tmnjfagtefi 'h Volume XYn-:Na- 232. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY, MAY 31. 1881 Prfet Tw Ccata. m HlagiliitcUujcnccr CUMKTH1MG NEW! ilCJS? TI1READ UNDERSHIRTS, FEATHER-WEIGHT DRAWERS. SUSPENDERS, AT ERISMAN'S, tTIIE SHIRTMAKER, NO. SO NORTH OCKfcN STREET, SMITHING, &C. Last Saturday we had at times mere customer than we could wait en promptly in spite el our extra lerce et salesmen, and as a result the sales were very gratifying, and we hope every body went away satisfied. Our oblig ing patrons Indulged us geed naturcd Jy waiting when every salesman was busy, and in turn we did our utmost te please. It the coining Saturday is fair we shall liave another rush, and let it come, we will be ready with goods enough. Our salesmen feel such confi dence in the stock of CLOTHING we have provided that they agree te find SOMETHING that shall both Sat isfy veur taste and fitly adorn your person. If it is Just as convenient, how ever, come earlier in the week. liut come anyway and at any time, for our business is te supply all with Clothing who call for it. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, ONE-PRICE HOUSE, 36-38 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. S1 1'KINO erKNINti H. OERHART'S New TaMi EstalM, Ne. 6 East Kins Street. 1 have just completed fitting up one of the Finest Tailoring Establishment te be found in this state, anil am new prepared te show my customers a stock of goods for the SPRING TRADE, which for quality, style and variety of Patterns has never been equaled in this city. I will keep and sell no goods which I cannot recommend te my customers, no matter hew low in price. All goods warranted as represented, and prices as low as the lowest, at Ne. 6 East King Street, Next Doer te the New Yerk Stere. H. GERHART. N KW STOCK Or CLOTH1NO FOB SPRING 1881, D. B. Hostetter & Sen's, Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Having made unusual efforts te bring before the public a fine, stylish and well made stock et READMABE CLOTHING, we are new prepared te show them one et the most carefully selected stocks of clothing in this city, at the Lewest Cash Prices. MEN'S, BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING! IN GREAT VARIETY. Piece Goods et the Most Stylish Designs and at prices within the reach et all. 49-Uive us a call . 0. B. Hostetter & Seu, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 6-lyd LANCASTER. PA. HOTELS. "OW OPJSN-SPKECHKK HOUSE, ON iy Europcen plan. Dining Reems ter Ladies and Gentlemen. Entrance at Ne. 27 North Duke street. Clam and Turtle Soup, Lebster Salad, Oysters in Every Style and all the Delicacies et the Season. Wc solicit the patronage et the public. may7-tid MISHXRR HOVSK, (formerly Clarenden.) 113 and 115 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET ( below Chestnut), PHILADELPHIA, Pa. On the European plan. Meals at all hours, at moderate rates. Reems, 60c., 75c. and SI. per day. Hetel open all night. ' ABEL M1S11LER & CO., Prep's, Formerly of the Mishler Heuse, Reading, Pa. Habbt Stbwabt, Supt, Formerly of the St. Clair, Atlantic Cit ml2-3md TIEHOTAL. XL N. LEWIN, M. D., has removed his office lrem 247 West King street te Ne. 11 Seuth Prince street. Office hours from 7 te 9 a. m. nnd from 1 te 3 and 6 te 9 e.m. aprl43md . DMt s CMHEB GOODS. AT JOHN WANAMAKER'S, PHILADELPHIA. DKESS GOOLvS. Our dress goods have been most heavily drawn upon new for three months, and et course many sort are gOnO altogether, snch as could net be replaced, iln.t the stock is still very heavy, kept se by con tinual buying. Why, we sell almost our whale stock every month la the active time. The quickest store isn't iithe one te find the best things in? . JOHN WANA MAKER. Nine counters, Thirteenth street entrance. BLACK DRESS GOODS. A shift gives ns a little mere room for 'grenadines grenadines plain and figured. The plain are few and the figured many; but which most need room is a question. All black goods are together in a very small space ; an uncommon stock tee. JOHN WANAMAKER. Next-outer circle. Chestnut street entrance. LADIES' BUTTONS : Pearl, metal, beaded and plain breche. jet, stcel-pelut, ivory, horn; buttons from 5 cents te $8.50. JOHN WANAMAKER. Fourth circle, northeast from centre. TTANDKERCHIEFS XX are moved. We have about everything in silk and linen handkerchiefs ; nothing in cotton or cotton, mixed never keep them. JOHN WANAMAKER. Outer circle, west from Chestnut-street en trance. BLACK BEADED NET, eight varieties. S cents te $1.50. b JOHN WANAMAKER. Second circle, southwest from centre. 111ES L of Breton net and point d' AJencen, our own make; couldn't sell at CO vents if we bought. Embroidered mull ties, by accident, at 75 cents, that we have been paying 75 cents for, and shaU again. jQnjf WANAMA KEB First circle, southwest from centre. ANTIQUE TIDIES under a dollar at about three-quarters our own prices Jately WANAMAKI;U. First circle, southwest from centre. LADIES' COLLARS. Twe new cellars; embroidery and 'point if Alencen, SO cents ; Swiss reversing, 18 cents. Out of our own factory. .,,..-.. JOHN WANAMAKER. First circle, west from centre. JOHN WANAMAKER, Thirteenth, Market and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. fAUUB M. MASKS. rUBN A. CHABXES. :0. LANE 4& CO. ALL KINDS -OF; Dry Goods Offered at Great Bargains, AT THE OLD RELIABLE STAND, Ne. 24 East King Street. SILK DEPARTMENT. Special Inducements in Black and Colored Silks. The general DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT constantly being added U and prices murkert down te promote quick sales. ... ..,., KOURNINU GOODS DEPARTMENT complete in all its details. CARPETIXGS.QUEENSWAKEAND GLASSWAItB. in immense variety aud at very I ew Prices DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT unsurpassed in iiuantifrjr and quality, and goods in all the departments guaranteed te be wliat they are sold for. j$SCall and see us. JACOB M. MARKS, JOHN A. G IYLKR, BOWJBKS & HUKST! Ne. 25 BAST KING STREET. lerchant Tailoring Department HAVING BOUGHT A VER FINE L.OT OF COATINGS AND SUITINGS, At about hall their valtte, we are enabled te offer rare bargains in this Department. It you want a Flue Dress Suit, come and see us. It you want a Geed Business Suit, come and see us. It you want a Geed Pair et Pantaloons, come and sec us. Come nnd see us, and w.c will save you money. Come aud see us, as we arc satisfied we can suit you and give you satisfaction. We have also Men's Gauze Underwear, in all Sizes and Qnalities. Beady-Made White Dress Shirts, Guaranteed te fit, Made of best muslins aud linens, complete, Fer 91.00. :e:- GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST, 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. IXOlf RITTJSRS. TOON 1UTTKKS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIO. IRON BITTERS are highly recommended ter all diseases requiring a certain and efti clcnt tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life te the nerves. It acts like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Feed, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iren Preparation that will net Dlacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Boek, 32 pp. et useful and amusing reading sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, m-lydAw BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at OOHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. MILLINERY. SrBING 1881 FINE MILLINERY GOODS. THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES FOB HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS AND HIBBOk Alse, the Latest Spring Styles of DRESS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS AND FRINGES, at M. A. HOUGITOFS CHEAP STOEE, Ne, 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, OOODB. OUMMKK GOODS. FOR 'SLACK TRAVELING DRESSES ; pbiin and plaid nnn's veiling. 25 cents te $2; nrniures. 75 cents te $1.25: and cords. 75 cents te $1.25. JOHN WANAMAKEB. Next -outer circle, Chestnut street entrance. US. SEASIDE limiting, all-wool ana 40 inches wide, 37 cants, and that's a rare price. JOHN WANAMAKER. Nexfceuter circle, Chestnut street entrance. CURTAINS. ' Scotch, nettingham, madras, tambour. Brussels curtains. $1.50 te $.8. The variety of each sort is very large. JOHN WANAMAKER. .Northwest Gallery. I ACES. j Our lace quarter bus been tee crowded ter it long time. A tenth counter added te-day. lately occupied by handkerchiefs. JOHN WANAMAKER. Ten counters, southwest from centre. UNTRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS. The new Pelka shape is among the por cupines at 30 cents : all colors. JOHN WANAMAKER. Outer circle, northeast from centre. RIBBONS. Seft serge ribbons, 5-incb, 40 cents ; mentioned Saturday; came Monday; going fast; but there were 12.000 yards of them. JOHN WANAMAKER. Thirteenth-street entrance, outer circle. BEGUN EMBROIDERIES ter summer leisure, en linen, felt, cloth and plush. Outline designs are in especial favor new ; applique also ; both arc easy work. JOHN WANAMAKER. Centre of all the circles. LACE BREAKFAST CAPS and old ladii-v c.ips.COc. te $3 ; haven't had them before. JOHN WANAMAKER. Third circle, south from centre. HANDKERCHIEFS. HAND-IIEM-stitched, ii n Ian ndried, at i cents. Many knew tbcm here. NEW HENRIETTAS. Twe makes of silk warp henriettas are uncommonly satisfactory; one is of an ex treme Jet black for deepest mourning; the ether, with a very faint trace et blue, would commonly be considered black. 87 cents te $2. JOHN WANAMAKER. Next-outer circle. Chestnut street entrance. JOHN B. KOTB. CHARLES, JOHN B. ROTH. pi 1VLKK, BOTVEKS & HUKST! fKON BITTERS. SURE APPETISER. OPENING 1881 Lancaster intelligence?. TUESDAY EVENING, HAY 31, 1881. The Lecal Tobacco Market. An Active Trade Seme Purchases and Prices Given Prospect or the New crop. Although a few tobacco packing firms have finished their purchases of 1880 leaf, and have closed np their warehouses, a large majority of them are still busily en gaged in both packing and purchasing. A very large amount of leaf was received last week, the receipts en Saturday being es pecially heavy, some of the buyers taking in from J0,000 te 100,000 pounds. Hay & Smith are credited with having bought during the past week in the country lying between Quarry ville and Oxford sixty tens of leaf, and a well informed correspondent writing from that section states that if the trade remains as active for the two next weeks as it was last week the crop will be all lifted. Following arc a few of the sales reported : Skiles & Fry have bought from the ad ministrators of Cyrus Moere, of Drumerc, 2 acres at 8, 4 and 2 ; and from C. M. Hes3 2 acres at 8, 4 and 2 ; Jehn Ilildebrand has neught Wm Kunkle's 1 aero in julenat 10, 4 and 2 ; and James Ferry, in Celcrain, at 10, 5 and 3; Fritz k Martin have bought B. Morrison's 2 acres in Colerain at 9, 4 and 2 ; Heffman & Sens purchased in Colerain Alex Fergusons 2 acres at G round and Wm Fergusen's 1 acre at 6, 4 and 2 ; and from Mr. Zahm near Kit k weed 1 acre at 4 round. Jehn Dellaren has bought largely around Russclville and the average has been about as fellows : from Jacob H. Beeks 2 acres at 6, 3 and 2 ; Thes Ressi acres at -7 and 2. Jeseph i!iCKiin, ei Drumore sold en Tuesday ele ven cases which he just finished packiug en that day for 10, 7 and 4 te Bushman of iiosten. Jacob Kunklc has sold three acres te E. H. Kauft'mau at 15, 0, 5 ; it was raised en the Nat Myers farm at Drumerc Cen tre. Samuel McClenegan has sold his en tire crop at Chestnut Level te Bushman, who cased it en the premises ; it made 26 cases and brought 11, 5, 3. Isaac Mont gomery, of Eden, sold five acres te Sehner & Krider for 14, 5, 3, aud James Ment gemery sold three acres te the same. Rob Reb ert Sampson, of Kirkwood, sold te Wit mcr, at Christiana, four acres at 12, 5, 3, and 10, 4, 2. The following crops were sold te Mr. Radcliffe, agent for Oppcn hcimcr : In Colerain, II. M. Cellins, six acres at 1G, 5, 3 ; I. B. Myers, four acres at 12, 3, 2 ; J. Comly Maule, one acre at 8, 4, 2 ; B. G. Herr, five acres en private terms, supposed te be 52 through, and Jes. Ecklin, one acre private. Frem Upper Oxford, Chester county : Luke Gilbert, two acres at 8, 3, 2 ;' E. Reyburn, two acres at 13, 4, 2 ; I. N. Kecne, one acre at 9 round ; Fritz &. Martin have bought Rebert Patterson's crop of four acres in Celcrain at private prices. In the extreme lower end of Lancaster county and the adjoining townships of Chester county, many of the farmers be came discouraged because the buyers were se slew in coming around, and offered such low prices when they finally did put put in an appearance. It is said the acre age in that section will in consequence be considerably decreased the coining season. The fact appears te be that while fine tobacco can be grown among the Octoraro hills seme of the farmers pay tee little attention te the careful handling of it. Our Marietta correspondent writes that Messrs. Greve & Cellins, of that borough, received at their warehouse during the past two weeks 175,000 peuuds of to bacco, and have bought, te be yet de livered about 100,000 pounds, notably one let of about 50 cases grown en the Stick ler farm, near Columbia, by Jacob Stener. The receipts at the warehouses of Messrs. Boek & Jacobs, and Helfman & Ueuscal, of Maytown, were large during the past week, as were also the receipts at ware houses in ether sections of the ceuuty. The New riant. Comparatively little has been done as yet towards setting out plants for the coming crop, the dry weather being against it. Besides, in some sections there .are complaints of a scarcity of geed plants, owing te the depredations of an insect, heretofore unknown. We hear of ene grower whose entire plant bed has been eaten up by this new -pest, .while ethers have suffered seriously from the same cause. It is believed, however, there will net en the whole be any scarcity of plants, as a much larger quantity of seed was sewn than during any previous year. AH that is new wanted is wet weather te forward their growth and en able the farmers te set them out. The ground has been well prepared for them, and if no untoward circumstance prevent, as large an acreage and probably a larger one will be planted than ever before. Oat ei Its Uele. It is a gratifying sign of the times te see the Tobacco Jeurnal,el New Yerk, safe ly emerge from the " hole " in which it has se long been struggling. Fer week after week and month after month, it be wailed the felly of the tobacco buyers, and cursed alternately the cupidity and stupid ity of the growers. It assured the buyers that every mother's son of them who in vested in '79 Pennsylvania at the prices they were paying would go te the demnitien bowwows ; that the crop was se unprecedentcdly large that it could never be lifted, net even at prices one-half less than the idiots, feels and lunatics were paying for it Iu the crop of 1880 the Journal could sec nothing but white vein and "holes ;" in fact it re garded all Pennsylvania ene great ilea-hole,- of which Lancaster county was the deepest part. Our tobacco was se terribly riddled with flea holes that it would be fit for nothing but coal screens or mesquite bars. But all this is new changed. The Journal having get its head above the sur face, leeks around and sees that '79 tobac co is very scarce and very .desirable ; that the dealers, jebDcrs ana manufacturers are crying for it, and willing te pay any price for it, without stepping te inquire whether it is Pennsylvania, Connecticut or "Jersey" leaf ; that the wicked agri cultural depaitmcnt at Washington has been deceiving the country all the while by ever-estimating the quantity of tobacco grown, especially m isi'J ana leau, ana that maybe after all we are en the threshold of a tobacco famine ! The Journal is net yet quite prepared te endorse the views of its Lancaster correspondent that the pin holes in the. crop of 18S0 arc closing up, but maybe, after it gets the "opaque gum " from its eyes, it may be able te see even this marvelous manifestation of na ture first brought te the knowledge of the weld by its. own brilliant correspon dent. Great is the Journal, and Hammer stein is its prophet ! Kecent Sales. C. L.BrubakerteYeller & Bre., 8, 4, 2, Warwick township ; Moses Martin te Spraugley, 13, 6, 3, Earl township ; Jacob M. Shultz, 10, .4, 2, East Lampeter; B. H. Walker te DeHaven, 10. 5, 2. Chester county ;E. Jenes te DeHaven 9, 4, 2, Chester county ; Mr. Kuhns te DeHaven, 14, 2, Fulton township ; Abraham Huber te McGlecn, 16, 5, 3, Providence township; Jehn Fisher te Yeller & Bre., 14, 5, Lampeter township; Jehn McCanna te Shirk, en private terms, Chester county ; Andrew X. Stener te Ardent & Fringant, 13, 0, 3, Ceney town ship ; Jehn B. Swigart te Ardent & Frin gant, 10, 3, West Denegal ; Israel Lip Lip peld te Hilke, 1G, 6, 3, Warwick town ship ; J. H. Hutten te DeHaven, 8J, 5, 2, Fulton township ; Jehn Hart te Fatman, 13, 7, 5, 3, Martic township ; Elias Fisher te Chas. Becker, 16, 4, Bird-in-Hand. The West Chester Lecal Neu says : Within a few days past the following per sons have sold their tobacco : Bernard M. Lynch, Londonderry, sold his crop of 1,550 pounds te E. P. Yeager, agent for E. S. Kendig & Ce., of Lancaster, for 9, 3 and 2 cents per pound; Eauner B. Jefferis, esq., te same parties at same prices ; 3Ir. Kerns, miller, te the same for 11, 4 and 2 cents. Mr. Large, of Highland town ship, sold te the same person a half-ten at 9, 3 and 2 cents ; Dr. It. L. McCIellan, of Cecnranville, sold 1,900 pounds at about the same prices ; Emmer JefTeris, 2,200 pounds at the same prices. The Linmcan Society. The society met en Saturday afternoon, May 28th, in the ante-room of the museum. Prof. Stahr iu the chair aud Dr. Davis secretary. After the organization the following donations were made te the museum and library : Museum. A fine specimen of the "Garter Snake," (Eutixnia sertalia,) was donated by Master James Muuseu, of the Lancaster high school. This reptile was preserved in al cohel and was iu fine condition. The ge nus Eukenia belongs te the family C'olu C'elu bridai, and contains several species in the United States, all of which are longitudi nally striped and perfectly harmless. They vary iu size from twelve te thirty six inches In length, aud arc amongst the most common of our local Reftilia. Four small specimens of granite from the old mill of Washington, at Mount Vernen, Virginia, were donated by a friend. An oblong, spindle-shaped hen's egg was donated by Mr. ilitncr, ei North CJueen street. This is only another of these many malformations of tire eggs of domestic fowls, which arc constantly eccuring ow ing te local causes, perhaps largely inci dental te domestication. Library. Five numbers of the '19th volume of the Official Patent Office Gazette were received from the United States department of the interior. A digest of the decisions of the United States patent office for 1SS0, from the same. Aids te public libraries from the same. Twe large volumes of reports en public libraries, also from department of the in terier. Ijaneaster Farmer for May, 1881. Twe octave catalogues of scientific and historical works, and a number of circu lars, &c. A communication from the commis sioner of the department of the interior, relating te the Library Journal, published annually. Historical. Twe envelopes containing 22 historical and biographical selections, many of them of a local character. l'apers Kead. Mrs. Zcll read an interesting paper en the " Hellebore Family. " Deferred Uuslness. The chairman of the committee appoint ed at a former meeting te examine the proceedings and compile lists of all the members and correspondents who have been elected te the Linmcan society from its organization te the present time, dates of their election and their residence at the time they were elected, se far as known, made a report iu accordance with said in structions, which was en motion received and the chairman authorized, if practic able, te have them published for the in formation of the public. The committee, also appointed at a for mer meeting te have shelving put up for the accommodation of our increasing li brary, and the large accession te our bo tanical collection, reported the work done and presented bills, whic'i, en motion, were ordered te be paid. The treasurer reported $5 paid te the Academy of Natural Sciences for its pro ceedings for the year 1880, which was ap proved. Mr. Wm. II. Bullar, of Marietta, was balloted for and was unanimously elected an active member of the society. Mr. Brinten, formerly elected, presented himself and was duly identified as an active member. Science Oussip. The meeting was somewhat larger th in the usual average, but happening in the busiest season of the most active members, there was little of special interest brought before it, still there was ample opportunity for scientific gossip, through which it be came manifest that the Linnrean society needs at least three things te facilitate its material dovclepemcnt. It needs mere much mere space, for the expansion and proper display of its collections (it is ab solutely cramped for room). It needs a larger working force of realli active members, who arc blessed with abundant leisure and a will te work Above all, it needs au endowment fund, in order te carry into practical effect the two former needs. Seeing that it is ut terly impossible for men te take their wealth out of this world, and the criminal use that is often made of it, after they are removed beyond its control, it seems a wonder that net mere is done in that di rection. Adjourned te Saturday, June 25, 1881. A NEW rOET. Discovered In Drumore." Fer the Intblligexcer. The following rhythmatical production was found- in Fairfield in the ' 'lower end," for Fairfield beasts two ends, although it is behind Uffleman's house which had a " middle end." It was found tossed around hither and thither, by the summer breeze, as lightly as if it were a common piece of paper unincumbered by its erudite lead, but was fortunately snatched from the playful and inapprcciativc breeze, and ten derly laid in the hands of veur most bless cM correspondent, whose name shall go down te posterity with its undimming brightness rivaled only by the name of the poet whose production your scribe lays at the feet of an expectant public, honored as the name of the one who rescued and pre served the " fugitive " that only the ether name could write. But there is trouble. It is net known who wrote it. Your scribe has the origi nal MS., which he will be happy te show te any one interested in such things, aud will lend considerable time and a large ex perience in that line, and a natural apti tude for fixing upon someone such an immortality as this, hunting a name. Oh, why arc authors se foolish thet they write thus anonymously and send lleating through the air of our literary world sueh creations as the ene spoken of, "Gil Bias," " Arabian Nights" and "Beauti ful Snow," leaving their origin a source of the Nile, or a subject for everlasting contention among the literati ? It can be seen upon perusal that the subject of the following poem is Jehn Leng. Net at all a poetical name is plain Jehn Lern;, although Jeka Leng aa a per sonage may teem with poesy's blossom. It will be observed, tee, that Jehn is a flopper, and that the questions aimed at him, a public man of oearse he is a pub lic man should have preapt and satis factory answers. Next the words : eh Johnny Leng, I am surprised te sea Yeu are getting into bad company : Yeu have left the path treaden by the swine. And traveling en the read: with Levi Bovine. Johnny, have you forgettea three yean age ? new, entnusiasuc ana witn nearcagiew. Yen pleaded MeMaUen reformation will bring By defeating Sensenig and the Bull Ring ?" Johnny dear, can yen tell me wby se seen The hogs te you .nave lest their sweet per fume? Why your old friend MeMallen must be set aside. And his place by Levi Sensenig be supplied T Hew affectionately the author speaks of "Johnny dear?" Frem the context one would infer that Johnny is a politician of the Lancaster county Republican breed, and the idea of ene of that drove being "dear," is an idea certainly original with the poet, and is assuredly a most hyper bolical example of modern poetic license. This poem was written before the recent primary, ever which some of our so se called " better thinking Republicans " say they are sick, bnt the only tonic that cures our Republicans is Republicanism. They say, periodically, that it makes them sick, but they turn te it again " as the deg te his vomit." New, in conclusion, it is your scribe's opinion that "Johnny dear " ewes your scribe a goodly amount of thanks for giving him this opportunity for explaining his platform ; and that this great unknown poet should sing an ever lasting song te the praise of the one who has thus started him en the tramp of fame and forever love, honor and protect Drumore. Ue te 11. B. Coehran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street, for Mrs. Freeman's New Na tional Dyes. Fer brightness and durability et eoler,arc uncqualcd. Celer from 9 te 5 pounds. Directions in English and German. . Price. 15 cents. It Heads tbe tut Of all ether preparations or medicines. In cases of nausea, headache, dizziness or irregu larities or the system, Burdock Bleed Bitters have no equal. They never fail in affording immediate rclier. Price SI. Fer sale at H. B. .Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street. .Lancaster. Hepe en, Hepe Ever, Ne matter what the ailment may be. rheuma tism, neuralgia. lameness, asthma, bronchitis iLether treatment have failed hope en ! go at once ler Themas' Eclectric Oil. It will secure you immediate relief. Price $1. Fer sale at 41. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. CAXYMTB. r BEAT BARGAINS IU VAKiMSTS, I claim te have the Largest and Finest Stock ei CARPETS In this City. Brussels and Tapestry CARPETS Three-ply, Extra Super. Super, All Weel, Hall wool and Part Weel Ingrains : from the best te the cheapest as low as 25c. per yard. All the FINEST AND CHOICE PATTERNS that ever can be seen in this city. I also have a Large and Fine Stock et my own make Chain and Sag Carpets, AS LOW AS 36c. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDER at short notice. Satisfaction gnarenteed. ayNe trouble te show goods If you de net wish te purchase. I earnestly solicit a call. H. 3. SHIRE, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER PA. (AKl'KTS, &V. NEW CARPETS 40,000 YARDS. Mew Designs, Beaatifally Colored. SO cents. 0 cents. 85 cents.: 9u cent. 91.00. $1.00. $1.10.: $1.20. IN GRAINS n 5 cents. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS WILTON AND MOQUETTES, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, LIONUMSi cents, cents, cents. I GOOD VALUE I AT 1 ALL PRICES. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Street, :il-lydeed&2twJ PHILADELPHIA. ftARPETS, COAX., c. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY,' Ne. ISO SOUTH WATER STREET, Lakeastzr, Pa., V, ell-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES. COVERLETS, BLANKETS. CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS ASPEC1ALTX. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed cither in the piece or in Garments; alae.all kinds of silks. Ribbons, Feathers and woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlcmcn's Coats, Overcoats, Pants. Vests, 4c. Dyed or Scoured; also, Indigo Blue Dyeing done. AU orders or goods left with us will rccciv prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. coal. Ceal bt the best quality put np expressly let family use, and at the lowest market, rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD ISO tOUTH WATER STREET. S-lvdRSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON X CO COAX. B. U. XABTIK, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. 49" Yard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets abeve Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd C0H0 & WILEY, SSO NORTEC WATER ST., LanemsUr, rm., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AUD GOAL.. Connection, WltB the Telepnenle Excbaage. Branch Office: Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. ieMWrd G U TO RELLLY & KELLER GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers and ethers in want et Superior MaSSS fwUltedtt te their advantage te call. Yard, Harrisburg Pike. . Office. 2e East Chestnut street i ag!7-tt JUT 0OOBB. N XT UOOB TO vrnvwrt mevam. FAHNESTOCK! We would inTlte particular atteBtkm te on en on large stock et handsome BLACK SILKS. Persons In search of these goods would de well te see our Steele belere parchasUg. . Summer Dress Goods In Large Assortment, in all the NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. One Let of Deuble Width Cashmeres at tsyi cents, extra cheap. All the New Styles in "WHITE GOODS All at our Usual Lew Price?. HEADQUARTERS FOR Ladies', Gents' and Children's Gauze Under wear, all sizes and Lew Prices. Ladies' White Embroidered .and Tacked Skirts S0c. up. Chemises. Nhrht Dresses. Ac. Infanta' Embroidered Dresses 50c. up. SUMMER HOSIERY In Quantities. Ladies', Genta( and Children's away down in price. Polite attention shown te all. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te Court Beaam, M JSTZUKB, BAKU HAUGHMAN AT THEIR NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, (ADLER'S ULD STAND), Are SeUing Great Quantities of BARGAINS FROM AUCTION IN Black and Colored Silks, BLACK CASHMERES, PLAIN AND LACE STRIPED BUNTINGS. The Handsomest Assortment et Dnsa Ging hams and Lawns In the city. Special Cheap Leta In Victeria Lawns at 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 31c. 37c. India Lawns in All Qualities. CORDED PIQUE, LACE STRIPED WRITE GOODS. cHXAr CARPETS AND MATTINGS FROM AUCTION. HOSIERY In Large Quantities for Everybody, at letzger, Bara & Mgini's NEW OHBAP STORB, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET. J. B. MARTIN CO. SPRING GOODS. NEW DRESS GINGHAMS NEW LAWNS AND PERCALES, NEWBUNTINGS. SILKS AND CASHMERES. OPENING NEW LINE OF Sm lb ud Pansels, GAUZE UNDERWEAR, NEW HOSIERY, GOSSAMER RUBBER CLOTHING, Fer Ladles, Gents and Children. We arc offering the BEST THREE BUTTON KID GLOVE In Black and Celers, at Every Pair warranted. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. We nave the sole agency for the PEARL SHIRT. THE BEST 1.0e SHIRT IN THE CITY. J. B. MARTIN & CO. ! Cor. W. King and Prima Struts, LANCASTER. PA.