LANCASTER BAlLYi INTELLIGENCER ERIDAY JCNE 24, 1881. COLUMBIA HEWS. OUR REGULAR CORKESPONuKNCi: Telephone wires were stretched yester day, and te-day WrightsTille was con nected te the telephone exchange of this place. The faces of the ice dealers leek long en account of this cool weather. Te-day a large private family picnic is being held at lleise's weeds. An excitement was created en Third street last evening by the presence of the striking machine man. Quite a number tried their muscle. The heaviest .striker was a man from the Henry Clay furnace, who struck 1430 pounds. The money made by the Chiqucsaluusa tribe I. O. 11. M., Ne. 3&, at their picnic a week age, is being used in remodeling and refurnishing their meeting 100m. They are trying te hive it furnished by the Fourth of July, when they will threw open their doers for the benefit of the public. Ycstei ilay in the afternoon and evening Officer Ktcih ai rested and committed te the lockup, four persons for drunken aud disorderly conduct in the streets. This morning they had a hcaiing befeie Sqnite Yeung. Twe were discharged and two sent te "Castle Weise" :i few day te "cool off." The sale of lumber, the particulars of which we repotted ycsteiday, was net gen erally a success. (July one section, section C, which extends from Peach Bettem te Pert Deposit, was sold. The purchaser was J. A. Davis & Sen, of Pert Deposit. The remainder of the lumber net bringing the price expected, the sale was discon tinued indefinitely. Seme very large timbci passed through here this morning. The most of it was se long that it took thice tiuck cars te carry it. While attending a picnic at Chickies Ueck yesterday afternoon, Mr. J. It. Henry, the Columbia reporter of the Lan caster Examiner, met with a very painful accident. He was going down the hill toward the station when he slipped and fell, spraining his light ankle sevciely. Mr. C. V. Slevcnviu left town te-day te de Ohie. He will lirt visit Jlelle Aiic, O. A canal beat containing coal came very near being sunk last evening. The colei ed men who were employed te unload it, dis obeyed the order of the captain of the beat, hence the accident. I hey were told hew te unload it, hut they tailerl te de se and instead took out fiem the forc ferc paitaud the stern, leaving the bulk in the ecu tie. The planks spiung and the water washed in, but the Mas s.tved fiem sinking by the timely auival of the captain who put the men te work pumphur. A Spaulsh Slave. A Spanish s! ive, about 0 years of age and colored, who was here this morning, tells the following story : " My master, who is a Spanish Den, ticated IiK slaves shamefully. I have been in his cm ploy for the p ist seventeen years, aud in that time 1 have luvcr known him te give me a kind weid or leek. It was always blows aud euises. At last I could stand it no longer, aud, as wc lived near the west coast of Cuba, I de lei mined te run away. One night I left my prison, as I called my home, and bearded a ship which I knew was going te New Yerk. I was net found out until it was tee late te put me asheie. I ai lived in New Yerk last Saturday and am hunt ing work. Iliad only one legiet in leav ing home, and that was because I could net take my wife aud chilih en along." The man appealed te be well educated and spoke SpatiNh llucntly, and as we de net understand much of that language, wc could only give part of the conversation. A Darin? Yeung Lady. A lecent issue of tha Crawfeid crunty, Ind., Democrat has an account of the ex ploring coinage and skill or MiisLctitia :. Gebhait, daughter of Mr. .J. F. Oeb- hart. Mipciiiitcndunt of the Iov Albany woellen and cotton mills. It will be 1 cad with special intaicst by many acquaint ances whom Miss Cebhart made en her visit te Columbia last year : "On the morning of the 7th inst., a gentleman from a nchjhbeiiiur river town anived at the Wyandotte cave all equipped with ropes, etc., te fcc some of the myv teiies of the uncxpleicd p.utef the Wyau dettc. On the 8th inst. he started with a guide and several couple from Xcw Alban y, among whom wa? Miss Lctitic C. Gebhait te make disceveiies in the 'old cave.' They at once went te a places that had battled all the daiing expleicrs. The iepcs weie tied about the ucnUcnian. and bcieie the pieparatiens wie finished for hint te stait down into the die.uiful looking hole, his net re failed him and he refused te go. whcieupeu the above named lady stepped ferwaid aud icque-tcd te be let djvrn by the rope. It se astonished the eiewd at first that they refused te let her go, but upon her insisting, she was made ready for the descent. She was furnished with candles, and started down in the pit. After sevcial minutes she tent word back te let her have mere rope se a-, te make an exploration of the room she was in, aud in a few minutes returned and sent the rope up for some of the rest te come down. This new discovery is said te be the grand est part of the cave, and at the same time one of the most dangerous looking places te be scen, aud this feat attempted by Miss Gebhait is cunsidcrcd by the manager aud guides te have shown mere pluck and cool bravery than in any discovery that has heretofore been made. The following i-. te be found in the register at the cave : " Wyandotte Cave. June 8, 18S1. Miss Lctitia E. Gcbhart, of jScw Albany, Ind., was the first lady with pluck enough te descend into the pit fifty feet below the level of the old cave. On account of the dangerous opening aud the daring lcquiicd te attempt the feat, privilege has been ac corded her of naming the place. She has bestowed upeu it the title of ' Gcbhart's Court.' She also discovered the Bull Deg's Head, in the lern' leute, en the 9th of June, 1881.' "The exploring puty consisted of Mr. Gee. Ti utile, Mr. J. II. Cardwcll, and Misses L. E. Gebhai t, C. C. Smith, Lizzie Pierson, and Rush Thornburg, guide, and the Rockport man who licked ncivc te make the descent."' Commencement, nt St. Jeseph's Academy. Kiurutttsbttrg. The seventy-second annual distiibutieu of premiums and ceufcrriug of honors at St. Jeseph's academy, Emmittsburg,3Id., took place yesterday, in the piescncc of" a laige assemblage of visitors, in the m.iguiliccnt collegiate hall of the building. Miss Maiy. Stewait, of this city, daughter of James Stcwait, was one of the graduates, and the names of Misses Mary Barry and Maiy Itcilly, of Lancaster, also appear en the pregramme in instiumental performance. Miss Itcilly was acceidcd ene of the sec ond honors et tl e senior circle. St. Jeseph's academy is conducted by the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent of Paul, and is th e headquarters of the Sisters cf Charity in the United States. It is considered one of the finest institutions in the country, Ir.jurea by a Tene. Last evening a man from Yerk county, who has been working for Geerge J. Highr, in East Lampeter, at haymaking, fell from a lead of hay, en which he was i iding. In stiiking the ground a prong of the hen fork with which he had been wei king ran almost tlneugh the calf of one of his legs. He was found lying b3 hinil the wagon and after the fork was taken out of his leg his injury was at tended by Dr. Muster. Rifle Sheeting. The Lancaster lifle club left this after noon f'.n the farm of James Stewart, Mc Mc Gevernville, te take their regular weekly practice. SACRED HEART ACADKMY. Elzth Annual Commencement Pregramme or the Cntartalnment. The eighth annual commencement of the Sacred Heart academy under the auspices of the sisters of the Hely Cress, came off in Fulton hall this morning, the exercises commencing at 10:30. The audience was net very large, but was composed of many prominent families of this city and visitors from a distance. A numDer ei ciergy, both of this city and from abroad were present. Right Rev. J. F. Shanahan, of Harrisburg, presided, aud we noticed in the audience, Rev. Relt, pastor temporarily in charge of St. Antheny's, this city. Rev. Chi ist. of this city, Rev. Christ, of Wilkes banc, Rev. Huber, formerly of this city, new of Leck Haven, and Rev. Kech, of Leck Haven. The pregramme consisted of the oper etta of "Laila," which was presented very attractively, aud enacted with much spirit, and quite a number cf fine selec tions of instrumental aud vocal music. Perhaps the finest vocal selections were theso sung by Miss M. Cellahan and Miss Kate Murray, both of whom have very fine voices. Following is the pregramme in full : takt i. Overture "Doir.Gievaunl" (Mozart). Pianos : Jlisses M. Wade, K. Kennard. M. Phcpec. 31. German, M. Callahan and K. Murray. Oratone Chorus ( Frem " St. Paul " ) Vecal cks, accompanied by Miss K. Kennard. Operetta "Ionia." Prologue Miss M. Slaymaker. Latin Miss M. Callahan. Chorus et Mountain Children. Fairy Queen MiisM. German. Maids et Hener, Misses 31. Wade and J.. Fein. Chorus of Fairlc. Scene Firtl. Waltzes Junleis (Mezarl). Pianos : Misses II. 3I.ilenc, K. Schultz, M. A. Moses and K. Lciz. Scene Second. Giand Pelka. Pianos : Misses A. O'Con nor, 31. Flanigan, L. Fein and IJ. Perter. Scene Third. Operetta Aec'd by Miss K. Kennard. TAltT II. Fantasle " Nerma" ( two pianos ), Mi es M. Plicpec and M. German. Salutatory Address Miss L. Fein. O Mie Feinaude Faveiitj, (Donizetti), Miss M. Callahan. Galep dc Concert. Pianes: Mlwcs I.laand L. Teutx. M. Kirby and it Perter. Duet "I.a Gloia del Putuie," Misses 31. German and M. Phenee. dc Verdi. Pianos : Blisses K. Ken iiaid, M. Phcpee, M. Callahan and 31. Gor Ger man. I.a Kiei.ij.i Florentine Miss K. Mm ray, Acc'd by Jliss 31. Kirby. Faiewcll Chorus Vecal Class, Acc'd lv Mira K. Kennard. DMiibutlen el Piemiuuis: Gobi Medal, Crowns, and Honors for Politeness Neat iicsn Oiilcr, Amiability anil Ceirect Deport ment, Following is a list of the young ladies te whom premiums were awarded : .Geld medal ler politeness, ucatness, ordcr,amia erdcr,amia biliryand ceirect deportment, te Miss Ida Yeutz, of Speedwell ; 1st ciewns for same te Annie O'Connor, Mary German and Mary .-Philips ; 2d crowns, Bertha Amer and Lizzie Fein ; 1st honeis, Mary Calla han, Kate Murray, Rebecca Perter and Maggie Slaymaker ; 2d honor, Kate Ken naid, Mary Wade and Mary Kirby; 3d honeis, Lizzie Hait and Kate Lcisz ; 4th honeis, Mary Flanagan, Hattie Malene, Edith Shultz, Mary; A. Moses and Kate Owens ; ci own of honor for being a geed little giil te Iiene Messeukep. Following is a list of the pupils who took part in the commencement exercises : Miss Ida Yeutz, Speedwell ; Miss Kate Kcnnaid, Kennaidsville, Mil.; Miss Mary Callahan, Philadelphia ; Miss Bcitha Amer, of this city ; Miss Lettie Yeutz, Speedwell ; Miss Mary Wade, Elizabeth town ; Miss Mary Phcpoe, Gloucester, N. J.; Mfes Mary German. Gloucester, N. J.; Miss Maiy Flanagan, Washington, D. C; Mi.-s Annie O'Connor, White Hills ; Miss Ehi'ibelh Hart, of this city ; Miss Elizabeth Fein, Anima City, Colerado ; Miss Maggie bl.iym.tkcr, or this city; Mis Kate Mur ray, Pottsville; Miss Mary Kirby, Hanis biiig; Miss Rebecca Peller, Miss Hattie Malene, of this city ; Miss Kate Lc'i-7, Reading ; Helena Risch, of this city ; Miss Edith Shultz, of this city; Miss Au Au teuia Mote-, Mexico : Miss Kate Owens, Philadelphia : Miss Irene Messenkep, of this city. LITTLE LOCA).", Jlsre and There and L cry where. Yesterday Chailes Fisher, Middle stieet, caught in the Coucstega near the old fac tory, a black bass that weighed, cleaned, 4 J pounds. Te morrow afternoon the shcriflfsalc will take place at the court house. A number of valuable properties will be sold. Frank Walteis, of Coucstega Centre, while picking chcriies this morning en a tiee of II. B. Grcenawalr, fell and injured his side scvci cly. Mrs. Sarah Wirlh, about sixty years old, of Di uinere township, who fell while stepping from a car of the Peachbottem laiheail some three weeks age en her way te Oxford, and received internal in juries, has se far recovered as te be able te return te her home, though she doesn't propresc te tiust heiclf te railroad trav eling again. The newly anived comet, first an nounced by Dr. Gould, of Buenes Ayres, three weeks age, an account of which at Havciferd college is noticed elsewhere, is visible in these parts. Yeu -may watch for its appcarance in the morning in the ueithcast, close te the horizon, between half past 2 and 3 o'clock, aud it will be btrikingly visible as long as night lasts. If the comet is appreachiug the sun it will i net case in brilliancy every day. This is the lhst bright comet since the spectro scope lias been perfected, and this instal ment, if opportunities are given, will threw new light en the composition of comets in general. In the window of Kaufl'mau's drug store store en North Queen street, there is an excel, lent pictuie of a pair of weed-cock. It was executed with a pen by C. A Frailcy, a compositor iu the Kcui Era office. Police Officer Win. Adams and Jehn Cenl in, of the rolling mill, had an alterca tion at the beer saloon, corner of Plum and Chestnut sticcts last evening, in which Carlin's thumb and big finger were bitten and Adams's face was scratched aud battered. C. K. Robinson, of the Pennsylvania Globe gas light company, is in town te day and has men at work fixing the street lamps se that gasoline can used m them instead of gas. The job will last until the first of July. BIKS'.TINU OP THIS STRUCT COMMITTEE. Helsi.ui ISIecks In North Queen Street Sewereu WestClte-tnut Street te be Laid. A meeting of the street committee was held last evening. The bids for paving with Belgian blocks North Queen stieet, from Orange te Chestnut, wcie con sidered, and the contract was awarded te Messrs. Cunningham fc McXichel, at $2.4G per square yard. There was a lewi r bid but the committee, from informatieu bcfeic them, regarded it as unsatisfactory. The committee decided te lay the blocks no farther than the south side of Chestnut street, prepetty holders north of Chestnut street having failed te contribute a pre rata share te pay for laying the pave ment. The contract for building the sewer en West Chcstuut, from Maikct te Water, was awarded te Schwebcl & Deitz, at $G00, property owners along the line te pay euc-half of the cost. The contract for fui nibbing biicks for laying gutters was awarded te Pentz & Bre., at $7 per thousand, delivered when and where wanted. A resolution was passed notifying Geerge Tomlinson that unless he commences with in five days te lay the crossings he con tracted te lay en the 25th of Apiil last, the contract will be considered void and the street commissioner will be instructed te advertise for new proposals. Tee Editorial Association. President Garfield visited the Ocean hotel at Leng Branch yesterday by invita tien of the Pennsylvania editorial associa tion, and held a reception, attended by ever three hundred members of the society. In the evening the association had its an nual dinner. Among the invited guests present were Geerge W. Childe, M. Rich ards Muckle, Treasurer Zimmerman, of the Camden & Atlantic railroad, James R. Yeung, Jehn Russell Yeung and Mr. Feley of the New Yerk Herald, Themas Murphy Majer Yard of New Jersey, and several members of the Tennessee editorial associ ation, new en a visit te New Yerk. Presi dent Cbalfant presided. Among the speakers were State Senater Cooper, of Media, Judge Neale of Armstrong county, W. TI. Hensel of the Lancaster Intelli gencer, and W. Kennedy, of the Potts ville Chi enicle. The excursion party starts en its return te day. A Very Large Wedding Last evening Jehn B. Slough, proprietor of the Black Herse hotel en North Queen street, was married te Miss Ella Kauflman, daughter of Edward II. Kauffman who resides en the Harrisburg pike near Dillcr- ville, about a mile from the city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. T. Gerhard, of this city, at the residence of the bride's parents. The number of guests from Lancaster, Philadelphia, Baltimore and ether places was very large, there being almost 500 people present during the evening. The presents were fine and numerous. The bride's father gave her a check for 6500, and from her brother she received $100 in geld. The boarders at the Black Herse presented the couple with a beautiful silver tea set. The newly married couple left for the West en their wedding tour at 11:30 last night. Promoted. Charles Lavcrty, ticket agent at Lea man Place,en the P. R.R., has been promet cd te the position of weighmastcr in West Philadelphia, aud takes his new position en July 1. Mr. L. has been at Lcaman Place as ticket agent for 23 years and six months, and never missed a week's duty. He knows everybody in the vicinity of Leainan Place, almost, and everybody connected with the read, and is esteemed by all who knew him. Ne mere faithful officer or solid Democrat lives in the coun ty. Mr. J. II. Fiy, at present assistant freight agent at Columbia, succeeds Mr. Leverty at Lea man Place. Net Kutlrely Clear. The coroner's jury in the case of the Me Gallagher girl who committed suicide, found that " she came te her death from an overdose of laudanum." They de net say by their vcitlict that it was a case of suicide or by whom the laudanum was administered. Judgment Mends Itcedy. All the judgment bends up te date in the prothenotary's office arc done aud ready for distribution. Parties who have them there are requested te call for them. Court Te-morrow. Court will meet te-morrow morning at 10 o'clock, for the purpose of transacting current business, &c. IIeu'c lour canary Sin;; ? Then get a bottle efUIrd Hitters, which is an unfailing rcstorcrer song and a cure fei all dlsea-es et cage birds. It your druggist docs net keep It, or will net get It for jeu, send a postal card te the IWrd Feed Cempmy, 3(17 Federal street, Camden, X. J., and they v. Ill sec that you are supplied. Price, i" rent-'. nar2J-3md&w Wayne Council Excursion Atlantic City en Monday, July 4. Kemi trip tickets geed ler three days, only $2.73. Sp'cci U trains leave Lancaster (King street) at 4 a in.; Columbia, 4; Manlieim, 4:35; l.ilitz, 4:45;;Eplirata.5 05. Special trains will leturn same day, leaving Atlantic City at ." and C p. m. Fer particulars s-ce circulars at all stations en Heading & Columbia llailiead. Jcae,?4,2ri,ffi'Jl.vM.2t liave wllli Query Docs the note slriver Cuticura Shaving SeapT m The careworn and overworked Hud commit and strength in Malt Kitter. r.i'EVlAI, KOTIVJCS. I.ydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound U a remarkable lemcdy for all these painful complaints anil weaknesses se common te our best female population. Send te Mrs. J.ydia E. Piiikiiam, 3J3 Western Avenue, l.ynn, Mas''., for pamphlets. Decline or "Ian. Impotence of mind, limb, or vital iunctieu nervous -n eaknes, sexual debility Ac, cured by Wells' Health Renewer. $1. At Druggists. Depot Jehn F. Leng Ik Sens, Lancaster. The Greatest Blessing. A simple, pure, liannless remedy, that euros every time, andteinach disease by keeping the bleed pure,? pi events regular, kidneys and liver active, is the greatest blessing ever con ferred upon man. Hep Hitters Is that remedy, and Its propileters are being blessed by thou sands wbe have been saved and cured by it. Will j ou try It. See oilier column. jnl3-2vrd&w Save lour Jtalr Keep It Jleautlfnl. The " Londen Hair Celer Kestercr" is the most delightful article ever Introduced te the American people and Is totally different irem all ether Hair Restorers, being entirely free from all Impure Ingredients that render many ether articles for the hair obnoxious. Where baldness or tailing of the hair exists, or prema ture grayncss, from sickness or ether causes, Its use will restore the natural youthful color, and cause a healthy growth, cleansing the scalp fi em all Impurities, dandruff, etc., at the same time a most pleasing and lasting hair dressing, fragrantly perfumed, rendering it settand pliable, making it an indispensable article iu every toilet. Ask your druggist for Londen Hair Celer Restorer. Pries 75 cents a bottle. Six bottles, $4. Main depot for the United States, 330 North Sixth street, Philadel phia. lnll-lvdTThi The Popular Demand, Se sreat has been the popular demand ler the celebrated remedy Kidney- ort, that It is having an Immense sale from Maine te Cali fornia. Seme have found It inconvenient te prepare it from the dry compound. Fer such tbs proprietors new prepare It In liquid form. This can be procured at the druggists. It has precisely the sumo effect as the dry, but 1 ery concentrated se that the dose is much smaller. Lewell itail. juSO-lwd&w Itose Celd and Hey Fever. Messrs. WniTB & Burdick, Druggists, Ithaca, X. Y. I can recommend Ely's Cream Balm te rellaveall persons suffering with Rese Celd and Hay Fever. I have been a great sufferer Irem the same complaints ; have had great relief bv using the Balm. I have recommended it te many of my friends for Catarrh, and In all cases where they have used the Balm freely have been cured. T. Kexsbt, Dry Goods Mer chant, Ithaca, New Yerk. Sept. C, 1IS0. Messrs. Wm. Kcst & Sens, Druggists, .New Brunswick, X. J. Mince boyhood 1 have been troubled with Catarrh and May Fever, and have been unable te obtain permanent relief until I used Ely's Cream Balm, which has enred me. Atter a lew day's use I could sleep all night, wliteu I could net de before. E. L. Clickerer, Sexr Brunswick, X. J. Prise 50 cents. ul5-2mleed&w Jtletuers! Methers: l Mothers! It Arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick cklld.suffcring and crying with the excruciating pain et cuttlijg teeth ? If se, go at once and get a bottle cf MRS. WIXSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will re lieve the peer llttle sufferer immediately de pend upon It; there is no mistake about It. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, wne will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief aud health te the child, operating like magic. It Is pcifcctly safe te use in all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and is the prescription et ene et the eldest and best female physician and nurses in the United Stales. Sold everywhere; 25 cents a Lettie. marHrd&wM.W&S Hall's Vegztable Siellut Haib Bukwkb is a scientific combination et some of the most powerful restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom. It restores gray hair te its original color. It makes the scalp white and clean. It cures dandruff and humors, and lalling-ent el the hair. It lurnishes the nutritive principle by willed the hair is nourished and supported. It makes the hair moist, soft and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a liair dressing. It is the most economical preparation ever etlcred te the publle, as its effects remain a long time, mak ing only an occasional application necessary. It Is recommended and used by eminent med ical men, ami officially endorsed by the State Assaycr of Massachusetts. Thepepulaiity of Hall's Hair Renewer has Increased with the test et many years, both in this country aud in foreign lands, and it is new known and ucd In all the civilized eeun tries et tie world Fer sale by all dealers. ju23-lwdeed&w A Ceugn, Celd or Sere Tnreat should de stepped. Neglect frequently results iu an In curable Lung Disease or Consumption. Brown's Bronchial Troches de net disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly en the inflamed parts, allaying lritatien, give relief in Asthma, Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles which Singers and PublleSpcakers are subject te. Fer thirty years- Brown's Bronchial Troches have been recommended by physi cians, and always give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have at tained well-merited rank among the lew-staple remedies of the age. Sold at 25 ceTits a box nevsE nrjeyjanura goods. M.INN WILUSON. THIRD EDITION. tewnislf cvervwheie. mS-lvdTTh4S41yw Ge te II. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 1S7 North Queen street, for Mrs. Frfmari1 Xtw A'a t tonal Djet. Fer brightness and durability et eoler.arc nnequaled. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in English and German. Price. 15 cents. POLITICAL. Per County Commissiener: FP.ANK CLARK, of Strasburg township. SuJ'ject te the choice et the Democratic coun ty convention. ipriVdAwtp ADAMS. DIETRICH, of Maner tev.n-bip. Subject te the decision of the Democratic county convention. HENRY F. HARTMAN (Lime Burner), of East Lampeter township. Subject te the choice of the Democratic county convention. apr2 d&wtp MARTIN IllLDEBRAXf, et Mount Jey Borough. Subject te the decision of the Dem ocratic county convention. aplS-dJtwtp JEltE MOULKR, Ephrata. Subject te the decision of the Democratic comity conven tion, aprll-d&wlp 2?ir County Audlteri JOHN S. BROWN, of Drumerc township. Subject te Democratic rules. m27-04wtp JOHN L. LIGHTNER, of l.caceck township. Subject te the decision of the Democratic eeuntv convention. aprlS-tfd&w MAJtltrAOICS. Bloueu K auffsi x. On the 2Sd of J line. 1SS1, at the residence of the bride's father. E. II. Knuffman. esq., by the Kev. W. T. Gerhaid, Mr. Jehn II. slough, or Lancaster city, te Miss Ella G. Ktiutrman, or Manhcim township. ltdftw WAT US. McEiiix.-In this city, ou June 22, 1S91, Leah R. McKlmm, wife of Abram McKinmi. The relatives and friends et the family a; e lespcctfully invited te attend the funeral from lisr husbjnd's lesldence, Ne. 503 West King street, en i-aturday afternoon at .1 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. 3td Caui-kkll. Iu this citv. en the 22d inst., Jeseph Campbell, in the 27th year of his age. The relatives ami ft lends of the family are lespeetiully 'invited te attend the luncral, irem the lesldence et his aunt, Mr. Deliver, Ne. 240 West Strawberry street, en Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. High mass at St. Mary's church. Interment at St. Mary's cemetcrv. ritd McMasus. In Newberry township. Yeik county, James McManus. The relatives and friends of the lamily are iC9pcetfully invited te attend the funeral, from the Pennsylvania R. It. depot en the ar rival of the 1:20 train te-morrow afternoon, te proceed te St. Mary's cemetery. ltde jvj;r AJtyi:nTini:iaiiJfTii. TTfrANTED A JOUKNEY3IAH HARNESS ft Maker. Geed wage and steady cmploj cmplej menfr. Apply at once te SAMUEL WORKMAN. Lltltz, Pa. JC24 ltd IJXTKA CAI't: MAY OYSt'KKS, 'j AMD FHESII DEVILED CltABS. New designs of Pruit Baskets next week at V. W. EUKKRl'S 12a L"at King street. ju24-ltd SV CltOOL. TAX 1881. The duplicate is iu the hands of the Trcat- urer. 2 per cent, oil ler prompt payment. W. O. MARSHALL. Treasurer. Ne. 12 Centre Squaie. DS-Ofllcc iieni s from 'J a m. te 4 p. m. jS-tMR e LI) CLOTHES. Ring, ling, ring the bell, Gentlemen have you any Old Clethes te sell. Sell the Old Clethes befeie they are moth holed. The highest cash pi ict is paid before they fade The beauty is you can have astylishsiutmade in place et it. ildrcs by Pestnl Cm d, and I will call nnjeii promptly. H. WINER, Je24-lwa 5IG St. Jeseph Stieet. TOBACCO. Sealed proposals for the purchase et n Cases of Tobacco w ill be l ecelved at my elllcc, Ne. 205 Walnutitivct.PhlladPlphla, until neon of MONDAY. JUNE 27, 1SS1, at which time said proposals will be opened, said Tobacco is the Lane ister. Pa., packing or Phil. Ililku, for Schroeder Ben, slightly damaged by the Hie or Junes. Can be seen by application te Bailsman X Bums, Insurance Agents, loincas leincas ter Pa. The right Is reserved te reject any or all bids. Bids should be addressed te the n dcrslgncd ami marked "Proposals ler Lan cast ei Tobacco." E. C. IR VI N, Cbatuuan of Committee et Underwriters. Jelt-ceillCtJcSi c .OTHiXO, &V. New wc have hit upon get rid of our the plan te ODD SUITS, ODD COATS, ODD PANTS. Wc have marked them down te very low figures and put en what wc term A Bargain Celter. Everybody can And use ler some of these goods at the prices they are marked. We also closed out a let of about 105 SUITS OF DIFFERENT PAT TERNS, from one or the largest and best Clothing Manufacturers la the East, and the prices that wc are selling them ler is about what they cost te manufacture. WILLIAMSON k FOSTER, ONE-PRICE HOUSE, 36-38 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. Please as'tC te see the BARGAIN COUNTER. FULL LINE FOR SUMMER. GLASS FRUIT JARS, TIN CANS, JELLY TUMBLERS, BRASS. PORCELAIN LINHD AND AGATE PRESERVING KETTLHS. WINDOW SCREENS. FLT TRAPS, FARS02TS REFRIGERATORS, WATER FILTERS, WATER COOLERS, FISIHYG TACKLE. BASEBALL SUPPLIES. AROHERY GOODS, CROQUET SEST, BABY CARRIAGES, &c. The Finest and Cheapest Line et fie. and lOe. G L ASWARE ever one red in the city. SOLE AGENTS FOR PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWER. mm & WILL80K, Ne. 152 N011TH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 24, 1881. AVEATHEU INDICATIONS. Washington. June 24. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, fair weather, northerly generally veering te southeasterly winds, stationary temperature and barometer. JEWXLE.KX. OOMK.THIKG NEW. MIRROR DIAL STEM-WIXDIXG WA TOIL AUGUSTUS K1IOAIIS, Ne. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, 1 a. 1 IAJIOXDS, &C- THE MOUNTING DIAMOND llayaccm a small matter in comparison with tha valuu et the gem ltsclt, but It Is se Important that the safety of the (,'cm ile penils en Us being dene properly. Many Diamonds aie lest because net SK CUKKl.Y mounted. lluny Diamonds f.til te exhibit their true beauty beeause net TASTEFULLY mounted. Many DlamemU appear like cheap and common stones because net SKILLFULLY mounted. Our Diamond Mounting is designed with cenmmmate taste, and executed with su perior skill, by workmen of long expert ence, who arc umivalcd in their specialty. BAILEY, BANKS, BIDDLE, 12th & Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. CLonuse. SPRING OPKNJNC. s H. GERHART'S ttnilmrii X1UR II IMlllg, 1, Ne. 6 East King Street. 1 have jsibt completed iltting up one of the Finest Tailoring Establishment te be found lu this state, and am new prepared te show my customers a stock of goods ter the SPRING TRADE. which for quality, btyla and v.ulety et Patterns has never been equaled In this city. 1 will keep and gcll no goods w hich I cannot recommend te my customer, no matter hew low in price. All goods warrant ca as lepnsentcil, and prices as low as the lowest, at Ne. 6 East King Street, Next Doer te the New Yei k Stei e. H. GERHART. FOR HALE. ri OOD CHANCE. A DESIRABLE COAL AND LUMBER YARD FOR SALE. The undersigned offers at private kale a property consisting et freven let of ground In the town et Sprlngvillc, Lancaster county, at the station en the Pennsylvania Railroad, about one mile west of Mount Jey and near the Lancaster & Ilarrisbnrg turnpike. The Improvements arc a two-storied Frame Heuse 21x24 feet, used us a Railroad Station and Ticket Office, a Frame Warehouse 'JU28 lect, and Ceal and Lumber Yard, with about 2t0 feet et Ceal Shedding, New Fail bank's Scales or 8 ten capacity; 300 Feet et Railroad biding. Trestle work for dumping coal, with space ler exten sion or same. Buildings mostly new and every thing in geed order. Location pleasant. In a thickly settled agricultural neighborhood and a fast improving town, with no rival business in the town, lias an established coal traJe, and capacity and advantage! te de a geed shipping business anil increased passenger travel. Price $9,UX en reasonable terms, for further Information address ,. JOS.U.UABECKER, Spring Garden P. O., je'20-lmd Lancaster Cr.unty, Pa. Te-Day' Vete at Albany. Albany, N. Y., June 24. Vete for short term: Petter 44. Cenklia? 30. Wheeler 45, Cernell 1, Lapham 13, Felger 1, Heskins 2, Jehn Reach 1. Senater Madden, who voted for Lapham yesterday, voted for Jehn Reach te-day. Vete for Piatt vacancy: Depew 45, Eernan 45, Piatt 27, Heskins 4, Lapham 3, Cernell 7, Crowley 5, Tremaine 1. After some discussion the convention adjourned. Faithless Stewards. Sax Francisce, June 24. Wm. Higby, collector of internal revenue for the Cali fornia distiict, in settling the affairs of his office before turning it ever te Chan cellor Hartzen, the incoming collector, has discovered that many of his deputies are defaulters. One of them, named Hib- bard, is short $3,000 in his accounts, and another named Kelly is a defaulter for a heavy sum. Beth absconded, but the former has been captured. Iligby has been given until July 1, te square his ac counts. Murder by a Drunken Tramp. Wilmington, Del., June 24. Jeseph Mowbray, a tramp from Baltimore, de manded feed at the Helly Tree house this morning. As he was drank, the proprietor ordered him out. ife then picked up a brick amf struck James Guinty, an assist ant at the Helly, inflicting wounds from which the victim died in a few minutes afterwards. Mowbrey is under arrest. The Talbotts ICespited. St. Leuis, June 2i. A dispatch from Jeffersen City says that Gov. Crittenden this morning granted a respite te the Talbott brothers until Friday, July 22. He says that he has net been governed by the petition of ministers sent te him, but only by his own notion of right and justice. Beth men declare their inne cence. To?ker5e5;Co!K,,ce hc'lv- ; light Cattle-Receipts, 3.01 head; shipment -tee head; market steady ad f.lir ly AcUve -"W. ports, I5WSB 15; prime at J(5' (the wht P-r&?Jn months); geed te choice hYpptn steady 'at i aSV through "'Tevins at l 404 15; Blockers and leciteM, SOI 'ts tine feeders at 35 in. ' J iheep Receipts. 1, head ; shipmcuN. 400 head; -market strong and active for -oeii-pooe te fair slew at 3e04 25; geed te choice butchers' at 50g4 75 ; exporters at $53525- uii num. East Lirkrtt. Cattle Receipts 1.7C0 head all through;. market closed with a better reel ing. Hogs Receipt 2,000 head; Philadelphia-!, $C 15e -te ; Yorkers, SOfiC. Sheep-Receipts LW0 head; no sales. steeicaanm. New Yerk, Philadelphia anil Lecal Stocks also United States Bends reported daily by Jacob B. Loxe. jr. E. Cor. Centra Square. JIbw Yerk Stocks. Stocks strong. June 21. A. v. r. M. T. X 10AW 1:00 3:00 auuj... .................. Sfflrrt' ZmZZZ n i"." tf'.'-f "' " www.w. 4 ci. (UUl -. 25J 25 w 2 .. 121 4 Villi 123J Itumercd Massacre of Spaniards. Madrid, June 24. A dispatch from the Spanish consul at Oran intimates that a hundred Spaniards were massacred by the insurgents during the recent raid en the Esparto faclieu at Saida. Four hundred persons were wounded or taken prisoners. lccah Fruzer at St. Jehn. St. Jehn, X. F., June 24. The United States steamship Alliance arrived here this morning and will shortly proceed en a polar ciuihe te search the northern side of Spitzbcrgcn (ice permitting) for the Jcan-jiettc. Canada Southern C. C. 4 I. C. IL R Del.. Lack. A Western weiaware A Hudsen Canal lOJ't; 110 10 Denver A Kie Grande 112 112& 112I Hannibal Jk St. Jee & afc 0 Lake Shere ,t Mich. Southern.. 12C la lJi Manhattan ElevateiL 2rt -Hi'' 2' Michigan .Central U'.v2 lu7 HG1 Mlfianiirf Knnditfr 1. -.. r.n ku -.? "----rrTrr?.v-ru -r ; ;,. Jf. Y., Ontario A Western New Yerk Central Ohie A Mississippi Pacific Mall Steamship Ce... St. Paul & Omaha de Preterrcd Central Pacltlc Texas Pacilie Union Pacitlc Wabash, St. Leuis & Pacific. " Preterm! Western Union Tel. Ce lei'i 101 v i7 lt 4 iy 377i 3714 llt 14G Ai 42? 5ZZ 52!i 4.1 .... 4X lOHU .... 1WS 10I,V 10l Kit u) .... tx 131 1.1U I29Ji 57 57JS Siyt :ii-H '.H 'M'l sa ia; Philadelphia. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania R. R Reading Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation Buffalo, Pitts. A Western.. Northern Central Northern Pacific. ' Preferred Hcstenvtlle Philadelphia A Erie R. It.. Iowa Gulch Mining .Uhited States I'.enim. United States 4 per cents. . 5 3i 31 4;'i 21 ii5i Ni Mi'. 21 4.V? 37'h fi.'.' Si). mi .. 2l P.M. 1.00 1175 ih.'h te:'; Uarfleld and the Sunday Schools. Terente, June 24. At the afternoon session of the Sunday school convention yesterday a letter was read from President Gariicid, expressing his earnest sympathy and deep interest in the work of the convention. Beat Racing. Peekia. June 24. Mr. Mumford, of Xew Orleans, wen the senior single scull nice of the Mississippi amateur rowing re gatta yesterday in 15 minutes 39 seconds. The Minnesota club wen the senior four feur four eaicd shell race in 13 minutes 31 seconds. The lite Cummlulen. Les Plains, June 24. The Ute com mission outfit accompanied by cavalry have crossed Giand river and gene tew.nd the Unitah lcscrvatien in Utah. Veil Dead. Chester, Pa., June 21. Themas Lee, an old resident of Marcus Heek, Delaware county, fell dead at his home last evening, after eating a plate of ice cream. Complacent Germany. Londen, June 24. All ill-feeling be tween Italians and Frenchmen it is said is being vicwad with complacency by Ger many. Death of a Safe Manufacturer. Pi,AiNnni.D, X. Y., June 24. Silas C. Ilening, the safe manufacturer, died Mid denly this morning. Koeu Quotations of the Grain .Market Furnished by . Chicago. V IHL lOrila vl is Nkw YeitK. V'rll "45 PmLDKLriii.. Wheat Cern Oats Raltimekg. v 111 IL iern. . Oats I.icnb It. I.en llrekcr. July. ..I.I4'i , Commission Aug. !.14i 4G' .28' . Sept. l.llf .47! ,ir Pull. Four IlcncesjAgaliiBt a Oueen fct. Leuis Chronicle. The ether evening after the 1 aces a num ber of distinguished colored gentlemen, among them Pinchback, of Louisana, and Beb Harlan of Ciucinuatti, assembled at the residence of the Rev. Mr. Tanner, an orthodox colored clergyman, en Morgan street. Poker docs net seem te be unor thodox from this geed minister's standpoint and se a game was commenced. Whether the clergyman participated docs net ap pear, but Pinchback did te his sorrow. The game was unlimited ; he held three queens and a pair of aces, which is con sidered a geed hand iu Louisiana worth $1,700 at the lowest estimate, He is at present $1,700 out of pocket, a victim of four deuces, and colored society is all agog ever the event, thinking that if the Louis iana seuater backs his judgment in such reckless fashion the Rev. Tanner may have te raise enough by subscription among his cougiegatien te defray his ex-' penscs home. JIAJtKETS. Slew KerK market. vw YeBK,'Jiine2 Fleur State anil West ern Unii, moderately active ; Superiine State at $1 0034 75; extra let4 C6g3 00; choice de J5 I0 5 25: fancy de $5 30QG 75; round hoop Ohie 4 755 CO : choice de 5 10j675; superiine western $4 00g4 75; common te geed ex tra de H G5500 ; choice de $5 1O0G 75 ; choice white wheat de, at $5 256 25. Southern firm, with fatr inquiry ; common te fair extra $5 2525 75 : geed te choice de $5 807 SO. Wheat without important change und mod erately active ; Ne. 'i Red, June, $1 30l 30 ; de Aug, $1 2bJil '!,; kde Sept., l 2Ci 1 21 Cern market itheut important eliauge ; Mixed west-Jin spot, W5S?ic ; de future, 57 rc. O.itsashadc easier; Ne. June, 41J,e ; de Jnly,44c; debept. 87;ic; Slate, 414'Jc; Wc-)lern 4J43c. riillMdelpnla Market. Philadelphia, June 24. Eleui market firm moderate trade ; Superfine, 93 25 .t 75; extra $4Q4 25 ; Ohie &'. In dtanummily 5 75G25; Penna. lamily i535 5 &! : St. Leuis de f t0U SO ; Minnesota Extra f5SO0(OO: de straight, f 256(1 50; win ter patent $t Z',i(7 00 ; spiing de Pi 237 50. Rye flour at$5t05 25. Wheat steady ; Ne. 2 Western Red, $1 2 ; D.-l. and Penn'a Red, 1 2Gfcjl 20J ; de Am ber, 1 2K1 27. Cern firm, geed local demand ; steamer, 54$5Cc; sail yellow, 57c; sail mixed, 5C 57c ; Ne. 3, mixed, 53g55c. Oats dull and easier: Ne. 1 White 44c; Ne. 2, de 434.SKc ; Ne. 3, de 42c ; Mixed, 39c Rye dull at -Oc. Previsions Arm ; mess perk $17 50Q18 03 ; beet hams, 23 S0Q25 00; Indian m.i3s beef $24 50. Bacen smoked shoulders, 77c ; salt d Gft7c; smoked hams ll(fl2c; pickled htius Lard market lirm ; city kettle llllc ; loose buteuera' at 10c ; prime steam nt $113). Ruttcr-markct fair, active and firm; Creamery extra Pennsylvania at 2223c; Western, at 22c; de geed te choice 19ii 21c; Rradferd county and New Yerk extra, 21c ; flrst-i, 1820c. Rolls dull, ; Pennsylvania and WciU-ru OS! 13c. Egg" market dull; Penn'a at 17ffil7ic; Western. 1CXQ17C Cheese falny active : New Yerk full cream, 10c; Western lull creue 8UQ9c; de fair te gefl, 838c Petroleum dull; reilned Site Whlskyat$lll. fcceds Goeil te prime Clever, no market ; Timethy dull at $.1 15; de de Fiaxwt nominal at $1 23. tlve Stock markets. Cuicaoe. Hogs Receipts. CO.00O head ; ship ments, 4.S10 head; geed quality in fair demand ; Lecal stocks anil Henda. 1" val LiucClty 0 per ci. Leaa,duc lsS2...$liie " lssr,... iix) " " lsoe... 100 " " 1KI5... lue " 5 jier tt. in 1 or 30 years. . 100 0 per ct. Scheel Lean.... 100 " 4 " in ler3yeai.. let " 4 " In 5 or 2D years.. 100 " 4 " in 10 or 20 years. 100 MIsCELLANKOUS 1IONDS. Qitarryville 11. R dun lHlct $100 Reading X Columbia R. Rdiiu lbS2 100 lemcaster Watch Ce., due 1S80 loe Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., due In ler 20 years 100 Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., Stevens Heuse 100 KA?K STOCKS. First National Rank. Farmers' Natieird Rank Lancaster County National Rank, Columbia National Rank Kphrata National Rank First National Rank, Columbia.. . First Natien-il Hank, .Stvuslnirg... First National Rank, .Marietta First National iiank, Meurt Jey. Lititz National Rank Manhcim National Hank Union National Rank. Jlomit.ley t elm ri k k stec ;:a. Rig Spring & Reaver Vallej'.... Itridgepert Columbia .t Cliestniit Hill Columbia & Washington Columbia & Rig bprlng Lancaster A Kphrata I4UIC., Elizabeth t'n A Mhldlet'ii. Lancaster & Fruitville... ..."..... Lancaster &Litlt;c , LanCLSter & Willi.imstewii I4incaster fc Maner Lancaster & Maiilx-iiii Lancaster & Marietta Lancaster ft New Helland Lancaster & Susquehanna Imcastcr X willow htteel 2S btraslnirgft Millport 25 Marietta ft Majtewi .-. 25 Marietta ft Mount Jey 25 MISCKLLAfl Ol S STOCK. Qunrryville R. R 50 Ml 511 K 25 100 .$100 . 00 . 50 . UN) . 100 . 100 100 . 100 . 100 . 100 100 50 Lai xali. $105 114 11H.9 120 105 112 IK! 103.50 105 $11. 102.50 105.50 W3.5U 10i; 70 $170hu 102.5 102.25 135 135 I3l..")0 202.51' 131 141 5u 70.50 ...? 25 $ 10.2? ... Ki 211 ... 25 18 100 50 25 25 50 100 300 Mlllcr-ville htreet Car Inquirer Printing Crimp my.... Watch Factory lias Light and Fuel Cempiiny. Stevens Heu-e Columbia Cas Company Columbia Wider Ceuip my Siisqituliaiin 1 Iren Cempai.y.. Marietta Hellew ware ."... 11.10 47.25 51 50 0-2.51 55 J3 30.4S 25.?3 Kt S75.& 40.I.S 21 40 40 II.M.l 100 I0O r.w EKTEIZTAIXUKXTS. IKK CK1.AJI AM) 7J;aVKRUY Cv TIVAL. Te be held at the UNION RLTHKL CHURCH, corner Prince and Orange Str el, ler benefit efchurrli, cemiiieiiciiig JUNK2I, 181, te con tinue during thu week. HSntd tjaiu ani sTi:AV.':ti:i::iV fitival or TUB SHIPFLER FIRE COMPANY, Open every evening, and 011 WKDNKSDAY mid SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, In thpir Hall. Kcvstene Rand will be In at tendance. The colored Workingmen's Association will visit the fair te-night In a body eertei by the Keystone Rand. ic'J-15td yAfEUllANOIXUH, &c. ALL PAPKB, XV. w We hive opened some New Patterns el WALLPAPERS Elegant SUles In all Grades of Goods. Rem nants and Odds and Ends that have uccuuui. lated during the past Spring, will be !old out low te make room for ether stock. Anion;, them are wine very choice goods. Fancy WMew Mb in six and seven feet lengths. Plain Cleth by the yard in all colors ami widths. Spring and Cord Fixtures, Scotch and Aineiican Helland. Measures taken and shade- hung promptly. EXTENSION CORNICES In large variety. Kbeny nnd Walnut Curtain Poles. Orders taken for Fine Mlrren. We also inake WIRE SCREENS FOR WINDOWS. put up In very and Landscape. best manner, Figund, Plain PHARES W. PRY, If O. S7 NORTH QUEKX ST. IASTATK OF J:LIZA1:ETII B. STOWP.R3 X!j Jlarberccr, latent the city of L-meister, deceased. Letters tcsUimentary en slid estate having been granted te the undersigned, ena of the executers, all persons indebted thereto are rcquested te make iniuu diate payment and these having claims or demand azainn the same will present them without deiay for settlement te the .undersigned, residing at 124 North Seventh street, in the citv or Phllacel. Pnia. LOUIS IS. II AR1SKRGKR. Jcl9 Ctdeatv One et the K "reenters.