LANCASTER DAILY INTEUJGENCEK. SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1881. j. Hancastet intelligencer. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 0, 1881. '0! LeBgMay it Ware." An Incident Connected With Our National Seng. Dear Intelligencer : It was a great pleasure te me, as of course it was te hun dreds of your ether readers, te read Mr. Hansel's article en " The Star Spanzled Banner and its Auther," which you re print. The reading of the article recalls te my mind an incident connected with our national song that I will never forget. It was duriug the Centennial that I was iu Philadelphia and one evening attended the opera at the Academy of Music. Dem Pedre was there, tee, but we were net in company'ef each ether. Misses Caryand Kellogg were the principle singers, with several geed male voices scattered through. The binging, which was very "fine, as a matter of course, was all done in German and Italiau, and iu consequence the words were all " Greek" te me. But near the close of the entertainment one of the singers, Gary or Kellogg' (I can't remember which, as I was a " mere boy" thcn.and that's only been five years age !), came out, and in her beautiful voice with a clear enunciation of every, syllable, and, te me, faultless rendition of the whole, sang the Star Spangled Banner. What a thrill ran through that great house where every seat was occupied ! Hew the people held their breaths, motionless, enchanted ! Every man, woman and child, born be neath that banner, would have volunteer ed at that moment en a caHte d efeud it. And when she sang se beautifully, " And the Star Spangled Itanncr in triumph shall wave O'er the land el the free unit the home or the brave"' what an uproar, what an uprising, clapping of hands, btampingef feet, exclamations of pleasure, aye ! and net a few tears glisten ing iu the gaslight. That was the key te bring the sound from the American heart. And could that ether Key could Francis S. Key have heard it hew it would have thrilled his poetic soul. Muthinks he had been happy te die, like the swan, te the cadence of his own nmbie. A stoic was with nic and even he gave away and applauded with a will. I don't remember, but I think I waved uiy hat we country folks are se demonstrative, and open our mouths se wide at theatres, you kuew. I dare say the Academy of Music never heaid a Mere spontaneous, genuine Imibt of feeling. Drumore. Bart Items. In and Areunu Georgetown. On Wednesday, July 27th, the friends and relatives of the wheehviight of this village, Jeseph P. Scott, treated him te an agreeable surprise. Baskets of previsions wcre numerous, but what went te Joe's "tender spot" was a complete new suit of clothes. Scott is looking well the past few days, and it is currently rumored that the family contemplate living en cold vie tuals during the test of the summer. Heavy rains have visited the southern portion of Hart, but in the neithern por tion the dry weather, with the exception of a slight .shower en Friday ami misty weather en Saturday, picvails up te the 1st iust. ' Mr. Uatryltuth is the first te cut to bacco iu this township. On Saturday he cut some of his crap raised en the farm of Merris Coepar. Mrs. William Starrctt planted out some fair .sized plants en July :10th, and says she will raise geed tobacco yet. The pre gross of her venture will be watched with interest. Mr. C. E. Qujgley has patented his to bacco fork, and will eiler it te the public seen. This fork has been used for a year or two iu this neighborhood and is pro nounced very convenient and useful te raisers in housing their crops. Mr. Abratn Trout is eJleriug his eaily crop of peaches at the spicj figure of two dollars per basket. Mr. Trout has a large and nourishing etcharu in tins township. The crop this year is net se premising as formerly, but at his prices he may realize a fair income for the ground occupied. Spoiling the Geed Story. When Malck el Adib left the house of his childhood that he might go west and salt a mine and grew up with the country after unloading upon some smart fellows down in the provinces, his mother gave him forty pieces el silver and made him premise never te tell a lie. " Ge, my son," she said, in a voice husky with hairpins, " gi we may never meet again, and if we de I will probably be married before you come back, and it wouldn't be pleasant for you te live at home and have te call some square-headed old mufti Pa.' " The youth went, ami the party he travel ed with was assaulted by read agents, who shot the driver, cut open the mail bags, blew open the express box and went through the jusscugcrs. When one of the robbers asked the boy hew much he had he replied with surprising candor : " I have ten dinars sewtd up in my gar ments," The robber laughed a hearse guttural laugh iu the United States language and passed en te an elderly man, thinking the boy lied. Anether robber asked the boy the same question and receiving the same answer, laughed as did his comrade. Finally the chief called Malek te him and asked what he had. The boy replied. " I have already told two of your people that I have ten dinars sewed up iu my gray clothes." The chief ordered his clothes te be ripped open and found the money. " And hew," he asked, " came you te tell this ?" " Because,'! replied the boy, " I would net be false te my mother, whom I sol emnly premised te never tell a lie." "Aw, cheese that," the robber chief replied, " that's tee diaphanous stripling ; it won't laundry. Stand him en his head, fellows, and tap him for all he's worth." Se the robbers steed Malek en his head, and pounded the soles of his feet with the bastinados until he disgorged from vari ous secret pockets, belts, double shoe soles, and from the straw and cushions of the coach, 125 dinars, a geld watch, a let of Erie stock, seven railroad passes, seme promissory notes, a new JJerrmger, photo graphs of Maud Granger and Sara Bern hardt, a marked poker deck, a flask of Old Cabinet whisky, seme chewing tobacco, a diamond pin and a bleed steue ring, a package of counterfeit 10's and a slung shot. They then cut off his neck and tossed him ever iute the canyon. "That," baid the robber chief, as he pocketed the bulk of the swag, "will teach him te keep his premise te his mother the nest time. Always play awful close en a man who tries the honesty lay en a read acnt."Jfatcleve. LANCASXiat UOUSEUOLD SIAUKKT. PAlRV. Butter 5) fi : Cup Cheese, 2 cups Cottage cheese, 2 pieces Dutch cheese lump KKUITS. Apples ? 14 pk Bananas t le , Blackberries , Cherries, dried, $1 qt Currants, dried, ft & Cranberries qt Cantcleupc Dried Apples ? lt "' Peaches qt Huckleberries fl box Lemens W dez Oranges?! dez Fine Apples ". Peaches 1 ipk X CtirS igi y& Vl.a.aa....aa . Kaspberrics Bed Plums box Watermelons each VKUBTABLES. Beans $1 K P'f Beans, Lima, $1 qt ..17SS)c ...... .5c ......3c ...siec ..lOai-Je .-lO&GOc 10c lie 12c 10c ....4lSc ....Sc .-lOftiiJc loc ..40.Ve ..24S10c ..--'0S25c '.V.'lOQl'J ..leirc I0j ..2550e ....r.jc Beets fl bunch...' a Cucumbers t dez ,.., 10c Cauliflower?) head Uttc Cabbage f? head 5fg8c Carrots fl bunch .. SfglOc Egg Plants Green Cern 'f? dez 12l-1c Onions 91 pk 30 New Onions JipW ea ft Umil.ll a M Potatoes, (new.) WVi peek Malic (old) ' m u jas aOe$l (Sweet) 19 Mpeck 3ec Radishes ft hunch .2483c Kipe Tomatoes pk leJ20c Kliubarb Tfl bunch , 3g5c Soup Beans ft qt 10c Salsify f bunch lc BQ UHSJlUS tawiC I Turnips Tp pk.. 20c Chickens fl pair (live) 30S75 " $ It, (cleaned) 12lSc MISCELLANEOUS. Apple Butter l Qt 'c Coceanuta each 5Q7c Eggs V lez HI0c Heney W ft 2ac Seap yfi vr.. ....... ...... ..jc Sauer kraut qt 8312c MEATS. Beet Steak, f Ik 121Gc ' Roast(rib) W ft UglOs " " (chuck) f) ft 10ftl2C " Corned, 91 ft 1012c " Dried, qp ft 23&35c Bologna dried 30c Hain W ft 1318c lamb V ft l.i2fc Lard t ft 1-c MuttenW ft I0lc l'erk ! ft '.itfSlOc Sausage fi ft lO&l.'c FISU. Black Bass ft We Blue Fish 1 ft 10c Cattish?) ft - l'c Ced lie Clams yl dez 10c lt.ClB ff fit. . Ii'lC XlUdUOCIw . I"C Halibut iH ft Vtyfi Mullets Perch 1-iKc Fergles l ft iw Keck tlOiS aaf.4ta IUVj JlC 1-C $3)326 .. .$10 ..a .....a '" s.iyec $j.i"ig.!.!;0 $1.10 Oil II OUt Kl 13 Salmen White Fish $1 ft UllAIN. Ilay Titnctliv V ten " Clever f) ten Cern ft bus Oats W bus icyc fi bus. .. .. ....... . Timethy Seccd ty bus Wheats b"s :.... t.espe! Truth. He that is i surety ler a stranger, shall smart ler it. But he that tru-teth in Spring Blessem ler cuiing liver, kidney, and complaints et :i lil:u tendency shall never be disappointed. Price 50 cents. Fer sale lit II. B. Cochran's di ug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Unrivaled A- being a certain cure ler tin; worst tonus or dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, impurity el bleed, torpid liver, disordered kidneys, etc. and us a medicine ler eradicating every spe cies et humor, from an ordinary piir.plc'tn the worst nlcur. Burdock Bleed Bitters stand un rivaled. l'iice$l. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drug stele, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. A Renovating Kcuiedy Is te be round In Burdock Bleed Bitters. As an antidote for sick headache, iemale weak ness, biliousness, indigestion, constipation, and ether diseases et a kindred nature, these bitters arc invaluable. Price $1. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 Neitli Queen stiet. Lancaster. RELIGIOUS. C10NGKKGAT10NAL ItAPTIST P.KKT1I- ren. Service iu Salem chutch, tt'i-il Or ange street, at 2J p. m. "1 IMUSTIIAITIST. EAST CMKSTXUT ST Jj Services in the morning. Nene in t! e evening. Sunday school at 11 a. ui. ni its r KKFOKMED I'KKAl'IIIXt; IX I llic morning by the I Je v. O. II. htrjiuck. et Bleem-burg. Columbia county. Pa. Ne service lu the evening. Suud-iy school at '. a. 111. "I MUST M. 1:. cuuitcu. N'errrji iu.vj. Jl street. Preachinirat lOKa. 111. and 7K 11. in., ty tne pastor, Kcv. W. C. Kobinsen. Sun day school at a a. in. Prayer meeting en Wed nesday evening at 7. O1 I.IVET KAITJST CIIUKC'II V. SI. C. A. Uoeiup. Hev. M. Fruvne. 11 isier. 10a. m., and p. m., subject "The Salva tion of the Uightceus llitllcult." Sunday .school at 1 p. 111. 3i:rcSBYTEKIAX MKMOKIAL UIIAPKI.. Preac!iingal7iii. m. by Kev. tJce. Bell, et Wrightsville. Sunday school at J a. m. Prayer meeting en Thursday evening at 1. EOCKLANI) SUNDAY hCHOOrTuxnC hCHOOrTuxnC hCHOOrTuxnC uomiiiatieual) meets iu the lteckland street public .choel budding, every Mind.iy alleinoeii at -J o'clock'. Everybody welcome. UT. JAS1ES LiTAMV AXO 1IOLY COSI- O iniiiiieii at in a. 111. Kvening Prayer at Bp. 111. At the evening service the seals are liee. ST. LURK'S KEFOK9IKD MISSION, Marietta Avenue, near West Orange street Divine services at lOkJa 111. and at 7.1 v. m by Bev. James Crawlerd a. m. Sunday school at 'J SECOND EVANGELICAL. CUUItCH (English), North Mulberry street, above Orange. Quarterly meeting te-morrow. Preaching at 1(! a. in. and at Iji p. in., by the Ke v. F. Smith", .sabbath school at'ip. in., and communion at ". All are welcome. OALEM CHUKC11 OF GOD NO ShK- O vice te-morrow. Sunday school at 1J( p. m. West Mission, Derwart stieet Siimlav school at 1 p. 111. North Mission, Antioch. Sunilay school at!) a. in. OT. PAUL'S SI.E., CUUKUII, S. IJUliEX ST. KJ ltev. A. 1. t;olIeiu, pastor. Preaching at 10 i a. in. and l)i p. 111. Sabbath school at Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. !:i. m. TTNION 1IETUEL CIIUKCU OF t!OD y Preaclilng at 10i a. m. by the Kev. .T. Tucker. Ne service in the evening. W.ST MISSION, AI. E. CHAPEL, UUA1C UUA1C lette street below Lemen. Pleaching at 10 a. 111. and 7- p. m. by the pastor, l.'cv. Rebert A. Mcllwain. Open-air meeting iu lronteftiio church at 7 o'clock p. 111. At. C. A. lfHILE STUDY AT a. 111. Gospel service at 0:15 p. m. 0:1; HOUK.S AJS'U Sl'jlllOntlClCl. w- W AMI) CDOICK STATIONERY, NETT BOOKS AND MAGAZINES, AT L. M. FLYNN'8, Ne. 42 WEST ftlNU S1KEKT. rpilE MacKINNON PEN, Or FLUID PENCIL, the only Boserveir Pen in the World with a circle et iridium Aieund the Point. The most popular Pen it has greater strength, greater ink capacity, and is mere convenient for the pocket, than any new in use. . With one lilling it will writoliem seventy te eighty pages or toeNcap paper, docs the work in a third time less, and with less fatigue than attends the writing ei twenty pages with the ordinary pen. The writing point being Iridium (called by geld pen makers Diamond), it will wear an ordinary lifetime. 1 ne manufacturers guarantee te keep every Pen in geed working order ler three vears, and it the point shows any signs of wear in that time te lepeint free et charge. fcOLK AGENTS FOR THE MacKINNON PEN IN LANCASTER, JOM BAER'S SOIS, 15 anil 17 NORTH (JDBEN STREET, I.ANCASTEB. i-a. VUINA AM) GLASSWARE. Q.UN A HALL, JELL Y TUMliLEItS. JELLY COM. TUMBLERS, COM. TUMULEIiS. TUMliLEItS. MASON FRUIT JARS. 1.2C0 ODD CUPS. AT HIGH & MARTIN'S, 15 KAST KINO STKEET. MEDICAL. EEAD THIS Lancaster. Pa.. April 23, 1SS1. TflK KlDNEVCURA M'0 COMPAJTV. Gents It gives me much pleasure te say that after using one pack el KIONKVCUKA I have tieen entirely cured et a severe pain in my back and side, of long standing, and that, tee, atterti-ying vailetis known remedies. 1 have every cenlldence in your medicine, cheerfully iccenuuend it.andknewthatmanj' of mylrieuds who have used it have been lieni'titetl. PETKB BAKKIt, m'201yd Foreman Examiner and Express. i TOCHER'S Renowned Cough Syrup ! A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Remedy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influ enza, Soreness et the Threat and Chest, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ling of Bleed, Inflammation of the Lungs, am? all Diseases et the Chest and Air Passages.! This" valuable preparation combines all the medicinal viatues of these articles which long experience nas proved te possess the most sate and efficient qualities ter the cure of all kinds of Lung Diseases. Price 23 cents. Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. EAST K1NU STKfcET. OlC-tt (1 0 TO T HULL'S DRUG STORE FISHING TACKLE, RODS, REELS, &c, OK E I ' K '11 Y D E S riilPTI O JV . Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, augSS-lyiU VfOTICK. I. N CASTER. PA. mi. (J. A. (JltKtiNti Takes this opportunity of neutYiiig his 1111 1111 mcreus )atieuts and theie who desiie te get well, who an new diseased, that lie mil leave Lancaster about the FIRST OP AUGUST FOR HIS SUMMER VACATION. Renewals et bis lemedi.ils maybe obtained dining his absence at ins ellices. C. A. GREENE, M. D. Ne. 1JC EA.sT KIMi STKEET, OtldM-WFAt Lancaster, Pa. K IONEY WOK DOES WHY? WONDERFUL. CURES. Kecanse it acts en thcl.IVEK. ItOWELS and KIUNES at the same time. Because it cleanses the system et the poison ous humors that develop in Kidnev ami Uri nary Diseases, Bilieusucsx, Jaundice. Consti pation, Piles, or in Blieumatisiu, Neuralgia. Neivens Unerders and Female Complaints. SEE WHAT PEOPLE SAV: Eugene B. Sterk, of .1 unci ion City, Kansas, says Kidney Wert cured him alter regular Physicians bad beeu trying ter tour years. Mr.-. Jehn Arnall, el Washington, Ohie, says her boy was given up tedleby tour prom inent physicians and that he was afterwards cured by Kidney Wert. M. M. 15. (Joe'dwin. an editor in Chardeu, Ohie, says he was net expected te live, being bleated beyond beliet, Inn Kidney Wert cured him. Anna L. Seuth Salem, N. Y., savs that seven years sutlering litnn kidney troubles and ether complications was ended by the use el Kidney Wert. Jehn j;. Lawrence, et Jacksen, Ten n.."sutler ed ler years from liver and kidney troubles and alter taking "barrels et ether medicines," Kidney Wert made him well. Michael Cole, el Mont-'eiuerv Centre, Vt., sullered eight years with kidney dillieulty and was unable te weik. Kidney Wert made him "well as ever." KIDNEY WORT PERMANENTLY CURES KIIttiEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION AMI PILES. i" It is put. up in Dry Vegotable Ferm, 111 i"lin cans, one package of which makes -,ix 5quartsel medicine. Jr- Alse lu l.tqulil Ferm, very Ceneentrated SIer the convenlenceot these who .uinel S readily preji.ire it. ft nrtt with equal 4S efficiency In cither form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICK, SI. WELLS, KICIIARDSOX k CO., Prep's, Ditrltnglen, Vt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) dee -J lytl&wl OPLCIAL AND CHRONIC D1SKASKS. Mary A. Longaker, M. D., OFFICE AND UESIDKNCE Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, LANOASTBR,;PA., Diseases or the Eye, i:ar and Threat Treated as a Specialty. Particular attention given te the treatment el Diseases of Women and Childien. Free examination and treatment dailv ex cept Sunday liein 11 a. m. te 1 p. in. Consul tations in English ami German. H. D. LONGAKER, M. D., LATK OF PHILADELPHIA, NOW OF LANCASTER, PA.. Office : Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, eilers his professional services te the alllictcd especially te these suffering from Chronic or special ureases, lie will be glad te m-c and bilk witblheiu. ltls his practice te plainly declare a disease incurable it he believes It te"bi se. In the case whicii be undertakes, .be guarantees ui no an iiiat can ne none ny unwearied atten tion and the application of expeilenced skill, gained bv many years el practice iu treating di-cac in its various and ine-,1 malignant forms. That bis skill has net been exerted, in vain, numerous certillcutes, that may be s-cen at bis ellice, will testily. Cancers, Tumors cml Swelling Cured Without Pain or Using the Knife or Drawing Htoetl. Skin DHcases and eveiv description el UI ccratien.Pilcsand Scroluleus Diseases Perma nently Cured. Female Diseases, Acule or Chronic, speedily and radically cured. Diseases et 111c Liimrs. Threat. Stemneli Liver and Kidneys can undoubtedly be cured. Particular attention uiveu te Private Dis eases of every description ; also that state el alienation and weakness et mind, which ren ders persons incapable et enjoying the pleas ures of performing the duties et lite, complete ly cured, and the patient restored te active health and the enjoyments et life. Diseases of the and L'ar treated as a peclalry. Dr. Longaker will make previsional visits any distance. Can be consulted by letter (con fidentially), and medicine sent with proper directions te unypai tot the country. CONSULTATIONS FREE. - Office: Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, LANCASTER, PA. ' JciVlydTii.Tli&S&w PLUarjiEB'S TO UN L. ARNOLD. PLUMBERS' SUPPLY HOUSE. -AFULL BATH TUBS, BATH BOILERS, UUM TUBING, LEAD TRAPS, IRON HYDRANTS, IRON PAVE WASHES, GAS GLOBES, WROUGHT IRON PIPE, I WATER CLOSET3, WASH STANDS, IRON FITTINGS, FRENCH RANGES FOR HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. JOHN L. ABNOLD, Nes. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. rapr2-tld LITEltX 1 MUST-CLASS L1VEKV STAULE. HOUGHTON'S HEST-CLASS IIvllRT STABLE! Five First-Class New Omnibuses te Hire at Lew Rates, for Private, Public & Sunday Scheel Picnics. Al.sO First-Class Driving Horses, Ituggies ami Phaetons te Hire, at Ne. 221 NORTH QUEEN STREET, 49TFORMERLY. ZECIIER BBO.S' OLI LIVERY STAND. MM S VEL JM.INJ N ii WlLLSON ! SUCCKSSORS TO FLI2TN & MIENEMAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR FISHINGS TACKLE, Reds, Reels, Lines, Floats, Heeks, &c. THE FINEST AND GREATEST VARIETY EVER OFFERED IN THE Cl'lY, AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION. SCall and our stock. Ne trouble te allow k00''-. FLnsrsr & 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, ASTKIV11 HMO'S ADVERTISEMENT. A! STH1C1I DKOTIIKKS' LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STKEET. Wc have made great reductions in encnl our departments mid we are out our stock et every overy every clesing AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. Lace Trimmed Hats, one let at Sic. Anether lotet Fine Hats at .inc. Bargains in Ombrie shaded Ribbons, Xes. f, 12, 10, -Ji, 40, at ..".", :e, 3SC. He and aie a yard. Large Shetland Shawls at 7.V. Fine Linen Dusters ai $1. HOOP-SKIRTS. 1" springs, 5 tapes tOc i) springs, : tapes -fie i" springs, fi tapes Wc 'Ji) springs, tape Irent C()c LADIES' UNDERWEAR CHEAP. CORSETS A SPECIALTY. PARASOLS LESS THAN COST. Mesquite Net Canopies $i, including all Fixtures. Hamburg Edgings and Inserllngs in Swiss, Lawn and Nainsoek. Deep Flouncing at 50c, "i, $1 and $1.25 a yard. Laces of all kinds at greatly reduced prices. Lace Cellars ler ladies and children in large variety, treni 10c te (",.M apiece. Lace Mils and Lisle Gloves greatly reduced le cleie out the stock. Childs' Pink and Illne He-,e, knit, seamless, fast colors, 2 pair ler i'lp. ASTRIOH BRO'S. G1ET DRA WINGS. WMMONWKALTH OISTKIltdTlON CO. 35th Popular Monthly Urawingr OF THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. In the City of Louisville, en WEDNESDAY, AUG., 31st, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act et the General Assembly of Kentucky. Tbe United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Company In legal. 2d Its draw lugs are fair. N. IL The Company has new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the list et ler the JULY DRAWING. 1 JiriA" .$ jt)UlU I 2)lZOa . lOfOCU m ii rizi ' t.uuL 10 prices $1,000 each 10,000 20 prizes 500 each ID.oeo 100 prizes $100 each lo.euo 200 prizes 50 each I0,(X,f tWO prizes 20 each li.Ott! 1000 prizes lOeach 10,OCO 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each, " " 90C Xf.'eu p HZC3a $U,K)G Whole tickets, $2; half tickets, $1 ; 27 tickets $50; 55 tickets, $1U0. Remit Meney or Rank Draft in Letter, ei send by Express. DON'T SEND BV REGIS TERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our expense. Address all orders te It. 91. BOAKDA1AN, Courier-Journal Kuilding, Leulgville, Ky., ei B. M. KOAKDMAN, 3 Bieailwav. New Yerk. VRNUVRB. s SPECIAL NOTICE IfOU TUIi SEASON 1 Yeu can have FURNITURE REPAIRED N1SHED ! AND RE-VAR- CI1AIRS RE-CANED, RE-PAINTED ANI VARNISHED-! OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER LIKE NEW! OLI FRAMES UK-GILDED AT MODERATE PRICES ! ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE RE-COVERED AND UPHOLSTERED IN FIRsT- CLASS MANX Kit! AT Walter A. Heinitsh's Furniture and Picture Frame Reems, KAST KING STREET,. Over China Hall ns-ibn.l SUPPLIES. JOHN L. ARNOLD. USE OF- STKAM COCKS, CHECK VALVES, HDRANT COCKS, CURB STOPS, GLOVE VALVES, CENTHE PIECES, SOIL PIPE, LEAD PIPE. GAS COCKS, GAS FIXTURES, ROOFING SLATE, TIN PLATE, STJ.UZ.E. TMKST-CLAS3 LIVERY STAltLK. LA XEO l.S. .LINN &WILLSON! WILLSON, LANCASTER, PA. VRV GOODS, UNDERWEAR, AC. N TEXT UOOK TO TUB COUKT UOUsK. FAHHESTOCK! DRESS GOODS REDUCED. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. We have reduced our Immcpse Stock et DRESS GOODS FOR THE UALANCE OK THE SEASON. DRESS GOODS at 10c, 12Jc. were sold at 20c. and 23c. and 15c., that UMBRELLAS PARASOLS REDUCjED. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te Court Heuse. PAPERUANG1SGS, St. 1 7IKK WINDOW SCREENS. We make te order all kinds et WIRE SCREENS Fer Deers and Windows. We have Extension Frames for Windows ready te tack the wire en, and pnt them up in such a manner that you need net remove them when you close the window. Plain. Figured ami Landscape Wires sold bv the feet or put up as above. An Attractivestoekef WALL PAPER for this season of the year. Seme bargains In end i that we wish te close out. WINDOW SHADES, in Plain and Figured, Fixtures, Cords, Tas-cls, Leeps. Paper Shades. Hollands. Ac. EXTENSION CORNICES, the best in the market. Curtain Poles. Trimmings &p. Orders taken ler Fine Pier anil Mantel ters. Mlr- PHARES W. FRY, NO. 57 NORTH (JUEEN 8T. CARPE18. rjKEAT DABCJAINS IN CARPETS, 1 claim te have thi Largest ami Fines tock ei CARPETS In this City. Brussels and Tapestry CARPETS Three-ply, Extra i-imer, Super, All Weel, Halt oel and Part Weel Ingrains : from the best te the cheapest as low as 2Sc. per vnrd. All the FJXEUT AXD CHOICE PA TTERXS that ever can be seen In this city. I also have a Large and Flue Stock et my own make Chain and Rag Carpets, AS LOW AS 35c. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDER atsher notice, butis tact ion guarentccd. XSr-Ne trouble te show goods if ou de nt wisli le purchase. I earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. CAJUC1AOES, C. Carriages I Carnages ! EDGEllLEY & CO.'S. PraclicarCariiagc Builders, Market Street. Rear of Central Market Housed, Lancaster, Pa. We bave en band a Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Wliicli we offer at tbe VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, iiive in :i call a-KepairiiiK promptly ultended te. One set of erkmen especially employed ter hat purpose. fnitf-tfdJtw EUR SALE. ?OK KENT L.GOOS St SON'S ItAKCKV Fer particulars anplv at the Bakerv. jviMfd .101 AND 103 JUDDLE STREET. I OOD CHANCE. A DESIRABLE COAL AND I UMBER YARD FOR SALE. The under-Ijjneil offers at privale .-ale a property const-ding of seven lets of ground in the town et Sprin-rvllle, Lancaster county, at the .station en the Pennsylvania Railroad, about one mile wist of Mount Jey and near the Lancaster ft HarrNburj; turnpike. The improvements are a two-storied Frame Heuse 'llxil lect, a Railroad Mat ion and Ticket Ollice, a Frame Warehouse '2l-2$ leet, and Ceal and Lumber Yard, with about 21.0 feet et Ceal Shedding. New Fairbauk's Scales efs ten capacity; ISOU Keetet Railroad Siding. Trestle work for duuiplu!; coal, w-illi space ler exten sion of same. Buildings mostly new and every thing in geed order. Location pleasant, in a thickly settled agricultural neighborhood and a fust improving town, with no rival business in the town, lias an established coal trade, and capacity and advantages te de a geed shipping business and increased passenger travel. Price $'J.CU0 en rcaseiuible terms. Ker further inlormatien address JOS. H. HABECKER. Spring Garden P. O., jc20-lm-' Lancaster Cnuiity, Pa. MVSlVAEIlfSTKUMENTS. ALUltECIIT PIANOS Are the Chenpeaf, because they aie the Be;.! L. B. II ERR, Agent. Ne. S East Orange Street, uprtXKinid Lancaster, i'a OPECJ 1AL NOT1CK. ORuANS AND PIANOS can be purcbascil at tne Lancaster Organ Manufactory Irein ten te twenty-live percent, cheaperdur ing the montliet April than any ether time. As 1 liavei large asnrtineiit el ail kinds et Musical Instruments en hand, purchasers will lind it te their advantage a jer examining ether instruments te call at the warerooms, as they will then be able te see the superiority el thu'Laneastcr or Chickcrini; Piane. 1 have addeil steuiu power and am adding a set et new machinery et my own invention for making all parts of an organ, trem reeds te the key beard, therefeie s-aviug lime, expense and labor, and will give my customer-" the benefit et it by reducing the prices. Send tei catalogues. All kinds et instrument.-, tuned anarepulied, at NO. 320 NORTH OUKEN STICUKT. ALEX. MeKILLIPs, mar!-2vde? Proprietor COAL. C0H0 & WILEY.' 350 NORTH WATER ST., Lancaster, i'.i., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic r.xeli:mi;e. Crunch Office : Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. 8eb2S-:yd G TO RELLLY & KELLER -VOK- GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY 0AL, Fanners and ethers in want el Supcrlei Manure u ill find it te their advantage te call lard, llarrisbuig Pike. f Ofllcc. 3)i East Chestnut str reef. ( aglj-lt B. MAKTIK, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kind., et LUMBER AND COAL. S-Yard : Ne. 420 North Water mid Prii.te sheets, above Lemen. Lancaster. n:t-lvd MEDICAL. TJKIUAUT'S OLD IVINK KTOKi:. Brandy as a Medicine. The lollew Ing article was veliiutaiily scut It Mr. II. K. Slaymaker, Agent ler Reigart's old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively iim-e the Brandy referred le iu bis regular praUice it is commended te the attention el these a flictcd with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much ab'-.sed Alcoholic .Mimuluin was never intended as a beverage, but te lx iisedasanieillcineefgrcal potency in theeuie of some of the destructive disea-es u hh h sweep away their annual thoiisandsefvietiiiis With a purely philanthropic motive we piv scnttetlie favorable notice et invalids espe cially these alllictcd with tint niNcrahlc dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which i nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with lecble appetite and imie ei less debility, will find this simple medit ine, wheu used properly, A Sovereign Remedy erall their ills and aches. Re it, hewevei strictly understood that we prescribe and u- but one article, and that is REIGARTS OLD BKANDY, Sold by our enterpusing young iriend, II K SLA) iUAhtJi. This Brandy has steed the test for years, and has never failed, as lai as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preterence ever all et.ier Bramlie-. no mutter with hew many j.iw-breakiiigFiench titles they are branded. One-fourth or the money that is yearly thiewn away en various impotent uyspepsia specincs weuiii sulliee le buy all the Brandy te cure any such cac ei uses. In proof el the curative power!) el Reigart's Old Branay, In eases el Dyspepsia, we cm summon niiie bers et witnessed one case in particular wr eite: A hard-working tanner bail been ai!IlcU"i with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number .-,. years; his stomach would reject almost. ever kind of feed; he hail .sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict bis diet te crackers and stale bread, nml as a beverage he used McGrann'.s Reet Beer, lie is a Methodist, and then, as new preached at times, and in his discourses elttr. declaimed earnestly agaiiistnll kinds et strong drink. When advised te trr Reisrart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astenlsiiiiiem, but alter hearing et Its wonderful etlects in the cases of some of his uearacquaintaiK ti, ta ut last consented te fellow our advice, lit used 'the Brandy faithfully ami steaililv; u;, lir.-t bottle giving him an appetite, and bele.-t the second was taken he was a sound injn.wi'l. a stomach capable of digest ing any thing w hie!-he;ehe-.e teeal. Ilestil! keeps it ami use-, a lit. tie occasionally; ami since lit: bus this medi cine he has been of very little peeuuiaiy henc tlt te the doctor. A Puactisine I'nvsici n. H. E. SLAYAKEK, AUKNT rOK Reigart's Old Wine Stere. EsUlblislied iu 1785, 1MFORTER AND DEALER IN FINE OLD BRANDIES. SHERRIES, Sui'h RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in ls", 1H27 and 182S.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH AI.E POItTER. BROWN STOUT. Ne. 20 KAST KINO KT.. LANCASTER. I'A HOTELS. VOW OPEN SPKECI1KK HOUSK.-ON lN Euroiieen plan. Dining Reems ter Ladies and Gentlemen. Entrance at Se. 3 North Duke street. Clam and Turtle Soup Soup Lebster Salad. Oysters In Every Style and all the Delicacies et the Season. We solicit the I atrenage et the public. iay7-tid TRAVELERS' UT'TJtJ I ANCAVrKi: ANL ailLLl-.lVILLE I:. j. j wars run as ioiiew- Leave Lancat-er ;P. R. Depot), at 7, u. an . iieuu. in., ami - , b ami SUW p. in., uxtvut en i., and 'i 4. B and SAJ p. m., uxtvut en y, w lieu the last car leaves at 9::iu p. ,., Millcrsvllle (lower end) at 5, S, and id 1,3, 5 ami 7 p. in. euiis.4iy. l.e:ive a. SI., and 1 Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. c lOLUMDlA AND PORT lKIllIT l: K Trains new run regularly en the Celumbiu Pert Deposit en the fellow int. -and tunc Stations Noimi- Express. Express. Acveii. WAiin. a.m. r. m. r. m. PortDepeslt f.:S5 :::.v ier, Peachbottem 7:12 4:Ss" :t:t! Sate Harber. 7:55 ft: 11 ftt Columbia. S:25 5:k G.'iu STA.TIOH8 Seuth- Kxprcss. Express. Accem WARD. A. II. r. If. A. M. Columbia 11:3 6-20 7:4.'. r. m. An:; Safollarber. KM ":4 Le'.':4' Peachbottem li:4S 7:. il.t.7 r. m. PertDetHMit..:.... !: tfllS isai TJEADINO COLUMKIA K. H. ARRANC EMENT OF PASSENt! ER TR.IN MONDAY, JULY IItii, ISSI. NORTHWARD. LEAVK. Quanryville Imcastcr, King St... Lancaster Columbia ARKWK. Reading A.M. J:l.r 1I-27 SOI'THWARD. LEAVE. Reading AlUtlVK. Columbia Liine-.LSter. Iincsister, KingM... Oiiarrwille A.M. l M. 1. M. 15:40 ... 2.-M 7::0 3:10 S:0il l:lt". 3:.'ill rM 1:10 3:H) 10.1k. 3:i 5..M1 r.M 5::a 5: te Trains connect at Reading with trains te and Irem Philadelphia. Pottsville. Ilarrisburg, Al Al lentewn and Nw Yerk, via Hound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains teand from Yerk, Hanover. (;ctty-.hurg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WllOX, Mipi. TKNNSYLVAN1A i:.ll,KO,U-M:W SCHEDULE On and alter MOND. MAY llith. IsSl, trains en the Pciiiim i vaunt Railroad will arrive and leave the l.iin cistei and Philadelphia depots as folio w:: Eastwakh. A St. M. r.M. 7:i. liixi G:ltl r.M. 0.V 2:10 SrJi !i:27 i It SUS '.::i7 frJ 10:37 '.fc:e Leae Aine Lane'tei l'hilud'ii 2A1 A.v. 5:l."i a.v .1.18 " 7::-" " SOU " Niift " !0:ii h:M !:!! " l-.'el !.. llll " 1 21 r.M. 3 211 " 'If 4 ' f.:lll .:e: " .v:a M if: r. 4 :t " h Xi " t'.ri " KVt ' lri". " 1115 " Leave Arnw I'liilad'a'lei '.!::' .M. 5-Hl .m ;: iicse " leri". " tUH ' !0:.V. ' h.'KI " lO:."! " 12:1(1 " 2::ai v.m. 2.3T. " 2rill 2:.R S-.H " 1:0.1. " 7.-2T ' 5iSI " 7:30 " i:-JTi " Sile " 0:10 " U..KI ll:Kl " 2.MA.M Cincinnati Express Yerk Accem. Arrives; Ilarrisburg Kpict.s DillervIIIeAiiem. Ai rives, Columbia Accem medal ion, Fiederick Accem. Arrive. Pacific Kxpicd, .' Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express, St. Leuis Day Expn-s Chicago Diiy- Express, Ihirrishurg Aecodimed.ii'ii, Westward. Wav Passenger, Mafl Train .Ne. l.vta M t .1 ! , MailTiaiu Ne.'ivia Cdbi.i. Niagara & Chicago Express biiiniay aian, Fal Line,.. .................. Frederick Accem medal ion. IMIlervillfLotnl.viiiMI.Jey Ilarrisburg Accominedaru. Columbia Aecem medal ion, Ilarrisburg kxpres" Pittsburg Exp: ess, Ciiieinnali E.piesr Pacific Expi- , Paeltie Express. e,tst, en Mliiuav, wiieu flag ged, will step at Sliddlctewii, Ellabethtewn, Ml. Jey, Lambsville, Bird-iu-Iland, Lemiiu Place, Cap, Ciiristinmi, Parkesbmg, Ceales ville, Oakland and Cleu Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sundav, when flagged. Will step at Den ningtewii.CiKilesville, I'aiKes burg, Jit. Jey, Eii7.abctbtewn amlMiddl.-teu 11 llanoveniceemuiodation v.-i"-t,feiincctingat ImctLsler with Niagara ami Chicago Evpicss at 1 1:1V 1 a. m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, v.tsi.eeuiieeNat Lancaster, with Fast Line, Wf-J.ut 2.30 r.M, and will run inieu;li te Frederick. LVA1AL NOTICES. T.1STATI: OF JllAICV WAlfll, LATK J2i Lancaster eilv. deceased. Letters of nil. ministration 011 suM estate having been grant ed te the undei-dgiicd, ail persons indebted te said decedent are icc nested te make immedi ate .settlement, and these having claims or de mauds aganst the estate or ."aid decedent U make known the s'nne te the limlersigiwd without ilelaj, residing in lme-'stercitv. ELI RKTH C. MARKS, iel7-i;tde.iw Adiiiiuistrati ix. lANTATK OF KLIZAIHvril It. KTOWKICM JLj ll.irlicrger, hileef the city et Lanc.Mtei. deceased. Lelters testamentary en said estate having lieen granted te the undersigned, ent et the cxceuteis, all persons indebted theretc aif refiuesled le make inmi. diate payment and the-.e having -laimserileinaudsagain" the same will present thein without delay tei settlement te the undersigned, residing lit l.'l North f-eventh. street, in the citv or Philadel phia. LOUIS B. HARBEROER, Jeis One of thu Executers. ESTATE OF MATTHIAS WIEST. LATE et" Lancaster city, Lancaster county, de-cea-ed. Letters testamentary en .said estate having been granted te the iiudersigiieil, all persons ii.ileliled te said ileceilentari: reijuest cd te make immediate settleiuent. and theie having claims or demands against the estate or said decedent, le make known the -aim: te the undersigned without delay, residing in Lanca-dercity. HENRY FRANK. Executer, .122 K:itt Chestnut Sticct B. F. Dwis, All'y. jell-IItdeaw ".1STATr. OF MAHY ANN r.lIWAICIiy, Aj late et Lanetister city. Li'llers or ad ministration en aiit estate havingbeen grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said estate are reiiieiti d le make immediate settleiuent. and these having claims or de mand against the estate et said decedent, te make known the sum' te the iuid---rs!gticil without ileliiv, lesidingi'iii Wrt King street, Lancaster. " CHARLLS EDWAKD.s. Aduiinistniter. J. B. CiMifi, Attorney. jlyJOlitdeaw VSSIONED l:SI'ATK OF JOHN i:AKKK and -wile, et Lanc:ister city, Laiu-nstci county. The ;:ndersigiicd Auditor, npiieintcd 10 distribute tin; balance remaining in the hands of Me-es Shirk mid Martin Becker, assigness el Jehn Baker ami wile, te ami among thesi legally eutitleil te the same, will sit ter that purpose; en SATURDAY, AUtJUST i', li. at lvyx a. m., iu the Library Roem or the Court Heuse, in the city et Lancaster, whcie all persons interested iu said distribution may attend. J. W. DENLINUER, fy'JStdeaw Auditor. INSTATE OF I'll IMP SCHUAI. I.ATK OK The uiuler- JLJ Lancaster city. Pa., deee:isi-i. igned Auditor, appointed te distribute tin balance remaining iu the bauds et Jehn E. Sehniuaud Charles llelzwarfli, administrators with the will annexed or Philip Sebum, dee'd, te and among these legally entitled te Lie .same, and te pass upon exceptions Hied 101111" account of said administrator, will sit IYr that purpose en THURSDAY. AUGUST 2.1. I,S1, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem or the Court lleue, iu the city el Lancaster, where all persons intc tested in iid distribution may attend. WM. D. WEAVER, jyI3-ltdeaw Auditor. I.WTATK Of JOHN TAMANY, LATK IF J the city el Lancitster, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate having been granted te the mulct-signed, all persons In debted thereto, are requested te make inmie diale settlement, and thine having claims or demands against the same, will pieeiit tliem without delay ter settlcinciit te the under signed, residing In aid city. FRANKLIN TAMANY, Administrator. Wm. R. Att'y. jj21 fitdeaw 1 'STATE OFKILLIAN DECK, LATK Of lx Lancaster city, dee'd. The undersigned auditor,appeinteil te distribute the balance if mainiiig in the hands et Andrew Shrelner, ex ccuter, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sltforthalpurpese'on FRIDAY, the2i;,atlO o'clock a. m., in the. library room of tin.: cetirt house, in the City el Lanc.itur, where all persons inter ested 111 said distribution may attend. JOHN II. FRV, jy2i; ltdeav Auditor. lAVfATi: STEPHEN GKKTKISK.V 1J late of Li uneastcr citv. deceased. Letters et administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted le said decedent aie ieiiiested le make immediatcsett lenient, and these having claims or demands against tin-estate et said dece dent, le make known 1 he same te the under -igned without ilelav. lesiding in the city et Lancaster. MARY GLRTEISEN. Administratrix. .1. R. KArmiA.Y, Att'3'. jy26liliww IWIATK OF JOHN ABXOI.I), DLX"D.. .Ci of l.:iiHiistercity, Lancaster county. The undersigned AiMiinr appeinieil te ifistriliuti: the balance remaining in the hands of Mar garet Arneld. Executrix or the will or Jehn Arneld, lateet the City or Lancaster, deceased, te and among these legally entitled le the 'ume. will It for that purpose en TUESDAY AUGUaT SStl, 10 o'clock a.m., iu tin; Library Roem et the Court Heuse, iu the City et Lancaster, where all persons intereste I iu fai.l distribution mav attend. DANIEL G. BAKER, iyS0-aiiC,I32) Audiler.