Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 16, 1881, Image 3

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ilueoeo of Ideate, had been excused,
owing te sickness.
Oration "Poverty a Secial Force"
J. Calvin Meyer, Aaronsburg, Pa. If
poverty be an evil, as communists would
have us believe, it is a necessary evil. It
compels individual exertion. Luxuries and
even necessaries Lave been placed beyond
our reach in order te occasion the exercise
of Ged-given faculties. Te-day we stand
a nation towering above its adversities, a
brilliant sun in the zenith of its glory,
and we knew with pride that
our exalted position is due iu large meas
ure te the work of men in the humbler
walks of life. Ne class of society is mere
miserable than these who live entirely
upon the products of ethers, and whilst the
imjwvcrished classes are a fruitful source
of crime and should 'pay the penalty of
their transgressions, the universal tendency
te immorality in these who possess great
wealth is well known. The orator closed
with an assertion of the geed exerted upon
the social fabric by the honest labor that
poverty necessitates.
This was the final oration of the morn mern
iu;, and while the orchestra played the
galep " Wild Hunt " (Budik) the audi,
ciicc, which was of geed size and repre
sented the beauty, intelligence and ciil
tuic of the city, dispersed. The above
abstracts are necessarily meagre aud im
perfect, presenting but the barest outline
of the line of thought pursued by the sev
eral speakers. The orations were all
well written and most of them ably de
livered, and the floral rewards showered
upon the graduates were liberal and
elegant. The cxciciscs were resumed at
2 ::t0 this afternoon, aud a mil account of
them will be given in te-morrow's paper.
The Men Tlirewn from a Carriage Twe
Oilier Kail from a Scaffold.
On Tuesday evening Wm. Smith, of the
firm of Ceglcy & Smith, met with a very
sci ieus accident, that may result in the
less of his left leg. In company with Jacob
Hitncr he had driven te the Printers' paper
mill, en the Conestoga near Eden. On
returning te Eden Mr. Hitncr recollected
that he had forgotten something at the
mill and proposed te drive back. Iu making
a short turn both men were thrown from
the wagon and Mr. Smith's left leg was
caught between the spokes of one of the
wheels. Beth bones of the leg were
badly broken above the ankle and pro
truded through the Hash. Dr. S. T.
Davis was sent for and set the broken
bones and took Mr. Smith te his Heme,
124 Lew street, this city, aud turned him
ovcrtelus family physician, Dr. Gee. A.
King. The smaller bone of the leg is
broken close te the ankle joint and the
larger one is broken iu two places aud is
badly crushed and split, rendering it very
difficult te treat.
Fell Frem a Scaffold.
Wm. Carelus, of this city, aud Jehn
Howrey, of Willow Street, carpenters in
the employ of Jehn Baughman, contrac
tor, were precipitated from a scaffold 22
feet in height,' en Tuesday last, while en
gaged in putting a cornice upon Mr.
Weaver's new house in East Lampeter,
and both were severely injured internally,
though neither of them had any bones
broken. The accident was caused by the
breaking of the scaffold upon which they
were at weik. Dr. I. ll. Mayer attended
them and they were conveyed te their re
spective homes.
Sale or Fine Stock.
The sale of imported Jersey cattle yes
terday at Ilerkness' bazaar, Philadelphia,
was the largest ever held in America.
Fifty-five cows, twenty-five calves and two
bulls brought $22,274.50, the cows averag
ing $:141,4.1, aud calves $110.18. The im
putation was the second of Mr. Samuel
C. Kent, aud the cattle were selected by
Mr. Willis P. Hazard from among
the foremost milk and butter animals ou
the Channel Islands. Uncle Sammy Til
dcu bought a $1,300 bull, and a $1,200
cow ; Celin Cameren was a bidder, and
among the sales were : bull calf, dropped
February 22, by Byren A. W. Merris,
Oak Hill, Lancaster county. Pa , $'32.50;
Ne. 41. Gleria (foundation stock), aged 3
years, color, . solid dark gray, bred by
Francis Le Brecq G. M. Steiuman, Lan
caster Pa.iCJ70.00 ; Ne. 42, Yeung Lilly,
a;ed 2 years, color, solid light mulbcry
fawn, bicd-by Francis Le Brecq G. M.
Steiuman, Lancaster, Pa., $240.00
The 1'rlde of Speedwell
mentH, Creps,
Farm Itnprove Itnpreve
c. Purity will be givcu a full mile en Fri
day. Our correspondent will be present
and may have mera te say about " Pu
rity." Mr. Urias Dcmmy is making gicat im
provements about his farm near Brickor Bricker
villc. He is building a fine large barn,
one of the largest in the neighborhood,
and expects te have it completed in season
for all his cieps.
Haymaking will make its advent nexe
next week-. The farmers are getting their
implements iu order. Hay is fair but a
little short. Wheat is geed. Seme is in
jured by the ily. It will ripen before all the
hay is cut.
Death et an Old Colored Weman.
On Tuesday Mary Saulsbury, said te
have been the eldest colored woman iu
Bart tewtishipt-lied suddenly at her resi
dence near Nine Peiuts. Deputy Corener
Harvey Baughman, empanelled the fol
lowing named gentlemen as a jury and
held an inquest ou the remains of de
ceased : Harrison Graham. Alexander
Sangstcr, Jehn McGewau. Dauiel Mc
Gowan, sr., Rebert A. Fergusen and
Daniel McGewau, jr. The jury rendered
a verdict of death from natural causes.
Deceased was about 90 years old and lived
alone. She owned a little property of
about ten acres of laud.
A Knur-Legged Chicken.
We were yesterday shown a curiosity in
the shape of a chicken, belonging te J. P.
& D. W. Echtcrnach, of Paradise town
ship. It was born with four legs, two of
which arc at the "old accustomed place "
while the two extra ones pielrude fiem
under the wings ou either side. The
chicken is but three weeks old but is alive
and hearty and runs with the breed which
it belongs. The only trouble experienced
by the chick is that it will sometimes get
its extra legs caught in the grass when it
will have te be loosened.
Beautiful Flowers.
Mr. Geerge O. Hensel the Orange street
florist, had ou exhibition last night two
large night blooming ccrcus plants con
tabling five full grown flowers. They
were very large and perfect in shape.
During the evening quite a number of per
sons visited his conservatory, admiring
their beauty and inhaling their fragrance,
which permeated the entire place. One
of the plants has also a bud which will
probably open this evening.
A brilliant wedding took place at Bird-iu-Hand
en Tuesday, the high contracting
parties being Miss Annie Rhoads and Mr.
Harry C. Lintner. The event came off at
the residence of the bride's parents. The
guests were numerous and the gifts pic
sented valuable. The young couple started
at 10 o'clock a. m. en a six weeks bridal
tour. May joy go with them.
The Shinier Ftr.
The fair was largely attended last even
ing, and many handsome articles were
chanced off. This evening the Union fire
company will attend in a body.
This evening Geerge Flick, florist will
have en exhibition at the fair a night
blooming cereus which will be open after
six o'clock.
A deg supposed te be mad was shot en
Tew Hill this merring.
Mai ket was" poorly attended this raern-
)"? . ..
High Constable btiawenage is engaged
in cleaning and whitewashing the lock-up.
Shad fishing closed yesterday. New for
Mr; Jehn Barr, of Lancaster, is iu town
en business.
Mr. Frank Hiukle returned home from
college yesterday. After spending a few
weeks here he will take a trip te tLe
The Shawnee fire company tticd their
engine last evening and feuud it iu per
fect working order.
Yesterday afternoon a new machine
wagon was sent te Mr. Jee. Zinger, agent
for the Demestic sewing macuine and
ether companies. It was built in Platts
burg, New Yerk, and is of the very latest
The Shawnee rolling mill is putting up
a new rotary squeezer. At present that
mill has 90 men working, net including
day laborers.
Mr. Jacob McCIain met with a very pain
ful accident last night. While working at
the "squeezers" in the Shawnee roiling
mill, the index finger of his right hand
was caught and severely mashed. Fortu
nately amputation is net necessary.
Mr. William F. Leckard, Mr. Baum
gardncr and 11. II. Carter, accompanied
by several ladies, passed through here
this morning in two special cars, en route
for Fite's Eddy. Sicily Island, te par
take of an annual fish dinner. They re
turn here this evening.
The picnic of the German Re formed
Sunday school left here this morning for
Manheim. The choir's ei chest ra will
furnish the music, aud judging from the
large crowd that went along we predict a
a pleasant time.
This morning between one and two
o'clock Henry Irvin died at his residence,
near the Henry Clay furnace. He was iu
his sixth fifth year, and leaves a wife and
six children te mourn his less.
The private picnic te be held at Chickies
rock te-day premises te be a successful
one. It is held in honor of Miss May Brit
ain, of Hart isburg, who i.s new the guest
of the Misses Wauii.
Master Julius Beiustein, the two-year-old
son of Mr. S. Bernstein, jeweler, met
with an accident this morning. He was
playing in the yard, and getting tee near
an open cellar dour fell through aud .struck
nib head upon a large nail. The wound is
a painful, but net a dangerous one.
A light occurred last evening in the P.
R. R. depot. Twe men whose conversation
hceamc very loud, get into a discussion of
sonic kind. One accused the ether of
stealing his watch aud a railroad ticket.
The ether denied it and some pretty hard
names were exchanged. The accuser
seen brought matters te a close by knock
ing the ether down, who, as seen as he get
te his feet, ran. The one accused of the
theft was arrested this morning, but gave
bail. The watch was found hanging out
of the pocket of thq accuser, but as yet the
ticket s btill missing.
Last evening a man was found lying
in the middle of the read near the dam,
insensible, and with an ugly ' gash en his
forehead. He was picked up and after a
while brought back te consciousness. He
said he was a farmer, hut would net give
his name. It seems that he had left home
early iu the morning aud came te Celum
bia ou business, and after he was through
he had met some of his acquaintance aud
they had several drinks together. About
five o'clock iu the eveniug he mounted his
horse and started for home. At the place
where he was feuud his horse had shied at
some object, and threw him ever his
head. This was all he knew about the
matter except that his ' head pained him
most infernally." His horse was caught
near Little Washington, aud again mount
ing he continued his journey.
A young man by the name of II. C.
Leedcr. of Marietta, tried te jump en a
freight train yesterday afternoon, but
missed his held and fell, the wheels of one
car passing ever his feet. He' was picked
up and c irried te the warehouse of the
P. R. 11., wheic a short time after Dr.
Craig amputated four tees. He was taken
te his home en the 0:20 train, where his
wife and children, who had already been
informed, were awaiting his coming. Mr.
Leedcr is a cigarmakcr by trade aud was
en his way te Millcrsville, where his
father new resides, wheu the accident
happened te him.
Church Festival.
This evening the festival for the benefit
of St. Jehn's Lutheran church, opens iu
Odd Fellows hall. The place is very hand
somely decorated, much mere se than ever
before As ene enters his eyes arc daz
zled by the beautiful sight he beholds.
Ou the right hand side as you cuter, the
first place you ceme te is the ice cream
parlor. Then the church table, the Turk
ish cafe and the posteflice are the next
places of interest. Iu the- middle and at
the upper end of the room is the Fountain
of the Tropics and en each bide of this
beautiful piece of workmanship is the
flower table te the right and cake table Ne.
1 te the left of it. Then geiug down the
left side of the hall we find in rotation the
confectionery table, the fruit table aud
cake table Ne. 2, aud beside this latter
table we can see the kitchen, a very at
tractive and handy looking place. The ceil
ing and the sides of the ha'l arc tastefully
adorned with flags, evergreens aud pic
tures. We have hardly done justice te
the appearaucc of the hall, se the best plan
will be te go and see for yourself.
At Duffy's Vcfitercliiy.
The festive " farmers " who dined with
Cel. James Dufty at Marietta yesterday
had a line time of it. The table was set
in Duffy's park aud among these who
gathered about it were P. II R. President
Roberts, Vice President Cassatt, J. N. Du
Barry, R. D. Barclay, General W. T.
Sherman, W. Hcyward Drayten. Cap
tain Goedrich, Senater Bayard, A.
Louden Snewdeu, Geerge W. Child,
General Simen Cameren, Henry Mc
Cormick, James Yeung, W. B. Ferduey,
J. A. Hiestaud, Lawrence Jereme, L. S.
Bent, Dr. S. M. Gress, Ames Bewman,
and Judges Trunkey, P.ixsen, Green,
Sterrctt, Gorden and Mcrcur of the state
supreme court, General Rebert Patter
son, Judge B:ddlc, Geerge Blythe, F. A.
Comly, and Senater Cameren. The trout
were hooked with great zeal by Gen.
Patterson, Cel. Snevvdcn, Senater
Bayard and ethers, and after t'acv
caught enough for dinner thirty
eight guests pat down le au excel
lent bill of fare that included tomato soup,
baked black bass, boiled brook trout, cu
cumber salad, roast ham, champagne sauce,
broiled spring chickens, new potatoes, peas,
roast saddle of mutton, asparagus, baked
dotatees, Reman punch, cigarettes, roast
capons turkey aud chicken, cauliflower,
salad lettuce and tomato, cheese, ice
cream and water ices, strawberries, coffee.
"llir Killed by Lightning.
Jehn Havcrstick, of Cele rainc township,
had a very valuable marc killed bv light
ning during a storm. The animal was stand
ing under a walnut tree iu the field, which
was struck by the lightning, and when
Mr. Havcrstick went te leek for her he
was surprised te find her lying dead under
the ticc.
Hive Accommodations.
The Empire hook and ladder cempanv
have secured accommodations for them
selves in Reading, when they attend the
fircmeu's parade iu September. The com
pany will shortly receive new aud beauti
ful fatigue caps aud shirt shields which
will be worn for the first time in pleading.
at William Albert.
Our mortuary column reports the death
of William Albert, which occurred about
neon te-day at his residence, Ne. 235
West Lemen street. The illness which
has had this fatal termination was one of
long standing, beginning with a bronchial
aflectien, which rapidly -'developed into
that most dreaded disease, consumption,
and though the victim of this fell destroyer,
with the tenacity and determination that
were prominent traits of his character,
clung te life by the exertion of sheer will
power, the question of his death has been
only one of time. Whilst therefore this final
consummation of the inevitable will occa
sion but slight, if any,surprise among these
acquainted with the nature of the illness
which has kept him confined te the house
since before Christmas, aud during the
late period as an invalid te his bed, the
blew is none the less keenly felt by these
nearest and dearest te him.
Mr. Albert was a native of the great
lumber region of this state, we believe of
Clearfield county. He removed with his
lamiiy te this city in January, lo7e. aim
entered into, the lumber trade iu which he
bad previously been engaged, and in which
after acquiring a handsome competency he
sutained a serious reverse of fortune. He
did net long continue iu the business here
upon his own account, but associated with
Messrs. Themas Bauragardner and Ed
ward Eberman under the firm name of
Bauragardner, Ebermau & Ce., engaged
very extensively iu the lumber trade. He
remained in this connection up te the time
of his death, aud was iu reality the practi
cal manager of the large business of the
Mr. Albert was in all respects a warm
hearted, thorough-going gentleman, whose
less will be sincerely mourned by all who
were acquainted with him. His sterling
integrity was recognized by all who were
thrown into contact with him iu business
relations, while his generous impulses wen
ter him the friendship aud esteem of a
large circle of acquaintances. In the home
he was kind and affectionate te an uncom
mon degree and tlie stricken wife and
daughter who are called upon te sustain
this sad visitation of providence are as
sured of cordial aiid universal sympathy.
Mr. Albert was in the 52d year of his age,
and his fuueinl w ill take place ou Satur
day a fterne"i! .it 4 o'clock.
red estr ta n ih in.
Elim Uci'-licyaud JehnBerkcy, of Gor Ger Gor
denville. walked from that place toPhila tePhila
phia ou Thursday. They started at half
past o'clock in the morning and arrived at
llcstenvillc at i0 o'clock at night. At
that place tlfey took lunch and then pro
ceeded en their way, ai riving in Philadel
phia at 11 o'clock.
Last eveniug Jehn Warfel, a boy, ran
from Paradise te Gordonville, a distance
of three-quarters of a mile, ou an errand,
aud returned, in ten minutes.
The Ministerlum.
The ministeriuni at Pottstown ad
journed yesterday after transacting a geed
deal of business. A committee was ap
pointed te consider the proposed division
of the ininistcrium. Dr. Grecnwald was
elected en the committee'on English Sun
day school text book and ou the examina
tion committee, and C. A. Ilcinitsh. was
elected a visitor te Emaus orphans' Heme.
Deg Poisoned.
Seme days age a valuable deg belonging
te Samuel Nixderf, 401 Seuth Duke street,
was poisoned aud died. While suffering
from the poison the doc bit Mr. Nixderf
severely iu the hand. Mr. Nixderf, we
are told, has information as te the man
who administered the poison aud will
prosecute him te the extent of the law.
Death en the Rail.
Last night about eight o'clock, Neah
Glatfeltcr, son of Mr. Israel Glatfeltcr,
merchant, residing at Glen Reck, Yerk
county, was instantly killed by being run
ever, near Hanover Junction, aud a Mr.
Richard, walking with him, was seriously
fjueeny Shaped Berry.
II. II. Power, proprietor of the City
hotel, has a curiously shaped strawberry.
It is made of eight small berries which are
all united at the bottom. Each berry is
fully developed.
Uonren an Excursion.
Wash Hambright, ticket agent at tire
P. R. R. depot left at 8:05 this morning en
an excursion te Mount Desert island en
the coast of Maine. He expects te be
gene about a week.
The pocket book lest by Gee. Wchrly,
of Yerk, formerly or Lancaster, was found
at Spring Greve without the $85.
The Diocesan Convention.
The P. E. Diocesan convention in Yeik
adjourned last evening, after a highly suc
cessful missionary meeting.
lien -t our Canary Sing?
Then get a bottle of Hint Hitters which is an
unfailing restorer et song and a cure fei all
diseases et cage birds. If your druggist docs
net keep it, or will net get it for you, send a
pestiil card te the Bird Feed Company, 307
Federal street, Camden, N. .1., and they will
sec that you are supplied. Price, 25 cents.
Dlauiencl Mounting.
The C.istellani Collection, which attracted
t-e much attention at the Centennial exhibi
tion, did mere tlmn anything else te create a
correct taste ter beautiful mountings of dia
mond jewelry. Bailey, Banks ft Biddle,the
leading diamond importer.- and jewelers, of
Philadelphia, have availed themselves of the
services of Sener Castellan Land are new get
ting out, under his 'direction, some exquisite
styles el mountings which arc expected te be
the finest ever shown in this country. ltd
Rev. S. R. Fisher, D. D.
The following resolutions were passed by
the regular active members of the Geethcin
literary society, and unanimously adopted by
the graduate members at their reunion :
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty Ged te
remove by death our beloved brother. He v. 8.
it Fi-her, 1). I).
Whereas, lie was one of the founders of our
beloved society and hasendcured himself te us
all by his unceasing labor ter the geed and
welfare of our organization, his generous dis
position aud tchelariy attainments, wc, the
members of the Gecthean literary society, de
offer the following resolutions :
Resolved, That we bow In humble submis
sion te this dispensation of a Divine Father as
te a Ged wbe devth all things well.
Resolved, That in our acquaintance with the
deceased, betn as a minister et the gospel and
as a brother, we have always found him a
worthy represent.ttive of our society.
Resolved, That we extend te the bereaved
family our heartfelt syinpa hy in their alUic alUic
tien. Rcxelced, That we tenderly cherish the mem
ory of our departed brother, that wc should
emulate. Ids virtues and fellow his example
until our work en earth is done, and the
Master shall say: "Come up higher." That a
copy et these resolutions be tendered te the
family et the deceased. That they be printed
in Reformed Messenger, College Student and
the daily papers et Lancaster city.
Wji. H. Bridexbaugh,
Wm. E. Het,
0.003 cakes sold the first year attest the pop
ularity of Cuticura Medicinal Seap.
City Bill Pesters.
Carsen & llciiscl, city bill pesters and dis
tributors, office Intklliebxcek building. Ne. 0
Seuth Queen street.
Kich in muscle-producing material beyond
all ether loeds and medicines arc Malt Bitters.
Women that have been given up by their
dearest lrlends as beyond help, have been per
manently cured by the use 6t Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. It is a positive
cure for all lcmale complaints. Send te Mrs.
Lydia B. Pinkbam, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn,
Hass., for pamphlets.
Catarrh at UM
Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary
passages, diseased discharges, cared by Bucb
upalba. Druggists. Depot Jehn T. Leng ft
Sens. Lancaster.
" I have used Burdock Bleed Bitters with
great benefit for indigestion and constipation
et the bowels." C. L. EASTON,
Price 91. "Hamilton, On t.
Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's Drue Stere. 137
North Queen street, Lancaster.
Te Accommodate the Public.
The proprietors of that immensely popular
remedy. Kidney-Wert in recognition of the
claims et the public whicb lias se liberally
patronized them, have prepared a liquid pre
paratien of tbat remedy for the special accom
modation of these who lrem any reason dis
like te prepare it ier themselves. It' te very
concentrated and, as the dose is small, it te
mere easily taken by many. It lias the same
effectual action in all diseases of the kidneys,
liver or bowels. Heme and Fbrm.
The Greatest Blessing.
A simple, pure, harmless remedy, tbat cures
every time, and prevents disease by keeping
the bleed pure, stomach regular, kidneys and
liver active, te the greatest blessing aver con
ferred upon man. Hep Bitters te that remedy,
and its proprietors are being blessed by thou
sands who have been saved aud cured by It.
Will you try It. Sec ether column.
Kese Celd and Hay Fever.
Messrs. White ft Bubdick, Druggists, Ithaca,
N V. I can recommend Ely's Cream Balm te
relieve all persons suffering with Kese Celd and
Hay Fever. I nave been a great sufferer lrem
the same complaints ; have had great relief bv
using the Balm. I have recommended it te
many or my lriends for Catarrh, and in all
cases where they have used the Balm freely
have been cured. T. Kemrkv, Dry Goods Mer
chant, Ithaca, New Yerk. Sept. G, 1880.
Messrs. War. Rcsr ft Sexs, Druggists, New
Brunswick, X. J. Since boyhood 1 have been
troubled with Catarrh and Hay Fever, and
have been unable te obtain permanent relief
until I used Ely's Cream Balm, which has
cured me. Alter a lew day's use I could sleep
all night,-which I could net de before. E. L.
Clickerer, New Brunswick, X. J. Price 50
cents. Jul5-2wdcedftw
A Cough, Celd or sere Threat should ee
stepped. Neglect frequently results in an In
curable L'tng Disease or Consumption.
Brown's Bronchial Troches de net disorder
the stomach like cough syrups and balsams,
but act directly en the in flamed parts, allaying
irritation, give relief in Asthma, Bronchial
Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles
which Singers and Public Speakers are subject
te. Ferthirty years Brown's Bronchial
Troches have, been recommended by physi
cians, and always give perfect satisfaction.
Having been tested by wide and constant use
for nearly au entire generation, they have at
tained well-merited rank among the lew staple
remedies et the age. Sold at 2 cents a box
everywhere. nis-lvdlThftSftlyw
Ge te II. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North
Queen street, ler Mrs. Freeman's Jiew JVa JVa
tienal Dye's. Fer brightness and durability ei
coler.ure uncqualeil. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds.
Directions in English and German. Price. 15
(julnlne and Arsenic
Ferm the basis of many el the Ague remedies
in the market, and are the last resort of physi
cians and people who knew no better medi
cine te employ, for this distressing complaint.
The effects of either of these drugs are de
structive te the system, producing headache,
intestinal disorders, vertigo, dizziness, ring
ing in the cars, and depression of the consti
tutional health. Aycr's Ague Cure is a vege
table discovery, containing neither quinine.
arsenic, nor any deleterious ingredient, and te
an infallible and rapid cure ter every form of
Fever and Ague. Its effects arc permanent
and certain, and no injury can result lrem its
use. Be-ddes being a positive cure ler Fever
and Ague iu all its forms, it is also a superior
remedy ter Liver Complaints. It Is an excel
lent tonic and preventive, as well as cure, et
all complaints peculiar te malarieus, marshy
and miasmatic districts. By direct action en
the Liver and biliary apparatus, it stimulates
the system te a vigorous, healthy condition.
Fer sale by all dealers. jultt-iwdeedftw
Save Your Hair tteep it Beautiful.
The " Londen Hair Celer Restorer" te the
most delightful article ever introduced te the
American people and Is totally different lrem
all ether Hair Restorers, being entirely free
lrem all impure ingredients that render many
ether articles for the tiair obnoxious. Where
baldness or falling of the hair exists, or prema
ture grayncss, from sickness or ether causes,
its use will restore the natural yeuthlul color,
and cause a healthy growth, cleansing the
ecalp from all impurities, dandruff, etc, at the
panic time a most pleasing and lasting hair
dressing, lnigruntly perfumed, rendering it
soft and pliable, making it an indispensable
article iu ever' toilet. Ask your druggist for
Londen Hair Celer Restorer. Price 75 cents a
bottle. Six bottles, $1. Main depot ler the
United States, 330 Nertli Sixth street, Philadel
phia. nill-lvdTTliAF&w
Weaver Geielet. On the 12th el Junc.1881,
by the Rev. W. T. Gerhard, at Martin A Rudy's
Leepard hotel, David G. Weaver, of East Earl,
te Sliss Mary A. Geiglev. of Brecknock
Beeth Adaxs. On the 4th of June, 1S8I, by
the Rev. W. T. Gerhard, at his residence. Ne.
31 East Orange street, James 11. Beeth, te Miss
Katie C. Auams, both of Lancaster city.
Albkkt. In this city, en the 16th Inst., Wil
liam Albert, aged 52 years.
The relatives and friends et the family are
respectfully invited te attend the funeral,
lrem his late reside nee, 23 1 West Lemen street,
en Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment
at cemetery. 2td
Swatiie. In this city, en the 16th Inst.,
.lames Reuiien, son et James and Mary A.
Swayne,aged 2 years, 5 month anil 10 days.
Death has claimed our darling Rcminic,
Set its seal upon his brew ;
And his eyes that shone se brightly,
Shine in heaven with Jesus new.
The relatives and triends et the family are
respectfully invited te attend his lnneral,
from the residence of his parents. Ne. 401 East
King street, en Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Interment at the Lancaster cemetery.
. Hamilton. In this city en June 12th, 1881,
Mary, wife of J. A. Hamilton, in the 29th year
of her age.
Her relatives and friends arc respcctlnlly
invited te attend the funeral, lrem her late
residence, corner of Green and Duke streets,
en Friday morning at 0 o'clock. It
Fer County Commissiener:
FP.ANK CLARK, or Strasbnrg township.
Select te the choice el the Democratic coun
ty convention. lprfi-dftwtp
ADAM S. DIETRICH, of Maner township.
Subject te the decision of the Democratic
county convention.
HENRY F. HARTMAN (Lime Burner), el
East Lampeter township. Subject te the choice
of the Democratic county convention.
Boreuglu Subject te the decision of the Dem
ocratic county convention. apl3-dftwtp
JERE MOHLER, Ephrata. Subject te the
decision of the Democratic county conven
tion, aprll-dftwtp
Fer County Auditer:
JOHN S. BROWN, et Drumerc township.
Subject te Democratic rules. m27-d&wtp
JOHN L. LIGUTNER, of Lcaceck township.
Subject te the decision of the Democratic
ceuntv convention. aprUMfd&w
X Maiiiucrcher who intend participating in
the M;cnnercher excursion te Wild Cat Falls
en JULY 4, are requested te notify the Secre
tary, Mr. Pfeffer, either at the hall et the So
ciety or at his residence, Ne. 21'J North Queen
street, as seen as possible. In order te aid the
committee in making all necessary Arrange
ments. By order el the Society.
jett-2tdTh&S GEO. PFE1FFER, See'y.
J te facilitate prempt payment or City Tax,
the Treasurer's office will hereafter be open
continuously from 8 a. in. te 5 p. in., until
further notice. WM. McCOMSEY,
Jll-tfdB, Treasurer and Receiver et Taxes.
TfiUBSDAY BVKNIlte, JUNK 16, 18ef
Washington, June 16. Fer the Middle
Atlantic states, fair weather, followed by
increasing cloudiness, variable winds,
mostly easterly, stationary temperature,
stationary followed by falling barometer.
Anether Day of Fruitless Balloting.
Albany, N. Y., June16. The joint
convention met at neon. The following
is tne vote for JUr. Uenkling s successor,
combined vote ; Jacobs 51, Conkling 32,
Wheeler 38, Rogers 1, Cernell 11, Lap
bam 13, Bradley 1, Felger 3, Tremain 3,
Crowley 4. Mr. Wheeler took nearly all
of Mr. Rogers's vote.
The convention, then proceeded te vote
te fill the long term vacancy with the fol
lowing result : Combined vote Depew 54,
Kernan52, Piatt 27, Felger 2, Cernell 12,
Crowley 5, Lapham 1, Wheeler 1, Tracy 1.
Tim presiding officer declared tbat no
choice had been made in either case.
Mr. Brooks asked consent te offer a
resolution that in the event that no elec
tion is made for United States senator by
Monday, June 20, this convention will ad
jeurn sine die en that day after one or
mere ballets have been taken and witn
the understanding, en the part of the con
vention, that the two houses of the Legis
lature win aojeuru ate p. m., June zv.
Mr. Husted raised the point 'of order
that it was net in the power of this joint
convention te adjourn.
Lt. Gov. Heskins decided the point of
order well taken ' This 'joint conven
tion," he said, " must meet daily until the
Legislature adjourns."
The convcutien then adjourned until to
morrow at neon.
lilt With a Hee.
Danville, Va., June 16. At Dr. Rich
ard White's farm, in Pittsylvania county,
en Tuesday an altercation occurred bo be
twecn Obadiah Tatts ( white ) and Walter
Carter ( colored ), both laborers in the
field. Tatts struck Carter en the head
with his shoe, killing him instantly. With
out waitinir, however, te asceitain the
effects of the blew, Tatts took a horse and
went full speed te Chatham for Dr. White
whom he informed of the occurrence and
then left. Since then Tatts has net been
Ne Peace Eveu en Shlpbi ..Z
Berlin, June 16. News from St. Pe
tersburg states that the officers and crew
of the guard ship lying off Peterhof,
where the Russian imperial family will
shortly take up its residence, have been
changed in conscqucnce of the discovery
of a number of revolutionary proclama preclama proclama
matienson beard, and there have been
many arrests in connection with the af
fair. Cowboys Cleaning Out a Town.
Tucson, June 16. Three weeks age
four Americans, three of them cowboys,
were killed near Friutaves in Chimia.
Seventy well-armed cowboys left- Wilcox
yesterday for the purpose, as thev
threatened of clearing out the town of
fnntaves. Mexican federal troops have
been notified and bloodshed is antici
pated. Fishing In the Beserveir.
Elizabeth, N. J., June 16. Henry
Lane, a clerk in the Metropolitan bank, of
New Yerk, and a resident of this city,
was drowned last evening in the city res
ervoir, where he had been fishing, when
he was taken with a lit and fell into the
water. He leaves a wife and four chil
dren. The Cernel Crew.
Londen, June 16. The friends of the
Cernell university crew in Londen arc very
cenuacnt mat tne stewars et the JJenlcy
regatta will te-morrow revise their decision
relative te the entry of ihe Cernell four in
the race for tb.3 visitors cup.
An Unlucky Venture.
Norfolk, Va., June 16. Chas. Faglc,
employed in the engine room of the Sea
board cotton compress attempted te-day te
cress the path of the piston red of one
of the boilers and was caught by the piston
red and disemboweled. He died in
stantly. Summer Leisure Near the Equator.
Panama, June 7. On the afternoon of
April 26, without any warning, a furious
whirlwind rushed ever a part of the town
of Valdivia, and in a few minutes wrecked
an entire block and killed and wounded
several persons.
Trying te Ceuut Us Out.
Ascot Heath, June 16. A report is
current here that the certificate of Mr.
Kecne's colt Fex Hall had net been ledged
in Paris previous te the decision of the
judges in the race for the grand Prix de
Triumphant Iroquois.
Londen, June 16. At the Ascot meet
ing te-day the race for St. James stake.-,
was wen by Lorillard's Iroquois.
A Staid Old Quaker's Heirs Making
Up te 1879, when he died, David
A. Irish, a staid old Quaker, re
sided en Quaker Hill iu the town of
Pawlings, Dutchess county, N. Y. About
10 years age he married Miss Halleck,
daughter of Jes. Halleck, also a Quaker.
Irish's wife lived only about a year, and
early in 1375, it is alleged, he married his
housekeeper, an uneducated wemau
named Margaret Hankins, who was
a widow with two children. This
marriage did net take place in pres
ence of witnesses, but was rather a
mutual contract, drawn up by Mr. Irish,
which both signed. A boy, William
Henry, was born of this marriage, January
12, 1876. After the birth of this child
the parents did net lead a very pleasant
domestic life, and when the baby was
about three weeks old they had a quarrel,
tore up their marriage contract, each se
curing half, and separated, Irish taking
the boy and placing him in the care of Mr.
Miller, a neighbor. Irish, according te
Miller's statement, gave his wife Mar
garet $1,000 te leave him and never trouble
him mere. She thcu went te Brewsters
and seen married a man named Deeley,
and still lives with him at- Harlem.
On June 20, 1878, Irish was married te
Miss Nettie Halleck, a sister of his first
wife, and took the child away from Miller
and carried it te the farm of Chas. Robin
son near Chatham Four Corners, Colum
bia county. Irish lived happily, apparent
ly, with his third wife until April 23, 1879,
when he died very suddenly, leaving no
will and making no previsions for the dis
posal of his property, which was estimated
at $30,000. Mrs. Irish 'Ne. 3 was made
administratrix and her father administrator
of the estate and they settled up aud
received the benefits. Early in August
1879, the child disappeared from
Mrs. Robinson's aud inquiry by
Mr. Miller elicited the information
that a strange woman, claiming te be
an agent of the child's mother, had taken
it away. Mr. Miller went in pursuit of
the child, and finally succeeded in finding
it in a charitable instituting in New Yerk
city, where it had been left by Mary Hoag
a resident of Quaker Hill, who, it is al
leged, represented te the authorities at
the above institution that the child had
been abandoned and gave his name as
Walter Camp, instead of William Henry
Irish. Mr. Miller took possession of the
child and removed it te hie bone ia
Recently Mr. Miller, as gaardtaa, made
application in behalf of the heir, where
upon Surrogate Shelden issed a citation
te the administration te show cause why
we sneuia net account, and pay te this
infant heir the ameuut due him. Monday
the administrator appeared in court, and
in answer claimed that the child was set
the legitimate son of the deceased David
A. Irish. Mrs. Deeley, formerly Mrs.
Irish, was present, and testified that Mr.
Irish was its father and that she was
Irish's wife at the time of its birth,
and in corroboration of her state
ment she produced a portion of the
paper which contained the mar
riage contract mentioned above. Other
witnesses swore tbat Irish paid the beard
of this woman and her child. Here the
case rests for the present as the defense
was net prepared te proceed. The surro
gate granted -an adjournment until Juuc
30. The affair creates a great deal of ex
citement, net onlyameng.the Friends, but
all the residents of Eastern Dutchess. It
is admitted by all that the woman Han
kins was in trouble before the alleged
marriage te Irish took nlace. The ques
tien as te the legitimacy of the child is a
nice one for the surrogate te decide upon,
and several prominent lawyers are en
gaged m tne case
Hew vara Jaaraev.
w Yerk. June 16. Fleur State and West
ern slightly in buyers' favor light expert and
home trade inquiry : Superfine State, ti 109
4 75; extra de 4 705 00; choice de 15 1005 25;
tancv de 95 30a 75; round hoop Ohie
U 8535.10 : choice de 95 109675; superfine
western 4 303-1 75; common te geed ex
tra de 14 703500 ; Choice de 95 1006 75 ; choice
white wheat de. at 95 2596 25. Southern
scarce and steady, held ; common te fair ex
tra. 95 23?5 75 ; geed te choice de 95 80fJ7 50.
Wheat '4fe lower and heavy; Se.
2 Red, June, 91 'irMQl 3; de July, 91 25
1 26 ; de Aug, $1 lil 25 ; de 8ept.fl 24)
1 25.
Cern dull and Jic lower : -Mixed west
em spot. 5157Kc ; de future, 5(57c.
Oats i2 lower ; Ne. 2. June. 45c ; de
Jnly, 44)45c; de Sept.. 37je37Jic; State,
lugSljaj; Western, 44ffl51c.
rnlladelpBla Market.
f HiLAOBLPBiA. June 16. Fleur fair
demand, market -Arm ; Superfine, 93 25
:! 75; extra 34 50; Ohie In
diana family 95 6236 25; renin, family 95; 35
5 50 : St. l,enls de 96 C096 50 ; Minnesota
Extra 95 5036 00: de straigim, 96 IM6 50; win
ter patent 96 254? 7 01 ; spiiiigde 96 50750.
Rve flour at 95 12Q5 25.
Wheat active at decline ; Ne. 2 Western
Red, 91 2l4: I'cnn'a Red 91 -IQ1 24; de
Amber, 121I &.
Cern firm for local use : steamer. 31 55c;
yedew, 57K5Sc: sail mixed, 5657c.
Oats dull und weak : Ne. 1 Whiie44c ; Ne. 2,
de 4GK347c; Ne. :, de 41j946c; Ne. 2,
Mixed 43c.
Rye dull at 91 it).
Previsions steady ; in s perk 917 00,!7 50 ;
beet ham, 923 OJ25 0e; Indian m.s
beef .923 50.
Uacen jtnokeil shoulders, 67c; salt d
(fi6JCe; smoked hams ll12c; pickled Ivtms
Lard market steady; city kettle llcr loose
butchers' at loleUc; prime steam at
Butter -market firm and in geed demand ;
Creamery extra Pennsylvania at 22;
Western, 2122c : de geed te cheice 180
20c; Bradford county and New Yerk extra,
20c ; firsts. 17010c.
Rolls dull, peer ; Pennsylvania and Western
KgK 1"H and weak; Penn'a at 18c;
Western, 17c.
Cheese in lair Inquiry und steady ; New
Yerk lull cream. 10 ; Western full crc-.-m s
Q'Jc; de fair te geed, 838Kc.
Petroleum quiet: refined -SJ-ic
Whisky at 91 101 new held higher.
Seeds Geed te prime Clever, no market ;
Timethy nominal at 91 35 ; de de Flaxaeeti
dull at 91 289130.
Live Stock Market.
Cuicaoe. Hogs Receipts, 25,000 head ; ship
ments, 2,700 head; market strong, active and
5e lower ; mixed packing, 9550.rft'i; geed te
choice heavy, 963620; light 95 70S5 U5 ; a lew
extra at 96.
Cattle Receipts, 5,!00 bead; shipments, ?,400
head; market very slew and weak, particu
larly en green and halt fat ; geed te choice
shipping, 95 656; peer te lair, 952095 45;
butchers' stcaiy at 926594 93; grass Texans
strong and in geed demand at $3W)JJ4 30 ; win
tered Texans, 94 4095 15 ; lair westerns, 94 909
SCO; steckcrs and feeders, 93G09499; stock
calve-j, 916918.
fcliecp Receipts, 3,209 head; market active ;
all .shorn stock; Texans, 93 3593 50; peer te
geed natives, $4jf5 ; all sold.
The Journal's Liverpool dispatch 'says : " Cat
teo dull und declined lc. since Monday ; best
steers, 13c."
East Libkhtv Cattle Receipts 561 heyti ;
best selling ut960i fair te geed, J5 50QU;
common, 91 1095.
Hogs Receipts, 700 bead; Philadelphia!,
$6 09g6 15 ; Yorkers, 95 G'Qe 85.
Sheep, f 3 2595 25 ; receipts, 4,000 head.
a tee Marker.
New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks
also United States Bends reported daily by
Jacob B. l.ove. N. E. Cor. Centre Square.
New Yerk .steckb.
Stocks irregular.
June 16.
a. m. r. m. p M
10:00 1:00 3.00
. 33$
. 128 128 1?5
.. 124 124J4 123
. 75 75 744
. 26i 27 2fiJ
. !234 124 122K
. 110J4 lOJJjJ 109-4
. IU 11P4 110
. 82 83 St
,. 129Ji 1295$ 12SJ
. 27i 29 28?4
. l(.'jj 109 119
. 5lfc 51& MX
Chicago & Nertli Western,
Chicago. Mil. sst.i'aui
Canada Southern
C t. cfc 1. C 1. It.......... ......
Del., iack.& Western
Delaware ft IIudsenCunal
Denver ft Rie Grande
Hannibal ft St. Jee
Lake Shere ft Mich. Southern..
Manhattan Elevated.
Michigan Central
Missouri. Kansas ft Texas
N. Y., Lake Erie ft Weatecn....
New Jersey Central
N. Y., Ontario ft Western
New Yerk Centrall
Ohie ft Mississippi
Pacific Mali Steamship Ce
St. Puul ft Omaha
de Prelcrrcd
Central Pacific
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific
Wabash, St. Louii ft Pacific....
" " Preferred.
a k yy
101J4 101 101
:.7 37M
U.)4 H3? 1WJ5
432 43 43
53 53 52
45 44;$ 44
ie; .... i(i
101 101 1004
71J4 .... 69
127 12S4 12
55 55 50
'.mi 9314 93
Western Union Tel. Ce...,
Stocks steady.
Pennsylvania R. R
Reading ."
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Navigation
Buffalo, Pitts, ft Western..
Northern Central
Northern Pacific.
" Prelerred
Philadelphia ft Erie R. R.
lewaUuich Mining
Umited States Bends.
.. 132 133 132
23 "
United States 4 per cents.
1. A1S
' 5 " .
4 3 "
Noen Ouetattnns of the Grain Market
Furnished by Jacob B. Leng, Commission
Chicago. Jul v.
Wheat 91.10
tern 4
New Yerk.
v I t4lla
it neai... .......... . ......
cei'j 1. ..... ....... ......
Oats .... ......
Lecal stocks and Ifends.
Par J.ia
val. sale
I.anc.Clty 6 per ct. Lean, due I5S2. . .9100 9105
" 1885... 100 114
" 1890... 100 US..
" " 1895... 100 120
" 5 per ct. in 1 or 30 years'.! 100 105
5 per ct. Scheel Lean.... 100 112
" 4 " in ler 20 years.. 100 103
" 4 ' In 5 or 20 years.. 100 103 SO
" 4 " in 10 or 20 years. 100 105
MiscELLAjreeus behds.
QuarryviHc R. It., due 1893 9100 9114
Reading & Columbia R. Rdue 1882 100 WUV)
Lancaster Watch Ce., dne 1886 100 105.50
Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce.,
due in ler 20 years 100 1C150
Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce.,
llUC loot. lOO If G
Stevens Heuse 100 70
First National Bank. 9100 917nbd
Farmers' National Bank 50 1045
Lancaster County National Bank. . 50 102.25
Columbia National Bank J 1J5
Ephrata National Bank....... iJ
FftBt National Bank, Cplumbfa.. . . ITO 135
First National Itenk.Stiburg.... 100 13L50
First National Bank. Marietta. .... . 100 202J0
First National Bank, Mount Jey.. 100 131
Lltitz National Bank.:.. 100
Manheim National Bank 100 141.50
IlniouNaUenal Bank, Mount Jey. 50 70.50
, . . TuaariK stocks.
Big Spring A Beaver Valley
Colombia A Clicstnut HU1
Columbia ft WasblnxtOH
Columbia ft Bte aprimg...;
Laaeasterft Eparata
Lane , Eiixabethfa ft MldiUja'n.. . .
Unnu(rA rrntfrrlll
.9a 9M12S
. M
. IS
. 25 S
. 2 14.19
. 99 47.3ft
.we si
. 59 30
- 6459
. 25 5S
. SO 9S
- 25 39.49
. 25 9&JS
. 109 85
.399 275.25
. 3ft 49.1ft
. 25 21
. 25 49
. 29 37.S
v w .,
Lancaster ft;Lltltx
Laaeasterft Williamstewa
Laaeasterft Maaer... ..............
Laaeasterft Jfaabetm
Lancaster ft Marietta.....
Lancaster ft New HeUaad
Lancaster ft Snarmeaanna.
Laaeasterft Willow Street
Strasburzft Millport
Marietta ft Maytown
Marietta ft Meant Jey
auarryvllle B.K :.5
lUlersvUle Street Car. 00
Inquirer Printing Company. 59
Watch Factory 19
Gas Ltgbtand Fuel Company 25
Stevens Heuse 168
Columbia Gas Company.
Columbia Water Company
Susquehanna Iren Company 169
Marietta HoUewware ids
areJa laver el organizing a branch et the
LAND LEAGUE In tab city are requested te
Hall, at 7 o'clock. jeI5-2td
The duplicate la in the hands of tne Treas
urer. 3 pur cent, etr for prompt payment. -'
W. O. MARSHALL. Treasurer.
Ne. 13 Centre Square.
JVOfllce hours from 9 a. m. te 4 p. in.
supplied at City Prices.
Ne 55 West King Street.
feieiwd Lancaster. Pa.
cM.ULnJ the detection, conviction
punishment of the party or parties guilty of
the crime et incendiarism or arson, in firing
the Tobacco Warehouse owned by Mr. Gee. D.
Sprecherand damaging the tobacco stock et
Mr. Phil HUke. en the night of June 5.181.
Said reward payable en the conditions offered
by the National Beard of Fire Underwriters.
Insurance Agents,
J9-3tdeed 10 West Orange Street.
Apply at the SPRECHEK HOUSE.
Nertli Duke Street.
German boys aged 16 and 17 years. Will
ing te work at anything at which they can
make themselves useful. Willing te work en
a farm. Apply at this office.
ary. Apply at this office. jcl5-2td
Open every eveniug, und en WEDNESDAY
In their Hall,
Keystene Band will
be In at-c9-15td
SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1881.
lanetli node Tee's CaM,
Powerful Deuble Company, introducing
PRICES, as35Cta.
Ne extra charge for Reserved Seat at Bex
.Business Manager.
Fer Catarrh, Hay
Fc vcr.Ceid in the Head
Ac, insert with little
finger a particle el
Balm into tbe nostrils ;
draw strong breaths
through the nose, lt
will be absorbed,
cleansing and healing
tbe diseased mem
Apply a particle into
the ear.
having gained an enviable local reputation,
displacing all ether preparations in the vicin
ity et discovery, is, en it merits alone, recog
nized as a wonderful remedy wherever known.
A tair trial will convince the most skeptical of
its curative powers. It effectually cleanses the
nasal passages of catarrnal virus, causing
healthy secretions, allays inflammation and
irritation, protects the membranal linings et
the bead from additional colds, completely
heals the sores and restores the sense el taste
and smell. Beneficial results are realized by a
few applications. A thorough treatment as
directed, will cure Catarrh. Ah a household
remedy for cold in the bead it is unequalled.
The Balm is easy te use and agreeable. Sold
hvilniL'L'l.sLmLt SO cents. On receipt of 50 cents
will mail a packuge. Send ler circular with
full Information.
EL) 'S CREAM BALM CO., Owcge. N. Y.
Fer sale by the Lancaster druggfsts, and .by
wholesale druggists generally.
122-6 incedAw
TRUTba. '
(A Medicine, net a Drink,)
All Diseases of the Stomach. Bewel". Bleed,
Liver, Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, Nervous
ness, Sleeplessness, Female Complaints and
Will be paid for a ease they will net cure or ter anything impure or injurious found
in them.
Ask your Druggist for Hep Bitters and free
boek8.and try the Bitters before you sleep.
Take no ether.
Hep Bitters MaRHlactHrlRtjrCeapany,
Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario;
This morning a trio et patients, lrem Read
ing, Philadelphia and Edgewood, Bucks
county, each related their unfortunate exper
iences under the treatment et their eyes by
the Oculists, Drs. Norris, Levis and Straw
bridge, of Philadelphia, anApnclr decided Im
provement under uiy practice. One of them
came te me totally blind : the second nearly
blind, and tbe third with almost constant
neuralgia in and around the eyes, with im
paired vision. A fourth patient. Mfss Lizzie
Brubaker.'of Litltz. said : " My dyspepsia and
ether afflictions it long standing leit me In a
short time after gelM andcr your charge, and
my glasses, worn stab I was fourteen years et
age, were laid asldJIs useless, and my vision
Is natural.'' N ffcullst in this country or
Europe can predRcsuch results without they
Giscevcr my remedies and applications, or
similar ones. Persons wearing Glasses ler far
and nearsightedness or ether diseases or this
organ can usually bave them removed inside
ottwemonthsandthevlgproi their eye re
stored te its normal condition. Names e! per
sons cured et Astigmatism given upon appli
cation, a diseased foadltlenot the eyes tbat se
oculist ever pretends te cure Alse Cataract
cured by absorption without using tbe knife.
Send for or call and get (free) four pamphlets.
One en cures of diseased eyes ; dne en catarrh :
one en emnlpatby, and the last, containing a
large number of names et persons cured et
every variety of disease.
Mat 4, 1881.
OtldM-WFftSl Lancaster. Pa.