. . Volume XVIINe. 239 LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8. 1881 PrieetTwe Cents: . . : ' r , Sk lmtpiMM clejiiinu, underwear, c. OOMKTIIlriG NEW) LACE THREAD UNDERSHIRTS, FEATHER-WEIGHT DRAWERS. SUSPENDERS, Jkr- ERISMA3TS, THE SHIItTJIAKEK, MO. 5C NOKTII OUKRN STKKET, T MIHHSTANT ASSOBNCKJIKNT. T-il:iy wi1 ejicii :i lull line of Spring and .Suiniiicr Goods Ter Men's Wear, wliicli lias net i:r been eclipsed in this city ernny house in tin: country ter quality, style anil 4tigli toned character. Wc claim superiority ever anything c hamlled bclore during ou j experience el quarter et a century In hiisiui hs, and our reputation is established ler keeping tin; flnett goods In eui line. tiir opening te-day is un invoice et Novel Nevel lieu captured from tin: wreck of a large ISosteu house, whose failura has precipi tated tlie.se goods en the market tee late in ll;e '-cain and consequently ut A sacrlllce, mi tliey are within reach el all desiring u Iirl-cla.sb article at a moderate price. The consignment includes a full line et the eel liratcd Talumeii's Freiufli Novelties, the Iiandbemesl and llne.st goods imported te this country, a new feature in Silk Warp ; Taluiiuiii'.s Tricot a-Leng, Serpentine Tri cots. Cerk Screw Diagonal! and Granite Heave. A lull line of Tayler' English TeyiM-iiugs el beautiful effects. Alse a , line line et Choice American Suitings as ''GZ low aafcMahuit. All the Latest Novelties - Ju Spring Ovcrceuliiigsal moderate prices. All arc cordially Invited te examine our .stock and beceiniiiced that we are mak ing no idle iHKUt, but can substantiate all we say and respectfully urjw persons te place tlicirenlerat once before the choicest .styles are sold, ler they cannot lie dupli cated this reason, l-'or further particulars in rcg.ird teilless consult J. K SMALHffG, THE ARTIST TAILOR, 131 N. JUEEN STREET, MWSS Several Fine Ceat .Maker.-) wanted. LU'KINCi Ol'KNIMU H. GERH ART'S New Tailoring; Establishment, Ne. 6 East King Street. I have just completed lilting up one et the Finest Tailoring Establishment te be teimd in, this state, and am new prepared te show nij- cii-temcrs, a stock el goods ler the SPRING TRADE, which for quality, Myie ami variety et Patterns has never been equated in this city. 1 uill keep mid vl no goods which I cannot recommend te my customers, no matter hew low in pi ice. All goods warranted as represented, and prices as low as the low eat, at Ne. 6 East King Street, Next Doer te the New Yerk Stere. H. GERH ART. j"KV STOCK r CL.OTIUKO ren .SPRING 1881, D. B. Hqstettcr & Sen's, Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Having made unusual efforts te bring before the public a line, stylish and well made stock et READY-MADE CM!!, we are new prepared te show them one el the most earctully selected stocks of clothing in this city, at the 1m est Cash Prices. MEN'S, 1I0YS XSD OUTIIS CLOTHING! IX UKEAT VAKIETY. Piece Goods et the Most Stylish Designs and at prices within the reach et all. BUive tis a call . D. B. Hosteller l Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 6 lyd LANCASTER PA. CHINA. AND GLASSWARE. rfnUMULKKS! TUMBLKIW! AT CHINA HALL. JELLY TUMBLEUS, COMMON TUMBLERS. LEMONADE TUMBLERS. SODA TUMBLERS, CUTIUMBLERS, FLINT BLOWN TUMBLERS. Equal te any in Quality. Prices te suit all. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 KAST KINO STREET. GROCERIES. mHE REST WINES AND UUjUORS BINGWALT'JJ. Alse best Coffees, Teas and-Sugaw. Call at ftWHyd Ne. 203 WiST KING 6T. DRY OUMMKK GOODS. JOHN WANAMAKER'S, PHILADELPHIA. DRESS GOODS. Our dress goods have been most heavily drawn upon new for three months, and et course many sorts arc gen altogether, such as could net be replaced. But the stock in still very heavy, kept se by continual buying. Why, we sell almost our vrhela stock every month in tli active time. The quickest bterc isn't it the one te find the bent things in ? JOHX VTANAMAKEK. Nine counters, Thirteenth street entrance. BLACK DRESS GOODS. A shift gives us a little mere room for grenadines grenadines plain and figured. The plain are few and the figured many; but which most need room is a question. All black goods are together in a very s-imill space; an uncommon stock tee. JOHN WANAMAKER. Next-outer circle, Chestnnt street entrance. LA DIE.V BUTTONS: Pearl, metal, beaded and plain brechc. jet, steel-point, ivory, horn ; butteiib lrem 5 cents te $$M. JOHN WANAMAKER. Fourth circle, northeast from centre. HANDKERCHIEFS are moved. We have about everything in silk and linen handkerchiefs ; nothing in cotton or cotton mixed never keep them. JOHN WANAMAKER. Outer circle; west from Chestnut-street en trance. M BLACK BEADED NET, eight varieties, 50 cents te $1.50. JOHN WANAMAKER. Second circle, southwest from centre. 1" PIES JL el Bi'clen net and point d' Alencen, out- own make; couldn't sell at 00 cents 11 we bought. Embroidered mull ties, by accident. at 7" cents, that we have been paying 75 cenl.s for, and shall again. JOHN WANAMAKER. First circle, southwest from centre. ANTIQUE TIDIES under a dollar at about thlce-quarters our own uriees lately. JOHN WANAMAKER. First circle, southwest from centre. JADIES' COLLARS. j Twe new cellars ; embroidery and point !' Alencen, Sti cents ; Swiss reversing, 18 cents. Out of our own l.ictery. JOHN WANAMAKER. First circle, west from centre. JOHN WANAMAKER, Thirteenth, Market and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. TACOK M. MAKKS; TOHN A. CUARLES. LJSTE -ALL KINDS OF- Dry Goods Offered at Great Bargains, AT THE OLD RELIABLE STAND, Ne. 24 East King Strfeet. SILK DEPARTMENT. Special Inducements in Black and Colored Silks. The general DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT constantly being added te and prices marked down te promote quiek sales. MOURNING GOODS DEPARTMENT complete in all its details. CARPKT1NGS,QUEENSWAREAD GLASSWARE iu immense variety and at very Lew Prices. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT unsurpassed in quantity and quality, and goods iu all the ilcpartmcnts guaranteed te be what they are sold for. JBd'Call ami see us. JACOB M. MARKS, JOHN A. IRON ritON K1TTEKS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIC. IRON BITTERS are highly recommended ler all diseases requiring a certain and efll cieut tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OP APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life te the nerves. It acts like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Feed, Reletting, Heat in the Stemach, Heartburn, etc. The only Jen Preparation that will net elacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write ler the ABC Boek, 32 pp. et useful and amusing reading sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, lSMyJ&w Fer Sale at OCHBAN'S DRUG street, Lancaster. MISCELLANEOUS. B AKGA1NS. FLINN & Are offering their Immense Stock et TINWARE, BUCKETS, BROOMS, &c, bought at New Yerk Auction, at le;& than half their value. WATER COOLERS, BABY CARRIAGES, BASE BALLS AND BATS, ARCHERY, BROOMS, 10c. FISHING Great Attraction en the 5c., 10c., 15c. and :e:- NO. 152 NORTH LANCASTER, AWN MOWERS. PHTT.ADELPHTA LAWN MOWERS, PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWERS. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. JEWETTS palace eefbigeratees. WHITE M0DNTA1N ICE CREAM FRBQZEHS: WATER COOLERS, GARDEN HOSE, &c., AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. GEO. M. STEINMAN &-C0., Nes. 26 & 28 WEST KING STREET. HOODS. O IIMMEB GOODS. AT FOR BLACK TRAVELING DRESSES ; plaiu and plaid nun's veiling. 25 cents te $2; nrmares. 7a cents te $1.25; and cords, 75 cents te $1.25. JOHN WANAMAKER. Next-outer circle, Chestnut street entrance. IT. S. SB ASIDE bunting, all-wool ana 40 Indies wide. 37k: cents, and that's a rare price. JOHN WANAMAKER. Next-outer circle, Chestnut street entrance. CURTAINS. j Scotch, lietlinghaui, madras, tambour, brussels curtains. $1.50 te $ 8. The variety of each sort is very large. JOHN WANAMAKER. Northwest Gallery. I ACES. J Our lace quarter has been loe crew ded ler a long time. A-tenth counter added te-day lately occupied by handkerchiefs. JOHN WANAMAKER. Ten counters, southwest from centre. UNTR1MMED HATS AND BONNETS. The new Pelka shape is among the per cupincs at Se cents ; all colors. JOHN WANAMAKER. Outer circle, northeast from centre. TIBUON8. mentioned Saturday; came Monday; going last; eui; mere were liuwyanw ei ineni. JOHN WANAMAKER Thirteenth-street entrance, outer circle. B EG UN EMBROIDERIES md plush. Outline tlcsigns are in especial favor new ; applique also; both are easy work. JOHN WANAMAKER. Centre of all the ciicles. T ACE BREAK!",- T CAPS JLi and old ladi--s' iih,!0i:. teJ.5: haven't had them bcleie. JOHN WANAMAKER. Third circle, si.utli from centre. HANDKERCHIBFS. HAND stitched, uiilaundried, at 25 cent! -HEM- cents. Many kiiew mem uere. NEW ENRIETTAS. Twe makes of silk warp hcnrlettas are uncommonly satislaclery; one is of an ex treme Jet black for deepest mourning; the ether, with a rery faint ti-.ice ei blue, would commonly be considered black. 87 cents te $2. JOHN WANAMAKKR. Next-outer circle. Chestnut street entrance. JOHN B. KOTB. & CO. CHARLES, JOHN B. ROTH. HITTERS. rivON 1J1TTEKS. SURE APPETISER. BALTIMORE, MD. STORE, 137 and 139 North Queen TAKGAINS. WILLSON REFRIGERATORS. EXPRESS WAGONS, CROQUET, BASKETS, BUCKETS, 10c, &c. TACKLE. 25c. Counters. QUEEN STREET, PENN'A. 1" AWN MOWERS. unumaM.wis Lancaster IntcUfscncer. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 8, 1881. FROM STEP TO STEP ; Or, The Mysterious Letter. Frem the German of Ernst Frltze. Translated Especially ler the Ixtelligencer. Continued. CHAPTER XII. When the corn-dealer, Otte . Mark 1 in, had been informed by a business friend of the whereabouts of his son, he hastened, without less of time, te seud him an im perative order cither te return home and attend te his duties, or te dissolve the re lationship in whicli he steed as his fath er's partner. At the same time he noti fied his seu of Madame Spalding's death, with the intimation that he would be glad te be done at last with the legal vexatious consequent upon the delivery of Madame's property te her relative. This information was limited te verbal mes sages, the old gentleman hated letter writing, and therefore put oil' giving his son any further details until he could de se in person. The peer father, by his determined commands, was unconsciously bringing his seu lace te face with his destiny. Felix sent word that a business tour would shortly bring him into the neighborhood of Nenncnburg, and that he would avail himself of this opportunity te spend a day at home iu order te pass in review with his father all that had occurred. Several weeks had elapsed since this notice, and Felix had net returned. An irresistible sensation of fear had deterred him from making his appcavauce at his father's house, although he had no inkling of the suspicions entcrlaiucd against him. At last, iu the twilight of a sultry summer's day, the yettnir man strode hastily from the station, through the streets, -measuring with stormy steps the short space be tween the church place and his father's house, lie did net uotice that a man whose uniform denoted his calling was moving slowly after him, that he remain- Ofl fifmifliitfr nt tlir ctnns f ! limit-A lnni and, after listening for a short time, shot around the corner like au arrow from a bow. Ilerr Felix had, iu the meantime, greet ed his father cordially, and, with the most indifferent air in the world, began te con verse with him en the events of the late past. The new housekeeper, an elder and mere experienced woman than her prede cessor, had gene quickly te prepare a dainty supper that might de honor te her position in the house ; an luvitmg and ap petizing smell lleatcd iu through the kitchen, while the cheerful, harmless con versation of the two gentlemen was audi ble in the entrance hall. Just then the deer of the mansion opened, a police offi cer entered, laid back the heavy deer care fully against the wall, and made the cus tomary salute te several gentlemen who followed him into the hall. Twe gendarmes closed the precession. The latter posted themselves at the deer of the room, whilst the gentlemen hastily advanced towards the apartment wheuce the loud tones pro ceeded. Without wasting time by the usual ceremonial announcement, the policeman opened die deer and the gentlemen en tered. Hcrr Otte Marklin, who sat opposite the deer, raised his eyes iu great astonish ment : his son, who was lounging upon a sofa with its-back te the deer, kept his position unchanged. Scarcely had the old gentleman glanced at the first who enter ed, than a heavy oath rose te his lips. He left his place, however, rather politely. " Is the business net yet at an end Hcrr Assessor," he said, roughly. At this, Felix started up irein his com fortable position, and stared, as if stupe fied, into the faces of the gentlemen, lie moved his foeor, as if wishing te escape into the next room, but seen- recovering himself, he assumed an air of utter indif ference, aud threw himself back en the sofa with ill-bicd discourtesy. The magistrate had in the meantime ap proached close te the table en which a lamp was burning. Ne trace of inward emotion was visible en his serious, benev olent countenance, but the tones of his voice rang significantly, as he said : " Ne, Herr Marklin ; I fear the business is just new beginning te your sorrow ; I must beg permission te remain alone with this young man, who is certainly your seu, or te retiic with him into another apartment te held a judicial examination." During this address he had looked fix edly into Felix's eye, adding "Hcrr Felix Marklin, in the name of the law, you will give me speech and answer, as I shall- re quire of you." "With pleasiue, sir," he replied, without rising. The magistrate threw a glance of cen sure upon him. " And you will observe proper respect toward the representative of the law. Yeu will leave this seat that you seem te insist upon keeping in such an unbecoming manner, aud will com prehend, that a man who is brought before the bar of justice must stand." Felix rose negligently from his comfort able lounge. "Yeu are asking much, my dear Hcrr Magistrate, you arc asking nnujh from a- man who has come direct from Dresden, and who is terribly shaken and wearied by his journey, but it pleases me te fall in with your requirements for the moment." The old gentleman had been pacing the room back and forth with hasty steps, murmuring te himself, "What is about-te happen ? I am really curious te see the issue of this !" New, he remained stand ing. "If it please the Hcrr Magistrate," he said abruptly, "Ibheuld like him te held the examination ever in the counting room." The magistrate bent his head, iii assent, motioned with his baud for Felix te pre cede him, and as the latter delayed with crafty intent, he laughed sarcastically saying : "It will help yen nothing here, or ever there ; taught by experience we have taken every precaution." Disagreeably affected by these words, Felix strode forward, but retreated as quickly ; a terrible presentiment seized upon him as he saw the police force de ployed in the hall. The magistrate quietly directed the preparations for a hearing in the compteir,caused the light te be kindled and placed himself opposite te Felix, while the clerk took his place at the table, pre pared pen, paper and ink, waiting for the conversation te begin. Whether, during this short interval, Herr Felix had reviewed his position and resolved upon his mode of action, or whether he had formed his plans before hand for a possible exigency, who can say? According te the magistrate's question as te whether he recollected a letter from the Residence directed te his father, that had been received some months age, he replied deliberately, "Yes, I recollect this letter very well, my dear sir " " De you also remember its contents ?" asked the magistrate promptly. "Certainly, I was obliged te read it aloud te my father, who is net exeert at reading and writing." "Will you tell me its contents ?" " Willingly, as far as I remember. The letter was from a lady named Alexandrine von Haidek-Behnhausen.nee von Erxleben, and contained an invitation for my father te ceme te her, that she might before her death discharge a death she owed him." "What happened in consequence of this letter?" "My father and I determined te accept the invitation. I put the letter in my pocket and set out en my journey te the Residence te present myself te the Lady veu Haidek-Bennhausen. innuire about the debt and service that she intended for my father." " Were you really at the Residence ?" " Certainly !" " Did you sec the Lady xen Haidek ?" " Why yes, that was why I went thither" replied Felix. Taken greatly by surprise at this frank explanation, which flatly contradicted his father's earlier account of the matter, the magistrate observed him mere keenly. He returned his leek with a deliberate supercilious smile which betrayed te the cxperinced officer that some hidden motive uudcrlay this seemingly frank confession. ' What was the result of your visit?" "The lady gave me a packet for my father, and bade me leek upon it, as a restitution she owed him." "Did you prove your identity te the lady?" inquired the magistrate. " Naturally, I sent her, her own letter by the servant." "Did the lady give you -any idea as te the nature of tiie obligations te your father?" " Ne, my tenderness of fecliug forbade my pressing for au explanation. My father was a fine-looking nnn iu his youth, aud the antecedents of the lady rendered obvious the fact that she was always gracious te Jiuc-Ioekin men. Why ! in the very face of death she was uelnzzeu and adorned, as if for a ball.' "Yeu brought this packet te your father?" "Would I have been such a feel," cried Felix, briskly. " The dear lady had handed the packet, expressly te me, as a restitu tion, seemingly with the sole aim of pro curing for me the amusements, for which my father would never furnish the incaus. In order te be able te keep my packet I pretended that I had never reached the Residence." " Did it never occur te you that you weie ueiug wrong .'" " O, yes, te be sure, but hew could it injure him ; fathers are always trying te heard, and te admonish their sons te de the same. Rut I de net like te save ; and I avoid all admonitions en principle. Ac cording te my principles it would have been time enough te reveal the matter te him when the small amount of bank notes should have been used up." might have been intcuded for another per son ?" "Fer another person!" exclaimed Felix, with an air of ingenuous surprise. " Why, the letter was addressed te us." "Might it net have been intended for Hefratli Marklin?" Felix clapped his hands together several times, apparently diverted. "Te a Hefratli Marklin? Here, in Nenncuburg. Is there then another man in town by the name ?" "It Iia3 never been a secret te your father that there is another Marklin family in our town." " Yes?, te my father," broke in the yeuiig man, abruptly. " But if en this account judicial measures were te be em ployed against me it would, te say the least, be ridiculous. Why did net this Hefratli Marklin apply te me iu person te have the matter- cleared up. I would have discussed the whole affair with him, openly aud honestly, as has always been my mode of acting. Had the idea entered my mind for a single moment that a mis mis take had occurred I should have taken geed care net te expose myself te legal prosecution for such a trillc. I de net like the tyrannical dealings of the officers of justice. If you can bring me proof that I was in error in accepting the gift of Frau von Haidck-Behnhansen I will gladly give up the bends contained in tlic packet te the man for whom they were intended." The magistrate listened patiently and intently te this declaration without offer ingany interruption. He did net, how ever, vouchsafe any answer, but went en with his questions. " Why did you Icave the Residence in such haste ?" " Merely te bring my present home in safety and te insure it from the possible covetensness of the heirs." " Was it 'necessary for that purpose te ride by extra pest te Wcstcrburg than te wander thither en feet ?" Felix laughed at hearing this ques tien, but colored visibly, " Heaven forbid ! the one sprang from the ether, the one happened en my father's account, the ether ou account of the heirs. I advise you te reflect that although my manner of action may be open te the censure of the heirs and of my father, yet net te that of the minions of the law who have no au thority te interfere where mcre errors and faults arc in question." " Hew de you account for having left your trunk at the hotel ?" pursued the magistrate with nnritlllcd composure. " My trunk !" repeated the young man reflectively, as if te gain time. " Yeu must surely kuew that your trunk rcmaiucdat the residence." "Of ceur.se ! at first I forget altogether that I had a trunk with me ; when I dis covered my less, I found it inconvenient te go back for it, then, but took the resolu tion te return te the Residence, as seen as possible, aud meantime te let the trunk stand as pledge for my expenses at the hotel," said Felix slowly, for these in quiries gradually rendered him soraewhrt uneasy. Once mere lie endeavored te concentrate all his innate powers of craft and dissimulation, aud te find further means of evasion in this dilemma. With the instinct of a. spider, he believed that he had surrounded himself, with a thick im penetrable web, without ever imagining that it might be impossible te see through and destroy his work. But his eyes were opened, by the questions put by the magis trate. He saw himself exposed en all sides, and obliged te have recourse te any ex.. pedient whatever, that would afford him concealment. He assumed au air of innocence, exclaim ing in the most violent excitement. "Take" care, Herr Magistrate, that yen de net, one day, expose yourself te the risk of owing me an ample apology ! I have willingly allowed myself te be brought here, te give you an acceuut of the train of events, which through the malice of evil-disposed men, has been made te cast suspicion upon me Give heed te the voice of your reason and your conscience, when you consider, that it was in a pcrr perfectly legal way, that I obtained pos session of a packet, of whose contents I was altogether ignorant. Can you prove t me that my course, even te the secrecy observed towards my father, has net been upright, aud in full accordance with law ? Please te consider my standing as partner in a highly respectable trading-house, and the seu of a wealthy man, provided with abundant means of subsistence ; you will then sec the groundlessness of these abomi nable suspicions, and will regret having in sulted me by your degrading questions." While Felix with assumed zeal was making bis harangue of defense, the. mag istrate had placed both hands firmly en the table between himself and the young man, bad gazed Mere keenly into his face, with astern and threatening contraction of the brew. New he interrupted tin .torrent of Felix's' words, saying with wonderful impressiTcness : " Since everything is, se fair, 8ince your immunity se fully proved your conduct in the whole se blameless wherefore your pretended journey,; your stepping at jjuisenhau ; wucrciore your clandestine return te your fathers house ; wberefere your stealing into the same ; your search for this envelope, whose ad dress constituted, iu your opinion, the sole proof of your guilt? He held up the en velope before the young man, but contin ued without a moment's pause : "Where fore your anger against Madame Spalding since you knew that she was concealing this envelope ; wherefore the murder of this peer woman, when you found your self discovered and scen through by her ; icfurefere the murder, I ask you ; wherefore the murder, if you were se securely constieus qf your innocence?" said, the magistrate iu a menacing tone, as he rese aud steed be- fore the young man, like an avenging Nemesis. Felix steed motionless ; he seomed pal sied by fright ; his( glazed eye wandered from object te object, turned te each dark ened corner as if awaiting thenee seme ex planation as te hew these distinct revela tions of the truth had bcen obtained ; he lest his firm self-command ; he trembled throughout his whele body as the magistrate repeated mere loudly aud threateningly. " Answer me wherefore this base murder of a harmless woman, if you deemed yourself se secure ?" Felix sank together, broken iu body aud spirit. Yes, he had ridden te Luiscuhall the day before that fatal Sunday ; had re turned te Nennenburg late in the evening, had let himself into his father's house by means of his pass-key ; had made search for the envelope, bad been detected in this search by Madame Spalding and had become ucr murderer : 15ut,in tuuuatciul moment, it exceeded his powers, of comprehension te understand hew all this had been brought te light as before said he was overwholmned by fear and the reproaches of conscience and sank down powerless. " Oh, de net call itjraurder it was net murder," he stammercd after au interval, during which the magistrate was dictating the last scene te his clerk. " Fer Ged's sake de net call it murder, it was sclf sclf defence ; madame rushed upon me like a fury, with her knife raised en high. Either she or myself ; there was no choice left me. Merciful heaven ! I did net wish te Ieso my life. I tere the knife from her hand and struck out boldly ; she or I : there was no time and no obeico left me." He sobbed aloud and bid bis face in his bands. The sccne that ensued was heart-rending, net only for the magistrate, who had expended all his mental force te bring about this coufessieu, but also for the peer inuch.to-be-piticd father, and for the frivolous son, who had gene, step by step, te destruction, from the moment he had left the path of honest and lawful exer tion. After his ample confession he was seized by avenging justice and taken te prison. The father saw him depart with tearless eyes, the band which be extended te his son en the threshold in token of farewell was icy cold, but the tones of his voice betrayed the terrible grief of his soul, as he cxelaimed, " Oh ! that I must live te sce this my only son accused of treachery and murder ! Would te Ged T could die before the sunjrises again !" lie did net die, the peer old gcutlcmau ; he was reserved te endure all the torment caused by the prolonged investigation, which the criminal process of that period rendered necessary. Atd he suffered from tboknewlodgcthat his son would be obliged te languish in prison for long months, and then for leug mouths te await his sen tence. But this torment was increased tenfold when he learned that his seu, with characteristic audacity, had revoked his confession, and was trying, with all his might, te invalidate the proofs of his guilt. The father, new first recognized that his son was a thoroughly unprinci pled and depraved man ; he recognized that in any case Felix was lest for time and eternity, even if his sentence should be a milder one than it was justifiable te expect. Te invalidate bis bold retraction, and te disprove the dexterous falsehood invented by the accused, it became necessary te weigh the evidence against him carefully and establish it indisputably. On this ac ac eouut hasty iucasuc.es were taken te con front him with the servant Jean who had conducted him te the Iato Frau veu Hai dek; en this account a written declara tion upon oath as te the hand writing and seal of the letter, the original cause of these legal proceedings, was demanded from the heirs of Frau von Haidek. In the family council of the Haideks oppes-. iug voices rose. It wounded their family pride te knew that this letter, the remorse ful effusion of a guilty conscience, would be embodied in reports of a criminal trial. At the mest,thcy were willing te graut, as had been before resolved, an examination of the letter, or perhaps merely au authen tic copy of it. They discussed pre and con what was te be done ; finally the three brothers Haidek drew into the conference their young cousin Oswald Marklin, who bad remained at the Residence as deputy assistant te the minister. He decided for the proposal that Kune himself should go at once te Nenncnburg, te despatch en the spot whatever seemed absolutely neces sary. Fer the second time Kune von Haidek undertook a journey te Nonnen Nennen burg, as embassader for the family, but this time with quite different sentiments and greatly altered views. Concluded en i'riilay. Qurratal Fer Onr Side. Many people have lest their interest in poli tic awl in amusement because tlicy nr he out otserta anil run down that they cannot enjoy anything. It such persona would only Imj wise enough te try that celebrated remedy. Kidney-Wert, and experience its tonic and renovating effects they would seen be hurrah ing with the loudest. Ineithcrdry or liquid form it is a perfect remedy ler torpid liver, kidneys or bowels. Exchange. Ge te II. B. Cochran's Drag Stere, 137 North Queen street, for Mrs. FreemaiCx yew JYt- tienal Dyes. Fer brightness and durability el coier,are unenuaieu. uoier irein 10 apuuuun. Directions in English and German. Price. 13 cents. Making a Itaise. Jehn Hays, Credit F. O., says that for nine months he could net raise his hand te his head through lameness iu the sheulcjer, but by the use of Themas' Electric OU he was entirely cured. Fer sale at ILB. Cochran's drug store. Ne. 137 North Queen street. Lancaster. Fred. Ames, Tayler street, Rochester, writes : " Your Spring Blessem is wonderful ; I never used anything that acted se well en the bowels, and at the same time was se free from the drastic properties of medicines usually sold for the purpose." Price M cents. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drugstore, Ne. 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. THE ALBRECHT PIANOS Arc the Cheapest, because they are the Best. L. B. IIEKK, Agent. Se. 8 East Orange Street, apr3C-3md IncaUer, Fa. CZOTHIN&. pMITHIMU, C. ONE PBICE CLOTHIER f -ASB IERCH AM1 TAILOR My stock of Linens and -Alpaca Goods is the most complete ever be fore exhibited in any establishment in this city My Blue Striped Marseilles. Vest, which I sell for $1, is very stylish and is almost exclusively worn this sum mer. My White Marseilles Vests for 75c, i)0c, $1 and $1.25 are much cheaper than they can le purchased for else where. My White Duck Vests for $1.25, "81.50, $1.75, $2 and $2.50, are marvels of beauty. My Reversible Vest is. white en ene side aud blue striped en the ether, very stylish, high cub and extra leug ; really two vests in ene. My Black Alpaca coats are made in the latest style, short roll antl fashion ably cut-away. 'Have them from $1 up. Blue Creele Suits for $3.50 coat, pants and vest they are very comfort cemfort comfert ablo aud cut in the latest style. Blue Striped and Check Summer coats I sell for 45c. If you have never before seen the Ulstcrette Duster. Call aud see it, as this is the only place it can be seen. Fine Gents' Furnishing Goods. I positively sell 25 per emit less than any etlmr house iu this city. I have ever 25 different styles of Gauze Underwear. Hundreds of dif ferent styles of Neck Tics. Hosiery of every description. The Finest ONE DOLLAR White Shirt in the city ; purchase one for a trial. Doing business en the strictly one price basis my goods are marked at the lowest prices they possibly can be sold for ; therefore every article is marked iu plaiu figures. Call and be convinced that this establishment has the handsomest assortment of Men's, Bey's and Chilflrcn's Clothing in this city. AL R0SENSTE1N 37 N. Queen Street, LANCASTER PA. ASTRIVU RRWS ADVERT1HEMEN1. A hTRlUU ISKOS.' ADVcKTISKMKSiT. LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET, Have opened tliN week a New and well se lected block of HOSIERY, which thky ake skm.ing at tkemki.v low mucks. EX- joed Fancy Hest; ler ler.lile. a pair. .Excellent Hese. Ilnlslicd M-auis.2pair for 25c. lioed quality Hitir-lincd ICcgular Made '.Wc. Best Tin-Striped Full Ucgular Made 35c Full IUruIar .Made, Embroidered Ccntw, 50c. Child's IMain Colored He-,e, Silk Clocked, 17c Uoed Hair-lined UK;. Imported Jlese, ancy fetriped,'.! pair for 25c. La.lics' Full lingular Made 1 !-,;, Wliite and KuibieMcrcd. 'J!c. Great Geme Down in Hals. Klrirant Hat and JSemicUat 19c. Child's Geed Latest Style Hats at 10c. TUIMMEO HATS IN UKEAT VAKIETY AT LOWEST I'KICES. FANS, PARASOLS. LACES FltOM IOC. AMKCE VV. ASTEICHBRO'S. I'AfERIIANOlNGN, Jte. -11TINDOW SIIAOES, &C. 200 WINDOW SHADES in a variety of Celers, that will be sold from lerty te seventy-live cents a piece. Tills is about halt value for thctn. A few of these liirht patterns left, in order te close, will be sold at fcventy-flve cents a piece. I'lain Shading for Windows in nil tins newest colors, and in any desired quality wanted. 40 inch, 45 inch and 11 inch Ter large windows and Stere Sliadcs. SCOTCH HOLLANDS the best goods made, American Hollands in assortment. Jlcaaure or windows taken, esti mates made ami Shades hung in a satisfactory manner. Ot WALLPAPERS we are prepared te suit everybody. Oar line hS Choicer and cheaper than any seaueH i.r..t7ifere Gilt I'apers from the cheapest sraUetehc Jluest goods made.- Grounded nnd coininen Papers in such a fine variety that we can suit the most fastlJieus. Cornices and Curtain I'elcs, Window Papers, Ac Or ders taken for Fine Mirrors. PHABBS W, FRY, HO. 87 NOKTH QVZEN ST. al ran, ASM RIMERS