(H) Dattf ateg Velnme XVIINe. 256 LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY, JUNE 28. 1881. Priee Twe ftftta. it ur "IVUKSS DS. NEW DRESS TOHN WANAMAKER'S, PHILADELPHIA. One of Ilia finest buntings v.c knew of (if it liail : border, it would be a nun's veiling), which we. have sold up te within a. week ut $1, is new (SO cents. Hew it get te CO rents is one of the curiosities of tin trade. It is made right hCn: in rhil.idd lhia, of the finest foreign wool; we buy of ihe maker; and sell at a piefit, ; H incli, at CO cents. Nc-t-eulcrcllclc, Chci-lnul :,tw'I entrance. Canten pongee., very light color and oxtraeidinury quality, S'.l.eO ami $10.50 for 20 yard pieces. Summer silks mostly al 55 cents. Unitizes, 75 cents and $1 ; bronze .satin niei veil leu. -, $S.-M ; Inenze dnmasM-s, i.r,e. Millinciy lam..se- at 7.1 cents, all :;ilk ; used also for dresses. All silk colored tlamasses 75 cente. IUack daniassf", 1.50. Hound, black silks a fifth oil. Ameri can black silk I.J1. I'.lack Mir.th. light, '-ill-inch; lieavy 10 inch ; both 1.50. Canten crepe, 2. Nel-nutcr circle. Chestnut sticel 4-iitr.iurc. In the whole lanjje of dresj-, goods our trade is highly satisfactory. It is evident that we have provided acceptable goods, and that our prices ate tcgaided as liberal. In live distinct lines of dress goods it. is perfectly clear thut we havw th:s largest vaiicty and the. choices' patterns in the. city. These ate : black grenadines, line French woolens in plain colors, cashmeres, illuminated melanges, cottons, especially tine Fiench cottons, Nui" runnier, north ( ulllrr. ul!t am! c.i-1 Ikiiii Zephj r sliau Is, with fringe mete than a lady will caie te m-c. .10 cents te $,1. One at .10 .nis is a surpii-'c te these who ex JOHN WANAMAKER, Thirteenth, Market and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. riivi.i:i: ItOWI.KS A- JIUKSTl REDUCING STOCK -IN lerchant Tailoring Department. Pine Dress Suits, Geed Business Suits, Medium and Pine Panta loons, Alpaca Coats, Ceataline Coats, Linen Coats and Suits, White, Duck and Marseilles Vests, All made te eiiler in our usual manner, :t! (iltlCVTI.Y UKDUCLD 1'ltICKS In reduce etir Meck. r ad. a trial el our LaunOriefl and Main Shirts. These. f;e uls we claim :irc equal it net Miperier te an v shirt in tlie market. Cauze IJnder tti'iir, .lean Drawer, all ai.c. S'lain J. isle ami I'aiicy Lisle Hosiery, I'lain ami Fancy Ncek wear in all the latent stykv, Linen Cull ami Cellar-, in all the latest Mylcs, Summer Dress and liiivlm.' idec in c'leieea-Mirtiiieiit. Kvcrylhinut lowest priee.i. (Jive us a call. G1VLER, BOWERS & HURST, 25 EAST KING 8TKEE7. LANCASTHK, PA. I Ai:!i: m. ma Kits. xeiiN A.ciiAict.ics. teiix i:. i:eTn. LANE & CO. ALL hlKIH OF Dry Goods Offered at Great Bargains, AT TIIK Ol.ll UKLIAIILK STAY I), Ne. 24 East King Street. SI Mi DKS'AUTMKNT. Special Imliieeinents In Muck ami Colored Silks. The general DUKsS GOODS DErAUTMKXT constantly licini? added te and prices marked down te promote quick sales. .VOUUX1NU COOPS IIKI'AKTMKXT complete in all its details. CAUI'KTlXlSS, QUKUXSWAUJ-J AXI UiasMVAUK in Imiiiense variety and at very Lew Trices. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT nnsnrp-tsscd in iiautily and inality, and ;;nod in all the department" guaranteed te lie what they are sold for. 3"-Call and see us. .lACOi: M. MARKS. .IOIIX A. IKON 11ITTHKS. ritON ItlTTKICS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIC. SURE APPETISER. IKON" BITTERS are highly recommended ler all diseases requiring a certain and effi cient ionic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVEPtS, WANT OF APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the liloed, strengthens the muscles and gives new life te the nerves. It nets like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the feed. Retching, Ileal in the tjlemtieh. Heartburn, etc. Tlie only iron Vrcparafien that will net blackeu tlie teetli or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write ler the A1IC Heek, 32 pp. et n&eful and amusing reading icnl free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, l23-lya&w BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 130 North Queen street, Lancaster. v ousts. TV kiiicss ;oei. GOODS, ETC., AT- pect little at such a price. A large double zephyr, for au invalid, $1.50. Shetland shawls, without ftinge, also in great variety, 7.1 cents te $8. A zephyr shawl knit by hand in what is known as the crazy stitch is one of the cu riesities from Hosteu ; large and heavy ; tee heavy, maybe, for an invalid ; at the amazing pries of "..10. Is it possible that in Yankee Bosten human life is wet th no mere than $"..10 for knitting such a shawl '.' Fast Irem Chestnut-street entrance. Luce uiits, .10 cents te $4.50. -The writer has forgotten of hew many sorts, but hundreds, and of the choicest. Lisle gloves for both k.dies and gentlemen at 2.1 te 7.1 cents. Sheepskin glows, made rough side out, ferganlening, '!! cents. Chestnut-slice! entrance, outer. llathing suits for men ; all wool tlauuel, mostly bine, tiimmed inure or less with braid. Old pattern, seven sizes, $2.75 te $4. Yeke pattern, $4 ; indigo-dyed, $4.50 ; white llannel. $1.7.1. The veka pattern fits mero perfectly than the old. The white Ha unci is, of coins.', conspicuous; and as a conspicuous garment ought te be, it is very line in quality. Heys' bathing suits ; old pallurn, $1.50 te $2.50, yety, $: te $3.75. Maikel .street msddlu entrance. Tapestry carpets at $1.15 down te $1 ; and at $1 down te 75 cents some time age; net all gene. Xeitlu-ril ijnllciy. 1 IVI.r.K. IMIWKKS .V IIUKST! OUU - CHARLES. JOHN Ji. KUTII. TliN ItlTTKISS. MISIILEK'S SSEItSi MTXERS. PROPHET IS NOT WITHOUT J. Hener save In his own country." True and yet like most truisms it has its ex ceptions. The most striking illustration et this is found in the reputation acquired by Mishlcr's Herb Hitters during tkc twenty five years it has been "befere the people. Grewing from small beginningsas simply a local remedy, it has steadily worked its way e the lorcmest rank anions the standard medical preparations of the age ; yet nowhere is it mere highly regarded than right here at home, in the scenes et its earliest victories ever disease. Yeu can scarcely llnd am-ui, woman or child in Lancaster county, who, at some time or ether, has net u-ed it, ami the testimony of all is given in its praise. The farmer, the mechanic, laboring men and wo men, the merchant, the clergyman, the banker, the lawyer; people in every walk and condi tion et Iil: arc all alike familiar with ils merits. Thu Hen. Tiiuddeu- Stevens, member et Congress lrem tills dl-trict, suffering from an alleotien of the Kidneys, could find relief in nothing cKe. In a letter te a liiend (new in our possession) he writes: MIS!ILER,S IIEKIt 1HTTKKS it the moil wonderful com bination of Medicinal herbs rover saw.'' The Hen. A. I.. Hayes, Law .fudge etthe Courts of Lancaster county, Wiite.s: " 1 have used It myself and In my family and am sails lied that Us repiitnlieii is net unmerited.'' Hen. (ienrgc Sander.en, Mayer of Lancas ter city for in years, writes: "Hints become familiar as a household word, and a ucccssary additinn tothemedieal requirements of every family. In my opinion it is TIIK If EST KK'tl Kllf ETLR I.NTIIOIHICEII." Jacob l' Krey, e-q., Sherill el Lancaster county, was cured et Khc umatism. J. O. Stchihati-.iT, Superintendent, of the Lancaster County Hospital, te-Hiilcs te its success in that institution in the treatment el Dyspepsia, Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint, Uheutiiatisin, Asthma and Scrofula, and thi testimony Is endorsed treai a like experience by A. Fairer, esq., Steward of Ihe Lancaster County Almshouse. The proprietors have in their ;os.e-sieu thousands of letters and certificates I rout per sons In every section of the country he have been cured of various Disviiscs, and It is their proud beast that they have never published a line that was net genuine, nor a name that was net authorized. Seme of these read like miiacliM, but thu tacts are indisputable. One el the most remarkable is thu case of Isaac Saltzer, et Slayerstewn, Lebanon c.mnty, l'a., cured of Hereditary Scmtutu, aggravated by a perk diet. We have two large jars of eals which he saved and brought te ns as a curios ity, lie lias net two square inches en his en. tire body that is net marked with a sear, yet Mishler's Herb 1'Ilters cured him. Te-day it is sold by druggists and country storekeepers inalmest every town, village and hamlet throughout the length and breadth of this great country, and eveiywhcre the Mime yerdict IsrcceriTcit. Thousands et families lar removed lrem physicians rely upon it in every emergency and it never fails them ; with it In the house they feel, yes they knew, thev are .safe against the attacks of disease. It has earned, li pos sesses and will continue te deserve the confi dence et the people. A preparation thus approved alike by the most prominent ellicials amlMhe great mass of Iheceuimiinlly must nesses merit. In fact A CERTAIN REMEDY. for purifying the liloed and secretions A yillCK ANU AltSOLUTE CUKE ler Dys pepsia, Liver Complaint, all Diseases el" flu: Kidneys, Cramp in the Stomach and every form of Indigestion A SURi: HEMKUV for Interuiiltcnt Fever, Fever and Ague, and all ether periodical Complaints. AN IMMEDI ATE RELIEF ler Dysentery, Celic, Cholera Merbus and Kindred Diseases. It isa Pl'RK ANI WHOLESOME ST03IAUIMC; AN UNKJUALLEI APPETIZER, A TONIC WITHOUT A K1TAL ANI A PANACEA ter all Diseases of the Lungs, Heart an.! Threat. IT CURES Fever and Ague with greatercerlaintylhan (Juiniuc, and in tin: river bottoms et the West lias largely superceded that long considered specilU- for Chills and Fever, and the various forms el Malaii.u Its tendency te direct action upon the Kid neys renders its use peculiarly beneficial in nil Di.-eaes of this nature. It prevents the formation or (Snivel, and where formed will dissolve and remove it. The aged and feeble. will llnd it most comlerling and strengthen ing, it remedies the frequent necessity for getting up at night and' will ensure sound sleep. PROMPT, CURTAIN AND POWERFUL In its ell'ects ; it is se mild and gentle in its operations that it may be given with absolute barcty te tin; youngest child. LAIMKS, old and young, married and single, in every walk and condition el lite will find ils occasional use highly benellcial. The weary aches, the pains In the back and shoulders, the sinking, all gene feelings, nausea and headaches, will be avoided and the pallid cheeks et the weak and debilitated will rival Hie reseainl peach in the brighlne-s and delicacy et their bloom. In a word it. is NATURE'S OWN ASSISTANT,, SOLD ONLY IN BOTTLKS Enclosed inn yellow wrapper. See that the cork is covered by ft ! cent proprietary stamp from our wn piirafc date. bearing a finely engraved portrait of Dr. B. Mishlcr It in sold by all Druggist and Storekeepers. Try it. SOLE PROPRIETORS, LA.XCA.STKB, 1M. A WORD TO MOTHERS. It your child has worms, yen will llnd PROP. PARKER'S PLEASANT AVUlUl SYKU1', the Safest, Speediest and Surest Kcmedy. IT DESTROYS AN1 REMOVKS THEM WITHOUT FAIL. Xe Caster Oil, Magmsla or any ether alter physic is re quited. It is se pleasant that even the youngest child will take It readily. Ask for Prof. Parker's Pleasant Werm Syrup anil Take Ne Other. Sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers. Price 25 cents per Unfile. SLanrastri' I-ntflh'scnrrr, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 28, 1881. The Peiiiisylvauia Editors. Their Annual .Excursion te Leng Branch. The state association of Pennsylvania editors has been vastly improved in the tone as well as the number of its member ship within the past few years ; and it new bids fair te amply realize the original pur pose of its founders and the present aitn of its organization, viz : te cultivate the amenities, te pie.scrve the dignity, te ex tend the intluciice, and te enhance the le gitimate profits of the" profession. It has come te extend ever the whole state, te take in every class of journalists, te embrace the representative men of the profession, made such by cxpcricnce and distinction, and ifcis directed unsellishly te the puipescs indicated. The an nual excursion of its members is no longer the object of the association se much as it is a means of rt alizing by the power of association and the exercise of the social principle the higher objects of the organ ization. Te the encrgv. the capacity and the tact of its secretary, Mr. Itebt. S. Meuamin, it ewes its preservation through years of varying fei tunes, as well as its present .strung! h and character, se auspi cious of future usefulness te the profession and of profit te its members. Albeit, the editorial association has taken en a higher tone and greater dignily,-the annual excursion of the present year the largest in its history lacked nothing of perfect enjoyment te its participants nor of unstinted hospitality en the part of these who aided in their entertainment. Frem the gathexing of the excursionists in Philadelphia en Monday evening of last week te their dis peiMen in the saine city en Friday, the management and experience were voted a success " by a large majority," if net wiih entire unanimity. This was due in pait te Mr. Menamiu's indefatigable at tenlieu te thu details, in part te thu execu tive committee's geed selection of time, place and route, in part te the geed humor and geed fceiing of the excursionists, and in part te the attention of the railway elli ciais and hotel management te whom tlie safety and eons fort of the travelers were entrusted. A special train, with new coaches, and r.ire " accommodations" in the baggage car, and thcextra precautions against accidents in the person and coin cein panj en the train of passenger agents and ether eiHeials, left, nothing undone or un un peovided in the way of transportation ever te Leng Branch and back. The lead is geed and fast, and when you strike Sea iJSrl yen get a whiff of the salt breeze and it. ncvei leaves you until you land at li-mg Bianch and net tlicn of course. The time chosen for the excursion was opportune ; for though it was unseasonably cool for bathing and " the season " se back waul as te have checked the throng of guests and visitors te the seaside, it found die Ocean Heuse fresh and clean and garnished in every corner ; proprietor. clerks and waiters, prompt, attentive and courteous ; and the very lack of ether visit ors guaranteed unusually spacious and well-located rooms. The committee ei arrangements were equally felicitous in tlie choice of place. Ne point en the sea coast furnishes the same variety of attrac attrac tiens as Leng Branch. It is there that "the New Jersey upland runs te the beach and the salt water splashes in the corn row."' llcnce that richness of vegetation, the fertile farms and fields, the beautiful lawns anil ilericultute, which have had much te de with making this spot the re sort of the wealthy and tasteful. There arc no such lawns anywhere en the sea coast. Newport is tee high for them and anywhere below Elbcren or Deal it is tee sandy. These ate net " cottages," but homes, that are set upon them, and when people spend $20,000 en a piece of ground and build a $00,000 house en it, as Com Com eodore Garrison is doing here, they ex pect te live en it. And then the steamboat runs te New Yerk every few hours and for 00 cents you can have that beautiful ride, up between beaches along which is stretched a con tinuous city en cither side. Over here Leng Branch extends into Seabright and that te Monmouth and then Upper Mon mouth and Navesink and Sandy Heek you hardly knew where ene leaves off and tlie ether begins. Over there are Leng Beach, and Iieckaway and Ceney Island, with Brighten and Manhattan and all the while you are getting into that beautiful harbor, with its wonderful shipping and lighthouses and buoys and Jersey City and New Yerk and Brooklyn, and the weeded heights and long stretches of green shore, and the bristling spires and towers and bridges and grain elevators and the factories and smoke and things of beauty and use and of civilization and energy and trade t hey crowd upon you like one of Walt Whitman's poems, be wildciingeyc and ear, challenging all the senses and awakening enthusiasm. Mount the elevated railway and let it take you anywhere. Away up through the busy streets, out into Shantytown where squat ters, thousands of them, have set their houses, patched up with drift limbers, en rocks that leek as if they might be Ne-man's-land, and the little gardens are net in between these rocks like cups, stretch ing out into miles of lettuce and cabbage and beet fields. And as you come back and sec the obelisk ris ing ever yonder above the shade and beauty and fragrance of the Central Park, you get off the train, walkover and inspect it, and hereafter read with better .sense about the red monolith and its big base and the hieroglyphics and the brass crabs under it, and all that. Or if you haven't seen enough of antiquity step into the museum, and leek at the Ccsuela collec tion of thousands of objects of ancient art and see what sculptured stone coffins these old Cyprians buried themselves in, and their shapely vases and statues ami busts. Then alter you have emerged again from the shadow el" the pyramids or from under the walls of Trey and gene out again into nineteenth century civilization in among the newspapsr offices and Wall street and the stock exchange, you can stand in Castle Garden, at the gate of the New World, as it weie, and sec the Old 1 euring through her Heed of emigration. What the Pennsylvania editors ought te de is te have a winter excursion of a few days in New Yei k ci t They would learn a great deal, and be able te tell what they knew a great deal better. And then they wcre opperluno in the time of their visitation te Leng Branch, because Grant was there, and Garfield, and the cabinet, or the better part of it, and Childs ami Tem Murphy and Jehn Rr.s;cll Yeung.and ether people of greater worth maybe, but less note, all of whom might have been and probably were there en less mciitorieus business than te see the Pennsylvania editors, their wives, daughters and sweethearts ; alas ! tee, their sisters, aunts -and cousins, for the fatal, eclipse-built and curse-rigged "Pinafore" cruises even en the Jersey coast. ' They listened te Smith's address, be lieved it half, applauded and admired it all, and wished they could afford te be as geed ; thev henncd in the hen that the Lclands provided for them, and the wick- cdest of them in the presence of the ladies took his sangarec and water-ice as cheer fully as he tossed off his brandy and seltzer or matutinal cocktail long after the ladies had retired or long before they were up. Andy Spangler fished of course, and if he didn't catch all he brought in, everybody who went with him get tee sea sick te gainsay lfis report. They rolled ten pins and plavcu peel net for the drinks, for Legislator Cooper, who helped te pass the anti-peel law was with the party. Amfafter the banquet and while the" wit was net yet chased out by the wine, they passed resolutions thanking the railroads and the Lelauds and Deb Mena min with real hearty geed will, and when they went home wiser, they wcre net sad der men and next year they will go back te Leng Branch unless somebody can con clusively demonstrate a bdtter place. n. Liumcau Society. A slated meeting of the society was held en Satutday, Vice President T. 'li. il.ikcr and Secretary M. L. Davis in the chairs. The following donations were made te the museum and library : .Museum. Mr. C. Iiiliku, greijjr, of North Qiievn street, donated 1-i specimens of foreign and domestic weeds, in finished blocks;, some of which are rare, and all are inter esting. Madagascar box weed, Peruvian bark weed, Norway pine, Belgian ash, East Indian palm, Brazilian sour gum, Flerida deg weed, Seuth Carolina palmet te, White cedar lrem 311. Lebanon, Pales tine, Japan oak, Java red rose, Central American mahogany and two specimens unnamed, which appear te be Ebony and Lirnum vita;. Mr. .1. J. Jfissley. through 3Ir. .1, li. llefl'er, of Mount, Jey, donated several larva!, and one of the earth cells of the "seventeen-year cicada,", the history of which lias been published in the !.vn:i,r.i- gkntki:. 1 he specimens evident ly belong te a future breed, and doubtless te that of 188". They are smaller than the usual fully developed iusee and are all still in the larva state. Mrs. Zell and ethers, exhibited some very fine and singular (lowers and plants. The reporter of the proceedings notes, that if these who have any donations or exhibitions te make would make a sheit descriptive record of them, as well as giv ing their names and locality, it would be a great aid iu making au intelligent and satisfacteiy report of them. Otherwise it must impose additional ciitieal labor en these who may have the. least time and ability te de it justice. Mr. Gee. O. ' Heuse!, Ileri.st, of East Orange street, donated a luunhjr of the Larriv the I'upir, tfw.Iiiiiiye and the cocoons of the Chinese and Japanese common silk worm (lienhgt uteri). Me. II., during the present season, lias successfully reared a breed of these interesting insects, in an improvised coceonery en the second story of his residence. Out of 11,000 eggs he raised 10,000 worms, which spun I lie same number of cocoons. With the exception of about twenty individuals of the Jap.in Jap.in ese variety, all had spun cocoons . prier te the 21th hist. These cocoons, among the Chinese variety, are variously colored, from a pure white, through sulphur, te pal.i erange, and differ iu form and size. The greatest uniformity iu color, size and shape is among the Japanese variety. Among the mass arc quite a number of doublets, triplets, quadiuplets, quintuplets ifcc. Seme theorists had alleged that the male cocoon is mere oblong than that of the female, that it is depressed in the centre (like a double kernelcd peanut) ; but 3Ir. II., has practically demonstrated that this theory is very defective. lie separated and set aside twenty cocoons, and tjiey developed cbjhleen females and we males. Mr. H., fed his worms en the Italian mulberry, and for fifty days during the last "age," they devoured fifty pounds of leaves a day. Mr. H. also donated a specimen of the " seventeen year cic.ide," which evolved en his premises the first week in June. He heard them frequently during the month, but only succeeded in taking one specimen. He thinks he must have de stroyed the. larger portion of the breed in digging the foundation of his green house last autumn. Fer a brief history of this abnormal breed in this locality, the reader is referred te a paper lead before the " Lancaster Microscepical society " in April last, and published iu the April number of the Lancaster 7'rfrpp. 51 ."ill, by S. S. li. Addition! te Library. Proceedings of the American Philosoph ical society from January te June, IS.yi, containing, among ether tilings, a memoir of the late Prof. Haldeman. Ne. 21,21, 2:5, 21, Vel. !), of the Ofc-id Putrid Office luizetle. An octave pamphlet centaiug the in augural address of lien. W. G. Kich, president of the Historical society et" New Mexico; also containing the charter, con stitution and by-laws, with tlie compli ments of the society, through David J. Milier, corresponding secretary. Fifty Years Freedom iu Belgium, etc.. from the bureau of education, department of the interior. Tlie Lancaster Farmer for June, 1 SS I . Twe large catalogues of foreign and American scientific and historical publi cations. Sundry circulars and book notices. iitHteiical. Three envelopes containing forty his his teiical and biographical selections, S. S. I J. New Ittislm'fls. Bill ( amounting te $9.e( weie reported by the irea.iuici and libraiian, which, en motion, were ordered te be paid. Win. L. Gill, a former withdrawn mem ber, was proposed for membership under the new rule adopted at the last April meeting, and will lie balloted for at the July meeting. Dr. M. L. Davis submitted the follow fellow follew ing: Resolved, That a standing committee lie appointed, consisting of three members, whose duty it shall be te device means te raise funds te place the society upon an in dependent basis. Jiesehed, That this committee shall re port, from time te time, any and all plans and suggestions that may be entertained or adopted for the approval of the members of the society. Laid ever te the July meeting for further action. The meeting was small but interesting, and after the usual " Science Gossip," ad journed te Saturday, the SOMi of July. The Oldest Heard i'riim. The eldest man in the world is believed te have been discovered in New Grenada. At a recent meeting of physicians in Bogota Dr. Hcrniandcs described a visit he paid te a man named Miguel Solis, a half-breed farmer living iu the feet hills of Siena Mesilla, and who is represented as being tine hundred and eighty years old. The old man's neighbeiH arc of the opin ion that he is even elder, gray headed men saying that they remembered .Miguel as a reputed centenarian when ihcy wcre boys. The old man is hale and hearty, and as cribes his long life te the fact that lie never was drunk and never ever-fed. He cats but one meai a day, and fasts en the first and middle day of each month, eating neiuiug, out. iiriiiKiug an uiu water nc can swallow The Mexican Mishap.. Frls tit ul Kailread Accident Near MalpaU. The follewinir additional facts' m-a Hearncd touching the accident en the Jioreies railway. A temporary bridge ever a chasm near Malpais, en the recently opened Mercles railroad, was washed away, and a train carrying the Third bat talion of infantry plunged down the abyss. Fer some time past the district where it occurred has been swept by fierce storms. swelliug the creek into torrents, aud lav ing waste many fertile fields. The bridgeJ spanning tee river at tue point mentioned, although known te be unsafe, was still in use when the fated Iraiu bearing a battalion of soldiers attempted its passage. The result was a crash as the undermined supports gave way, and the engine and cars were hurled headlong down the chasm. Scarcely had the magnitude of the disas ter become apparent when a new horror was added. In the freight vans compris ing a portion of the train was a consign ment of alcohol. This took fire, aud the consequent explosion contributed much te the less el lire. The few who escaped un injured at once applied themselves te the rescue of their unfortunate comrades, but it was some hours before the exact extent of the disaster became apparent. It is new known that 17 officers "and 197 pii vates were eithei killed outright by the fall or roasted te death, while fifty ethers sustained hurts of mere or less serious character. The train was entirely con sumed. When news of the appalling ca lumny reaction .Mexico the excitement was unbounded, and crowds thronged all the news centres, anxiously awaiting partic ulars. Never iu the history of the repub. lie has se frightful a casualty been chron icled, and its occurrence it is feared will still further prejudice the popular mind against railway enterprises. However, Les Gringees, as the natives term all out side barbarians, can come in for no share of the blame iu this connection. The latest accounts rejiert that the list docs net include railroad officials and em ployees, or the women and children of the, soldiers, many of whom were en the train. Only about sixty persons in all wcre saved alive, and of these forty are mere or icss injured. ihe Moieles railroad, en which this ter rible disaster the first of the kind of se rious impettanee in Mexico occurred, runs from the city of Mexico in a south westerly direction into the state of Morc Merc Merc eos, of which Cucrnavaca, the favorite home of Certez, is the capital. Cuautla Ainilpas,ne.ir which the accident occurred, was the scene of two of the most famous battles fought with the Spaniards during the Mexican war of independence by the celebrated Cur.i Morelos, whose name is home by the slate. The state is small in area, but very rich in resources. Nil Ilcxpcranilum. When your girl give-, you the mitten, and you feel your heart is broke. Don't gi way In black despair, but treat Has a joke (Ji'I j our health in fii-.-.t-c!:tss order, a bottle el Spring ille.sMjiii buy. And gaily join a singing clai, and loranethcr .sweetheart try. I'riee :.() cents. "Fer sale at II. IS. Cochran's Drugstore, i:;7 North Oiieisii street, Lancaster. J'emler en Tliese Truth". Torpid kidneys, ami constipated bowels, are the vivat cause of chronic diseases. Kidney-Wert lias cured thousands. Try It and you will add one mere te their number. Ihtliitual rn-divcucs alllicti' millions of the Auieiicaii people. Kidney-Wert will cure it Kidney-Wert h:w i-mud kindey complaints et thirty years standing. Try it. Exchange. jn'JT-Iwd&w .Jeseph Durriiilurger, llreadway, llull'ale. was induced by his brother te try Themas' Fi'leellic Oil, wliich cured him at mice. This tannins spceiiie is a positive remedy for bodily pain. Fer sain ut If. 15. Cochran' !rug Stere, i:7 N'eiih (Jueeii Mrcet, Lancaster. Kidney Complaint Cured. I!. Turner, Kechc-dcr. X. V., write? : " I have been ler ever a year subject toscrleus disorder t the kidneys, and etten unable te business; 1 piet'iiied your liurdeck Kloed Hitters ami was relieved belere hall a bottle was Used. I intend te continue, as 1 feel confident that they will entirely cuie me." l'riee l. Fer sab: at II. II. Cochran's Drug Stere, 157 Xnrth (jut en .street, Lancaster. VAVilllUAJiUlXV.li, Ac. Wall i:vi:i:,&v. - huvcepf.ic! some New 1'attern.sel WALLPAPERS Ili-gant Styles in all (irades et CeimIs. Item na.ns and lldilsand IJuds that have aeeiimit. laled dm inn the pa-t Spring will be sold nut low te mul.c room ler ether stock. Among t hem ale mc very eheiee goods. in .si:, and seven feet lengths. Plain Clelh by the yard in all colors ami widths. Spring ami Cord Fi x tii res, Scotch and American Hollands Measures taken and shades hung promptly. ' EXTENSION CORNICES In huge Variety. Lbeuy and Walnut Curtain role. Orders tak n ler Fine Mirrors. H also make WIKE SCREENS FOlf WINDOWS. put up in very best manner, Figured, Plain and Landscape. PHARES W. FRY, NO. r,, XOKT1I fJUCKX ST. rea s.ti.i;. 1CMI CIIANUL. a dksii:ai;m-: coal axd lfmiiki: vai:d tUli SALK. Tile undersigned eilers at private bah; a properly consisting et sevun lets et ground in the tow li et Sipriugvillc, Lancaster county, at the slalien en the I'uniisylvutilu Kailread, about one mile west of Mount Jey and near the l.uiieuidcr & llarrisbr.rg turnpike. Tin: improvements are a two-storied Frame I louse 21x21 feet, useilasaUallroadStatienaiidTicket Ollice, a Frame Warehouse 21x28 leet, and Ceal and Lumber Yard, with about -10 feet et Caal Shedding, New Fairbank'.s Settles of 8 ten capacity; w Fectet Kailread Siding. Trestle work ler dumplnir coal, with space ler exten sion of same. Kuildlngs mostly ne wand every thing in "nod order. Location ilc:isant. in a thieklv settled agricultural neighborhood and 1 a fast improving Inwji, with no rival business in the ten n. lias au established coal trade, and capacity and advantages te de a geed shipping business and increased passenger t ravel. 1'riee $!.i 00 tin reasonable terms. Fer further information address JOS. II. UABKCKKi:. Spring Garden 1 O., i-ee Imtl Lancaster County, l'a. CSIUfA. AJflf OZABtWAMM. -l-y:COKATKI WAKE AT CHINA HALL; llavihmd Decorated China. Fruit Saucers, KenySels, Compertiers, Tetc-u-Tete Sets, I'i nil 1'lates, I'ilchcrs, Citspuderrs, &c. WEDGEW00D MAJOLICA. Majolica Uerrv Sts, Fruit Saucers, Bread Travs. Trays, Tea Sets, I'ltchew. Butters. Ac. Latest shapes and Styfta. Call and set: lliem at HIGH & MARTIN'S, 15 EAST K1H STRKKT. Fancy CLOTSII.Xa. riLOTHIXG, iC. Xew- we have hit upon the plan te get rid of our ODD SUITS, ODD COATS, ODD PANTS. H'c have marked them down te very low llgures ami put en what we term A Bargain Ceiter. Everybody can find uue ter some of these goods at the price they are marked. We also closed out a let of about IiXf SUITS OK DIFKKUKNT 1WT TKUX3. from enu of the largi-Mt and best Clothing Miinutitetureist in the Fast, aud the prices that we are selling theut ler is about what they eii-it te manufacture. k ONE-PRICE HOUSE, 36-38 "EAST KING STREET, LA.NCASTKK, 1. 1'leaseask toeetlie IIAKCAIX COUNTKlt. SILOTIIINU, AC AL. ONE P1UCE CLOTHIEE MMCHMT TAILOR My stock of Linens and Alpaca Uoeris is the most complete ever be fore exhibited" in any establishment in this city. My UIue Striped Marseilles Vest, which I sell for $1, is very stylish and is almost exclusively worn this sum mer. My White Marseilles Vests for Tie., flOc, $1 and $1.25 are much cheater than they can be purchased for else where. My White Duck Vests for 1.25, Sl.eO, $1.75, $2 and $2.50, arc marvels of beauty. My Ileversible Vest is white en ene side and blue striped en the ether, very stylish, high cut and extra long ; really two vests in oile. My Black Alpaca coats are made in the latest style, shu.it roll and fashion ably cut-away. Have them from $1 up. UIue Creele Suits for $:J.50 coat, pants and vest they are very comfort cemfort comfert ablo and cut in the latest style. ll(ie Striped and Check Summer coats I sell for -15c. If you have never before seen the Ulsleretle Duster. Call aud see it, as this is the only place it can be seen. Fine Gents' F.iiriiishiiig Goods. I positively sell 25 per cent less than any ether heuse in this city. I liave ever 25 dilTereut stlcs of Gauze Underwear. Hundreds of dif ferent styles of Nick Ties. Hosiery of every description. The Finest ONE DOLLAR White' Shirt in the city ; purchase one for a trial. Doing business en the strictly ene price basis my goods arc marked at the lowest 'prices they possibly can be sold for ; therefore every article is marked in plain figures. Call and be convinced that this establishment has the handsomest assortment of Men's, Hey's and Children's Clothing in this city. AL. R0SENSTEIN 37 N. Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. HVMNITUKK. LH'ttCIAI. NMTICK I OKTIlKSHASONt Xou can have fu i:x itu iu: KKI'AIKF.D XISIIED ! AXD KF-VAU- CI1AIKS KK-CAXKD. UE-l'AINTED AND VAKX131IED-! OLD MATTHESSES MADE OVKK LIKE XEW J OLD FI1AMKS KE-GILDED AT MODKKATE I'KICES ! ALL KINDS OF FUUX1TUKK UECOVKKED AXDITI'IIOLSTKKKD IN FIKsT- CLAS3 maxxei:: Walter A. llemitsk's Furniture and Picture Frame Reems, a KAST K!N KTRKKT. mHiui-i T;r Cblii.i Hall. BMTEffl i d VJ