LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY AUGUST 5, 1881. y COLUMBIA NEWS. ODK REGULAR. CORRESPONDENCE. The coal thute is dredged. Tobacco is iu prirae condition. Sells Bre.b' big circus bill-beard has blown down. Complaint is made of two frequent fast driving through the streets. The river is in geed condition for fish ing and beating. Wm. Smith, aged 70, died here te-day of cancer. Iu Director Given" s law oflice the school beard holds a .social meeting this even iug. Henry Seuibeer's family and friends had a party last night, celebrating his 70th birthday. "Lene Fisherman " Uriah Suuibeer leek a Healing paitv bass fishing last ninht. The stench in IJutcher alley is sickening and needs the sanitary committee's atten tion. Hething of general interest war, done at the Shawnee lire company's regular meet ing last evening. The Columbia meets to night te arrange for the leturii of its steamer. The Citizens' baud will go along with I lie Columbia IJ. of I J. in the Heading parade next Tuesday. Anether big eugiue, Tse. IH7, for the New Yerk division, arrived here last evening, ledged iu the round house and left tins morning. Mr. Peter CaiTui. an old employee iu the Susquehanna rolling mill, new being treat ed in the Pennsylvania hospital, Philadel phia, is at the point of death. A young gentleman from Philadelphia, and another from Lancaster, iu company with two Columbia ladies, while driving home from eainpmeeling last night lest the read and were unable te regain it for overall hour, when they weie directed by a countryman. Mr. Lawrence Smidth, the eiganist at the German Lutheran church, was the re cipient f a surprise parly. After a de licious repast had been furnished one of I he gentlemen present arose and, en be half of the choir of the church, presented him with a handsome solid geld watch chain. Mr. Smidth accepted the present m a very graceful way and thanked them for remembering Ids .services. The party broke up about midnight. Columbia is about te lese another prom prem ising young man in the person of Mr. Jehn Heek, who leaves nxt week te take a position en the Frederick division as brakemau en a passenger train, which po sition was given te him through the iu slrumcutalily of Mr. If. M. North. We are sorry te lese Jehn, and while we aie losing a geed citizen and a staunch Demo crat, Yerk will be the gainer. .Mr. Heek was beleed by all who knew him especial ly these who served under him wheu he was first lieutenant of the Columbia rifles. May success attend him and his future be always as bright as it new leeks. Miss Missie Jacobs left. yesterday for a month at the While Mountains ; Mr. F. A. Heunett returned home last eveniug from his trip te Hudsen, New Yerk ; Mr. Jehn Kerr returns te his home in PMila delphhi te-day ; Miss Lily Shuniau is en a visit te relations iu Chicago ; Mr Harry Decker, et Philadelphia, is the guest el Mrs. William Leckard ; Mr. Walter Hair i ct in ned te Lancaster this morning, and Dave Grccnwald te Philadelphia this evening. Mr. Jehn W. Wilsen, a popular young llarrisburgei, is here en a "short but sweet" visit. Till: liAFE CASK. The Acruseit Commuted ler Court. Jehn W. Wright and T. J. Albright, arretted yesterday en complaint of Mrs. Kli.ahclh llutler. Lew street, this city, who charged one of them with rape, weie taken iiefeie Alderman Alex. Dennelly, yc-.tciday at 4 o'clock. It is due te Mr. Albright te say that there was net a par ticle of evidence against him, and that he was only arrested by the iieliec because he and Wright were companions, ami neither the complainant, nor the police knew the names of the parlies. Albright was at once discharged by the police. Mrs. Hulter positively ideutfied Wright as the man who had assaulted her. She :;aid he entered her house and tried te sell her some worm medicine ; that she de clined te buy, and after some futhcr con versation the accused gave a dollar te a little girl who was present, Idling her te go and gel it changed for her; and that during t lie child's absence he forced Mrs. Hulter into an adjoining room and com milled the offence ehargad. lie prevent ml her from making an outcry by holding his bauds ever her mouth. The accused does net deny being iu Mrs. Hutter's house, as stated, but, he says the lady was very familiar and talkative ; told him she was a married worn m, but did net live with her husband, and that she had another gentlcmau friend who waited upon her lcgularly. Wright de Clares he used no force whatever toward the woman ; that she accepted some of his medicine before he left the house, and that the accusation against him is a black mailing scheme. Mrs. Huttcr is a delicate loekiug"womau and docs net appear te have very strong mental power She is the wife of Perter Huttcr, from whom she has been for some time separated. During the hearing yes terday she was much prostrated and faint ed iu the alderman's office, Tn default of $1,000 bail Wright was committed te answer at quarter sessions court. LANCASTER CLASSIS. Ai raiigeiiienlM ler Kcv.JJccsser's Ordina tion. There was a very general attendance of the members at the special meeting of the Heferincd classis, in the First Hcfermed church, this city, at 10 a. m., te-day. Hcv. S. Sweitzcr, president, wa.j in the chair, and Hcv. 1). 13. Shuey, secretary, pre tcui. Licentiate Gee. H. Kcescr, of Merccrs burg classis, graduated from the seminary in the last class, was received, having had a call te the church iu Marietta, this coun ty. The call was read and Revs. Dr. E. V. Gcrhart, C. S. Gerhard, and J. II. Pen nabecker were a (pointed a committee te iustal him, Sunday, August 14. Frem Hcv. O. II. Strunck, seu-in-law of Mr. Jehn M. Hutlcdge, of this city, who had been a beneficiary under this classis, was received $30 en account of repayment of the money advanced him te secure his education. Such instances arc rare and commendable. Classis requests the usual aid of $100 for the Marietta mission from the beard of missions and appeals te churches iu its bounds te raise another $50. Kev. Dr. Gcrhart was named as chairman of a com mittee te secure it. Sudden Death. Mrs. Gcergiana Hickscckcr, wife of Jehn Tyler Hickscckcr, of Lititz, died suddculy yesterday. She get up in the morning in her usual health, worked a while in the garden and then did the family wash, aud seen alter tinishtng it sue bocame pros trated, as is supposed, by the -heat. A physician was sent for, but could net aid her and she died seen afterwards. She was about 35 years old jpid leaves two children. Her funeral will take place to morrow. Itarn Tturned. A barn, situated in Pcnn township, three miles north of Mauheira, owned by An drew Hemmer, was struck by lightning and was burned te the ground, together with its contents, consisting of all of this year's crops. The barn was new, having beeu built but last summer, and there was no insurance en it. THE EXCURSIONS. TO FINK GROVE ASH ATLANTIC CITY. .Hitter Complaint Afcalust tlie Railroad Company. The Pine Greve excursionists get home last night between 11 aud 12 o'clock, and arc unanimous in their complaints against the Pennsylvania railroad company for the shabby aud insufficient transportation furnished them. Seme even go se far as te denounce the City cornet baud under whose auspices and for whose ben efit the excursion was gettcu up, and a 'few of the mere angry ones bestow a few maledictions en the Cumberland Valley read, the Seuth Moun tain read and the management of Pine Greve paik itself but the great volume or execration is hurled upon the Pcnusyl vaiiia railroad company, and none se vehe ment iu their denunciation as the mem bers of the band. They declare that they took every precaution te secure the comfeit of their patrons ; they told the railroad officials some days before the excur sion that they would require trans portation for at least 1)00 pas sengers and the railroad men had premised te furnish accommodations for 1,000, that when the time arrived there was scarcely seatiiu: accommodation for 700, and that in old, dirty, uncomfortable and condemned cars; aud that, though there were ever 1,100 passengers te carry, no effort was made te furnish additional cars, though, at least half a dozen empty ears were attached te "the excursion train which left for Atlantic City about the same time. With the seals and aisles and plat forms packed with a sweltering mass of men, women and children, the train steam ed out el the Lancaster depot ; although, there was net even standing room en any or the cars the train stepped at the way stations aud took aboard mere passengers. There was net a sufficiency of water abeaitl te accommodate the passengers ; several women fainlcd and hundreds were almost smothered, and in this way went through te Harrisbuig. On the Cumberland Valley read a suffi cient number of cars, of rather inferior quality were furnished, the excursion was divided into two set-liens, but the motive power was carccly sufficient te carry through the trains, especially ever the heavy grades of the Seuth Mountain read, and Pine Greve was net reached until after 11 o'clock the passengers having been sweltering in misery for five mortal hours. Arrived at the grove, they feuud that the management had net been notified of the great number of excursionists, aud had net, therefore, provided sufficient enter tainment ; se that these who did net take their own lunch along, were put en "short commons," and wished themselves home again. The grove is very pretty, they say, but they can find groves just as comfeit able within a few miles of Lancaster. At C o'clock the excursionists turned their faces homeward, and for mere than live hours were again packed in the cars. Net far from the Greve a truck jumped from the track causing intense consterna tion. Women fainted, children screamed mil men sworn. One lad v. Miss Fit.icr- ald, jumped from the window of a car aud was considerably hurt.. We hear of no ether serious casualty. The excursionists further complain that they were obliged te switch off and lay ever en sidings while cattle and hog trains were given the right of way. The train reached ter about li::50 last night. It ran right, through Mountville, carrying the passen gers from that station all the way te Lan caster. A few of them juiiiiwd off while the train was running at high speed, but whether they were hurt or net, has net been learned, liven iif this city they were held for a half hour at Lemen street. After discharging the Lancaster passen gers, the Mountville passengers were taken back te that station. Tim 1...1..1 1.,. ..!.!. -ivili'il lliev will never agaiu get up an excursion en the Pennsyl vania railroad. The company treated them just as shabbily a lew years age wuen they ami the Light Guards made llie excur sion te Gettysburg. The baud" will clear fieiu $100 te $200 en the excursion. The OIIir Kxcurrlen. It has been pretty hard te-day te find anybody who was en the Atlantic City ex cursion, the participants generally having se enjoyed it aud their place of destination as te have stayed at the seashore or in Philadelphia under the two day privileges efthcir tickets. Of these who returned, reaching Lancaster about midnight, all seem te report a pleasant trip, geed cais, geed time ami a delightful experience at the great summer resort of the Allan tie coast. Yesterday's was probably the last excursion that will ever be run from this city te Pine Greve, while there is every encouragement for people te go the ether way, and they will have a geed chance en the 18th inst: The public confidence is better ledged in excursions by the main lines of travel. A Succe..still Picnic. The children of the Undenominational Sunday school had a line time at their picnic in Shenk's weeds yesterday. Upen their arrival at 10 a. m. they had refresh ments and at neon a geed dinner. At : p. m. Supt. Leenard addressed them aud after singing Miss Annie Hudy and Mrs. Leenard passed around the icecream ; aud at 0 p. m. they had supper and watermelon. Is it auy wonder they enjoyed the day and were leth te come at S o'clock? Grateful for past public favors, with Ibis festival the management of the school is compelled te bring its work te a close for lack of lime te give it the necessary atten tion. Since its organization, Sept. '2'-), 1877, the whole number of children in at tendance at Sunday school has been 7,700 ; children and adults in attendance at the open air and cottage tempcrauce aud prayer meetings held in different parts of the city under the auspices of the school, about 0,500 ; children iu attendance at the four annual free piembs, 000; children present at the four annual froe Christmas dinners given by the school, 500. In addition, quite a number of free con certs, exhibitions and musical cutcrtaiu nients have been given from time te time, the aggregate attendance being about 1,000. Heligieus and temperance books, papers, tracts and cards te the number of 8,000 copies, have been distributed. A considerable amount of wearing apparel, feed aud fuel, has beeu furnished te desti tute children and adults. In conducting the work no distinction has beeu made eii account of nationality or color. The total ameuut of cash contributions received and expended has been $741.eG. Twe Lancaster Names. All. Sanderson's Shippcnsburg Chronicle. In addition te the names of Temple and Neble, we would suggest these of JehnO. James, of Philadelphia, Jehn II. Brinten, of West Chester, aud Newton Lightner, and Hcury E. Lcmau of Lancaster, from which te select the Democratic candidate for state treasurer. With either et tue gen tlemen mentioned success is certain in November. Runaway. This afternoon about 2 o'clock, a herse attached te wagon leaded with lumber took fright en German street, near Seuth Queen, aud ran furiously te Water street. The driver was thrown tff at Water street, became entangled in the lines, was dragged some distance and run ever, but was net very seriously hurt. The team belonged te Wm. Wehlscn, carpenter. Secial Party. There will be a social party at Jehn F. Echternacht's "Fertility park" to-mer- school Beard Visiting Committee. Following are the visiting committees announced by President Warfel te serve for the ensuing three month. They came te hand tee late for insertion in their proper place iu the proceedings of the meeting of the school beard which will be found en our first page : Northeast divisien: A. K. Spurrier, chairman, Gee. W. Zecher and Jeseph Samson. Southeast division : Wm. A. Morten, chairman, Daniel Sraeych and J. M. West Iiaeffer. Southwest division : Dr. M. L. Herr, c.bairmau, Peter McConemy and Wm. B. Wiley. Northwest division : Dr. J. Lovergoed, chairman, Charles Schwebel and E. G. Snvdcr. An Old Veteran. Johnny Spanglcr is te-day, as usual, having a Iittle private celebration of his father's birthday. Fraucis Spanglcr to day is Ul years old. He was born in Dif fenbach, county of Epping, Grand Duchy of Baden, Aug. 5, 1787, and came te America in 1852. He served as a soldier under Napeleon at Waterloo and Leipsig, antl still enjoys geed health, and tells freely of the days and wars of his soldier ing. He reads without glasses aud bids fair te run into his second century. Se meto it be. . Dead Men's Henes. On the half let, southeast comer of Christian and Walnut streets, purchased by Jehn II. Bushong from Philip Lebzelter Mr. B. is excavating the cellar for a house. The ground was formerly part of a Metho dist burying ground, and the diggers and carters have already turned up and reburied the cellins aud bones of a half dozen peo ple Micro whose sleep is thus disturbed. Sale or a Farm. ' IJ. F. Howe, auctioneer, sold yesterday for the administrator the farm of Themas Stewart, deceased, of Martic township. The property was put up in two parts : Ne. 1, consisting of 224 acres was sold te Helandus Brubakcr, of Martic, at $22.65 j)er acre. Ne. 2, a river hill track con sisting of 41 acres was sold te Milten While, ler $2.50 per acre. i iiiger Shattered. A colored ;y, named Augustine Smith, about 14 yens of age, living en West Or ange street , found a cartridge this morn mern morn iegi and while endeavoring te get at the contents struck it with some sharp instru ment, when the cartridge exploded, tear ing away a portion of the boy's finger. The wound was dressed by Dr. Carpenter. Fire at Stevens. A passenger who came in en the Head ing railroad, states that there was a large tobacco sweating establishment burned this morning at Stevens station, between Ephrata and Union satieus. He could net learn the name of the owner nor the ameuut of less. Hey Run liver. This morning Heuben Huber, aged 8 years, was disabled for a short time by be ing knocked down and run ever bya horse and wagon. The front wheel of the wagon passed ever his leg, bruising and cutting it. Dr. Dau. McCormick dressed his wounds. Card of Thanks. The parents et the lata Gee. Shirely take tills method of returning their thanks te the mem bers of Lancaster Circle Ne. KH, B. U. (II. F.) and the Sim lire company for their kind at tentions and attendance at the Ittncrnt of de ceased. Excursion Register. IS. el II. te Reading, Tuesday. Aug. !. Saturday, Aug. i:i. Ringgold ISiittd Excursion te Atlantic City via. Reading read, $3. Three days. Thur.-day, Aug. IS. Clark & Schmidt's ex cursion tit Atlantic City. Twe days, $5. City Hill festers. Car.-en .' Ilensel, city hill pesters and tlia tribnlers, eltlee Ihtki.mekkckr building, Ne.'.C Menth tjtteeii street. Clergymen, lawyers anil author. And Mult Billeis a pure ane safe invigerant. Restore, rclicsh and beautify the skin with Cuticura Medicinal Toilet Seap. SVKVIAT. XOTJVEH. Skinny Men.' Wells' Health Rencwer. Absolute euro ier nervous debility and Weakness el the genera tive functions, $1 at druggists. Depot, Jehn IT. Leng & Sen?, Lancaster. The Tidy HoiiHeivlIe. The careful, tidy housewife when she is giv ing her house its spring cleaning, should bear In mind that the dear inmates el her house are mere precious than houses, and that their sys. tenis need cleansing by purifying the bleed, regulating the stomach and bowels te prevent, ami cure the diseases arising trem spring ma laria and miasma, ami she should knew that there is nothing that will de it se perfectly and surely as Hep Hitters, the purest and best of all medicines. Sec ether column. aul-2wd&w II the mother is feeble it is Impossible that her children should be strong. Lydia E. Plnk hain's Vegetable Compound is a perfect speci fic in all chronic diseases et the sexual system of women, Send te Mrs. Lydia K. Finkham, 1". Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., ler pamph lets. Hay Fever. MiLjA. L. Avery, Pharmacist, Newark. N. I. Having been severely allllcted ler eleven years with Hay Fever, after trying almost everything without avail, I gave up all hopes of being cured, when I purchased et you a box of Ely's Cream Balui. Te my surprise, alter a few applications, I was entirely re lieved. K. iVaisen Hauius, Letter Carrier, .Ne. II, New 1 O., Newark, N. J. Messrs. White & Bcrmck, Druggists, Itliacu, N. Y. 1 recommend te these suffering (as I have been) with Hay Fever, Ely's Cream ISalm. Having tried nearly all the remedies I could ltnd, and give this a decided preference ever them all. It has given mc immediate re lief. C. T. STEriiENS, Hardware Merchant, Ilhaca, N. Y. Sept. G, 1SS0. Price 50 cents. fy2i)-2wdced&w Itching Piles symptoms and Cure, The symptoms are moisture, like pcrspira Hen, intense itching, Increased by scratching, very distressing, particularly at night, as if pin worms were crawling In and about tliu rectum the private parts are sometimes at iected ; 11 allowed te continue very serious re sults may lollew. Dr. Swaync's AU-IIcaliug Ointment is n pleasant sure cure. Alse for tetter, itch, salt rheum, scald head, Erysipelas, barber's itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty, cuta cuta neous eruptions. Price, 5i cents, three boxes for $123. Sent by mail te any address en re re ceipeor price in currency or three cent post age stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swayne & Sen, 330 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, l'a. Sold by all prominent druggists. iunc23-3tndMWS&w A Cough, Celd or Sere xnreat should de stepped. Neglect lrcqucnUy results in an In curable Lung Disease or Consumption. Brown's Bronchial Troches de net disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly en the Inflamed parts, allaying irvitatlen, give relict' in Asthma, Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles which Singers and Public Speakers are subject te. Fer thirty years Brown's Bronchial Troches have been recommended by physi cians, and always give perlect satisfaction. Hving,beeu tested by wide aud constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have at tained well-merited rank among the lew staple remedies of the age. Sold at 25-cents a box everywhere. ms-lvdTThiS&lyw Certllicate. "1 have used Burdock Bleed Bitters with great benefit for indigestion and constipation of the bowels." C. L. EASTON, Hamilton. Ont. Price $1. Fer sale at H. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. ir Yeu Are sick, Read the Kidney-Wert advertisement in another column, and it will explain te you thcTatienal method el getting well. Kidney-Wert will save you mere doctor's bills than any ether medicine known. Acting with specific energy en the kidneys and cures the worst diseases caused by their derangement. Use it at once in dry or liquid lemi. Either is equal ly efficient, the liquid is Hie easiest, but the dry is the most economical. Interior. anl-lwdAw Save lour Hair aevp it Jteautifnl. The " Londen Hair Celer Restorer" 13 the most delightful article cverintroduccdte the American people and is totally different lrem all ether Hair Restorers, being entirely free lrem all impure ingredients that render many ether articles for the hair obnoxious. Where baldness or tailing of the Itair exists, or prema ture grayncss, from sickness or ether causes, its use will restore the natural yeuthlul color, ami cause a healthy growth, cleansing the scalp from all impurities, dniidruir, etc., at the same time a most pleasing and lasting hair dressing, lragmnUy perfumed, rendering it soft and pliable, making it an indispensable article In every toilet. Ask your druggist for Londen Hair Celer Restorer. Price 73 cents a bottle. Six bottles, $4. Main depot ier the United States, 330 North Sixth street, Philadel phia. inll-lvdTThAF&w Ge te II. IS. Cochran's Jirng store, 137 North Queen street, for Mrs. Freeman's Air Na tional Dyes. Fer brightness and durability et coler.are uiieqtialed. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in English and German. Price. 15 cents. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Haik Rexewer is a scientific combination et tome of the most powerful restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom. It restores gray hair te its original color. It makes the scalp white ami clean. It cures dandrutl'and humors, and lalling-eul of tlie haft-. Itltirnishes tlie nutritive principle by which the hair is nourished ami supported. It makes the hair moist, soft and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a hair dressing. It is the most economical preparation ever ellered te the public, us its eirects remain a long time, mak ing only an occasional application necessary. It is recommended and used by eminent medi cal men, and ellicially endorsed by the State Assayer et .Massachusetts. The popularity et Hall's Hair Rencwer has increased with the test et many years, both in this country and in foreign lands, and it is new known and used in all the civilized countries et the world. Fer sale by all dealers. au i-1 wdeed A w Met Hers! ftleuiurmi Mothers!! Arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick tiering aud crying with the exeructatlng pain et cutting teeth? If se, go at once ami get a liettle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will re lieve the peer little suflcrcr immediately de pend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en eaith who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly sale te use in all crises, and pleasant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physician and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere; 25 cents a Letlle. marr'lvdfiWM.W&S DEATHS. Fisher. August 4, 1881, In this city, Ann E. Fisher, aged 4!1 years, ! months and 2!) days. The relatives and friends et the family nre respcctlully invited teattend the funeral lrem her late residence, Ne. 210 West Vine street, en Sunday ultcrnoen at 2 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. 2td 1'OZ.T.TIVAL. Fer County commissiener: Fl'.ANK CLARK, of Strasburg township Subject te the choice el the Democratic coun ty convention. tprO-d&wtp ADAM S. DIETRICH, et Maner township. Subject te the decision et the Democratic' county convention. HENRY F. HARTMAN (Limn Huriicr), et Kxsl Lampeter township. Subject te the choice Of the Democratic county convention. air2-d&w!p MARTIN H1LDE1JRANT, el Mount Jey Borough. Subject te the decision of the Dem ocratic county convention. apKS-d&wtp JURE MOHLER. Ephrata. Subject te Hie decision el Ihe Democratic county conven tion. aprll-dA-wtp ISAIAH MeKlLLll'S, el Lancaster city, subject tethe choiceef the Democratic County Convention. JlySrJ-lind Fer County Auditer: JOHN S. BROWN, et Driinteie township. Subject te Democratic rules. m'27-dAwtp JOHN L. LKiHTNER, el Leacock township. .Subject te the decision of Ihe Democratic ceiintv convention. anrlS-tfd&w JAMES P. MARSH, et Salisbury township, .subject te Democratic rules. aiig3-tfd&w A'Ji'll'. AV VJilillSJiiaJb.N2 Democratic County Committee. There will be a meeting el the Democratic County Cemmitter at Shober's Hetel, Lancas ter, at Id a. m., en Monday, August 15, te fix the time of the County Convention. A lull attendance et the members is requested. W.U.I I ENS EL, jy27-ldd&w Chairman. ASOCIAL i'ARTY AVI LI. Hi: MELD AT Fertility Park te-morrow (Saturday) evening. The public are cordially invited te attend. J.F. ECHTERNACHT. ltd" IUIK KKV.-iTOMi HAND WILl. ItK AT I SINGLA'S Ice Cream Harden, West Orange and Marietta avenue, te-morrow (SAT URDAY) evening, lrem S te 11 o'clock. Free te all. The Garden will be illuminated, ltd IXCKLSIOK HALL, BAST KIKOSTKEET, J Is tine place te keep cool. Cenrad's Cele brated 1'liilaUclnhia Beer, hurried in ice. glasses iu ice; it is se cold you will wish for your overcoat. Try it anil be convinced' JOHN SHOENISERUER, ltd 127 and 12a East King Street. VTOTIUK TO KEAL ESTATE OWNERS. Ll Our Monthly Catalogue will be Issued shortly. If you nave real estate te sell or ex change enter it en our books atenee. Fer city properties no charge until sate. Terms reasonable and facilities ler soiling the best in the county. ALLAN A. II ERR & CO.. Meat Estate and Insurance Agents, jySO lmdR 3 North Duke Street POS1TIVJB rUBLIC SALE OF VALVAISLE CITY PROPERTY. On SATURDAY, AUGUST 13. 1S81, at the Cooper Hense, en West King street, will be sold that new two story and Mansard reef Stere and Dwelling, Nes. 213 and 230 West King street, cither with or without the entire Household and Kitchen Furniture. The house contains a large store, hall.six rooms, kitchen, bath room, with water closet, and garret large enough for four rooms, nil arranged in the most convenient manner, lately paper and painted, and in complete or der. An excellent cellar, with well et ncver lalling water: kitchen range and het and cold water up and down stairs, with complete sewer connections, gas. Let 32x25fi leet, two side alleys, fruit. &c. in great variety. Fer fuller description sec large sale bills. Sale te commence at VA o'clock p. in., when terms, &t, will be made known by Charles Ed wards, or ALLAN A. HERR A CO., Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Ne. S North Dnke Street. B. F. Rewe, Auct. :iHg5,8,H,13d WASTED. WANTED A OIKL. TO DO OENEKAL housework. A rare chance etrcrcd. Ap pfy at this office. jy28-2wd WANTED-TWO OIKLS TO DO GEN cral housework. Apply at the SPRECUEK HOUSE, jy2l-lfd 27 North Duke Street. WANTED A GOOD; COOK AT THE Fountain Inn Hetel, 31 Seuth Queen street. Geed wages and permanent employ ment te one who gives satisfaction. ltd " GEO. HASTINGS. WANTED-A ATOM21.N TO DO THE cooking and general housework in small family. Wages $2 te $1 par week, accord ing te competency. Call at elllcc, Ne. 33 North Duke street, between a and 12 a. m. al-tfd N EXPERf SALESMAN WANTED IN OUB1 HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. aug2 5td ;ASTEICH BROTHERS. THIRD EDIT1M. FRIDAY EVENING,' AUG. 5, 1881. BETTER AND BETTER. THE PRESIDENT'S STEADY IMPKOVE fllENT. Me Step Backward. Executive Mansion, Wasuixgten, D. C, Aug. 5, 8:30 a. m. Official. The pres ident slept naturally the greater part of the uight. Although he has taken ue merphia during the last twenty-four hours, his improved condition warranted, several days age, a diminution in the quantity of merphia administered hypodermically at bed-time, aud it was reduced, at first te one-twelfth and afterwards te one six teenth of a grain in the twenty-four hours without any consequent unpleasant result, and finally has been altogether dispensed with. Ilis condition this morning exhib its continued improvement and another geed day is anticipated. At present his pulse is 88, temperature 98.-1, respiration 18. SigncdJ D. W. Bliss. J. K. Barnes, j. j. "woedwakh. Robt. Reyburn. P. II. Hamilton. Slew but Straily. Executive Mansion, Washington, Aug. 5. 1:15 p. m. Unofficial. The president continues te make slew but steady pro gress toward recovery. He ate about the usual quantity of breakfast this forenoon cousisting'ef beefsteak, potatoes, toast and milk, and has up this hour rested quietly and comfortably. His pulse is net -high, he is entirely frce from fcver.aud is at this moment going te sleep. AFTER MANY DAYS. GREENFIELD'S TARDY RETRIIJUTION. A Wife Murderer llanged Nearly Six Vcars SIIUSCiueilc te ills iiKiuuuntiiiuu. The End of a Celebrated Case. Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 5. Nathan Or Or laneo Greenfield was executed here this morning for the murder of his wife, Alice, at Orwell, Oswego county, October 21, 1875. The case was remarkable for its stub born contest iu the courts. There wcre three trials, the jury ence disagreeing and twice finding a verdict of guilty two death sentences and five stays of proceed ings and reprieves. Finally te-day was formally set for the execution, five years and nine months after the crime was com mitted. After se many escapes from the gallows Greenfield was confident that he would net be hung, and gave up the hope of a cemmuf atien of sentence only under the gallows. Vigorous efforts te secure the governor's interference were in vain. The execution took place in the jail yard in the presence et 200 people officials, witnesses and press representatives. Tire prisoner was cool and seemingly uncon cerned. Being asked if he had anything te say he replied, " Nothing." The trap was sprung at 11 o'clock. A sccne took place just before the ex ecution, the prisoner's brother insisting upon standing by him te the last, and de claring him te be inueccut. This the sheriff refused en the. ground that it was unlawful. DV WIRE. The Telegraulilc News Te-day. The majority against prohibition in North Carolina will be between 00,000 and 70,000. Anether restriction of coal production is probable en account of lack of transpor tation facilities. President Roberts, of the Pennsylvania railroad, has postponed his visit te Sara toga until Monday next. The Lake Erie & "Western railroad com pany's elevator at Fremont, O., valued at $18,000 was destroyed by fire last night, while Higbce & Ce. lese $35,000 worth of grain ; partially insured. In Frcdericten, N. B., the steamer " Royal," arrived from St. Jehn last even ing, burned te the water's edge early to day. The crew escaped, but naked, !' rapidly the fire spread. Carge iusured. Numerous inquiries have been made at the state department in regard te Hart maun aud what our government will de in his case if his extraditieu is asked by the Russian government, but the state depart ment officials decline te announce what may be the policy of government in possible contingency in advance of its occurrence. Thus far no request has beeu preferred by the Russian government te hare eveu au examination of the case made by the slate department. A severe storm iu Minnesota last even ing, anil which extended as far as Mone merec, Wis., wrought considerable damage throughout the section visited, especially in Minneapolis, where for a time it looked as if the city was te be swept by a genuine cyclone. Frank Lee's house, in course of erection, was wrecked aud the barn of Andrew Paulsen struck by lightning, whilst grain fields, hay-stacks, etc, were leveled. The approach of the storm could be distinctly heard for soine time before its arrival. Amount of less is net yet known, as all the telegraph wires in line of the storm wcre wrecked. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Aug 5. Fer the Middle Atlantic states fair weather, winds mostly southwest, stationary temperature and pressure. VOAJj. C0H0 & WILEY, 3BO NORTU WATEK ST., Lancaster, Ji., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange, ISratich Office : Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. labSS-lyri IU TO REILLY & KELLER GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers and ethers In want et Supcriei Manure will lind it te their advantage te call. Yard, llarrisburg Pike. Offlcc. 20X East Chestnut street. ( agl7-tt B. II. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. JT-Ynrd : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-iyd s: PECIAL NOTICE. ORuANS AND PIANOS can be purchased at me Lancaster Organ Manufactory lrem ten te twenty-five per cent, cheaper dur ing the month el .April than any ether time. As I have a large assortment et all kinds of Musical Instruments en hand, purchasers will find it te their advantage a ter examining ether instruments te call at the warcroems, as they will then be able te sec the superiority et the Lancaster Organ or Chickering Piane. 1 have added steam power and am adding a set of new machinery et my own Invention for making all parts of an organ, from reeds te the key beard, therefore saving time, expense and labor, and will give my customers the benefit of it by reducing the prices. Send for catalogues. All kinds el instruments tuned and repaired, at NO. 380 NORTH QUEEN STREET. ALEX. McKILLIPS, mar29-2wd&eS Proprietor MAHKKTH. milndcrphla Market. Philadelphia, Aug. 5. Fleur market strenger: Superfine, Si 2i;'. T.": ex tra M C0g4 SO : Ohie & Indiana family, at J 00SC SO; Pennsylvania family $8 73 5 87: St.. Leuis de-$6 00 SO; Minnesota Extra ts 50fiG K 1 de straight, tC 2'rfW 50 : win ter patent 96 75tt7 no : spiln; de 7 007 50. Rye flour at $1 0&' 00. Wheat strong and higher ; Ne. 2 Western Red $1 2GJ; : Dsl. and Penn'a Red 1 23Q1 2rt; f ; Amber fl 2U127. Cern strong and higher : steamer .vr5t;e : sail yellow (XJ(Ic: sail mixed, 6UJ Wc; Ne. a, mixed, 535Tc. Oats Market flriuer.wlih fair deuianil: Ne. 1 White c; ti)c;Xe.3, ile 414i;(c; Ne. 2 Mixed, 3l40c. " Rye nominal Tit 75c for new. Previsions Arm : nits perk 1S21S 60 beet hams,fJ2 50223; India nte?s beef. 25100. Bacen Smoked shoulders Sc ; salt de 7JCc; smoked ham- 1213iCc; pickled Untes, Unfile. Lard market and prices lliiiicr: cltv ki'ttle US712 00: loose butchers' at tlll 5"c ; prune steam 11 75. Butter Market firm, with family active; Creamery extra at 2562tie; de geed te choice 22if21c : Bradford county and New Yerk extra, 222le ; flrsts, 1921r. Rolls steady ; Pennsylvania I5ffic ; We-jtei n, i-Wiic. Ekks steady ler fresh; Penn'a 17c; Western 15lUc. Cheese Market and prices linn : New Yerk Jul! cream HQtlUc ; Western full enwm ic; de fair te ceed, SJ6'.IK.'. Petroleum dull ; Rcfltiid 7-Mc. Whisky dull at 1 II. Seeds Geed te prime Clever jobbing at "a SJic; Timethy dull at .1 HO; de Flaxseed nominal at 1 25. New Veric Market. New j'er.K. Aug. 0. Heur State and Western ntaiket steady, with light expert and jobbing trade demand ; Super fine State. 1(M1 75 : extra de 1 7505 Hi; choice de 4 73(2550: fancy de 5 '.l)t 7&: round hoop Ohie t '.I37 .VI : choice de 3 30QB 75 :snpernne western f I pefjl 5; common te geed ex tra de ft 75J5"25 ; choice de 5 30'ji' 75 ; choice white wheat de, at 5 75gt 25. Southern inlet, steady ; common te fair extra 5 15 (Bi 25 ; Reed te choice de fi 3tfjn 50. Wheat feverish and unsettled ; J2jc high er; Ne. 2 Red, August, $1 27127: September, $t 2U13U; de October, 1 :H'.. I :)2 ; de Nev. 1 33. Cern somewhat excited : IIe higher : mixed western spot, 5uC0j ; de future, MyiQCUc. Oats Ji7c better ; Ktate.tCSiOe ; Wc.dein; 45Jc. Grain and l' Ountatleiis. One o'clock quotation of grain and provis previs ions, furnished by S. K. Y'undt, Breker. 7ti East King street. Chicago. Aug. 5. Auir. Sept. Oc Wheat 1.2124 MV4 I.IBJJ Cern ri .5154 -fti-ii Oats ........ .b -33i ''4 Perk.: is.oe vfMlli is.oe Lard 11.15 11.50 11.50 Philadelphia. Aug. Sept. Oct. Wheat 127W $ 1.2W $ !.; Cern y4 .i;i;4 .;t Noen ljuotaueitt el tlie Orain Marki-I Furnished by Jaceli i;. l.eug, Commission Breker. ClIlCAIIO. Aug. Sept. Oct. Wheat ? I.2IJ,-; $ l.liv'i l.l?5 Year. S !.lt'4 Oet. Cern 51 .51;J .55! wats .......... .... .'-'tt ',V4 ' Perk s.biy. Lard ll.V.'Ji 11.01 " Pltlf.AOELl'UIA. Aiur. Sent. Oct. Wleal $ l.aiji X 1.2b! $ l.M'.i Cern... Oats . 'ii .mu jari Llve Stock MarketH. CniOAcie. Hogs Receipts, 111,000 head ; ship ments, 3.70O head; market slew and .r?lnc lower; common te geed mixed packing, $i ill 015; light. ii25t:7i): balk Yorkers, t;i;uf 0 05; choice heavy, $0 aOgl. 'Je ; skips ami culls. Cattle Receipts, 7,000 head; shipment's -.! bead; market mere active and steady ; geed te choice shipping, $5500; common te lair dull and weak at $1 75t5 25; native butchers' 2 20:'J0:TexuiiHt $21!0fgl; natives andjialf breeds, $3 OOgl 50 ; blockers' aiidTcedcrs, $:; e 1 50. Sheep Receipts, Nh) head : market weak and easier; common te medium, $2 .ri0a:5: geed te choice, $t 73t 3'.). East Liberty. Cattle Receipts 1,111 head; nothing doing. Hogs ICvcciplxV'OOhcad; I'hiladelphias.fJS.'i 7; Yorkers, iH20$ii40. Shcci Receipts 1,1.00 head ; nothing doing, closing very dull. MOCK MHrKt-.l. New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal hlei k.. also United States lleitds reported d-iiiy l Jacob IJ. Lone. N. E. Cor. Ceiitre Siiiiitrc. N kw Yeuk STOCKS. Stocks weak. Aug. ;.. A. H. V. . V io:iie t:i hi :;.(." Mentiv zii Chicago A North Western layj VX 12;J. Chicago. Mil. St. Paul 115 111 U3 Canada Southern. i;:; ; 05 C U tt 1. 1. R. IC... .-..... . .... .... '--,. Del.. Lack. A; Western 123;4 l'.'3!4 123;j; Delaware Hudsen Caiial I0i,'4 Denver & Rie Grande leij; vn',; !f.i Hannibal & St. .loe ! !H !K'f Lake Shere . Mich. Southern.. I2I' I'StJi 123?.; Manhattan Elevated 10?2 174 17 Michigan Ceutral '.mJi 1RIJ4 58' Missouri, Kans:is& Texas N. Y., Lnke Erie & Western New Jersey Central N. Y.. Ontario ft Western lt'4 13 437 I34 1314 : M4 ! !!'., New Yerk Central 1 13); 1 t:;y, 1 ii Ohie ft Mississippi 37;Vi "7"x 37v'h Pacific Mail Steamship Ce.... :,l)i .' h'l' St. Paul & Omaha tl!.'. de Preferred 10l.4 101 myj Central Paeitie M !." Texas Pacilic 5S'4 57J-4 37?M Union Pacilic 120 1-1 ly, Wabash, St. Leuis ft Pacific... 32' XI 51',.: " " Picfcrrcd. Nl ss se.J Western Union Tel. Ce Ki ! i PuiLAiuaviiiA. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania R. It r.tJ4 ij; i;ty, Reading 3214 32 ".2;.5 Lehigh Valley til's;, Lehigh Navigation U4 .... 4j Buffalo, Pitts. & Western 21i .... 2:';Z Northern Central 51 Northern Pacilic. mi W. Vf " Preteried .Sli n Ilcstnnville -V- Philadelphia A Erie R. R 23J- lewaOtilch Mining 1" .... Umitbd Statks Uemds. i-. K. 1:00 United Suites I per cents Il''?i " V& " Ill " 5 " 102!;, " 3! " 102 Lecal stocks ami, i;emln. Par L:im val. "ilt- Laiie.Cily 0 ,ierct. Lean, due lsJ...tlne n. " 1SS5... loe ill " . " 185X1... 100 us.; " " 18-.)5... 100 120 " 5 per cl. Ill 1 or 30 years.. 100 105 5percl. Scheel Lean U 112 " 4 " in ler 20 years.. 100 103 " 4 " in 5 or 20 years.. Hi! 103 50 " 4 " in 10 or 20 years. let) 105 MISCELLANKOUS BOSDS. Ouarry vllle It. It., due m3 $100 $11 1 Reading & Columbia R. Ri1mc 1N32 loe !02.5 Lancaster Watch Ce., due 1SSS 100 105..V Lancaster (las Light and Fuel Ce., due in 1 or 20 years 100 103.5 Lancaster lias Light and Fuel Ce., dne"188G loe loe Stevens Heuse 100 70 BANK STOCKS. First National Bank. .-..$100 $170lj Farmers National Bank 50 102.5 Lancaster County National Hank.. 50 102.2-1 Columbia National Bank 100 110 Ephrata National Bank loe First National Bank, Columbia.. .. 100 135 First National Hank, Strasburg.... 100 i:;i. First NiWenal Bank. Marietta loe 202...f First National Bank, Mount Jey., loe 1)5 75 Lititz National Bank 100 Manhcim National Bank: loe 1 1 1.5 1 Union National Bank. Mount Jey. 50 70.3 TUKSriKK STOCKS. Big Spring & Beaver Valley $ 25 $ ln.2l Bridgeport l.'i 2U Columbia Chestnut Hill 25 IS Columbia ft Washington 25 20 ( ,'elunibia ft Big Spring .-. . . 25 1 1. lb Lancaster ft Ephrata 25 47.2; Lane, Ellzabctht'n ft Middlct'n 100 51 Lancaster ft Fruitville. 50 50 Lancaster ftLltitx 25 is.. Lancaster ft Williamstown 25 55 Lancaster ft Maner 50 '. Lancaster Manhcim 25 30.- Lancaster ft Marietta 25 2.V.'.' Lancaster ft New Helland loe S3 LaTi caster & Susquehanna 3ue Lancaster & Willow Street 25 40.1.' Strasburg ft Millport 25 21 Marietta ft Maytown 25 40 Marietta ft Mount Jey 25 MISCELLAXEOC8 STOCKS. Quarryvillc B. R MUlereville Street Car 0 Inquirer Printing Company 50 40 WatchFactery - '"". jI "' Gas Lightand Fuel Company.... i Stevens Heuse. ....... ww Columbia Gas Company Columbia WatcrCempany 2 Susquehanna Iren Company 100 3.10 Mariettailollewwarc loe HZGAZ NOTICES. ESTATE OF MARY WAUJ), LATE OF Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immedi ate settlement, and these having claims or de mands aganst the estate of wild decedent te make known the same te the undersigned Without delaj , residing in Iiucsster eti v. ELIZABETH C. MARKS. le!7-Ctdeaw Administruti ix. J7STATE OF ELIZAKETII It. STOWKltS !i Harberger, late of the city et Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate liaving been granted te the undersigned, one of the executers, all persons indebted thereto arc requested te make immediate Jiaymeiu. ami these having claims or demands against the same will present them without tlelay for settlement te the undersigned, residing lit 421 North Seventh .street, in the city of Philadel phia. LOUIS IS. HARBERGER. iels-tHdeaw One et the Executers. INSTATE Or MATTHIAS WIEST. I.ATK j of Lancaster city, Lancaster county, de ceased. Letters tcstatnenlary en satdestnte having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are request ed te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate efsaid decedent, te nitike known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing tn Luncastercity. II KNRY FRAN K. Executer. 522 East Chestnut Street B. F. Davis, Att'y. jcll-titdeaw INSTATE OF MARY ANN J-.UWAKD!, !i late et Lancaster city. - Letiers of ad ministration en saidestatc4iavingtieeu grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said estate are requested te luuke Immediate settlement, and these having claims or de mands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same tn the muliM-signcd without delay, residing 250 West King street, Lancaster. CHARLES EDWARDS, Administrator. J. It. Goen, Attorney. jly20 0tdeaw ASSIGNED ESTATE OF JOHN ItAKEK and wile, et I.ancaster city, Lancaster county. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the ham Is of Moses Shirk aud Martin Becker, asslgness et Joint Baker and wife, te and among thesu legally entitled le the same, will sit ter that purpose en SATURDAY, AUGUST 0, 1SS1, at 10)4 a. in., ill the Library Roem or the Court Heuse, In the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. J. W. DKXL1NGER, iy9-3tdeaw . Auditor. 17STATK OF PHILIP SCIIUA1. I.ATK UtT It Lancaster city. Pa., deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balnucii remaining iu Ihe hands et Jehn E. Selium and Charles Helxwurlh, administrators with the will annexed of Philip Selium, dee'd, te and among these legally entitled te tee same, and te pass upon exceptions filed te the account efsaid administrators, will sit for that purpose en THURSDAY. AUGUST 25, 1SSI, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, iu tlie city el Lancaster, where all persons interested in s:iid distribution may attend. "WM. D. WEAVER, jylXltdeaw Auditor. Ef ,STATK Or JOHN TAMANY, LATE OJT the city et Lancaster, deceased. Letteis et administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted thereto, are requested te make imme diate settlement, and thnse having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in said city. FRANKLIN TAMANY, Administrator. Vm. R. Wif.s.. Att'y. jy2t-fitileaw INSTATE OF K1LI.IAN DECK, LITE OC 2j Lancaster city, dee'd. The undersigned uuditor.appeiiitcd te distribute the balance re maining in the hands et Andrew Shreiner, ex ex ecueor, te and anion;; these legally entitled te the same, will sitforthatpiirpese'on FRIDAY, the Stith day or AUGUST, ts-il, at fl) o'clock a. m., iu the library room of the court house, in the City et Lancaster. whcrcull persons Inter ested in said distribution may attend. JOHN H.FRY, jy2t!-4tdeaw m Auditor. "INSTATE OF STEPHEN OEKTKISEN, jj micm i.iuicasici ciij, ui'iuasru. i.ciici; of administration en said estate having been ....... ... .1... .....i. .....i... ....i ........... t .iiil;ii up nit; iiiiii.-irti;iiui, .tn jn lairua iii- .l..l.ln.l ,.v .... I. I . ( n..t. t. ... . ...... ..... ...... I ... I f. ...nt... tminetliatesett lenient, unit these having claims or demands against the estate et said dece dent, te make known the same te the under signed without delay, residing in the city et Lancaster. MARY GKRTE1SEN, i .I...:..:. .- m. .- J. IS. Kati.'tman, Att'y jy2S-iitdeaw "ir'STATIS OF .IOHN ARNOLD, DKU'I)., .1.2 of Laneastercity, Luncnstcrreunty. Tlie. undersigned Auditor appointed te distKlbute the balance remaining in tlie hands of Mar garet Arneld, KxeentiK of tlie will of Jehn Arneld, lateet the City of Lancaster, deceased, le and among tliose'legally entitled te tins same, will sit ler that purpose en TU KSDAY, AUGUST 23d, btfl, at 10 o'clock a.m., iu tlie Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the City el Lancaster, where alt person's interested in said distribution may attend. DANIEL G. BAKI-'R, iy0-atii;,t32e Auditor. J.VsTATK OF RARISAUA CLKdlKNTg. IlK li ceased. The undersigned Auditor, ap pointed by Ihe Orphans' Court of Lancastei county. Pa., te distribute the balance remain ing iu the hands of Jeremiah Clements, le and among these legally entitled le the muiic, will attend ter that purpose mi FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, lssi. at 10 a. m.. In tliu Library Roem et the Court Heuse, iu the city el l-in-caster. Pa., where all perseirt interested in said distribution may attend. CHAS.B. KAUFMAN, JyS lldeaw Auditor. VlVlft'.lfi. 1r.I'..KTS 'I"-'' WINE STORI't. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article wan voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slay maker. Agent for RelgartV Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian id thts county, who lias extensively used the limiuly referred tela his pnu.tice It is commended le the attention of lhe;e af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. Till- new much abused Alcohelie Slimul.ini was never intended as a beverage, but te bi Used as a med iciuu of great potency iu tlie -me of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their an n mil thousands of viet iin-. With a purely philanthropic motive v.e pre sent te the favorable notice el invalids espe cially these atllictfd with that miserable ill :. e.isc Dyspepsia, a speci'Ic remedy, which ia nothing mere or less than Brandy. Tin; aged, with feeble appetite and mere or less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their Ills and aches. 15e if, however strictly understood that we prescribe and u-'c bu I one article, and that is KEMARTS OLD liUAiN'DY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II K SLAY'MAKER. Thia Brandy has steed tliu test ter years, and has never failed, as far :us our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference overall etiier Brandies nematlerwltli bow many jaw-breaking French lilies they are branded. Oim-fetirtli of tlie money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia spccillcs would suffice te buy all the Brandy le cure any such case or uses. In proof of the curative powers et Beigart's Old Brandy, in rases el Dyspepsia, we can summon uiiin bcrs of witnesses one case in particular no cite: A hard-working farmer had been ailllcicd with an exhaustive DysiM-psia lern number of years; his stomach would reject almost every Kind of loed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly no appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McGraun'H Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, ami in his discourses often declaimed earnestly ugainstall kinds of strong drink. When advised te trv Reijrart's Old Brandy, in Ids case, he looked up with asIenHiiment, but after hearing et its wendeiiul etlects in the cases of some of his near acquaintance.), he at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; tlm first bottle giving him au appetite, and bclore the second was taken he was a sound man, with a stomach capable of digesting any thing which hejehese te cat. He stilt keens it and uscsalil- iie occasionally; ami since ne nus una medi cine he has been of very Iittle pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Pimctisike PavsiciAtr. H. E. SLAYMAKEIi, A6KNT FOR Beigart's Old Wine Stere. Established in 1783, 1MFOHTISK AND PEALBK IK FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLI MADEIRA, (Imported in 1x13, IS27 and 1KB.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALK PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. SS!) EAST KINO ST.. LANCASTER. I'A elEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE KE ) ceived at Ne. 20 East Kicg street, by J. L. Ilettmcier, President et Beard of Inspectors, up te August 31. at 3 p. m., ier lurnishing ue tens el Furnace and 50 tens of Range Ceal, delivered at the Lancaster County Prison. BY ORDER OF TliE BOARD. AM03 Rctteb, Scc'y.t aug3-3tced