w $mfamw$n vllVVV Volume XVH-Ne 274 -. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY, JULY 19. 1881. Price Twe Crate. VRT GOOD8. -Lz.zz- TOON -WANAMAKER'8 STOKK. TOHN WASAMAKBB-S STUB. J :e:- Dremakcrs find advantage iu buying satins, linings, trimmings and all the paraphernalia of their art where tbey find everything they use. great va riety of everything, and liberal dealing as well. All wool black buntings that began the season at 25 cents, end it at 12 cents ; at 50, new 31 ; at $1, new C8 cents. The gay little shawls of silk barege, chenille and tinsel are very acceptable for evenings out of town. Further marking down te-day in zephyr shawls of which we have a very great quantity. Summer silk dresses, such as nave becu well received at $18, are new $15. Ladies' cloth, flannel, gingham aud figured lawn dresses reduced about a third. White wrappers at from ene-quaiter te three-quarters recent pnces ; gingham aud percale wrappers at one-quarter. Quite a collection of boy,' short trouser suits for $2; sailor and ethers; none of them-made for any such price. Shirt waists at 40, such as bring .. seersucker and polka-dot chiutz ; fast colors. Men's seersucker vests 23 cents, trousers 50, coats 50; $1.25 for the suu. White vest, soiled, 50 cents. Dusters $1. Stout trousers $1.50. Fancy worsted suits $15 ; lately $20. Woolen vests 25 cents, trousers $1, coats $2.50. All en bargain tables ; and a great many mere. Made te measure; blue serge, $18 ; blue flannel. $15 ; Scotch Bannock Banneck burn, $20. MARKET STREET, MIDDLE ENTRANCE. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Streets, and City Hall Square, Hancaster Untclltgenccr. TUESDAY EVENING. JPLY 19. 1881. "marriage made easy. VRKUIVHS PAID ON MATRIMONY. f0W it Works Eflect '" trictn the Rural l)ii- PHILADELPHIA. -1 IVLER, BOWERS UUUSTI ( IVLER. UOWERS HURSTI T -:e:- CARPETS! CARPETS! Opening New Lines of "ODV mtUSSELS. O&nlngNew Lines APraTtt BttUbSM ,NGRA,N CARPETS. Opening New M5S el HLIlA! ARPETS. All t. Aew Fall S.yles. PRICES LOW. PRICES LOW. Alse ettering at a Ureal Reduction ti Large Stock of BRUSSELS AND INGRAIN CARPETS et th's Last Mmn's Stvlcs. These Carpets an. allot the Rest Qualities and are Geed Style milywclwvchml 11,01.. in stock since this last SprinR. MATTIXGS A XI) OIL CLOTHS OFFERING VEIiY LOW. fSe -:e: GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST, 25 EAST KING STKEET. LANCASTER, PA. TACOB M. MARKS. JOHN A. CUARl.ES. :e: TOUS II. ROTM. LANE &d CO. AM. KINDS OF Dry Goods Offered at Great Bargains, AT THE OLD RELIABLE STAND, Ne. 24 East King Street. :e: ""SiSSS'aif tnawMsreift--, ..... - -, LW DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT unsurpassed ln.qantity and quality, and goods in all the department guaranteed te be what they are sold ler. JG&sikll unit r-v ii JACOB M. MARKS. JOHN A.CHARLES, JOHN B. ROTH. VLOTHINO. fWTIIINU! QLOTII1NGI Anyone having nelccted or put etfM Ti?TUBKT S" K SffMMKB SU,T will de well te call at CENTRE HALL, Ne. 12 EASr KING S1REE1. MYERS & RATHFOH. T1.C LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PHILADELPHIA. We arc offering our Stock et Spring and Summer Goods t reduced price. In order te make room for our coming Fall Stock. If you want a Ready GOAT, PANTS ANT VEST SlSScKStSS S.ncoan...le ratnlactien I. cvery parUeular. MYERS & RATHFON. CENTRE HALL, Ne. 12 EAST KINO STREET, Lancaster, fenna. , LKOX HITTERS. TKON B1TTKKS. f RON BITTERS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIC. SURE APPETISER. IRON BITTERS are liighly;rccemmendcd ter all diseases requiring a certain and cm. dent tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA. INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &C r It enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles, and gives new Ufa te n2- K the like a clianm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, sn as rK ,,? fbed. Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. TUB only I P'0,! J net Dlackea ' tbe teeth or Bl Headache. Sold by all druggists. Write ter tUe ABC Boek. J2 pp. et useful and amusing reading tent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, m-l'yd&w BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 139 North Queen afreet, Lancaster. Lebanon Cor. New Yerk Sun. Marriage insurance is becoming as eon een eon taeieus in Pennsylvania and adjoining states as deatU-bed and insurance, there i:i.i tn Ia e much criticism of it. In some counties the judges refuse te grant cliartersre tue m.wa." """" .,"", names but the parties wue .no c. jlddIv in a neighboring jurisdiction and arc successful. Tney readily procure a char ter or license te go into the business of guaranteeing single young uieu and women ene thousand dollars, mere or less, when they marry. , . .. Helicitinsr ascuta find it very plain sail- ing in the country districts, and no con- siderablc business among iue juuiiS ...,. bv assuring them that young men seeking wives wvariauiy acicci, ." " -who has had suflicient buRe;s tact ami judgment about her te get herself insured in time, me cuum.-.iu. young women pay ever their 11 J dollars and then revel in the hope that very seen a young man will come along hunting a wile ; that he will select her ; that she will get $1,000 sec.n after her wedding dav fiera the company, aud that little fortune will be se very handy te have in the house te buy a parlor and bedroom set. carpets, a lien, a few cewsandmany odds and ends te start married life With. These concerns, mere properly, should be called guaiantce companies. They only de business witu unmarncu j;uj. - :., l ; rnnniieH te sdnrtacomnauvtnerJ than is necessary te pay for a charter, lm nish an office, pay for the printing el a let of blanks, circulars and letterheads, and start out a let of agents. A few hundred dollars is suflicient. Agents scour the country, scatter t'ue splendidly worded circulars broadcast, and in a feu- months, 1000 voting people have joined class a, and paid 61 each te become participating members. Seme companies de net charge as much. Out of this $4,000 paid in, the acuts receive their very large prcccntage r MA.v;ttc;nu uav mi.ihju. iiiu iub wr ance gees te the directors. Wlienevcr any one member of class A is married, he or she sends in the certificate of marrlage, duly witnessed by tiie local agent, aimue cempanv at once proceeds te collect i from each of the 099 ether members of that class. They promptly respond, and the directors, after deducting 30 per cent, et the $999 se collected, send the bal ance te the member who is .married. The company is expected te de tnu if it is govern by honest principles of busiueu. Hence the directors receive nearly i200 from every member who marries, as then charge for collecting the assessments. Seme companies with less brass charge but 10 per cent, for collecting assessments, and return about $900 te the beneficiary. The better kind of company -charges but e per cent. The person marrying drops out of the class, and as fast as marriages occur, new members are substituted te i i... ni.w of 1.000 full. Seme sue ccssful companies have thren full classes gein. Children 1 years of age are io ie ceived as members and assessed se much. The veunger the poison is, the ess tiie i. r..,ri ti.e.iiilm- t.lm higher, i he elli- :..ie .,..,.( ...! in li!ivft a svstein. based upon careful calculation, as te marriage pieba- bilities, just the same as t.uc uni nuu -companies have as te death prebabsli- Hence it will l3 seen that a young woman engaged te be married a year from date may join a company, pay her initia tion fee, rim the chances of half a dozen assessments, and when she is married she will receive, if she's fairly dealt with, about $900. If her intended is smart, he, tee, witljeiu a company, aud he. tee, will ..i., anne sivtv or ninetv days alter suQicieiit proofs have bean received of ins marriage. Thus far the experiences of sonic young men and young women iu the marriage in surance business is interesting. A Schuyl kill county young lady left Jier home le nnnaR she could net bear te be ridiculed about her misfortune with her intended. She thought she was te be married last month, but the young man ran away and left her. New she has neither 900 that she would have received nor a husband. The details of her bad luck leaked out, and she went te Philadelphia te escape the taunts and gibes of her ruder acquaint ances. T . , Acress in the next county, Lehigh, two young people were mariicd. They be longed lO uiuurciib uuiup".. - than thirty days they fought and separa ted, but the proofs of their marriage had been sent in te the home eUice and in due .AnKertimnmch received the amount of money due, aud they are new separate ly enieying it. The young woman is oil en a trip te Europe and the young man started a harncssmaking shop. There are many who new charge that the yeuu' woman just raaaried te get her money and never intended te live as a wile te that man. Seme say that she boasted of the trick she was going te play te get money te see Paris. , . . , A young woman or Lehigh county was compelled te withdraw from her chis membership because, she said, she had 10u assessments in two months and te pay al for each was a tax heavier than she could linnr "Whv. it seems te me," said she, "that all the members of our class were M',nn married at once. My father re fused te help me any further, se I was compelled te drop out or the class alter 1 had paid $83." . An industrious young mechanic, work ing in the shops in Lebanon, joined a company sixteen months age. 'Unco .i.nnA1in roan married, and vester- day he received $900. wl.ish he is using te improve his home. He said: '-I am about $730 ahead of the investment, ami i consider myself lucky. It's all right for a young man te go in. If his girl 'gees back en him' lie can very caeujr g.w -."-, and he will de se rather than continue te pay the heavy drain of assessments. Lut a modest young woman can't 'go couit ceuit Sncr' nml nlioeso a husband as a man can a wife. If she has fall-out with her in tended, or he deserts her, she has get te wait until auether man offers." A gentleman who is largely interested :.. ti.nVt.icinnasmniln this statement : ''The any character or who have no respect for the marriage xexr. The companies here abouts are all honest and trustworthy." Lere and Kisses for a Watch. Net Receiving his Pay he Snatches the Watch and Is Arreatad Ter Larceny. Themas and James Harwell are bachelor twiu brothers, owing large estates iu Philadelphia. They arc traveling com panions, and are almost constantly to gether, occupying the same bed, eating at the same table, driving iu the same car--:anj sharing each ether's joy aud sorrows, and apparently living for each ether en tirely. Tuey ere respectably connected, quite liberal iu their tylp pf living, but net extravagant, and being courteous, well informed, and talkative, they make many fricuds wherever their journeys tuke them. They arc about 43 years of age. Fer the past two weeks Jljeir regular sum mer holiday has been spent iu Reading. They stepped at a leading hotel, and made a few acquaintances among young ladies. They were sccinin;ly iu the very height of their enjoyment, indulging jn pleasant picnics and excursions te the mountains, aud having a geed tlme generally, when suddenly one of the twins Uad a warrant served upon him charging him with the larceny of a fine geld watch, the charge being prelerreu uy one ei me juujf hib-m and associates of the twins, Miss Lizzie Megare Mr. Harv! enw demanded a hearing. The parties inicreided met at Alderman Greut's efflcc. Miss Megare appeared elegantly and fashionably at tired. She is about 18 years of age, hard . some aud attractive, aad had as her coun sel one of the leading young attorneys of the cityi fihe testified as fellows : " l wai introduced te Mr. Harwell about two weeks age at the residence of a lady friend of mine. There I learned that ..... ,.? ;i -. tn-iii li.THiip tr:is navini' atten- tien te my lady friend, She afterward in timated te me that I could have the ether twin for a beau if I desired te. They ap peared te be gentlemen, were interesting and polite, and I did net object te have as an escort e 10 of the twins, even if he was a stranger. We were very frequently invited out te picnics aud excursions by the twins, and were together nearly every cyening. Finally my lady friend was pre sented by her escort with a handsem j (.nld w:irh. Mv twin then said te inc. 'If yen will give me a half dozen kisses I will give you a much handsomer geld watch Tl.n.. .,w lnvitlier rrnvn te his lildv.' I Said that the offer was a very tempting ene.but that if his friendship warranted him in making me such a splendid gift, I sup posed that it did net require any kissing at all. A watch gained at that price would be tee cheap te be geed. He said that the kisses would simply be a test of my affection for him. I told him the story of Judas Iscariot. He called again, and I will admit that he kissed ma, but I did net kiss him. Ne, sir, I did net, nor did I premise him that I would. Well, he 'ave me a very line geld watch and chain, and said, ' Plcase accept this as a gift from one who thinks a great deal or you. I accepted it, of course, like any ether young woman in my situatieu in life 'would de, and I were it about a wee.r. One day Mr. Harwell said te me : ' Lizzie, come with me te the jeweler's and I will linv vim .1 much handsomer watch than the one you have. The jeweler said 1 e would exchange it if 1 desired.' W e went te the store, and just as I was selcetin ; a snlcndid watch for $37e, why, Mr. Har well snatched my lirst watch out u my hands and actually had the audacity u claim it as his ! The chain was tern from the watch and remained in my hand. He walked out of the store, leaving me stand in" in amazement and shame. I was shocked at such brutal treatment, and I teftfiii cdmi iii t.i:irs. I determined. te have no mero te de with the man, but my friends, hearing of the outrage, advised ,.,,. t, l.ivn iiini mivsted. I claim that the wnlflh is mine and that he stele it from- inc.' The twin brothers sat side by side and listened te the story. They were without counsel aud conducted their own case. The defendant maintained that he gave tlie watch coudilienally ; that the young woman failed te steed, in a sea of liquid lava ever a space of mere than an acre, while the fires were running up their truuks and burning branches and leaves overhead. The flew was se rapid that the trees were net cut down for mere than two hundred feet from the first of the flew. In one place we saw a huge dome of half melted lava rise up fifteen or twenty feet high and twice that in diameter and apparently remain stationary while the fiery flood went en, we watching this for about an hour, seeing hew rapidly it was advancing. At early rioeu we started back for home. The reason et the quick advance of the flew the past two weeks has been the increased Activity at the fountain head, the junction of the streams mentioned, ami me iact mat mis uariuvt ..w..v.vu., . ...VH ........ . .. rock bed gulch has formed a flume te pass fhc liquid lava a.'eng iu a solid, narrow, stream, without any chance for spreading out laterally. It is impossible te say new when the flew wijl rcaeh the aea, but the probability is that it will take the Kau kwan guleh, new net evej- 1,314 miles from the sea. It may spread out en the flat above Hilea and run dewti te the north pftlvehilp, biit the tendency is towards Fishponds. There isne hope new of its net reaching the sea and in a short" time, probably befere you hear from us again. If it gees through Kaukwan probably all the lower or front part of the town will fall a prey. rKONTlCll TON'K, KIBBLER'S HERB BITTERS. Tiie Kind et Tin Wedillne Celebration tht Slutviiiie Had. Hill Nye's Ucemeranfi- Last evening a very enjoyable affair took place at the residence of Shavano en Yal Yal lerdeg avenue, corner of Cayete street. Yesterday baing the tenth anniversary ei the nuptials or Mr. and Mrs. flhavane, in vitations were given te all the bou-ten Utcs en the reservation te be prcseut at the tin wedding. Arrangements were made also for the attendance of the Pap Pap itensc striii'' band, and refreshments te be furnished by the Ute Delmenico, Slim-Jim-With-the-Chawcd-Ear. At an early hour the palatial wigwam was ablaze with government caudles, and candelabra made te represent antique oyster cans tilled with het lard and lighted by means of a cotton rag of the time of it .'..trrrr u.. .r.nt m.c 41m lmitillnn IIC.II ill. .W IIUJl,B 1!IV suu ........ that the eye was deceived at once by the rustic device. Hanged about the spacious tepee were settees, consisting of quaint buffalo robes artistically decorated in the Hide art of the Indian, with buckskin fringe and Michael Angele fleas.- Here and there upon the walls might be seen :ili'nii.Mii.il sketches of Moses in the bull- rushes and oil paintings taken from peach cans of the time or Queen Anne. Costly tapestries of oriental cobwebs, andsmektd tanned frescoes, with here aud there a dash of color laid en with a master hand and done in oil and axle grease, were everywhere seen. Jn the full blaxe of the resplendent can. delabra and the fragrance from the trop ical ham which shed its soft, seductive odor upon the ravishing senses, the scene sesmed like a vision of loveliness taken from some fairy tale. Shortly after 8 ....inr.i.- i in. .niiwtx lip.r-m te sirrive. aud be- I fore 9 all the able-bodied Utesef therescr vifiim iiini iMt.lieivd within the hospitable j eerral of Mv. and Mrs. Shavano. The I fragrance seemed mere and mere seductive ' -i fli multitude of iruests became mero numerous anil continuous. At last there was a wild burst of music from the Papoose string band, and the warriors of the party oaeh gaily secured a partner and began te dance like the man who steps en a carpet tack iu the middle of the night. Toward midnight the prompter, Hed-Deg-With a-Peeled-Sncet, announced that the gentle men would seeurc partner? for a scalp quad ride. On forming, however, it was teund that no scalp had been provided. The leador of the orchestra, however, stated that In knew where one could be ob tained and would only detain them for a few minutes. He came back in a short time with the scalp of a presiding elder, who had come te the agency for his health. It wasn't a very geed scalp, but timi was m-cclnus. The costumes were DRY OOODB. ..l- m".. .... :.nivn..cii..t mmwirirt n':a ll.JIl.UI, , lll.ll. w j. -, BillKllI JCb llM.-.l.iie.. ..........vr ....- carry out her part et the Wl.;llpCil m thought. His wife was chid that he determined te get. ; ; u,e sa'ine simple costume. The envy and l ..I... I....4 n...r 1m .lltlll.l I t ..!.: (" .1.. .,. ...Mir, (U t!lf HlK. a inuranen ui mu ti-im. ..e .. ,., tunic el' Seft-Eyed Centipede, a erefs eyed half-biced maiden with a eemplcxkn like an old calf-skin pockctbeok. Her comiilexien and the scar of a once llagraut boil en the back of her neck constituted her costume. Old Goggle Eyed Pestilence were a geld cellar-button tied about his neck with a piece of brocaded bacon rind. 1 1 is son, The Pnnrie-H.g-witU-a-Stemach-Likca-Uiist-Mill, were a pair of red sus penders, but later in the evening he re moved them te show that he was net i. i alMCCliiciii', ami ni.n. n .,,.....-- -- , iii uiu .-inu. ".."i' back his prep.irtv the host way he could. a (mfe-atien of the evening ... .! i I n.l i .L.tn link u"itrli i .. ty . t'i. T..- lie admitted inas no u;m l.i." " iu the manner detailed by the witness, lie denied that he desired her te elope with him, and admitted that the consideration was love aud kisses. The alderman re quired him te give bail, holding that a re cent supreme court decision made a pres ent given by a person of sound mind the absolute property of the person receiving it. Hail was promptly furnished and it is understood that the presecutrix, unwil lin te hi fiii-Mier exne-sed te public ci ili- cism, his consented te sattle by receiving ! ,)l0U,i her watch aud the dctemianr paying an j i- costs i Factory Facir.. .- t'leMi confinement, careful idtei.timi lead factory work, gives the operatives pallid laces Mnmm La. I peer appetite, languid, ml.-cinlilc feelings I J,oer bleed, inactive liver, kidneys and ui-i- .,,.....,. lSurrms Lav. nary troubles, and all the pin sicians and nicd- Mieam, e. uri.iiit, a- iiinclnthc World cannot Help them unl-a. Papers from Honolulu, just lcccived, i ll(.y KKt out ,ioers. u-e Hep Ultft-n. ma cot contain alarming letters from HvrMch the purnmd. '.--"- l-jjjjjy is tlircateneil Willi iesiri.ti.. .." .,w,ine and resv cheeks in them. Nene neeil fi-ein the volcano of Mauna Lea. 1 lie pep . n,.,-irtlicy use thein ireiiy. Tl.ey cot but ..!;.... ij n.'.nlinll.f tl IIV irOlll UlU 1IUI V lailllll.-. .;cc ,i..u.... . i. ........... -. .--,- ,...-, , - ii.,...i Tirn vhrams of hnuid lava arc coming down in rocky chanuels, which arc sometimes filled with rearing waters, but ncarlv dry at this time. These two gulches arc tee small te held the seething mass and the fiery flood overruns the banks and spreads en cither side. The united width of the streams may vary from fifty te two feet. Going down the steeper parts of these rocky beds the rear is like that et the sin f and often like thunder. Under date June 30, the correspondent says : Al.,,.,1 Wnrlnnc'lnv of last WCCk tllC old mountain was observed te be mere than usually active, the whole summit of the crevasse pouring forth iinmcusc volumes or smoke. Ly Friday neon the three southern arms all joined into one, rushing down the gulch in a rapid flew. Saturday neon it had run a mile. Monday morning it was reported .. i.- ,.-i.e.i tii flat back of the llalai hills. The stream was entirely confined te jyl.V-wd&w 1'raud. Tens of thousands ordellars are squandered yearlv upon trawling quacks, who go Mem town'te town preu-sslnu te cure all the ills that our peer humanity is heir te. Why will net the public learn common sense, and it they are Hiillerin from dyspep-d or liver com plaint, invent a dollar in Spring ISlossem, sold bval. drnjiK'Sts and imlereil by tiie laculty. Si-e testimonials, i'ric-e.".) cents. Fer sale at II. ...Cochran's drug store. :57 North Queen ritrcet, Lancaster. "Four en MI." U. P. Fellet. Marlen. O., states that lie has used Themas' Kclectric nil for burns, and has found nothing teeqnal it in seething the pain and giving relief. Fer salt: at II. 15. CechranV drug store. 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. I70K KENT-t.GOOS & SON'S BAKHKY r Fer particulars apply at the Bakery. Jyfi-tft Wl AND 1 MIDDLE STIiKKT. .1'MIIEK VAl'.D business is perfectly legitimate. A theus and unmarried pcepie agreu ii ?w each member of the class as seen as they are married. We simply de the organiz ing and collecting aud charge a small per centage for it. Ne bad results are at all likely te happen, as in the wild-cat death bed insurance, se-called. Some companies have it se arrauged that it persons ue net get married iu a certain number of years tbey will be entitled te quite a nice sum :.. :.-,-. -ei,;i, tim imnanv will pay There may be semn companies that may have been imposed upon, as we hear or, aud which you say you also have heard about, but nearly all the companies arc very strict and de net Cake people without A Significant Fact. The cheapest medicine in use Is Themas' Kc lectric Oil, because se very little of It is re quired te effect a cure. Forerenp, diphtheria, and diseases et the lungs and threat, whether ncd for bathing the chest or threat, for taking internallyerlnhaling.it is a matchless com- . 1 1,. .- It It SW..IMt - i I tl CtOl-H IllllS. THO Stream nastumuj .,....... pound. rersaiuiM.il. .. ..... .......... ..e " the "ulch and intensely active when about i:;7 North Queen street, Lancaster. half a mile from ine iiats. xuu .. ... OJJ slLti. the average is seventy-iive ivu-l . . .. from ten te thirty in depth and idled the 'Ulch up level with the banks. The sight wasgraud. The whole frontage was one mass of liquid lava carrying en its surface hu'e cakes of partly-cooled lava. Soen after wc reached it the flew reached a hole seme ten or fifteen fc(!t in depth, with .i:..i- ;.1a5. The sicht as it neured ever that fall in two cascades was magnifi cent. The flew was then going at the rate of about scveaty-nve iccc an ueur. After midnight we noticed a diminution iu the activity of the gulch Hew and soeu saw a bright red glare above the tree tops aud presently were startled by burnin.' "gas-bursts" and the crackling ...i ri?... .,rfni somewhere above. The '.ki' ..i.w . lined with the litrlit of burnin" trees and shrubs About 2 a. m. we mode an attempt te reach the scene el the meat activity and succeeded by going up the south side or the gulch a quarter or v mikj The oncoming overflow had swept ever' the banks of the narrow gulch and was flowing like water into a dense grove of ncnelcau and guava trees. There they PROPHET IS NOT W1THOCT I J .r Hener save in iu wwii wuuuuj. True and yet like most truisms it has Its ex ceptions. The most striking: illustration et this Is found in the reputation acquired by Mishler's Herb Bitten during the twenty live years it has ecu before the people. Grewing from small beginnings as simply a local remedy, it has steadily worked its way e the foremost rank among the standard medical preparations of the age J yet nowhere ia it mere highly regarded than right here at home, in the scenes et IU earliest victories ever disease. Yeu can scarcely llnd a man, woman or child in Lancaster county, who, at some time or ether, has net used It, and the testimony of all is given in its praise. The fanner, the mechanic, laboring men and wo men, the merchant, the clergyman, the banker, the lawyer; people In every walk and condi tion et life are all alike familiar with its merits. The lien, Thaddcu Stevens, member el Congress from this district, snfrerlng from an affection or the K Idneys, could rind roller In nothing else. In a letter te a friend (new In our possession) he writes: "MISHLER'S 11F.RB H1TTKRS is the most .wenderul com bination of medicimal herbs lever sate." TUe Hen. A. L. Hayes, Law .fudge etthe f'nnrUnr I .Minuter ceillltv. Wiites: " I have used it myselfand Iu my family and am satis-1 Jfc tied that its reputation is net unmerited." Hen. Geerge Sanderson. Mayer et Lancas ter city ter 10 years, writes: "It has become familiar as a household word, unii a necessary addition te the medical requirements of every family. In my opinion it is THE BEST REM EDY EVER INTRODUCED." Jacob F. Frcy, esq., Sheriff et Lancaster county, was cured et Itlieumatisin. J. O. Steinhanser, Superintendent of th Lancaster County Hospital, testifies te Its success in that Institution in the treatment el Dyspepsia, Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, Asthma and Scremla, and this testimony Is endorsed from a like experience by A. Fairer, esq., Steward or the Utncastcr County Almshouse. The proprietors have In their ponscssien thousands ericiters and certificates ft-em per sons in every section of the country who have been cured or various Diseases and It is their proud beast that they have never published a line that was net genuine, nor a name that was net Minimized. Seme or these read like miracles, but the facts are indisputable. One of the most remarkable is the case of Isaac Saltzer, el Mayerstewn, Lebanon county. Pa., cured or Hereditary Serelula, aggravated by a perk diet. We have two large jars el scabs which lie saved and brought te us as a curios ity. He has net te square inches en his en tire body that is net marked with a scar, yet Mishler's Herb Bitters cured him. Te-day it Is sold by druggists and country MnrcKeepefe in almost every town, village and hamlet throughout the length and breadth et this great country, and everywhere the tame verdict is recorded. Thousands el families far removed from physicians rely upon it in every emergency and il never fails them : with It in the house they feel, yes they knew, thev are safe against the attacks or disease II has earned, It pos sesses and will continue te deserve the confi dence of the people. A prepiratien thus approved alike by the most prominent officials and the great mass oflhe community must iKfcses merit. In tact U A CERTAIN REMEDY. ter pnrllying the Bleed and secretions A OUICK AND AKSUIXTE CURE for Dys pepsia, Liver Complaint, all Diseases of the Kidneys, Cramp in the Stomach and every form of lndlgestlen-A SURE REMEDY ter Intermittent Fever. Fever and Ague, and all fit iii.rwriedical Complaints. AN IMMEDI ATE RELIEF ter Dysentery, Celic, Cholera Merbus and Kindred Diseases. It is a l'URE AN1 whelesu.uk stemachic; an UNEUUALI.EO APPETIZER, A TONIC WITHOUT A RIVAL. AND A rANACEA ler all Diseases of the Lungs, Heart and Threat. IT CUKES Fever and Ague with greater certainty tlian Quinine, and in the river bottoms of the West luts largely siipercwieii that long considered speeilifc for Chills and Fever, and the various forms et Malaria. Its tendency' te direct action upon the Kid neys renders its use peculiarly beneficial In all Diseases or this nature. It prevents the rormaMen or Gravel, and where formed will dissolve and remove it. The aged and lei-bio will llnd it most comlerting and strengthen ing, it remedies tlis frequent necessity for getting up at night and will ensure sound PROMPT. CERTAIN AND POWERFUL in its effects ; it is se mild and gentle in its operations that it may be given with abeliftc safety te the youngest child. LADIES, old and young, married ami single, in every walk and condition el lite will And its occasional use highly beneficial. The weary aches, the pains in the back ami shoulders, the slaking, all gene feelings, nausea and headaches, will be avoided and the pallid cheeks et the we-ik and debilitated will rival the rose and peach in the brightness ami delieacv et their bloom. In a word it Is NATURE'S OWN ASSISTANT, SOLD ONLY IN BOTTLES Enclosed in a yellow wrapper. Sec that the cork is covered by a 4 cent proprietary stamp from our own private date, bearing a finely engraved portrait of Dr. B. Mishler 1 is sold by all Druggist and Storekeepers. Try it. MARTIN CO. IMrWitti! WINDOW SHADES, MOSQUITO CANOPIES, MOSQUITO NETTING?, TABLATANS, and "Window Shades, all Celers and Widths, In Oil and Scotch Hollands, made and hang promptly. Spring or Cerjl Fixtures. Wide Shading ter Stere Shades. Mesquite and Fly Caiiepies, In Crib. Single and Deuble Bed Sizes, PINK and WHITE, put np promptly. PRICKS THE LOWEST. CANTOS MATTING. IN WHITE AND FANCIES. Carpets ami Wall Papers. NOUE. Until further notice our store will close at 7 o'clock p.m.. except Saturday evening. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTEK. PA.. KTZUEK, BARD JC HAUGIiMAN. Netice te the Ladies ! Wc Have .lint Opened A LA HOE LOT OF GossanierWaterpreofs Blade expressly ter enr own sales, under our own Trade Blark, and cannot lie hail elsewhere. WE GUARANTEE EACH GARMENT TO UK WATEKPKOOF, AND TO GIVE GENEUAL SATISFACTION. letter, M & Mali's NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KINO STREET, LAtfCASLiEH, FA., (ADLEIl'S OLD STAND). .RESS GOODS, : D HAG-ER fc Hl.OTHER llufc still a Large Liunet DRESS GOODS, In all qualities. Including Choicest Styles of tin; Season. many Alse or the Black and Colored Silk. GINGHAMS, LAWNS, CHINTZES AND WHITE GOODS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, All or which will hebeid at Very Lew Prices te Kcduce Sleck. s PEVlALt we have made a Fer.lCL and AL'Gr.ST Special Lew Price ter CARPETS, or which wi) have a Handsome Line or the Newest Patterns in BODY BB.;SSKLS, TAPESTUV BUUSSELS, EXTBA SUPKlt INGRAIN, WORSTED, WOOL AND HALL AND STAIR CARPET WITH BORDERS. Al-e a line or Carpets at 23, 31, :I7J. and 50c. OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS Will he sold en the same low basts. We invite examination. HAGER & BROTHER. w ALL I'AI'ER, &C. WALL PAPER, WALL PAPER. (OOD CHANCE. A DESIRABLE COAL AND FOR SALE. The undersigned.! offers nt private sale a nn ... nnn.lullnrt tf unt'LlI 1..1.4 fit CrOlinfl 111 fll.-JIII-l.t3 fcUIW.Cl.t.i, .. .;-..... ...... --- tiie town et Snringvllle. Lancaster county, at the station en the Pennsylvania Kailr-giL, about one mile west of Mount .103- and nBrr the Lancaster ft Ilarrisburg turnpike. The improvements arc a two-storied r nunc Heuse "ix-M feet, used as a Railroad Station andTlcket Office, a Frame Warehouse .l.xil leet, and Ceal and Lumber Yard, with about 210 feet et Ceal Shedding. New Falrbank's Scales ors ten capacity; 30i) Fectet Railroad Siding. Trestle work for duniplnif coal, with s-pace ter extcn- ..t- ..rcn.rie l!iillflliif'4Tnnllv,ifu!iiiit nverv. ?.":" ""m"'""."wJivi.z;i:z:: j-.. tiling in i;euu uruui. l.ii-jii.iuii jii-e.'miiii., iii . thieklv settled agricultural neighborhood and a fast Improving town, with no rival business in the town. Has an established coal trade, and capacity and advantages te de a geed shipping business and increased passenger travel. Price 4'J.MK) en reasonable terms. Fer Inrthcr inlormatien address JOS. II.HABECKER, Spring Garden P. O., Je20 Itnd Lancaster C unty, Pn. Tie Misller HA Hb Ge, SOLE PROPRIETORS, Our Stock IncludiM all Hie Choice- Spring Patterns in ESIBOS3ED AND PLAIN GILT SATINS, FLATS, BLNKS, CEILING DECO RATIONS. FRIEZES, DADO-S AND BORDERS. Te reduce stock we will make a SPECIAL LOW PRICE. We invite anaminatien. LANCASTER, PA. BAGEI! . BROTHER A WORD TO MOTHERS. It your child lias worms, veu will llnd l'ROF. PARKER'S PLEASANT WeRM SYRUP, tiie Safest, Speediest and Surest Remedy. IT DESTROYS AND REMOVES TUEH WITHOUT FAIL. Ne Caster Oil, Mmrn.sia or anv ether after physic U re quired. It is se pleasant that even the youngest child will take It readily. ' sk for Prof- Parker's Pleasant Werm Syrnp and Take Ne Other. Sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers. ITicc 25 cents per Bettle. CHINA ASH OLASSWAMJb. 1H1NA HALL. JELL V TUMBLERS. JELL Y COM. TCMBLEIIS, COM. TUMBLERS. TUMBLERS. MASON FRUIT JARS. 1,200 ODD CUPS. AT HIGH & MARTEN'S, 15 EAST KING STREET.