LANCASTEEcl)AHYf IN3mUGE(N(?jBMDAir'.Ml3rf 2?. 1881. LITTLE LOCALS. - Here and There and Everywhere. Yeu can get a railroad ticket te Gettys burg and return, see Garfield and' the Dec oration day ceremonies and come back any time this season for &345. This morning k'liorse attached - te it wagon belonging te, Leenard Schmidt, cabinetmaker,'' waft UsMgtidrrVca' 'down West King street, near Prince, the wagon being piled full of farnitere. illy the jolt jelt iug of the wagon ever the rough read-bed a chair fell from the wagon and struck the horse upon the bckfMgbteflJB jhim and causing him ten-nrr-iwrfy.In front of ltethwei'er's hotel tlu runaway team came in collisieii with a horse and wagon be longing teHi C.s Smith, veterinary sur geon, breaking a shaft of Mr. Smith's wagon ami slightly injuring the horse. Mr. Schmidt's horse was stepped by run ning against a p'jst in front of Quane s butcher shop. lie sustained little or no damage. The handsomest commencement invita tions yet .seen in these parts are these is sued by the senior class of Franklin & MarshaH. -They are in old English illumi nated text, and the design, by Tiflauy, is as unique :is il is elegant mil classical 1 eking. Samuel II. Trimble's barn, in East eshcu, Chester county, with its contents has been burned ; a calf also perishing in the flames. Fer the $10,000 which the school beaid wanted te, borrow at 4 per cent, payable in one or ten years, prope-als for $11, 000 wcic received and the finance committee as awarded $.1,000 at 4 per ceut pnniiim and $5,000 at : per cent premium. Yesterday Charles Ilellmcier, son of A. L. HeffmdMsUiitcd tthe country, with a lead of fifi iritirrc. On teaching 'Hich ville, Maner township, his horse played out and he was obliged te remain there all night. ITis absence alaimed his father, who late at night accompanied by a ft iuud Stalled in search of him, and this morning (tee. Hodmeicr also started te the country iu search of the missing ones. By taking dillereut reads the parties missed each ether. Mr. Ileflmrier get home first, Charlie next and fJcerge lietilit up the rear. Upper End Items. Lit it. Rceeid, Condensed. .Mrs. .Salhida Heck, wife of Edward Heck, of llcthlelierahe died pit Thursday was a resident, oil Lititz about? twenty years agp and her parents, SuTnnef and Anna TJucli tcr. are new living in Ilnthsvillc. Mr. Jacob Gnntz, residing at Pine Hill, Warwick township, has died from lockjaw occasioned by a wetting, which he get while plowing. IFc was 57 years old, leaves a widow ami four children. At midnight en Tuesday the tear of Isaac Keath's house iu Ilrunnervillc took lite and in a little while the one and a half story resilience was in ashes. A cook stove in the outbuilding hail set lire te the weed-work. Less ?1, 800 ;$ 1,400 insurance in the IVnu township company. A line Bulleck. A Duiham bullock, bred iu Kentucky and fed and fattened by IJeuj. L. Landis, a well-known stock-raiser of this county, was paraded thieugh the streets this morning and attracted much attention by reason et his immense size, line proportions and healthy appearance. He has been purchased by Edward Trisslcr, butcher, of this city, and will be slaughtered at the Black Herse hotel en North Queen street, en Whitsuntide. The weight of the bul lock is said te be 3,015 pounds. He will be exhibited for a week at tlie Black Herse hotel. ' Decoration Iuy. The cemmittee of arrangements and their lady friends met at Grant Hall last evening ami covered with evergreen a large number of cresses, aucheis, &c. Anether apical is made for tlewers, which seem te be very scarW." . Societies intending te participate in the parade en Decoration day are expected te lie in line promptly, as the parade will move at 1 :30 p. m. sharp. Court. Cemt adjourned yesterday afternoon and will meet again te-morrow morning at ! o'clock when the licenses will be taken up. Among thecivses te be'hcard is that el'SaniuerA. Grofl:whe;is an applicant, for hotel license for ttib'saloen known as the " Snapper Bex. " There a remonstrance against thePiocnse which was get up by Levi Senseriig. Beth sides ' have been biking depositions ; Greffliat seventy live pages of testimony and Sensenig twenty. lcatli of a Premising Yeung Alan. In our obituary column will be found the death notice of Jeseph TV. Dehncr, ofTJliz efTJliz ofTJliz ahctlitewn. Mr. Dehncr was about S0 cars of age.aud was a son of Jehn Dehner, tan ner. Fer a number of years he has been a clerk in the Farmers Uankref Elizabeth town. He was a ntan Of excellent habits and hail many friends. Fer several years past he has been subject, te heart, disease. ' i . ? ' , . - ' ', i ii ' ' 1eivt,tir tlatinry lng ? Ttifii gctuboltlceri'.lnl Rllleri, which is an unfailing restorer et song and a cure let all dlM'a-e.s of cage-birds, it your Urnggi-tdees net ln'cpit.erwlll net gi't it ler jmi, Pen.! a piwtat cim I te tin; Bird Feed (.'emp.uiy, Si7 Federal street, Camden, V. .L, ami they ill jmi1 that yen are .supplied. Pi ice, 2s cents iuar2.:-3uid&w City Ulll rosters. Orsen & llciiiel.eily bill pester uml dis tributors. Office iNTEI.l.lOKM'KIt hllillling. Ne. (! Seuth ieen strwt. i t -J ittlLtilAlHSON & ttUXVVAl. , Their Kupidly (iron Ins and MicreMind ltns- UlCHX. People- walking along the flrst square el East.kingsttvclcannel luil te lie impressed by the evidences of business uctitf itynnil pros perity tluit 11 glance into the crowded store loom et Messrs. Williamson & Fester will dis close. Any evening in the week, ami in the day time loe, the commodious room will le found thronged u llli cmLeiners and tin; large and efficient corps ei salesmen "up te their eye.s" in work. The growth el this house has been a vindication or the enterprise by which its trade Ills been governed ever since It, modest Mart five or ix years age, and silica its inception its history lias been one of pro gress lvcn ess. Messrs. Williamson & Fester have made il upelnt te supply ttu; varied need et a jfntiun:iu'.SviUliL and uny-el nnivuuue readers pe &dfr-thctr spacious) amli-wJL'll-stoeltwlestnlrtisAiment.Ae. IK KatRingslrect, will be sure te liudalarge iissertucut lrem which te make fcleclieiu -Each -department U complete. In gentlemen's, liu'iiishing goods the latest novelties arc always cxliibited upon their counters; their supply of underwear of everygrade and always found equal te the continued heavy demands maile upon! it; hals and caps constitute :i leading branch 1 et tlielr trade, and the assortment of "head gear" displayed will present something cer tain te accommodate the wants of all; while; branch of their trade, Is a very iireinlslnjj and! pi-ospcreus one. Tlie proprietors have secured; a 11 rat-class chtterlreui New Terlc,nnd their! stock of piece goods is replete with the latest styles ami most attractive -designs. In short,! Messrs. Williamson A Fester liav signilied their Intention et keeping abreast of the Utiles' and their One Prlcj establishment, Ne. 26 East! Kingsy-ectUre become ;ii headquarters fort gentlemen's cniteni, :thcre tnlt dcMing' amc courteous attention may always be looked tort with entire cmrndence. j A dellgliflril sliaiVis possible only with tlie Cutlcuru Sluiving Seap. ' . Night sweats, cengh" emaciation and declincj prevented by Malt Hitters. nrcviAt, yvrivtis. , Don't Vie In tbe Ilduse. Ask druggists ter "Rough en Rats." It clears ent rats, mice, bed-bugs, reaches, ver min, files, ants, Insects. 15c per boy. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS- OlIHHEK GUODS. -AT- JOHN WANAMAKER'S, PHILADELPHIA.' ' . DKESS GOODS. I Our dress goods liave been incst heavily drawn upon new for three months, and et course many sorts are gene Altogether, such as could net be replaced, iiut the stock is stil very heavy, kept se by continual buying. Why, we sell almost enr iwhole stock every month in the active time. The quickest store Isn't It the one. te And the best things In V ' JOHN WANAMAKKlt. Nine counters, Thirteenth street entrance. BLACK DUKSS GOODS. A shift gives us a little mere room for iri chadlncs grenadines plain and fluured. The plain aie few and the tlgureil many; but which most need room is a question. All black goods are together In a very small space ; au uncommon slockteo. JOHN WANAMAKKlt. Next-outer circle. Chestnut street entrance. LA lUES"' BUTTONS: " 1'earJ, metal, -tieaded and plain breclie, jet, steel-point. Ivery, horn; buttons fietn 5 cents te S 50. JOHN WANAMAKElt. Fourth circle, uertlieast from centre. HANDKERCHIEFS uic mevt;1. Wehavenueut everything in silk and linen handkerchiefs; nothing In cotton or cel ten mixed never keep ttuau. JOHN AVANAJIAKKK. Outer circle, west from Chestnut-street en trance. m - IkLACK KKADKD NET, 13 eiglit varielie-., l cents te $1.50. JOHN WANAMAKElt. Second circle, southwest treiu centre. 11IES . el Breton uet uml point it' Aleneen, out own make: couldn't sell at cents It we bought. Embroidered mull ties, by accident, at7.'i cents, that we !me been paying 7.". cents ter, ami r.hull again. JOHN WANAMAKElt. First circle, south est treiu centre. ANTIQIJU TIDIES hr.der a dollar at about tliiec-quarters our own nrices lately. JOHN WANAMAKElt. First circle, south wexfflieui centre." r A DIES' COLLARS. j Twe new' cellars; embroidery and point, d' Aleneen, 50 cents; Swiss leversmg, Is cents. Out of ttiir own iaclery. ' JOHN WANAMAKElt. Fust circle, west lieni ceiitn. JOHN WANAMAKER, Thirteenth, Market and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA.' LMSII1NG TACKLE. FLINN & WILLSON. HEADQUAKTKKS FOR FISHING TACKLE. Largest and Finest Assortment ever etTcred 111 the city. Jointed, Reds feein IB cents up. Reels at all prices; Braided Silk Lines, Raw Silk Lines. Oiled Silk Lines,- Linen J.lnes, hettgrass Lines, Llnc- from lie. up. Sneed. HeOks for Bess, -1 lie Best in the Market. Artificial Bail. All Sizes of Ferules and Reel Bands for Parties Making Beds, &c -:e:- NO. 152 NOllTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. 1; ANCASTKU WATCHES. EDW. J. Manufacliiring Jeweler, WE INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR LAKUB'STOCK OF ' LANCASTER AND AMERICAN WATCHES, ' FRENCH AND AMERICAN CLOCKS. Solid Silver and SUrcr-L'Iated Ware in Spoons,. Ferks, Knives, Casters, ice. ' J r s We offer te our patrons advantage whleli arc nirely combined in One establishment, be-C.111-.C ue have a cemiilete Jtl ANUIMCTUKINtl DKl'AKTAIKNT iu connection with our retail business .and are making a large pat t et the goods w sell. This enables us te be sure of oual eual II v, te sell at the lowest prices, and gives us 1Ii-kI-cI:ls l.icilitlt-s Ter WATCH WORK and ,EN KRAL REPAIRINti. EDV. J. ZAHM, Hfciimractnring Jewelcr, inai-JI-eind& w R jail.I.ISEKV Sl-KSNO OI'KNINti f 01 1S81 FINE MILLINERY .GOOPS. THE FINEST tiOODS, LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICKS F6lt " HATS, BONNETS, FLOU, FEATHERS Ai HffiBONS. Al-e, I he LatehtSprillgSlyleserDRKSSTRlllMINOS, BUTTONS AND FRINGES, at K. A. I0U&HT0FS CJEDEA STOKE,'-' Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Thousands of ladies te-day cheiish gmlefiil remembmnces of the help dcilved liein the uc of Lydia E. Pinkli:nns Vegetiiblu Com pound. It positively eurns all lemale com plaints. Send te Mrs. Lydia E. l'inkham, '2Xi Western Avenne, Lynn, Mass., ler pamphlet. Te l'erseus About te Marry. " Te crsens about te mai ry," Douglass Jer Jer reld's advice -was "don't ;"' we supplement by saying, without laying in a supply el Spring Khwein, v hicli cures ulbuminaiiaaiid ether kidnuyand bluddcreemplalnts. Trice .70 cents. Fer sale at H. II. Cochran's I)mg Ster',' 137 Neiihtiiieen street. VarleusCauscs Advancing years, cure, sickness, disappoint ment, and hereditary predisposition allnjier atc te turn the li-ilr gray, and either of them Inclines il te shed permanently. Aykk's Haik V10011 ill restere faded or gray, light or red hair te a rich brown or deep black, us may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It removes uml cures danijrull'und humors. By its use falling lialr is checked, and a new growth will be pro duced, in all cases whe the follicles are net de stroyed or the glands decayed. Its effects arc beautifully shown en biashy, 'weak or sickly lialr, en which a few applications will produce the gloss and freshness of youth. Harmless and sure In its operation, it is incomparable as a pressing, and is especially valned fetttae sett lustre and riehncss of tone it imparts.' ltcoii ltceii t lins neither oil nor dye, nmf wilt net soil or color white cambric; yet it lasts long en the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous. Fer sale by all dealers. w57-lwt".eed4w Save lour Italr Keep it Iteautiful. The " Londen lialr Celer Kcstercr" Is the most dcllgiitlnl article ever introduced te the American people and is totally different lrem all ether Hair RestererS,bcIng entirely 'free j lrem all impure ingredients that render many ether articles for the hair obnoxious. Where baldness or falling of the hair xfst3, or prenui- ture grdyness.'frenr sickness or' ether causes, ; its use -will restore the natural youthful color,! and cause a healthy 'growth, cleansing the scalp from all Impurities dandruff, etc., at the same time a most pleasing-' and lasting ImirJ dressing, fragrantly perfumed, rendering it! son anil pliable, making it an indispensable' arucie in every toilet. Ask your druggist for Londen Hair Celer Restorer. Price 75 cents a bottle. Six bottles, l. Main depot ler the United States, 330 North Sixth street, Philadel phia. mll-lydTThAFAw ,S' DHHEB GOODS. I Tj-OU BLACK TRAVELING DUES3ES ; I r plain and plaid nun's veiling. 25 cents te $2; nrmure.s, 75 cents te 91.23; and cords, 75 cents te L2S. JOHN WANAMAKKlt. Next-outer circle, Chestnut street entrance. US. SEASIDE . buntiiur. all-wool anil 40 inches wide. 37M cents, and that's a rare price. JOHN WTANAMAKER. Next-outer circle, Cliestnut street entrance. "1URTAINS. j Scotch, nettingham, madras, tambour, brussels curtains, 91.50 te 9 8. The variety of each sort is very large. JOHN WANAMAKElt, Northwest Gallery. I ACES. ' j Our lace quarter has been tee crowded ter a long time. A tenth counter dded te-day lately occupied by handkerchiefs. JOHN WANAMAKElt. Ten counters, southwest from centre. UNTRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS. The new Pelka shape is among the por cupines at 30 cents ; all colors. JOHN WANAMAKKlt. Outer circle, northeast from centre. IJIIIBONS. XX Sett serge ribttens, 51nch, 4ff cants ; mentioned Saturday; ciw Monday; going lust; but thurc were 12.000 yards of them. JOHN WANAMAKElt. Thirteenth street entrance, outer circle. )K(iUN EMBROIDERIES I) ler summer leisure, en linen, telt, cloth and plush. Outline designs ure in especial laver new ; applique also : betli an; easy work. JOHN WANAHAkKR. Ucntrc of all the circles. 1ACK BREAKFAST CAPS j and old ladies' caps.tiOc. te $ I ; haven't had them hernia. JOHN WANAMAKER. Third circle, south from centre. IT ANDKKKCH1KFS. 11 AN D-H EM IX .stitched, uiilauudried, at 25 cents. Many knew them here. NEW HENRIMl'TAS. Twe makes of silk warp hcuriettas are uncommonly satistactery; 0110 is et an ex treme jet black ter deepest mourning; the ether, with averj' faint trace et blue, would commonly be considered black. 87 cents te 92. ! JOHN WANAMAKhR. Next-outer cliele, Chestnut stieet entrance. F ISIIING TACKI.K. AIKKICAN WATCHKS. ZAHM, Zahm's -Cerner, Lancaster, Pa. Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa. 1881 Ciist-lreu Fellows. Men et endurance have healthy klndeys and liver. Ne aches in the back, no piles or con stipation. The cure for thee diseases is Kidney-eort. This gre-it remedy keeps up the tone of the whole body by enabling tlje liver. hpwcU and kidneys te 1M-rlerm their func tions perfectly. Beth the liquid and dry arc sold by druggists. Pioneer I'rcts. t- . ' my2Uwd&v Visible Improvement. Mr. Neah Bates, Elmlra, N. Y., writes: " About tour weeks age I had an attack of bil ious fever, and never tally recovered. My di gestive organs were weakened anil 1 would !e completely prostrated ler days. Aller using two bottles at yonr.Bnrdeetc Bleed Bitters the improvement whp sb fisiliie that J was aston ished. I cart new. tnengh ill years of age, de a l.iir ami reasonable day's work. Frleetl. Fer sale at 11. 15. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen strccL 1 " Uenefacten. When a beard of eminent physicians and chemists announced the discovery tjiat by combining some well known valuulil -remedies, the most wenderftiPmeillclne was "iro "ire luccdj wldclr K9tdd cure eh n wide range of diseases that most all ether remedies could be dispensed wltlbiany( VereJ sceptical 4 but' proof et its mcrtts'bY aetaa) tfial has dlfpelled all doubt, and te-day the discoverers of that great medicine. ilep.Biltcrs, arc honored and blessed by all as benefactors. mylO-tlwilAw ' , L MEATUS. Deii.Nik In, Klicitoetbteim,' Jeseph U. Doli Deli ncr. x ' r - Funeral from his late residenect en Monday altcrnoen at 2 o'clock. 2td WLITIVAI' Fer County Commissiener: Fl'.ANK CLARK, of Strasburg .township. Subject te the choice et the Democratic cenn, ty convention. unrC-dAwtp ADAM p.. tIHTIcn. of' Maner .township. Subject' te the decision et trie Democratic ratic county convention. HENRY F. HARTMAN (Lime Burner), el East Lampeter township; Subject te the choice of the Democnitlece'unti cbnVentlen.; ', ' apr2-dJtwJp MARTIN HILDEBRANT, of Mennt Jey Borough. Subject te the decision of tteDena ecrauc county convenuen. apis-ajrwtp . JEBE MOHLEK, EphraU. Subject te the decision of the Democratic county 'convent tien. aprll-dftwtp Fer Ceaaty Aadlter: JOHN S. BKOWN, of Drnmerc township. Subject te Democratic rules. . nr27-d$wtp j ' ' t " JOHN L. LIGHTsNER', of Leececk t'ew'nship. Subject te the decision or the Democratic ceuntv convention. aprlS-tfd&w NEW AVVEHflSEMENTS. PUBLIC 8ALK OF HODSKHOLD AND kitchen furniture, te-morrow (SATUR DAY) afternoon at 1 o'clock, at Ne. 214 .BAST FULTON Street. JACOB UUNDAKEK, ltd Auctioneer. rKACCO GROWERS BEFORK IT IS tee late Insure your crops against Hall damages in the Penn'a Mutual Bail Insurance Ce. BAUSMAN ft BURNS. Agents, Office IU Weat Orange street. my26-3tdRACtwR C1ANI3KR KAUICALLY AND PAKMAl j uently cured by a remedy composed et a great variety tit herbs in the form of a salve. A. B. MILLER. Herb Cancer Docter, Ne. 14 Conestoga street', Lancaster, 1'a. Send for certlncates of cure. ltdJtaw OUILUINU LOTS FOK BALK. ' The nnderslgned offers for sale en weekly or monthly payments. Building Lets at a very low price en long time. These lets are situ ated en Duke, Lime, Frederick Shippcn and New streets. A geed chance for men who wish te have their own homes. Try It, yen'll never regret it. Applv te A. V. RUSSEL, or ALLAN HKRR'S Real Estate office. Ne. 3 North Duke street. may27-lmdMWF PUBLIC SALK UK CANADA HORSES ON MONDAY, MAY 0. 1881, will De 'sold at Kublic sale, at J. D. Denlinger's Merrimac euse, 115 Nqrth Frlnce street, Lancaster city. Pa., the tollewlug, te wit: Sixteen head or Choice Heavy Canada Merses. They will ail be heavy ami well-boned, and must be, in all resitccts, as represented by tbe undersigned or no sale. A credit of 60 days will be given. Sale te commence at o'clock p.m. en said day, when terms will be mads known by GEORGE GROSSMAN. Samuel Muss & Sen, Auctioneers mtlit S! FECIAL NOTICE FOR THE SEASON I Yen can have FURNITURE REPAIRED N1SIIED ! AND KKVAR- CHAIRS RE-CANED, RE-PAINTED AND VARNISHED I OLD MATTRESSES MADE NEW ! OVER LIKE OLD FRAMES! IE-GILDED AT MODERATE PRICES ! ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE RE-COVERED AND UPHOLSTERED IN FIRST CLASS MANNER! ' AT- Walter A. Heraitsli's Furniture and Picture Frame Reems, 15) EAST KIN STREET, auS-umd Over China Hall UUY OOOVS. OIJASONAULK GOODS. - , WATT, SHAHD& CO. Are new showing an Immense Stock et New Styles In Dress Ginghams & Lawns, LACE AND PLAIN BUNTINGS, SUMMER DRESS GOODS, SUMMER SILKS, VICTORIA LAWNS. INDIA LINENS, CAMBRICS AND PIQUES, Ladies', Gents' and Children's GAUZE UNDERWEAR AND SUMMER HOSIERY, lit all sizes and qualities .at Lewest Prices. Regular Made Hosiery a Specialty. J ust open ed a Choice Line el PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES In Natural Stick, Hern and Walrus Handles. SCOTCH GINGHAM PARASOLS, PLAIN SILK PARASOLS, TWILLED SILK PARASOLS, BROCADE SILK PARASOLS, LACE TRIMMED PARASOLS. Parasols te suit everybody at the NEW YORK STORE, 8 & IO EAST KINO STREET. f- ENTS' WEAK I BOYS' WEAR I . - i Invite an examination of Goods for Spring and Summer W ear, of which they are eileriajr a Large AssertmenMn the Latest Styles sad Fabrics. t ' J 1 v 1 WORSTED hUITINGS. - JT5 ? ' ' ' CHEVIOT SUITINGS, CASSIMKRE UU1TINGS, FLANNEL SUITINGS, ' BOYS SUITINGS. MADE UP CLOTHING, all of which they are selling at the lowest rul ing price. GENTS' AND BOYS' GAUZE UNDERWEAR, All sizes and qualities, from 23c. up. We In vite special attention te the Feather Weight Drawers ter Gents. A very superior and com fortable article for Summer Wear. IIAGER & BROTHER. H AGER & BROTHER Are receiving Hits day and selllng'at very1 low prices New Lines BTa6k Silis(n New lines Colored Silks. flew Lines Summer Silks. ' i i FRENCH GRENADINES NUN'S VEILING, PLAIN AND LACE tfUNTINGS ' FRENCHICASHMERSS AND SHUDAS. 1 , FRENCH MOMIE AND FOULE. OltBS -GOODS, At 12J aiuTlS eenti ltyl assortment, Aetna! vatu-S3 center Afee, - 1 Mill American Lawns, . . r 1 it it 1 1 j Figured Satins, Scotch and Demes-' tic Dress ainffhams,, : DOTTED AND F1G0MD SWISS MULvL, INDIA LAWN, CHECK NAINZOOK. Vi CTORIAL AVNS, P1QUK WELTS, AND OTHER WASH GOODS. , , Ladles' and Children's , GAUZE UNDERWEAR, Hosiery, Lisle and Kid Gloves, Lace Goods, Ac. We Invite examination. 1 f 1 i r I fi i HAGER& BROTHER, Ne. 25'Veat khg Street, I LANCASTER, PA. um Bime XEW ADTEMTJSEMEtlTS. A NNOUNCSKCNT EXTRAORDINARY POR LANCASTEfe, PA, A SPLENDEb'THING TO BE DONE INTHBOTPY. Solid Geld Watclies te be given te the people ', .roe; Solid Silver Watclies te be given te the people free. Real Diamond Rings te be given te the people free. Geld Band China Tea Sets, 53 pieces each, te 00 given 10 me people tree. Large and Elegant Oil Paintings te be given 1 te the people Jree.- Elegant pieces et Silverware te be given te the people free. And thousands et ether elegant articles te be given te the people tree, at CRAWFORD & CO.'S -GRAND- DOLLAR BOOK SALE. NOW OPEN . At the Lurgu mid Klerrtint Stere, .Ne. 28 East King Street, AND EVERY DAY AND EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, WHEN Forty Thousand Beeks EVERY DESCRIPTION, THE FINEST THE WORLD EVER SA W, WILL RE OFFERED FOR SALE. FOR ONE DOLLAR EAGI, A Present Given Free With Every Boek Sold. The presents varying In value np te a Solid Geld Watch, valued from 475 te UM each. New, bear in mind, that liargains in Beeks never before known 'In the history et the Reek Trade will be ettered te all the people. TWO DOLLAR BOOKS! TUPVf TMiT.T.A I RnilVfi f llliuju vvuuiih mnrTMtj In fact, the flnest literature in the wnrld,will Imj sold ter the simple sum et One Dellar Each Boek. Take your choice ; you will get a present free with every book. And let It be distinctly understood that the giving away et the above presents will be in accordance with the judg ment and discretion of the appointed agent for the sale of these books In this city. Ne Kurtialitv will be shown, and all presents will e given away without regard te age, sex or rank. NOW LET ALL THE PEOPLE COME, and witness the Grandest Display of Reeks ever seen in Lancaster, and the most tremen dous bargains In whole sets et boobs, y every author. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS, HISTORIES, BIOGRAPHIES, ' BIBLES, . ALBUMS, DICTIONARIES, &C. AND A PRKSKNT FRSU WITH CVKRY ' ' PURCIIASK. A STATEMENT : Our sale et books In the month et December, In the city of Philadelphia, amounted te the vast nnmlMsr et l(jO,0UO, and during that month we gave te book buyers 1ST. Geld Watehcx, 213 Silver Watches, 23! real Diamond Rings, 418 Solid Geld and Amethyst Rings, 7. elegant Geld Band China Tea Sets, 340 large and ele Kant Oil Paintings, and thousands et ether ele gant articles ON E WITH EVERY BOOK. ' THOS. CRAWFORD ft CO.. Ne. in Knst King Street, Lancaster, Pa. A C AKD ! We, Thes. Crawford A Ce.. Ne. 23 East King etreet, Lancaster, Pa., would state te the peo ple et this city that in Introducing our gigan tic book sale here, we sliall treat the people as ? generously as in the cilyef l'hlludelptiiu, oller eller ng the people THE FINEST LITERATURE T1IK WORLD EVER SAW, ' V ; 1 and showering presents upon the people as last as they buy the books we otter. Thes. Crawford A Ce., Ot the Ureat Boek Stere, r.l North nth Street, Philadelphia, and Ne. 26 E. King Street, LANCASTER, VA. m3S-3td TIIfiD EDITIOIT. FBTJDAT EVZHINO. HAY 27. 1881. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, May 27. Fer the Middle states and tbe lower lake regions, warmer and fair weather, south te west winds, and stationary or slowly falling barometer. ,1 THE SENATORIAL STRUGGLE. Counting the Noses as Albany Deth Sides Confident. Albany, Slay 27. The CoeUiBgitesaro still fighting strenuously for a caacas, and declare emphatically that the fate of the party in this state rests upon, such action. Te go into the election for senators Without first holding a caucus, they say, reduces the party te a mob with no head,no tail, no organization. It will break it up hopelessly and necessitate a reerganiza tien wmcii lias required years te perfect. Their argument is that the Republican party of this state ewes all it is te the machinery-it has new in existence, and te break it is te turn the state ever te the Democracy for many years te come. The usual recess till Monday night will be taken by the Legislature and the Cenk, lingites hope in the interval te effect the object they have in view by securing the requisite number of signers te the call. Owing te the absence, en account of sickness, of J. S. Carpenter, of Dtrtcbess county, there are only 103 Republican legislators. These are said te be divided into 47 for Ceukliug and 47 against him, leaving 11 doubtful. A majority of the 105 is 5e, and the Cenklingites need six mere te make that majority. It is said they will get these and call the canons for Monday night. Then if the adminis- tratienists will net go into the caucus will net make the 53 .84 in the election--they will have te take the responsibility of turning against the party of the statej and the Cenklingites will have te devote themselves te breaking the deadlock. I low this is te be done it is tee seen new te indicate. The usual resolution for a recess te Monday eveniug. was offered in the Assem bly, but at the request of Speaker Sharpe it was laid aside, as he said there ought te be some consultation before action. At 11:30 the resolution was called "up again and Mr. Raines suggested that it wenld be better te adjourn te Tuesday morning. Spcaker Sharpe said that would require a concurrent resolution and the Senate has already objected te such a reselu tien. ' Mr.Niles moved te amend' by adjourn ing till te-morrow morning. This was voted down and the resolution te adjourn te Monday evening was adopted. It is un derstood that the IIouse will then meet, and immediately adjourn till next morn ing. The Latest Coent. The latest account shows that of the lKTRepublicans in the Legislature, the Cenklinites have 55 and tlielantis 50. This gives the Cenklingites the right te call a caucus, or would eive them the right if they had 55 signatures te their call, but tl)cy have net the signatvres. They count several birds in the bush asde'their oppen cms. owing te the refusal of several mem bers te sign their paper. Conkling and Arthur will Icave the city te day for New Yerk, where the conferences will be continued. Their friends insist that everything- will be settled before Monday next. There is evidently a better feeling among the stalwarts this morning than there was yesterday, while the antis are by no means despondent. Several petitions were presented in the. Senate this morning from various towns and counties against the re-election of Conkling and Piatt. Mr. Mills presented a petition of citizens of Oneida county ask ing for the re-election of the ex-senators ; also a petition from the same county call ing upon the Legislature te sustain the administration. A remonstrance was pre sented from business men of New Yerk' city against the re-election of Conkling and Piatt. KEN. UUl'LElfSNEI'llKW. Sentenced te be Hanged In Colerado. Denver, Cel., May 27. This morning's News says that W. II. Cauty, who is sen tenced te hang at Colerado Springs, June 17, for the murder at Buena Vista last April of Deputy Marshal Perkins, is a nephew of Ben. Butler and tliat his right name is William II. Salisbury, of Salisbury, Massachusetts He was forced te leave home en account of recklessness and went te California, made a fortune in gambling and saloon business, but afterwards lest all. He came te California three years age. Since the murder his friends have been doing! everything te save him.' Massachusetts I lawyers are here working 111 his behalf. OBITUARY. Anether Attache of the "Ledger" Dead. Philadelphia, May 27. Wm. N. Deane, general superintendent of the Ledger, died suddenly this morning at the age of 72 years.. Mr, Deane was one of the best known men in journalism in this city. He was the founder of the Tritn seript, the first penny paper in Philadel phia, which was ultimately merged into the Ledger. 31AKKETH. "Jew Tera Market. N w YeRE.Muy ST. Plenr State and Western shade stronger, moderately active; Superfine State l(H4 7i; extra de 4 8JQ.r,00; choice de t. 10.V25 : tunev de $.13u675: round hoop Ohie 5 ai5S0: choice de f5 CO 8675; snpurttlif western 4 0034 75; common te geed ex tra de ifi OOgr. A ; choice de $5 Xt&fi 73 ; choice white wheat de, at f5 25g(i ". Southern scarce and li rm ; coiiimeu te fair extra, 5 2U9 5 IS : geed te choice de JS 7U(7 75. Wheat feverish ,unsettletl, and prices y,Q4i lower; Ne. 1 White, May, $1 235; de July 1 23 ; Ne. 2 Red, May, $1 25'ifi)$l 9 ; de J unc, $121.1 25H; de July, $1 2tl 24;de Aug., $1 lOiil 211. Cern lniMhT.ilely active; Mixed western Oats a sluule easier ; State, 4U.VI; Western rhlladelphia Market. fuiLAUBLraiA, May 27. Kleur market strong with fair demand ; superfine, lit f.t 25fJ3 75 ; extra $4 00i4 25 : Ohie and Indiana family 5 50C 25; Penmi. family $5 25 65 37 ; St, Leuis famUy 10 tegc Se ; Minnesota Extra j 252.6 00 : destrulgbt, $6 00fi 50 ; winter patent C 25J7 25 ; sptlng de Sfi CU7 50. Rye float at$5S0. Wheat market easier; Ne. 2 West ern Red, $1 24W: Delaware, Penn'a Red and de Amber, 91 2401.25. Cern dull and weak for local use ; steamer, 5G57 ; yellow, COc ; mixed, GOc. Oats dull and lower; Ne. 1 White 5ic; Ne. 2,de5Q$51c; Ne. 3, de AiiQ'.Oc; Ne. 2, Mixed 48c. Rye Urm at $1 W. Previsions qnict: mess perk $17 50 18; Iteef hams, t23 0OQ25 00 ; Indian . uijgg beef 12250. Bacen smoked slienlders, (c: salt de CfiiMc; smoked luuus 11312c; pickled hams 'jUQIOc Lard easier ; city kettlellc ; loose batchers' 10c ; prime steam, $11 1ft, Butter market quiet and easier, mera ollor ellor oller ing ; Creamerv extra Pennsylvania at 2741 28c ; Western, 25Q2U ; de geed te choice 22 24c; Bradford county and New Yerk extra. 2324c. . Rolls dull ; .Pennsylvania and Western 98 E'ggs flrmcr and light supply Pennsylvania l.r4lCc; Western 1415Kc. - Cheese dnll and weak; New" Yerk lull cream 10ie)c; Western full ereuB,!ifi9c; fair te geed, 8Q8Vc ; de halrsklnrs, '&& ; vuiiiauiuissuns, oqec. r Petrelenm steady: rellncd TKc Whiskv steadv nt SI (. a : Seeds Geed te prime Clever, negieeted-r Timetby Jobbing at fl 100$ It; Op de flaxseed nAtntnnl i O. fi'f Live Stock Markets. i CmcAao.-Uess-ReoeIits.24;oWfcal; 'ship ments, 4.000 head ; marxct fafrlr active, and prices 10c. lower ; packers and shippers active at a decline ; peer te gced mixed packing; 5tt5; light, $5 70 0; choice heavy t49 C 35 ; culls $5 20. a. 408 beadshlpaeBts. 4,660 treC7 and active mad We higher ; all sold Mr,a-..i.niV, m.TS;"-' "" 0LTII MMr . ' .... w .- . . uir ev. sneep-iceceipts, ljm bead; market steadv and te prime shorn 110340: riirte koe!iWo2i-' e.US i 50ti a ; ehelw. SO ; all selSTmarket East LinsKTY-Cattle Receipts, 2,049 head of through; no arrivals for tbe Tarda t snvnrr only ialr ; business very dnil : best. aklpDtair grades. ss6 30 ; fair te geed butchers' grades. 4 7SQ6 : common te light stun. 44J4 6J ; stock ers and feeders, $3 50Q4 ; bells, cows and stags, S3 9094 se ; sales te-day only 73 head. IIgs Receipts, 1,100 head; Philadelphia. S8 35et 45 ; Yorkers, S3 9006 10. ' eucep Receipts, J.ju neatt; market very aadlOQiSc lower than yesterday. r 1 " SMcKSiarmaK. New Yerk, Philadelphia aad Lesal ttteeks also United States Bends reported dally by Jacob B. Loxe. N. E. Cor. Centre Square. Msw Yebx STOCKS. Stocks Irregular. May 57. ajl r. m. r ib .im ate Meaey.... Del Lack, a, Western 1271? 127!I19 .ueiaware. . iinasen Canal ie 111 Denver X JUe iirunde M .....W7J Hannibal St- Jee st 82U Lake Shere ft Mich. Southern.. 131 1332 132 Manhattan Elevated.. :&':, ! Michigan Central.w; ll: 114 lis Missouri, Kansas a Texas 5l4 tote 49 ni i.,uikk criL's nni.... )y, m: i sew juraiy cenirui N. Y., Ontario A Western. I"- JUVj w& Mew ,ierk central WyU H2&y lsi'i ise M 01110 at MlSSSS&tppI raeltic Mull Steamship Ce.... St. Joints & Iren Mt Sutro Tunnel Union Pucttlc Wabash, St. l.nuis.t i'acille v.i . SMJfc M 074 &4 kp a P7jl 531 rrelcrred. Western Union Tel 12s" 9X JHlI.AnBLPUlA. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania R. IE. Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation Buffalo, Pitts. ft Western. A.r Northern Central :....-.... Northern l'atl tic....' " Prelerrud ilestenvllle Philadelphia ft Erie tewauiiien Mining IfielTKD STATISt ItO.VOS. f U nited Stutes 4 per cents 4M " ni4 " NoenOuolaiiousoi the ralu Market KSimWhed by .laenn it. Leng, Commtsslen Breker. Cattle Receipt smppmg 75ffl(;75: peer temem.s5aSS jaiSHS5-59? Texan$e5Si1S r hm m : vibbi urm mmnnrnMrn uuwuns nmuK will cujeage erth Western 132K 131JJ 131 Chicago .MIL a St. Paul ....... lH72 1K Canada Southern . s 78K 77 C. C. A I. C. R. R. saw ii Att. """" Ma7ta BK 9i ?; il'.; 'Jsk & .... ia)i g zik a? sX Wi M'H ytii, 442 )i Ui S5 84 S3 11 21 21 A 40 P.M. 10 JLaOy aalPfc ..UM. CuicAoe. Cash. June. July. Wheat l.ll $1.11 I.124 Cern.' xs.yx .42i .435.? Oats .-3S4 31 .38J2 Nkw Yekk. Cash. Wleat l.27 . 2BX W.215. Cern.; 59 .51 $w. Oats ..... PniLADStraiA. Wheat 1.25 i.2lj I.2IJ4 Cern . .57 ..Wi Oats se .nyt My. Baltimekk. Wheat Lffi 1.24i 1.21Ji Cern a) .5U .51 Oats WANTS. WANTED.-MKN TO QUABKV AND also te break ballast by the yard, ln ln ln qoire at the Quarry at Klnzcr's Station. 2td WANTED A GOOD COOK. Al'rLYAT uilS-ttd faTANTKD. TUUEK YOUNO LAD1KS TT as Saleswomen. Apply this ariernoen at CRAWFORD A CO.'S ltd Ne: 28 East King street.. VE7-ANTKD-COACII TKIMMEKS AND TV I'ainten. Apply te 1). A. A1.TICK A SONS. m27-3bl 42 & U West Orange street. w ANTkD BUYS TO LKAKN WOOD- working, blncksnilthingind painting. Apply at ni27-2til AUKUEl'K A MILET'S. Cor. Duke and Vine Streets. MJSVELLANJCOUS. EOKSALK TUKKK ONUNTOKY VRAM K Houses, with geed roeN, which are te be removed. Will be sold cheap it applied ter srfen at C. A. BITNER'S WAREHOUSE, rey26-2td Ilarrlsburg Pike. TUST OFKNKDr Holten's Cheap Cash Cirerery, SOI Cor. West King and Mulberry Streets. Enll line of goods Tresh lrem the city. Mol Mel ten is selling sngursnt Philadelphia ReNner'g lrlccs, and being bound te build up trade bb goeils are all marked lower than niivene el-M-can or dare mijII. Cull and see bis stiMk and learn his prices. ni2iVlwd R EAD THIS! L.vxcAsrKK. Pa.. Anrll 28. 1881. XJIK AIUnKVl'UUA Jllf II uuxrAHT. , Geuti It gives me iniieh pleasure ie say after using one pack el K1DNEYCURA I have been entirely cured of a seven; pain in my back and Mile, or long standing, and that, tee, alter tiying various known remedies. 1 Imve every confidence Iu your medicine, cheerfully recommend il.uiidkuew tliatuiany of inv trieuds who have used it liavu bjeu Ijencflled. PETER BAKER, mailyd . Eerenian Eaamiiier aim Express. F Olt TOWACCO. ABOUT 200 BUSHSLS or ' HICKORY WOOD ASHES, AND FIVE OR SIX LOADS OP "" STABLE MAISURi;. , ; ,PP'y.atthc EAGI.E3POKEWORKS Hl NORTit UVKKTi MTKKkT. rmW-Ud ASTJCIVU JtlCtVK ADVJUtTMHXMXm. Jt STIMCII 1IKOS.' ADVrKTI.SKENT. LANCASTER BAZAAR, Vi J2ASX KING STREET,. Ajreuo'aliewiagnneor tluuKlnest Si A,' Selee-V liens or MILLINERV EVERbllOWN IN LANCASTER. ' Trimmed and U 11 trimmed Hats in great variety. Parasols cheaper than ever. Trimmed Silk I'urasels $1.44. Flowers and Fcsdhers in all and OmUra'e.A slmihs. Plain 1 '. ' r H'i RfTRRHMR ' A i H In Silk and Surah, Plain and ilndirale. . GLOVES. Fine Real Lisle Ulevcs, reariT'epi5 KlastlcsJ 20c. a pair. Fine LMe. 4 Elastics, 25c. a pair. ' Fine I.Me, Leng Lace TopsBe. u pair. Ladies', Gents7 aDd Children's Umirj ; acd Quderwiar. ' We-have a new CORSET which We sell at 4e. lit is the best ever seen for tbe price. TRLMMLNQSANDLAOES '' irf GREAT' VARIETV. rlROPUSALS WJLfllB'KEClSlvlii vr it.Mendayaej)a,June'5 fcJ. the jtaklag; down et the eM stone church bnildlBg of St. Mary's, en Vine street: also lerithe excava excava tle and tbe general contract ler eacielBgr - roeniig In or tnc vropesou new. Dowuagen same site ter w separate bWs- wUl Orphanage and Schools :atae nnnrate- btes-wui ue receii received for-the bricks. brick work, carpenter work. -lumber. mui werkUmc. sand, slate and tin work, naintini' ASKHBBOTHK and banlwan. Plans and speelBcatipns can, be seen between 7 and Op. m.. at the ' pastoral residence adjoining St. Mary's church, where also proposals may be' It-It. The right Is re served et rejecting all bids net satistactery. u2l,2SAjc4-3ta