. His wife died en Thursday, and her luneral took place ou Saturday. Just as the funeral service at the house had ended, a Ihree-months-eld child of Mr. Fisher's daughter (Mrs. Jeseph Weaver of Quarryville, who was present te attend the funeral) was seized with convulsions, and in a few minutes was a corpse The black badge of mourning, which had been for two days upon Mr. Fisher's deer in token of the death of his wife, was re moved, and replaced by white crape, in token of the death of his grandchild The child's funeral took place this afternoon. Nearly Drowned. M. McIIeury, of Slackwater, while out beating yesterday with his two childreu, was caught in the storm. One of the children fell overboard and was nearly drowned. It was rescued with difficulty and is " all right'' new. JTEW JLOTXXTlSBMXlilS TTOUSEFTJBNISHING. TTOIJSEFTJKNISillNG. FLIE"N & WILLSON, SUCCESSORS TO FLINN & BRENE31AN. HEADQUABTEns FOE FISHnNTGK TACKLE New Invoice just received, containing the Latest Novelties In the Market. -Full line et Housefernishing Goods for Summer. 11KOOMS, 10c; BUCKETS, 10c; OIL CLOTH 23c. PEE YAUD; FRUIT CANS, ftc. 3Call and examine our stock. Ne trouble te show goods. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, HEI.LMUTH LADIES' COLLEGE. Patroness. II. It. II. Princess Louise. Founder and President, The Eight Ker. I. Ilellniutn, I. IK. I). C. L., Lord Bishop or Huren. Fall T nn opens Wednesday, Sept. 21. Handsome and spacious buildings, beautitully situateifin a most healthy locality, about four hours by rail from Niagara Falls, and ou one or the principal through routes between the East and West. The Greuuds comprise 140 acres. The aim of the Founder et tills college Is te provide the high est intellectual and practically uselul education. The whole system is based upon the sound est PROTESTANT principles, us the only solid basis for the right formation et character. KllKNCII is the language spoken in the college. MUSIC aspecialty. Beard, Laundry and Tuition Fees, including the whole course of English, the Ancient and Modern Languages. Cal isthenics, Drawing and Painting, use of Piane and Libiary, Medical Attendance and Medicine, 8300 per annum. A reduction et one-half ler the daughters et clergymen. Fer "circulars" und luil particulars address MISS CLINTON, Ladv Principal Ilelluiutli Ladles' College, Lon Len Lon eon, Ontario, Canade. Jll-lCtdM4F Colored Weeds Meeting. A colored camp meeting by the A. M. E. church of Springfield was held in Det wiler's grove, near Mount Jey, yesterday. The attendance was very large, the ser vices interesting and the order geed. The camp will continue through the week and ever next Sunday. ilrether Keels of this city will held a weeds meeting at What Glen en next Sun day and he expects a large crowd. ' De subjeck of desuiumcn will be answered later."- An Excursion te this City. The Yerk Miennechnr will run excursions te this city en Monday aud Tuesday, Au gust 22 and 23, te attend the ' Schewhen Fest" at What Glen park. Caught In the Belting. Gee. ltittcuheuse, residing en Lew street, was caught in the belting this morning at the Peun iron works and badly squeezed. He was taken te his home and medical aid summoned. Picnic Te-day. St. Michael's beneficial society is hold ing a picuic at What Glen te day . The at tendance is very large and all 'buses run ning te the grounds arc leaded down with passengers. The Street Committee. The street committee of councils went out te take a leek at the sticets this after noon. Excursion Register. 15. el U. te Beading, Tuesday, Aug. 9. Saturday, Aug. 13. Binggeld Band Excursion te Atlantic City via. Keating read, $& Three days. Thhivday, Aug. 18. Clark ft Schmidt's ex cursion te Atlantic City. Twe days, $3. Kluggeld Band Excursion te Atlantic City en Saturday, August 13. Bound trip tickets geed for three days, $3. Petersburg, Manheim, Bruckliarts, Landis ville, Lititz and Bphr.ita, $2.73. Train leaves Lancaster (KIngstrect) at. 1:10a.m.; Columbia, 4:10 ; Manheim, 1:15; Lititz. 4:55, Sec circulars and bills. jy23,S0,aug2,6,8,llA2tw u natural bcautiller and restorer of thecom thecem thecom plexlon Cuticura Medicinal Seap. Dclicate females find Mult Bitters nomUh nemUh ing, strengthening and purifying. smviAL mmvEs. Suicide and Dyspepsia. A most remarkable cure for dyspepsia " Wells' Health Benewer." The greatest tonic, best bilious and Liver Beuiedy known. $1. Druggists. Depot, Jehu F. Leng ft Sens. Lan caster. Lydla E. PInkham's Vegetable Compound revives the drooping spirits; invigorates and harmonizes the organic lunctlens; gives elas ticity and flmincss te the step, restores the natural lustre te the eye, and plants ou the pale cheek et beauty the lresh roses et life's pring and early summer time. Itching f'lles symptoms aud Cure. The symptoms are moisture, like pcrspira tlen, intense itching, increased by scratching, very distressing, particularly at night, as if pin worms were crawling in and about the rectum the private parts are sometimes af fected ; It allowed te continue very serious re sults may fellow. Dr. Swnyne's All-Healing Ointment is a pleasant sure cure. Alse for tetter, itch, salt rlienin, scald head, Erysipelas, barber's itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty, cuta cuta neous eruptions. Price, 50 cents, three boxes for $125. Sent by mail te any address en re ceipt of price te currency or three cent post age stumps. Prepared only by Or. Swayne V Sen. XB North Sixth street. Philadelphia, Pa. Sold liy all prominent druggists. juiieSl-SmdMWS&w tin te II. IS. Cochran's Drug store, 137 North Quern street, for Mrs. Freeman's Xew Na tional Dyes. Fer brightness anil durability et coler.nru unciiualed.Coler from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in Knglisli and German. Price. 15 cents. ir Yeu Are sick, Bead the Kidney-Wert advertisement in another column, and it will explain te yen the rational method el gutting well. Kidney-Wert will save yen mere doctor's bills than any ether medicine known. Acting with specific energy en the kidneys and liver, it cures the worst diseases caused by their derangement. Use it at once in dry or liquid form. Either is equal ly ellicient, the liquid is the easiest, but the dry Is the most economical. Interior. atil-lwd&w The Tidy Housewife. The careful, tidy housewife, when she is giv ing her house lLs spring cleaning, sheuldjjear la mind that the dear inmates of her house are mere precious than houses, and that their sys terns need cleansing by pnrifylng the bleed, regulating the stomach and bowels te prevent und cure the diseases arising from spring ma laria und iniusma, und she should knew that there Is nothing that will de it se perfectly and surely as Hep Hitters, the purest and best or all medicines. Sec ether column. anl-2wd&w Frank Bardul, North Bennett street, Buffalo, says : " 1 have tried your Spring Blessem as a lamily medicine and have never come across anything te de se much geed in se short a time in ceses et indigestion, dyspepsia and de rangement et the stomach ; I strongly recom mend it." Price 50 cents. Fer sale at 11. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Metners! Metnersis lUethersII Are you disturbed ut night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, go at' once and get a bottle of MBS. Wl NSLOW'S SOOTHING SVEU P. It will re lieve the peer little suflerer Immediately de pend upon it ; there ts no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, wlie will net tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the 'eldest and best tenia physician and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere ; 25 cents a Lettie. marMvrt&wM.W&S- "I Don't Want a Plasier," said a bick-man te a druggist, " can't you give me Hemething te cure me?" His symptoms were a lame back and disordered urine and were a sure indication of kidney disease. The druggist told him te use Kidney-Wert and in a short time it effected a complete cure. Have you these symptoms t "Then get a box or bottle te-day before you become incurable. It is the cure; safe and sure. Knoxville Republican. auS-lwd&w LANCASTER, FA. MAMHIAOES. Williams Mullen. August 7, lS81,by Bev. R. L. Beed, Albert B. Williams te Bebccca S. Mullen, all of Lancaster, Pa. DEATHS. I.utz On the 7th iiist, near the village of i -uiersuurg, aiuiue u., wiiu 01 samuei w. luiz and daughter ei Jacob and Fannie Baer, uged 28 years. Farewell, dear friends, may memory keep While in death's arms my body sleeps ; Friends nor physicians could net save My dying body Irem the grave. Gene Out ever remembered. The relative and friends are respectfully In vited te attend her luneral, from the residence et her husband, near Petersburg, en Wednes day, the leth lnst., at '. a. in., te proceed te place of interment, at the .Lutheran and Re formed church, Petersburg. ltd STiusE.Augn.st 7, IStil, J. Hay Brown Strine, liiiantsen ei jucoe . and Amelia is. Strine. The body will be removed te-morrow (Tues day), at 12:30 p. ui., from the residence et the parents. Ne. 39 Seuth Prince street, te the resi dence of Samuel P. U raver. Third street, Col umbia, treni which place the luneral will take place at 4 p. m. Kiefcer. August 7. 1881, In this city, Mary A. C, wife et Albert Klcfler, in her 32d year. The relatives and friends of the ianilly ure respectfully invited te attend the luneral, from the residence of her brother-in-law, Samuel Anxer, Ne. 150 Seuth Prince street, en Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemcter. ltd Montgomery. On Saturday, An. C, 18sl, at Millersville, Pa., Mrs. S. T. Montgomery, wile m Pre!. J. V. Montgomery, aged 48. Funeral services at the Nermal Scheel en Tuesday attcrnoen, August 'J, at 2 o'clock. Interment In Lancaster cemetery. Cosekove. In this city, August 7, 1831, Bridget, relict et the late Jehn Cosgrove, in the 85th year et her age. The relatives and friends arc respectfully in vited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her daughter. Ne. 302 East Orange street, en Wednesday morning at 8:30 o'clock. Inter ment at St. Mary's cemetery. 2td Smith. August 8, In this city, Carrie L. Smith, only daughter of Sephia und the late Levi Smith. The lelatives and friends arercspccttully in vited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her mother. 121 East King street, en Wed nesday, afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. 2td SuEimiicn. Near Bohrerstewn, en the Cth Inst.. Mugdalena Sheirrich, aged 81 years, 11 months and 9 days. The relatives and friends of the family arc re spectfully invited te attend the luneral, from her late residence, near Bohrerstewn, en Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. Services at Bohrerstewn Lutheran church. Interment at Bohrerstewn cemetery. 2td Dbverter. In this city, Aug. 6, 18S1, Ames Devcrter, in the 43d year et his age. The relatives and friends are respectfully in vited te uttend the funeral, from hi late resi lience, Ne. 1C3 North Queen street, en Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment in Wood ward Hill cemetery. td JVi'lP AJtriltTlSJ3LENTS. "VfOTICE TO REAL ESTATE OWNERS. 1 Our Monthly Catalogue will be issued shortly. If you have real estate te sell or ex change enter it en our books at once. Fer city properties no charge until sale. Terms reasonable and facilities ler selling the best in the county. ALLAN A. HEBB &, CO.. Beat Kstate und Insurance Agents, jySO lmdB 3 North Duke Strcet, T)KNNSXLVANIA K. BEST EXCUBSION OF THEJSEASON. ATLANTIC CITY, rn THURSDAY, AUGUST 18. TICKETS COOD FOB TWO DAYS, ONLY S3.00. CIIILDBEN HALF PB1CE. It is net neccs.sary te give particulars in the papers. It would take tee much space. Will send you circular next week. Tins reason we say this will be the best Is be cause we will have geed cars and the best ac commodations in every respect We are old hands and knew hew te treat the people. fc There is no recreation like that te be had en an excursion te the seaside. Ge by all means." New Era. Our tickets are geed te remain in Philadel phia. Cull and see u. CLARK 8s SCHMID, Managers. ltd MISCELLANEOUS. Democratic County Committee. There will be a meeting of the Democratic County Committee at Shebcr's Hetel, Lancas ter, ut 10 a. in., en Mondoy, August 15, te fix the lime of the County Convention. A lull attendance of the members is requested. W. U. IIENSEL, jy27-tddw Chairman. (1KA1N AND PROVISIONS ISOUGHT, J old and carried for customers In Chicago and Philadelphia, in large and .-.mull lets, en margins te suit, Lv S. K. YUNDT, Breker, Ne. 15 East King Street, jylG-3md Lancaster, Pa. Sl BALED PROPOSALS WILL DE RE- ceived at Ne. 2C East Klr.ir street, br J. L. Heltnieier, President et Beard of Inspectors, up te August 31. at 3 p. m., ter furnishing 160 tens et Furnace and 50 tens of Bange Ceal delivered at the Lancaster County Prison. BY OBDEE OF THE BOAED. Ames Rutter, Scc'y. aug3-3teed OUMETH1NG NEW I LACE THREAD UNDERSHIRTS, FEATHER-WEIGHT DRAWERS. SUSPENDERS, AT ERISMAtfS, THE SHIKTMAKEK, NU. 5G NORTH 'QCEB.N STREET, WANTED. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. A rare chance offered. Ap ply at this office. jy23-2wd w ANTED A WOMAN TO DO THE roekinsr and cnneral hnn.sAwnrlc in n small family. Wages $2 te $4 per week, accord ing te competency. Call at this office. a4-ttd w ANTED. A GOOD SECOND-HAND d. Apply te W. A. KING. Columbia, Pa. ltd THIRD EDITION. MONDAY BVSMTNO. AUG. 8, 1881. THE SURGEON'S KNIFE. GARFIELD OPERATED UPON. OR. AONEW's SVCUXSSrUL rKAT. Tne Obstruction te tfae Flew of fas Re moved, the Fever Reduced, aad the President Mew Doing Finely. BULLETINS OF THE OPERATION. Tbe Fever Subtitles. Washington, D. C., Aug. 88:30 a. sr. Official Bulletin. The president passed a comfortable night and slept well without anodyne. The rise of temperature of yes terday afternoon subsided daring the eveninc and did net recur at any time through the night. At present he appears better than yesterday morning. Pulse 94, temperature 98-4, respiration 18. An Operation Performed. Executive Mansion, Washington. Aug. 8 10:45 a. m. Unofficial. An oper ation the exact nature of which cannot at present be .ascertained was performed upon the president this forenoon. The results were eutirely satisfactory, aud an official bulletin with details is new in course of preparation and will be ready within half an hour. Official Repert or the Operation. Executive Mansion, Washington, D. C, Aug. 8, 10:30 a. in. Official. It having become necessary te make another epeuing te facilitate the escape of pus,- we took advantage of the improved condition of the president this morning. Shortly after the morning bulletin was issued he was etherized. The incision extended downward and forward, and a ceuuter opening made into the track of the ball below the margin of the twelfth rib, which it is believed will effect the desired object. He bore the operation well, lias recovered from the effects of etherizatien and is in excellent condition. Signed! D. W. Bliss, J. K. Barnes, .1. J. Woedwabd, KOBT. REYBURN, P. II. Hamilton, D. Hayes Aenew. Why the Operation was Necessary. Executive Mansion, Washington, Aug. 8. 1 p. m. Unofficial bulletin. The necessity for the operation which was per formed ujieu the president this morning became apparent te the surgeons yesterday when they found that a drainage tube of the size hitherto used could no longer be placed along the track of the ball between the ribs. The process of granulation at that point had gene en se far as te partial ly close the orifice aud the ribs prevented the pushing aside of the flesh which was healing betweeu them enough se that the tube could be introduced. The result of this state of things was that pus formed in the deeper parts of the wound rather faster than it could escape through the half-obstructed opening be tween the ribs and its gradual accumula tion began te cause disturbance. It was, therefore, decided te make a new opening into the track of the ball below the last rib se that tbe ribs should no longer pre vent the keeping open of the wound by the solid backing which they afforded te the granulating flesh between them. The operation was performed, at the request of the ether surgeons, by Dr. Agnew. As seen as the patient had been put under the influence of ether a long and slightly curved instrument was intieduced into the wound, pushed between the ribs and carried downward along the track of the bullet until its end could be felt below the last rib from the outside. Helding this instrument in - the wound as a guide, Dr. Agnew then made a counter incision below the twelfth rib, cutting directly through the integument until his knife met the end of the first mentioned in strument at the point where he wished te intersect the track of the ball. The operation was net a difficult or dangerous one, and the patient bore both it and the cthei iz.itien extremely well. There is new an opening te the deeper parts of the wound, which does net pass between the can always be kept obstructed, and no from the accumulation ribs und which free aud un furthcr trouble or pus isantici- pated. Since the operation the president lias rested quietly, and is new asleep. His pulse at this hour is 109, and he has neith er fever nor any ether unfavorable symp toms. Ulalne' Bulletin te Lewell. Washington, D. C, Aug. 8. The fol lowing has been sent te Lewell, minister, Londen : During the past tlirce days the president has periodically experienced a rise of temperature, indicating another obstruction te the flew of pus. A surgical operation was performed at uine o'clock this morning, by Docter Agnew. assisted by all the ether surgeons in attenuauce, by which a free communication between the pus cavities and the surface of the body has been effectually established. The op eration was performed under the influence of ether. The president endured it well, and is at this hour, half past teu, doing as well as could be hoped. Signed 1 Blaink, Sec'y. KY WIRE. Telegraphic News Te-Day. Archbishop McCabe has writted a pas toral, treating of infidelity en the Eu ropean continent, and approving the Irish land bill. Davidsen, Edwards & Ce.'s flouring mills, at Seuth Point,' O., were burned last night ; less $12,000, no insurance Fourteen shots were fired into the steamer Handy yesterday morning when she was approaching Portsmouth, Ohie. The shots came from a wagon en the read clese te the river bank. The pilot, a lady passenger in the cabin and ethers made narrow escapes. Mr. Bradlaugh is confined te his room t a account of an injury received al the time of his expulsion from the Heuse of Commens. Bradlaugh has obtained a new trial in the case recently decided against him in which a penalty of 500 was recovered for having sat and voted in the ITouse of Commens without having taken the parlia mentary oath. . The long pending insanity case of Cap tain J. P. Walker, Third L. S. Cavalry, has been finally decided, the commission of inquiry affirming his sanity, and he has been ordered te join his command. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Aug 8. Fer the Middle Atlantic states fair weather, preceded ia Maine by local rains, winds mostly north erly, stationary or lower temperature, higher pressure. MAKKmn. raiadelpfeis Market. FaiLuatrau, Aug. 8. Fleur strong, tend ing upwards: Saperane. S3- 233 7i; ex tra S4 0094 00 : Ohie Indiana fiually, at 5 0086 80; Pennsylvania tamily as 7sa 587; St. Leuis de t6 0)06 SO; Mlnaeaeta Extra 3 73fl6 15: de straight, as 376 63: win ter patent $ 737 SO : spilng de 7 097 73. Kye flour at u 5035 ou. w beat active and higher ; Ne. S Western Bed $1 30 ; Del. and Penn'a Ked 31 Ml 29; Amber SI 28Q1.29 Cern firmer, fair local demand ; steamer 57 ; sail yellow 60061c; sail mixed, 68Xc ; Ne. 3, mixed, 54Oc. Oats quiet but firm ; Ne. I White 44c ; Ne. 2, , de42Ke; Ne. 3, de 4t41$e; Ne. 2 Mixed, 4040Xc. Rye at 75c. Previsions firm : mess perk lisais 60 beet nam?, $21 50323; India me,s beet. 2900. Kacen Smoked shoulder SQSUe ; salt de 7Sc: smoked hann 12K9l3Mc; pickled hums, 10KO1UJC. Lard market and prices firm: citv kettle 1187KQ12 00; loe batchers' at $11611 25c; prime steam 911 75. flutter In lTOCHl senerul demand ami firm r Creamery extra at 24326c; de geed te cholce 216220 : Bradford county and New Yerk extra. 2223e ; firsts. 1921c KeIU steady ; Pennsylvania 15016c ; Western. 12314c. Kirxs steady ler lresh; Venn 'a 17c; Western 1516c. Cheese quiet, best grades steady; New Yerk lull cream llU4c ; Western full cream 9c; de tair te iroed, s694c. l'etreleum tlnll : Refintd TXc. Whisky dull at 1 II. Seed Geed te prime Clever dull at S 8c : Timethy steady at a WQi 10 ; de D'iax si d steady at It 25. Hew vera Market. New ewe. Aug. 7. Fleur State and Western rather mere steadv : moderate ex pert and home trade demand ; Superfine State at $4 03)4 75 ; extra de 14 75S5 10 ; cholce de 5 15&5 25 : tancy de $5 SO&ii 75: reunil hoop Ohie 5eefl5 3il : choice de 15 3it: 75; superfine western U 0034 75: common te geed ex tra de l 758525 ; choice de 5 SOQit 75 : choice while wheat de. at 15 25$6 25. Senthern Unit ; common te fair extra $5 15 ftt; 25 : geed te choice de 16 3Ui$7 SO. Wheat somewhat excited: l2!-c higher; fair xpeciilative trading ; Ne. 2 ICed. Auguat, 1 201307; .e September, $1 3l13i; de October, $1 X'iQl :M. Cern 14'4 better and moderately uctive ; mixed western spot, MSSa.'-ja ; de lutiire. JiMie. Oats linn and qnlet ; St.ile, IZQZOa ; West - cm, 4l5'Jc. Cattle Market. PuiLAOELriiiA. August S. Cattle market unsettled ; sales, 3.500 ; prime, 6c; geed, V6c; medium, 45.c; common, iHQ 5J4C ; culls, 3lc. Sheep market dull ; sales, 10,0X1 ; 'prime. 5; geed, 5J;,5; ; medium, 4g)5 ; com mon, 4l's; culls. 3g)lc; stock ewes, $200i: 75 ; Lambs, 37Kc. Hogs Market dull; selling at S!)c; sales, 3,0iH). Live Stock Market. Cuicaoe. Hogs ltecclpts. 6,000 bead ; ship ments, 4.3CO head ; fair demand and steady ; geed te choice shipping $6 f09(itJ0; common te lair packing dull und weaker ut $60000 45; light, 16 206 70 ; skips ami culls, $4 SOgO. Cattle Receipts, 1,400 head; shipments, 3,100 head ; market steady ; geed te choice shipping, $5 756 20 ; common te lair dull and weaker at I505 20; butchers' steers. 3 754 25 ; cows, $22503 75; bulls and mixed, $2 0350; stock steck ers' and feeders, 12 653 DO ; Texans, $303 75. Sheep Receipts, 200 head : market steady, with a lair demand; common te medium, $3 1 ; geed fat, 91 ?04 75. Drain und l'rovlslen (juetatlajis. One o'clock qnotatinns'ef grain and provis previs ions, furnished by S. K. Yundt, Breker, 15 .ess King street. Cuicaoe. Aug. 8. Aug. Sept. Oc. Wheat $ 1.21 1.17K 1.17K Cern S&4 M .55k Oate 32J4 .31 .32j Perk 18.00 17.OTH 17.80 Lard 11.40 11.50 11.65 1'UlLADKtriIIA. Aug. Sept. Oct. Wheat $ l.vJWi $ 1.31 $ 1.33X Cern w .0l .Kljjj Noen Quotations or IKe Grain Market Furnished by Jacob J. I.eiiic, Commission llreker. Cuicaoe. Aujf. Sept. Oct. Wheat $ 1.244 .n $1.17 Year. 1.15 Oct. Cern 53 M .55 Oats 32Vi .2 .32J Lard WAV. 11. 5 J Philadelphia. Aug. Sept. Oct. Wheat $ i.'itJi $ :syt $ vxva Cern iWi .e4 .63'4 Oats 40 .Xii .38K New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks also United States Bends reported daily by Jaoeu It. Lotte, N. E. Cor. Centra Square. Maw Yerk. Stocks. Stocks lower. Aug. 8. a. m. r. m. r. m 10-.OD 1:00 XOtt' .... 2J4Q3 .... 12B'4 12 125 H3ft 112 I i niy4 .... 6 224J il 22 12 125J ISSli W4 ...'. VUflZ !W 9SJ 9- Chicago & North Western. ., Chicago. Mil. ft St. Paul.... Canada Southern J. C flt I. Oa.lt. It.............. He!.. Uick.ft Western Delaware ft Hudsen Cana... Denver ft ltie tirande llaunibal ft St, Jee VI Lake Shere ft Mich. Southern.. 123 123 !'.. Manhattan Klcvated. 16K 17 Michigan Central Missouri. Kansas ft Texas.... N. Y., Lake Erie ft Western.. New Jersey Central N. , Ontario A Western New Yerk Central Ohie ft Mlsslssinnl . 07J - 43rt . .r.Ji . 32 . 14', vi 43 34i 43J6 43 U5f 31 14H4 5ifc Pacific Mail Steamship Ce.... St. Paul ft Omaha de Preferred Central Pacific Texas Pacific Union Pacific Wabash, St, Leuis ft Pacific.... " Prelcrrcd. Wetern Union Tel. Ce PHILADKLrHlA. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania It. 11. Itcadlng... ......,.. ... Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation liuffale, Pitts, ft Western Northern Central Northern Pacific...... " Preferred Hestenvllle Philadelphia ft Erie U. It Iowa (illicit Mining United States IIends. United Slates 4 perewnts " " i 5 5i 51 .... 41 .... lOTV. .... 02K 5 Ii'. 125 03 126 '.0i SH my, 64 ii. MX 31 Bli 54 mi 7 21 41 'il'A 40 80 23JS r. m. 1:00 22 nr. II4$ 102 I0 Lecal Mecks and Uends. Par Las val. sal I.Hiic.Clty 0 per ct. Lean, due lS82...$luu $105 1S85... 100 114 " " 1890... 100 i:. " " 1895... 100 12U ' 5erct. In ler :w years.. 100 105 '- 5 per ct. Scheel Lean.... U0 112 " 4 " In ler 20 years.. 100 103 " 4 " in 5 or 20 years.. 100 luue ' 4 " in 10 or 20 years. 100 105 MISCELLAHBOUS BONDS. Qiiurryvillc U. It., due 1803 $100 flit Heading ft Columbia It. It,, due 1882 100 102.V Lancaster Watch Ce., due 1S86 100 105.5.' Lancaster tias Light and Fuel Ce., due in ler 20 years 100 1Q3JK Lancaster Uas Light and Fuel Ce., Stevens Heuse 100 70 BANK STOCKS. First National Bank. $100 $l70ba Farmers' National Bank se 102..'. Lancaster County National Bank.. 50 10225 Columbia National Bank 100 140 Kphrata National Bank MP First National Bank, Columbia.. .. 100 135 First National Hank, Strasburg.... 100 134.K First National Bank, Marietta 100 202.&r First National Bank, Mount Jey.. 100 145 75 Lititz National Bank 100 Manheim National Bank we 141 5i Union National Bank. Mount Jey. 50 70.5. TUKXr-IKK STOCKS. Big Spring ft Beaver Valley $ 25 $ 10.2: Bridgeport 13 2i Columbia ft Chestnut Hill 25 18 Columbia ft Washington 25 20 Columbia ft Big Spring 25 14.1b Lancaster ft Ephrata... ............. 23 47.2? Lanc.,Eilzabetht'nftMIddlet'n...'.. 100 51 Lancaster ft Frultvllle. 50 se Lancastcrft.Liti.z 25 BU Lancaster ft Willlamstew 25 5T- Lancasterft Maner 50 95, Lancaster Manheim 25 30.V1 Lancaster ft Marietta 25 af Lancaster A New Helland 100 85 Lancaster ft Susquehanna. 300 275.ii Lancaster ft Willow Street 25 40 it Strasbnrgft Millport 25 21 Marietta ft May town 25 40 Marietta ft Mount Jey 25 X ISCELLAXEOUS STOCKS. Quarryville It. K. $ 59 $3.25 Millersville Street Car se 25 Inquirer Printing Company 5(1 40 Watch Factory 100 nsixl l H..