LANCASTER DAILY iOTEIUGENkR, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1881. Lancaster Intelligencer. FHIDAT EVENING, JUNE 3, 1881. Farm art Gardes. Suggestions rer the Sesamtr Leisure. Germantown Telegraph. On the extensive seed-farm of Messrs. Ltndreth& Sens net a cbieken is te be found, but a large number of guinea-fowls arc allowed the freedom of the grounds, which destroy insects of every kind and are considered invaluable in this respect. The potato-beetle's cress and rccress ..iwii-B in their visitations. Many are 6cen in the Delaware, clinging te any support te carry them en their way. The ether day while in the vicinity of Bridesburg, nene were visible, but after starting for the New Jersey shere numbers were seen clinging te sticks floating in the river, and many were noticed en the opposite shore, although no apparent damage was dene te the plants they usually infest. The late raius have had a rcmarkable effect upon the grass and grain crops. Wc think they have added te the grass yield about fifty per cent, of the premise only two weeks age. The wheat has been also greatly benefited. Many thin places have been filled in ; hence, while the wheat crop in this section will net be up in that, nf last vcar. it will still. most preb ably, be a pretty fair crop. The rye could uet leek better. We have uet yet encoun tered a peer field. The Fultz wheat, new se generally cul tivated hi many portions of the United States, was named after its discoverer, Abram Fultz, of AllcnviUe, MiiUiu county, Pa., and originated from three stalks which he found in a neighboring field and attracted his attention by their erect po sition, being different also in appearauce from the fallcu wheat which surreuuded thorn. This is the way that se many val uable grains, seeds, plants, &c, originate. Of course only the single steel .or plant must be taken. There is every prospect that California will boa laud or plenty during this year of grace. The crops are all in excellent nmuliiintl. .111(1 UlO SUDUlV el frll'lt will be enormous unless some unforeseen disaster cuts it eir untimely. In many localities the fruit buds were saved from injury by late frosts by keeping smeuldering fires under the trees at uight. The grape crop which increases largely from year te year, will net be seriously damaged by the phyllexera, though that pest has threat ened te visit the California vineyaids. A very rapid cure of the feet-and-mouth disease in cattle is said te have been dis covered by the Duke of Brunswick. He uses a solution of salicylic acid, prepared by pouring some het water en about three tablespoonfuls of the acid in an earthen vessel, adding lukewarm water te makeup a gallon. The mouth and feet of the dis eased animal should be carefully washed three times a day with this liquid and the tops of the hoofs well powdered with the drv acid after each washing. Te the drinkitiir water should be added two tablespoonfuls or the acid dissolved in het water. Our information from the eastern coun ties of the state unites in the premise of an abundant crop of apples, pears, cherries, grapes, raspberries, &c. On our own con tracted prcmisosthe prospect could net be mere encouraging. The outdoor grapes never were se full of embryo fruit ; in fact if they should generally mature at least one-half of them will have te be removed. The same is the case with the pears. As te cherries, however, it i never known until they are taking en Heme color what the crop is going te be. .-Hutching Newly-Plained Tress. There are seme people among them geed nurserymen who doubt the value of mulching ncwiy-piamcn trees, ami unci excellent reasons for it. While wc de net agree with them te the extent te which they carry this unbelief, wc think the are liartialiy correct. Te pile around a young tree a mass of grass, weeds, ma nure, etc., and allow it te remain uuilis turbed through the whole or. the greater part of the het, dry season, may be of no service, rather an injury te the young tree, as the fresh air is "excluded from the soil and it becomes dry aud hard. But this is net the way that we recommend mulching te be done. We recommend that the mulchiug should be removed four or five times during the season, give the earth around the tree a careful stirring, then water, it the soil needs it and apply fresh mulch. It is a geed plan, also, alter planting a tree in the spring, te give the soil around the stem a dish shape, in order that it may receive a geed supply of rain. This mede being followed, our own experience satisfies us that mulching is an excellent thing, and for us has saved many a tree perishing from drought. m Value of Stirring the Seil. Germantown Telegraph. Everyone knows that wet soil is a great injury te growing crops. And yet a regu lar supply of moisture in the soil during the season, is ene of the most important objects te accomplish. If soil, especially wet soil, is left undisturbed, it seen be comes haul; technically it "bakes," and the mesture escapes with marvelous rapid ity. It is therefore an object te keep the surface loose. Moisture docs net escape as rapidly through a loose surface as through a compact solid one. Iu pursuit of this subject, however, cul tivators often make a gieat mistake, and much injury results te corn, potatoes and ether things. The cultivator is kept run ning all summer, the teeth often penetrat ing several inches deep, exposing the up turned surface te the suu, and in, this way a vast amount of moisture evaporates that is rcalv needed by the plants. It is of course much better than te have a baked surface ; but there is less for all, and less that might be easily saved by a little thought. The first stirring in spring should be depp in order te break up the compact earth, especially if the ground was plowed ' in the fall ; but after this the working should be as shallow as possible. Firm soil soil crushed and pressed when dry holds moisture better thau in any ether condition, and is a very different thing te a merely loose soil through which the exter nal air easily gees, and dries the moisture out. The mere such partially-dried soil is pressed, the firmer therefore it becomes and the mere moisture it contains. This is the principle en which the geed effects of the roller depends, and which has been se often explained in the Telegraph. Rolling and pressing while the soil is somewhat dry is indeed the whole science of pulverization, the geed effects of which are se well known. While, therefore, the first stirring should be done with deep aud narrow teeth, se as te penetrate as deeply as pos sible, all subsequent workings should be with cultivators having short and bread teeth, just skimming the surface aud cut ting off instead of tearing out the weeds ; and this advice is as geed for the one who uses the hoe in the garden as for he who uses the herse cultivator in the fields. In any case the hoc should be started early. Hoeing aud cultivating has new become among the most laborious of , farm and garden tasks; aud if the weeds once get ahead it is terribly haul work te keep them down. The best farm ers de net wait for weed te appear, if they cau possibly spare the time from ether work; but put the cultivator through as seen as the first spriug sun cakes a little the exposed earth. The sprouting weeds are thus destroyed in -the germ', and the work is comparatively easy all the season afterwards.- Spring-work is generally se pressing that it is net often tkaUrae can be se forehanded in the mat ter of early weeding. Happy is the man who can de it ; bat all should-aim te get as near tins tPPfVfff1 r A Gd Aecsam't.' i I ivi mim it un. six lenar Years of bed-ridden sickness and suffering, costing 9300 per. year, total, f 1,300 all et -which was stepped by three bettles el Hep Bitters taken by my wife, who has done her own housework -ter a year since without the less of a day, and X want every body te knew it ler their benefit." Jl-2wdAw Johh Wxkks, Butler, X. T. Ue te II. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North en street, for Mrs. Freeman! Xew Aa- riiin tlnnnl TtupM Vrtr lirfffhtness ftnd durability Oi coIer,are uneeualed. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in English and German. Price. 15 cents. -' Fraud. I 'ivnu nf tiiniiBnmls nf dollars are sauandcrcd yearly upon traveling quacks, who go lrpm town te town professing te cure ajrthe ills that our peer humanity is heir te. Why will net the public learn common sense, and If tlicy are sufferingfremdyspepsta or Uve com plaint, invest a.dellar In Spring Blessem, sold by all druggists and indorsed by the lacatty. See testimonials. Trice SO cents. Fersateat II. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 Xerth Qucea btrcet, Lancaster. ' Tour en Oil." L. P. Fellctt, Marlen, O.. states that he has used Themas' Kclectrks Oil for burns, and has toil nd nothing te equal it in. seething thy pata and giving relict. Fer salie at IL B. Cochran Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street,. Lancaster. Never tee Late wM end Thes. J. Ardcn, William street. East Buffalo, writes: "Tour Spring Blessem, has worked en me splcnMM. I had no appettte ; treed te sleep badly and' get up in the morning unre iresned ; my btath was very offensive and I suffered from severe headache: since using your Spring BIessjwi all these symptoms toaye vanished and I feel -wuitc well." Pricecents. Fer sale at II. B. Ceeliran's Drug Stere, 1.57. North Queen street. MEDICAL. c 1ATAKBH. DIRECTIONS. V n r CaZavrll. Hay CATARRH, COLD IN TUB HEAD, HAY FKVEIl, CATARRHAL DEAFPBSi, CAN BE CURED. Fever,Coid in the Head xc. insert wwi muu linger a paPUcle ei Balm into the nostrils ; draw strong breaths through the- nose, it will be absorbed, cleansing and healing the uiseaseu incni bmne. .FOR DEAFNESS-, parucia imi ;t car.- ELY'S CREAM BALM, having gained un enviable local rcpuM". ile local rcpuM"! rations in the vic-;n ilUtil.'ieiii'r idl ether lircrmi it v- nt iiiHceverv. is. en its merits alone, receg nized as a wenilerlul remedy wherever known. A lair trial will convince the most skeptical of Us curative powers. It effectually cleanses the nasal passages of catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions, allays inilainmatlen and irritation, protects the niembranal linings pt the head from additional colds, completely heals the sores and restores the sense et taste and smell. Bencllcial results are realized by a lew applications. A thorough treatment as directed, will cure Catarrh. As a household remedy for cold in the head it is unequalled. The Balm Isteisv te use and agreeable. Sold bv druggists at 50 cents. On receipt of 50 cents will mail a package. Send ler circular with lull information. ELVS CREAM BALM CO., Owcge, N. . Fer wile by the Lancaster druggists, and .by wholesale druggists generally. f22-Gmced&w TRUTHS. HOP BITTERS, (A Medicine, net a Iliink,) COHTA1NS HOI'S, KUCUV, MANDKAKE, DANDELION, A -M THE 1THEST AK BEST MEmTAI. QUALITIES OF ALL OTIIIilt 15 ITT KltH. THEY CURE All Di-eases of the Stomach, Bowels, Bleed, Liver, Kidneys, ami Urinary Organs, Nervous n's Sleeplessness Female Complaints and Drunkenness. IS1.O0O IN GOLD Will be paid for a case they will net cure or help,or ler anytldng impure orinjuridusieund iu tlieni. . . . Ask your DruggUt for Hep Bitters and tree books, and try the Bitters before yen sleep. Take no ether. Hep Hitters MaiinTactiiring Company, Rochester, New Yerk, aud Terente, Ontario je3-lydMWFw Mrs. Lydia E. Pinfcham, OF LYNN, MASS., Hw Vegetable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA K PINKHATVrS Vegetable Compound, The Posltive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as tts name signifies, con aistset Vegetable Properties that are harmless te the most delicate invalid. Upen ene trial the merits et this compound wlU be recognized, as reliet is immediate ; and when its use is con tinued, in ninety-nine cases in a hundred, a permanent cure is elTccted, as thousands . will testify. On account of Its proven merits, it is te-dav recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the" country. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Lcucerrhasa, irregular and pain ful Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, In In ilainmateon and Ulceration, Floedings, all Dis placements and the consequent spinal weak ess, and is especially adapted te the Change of Lite. In tact it had proved te be the greatest and best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and gives new lite and vigor. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving ter stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bleating, Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility, Sleeplessness. De pression and Indigestion. That feeling of bear ing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney cemptaints of cither sex this Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound sj prepared at 233 and 233 Western Avenue Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail iu the form of pills, also in the form et lozenges, en receipt et price, $1 per box, for either. Mrs. FINKuAM lively answers all let ters of inquiry. Send for pamphlet. Address as above. Mention this paper. Ne family should 1ms without LYDIA E PINKHAM'S LIVER PILLS. They cure Con stipation, Biliousness and Torpidity of Mic Liver. 23 cents per box. Johnsten, Holleway & Ce., General Agents, Philadelphia. Fer sale by C. A. Lechcr, 9 East King street ami Gee. W. Hull, IS West King street, l'2-lydcedAw - LOCHEIFS Renowned Cough Syrup! A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Remedy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influ enza, Soreness et the Threat and Chest, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ting of Bleed, Inflammation of the Lungs, ant? all Diseases of the Chcstand Air Passages.' Tbls'valuablc preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most safe and cfliclent qualities ter the cure of all kinds of Lung Diseases. Price 25 cents. Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. L0CHER, Mafle me Discovery WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST- NO. 9 EAST KINO STBKBT. OlC-tf MEfffCAC T7-IDNBY "WOKT. THE ONLY MEDICINE IN EITHER LIQUID OR DBY FORM. That Acts at the Same Time mat The 'Liver, ' The Bowels, and the Kidneys. WHY ABE WE SICK? Because we allow these great organs te-te- ceine eteggeu or terput, ana poisonous Aumm are therefore forced into the bleed that should eecxpUled naturally. KIDNEY WORT WILL EURELY CUKE KIDNEY DISEASES, L1YER COMPLAINTS, Files, Constipation, Urinary Diseases, Female Weakness and Nervous Utaerdwrs, by causing free action of these organs and re storing their power te threw off disease. Why suffer bilious pains and aches? Why tormented witli Files, Constipation? Why frightened ever disordered Kidneys? Why endure nervous or sick headaches? Use KIDNBS WOKT and rejoice in health. fi- It Is put up la Dry Vegetable Ferm, in -tin cans, one package of which makes six 49-quarls of .medicine. O-Alse in' Liquid Fer m, very Concentrated 43-ler the convenience et theso who cannot 3-readily prepare it. It acts with equal Kg- efficiency in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, SI. WELLS, MCIIARDSOX & CO., Prep's, Burlington, Vt. (Will send tbn dry pest-paid.) dec 27 lydjtw4 E YES. EYES! This morning a trio et patients, from Read ing Philadelphia and Edgcwoed, Bucks county, caeh related their unfortunate exper iences under the treatment et their eyes by the Oculists; lrs. Nerrls, Levis and Straw bridc of Philadelphia, anil their decided im provement under my practice. One of them came te me totally blind : the second nearly blind and the third with almost constant neuralgia in and around the eyes, with im iviircd vision. A fourth patient. Miss Lizzie I JJrnbaker. of Litlla. said : "My dyspepsia and C4neralBJeUensuiiuuBsi"i"Bsy "" " short time titter going under your charge, and my BfcssU ve-m since I was leurleen years el ne wtffeiaM aside as useless, aud my vision ?nWrf, 'SO Oculist in this country or Kimnp'ciii tredui.-csuch results wltheutthey nlsee?er mv Jnea ies and applications, or ?imiKr enfs Pefsens wearing Glasses ler far Hmlnersf4t"eanM-tliseiises of this ean em usual v'teWO .tliem removed inside stored te its normal cowffitven. Names el per sons cured et Astigmatism g. cn upon appll appll catien, a diseased conditienol lIl?1cJc?.t,Sn? eeulist ever pretends te cure. -A.,,se.,1V.atanI?,?,t cured by absorption witlipnt usinL.. "JJ- c Send for or call and get (free) four x $g One en cures of dfce: wed eyes ; one e. J?? one en emnipatby; ami the last eent mlmj a large number" Of names et persons e'reuer every variety of disease. MAt,-lSSl. DR. OV A. GBEENEr Ne. 14tf jiAST KING STREET,. lOtldM-WF&SI Lancaster. Pa. V -Wfcl IE AD THIS! K Lancaster. Pa.. AtylU 28, 1SSI Tiik KinxKvcuRA Mr'e Cemiat. Gents It gives me much pleasrtjsv te i say tint alter using one pack et KIDNL-tCUKA-I have been entirely cured of a severe jjam nv mv back and side, of long standing, and Jttat. tee. atler ti-ying various known remedies. ) have every confidence In your medicine,- J enccrjuuv rccemmcmi ii,uuukuuw uiaiuuui; of my liiends who have used it have bacn beneritcd. PETER BAKER, m-Jtilyd Foreman Examiner ami Express. E EAD THIS USE- COUGH NO MORE! AMERICAN HOUGH SIRUP, A CERTAIN. SAFE AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, WIIOOPINU COUCH. PAIN IN THE SIDE OR BREAST, Aud all Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS; Fer the relief of Consumptives In ali stages of the disease. Fer sale only at HULLS DKUG STOBE Ne.-5 WEST KING STREET, aus28-lydl LANCASTER. TA. VAJtPJSTB. "I HEAT UAItOAINS IN UAftl'JSXS, I claim te have tin Largest and Finest 91UCK Ol OAKPETS In this Citv. Brussels andTancstrVCARPETS Three-ply, Extra Super, Super, All Weel, Halt Weel ami Part wool ingrains : irem ine best 1e the cheapest as low as 25c. per yard. All the FIXEST AXD CHOICE PATTEBXB that ever can be seen in this city. I also have a Large and Fine Stock et my own make Chain and Rag Carpets, AS LOW AS 35c PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDER at short net tee. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ne trouble te show goods If you de net wish te purciiasc. i earnestly solicit a can. EL S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. CARPETS, UOAL, Sc. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY NO. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., r- Well-known Manufacturers of Ueuulne LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, BLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, &c. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either in the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds of silks. Ribbons, Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlcnicii's Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also, Indigo Blue Dyul up up eone. All orders or goods lclt with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL.. . COAL. Ceal et the best quality put up expressly ler lauiily use, ami at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 fcOUTII WATER STREET. 22-lydRSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON & CO MOTELS. VOW OPEN SPKECHEK HOUSE, ON ll Europeen plan. Dining Reems ler Ladies and Gentlemen. Entrance at Ne. 27 North Duke street. Clam and Turtle Soup, Lebster Salad, Oysters in Every Style and all the Delicacies et the Season. We solicit the patronage et the public. may7-tfd M ISULER UOUSK, (formerly Clarenden.) 113 and 115 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET below Chestnut), PHILADELPHIA, Pa. On the European plan. Meals at all hours, at moderate rates. Reems, 50c., 75c. and $1 per day. Hetel open all night. ABEL M1SHLER & CO., Prep's, Formerly of the Mishlcr Heuse, Reading, Pa. Hauuy Stewart. Supt., Formerly of the St. Clair, Atlantic Clt ml3md r CZOTHUrO. -TTTANAMAKKR, BBOWN. SHALL WE -oje- There is in Philadelphia a clothing, house which has no double in all the world. The world is full of clothing houses ; and. it is a geed deal te say that one is unlike all the rest. First, in its dealing ; and it is surprising that ene house should differ much from another. Selling clothing is se simple a matter, that it is likely, one would suppose, te be dene in very much the same way in Philadelphia, New Yerk and Londen. But Philadelphia is ahead ; and, curiously enough, one house in Philadelphia is ahead of all the rest. Te be ahead in dealing is te deal en a higher plane in a mere liberal way, te give the buyer mere well founded confidence without less of the merchant's safety. This Philadelwhia clothing house says te a stranger : " We want te deal with exact justice We want what belongs te us, viz., a fsir profit ; and we want you te have what belongs te you, viz., a liberal money's-worth. Our way te arrive at a result is te mark the price en everything we sell, which price is absolute ; aud te let you buy what you like, go away and think the bargain ever, and come and trade back, if you want te. We find by experi ence that this liberality is harmless te us. Of course, you like it. And it maleB quick and ready dealing. We don't want you te bring back what you ansy it would cost us money every time ; but we would rather you would king back, thau koep, what you don't like. Se, we try te soe that you get at first what you will like the better, the mera you knew or it. This is really the whele philosophy of our dealing." Second, in its goods the amount and variety of them. Thore are ether houses where excellent clothing is kept, and a great deal of it ; but there is nene, anywhere, that keeps se much. The dealing related above has wen the largest trade the world has yet seen. Te supply such a trade great quantity and variety of clothing are required ; and these in turn increase the trade, be cause everybody likes te choeso out of many things, rather than out of a few. This is the country of ready-made clothing. Great Britain makes the most of any European country; but there is net in all Londen any clothing busi ness a quarter as large as that of Oak Hall. New Yerk has several large clothing businesses; but no ene nearly equal te that of Oak Hall; Bosten likewise. Loek back twenty years ! Have wc done you geed service, or net? But that is net what we had in mind ; we were thinking or the clothes you are. going te buy. Shall we sell them ? WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, MARKET AND SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. "lENTRE HALL I ALL IN MOTION. Every iiTJilablc hand is busy in getting out Clothing in our Custom Department. We have facilities te make up in geed style ever ONE HUNDEED SUITS PEE WEEK, And that isjust w-hat we are doing at this time, and we arc happy te say that the public ap preciates enterprise and Centre Hall is supported better te-day than in any of its previous history, and our trade has steadily increased year after year and we purpose te continue as me iciiuiug yiuuuuf, uuiuc, ivi iau uumuK aim uiiuxKuuuan siiuiuuuim iauuijiuui ui un I il1 emestic. CENTRE HALL lias the largest RBADT-MADB CLOTHING OUTSIDE OF PHILADELPHIA, for Men, Youths, Beys and Children, And we dely competition. Wc seU Men's All Weel Suits ler $S,"$10, $12, $H, all our own manu facture. Our $3 suits areas geed as suits sold at ether houses at J10. Call and 1ml for vnr. self. , The purchaser saves ene prent by buying at CENTRE HALL, JJe. 12 EAST KING STBEET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. MYERS & RATHFON. l'LVMllESSS i11.KBOLIZKD MOTH l'KOOF FELT. THE CARBOLIZED SAVES THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS EVER! YEAR BY ONLY SIX CENTS A YARD. De net fail te see. the most MAGNIFICENT CHANDELIER that has ever been produced in this country. All are invited te call and see it. A cat lead of COPPER AND ZINC BATH TUBS just received and for sale te the trade at the lowest prices. -. A let et galvanized and plain BATH BOILERS at reduced prices. FOUli THOUSAND TOUNDS OF GAS, WATEE AND STEAM FIXTURES FOR SALE TO THE TRADE AT PHILADELPHIA PRICES. JOHN" L. ARNOLD, Nea. 11, 13 & 15JBAST ORANGE STBEET, LANCASTER, PA. faprS-tfd MILL1XEKY, 1881 Sl'KING FINE MILLINERY GOODS. THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES FOR HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS AND RIBBONS. Alse, the LatcsfrSpring Styles ef.DRESS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS AND FRINGES, at M. A.- I0METGTS CHEAP STORE, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STBEET, MISCELLANEOUS. TjMSHING TACKLE. FLINN & WILLSON. HEADQUARTERS FOR FISHING TACKLE. Largest and Finest Assortment ever offered in the city. Jointed Reds from 25 cents liceis at ail prices, unuueu euk iiiura, aaw eiui umra, uncu uun umes, uuca Lines. Scagrass Lines, Lines from 3c. up. Sneed Heeks for Bass, the Best In the Market. Artificial Bait. All Sizes of Ferules and Reel Bands for Parties Making Reds, &c -;e:- NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. ANAMAKKB & BBOWN. SELL THEM? -:e:- CENTRE HALL! iuw jinccs win uc rcwardeu. our stock et T.P:lrlimr Mnnnrnpttinira hAtli li'iw.f.n ., stock et ' -.0.i iuu meaning juanuiucturers. Det SUl'l'ZIES. mXAGNllflUKNT CHANDELIER. MOTH PROOF FELT DESTROYING MOTH. OPENING OF 1881 TjUSHING TACKLE. :e:- up. w DItT GOODS. REASONABLE GOODS. WATT, SHASD & CO. Are new showing an Immense Stock et New Styles ih Dress Ginghams & lawns, LACE AND PLAIN BUNTINGS, SUMMER DRESS GOODS, SUMMER SILKS, VICTORIA LAWNS. INDIA LINENS, CAMBRICS AND PIQUES, I Ladies', Gent' and Children's GAUZE UNDERWEAR AUD SUMMER HOSIERY, In all size and qualities ut Lewest Prices. Regular Made Hosiery a Specialty. Just open ed a Choice Line et PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES Iu Natural Stick, Hern and Walrus Handles. SCOTCH GINGHAM PARASOLS, PLAIN SILK PARASOLS, TWILLED SILK PARASOLS, BROCADE SILK PARASOLS, LACE TRIB1MED PARASOLS. Parasols te suit everybody at the NEW YORK STORE, 8 Se lO EAST KING STREET. N EXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUsfc. FAHNESTOCK! Wc would invite particular attention te ou large stock et handsome BLACK SILKS. Persons in search of these goods would de well te sec our stock bolere purchasing. Summer Dress Goods . In Large Assortment, in all the NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. One Let of Deuble Width Cashmeres at 1 cents, exira cueap. All the New Styles in WHITE GOODS All at our Usual Lew Prices. HEADQUARTERS FOR Ladies', Gents' and Children's Gauze Under wear, all sizes and Lew Prices. Ladies' White Embroidered and Tucked Skirts 50c. up. Chemises, Night Dresses, Ac. Infants' Embroidered Dresses 50c. up. SUMMER HOSIERY In Quantities. Ladles', Gent-, and Children's away down in price. Polite attention shown te all. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te Court Heuse L AWNS PERCALES. CHINTZES, PRINTS, New Patterns, New Celers. NEW STOCK OF WHITE GOODS, in desirable Fabrics. SILK CASHMERES, NUN'S VEILINGS AND M03IIE CLOTHS, in Latest Spring Shades. Black Goods a Specialty! BLACK SILKS, BLA CK CASHMERES, BLACK TAMISE, BLACK CAMEL'S HAIR, BLACK MOMIE CLOTHS, XUX'S VEIL IXXiS, &c. Spring Hosiery and Underwear, Fer Ladies, Gents and Children. Try our NEW KID GLOVES, 3-Butten, only Sl.OO, In Blacks and Celers EVERY PAIR OUARAXTEED, SUN SHADES, SUN UMBRELLAS, GOSSAMER RUBBER CLOTHING. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. PA. CARRIAGES, JtC. Carriages I Carnages I AT EDGERLEY & CO.U PractlcaTCarrlage Bailders, Market Street, Rear of Central Market Houses, Lancaster, Pa. We have en hand a Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which we offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warran tea. uivcusa call? JWRepalrlng promptly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed rer hat purpose. fms-tfd&ir TMArKLMMM? ttVIDtC ANCASTKK AND MILLKKSY1LLK K. - j Cars run a follews: Leave Lancater (P. U. Depot), at 7, 9, an I luS'Ja.m., and 2, 4, B and 8U p. in., exevv-t en Saturday, when the last car leave at y. Leave MUlersvUle (lower end) at 5, 8, anil a. M and 1, S. 5 and 7 p. m. Can run daUy en above time except en Sun day. . XEADING COLOMBIA K. K. ARRANGEMENT OF"pASSENGEK TRAINS SUNDAY, MAY 2ra, 1830. NORTHWARD. . ?:. A-' r- r. . . m. Quarryvllle 6:40 .... 30 7:3." Lancaster, King St 7:50 .... 3:40 9-.15 Lancaster 8:00 1:05 50 27 Columbia. 7:50 1:10 3:K) .... ABRIVK. Beading 10:05 3:30 5J0 .... SOUTHWARD. LXAVK. Beading , AKBIVK. Columbia A.M. A.M. r.M. 7:25 liOO 6:10 P.M. 35 10 8:20 9:27 2.10 8a'8 0-.87 .... 8 10-.37 .... 935 Lancaster. 9ti! 2.10 arcs s-:m Lancaster. King St Ik37 .... 83D 5:40 Qnarryville 10-.37 .... &2S 7:10 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and irem Philadelphia, Pottsville, Uurrisburi;, Al Al lcntewn and New Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te ami from Yerk, Hunever, Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti mere, a. M. niAJsui. nupi. I PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD NEW -SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY MY 161 h. lil, trains en the Pennsvl vauia UailriMd will.arrive and leave the Lan-cv-di- and Philadelphia ttcpet as follew: Eastward. l.euv: Lane'ter Arnvi. Phllad'u Cincinnati E.xprt-33 Fast Line , Yerk Aecein. Arrives;. Harrisburu Exnrcds 2S5 a.m. 58 " 8:00 " 8:05 ' 8:45 9:10 " 1:10 ' insi r.M. 2a " 3Mfi " 4:48 " 4:35 " S " 9r25 " 5:15 7Ui5 10:le" Dillervllle Aet-0111. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Aet-eui. Arrives, 12.-011 racinc jsxpres,... Sunday Mail, 3:20 5rtW .VJO 6:15 tiUtt !h.'BI aioiinstewn K.xnress. St. Leuis Day Express Chicago Dav Exuress...... B Harrisburi: Ai-coiiuueilut'ii, man UU15 Wbstward. Lev 1 Arrive Philad'ii Lanc'lcr Way Passenger, Mail Train Ne. 1, via Mt..ley, MaU Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia, Niagara A Chicago Express Sunday Mall, Fast Line, Frederick Accommodation, DUlcrvitle LiK-aI.viaMt.Jey Harrisburg Accomniedut'n, Columbia Acceiu moilatien, llarrisbunr Express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacific ExprcsM, '. 120; 5:110 a.m lwae " I0r25 " 11:55 M 10-JiO " 2:31 r.M. i35 " sa " 5:50 7rA" " 7U " sae " 2.15 A.M 7U Jkoe" 8:110 12:10 2'M 4:00 5S era 9:10 lijr P.M. Pacitlc Express, cast, en bunimy.wncn nag gcd, will step at Mlddletewn, Elizaliethtewn. ML Jev. Landisville. i.mitu. Place, Gap, Christiana, Purkesbiirg, Coates vllln. Ikikliiml Mini m.. f 0..1. - ...... i.. ..i-.: .. , .: : ast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downingtewii,Coutc4Ville, Parkcs Irarg, Mt..ley, Elizabethtown and Middletown . Hanover accomineilation west, connecting ut Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:00 11. m., will run through te Hanover. XMCJT OOOVS. lTETZUEi:, HARD & UAUGUMAN ' AT THEIlt- NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. ',.; WJSHT KIN d STREET, (ADLER'S OLD STAND), Are Selling Great Quantities or BARGAINS FROM AUCTION IN Black anil Colored Silks, BLACK CASHMERES, PLAIN AND LACE STRIPED BUNTINGS. The lluiidsomet Assortment et Dress Glng hams and Lawns in the city. Special Cheap Lets in Victeria Lawns at 10c, 12Jc, 15c, 2l'c, S3e, 31c, 37c. India Lawns in All Qualities. CORDED PIQUE, LACE STRIPED WHITE GOODS. CHEAr CARPETS AND MATTINGS FROM AUCTION. HOSIERY In L-irgc Quantities for Everybody, at MeMam & local's NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 4.1 WEST KINO STBEET. MAItrETS, JtC. CAHPETS S CARPETS ! i Have l-urjxc Lines of Carpets, from late New Yerk Sales and manufacturers, which they are selling at Very Lew Prices. Tapir, Brnssels Carpets, at 75e, 85e, !Cm; and $1, in all the New Spring Styles ami Colorings. MOQUET CARPETS, BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS. VELVET CARPETS, ROX BURY AXD SMITIPS EXTRA TAP ESTRY CARPETS, HALL AXD STAIR CARPETS, WITH BORDERS IX ALL WIDTHS. THREE-PLY AND INGRAIN CARPETS, RAG AND HEMP CARPETS OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS, DOOR MATS, RUGS, Ac. Wc invite a special examination, as our E resent stock is the largest ever shown In ancastcr. Wall Paper! Wall Paper! LATEST SPRING STYLES, in Large Assortment and in all qualities el EMBOSSED GILT, FLA15 BR03ZE, CHOICE FLATS AXD BLANKS, With Borders. Friezes and Celling Decorations te Match, for Vestibules. Halls, Parlors, Din ing Reems and Chambers. COMPETEXT PAPER IIAXGERS TO DO THE WORK. Having a well lighted room wc can show Wall Paper equally well during the day or evening. Call and examine. EAGER BBOTREB HAGER&BEOTHEE, Ne. 25 West King Street, LANCASTER, PA.