Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 03, 1881, Image 3

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Funeral 1 tue Murdered Girl Kuima
The funeral of Emma Myers, the victim
of .Jehn Ceyle, jr., took plaee from
the resideuce of her grandfather, Samuel
Myers, at Marietta, at 3 o'clock Wednes
nehday afternoon. The interment took
plece in the in the SamarifH cemetery".
Itevs. Brown, of the Reformed churcu.auii
Shannen of the U. B. church officiated.
The funeral was one of the largest that
has ever taken place in Marietta. The
iieeple for miles around the scene of the
muYder, en tlic Yerk ceuuty side of the
liver, and from Marietta and the country
around it, en the' Lantaster county side,
flecked te the town in droves te attend
the funeral and get a glimpse of the fea
tures of the murdered girl, and a crowd
congregated at the cemetery long befeic
the cortege arrived. Many beautiful
floral offerings were sent te tha house of
mourning, and the casket was literally
covered with them. Nene of the Ceyle
family attended the funeral, and it is re
ported that the friends of the murdeied
giil received a message from them stating
that they desired no interview with any of
Kmnia's friends 01 relatives.
The victim did net bleed much from her
wounds until Mrs. II. S. Kaufi'mau pre
paivd the body for the t-hreud, whciihe
blew! lM3gan te ooze from the bullet Heles
in her body and temple, and from her
mouth. Her age was sixteen years and
live months, lacking one day. She was
prepessassing in appearance, industrious,
of pleasing manners and bore an excellent
character. About four years age she re
sided in Ilarrisburg with her family en
Reily street.
Yeung Ceyle often quarreled with his
father, and en these stormy occasions the
wrangling of the men could be distinctly
heard at Marietta, fhrec-feuiths of a mile
across the river from Ceyle's hotel and
"ferry en the Yeik county side. Jehn
Ceyle, jr., it is stilted, had marked en one
of the aprons belonging te Emma that he
wanted te marry her ; that it would be au
act fraught with danger.
A suitor of Emma's residing in Cham
bersburg arrived in Marietta en the morn
ing the girl was murdered, intending te
run ever te Ceyle's that evening. When
he heard of the shocking murder, he left
en the first train for home, net.dcsiiing te
see the unfortunate victim.
Corener Mlenler'a Anmer.
In reply te the article in yesterday's 1k 1k
TELLieENC'Cit, signed " Decency and
Order," Corener Mishlcr states that he
has always shown a tender regard for
the feelings of theso whose premises he
has been compelled te visit in the per
formance of his official duties as coroner,
lie has never taken with him aiders or
abettors or any ethers" than the surgeon
and jury required by the law. As te the
"private rights of families" he never
has nor never will cncie.ich upon
them ; but he will net permit the
supposed "private lights" of anybody te
prevent him from performing his sworn
duties ; and if he be resisted iu the perfor
mance of these duties, he can legally coni ceni
matid sufficient feice "te overcome the re
sistance, lie has the law en Ins side and if
"Decency and Order" wants te knew
where te find it, let him consult 20th Pa.,
II. of It. bill pjge 150 ; Sd B.ur pp. 1C2 te
403 ; 4 Barr pp. 2G9 te 271 ; 20 Pa.,
State Reports page 150 ; 31 Pa., State
Ilcpeils page 300. The above and ether
laws and decisions by the courts make it
net only his privilege but the sworn duty
te investigate the ciicumstances el every
case of sudden or violent death about which
there may be any reasonable suspicion or
cause of doubt, he being the judge ; and
the supreme court has decided that the
the greater the opposition made by the
friends of the deceased, the greater is the
necessity for a thorough investigation.
The coroner says he has never had any
difficulty with anybody, in holding an in
quest, except where the friends of the de -ceased
wcie very iguetaut, or whoie they
had been misled by I he " senseless clamei"
efsuch fellows as 'Decency, and Older."
Iu every inquest held by him he has been
sustained by the court.
Iu the United States district court at
Philadelphia, en Wednesday, Judge But
ler hcaul an argument en the motion for a
new tiul in the case of Gee. W. llublcy,
convicted of having stolen a college
badge, which had been mailed at Mount
Jey, and placed in charge of defendant as
route agent. Counsel for defendaut based
his argument chiclly upon the gieund that
there had been submitted te the jury tes
timony sufficient te raise a doubt of guilt,
and upon that testimony a veidict of net
guilty should have been rendered. The
statement te several friends of the accused
that he had found the badge iu the mail
car and had worn it in the hope of finding
the owner, was considered te strongly r
but the presumption of guilt.
Te this the district attorney replied
that Hubley had made a different state
ment te ether persons, and that the one
contradicted the ether and created a doubt
of their truthfulness. Mr. Valentine
argued that the jury had been put in pos
session of all the facts and circumstances,
had heard the explanation of the accused
en the witness staud, the aiguments of the
counsel and the charge of the judge, ami
had, after due consideration, found a ver
dict of guilty. A new tiial should net,
therefore, be granted, unless the ji'dge
was satisfied they had made a mistake.
Judge Butler reserved his decision.
The Junction aud Breakwater Railroad.
The annual meeting of the Junction &,
Breakwater railroad, built aud at onetime
principally owned by Themas Baumgard
ner, Gee. K. Recti, Jehn Barry and Jehn
Shealf of this city, was held at Georgetown,
Delaware, yesterday. The receipts for the
past year were S75.2S1, aud operating ex
penses $44,744, an increase ever the net
earnings of any previous year of 27 per
cent. The read was reported in geed con
dition, aud the fund d debt of the com
pany has been refunded at four per cent,
making an annual saviug in interest ac
count of 13,000. All the old officers w ere
rc-clcctcd, healed by Mr. McCready.ef the
Old Dominion company, as president, aud
the preposition te extend the read te
Kchobeth Beach, and from there te Helie
both Bay, was practically settled iu the
Malicious Mischief.
Last evening about G o'clock, some boys
who were playing en B. B. Martin's sid
ing en the Pennsylvania railroad near
Lemen street, opened the breaks of a
shift of cars that were standing en the
siding. The grade being rathcr
hcavy, the cars were at once put
in motion and ran down te the
main track, one of them jumping ever the
block and obstructing the track. A fast
freight train had passed the point but a
moment before, thus avoiding a collision.
The Harrisburg accommodation west was
nearly due, but was signalled aud kept
back until the obstruction was removed.
Capt. Beyle, depot master, sent au engine
at once te the scene and pushed the cars
back upon the siding. The heys who
caused the mischief ran off.
Religious Assemblies.
The Baptist Brethren will held a love
feast at Oregon en Sunday, June 5th, com
mencing at 0 o'clock a. m., and continuing
all day -and evening. Rev. Jacob Rcin Rcin
held and ethers will preach.
Lancaster Classis of the .Reformed
Church meets in annual session at Millcrs
ville, en June 9, at 7.30 p. m. The open
ing sermon will be preached by the retiring
president, Rev. D. C. Tobias.
E. It. Black, of the P. R. R., is in town
te dav.
Tin? regular monthly meeting of the
Columbia fire company will be held this
The Shawnee the company held its reg
ular monthly meeting last evening.
The jobbery et wlucu we speKe yester
day was at a tell gate en the pike between
here and Meuutville, instead of en the
Marietta pike. The burglars effected a
forcible entry aud get away with about
fifteen dollars in money, and a pair of geld
ear-rings. "
Cynis Biuucr & Ce. have sold their
pleasure steamboat "Columbia" te a
Philadelphia paity, and it lefl here for
that city jesterday, via the Tidewater
canal. The beat will be put en the Dela
ware river.
Herace West, of Bainbiidge, a United
States revenue marine cadet, stationed at
New Bedfeid, Mass., was iu town yester
day. '
The recent heavy rains down the river
have done mere damage than we reported
yeslciday. Besides the laud-slide en this
shore of the Susquehanna which covered
the tracks of the Columbia & Pert Deposit
rail toad and caused detention of trains,
navigation en the " Tidewater " canal is
virtually at an end for at least a week, a
slide of earth, stone, etc., near McCall's
feny filling it chuck full for a distance of
almost feity yaids. It will take the time
mentioned, if net longer, te clear away
the lubbish.
The Columbia lire company's engine
was shipped yesterday te the Spawn &
DcnnisKeu manufacturing company of
Reading for a complete eveihauliug. The
town council, at a special mectii.g the
night before, decided that the repair of t lie
steamer was necessary and acted without
Exclusion tickets at twe-thiuls rates
will hereafter be sold te points en the Col
umbia & Pert Deposit railroad te parties
of five or mere. Xe less than live tickets
will be sold, the idea being te discriminate
iu favor of persons who go down the river
en li-hing or gunning expeditious.
Mr. Wash Supplec, aged 30, a Pennsyl
vania railroad brakeman en freight enginc
Xe. 821, aud residing at this place, while
iu the act of making a coupling last night
at 52d street, Philadelphia, was caught
between the "dcadwoed" of two cars and
terribly squeezed. He was taken te one
of , the West Philadelphia hospitals, but
died in a few minutes after leaching it.
Deceased was a step-brother of Dispatcher
James II. Daily, of this place. The body
will bcbieughtlicic for burial.
The report of the movement of ears ever
the Pennsylvania railroad at Columbia for
the of May is as fellows ; East,
leaded, 38,838; total, 40,343. West,
leaded, 12,817; total, 37,832. Total, load lead
ed and empty, cast aud west. 7S.177. This
report shows au increase of 0,230 ever the
movement of the month of April, and an
increase of 4,410 ever the mouth of May,
18S0. Freight is new livelier than it Iris
been ler sonic time, and the report for the
mouth of June, if this heavy traffic keep-,
up. will show another busy month.
Burglars rummaged the safe in the stoic
of Isaac Snyder, the saddler, en Wcdnes
day night, but get less than a dollar for
their pains. Mr. Snyder says that lie
keeps his books in the safe te preserve
them fiem fiie, but that he seldom keeps
any thing or value in it, hence he never
locks it up. The safe was discovered te
have a hinge broken and marks such as
would be made by prying at the deer wcie
noticed yesterday morning, and it is likely
from this this that th'.' burglars went te
weik te break il open, net knowing it was
unlocked. A son of Mr. Snyder's slept all
night in the stei e room w here the safe b
kept, but knew nothing of what took
place until the next morning. .The post pest
office robbery of about a year age has de
stroyed Mr. Snyder's faith in safes,niid le
says he does net believe there are any
made that a buiglar cannot get open.
'flic Large Steer slu:ightcrc.l.
The monster stt er which has been tin
exhibition at the Black Heuse hotel for
some time past, was slaughtered iu the
yawl of that hotel this morning-by Edward
Tiisslcr, who puiehased the animal. There
was a cry large large crowd present te
see the steer killed, lie was bieught
from the stable sheitly after nine
o'clock and was diiven into a space
enclosed .by a rep'j where he was
knocked down. It required three
blows te biing the animal te the gieund.
There is a great deal of difference of opin
ion as te what the steer will weigh when
dressed, and a number of bets have been
made en it. At the bar of the hotel a
purse is kept , and all who desired le guess
at the weiirht of the animal did se by de
positing 10 cents with their figures and
mines. The steer will be weighed this
evening, and the peiseu guessing nearest
le his weight will take the whole puisc.
When alive he is said te have weighed
4,045 pounds. The steer Was dressed by
Reuben KilHnger.
Fishing Parties.
Yesterday Judge Livingston, Shciilf
Strine and" Tipstaff Holliiiger went te
Columbia te fish for eattirs. They secu: cd
about 123 bread-mouthed fellows and ever
a dozen of fine black bass.
Chief of Peliec Deichler, ami Ofiicei.s
Wcitzcl. Cramer, Leman, Ceyle, K.uitz,
Daily, Elias, Shay and Flick, together
with Superintendent Kitch and Philip
Deichler, went fishing yesterday at Rock Reck
villc oil the Concstega. They left Lancas
ter at 5 e clock a. in., and leached liock lieck
ville in time for a geed breakfast prepared
for them by Jake Lutz. The day was
rather tee wetiemake angling ceinf.rtible,
but the cops had a geed time ucveithelcss.
They ate fish enough te make them thirsty
but wcie well provided with beverages
calculated te quench their thiisl. They
returned ta the city at 7 o'clock, a little
wet inside aud out.
Loek Out Fer Tliem.
Peter B. Leugenccker, living two miles
southwest of Lilitz, lest yesiei day between
Sellers' station (It. & C. R. R.) and Dil
linger's mill, half a mile west of Sporting
Hill, a large pocket book, containing up
wards of $200 in money, including a $100
bill, two $20's aud one $10 bill ; a railroad
bend, and a number of ether papers ef
value te the owner euly.
A man who called himself U. Cel ten, of
Yerk, stepped at the Sum my house in
Mauhcim, with a box of sawdust for bag
gage. He stelo the counterpane and live
dollars belonging te Mr. Summy's sister,
an assistant iu the house. The man is ai
parcutly about 40 years old, stands six
feet high, and weighs about 150 pounds ;
lias sandy hair and moustache, and had en
rather light colored clothes and a black
Derby hat.
I'lne Greve llritlgc.
The county commissioners retained this
morning fiem their view of the inter
county bridge at Pine Greve, ou the Octo-'
rara. They report that the askew-backs
and the cuds of the timber arches are a
geed deal lelten and will have te be re
placed. The bridge is a geed deal sunken
in the centre and will have te be keyed up
te restore the camber. The necessary re
pairs will be made by Mr. F. Weed, a
Chester ceuuty bridge builder, liviuj- near
by, and tho.cest will be paid jointly by
Chester and Lancaster counties.
Au Important Uiscev cry.
It is officially stated by Prof. Heward Mil
ler, the special expert collecting the
statistics of the peace people of the .U. S.
for the 10th census, that Lancaster county
Pa,, has mere non-combatant and non-
litigant sects that any corresponding area
in the entire country.
A Scheel Girl' Unlucky Fall.
This morning a thiitt en-year-old daugh
ter of Geerge Hillman, who lives ou High
street, slipped en the playground attached
te Mr. Matz's school, at the corner of Vine
and Mulberry streets, of which she is a
pupil, aud in falling stmck her leg against
the iron scraper besides the step. The
iron, which was quite sharp, entered the
flesh, inflicting a deep gash about three
inches below the knee. She was carried
te her home and Dr. J. W. Crumbaugh
summoned, who sewed up the wound.
The injury, though a painful one, is net
Mere About a Fraud.
The mau giving his name as Flyun, an
account of whose transactions we had
yesterday, left this, city en Wednesday
evening without paying his beard bill at
the Stevens house. lie left behind a
valise, for which he telegraphed from
Reading. The valise was sent him C. O. D.
se that he cannot get it unless he pays his
beard bill. He at first represented him
self as being in the millinery business,
but afterwards said he was a hardware
uici chant.
Fraternal Visit,
By request of Earl ledge, Ne. 413,
I. O. of O. F., the officers and members of
Lancaster ledge, Ne. 07, visited New Hol Hel
land last evening and attended the meet
ing of Earl ledge, assisting in the
iuititatien of two new members. After
the adjournment of the meeting the Lan
caster ledgo men were entertained at a
banquet by Earl bulge. The visitors en en
je.ved themselves very much and reached
this city at a late hour. .
Tobu'ce Sales.
Iii Chester county, within a few day past
the following persons have sold their to
bacco : Bcinaid 31. Lynch, Londonderry,
550 pounds te E. P. Ycagcr. agent for B.
S. Kendig fc Ce., of Lancaster, 9, 3 and 2 ;
Enimer B. Jeffcris, esq., te same at same
juices ; Mr. Kerns, miller, te same, for 11,
4 aud 2; Mr. Large.ef Highland township,
te same, a half ten at 0, 3 and 2 : Dr. It.
L. McClelUn, Cechranvillc, 1,900 pounds
at about the same prices.
The Town ClecK.
Then: is something wrong with some of
the figures en the dials of the town clock.
Owing te the weather the paint has no
doubt been w . u oil, and it is almost im
possible te ii-1 what some of the figures
Mayer'H Court.
One diuuk was lonely in the station
house this morning. He paid his costs te
the mayor, and went ou his way rejoicing.
limit tour Canary Sing ?
Then -jet a hellle of Riid Hitters, wlilcll is mi
mil. tiling restorer et eng ami u cure fei all
ilisea-osel cage birds. It your druggist (Iecs
net Keep it, or will net get it ler you, send n
iit:il card te the ISIrd Feed Company, 307
IVdeml street, Camden, X. .1., ami they will
see that j ei aic supplied. Pi ice, i" cents.
Lesscs en Horses Faid.
The Lancaster County Mutual livestock In
siu.iiiec company, tlueiigh their agents Allan
-v. Heir V Ce., Ne. 3 North Duke sti eel, paid
estciduy$lI'lteHurryA. Oilier and $100 te
Mis. liiiiini K. l'.air, ler the les-t of their horses
by death.
City Kill Pouters.
Cai-en V lleiiicl, city 1 til i pe-teis and dts
t nhutuis, ellice lNTr,i.u'i:NCKit building. Ne. 6
Seuth Queen street.
Xciveu-, sleepless mid overworked fliul rent
and nourishment in Malt Bitter-..
.shaving becomes an nidnpensable luxury
villi Cuticui-.i .Shaving .Seap.
Red ItuH, Bunches.
Hat-, mice, ants, dies, vermin, mosquitoes,
insects, Ac., clc-iicd out by " Heugh en Rat."
13c. Ikims at druggists. iicpotJeliu i Leng
& Sens, Lancaster
I Women tint lu;e nccii mi midden ler years
have been entirely cured or female weakness
by the use et Lydia K.l'inklmiu's Vegetable
Compound. Send te Mrs. I.ydii K. t'inkham
2i! Western Avenne-, Lynn, Mass., forpamph ferpamph
lels. "Sly Tormented Hack,"
is the exclamation et ineiu than one peer hard-
erking man and v einan. Oe you knew why
it aches ? It is because your kidneys arc ovcr evcr
Liskul and need lengthening, and your .sys
tem needs te be cleansed el bad liuuiers. Kid-ncy-Wei
I is the medicine von need. " It acts
like a charm," says a well known physician.
" I nev er knew it te fail." Liquid or dry sold
by Diiijjgisis. Roten I"1. niy30-lwdw
Mr. Wallace, i', N. Y., writes: "I
have used ISurdeck illoed Bitters ter nervous
and bilieu , headaches, and have recommend
ed them te my friends : I believe them super
ior te any ether nit dit-ine I have used, and can
leceinmend them te a lyenu leipiiring a cure
ler biliousness." Price $1.
Cochran Drug Stere, 1"7 North Queen street.
When a beard of eminent physicians nml
chemists announced the discovery that by
combining some well known valuable reme
dies, the most vvendertul medicine vvxs pre-
luced, which would cure such a wide range of
diseases that most all ether remedies could be
dispensed wilh, many wcie sceptical; but
pioetol its meiits by actual trial has dispelled
u!ldeuhl,uud te-day the discoverers of that
gteat medicine. Hep Hitters, are honored and
Lc-s"d by all !U benefactors. ,
Save lout 11 air net-p It 1'eautlfuL.
Tin- " Louden Hair Celer ltestercr" is the
most dcllghtiul article ever introduced te the
American people and is totally different lrem
all ether Hair J"esUrers, being entirely frce
lrem all impute ingredients that render many
ether articles for the iiair obnoxious. Where
baldness or tailing of the liair exists, or prunia
lure greynes-, liem sickness or ether causes,
its u-e vv ill restore Hie natural yeuthlul color,
and cause a healthy growth, cleansing the
scalp liem all impurities, dandrulT, etc., at the
same time amest pleasing and lasting hair
diessing, lragrantly perfumed, rcudciing It
.soil and pliable, making it an indispensable
article in eveiy toilet. Ask your druggist for
Londen Hair Celer ltestercr. Price 75 cents a
bottle. Six bett'es, -!. Main depot ler the
United Suites, :ke North Sixth street, Philadel
phia. liill-lvdTThA F&vv
lly Universal Accord,
Aj er's Cathartic Tills arc the best el all purga
tives ter family use. They arc the product of
long, laborious amlsuccesstiil chemical inves
tigation, and their extensive use by physicians
iu their practice, and by all civilized nations,
proves I hem the best and most effectual pur
gative pill that medical science can devisc.
Being purely vegetable no lianii can arise
lrem their use. In intrinsic valna and cura
tive powers no ether pills can be compared
with them, and every person, knowing their
virtues, will employ them when needed. Tliey
keep the system iu perlcct order, and main
tain in healthy action the whole machinery et
lile. Mild, searching and effectual, tlicynrc
especially adapted te the needs et the digestive
apparatus, derangement of which tlieyprc
yciit and cure, If timely taken. They are the
best and safest njiyaic te employ ler children
ami weakened constitutions, where a mild but?
effectual catlurlic is needed. Fer sale by all
Hese Celd and Jlay Fever.
ISeing seriously troubled with Hay Fever
and Itose Celd,I(at the solicitation of afriend)
tried Ely's Cream Ilaltn and was surprised in
obtaining almost Immediate relict. I heartily
indorse and earnestly recommend it te all sim
ilarly alllictcd. W. 1. Akdkcs, Druggist, Mct
uchen, N. J. August 0, 1870.
Fer HAY FEVElt I recommend Ely's Cream
ISahu. It entirely relieved mc from the flrst
application; have been a sufferer ler ten years.
Going from home and neglecting te take the
remedy, ;I had an attack ; alter returning I
immediately resorted te it. and ieund instant
relief. I believe, had 1 begun its use earlier,
I should net have been troubled. Have steed
heat, dust and draughts as well as during
ether months. J. Collyer, Clerk, 118 Bread
i street, Elizabeth, N. J. Price 50 cents.
Kjel 2wd&w
Which commenced May G and will be continued during
After a highly successful season the last days of May find us with a stock aggre
gating about
and much tee large in certain descriptions of goods, which, though seasonable and
highly desirable new, may net be se another season.
looking te the extension of of our business and the culargement of facilities for its con
venient transaction, also render it desirable that this stock should be speedily and
greatly reduced.
We propose, therefore, te offer oxtensive and very unusual inducements te the
people te take from us during the next ninety days the greater portion of the above
amount. The bargains offered are in everyone of our
Our organization and machinery for the rapid distribution of large quantities of
goods smoothly and satisfactorily are believed te be unsurpassed iu the American mar
ket, but no effort shall be spared te strengthen them aud add te their efficiency during
the pressure of this CLOSING SALE.
Every person within reach of Philadelphia and having dry goods te buy should
visit us in person during the continuation of this sale, but these who are unable te
leavo'heme can receive their supplies at the marked down prices through the ILSra
Market Street te Filbert, - If. W. Cor. Eighth St.,
Manufacturing Jeweler,
Solid Silver aud Silver-Plated Ware in Spoons, Ferks, Knives, Casters, &c.
We offer te our patrons ailvan tapes which are rareiy combined iu one establishment, be
cause we have u complete M ANUFACTUKINO DEPAltTMKNT in connection with our retail
business .and arc making u large part et the goods we well. This enables us te be sure of qual
ity, te sell at the lowest prices, and gives us lit-cl:iss lucilities for WATCH WOKK and GEN
Manufacturing Jeweler, - - Zaliin's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa.
Jacob Murlzelf, of Iv.uie-istcr, N. Y., sajh
veur Spring lllosdem works well ter every
thing you recommend it ; myself, wife, and
children have all used it, aud yen can't nml a
healthier family in New Yerk state October
R, 18S0. Fer sale at IT. B. Cochran's Drug
Stere, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster.
A Cough, Celd or Sere Threat should no
stepped. Neglect frequently results in an In
curable Lung Disease or Consumption.
Brown's Biencliial Troches de net disorder
the .stomach like cough syrups and balsams,
but act directly en the iulUuncd parts, allaying
Irritation, give relief In Asthma, Bronchial
Coughs, Catarrh, and. the Threat Troubles
which Singers and Public Speakers are .subject
te. Fer thirty years Brown's Bronchial
Troches have been recommended by physi
cians, and always give perfect satisfaction.
Iluving been tested by wide and constant nse
for nearly an entire generation, they have at
tained wcll-merltcd rank among the lew staple
remedies of the age. Sold ut i cents a box
everywhere. ui8-lvdTTIiS41yw
Martin-Vauuick. In Jcrssv City, N. J., en
Thursday, June 2, at 4 p.m.. by the Kcv. W.
W. Wcsterlield, at tli home of the bride's
parents, Mr. E. K. Martin, of Lancaster, la.,
mid Miss Carrie A. Var-ick, daughter of Dr.
T. It. Variiek, burgeon general et Xcw Jersey.
. . . -'-
Kejhler famous Bavarian Beck Uccr will
be en tap at the Lien Brewery, Church; street,
and at all of my customers en Saturday and
St. Je-eph'8 Parsonage until JUKE 15,
18S1, for the erection of St. Jeseph's Parochial
Scheel and an adjoining residence. Drawings
andspccilicatienscan be seen at SI. Jeseph's
parsonage. jJ-lwdlt
J. An entirely new
niane et responsible
quite at
make must be sold.
xuia utntr,.
val, te be held at ODD FELLOWS' HALL,
for the benellt or FULTON HOME, commenc
ing J UXE 8 and ending SATUttD AT. JUNE
11. Tickote will entitle the bearer te a plate of
cream. je3-lwd i
Festival will be held In Roberts's Hall en
Friday and Saturday evenings, June 3 and 4,
ler the benefit of the West ML -ion Mr E. Sun
day school. Tickets 10 -3nt8, wcich will en
title the hehin.r tr n nin it Berries or Cream.
In connection Turtle Soup Supper .from 5 te 8 j
e clock for 25 cents additional, open uu ei
Saturday afternoon. ui31-3td 11
tival will be held in
en FltlDAY and SATURDAY Evenings, June
3 and 4, ler the benefit of St. Luke's Kclermcd
Admission 10 cents, which will entitle each
te a plate el berries or cream. jl-4td
boy In a grocery sterp. Apply te
2td Ne. 45 North Queen Street.
men rain b accommodated with finely
.furnished and well lighted rooms In a central
T. M. BISER. Leader.
Is new open for engagements. Societies and
orders going en excursions will find it te their
advantage te call en us. Wc only ask reason
able compensation ter our services.
Headquarters, J. W. KELLEB,
junJMul 20 Market Street.
Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa.
1'AVEKUA.NaiNas, te.
in a variety of Celers, that will be sold from
ierty tesevcnty-tlve cents a piece. This is
about halt value for them. A few of these
light patterns left, in order te close, will be
bold at seventy-live cents a piece.
Plain Shading for Windows in all the newest
colors, and in any desired quality wanted. 40
inch. 45 Inch and 11 inch for large windows
and Stere Shades.
the best goods made, American Hollands in
assortment, Measure of windows Taken, esti
mates made and Shades hung in a satisfactory
manner. Ot
wc arc prcpaicd te suit everybody. Our line
Is larger, choicer anil cheaper than any season
heretofore. Gilt Papers from the cheapest
grade te the linest goods mode. Grounded
and Common Papers In such a flncvarietv
that we can suit the most fastidious. Cornices
and Curtain Poles, Window Papers, Ac. Or
ders taken for Fine Mirrors.
The City Tax Duplicate is new in the
hands of the Treasurer. An abatement of Ave
per cent, will be made for prompt payment,
jcz-uti -ireasurernnuiicceivareixaxcs.
Ciiestxct Hill Ires Opk Ce. I
June 1, 1881. S
The annual election of directors el this
company will be held at thrir office in Colum
bia, Lancaster county, Pa., en the 17th day of
June, nt 11 o'clock, a. in.
Te2-cedtl8 Secretary.
Xi N. LEWIN, 31. !., lias removed his office
from 247 West King street te Ne- 11 Seuth
Prince street. Office hours from 7 te 9 a. m.
nnd from 1 te 3 mid C te 9 d. m. aprl4 3md
The undersigned offer for sale en weekly or
monthly payments. Building Lets at a very
low price en long time. These lets are situ
ated en Duke, Lime, Frederick Shippen and
New streets.
A geed chance for men who wish te have
their own homes. Try it, yen'U never regret
it. Apply te A. W. RUbSEL, or ALLAN
HERH'S Kcal Estate office, Ne. 3 North Duke
street. may27-lmdMW4F
Near Seuth Duke Street.
Havingfittcd up my shop with the latest im
proved Machinery. I am prepared te manufac
ture all kinds of MILL WORK, such as
Estimates f urn tshed and satisfaction guai an
j un2-lwd 137 Green Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Wabotkgten, Jane 3. Fer the Middle
Atlantic states, cloudy weather, with fre
quent light rains, northerly, generally
shifting te northwest wind, stationary
temperature, followed by rising barome
Te-Day'a Freceedlags AaaeBg ttae Keatljast-
Richhend, Jane 3. The Readjuster
state convention met this morning at 10
o'clock, President Jehn Paul in the chair.
Immediately after the convention was
called te order, Capt. Richard A. Wise
of Williainsbarg, who hut night nominated
General Hahene, said he had done se with
out that gentleman's consent and he new
desired te withdraw the nomination.
The convention then proceeded with the
third ballet the remit of which was an
Cameren 29Massey257, Wise88 ; whole
number votes 743 ; necessary te choice
372. In this ballet a number of votes
were cast ler H. H Riddleberger,
which were subsequently changed at
the instance of that gentleman, who
briefly addressed the convention, thanking
the delegates who had complimented him,
at the same time saying that he thought
it was well understood that he was net a
candidate, and that his name was net te
be Considered. He hoped, however, that
new his friends would feel themselves re
lieved of any and all obligations te sup
port him.
v A resolution was here introduce te drop
the leweacandidates en each successive
ballet, and that the candidates dropped
should net be reneminated until one ballet
had intervened. This gave rise te an ex
cited debate which amid great confusion
was pnt an end te by the main question
being ordered, after whieh the resolution
was adopted by an overwhelming majority.
On this point several delegations favoring
the nomination of Gen. Grevcr, asked
leave te withdraw for ten minutes for
conference, which was granted and busi
ness was temporarily suspended.
Tae Brliisfe.OablBt and tbe Irish tJuestleD.
Londen, June 3. The Daily Teltgrapli
says : "The government has received such
serious news from Ireland during the last
few days that a measure calculated te deal
with the exceptional state of affairs there
is, we believe,engaging tbe attention of the
The Chronicle says : "We understand
that the government is considering the
question of the Irish jury laws and will
probably introduce a bill for that purpose
in the course of tlie present session of
Parliament without interfering with the
land bill."
An Oration te a Bishop.
Dublin, June 3. Archbishop C'reke, of
CasheL has returned te Thurlcs, county
Tipperary, after delivering a series of
speeches en the land question, which
the oppestion journals assert would
have led te his arrest if he had
been ether than a Catholic bishop. Ou
his return te Thurles ..he was met two
miles from town by a band of
musicians and three thousand peo
ple, with flags and banners bearing
patriotic Irish inscriptions, lie was
brought in precession te the archi-cpisce-pal
palace. The people wero with difficulty
restrained from taking the horses out of
his carriage and drawing it themselves.
Henry Ward Beccber Receives a Stray Vele.
Albany, June 3. First ballet for short
term: Jacobs 50, CenkIing34, Wheeler
18, Cernell 20, Rogers 14, Bradley 1, Fel
ger 1, Crowley 1, Fenten 2. Laphara G,
Weedin 1, Henry Ward Bcechcr 1, Dutch
cr 1.
There was no choice, and a ballet was
taken fera successor te Mr. Piatt with the
following result : Kernan 50. Piatt 30,
Depew 30, Lapham 2, Cernell 13, Ward 2,
Vancett 1, Crowley 3, Dutcber 4, Miller 8,
Felger 3, Tremaine 3, Wheeler 1.
Mr. Spinola offered a resolution that this
joint convention adjourn until neon en
Saturday. Mr. Calheran moved te table
the resolutions. The latter motion was
lest and Mr. Spinola's resolution was car
ried by a vote of 89 in the affirmative, the
Democrats and Adtninistratienists voting
The Ex-Senators In New Yerk city.
New Yerk, June 3. Ex-Senators
Conkling and Piatt arrived at the Filth
Avenue hotel this morning. They left the
hotel at an early hour but net iu company.
Their destination net known. At 2 o'clock
this afternoon they bad net returned te the
Deadly Explosion en a Tub Beat.
New Yerk, June 3. About half-past 0
o'clock last evening, while the tug beat
Jacob Branden was en her way te the eity
from the lower bay, having in tow several
scows of the street cleaning department,
a sheet of the boiler blew
out. The escaping steam blew the engi
neer of the tug, William Cord, overboard
and he was 'drowned. His son Judseu,
who was employed as fireman en the vie
sel, was scalded and was taken te the sea
men's hospital, Staten Island. The en
gineer was 35 years of age.
Explosion is a Factory.
Halifax, N. S., June 3. The steam
boiler in the Lewis Lebster factory, at
Petheswick, 30 miles east of Halifax, ex
ploded last night, killing Charles W. Kin
lay. A number of ether workmen were
badly injured, viz : Samul Turner, Thes.
Yeung, Abraham Bagcrs and Jehn Mckay.
Its Use la the Church of England Declared
a Offense Against the Law.
Londen, June 3. The lord chancellor,
in a letter te the Bishoe of Lincoln, ex
presses the opinion that the Revised
Testament may net be read in
the churches of the English church
until it has been recommended or author
ized by some sufficient public authority,
and that any clergymen se using incurs
the risk of being .held as an offender
against the law.
- i
Shet Himself ThrsBjrh tbe Heart.
Cumberland, Md., June 3. Mr. Van
Cresep, a prominent farmer at Rawlins
station, near here, and connected with one
of the most respectable families of the
county, killed himself by sheeting him
self through tbe heart.
Wlaaer of tbe Oaka.
Londen, June 3 Tbebais wen the Oaks.
Jlaw Xera Market.
w Tess. June 3. Fleur State and West
ern dull, witboutlmpertant chaage; Superfine
State 4 iefiHCO ; extra de $4 eee& 10; choice de
I.11O0S2S: iancyde3S)79: round hoop Ohie
tl 734550: choice de $5 600675; superfine
western M 0004 60; common te geed ex
tra de 6 0006 25; choice de 6 3006 75; choice
white wheat de, at (5 2506 25. Southern
scarce, firm ; -common te fair extra, $5 23a
7 00 : KOOd te choice de S5 80e)7 50.
Wheat a trifle firmer, moderately active ;
fle.,z axa, dune, ai ai zs; ue juiv,
$1 2401 1A ; de Aug, r agi 20jj : de Sept.,
SI 20-01 20V.
Cern iSMa lower and dull: Mixed west
ern spot, 47056XC ; de future, M'A55c.
Oats rather mere steady; state, 46330;
Western, 44050c.
wmiri Mnla Markets.
PaeMA Cern was active, bnt prices easy ;
WghMlxedat 410axc ; Ne. 2 fclxed at4l
eatswere lower, but active; Ne 2 White,
Milwaukr Wheat opened unsettled and
tower and c'eaed steadier ; Xe. 2 Milwankee.
hard, at i 'N ; de soft e.wli and .1 .. ut t 07X:
JUJF,"$,W . Au8"- ut. 11 w;i ; SM-pitmibar
at $1 07-JS ; Ne. 3 de at 96c ; Ne. 4 de at Wc.
Cern was lower ; Ne 2 at 40-Kc.
Oats were firmer : Ne. 2 at 33c
Rye was lower; Ne. I at $104.
Barley was stranger ; Ne. 2 Spring at ic.
Teledo. Ohie wheat dull; Ne. 1 Whlte
Michigan, $1 UV; Ne. 3 Red Wabasn. spot and
June. $1 16 July, 1113; August. SI lH; all
the vear.Slll-K.
Cern dull ; High Mixed held at 47c; 46c
OaU quiet ; Ne. 2 White. 40c.
At thoCleso Wheat was easier; Ne. 2 Red.
spot, $113-; June. SI 13?it: July. SI II: Aug
ust, f 1 13U ; all the year. 91 11J-J ; Amber Michl
ganheldatil 16;115K bid; Ne. 3 Red Wa
bash held at 1 16 ; 91 15& bid ; Ne. 3 de held at
$112: Sill bid.
Cern, high mixed. 4'J-i bid ; Ne. 2 spot at
!c bid ; July at 46c bid ; August ut 47tfc.
railadelBhla Market.
fHiLADBxraiA, June 1 "Tlenr market
quiet and firm; Superfine, S3 2303 73:'
ext ra 8784 23; Ohie and Indiana BuaUy IS 73
06 25: Penua. family $5250330; St. Loalsde
6U03G50: Minnesota Extra 93 2346 00: de
straight, 6 Mi 37: winter patent S 2507 23;
spiing de 96 5007 50.
Rye flour at $3 2305 50.
Wheat easier; Ne. 2 Western Red, 91 SIX;
Delaware, Pcnn'a Red 91 2101 23 ; de Amber,
91 2301 24. n
Cern dull and easier; steamer, 48031c; vol vel vol
lew, 57038c ; mixed. 55036Kc
Oats dull and weak ; Ne. 1 White 31c :
Ne. 2, de49Q4aic; Ne. 3, de 47K018C; Ne. 2.
Mixed 46c.
Rye firm at 91 06.
Previsions steady; mcs. perk 917017 SO;
beet hams, 3 00025 00; Indian mess
beef 50.
Bacen smoked shoulders, OXc; salt de
66'4c; smoked haul- 11012c; pickled hims
Lard quiet nnd steady; city kettle UJje ;
loexe butchers' 10i10Kc; prima steam,
911 10011 1..
nutter market dull and unsettled ;
Creamery extra Pennsylvania at 230
21c; Western. 21022c; de geed te choice 180
20c; Bradford county and New Yerk extra,
Rolls dull; Pennsylvania and Western 70
Kggi firm ami scarce ; Pennsylvania -18c;
Wcstrn l'Je.
Cheese quietand staeily ; New Yerk lull
cream iu'j011e; Western full crc-m 0Jc;
fair te geed, 838JJc.
Petroleum steady : refined 7Aic.
Whisky steady at 9 0!'.
Seed Geed te prime Clever, 110 market;
Timethy dull nt 91 Kt$3 H : de de riaxseee
dull ut 91 'Si.
Live Stock Markets.
East LinsKTY Cattle Receipt. 1.M0 head ;
best ut $ti6 23 ; fair te geed. 9 S03 75 ; com
mon, 94 5005 25.
Hogs Receipt, 2.10O head; Philadelphia,
96 1586 23 ; Yorkers, 93 6505 83.
Sheep Receipts, 2.8U0 head ; marketslew at
- Cuicaoe. Hogs Receipt. 27,000 head ; ship
ments, 41,000 hcud; quality geed ; market
quiet and prices 10s lower except ler prime ;
fully 40,000 head en sale; mixed packing at
93330573; geed te choice heavy packing and
shipping at 95 wm 10; bacon at 93 6008 , light
skips, fi5 10.
Cattle Receipts, 6,500 head; shipments, 2.I0B
head ; market quiet ami slew: experts at 960
620; geed te choice shipping, 93 6305 90: fair
te geed. 930540; Colerado, 91 7505 75 ; distil-
1.,,... u,rlr t& .MISI i!il. !,,. .Ham atM,rtr af.
92 004 50; lurga receipts or grass Texuns, and
the markets weaker 93 2304 ; steckcrs and fectt
crj,93 504 05.
fcheep Receipt. 1,500 head; shipments, 1,100
head ; market dull and easier ; all sold ; com
mon te geed shorn at 91 3005 25.
Buffalo. Cattle Receipts, l.ine head ; con
signed through, 430 cars ; nothing doing ; feel
ing weak.
Sheep and l.ambs. Rrceipts. 2,000 head;
consigned through Hears; 111-irket dull and
lewer: no eastern trade; a number et leads
unsold : stock et yesterday shipped cast for
sale in first hands ter wantef buyer : a tew
sales of common te geed at 9t 3301 73: two
leads of extr t expert sheep at 95 &O05 60.
Hogs. Receipts, 5.635 head ; consigned
through. 122 cars ; dull, weak and lower ; light
te geed Yorkers. 95 mfi't 80 ; geed medium,
93U536 ; geed heavy, 213 B. average, 96 ; pigs at
935 SO.
tneea Maraec
New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks
also United States Bends reported dally by
Jacob U., N. K. Cor. Centre Square.
Nkw Yerk Stocks.
Stocks strong.
June 3.
a. m. r. m. r. m
10-00 1.-00 3.00
.. 'iGVZ
.. mz 1314 i-"?!;
. 128 1284 I2K
.. 77Ji 77i 76)2
.. M yA 29
.. 128 12S VIVA
.. 112U 112tf 112
.. 108K .... uk
Chicago A North Western. .
Chicago. MIL. ft St. Paul ....
Canada Southern ,
C C ct -1. t'. I. IC...........
Del., Lack. & Western
Delaware A Hudsen Cunal.
Denver ft Kie Grande
Hannibal A St. Jee.
Lake Shere X Mich. Southern.. i:J2J VU VOfi,
Manhattan fiicvated..
Michigan Central
Missouri. EansasTft Texas
N. Y., Lake Eric & Western....
New Jersey Central
N. Y., Ontario Western
New Yerk Central
Oliie& Mississippi.....
Pacific Mail Steamship Ce....
St. Leuis A Iren Mt
Sutro Tunnel
Union Pacific
Wal.tsh, St. Leuis & Pacific...
" ' Preferred.
Western Union Tel. Ce
Slecks steady.
Pennsylvania R. IL
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Navigation
liuir.ile, Pitts. & Western
Northern Centrnt
Northern Pacific.
" Preterrcd
llcslen vine.... .............. . ...
Philadelphia Eric IL It
lewaUuich Mining
Uhiticd States Bebds.
United States I per ccnti
' 5 "
" VA "
..-7 ..a..'; ..
VA. Ws?t
ij.i; Ji;i vsyA
Ktt 1 lOSti
5I-4 54
.... 81
127 128 1284
51Ji 53 SI
94$ 0I4 93
128? ISK 127
... 114
... 115K
... 1044
... 103'
Neuu Ouotalieus of the Grain Market
Furnished by J.icen it. l.eng, Coin mission
Cuicaoe. Cash. July. Aug.
Wheat $1-10 91.0 91.07J4
corn i-i, .s
7tll 8
Nkw Yerk.
j " ru a
vi iinux
1.24MJ 1.20
1.214 l.MJ L19K
hilvcr-Platcd Ware is new used by most fam
ilies instead of solid stiver, for, while being ex
actly wiiat Is needed ler every-duy household
use as well us ter ornamental pur'teyes, it docs
net present te burglars and thieves the temp
tations whi2li solid silver does.
The art of silver-plating lias new been
brought te such perfection that the buyers or
our extra hcuvv triple-plated ware need net
tear that it will wear shabby, or in any way
fail te give entire satisfaction.
We ener a very large variety of plated goods,
unusually handsome m style, and comprising
many hundreds et new designs et great artis
tic merit.
Among t hcc may be mentioned :
Ferks and Spoons,
Tea Pets and CutTee Pets,
Tureens and Oyster Dishes,
Ice Cream sets.
Berry Sets,
Cake Baskets,
Cream Jags,
Wc make no charge for ciigravingliiltluis en
any plated ware bought 01 us.
As te price, we challenge comparison with
the figures et any ether establishment.
Goods sent by express, en approval, te any
part of the country, te be returned at our ex
pense if net entirely satisfactory.
12th & Chestnut Streets,