LANCASTER DAILY IOTELLIGENCER. TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1881. Hanrastet fntclligrncer. TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 1G, 1861. The Turnip Crep. Gcrmanlewn Telegraph. The time is approaching when we are te think of providing the ground for the turnip crop. It is tee early te sew yet, but it is net tee early te set apart the held intended for the'erep. The varieties gen erally sewn are the Early Flat Dutch, the Purple Tep, the Uloemsdale Pomeranian Glebe, or the Yellow Aberdeen. Fer com cem mercial purposes, it is rare that turnips can be raised te much profit, unless ece is in the regular market-gardening busi ness. They cannot be put in a regular farm crop, te be taken te market by farm ers and yet make as much en them as can be 'done with potatees: aud yet it is se useful a vegetable for home use among cattle, or home consumption as a garden product, that a turnip patch is extremely satisfactory iu everybody's ground. There has net been much improvement in the turnip for many years, and hence there is no great choice of varieties. Per haps the kind we have are geed enough, aud may be regarded as at least among the best. In most ether vegetables we want them as large as we can get them or as early as they will come. But extra large turnips are net desirable ; and if one can sew turnip seed the end of August aud pull in October it is sufficient te satisfy the earliest longings. Besides it is found, perhaps in no vegetable se much as in the turnip, that it is culture quite as much as variety which makes both carli ness and flavor. The right kind of rich ground willmake-a turnip-bulb in an in credible Mieit space of time ; and the root in such case becomes se tender and sweet that some will cat them raw as rapidly al most as they would cat an apple. The right kind of rich manure is that which is tlinieuhly woll-decompesed. If fresh stable manure is employed for the turnip, we get an enormous growth of feliage and small growth of -root. In many plants the sign of a geed root is abundant foliage, but net iu the turnip by any means. A moderate top-growth is much mere favorable te a geed rect than other wise. In England, where the turnip is universally raised, bone dust is the great popular fertilizer for the turnip. Here we find that a piece ei gieimu neaviiy ma nured for some spring crop, aud which has been taken off in time, is in a better con dition for a geed crop of turnips than the best manure immediately applied at sow sew ing time. Where it can be made te suit, there is nothing se geed as a preparer for turnips as the potato. This root rather likes a raw manure ; and by the time they have done all they desire te de, the balance is just iu the condition the turnip desires. There is one thing worth remembering, that is, that the turnip is a great exhaust er of the soil. Many persons, who find at this season that they have little pieces of ground with nothing in it, think that as the turnip comes in se seen they may as well have something as nothingifrem it. This is all very well if the turnips are really wanted, and can certainly be turned te feed account. But if otherwise, they will nor. "av for their feed." and it i much better tee without them. Alieut Chickens. Summer is the time when chickens are mere or less tieubletl with parasites,. usually ewiii-j te the condition ei me poultry-house. I f the is well scraped and the interior three or four timeseach year thoroughly whitewashed, vermin of no kind will find lodgment. The most common variety found en chickens, which attaches itself often te the heads of chickens, is the slew-moving parasite known as the 'chicken-louse." which if allowed te multiply will dwarf the growth of the chick and leduce it irrcatly in llesh. A little iard or petroleum rubbed en the head and neck of the fowl will have the desired effect. Coops infested with that minute species known as the " red mite, " can be get rid of by a thorough white washing. If a pint of petroleum and a small quantity of caibelic acid are mixed with a bucket of whitewash before ap plying, the destruction of vermin will be mere thorough and certain. Estimate of Jay (J en Id's Wealth. New Yin k Mar. The impiessieii is t!:at Mr. Jay Gould is labei ing te bteeine the richest man en the continent, and. as a nest egg, it is pre sumed that he is wnih te-day about 73,- 000,000, divided as lollew.s : Western I'liien Union 1'acilie Wabash and connections,. . Missouri Pacific, Iren Mountain Texas Pacific Kansas and Texas $22,500,000 10,000,000 4,000.000 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000.000 2,000,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 500,000 Kansas Pacific Kansas City an.l Xoi tlicrn, . . St. Leuis I5iid;;c ami Tunnel. Central Pacific, New Cable, Heal estate, Total, .$75,000,000 The (iainc Laws. As there .seems te he some misapprehen sion among persons interested in regaid te Ihc time game might be killed or taken in Pennsylvania. ve publish the following brief lesrnnc thereof, which speitsmen can paste in their hats if they wish te : Squirrels fiem Sept. 1st te Jan 1st. Rabbits from Nev. 1st te Jan. 1st. Partridges from Oct. 15th te Jan. 1st. Woodcock from July 4th te Jan. 1st. Plover from July 15th te Jan. 1st. Hail bird from Sept. 1st te Dec. 1st. Wild turkeys from Oct. 15th te Jan. 1st. Wild fowllfiem Sept. 1st te May 15. Deer from Oct. 1st te Dec 31st. A Curious Accident en a Kansas Farm. McPhcrsen (ICansa) Fpcinan. A father-in-law of N. T. Olsen, aged 70 years, had his left car cut entiicly off en Tuesday evening. He was unhitching a mule team from a plow and had them nearly loose when the mules stilted and in his endeavor te check them he was thrown te the gieund and the plow ran ever him, cutting oil' his ear and making au ugly scalp wound en the back of the head. He was atteiided by Dr. Harvey, who has the ear preserved iu alcohol. The iletrad Unloosed. Cuas. Thompson, Franklin street, Butlale, says: "I have suffered for a long time with constipation, and Hied almost every parga tlve :ul vertiied, lint only resulting in tempo rary relict, and after constipation still mere aggravated.'' 1 was told about your Spring Blessem :i!id tried it, 1 can new say I am ' cured, and though same months have elapsed, still remain i-e. I shall, however, always Keep some en hand iu cae of old complaint return ing." Prien 50 cents. Fer sale at H. B. Coch Cech "ran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street, Lan caster. Don't Uet the Chills. If yen are subject te Ague you must be sure te keep your liver, bowels and kidneys in geed free condition. When se. yen will lw safe from all attacks. The remedy te use is Kidney Kidney Wert. It is the best preventive of all mala rial diseases that you can take. Sec advertise ment iu another column. jylS-lwd&w Hew often persons have been annoyed bv burrs clinging te their dress or clothing and hew seldom have they, when cleaning them, given it a thought that Burdock Reet is the meet valuable bleed cleanser and purifier known, and U sold by every druggist under the name of Burdock Bleed uiiicrs. nice i. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Visible Improvement. Mr. Neah Bates, Elmira, N. Y-. writes: 'About four years age I had an attack or bil ious fever, and never fully recovered. My dl gestive organs were weakened and I would be completely prostrated for days. After ti9lng two Dettles et your Burdock Bleed Bitters the improvement was se visible that I was aston ished. 1 can new. though 61 years of age, de a fair and reasonable day's work." Price $1. Fer sale at 11 B. Cochran's Dmg Stere, 137 North jueen street, Lancaster. MEDIC Ah. LOCHER'S Renowned Cough Syrup! A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Remedy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Astlima,''Iiinu enza. Soreness et the Threat and Ohest, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ting of Bleed, inflammation et the Lungs, ant? all Diseases of the Chestand Air Passages.! This valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most sale and efficient qualities ter the cure of all kinds of Lung Diseases. Price 25 cente. Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 9 KAST KING STKC.KT. OlG-tt lOTO HULL'S DRUG STORE FISHING TACKLE, RODS, EEELS, &c, OF e vk u y d e s (j n irrie x Ne. 15 WEST KING-STREET, autM-lyill LANCASTER, PA. T-1DNEY WOKi. THE GREAT CURE KOIl KHEUMATISM, As it is for nil diseases of the KIDNKYS. LIVER AND ROWELS. It cleanses the system of the acrid poison that causes the dreadful Mitlering which only Hie victims et Rheumatism am realize. TlieuHMtid of Cases et tin; w tertus et this terrible disease have been quickly re lieved, in a Short time 1'erlectly Cured. KIDNEY WORT has had wonderful success, und an immense sale in every part of the country. In hundreds of cases it lias cured where all else had lulled. It is mild, but efficient, CERTAIN IN ITS ACTION, but harmless in all cases. It Cleanses, Strengthen and gives New Lile te all the important organs et the body. The natural action et the Kidneys is restored. The Liver is cleansed et all disease, and the Bowels move freely and healthfully. In this way the worst diseases are eradicated trem the svstcm . As' it I'.us bcefT proved by thousands that KIDNEY WORT. is the most etrectual remedy for cleansing the svstem et all morbid secretions. It should be used in every household as a SPRING MEDICINE. Always cures Biliousness, Constipation Piles and all Female Diseises. 49" It is put up in Iry Vegetable Ferm, in 9-liu cans, one package of which makes six JVquartsef medicine. 49-Alse In Liquid Ferm.vcry Concentrated 49-ter the convenience et these who cannot y readily prepare it. ll act with equal US- efficiency in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, SI. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prep's, Burlington, Vt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) Jec27 lydAwl s PECIAL AND CHRONIC DISEASES. Mary A. Longaker, M. D., OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, LANCASTER, PA., Diseases of ttie Eye, Ear and Threat Treated as a .Specialty. Particularattculinu given te the treatment et Diseases of Women anil Children. Free examination and treatment daily ex cept Sunday from 11 a. in. te 1 p. u. Consul tations in English und German. H. D. LONGAKER, M. D., LATK OF PHILADELPHIA, NOW OF LANCASTEK, PA.. Office : Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, oil eri his professional services te the a!lliclcd especially te these sullering trem Chronic or Special Diseases. He will he glad te see ami talk with them. His his practice te plainly declare a disease incurable it lie believes it te be se. In ttie case vvliicn he undertakes, lie guarantees te de all that can be done by unwearied atten tion anil the application of experienced skill, !':ilii.I hv iiiaiivvenrs et nraetice in tivutlnir disease in its various and most malignant tonus. That his skill has net been exerted In vain, numerous certillcates, that may lie seen at ids office, will testily. Cancers, Tumors end Swellings (tared Without Pain or Using the Knife or Drawing IHoed. Skin Discuses and every description el VI ceratlen. Piles and Scroluleus Diseases Perma nently Cured. jremaie if isenses, .n:uu; i iuiumc, 5h;i-mij ami radically cured. Diseases et the Lungs, Threat, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys can undoubtedly bu cured. Particular attention siven te lrivat lis enses of every description; also that state el alienation and weakness et mind, which ren ders persons Incapable of enjoying the pleas ures of performing the duties et lite, complete ly cured, and the patient restored te active hVailh and the enjoyments et life. Disease tr the Uye aud Kar treated as a Dr. Longaker will make professional visits any distance. Can be consulted by letter (con fidentially), and medicine sent with proper dircetieus te any part of the country. CONSULTATIONS FREE. Office: Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, LANCASTER, PA. jc-ri-lvdTu.Th&S&w EKAD THIS Lancaster. Pa.. April 28, 1881. Tub Kidnkycvra Mp'e Company. Uents It gives me much pleasure te say tlut after using one pack et KIDNEYCUUA 1 have been entirely cured et a severe pain m my back and side, of long standing, ami that, tee, alter trying various known remedies. 1 have every confidence in your medicine, cheerfully recommend it, and knew thatmany et my friends who have used it have been benetUed. PETER. BAKEIt, matilyd FeremanTExamincr and Express. 1-AFER11ANG1NGS, tc. S' CKKENS! SCRKENStl We make te order all kinds et WIRE SCREENS Fer Deers and Windows, put up at short no tice and very best manner. Plam, Figured aud Landscape Wires sold by the loot in any quality desired. CHOICE STYLES OF WALLPAPERS WINDOW SHADES, &c. FIXTURES, PAPER CURTAINS, HOL LANDS, EXTENSION CORNICES, CURTAIN POLES, LOOP3, BANDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, PICTURE NAILS, CORDS, ETC. Orders taken ler Fine Pier and Mantel reiv. Mir- PHABES W. FRY, NO. S? NORTH QUEEN ST. plumbem.'3 TO UN V. ARNOLD. :e:- PLUMBERS' SUPPLY HOUSE. A FU1X BATH TUBS, BATH BOILERS. WATER CLOSETS, KITCHEN SINKS, WASH STANDS, UUM TUBING, LEAD TRAPS, IRON HYDRANTS, IRON FAVE'W ASHES, UAS GLOBES, IRON FITTINGS, WROUGHT IRON PIPE, FRENCH RANGES FOR HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. JOHN L. ARNOLD, Neb. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. fapra-tlil liveby JIIIST-CLASS LIVERY STABLE. HOUGHTON'S MRST-CLASS LIVERY STABLE! -:e:- Five First-Class New Omnibuses te Hire at Lew Rates, for Private, Public & Sunday Scheel Picnics. ALsO First-Class Driving Horses, Buggies and Phaetons te Hire, at Ne. 221 NORTH QUEEN STREET, 49-FORMERLY ZECI1EU BBO.S' OLD MISCELLANEOUS. F HOUSE' FURNISHING! Brass. Porcelain Lined and Agulc Preserving Kettles, Genuine Masen ine Protective Krult J ars. T1V CANS WINDOW aCREENS, REFRIGERATORS. WATER COOLERS, CHILDREN'S FISHING TACKLE. Bargains en the 5c., lfc, 13e. and 23c. Counters. SOLE AGENTS FOR PENNSYLVANIA FLINN" & 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Tin Rooting and DRY GOODS, UNDERWEAR, &C. DKASONABLE GOODS. DUESS UlNGIIAMS. VICTORIA LAWNS. INDIA LINENS, AT THE NEW YORK STORE. ffATT, SHffl) & CO. Are showing a great variety of Fancy Dress Ginghams at 12cayard Elegant Styles, Best Quality 15c " Ileal Scotch Zephyr Ginghams enly.Sic " One Case Printed Lawns 7c " Nevel Designs, Best Quality. lc " CLOSING SALE OF Summer Dress Goods. Cream Lace Bantings 10s ayard Halt Weel Lace Buntings 12Xc " All Weel Plain and Lace Buntings 15c, 17c, 20c, 25c te 50c a yard MOMIE CREPE BUNTINGS, NUN'S VEILINGS, FRENCH FOULE SUITINGS At Very Lew Prices, at the NEW YORK STORE, 8 & lO KAST KINO STREET. N KXT POOR TO THE COURT HOUaB. FAHNESTOCK! DRESS GOODS REDUCED. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. We have reduced our Immense Stock et DRESS GOODS FOR THE BALANCE OF THE SEASON. DRESS GOODS at 10c, were sold at 20c. anil 23c. 12c. and 15c, that UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS REDUCED. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te Court Heuse. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. mBE ALBRECHT PIANOS Are the Cheapest, because they are tbe Best. L. B. UEBR, Agent, Ne. 8 East Orange Street, apr30-3tnd Lancaster, Pa.- YORK (PA.) COLbtCUlATlS INSTITUTE. An endowed Christian Institution of the highest grade. ScparateCeursea In Classics and Science, and a Department for Ladies. Tuition $40 perannum, including all branches; Ample Library; complete apparatus; Faculty et seven. Beanl $4 and $5 per week. Ninth year begins September 0th, Fer Catalogue address. REV. JAMES McDOUGALL, Jr., Ph. D., Pres iclent, or S. SMALL. jyKMmeed supplies. JOHN I. ARNOLD. USB OF STEAM COCKS, CHECK VALVES, SOIL PIPE, LEAD PIPE, GAS COCKS, GAS FIXTURES. ROOFING SLATE, TIN PLATE, HYDRANT COCKS, CURB STOPS, GLOVE VALVES, CENTRE PIECES, STABLE. TjIRST-CLASS LIVERY STABLE. - LIVEEY STAND. LINN & WILLSON! .Jars, Genu LAWN MOWER. WILLSOJST, - Spouting Specialties. LANCASTER, PA. uiFT dra wmea. COMMON WEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. 34th Popular Monthly Drawing einti COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macanley's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en SATURDAY, JULY 30th, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sunday excepted) under previsions et an Act et the General Asscmblv of Kentucky, incorporat ing the Newport Printing and Newspaper Company, approved April 9, 187S. 49-Tlils Is a special act, and has never beeu repealed. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That tbe Commonwealth Distribution Company Is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. N. B. The Company has new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes ter the JULY DRAWING. 1 prize 9 WaI 1iVjRM 9f UUv AJjnAI A VfUM a vtXAnt A. V WAi a AA 1AJRAJ 1 prize a l pnzc 10 prizes 91,000 each. 20 prizes 500 each ... . 100 prizes 9100 each . . . '200 prizes 50 each 600 mixes 20 each 1000 prizes lOeach. 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 V prizes luueacn, " " wu L9fi0prlze3... ....... ..-...-. ........$112,100 Whole tickets, 2; hair tickets, tl; 27 tickets 50; 55 tickets, 9100. Remit Meney or Bank Draft in Letter, ei send by Kxpress. DON'T SEND BY REGIS TERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our expense. Address all orders te K. M. BOAKDMAN, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky.. ei T. J. COMMKKFOKD, 309 Breadwav. New Yerk. fehl-TnTli&S&w ASTRICM BUG'S ADVERTISEMENT. T ANCASTKK BAZAAR. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. On Wednesday, July 6, We will continue a special sale et LACES. Onr assortment et Laces Is the largest ever shown in this city, and our prices are certainly the lowest. A full line of Valenciennes Laces at 10c, ISc and 25c apiece. Cluny Laces 5c a yard, 50c a piece. Fine Maltese Laces at tic, 10c and 12c a yard. Wide Vermlcclle Laces at 5c and 7c a yaid. Fine Russian Laces at 10c anil 12c a yard. Fine Mechlin Laces, iyx inches wide, 17c a yard. Real and .Imitation Torchon Laces. CREAM AND BLACK SPANISH LAOE. BLACK CHANTILLYAND IM PORTED LACE. New styles el Laces received dally and sold at very Lew Figures. Samples sent te all parts et the country and orders promptly attended te. ASTEICHBRO'S. FURNITURE. S1 FECIAL NOTICK FOR THE SEASON t Yeu can have FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE-VAR-N1SIIED ! CHAIRS RE-CANED. RE-PAINTED AND VARNISHED-! OLD MATTRESSES MADE NEW! OVER LIKE OLD FRAMES RE-GILDED AT MODERATE PRICES 1 ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE RECOVERED AND UPHOLSTERED IN FIRST CLASS MANNER! AT- Walter A. Hemitsh's Furniture and Picture Frame Reems, IB KAST KINO STREET. n-Smd Over China Hall jrawins CLOTHING. N W CtOTDINO STOKE. AL. ONE PRICE HOUSE, 37 North Queen Street. GREAT MARK DOWN: Suits te Order formerly $13 ; new $12. Suits te Order formerly $13; new $13. Suits te Order formerly $22 ; no $1S. Suits te Order formerly $23 ; new $:e. Suits te Order formerly $30 ; new $23. And every Suit warranted a Perfect Fit. Trimmed with the Best Trimmings the market affords. err. Herciiaiit Tailermg DegaHment is new en a sure tooting. Every Garment we made te order this season was net only a per fect tit but the style et cjit was positively never equaled in this city before. Our Ready-Made Department is still tilled with CIIOICK been reduced I Oper cent.l SUITS, which have We have the Choicest Let of WHITE VESTS -IX- DUCK, MARSEILLES AND REVERSIBLE, BOTH WHITE AND COLORED; ALSO REDUCED 10 PER CENT. LINEN COATS IN 20 DIFFERENT STYL.E3, ROM ae CENTS III. OUR .STOCK OF Gents' Furnishing Goods Caiinet be Excelled in This City. One visit te my fctere will certainly convince yen that the above assertions are true. AL ROSENSTEIN The Leader of Fashion, NO. 37 N. QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. PA. LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATK OF MARY WARD, LATE OB Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted le said decedent are requested te make immedi ate settlement, and these having claims-or de mands aganst the estate of said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delaj , residing In Lancaster citv. ELIZABETH C. MARKS. lelT-Ctileaw Admlnlstrati Ix. INSTATE OF ELIZAHETH B. STOWKKS It Ilarbersscr, lotcefthc city et Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, one of the executers, all persons Indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay fei settlement te the undersigned, residing at 424 North Seventh street. In the city of Philadel phia. LOUIS B. HARIiERGER. leld (itdeaw One et the Executers. TSTATIi OF MATTHIAS WIEST. LATE J2i of Lancaster city, Lancaster county. de ceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te tiie undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are request ed te make immediate settlement, und these having claims or demands against the cstnte et said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without deiny, residing in Lancaster city. HENRY FRANK, Executer, 522 East Chestnut Street. B. F. Davis, Att'y. jell-Gtdeaw ASSIGNED ESTATE OF JOHN BAKER and wlte, of Lancaster city, Lancaster county. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Me.-cs Shirk and Martin Becker, el Jehn Baker and wire, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit ler that purpose en SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 18S1. at 10i a. in., in the Library Roem et" the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, wheie all persons interested in ald distribution may attend. J. W. DEN LINGER, jy9-3tdeaw Auditor. INSTATE OF BARBARA CLEMENTS. DE j ceased. The undersigned Auditor, ap pointed by the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county. Pa., te distribute the balance remain ing in the hands of Jeremiah Clements, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will attend for that purpose en FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1881, at 10 a. m., in the Library Beem et the Court Heuse, iu the city et Lan caster, Pa., where all persons Interested In said distribution may attend. CHAS. B. KAUFMAN, Jy4tdeaw ' Auditor. TESTATE OF PHILIP SCHCM, LATE OF J2j Lancaster city. Pa., deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands et Jehn E. Sclium and Charles Holzwarth, administrators with the will annexed of Philip Sehum, dee'd, te and among these legally entitled te the same, and te pass upon exceptions filed te the account of said administrators, will sit for that purpose en THURSDAY. AUGUST 25, 18S1, at 10 o'clock a. iu., in the Library Roem or the' Court Heuse, in the city et Lancaster, where all persons interested in s.iid distribution may attend. WM. D. WEAVER, jyl3-4tdeaw Auditor. COAL. T B. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. 49-Yard : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd C0H0 & WILEY, 3SO NORTH WATER ST., LantxtsttrPa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL: Connection "With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Office : Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. lebSS-lyd pe TO RETLTaY & KELLER FOB GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers and ethers In want- et Superior Manure will find it te their advantage te call. Yard, Harrisburg Pike. ) Office. 20X East Chestnut street, i ag!7-ft BOOTS It SHOBS. LADIES AND GENTS, IF YOU WANT A Geed and Fine Fitting Beet or Shee, Ready-made or Made te Order, go te F. HIEMENZ'3, Ne. 10? North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. Jy2-tfdSS W BBTEIH'S CLOIHING, UNDERWEAR, JtC. COMETHl.NG NEW: LACE THREAD UNDEKSHIRTS, FEATHER-WEIGHT DRAWERS. SUSPENDERS, AT ERISMAtfS, THE SHIRTMAKER, U. 5C NORTH UUKX.N STREET, WTKYV STOCK Or CLOTHING WOK SPRING 1881, AT D. B.-,Hostetter & Sen's, Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Having made unusual efforts te bring betere the public a tine, stylish and well made stock et READY-MADE CMS, we are new prepared te show tliem one et the mint carefully selected stocks of clothing in tlds city, at the Lewest Cash Prices. MEN'S, HOYS' AN1 10UTHS' CLOTHING! IN GREAT VARIETY. Piece Goods et the Most Stylish Designs and at prices within the reach et ull.f 49Uivensacall. D. B. Hestener & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. C-lyd LANCASTER. PA. s PKINO OPENINO AT- H. GERHART'S New Tali! Mint, Ne. 6 East Kins Street. I have just completed fitting up one et the Finest Tailoring Establishments te be found in this state, and am new prepared te sdiew my customers a stock of goods ler the SPRING TRADE. which for quality, style and variety of Patterns lias never been equaled in this city. J will keep and sell no goods which I cannot recommend te my customers, no matter hew low In price. All goods warranted as represented, and prices as low as the lowest, at . Ne. 6 East King Street, Next Doer te the New Yerk Stere. H. GERHART. iLOTHlNS, AC. The Grcit Mark Down in SUMMER CLOTHING that we made se general, lias had its de sired effect. Fer It is easier for you te buy when you lind what yen like, it you knew it is cheap, an-l;it is all the mere a bargain. If yen want a STRAW HAT at tliis season et the year, you expect te get one for at least one-third less than its worth. That is right; but the satisfaction or one month's wear will mere than pay for allat at the pricps we arc selling them. The WHITE VESTS just receive, and $1. , arc a Bargain at " cents & ONE-PRICE HOUSE, 36-38 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. CARRIAGES, ttC. Carriages ! Carnages ! AT EDGERLEY & CO.'S, I'ractical't'arrlage Builders, Market Street, Rear of Central Market Houses, Lancaster, Pa. Viu have en hand a Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which wc offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, uive us a call 47-Repairing promptly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed for hat purpose fn2C-trdftw MEDICAL. OILVER jjKWKLKY. LACE PINS, EAR BISUS ,. AND BRACELETS. NECk CHAINS AND HAIR PINS. STUDS. SLEEVE BUTTONS AND SCARF PINS SILVER. OF AUGUSTUS RHOADS, 20' East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Ne. TK.4 r..jLtv u Vttit 1ANCASTKK ANI M1LLKRSV1LLK It. j Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancatser (P. R. Depot), at 7, 9, ma I 11:30 a. m., and 2, 4, ri and 8:30 p. in., execat en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9-Jup. u. Leave MUlersvitle (lower end) at 5, 8, and a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. in. Cars run dally en above time except en Sun day. ClOLUMBIA AN1 PORT DEPOSIT K. H Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Kaliread en the following time: Statiess Ne irrH- WART. Express. A.. Express.) A cee II. F.M. r.n. Pert Deposit. Peachbottem Safe Harber. Columbia.. 15:35 7:12 7:55 3:25 3:55 4:28 5:11 5:40 2:15 3-.1S 5:21 6:2U Statiehs SecrH-'Express.lExpress. Accetn WARD. j A.V. P.. A.M. Columbia. 11:3 6r 7:45 r. x. AiftOB Safe Harber. 11:00 6:4 Le9-.4G Peachbottem 12:13 7:32 11.07 r.w. Fert Deposit 1:35 86 1220 TKADING COLUMBIA R. K. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, JULY 11th, 1881. NORTHWARD. LKAVE. Quarryvillc Lancaster, King St... Lancaster Columbia. ARR1VK. Kemlinir a.m. r.M. r.M. 6:40 .... 230 7:50 .... 3:40 8:00 1:05 3:50 70 1:10 3:W 10:05 3:20 5.M 7:35 9:15 927 SOUTHWARD. LXAVK. Reading AKItlVK. Columbia Lancaster. Lun caster. King St... Ouarrwllle r.M &3V 5:40 0:45 Trains connect at Keudine r with tralnii te aud from Philadelphia. Pettsviile, Harrisbu a nr. Al- lentewn ami sew lern. via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after MONDA1 MAY ICth, 1SS1. trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive and leave the Lan caiti" and Philadelphia depots asfoBews: Eastward. Leave Lanc'tcr Arrive Philad'a Cincinnati Express f m9v llJlC Yerk Accem. Arrives; Hnrrisburg Express Dillerville Accem. Arrives, 25a.h. 5:18 " 8:00 " 8:05 " 8:45 ' 9:10 " l:lu " 5:15 A.W . 7:35"" 12:01 r.M. 3.20" 5:00 " 5:30 " 0:15 ' K-.3S " 9-.3U " Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express St. Leuis Day Express ChicaeeDuy Express 1.2) r.M. 2:O0 3:05 4:ld 4:3" Cr5 9:2.-. Harrfeburg Aecomiuedat'ii, .(11:35 " A.M. M. P.M. 7:25 12:00 8:10 P.M. 9:35 2:10 8-JO 11:27 2.10 8:08 9:37 .... 8r30 10:37 .... 9:10 Leave Arrive'a Lane'ter I2::)..v. 5:1 0 a. x 7:30 ' 1U-.20 " 10:25 " !:00 10.53 " 8:00 10-.S0 ' 12:10 " 2:30 r.W. 2:33 " 2:50 " '30 P.M. 5:50 " 4:00 " 7rJC " 5:30 " 70 " C:25 " 8a0 " 9:10 " 11.30 " 11-5 " 2.45 A.M Westward. Way Pasaenger, MailTrainNe.l.via Mt.Jey, Mail Train Ne.2,via Corbia, Niagara & Chicago Express Sunday Mail, Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville Leeal.via M t.Jey Harriaburg Acceuimndat'n, Columbia Accommodation Harrisburg Express , Pittsburg Express , Cincinnati Express Pacific Express, , Pacific Express, east, en aunuay, wnen lias; ged, will step at Middletown, Elizabethtewa-. Sit. Jey, Landlsville, Bird-in-Hand, Lenian Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Ceatea Ville, Oakland and Ulcn Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downingtewn.CoateMVllle, Parkes burg, Mt.Jey, Ellzabethtewn and Middletown. Hanoveraccemmodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Exprea-t at 11:00 a. m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at '30 r. m.. ami win run luruuuu u r n-ueriL-K. CARPETS. G REAT BARGAINS 1 CARPKTlTt. 1 claim te have tin Largest and Vines t tock ei CARPETS In this City. Brussels and Tapestry CARPETS Three-ply. Extra Super, Super, All Weel, Halt Weel and Part oel Ingrains : from thn best te the cheapest as low as 25c. per yard. All the EINES7' AND CHOICE PATTERNS that ever can be seen in this city. 1 ale have a Large and Fine Stock et my own make Chain and ltag Carpels, AS LOW AS 35c. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDER at short notice. Satisfaction guarcntred. tig-Se trouble te show goods if yen de net wisli te purchase. I earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER PA. CARPETS, COAL, c. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY, He. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., ell-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPAN ES. COVERLETS, BLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING Y'ARN.Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either in the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds or silks. Ribbons, Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlemen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Ac. Dyed or Sceurwl; also. Indigo Blue Dyeing done. All orders or goods lelt with ns will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal et the best quality put up expressly for family, and at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 tOUTII WATER STREET. 2-lvuilSI PHILIP SCHUM. SON CO BOOKS AND STATIONERY. "N KW AMI) CHOICE STATIONERY, NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES, AT L. M. r'LYNN-'S, Ne. 42 WEST KINO STREET. I 1IE MacKINNON PEN, Or FLUID PENCIL, the only Reservoir Pen in the World with a circle or Iridium Around the Point. The most popular Pen made, as it has greater strength, greater ink capacity, and is mere convenient rer the pocket, than any new in use. With one tilling It will write tinm seventy te. eighty pages of foolscap paper, does the work, in a third timeless, and with less fatigue tlian. attends the writing ei twenty pages with the, ordinary pen. The writing point being Iridium (called by geld pen makers Diamond), it will wear an ordinary lifetime. The manuractnrers guarantee te keep every Pen in geed working order for three years, and it the point shows any signs or wear in that time te rcpeint free et charge. SOLE AGENTS FOR TIIE 3IacKINNON PEN IN LANCASTER, JOHN BAER'S SOUS, IS and 17 NORTH yOBEN STREET, LANCASTER, I A. HOTELS. l OW OPEN SPRECU KK HOUSE, ON ll Europeen plan. Dlnlug Reems ter lulies and Gentlemen. Entrance at Ne. 31 North Duke street. Clam and Turtle Soup Soup Lebster Salad. Oysters In Every Style and all the Delicacies et the Season, we solicit th I atrenagc et the public. may7-t Id