LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, JUHE 1, 1881. Lancaster intelligencer. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 1, 1881. 'The Nellie Tree." A Metker who Believes that It Is ?JJf,- tted M Tlnaes toy her OansMer's Spirit. ' An elm tree upon the rasan drive in Prapert park, Brooklyn, near tee battle path, has been marked by apeliihhd plate which bears the word "Nellie." It is a shapely tree, and stands in a favorable position te attract the attention of these driving through the park. The tree is the favorite in the park of Mrs. Heward, of Columbia Heights, whose husband was or the firm of Heward, Sanger & Ce., aad she obtained the permission of the park commissioners te have the plate nut. nnen its trunk in memory e her damrhter jxeiue, dv wuem n admired. Mrs. Heward was also mnch and Miss Nellie took morning drives te nlwavR RtnnTMxl their the park and nli.inten beneath the shade of this elm. They became attached te the tree and often spoke of it, and when they separated wrote of it te each ether. Miss Nellie, who was 18 years of age, and a girl of many attractions and charming manners, was seemingly extravagant in her affection for the elm, which she often pronounced te be one of the most beautiful objects en earth. Last summer she went te Europe, She died in Keine of the fever. Her mother was almost heart-broken. When her .mind was fixed upon her daughter's memory she felt drawn toward the elm tree in tl.e park, and whenever she went thcre she told her friends that she seemed te ceme nearer te her lest child than at any ether spot. It is said that Mrs. Heward began te believe that the spirit of her daughter 'came te that' tree te meet her, and that slie new approaches the spot iu full oxpec expec oxpec tatien each time of being placed in com munication with the spirit. Wishing te set apart the trce from the ethers, she caused it te be marked with the plate, and new it has become known by the park laborers as the ' Nellie trec." Since the tree has thus been marked ifc has been struck three times by lightning, a fact that arouse weatler anion:; some of the superstitious laborers, but Mr. J. Y. Cuyler, the chief engineer of the park, says that the tree is exposed se that it at tracts lightning. It was, however, never struck before it was marked. A Htunaa Fcndulnui. Thrilling Kxldbltlen of Nerve Dy a Heuse Painter in Cincinnati. Cincinnati Commercial. Bernard Keehler and Fritz Hisgcn, two painters, last week began'painting the large house at Bctts street and Central avenue. Three o'clock in the afternoon found them clese up under the eaves of the house and sixty-five feet from the ground. They had just finished the surface within reach and had started te lower the scaffold a fev feet. When the required distance had been reached, Hisgen called te his partner te hang en te the rope until he (Hisgen) tied his own, when he would ceme ever and perform a like service for him. His gcn had just completed his own knot when Keehler cried out : "Come ever quick, I can't held it." Hisgen, as quick ly as possible, started across the asrial bridge, but had net gene two steps when he saw the man let go his held and felt the ladder give way beneath his feet. As he began the fall, in the energy of desperation, he, with both hands, grasp ed the almost smooth top of the fourth story window cernice and thore hung in the air, a distance of sixty feet from the pavement. He then gave an exhibition of nerve that terrified every one that saw it. Placing the tee of ene beet against the window frame he gave his body a slight pendulum motion away from the house. A second push gave him a better impetus and as he swung en the return toward the window he released his held and went crashing through the glass safely te the fleer of the fourth-story room, whence he immediately looked out through the aper ture he had made te see what had become of his companion. Keehler had net been quite se fortunate. As he went sheeting threuch the air he caught the hanging rope with both hands and lessened his speed all tbe way down at tue expense ei all the cuticle of his palms, which was burned off by the friction, lie landed m a sitting posture en the sidewalk and was taken te the hospital with a pair of very sere hips. Mere Wonderful Dreams. Visions of Ileal li. Burglars, and of Errors in ItanK Accounts. In Huguenot, N. Y., since the publi cation of the wonderful dream of the char coal burner at Indiautewn Gap, some stories of curious dreams have been told. Several years age Merris Frank, a baker, tlien'.living at llondeut, was badly hurt in a -runaway accident. Simultaneously with the accident his sister, then living in Cheyenne, dreamed that he wasjjhurt in exactly that manner. She says she saw him fall from the wagon. Impressed with the dream, she wrote home and received letters seen afterward which verified it. Mr. Frank himself says that he had a vision of his mother's death and funeral iu Geimany. He told his children, as seen .is he had this vision, that they must refrain from all festivities for ten days. At the end of that time he received intelli gence of his mother's death, which oc ec urred at the hour of his vision. A b.tuk cashier living near there says that some years age, as he was balancing up the bank's accounts, he detected an error, but could net place it, theugli he searched for days. One night, aftcra long and late search, which was. as before un successful, he dreamed that he saw the error. He noted the page, and the next morning, as seen as the bank was opened, he turned te the page, and there found the error that had puzzled his mind and eluded his search for days. The same man says that ene night the president of the bank seen after retiring dreamed that he saw four masked burglars enter aback window of the house of the cashier, proceed te his room, bind and gag him, take him te the bank, and force him te open the combina tion of the safe. Awaking in a fright, the president went te the house, of the cashier just in time te discover the burglars forc ing ejen the identical window which ap peared in his dream. He fired his revolver at them and frightened them away. Anether Candidate. By a large majority the people of the United Stales have declared their tititli in liidney liidney Wert as a remedy ler all the diseases et the kidneys and liver, some, however, have dis liked the trouble et preparing it lrem the dry form. Fer such a nuw candidate appears In the shape of Kidney-Wert in Liquid Ferm. It is very concentrated. Is easily taken and is equally efficient as the dry. Try u Louts ville Pest. iiij.".lwIw Ge te II. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street, for Mrs. Freeman's New A'o A'e A'o lienal Dues. Fer brightness and durability et cuiur,ure uiii-iiuaieu. emur irem s u a pounds. iurccutNis in r.ngusu nnu ueimau. cents. Price. 15 Fraud. Tens or thousands of dollars are squandered yearly upon traveling quacks, who go from town l town prercsMng te cure all the ills that our peer hum-mity is heir te. Why will net the public learn common sense, ami if they are suffering from dyspepsia or liver com plaint, invent a dollar In Spring Blessem, sold by all druggists and indorsed by the faculty. See testimonials. Price GO cents. Fer sale at H. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. "Pour en Oil." J ?;. FelIc" Marien, O.. states tliat he has found nothing te equal it in seething the pain I and giving relict, for sale at II. B. Cochran's I "j wv, iw-.. xut-cu aireei, Lancaster. Never tee UrteteMead. Thes. J. Arden, William street. East Buffalo, write: "Tem Spring Blessem has worked en me splendid. I bad no appetite ; used te sleep badly and get up in tbe morning unrc ircsned; my brcatn was very, offensive and I suffered from severe headache : since using your Spring Blessem all these symptoms have vanished and I feel quite well." Price accents. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street. MRDICAL. pATABBH. CATASRH, COLD IK THE HEAD, HAY FEVEU. CATARRHAL. DIRECTIONS. Fever,Ceidln thefread Ac, Insert with little finger a particle et Balm Inte the nostrils ; draw strong breaths through the nose. It win de auserueu, cleansing and healing the diseased mem brane. DEAFNESS, FOR DEAFNESS-, Apply a particle into tbe ear. CAN BE CURED. ELY'S CREAM BALM, having gained an enviable local reputation, displacing all ether preparations in the vicin ity et discovery, is, en its merits alone, recog nized asa wendcrtul remedy wherever known. A fair trial will convince the most skeptical of its curative powers. It effectually cleanses the nasal passages of catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions, allays inflammation and irritation, protects the membranal linings ei the head from additional colds, completely heals the sores and restores the sense et taste and smell. Beneficial results arc realized by a tew applications. A thorough treatment us directed, will cure Catarrh. As a household remedy for cold in the head it is unequalled. The Balm is easy te use and agreeable. Sold by druggists at 60 cents. On receipt of jI cents Will mail a paCKUge. scnu lur eiieuKii mm full information. EL 'S CREAM BALM CO., Owcge, X. Y. Fer sale by the Lancaster druggists, and .by wholesale druggists generally. fMmeed&w READ T1IIS ! Lakcastkr, Pa.. April 23, 1881. The KiDNErcURA, llr'a Compact. Gents It gives me much pleasure te say that after using one pack el KIDXEYCUKA I have been entirely cured of a severe pain in wv back and side, of long standing, and that, tee, ntlcr tiying various known remedies. 1 have every cenlldcnce In your medicine, cheerfully recommend it,andknewlhatinany of my friends who have used it lulvc been benefited. PETER BAKER, mSCIyd Foreman Examiner and Express. LOOKER'S Renowned Cough Syrup! A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Remedy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthnuw In tin eii7.ii. Soreness et the Threat and Chest, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ting of Bleed, Inflammation el the Lungs, am" all Diseases el the Chestand Air Passages. Thls'valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience lias proved te possess the most sale and efficient qualities for the cure et all kinds of Lung Diseases. Price 25 rents. Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. O EAST KINO STREET. Ol6-tt "IT-IUNEV WORT. - THE ONLY MEDICINE IX EITHER LIQUID OR DRV FORM That Acts at the Same Time en The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because we allow these great organs te be come clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors arc therefore forced into the bleed that should be expelled naturally. KIDNEY WORT WILL SURELY.CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, Piles, Constipation, Urinary Diseases, Female Weakness and Nervous Disorders, by causing free action of these organs and re storing their power te threw off disease. Why suffer bilious pains and aches? Why tormented with Piles, Constipation 7 Why frightened ever disordered Kidneys? Why endure nervous or sick headaches? Use KIDNEY WORT and rejoice in health. 49 It is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, in 3-tin cms, ene package of which makes sir JWquarts of medicine. MS" Alse In Llauid Ferm.very Concentrated Or ler the convenience ei these who "cannot aWrcadily prepare It. It act with equal 9r efficiency in euiier form. (JET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICK, SI. 1VELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prep's, Burlington, Vt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec 27 lyd&wt R GAD THIS USE OOUGH NO MORE I a-merican neii romp, A CERTAIN, SAFE AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, HOARSLNESS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, WIIOOPINU COUGH, PAIN IN THE SIDE OR BREAST, And all Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS. Fer the relief of Consumptives in :ili stages of t he disease. Fer sale only at HULLS DRUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, angSS-lydl LANCASTER, PA. E YES. EYES! This morning a trio et patients, Irem Read ing, Philadelphia and Kdgcwoed, Bucks county, each related their unfortunate exper iences under the treatment et their eyes by the Oculists, Drs. Norris, Levis and Straw bridge, of Philadelphia, and their decided im provement under my practice. One of- them came te me totally blind : the second nearly blind, and the third with almost constant neuralgia in and aceund the eyes, with im paired vision. A fourth patient. Miss Lizzie Brubakcr, of Litilz, said : " My dyspepsia and ether afflictions et long standing lctt me In a short time after going nudcr your charge, and my glasses, worn since I was fourteen years et age, were laici asiue as useless, ami my vision is natural." Ne Oculist in this country or Europe can prednccsnch results wltheutthey discover my remedies and applications, or similar ones. Persons wearing Glasses ler far and nearsightedness or ether diseases of this organ can usually have them removed inside et two mentiisanu me vigor ei tneir eyes re stored te its normal condition. Names et per sons cui cd et Astigmatism given upon appli cation, a diseased condition et the eyes that no oculist ever pretends te cure. Alse Cataract cured by absorption without using the knitc. Send for or carl and get (free) four pamphlets. One en cures of diseased eyes ; one en catarrh ; one en emnipathy, and tlic last containing a large number of names et persons cured et every variety of disease. Mat 4, 1881. DR. O. A. GREENE, Ne. 146 EAST KINO STREET, lOtfdH-WF&Sl Lancaster, Pa. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. rpHE ALBRECHT PIANOS Arc the Cheapest, because they are the Best lb B. HERR, Agent. Ne. 8 East Orange Street, apr30-3md Lancaster, Pa. DRY GOOD. OKASONABLE GOODS. I ATT, sum & CO. Are new showing an Immense Stock et New Styles in Dress Ginghams & lawns, LACE AND PLAIN BUNTINGS, SUMMER DRESS GOODS, SUMMER SILKS, VICTORIA LAWNS, INDIA LINENS, CAMBRICS AND PIQUES, Ladies', Gents' and Children's GAUZE UNDERWEAR ASD , SUMMER HOSIERY, In all sizes and qualities at Lewest Prices. Regular Made Hosiery a Specialty. Just open ed a Choice Line ei PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES In Natural Stick, Hern and Walrus Handles. SCOTCH GINGHAM PARASOLS, PLAIN SILK PARASOLS, TWILLED SILK PARASOLS, BROCADE SILK PARASOLS, LACE TRIMMED. PARASOLS. Parasols te suit cvcryledy at the NEW YORK STORE, 8 & lO EAST KINO STREET. VfKXT UOOK TO THE COURT HOUdK. FAHNESTOOK! Wc would invite particular attention te ou large stock et handsome BLACK SILKS. Persons in search of these goods would de well te see our stock bclere purchasing. Summer Dress Goods In Large Assortment, iu all the NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. One Let el" Deuble Width Cashmeres at 12 cents, extra cheap. All the New Styles In WHITE GOODS All at our Usual Lew Price?. HEADQUARTERS FOR Ladles', Gents' and Children's Gauze Under wear, all sizes and Lew Prices. Ladies' White Embroidered and Tucked Skirts 50c. up. Chemises, Night Dresses, Ac. infants' Embroidered Dresses 50c. np. SUMMER HOSIERY In Quantities. Ladies', Gents, and Children's away down in price. Polite attention shown te all. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te Court Heuse c AHPETS, AC. CARPETS ! CARPETS ! i Have Large Lines of Carpets, from late New Yerk Sales and manufacturers, wtich they are selling at Very Lew Prices. Tapestry Brussels Carpels, at 7."ic, 83c, 93c and $1, in all the New Spring Styles and Colorings. MOQUET CARPETS, BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS, VELVET CARPETS, ROX BURY AND SMITirS EXTRA TAP ESTRY CARPETS, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, WITH BORDERS IK ALL WIDTHS. THREE-PLY AND INGRAIN CARPETS, RAG AND HEMP .CARPETS OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS, DOOR MATS, RUGS, &c. Wc invite a special examination, as our E resent stock is the largest ever shown In ancaster. Wall Paper! Wall Paper! LATEST SPRING STYLES, in Large Assortment and iu all qualities el EMBOSSED GILT, 1'LAIN URONZE, CHOICE FLATS AND BLANKS, Willi Rerdera, Friezes and Ceiling Decorations U Match, ler Vestibules. Halls, Parlors, Din- COMPETENT PAPER HANGERS TO DO THE WORK. ,.n.a.vl!,s a wcl1 1'Khted room we can show Wall Paper equally well during the day or evening. Call and examine. HAGER& BROTHER, Ne. 25 West King Street, LANCASTER, PA. UOTHLS. WJOW OPEN SPRKCHKK HOUSE.-ON H Europcen plan. Dining Koemi ler Ladies anil Gentlemen. Entrance at Ne. 27 North Duke street. Clam and Turtle Soup, Lebster Salad, Oysters in Every Style and all the Delicacies et the Season. We solicit the patronage et the public. may7-tid MISHLKR HOUSE, (formerly Clarenden.) 113 and 115 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET ( below Chestnut), PHILADELPHIA, Pa. On the European plan. Heals at all hours, at moderate rates. Reems, 50c., 73c. and $1 per day. Hetel open all night. ABEL MISHLER CO., Prep's, Formerly of the Mishler Heuse, Reading, Pa. Harry Stewart, SupL, Formerly of the St. Clair, Atlantic Cit ml2-3rad iiXOCEMIXB. THE REST WINES AND LIQUORS AT RING WALT'S. Aise best Coffees, Teas and Sugars. Call at leblMyd Ne. 205 WEST KING ST. ham BROTHER VLOTM1MB. w ANAHAkEB BROWN. SHALL WE" -o;e- There is in Philadelphia a clothing house which has no double in all the world. The world is full of clothing houses ; and it is a geed deal te say that one is unlike all the rest. First in its dealing ; and it is surprising that one house should differ much from another. Selling clothing is se simple a matter, that it is likely, one would suppose, te be done in very much the same way in Philadelphia, New Yerk and Londen. But Philadelphia is ahead ; and, curiously enough, one house in Philadelphia is ahead of all the rest. Te be ahead in dealing is te deal en a higher plane in a mere liberal way, te give the buyer mere well founded confidence without less of the merchant's safety. This Philadelwhia clothing house says te a stranger : " We want te deal with exact justice. We want what belongs te us, viz., a feir profit ; and we want you te have what belongs te you, viz., a liberal money's-worth. Our way te arrive at a result is te mark the price en everything we seli, which price is absolute ; and te let you buy what you like, go away and think the bargain ever, and ceme and trade back, if you want te. We find by experi ence that this liberality is harmless te us. Of course, you like it. And it makes quick and ready dealing. We don't waut you te bring back what you buy it would cost us meuey every time; but we would rather you would bring back, than keep, what you don't like. Se, we try te see that you get at first what you will like the better, the mere you knew of it. This is really the whele philosophy of our dealing." Second, in its goods the amount aud variety of them. There are ether houses where excellent clothing is kept, aud a great deal of it ; but there is none, anywhere, that keeps se much. The dealing related above has wen the largest trade the world has yet seen. Te supply such a trade great quantity and variety of clothing are required ; and these in turn increase the trade, be cause everybody likes te cheese out of many things, rather than out of a few. This is the country of ready-made clothing. Great Britain makes the most of any European country; bat there is net in all Londen any clothing busi ness a quarter as large as that of Oak Hall. New Yerk has several large clothing businesses; but no ene nearly equal te that of Oak Hal! ; Bosten likewise. Loek back twenty years ! Have we done yen geed service, or net? But that is net what we had in mind ; we were thinkiug or the clothes you are going te buy. Shall wc sell them ? WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, MARKET AND SIXTH, - PHILADELPHIA.' e NK PRICK CLOTHING HOUSE. e CHILDREN'S SUITS. LARGE NEW LOT JUST GOT IN. 1,000 Different Lets te Select Frem. Ladies, you are invited te examine our mammoth selection of Beys' and Children's Suits, whether you intend te buy or net. It is our business and pleasure te SHOW goods, as that is the only way we can convince you that we are Headquarters for Clothing, and the only house in the city RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICES. AL. ROSENSTEIN'S ONE PRICE Cletmng & lercbant Tailoring Establisliment -XO. 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET, NEXT DOOR TO SIIULTZ AND UUO.'S HAT STORE. MENTKK HALL! ALL IN Every available hand is bnsv in trcttiwr have facilities te make up in geed style ever ONE HUNDRED SUITS PER WEEK, And that is just what we are doing at thia time, and we arc happy te say that the public ap preciates enterprise and Centre Hall is supported better te-d;iy than in any of its previous history, and our trade has Bteadily increased vear after year and we purpose te continue as the leading Clothing Heuse, for fair dealing and low prices will be rewarded. Our stock et Blece goods Is still fall and complete et all the Leading Manufacturers, both Foreign and lemestic. CENTRE HALL has the largest stock et READY-MADE CLOTHING OUTSIDE OF PHILADELPHIA, Fer Men, Youths, Beys and Children, And we defy competition. We sell Men's All Weel Suits for t$, $10, $12, $14, all our own manu facture. Our $8 suits are as geed as suits sold at ether henses at $10. call and .judge toryour teryour toryeur sel f. The purchaser saves ene prell t by buying at CENTRE HALL, Ne. 12 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, FEM'A. MYERS & RATHFON. PLVMIIEKIS nRBOLlZGD MOXH l'KOOF KKtT. THE CARB0LIZED MOTH PROOF FELT SAVES THOUSA NDS OF DOLLARS EVER YEAR BV DESTROYING MOTH. ONLY SIX CENTS A YARD. Oe net fail te sec t no most MAGNIFICENT CHANDELIER tliat has ever been produced in tn is country. All ar invited te call and see it. A car lead el COPPER AND INC RATH TUK3 (ust received and for sale te the trade at t'ae lowest prices. A let et galvaniz cd and plain RATH BOILERS at reduced prices. FOUR THOUSAND POUNDS? OF GAS, WATER AND STEAM FIXTURES FOB SA LE TO THE TRADE AT PHILADELPHIA PRICES. . JOHN iT ARNOLD, Nerl 11, 13 & 15 IEAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. rapra-Ud AN AMAKER i BROWN. SELL THEM? -:e:- NK PRICE CLOTHING UOCSK. :0:- -tot- c 1ICNTRE HALL! MOTION. out Cletliinir in our Custom Department. We SUPPLIES. Vip rAUNIHUKNT CHANDELIER. w DMT 0OOJM. M ETZUCK, BAKU HAUCHMAN AT THEIR NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KINO STREET, (ADLER'S OLD STAND), Are Selling Great Quantities of BARGAINS FROM AUCTION IN Black and Colored Silks, BLACK CASHMERES, PLAIN AND LACE STRIPED BUNTINGS. The Handsomest Assortment et Dn ss Glag bams and Lawns in tbe city. Special Cheap Lets in Victeria Lawns at 10c, 12Jc, 15c, 20c, &e, 31c, 37c, India Lawns in All Qualities. CORDED PIQUE, LACE STRIPED WHITE GOODS. CUKAP CARPETS AND MATTINGS FROM AUCTION. HOSIERY In Large Quantities for Everybody, at Metier, BaM & Haueuwn's NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET. J. B. MARTIN .t CO. SPRING GOODS. NEW DRESS GINGHAMS NEW LAWNS AND PERCALES, NEW BUNTINGS. SILKS AND CASHMERES. OPENING NEW LINE OF Si ttii and Parasols, GAUZE UNDERWEAR, NEW HOSIERY, GOSSAMER RUBBER CLOTHING, Fer Ladies, Gents and Children. Wc arc offering the BEST THREE BUTTON KID GLOVE In Black and Celers, ut 91.0O. Every pair warranted. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. We liave the sole agency for the . PEARL SHIRT. THE BEST 1.00 SHIRT IN THE CITV. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. PA. ajLMPXTH. G BEAT BARGAINS IN VAfUTKES, I claim te liave the Largest and Finest Stock et CAEPETS In this City. Brussels and Tapestry CARPETS Turec-ply, Extra Super. Super, AH Weel, Halt Weel and Part Weel Ingrains : from the best te the cheapest as low as 25c per yard. All the FINEST AND CHOICE PATTERNS that ever can be seen in this city. I also have a Large and Fine Stock et my own make Chain and Rag Carpets, AS LOW AS Sffe. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TOORDERatrtiert notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. jarNe trouble te show goods if you de net wish te purchase. I earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER PA. CARPETS, COAL, e. PHILIP SCHUM,S0N & CO., MANUFACTORY, Ne. VuO SOUTH WATER STREET, Lawcabter, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, BLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN. STOCKING YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed cither in the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds of silks, Ribbons. Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlemen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also. Indigo Blue Dyeing done. All orders or goods lelt, with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal et the best quality put np expressly ler family use, and at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD ISO fcOUTII WATER STREET. 22-lvdRS1 PHILIP SCIIUM. SON X CO JJSWKUtRB. ANCASTER WATCBKSt In all tbe New Styles el GOLD AND SILVER CASES. AUHUSTUS RHOADS, Jeweler, 90 East Kins Street, Lancaster, 1 a. xJULrjacjuf tviut. LAKCASTKK AND M 11XJCKSV1LI.K I:. i Cars run as fellows : Leve Laacateer P. R. Depot), at 7, s, an 11:30 a. sa., and 2, 4, 6 and 8: p. in., ex---.t ei. Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9-JB p. m Leave MUlarsvUle (lower end) at 6, 8, and ., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. COLUMBIA AMD POST DKPUS1T K. K - Tns new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit RaUread en tbe Hollowing Stations Nebth- Express. Kxpress. Accetb r.v. T.M. Pert Deposit. Feaebbottem . . . . Safe Harber.. Celnmbta 3:35 438 fell 9:40 05 3:18 5:21 6:20 7:12 8: Stations Seuth- Express. Kxpress. Accqie WAM. A.U. T.M. A.M. Columbia. ll.1 6r ?:-, T.M. AlifcOS Safe Harber.. lfces &l LeiMO PeaeJabottem.... 12:43 TJSZ H.c; Pert Deposit Ir3 fter. libft K EADING COLUMBIA K. K. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS SUNDAY, MAY TH, IS8D. NORTHWARD. LXAVX. QuarryvHle Lancaster, King St. Lancaster Columbia. AKK1VK. r.M a.h. 230 3:40 73. 9-15 9-.-.I7 3:10 5.50 Reading.., SOUTHWARD. LXAVX. Reading AKUVX. ftelninbui-... ........... A.M. r.x. 6:10 .... 7:50 .... 8:00 M 7:30 1:10 10:05 3:90 v.m Lancaster. U-.-27 3.10 &os &s Lancaster. KineSt 9-J!7 .... 83U 5:10 Quarryvllie I lout; .... 935 17:10 Trains connect at Keauing wnn trains te ana lrem Philadelphia, Pottsville. Harrisburg, AI AI lentewn and New Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia w tin trains te and from lern, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Supt. PKNNSVLVAN1A KA1I.KOAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY MAY ICtb, 1881, trains en the 1'ennsyl 1'ennsyl ve.nii Railroad will arrive and leave the Lan caster and Philadelphia depots as follew: Eastward. Leave Lanc'ler Arrive Philad'it Cincinnati Express Yerk Accem. Arrives: Harrisburg Express Dillerville Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Kxpress, Sunday Mall. Johnstown Kxpress, St. Leuis Day Express Chicago Dav Express. &S A.M. 5:08 " 8:00 " 8:05 8:45 ' 9:10 " 1:10 " Wit r.M. 1XO " 0S " 4:48 " 4:35 ' es 9S5 " 5:15 ..m 7::i5 10:10 3.i) " 5:00 " 5:30 6:4.1 ' 635 ' 930 " Harrisburg Accommedat'u, Aft fUl I jll:3. " Iieave Philad'a Arrive Lanc'ler AXD. Way Passenger, Mall Train Ne.l.vla Wt.ley, MaU Train Ne. 'i,via Cel'biu, Niagara A Chicago Kxprew 3unuay jHau,.. ....... . . fast Line..................... Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville Local.viaMt.Jey Harrisburg Acconnnedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Kxpress, Pittsburg Kxpress, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Express, M A.M. 7:30 " 910 " 8:00 " i'ilO " 5:141 a.m 10:20 " 1033 11:55 UfcSO " 30 p.m. 2:35 " 'lO " SiO " 7r2C " 730 " 8:50 " UJW " 2.45 a.m 230 r.m. 4:00 " 5:30 " 635 " 9:10 " 11:55 " Pacific Express, cast, en bunnay, wnen flag Sid, will atop at Middle town, Klurabethtewn, t Jey, Landisvllle, Bird-in-Hand, Leiuun Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesbnrg, Conies vUle, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step atDowningtewn,Coutcsvillc, Pnrkes. liurg, mu joy, jsiizauetntewn ana Mitiiiietewn Hanover accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chi jnicairc ee Kxpress at 11:00 a. m will run through te llui Ianever. CARRIAGES, JtV. Carriages! Carnages I AT EDGERLEY & CO.'S, rraclical'Canlage BaiMers, Market Street, Rear of Central Market Hemes, Lancaster, Pa. We liave en hand a Large Assortment of BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which we offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warrantee, uive nam call; 49Repalring promptly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed for hat purpose. laal-tfdJtw MURNITURM. S1 FECIAL NOTICE FOR THE SEASON t Yeu can have FURNITURE REPAIRED N1SHED ! AND RK-VAK- CHAIRS RE-CANED, RE-PAINTED VARNISHED-! AND OLD MATTRESSES MADE NEW! OVER LIKE OLD FRAMES RE-GILDED AT MODERATE PRICES ! ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE RE-f .'OVERED AND UPHOLSTERED IN FIRST CLASS MANNER! -at-: Walter A. llemitsli's Furniture and Picture Frame Reems, 15K EAST KJNQ STKKKT, an8-tiind Over China Hall A DKLlGHTrUL AND COVUNO DRINK Mantsemit Lime Fnut Jake. . It forms diluted with five or eight tlm itstbnlk et water, or blended with Spirits, Seda Water, Ac. a Most Wholesome, Delicious and Refreshing Beverage. It may b sweet ened te suit the taste. In addition te being a most delightful and cooling drlak, your phy sician will recommend it for its medicinal vir tues ; especially Rheumatic Pains. Fer sale at Reigart's Win Stere, Ne. l East King street. aprlS-WAStlU II. E.SLAYMAKKK, Agt- 4 N ORDINANCE Appropriating the public moneys et the city of Lancaster te the several departments thereof, for the fiscal year commencing en the first day of June, A. D., 1881. Section 1. lie it ordained by the select and common conncllset the city et Lancaster, thut the sum et ene hundred and fifty-five thou sand, eight bundled dollars neand tbe same is especially appropriated te the several objects Hereinafter named, for the fiscal year com mencing en the flrst day of June, A. D., 1881. Sxc.2. Te pay interest en leans, In cluding sinking fund $42,50 00 Te pay principal en leans as required by law 11,500 re Te pay state tax en leans 2,875 no Te pay arrearages for repairs et streets due June 1, 1881 20,000 HI Te pay deficiencies in water and street departments, due Jhhc 1, Te pay repairs or streets c,aw m Te pay for grading, guttering, macad amizing, AC 5,0ft) ut Te pay for Belgian blocking North Queen street, from Orange te rail road 4,500 re Te nay water works general 9.00) 00 Te pay ler laying water pipes 4,500 oe Te pay ler sala lanes.... 6,630 110 Te pay ter police and turnkey. 9,6 00 Te payfer lighting city. 9,500 110 Te pay for lamps and pests 75 ui Te pay for tire companies 7 steamers at$n; ene without steamer. 9250.. 3,059 00 Abatement for prompt payment of city tax 3,oeo te Abatement for prompt payment et water rents i,vnm Percentage ler collection or arrearage or city tax........ ....... .. soe 00 Contingencies.. ......... .. 9,865 00 nninined and enacted Inte a law at the city of Lancaster en May 27, 1881. JOHN LKVEKUUUU, President el common Council. llKRBERT JenaSTOB, Clerk et Common Council. ROBERT A. EVANS, President of Select Cenncil. J. K. Barr, Clerk of Select Council. May 23, 1881, Approved, JNO.T. MacGONIGLE. Mayer. A.. A.M. r.M. 7:-r. liOO 6:10 r.x. 9:33 2U0 8:30 9-.i7 3.10 8:0ft ft37 .... &90 10-.37 .... 935