Ik Telime XVnNe. 233. LANCASTER A., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1. 1881 Ptfee Tw Onte. CZ.OJ.MUfO, VlOtKJtWMAMt, AC. OUXKTOMG MEWI LACE THREAD UNDERSHIRTS, FEATHER-WEIGHT DRAWERS. SUSPENDERS, AT ERISMAN'S, ;TIIE sniKTMAKEll, we. sc jsektu ukii.n stkkkt, tmpektant anxeiinckm knt. Te lay we open :i lull line of Sprint; unil S u miner Goods for Men's Wear, which has never Ijccii eclipsed in this city eruny house in t tic country ler quality, style ami high toned character. We cliiiiu superiority ever anything vc handled lieterc during " our experience of ouurtcret u century in business, and our reputation in established ter keeping the finest goods in our line. Our opening te-day in an invoice et Novel ties captured from the wreck of u large Bosten house, whose failure has precipi tated these goods oil the market tee late in the season and consequently at a sacrifice, se they art: within reach el all desiring u first-class urtlclcutu moderate pi ice. The consignment Inclmles a full line or t lie cel brutcd Talunten's French Novelties, the handsomest and II nest goods imported te tills country a new feature in Silk Warp ; Tulauien's Tricot u-lieng, Serpentine Trl Trl eeLs, Cerk Screw Diagonals and liranite Weave. A full line of Tayler's English Treuserings el ltcauliful elTeels. Alse a fine line et Choice American Suitings as low u 20 a Suit. All the Latest Novelties in Sptiug Ovcrceuliiig3ut moderate prices. All are cordially invited te examine our stock and itc convinced that we are mak ing no idle leat, but cun substantiate all We say and respectfully urge persons te place tlieirorderutencu lielere thccheicesl styles arc sela, ler they can net tie dupli cated this season. Fer further particulars in regard te dress consult J. K. SMALTNG, THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N. QUEEN STREET, MWXS Several Fine Ceat Makers wanted OI'KINti OPKNINU AT H. GERHART'S New Mm EsilisMent, Ne. 6 East King Street. I hnve just completed lilting up one of the Finest Tailoring Establishments te be leund in this slate, and am new prepared te show my customers a stock el goods ter the SPRING TRADE, which for quality, style and variety el Patterns bus never been equaled in this city. 1 will keep and sell no goods which I cannot recommend te my customers, no matter hew low in price. All goods warranted as represented, and prices us low as t In; low est, at Ne. 6 East King Street, , Next Doer te the New Yerk Stere. H. GERHART. N KXV STOCK OK CI.OTIIINO von SPRING -1SS1, D. B. Ilestetter & Seu's, Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Having made unusual clferts te bring before the public a Hue, stylish anil well made stock et M-IADE CLOTHIM, we are new prepared te show tiiein one el the most carelully selected stocks of Clothing in tills city, at the lowest Cash Prices. MEN'S, HOYS' AND YOUTHS- CLOTHING! IN liUKAT VAKIKTY. Piece Goods et the Most Stylish Designs and at prices within the reach et all. 49Ulve us a call . 0. B. Hosteller & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 6-lyd I.ANCA8TKR, PA. COAT. B. It. MAKTIK, Wholesale and Uetidl Dealer in all kinds el LUMUKU AND COAL. 49-Yard: Ne. 42U North Water ami Prince streets alieve Iemeii. Ijiueaster. ii:t-lyl COHO & WILEY, 309 tfOKTM WATER ST., Lancaster, IV... Wlieiesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Voaaecttea With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Office: Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUAKK. lebSS-lyd flO TO REILLY & KELLER GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY (XHL, Farmers and ethers In want el Superior Manure will And It te their advantage te call. Yard, Harrisburg Tike. ) 0ce.'JUXKastClicRlnutstreet.t agl7-tt erx S' UMMKK GOODS. JOHN WANAMAKER'S, PHILADELPHIA. fUESS GOODS. A J Our dress goods have leen most heavily drawn upon new for three months, and el course many sorts are gene altogether, such as could net lc replaced. Hut the stock ia still very heavy, kept se by continual buying. Wliy, we sell almost our whole stock every month la the active time. The quickest store Isn't it the one te find the best things in ? JOHN WANAMAKEK. Nine counters, Thirteenth street entrance. BLACK DRESS GOODS. A shift gives us a little mere room for grcuadiucs grenadines plain and figured. The plain arc few and the li gored maiiv; but which uiest need room Is a question. All block goods are together In a very small space ; an uncommon Meck tee. JOHN WANAMAKKU. Ncxtreulcr circle. Chestnut street entrance. J ADIK.S' BUTTONS: J l'eurl, metal, beaded and plain broche, jet, sleeI-Mint, ivory, hern: buttons from 5 cents te $S.S. JOHN WANAMAKKU. Fourth circle, northeast from centie. HANDKERCHIEFS are moved. Wchave alietil everything In silk and linen handkerchiefs ; nothing in cotton or cotton mixed never keep them. JOHN WANAMAKKU. Outer circle, west from Chestnut-street en trance. BLACK BEADED NET, eight varieties, Sit cents te $1.00. JOHN WANAMAKKU. Second circle, southwest from centre. UES I nl' lli-..tm ititf. nml luiinl .1 Alitir.n fiiir own make; couldn't sell at CM cents if we bought. Embroidered mull ties, by accident, at 7' cents, that we have lieen paying 7-1 cents for, ami shall again. JOHN WANAMAKKU. First circle, southwest trout centre. A NTIQUE TIDIES Jl under ler a dollar at about Ihrcc-euartcrs our own unci's lately. JOHN WANAMAKKU. First circle, seu til west from centre. J A DIES' COLL AUS. j Twe new cellars ; embroidery ami point d Aleueen, SO cents ; Swiss reversing, IS cents. Out of our own factory. JOHN WANAMAKKU. First circle, west from centre. JOHN WANAMAKEK, Thirteenth, Market and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. TAl'lii: At. BIAKKS. TOIIN A. CUAK1.KS. :e. LANE -ALLlilNDS OF- Dry Goods Offered at Great Bargains, AT THE OLD RELIABLE STAND, Ne. 24 East King Street. :e: SILK DEl'AUTMENT. Special Inducements in Illack ami Colored Silks. The general D It ESS GOODS DEl'AUTMENT constantly Itctng added te and prices marked down te promote quick sales. KOUltNING GOODS DEl'AUTMENT complete in all its details. CAUl'ETINGS, QUEENSWAUK AND GLASSWAUK in immense variety and at very Lew Trices. DOMESTIC DKI'AUTM KNT unsurpassed In quantity and quality, ami goods In all the departments guaranteed te be what they are sold for. JWCall and see us. JACOII M. MAUKS, JOHN A. IKON liJTTJiKS. fltON IWTTKHS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIC. I ICON HITTERS aiv highly recommended ter all diseases requiring a certain and enl eient tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT PEVEUS, WANT OP APPE TITE, LOSS OP STRENGTIL LACK OP ENERGY, &c. t enriches I he bleed, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life te the nerves. It acts like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Touting th Fowl, lielching. Ileal in the Stomach. Heartburn, etc. The only Iren l'reuaratlen Hint wll net Dlacken tlie teetli or rIvb limulachn. Sold lip. i iiseini ami iiiiiiisiitg reauing xcnijrcc. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPAJSHT, 123-lyilAw BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at OCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 139 North Queen Btreet. Lancaster. MlSUJSMAXJ'JOir.S. niSlltNG TACKI.K. F FLINN & VILLSON. -IIKADyUARTEUS FOR- FISHING TACKLE. Largest and. Finest Assortment, ever etTcrcd in the city. Jointed Reds rrem i". rents up. Reels at all prices. Uraiiled Silk Lines, Raw Silk Lines. Oiled Silk Lines, Linen Lilies, Seagrass Lines, Lines from 3e. up. Sneed Heeks ter K:iss, the Rest in the Market. Artificial Rait All Sizes of Ferules and Reel Bands for Parties Making Reds, &c NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. JAW. N MOW KICS. PHILADELPHIA LAWN MOWERS, PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWERS. EVERY MAdUINE FULLY GUARANTEED. JEWETTS PALACE EEFBI&ERA.TOES. WHITE MOUNTAIN ICE CREAH FEEEZBBS, WATER COOLERS, GARDEN HOSE,&c., AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. GEO. M. STEINMAN & CO., Nes. 26 & 28 WEST KING STREET. uoeva. S' UMMEK UOODM. -3LT- CH)U BLACK TRAVELING DRESSES ; I? plain and plaid nun's veiling. 25 cents te $2; nrmurcs, 75 cents te $1.25; and cords. 73 cents te $1.25. JOHN WANAMAKEK. Next-outer circle, Chestnut street entrance. US. SEASIDE bunting, all-wool and 40 inches wide, 37.K cents, and that's a rare price. JOHN WANAMAKKU. Next-outer circle, Chestnut street entrance. C1IJUTAINS. j .Scotch, nettlnghatn, madras, tumbeur, brn-se!s curtain". $1.50 te $ 8. The variety of each . ort is very large. JOHN WANAMAKKU. Northwest Gallery. I ACES. j Our lace quart r lias been tee crowded ler a long time. A tenth counter added te-day lateiy occupied by handkerchiefs. JOHN WANAMAKKU. Ten counters, southwest front centie. UNTUIMMED HATS AMD JtON NUTS. Tlie new 1'elka shape is among the por cupines at 30 cents ; all colors. JOHN WANAMAKEK. Outer circle, northeast Irent centre. RII1P.ONS. Seil serge ribbons, 5-inch, 40 cents ; mentioned nuttiriiay; came juemtuy; going last; but there were 12.U) yurds et them. JOHN WANAMAKKU. Thirteenth-street entrance, outer circle. BEGUN KMUUOIDEUIES ter summer leisure, en linen, tell, cloth and plush. Outline designs are in especial favor new ; appliiniealse; I with are easv work. JOHN WANAMAKEK. Centre of all the circles. JACK BREAKFAST CAPS a and eltl ladies' c.ips.Uk:. te $3 ; haven't had them Itefeic. JOHN WANAMAKKU. Third circle, south front centre. HA N D K E UC II 1 E FS. 11 A N D- II K M -stitched, uulaiiiidried, at 25 iv it Is. Many knew them here. NEW HKNltlKl'TAS. Twe makes of silk warp hciiricttus are uncommonly satisfactory; one. is of an ex treme Jet black for deepest mourning; the ether, with a very faint tntce et blue, would commonly lie considered black. 87 cents te $2. JOHN WANAMAKEK. NcxI-euter circle. Chestnut street entrance. reiiN n. uetii. &c CO. CHARLES, JOHN II. UOTII. TIM CON 1S1TTKKS. SURE APPETISER. 'he 111 by nil druggists. Write ter the A B V, ISoek, 32 ISIIING TACKI.K LAWN MOW RICK. linU-lnuW.WAS ILantastet intelligencer. WEDNESDAY BTEMINO, JUNE 1, 1881. FROM STEP TO STEP ; Or, The Mysterious Letter. Frem the Uermaa or Kraut Frltze. Translatwl Kspeclally ler the ITELtiauxcKO. Continued. CIIA1TER X. Meanwhile in the circle of the brothers Ilaidck-lJehuliausen many a doubt had stirred, aud mauy a discussion had arisen. Opinions were divided in regard te the event that had explained the deficit in the whole inheritance ; they remained divided and the doubts were net dissipated, when, one day, the laconic announcement was received that Hofrath Jtfarklitt had en trusted his rights of heirship te the care of his advocate, Counseller liergland. His peculiar, abrupt style made a deeper and mere durable itnpressieu thau wtHUL have bqcu- the, case jcitU..the de. strayed letter, in which, by the pathetic sentence, "lam the son of my father," he indeed gave them te understand that he was the one whom they were seeking, but which also betrayed hew bitterly he still felt the disappointment of his youth ful hopes. It was very evident that he was determined te avoid any approach te the family that iu their pride of nobility hail se long contemned him. This was a matter of supreme indiffer ence te the two younger Heir von Uai ileks, but less se te the state counseller, who, thteugh the effects of study aud in tercourse with liberal men of his own rank, had thrown off much of that pro vincial crudcucss of aristocratic pride, such as is found among country nobles and military men of noble birth. . Duriug the last week he had had opportunities of test ing the family characteristics of the Hai deks, aud he recognized the abrupt letter of llefrath Marklin as an uncomfortable declaration of his aversion te renew his intercourse with his cousins. This was quite agrccable te his brothers, who felt no inclination te make up a qnar rcl between the family and one of its un loved descendants. What their sainted undo had ordered when suffering under thrslings of conscience must be carried out, nothing else, a reconciliation was net at all necessary. "Oswald is right," said Maximilian, " he is perfectly right in net considering it necessary te held famil iar friendly relations under existing cir cumstances." "He will evidently never forget or for give a grievance, connected with such re sults," said Kune. "Upen what could he found the antici patien that friendly advances en his part would be icciprocated in geed faith by us?" again interrupted Max. "Our family character offers, alas ! little encouragement te such a step," returned the state counseller; "we belong te these who leek te their birth as the foun dation of an illustrious position ; we would uet hesitate te describe as parvenus, these who have arrived at a higher rank by vir tue of their personal merits. In the the single interview I have had with son of our Cousin Oswald, I recognize well enough that he attaches net -the least importance te feudalism, and that, in a certain degree, he prefers his independence as a citizen te any family patronage" "I de net doubt that," said Kune. smiling geed humercdly. "If I could I would most willingly withdraw from my business relations into the retirement where, without favor, one might live as a cipher." " Why did yen net learn mere, my geed Kune?" sneered Maximilian. "Yeu may sce from the career of Couusin Oswald that a man may become even a llefrath without patronage." "I hope te try my fortune in another way," returned Kune, with droll solem nity. " I have lately been accredited with a talent for diplomacy." "Then make it available in the case of our heirship, my dear brother," said Jthc state counseller, under the impulse of a sudden thought, " make a journey te Nonncnberg, seek te exert an iullucnce there, through the exercise of your diplomatic talent. Fer myself I am net sufficiently cold celd cold beooded ; my sympathy with Ceusiu Os wald might lead me te measures that would possibly net be agreeable te you ; that is net te be feared With you." "Geed," broke in Maximilian, "let us send Kune, and let us see what will result from his conference with the Counseller Uergland." " I agree te your proposal," answere'd the young man, " but only en condition of beitur able te disown Cousin Oswald at pleasure ; that is, I am net te be bound te pay him a visit." " That is understood." Yeu are at lib erty te de, and te leave undone, whatever you will," was Maximilian's decision. " Provide me with instructions, but al low me te modify these according te cir cumstances. I will wager te unravel the whole history in a few hours, and te bring te the light of day, whether we are accus ing aud following a phantom in the blend gentleman, or a real living mortal." . "Iude3d,I piomise myself important ad vantages from your embassy," said Maxi miliau, well pleased. " Why net," said utite "counseller "if Kune begins rightly? Skillful diplomats often succeed in producing war, in spite of all the signs of peace, and iu concluding peace, in the face of threatening prepara tions for war ; in this instance I would gladly see sce latter result." The matter being thus settled, Kune von Haidek, within a few days, set out en his journey te Nenncnbcrg, where he arrived in due time. The betrothal between the counseller and Cletildc had been declared, and, in accordance with the bridegroom's deci sion, the wedding was shortly te fellow. All remained as before, except that Elsie took up her rcsifleuce in the house of bcr future brother-in-law, until the blessing of the church should have been pronounced upon the engagement of her sister. Even ing saw the two families united in the modest home en Walleen street, where concerts were held until the counseller's arrival, when refreshments and conversa tion followed. The llefrath appeared livelier and mero friendly than usual ; a change was gradually taking place in his whole being, similar te the awakening from a deep, heavy slumber. As a feun tain chained by the frost of winter, begins te flew and sparkle with the warm breath of spring, se did hope spring te life in the besom of the quiet taciturn man. Thus far he had given no expression te the emo tions of his soul ; the habit of long morose silence still kept its curb upon his lips, yet his reviving spirit manifested itself by various signs, in themselves apparently trilling, yet of deep significance in reality. In the midst of these happy changes in the family, another letter was receive:! from Oswald, which announced the close of his state-examination. It was a refresh ing letter that the young assessor had penned in an ebullition of youthful enthusi asm. The clends that overhung his sky of life had all disappeared. He should bp able hereafter te pursue his career with honor; the personal sympathy of the minister had elevated him te a stand point that satisfied every ambitious desire et nis soul, and nad placed nis future in a most hopeful light. Thi3 letter showed the father for the first time, what a glow ing spirit bad been held under the govern ment of reason, only awaiting the proper time, te step boldly forth and assert itself. A proud emotion trembled through the father's breast, for thus he would have bad his son, te battle for and conquer victory, te be eased in the armor of his own intellect alone, te ewe te himself the triumph of recognition and eminence. Ter the first time, the llefrath shared with his wife, the delight of gratified ambition, for the first time he allowed this faithful com panion of his life te perceive hew dearly he loved his son en account of the honors his indtistry and his exertions had prepared for them. Then when the outward re jeicings were ever, and euly the reflection ei inward satisfaction, rested upon the brews and Hashed from the eyes of the happy couple, they began te think of pre paring for the dinner with their futuie son-in-law, Counseller Bergman. Hcrr Kune von Haidek. as ambassador ferthVfalfHrjnltrifearcerj' have chosen a mero fertunate time for his journey te Nonnenberg. Shortly after his arrival, he prepared in high spirits, for a visit te Counseller Rergland, chiefly however, te present himself and ask for a conference. Directed te the church-court, he found himself, at midday before the line large mansion, which hail been jminted out te him as the residence of the wealthy advo cate. Heir Kune en Haidek did net linger lenr te observe the exterior of the house, but hastened up the steps, and then glanced round inquiringly. Naturally the insci iptieu en the first deer in the corridor, " ollice " met his eyes, but he doubted, whether he ought te enter that room, under existing circumstances. He had little time for hesitation. A deer was thrown open a faint scream with the exclamation ' Oswald " made him turn quickly toward the sound A charming womanly form in a simple but becoming house-dress appeared in the open deer, licnt ierward aud glanced quickly into Ins face, but iu visible perplexity. "Parden me" shoadded,te her greeting "a resemblance deceived me." Kune gazed at the young lady with an air of great astonishment. 1 ler fresh love ly face, the peculiar glance of licr roguish eyes, and the wonderful symmetry et her lithe veuthful form, enchained his atten tion. "Can I speak with Counseller Rergland." he at length found words te say. "He has uet yet returned home, but we expect him every moment," returned ELsbcth. "May 1 ask permission te await his re turn ?" "Right willingly," replied the young girl politely, stepped back, and gracefully threw open the folding doers of the recep tion room the saloon of the house and with a gesture of invitation begged- the gentleman te be seated. During thus short space of time, Elsbeth observed with much interest the appear ance of the stranger she had at first mis taken for her brother, and he, in turn, had noticed with increasing astonishment the splendor of this room, that through its ele gant appointments had rendered se piquant the charming simplicity in the toilette of the beautiful girl. As Ilerr Kune von Haidek knew neth ing ei tne counsellers' relations, lie sup posed te sce before him a daughter of the house. But that illusion was quickly dispelled, when the young girl, with a naive grace, asked whether he wished te confer with the counseller en business. In that case she would advise him te return again during the appointed business hours ; "for," she added roguishly, " the coun ceun coun seleor is net always amiable when, wearied by professional duties, he is disturbed out side of regular business hours." Kune smiled, " I knew that, but you will still allow me te wait, wheu I assuie you that it is net simply business that brings me here during the hours set apart for visits, but the wish te facilitate and hasten an affair between the counseller and myself by personal representations." At this moment Clotilde, attracted by the sound of voices, stepped through an open side deer. Kune. rose and gazed, greatly struck, at this second noble wom anly presence, who with her dark hair, finely cut features, and tall slender form, presented the ceuntcipart of Elsie. It appeared te him as if an acquaintance were coming te meet him, and yet he could net recall where he had seen her. Still, preserving his presence of mind, he observed, "Have I, perhaps, the honor of seeing the Lady Counseller ?" "Ne, interfered Elsbeth, "only the counseller's betrothed Fraulcin Cletildc Marklin and I am Cletildc's sister." "Marklin !" exclaimed Kune, stroking his forehead in great discomposure; "Then allow me, ladies, te introduce myself as your cousin, Kune von Haidek." A brilliant Hush dyed Cletildc's cheek, but she bowed in silence. Elsbeth, how ever, gave words te her surprise. "What? a cousin t'what a wonderful chance !" she exclaimed doubtingly. " De net call it chance, that I came hither," said Kune, with diplomatic craft. "The intention of becoming acquainted with the family Marklin, that has scorn fully disowned us, led me te this visit, but ignorant of circumstances I could net have expected te find you here. I wished for an accommodation of our affairs through lUIIO.lll '41. .lit. "That seems very sinj'iilar tonic." re plied Elsbeth, pertly. "O, no ! Yen will change your opinion when you knew that your father has re ferred us te the counseller." " My father ?" repeated Cletildc, in ap parent unbelief and reluctance te hear. "Certainly," persisted Kune, "we re ceived the first' information tha. he was still living from a laconic notice, scut by your father, that he would entrust the regulation of his claims as co-heir with us te Counseller Bergland. Are you uet aware of that ?" "We knew nothing whatever of a re lationship with you," said Cletildc gently, but decidedly. " Really net I Your father showed him self se inimically disposed ?" " His experiences might have produced in him such a frame of mind, for my father is a peaceable, yet stern and just man," declared Cletildc. " Then it is also unknown te you that your father is the son of my Aunt Mcta, born von Haidek ?" ' What !" exclaimed Elsbelh in amaze ment, ' Your Annt Mcta was my grand mother ?" The lively, almost passionate, interest she felt in this news flashed se visibly from the soul-speaking eyes of the lovely girl that Kune ventured te beliove that he might continue his revelation. " Quiteright ; your giandmitfcr was my father's sister, and if the pride and felly of my father's eldest brother had net broken the family tie between your father and eurselvep,fhis walk in life might have taken a very different direction. Yeu will therefore be obliged te concede that nndcr these circumstances I may permit myself te greet yen lermaily as cousins. Tn took nMiM'.nnm1.t;nn l,nn,1 n.l raised it reverently te his lips. As he was about te greet Elsbeth in the same man ner the young girl suddenly hid her hands behind her, saying drily. " O, pardon me! I will net allow this kind of greeting -until my father has permitted it. Ifhehashiarea- sons for keeping us in ignorance of bis fam ily relations it is te te presumed that these reasons had weight and are net lightly" tip I de set aside by nis children witaeut further notice from himself. I, at least, will stand by my father te my last drop of bleed if injustice has been done him and if this injustice should impel him te dis own ceusmship with yen ! r or the rest but I hear my father speaking outside ; he seems te have met with the counseller en the way. Shall I prepare him for whom he will find here ?" " Ne," said Kune, deeply touched by the girl's speech, " I will introduce my self te him. Be witness that no trace of enmity has ever existed between us." The sounds, that Elsbeth, with her acuteness of hearing, had rightly divined came nearer, and the voices of two men, in warm discussion, made themselves, dis tinctly audible. A few moments later they entered the ante-room still se warmly en gaged with the theme of their conversa tion that they did net observe the stranger in the reception room nntil.tlicv.stoed di rectly Itefore himl The Hefrathen, whe'had glided along quiet and thoughtful beside the gentlemen was the first te raise her eyes, and from her lips also. escaped the word " Oswald ! '' But she drew back when she had seen Kune's face mero closely. Was net this a proof that the family likeness which the state counseller had already detected could no longer be denied? The counseller cast an inquiiing glance at Clotilde ; she gave him her hand, and signified by a gesture that, an important crisis was at baud. Kune hastened this liy his rash action. He seized the He'fr.Uh's right hand, and said bluntly, " In you I greet our cousin Oswald, and I I am Kune von Haidek. " The llefrath shrank back visibly ; hew ever, he held the young man's baud, gaz ing earnestly into his countenance. The moment was come when his self-command deserted him, when the icy crust of stoi cism, that had se long increased his pain. melted away forever. " Yeu are the little Kune whom J taught; te spin his top? " he said, with a grave tender smile, " you are the Kune who loved dearly te ride en my shoulders, whom I could net swing high enough ? The years have changed you have changed me. The years have equalized much I will make peace with you, for you were in no way te blame for that which banished me from your circle Let us bury the spectres ofthe past in this reunion my geed Kune ! " Strange that, for the llefrath, uone but pleasant, seething memories, favorable for reconciliation, were connected with this scion of the Haidek family. Kune himself felt strangely moved. He was new ashamed of the indilfercnce he had shown, when the tragical destiny of this Cousin Oswald had been the topic. Dis posed te greater cordiality by this repent ance, he succeeded bravely in striking the right chord when he replied te his Cousin Oswald, and at the same time auneunccd himself as a messenger of peace. The counseller tee viewed this visit as an important event, calculated te settle all vexed questions that time might still bring l forth. Especially did he desire te sever the chain of suspicion that seemed te rest upon Oswald Marklin's son. The moment of reunion was, however, net te be spent in explanations. Kune left the house, with the premiso of re turning en the morrow te held a regular conference with the counseller, and with the firm intention of becoming as inti mate with the Marklin family, as bis stay in Nenncnbnrg should render possible The cheerful young man did net as yet clearly comprehend what prompted this intention ; when, at last, her recognized the motive it was tee late. His interest was powerfully excited and his heart in flamed by Elsbeth's loveliness ; but he in dulged little hope that his' wooing would be favorably received. Therefore he con cealed his love, cherishing it quietly, until circumstances should take a favorable turn. He was admirably provided as business agent, the whole realter of settling the in heritance had licen delegated te him. The Hofrath formally reneunccd'his right te the Haidek family-mansion, which could have offered him nene but sorrowful mem ories ; but, for the sake of his children, he agreed te accept an equal share of the gen eral inheritance,, empowering his son Oswald, who still remained in the capital, te conclude all further arrangements. Hitherto the deficit in the mass of the inheritance had net been mentioned, neither the letter found in the dress pocket of the deceased Fran von Haidek. Kune had, indeed, talked the matter ever with the counseller, but he wanted cour age te speak of it with the llefrath. The counseller deliberated as te whether it would be necessary again te disturb the scarcely restored peace of the llefrath; it was his firm conviction that nene ether than Felix Marklin, the blend gentleman, had carried out the imposition, insomuch that the payment of the missing money, had actually taken place. But alas ! there were no proofs te offer, that he had re ceived the packet, which the companion of the deceased lady bad seen in the hands of her mistress a few days previous te his visit. Every thing, alas! that could lie said iu review of this, was confined te sup positions. The counseller had uet yet ventured te bring these suspicions te the knowledge of the courts, he had, se far, waited iu vain for the return of the yenng mail, Felix Marklin but, at length, he determined in concert with Kune von Haidek te delay no longer, but, by giving information, te im pose upon the state prosecutor the duty of collecting proofs that would bring home the deed te its perpetrator. First of all, the Hofrath was te be spared in this busi ness. Kune undertook te bring the re covered letter with him, en a later visit, and te connect with it the development of future measures. Kune had been in Non Nen nenburg for a considerable time, spending part of every day cither in the simple home of the Hofrath, or in the b. attiful parlors of the counseller with the famil y of his cousin. When he returned home te his brothers, he was quite another mau. Te be continued. A fioed Account. Te bum it up, nix Ien years of bed-ridden sickness and suffering, costing fAJOper year, total. $1,2W all et which was stepedly three bottles el Hep Bitter taken by my wife, who has done her own housework ler a year since without the less of a day, and I want every body te knew it ter their benefit." ' jl-iwd&w Jehic Wkkkm, Jtutlcr, N. Y. it Heads tne List Of all ether nronaratienH or medlelneH. In ceses of nausea, headache, dizziness or irregu larities of the system. Burdock Bleed Bitters nave no equal, xney never ran in aiiennnfj immediate relief. Price $1. Koraale at II.B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street. Lancaster. Hepe ea, Heb Kver, Ne mutter wliat tfce aUmcat. nuty borBeania berBeania tlsm, neuralgia, lameness, asthnia, bronchitis -it ether treatment have falled-hepc en lap . ... .- rrimmn' ffctectric Oil. .It Will lib uiimj .". .'"""".n- -'i'r u.i.ai v,.. sole at II. B. Cochran' Drugstore, 13, tenh M.'.. iir.i w..i. .....". ... . IIII11IOUU1U3 relic:. A :.: ku. ' uccn 8tr"H' tanca3ler- MjVBICAL. IKOVKIKS. , u Sour stomach, bad brcatn,lndiicest Ien and headache easily cared by Hep Bitters. f. . j "Study Hep Bitters books, nse the medicine, be wise, healthy and happy. "When life Is a drug, anil yen have lest all hope, try Hep Bitters. H Kidney ami urinary trouble b-universal, and the only safe and sure remedy Is nep Bit ters rely en It." " Hep lilt tcrs docs net cilia nst and destroy, but restores and mekes new." "-rnp. Biliousness, drowsiness. Jaundice, Hep Bitters remove easily." ' !TelI, Pimples, Freckles. Keuh Skin, erup tions, impure bleed. Hep Bitters cure." " lnactlveKIdncysand Urinary Organ cause the worst or discuses, and Hep Bitten cures them all." "Mere health, sunshine and Jey in Hep Kil ters than in all ether renietliea." Hep Bitters MaiiafaftariairCeapaBy, Heehehtcr, 9icw Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. my.VlTdMWrw Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkhare, OP LYNN, MASS., Has Made Ifie Discovery ! Her Vtalilet'omtMHtHHhetavier of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness stored by the use of Be LYDIA K PINKHAMS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its nnmn signifies, con sisU et Vegetable l'repcrtic that tire liarmlcds te the liuwt delicate invalid. Upen ene trial the nieritMel this compound will lie recognized, iu relict in innuedLtte; anil when its u.sels con tinued, in ninety-nine ceses in a hundred, u pcrinuncnt cure is etrectetl, as thousands will testify. On account of ltn proven merit, it i.t te-day recemriiended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of fulling of the uterus, I-eneorrlieoa, irrcgularund pain pain tiiPAfuiistriiutien, all Ovarian Troubles, In flammation and Ulceration, Flooding, all Bis placements and the censeiucut spinal weak ness, mid Is especially adapted te the Cumins or Lite. In tact it lias proved te be the greatest and best remedy that lias ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and gives new lite and vigor. It removes raininess, flat uleney, destroys all craving ter stimulants, anil relieve weakness of the stomach. It cures llliKiting, Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, Uuneral Uebility. Sleeplessness. De pression and Indigestion. That leellnger bear ing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by Us use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act In harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney cemptalnts of cither sex this Compound is unsurpassed. . lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 5 prepared at SB and 2J5 Western Avenue ly mi, Muss. Price 91. Six bottles for la. Sent by mail iu the form el pills, also in the form of lozenges, en receipt et price, per box, for either. M rs. 1'INKIIAM lreely answers all let ters of inquiry. Send ter pamphlet. Address ea above. Mention this paper. Ne family should lie without I.YOIA K PINKIIAM'S MVKIt PI I.LS. Thev euro Cen stipatien, Biliousness and TerpidUy of the iii ver. s cen is per uex. Johnsten, Holleway & Ce., ' fieiieral Agents, Philadelphia. Fer sale bv C. A. Loeher. 9 Kust Kim; street and Cee. XV. Hull, If. West King street. ySMVdcedftw CUTICURA Miracles or Healing Unparalleled in Medical History. Cuticui:.v Kkselvbxt, the great natural bleed pnrlller, aliserhent. renovator and vltallzer, lias shown its grand enrative power In scrof scref iils, vhilCHWcllini;s. ulcers, cfysijicfcis, swelled neck, scrofulous inflammations, mercurial at at Icclieus. old sores, eruption- of the skin, sere eyes and scalp uHci-tinns, with dry, thin and fulling hair; and when the Cvticviia, u Medie in:il .Icily, and the Cliricmcv S.iac, prepared from it, are applied te external symptoms, the cuius ellccteil by the CiiTicuit.i Ukmiuuks are marvelleus. Srrefuiu. ScBOKi'LA. Hen. William Tuy'er, Bosten Slate .Senater of Massachusetts, permanently cured of a humor or the face and sculp that hail lieen treated unsuccessfully for twelve years by many of Husten's best physicians and most neieti siN'ci.tiinis. as wen us KiireiMMii authorities. He says: "I have "been se elufetl with my sticccsslut use of the Ciiticura ileine- dies that I have stepped men in the streets le tell them et my case." RHnnlntr Seres. Kunnine h'euKS. Henry Ijindecker, Hever, N. II.. certilics tliut Aug. , 1877, he broke, his leg. The bone was set by a physician. Upen removing the splints sores broke out from the kiee te the heel. Doctors called them varicose veins, and ordered rubber stockings. Paid - ler stM:kiugs, without any signs et cure. Bought Cuticuka Ukvkmfs and was rapidly and permanently cured. Certified te by l.otliies & I'iiikham, Druggist, Hever, N. 11 Salt Rheum. Salt IIiikhm. ijce. K. Otvcu,deuIeriii pianos II rand Ifapids. Mich., was troubled for nine years with J-alt Itheunu- Tried every medicine known te the trade, ami was attended by many physicians with only temporary teller. Cured by Cuticuiia Kkhkdiks. j Cuticvka Kkmkdies are prepared by WKKKH A POTTKK,t?!iemi.stsuml I rnggisLs,:i Wash ington street. Bosten, ami uru far sain by all Druggists. Price for Cutivjwa, a Medicinal Icily, small boxes, 50 cents; lurge boxes, $1. Cuticuka Ueselvkst. the new Bleed Purl Her. $1 H.r iMiltle. Cuticuiia Mkdicimai. Teilkt Se'Ar, i" cents. Ci-riceit. MsuicimalSmavimm Seap, 1.1 cents; in burs ler Barbers aj.d large consumers. Sit cents. H,All mailed free en receipt of price. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOB CATARRH. One bettle Radical Cure, one- box Catarrhal Seivsnt, ami one Improved 1 abater. Price ler nil, SI. Economical, agreeable, sate and ncvc-fuiling, relieving Instantly and curing permanently, this great combination et medicinal agents offers te the weary sufferer freinevery form et Catarrh, relief and rest. It satisfies every de mand or reason and common sense. It attacks and conquers every phase of catarrhal disease, it. HfrlkiM at the root. clcanMnir the nasal I passages of purulent mutter, te swallow and inhale which mentis destruction, sweetening tin; btcuth, restoring tnc senses ei smeii. umv, and hcnriuK te "' activity, purifying the bleed ercuturrhal vims, mid chi-cklng Its con stitutional ruvuges. Bey it wliths tlwre Is yet 1 Asfc for SAiffOKD's Radical Ccm. Sold and recommended everywlicre. Srul Agents. WfcEKS & POTTEU. Bosten. Cellias' Yeltaic Electric Plaster. One Counts' irotTAie Eucrme Plastx, costing 'Si cents. Is fur sunerier te everv ether electrical application bet ere the public. They instantly relieve Dyspepsia, I.lver Complaint. Maluriiu Fever and Auiic. and Kldnev mil Urinary Difficulties, and, may be worn ever the pit et the stemaclu ever the kiduevs, or any affected part. Price 2 cents. SeMeVery where.