I i LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER -MONDAY, JONE 13, 1881. KKII.ES and fridy. iMKy-Vallylng of the Committee or Seven. The iavcstigatiug committee of the Re publican beard of return judges of the late primary election met in Grant ball tins morning at 10 o'clock. Present Messrs. Frank Musselman, chairman, Stiasburg : Sam'l Evans, secretary, Co lumbia ; Jacob Halbacb, Second ward, city ; W. S. Burns, Seventh ward, city : J. 1'. Albright, East Denegal ; Geerge A. Wallace, East Earl. Mr. Halbacb offered tbe following reso lutions, which were read and adopted seriatim : Reunited, That the president aud vice picsidcut of the return beard produce and deliver te this committee all returns, tally papers aud poll books in their posses sion. llcselted, That the jude of LewerIt. Jey township, IJrcucmau's school house, be requested te produce before the com mittee the return, tally jwpcr, poll book and tickets of the primary election held in that district at the next meeting of the committee, te beheld en Wednesday, June 13, at 10 o'clock. As the above resolutions were adopted before Messrs. Albright and Wallace ar rived, they were again read for their in formation. Mr. Albright said that under the rules of the party and under all parliamentary rule, the functions of this committee had ceased. The committee had been created by the beard of return judges and had benn discharged by the beard of return judges, and therefore bad no mere power te act for the Republican party thad any ether seven members of the party. Mr. Halbacb held that at the time the committee is alleged te have been dis charged there was net a quorum present ; and even if the beard had discharged the committee, it had no right te de se, as the lulcsefthe party provide that the com mittee shall be reconvened en application ei any tweuty-five members of the party ; that such application had been made te two members of the committee ; that these two members had convened the committee, aud the meeting of the com mittee was entirely regular. Besides, there hail becu precedent set iii this matter by the reconvening of the investigating com mittee last year. Mr. Albright replied that last year the beard of return judges did net discharge the committee ; this year they did by a unauimeus vote. If all the members of the return beaid were net present when this action was taken it was their own fault, as they ought te have been present He denied that this committee had any right, as a committee, te prosecute the in vestigation. They had been unmade by the authority that made them. He was net present because the chairman of the committee had issued his calls but came simply out of curiosity. Mr. Burns moved that the committee adjourn until half-past one o'clock p. m. Mr. Evans opposed the motion, and hoped the committee would remain in ses sion until the arrival of counsel, who were attending a meeting of the Lancaster bar, which would seen adjourn. The motion te adjourn was carried. The Afternoon Session. All the members were present aud en motion of Mr. Evans the motion passed this morning te adjourn te next Wednes day was reconsidered by the votes of all the committee except Halbach and Burns. On Wallace's motion the committee went into secret session aud. coming out, re ported that they would hear counsel Mr. North lciiig present for Fiidyaud ltcin echl for Skilcs. A controversy arose between Judge Evans aud Judge Hal bach as te whether the preposition te eidcr a production of the returns from Lewer Mt. Jey had or had net been rc rc ceusidcicd. Te settle all doubt the majority recon sidered it au J Halbach wanted it readeptcd. J. Hay Brown, of Fridy's counsel, op posed the preposition of making a demand from a single district and wanted te go te the bottom of all the alleged rascalities. Halb.ich's resolution was net laid en the table, aud the Lewer Mt. Jey returns were called for by the votes of the four Skiles men en the committee. Vice President Hendersen produced these and ether re turns, amid some excitement. Hay Brown wanted te knew where he get them. Hen Hen dereon said that they came into his cus tody properly at the meeting of the return judges. Brown said the Mt. Jey return had been surreptitiously taken from the meeting of the beard of return judges, had been re peatedly aked for and could net be found, and new it is brought here aud produced te The very committee that asks the return judge of Lewer Mount Jey te produce it. It is net in his possession, of course, and he cannot produce it. The passage of the resolution will amount te nothing. He hoped some member of the committee would ask te have iucludcd the Seventh ward, as he understood it had never been presented te the return judges. As the judge from that ward is a member of this committee, ticrliaps he can give some in formation en that subject. Mr. Burns said be had handed iu the returns from the Seventh ward, but diil net knew whether or net the poll book was with them. Mr. Hellingcr could tell him all. about it. It was resolved that the Seventh ward be iucludcd in the resolution relative te the returns from Lewer Mt. Jey. Friday next, June 17th, was lixed as the time for the next meeting of the com mittee. Concerning Step Valves. Lancaster, June 11, 18S1. Messrs. Editors Intelligencer : Having been told that Mr. Jes. Huber is tryiug te find fault with several of the members of councils for net acccptiug his make of step valves I would simply say te Mr. Huber that I was the lowest bidder for the kind of step that the superintendent adopted ; aud as Mr. Huber had no bid iu for the same kind of step, I naturally was entitled te the contract. Mr. Huber never made a valveiu his shop like these I have been furnishing for this city, Har risburg, Erie, and ether places that I could name. Perhaps Mr. Huber can explain why he received the contract for furnish ing the city with one dozen lire plugs at $270 when my bid was for 228 per dozen. It don't seem as if the lowest bidder was always entitled te the job. Respectfully yours, E. H. Uiixku. 1UK UAK ASSOCIATION. Its Scmi-Annual Meeting This Morning. The semi-annual meeting of the Lancas ter bar association was held in the court room this morning, President H. M. North in the chair and W. U Henscl secretary pre tern. The minutes of the previous meeting were read ; also the report of the beard of censers, reporting its organiza tion, rales, &c, as previously published ; and that no offences had been brought te its notice. The secretary pre Urn. was in structed te present te all members of the bar an application for membership in the association if they desired te join the same. Adjourned. Veire your canary Sing ? Then get a bottle of Bird Hitters, which is un unfailing restorer el song and a .cure for all diseases of cage birds. It your druggist does net keep it, or will net get It for you, send a postal card te the Bird Feed Company, 307 Federal street, Camden, N. J., and they will see that you are supplied. Price, 23 cents. mar23-Smdftw m Shaving becomes a luxury when indulged in daily with Cuticura Shaving Seap. Mether-! never fail te recommend Halt Bit ters as nourishing and strengthening. City UI1I roster. Carsen & Hensel, city bill pesters and dis tributors, office IwrttuOEKcsn building. Ne. 6 Seuth Queen street. SPECIAL NOTICES. Flies and Mosquitoes. A 15c. bo.et "Bough en Bate" will keep a house free from flies, mosquitoes, rats and mice, Ike entire season. Druggists. Women that have been given up by their dearest friends as beyond help, have been per manently cured by the use or Lydla E. Pink bun's Vegetable Compound. It is a positive cure for all female complaints. Send te Mrs. Lydla E. Pinkhani.SXS Western Avenue, Lynn. Mas?., for pamphlets. BenebiCters. When a beard of eminent physicians and cliemUts announced the discovery that by combining some well known valuable reme dies the most wonderful medicine was pro duced, which would cure such a wide range of dineascs that most all ether remedies could be dispensed with, many Were sceptical ; but proof et its merits by actual trial has dispelled all doubt, and te-day the discoverers of that great medicine. Hep Hitters, arc honored and blessed by all as benefactors. mylG-2wd&w Itching files Symptoms aud Cure. The symptoms urn moisture, like pcrsplra tien, intense itching, increased by scratching, very distressing. jKirticularly at night, as if pin worms were .crawling In aud about the rectum ; the private parte arc sometimes af fected ; it allowed te continue very serious re sults may fellow. Or. Swayne's All Healing Ointment is a pleasant sure cure. Alse for tetter, itch, salt rheum, scald head, Erysipelas, banters itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty, cuta cuta neous eruptions. Price, 50 cents, three boxes for $12.". Sent by mail te any address en re re ceipeor price la currency or three ccntpost ccntpest ge stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swaync & Sen. XX) North. Sixth street. Philadelphia, Pa. held by all prominent druggists. marl2-lyMwS&W Te Accommodate the Public. The proprietors of that immensely popular remedy, Kidney-Wert in recognition et the claims et tin; public which has se liberally patronized them, have prepared a liquid pre paratien of that remedy for the special accom modation of these who from any reason dis like te prepare it for themselves. It Is very concentrated and, as the dose is small, it U mere easily taken by many. It has the same cflectual action in all diseases of the kidneys, liver or bowel. Heme and Farm. jul3lwd&w A Renovating Kemcdy Is te be found in Burdock Bleed Bitters. As an antidote for sick headache, female weak ness biliousness, indigestion, constipation and ether diseases et a kindred nature, these bit ters arc invaluable, Price $1. or sale at 11. U. Cochran s Drug Stere. 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. lly Universal Accord, Aykii's Cathartic Pills arc the behtel all pur gatives ler family use. They are the product et long, laborious, and successful chemical in vestigatien, und their extensive use, by physi cians in their practice, and by all civilized na tiens, proves them the best and most effectual purgative Pill that medical science can devise. Being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use. in intrinsic value and curative pew eis no ether Pills can be compared with them, und every person, knowing their vir tues will employ them, when needed. They keep the syMciu in pcrtect order, and main tain in healthy action the whole machinery et lilt:. Mild, searching and effectual, they arc e-ipccmlly adapted te tint needs et the diges tive apparatus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, it timely taken. They arc the best and safest physic le employ for chil dren and weakened constitutions where a mild but effectual cathartic is required. Fer Mile by all dealers. juSMwdeed.Vw Rese Vulu uud iiay Fever. Being seriously troubled with Hay Fever and Kec Celd, I (at. the solicitation efa friend) tried Ely's Cream Balm and was surprised iu obtaining a) most immediate relict. I heartily indorse and earnestly recommend it te all sim ilarly alllUtcd. W. P. Axuucs, DruggM, Met uclien, X. .1. Augubt 20, 1870 Fer II AY FEVER I recommend Ely's Cream Halm. It entirely relieved me from the first pplicatien; have been a sutlerer ter ten years (jieiug from home aud neglecting te take the remedy, I had an attack; alter returning I immediately resorted te it. and found instant relief. 1 believe, had I bciruu its use earlier, 1 should net have been troubled. Have steed heat, dust aud draughts as well as during ether months. J. Cellyeb, Clerk, 118 Bread htieet, Elizabeth, X. J. Price 50 cents. je 1 Swdftw. A Friend in Meed. Time ever and again Themas1 Eelectric Oil has proved a salutary friend te the distressed. As a reliable curative for croup in children, sere threat and bronchial affections, and as Ja positive external remedy ler pain, it is a never tailing antidote. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street, Laucaster, aietliers! Mothers!! Mothers!': Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick clitld.sull'ering and crying witli the excruciating pain et cutting teeth ? It se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYBU P. It wiU re lieeo the iKier little sutlercr immediately de pend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There K net a mother en earth who has ever used it, wne will net tell you at once that it w ill regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief aud health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use m all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and is the prescription of ene et the eldest and best female physician and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere; 23 cents a bottle. mar7-lvd&wM,W&S DEATHS. Eaht. In Intercourse, Lancaster county, Fa., bulimia, wite et Meics Eaby, in the With year et hsr age. Funeral en Thursday morning, .Tnne It;, at 0 o'clock. Services at intcrment at Eaby's meeting house, at lOJJ a. m. ltdAw Buam. June 12, 18S1, near Intercourse, Wai ren M., son et .1. M. and It. Saleme Beam, aged 3 years and 7 days. Friends and relatives arc invited te attend the funeral, from his lather's residence, near Intercourse, en Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. ltdAw POLITICAL. Fer County Commissiener: FP.AXK CLABK, of Strasbnrg township. Sul'jcct te the choice et the Democratic coun ty convention. aprfi-d&wtp ADAMS. UIETUICH, or Maner township. Subject te the decision of the Democratic county convention. IIENUY F. HAUTMAX (Lime Burner), of East Lampeter township. Subject le the choice of the Democratic county convention. apr2-d&w!p MABT1X H1LDEBBANT, or Mount Jey Borough. Subject te the decision of the Dem ocratic ceuntv convention. apl3-d&wtp JERE MOIILEU, Ephrata. Subject te the decision of the Democratic county conven tion, aprll-d&wtp Fer County Auditer: JOHN S. BROWN, et Drumore township. Subject te Democratic rules. ni27-dwtp JOHN L. LIGHTXER, of Leacock township. Subject te the decision of the Democratic ceuntv convention. . aprlS-tfd&w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SCHOOL. TAX 1881. The duplicate is in the hands of the Treas urer. 3 per cent, off for prompt payment. W. O. MARSHALL. Treasurer. Ne. 12 Centre Square. 3"Onicc hours irem 9 a. m. te 4 p. m. js-tME F AIR AND STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL OF THE SfflFFLER FIRE COMPANY, Open every evening, und en WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, In their Hall. Keystone Band wiU be in at tendance. Je9-15td NEW ADVERTISEMENTS' T AKCASTKR WATCHES. ED W. J. Manofectwieg Jeweler, WE INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR LARGE STOCK OF LANCASTER AND AMERICAN WATCHES, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CLOCKS. Solid SUrer art 8ilrerFIated Ware ia SptMS, Ferks, Xmlves, Casters, &c. We offer te our patrons advantages which are rarely combined in one establishment, be caue we have a complete MANUFACTURING DEPABTMENT in connection with our retail business .and arc making a large part et the goods we sell. This enables us te be sure of qual ity, ie sen at me lowest prices, anu gives us nrst ERAL UEPAIUIXG. EDW. J. Manufacturing Jeweler, uiar24-3md&wR B ARGA1KS. FLINN & An offering their Immense Stock or TIN WAKE, BUCKETS, BROOMS. Ac, bought at New Yerk Auction, at less than hair their value. WATER COOLERS, BABY CARRIAGES, BASE BALLS AND BATS, ARCHERY, BROOMS, 10c. FISHING Uie.it Attraction en the 5c., 10c., 15c. aud NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. NEW ADVERTISEMENT, XTOTICE. ' J.1 The Strawberry Festival at Odd Fellows Hall will continue until Tuesday evening, te afford all an opportunity te visit us. Come ' one, come all. Tickets, 10 cents. je!3-2td i CITY TAX NOTICE. WITH THIS TI1SW i te raclln - prempt payment or City Tax, . the Treasurers elHcc will hereafter be open continuously irem 8 a.m. te 5 p. m., until further notice. 1VM. McCOMSEY, jll-tfdR Treasurer and Kcceivcr el Taxes. , LEAF TOltACCO rOR SALE. THE 780 Ceses of 18S0 Packing or Mr. Phil. Bilkc, Injured by the lire et June 5, isnew offered at ' private sale by the insurance companies haT- I ing had the Insurance and who are owners or the same. The packing et Mr. Phil. Ililkc has been acknowledged by experts te be as fine as any seen this season. Fer particulars call en or address BAUSMAN & BUKNS. Insurance Agents, - . jll-2ldR Ofllce : 10 West Orange Street. INSURE tVlin 1'UK OLD AN1 WELL Established Agency of the Giranl Fire Insurance Ce., OF .PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS OVER Eleven Hundred Thousand Dollars. Invested in Sate and Solid Securities. KIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 EAST KINO STREET, dll-UmdM.WSR Second Fleer. J. It. MARTIN & CO. NEW GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. SPECIAL BARGAINS IR EVERY DEPARTMENT. NEW AND SEASONABLE DRESS GOODS SUMMER S1LKP, SOLID COLOR SILKS, ULACK SILKS, FOULARD SILKS, TRIMMINO SILKS. Cashmeres in Black and all the New Summer Shades. BUNTINGS, LACE BUNT1SOS, NUN'S VEILING, MOMIE CLOTHS. Ac. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. NEW AND DESIRABLE FABRICS, LACES, Ac. HOSIERY, GLOVES AND UNDERWEAR. Largest Stock of Carpets and Wall Papers. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. Hing and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. PA. ' WANTS. WANTED TWO BOYS WANTED TO work at carriage painting. Beys who have worked at It preferred. Apply at je ttd NORBECK. A MILBT'S. WANTED. TWO GOOD MACHINISTS immediately at HUBER's MACHINE SHOP AND FOUNDRY. ltd CHINA AND GLASSWARE. piIIINA HALL. MASON PORCELAIN LINED FRUIT. JARS, Pint?, Quarts and Hair Gallen. JELLY CUPS, JELLY TUMBLERS, AT LOWEST PRICES, AT HIGH & MAKTHS, 15 EAST KINO STREET. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS; ALSO Druggist's 95 per cent. Alcohol, at A. Z. RING WALT'S Cheap Grocery and Liquor Stere, lebiD-iyd No.ae5WestSJ0g;street A MEB1CAM WATCHES. ZA.ELM, Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Fa. - ciass iacunics ier n ah,h uu& ana usfl- ZAHM, Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Fa. B ABGA1NS. WILLSON REFRIGERATORS. EXPRESS WAGONS CROQUET, BASKETS, BUCKETS, 10c., &c. TACKLE: 25c. Counters. MISCELLANEOUS. rtlREWOKKS-ALl, KINDS. DEALERS JL' supplied at City Prices. J. E. WEAVER, Ne S3 West King Street, (cleiwd Lancaster, Pa. djcnn REWARD. THE UNDERSIGNED (0iUU are instructed te offer ler Messrs. Schresdcr A Ben, Leaf Tobacco Mercliants, et Hew Yerk, tbe above named reward for the arrest and conviction or the party or parties who flred their warshouse premises en the night of June 5. 1881. BAUSMAN BURNS, jclOOldced 10 West Orange Street. CUESTKCT IIlIX IltOlC ORE Ce. ) June 1,1881. S NOTICES. The annual election et directors el this company will be held at their office m Colum bia, Lancaster county. Pa., en the 17th day ei June, at 11 o'clock, a. m. E. F. HATFIELD, Jr.. ?e2-cedtl8 Secretary. T O INVENTORS! W. H. BABOOOK, 1 Atterncy-at-Law, of Washington, D. C, lortn lertn crly an examiner in U. S. Patent Office, offers his services as solicitor before theU. S. and foreign Patent Office. Careful work at fair prices. Was associate et Mr. Jacob Stauffcr,el : Lancaster, until the latter's death. I JeC-3md&w I DUILDINO LOTS FOR SALE. . The u nderslgnctl offers for sale en weekly or monthly payments. Building .Lets at a very low price en long time. These lets are situ ated ou Duke, Lime, Frederick Slilppen and New streets. A geed chance for men -who wish te have their own homes. Try it. you'll never regret It. Apply te A. W. RUSSEL, or ALLAN HERR'S Real Estate office, Ne. 3 North Puke street. may27-lmdMW4F JEWELERS. ' AIER1CAN CATHEDRAL STRIKE FIFTEEN DAY CLOCKS. f FRENCH MARBLE GONG STRIKE CLOCKS AUGUSTUS RHOADS, Jeweler. 21) East King Street, Lancu-ter, 1 a. 1) IANONDS, SC. A DIAMOND, ir skillfully selected, and pru dently purchased, Is net only a tasteful ornament, but a ju dicious investment, which in case of necessity can at any time be turned into actual cat.li. A DIAMOND, te be thus avallable ler the future, must be et superior quality and possess intrinsle excellence. Common and In terior Diamonds may disap point the purchaser in UUs re spect A DIAMOND, such as may at any time be se lected from our well-chosen and superb frteck, may always be depended upon. BAILEY, BANKS, BIDDLE, 12th & Chestnut Streets, ' PHILADELPHIA. COAL. B. B. MARTIN, Wholesale and RetaU Dealer In all kinds et LUMBER AND COAL. "-Yard: Ne. 433 North Water andPriie streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd C0H0 & WILEY, 360 NORTH WATER ST Lmntmter, Fm., Wholesale and RetaU Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection Wlta tbe Telephonic Exchange. Branch Office.: Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. leb28-lyd "O TO RELLLY & KELLER -FOB GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers and ethers in want et Superior Manure will find It te their advantage te call. Yard, Harrisburg PUte. i Oflce.20X East Chestnut street. ag!7-tt MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. mas ALBRECHT PIANOS Axe the Cheapen, because they are tbe Best. L. B. HERB, Agent, NO. 8 East Orange Street, apt3Wma ILancaster.Pa. THIRD EDITIOJT. MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 13, 1881. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Juue 13. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, partly cloudy weather, oc casional raius, easterly veering te warmer westerly winds, lower barometer. THE OLD GUARD. Conkling's Supporters Stand Firm. Albany, June 13 The joint conventie met at neon with Lieutenant Governer Heskins in the chair, and proceeded te vote for a senator te fill the vacancy caus ed by the resignation of Mr. Conkling. The vetewas as fellows : Wheeler 16, Cenklipg 24, Jacobs 26, Cernell 8, Rogers 12, Lapham 6. Tremaine 3, Felger 2, Bradley 1. Ne choice. Mr. Spinola offered a resolution that pairing shall net hereafter be recognized and no leave of absence shall be granted. Mr. Husted raised the point of order that the resolution was net in order, which point was sustained by the chair en the ground that according te the law of Congress the voting must be taken for the ether vacancy, after that the convention could act en the resolution if it saw fit. The convention then proceeded te vote for a senator te till the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Piatt. The vote was as fellows : Depew 36, Cernell 6, Kernan 27, Felger 3, Piatt 21, Crowley 3, Lapham 2. Ne choice. Mr. Spinola called up his resolution. Senater Robertsen was heartily in favor of se much of the resolution as refers te net recognizing pairing. After some discus discus sien Mr. Spinola asked that the matter lie ever until te-morrow which was agreed te, and the joint convention adjourned. THE LUTHERANS. Proceedings In the General Synod A Lan caster Clergyman's Appointment. Alteena, Pa., June 13. At the re assembling of the general synod of the Lutheran church this morning it was re solved that "we deem it expedient te es tablish an institution of exclusive German theological education, aud that a commit tee of five persons' be appointed by this general synod who shall constitute the beard of directors of said institution, and who shall procure an act of incorporation." At this point the order of the day (pub lication business) was announced and the synod adjourned te meet as publica tion society. The secretary's report showed the assets te be ever $50,000, with liabilities only $2,400. The monthly periodicals have a circula tion of 101,000. The sales room at Ne 42 North Ninth street, Philadelphia, has been enlarged at a cost of $2,300, and the mortgage of $10,000 ou the property has been cancelled. Sixtceu new volumes have been published. The vacancies in the beard were filled by the election of Revs. F. W. Cenrad, D. D and Sylvanus Stall, of Lancaster, Pa., Laymen Charles Schciren and J. B. Downing. m Twe Fatal Accidents. Jeksey City, N. J., June f3. Sirs. Schanett, aged 54, living en Fifth street, fell down stairs yesterday afternoon re ceiving internal injuries, which this morn ing terminated in death. Captain J. J Jeffrys of the schooner II. II. Lyens of Tem's river and new lying at this place lest his balance while looking from a third story window of the Dary house fell te the pavement ami was in stantly killed. The Little Injuns. Washington, June 13. President Gar field, accompanied by several members of the cabinet, will probably attend the exer cises at the training school for Indian youths at Carlisle barracks. Pa., ouThur euThur day next. The matter will be dclinitely decided at the cabinet meeting te-morrow. O'Donnell's Wrath. San Francisce, Cal., June 13. Duriug the usual exercises at the Sand Let yester day, Dr. O'Donnell, who runs every Sun day an opposition meeting te Kearney, in the course of his harangue produced the British and Chinese Hags, and rolling them iu a bundle, burned them en the platform. Compensating the Jews forLetscs. Londen, June 13. A despatch from St. Petersburg te Renter's telegram company says the peasants of a village in the dis trict of Kicff have voluntarily compensated the Jews for the sufferings they have un dergone te the extent of 800 reubles. AVUIage Nearly Destroyed by Fire. Detroit, June 13. The village of Lud Lud ingten, en Lake Michigan, was nearly de stroyed by fire en Saturday. Very few business houses escaped. Touacce Factory Burned. , Louisville, June t3. Dunlap & Ce.'s tobacco factei y was burned ou Saturday night. Less, $40,000. B. B. Carsen's hay and feed store, adjoining suffered se verely. Hanlan and Wise Will Net Itavr. Terente, June 13. The Hanlan-Wis-c race is off, the men being unable te agree about the style of the beats. A race has been arranged between Wise and Gaudewr for $500. New Trial for the Kumbergers. Haiirisuuiie, Pa., June 13. The Dau phin county court this morning granted a trial te Henry and Frank Rnmbergcr, con victed of the murder of Daniel Truman in December last. KUled for a Deg. Gelden, Cel., June 13. While quarrel ing about a deg, Sidney Patrick shot and killed his brother Rube. Sidney was ar rested. ARTHUR. Vice I'rosidentelthe United States and Political Runner. Natien. Mr. Arthur, the vice president, is ex citing a great deal of indignation, net only in this state but all ever the country, by bis performances at Albany as a teutcr for votes for his friend Mr. Conkling. But we must say that much of this condemna tion, certainly that part of it which comes from Republicans, seems te us un reasonable. Mr. Arthur was nominated by the Republican convention and elect ed by the voters with a full knowl edge of his character and antecedents. It is indeed seldom that a candi date is in these days se well hnewn te the general public. The New Yerk press had made everybody familiar with the nature of his activities in this city his manage ment of the custom house, and the caucuses and the primaries, and his bar gains with the Tammany Democrats, and his great skill and energy in all subterranean politics. It is true neth ing was or is known about his opinions en leading questions of the day, but this may be said of a great many highly respectaeie pieiticians. lie is no mere te blame for concealing these, or for never forming any, than scores of ether men who are rated mere highly. He figured, tee, very prominently in that prominent affair, the extortion of $271,000 from the Dedgo firm by the- moiety men. Of this he pocketed $21,000, and has probably never regretted it or felt ashamed of it for one moment. It has never occurred te him that people would be shocked by seeing him " tout" at Albany. If he were se constituted as te expect anything of the kind, of coarse his whole career and objects in life would have been different. As he has been guilty of no sort of concealment about bis calling, we bespeak for him tbe patience and con sideration of all who voted fer-hlm. The moral of his performance is that we must net expect te chance a man's nature by electing him te the, vice presidency, and must net suppose, as we often de, that electing a man te any office will be re ceived by htm as an intimation that he must change his ways. On the contrary, he naturally receives it as an intimation that we rather like his ways. THREE ACTS. APPROVED BY THE GOVJSKNOB. Te Punish insurance Fraada. te Abolish Race DUtlnctlea la the Pablle schools, sad te Prohibit lb Sale el Weapons te Minera. The following important laws having a local application, which were passed by the Legislature whieh has just adjourned. have received tbe signature of Govorner 'Heyt : Te punish frauds upon life insurance companies by agents, physicians and ethers. Section 1. That any agent of a mutual, stock, or co-operative life insurance com pany or association, physician or ether per son whatsoever who shall knowingly make or be concerned or interested in making any misrepresentation or false statement for the purpose of securing from any mutual, stock or co eperative life insur ance company or association a policy of insurance or certificate of membership upon his own life, or the life of any ether person, shall be guilty of a misdomeapor, and upon conviction thereof be fined net exceeding ene thousand dollars, or under go imprisonment net exceeding ene year, or both,! iu the discretion of the court. Approved the 10th day of June, A.D. 1881. Henry M. Heyt. A further supplement te the school laws of this commonwealth and te abolish all distinction of race or color in the pub lic schools thereof. Section 1. That hereafter it shall be un lawful for any school direoter, superinten dent or teacher te make any distinction whatever en account of or by reason of the race or color of any pupil or scholar who may be in attendance upon or seeking admission te any public or common school maintained wholly or in part under the school laws of this commonwealth. Section 2. That the twenty-fourth sec tion of an act of Assembly approved the eighth day of May, A. D. 1854, entitled "An act for the regulation and continu ance of the system of education by com mon schools" whieh section is as fellows : " That the directors or controllers of the several districts of the state are hereby authorized and required te establish within their respective districts scparate schools for the tuition of negre and mulatto children whenever such separate schools can be se located as te accommodate twenty or mero pupils, and whenever such separate schools shall be established and kept open four months in any year, the directors or controllers shall net be com pelled te admit such pupils into any ether school of the district : Provided, That in cities or boroughs the beard of controllers shall provide for such schools out of the general funds assessed and collected by uniform taxation for educational pur poses" be and the same is hereby re pealed. Section 3. This law shall take effect en the fourth day of July ensuing the passage thereof. Approved the eigth day of June, A. D., 1881. Henry M. Heyt. Te prohibit the sale te any person under sixteen years of aire of deadly weapons, gunpowder and explosive substances in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. That any person who shall knowingly and wilfully sell,, or cause te be sold, te any person under sixteen years of age, any cannon, revolver, pistol or ether such deadly wcapeu, or who shall knowingly aud wilfully sell, or cause te be sold, te any such miner any imitation or toy can non, revolver or pistol se made, construct ed or arranged as te be capable of being leaded with gunpowder or ether explosive substances, cartridges, shot slugs or balls and being exploded, fired off and dis charged and thereby become a dangerous or deadly weapon, or who shall know ingly and wilfully sell, or cause te be sold te any such miner any cartridge, gunpow der or ether dangerous and explosive sub stance shall in every case be guilty of a misdemeanor aud upeu conviction thereof shall be sentenced te pay a fine net ex ceeding three hundred dollars. Approved the tenth day of June, A. D. 1881. Henry M. Heyt. MARKETS. New xerK Market. ' N . w Yeke. June IX Kleur State und West ern a shade stienger, inoeerato expert and home trade demand ; Super Jlne State. $4 00(f) 4 Si ; extra de ft .r.0jl H);clloicede fl 'MiiTt ; taucv de $3 UUt 75; round hoop Ohie ft TOg.'.H): choice de 5 103C75; superfine wasiU-rn 4 00f$4 55; common te geed ex tra de ?4 5035 UO ; Choice lr5 103 75 ; elicice white wheat de. at (5 25Q6 25. Southern 11 shade llriucr ; common te fair extra, $5 'J)rf 5 75 : i;oed te choice de $5 807 50. Wheat revcrlsb ; cited unsettled ; l(?lj'c higher: Ne. 2 Red. June, $1 27Q12s; de July, $127H127; lO Aug, 1 251 25ft ; de Sept. $1 25)401 2. Cern fip higher.iuederately active: Mixed WBSteni spot. OOUStl&c : de tuture, 5(5sc. Oats without decided change ; State, l8fS.)e'c ; Western, 4GJ$3c. Philadelphia Market. i'Hit.ADiu.PHiA.Juiiel.'i. Fleurllniiuutiuict; Superfine, ?:; 2.1:1 75 : extra! 434 5U ; Ohie St in di:m:i family J5C2f?G 73; Penn:i. family 525 5 50: St. Leuis de M tOgG 50; Minnesota Extra I5 503C00: de straight. G0J 50 ; win tcr patent S525Gf7 0); spiingde$6 50Q750. Rye flour at $5 21. Wheat strong and higher ; Ne. 2 Western Red, $1 l 2G; Delaware and Pcnn'a Red $1 25QI 2G ; de Amber, 1 231 2G. Cern firmer, geed local demand : steamer, 525ic; yellow, 575Sc; mixed. 5fi57c. Oats market quiet, but linn ; Ne. 1 White 48949c; Se. 2, de 47c; Ne. 3, de 46c : Ne. 2. MIxecT, 44c. Rye dull at SI CO. Previsions quiet ; mf ss perk $17 00gl7 50 ; beet hams, $24 0325 00; Indian mes beer (2250. Bacen smoked shoulders, Gc ; salt d fiftOUc; smoked hami II 12c; pickled )ams OJailOc. Lard market quiet; city kcttle 10Jc ; '.one butchers' at NfliSWc; prime steam at $11 15. Hutter-market firm ami fairly active: Creamery extra Pennsylvania at 21 22c ;. Western, 21c ; de Reed te choice ISO 20c; Bradford county and New Yerk extra, 20c; first-), 1710c Rolls dull ; Pennsylvania ami Wester:- 9 12c. BgKs quiet ; Pennsylvania 1919c ; West ern. 18c. Cheese in fair demand and steady ; New Yerk full cream, 10 ; Western full ere 111 8 9c; de fair te (reed, 838e. Petroleum firm ; refined 8c. WhiskyatSUO. Seeds Geed te prime Clever, no market ; Timethy nominal at $3 10 l 15 ; de de Flux scci', neglected at $1 SO. Cattle Market. Pmi.ADEi.rni a. June 13.-Cattlem:irket nctlve ; prime, 6J7c; geed, 6CGc; medium, 6c; common, 0Kw6c. Sheep market dull; prime, rSe ; geed, 5i?5c ; medium 35c. Hogs market fair at 99c; according te quality. Noen Quotations or the Gratia Market Furnished by Jacob is. lieng. Commission ' Breker. Chicago. Wheat vsOrii Nmv Yebs. July. ...f 1.12ft ... .445(1 ... -3S4 Anir. Sept. 1.13 $1,118 .45K . iV t.cat......... ..... ...... corn................ ....... Oats. ......... ...... ....- Philadelphia. Wheat l-2-K Cern 7 Oats ' Baatjxeeb. Wheat Cern Oats 1.23 .57 .40 Stock Mamn New Terfc. Phlbullnhl un,i iMiiin.k. also United States Bends reported dally by Jacob IS. J.ose. N. E. Cor. Centre Square. .sit lORK.STCCZa. stocks steady. June 13. A. K. T.M.T M. MhOa 1:09 3:00 - MB iaf lKlJiJ - 127K IJi 127 " - 76ft it 77 .. 27 27 27 flODOVi Chicago A North Western. Cuicajre. Mil. St. Paul Canada Southern v s mm & v Mm DeI..liack.A Western .... iaK lai'i rat? Delaware A Hudsen Canal.. Denver A Rie tirande , 110 110 110ft usi? ll? Hannibal St. Jee 811 Lake Shere Mich. Southern.. 131?,; 131 K 131? Manhattan Elevated. 27 27 27lJ Michigan Central 112 llllll Mlsaeurt. Sanaa A Texas 51 soft 51W N. Y., Lake Erie Western.... 47 47ft 47ft Mew Jersey Central. 104 103?i 103& N.Y., Ontario ft Western 367 X ? new IITOMBinU ICHCW 1KT1 Ohie Mississippi. 44 448 Pacific Man Steamship Ce.... &B S3 St. Paul & Omaha '. .... de Preferred . ........ 1077 ... 107ft & Central ;paciflc wu leeft Hi Texas Pacific wt? M(Z -nil Union Pacific 1 128ft IS Wabash, St. Leuis A Pacific... 55ft 55 .: " Preferred. 91ft 94jJ 9S Western Union Tel. Ce 132 1st HZ! Philadelphia. stocks active. Pennsylvania R. R... 0Bi CGft Keauinfr.. sayi JOJi aa Lehige-VaUey 62ft Lchtgn Navigation 47J 47 ti Buffalo, Pitts. A Western 24 23? SX Northern Central 5Jft Northern Pacific. 4.V 45ft 45 " Preferred 8fi tell 8 Ilestenvllle 21ft PhiladelDhla A Erie R. R 27!4 .... 27K lewaUulch Mining 40 Umitkd States Bes ds. r. m. 1:00 United States 4 percent 118 t ll.V.i VM ..... .... .... !? " " 1(EM . ..... .... .... ftifctfift Gt ..... .... .... AMJyg DRT OOODS, UNDERWEAR, XC. OUHKTHlliO NEW! LAVE TUREAD UNDEKSHIRTS, Feather-weight drawers. STJSPBNDBBS, AT ERISMAN'S, ,THE SHIRTMAKER, NO. 88 NORTH QCKKN STREET, N RXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUaB. FAHNESTOCK! SILKS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, SKIRTS, LAWNS, DRX3S GINGHAMS, WHITE OOODS. EMBROIDERIES, STLK HANDKERCHIEFS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, LAOS MITTS, SUMMER UNDERWEAR, PARASOLS, SUN UMBRELLAS. Our stock et the above goods baa never liecu as full and complete as at the present time, all at our usual low prices. Alse Ladies', Cents', Beys' and Girls' ALL SIZES AT LOW PRICES. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te Court Eentw. JDiiUVa UtLWtt ADVERTISEMENT. NTK1VH BROS.' ADVcKTISEMEIfT. LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET, Have opened this week a New and well se lected stock of HOSIERY, WHICH THEY ARE SELLING AT EX TREMELY LOW PRICES. Geed Fancy Hese ier ter 10c. a pair. Excellent Hese, finished wains. 2 pair for 25c. . Heed quality Hair-lined Regular Made 20c Best Pin-Striped Full Regular Made 35a Villi Rctrnlar Made, Embroidered Centre. 50c. Child's Plain Colored Hese, Silk Clocked, 17c Geed Halr-lincd 10c. Imported Hese, Fancy Striped, 2 pair for 25c. LaJIes' Full Regular Blade Hese, Whlte and Embroidered, 20c Great CeBie Down U Hats. Elegant Hats and Bennets at 19c. Child's Geed Latest Style Hats at 19e. TRIMMED HATS IN GREAT VARIETY AT LOWEST PRICES. FANS, PARASOLS. LACES FROM 10c. APIECE UP. ASTBICHBRO'S. VAPERHANOINUB, e. -TITIKUOW S11AUE5, AC. 200 WIMDQW SHADES In a variety of Celers, that will be sold from lertv te seven tv-flve cents a niece. This is about halt value for them. A few of these light patterns left, in order te close, will be sold at seventy-five cents a piece. Plain Shading for Windows in ail tbe newest colors, and in any desired quality wanted. 40 inch, 45 inch and Ti inch for large windows and Stere Shades. SCOTCH HOLLANDS the best goods made, American Hollands in assortment. Mearara of windows taken, esti mates made and Shades hang 1b a satisfactory manner. Ox WALLPAPERS we are prepared te suit everybody. Oar line is larger, choicer and cheaper than any season heretofore. Gilt Papers from the cheapest grade te tbe finest goods made. Grounded and Common Papers in such a fluevarietv that we can suit the most fastidious. Cornices and Curtain Poles, Window Papers, Ac. Or ders taken for Fine Mirrors. PHARES W. FRY, XO. 7 NORTH g UJOOX ST. tauiaerfaterproeLS ATRHOTD