LANCASTER JUIYINTELIieENCEE r JtQRJEMgj XU1VJ$. 1881. ; tendance was large aud the exercises solemn and impressive. The dead hi whose memory these services were held aic llanuah 1!. Sapp, aged 21 years ; Lera Etta Jehnsen, aged 22 years ; Annie Liz zie Will, aged 21 years; Sarah J. Mussel man, aged 12 years ; Eve Lizzie Adams, aged C years : J. M. Hawthorn, a tcacRer of the school, aged 41 years, and Lillic Dcriler. aged 3 years, all of whom were members of the school, and Samuel Gard ner, who was a member of the church. The chancel is te be photographed, before the flowers are removed, at the urgent re quest of the friends of the dead. Lutheran. The observance of the day in Trinity Lutheran church comprised the administer ing of the holy communion te a large con gregatien, in which were included a class of about thirty who were confirmed en the preceding Friday evening. The i-astnr, Jlev. Dr. Grccuwald, was assisted at this service by Kcv. E. L. Heed, of Christ church. There was no sermon. In the cvetiiug the pastor preached au impressive sermon en the descent of the Hely .Spirit. There was no attempt at elaborate decora tion here, though the pulpit and baptismal font weic neatly adorned with ferns. Grace Lutheran church, IJcv. C. E. I ieupt, pastor, was decorated very pret tily. On the altar was a pyramid of llew-ei-s surmounted by a large tleral lyre, sur sur leunded by smaller devices. On the pul pit and reading desk were eres'ses, anchors and bouquets The baptismal fount con tained a pyramid of white llewcis, and from it trailed a wreath of sniihirc. In front of aud above the pulpit was suspend ed a white dove. He v. I Ieupt, the pastor, conducted the service. There was a large communion in the meiniug at 10:"0, aud sermon in commemoration of the ray in the evening. In the German Lutheran chinches Zion and St. Stephen's thcie weic no spe cial decorations, but there were large communions in Leth, and .sermons preach ed in commemoration of the descent of the Hely Spirit. 'PFlNGSr"." Wliil-Menility Celebration. Te day eencd pleasantly with alterna ting sun and cloud, and an atmosphere just cool enough and just warm enough te be pleasant. At an cai ly hour the country folks began te pour In te town, and by ten o'clock tlie streets were well tilled but net crowded te the extenL that prevailed in "aiiltl lang syne.,r Of course the boy fthcrcurc le.en.s of him) who gets drunk en two glasses of soda water was en hand and became very hilarious. His gill walked with him hand in hand or with hooked little lingers, until lie be came boisterous, aud then she wanted te go home. The countrymen who get drunk en beer and wisky, were also early in the field aud some of them were early in the leck-ui). The city playecT-iut swell, sliarrj aud bummer weic en hand te gel fic: beer at the expense of their green country cousins. Pretty country misses with msy cheeks, bright eyes, innocent-looking faces, and generally bad-tilting dresses cul in imitation of these worn by their teny city sisters, promenaded the stieets, ate ginger cakes and peanuts, and occa sionally indulged in a jlass of ' ice cold lemonade," which was te be found at tables all around Centre Square and along the piiucipal thoieughfares. It was es pecially noticeable that nearly all the lem onade liends have discarded the '"cochineal colored raspbcrry.ide " and adopted in stead a scini-seur, semi-sweet lluid yclept lemonade, but most of which was guiltless of lemon juice. The peanut vender was en every corner and sold his peanuts red het at au enormous sacrifice. The organ-grinder played unceasingly while his ancient assistant passed around the hat with a studied sidf-abuegaliug smile se child-like and bland that none ex cept these having hearts of stone could fail te drop a penny in the hat. A greater musical attiactieu was a little German i iand that, has been play iag in the streets ter a few days pisr, and a still greater one was the .Maiietla li.un, drcs-cd up in new blue uniforms and straw hats and accom panied by a major deme with immense staff and a bearskin hat two feet high and sur mounted by a lefty pompon of red and while. The man with the toy-balloons seemed te be omnipresent, and did a thriv ing business, selling his red, white and blue balloons te all suits of people. The lighting men were ahe en baud and took au eaily occasion te show the dc clepmcnt of their muscle. These from the country were honest enough te si and up and take a squurj knock down or a rough and tiimhlv, but the city reuuhs. both black aud while, as usual de manded odds before they pitched in. The taverns and saioens did a geed busi ness, hut the "business men."' se called, these engaged in legitimate trade complain that the country folks have come te town te have a spree and net te purchase staples. On the whole, I'fingst is deteiierating and is net, new tube compared with what it was in "the geed old days of old," when great fairs, and first class shows, an fly ing carriages, and greased pigs and coun try dances formed prominent paitsef the fcstivities; A I out neon te-day several while coun trymen were attacked en Middle street by a part y of dai keys. One of the country men had his face cut and he fled, leaving his hat behind. The ethsrs escaped tui Kc.ralchcd. A tight occurred at the Cress Iveys hotel.; two of the combatants were gath ered in by the police, anil a fresh young man who ititcrlcred with the officers was taken with the lighters. Hail was fur nished. Tayler's orchestra is holding its fourth annual picnic at Teli's Haiti te day, and another is being held at the Green Cot tage. A beat lace took place at Potts', be tween Abraham Stan iter, .1. Sides, V. Maleney, G. 1. Dougherty and If. G roll' this morning. Jlr. A. Stauller wen Ihe race in IS minutes. The wager was for a live dollar hat. A Game or Baseball. Following is the score of a game of baseball played en Hie college grounds this morning. It will be seen that it is a geed one : iueSsiiik. I P. & M fOM.i:tsc. . It.! . 1 O. It. Miller, 2 b 1 2 Franklin, 1 1 :; 2 Sliuibli'y, Jl., s. s.. 2 llottenytein. r. 1.. 3 1 Shciblcy, W.. 1. 1.. 3 u Kechcr, e Heek. v. I Knutz,2b " C.AVitnier, s. s.... 2 llumbright, r. 1 2 Weighui?, I. 1 a King, 3 It 4 Matter, lb 3 F.Witmcr, l) 4 l u;it-r, v a :: 0 llci-Icr, p 4 1 It Det row, v, t ;.. 5 0 e itun(ieiiii.::i 3 e 27 12J 27 11 i 2 r. 4 r ; 7 s a Ironsides 1 - e I ( 4 2 212 Cellege: 0 e. ;: 2 0 u 2 1 3-11 Utnplif A. SpcNs. Tiineel Game 2 hour.-. Auarded a Mcilni. At the late "Westminster kennel club bench show, in New Yerk, Jes. It. Triss ler, of this city, was awarded a silver medal, the second prize, for his Irish red Fetter "Ilapid Star." A Huren Isadly Hurt. As Mr. Jae. .llait, of Mr. Nebo, was turning around his horses hitched te a spike harrow became entangled in the harness and one of them was terribly hurt bp the spike harrow. Cows Killed by Lightning. In a .storm last week Sant'l Miller, farmer, en Isaac Wentz's farm, near Be- thesda, had two cows killed by lightning as they were standing under a locust tree. COLUMBIA NEWS. OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE, Excursion tickets te Lancaster ever the Pennsylvania railroad sold briskly. Whit-Monday is net observed here te any extent. The country people and many from town went te the county fccat. Rev. J. Witmcr, of Meuutville, officiated last evening in the United Brethren church. The pastor of Ihe church, Itev. C. S. Motley, was out of town. Mr. Jehn Strinc, a brother of Sheriff Strine, who has been ill for the past five or six months, is convalescent, and is vis iting in town. Mr. S. S Detwilcr's two horses ran away with his wagon from Second and Locust streets this morning. They cut across Second street te Walnut and up Walnut te 1 hint where they were caught before demolishing things The Ireuville baud passed through town this morning en its way te Lancaster. Its music shows that it is still en the toad te excellence. Saleme chapel Sunday 'school 'of the Presbyterian church was the first te change its meeting hour te meet the warm weather of summer. Its session of yes terday was held at six o'clock in the even -iug. During the winter months it met at 1:30. Chiquesalunga tribe Ne. 29, 1. 0. It. M., arc holding a picnic te-day at Heise's weeds their 25th annual. The committee of arrangements announce that dancing will take place in German and English. The box sheet for Carncross minstrels, new open at Itichards book store, indicates that Columbians will extend te the com pany a warm greeting en their appearance here te-morrow evening. They come under the management of General Welsh pest of Ihe.G.A. It. Itev. E. J. Wolfe, I). D., of the Gettys burg theological seminary, preached in the E. E. Lutheran church before a large con gregations, yesteiday morning and even ing. Dr. Wolfe was the guest of Mr. F. A. Bennett. Mr. Gits. Killiau and wife, of Yerk, spent yesterday with friends in town. Beth of them formerly resided in Coluin bia. Mrs. Daniel llhedes, of Bellefonte, is visiting in Columbia, the guests of W. II. Haldeman. Mrs. Kiieads is a sister of Mr. E. It. Smith, the banker. Itev. F. Saucrbcer, formerly of Colum bia, new pastor of the Heidelberg, Re formed church, Yerk, has returned from his absence at the general synod, at Tiiliii, Ohie, aud brings with him a bride. Rev. W. 1. Evans, of Cehanscy, N. J , will be in town te day te consult with the vestry of the E. E. Lutheran chuich en matters pertaining te the church aud its pasteiate. It will be remembered that the Rev. Evans has been tendered a call te ac cept the vacancy caused by the resignation of Itev. F. W. Staley. He will probably come te some decision te-day and it will be given in te-morrow's leiter te the In ti:i.i.u:i:nci:k. While here Kcv. Mr. Evans will be the guest of Mr. Samuel Filbert. The funeral of Wash Supplec, who was killed while coupling cars at .12.1 street. Philadelphia, en Thursday night, took J place, yesteiday altcruoeu Irem his late residence en Walnut street, below Third. A Luge funeral cortege proceeded te .Mount P.ctliel cemetery, where the inter-'. ment. of the remains was made. The body! e! the deceased did net reach Columbia until !:2() p. in. en Sattuday. Hi. Rev. .1. F. Shanahaii, bishop of the, administered the rite of coulirmat-.en in St. Peter's Catholic church last evening, te about fifty persons. With the exception of one woman all of the.c confirmed were children. The girls were dressed handsomely in while. The services opened with solemn vespers. Bishop Shanahau was assisted by Rev. Father Russcl, of Columbia, and two ethers whose names we cannot learn. The congregation entirely tilled the church. Mr. L. W. Richards, the well known Columbia correspondent of the JYi tc Km, has received an appoint ment te a remuner ative position at St. Leuis, Me., and wilt leave here te accept it next Monday. We number Mr. Richards as one of our most intimate fiiends and are very sorry that he is te leave town, but glad te knew that he has secured a liennancnt ami geed iMisi iMisi tien, which we have no doubt he will till te the perfect satisfaction of his employers. Mr. Richards is a lawyer by profession. He is very popular with his associates and will leave behind him a host of friends, eaeh of whom, with us, wish him continued prosperity in life. Dr. Jehn Aid, coroner, and Dr. McKin McKin neii, of Yerk, went te Marietta en Satur day, and had the body of Miss Emily My ers exhumed for the purpose of making a pout mcrtem examination. The result proved that, Ceyle shot the uufeitunatc young girl directly through the heart. The Ceyle indictment, gees te the Yerk grand jury this week. TUB PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS tteint Meeting of Hit; Tnn Heards. The beard of prison insccters held their regular monthly meeting this morning all of the members bcimr present. On motion of Mr. Wolf a resolution was passed that Harry Cooper the messenger of the prison be paid for his last month's services, and that owing te his ill health he be asked te resign. Anether resolution by Sir. Hedmeier was passed. It provides that hereafter all bill presented te the beatd of inspectors ter payment nl articles purchased or work done for the prison shall be certified by the heads of the different depattments that the goods were delivered or work done, as per bill rendered. At the instance of Solicitor Beyer a res olution was eficrcd asking that a commit tee be appointed te have the gas pipes in spected, and te consider the advisability of having burners placed in the basement, which will be incapable of being turned en at full head and tiiat the watchmen aud underkecpers -shall turn off the 'gas in the morning at 0 o'clock. Capt. Wcisc, the keeper, who had been called into the room, stated that it would net de te pass that resolution in that way, for if the gas .was left burning until G o'clock it would be longer than necessary by sev eral hours at' this season, aud in the win ter it would be tee short. lie thought the time for burning of the gas should be regulated by the seasons of the year. The resolution was amended se that the gas will be turned off at daybreak, and it was then passed. The inspectors received the bids for the gas machine, but did net open them. The whole matter was laid ever until July 2, when the next meeting takes place. Joint Session. After dinner the peer beard and prison inspectors met in jemt session. Peer Di rector Shultz was called en te preside and Prison Solicitor Beyer was selected as the secretary. The joint committee en gas re ported that they met ou May 14th, and after a discussion of gas generators W. E. Petersen, agent for the Peerless gas ma chine of Cunningham & Ce., Phil adelphia, offered te furnish his machine of 30 burners, copper retort and lank of leaded iron for $300. They will place the machine in position, make connections and give thirty days' trial, guaranteeing satis faction. If machine proves unsatisfactory they will remove the sanie and replace the present connections frce of cost te Lan caster county prison. This committee re commend that each institution supply itself and that the experiment be tried at the prison before incur ring expense at both institutions. The committee en water reported that they found a sufficiency of water in the two springs at the peer heuse for both in stitutions ; also made examination and in quiry at the prison in regard te a well of water in the prison yard, found it about 33 feet deep, lined with brick and up te present time has had an inexhaustable supply of Water and in the prison bnildings an iron tank with capacity of holding GOOO gallons. Hearing that the committee believe water sufficient te,suppIy both places separate, they did net have the distance between the Vinsen and Tjoerhouse measured, nr malra ah estimate of the cost, but recommended that if it be a saving te the county each place be furnished with & small engine. The cost of engine with power te raise 0,000 gallons per hour, for the prison would net exceed $800, and for the poor peer house and hospital would probably net cost mere than $1,500 or 21,700 for ma chinery and power te' raise. 11,000 gal lons per hour. The reports were received. The representatives of the Elkins manu facturing and gas company aud the Maxim neat gas machine and the Peerless gas michine, argued the merits of their respective machines, and .after that the agents retired te make up a sealed bid. The water question was then taken up. The representative of Knowle's steam pump works explained the workings of the pump manufactured by his firm and gave the 'cost as appears in the report of the committee. On motion of Mr. Rutter the water question was laid ever for the present and the agent was requested te send estimates te the president of both beards. INCENDIARISM. Anether Tobacco Warehouse Set en Fire and Itadly Damaged SOU Cases et Tobacco In Jeopardy. Shortly after 11 o'clock last night the en gineer of a freight train en the Pennsyl vania railroad saw smoke issuing from one of the tobacco warehouses iu Tobacco avenue. He blew his steam whistle Ions and loud te give the alarm, and the engi neer et the tram that followed htm did the same, but it was some time before cither citizens or firemen took up the cry and raised a general alarm. It was discovered that warehouse Ne. 3, owned by Geerge D. Sprccher, leased by Shrecdcr & Beu and filled with tobacco packed by Philip Ililke, for Gail, Ax &Ce., aud ether parties,- was en fire, the flames being confined principally te the basement. Mr. Hilkc had .stepjtcd packing, locked up the warehouse and gene te New Yerk mere than a week age, and a geed deal of time was lest by the firemen before the doers and windows were broken in and water thrown upon the flames. When this was done the fire was seen get under con trol and finally extinguished. It appears that the incendiary forced a shuticr at the east end of the basement, opened the window aud applied the com bustibles. The desk, tables, fleer, joists and ether woodwork of the basement are sh badly burned that they will have te be replaced, but the walls of the building aud the woodwork of the upper stories are un injured. The fiame of the elevator is burned away in the basement. The plat form en which the goods are raised and lowered was at the time of the fire ou a level with the first fleer. The flames seen burnt off the rope that held the brake iu place en the wheel at the top of the building. Immediately the platform ascended, being carried uj by the heavy weight with which it is counter-balanced. The hatches of the elevator being thus opened, gave a ready draft te the flames and the building would seen have been a mass of ruins had net the firemen iu the meantime been able te reach the flames with copious streams of water. The building and its contents are fully covered by insurance in companies of which Messrs. Bailsman & Burns arc agents. These gentlemen decline te give full particulars of the amount of losses, as the tobacco men object, because it has a tendency te "give away" the extent of business transact ions which they cheese te keep te themselves. We should suppose there is about 800 cases of tobacco in the warehouse, very little of which is damaged cither by lire or water, and te what extent it may be damaged by smoke cannot yet be ascertained. The damage te the build ing can probably be repaired for' $1,000. The insurance men have placed Mr. Lceuaid Eckert iu charge of the ware house until further orders, and Mr. Ililke and ether interested parties have been no tified of the iire. Unclaimed Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the posteflice at Lancaster for the week ending Monday, June (5, 1881 : LmJics' Lixt. Mrs. Jehn Atkinson, Miss Lizzie S. Baker, Miss Kate Brcncman, Mrs. Henry Begert. Miss M. M. Eshle nian, Mrs. Greem, Miss Maggie H idler; Miss Mary Ilclstcin, Miss Annie Kautz, Miss May Lawrence, Miss Mollie Mc Keuuady. Miss Emma Seymour, Mrs. Johann Scherer (for.), Miss Mamie E. Slerr, Mrs. Fannie Wolf. Gent'st Mt,t. Jehn Albright, Philip Benn, Frank Brown, Jacob R. Buckwal ter, J. S. Butler, Jehn J. Durticr, Parice Elbe, Gee. Edgerly, Dr. Elder, Edward Gardner, J. A. Hese, J. G. Hernet, Daniel Kreider. James A. McCikIcv. 11v. V T Maxwell, Jehn E. McNcary. Moses Nelen, F. B. Raymond, Jehn Smith, Herace Sheip, Jeseph Seuefclt, Jehn Traycr, Philip Uchlingcr, Marien Vannestraud, Henry AValdbaurer, Bernhardt Wcngcr (for.), Jesse Willferd. A Highly Colored Ftght. On Saturday evening Wm. Bosten, a married colored man, went out walking with a single damsel named Hallie Thomp son. On North Queen street near the depot, Mrs. Bosten, who with Ruth Weeds, was out looking for William, came upon him and liis cmmiaiiimi A fiirlit. nn&npil in which hair was pulled, noses twisted audi lieails damaged. Ihe result is that all of parties have been held for assault and bat tery by Alderman Samson. Were Net There. Zach Beet and uCetty" Hoever, charged with larceny, who were te have hail a hcarinsr en Saturday afternoon be fore Alderman Samson, failed te put in an appearance. It was learned that they have left the city. Their bail was forfeited. Sent te Jail. Wm. Richardson, better known as " Tudlcr," has been committed te jail by Alderman Samson te answer a charge of assault aud battery preferred by William Werth for cutting him with a chisel. Poultry Association. This morning was the time appointed te held the June meeting of the Lancaster county poultry association, but no quo rum being present there was no meeting,' Mayer's Court. The mayor this morning hail- three drunks and he sent them te jail Ter 5, 10 and 20 days, rcswectivclv. Ke versed. In the case of Eby vs. lloepcs the su preeo court has reversed Judge Patter son. lleu't xeur canary Sing ? Then get a liottle of Hint Bitters, which is an unfailing restorer of song and a cure for all diseases of cage birds. If your druggist docs net keep it, or will net get it for you, scud a postal card te the Bird Feed Company, 307 Federal street, Camden, N. J., and they will see that you are supplied. Price, 25 cents. umrS-Smd&w City Illtl rosters. Carsen & llcnscl, city bill pesters and din din trlbuters, elUce Iktrlligencxr building. Ne. C Seuth Queen street. Fer tender and inflamed faces Cutictirxj Shaving Seap is worth its weight in geld. MKW ABYMMT1SEMMXTS' "OHN t. ABNOLD. PLUMBERS SUPPLY HOUSE. Jl. FULL UHK OF GUM TUBING, STEAM COCKS, SOIL PIPE, LEAD TRAPS, CHECK VALVES, LEAD PIPE, IRON HYDRANTS, HI DRANT COCKS, G AS COCKS, IRON PAVE WASHES. CURB STOPS, GAS FIXTURES. GAS GLOBES, GLOVE VALVES, ROOFING SLATE, WROUGHT IRON PIPE, CENTRE PIECES, TIN PLATE, BATH TUBS, BATH BOILERS, WATER CLOSETS, KITCHEN SINKS. WASH STANDS, IBON FITTINGS, FRENCH RANGES FOR HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. -:e:- JOH2ST L. ABNOLD, Neb. 11, 13. & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. rnprS-Ud B ARGA1NS. FLINN & Arc offering their Immense Stock of TINWARE, BUCKETS. BROOMS. Ac. beu -lit at New Yerk Auction, at less then half their value.' WATER COOLERS, BABY CARRIAGES, BASE BALLS AND BATS, ARCHERY, BROOMS, lc. FISHING Great Attraction eti the ."e., 10c., 13c. and NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. L ANCASTKK WATCHES. ED W. J. Manufacturing Jeweler, WE INVITE ATTENTION TOrOUU LARGE STOCK OF LANCASTER AND AMERICAN WATCHES, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CLOCKS. Solid Silver and Silver-Plated Ware in Spoons, Ferks, Knives, Casters, c. We offer te our patrons advantages -which ufe rarely combined In one establishment, be cause we have a complete fllANUFAOTUKING UKl'AKTMKNT in connection with our retail business ,und are making a large part et the goods we sell. This enublcs us te 1m: sure of qual ity, te Mill at the lowest prices, and gives ns Mrst-class facilities for WATCH WORK antl UKN KUAL UKl'AIIUNU. EDW. J. ZAHM, Manufacturing Jeweler, mar2t-3nid&wR The aged and inllrm arc strengthened und faculties brightened by Malt Bitters. SfUVlAL NOTJVMS&. " Rough en lists." The thing dcsiied found at lust. Ask drug gist for Rough en Rats. It clears out rate, mice. reuchcn, flies, bedbugs, 15c boxes. Ne Humbugging tne American l'eople. . Yen can't humbug the American people when they find a remedy that suits them; they use it and recommend it te theirfricne?. J ust exactly the case with SpxjHg'Llossem. which haa become :t household worn all ever t he United States. Price 50 cent. Fer sale at II. 11. Cochran's drug store, Ne. 137 North Qnecir street, Lancaster. Benefaciers. When a beard of eminent physicians and chemists announced the discovery that by combining some well known valuable reme dies, the most wonderful mtidiclnc was pro duced, hich would cure such a wide range of discuses that most all ether remedies could tie dispensed with, many were sceptical ; but proof el it merits by actual trial has dispelled nil doubt, and te-day the discoverers or that great medicine. Hep Hitters, are honored ami blessed by all a benefactors. mylG-2wd&w Itching rlli-Symptems Bnd Cure. The symptoms are moisture, like perspira tlen, intense itching, increased by scratching, very distressing, particularly at night, as if pin worms wcru crawling in und about the rectum ; the private parte are sometimes af fected ; It allowed te continue very serious re sults may tollew. Dr. Swayne's All Healing Ointment U a pleasant sure cure. Alse for tetter, itch, salt rheum, scald head. Erysipelas, barber' itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty, cuta cuta neous eruptions. Trice, 50 cents, three boxes for $1 Si. Sent by mall te any address en re ceipt of price in currency or three ge. stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swayne & Sen, 330 Nertli Sixth street. Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by all prominent druggist. marl'MyMwS&W Mether! Methcra i! Mothers! I! Are you dlstnrlietl tit night and broken of your rest by a sick ehildsunerlng and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, go at once anil get a bottle of MltS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUl. It will re lieve the peer little sufferer immediately de pend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell yen at once that It will regulate the bowels, anil give rest te tlie mother, and relief aud bcaltU te tbe child, operating like magic. It -is perfectly safe te use in all eases, und pleasant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et tlie eldest and best female physician and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere ; 25 cents a bottle. uiarMTtlAwM.W&S Found at Last. What every one should have and never be without, H Themas' Electric Oil. It is thorough and safe in its ellects, producing the most won drous cures et rheumatism, neuralgia, burns, bruises and wounds of every kind. Fer sale at II. 15. Cochran's drug store. Ne. 137 North Queen street. Resn Celd ana If ay Fever. lieing seriously troubled with Hay Fever and Rese Celd, I (at the solicitation of a friend) tried Ely's Cream Balm and was surprised In obtaining almost immediate relict. I heartily indorse and earnestly recommend It te all sim ilarly alllictcd. W. P. Asdmts, Druggist, Met uchen, N. J. August 20, 1870. Fer II AY FEVER I recommend Ely's Cream ISalm. Itentircly relieved me from the first application ; nave been a sufferer ler ten years. Going from home and neglecting te take the remedy, I had an attack; alter returning I immeaiatclyresortcdteit.and found Instant relief. 1 believe, had 1 begun Its two earlier, I slietUd net have been troubled. Have steed heat, dust and draughts as well as during ether months. J. Ceixter, Clerk, US Bread street, Elizalictb, N. J. Price 50 cents. je 1 Swdfttr J'OUXIVAXm Fer Ceuaty Commissiener: FRANK CLARK, of Strasburg township. Sujbjcct te the choice et the Democratic coun ty convention. aprfi-U&wlp ADAM S. BIETRICH, of Maner township. Subject te tlie decision of the Democratic county convention. HENRY F. HARTMAN (Lime Burner), el East 1 Jim peter township. Subject te the choice of the Democratic county Convention. apr2-dftwtp MARTIN II1LDEBRANT, of Mount Jey Borough. Subject te the decision of the Dem ocratic county convention. aplS-d&wtp JEltE MOHLER, Ephrata. Subject te the decision of tlie Democratic county cenven tien. aprll-UAwtp Fer County Auditer: JOHN S. BROWN", of Drumerc township. Subject te Democratic rnlcs. m27-dAwtp JOHN L. LIGHTNER, of Leacock tewnslllp. Subicct te the decision of the Democratic county convention. arrlS-tfd&w JOHN L. ARNOLD. B ARGAINS. WILLSON REFRIGERATORS, EXPRESS WAGONS, CROQUET, BASKETS, BUCKETS, 10c., &c. TACKLE. 'c. Counters. A ALKR1CAN WATCHES. ZAHM, Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa. Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Fa. XKW AltVJZKTlSKMENTS. OTltAWHKKKY ANI ICK CUKAM FESTI- O val. te le held at OIl FELLOWS' HALL, for the benefit of FULTON HOME, commenc ing JUNE 8 and ending SATURDAY. JUNE 11. Tickets will entitle the bearer te a plate of cream. je3-lwd rpi INVKNTOKS! W. H. BABCOCK, Attorney nt-Law, of Washington, D. C, form erly an examiner in U. S. Patent Oflice, offers bis services as solicitor before theU. S. and foreign Patent Olliecs. Careful work at fair prices. Was associate et Air. Jacob Lancaster, uulil the latlcr's death. jeC-Smd&w NOTIOK JACOB V. HUNI1KK, LATE et the firm of Bender & ilelinan. is pro pre pared te receive orders ter and manufacture Jacob F. Bender's Celebrated Tire Bender and Fan Blewer ; also Drill Presses and all kinds of Blacksmith's Supplies, and anything iu the line of business heretofore uiunulactiired be the lute firm, such as Castings, Iren Railing, Verandahs, &c. Address I. O. Bex 4!," Lan caster, Pa. JACOB F. RENDER. ltd NSURE (Tim TUK OLl AN1 WKLL Established Agency of the Girarfl Fire Inn Ge., OP PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS OVER Eleven Hundred Thousand Dollars. Invested in Sate and Selid1 Securities. BIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. I KAST KING STREET, dll-CmdM.WSK Second Fleer. s ILK, AC. HAGER & BROTHER Are selling at very low pi Ices New Lines Black Silks. New Lines Colored Silks. New Lines Summer Silks. FRENCH GRENADINES NUN'S VEILING, PLAIN AND LACE BUNTINGS, FRENCH CASHMERES AND SHUDAS. FRENCH MOUIE AND FOULE. DRESS GOODS, At 12 and 15 cent, in large assortment, Actual value 25 cents. Alse, Frencti mil Ann Law, Figured Satins, Scotch and Domes Demes tic Dress Ginghams, DOTTED AND FIUUItED SWISS .MULL, INDIA LAWN, CHECK NA1NZOOK. VICTORIALAWN8, PIQUE WELTS, AND OTIIEIt WASH GOODS. Ladles' and Children's GAUZE UNDERWEAR, Hosiery, Lisle and Kid Gloves, Lace Goods, Ac. Wejnvitc examination. GENTS' WEAR I BOYS' WEAR I i Invite an examination of Goods ler Spring and Summer Wear, of which they are offering a Large Assortment in the Latest Styles and Fabrics. WORSTED SUITINGS. CHEVIOT SUITINGS, CASSIMEUE SUITINGS, FLANNEL SUITINGS, BOTS' SUITINGS. MADE UP CLOTHING, all of which they are selling at the lowest rul ing price. GENTS' AND BOTS' GAUZE UNDERWEAR, All sizes and qualities, from 23c up. We in vite special attention te tlie Feather Weight Drawers ler Gents. A very superior and com fortable article for Summer W'r. urn BROTHER THIRD EDITIOX MOHDAY KVENINO. JUNE 6. 1861. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Jane 6. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, light rain followed by clearing weather,, light variable winds, mostly from northeast te southeast, sta tionary or higher temperature, and -higher barometer. BY WIRE. Afternoon Telegram Cendensea. Sirs. Catharine Crane, who 'en January 26, was shot "by Williaa Sidram, a boarder whom she had shown the deer, died at her home in Charlton street. New Yerk, last night. Pfingat-mentag is being celebrated in New Yerk te-day very generally by Ger man citizens. An old fend between Wiliiam Stietnan, city marshal, and Gee. F. Reid, of Fayettville, Ark., was settled by Stietnan Bhoetine his enemy dead. The assassin was arrested. The brewery employees of New Yerk citytothe'numbcrof ever 1,000 went en a strike this morning, leaving nearly 40 brewing firm's without help. An American lady is attending the lec tures of the celebrated physiologist, Prof. Yirchaw. This is the first instance of a female student at the Univerity of Berlin. Geerge Ellis, colored, 32 years old. was found in Seventh avenue, New Yerk, last night bleeding "from the mouth. lie was taken home where he died seen after. Edward M. Jehnsen, of Philadelphia, who was charged with being accessory te the murder of Samuel Clugsten at Valley Ferge was discharged from custody this merninjr. NO ELECTION. Fruitless Ballets at Albany. Albany, June 6. First ballet (short term) : Jacobs. 25 ; Conkling, 26; Cor Cer nell, 15 ; "Wheeler, 14 ; Lapliam, " ; jjers. 13 ; Bradley, 1 ; Felger, 1 ;. Tre mainc, 1. First ballet for Piatt's successor : Piatt 23, Dcpcw 21, Kerean 26, Cernell 9, Miller 9, Crowley 2, Felger 2, Fcnten 1, Lapliam 4, Van Cott 1. The senatorial contest is assuming a new aspect this morning, the name of Congressman Jehn II. Starin being mentioned in connec tion with that of Mr. Depcw. After voting in joint convention te fill each va cancy, without effecting a choice, the con vention adjourned and the Heuse also ad jenrncd till 11 o'clock. RICH RELATIVES BUT NO FRIENDS. The Unhappy Fate et aYeung Mas. New Yeuk, June 6. The police found this morning a man Iyingin the street sick and dying. At the station house he gave his name as Patrick Kclly,agcd30,aucl without a home. Soen after this statement the young man expired. It was learned that he had relatives in this city, who, when informed of his death, positively refused te have anything te de with the body. Kcllly's father whose name is Andrew Kelly, it is said is very wealthy and lives en New Park avenue, Parkvillc, Hartferd, Conn. Werd was telegraphed him, and for the time being the body will be kept at the morgue awaiting reply from Connecticut. Nothing could be learned of Kelly's past life. MAJtKHTS. rbUadelpbla Market. Phu.adki.phia, June IS. Fleur steady, with moderate demand ; Superfine, ft T'ii'i ".": extrafS 8764 25 ; Ohie and Indiana tuinlly $5 73 &K 25: lVnnu. family 525.r 50 ; St. Leuis de UUG&U; Minnesota Extra $5 25S00: de straight, $C0.)G 50; winter patent 6297 '!'; spring de Hi 507 50. Rye flour nt 25550. . Wheat firmer, with talr demand ; Ne. 2 Western Itcd, $1 22J81 22Jf; Delaware, Penn'a Red $1 2101 2Jf :de Amber,! 221 2X Cern dull but steady: steamer, .rni$S52e; yellow, 52K.Wc: mixed, 5555c. Oats dull nd tending downward ; Ne. I White 4!lc; Ne. 2, de AtrHQiiy.c; Ne. 45c ; Ne. 2. Mixer. iSQUc. Rye quiet at $1 OK. Previsions steady : intst. perk $17 C017 50 ; beet hams, $23 WQ' U; Indian iii.m beef $2250. Bacen smoked shoulders, " salt de GjiGlc: smoked hams ll12e; pickled Jtum !H10c. Lard quiet and -steady; city kettle 1IJI : Ioehf butt-hciV ut 10"ic ; prime steam at $11 15. Butter-market dull, prices unsettled and weak : Creamery extra Pennsylvania 2I 22e ; Western, 202lc ; de geed te choice 17J l'Jc; Bradford county and New Yerk extni, 20c; firsts, 1710e. Rolls dull ; Pennsylvania and Western 7 12e. Eggs firm and scarce ; Pennsylvania 18e; Westerr 17ISc. Cheese dull, easy; New Yerk lull cream. 10)i; Western full crevcui SJSJic; de fair te gee.!, 838Kc Petroleum steady; re lined 7,'ie. Whisky at $1 0!. ' Seeds Geed te prime Clever, no market ; Timethy dull at .". !(" U : de de Hhx-kh-.i nominal at. $1 2;. New Yerk JMarRei. Nw Yei'.a, .lime !. Fleur Stale ami West ern dull, pries without decided ch.tue ; Snpcrllm: Slate nt $4 ix)4 1.0; extra de $4 K035 10; choice de $5 10ft5 25. fancy de $5 2fig; 75; round hoop Ohie $4 7505 50 : choice, de $5 U0$(i75; slip' riine western 4 0034 60; common te gned ex tra de iG )82." ; Choice de tfi Ma 75 : choice white wheat de, at $5 25l( 25. Snntliurn firm and quiet ; common te fair extra, $5 2-J 5 75 : geed te choice de $5 8007 50. Wheat M&jfc better, moderately active; Ne. 2 Red. June, $1 2SJ401 24: le July, $ia$!12S;de Aug, $120(31 20;. Cern dull, without change: Mixed west ern spel.'iQWc ; de future, 55.Vc. Oats YMV better; State, 4C5I ; Western, 4547c. Live Stock Markets. Chicago. Hogs Receipts. 12,000 head; ship ments, 5,500 head ; market fairly active ; heavy in better demand ; mixed Kicking ut $5 50f 5 70 ; choice heavy , $5 J&K 10 ; light weak and 5c lower ; peer te lair, $5 40H5Ji;0; geed te choice $5U55 70, market closed strong ami all sold. Cuttle Receipts, 2,400 head; shipment. 4,!.e head ; demand moderate ; market slew and prices easier ; experts, $3 9060 10; geed te choice shipping. $5 5 83 ; peer te fair. $5 5 50 ;wintered Texan. $4 255: grass Texuus in lull supply, but steady ut $315$4; butch ers' weak und fairly active at $2 504 75 ; chief ly at $1 75 ; stockers und feeders at $3 554 95. fchcep Receipts, tee head; shipments, 1,100 head ; market steady ; geed shipping de mand ; lair local inquiry ; peer te luir siiern. $1 004 50; geed te choice, $1 ,juj 25 ; market closed wiin an seiu. Cattle Market. Philadelphia. JnneC.-Cntticmarkct actlvu; prime, G7c; geed, 6frc; medium, c ; common, 50c. Sheep market dull: prime, 5-c ; geed, fi5c ; medium 55JJc. Hogs market fair ; prima, 9Kc ; geed. 8&g 8c; medium, ?? ; common, sjgKic. Mtuck m Brunt. New Yerk, Philadelphia and. Lecal .Stocks aNe United States Bend- reMirtel daily by Jacob B. Loxe, N. E. Cor. Centre .Square. Nkw Yerk Stocks. Stocks steady. June (!. a. J. y. m. e m 10:00 1:1X1 :i.eA Aioiiev i"fitiy ftlifwftfv jfc Wnrtli W3ffrii IOQ uxns tains Chicago. Mil. St, Pan! 127JS 127 12H& Canada Southern 75-i 71 Tfik C. C. & I. C. R. R. 28 28J5 ! Del.. Lack. & Western 127 12 12K Dciawase ft Hudsen Canal 11U ill 14 11114 Denver ft Rie Grande....; HlXi 112 nanniuui a. ou juc libal St-Jee 83 82 W2 : Shere & Mich. Southern.. i::i imj 131K liattan Elevated. 23 27& '3 Lake Mnnlintfnn Michigan Central ,... ill lie? inn Missouri, Kansas ft Texas SOU 49 50 N.Y.,Lake Erie ft Western.... 482 47i 43 Ohie ft Mlsslsslnnt 41 -4SK 41 Pacific MrU Steamship Ce.... '(( 53 SLLenisftlrdnMt Si .'... 8 Sutro Tunnel ..i ,--. -r:' 2 Union Pacific ,2l , Xi1 Wabash, St. Leuis ftTacltur.... 63 ; $ - " Preterm!. UK U3UL SMi Western Union Tel. Ce 127& J25K l7,7i PHILADW.PHI. 3tecks active. - Pennsylvania R. I- "jj n r'& Heading Mfi & "g 1,4-high Valley n-?i -. new jcreey central. uca iv&., jr. N. V., Ontario ft Western ,&? 37 New Yerk Central 14SU 1473-14itk 463S 23'i 44 84 43 83 834? UK r.M. 1:00 ... 11SJ JI5'i .... 102V .... 10 1 Nuuu Qaotauem et tin Orals Market Furnished by Jacob B. Long.'CemmH-don Breker. ' Chicago. Wheat , Cern , NewTerk. Wteat. ...., Cern , Oats , r PniLADstrntA. wheat. vOrii .,. Baltimerb. Wheat LOTilt, .Inly. Ansr Sept. ,l.0 l.ur i.03 .43 .43; .44M .35s rs ' ?, Jxfi L19JS .38K 1.29 .. 1.41?$ 'J Its Action Is Sure and Safe. .The celebrated remedy Kidney-Wert can new be obtained in the u-rnat dry vegetable form, or in liquid form. It is put In the latter way for the especial convenience of these who cannot readily .prepare IL It will ee found very concentrated and will act with equal etlleiency in either case. Be sure antl read the new advertisement for particulars. Seuth ami West. , jutMwdftw .vcir Ajn-JZTist:atBXT, WANTED. HOY WANTED AT Tllfc EAGLE SHOE STOUK. ltd Ne. 23 North Queen Street. VTOTICE IS HKKKIIV GIVKN THAT MY L wile, Barbara Weber, having Iett my bed and beard without cause or p'mvocatten, 1 hereby caution all persons net te trust heron my account, as I will av no dehfei of her con tracting. VALENTINE WEKER. JeS-ttd TOTICK. OWNERS OF l'lUU'EKTV ON i.1 North Queen street between Orange ami Chestnut streets who contemplate making water, gas or sewrr connections, are request ed te make the same at once, in order that the bed of tlie street may lecemu solid before the Belgian Bleck Pavement, le lw laid 011 said square, is eemmeneril. Ily order of Street Committee. I. TKEWITZ, jeli&9d Street Commissioner. -VfOTICE IS HKKKIIY GIVEN THAT THE JLl partnership lately existing lietween Jacob F. Mender and Jehn W. Ileluian, under the II 1111 name of Header ft llelman, U this fourth dayel June. A. 1. 18.-l. dissolved mu tual consent by the retirement of Jacob F. Bcn-'er. All dubts owing te 'lie said partnership will he paid by Jehn W. Ilelinan, and altdebts dun te the said partnership are te be paid te him. The businc will be continued at the sumo place by Jehn W; llelman. JACOi: F. BENOEK. JOHN W. HOLM AN. Junk I, ISS1. jel-7td PPOPOSALS WILL UK KECK1VEU AT St. Jeseph's Parsonage until JUNE 15. lssi, for the erection of St. Jeseph's Parochial Scheel and u adjoining residence. Drawings aud specifications can be seen nt St. Jeseph's parsonage. j:MwdR )UILIINU LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned eilers for sate en weekly or monthly payments. Building Let- ut a very low price en long time. These lets nre situ ated en IMikc, Lime, Frederick Shippeu und New streets. A geed chance for men who wish te have their own homes. Try it. vnii'll never regret it. Applv In A. IV. UUSEL, or ALLAN HEBIt'S Kcal Estate ellicc, Nti.3 North luke street. inai27-lindM WftF D IAMONIIM. 4C. THE MOUNTING DIAMOND May seem a small matter in comparison with the value ei the gem iticlt.hiit It is se important tiiat the safety of the gem de iends en its being done properly. Man) Diamonds are lest ticcuusc net SE CURELY mounted. Many Diamonds fail te exhibit tlu-ir true beauty net TASTEFULLY mounted. Many Diamonds appear like cheap 'and common stniicshci'uiiHu net S-KILL'ULLY mounted. Our Diamond Mounting is designed with consummate tat.;, and uxeuuled witli su perior .kill, by workmen of long experi ence, who are unrivaled in tlieir specialty. BAILEY, BANKS, BIDDLE, 12th & Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. MtSVKLIAJir.OUS. 1OTATOKS ! I'OTaTOITS I Just received. 7K bushels of Yerk Stutn Itelatis;. PeerleMi junl Early liicc, which 1 offer at the lowest market rates. Call early if you want potatoes at a bargain. OSCAIC E. KKIEG, illu.l- Ne. 2IS North Queen Street. Ciikst.nx-t Hill Iren Opr Ce. ) June I, 1881. i TTricr;. i.1 The annual (-Inclliin el directors nt this company will Uu held at their elllcn in Colum bia, l.aiic.nter county. Pa., en the 17th day of June, at 11 o'clock, a. 111. E. F. IIATFIELOJr.. Te2-eeiltl8 Secretary. ri'O TUK TAXPAYERS. X TlieTreasurer having afforded all possible iuciliti-s thunks tin; taxpayers for the prompt ness with which they came forward and. paid the largest amount el Water Rents ever re ceived te the same date. It is hoped the same promptness will be observed in tlie payment of City Tux. new payable, and five per cent, allowed ter prompt payment. WM.McCOMirEY Jl-tfd Treasurer and Heceiver of Taxes. PROPOSALS WILL UK RECr.IVEO 111 te Monday neon, J line 6, for the taking down et Unseld stone church building et St. Mary's, en Vine street; also ter.the excava tion and the general contract for enclosing or rooting iu or the proposed new building 011 same site .for Orpluuiuge anil Schools ; also He.par.Uc biiLs will bcTcccivcd for the. bricks, brick work, carpenter work, lumber, mill work, lime, sand, slate anil tin work, pointing and hard ware. Plans und siM-rilicatiens can be seen between 7 and 9 p. m.. at the pastoral residence adjoining St. Mary's church, when: also proposals may be Iett. The right is re served et rejecting all bids net satisfactory. Iil2l,28ftjel-3til I)ROFOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Tlie Street Committee el the City et Ijiii Ijiii cester will receive sealed nropeals ter the fol lowing work, up te THURSDAY, JUNE 9, at V. o'clock p. in. : I, Fer const! uctintf a five-feet sewer from Arcii alley along Chestnut street te Water, thence along Water street, south want, te con nect with the present Water street sewer. 2 Fer grading North Mury street, between James and Frederick, 3. Fergrudlnjr West Marlen street; wcstel Nevln street, 4. Fer constructing a three-feet sewer en Chestnut street, from Market alley te Water street. All bids te lie endorsed, statin? the work bid rer, and left in the Street Committee box ut Mayer's Oflice, or with Simen W. Uaub, Clerk et Street Committee. Specifications anil profiles en the above work can be seen at the elllce el James C. Car penter, Ciqr Regulator. Ne. 49 North Duke street. The committee reserve the light te re ject any erull bids. By order of committee. I. TIJEW1TZ. 2M&&K - Street CeiiiuiUc iuncr. ,I.ealgmtavlgaUeh...:.r. Buffiile, Wtte. A Western.... Northern Central :... Northern PaclncV.....::!..: " Preferred '.."II HestenyHU. Philadelphia ft Erie R. R.. lewaGulch Sliuing Uxitxd States Bexds. r) nited States 4 , per cents... 4f