LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1881. Lancaster intelligencer. SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 25, 1881. OlMLRVATIOHSOFREV. GABCTCCKEB Yeu may notch it tin de palln's as a mighty res ky plan Te make your Judgment by dc cle'cs dat kiver up a man ; Fer I hardly needs te tell you hew youelten come ercress A fltty dollar saddle en a twenty dollar horse. An', wukin' In dc low-greun's, you dlslnrer as you de, Dat de tines' shuck may hide de xecanea' nub bin in a row : I think a man 1km get a mighty slender chance for Jleben Dat holds en te his piety but one day out ob seven ; Dat talks about de sinners wld a heap e' sol emn chat An' nebber draps a nickel In de nil&slenary hat: Dai's foremost In dc mcetln'-heusc for raisin' nil de chimes. Kut lays as dc his "Hgien vid his Sunday pant aloons ! I nebber judge e' people dat I meets along de way l!y dc places whar dey come turn an' dc houses wbar dey stay ; Fer ile bantam chicken's awiul fend e' roestln' pretty high. An' tic turkey buzzard sails above dc eagle in dc sky ; Dey ketches little mlnncrs In the middle eldc sea. An' you find de smallcs' 'possum up dc blggcs' kind e' tree! J. A. Masen, in Hcribncr for .Tihj. m Mistake in Cultivating aud Handling To bacco. A tobacco grower, writing from Red Oak, ISrewn ceuuty (the Ohie White Bar ley distiiet) says : As we are apiireacliinj; auetlier season in which the farmers arc making an clTeit te produce an increased acreage of tobacco in this ceuuty, having had several years experience iu cultivat ing and handling the weed by your per mission, I will offer a few suggestions, as te the mistakes that a great many farmers make, iu cultivating and handling same. There has been se much said and written en tobacco culture, and each one has a theory of his own differing from every one else, I shall only touch two or three points which I consider te bs the most im portant. 1. We cultivate tee many acres. In to bacco, as iu ether crops, we should learn hew te make it pay best with the least amount of labor and destruction of soil. AVe plant double the number of acres the labor is capable of producing, the result is that a great portion of the crop is next te worthless. As the supply and demand fixes the price te a great extent, it is very impeilaut te produce an article te meet the demand, and a geed article always finds a ready market. New hew are we te get a geed article of tobacco is the important question. Suppose instead of eight acres, we plant four acres of the best section then we have the advantage of the soil te sta.-t with ; next put most of the labor in tended for eight acres en the four, te work neatly aud thoroughly, be en tiineatid you will iii id plenty of time te brcathe freely once in a while, aud net .always in a fret, and by times completely swamped. 2. We mistake in topping tee high : four out of five top from three te live leaves tee high. Lew topping produces larger leaves, mere body and firmness, mere weight and takes less labor, and ripens earlier, thereby escaping frost. u. The larger portion of our farmers cut and house their tobacco before it is thor oughly matured ; tobacco should stand six or .seven weeks after teppiug, unless injured by spots. A great many suppose that by housing early they get rid of a large amount of labor in worming and suckeiing, forgetting that suckers come but twice en one leaf, aud ripe tobacco is never injured by worms if kept clean while green. Tobacco cut green is chaffy and light lacks substance, richness, aud llaver, although it is often smoth ered iu. Iu topping, there can be no positive nile, as soil, condition, growth and weather have something te de with it. Wcaic tee apt te think it a great waste te takeout considerable portion of top. Uy closely following the above sug gestions, I think it possible te make as much money fieni one acre as is some times piixhiced from three, and that's wh:n we are after at least wc cau have a crop that wc will be ashamed of when the shippeis come round te inspect it and the yellow leg chickens. Te sum up plant less, cultivate thoroughly, top low, let it get tipe, don't crowd in the barn, take pains, and you will in the end be amply paid for your trouble. m Ik f.'ulture a Sham? X. Y. Herald. A great many people whose manners are irreproachable and whose lives arc correct have had frequent occasion te feel as a prominent picachcr did last Sunday when he said that culture at times seemed a sham. Few words have lest their origi nal meaning as completely as this word 'culture" has done in late years. Once it signified, acceiding te the dictionary, "en lightenment ami discipline acquired by mental training,"' but new it means merely a sniatti'iing of things of no vital conse quence te any one. Modern culture claims that it iclines men aud women. If it can prove that it docs this it should be held in high esteem ; but experience proves that ninety-nine enc-hundredths of what passes for refinement is the thinnest sort of pol ish a incre gloss that cau be applied at short notice te any coarse, rough or rotten material without any effect whatever upon texture. Culture is genuine only se far as something is cultivated. A man whose manner te his intimates is courteous and te ethers rude is net a cultured man ; he is merely a beer who is smart enough te counterfeit true courtesy. Iu the best of men culture is only partial ; in one the elTei t is confined te manners ; iu another te the affections ; some devete most atten tion te their intellect, and a few men specially cultivate their moral sentiments. Any one of these has as geed a right as any ether te be considered cultured. A care ful training of taste results in culture of taste aud nothing else, for correct .taste is quite as often found in discourteous, dis honest, selfish and immoral persons as iu any ethers. All "the dress, upholstery, music, pictures, bric-a-brac aud blue- china in the world caunet impart culture te any qualities but these that are attracted by these things aud the literary sugar plums that pretend te be the whole of literature are equally ineffective eutside of their own particular lines. The sooner the present generation realizes this the sooner a most disagreeable class of hypocrites will pass away. Culture, te be thorough, must begin at the bottom, and the foundation of all human improvement is personal character. LANCASTER HOUSEHOLD MARKET. z DAIBT. Butter jp ft............ ......... Cup cheese, 2 cups.. ........... Cottage cheese, 2 pieces. Dutch cheese V lump FRUITS. Apples fl Vi pk Bananas fl dez Cherries, dried, f? qt Cherries f? e.t. . ... Currants, dried, ) lb Currants, green, f) qt Cranberries ft qt Dried Apples $1 qt " Peaches $qt Lemens V dez Oranges 1 dez Vine Apples Strawberries & box Raspberries Beets bunch. , Cucumbers H dez Cabbage V head Carrots ft bunch Green Bean?, fl y peck ..lGgaec ...310c , 60c ..40g60c ...l-C ..I.538C ... .eSGc IOC ....68C ..1012e . .103200 ..3040500 ..1201GC ..1215c ..I2j$15c . 0g25c ..5Q10c ..5(j)10c 10c Green Peas, ?3 X peck Onions 9 H pk... yex Onions ? J pk 4 3 bunch .-..... Potatoes (newj KPCct ' (old) ?? bus " (Sweet) tP-'ck Radishes 1 bunch Ripe Tomatoes i? box Rhubarb yt bunch Soup Beans $1 qt Salsify f bunch dQ U5I1L3 rOULTHT. Chickens '?. pair (live) " t a (cleaned) . MISCELLANEOUS. Apple Butter qt Cocoanuts each XtggS tP UOZ.... Heney ) & ....... ..... soap f ft....... ............... ........ Sauer kraut ) ct MEATS. Beet Steak, ft lb " Keast (rib) 9 " " (chuck) ft d Corned, fi ft.................... " Dried, ft A.... Bologna dried IlamV P .flliill p JO.. ........................... Lard 7f d......................... .... lCc ...25c '.'.'."'.iO: .C ..1520c ,.90c$1 3K5 5c lvC lc ...5010c ..40gC0 .12gl3c ..0'J . icisc 20S25C ...5Sc ..812c .12lCc ..asiec .lei?i2e .lOfflliC .2 35c ,.. . .jvC ,.13??18c ..15625C ll! Mutteny fi .. Ferkipi Pudding f fi. Sausage l fi ,.101CC ...910c ,..8310c ,.ieai2c 7I3H. Blue Fish ' tt. Catnsnf s Clams fl 110 AClS "p & XXfUKlOC&a Halibuts R JXtlllClS ' Perch Pergics 1 t ...- lteck. OUIt ' OllClfcCfS a ! White Fish 1 lb SlltxUf OIlCll ORAI". Hay Timet hy Q ten " Clever fl ten Cernel bus Oats f) bus Kye l bus Timethy Seeed ( bus Wheat 1ft bus 12Kc lc ."..":i i.2e ....lea'r-'e IOC !!Il"i2j!Cc I0e lrir- 10c ."..".".".lie .'."..'Bjjiec $3)0 ........ .lU (5c tee 854J1WP .l.25:(.0 1.10 Doctors ave Ilim Up. " Is it pdlsiblc that -Mr. Godfrey Js ui and at work, anil cured by se Minnie a remedy?" " I assure von it if true that he i entirely cured, and with nothing but Hep Bitters mid only ten days ay;e hii t lecters ave h'.m up and said he must flic I" "Well-a-nay!" It tliat is se, I will go this minute and get sonic ler uiy peer UeerRC. 1 knew hops are geed." jul3 2vfl&w A ltaptlst ailnlster's Kxpcricnce. I am n Baptist minister, and bclere I even thought of being a clergyman, 1 graduated in medicine, but lelt a lucrative practice for m v pi-fsent, 40 years age. I was ler many years a sufferer lrem quinsy ; "Tliemas' Kelectric Oil cured me." ! was also troubled-with hoarse ness, and Themas' Kelectric Oil always re lieved me. My wile and child had diphtheria, and " Themas' Eclectrlc Oil cured them," anil if taken in time it will cure seven times out of ten. lam cenlldent it Is a cure for the most obstinate cold or cough, ami it any one will take a small teaspoon and halt lill it with the Oil, and then place the endet the spoon in one nostril and draw the Oil out cl the t-pnen into the head by snifllng as hard as they can, mil II the Oil falls ever into the threat, and practice that twice a week, I don't care hew offensive their head maybe, it will clean it out and cure their catarrh. Fer deafness and earache it has done wonders te my certain knowledge. It is the only medicine dubbed patent medicine th'itl have ever telt like recommending, and I am very anxious te see it in eveiy place, ter 1 tell you that I would net be without it in my lieiiic ler any consideration. 1 am new gut tering wit ha pain like rheumatism ininyiiulit limb, ami nothing relieves me like Tliemas' Kelectric Oil. Dr. K. F. CltAXK, Cerry, Pa. Formic at II. B. Cochran's Drugstore, K!T North Queen street, Lancaster. Virtue AcKiiewIetigCfl. Mrs. IraMulhelland. Albany, X. Y., write. : "Fer several years 1 have suffered lrem oit eit reeurring bilious headaches. tl Miens.:., and complaints peculiar te my sex. .Since u-ing your Burdock Blend Bitters I am entirely re- iievcu." itk'C h. reri-niuui ii. ;. uecnmn s Drug Stere, 137 Xerlh Queen street, Lancaster. fJce. Meredith, Jersey City, wiites: "The Spring Blessem you sent :nc has. had the l(jip picst effect en my daughter; her headache and depression of spirits has vanisiied. She N again able te go te school, and i- as lively as a cricket. I shall certainly recommend it'te all my friends. Priee 50 cent-. Fer sale at 11. B. Cochran's Ding Stoic, 1:37 Xerlli Queen street, Lancaster. iticuaievs. CONOKKGATIONAL KAPTIST lSKKTII. rcn. Service iu Salem church, V.Vht Or ange street, at 1 p. m. Futsr kki-ekmkd-divim: skkviuk at 10 a. iu. and 74 p. m. Sund iy schoei at Wi a. in". MORAVIAN. .t. MAX HARK, I'ASTOK. At 10 a. in. Litany and preaching ; at 7i 1'- in., usual services. Wednesday evening lecture fin "Israel in Egypt."' All invited. Strangers welcome. ME. MISSIONS I.AST MISSION, KAST . King street. Preaching at 10J a. m. Sunday school at ! a. in. Weekly prayer meet ing en Tuesday evening at ji. OLIVET II.VP1IST CHURCH Y. M. C. A. Beem, Bev. M. Fraylie, pistol-. 10K a. in. and 7. p. m. Subject Peter's Fall and the Means et his Bivevcry." At 2 p. m., lii'st annier.sary meeting fii Sunday bchoei 1)RESKYTERIAN. 1'I.KACUIXOjN Till: morning by Bev. J. Abel Baldwin, of Bioeklyn, a leruier pastor et thcchm-f-ii; ami in tlie evening by Buv. . lames Francr, or Kn nelt Square. PRESBYTERIAN MEMORIAL UIIAPEL. Bev. .1. c. Hume, naster. Kvening service atTKl'.m. Sunday school at!) a. m. Prajer meeting eveiy Thursday evening. "POCKLANU SUM DAY SCHOOL (UNIIE- Jt nomiuatieual) meets in the Kncklaud street public school building, every Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Everybody welcome. ST. JAMKS-HOLY' COMMUNION AT 8 and morning service at J0J ti. in. Kvening Prayer at 0p. in At the evening service the seats are tree. ST. JOHN'S FREH CUURCII THE RKV. Win. Bryee Merrow. Mus., will preach in St. Jehn's (Free) church te-morrow morning and evening. ST. LUKE'S REFORMED MISSION, Marietta Avenue, near West Orange street; Bev. W. F. Lichliter, pastor. Sunday sehoe1 at 11 a. m. Morning service at 10i a. i"u., ser mon by Bev. J. B. Kershner, of Miltei-sburg, Pa. Kvening service at 7 p. in. QT. 1'AUL'S REFORMED. THK HOLY O Comniunieii will be celebrated at 10' a. m. Preaching at 71 p. m. l'rayer meeting at : p.m. Sunday school atil'tu m. ST. PAUL'S M.E., CHURCH, S. QUEEN ST. Preaching at 10Jf a. m. and at 1 p. in., by the pastor, Bev. A. 1. Cel lern. Morning subject The Fiery Cleudy Pillar." Kvening "That Yeung Brether." Sabbath school at'.i a. in. Prayer meeting en Wednesday evening. SECOND EVANGELICAL CHURCH (English), North Mulberry street, above Orange. Preaching at 10J4 a. in. and at 7 p. in., by Rev. A. E. Cobble, A. B. Sabbath fcchoel at 2 p. in. SALEM CUURCII OPUOD NO SERVICE. Sunday school at 1 p. in. West Mission, Derwart street Sunday school at 1 p. in. North Mission, Antioch. Sunday school at !) a. in. NION BETHEL CHURCH OF JOD. Preaching at lejsCu. m. and at 7i p.m. by the pastor, Bev. G. W. Seilhamer. Sundav school at U a. m. AtCreen street Mivien at2 o'clock p. in. WKST MISSION. Iti. E. CHAPEL Preaching at 10Ja. m. aud 7 p. in., by the pastor, Bct. Rebert A. Mcllwaln. Oieii-air meeting In front of the church at 7-p. in. M. C. A. BIBLE STUDY AT 9:1." a. m. Gospel service at 6:15 p. m. reu SALE. nOOD CHANCE. A DESIRABLE COAL AND LUMBER 1ABD FOB, SALE. The undersigned offers at private kale a property consisting et seven lets of ground in the town et Springville, Lancaster county, at the station en tne Pennsylvania Railroad, about one mile west of Mount Jey and near the .Lancaster & Harrisburg turnpike. The improvements are a two-storied Frame Heuse 21x2tfeet, a Railroad Station andTicket OflicS, a Frame Warehouse 24x28 leet, and Ceal and Lumber Yard, with about 2c0 feet fit Ceal Shedding, New Fairbanks Scales or s ten capacity; 300 Feet et Railroad Siding. Trestle work-for dumping coal, with spaca ler exten sion of same. Buildlngsmestlynewaiid every thing in geed order. Location pleasant, in a thickly settled agricultural neighborhood and a fast Improving town, with no rival business In the town. Has an established coal trade, and capacity and advantages te de a geed shipping business and Increased passenger travel. Price 9,U)0 en reasonable terms. Fer further Information address JOS. U. HABECKEK, Spring Garden P. O., 1c20-4md . Lancaster County, Pa. MEDICAL. READ THIS Lancaster. Pa.. April 23, 1SSI. The Kidxeyctha Mv'e Compact. Gents It gtves me much pleasure te say that after using one pack et K1DNEYCURA I have been entirely cured of a severe pain in my back and side, of long standing, and that, tee, after trying various known remedies. 1 have every confidence in your medicine, chccrfullv recommend it,andknewthatmany of my lrk-nds who liave used it have baen bcncllted. PETEB BAKER,. m2Clyd Foreman Examiner and Express. LOCKER'S Renowned Cough Syrup! A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Remedy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma. Influ enza, Soreness et the Threat and Chest, Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, Spit ting f Bleed, Inflammation of the Lungs, ant' all Diseases of the Chestand Air Passages.1 Tills" valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues f these articles which long experience lias proved te possess the most sate aud ellicicnt qualities for the care of all kinds of Lung Diseases. Price 23 cents. Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 9 KAST KINO STKKET. OlC-tf TJEAD THIS USJS OOUGH NO MORE! A CERTAIN. -SAKE AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR COUGHS, C0LD& SOKE THROAT, HOARSEN" ESS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUGH, PAIN IX THE SIDE OR BREAST, And all Diseases et the THROAT AND LUNGS. Fer the relief of Consumptives In all stages of the disease. Fer sale only at HULL'S DRUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, aug28-lydl LANCASTER. PA. r EYES! This morning a trio of patients, lrem Read ing, Philadelphia and Kdgcwned, Bucks county, each related their unfortunate exper iences miller the treatment et their eyes by the Oculists, Drs. Norris, Levis and Straw bridge, of Philadelphia, and their decided im provement under my practice. One of them came te me totally blind : the second nearly blind, and 'the third with almost constant neuralgia in and around the eyes, with im paired vision. A fourth patient, Miss Lizzie Brultaker.ef Litllz. said: "My dyspepsia and ether alUictiens et long standing lelt me in a short time alter going under your charge, and my glasses, worn since I was leurteen years el age, were laid aside as useless, and my vision is natural." Ne Oculist in this country or Europe can preducesuch results witheutthey discover my remedies and applications, or similar ones. Persons wearing Glasses for far and nearsightedness or ether diseases of this organ can usually have them removed Inside et two menthsand the vigor et their eyes re stored te its normal condition. Names of per sons cured et Astigmatism given upon appli cation, a diseased condition et the eyes that no oculist ever pretends te cure. Alse Cataract cured by absorption without using the knite. Semi for or call and get (free) lour pamphlets. One en cures of diseased eyes ; one en catarrh ; one en emnipathy, and the last containing n large number et names el pcrsetis cured et every variety of disease. May 4, issi. DR. O. A. GREENE, Ne. 140 EAST KIM J STREET, OtldM-WF&Sl Lancaster, Pa. I?" IDNEY WORT. THE ONLY MEDICINE IN EITHER LIQUID OR DRY FORM That Acts at the Same Time en The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys. WHY ARE WE SICK? l'ccausc tec allow these yrcal organs te be come clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors arc thereere forced into the bleed thai should be expelled naluridli. KIDNEY WORT WILL SURELY CURE HIDNKY DISEASES L1YKK COMPLAINTS, Files, Constipation, Urinary Diseases, Female Weakness anil Nervous Disorders, bif causing free action of these organs and re storing their power te threw off disease. Why suffer bilious p.iins and aches? Why tormented with Pile-", Constipation? Why Irightenedever disordered Kidneys? Why enduie nervous or sick headaches? Use KIDNEY WORT and rejoice in health. S It Is put up In Dry Vegetable Ferm, iu 9tiu cans, one package of which makes six "fiuarts of medicine. A3 Alse in Liquid Ferm.very Concentrated JSrter the convenience et these who cannot aa-readlly prepare it. 11 acts with equal 3" efficiency in cither form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, 1. WELLS, RICHARDSON ft CO., Prep's, Burlington, Yt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec 27 lyd&wl DR. SAIFORB'S LIVEE INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek sent free. Dr. SANPOBD, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Fer sale by all Druggists. ollS-lvced altcew CAllRIAtlES, &V. Carriages ! Carnages ! EDGEHLEY & CO.'S, PracticalCarrlage Bnilders, Market Street, Rear of Central Market Houses, Iincaster, Pa. Wc have en hand a Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which we offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranten. uive us a call," a"Renalrin r uremntlv attended te. One set of workmen especially employed for hat purpose - fniOtlilAw BUT GOODS. JEASONABLE GOODS. VATT, SH USD & GO. Are new showing an Immense Stock et New Styles in " Dress Ginghams & Lawns, I.ACE AND PLAIN BUNTINGS, SUMMER DRESS GOODS, SUMMER SILKS, VICTORIA LAWNS, INDIA LINENS, CAMBRICS AND PIQUES, Ladies', Gents' and Children's GAUZE UNDERWEAR a:it SUMMER HOSIERY, In all sizes and qualities at Lewest Prices. Regular Made Hosiery a Specialty. Just epcu- eti a liueicc Line ei PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES In Natural Stick, Hern and Walrus Handles. SCOTCH GINGHAM PARASOLS, PLAIN SILK PARASOLS, TWILLED SILK PARASOLS, RROCADE SILK PARASOLS. LACE TRIMMED PARASOLS. Parasols te suit everybody at the NEW YORK STORE, 8& IO KAST KINU STRKKT. 11,1 ETZGKR, HARD a IIAUGIilHAX AT THEIR NEW CHEAP STORE, JVu. ,r. WEST KING STREET, (ADLER'S umVstAND), Am: SELLING GREAT BARGAINS IN BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS at 50 Cts. at 60 Cts. at 75 Cts. at $1 00. at 81.25. at 81.50. at $1.75. at $2.00. New is the time te buy a BLACK SILK DRESS, NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. HOUSE EURX1SU1KO HOODS. lLINN & XV11AJ LLHON. Ill HOP FULL LINK KORSUMSIKR. GLASS FRUIT JARS, TIN CANS, JELLY TUMBLERS, RRASS PORCELAIN LINED AND AGATE PRESERVING KETTLES. WINDOW SCREENS. FLY THAI'S, PARSON'S REFRIGERATORS; WATER FILTERS, WATER COOLERS, FISHING TACKLE. BASEBALL SUPPLIES, ARCHERY GOODS, CROQUET SEST, BABY CARRIAGES, &c. The Finest and ChcapYst Line et r,c. ami 10c. GI.AS&WARE vver ettered in the cily. SOLE AGENTS FOR PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWER. FLMJi & WILL80N, Ne. 152 N0IITH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. I'AfEUUAXOmUS, Jte. TIT-ALL PAMIR, XC. Wc have opened some New Patterns el WALLPAPERS Elegant Stvlcs in all Grades of Goods. Kcrc mints and Odds and Ends that have accumu lated during the past Spring will be sold out. low te make room for ether stock. Ainenjf them arc some very choice goods. in six and seven feet lengths. Plain Cleth by the yard In all colors and widths. Spring ane Cord Fixtures, Scotch and American Hollands Measures taken and shades hung promptly. EXTENSION CORNICES In large variety. .Ebony and Walnut Curtain Poles. Orders taken for Flue Mirrors. W also make WIRE SCREENS FOR WINDOWS. put up Iii very best manner, Figured, Plalr and Landscape. PHARES W. FRY, NO. S? NORTH QUEEN ST. iter, Bare k fianpn s Fancy Winflew JEWELRY. I AAVdSlCIl WJVlVMtS. ED W. J. ZHM, Manufacturing Jeweler, - ZahmTs Cerner, Lancaster, Pa. WE INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR LARGE STOCK OF LANCASTER AND AMERICAN WATCHES, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CLOCKS; Solid Silver and Sllver-Plated Ware in Spoeus, Ferks, Knives, Casters, Jsc. Wc offer te our patrons advantages which are rarelv combined in one establishment, be cause we have a complete M ANUrACTURING DEPARTMENT in connection with our retail business ind are making a large part et the goods we sell. This enables us te be sure or qnal- J.iwU?AVlV15estlirlees':im,Blvi!3n,I,rstc,slS8 lacillties for WATCH WORK and GEN r.RAI. LKl AIRING EDW. J. ZAHM, Manufacturing Jeweler, - - - Zabms Cemer, Lancaster, Pa. marS4-3md&wR VLOTlWfO. c OTIIING ! Anyone having neglected or put off getting themselves a SPRING OR SUMMER SUIT will de well te call at CENTRE HALL, Ne. 12 EAST KING STREET. MYERS & The LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE OUTSIOE OP PHILADELPHIA. aie offering our Stock et Spring and Summer Goods At reduced prices, in order te make room for Mane aim you can ue suited ler a very small It you preler being measured und having stock te select lrem and auicci i rum una at mien prices as win no one need go about In a shabby suit these e need ire about in Jnst think of it, we can furnish you with COAT, PANTS ANP TEST te keep cool in, ler the the enormous amount ana a nig man ine. uau ami see anu ee suited eiieeii tuners, ana we can guarantee saiisiaciien in every particular. MYERS & RATHFON. CENTRE HALL, Ne. 12 EAST KING STREET, l'LVMltEH:S SUVl'LIES. TORN L. AICNOLD. J UN L. ARNOLD. PLUMBERS' SUPPLY HOUSE. -A Fl'LLLIXKOF- 11 ATI I TUI5S, RATH ROILERS, WATER CLOSETS, KITCHEN SINKS, WASH STANDS, GUM TURING, LEAD TRAPS, IRON HYDRANTS, IRON PAVE WASHES, GAS G LORES, IRON FITTINGS, WROUGHT IRON PIPE, CENTRE PIECHS, TIN PLATE, FRENCH RANGES FOR HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. JOHN L. AKNOLD, Nes. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER. PA. fnpr-2-Ud ASTM1VII ISICO'S ADVERTISEMENT STRIC'II r.KOS.' AIH"f.RTISK!)lKNT. LANCASTER BAZAAR, IS EAST KING STREET, Have opened this week a New and well se lected stock of HOSIERY, WHICH THEY ARE SELLING AT EX TREMELY LOW PRICES. Geed Fancy Hese ler ter 10c. a pair. Excellent Hec, liuishcd seams. 2 pair for 2,1c. Geed ((unlity llair-llned Regular Made 23c. Rest Pin-Striped Full Regular Made 35c. Full Regular Made, Embroidered Centre, 50c. Child's Plain Colored Hese, Silk Clocked, 17c Geed Hair-lined 10c. Imported Hese, t ancv Striped, 2 pair ler 23c. Ladles' Full Regular "Made llose. White and Embroidered. 20e. Great Geme Sewn i Hats. Elegant Hats and Bennets at 10c. Child's Geed Latest Style Hats at I'Jc. TRIMMED HATS IN GREAT VARIETY AT LOWEST PRICES. FANS, PARASOLS. ' LACES FROM 10c. APIECE UP. ASTRIOHBRO'S. OIT DRA WINGS. lOiHMONWKALTII MSTRIHUTION CO. 33d Popular Monthly L'rawmg eir THB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, in the City or Louis ville, en THURSDAY, JUNE 30th, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays, excepted) under previsions et an Act et the General Assembly of Kentucky, incorporat ing the Newport Printing and Newspaper Company, approved April 9, 1878. 49Thls Is a special net, aud nas never been repealed. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Company la legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. N. R. The Company has nevr en hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes ler the JUNE DRAWING. l iirizCa l'-Fwv 10 prizes fLOOOeach 10,000 20 prizes 500 each 10,000 100 prizes $100 each 10,euu 20tf prizes 50 each : 10,000 600 prizes 20 each 12,000 1000 prizes 10 each 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each, " 906 lfDuU T)TXZC9.aa aa a.aa aaaaa$1124i)v Whole tickets, 2; lialf tickets, $1 ; 27 tickets $50; 55 tickets, 9100. Remit Meney or J lank Draft in Letter, ei send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGIS TERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of$3 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our expense. Address all orders te R. M.ROARDMAN, Courier-Journal Ruihling. Louisville. Ky.. ei T. J. COMMKKFOKO, 3-39 Rreadwav. New Yerk. fuhl-TuTh&S&w JEWELERS. OOMKTHING NEW. MIRROR DIAL STEM-WINDLNO WATCH. AUGUSTUS RU0A1IS, Ne. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, 1 a. LIQUORS, JtC. FURK WINES N LIQUORS; ALSO Druggist's 93 per cent. Alcohol, at A. Z. KINGWALT'S Cheap Grocery and Liquor Stere, lcbl9-lvd Ne. 205 West King Street. ATNBITU MBR1CAN -WATCHES. clething: RATHFON. We our coming Fall Stock. If veu want a Ready- amount of money. a Suit made te order you can 11ml no better asienisn yen. lnocce tlie prices are se low mat days. of THREE DOLLARS. Yes for a man le near, ami save money, wc employ me let expert LANCASTER, I'ES.VA. STisAM COCKS. CHECK VALVES, ill DRANT COCKS, CURR STOPS, SOIL PIPE, LEAD PIPE. GAS COCKS, GAS FIXTURES. ROOFING SLATE. GLOVE VALVES, LEU AT. NOTICES. ISTATE OF JOHN McCAMSiON, LATfl All of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all erens In debted thereto are requested te make immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay ler settlement te the under signed, residing in Lancaster city. HENRY WOLF. Administrator. I). P. Resbnmiller. Att'y. aMJ-Ctdeaw I .1STAT. OP UKNItY F. IIUWAIaN. LATE 2i of Lancaster city. tlcceacd. Letters et administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted thereto are requested te make Immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in said city. E. F. ROWMAN. myiS-Owdenw Administrator. E ?STATK OF niATTIIIAS WIKAT, LATK et Lancaster citv. Lancaster county, de ceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the uiiderdgned.nll persons Indebted te said decedent are request ed te make immediate setllement, and tho-ie having claims or demands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, re-dding in Lancaster city. HENRY FRANK. Executer, 522 East Chestnut Street. K. F. Davis, Att'y. jell-Ctdeaw TASTATK OF MARY WARD, LATK OB J2j Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons Indebted te said decedent are requested te muke immedi ate settlement, and the-ic having claims or de mands aganst the estate of said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delaj , residing In Lancsster citv. ELIZABETH C. MARKS, cl7-Gtdeaw Administratrix. INSTATE OF KLIZAHETII II. NTOWl'.ttS It Harbergcr. lute of the cily el Lancaster deceased. Letters testamentary en said estalt Having been granted te the undersigned, one of the executers, all persons indebted thcrutc are requested te make Immediate payment und these having claims or demand against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, residing at 421 North Seventh street, iu the city of PTilladel phia. LOUIS IS. HARRERGER, JclH-utdeaw One et the Executers. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. riuiK ALBltECHT PIANOS Arc the Cheapest, because they are the Rest. L. R. 1IERR, Agent. . Ne. 3 East Orange Street, apr30-3md .Lancaster. Pa. s PKCIAL NOTfCK. ORGANS AND PIANOS can be purchased at, inu Lancaster Organ Manufactory lrem ten te twenty-flva per cent, cheaper dur ing the month et April than any ether time. As I have a larga usert!iieiit et all kinds et Musical Instruments en hand,purchasers will Hud it te their advantage niter examining ether instruments te call at tha wureroems, as they will then be abla te sc the sirjierlerity et the Lancaster Organ or Chlckerlng Piane. 1 have added steam power and am adding a set et new machinery et my own invention for making all parts of an organ, from leeds te th key beard, therefore saving time, expense and labor, ami wlU give my customers th beneiit of it by reducing the prices. Send for catalogues. All kinds et instruments tuned and repaired, at NO. 220 NORTH JUKN STREET. ALBX. McKILLIPS, mar2U-3wdA3 Proprietor A DELIGHTFUL AMUL-OWLING DRINK Meutserrat Lime Fruit Juice. It forms, diluted with flve or eight thnfc its bulk et water, or blended with Snlrits. Seda Water, Ac. a Most Wholesome, Delicious ana itcircsinng iscveragc. it may be sweet ened te suit the taste. In addition te bein py. most delightful and cooling drink, your ir Dhv. sician will recommend It for its madicinaf vfr tues : esneciallv Rheumatic Pains, Fer sale at Kclgart's Wlne Stere, Ne. 129 East King street. apna-WAStm n. js.slaijiaiveu, Agu (COPLAND'S KKSTAURANT. HAVING J engaged the services or a tirst-class Res taurant Cook, I am new prepared te serve articles In my line at short notice, such 09 Chicken Croquettes, Chicken Salad, Fried Oysters, Terrapin, and all delicacies found In season. Your patronage te respectfully solicited. JOHN COPLAND, Ne. 125 North Queen Street. P. S. Weddings and parties served at reasonable ratM. f-24M4Stfd e LD CLOTHES. King, ring, ring tile bell, Gentlemen have you any Old Clethes te sell. Sell the Old Clethes before they are moth holed, The highest cash price Is paid before they fade. The beauty is you can have astylish suit made in place et it. Address by Postal Card, and I will sail en you promptly. . WINER, Je24-lwd WCSt. Jeseph Street ; TKA rii'i-J.' a UlDJb iANCASTLK ANO ?;1LLERSVILLE K. j Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancaber p. r. Uepet), at 7, 9, an t lhje a. m., and , t, and S:3u p. m., eseeat ea batnnlay, when the last car leaves at 9Mp.m Leave Millersville (lower end) at 5, 8, and a. M., and 1,3, 5 and 7 p.m. Cars run dally en above Ume except en Sua day. ClOLUMltlA ANO PORT DEPOSIT K. K Trains new nm regularly en the Columbia aud Pert Deposit Railroad en the follewina time: Stations Ne ktm- WABD. Expre. A.M. Express. Accem T.M. r. u. Pert Deposit. Peachbottem Safe Harber. Columbia C:S5 7:12 7:55 3:33 4:-a 3:11 5:40 C5 3:18 5:21 6:3) Statiehs Seuth- Express. Express.) Accem WARD. A. V. r. 31. A. JC. Columbia. I1A 6ri 7:T r. v. Ar:tw Safe Harber. riOC 6:49 Leh40 Peachbottem 12:4:1 7:32 11.07 r.n. Pert Deposit 1:25 8:05 12r: K EAU1NU ft COLUMBIA R. R. ARRANGEMENT Ok' PASSENGER TRAINS SUNDAV, MAY 2!lrii, 1881). NORTHWARD. LIAVE. A.X. T.Tt. r.M. A.X. (Juarryville B:J0 .... 230 7:3.' Lancaster, King St 7:50 .... 3:40 9:l.r Lancaster 8:tX) 1:05 ZM 927 Columbia. 720 1:10 3:10 .... AK1UVK. Reading 10.05 3:20 5.50 .... SOUTHWARD. LSAVX. A.X. A.V. r.M. r.ti Reading 7:25 Tiw 6:10 ... arrive. r.v. Columbia 0:.'i.' 2:10 8:20 .... Lancaster. r. 9:27 2.10 8$S 5:30 Lancaster, KingSt l--7 .... HrJe 5:40 tjuarryville 10:S7 U-.2S7:10 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia. Pottsville. llarrisburir. AI- em P jntew lcntewn and New Yerk, via Round fcroek Retrte. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and llaltl llaltl merc. A. M. WILSON. Snpt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY MAY lCth, 1881, trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive und leave the Lan caster and Philadelphia depots as follews: Eastward. Leave Lanc'ter 25 a.m. 58 " 8.00 " 8:05 ' 8:15 9:10 " 1:10 " 1:2 r.H. 2rt ' a:U5 " 4:18 ' 1:35 " ri1 " SrJ5 Cincinnati Express.... If 13 1 alllCf a a a a a a .a a a Yerk Accem. Arrives:. Harrisbun: Express.... Dlllervllle Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederics Accem. Arrives. Pacific Express, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express, St. Leuis Dav Express ChlcuceDav Express Harrisburg AccommednUn, Mall Westward. Leave Philad'u Way Passenger, Mail Train Ne. I.via Mt Jey, Mull Train Ne.2,via t'nl'Ma. Niugara& Chicago Kprfss Sunday Mall, lit A St Iltja Frederick AcenmmcMlat Ien, Dlllervllle Loeal.viaMt.Jey Harrisburg Accouimedat'ii, Columbia Acconnuedation, Harrisburg Express Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Express, 12::ii 7JH .M. MM 8:01) 12:10 2iil) 1:00 5:.l .-J5 9:10 Huru Pacific Express, cast, en Sunday, wnen flag fed, will step at Middletown, Ellzaliethtewn, It. Jey, Lnndisvillc, Riril-in-Hanil, Leman Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coates ville, Oakland ami Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downingtewn.Coalesville, Parkes Parkes Parkes hurg,Mt.Joy,Eiizalcthtewn and Middletown. Hanovcrnccemmodation west, cennwetiug at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at lhwia. in., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2.-: r. v., and will run tureiigh te Frederick. CARPETS. nitKAT KARGAINS IN VAKrci, 1 claim te have th 1 Largest and Finest lock ei CARPETS In this City. Rrussels and Tapestry CARPETS Three-ply. Extra nper. Super, All Weel, Halt Weel and Part Weel Ingrains : from the best te the cheapest as low as Sflc. per yard. All the FINEST AND CHOICE 1'A TTEKXS that ever can be seen In this city. 1 also have a Large ami Fine Stock el 1113' own make Chain and Rag Carpets AS LOW AS :i3c. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO OROERatshert notice. Sutlslaclieu guaranteed. Ne trouble te show goods if you de net wish te purchase. I earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. "1Ai;pi-rr.s, Siv. NEW CARPETS 40,000 YARDS. New Designs, BeaHtihilij Celercd. 1 50 1 tm, (75i l 50 cents. 85 cents.! INGRAINS (Ml cents. OOcenN. 1 75 cents. 9I.0O. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CTS cents. $1.00. 85centK. $l.l.; (UOceuls. I.'.ii. WILTON ANO f MOtiUKTTES, GOOD VALUE OIL CLOTHS, .s. J AT I liIKUUKU.ll, LIGNUMS. ALL PRICES. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Street, al-lydeeil.t2twi PHILADELPHIA. RVUKS AND STATIONERY NK W AMD cmucr. STATIONERY, NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES, 1. M. FLTNN'S, Ne. 43 WKST KINU STRKKT. rpiIE MacKINNON FEN, Or FLUID PENCIL, the only Reservoir Pen in tne world witn a circle 01 iridium Around the Point. The most popular Pen made. as It has greater strength, greater Ink capacity, und U mere convenient for the pocket, than -any new In use. With one filling It will write lrem seventy te eighty pages of foolscap paper, does the work In a third timeless, ami with less tatlgue than uiienuaiuu writing 01 twenty pages Willi llie ordinary pen. The writing point being Iridium (called by geld pen makers Diamond), It will wear an ordinary lifetime. The manufacturers guarantee te keep even Pen in geed working enlcr ter three year, and It the point chews anv signs of wear in that time te repelnt free et charge. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE MacKINNON PEN IN LANCASTER, JOM BAEE'S SOWS, 15 and 17 NORTH QDEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. rilO INVENTORS! W. H. BABCOCK, Atlerney-at-Law, of Washington, D. C, form erly an examiner In U. S. Patent Office, offers his services as solicitor before the U. S. and Kereign Patent Offices. Careful work at fair J trices. Was associate ei Mr. Jacob Jincastcr, until the latter's death. ieft-Smdftw