Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 07, 1881, Image 3

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gentlemen's building or xke vena that
wiil de mere te create the opinion that
this school is peopled by doubtful charac
ters than any thing else can.
" And mark you the consistency : A
man may net speak te his wife en these
grounds, a lady te her brother, a gentle
man te two ladies old enough te be his
graudmethcrs ;.but any insignificant mem
ber of the faculty whom strangers de net
knew from Adam, upon whose brew no
leek of superior intelligence sits te dis
tinguish him from the common herd, can
sit for hours talking te any lady students.
Certainly, if a member of the faculty can"
de this and the school net fall into disre
pute, why shall net a man walk with his
own sister en these grounds.
" The author writes net as ene desirous
of spending his time with the ladies en
these grounds. He has no fend dove with
whom he wishes te coo en this yard ; but
he desires te .see common sense and com
men decency exercised at this school ; he
wishes te see an institution festered ami
.supported by the public conducted in the
interest of the teachers whose welfare it
pretends te seek ; and he desires te sec
men and women t rented as such and net
:i:j children. "
Tin) Critic's Remarks.
Iii noticing this paper Mr. Hippie, the
critic, who has been suspended, spoke as
fellows :
"Just here we take the opportunity te
express our thoughts pertaining te ' Auto Aute
emev of Millersvillc.' The authority is
particularly vigorous this term in their
efforts te maintain order, and keep the
.students in the paths of rectitude, and they
atv te be commended for their zeal ;
but probably a little mere discretion
would be mere commendable. Unfortu
nately for the welfare and tranquility for
both studeutsand management, there h:is
been tee much government, and when that
rises superior, leek out for breakers, no
matter if in the old leg school house or in
the modern structure with its carpeted
aisles and imposing exterior. Our brief
experience has taught us this. Here the
t we arc antagonistic, and the result may
be mure than dissatisfaction. Aflaiis have
reached a point te-night making it pain
fully apparent. The principal justi
fied himself by tlie preposition that
the student, net being acquainted with
the ' ins and outs ' of the institution, is
therefore net capable te judge of the pro
priety of the enforcement of the rules.
The student is expected te fellow his judg
ment of school government, which we are
told is infallible. That is all right se far
as it gees, but there arc these who knew
that this same judgment has led te rash
acts. These are the ones, it seems, who
complain. The critic cai get along all
right under the system of management
What he objects te is the stand taken and
the cllbrts put forth te suppress free
speech. He who is in the right can
invariably stand tius assaults of the
wrong, Fer truth is mighty and must
prevail.' An autocrat may attempt te the press and free speech, but will
fail as has been the case at chlierent places
and under dillVrciit governments en the
eastern continent. Uut here in the home
of the free such efforts conflict with our
noblest and highest principle which Wash
iugteu fought for and Lincoln made im
mortal. Here is our motto ; 'If a free
thought seek expression, speak it nobly,
speak it well. ' 15y these our sentiments
we'll stand, and if we must fall, we'll fall
supporting them. "
Mure Ot J I.
Immediately after chapel exercises this
morning quite a number of Indents
called in the principal's ellicc te he ex
cused from school. Their request was re
fused and they were told te meet in the
chapel room at 11:1a. Te them Dr. Uroeks
read a resolution which was in substance
as fellows : " That any student acting
with or in any way encouraging students
te leave, or leaving with them, will be sub
ject te the penalty of suspension'
The students complain that this is in
derogation of the previous announcement
that anybody dissatisfied with the school
management could leave, and they com
plain that the refusal te grant them hon
orable dismissal and ccrlillcatc of geed
character prevents them from entering
similar institutions.
The faculty, en the ether hand, main
tain that they deny honorable dismissal te
none except these who show themselves
te he banded together in a conspiracy te
break down wise and justifiable regula
tions of school order, and that they are
amply justified in enforcing these.
Tve Criittfi.iFii lfren I'crVy ; Or. The Ml
Man Who Ha ISeuglit Hit
LaM l'riu Package.
Vesleiday Jehu Killian, an aged coun
tryman, was standing in front of the
Lcepaid hotel with his hands in his
pockets, gazing at the boys and girls who
were crowding the streets, when he was
accosted by a young man. They talked
for a short time and finally the young man
told Mr. Killian that he wanted te engage
a person te sell goods by sample, and
asked him whether he would net like the
job. Kilh.msaidthaUiciuigh.tde it and the
young man then invited him te go up
stairs and leek at the samples. They
went up-stairs, and when they arrived at
the room where the samples were te have
been Killian found a young man seated at
a tabic, en which there was a box full of
envelopes. He was engaged in lilling up
ether envelopes with papers, &c, and the
nice young man said they were samples.
After they were in the room a short time
a third man came in and asked whether
that was the place te buy envelopes by
chance. The man at the table said that
was the "spot where envelopes were get."
Whereupon Ne. :' asked the price of an
envelope. He was told that it was s10.
He planked down the cash and drew an
envele)c from the box. He tore oil" the
end, but found that it contained nothing.
He became very angry and cursed his
luck, but said that he would
try it again. He put down $10
mere and drew again. This envelope
contained $10 which the man smilingly
deposited in his vest pocket. About this
time old man Killian became warmed up
aud just began te "tumble " te the game.
The young man who had brought him into
the room asked him if he did net want te
try his luck. He said he had but a little
money. He drew &I3 from his
pocket and laid it en the table. He
looked at the box of envelopes, and seeing
one stick out above the ethers he thought
that was the lucky one, which might con
tain a house and let or an overcoat. He
drew out the envelope, but scarcely had
he done se before young man Ne. 1 picked
up the money from the table and placed it
in his pocket. " Mr. Killian said that the
money was his and he wauted it. The
young fellow said that he could net have
it, as he bail received an envelope for it.
'i he old man then tore open the envelope,
but found that it contained nothing. He
seen left the room, but told no one of his
less until this morning. The sceuudrcls
who had fleeced him seen left the hotel
and were net seen again.
The men claimed te be from Perry
county, and they were net guests at the
Leepard hotel. They came their during
the day and asked for a room in which te
change their clothes. They were pretty
sharp rascals, aud the man who drew the
40, although net seen with the ethers,
was their partner. Ne ether persons se
far as heard from were taken in by the
fellows, who have undoubtedly left the
city ou Killian's money. The latter felt
very badly about his less and only realised
this morning hew dumb he had been. His
money was gene all'the same, and the pros
pects of either catching the sharpers or re
covering the cash arc very peer.
Plenty of jnnscle at One of Them.
Yesterday a picnic was held at Tell's
Hain, which was far noisier than a Sun
day school picnic. The main cause of the
disorder was beer, which was swallowed by
the bucketful by the large crowd present,
many of wuem knew exactly what it is te thevhave "been therc"befere.
A fight was started by three roughs from
llarrisburg who, upon coming en the
grounds, declared that they could whip
any three men there. This found no
takers, aud they gave the crowd odds by
offering te whip six men. Still there was
no fight, aud, net be called mean,
the fresh youths from the capital city
declared that they would again double the
stake aud would whip any twelve men.
This offer was heard by a number of mem
bers of the " Star" club, who happened
te be present, and persons who are ac
quainted with them knew that
they have partaken of a little
" essence of fist " themselves upon dif
ereut occasions. They were willing te
tackle, the fierce-looking banditti from
llarrisburg and a fight was seen in pro
gress. When it was ever the Harrisburg
fiends, who had just been dying all day for
a fight, were a demoralized looking trio.
Their faces were decorated se that they
closely resembled Majolica ware and they
will probably net be se anxious te whip
the whole city when they again visit us.
They went te the picnic for light aud cer
tainly get it.
A young man of this city named Wcidlc
was badly beaten and had te be taken te
his home. Seme of the " ladies," who at
tended this picnic were net Sunday school
teachers and they have seen nothing in the
Testament as it is revised te prevent them
from drinking beer. The also became mad
and several musses were kicked up by
them. Picnics of this kind arc advertised
as being "social" affairs and persons who
attended this one yesterday say that they
would net care te go te a place where the
people were mete social. Sociability and
beer caused all the lights.
The picnic at Green Cottage, by the
Americas club was well-attended and it
mine off quietly, there being no lighting
or disorder.
Hunting His
en llarbary
This morning as a very large bull was
being driven along Duke street, near the
court house, he suddenly becamed dazed,
and for a few moments looked at the
"castle in the alley" then at the "Hans
Oral" hotel " and then at the court house,
as if undecided in which of these politi
cal stables te quarter himself. His driver
plied the thong and urged him te "move
en," but the bull was tired, and seemed'
instinctively te knew that he was in the
immediate vicinity of Bull Ring proven
der. He first made a break for the
"alley" stable, but was headed off and re
ceived several severe blows across the nose
with a hickory wattle, which caused him
te back out and run down Duke street.
On reaching the Hans Gref hotel he tried
te dive down into the saloon, probably for
the purpose of being " watered," but he
was aain driven back, and in despair
made a dash for the prothouo prethouo protheuo
tary's ellicc, which is directly op
posite. He entered the Duke street
gale leading te the corridor of the court
house, and was leisurely ascending the
steps, when G. W. Hunter, the janitor,
seized him by the tail aud pulled back
with all his might. The deputy prothon prethon prothen
otaries and clerks ran out of the office in
alarm and " Mioe'd" the astonished bull
se vigorously and shied se many inkstands
at his head, that he was very seen con
vinced he was net the "bull" that had
chosen te aim the protheiiotary's office,
lletieatingte Duke street, with the jani
tor still hanging te his tail, the iron gate
was slammed in his lace, and there was
nothing left for him te de but te
march " ever
house" Sadly
ed into Kast
the hut te tuc poor peer
and slowly he turn
King street, a disan-
pointed and a
breken-hcarted bull. He
made out te trudge along up the hill un
til he had passed Lime street, when from
sheer exhaustion or despair he fell prone
te the ground am! there we left him.
Whether he died and was carried te the
glue factory ; or finally reached the peer
house and was cut into porter-house
steaks for the boarders of that popular
hotel ; or whether he is te be reserved for the
great barbecue that will come off when
Mart Ki cider becomes a member of the
prison beard, this deponent saith net.
A Jilan Killed Wlule (Selus from Lancaster
te Yerk.
Isaac Newcomer, of Yerk, aged about
forty years, was found lying en the track
of the Frederick division of the Pennsyl
vania railroad this morning, between
Stener's station and Hcllam, with his
body cut in two pieces. Newcomer
came te this city yesterday morn
ing te sec the fun, and like thousands
of ethers he drank tee much beer, lie
became very drunk and took the 7:20 train
for home last evening. The conductor
had considerable trouble te get his ticket
from him. He was very sick in the train and
when they arrived at Columbia he started
for Yerk by way of the Frederick division.
When the conductor came around for his
ticket near Stener's he said he had none,
having lest it. lie was put oil" the train
aud was no doubt struck by the train
which reaches Columbia from Frederick
at 11 o'clock at night.
Repert of Kc viewer.
Messrs. N. 13. Elhnaker, Abr. Kline, C.
J. 1 Mietics, A. K. Witmer and J. M.
Iiahill, reviewers appointed te view .and
assess damages sustained by owners of
property by the proposed widening of
Market street from Chestnut street te the
Pennsylvania railroad have filed their re
port assessing damages as fellows : Te
Jehn P. Stciuman, for building $120, te be
paid by the city ; te Jehn F. Stciuman,
for ground $"3, te be paid by the county ;
te A. J. Stciuman, for ground $23, te be
paid by the county ; te J. 11. Bitncr, for
ground $10, te be paid by the county.
What the Cnangc Has Put en tlie Street.
The sudden change from warm te cool
weather has brought out many funuy cos
tumes. The men with the straw hats and
overcoats en arc as plenty as counterfeit
silver pieces. The man whose make-up
attracted the most attention te-day was
seen at the Northern market this morning.
He were a heavy overcoat which did net
quite cover a very thiu pair of linen pants,
besides a heavy cap with car warmers as
large as vests. He believes in keeping his
head warm and his legs cool.
Asserted and Denied.
The political opponents of Collector of
Internal Revenue Titos. A. Wiley claim te
have it down fine that he is seen te be re
moved and Dr. S. F. Housten, of Wash
ington, D. C, brother of It. J. Housten,
is te have Wiley's piacc. Around the col
lector's office they knew uethiug of it ;
they think there may likely be a shaking
up of the Pennsylvania collectors, but that
Mr. Smith "will hardly go back en his
friends and en an official record is
first-class in the department.
A Fire Almest.
Last evening about 8 o'clock as one of
the salesmen in Fahnestock's store, East
King street, near the court house, was
lighting the gas in ene of the front .win
dows, a drop of burning alcohol, from the
lighter, fell upon seme under clothing in
the window, and set it en fire. The burn
iug goods were quickly thrown into the
street and the flames extinguished. Ycry
little damage was done
6. A, R. met last night.
Vigilant lire company meet te-night.
Carncross te night will have a big beuse
2G8 excursion tickets te Lancaster yes
terday. Applicants for schools, without perma
nent certificates, will be examined en
Rev. W. P. Evans, of Cohansey, N. J.,
called te the E. E. Lutheran pastorate,
was here yesterday censultiag the vestry,
acceptedjthc call, and will preach his in
troductory sermon July 10.
Miss Bertie Davenport, of Erie, visiting
at Norwood, has gene home ; Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Chapman, of Leck Haven,
are guests of Mr. Gee. Crane.
The organization of the new school
beard will take place en Thursday even
ing, the regular meeting night. Ne busi
ness of any importance will .be before the
beard that night, and it was' thought nec
essary te held a meeting especially for or
ganization. .
The twenty-fifth annual picnic of Chi
quesalunga tribe, Ne. 30, 1. O. R. M., held
yesterday at Heise's weeds, was a very
pleasant and successful affair. The at
tendance was large.
Capt, Case has sold his thoroughbred,
handsome and fleet-footed mare, buggy
and harness te Mr. Watt, of the New
Yerk store, Lancaster.
First Sergeant L. M. Richards's last ap
pearauce at Ce. II drill last evening was
the occasion for some highly laudatory,
and regretful remarks by Capt. Case,
which the boys loudly applauded. Richards
was one of the original members of the
Mayer's Court.
Yesterday afternoon the mayor had
several drunks before him, and he dis
charged them en payment of costs. This
morning four mere paid their costs, aud
some were fined. Most of these men were
from the country aud they get full of beer
yesterday, the result being that they were
placed iu the "cooler" se they would
net spoil.
Smoke Heuse Burned.
The alarm of fire at half-past one o'clock
this afternoon was caused by the burning
of a smoke house belonging te August
Elder at Middle aud Rockland streets. The
building was small and it was almost en
tirely destroyed together with several
pieces of meat. The less will be light.
The services of the firemen were net re
quired, the lire was extinguished by Mr.
Elder aud neighbors.
Vine Horses.
Jehn Brubaker received yesterday a
consignment of 1G head of very fine Ken
tucky riding and driving horses. They
attracted a geed deal of attention from ad
mirers of herse-llcsh while being driven
through the streets.
Sheriff's sales.
The sheriff has posted up bills in the
court house for sales of properties which
will take place en Saturday, June 25th.
Don't Heur Canary Sing ?
Tlu:i fjt't a bottle of ISirtt flitters, wliich Is an
unfailing restorer of song and a cure for all
disca-cset cage birds. It your druggist does
net keep it. or will net get it for you, send a
postal curd te the Bird Feed Company, 307
Federal street, Camden, X. .1., ami tliey will
see that you are supplied, Price, 25 cents.
City Hill festers.
Carsen & llen.-el, city bill pesters and dis
tributors, ellicc Intelligence!: building, Ne. 6
Seuth (jueen street.
A natural bcatitillcr and restorer et the com
plexion Culicura Mcdiciuul Seap.
Delicate females find Malt Kilters nourish
ing, strengthening and purifying.
SPECIAL notices.
Skinny Men.
Well' Health Rtncwer. Absolute cure ler
nervous debility and Weakness el the genera
tive lunctiens,$I at druggists. Depot, Jehn
K. Leng A Sens, Lancaster.
Women that have been pronounced incur
able by the best physicians in the country,
have been completely cured of lemale weak
ness by the use of I.ydia E. lMukham's Vege
table Compound. Send te Mrs. I.ydia E. rink
ham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for
When a beard of eminent physicians and
chemist-, announced the discovery that by
combining some well known valuable reme
dies, the most wonderful medicine was pro
duced, which would cure sueh a wide range et
diseases that most all ether remedies could be
dispensed with, many were sceptical ; but
proof el its merits by actual trial has dispelled
all doubt, and te-day the discoverers of that
great medicine. Hep Hitters, are honored and
blc-scd by all as benefactors.
Druggist's Testimony.
II. F. McCarthy, druggist, Ottawa, Out.,
states that he was alUicted with chronic bron
chitis for some yearsand was completely cured
by tlie use of Themas' Kclectric Oil. Fer Jsale
.it II. 1!. Cochran's Drug Stere, 1.!" North
tiuecii street, Lancaster.
A Cough, Celd or Sere Threat should ee
slopped. Neglect frequently results In an In
curable Ling Disease or Consumption,
l.rewn's lirenehial Troches de net disorder
the stomach like cough syrups and balsams,
but act directly en tin: Inllamcd parts, allaying
irritation, give relief in Asthma, Bronchial
Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles
which Singers and Public Speakers are subject
te. Fer thirty years lirewn's Bronchial
Troches have been recommended by physi
cians, and always give perfect satisfaction.
Having been tested by wide aud constant use
for nearly an entire generation, they have at
tained well-merited l-.mlc among the lew staple
remedies of the ngc. Sold at 23 cents a box
everywhere. iiiN-lvdTTh&S&lvw
Itching Plies Syuptems nod Cure.
Tlie symptoms are moisture, like pcrsplra
Hen, intense Itching, increased by scratching,
very distressing, particularly at night, as If
piu worms were crawling in and about tlie
rectum ; the private parts are sometimes af
fected ; If allowed te continue very serious re
sults may fellow. Dr. Swaync's All Healing
Ointment is a pleasant sure cure. Alse for
letter, itcli,s-alt rhenm, scald head, Erysipelas,
barber's itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty, cuta cuta
neous eruptions. Trice, 30 cents, three boxes
for $125. Sent by mail te any address en re
ceipt of price! a currency or tlirce cent post pest
go stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swayne A
Sen. 3.10 North Sixth street. Philadelphia, Pa.
Sold by all prominent druggists.
Its Action is Sure and Sate.
The celebrated remedy Kidney-Wert can
new be obtained In tlie usual dry vegetable
lerin, or in liquid form. It is put in the latter
way for the especial convenience of these who
cannot readily prepare it. It will be found
very concentrated and will act with equal
efficiency In either case. lie sure and read the
new advertisement for particulars. Sout h and
West. juG-lwdAw
Stave Your Hair n.ecp it Iteauttful.
The " Londen Hair Celer Restorer" is the
most delightful article ever introduced te the
American people and is totally diOcrcnt lretn
all ether Hair Restorers, being entirely free
trem all impure ingredients that render many
ether articles for the hair obnoxious. Where
baldness or tailing of the hair exists, or prema
ture grayness, from sickness or ether causes,
Its use will restore the natural youthful color,
and cause a healthy growth, cleansing the
scalp from all impurities, dandruff, eta, at the
same time a most pleasing and lasting hair
dressing, lragrantly perfumed, rendering it
soft and pliable, making it an indispensable
article in every toilet. Ask your druggist for
Londen Hair Celer Restorer. Price 75 cents a
bottle. Six bottles, $1. Main depot ler the
United States, 330 North Sixth street, Philadel
pliia, vnll-lvdTThaFAw
ED W. J.
Manufacturing Jeweler,
Solid Silver awl SUrer-PIate Ware la Speeas, Ferks, Maives, Casters, &c.
We offer te our patrons advantages which are rarely combined in one establishment, be
cause we have a complete MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT in connection with our retail
business .and are making a large part el the goods we sell. This enables us te be sure of qual
ity, te sell at the lowest prices, and gives us first-class facilities for WATCH WORK and GEN
Manufacturing Jeweler,
Metncrs! Mether l! Mothers!!!
Are you disturbed at night and broken of
your rest by a sick chudJsufTerlng and crying
with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth ?
If se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS.
lieve the peer littla sufferer Immediately de
pend upon It; there is no mistake about it.
There is net a methtr en earth who has ever
used it, wne will net tell you at once that it
will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the
mother, and relief and health te the child,
operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te
use in all cases, and pleasant te tha taste, and
is the prescription et one et the eldest and
best female physician and nurses in the
United States. Sold everywhere; 25 cents a
betUe. marMydAwM.WAS
Found at Last.
What every one should have and never be
without, is Themas' Electric Oil. It Is thorough
and saf in its effects, producing the most won
drous cures et rhcumutlsm, Mcuralgla. burns,
bruises and wounds of every kind. Fer sale
at II. It. Cochran's drug store. Ne. 137 North
Queen street.
Rese Celd and Hay Fever.
Being seriously troubled with Hay Fever
and Rese cold, I (at the solicitation of a friend)
tried Ely's Cream Balm and was surprised in
obtaining almost Immediate relict. I heartily
indorse and earnestly recommend It te all sim
ilarly atllicted. W. P. Axdbub, Druggist, Mct
uchcu, N. J. August SO, 1870.
Fer HAY FEVER I recommend Ely's Cream
Balm. It entirely relieved me from the lirst
application; hava been a sufferer ler ten years.
Going from home and neglecting te take the
remedy, I' had an attack; alter returning I
immetliatelyreserted teit, and found instant
relief. I believe, hed I begun its use earlier,
I should net have been troubled. Have steed
heat, dust and draughts as well as during
ether months. J. Cellykr, Clerk, 118 Bread
street, Elizabeth, N. J. Price SO cents.
je 1 2wdAw
Wakd. in this city, en the 7th Inst, at the
residence et Mrs. Tammany, Mary Werd, aged
S3 years.
Netice of funeral hereafter. ltd
Fer County Commissiener:
FP.ANK CLARK, of Strasburg township.
Sul-jeet te tlie choice et the Democratic coun
ty convention. uprfi-d.twtp
ADAM S. METRIC!!, Of Maner township.
Subject te the decision of the Democratic
county convention.
HENRY F. HARTMAN (Lime Burner), el
East Lampeter township. Subject te the choice
of the Democratic county con ventleA.
Borough. Subject te the decision of the Dem
ecratic ceuniv convention. upiJ-d&wtp
J ERE MOIILER, Ephrata. Subject te the
decision of the Democratic county cenven
Fer County Auditor :
JOHN S. BROWN, of Drumore township.
Subject te Democratic rules. nr27-d&wtp
JOHN L. LIGHTNER, of Lcaceck township.
Subicct te the decision of the Democratic
county convention. aprlS-tfd&w
St. Jeseph's Parsonage until JUNE 15,
1891, for the erection of St. Jeseph's Parochial
Scheel and an adjoining residence. Drawings
and specifications can be seen at St. Jeseph's
parsonage. j3-lwdR
X brethren will held their Levcleast In the
Catfish meeting house, en Sunday, the 12th of
June. Meeting the whele day, and In tlie
evening the Lord's Supper.
work at carriage painting. Beys who
have worked at it preferred. Apply at
cook and Iren. Must cams wU recom
mended, at 11 Nertli Prince street. J7-3td
We arc new offering
01s anil Ms and Remnants.
Jeb Lets of Paper Window
Shades at 2 and 3c.
Jeb Leu et Wall Paper hung by geed work
men at correspondingly low pices.
Cor. W. King and Prince Streets,
Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa.
Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Fa.
val. te be held at ODD FELLOWS' HALL,
for the benefit of FULTON HOME, commenc
ing JUNE 8 and ending SATURDAY. JUNE
11. Tickets will entitle the bearer te a plate or
cream. jea-lwd
Attorney-at-Law, of Washington, D. C, lorm lerm
erly an examiner in IT. S. Patent Oillce, offers
his services as solicitor before the U. S. and
Foreign Patent Offices. Careful work at fair
prices, w as associate ei jh r. J aceu stauner.ei
Lancaster, until the latter's death.
Nertli Queen street between Orange and
Chestnut streets who contemplate making
water, gas or sewer connections, are request
ed le make the same at once, in order that the
bed of the street may become solid before the
Belgian Bleck Pavement, te be laid en said
square, is commenced.
By order of Street Committee.
JeC&Otl Street Commissioner.
Fer Catarrh, Hay
Fever,Coidin the Head
Ac, insert with little
linger a particle of
Halm into the nostrils ;
draw strong breaths
through tlie nose, it
will be absorbed.
cleansing and healing
the diseased mem
pply a particle Inte
the ear.
having gained an cnvlable local reputation,
displacing all ether preparations in the vicin
ity et discovery. Is, en its merits alone, recog
nized as a wendert til remedy wherever known.
A fair trial will convince the most skeptical of
its curative powers. It effectually cleanses the
nasal passages of catarrhal virus, causing
healthy secretions, allays Inflammation and
irritation, protects the mcmbrunal linings et
the head from additional colds, completely
heals the sores and restores thu sense et taste
and smell. Kenef Iclal res ults are realized by a
lew applications. A thorough treatment as
directed, will cure Catarrh. As a household
remedy for cold lu the head it Is unequalled.
The Balm is easy te use ami agreeable. Sold
by druggists at 50 cents. On receipt of SO cents
will mail a package. Send ter circular with
full information.
Fer sale by the Lancaster druggists, and by
wholesale druggists generally.
(A Medicine, net a Drink,)
All li-caM- of the Stomach, Bowels Kloed,
Liver, Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, Nervous
ness, Sleeplessness, Female Complaints and
Will be paid for lucuse they will net cure or ter anything impureorinjurieus leund
in them.
Ask your Druggist for Hep Hitters and tree
books ami try! lie Hitlers before yen sleep.
Take no ether.
Hep Bitters Matinlarliiriii?: Company,
Rectiester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario
Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkhani,
Her Vegetable Compound the Savier
of Her Sex.
Health, Hepe and Happiness Ro Re
, stored by the use of
Vegetable Compound,
The Positive Cure Fer
AH Female Complaints.
Tills preparation, its Its name signillcs, con
sists et Vegetable l'rejicrties that are harmless
te the most delicate invalid. Upen one trial
the merits et this compound will be recognized,
as relict Is Immediate ; and when Its use Is con.
tinned. In nincty-nlnc cases in a hundred, a
permanent cure Is effected, as thousands will
testify. On account of Its proven is
te-day recommended and prescribed by thu
best physicians in the country.
It will cure entirely the worst form of falling
of the uterus, LeucorrheBa, Irregular and pain
tul Mcnstr nation, all Ovarian Troubles, In
flammation and Ulceration, Floedings, all Dis
lacements and the consequent spinal .weak
ess, and is especially adapted te the CUangc
or Lite.
In tact it has proved te be the greatest and
best remedy that has ever been discovered. It
permeates every portion of the system, and
gives new Hie and vigor. It removes faintness,
flatulency, destroys all craving ler stimulants,
and relieves weakness of the stomach.
It cures Bleating, Headaches, Nervous Pros
tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness. De De
firesslen and Indigestion. That feeling or bear
ng down, causing pain, weight and backache,
Is always permanently cured by its use. It
will at all times, and under all circumstances,
act In harmony with the law that governs the
female system.
Fer Kidney cemptalnts of cither sex this
Compound is unsurpassed.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
sj prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue
Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for IS. Sent
by mall In the form et pills, aNe in the form of
lozenges, en receipt et price, l per box, for
either. Mrs. PINKlIAM freely answers all let
ters of Inquiry. Send ter pamphlet. Address
as above. Mention this paper.
Ne family should be without LYDIA E
stipation, Biliousness and Torpidity of Mie
Liver. 25 cents per box.
Johnsten, Holleway & Ce.,
general Agents, Philadelphia.
Fer sale by C. A. Lechcr, 9 East King street
and Gee. W. Hull, 15 West King street.
Washington, June 7. Fer the Middle
Atlantic states, warmer, cloudy, rainy
weather, winds mostly southerly, lower
Shocking Crimes Repertcrd from the South
west. St. Lecis, Me., June 7. A special from
Dallas, Texas,8ays : "An incendiary fire oc
curred here early yesterday .morning, de
stroying about $40,000 worth et property."
A special despatch from Little Reck,
Ark., says : " Kuklux outrages are re
ported from Perry ville, some sixty miles
west of this place. Letters have been re
ceived by L. M. Harris, judge of the coun
ty and probate courts, and ether -prominent
citizens, warning them te leave the
county, or fire and gunpowder would be
used against them. On Sunday night an
attempt was made te destroy the town by
fire. The newspaper office was ignited,
but the citizens extinguished the
flames and drove the incendiaries
away before they had fired ether
houses. Intense excitement prevails and
bleed will probably be shed, as the citi
zens arc resolved te crush the outlaws at
all hazards."
Galveston, June 7. Fire here this
morning destroyed forty thousand dollars
worth of property. Partially insured.
A Man's Threat Cut.
GALVEaTex, Texas, June 7. X special
despatch te the JVctr says the body of a
man was found in the weeds en the river
bank, 12 miles north of Oakville, with his
threat cut from ear te car.
They are Confident or Making Tnelr Point.
New Yehk, June 7. The executive
committee of the Brewers' Werkingmcn's
union was in session all morning at Wen
dell's assembly rooms, where about 400 of
the strikers had assembled before neon to
day. The committee having learned that
a number of brewers were employing
green hands, sub-committees were ap
pointed te induce the new men te quit
work. Shortly before .neon six mere
brewers' firms, it was announced, had ac
ceded te the demands of their men, who
had returned te their work. The strikers
claim that the movement was sure of suc
cess, as the brewers could net get along
much longer without their men. The
union claims te have plenty of money in
the treasury, net a dollar of which has as
yet been touched.
A Reller RIews up. Dees Fatal Damage., and
Little Reck, Ark., May 7. A fright
ful explosion took place at Arkansas City
at 7 o'clock last evening, when the new
elevator boiler blew up, killing the engi
neer, Jehn McCulIeugh, and badly wound
ing Patrick Bucl, fireman, and Ames
Ramsey and Jake Wallace, carpenters. The
cause of the accidaut was the insufficiency
of the water in the boiler aud the careless
ness of the engineer. After the explosion
the boiler went out through the reef and
nothing mere was seen of it. It is sup
posed that it fell into the river.
Frantic Crlelef a Bereaved Weman.
Halifax, N. S., June 7. At St.
Margaret's bay, en Saturday an old
lady, a Mrs. Dauphinc, was buried,
and an adopted daughter who had
lived with her showed signs of in
sanity from grief. She was watched
by two women, but during their
temporary absence escaped through a win
dow and lied te the shore of the bay where
she plunged into the water and was
drowned. The unfortunate women was
married and leaves an infant four months
In General Conveutlon at Altoemi,
Alteena, Pa., June 7. The Women's
Missionary society of the general synod of
the Evangelical Lutheran church in the
United States met iu convention here this
morning with an attendance from all parts
of the country. The reports show that
during two years since the organization
the treasurer of the general society
has been paid and has disbursed $700,1)9:;.
The 3issiennri Journal has 8,000 sub
scribers and is pcrmcnautly established.
There arc 125 local societies and ever ",000
A Mammoth Sngar Refinery.
Chicago, 111., June 7. The erection of
a large sugar refinery, te be ISO feet
square and twelve stories high, was be
gun yesterday .at the feet of Polk street,
this city. Five hundred workmen will be
eti"a"cd in its construction.
Fatal -affray In a Theatre.
Jei'MN, Missouri, June C. Ycsteiday
afternoon an affray occurred at the
Theatre Cemique in this city, growing out
of property involved in a sale of the place.
C. T. Thompson, stage manager, was shot
and instantly killed. Themas Carney, his
assailant, wasmertally weundcd,and Frank
Wellard (colored) was shot in the leg.
Coel Weather in Interior New Yerk.
PeitT Jeuyis, N. Y., June 7. The tem
perature fell very perceptibly in this sec
tion yesterday, and this morning there was
a light frost in this valley. The damage
is probably net great. In Sullivan county
and westward along the Erie railroad
there was a heavy frost and considerable
damage has been dene. A steady rain ?et
in this forenoon.
The Vete at Albany.
Alhany, June 7. Te day's ballet : Ja
cobs 45, Conkling 34, Cernell 15, Wheel
er 22, Lapham 3, Rogers 15, Trcmainc 4,
Crowley 1, Felgcr 1, Bradley 1.
i i
New VerK Market.
Ni-w Yerk. June 7. Flenr State and West
ern dull, pries without decided change ;
Superfine Suite at H OU4 .W; extra
de 14 503-1 73; choice de $4 S9g5 S3;
tancv de $." 30ffli; 75; round hoop Ohie
$4 CO 35 CO: choice de V 103G75; superfine
western $4 0094 SO; common te geed ex
tra de f 4 50.r C'J ; choice de 15 UQil 75 ; choice
white wheat de, at f5 250C 'Si. Southern
llnn'and quiet ; common te fair extra, $5 'Jig
5 75 : geed te ctieice de .- 8007 50.
Wheat without decided change and fairly
active: Ne. '1 Red, Uune, $1 lymfi lt4;
de .Iuly,$l -m ? ; le Aug, $1 'i'AS 2l ;
de Sept. $1 21l 21.-
Cern dull, without change: Mixed west
ern spot, 4594014c ; de future, 5555c.
Oats a shade stronger ; State, .47&.2; West
ern, 45ffi51c
Philadelphia Market.
Fhiladxlfhia, June 7. Flenr quiet, but
firmly held ; Superfine, $3 i"i:: 75;
extra3 87Q425;Ohieand Indiana family 5 75
G 25 ; I'cnna. family $5 25Q5 40 ; St. Louts ie
(iOOG5U; Minnesota Extra t5 506 0): de
straight, $G(MQC 50; winter patent C 2307 27;
spring de $6 503750.
Rye flour at$5 25550.
Wheat steady, with lair demand ; Ne. 2
Western Red, $1 22U1 22; Delaware,
l'enn'a Eed$12212; dd Auiber,l 1
Cern dull bnt steady; steamer, 4S(2.'0j;
yellow, 52K5Cc; mixed, 54-55c.
Oats dull but steady; Ne. 1 White 48c;
NO. 2, de 4c; Ne. 3, de !3J5;e; Ne. 2,
Mixed, 4341c!
Rye quiet at $1 05.
Previsions steady ; mess perk $17 C0gl7 50 ;
beet hams, 923 50Q23 00; Indian mess
beer $2250.
Bacen smoked shoulders, c; salt de
ftgCic; smoked ham ll12c; plckleit J-uus
'lard "quiet and steady; city kittle ll'c;
loes butchers' at lOJic ; prime steam at
it 12V
Hurter-markct q.ilct. but fine grade
btiiidy; Creamery eflra IViiiwylvania 2lfe
? ; TSS5SI2; 20!IC 5 de S"1 te nece 170
tSfSmy an'1 TOTt
Bells dull ; Pennsylvania anil Western 70
12e. . "
Eeirs firm and scarce ; Pennsylvania
19&I9Jc; Western lSc. u"svnnia.
Cheese dnll. easy; New Yerk tnll cream. iot' iet'
Western full cre-.m S9c; de lair tu
geed. SgSKc.
Petroleum steady'; re lined 7Wc.
Whisky at 910V.
Seeds Geed te prime Clever, no market :
Timethy dull at 3 1003 1C; de de Flaxseed
nominal at 91 2T.
Westera tirala Markets.
SliLu-AUKKE-Fleur quiet and unchanged.
Wheat active, firm and higher ; Ne. 2 Mil
waukee, hard, at 91 10 ; de soft cash and June,
at $107: July at l 09Ol CO; August at
91 OTJi ; September at $1 V7i ; Ne. 3 deat KKc"
Cern firmer ;" Ne 2 at 40Jc.
Oats were steady : Ne. 2 at 34?ia
Rye was lewer: Ne.l atjlltt.
Barley was quiet ; Ne. 2 Spring at ft
Previsions steady ; McssPerk,91G, cash ami
June: 91 17K, July.
Lard Prime Steam, 910 67K, cash and June ;
910 77K, July.
Hogs stranger at 95 405 75.
Receipts Fleur. 13,je bbbls.; Wheat, 87,000
bushels; Barley. 4.100 bushels.
Shipments Fleur. 13,000 bbls.; Wheat, 57,000
bushels ; Hurley. 8S bushels.
Teledo. Ohie Wheat tinu ; Amber Michi
gan, $1 UK; Ne. 2 Ked Wabasn, 91 14$; July
$1 Wi; August. $1 I2;allthe year, 91 Ilj
Rejected. 91 02.
Cem firm ; High Mixed held at 4yc; Ne.
2. spot and June, ttie; July, 4c ; August
17'c: Rejected, lie.
Oats quiet: Ne. 2 White. SO" ic; August.-30e.
At the Afternoon Call Wheat. Ne. 2 Red,
siM.t, $1 l.lhJ ; June. $1 15,'$ ; .Inly, 91 ll,' : Aug
ust. l 12J.C ; all the year. 91 11 .
Receipts Wheat 44.WO bushels : Cern, 55,000
bushels ; Oat--, 3.(OJ bushels.
Shipments Wheat, 113,500 bushels; Cern,
2K.00O tmshcls ; Oats. 1,000 bushels.
nirrr.etT. Mich. Fleur dull at $5 25S5 50.
Wheat slew, but tlrm : Ne. I White,$l 16.J ;
Jiine,$l Vyi : J uly. $1 10 hid : August. 91 1K
hitl : September, $1 1)$ ; Ne. 2 White, 91 liK ;
Ne. 2 Red nominal at 91 IS.
Cern quiet; Mixed. 17c asked.
Oats firmer: Ne. I Mixed, liWJIOJXc; Ne. 2
White. 4Ie hid.
Receipts Fleur, none ; Cern, 1,000 bushels ;
Oats. "J,ux bushels.
Shipments Fleur. I.tKX) bbls.; Cern, !,tXO
bushels; Oats, . 5,(01 IiiuhcN.
Live Sleck Markets.
Ciiicaoe. ll.igs Receipts, 15,000 head ; ship
ments, head; market strong and lOe
higher; peer te geed mixed packing at 9550$
5s.; light ii8iS5: choice heavy packing
and shipping $ SV?f; 10 ; culls aud light York Yerk
9IJJ510. Cattle Receipts, 4,51X1 head; shipments, 3.400
head ; market strong, uelive anil llrmer ;gned
le choice shipping, 95 M)g 12j ; common te
fair $5 2"5 50 ; butchers' steady ; peer te geed
$2 50)4 75 ; choice cows and hellers in geed de
mand ; peer stock dull ; through Texas in fair
supply with a better request, ehielly at 93 :-"rt
8 S"; stockers :md feeders very quiet at 93 40$
I 7"; wintered Texan. 94 .'.025 25.
fcheep Receipts, 1,200 head; shipments, 1,100
head ; market quiet but steady ; demand
moderate ; all sold; fair woelcd 95 255 M;
Texan yearlings, 91 ; peer te geed te natives,
.f.1 :.e5.
East Luuarrr Cattle Receipts, sinee Fri
day. 1,272 head of yard and S7i head of through
stock; beat shipping at 955 00; fair te geed
butchers'. 1.1C0 te 1,::00 pounds, 91 755 75 ;
a lew prime at S ; light aud common, 94 5e
4 Hi; Mteckcrs scarce at 9II 75: bulls, cows
and stags, 93.r0l 75 : sales, 751 head.
Hogs Receipt?, head; Philadelphia.
$.; Witti 15 ; Yorkers, 95 M)Jj.1 CiO.
Sheep Receipts, 7,.0i head ; prices leg'JiK:
lower than at. the eleie et hut week.
Philadelphia C'attle Market.
Monday, June !. The arrivals et live stock
atthu various Philadelphia yards were ler thu
week: Cattle, 3,030 head; sheep. 8,000 head:
hogs, 3,500 head. Previous week Cattle, 2,SW
head; shc"p,s,00illiead; hogs, 3,000 head.
Beef Cattle were active anil xr. jx-r pound
higher en accceunt of thu cool weather, mak
ing a belter demand.
We quote its fellows :
Extra, (&7c; CimmI, yi(i;ic; Medium,
lsir'u : Common, rliit$(Ui.
Bulls and Cows Fat cows were active at
'i-'''0"., the latter ler choice Montgemcry
county. Bulls were active at lQZe. Slippery
were iu geed request at 9l5f3!0 per head.
Calves Pennsylvania veal was active ntC
Milch cows were active at 925."0 per head,
with sales of extra its high us 975.
Sheep The market during the past week
was dull and prices were lully Jc. lower en
the upper grades, whiteeonimeii stock tell Je.
per pound.
We quote as follews:
Extra. 5c; geed. Si teEO lis. at 55Jc ; fair,
75 te 55 !!. at 55Uc; common. IJ HaMAic ; culls
at 3lc; Extra lambs i10e; geed de. yz
Qt'jy.c; fairile. 7KISJ4C; common iMJ7e.
Hogs week in lair demand at !c, accord
ing te condition ami quality.
Reger Maynes, 150 Western, gross, 5$tfil2c.
A. t J. Christy, 171 Western. grriH.s..phtte.
E. S. & B. F. Mcr'lllcn, 210 Western gross,
Owen Smith. 137 Western gross, r.Qiie.
M. lUlimii, 159 I Jin e. ee., gross, Slfi7e.
" 75 Wi-stsTii, gross, aic
Jehn Merdle. 135 Lancaster CO., gross, (ifi)
','ic. '
Daniel Murphy, 75 Lane. co. and Western,
Schambcrg .V Paul, ItO Western, 5Jiigic.
(!. Schamlicrg Ce.. 215 Western, litttyic.
Lewensiem .t Adler, 125 Western, Clrtjc.
" " 110'a5'ie.
II. Chain, jr., Western. .Vftujc.
Haniel Smvtli llrn., I WcMcrn, 5f?e.
Dennis Smyth, at Western. ZflfMyiv.
Bachmau & Levi.02 Western, gji;jc.
" ' IU I-an.ce. cows. UplKie.
M.Lcvf.M Western and Pa., SJie.
I.nujri Hern. 20 Western. Cf&ijjc.
James Clemseii, 51 Western ..i0'e.
II. Miller, 3". Lane. ce...5?87,c.
J. F. duller & Ce., lOi Western. KftRifr.
Jiiines Eustace. 12 Western. 5i;
S. llreilus, '. Western, i,4ft,c. "
.lames Anil, W Western, 5JJ;'e.
IJrcs-eil ReeM-s, 011 account of tlie cool
weather, woreaetlvo and prices closed firm at
Tlies. Rradlcy. II!) head at '.fc'Je; C. S.
Duiigicr.mde. at Dg'.yie: A. A. ISeswell lie.) ill)
!)J!)?4e ; W. II. Itrewn lti:le. at 'JgO.'fc; J. F.
Lewiien 13 de at '.ifi! Inc.
Iires-cil sheep were fairly active.
.Samuel stew art sold Oie'head dressed sheep
?Ueclc fttarKbt.
New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks
aNe United States Hi. nils reported daily by
Jacoh I!. Lemi. N. E. Cor. Centre Hqiiare.
New Vekk Stocks.
Stocks unsettled.
June 7.
A. M. V. M. F M
KhOO 1:00 3.00
Chicago A North Western -n-y ise'' 119;-:
Chicago. Mil. & St. Paul las I2S 127
Canada Southern .7 W 75K
C. C. & I. C. R. It 20 -S.A 2)
Del.. Icicle, ft Western lar 127 12(Xi
Delaware A Hudsen Catial y. Ill;; 111
Denver A Rie t'ninile ll'I'i H2Ai lVt
Hannibal A St. Jee 8IW SI 83K
Lake Shere A Mich. Southern.. 131"? 132,'. l.n'S
Manhattan Elevated 27S 2S 27 Ili'4 111 lit
Mb-semi, Kansas & Texas Uty. 51Ji WA
N. Y., Lake Erie & Western.... yt XyM 47
New Jersey Central Ur.2'4 HC PCt
N. V., Ontario A Western 37'4 7 3
New Yerk Central lls'i I4! IMA
Ohie&Mls-dsslppt 11 41 41
Pacific Mail Steamship Ce. ZVi. 53 lii
St. Paul A Omaha 4K 4 45
de . Preferred 108 10s 117!
Sutro Tunnel 2 .... 2
Texas Pacific ft 6'
Union Pacific IU 12 VOX
Wabash, St. Leuis A Pacific.... 542 55)2 54li
" " Preferred. Kt);J !4 'XyM
Western Union Tel. Ce 127 128 I27J4
Stocks active.
Pennsylvania R. R WI
Reading SO'A
Lehigh Valley KiyH
Lehigh Navigation 4)
lliiffale, Pitts. A Western 'Sl'U
Northern Central 57
Northern Pacllic 4"4
" Preterm! S4
HHWJIl lilt
Philailclnhia A Erle U. R
w,4 a
Myt 7xyH
21 23i
.... 5H&
4 46
83 SB!
:::: 8
... 41
lewaUuIch Mining
Uhitkd States I!esis.
r. m.
United Slates I per cents.
4 5 '
3X "
.... IIS
.... 115
.... 103
.... l'f.l
Noen fjnotntien el the Grain Market
FitrnLshcd by Jacoh If. Leng, Commission
Chicago. Julv. Aug. Sept.
Wl-eat..... 9I.1I.H! "; W.WK
Cern . )
Oats.... AJi "? -'
WU?ul.-'. MCJJ l.Jtf IgJtf
Cern 5-V!i &Vk
Outs. "
Wheat 1.21?f l.lS-
Cern .-"!4 -V'li
OaLs.... .I'j iKi'-H