LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCES WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1881. Lancaster faiteliiaencer. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 6, 1881. THE TOBACCO HAKKET. Its Couditlen in New Yerk Last Week. U. S. Tobacco Journal. On Tuesday last our market experienced quite a sensation. A sale of 1,700 cases of '80 Pennsylvania by the Water street leaf firm of Basch & Fischer, te tbe up-town cigar manufacturing firm of Lichtenstein Bres. & Ce., was reported, and at once all holders of such goods were all smiles, and triumphantly walked through the streets comprising tbe New Yerk leaf market. Tbe sale was a most significant one. Though a great deal of tbe crop in ques tion bad pievieusly gene into the bands of manufactuier.s, no such quantity had been sold, or was expected te be sold, te one maiiufuctuiing lirm, at least as early in tbe t-ea-sen as this. The value of the sale is net Icsa than $130,000. AH lielilcis of '80 Pennsylvania new feel that their investment will pay a heavy pielit, and that no ether crop can any longer be a rival te tbatjsteck. They argue thus: "If this large manufacturing fum could have seen better profit and better weiking material in ether crops thy would net have invested a feitune in this one. They aic old bands at their business : they kuew tbe wants of the trade, and if tbe '80 Pennsylvania is invested in by them te such an enormous extent it must be the most pieiitablc of the '80 ciopste manu factuicis in general." Ne ether logic can possibly be employed under the cir cumstances. Se far all the manufacturer of magnitude that have appeared as pur chasers in the market have ptefericd the '80 Pennsylvania, and positively slighted all ether growths. There is ene cause for it, and that is that the Pennsylvania is the only tobacco which can stand the pe culiar ticitmcnts new in vogue with our laigc manufacturers, and that no matter hew fine and full of quality ether '80 crops may be. they cannot stand tbe treatment rcfcried te. In this preference for the '80 Pennsylvania theie lies no discouragement te holders of '80 Connecticut, nor .te these of ether "80 crop, as long as the soundness of tbe leaf is net questionable. The manufacture of cigars is increasing almost daily. Fer all the sound leaf there will be a home outlet, as the indications arc that packings will leave first hands sooner this than during any previous year. Jobbers have no old stock te sell. They must seen invest. Tbe '80 Pennsylvania will be tee high as long as large manu factuicis evince a desiie te buy it. Se, tbciefeic, ether cieps, if holders will net ask impossible tiguies, stand a fine chance of speedy sale. In old tobacco there is little doing, there being little of it en band. The sales of the week we specify as fol fel lows : Pennsylvania Ciep 'SO : 2,000, p. t. (Initiated ones claim the figuie net te be below 17 cents.) Crep '7i : 500 cases (mostly wrappers) ; wrappers, 5)2 te 15 cents ; tiller's, 0 te 7 cents. , Connecticut Ci op '71) : 200 cases; wrap pers, 2(5 cents. State Ciep "79 : 145 cases, p. t. Ohie Ciep '7ft : 100 cases itinning, IJ cents. Havana Mai ket active. Sales 800 bales. One .sale of 200 bales of '80 te a manufactuter, .said te bePaitide, realized 1)4 cents. Geed '70 in active demand at fair liguies. Frem Lancaster weleain thatMessis. S. Ilessin & Sun, the New Yeik dealers, have i ejected 400 cases of '80 Pennsylvania, bought fiem J. Kaufman, a Lancastci packer. The tobacco is said te have been packed hicgiilaily. The Plilladclpln i MarKfd. Leal. Dealer-, in cigar leaf aie doing, contrary te expectations, a much larger business than expected; old leaf of all kinds is be ing taken oil' the mai ket ficely by manu -factuiersef cigars at full quotations, c.sjmj cially Pennsylvania 1871) ciep, and as 1880 is lepeitcd se very much improved, it would seem te be a geed prepeity. I leain te day that in the past week one of our A Ne. 1 houses sold quite a nice bill te a dealer of one of our Western cities. It is expected that some new Connecticut seconds will be effcied en the mat ket next week. Cltllh' Kepel I. Sales of seed leaf tobacco l epei ted by J. S. Oans' Sen .V Ce.. tobacco biekcrs, Ne. lei Watei sheet, New Yeik, for the week ending .Inly 4. 1SS1 : 25500 cases 1SS0 PeiinsIvai.ia, asseited, 10((rd!).: ; 200 eases 1879 Pennsylvania, 8(ii0i; 200 ease-. 1SS0 New England, seconds, 10fel2c; 400 eases 18S0 Wiscon sin, Havana seed, 14(10e.; 100 cases 1880 Ohie, c.; 100 cases Slate, p. t.; 100 eases sundiie.s, 9(W)U!e. Uur Ouu Tobacco Murker. We have but little te say en the subject of tobacco this week. Ne.vily all the l'ot l'et eign dealers have left town some going te their homes te spend the Feuith, and ethers te the sea-side, the springs or the mountains te spend the heated terms ; and te these causes of dulucss may be added the sen city of loose tobacco, the shock occasioned by the attempt upon the piesident's life, tbe occupation of the far mers in getting in thcii giaiu and bay, and the stagnation of business usual in miiisuiutuei. The glowing ciep leeks faiily well in some places veiy well, while in ethers the plants :ie small and grew slowly, though they h.tie a healthy leek. In some sec tions theie aic complaints of cut-worm, bat net in sufficient numbers te cause any general uneasiness. We hear of the sale of one country pack pack iugeflOO cases en private terms, and that is the only sale repotted within the past few dajs. I'esiH Yeung Again. "My mother was afflicted a long time with Xemalgia ami a dull, heavy inactive condi tion et the whole system; headache, nci veus prostration, and w.isalmest helpless. Ne phy sicians m medicines dlil licruit) geed. Thice months age she began te use Hep ISiltcis, with such geed ctlei 1 1 bat she seems unit feels jeung again, although eer7i eais old. We think. then' is no oilier medicine lit te use in tin lainilj." A lady, in 1'ievidence, K. I. jyl'Jwd&w Leve Your Neighbor. When your ft Joint or neighbor is lahenug under bodily alllietien, indigestion, bilious ness, constipation, caused by Impunty el bleed, or disorders et the kidneys or liver, don't tail te recommend Burdock itloed Kil ters, u ..ute -mil Miteicmuily. Pi ice $1. Fer vale at II. IS. Cochran's Dmg Stoic, 137 Ninth Queen stieet, Lancaster. J'epularlty. Then-is' Kclcctiic Oil has obtained grea grea pepnl.uily, iieiu its intiinsie value as u lelit able mcdieiui-, m curing he.iiscncs, and all ir ritatleiis el the tin eat, diseases el the chest, etc. rei these It is an incomparable pulmenic, ter sale at II. If. Cochran's Ding stoic. 1.5 Nei th Queen stieet, Kane istci. Hi. Londen Lancet. ThcLonifen Lancet sas. " M.m u lib- lias been saxed bj the moral ceinage: 1 ti,t. utlei--r" and many a lite has been s.i eil by" hpinig ISIosseni in Cisco! bilious lcci, iiidf iiidf geslien or liver complaints." Price no eents Fer sale at H. 15. Cochran's- Dmg Stoie, 1157 Neith Queen stieet, Lancaster. l'roer Positive. We have the most positive ami convincing pi oet that Themas' Eclcctric Oil Is a most ol el lectual sKJCilIc for bodily pain. In cases el rheiiiuatlsui anil neuralgia it gives instant re lict. Fer sale at II. 15. Cochran's Ditig Stoic, 137 Neith Queen stieet, Lancaster. UILIHNO LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned eilers ler sale en weekly or monthly payments, ISuildlng Lets at u ery low pi ice en long time. These lets sue situ ated en 1 nke, Lime, Fiedeiick Shippen and .'c' stteeta. A geed chance for men who wish te have Iheii own homes. Try It, you'll never regiet It. Alipiv 10 a. w. iiu.ssr.i-, or allaa HF.RU's Real Kstatceflicc, Ne. 3 North Duke I street. mav--HudMW&F 1 MEDICAL. pATAKKU. CATARRH, COLO IN THE HEAD, HAY FEVEIi. CATAERHAL DEAFNESS, CAJ, BE CURED. DIRECTIONS; Fer Catarrh, Hay Fever.Ceid in the Head 4c, Insert with little ifiger a paitlcle et Balm Inte the nostrils ; draw strong breaths through the nose. It will be absorbed, cleansing and healing the diseased mem brane. FOR DEAFNESS-, Apply a particle Inte the car. ELY'S CREAM BALM, having gained an enviable local reputation, displacing all ether preparations In the vicin ity el discovery, is, en Its merits alone, recog nized as a wenderlnl remedy wherever knew n. A fair trial will convince the most skeptical of Its curative powers. It effectually cleanses the nasal passages of catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions, allays inflammation ami Irritation, protects the membranal linings of the head from additional colds, completely heals the sores and resteiestha sense et taste and smell. ISencficial results are realized by a lew applications. A thorough tieatinciit as directed, will cure Catarrh. As a household remedy for cold In the head it is unequalled. The Balm iscasvte use and agreeable. .Sold by druggists at 50 cents. On lecelpt et flu cents will mail a package, bend ler ciicular with full information. ELY'S CKL AM BALM CO., Owego, N. Y. Fer sale bv the Lancaster druggists, and by wholesale li urgists generally. lSiGuieed&w IF YOU AKE A MAN OF KUSINESS, weakened by the strain et your duties, avoid etimtilants and take HOP HITTERS! If jeu aieaman of letteis, toiling oei jour midnight weik, te lesteie biain and neive waste, take HOP BITTERS! If you aie young, and suffeilng fiem any indiscielien ei dlBtflpalleu, HOP MTTEIIS! If you in e married or single, old ei young, sulleilng fiem peer health or .iuguiling en a bed el sickness, take HOP BITTEltS! Whoever jeu aie, wherever you aie, when ever you feel that your .system needs cleansing, toning or stimulating, w lth lth eut intoxicating, take HOP BITTEltS! Have j en dyspepsia, kidney or urinary cum jtlatnt, disease of the ttemaeh, ban els, bleed, Itver, or neries Yeu w ill be cured 11 you take HOP BITTEltS! If you aie simply ailing, are weak and low spiitled, tiy it! Buy It. Insist upeif it. Your druggist keep it. HOP BITTEltS! It may save your life. It has saved hiiudicds. Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company, Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontaiie IcSlvdMWF&w REAM THIS Lancaster, Pa., Api 11 is, issi. Tub Kidm:icui:a Mf'e Compaq. Gents It gies me much ple.isine tfl say thrtt after using one pack el KIDNEY CUBA I have been cntnely cured of a seveie pain in my back mid kide, of long standing, and that, tee, alter tiying vaileus known lemedics. l have cciy confidence in your medicine, clieeilullv ieceinmeiid it, and knew ih.itiuany et mylileiids who have used it hate baen benefited. ' l'ETEU BAKER, ln'.tujil I'ei email Examiner and Expiess. Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, ep.lynn,;mass., Her Vegetable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepo and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This pieparatlen, as Us name signifies, con sists et Vegetable Properties that aic Mimics te the most delicate invalid. IJnen one t he mei lis et this compound w II 1 be l ecegnied as icliet is iuimedi ite; and when its use is con tinued, in ninety-nine cases in u bundled, a pel iii'iueut cuie is ctlected, as tlieu-.imis ill testily. On account of Its pi e en meiits, it is te-day leeeminemled and piesenbed by the best ph slci'ins In the ceuntiy. It will cuie entiiely theweist teim et falling of the uteius, Leucei i has i, iiiegul.ii and p.iiu lul Menstruation, all Tieubles, lu lu tl.uuinatien and Ulceiatien, FJoedlngs, ull His placements and tbe coneueiit spin lI weak ness, and isespeciallv adaptid te the Ci mge of Life. In tact it has proved te be the greatest and best remedy that 1ms e er been disceveied. It pel meat es eeiy poillen of the sjstem, and elves new lite and iger. It leineves i.ilutucHS, flatulency, desties all ciav lug ler stimulants, and ielie es weakness et the stomach. ltcuics Bleating, Headaches, Xeieus l:o l:e l:o ti.ttieu, tJeneial l)ebility, bleeplessness, ie ie prcssien and Indigestion. That leelingel 1mi nig dew n, causing pain, weight mid backache. Is always peiinaiiently cmed by its ue. It will at all tunes, and under all cucumstanfes, act in lianiieny with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney complaints of either sev this Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ajpiepaicil at S53 and 'L Western Avenue Lynn, Mass. Price $1. hix bottles lei $.. Sent liv itui SI iti tin. 1m in fif l-illla iiln 1.1 f lit. tt . .. lozenges, en leceipt et puce, $1 pei box, lei eithei. Mis. I'lMvlIAM tieely answers all let ters eftiniuiiy. Send ter pamphlet. Addic-s as abe e. Men'ten Ihi t paper. Ne taiullv should be without L DlA I. PINKHAM'S LlVEU PILLS. They cuie Con stipation, Biliousness and Tetplill of Mie Liet. i'i cents per box. Johusten, Holle way & Ce., tieniTuI Agents, Philadelphia. Fer sale by C. A. Leehcr, !) East King slice! and Gee. XV. Hull, 15 West King sti Pel, l-JI-lMheilXw K IDN'KY WOIST. THE GREAT CURE KIIEUMATISI, As it is for all diseases of the KlllVCis, LIVEU AND BOWELS. It cleanses the hj stein of thcacn.l poison that causes the dicadtul sutfei ing winch only the victims et Bhetimatisui can lealie. Tlieusand of Cases el the worst lei ins et this terrible disease have been quickly ie lie cd, in a shei t lime Perfectly Cureii. KIDNEY WORT has had wendei till success, and an immense sale in evciy paitet the country. In huudieds et cases It has cmed whcie all else had billed. It is mild, but etlicient, CERTAIN IN lis ACTION, but haimlcss in all cases. It Cteaiifes, Strengthens aud gives Mew Life te all the impei taut organs ei the body. The natnnJ action et the Kidneys is icsteieii. The Liver is cleansed et all disease, and the Bowels mee tieely and healthtullv. In this way tin- weist diseases aie eradicated limn the sj stem As it has been pieved by thousands Hut KIDNEY WORT. at'stem nt.ii "cl"al remeily for cleansing the used V All,merbU s;'clctiens- -'euhl be usea in e cry household ius a SPUING MEDICINE. Always ciucs BllleunnesH, M,,a.i. riles aud nil VeuuUe IMseases. ""Patlen 4- It Is put up In lry Ve5etable l,rill, , .W-tlnc!ins, one package of which in tkes s x 3-quarts et medicine. '"" ,,N 43-Alse 111 Liquid 'orni,ery Cem Aiitraleil .-lortliecenenienccot these who ..mixii 43 readily prepare It, It ucli with e,iai 3 efficiency cither form. GET IT OF YOUK DUITGG13T. PUiOE, SI. WELLS, RICHARDSOX & CO., I'reji's, Iturlingt'iu, Vt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec 27 1yd vt MEDICAL. HULLS DRUG STORE roc FISHING TACKLE, BODS, REELS, &c., OF E YE It Y 1) ES Cli IP TIOX. Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, augSrf-lyiil LANCASTER, PA. TIES. EYES! Thismoiuingatiie of patients, from Bead ing, Philadelphia and Edgewood, Bucks county, each related their untertunnte exper iniiecs under the tieatinciit et their eyes by the Oculists, l)rs. Nerrls, Lcisand htniw budge, of Philadelphia, and their decided 1m 1m preuuient under my piactlce. One of them came te me totally blind : the second neaily blind, aud the third with almost constant neuralgia in and wound the eyes, with im paired vision. A feuith patient. Miss Lizzie Bi ubakei , el Lititz. said : ' My dyspepsia and ether afflictions el long standing lett me in a shei t time utter going under your chai ge, and my glasses, worn since 1 was leiutceu years of age, were laid aside as useless, and my vision is natural." Ne Oculist in tills country or Euiepe can produce such results without they discover my remedies and applications, or similar ones. Persons wearing Glasses ler far and nearsightedness ei ether diseases of this organ can usually have them removed inside et two inenthsand the vigor et their eyes rc rc steied te its normal condition. Names of pei pei pei Honscuieilet Astigmatism given upon appli cation, a dfscastMi condition et Hie eyes that no oculist ever pretends te cuie. Alse Cataract cured by absoiptlen without using the knife. Send ter or call and get (flee) four pamphlets. One en cures et diseased eyes ; one en catari h : ene en einnipathy, and the last containing a large iiumbei et names of persons cmed of every vaiietyet disease. May 4, Ifcsji. DR. O. A. GREENE, Ne. 146 KA.3T KIU STREET, OtldM-WFASl Lancaster. Pa. R EIGAUT'S OLl Wl.Ni; STOKE. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article w as voluntarily sent te Mr. 11. E. Mayiuakcr, Agent ler KeigaitV Old Wine Stoic, by a pieiuiuent practising physi cian ei mis county, who nas extensively used the Brandv leferied te in his tegular ni-actice It is commended te the attention et these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be used us a medicine et gicat potency m the cine el some el the destiutlive di-eases which swi ep away their annual thousands of victims. iVHiiiipuieiy pniiautiiiepic motivewe pie sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe fa'ally thee afflicted with that uiisei.ible ills' cisi lspepsia, a specific lemedy, which ij ueining ionic ei less tii.ui Brandy. " The aged, with leeble appetite and meie or less (lemiiiy, win nun tins simple medicine, when used piepeily, A Sovereign Remedy erall their ills and aches, fie It, however st nelly understood that we preset ibe and use but eueaiticle. and thatis REIGAllT'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our cntei prising young lilend, ti E SLA MAKER. This Bi.mdy has steed the test ter jeais, and has never failed, as tai as our expenenee extends, and we theieteie give it the pictcrcnee overall ether ISiaudics nematlerw ilh hew many jaw -breaking Fiench lilies they an: branded. One-fourth of the money that is ye.iilythiewn away en vai ions impotent dyspepsia specilics would suffice te buy nil the Brandy te cuie any such ease or uses, in meet et the curative liew ers el Reigart's Old Brandy, Iniascset Dyspepsia, we can summon mini heis et witnesses one cise In particular we cite: A haul-working t.umer had been aillicled with an cxhausli e Dj spepsia ler a numbei of veaii; bis stomach would reject almost eeiy kind et teod; he had sour ei nidatiens con sl:uitl no appetite in lact, he was obliged te testiicthis diet te ciackers and stale, and .is a beeiage he used McUrann's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, pi cached at times, and in his discourses ellen declaimei' earnestly against all kiudset stieng di ink. When .uH ised te trv Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astenisument, but after heanng el its weiideilul elleets in the cases et some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. lit used the Bi.indy faithfully and steadily; the tlist bottle giving him an appetite, and beleie I he second w as taken he was a sound maii,w it li a stomach capable of digesting nnj thing w hicli lu't hose te cat. Hestil! keeps it and uses a lit tle oee.ision.illy; and since lie has this medi cine lie has been of ery little pecuniaiy bene lit tothcdectoi. A PiiAcnsise Physician. If. E. SLAYMAKEK, AUENT FOR Reigart's Old Wins Stere, Established in 1785, IMVOI.TCK AMI Dl'.ALKU IN FINK LI ISRANPIKS. SlIKUKIhs, s V'K IMOIt OMI MAIIK1UA, (Imported m 1 S(S, lb'7 and 1H2S.) CHAMPAONKS O K KIIV BRAND, SCOTCH ALK POUTF.R. UROWN STOUT. . SII KAaT K1N S.T.. LaSCASTi:K. PA BR. SAITFOEFS LIVEE INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek sent free. Dr. SANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y. rer sale by all Iru jxlst s. oll8-lveed alteew Z.EGAI, SOTIVES. IASTATK Or JlIAJlY WAltD, LATi: OP .1 Lancaster city, deciiased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been giant ed te the undcrjigned, all poisons indebted te said decedent aie n quested te make iiumedi ate settlmnent, and these having claims or de mands aganst tbe estate et said decedent te make known the smie te the undeisigned w itheut dcl.ij , lesiding in Lancsster citv. BLIABhTIl C. MARKS. lel.-Gtde t Administratrix. ISTATK OF KLIZAISKTII B. STOWElta J Haiberger. lute el the city et Lancaster deceased. Letteis testamentaty en said cstat having been gninted te the undersigned, ent nl tin. nTenntniii Mil ninan.tali.iI.uiii.l !......- .. w v...,. ., .... 1,. wit, .a.iit-uiiL I.IIUIVJLI. are requested te make Immediate payment, and these having claims or demands ugainsl me sume win piesein ineiu witneut delay fei settlement te the undersigned, residing at42f Nmth bevuuth street, in Hie citv et Philadel Pbia. LOUIS B. IIAKBEKGKU, iels Gtdeaw One et the hxecuters rr-vrATL: or MATTHIAS WIEST, LATK rV! ..?i ,;'ln.'"er city, Lancaster ceuntv, ue ue he; ii'.,u,!j tamentaiy en said estate u.iMng been giantcd te the unlfii.mi.i ,.ii persons ii.debted te .ahl decedeni arm.V the undersigned' without .Mar hiiS? u Lanc-astercitv. IIENitv K.i7iJ '""K . Iu It F nx-. t... 5 hasl Chestnut Street B. r . Da is, Att'3'. jcll-6tdeaw MEDICAL. ' OILTEB JKTVKtRY. LACE PINS, EAK RINGS AND BRACELETS. NECK CHAINS ASH HAIR PINS. STUDS, SLEEVK BUTTONS AND SCAHF PINS OF SILVER. AUGUSTUS RHOADS, Ne. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. 1) IAMONDS, C- THE MOUNTING DIAMOND May seem a small matter In compaiUen with the valuu et th gem itself, but it is se Important that the safety et the gem de pends en its being done piepeily. Many Diamonds aie lest becanse net SK CURE1.Y mounted. Many Diamonds fail te exhibit their tiue beauty because net TASTE FULL mounted. Many Diamonds appeal like cheap and common stones because net 'KILL' ULL mounted. Our Diamond Mounting is designed w ilh eeniiimmattt taste, and executed with su pcilci skill, by weikmcn et long expen enee, who aie umivaled in their specialty. BAILEY, BANKS, BIDDLE, 12th & Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. HOUSE EUltNISIlINti HOODS. H eitsk-vukxisuiac; OOOUS. FUM & WILL80H, Successeis te Flinn & Brencman. I FULL LINK FOR SUMMER. Headquarters for Glass Fruit Jars. TIX CI AW, MIASS PRESERVING KET TLES, 'AGATE PRESERVING KETTLES, FAttSONS RE FRIGERATORS, BASEBALL SUPPLIES, Window Sciccns, Water Coelers, Aichcry Goods, Jelly Tumblers, Peicelaln- Lined Preset vlng Kettles, Water Filters, Fly Traps, Cie- qiiet Sets, Ac FISHING TACKLE, BABY CAKRIAGEri, in: i-I!:ug,iin-i en tlic 5c., 10;, Ijc. and i"ie, Ceuntcis. SOLE AGENTS FOR PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWER. PLUMBING, GAS PITTING, TIN ROOFING AND SPOUTING "SPECIALTIES Ne. 152 N011TH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. FOR SALE. G 1001 CIIANCK. A DESIRABLE COAL AND LUMIIER YARD rOR .SALE. The tmilerbigiied? eners at private sale a piepcrty consisting et sevtm lets et gieund m the town et Sptingville, Lancaster county, at the station en the Pennsylvania Railroad, about one mile west et Mount .ley and near the Lancaster & Haiiisburg turnpike. The impieveineuts aic a two-steucd Fiame Heuse Jlxit leet, used as a Railroad btat ion and Ticket Oflicc, a Frame Wai chouse 'JtxUS feet, and Ceal and Lumber Yard, with about 200 feet et Ceal Shedding. New Fairbank'g Scales of 8 ten capacity ; 800 Feet et Bailread Sidin j. Trestle weik for dumping coal, with space ler exten sion of same. Buildings mostly new and every thing In geed order. Location pleasant, in a thickly settled agricultural neighborhood and a last improving town, with no tival business in the town, lias an established coal tradu, and capacity and advantages te de a geed Hinppiug uusines anu lueieasetl passenger travel. Pi Ice $0.000 en reasonable terms. Ter I Hither information address JOS. II. HABECKER. Spring Garden P. O., ie'20-fnid Lancaster County, Pa. COAL. B. It. MAUT1X, Wholesale aud Retail Dealer in all kinds et LUMBER AND COAL. 49-Yard: Ne. 420 North Water mid Piince stieets above Lemen. Lancastci. ii5-lyd C0H0 & WILEY. HBO NORTU WATER ST., Lancaster, Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With tbe Telephonic Exchange. P.rauch Office : Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. ll)2S-Iyd pe TO REILLY & KELLER TOU GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers and (.fliers In want et Superior Manure will lind it te their advantage te call. Yard. Harilsburg Pike. Otllce. 20X; East Chestnut stieet. i agl7-tt DPKCIAL. NOTftjE. OBuANS AND PIANOS can be purchased Heiise-Fiireiii Lancaster Organ Manufactory from ten te twenty-five per cent, cheaper dur ing the month et April than any ether time. As I hae a large assortinentet all kinds of Musical Insttuments en hand, mil-chasers will find it te their advantage u :er examining ether instiuments te call at th naieioems, as they will then be able te see the supeiieiity et the Lancaster Organ or Chicket ing Piane. 1 have added steam power and am lidding a set et new machinery et my own invention for making all parts of an organ, liem teeds te the key beard, therefore saving time, expense and labor, and will give my custemeis the benefit of it by reducing the prices. Send ler catalogues. All kinds of instruments tuned and tepaired, at NO. 320 NORTH O.UEEN STRKET. m ALBX. McKILLIPS, marts 2wd4eS Proprietor DJCT GOODS, VXDEBWEAE, C. OKASONABLK GOODS. DRESS GINGHAMS, ' 9 VICTOKIA LAWNS. INDIA LINENS, AT TUE NEW YORK STORE. WTT SBSN1) t CO. I Aie show ing a great variety of Fancy Diess Ginghams at lJVcajard Elegant Styles, Best Quality IJkf " Real Scotch Zephyr Ginghams enly.SSe " One Case Printed Lawns 7c " Neel Designs, Best Quality 12Kc ' CLOSING SALE OF Summer Dress Goods. Cream Lace Bantings 10c ayaid Halt Weel LaceBuntiugs Uc " All Weel P.Iain and Lace Buntings l.'ic, 17c, 20c, i'c t e ."n)c a j aid MO.M1E CREPE BUNTINGS, NUN'S VEILINGS, FRENCH FOULK bl'lTl.NGS At Veiy Lew Pi ices, at the NEW YORK STORE, 8 A- lO KAST KING SfUKET. N JKXT UIIOIC TO TUK CIUKT HOUsK. FAHHESTOCK! DRESS GOODS REDUCED. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. We have reduced our Immense Sleck et DRESS GOODS FOR THE P. VLANCE OF THE SEASON. DRESS GOODS at 10c, lJ.c. and l.'ic, that wei e sold at 'JOc. and 'Jjc. UMBRELLAS -AND PARASOLS REDUCED. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te Court Heuse. Tl TKTOKR, ItAKD & IIAUGHMAN AT TI1EI1U- NEW CHEAP STORE, iVb. 4J WEST KING STREET, Hae a Splendid Assortinentet lite Dress Koeis, VICTORIA LAWNS AND INDIA LAWNS. At 10c, 1 ee, He, 20c, i"c, le and 7c. The best geed in the City Cor the prices. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF AT THE NEW CHEAP STORE. k Lj JJIUU . AAUUtUlUUUj Ne. 43 WEST KING S i'KEET, LANCASTER, PA., Between the Cooper 'Heuse and bone! Herse Hetel. Jf U11N1TUKE. sr ECIAI. NOTICK lOK TtlK SEASON ! i ou call have FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RK-VAR-N1SHED ! CHAIRS RK CANED. RE-PAINTED AND VARNISHED ! OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER LIKE NEW ! OLD FRAMES RE-GILDED AT MODERATE PRICES ! ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE BE-COVEKED AND UPHOLSTERED IN FlRsT- CLAsS MANNER! Walter A. Hemitsh's Furniture and Picture Frame Reems, 15 KAST KING STRKKT. n8-6md Over China Hall CHINA AXD GLASSWARt. wc COBATKO WAKE AT CHINA HALL. llaviland Decorated China. Fruit Saucers, Berry Sets, Compertlers, Tete-a-'lcte Sets, Fruit Plates, Pitcheis, Cuspaderr s, &c. WEDGEW00D MAJOLICA. Majolica Berrv Sts, Fruit Saucers, Bread Trays. Tiay, Tea Set. Pitcher. Butters. Ac. Latest Shapes and Styles. Call and aec them at HIGH & MARTIN'S, 15 KAST KINO STRKKT. Mmv CLOIBZSO, X7NDERWEAM, SC. DOJIETIIl.SC SEW: LACE THREAD UNDERSHIRTS, FEATIIER-WEIGHT DRAWERS. SUSPENDERS, AT . ERISMAITS, THE SHIRTMAKER, NU. sp SORTH (JUKE-N STREET, T3IPOKTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Te-day w e open a full line of Spring and Summer Uoeds for Men's Wear, which has never been eclipsed in this city or any house In the country for quality, stjle and high toned character. We claim superiority ever anything we handled belere during ourexpeiienceet quarter et a century in business, and our reputation Is established for keeping the finest goods in our line. Our opening te-day is an invoice et Novel ties captuied Irem the wreck of a large Bosten house, whose failure has preeipi-" fated these goods en the mat ket tee late In the season and consequently at a sacritiee, se they arc within reach et all desiring a first-class at tide at a moderate priee. The consignment includes a full line of the ccl bratcd Talamen's French Novelties, the handsomest mid llnest goods imported te this ceuntiy, a new featuie in bilk Waip ; Tal.imen's Tricot a-Leng, Serpentine Ti I cots, Ceik Screw Diagonals and tiranite Wca-.c. A lull line of Tajler's English Tieuserings et beautiful effects. Alse u tine line et Choice American Suitings as low as $J0 a Suit. All the Latest Novelties in Spiing Overceatings at moderate prices. All are cordially invited te examine our stock and be con iuced that we are mak ing no Idle beast, but can substantiate all we say and lespectfully urge person-- te place theirerderat once betore the choicest styles are sold, ler they cannot be dupli cated this season. Fertnrtl'er particulais in regard te dicss consult J. K SMAT.TNG, THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N. QUEEN STREET, MW&S Several Fine Ceat Mnkcis wanted. OVRINO OPENINO H. GERHART'S falint, Ne. 6 East King Street. I haejiut completed fitting up one et the Finest Tnileiing Establishments te be found lit this state, and am newpiepaicd te show my customers a stock of goods ter the SPRING TRADE. which ter quality, style and vaiiety et Patterns has ueer been equaled in tills city, I will keep ami bell no goods which I cannot teceimnciui te my customers, no matter hew low in pi ice. All goods w.iriantcil as lcpicsented, and prices as low as the lowest, at Ne. 6 East King Street, tNet Doer te the New Yeik stoic. H. GERHART. VTKW STOCK Oir VI.' etiiini: Fen SPRING 1881, T D. B. Hostetter & Sen's, Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Having made unusual etlet Is te bi ing belerfc the public a line, stylish and well made stock el MADMADE CLOTHING, we aie new piep.ued te show them one el the most ciietullv selected stocks et Clothing in this city, at the Lew tat Cash Pi ices. MEN'S, JSOYS' AMI YOUTHS' CLOTHING ! IN OREAT VARIETY. Piece Ooeds el the JIe?t Stylish Designs and at pihcs within the i;uh et nil.! -"(Jive us a call . H. B. Hostetter & Sed, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. U-lyd LANCASTER. PA LARRTAG KS, SC. Carriages ! Carnages EDGERLEY & CO.'S. Practical 'Can lagc IitifMcrs, Mai ket Stieet, Rcaref Cential Market Houses, l.ancaalr. Pa. Wc ha c ou hand a Large Assortment et ISUtiMES AND CARRIAGES, Which we offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, utve us a call J 45"ltcpairing promptly attended te. One setet weikmcn especially employed ter hrt. pnipesa fiijr-tlil.Vw A DKLICHTirj. AIM.IIOLING DKIN'K Montserrat Lime Fruit Juice. It feims, diluted with five or eight time its'bnlk of water, or blended with Spirits. Seda Water, Ac., a Most Wholesome, Delicious and Refreshing Beverage. It may b sweet ened te suit the taste. In addition te being it mnef : illlfri.ttiil nml riwilniL' drink', venr eliv- slcian wiilreceiiinieiid it for Us medicinal vli Tailerii tnes ; esiiecialiy uneumaiic ruinu. Fer sale at liclgart's Wine Stoie, Ne. lit East King street. aprl5-W&Stfd II. L'.SLAYMAKER, Agt. TEA FELERS' O VIDJi LANCASTKU AM) .-HILLKKSVILLK It. Cars run as fellows : Leave Laiicatjier (P. R. Depot), at 7, 9, an 11:30 a. m., and S, 4, t and S:30 p. in., xc jt ou Saturday, when the last car leave at 9:30 p. im Leave Millersville (lower end) at5, 8, and a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and ? p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. C COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT R. K j Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Statiehs NeKTH-Expres-.Expres9. Acceu. WAK1. i a. x. v. M. r. M. Pert Deposit.. Peachbottem.. Safe Harber... Columbia.... C-35 7:12 7:55 S:35 3:55 4-.-2S 5:11 5:40 3:18 5.21 6.20 Statiehs Seuth- Express. Express. Accem WARD. A. 11. V. SI. A. M. Columbia. ll-3 6 7:45 f. n. At? Safe Harber. 12 ix; ;. I.e'..4i Peachbottem 12:1S 7 .52 Il.t.7 Pert Deposit 1:25 ma 12..V TJEADINO JfcCOI.U.MHIA R. R. ARRANOHJIENT OF PASSENUER TRAINS SUNDAY, .MAY 2DTU, 18s0. NORTHWARD. LSAVE. A.M. f.M. V. U. A.M. ynarrj-ville C:40 2:30 7:35 Lancaster, Kiugst 7:58 3.40 ftlft Lancaster MH) 1:05 350 11.27 Columbia 750 1:10 3:10 .... AKMVK. Reading loe.". :;.2e 5.50 .... SOUTHWARD. LKAVK. A M. A.M. P.M. r.M Reading 7:25 12.00 b:IO ... ARKIVK. r.M. Columbia 0 35 2.10 8.20 .... Lancaster. 0:7 2.10 Si's 5 JO Lancaster. Kingst 1.7 S 5-40 Quarry ille 10-37 9-J6 7 10 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Al Al lcntewn and New erk, ia Bound bioek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and fiem Yerk, Hanover, Octtysburg, Frederick and llalti llalti mere. A. M. WILsOX. Stmt, PENNSYLVANIA K.ILI)AU-NEW SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY MAY Iiith, IsSI, trains en the Peimsyl Mim i ltailie.ui will arrive and leave the Lan caster and Philadelphia depots as follews: Eastward. Lravi; At live Limc'tei Phllad'ii 2V a.n. 5:15 .m 5I'S " 7:35 " MM " M5 " 10-10 " 8-45 :10 " 12 01 r.M. 110 " 1.21 f.M. 3-i) 2:lM " MM " 3 05 " 5-:ai t:ls ' :45 " 4 35 " br " 1.-25 " 9. l:ir " 11-35 " Len e Arri e Philad'a IOmeter 12. hi .m 5:10 A.M 7 30 " 10.20 " 10 25 " !l(M ' 1055 " .(X " 10: " 12.10 " 2 JO r.M. 2 35 ' 2 50 2ji!r.M. 5 50 " 4 im ' 7r-i' " 5.!0 " 7:) " C-25 " 8 50 shie " n.: " 11:55 " 2.45 A.Mk Cincinnati Express Fast Line Yerk Accem. An i cs; Harrisburg Express Dillcrvllle Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Aril vet. Pacific Expiess, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express, St. Leuis Day Express Chicago Dav Express Harrisburg Act milium -it'll, .Mall WasTWAun. Way Passenger, Mail Train Ne. l,x hi Ml -Jey, Mail 1 rain Ne.2, hi Cel'hi i, Niagara A. Chicago Epies Sunday Mail, Frederick Accommodation, Dillcrville Lecal. la Mt..le Harrisburg Accoiumedat'ii. Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express Pittsbmg Exjncss, Cinciiiiiati Express, Pacific Express Pacific Express, east, en suniiay, wnen flag gcd, will step at MidiUetewn, Eli.ibetbtewii, Mt. Jey, Landlsville, Biid-in-llaml, I.eman Place, Uaji, Christiana, Farkcsburg, Centes ville, Oakland and Olen Lech. Fast Line, west, ou Sunday, when Hugged, will step i.t Dew niugtowu,Ce.itf sville, Purkes Purkes burg.Mt.Jey, Eliabethtewii and Middlctewn. Hanoveracceuimodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at II in' a. m., will run through te Hanover. Fiederick Accommodation, west.i euncctsat Lancastci, with Fast Line, west, at 2 30 r.M., and will run through te Frederick. CARPETS. (esi:at iiaic'Iains in caici-k-i. jt 1 claim te have the Largest and Finest tock ei CARPETS In this City. Rrussels and Tapestry CARPETS Three-ply, Extra Super, super, All Weel, Halt Weel ami P.nt Weel Ingrains: from the best te the cheapest -as low as JJBc. per yard. All the FINEST AND CHOICE PATTERNS eii'i-(.in he seen in tlnscity. I also hae a Large ami Fine Stock et my own make Cliuiu and Hag Carpets, AS LOW AS a.-Jc. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDERat shei t notice, satisfaction guaieiitced WSn trouble te show goods It jeu de net wish te purcli-ise. 1 earnestly solicit a cull. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. 1ARI'KTS, CO A I., c. PHILIP SCHUX, SOX & (U, MANUFACTORY, Ne. I'M SOUTH WATER STREET, LANCAsrEic, Pa., Well-known Manufai turersei Oi niiinu LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS. P.LANKKTS, CARPETS. IMRPET CHAIN, STOCklNO YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAO CARPETS A SPECI I.Tt. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. ilnni. All ei del 9 or goods lett with us will nciivi piemjit attention. CASH PAID FDR SEWED CARPET RAILS. COAL. COAL. Ceal of the best ijuality put up expn ssly let family use, nml at the lowest inurket rates TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 SlOUTH WATER STREET. 22-lyd RSI PHILIP SCI1UM. SON A C lAKl'KIS, AC. NEW CARPETS 40.000 YARDS. .ew Designs, HcautiTiiIly Colored. i 50 C( nts. b" eciils.' J Ml cents, 'je tents. INGRAINS ( i cents. 1.00. TAI'KWI'V I 75 cents. $1.00. BRUsSrrs cents. 11.10.; WILTON AND f meqi;ettj:s, uoed vai.u OIL CLOTHS, -j AT LINOLEUM, ALL PRICE1. LIli.VUMS t. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many jears. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Street, al-IdceilA2twl PHILADELPHIA. TiOGHEE'8 Renowned Cough Syrup! A Pleasant, Safe, SneedyamlSiim Remedy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma. Inllu- ena, SeK-uess et the Threat and Chest, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ting of 1. 1 nod, inflammation of the Lungs, ant" all Diseases of theChestaiid Air Passages.! This" ;:1 liable riieitaratien tern bines all the Diess (ioeds Dyed cither in the piece or in Ci: mi-ills; also, all Kinds or silks. Ribbnux, Featheis and Woolen Ooeds Djcd. (Jen tlemen's Coats, Oveweals, Pants, V cats, Ac. Dvnl or Sceured: :ilse Imll.'ii l:im. livi-im. irtnes of these articb s whicil long experience lias proved te possess the most s ite and elllcient qualities ter the cuie of all kinds or Lung Diseases. Pi Ice 25 tents. Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 9 KAST KINO STRKET. OlG-tl