myjMguviaiMBi LANCASTER DAILY INfELIJGENCEK. FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1881. G Hancaster fritrllisencer. FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 22, 188L Summer -Drinks. Ens. Country Gentleman In extreme ly warm weather, refreshing beverages are very desirable, especially in the field, where one is exposed te the scorching heat of the sun, and the whele system is per spiring with the heat and exercise. It is very imprudent te swallow great quantities of ice-cold drink when one is excessively warm ; a few swallows taken slowly, will quench the thirst far better than a whole jjeblctful swallowed without stepping. The very best of all drinks is new milk with ice sufficient te cool it. It is net only cool ing, but also nourishing. It is a most grateful beverage, net only in the field, but in the kitchen, and nursery as well as sick loom, where it should always have a place. In fevers, it is the most delightful cordial that can be administered. A very nice beverage is made by taking two quarts of water, a tablcspoenful of pulverized ginger, half a tcacupful of strong vinegar and a half teacunful of molasses or maple sugar. Stir well, add a lump of ice the size of a (mart bowl te keep it cool ; put into a tin pail with a tight cover, and it is a very geed field drink, ami will keep cool half a day. Anether drink is made by taking a lemon or two, roll or squeeze till soft, slice very thin, and put into a larse bowl, and turn a pint of boiling water ever the slices. Let it stand till cool ; then allow a quart of cold water te each lemon, and half a cupful of sugar ; stir well and add a lump of ice te make it very cold. The acid of the lemon is very grateful te the mouth and stomach en a het day. All iced drinks should be sipped slowly as they quench the thirst better, and de net give a chill, as if taken in large swallows and great quantities .Still another drink is prepared by taking two eggs, beat thoroughly till frothy, add half a tcacup ful of sugar, a tcaspoeuful of extract of vanilla and quart of milk ; cool well with ice. It is very delicious. iiid strengthening en a het day. Anether one is made by taking a teacupfiil of raspberry jam, stir it into tlnee pints of water, strain it through a line colander, ai.d :ct in the ice chest till very cold ; il L. a very pleasant beverage. Perhay pilckuia, nothing ex cels gce.l het cetrc.',as it .stimulates a little and seems te raise sufficient internal heat, se that pci-spiratien iIjws freely, and keeps up the strength. Itefreshing drinks arc a very great eom eem eom fert during the summer heat, and give much nourishment te the system, as one is net very apt te feel hungry in the long summer days when tee thermometer ranges from !tJ te 100- in the shade. The mere a person drinks the mere lie perspires ; yet one cannot help craving some palatable beverage te cool the parched lips and mouth in the heat of summer. It is much better te take little at a time, and te drink mere ircquently, than te quail a great quantity at a time. Frequent bathing of the face and head is a great preventive of thirst. Men arc net half se liable te get overheated if they oc casionally wipe oil" their faces with a wet towel or spouse. People te net take half the pains te protect themselves from the heat of deg days that they de te guard against the inclemency of cold, and there is double the danger arising from over heating that there is from freezing. Farmer's Wife. Snake stories. A dispatch from Ellcnville, X.Y., states that en Saturday morning last as Jacob Uhl, a farmer et Prospect Hill, with his seven-year old hey, was leading his wagon with legs from a pile he had cut about a mile from bis, he heard an ominous hiss and rattle. Then a monster rattlesnake- thrust his head out from between the legs, and Air. Uhl says that he then saw what seemed te him hundreds of the reptiles in the weed pile, lie gave a leap from the pile, and tcllins: his frightened boy te drive the oxen out te the read and wait for him, he grasped a stick and be gan fighting the snakes, which seemed te come from every crack in the pile of legs and from the ledge behind. Fer three hours he fought in a broiling sun. Uy the lime the snakes were pretty well thinned out, and these that were lelt crawled slowly back te their den under the legs. When ilr. Uhl rece'Cicd from the exliaustatien caused by his hard fight, he surveyed the field before hi in. There were, according te ii":;; story, 2'J rattle snakes, i; black snakes' four pilots and several adders and ether snakes, making 54 i:i all. One of the rattlcis had 10 rat tles, and another had the almost incredi ble number of 'JO. The ethers ranged fiem six te twelve or thirteen rattles apiece. Mr. Uhl says that he found the fangs of several snakes in the tops of his beets, which were of thiek cow hide. The only bite he received was from a big black snake en his left arm. The arm is swollen and somewhat painful, hut the wound is net dangerous. Several years age two hunters killed 107 snakes of different va rieties in the same spot. A Yerk county man writes : On Friday host some of Mr. Prank Kehrbaugh's fam ily, living near Skunk's Hill, were picking blackberries, they came across two large black snakes which they killed, and en opening them they diseeveied one hundred and five (105) young ones. They were speedily dispatched and with the two old ones made one hundred and seven (107) snakes killed by the family that day. Don't tiet il Chills. It you are Mibje"t te Ague veu must be sure te keep your liver. hewclnunil kidneys in geed lree condition. When se. you will bj safe from all attack. The remedy te ue is Kidney Kidney Wert. UN the be-it preventive of all mala rial diseases that you cm take. See advertise ment in another column. jylS-lwd&w Hew eflen per.-ens have been anneved bv burrs clinging te their dress or clothing and hew seldom have they, when cleaning them, given it a thought that Burdock Reet is the most valuable bleed cleanser ami puriller known, and is sold by every druggist, under the name et" llurdeck Meed fritters. Trice $1. Fer Kile at H. IS. Cochran's drug ."tore, i:7 Xertlrtjiiccn street, Lancaster. Visible Improvement. Mr. Xeah Hales, Klmira, X. Y.. writes: "About four years age 1 had an attack of bil ious lever, and never fully rueevered. My ill. gestive organs were wcak'cnc.l and 1 weufil be completely prostrated for davs. Alter using two bottles et veur llurdeck frloeo Hitlers the improvement was se visible that I was aston ished. 1 can new. though 01 years of age, de a lair and reasonable day's work." Price $1. Fer sale at II 15. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North vjueeii sireei, j.aucasici. "Pour en Oil." L. P. Fellet, Marien. O., stat-s lliat he lias used Themas' Ecleetric Oil ler burns, and has found nothing lnciual it In seething the pain and giving relict. Fer salcat H. It. Cochran's drugstore. i:t7 North Queen street, Lancaster. COAL. 13. IS. MilKTLN Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. 3-Yard : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince street nbeve Lemen. Kincaster. nS-lvd C0I40 & WILEY, 350 NORTH WATER ST., Lancaster, JPte., Wholesale and KetaU Dealers In LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic exchange. Branch Office : Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. leb2Myd TO RELLLY & KELLER -for flAfYn Pn?4V TAHTTTV rllT I UUUJJ, LfiiEjAil J) AMLLx AfAhf I Farmers and ethers in want et Superior I Manure will liml it te their advantage te call. I Yard, Harrlsburg Pike, ""j""'' lJ1 Office. 20JS East Chestnut street- ag!7-tt MEDICAL. riUAitun. CATARRH, COLD IX THE .HEAD, II AY FEVER. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS, CAN 1JE CURED. DIRECTION'S. Fer Catarrh. Hay Fevcr,Ceidin 1 lie Heart .tc., insert with little linger u particle ei ISalm into the nostrils ; draw strong breaths through the It will' be absorbed, cleansing ami healing the diseased mem brane. FOR DEAFNESS, Apply a particle into the ear. ELY'S CREAM BALM, having gained an enviable local reputation, displacing all ether preparations in the vicin ity ei discovery, is, en its merits alone, recog nized as a wonderful remedy wherever known. A fair trial will convince the most skeptical of its enrative powers. It effectually cleanses the nasal passages of catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions, allays intlauiniutien and irritation, protects the membranal linings of the heart lrem additional colds, completely heals the sores and restores the sense el taste ami smell. Bcncllciai results are realized by a few applications. A thorough treatment as directed, will cure Catarrh. As a household remedy for cold iu'tlie heart it is uncquallcrt The Baiin is easy te use and agreeable. Sold by druggists at SO cents. On receipt of 50 cents will mail a package. Send ler circular with full information. ELY'S CUE AM BALM CO., Owcge, X. Y. Fer sale by the Lancaster druggists, and ;liy wholesale druggists generally. liS-Cmeed&w IF YOU AKK A MAN OF BUSINESS, weakened by the strain of your duties, avoid stimulants and lake HOP BITTERS! If you arc a man of letters, telling ever your midnight work, te restere brain and nerve waste, take HOP HITTERS! II you are young, and suffering from any indiscretion ordisnipatieu, take HOP BITTERS! If yen are married or single, old or young, suffering from peer health or languishing en a beil of sickness, take HOP BITTERS! Whoever you are, wherever yen are, when ever you feel that your system needs cleansing, toning or stimulating, with out intexiealing, take HOP BITTERS! Have you tljtxpepsia, Iclitnry or urinary com plaint, dNcase el the xtemach, bowels, bleed, liver, or nerves? Yeu will be cured if veu lake HOP BVTTERS! 11 you are simply ailing, are weak and low "spirited, try it"! JIuy it. Insist upon it. Your druggist keeps it. HOP BITTERS! it may save your life. It lias saved hundreds. Hep Hitters Manufacturing Company, Rochester, Xew Yerk, and Terente, Ontario je3-lydMWF&w Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OF LYNN, MASS., is Me flu Discovery ! Her Vegetable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, ,H6pe and Happiness stored by the use of Re- LYDIA E. PINKEAJYTS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name signifies, con sistset Vegetable Properties that arc liarnilei-s te the most delicate invalid. Upen one trial the meritsef this compound will be recognized as reliel is immediate; ami when its use is con tinued, in iiiue;y-uiuc ca--es in u hundred, a permanent cure is effected, as thousands will testily, is te-day recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of tailing of the uterus, Leueorrhesa, irregularaml pain ful Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, In Humiliation and Ulceration, Flooding, all Dis placements ami the consequent spinal weak ness, and is especially adapted te the Ciangc of Lite. In laet it has proved te be the greatest and best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and gives new lite and vigor. It removes faint ness, flatulency, destroys all craving ter stimulants, ami relieves weakness of the slemaeh. It cures i'.leating. Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness. le le predien and Indigestion. That leelingolbeat leelingelbeat ing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, aet in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney complaints et cither sex tins Compound is unsurpassed. Iydia E. Knkham's Vegetable Compound :; prepared at 2 and 2J." Western Avenue Lynn. Mas. Price $1. Six bottles ter sjft. Sent by mail in the form et pills, also in the form e! lozenges, en receipt et price, $1 per be.v, ler either. .Mrs. PINKHAM freely answers all let ters of inquiry. Send ler pamphlet. Address as above. Mention this paper. Ne family should be without LYDIA E P1NKHAMS LIVER FILLS. They cure Con Cen Con stipatien. Biliousness and Torpidity of he Liver. 23 cents per bes. Johnsten. HoHeway & Ce., General Agents, Philadelphia. Fer sale bye. A. Leehcr, !) East King street and Gee. W. Hull, 15 West King street. YiSMvdced&w J-IUXKY AVOK.. THE GREAT CURE reu RHEUMATISM, As it is for all diseases of the KIDNEYS LIVER AND BOWELS. It cleanse the system of t lie acrid poison that causes the dreadful sintering which only the victims of Hheumntitm can realize. TlietiHiiiid of Cases et the worst lerins et this terrible disease have been quickly re lieved, in a short lime 1'ertcctly Cured. KIDNEY WOET has had wonderful success, and an immense sale In every part of flu: country. In hundreds of cases it has cured where all else had failed" It is mild, but etlicient, CERTAIN IX ITS ACTION, but harmless in all cases. It CleaiiHcs, Strengthens and gives New Lite te all the important organs of the bedv. The natural action et the Kidneys is restored. The Liver is cleansed et all disease, and the Bowels move freely and healthfully. In this way. ne worst diseases are eradicated lrem the system. As it has been proved by thousands that KIDNEY WORT. is the most effectual remedy for cleansing t he system et all morbid secretion'-. It should be used in every household as a SPRING MEDICINE. Always cures HUieusnesH, Constipation Piles and all Female Diseases. 4ST II Is put up In Dry Vegetable Ferm, in Slin cans, one package of which makes si v S-quart9 of medicine. 8-Alse In Liquid Ferm.very Concentrated a-ter the convenience et these who cannot 3-readily prepare it. It acts with equal W efficiency in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, SI. WELLS, RICIIARDSOX & CO., Prep's, Burlington, Vt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) dcc27 lydAwt READ THIS ,r Lancaster, Pa.. April 28, 1881. The KiDXETcnnA Mf'e Company. Gents It irives me much nlrnanr n en.. tlltt after uslnsr ena nack nt KIIVlrvr'iru a I have been entirely cured et a severe pain 111 my back and side, of Ions-standing m.i i.n joe.anertiying various known remedies. 1 have every confidence in your medicine c'jecrfuHy recommend it,aiidknewtliatmany ,et "ycnds who have used it have been henetjted. PETER BAKER, alyl Foreman Examiner and Express. MEDICAL. no te HULLS DRUG STORE FOB FISHING TACKLE, RODS, REELS, &c., OF E 'EU Y DESCRIP TION. Ne. 15 WEST KINO STREET, aiii28-lyil 1-A.NCASTER. PA. LOOKER'S Renowned Cough Syrup! A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Remedy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influ enza, Soreness el the Threat and Chest, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ting of Weed, Inflammation of the Lungs, ant' all Diseases of the Cliestand Air Passages.! Tliis'valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most sale ami efficient qualities ler the cure of all kinds of Lung Diseases. Price 25 cents. Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST MO. 9 KAST KINO STKEET. OlG-tt "VTOTICK. Dll, (J. A. GISUtiNfi Takes this opportunity of .n.lirvliig Ids nu merous patients ami these iUa desire te get well, who are new diseased, that he vi II leave Lancaster about the FIRST OP AUGUST FOR HIS SUM MICH VACATION. Renewals et his rcmcdials may Jn: obtained during his absence at his elllccs. C. A. GREENE, M. D. Ne. 14 (J KAST KINU STKEET, ettdM-WF&Sl Lancaster, Pa. JtKY OOOM)S, VNVEKMUAJi, &C. N TEXT DIltIK TO THE COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOOK! OKESS GOODS IiEDUOKD. DllESS GOODS REDUCED. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. We have reduced our Immense Stock et DRESS GOODS FOR THE BALANCE OF THK SEASON. DRESS GOODS at were sold at 20c. and ' 10e., t."e. WAi: and I.V., that UMBRELLAS PARASOLS REDUCED. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te Court Heuse. MK TZGKi:, BAKU & HAUUHMAN. Netice te the Ladies ! We Have Just Opened A LARGE LOT OF I Made expressly for our own sales, under onrewn Trade Mark, and cannot be had elsewhere. WE GUARANTEE EACH GARMENT WATERPROOF, AND TO GIVE GENERAL SATISFACTION. r, Bard & flegM NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KING STKEET, LANCASLEB, FA., (ADLER'S OLD STAND). MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. rpiiK ALBKECHT PIANOS Are the Cheapest, because they are the Best. L. B. UERR, Agsntv Ne. 8 Ea9t Orange Street, apr30-3md Ijincaster, Pa. tauierWa raefs Hera VIOTBIXa, 0 CLOTHING ! Anyone having neglected or put off getting thcmselvesa SPRING OK SUMMER SUIT will de well te calLat CENTRE HALL, Ne. 12 EAST KING STREET- MYERS & RATHFON. The LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IX THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PHILADELPHIA. We are offering our Stock et sf Spring and Summer Goods At reduced price?, in order te make room for our coming Fall Stock. If you want a Ready Made Suit you can be suited for a very small amount of money. It you prefer being measured and having a Suit made te order veu can And no better stock te select lrem and at such prices as will astonish you. Indeed the prices are se low that no one need go about in a shabby suit these days. Just think of it, we can furnish you with COAT, PANTS AND TEST te kee) cool in, for the the enormous amount of THREE DOLLARS. Yes, for a man te wear and a big man tee. Call ami see anil be suited and save money. We employ the best experi enced Cutters, and we can guarantee satisfaction in every particular. MYERS & RATHFON. CENTRE HALL, Ne. 12 EAST KL STREET, 1 KEAT HAKUAINS AT AL. JUST RECEIVED BLUE CEEOLE SUITS, 80 SUITS, ALL THE MANUFACTURERS HAD, REDUCED TO $2.50. FOR COATS, PANTS AND VEST. They are Nicely Made Up. White Marseilles and Duel, sell you a sroed one ler 7.1 cents. I have still a large let et THIN SUMMER LINEN PANTB.goed quality, for $1. LINEN DUSTERS of all sorts, from "c. Our falmii1 Tailering: DepartM Is still in full blast. Remember, I have reduced my stock of Clelhin order te keep our Tailors in work tureiijli the Summer. ion should see the iiandseniu Suit .ve this day reduced our BLUE MIDDLESEX FLANNEL SUITS Made te order, handsomely trimmed, and a perfect and stylish lit guaranteed, ler tli;. usuallv soldler$22. The larirest assortment et BOYS' AVl) fMlll.mtK vs,' ri ivnnvf: ..., i ,...i at my establishment, which have also been reduced in prices. ... My Gents' Furnishing Goods Department is stocked with the Latest Novelties in Gents' ear. The coolest and most elegant store in this city. AL. ROSENSTEIN'S ONE P Jl J CE HO USE, NO. 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET, OPPOSITE THE GRAPE HOTEL, LANCASTER, PA. M IS CJSUllA'JSO VS. HELLMUTH LADIES' COLLEGE, n .. r.1JlJiMVcs9.' 1!' J'.'J1: i'rluceas Louise. Founder and President, The RightRcv. I. Hcliinuth, V. D., I. C. L., Lord Bishop or Huren. Fall Term opens Wednesday, Sept. 21. Handsome and spacious buildings, beautifully situated in a most healthy locality, about fenr hours bv rail .?m,. higani Falls, and en one or the principal through routes between the East and "West, the Grounds comprise 140 acres. The aim of t he Founder et this college is te provide the hili e"! ,ii?J!nCtni1 nl practically useful education. The whole system is based upon the sountl seuntl ..ivJ.H?"?1? principles, as the only solid basis for the right lorinatien et character. .?. .. ls V10 hu'Smw spoken in the college. J US IC a specialty. Beard, Laundry and ruitien ices, including t lie whole course of English, the Ancient and Modern Languages. Cal i?J.'iuics' Oniwingaiul Painting, use of Piane and Libiary. Medical Attendance and Medicine wuuiieruimum. jv rcuiiciien 01 one-half ter . .. ' , "''"",""" juioe ui.i.Mw, den, Ontario, Canada. LINN & AVILLSUN! HOUSE FURNISHING I Brass, Porcelain Lined and Agate Preserving Kettle, Genuine Masen Fruit Jars. Genu ine Protective Fruit Jars. TIN CANS, WINDOW SCREENS, REFRIGERATORS. WATER COOLERS, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. JELLY TUMBLERS, FLY TRAPS. FILTERS, CROQUET, BASEBALL SUPPLIES, Sit: FISHING TACKLE. Bargains en the 5c., 10c., I5c. anil 25c. Counter.-.. SOLE AGENTS FOR PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWER. :e:- FLINN & 153 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Tin Rooting and T.IVKRY F rtcsT-CLAss Lrreitv etakli: HOUGHTON'S FIRST-CLASS IIVERT STABLE! -:e:- Five First-Class New Omnibuses te Hire at Lew Rates, for Private, Public & Sunday Scheel Picnics. ALSO Fii-st-Class Driving Horses, Buggies and Plmeteiis te Hire, at Ne. 221 NORTH QUEEN STREET, -CS-FORMERLY ZECIIER BRO.S' OLD ASTMVIl JlltO'S AVrjHtriSHMHA'3. L AMUAMTKU BAZAAR. J3 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, TA. On "Wednesday, July 6, We will continue a special sale et LACES. Our assortment et Laces is the largest ever shown in this city.andeurprices are certainly the lowest. A full line of Valenciennes Laces at 10c, 18c and 2Tc apiece. Cluny Laces 5c a yard, 50c a piece. Fine Msdtese Laces at Sc, 10c and 12c a yard. ide Vermlcclle Laces at 5c and 7c a yai d. ine Russian Laces at 10c and 12c a yard. rine Mechlin Laces, iZ inches wide, 17c a yard. Real and Imitation Torchon Laces. CREAM AND BLACK SPAXISII LACE. JSLACJC CnANTILLY AXD IM PORTED LACE. New styles el Laces received daily and sold at very Lew Figures. Samples sent te all parts et the country and orders promptly attended te. ASTEIOHBRO'S. race BROTHERS I.OTHIKG! LANCASTER, PEJLVA. fi KEAT BARGAINS AT c VJI m ROSENSTEIN'S ONE PRICE HOUSE. -:e:- THE L ST LOT OF Vests reduced 20 per cent. I can COATS up. lelt, at 35 cents. from $2 te $r, per suit, in make te order ler $12,$14.$li;nhd $18. We have the dut ghterset clergymen. Fer " circulars " i.anj - rriiiciiiai Jieiimutu Ladies' Cellcsre. Len jll-lGtdM&F "I.M.iNN & WILLSON! WILLSON, - Spouting Specialties. LANCASTER, PA. STAltl.Jb; T?JKST-CLASS LIVEKY STAKLK. - LIVERY STAND. HOOKS AND STATIONERY. "VTKW ASM CIIOIUK STATIONERY, NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES, AT L. M. 1LYNN'S, Ne. 42 WEST KINO STliKET. riMIB MacKINNON PEN. Or FLUID PENCIL, the only KescrveirPen in the World with a circle of Iridium Around the Point. The most popular Pen made, as If. hns irrminr strength, greater ink capacity, and is mere convenient for the pocket, than any new in use. With one filling it will wrltofrem seventy te eialrtv paires of toelscan ikiiwp iinea f n.. ,m.i. in a third time less, and with less fatigue than attends the writing ei twenty pages with the ordinary pen. The writing point being Iridium (called by The manufacturers guarantee te keep cverv J? fnti;exl work," order ter three yeaS. iV.1,,1..1"? pe,nt, 8,,ews any signs of wear in that time te rcpeint free et charge. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE MacKINNON PEN IN LANCASTER, JOM BIER'S sous, 15 and 17 SORTH IjOEEN STREET, LANCASTER, yA. MOTELS. pw erta-sratSCHEK UOCSE.-ON fV...Eu?.pe'.?L.PIan' Pininjj Beems ter ...n,. vitiiticiuen.- Entrance at He. 31 4riu xjukc street :i'iin nnn 'i,i trk. . ' "T -" Lebster Salad. Ovattre in i- b.. ",.": the Delicacies et the Season. We solicit th patronage et the public. may7-ttd DMT GOODS. J." MARTIN & CO. it Wilier Uittry ! WINDOW SHADES, MOSQUITO CANOPIES, MOSQUITO NETTINGS, TARLATANS, ?i?il1 n'im,Sw Shades, all Celers and Widths, in .. ...... eraicu uuuumis. maue and promptly. Spring or Cord Fixtures. Shading ter Stere Shades. hung Wide Mesquite and Fly Canopies, In Crib. Sin Single and Deuble Bed Sizes, PINK d WHITE, put up promptly. PRICES THK.LlllrEST. an RICES THKj LOWEST. CANTON MATTING. IN WHITE AND FANCIES. Carpets and Vrall Papers. NOTICE. Until further notice our store win close at 7 o'clock p.m.. except Saturday evening. J J, B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King aed Prince Streets, LANCASTER. PA. SK ASONABLK GOODS. DRESS GINGHAMS, VICTORIA LAWNS. INDIA LINENS, AT THK NEW YORK STORE. fAfUHiiHO. Arc showing a great variety of Fancy Dress Ginghams at l'JJ.tea yard Elegant Styles, Hest Quality 13c" ' RcalScetch Zephyr Ginghanisenly.a"ie " One Case Printed Lawns 7e " Nevel Dciigns, Uet Quality. 12!.?c " CLOSING SALE OF Summer Dress Goods. Cream Lace Bantings Halt Weel Lace Buntings , 10c a yard 1'IV. All Weel Plain and Lace Buntings 15c, 17e, 2()c, 25c te 50c a yard MOMIE CREPE BUNTINGS, NUN'S VEILINGS, FRENCH FOULE SUITINGS At Very Lew Prices, at the NEW YORK STORE, 8 & IO KAST KING STREKT. D 1CESS GOODS, &C. H AGEK & KROTHE11 Have still a Large Line et DEESS GOODS, In all qualities, including many of the Choicest Styles of the Season. Alse Black ami Colored Silk. GINGHAMS, LAWNS, CHINTZES AND WHITE GOODS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, All of which will beheld at Very te Rciluee Stock. Lew Prices JPKClALt Fer JULY and AUGUST Special Lew Price for we have made a CARPETS, Of which we have Newest Patterns in 1 Handsome Line of the P.ODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, EXTRA SUPER INGRAIN, WORSTED, WOOL AND HALL AND STAIR CARPET WITH BORDERS. . Alse a line of Carpets at 2T, 3J, :;7i anil Sue. OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS Will be sold en the same low basis. We invite examination. HAGER & BROTHER. w AM. 1'Al'KIC, &V. WALL PAPER, WALL PAPER. Our Stock includes all the Choice Patterns In Spring EMBOSSED AND PLAIN GILT SATINS, FLATS, BLANKS, CEILING DECO- RATIONS, FRIEZES, DADOS AND BORDERS. Te reduce stock we will make a SPECIAL LOW PRICE. We invite examination. i rAfERHANOINUS, Se. S' CKEENS! SCKKENSII We make te order all kinds et WIRE SCREENS ter Deers and Windows, put up at short no tice and very best manner. Plain, Figured and Landscape Wires sold by the feet in any quality ileslred. CHOICE STYLES OF WALLPAPERS WINDOW SHAVES, &c. FIATUKES, PAPER CURTAINS, HOL LANDS, EXTENSION CORNICES, CURTAIN POLES, LOOPS. BANDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, PICTUltE NAILS, CORDS, ETC. Orders taken for Fine Pier and Mantel rers. Mir- PHAEES W. PRY, NO. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. mm BROTHER TRA FELEttS' U VIDt a v.ara ruu as fellow-: lUy5 nS" ,,UUj "" abeVu time "cept en Sun WLUMI11A AND l'UKT uri'lMIT u m aVd 1S"J time: .... uv tllfWlll, Stations-North- Espref,. Express. 'A;eet.. WAn. A.M. l h. P.M. Pert Deposit A35 Jjs i Peachbotteui 7:i j..- .T..J Safe Harber. 7:55 a:H mi Columbia sj 5;Ji 5;J Statieks Seuth- Express. Express.- AcceuT yM- A. M. r. M. A.M. Columbia n:s cM r.iZ Safe Harber. U:CK 6:W Le9:40 Pcachbottem pits 7:j UM- Pert Deposit irjj sm vd& "READING COLUMBIA R. K. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, JULY IItw, 1SW1. - NORTHWARD. LEAVK. Quarryville Lancaster, King St.. Lancaster 'M.W. 7:35 9:15 9:27 Columbia ARRIVK. Reading SOUTHWARD. L.KAVJC Reading ARRIVE. Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster, King St... Qnarryvillc A.M. P.M. r. M. 6:W .... : 7:50 .... 3:10 SUM 1.-U5 330 '30 1:10 3:10 10:05 3:20 5.50 P.M Trains connect at Reudin ing with trains te anil from l'hiladelpliia. Pettsv mie, llarrlsburg, Al- ientewn and New erk, via Hound brook Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk. Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON, Supt. BKNNSVLVAMA KAILKOAU NEW :ind after MOVIa X SCHEDULE On MAY ICtll, ISSl. trains en tin, i-tir..,,.i vama Railroad will arrive and leave the Lnn-cast.-i and Philadelphia depots as follews: A.M. M. P.M. 7ri5 1-J:00 6:ie P.M. 9:33 2:10 8:20 !:27 2.10 8:03 1:37 .... 8:20 10:37 .... JttO Eastward. , u'ilv,e Arrive Lane'ter Phtlad'n Cincinnati Express ft5S a.m. 5:15 a. m fast Line s 7 .. lorkAccem. Arrives;.... 8 " Hanisburg Express 8:113 " 10:10" DillcrvilluAccem. Arrives, 8:45 Columbia Accommodation. !i:u " 12:01 Vm Frederick Aecem. Arrives, l:ie " " Pacific Express 1:2 p.m. 3.2"" Sunday Mail, 2:00 " 5:00 Johnstown Express 3:05 " 5:30 " St. Leuis Dai' Express 4:13 " G:15 Chicago Day Express, 4:3". " -j Hurrisbitrg Aecoiumedat'n. r.rJft " -jte Mail : j );23 " Hu " Westward. Li-avc Arrltu Phiiad'u LaWtcr 12SSI a.m. 5:110 a.. 7: heat) ' 10:25 " 0:00 ' 106 " S:IW " KfcSO 12:10 " 2:3(1 r.M. .... 2:Xi 2-jiiV.M. ,V50 ' 4:00 " iX " 5:.I0 " 70 " 6:25 " 8:50 " thill " II JW " llV5 " 2.15A.M Way Passcncer. Mail Train Ne. l.via Ml.Jey, Mail Train Ne. 2,via Cel'biu. Niagara Chicago Express euiiuuy juau Fast Line Frederick Accommodation, DiHerviHeL0cal.vmMt.J0y Hanisburg Aecoiumedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, nnriisuiii r.xprcss Pittsburg Express Cincinnati Express Pacillc Express Pacific Express, east, en simony, wnen flag fed, will step at Middlctewn, Elizabethtown, It. Jey, Landisville, Bird-in-Haml, I.eman Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Ceutes ville, Oakland and Glen Leeh. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will slop at Downingtevn,Cateville, Parkes hnrg.Mt. Jey, Elizabetlitewn and Middlctewn. Hanovcrncreinmodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chieage Express at 1I:(ki:i. in., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:.T0 p.m.. and will run lireimh te Frederick. VAJU'MTH. rl KEAT UARUAINS 1 UiiKPJfiT!, I claim te have the Largest and Finest tock ei CARPETS IuthisClty. Brussels and Tapestry CARPETS y.1'?.')'1' Kxtr'i Suiier. buperr All Weel, Halt oel and Purl Weel Ingrains : from the best te the cheapest a low as JJC. per yard. All the FIXEST AXD CHOICE PATTERXS that ever can be seen In this city. I also have a Large and Fine Stock et mv own make Chain and Hag Carpets, AS LOW AS SBc. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDERut short notice. Satisfaction guarenteed. S-Ne trouble te show goods if you de net wish te purchase. I earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER PA. "1AKPKTS, &V. NEW CARPETS 40,000 YARDS. Xeiv Designs, Beautifully Colored. 1 50 cents. 0 cents. ( i. cents. (7T cents. KicciiL. (Ml cents. H5 cents.; Ui rents. $1.00. $1.00. $ $1.20. INGRAINS TAPESTRY BRUSSELS WILTON AND MOQUETTES, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, LIGNUMS. J JOOI) VALUE AT ALL PRICES. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Street, a4-lydced&2twJ PHILADELPHIA. f 1AKPKTS, COAL, &c. PHIHP SCHUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY, Se. I'd SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, BLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, 4c. CUSTOM BAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either in the piece Or, in Garments; also, all kinds or silks. Ribbena, Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. en Uemen's Coats, Overcoats, Pant-.. Vents, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also, iudfge ISlue Dyeinp All orders or goods left with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL.. Ceal of the best quality put up expressly f ei family use, iHKLat the lowest iimrkct rates. Tiff A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 SOUTH WATER STKEET. 2-lVdRSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON ft CO JEWELXR3. lILVEK JtWKLKV. LACE PINS, EAR RINGS AND BRACELETS. NECK CHAIN'S AND HAIR PINS. STUDS, SLEEVE BUTTONS AND SCARF PINS OF SILVER. AUGUSTUS RII0ADS, Ne. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa 5:30 3:40 C:I5