LAKCASTEtt' DAILJ3ftElllGENCEK, fcRIDAY MAY 20. 1881. .ancastet I-ntelligencet. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 20, 1881. BILL? TAYLOK. IWc arc Indebted te the kindness. of Mr. William Philadelphia, for tnc follow ing copy or the verges en Billy Tayler, as they appeared in a magazine published in Philadel phia sixty yearn age. The current version which we printed euic weeks age, is quite in accurate Eds. Int. Killy Tayler vas a brisk young teller, Full en mirth and full en glee ; And his mind lie did diskiver Te a lady fair and tree. Four ami twenty brisk young fellers, Dreat they vas in rich array. They kirn ami they seized Billy Tayler Prest he vas and sent te sea. ills true love she followed alter Under the name of Richard Car.: And her hands were all bedaubed With the nasty pitch and tar. An engagement came en the very next morn ing ; . Held she lit among the rest; TJicviud aside did blew her jacket And disklvercd her lily-vlte breast. The c.tptaln vas hcvery hincU a sailor. Says 'e " Vat vind has bio wed you 'ere V" 'Kind sir, I be kiln ler te seek my true love Whom you pressed and sent te sea." if you be kim ler tescek your true love lie from the shop is gene away ; And you'll Had him in Londen street-, ma'am, VaII:iug villi ids lady gay." She rose up early in the morning Leng before 'twas break et day. And she teund false J'.illy Tayler Valking vith his lady gay. Straight she called ler swords and pi-dels. P.! ought they vas at her command ; She fell en sheeting Billy Tayler Villi his lady in hi hand. Yen the captain kim ler te knew it lie very much applauded her ler what --lie hail done. And he made her lirst lieutenant Ol the valiant Thuniler-beinb. Farmer ami (ardouer. Well Adxlscd by tlie tirriuantewn Telo Tele grapb. If grass anil weeds once get ahead in the asparagus lied, it is a very tlillicult thing te get it clear oft !seir.,ai)d they immediately afleel the growth of the plant. The hest way te prevent grass and weeds from getting the upper hand is te sprinkle the bed with salt. Any common article answers the purpose. It must net be applied sjiaringly. as asparagus is really a marine plant, and the sal tacts as a feeder. Care must, however, he observed net te apply it te any bed that is tee young te cut ; also, it must he kept away from all plants, box edging or very young trees, as it is cei tain death te them. Protect I lie Tomatoes. Tliij is a very tender plant and is gen erally .si;t out by this time. Still there is sometimes danger of frost for a week or ten days te come and it takes 'e::ly a light visitation te destroy or set them back. We formerly used conical boxes open at the top, te put ever them. They should be about a feet square at bottom and four te live inches at top, and made of half inch beards. A set will last ten te fifteen years and thev will answer te place ever egg-plants, cabbages, &e. We never lest a plant by them. Ukl newspapers can be used by placing eleds or stones at each corner, te prevent being blown oil", as a su 1 title. Knrly Turnips. The earliest and perhaps the best variety of turnip for table use is the Early Flat Dutch. It is universally popular, and it takes only a small plot te iiirmsh a sim ply for a medium sized family. One rea son why they frequently fail in gardens, is the richness of the soil and their frequent growing in the same bed. In preparing a plot ler turnips dig down full spade deep, for the purpose of getting some of the vir gin earth, and especially a little clay. As a fertilizer there is none equal te bone-dust, and and nothing else. The turnip should grew slowly, with as little top as possible. It will net bear pushing or forcing. Rhubarb. This is the earliest garden product for the table, coming even before asparagus generally, and is best when the growth is youngest. As it is as easy te raise as any thing can be, no garden, however limited, should be without it. Fresh beds may yet be set out, and in doing se a portion of the root must he used with a small bit of the crown. This will afford a crop the ensuing year. In planting the seed it will require a year longer. A well-prepared bed will last for many years, by being cov ered with manure late in the autumn and forking it in in the spring. The stalks arc tenderer by removing the seed-sprouts as fast as they make their appearance, and the roots are stronger. Nothing Made In Vain. In France frog-culture is no mean in dustry. Seme people make fortunes out of it. The demand for the hindquarters of this animal is unlimited. Of course they must net he allowed te get tee old befeie seudiug te market, otherwise they are as tough almost as India-rubber, though very sweet and apjietizing. The business is also carried en in this country t'J a greater extent thau might he sup posed. It is true that the arrangements for prosecuting it are net se systematic, especially en our rivers and creeks. Any day the nicely strung-up quarters can be seen in our markets early in the morning, :is thev arc quickly snapped up by these who are familiar with the excellence of the meat. Ilenre this industry is destined te become larger every year. Te call France a frog-eating country is net otter etter ing her a discourtesy, simply because she has been in advance of ether nations in discovering and appreciating a delicious morsel. The millet Crep. The craze ever the "Hungarian Grass," a new name for the geed old one of millet, lias, like se many ether things that are Hashed upon us, had its day, and has new measurably disappeared, leaving only here and t here evidences of its career. Hut the German millet has higher claims te con sideration that nearly or quite any one of the rest, for it really possesses substantial value and fair claims upon the attention of farmers. An acre or two would always come into use and pay well, csjiecialiy as it can be cut for green feed the latter part of August and forepart of September when paslur. s arc frequently short. It should he sewn anv time from Ihe 2.1th of June te the 10th of July, and it, ; take about five-eighth of a bushclef seed te the aero. It also makes fair hay. cattle eating it freely ; and the seed is ground for hersc-fced, and in parts of Germany and Hungary bread is made of the flour. Fowls in winter are especially fend of the seed and fatten upon it. Four tens of hay te the aero is net a heavy crop. Hew often persons have been annoyed by burrs clinging te their ilrea or clothing, and hew seldom have they, when 'cleaning tlieni, given it a thought that Burdock Reet Is the most valuable bleed cleanser and purlller known, anil Is sold by every druggist under the name el Burdock Bleed Bitters. Price!, trial size 10 cents. Fer sale at II. IS. Ceclirairs Drug Stoic. 7 North Queen street. Trouble Saved. It is a remarkable fact that Themas' Eclec trie Oil is as geed ler internal us external use. Fer dUcasea of theliMigsand threat, and ler rheumatism, neuialgia, crick in the back, wounds nnd sercs,lt Is t'jc best known remedy, and much trouble is saved by having It always 011 band. Fer sale at II. It. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street. Guard Against Disease. If 3-0U find yourself getting bilious, head heavy, mouth leui, eyes yellow, kidneys die ordered, symptom of piles tormenting yen, take at once a lew doses of Kidney-Wert. It is natme's great assistant. INe it as an ad vance guard don't wait te get down sick. See advertisement. mlG-ltd&w $500 Iteward. They cure all diseases of the Stomach. Bowels Kloed, Liver, Nerved, Kidneys and Urinary Organs, and iM) will be paid ler a case they will net cure or help, or for any thing impure or injurious leundinthcm Hep Bitters. Test it. Sec "Truths" or " Proverbs'' in another column. mylC-2wd&w Rub It In. Jacob Leeckman, 271 Clinten Street, Buffalo, N. Y says he has been using Themas' Eclec trie Oil ler rheumatism. . lie had such a lame back that he could de nothing ; bnt one bottle entirely cured him. Fer sale at II. 15. Coch ran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street. MEDICAL. pATAKKH. CATARRH, COM) IX THE HEAD, HAY FEVER, CATARRHAL DIRECTION'S. Fer Catarrh, Hay Fe ver.Ceid in the Head c, insert with little linger a pariicie 01 Balm into the nostrils ; draw strong breaths through the nose. It wfll be absorbed, cleansing and healing the disea-cd mem brane. FOR DEAFNESP,. Apply a partiele into the ear. DEAFNESS, CAN' BE CURED. ELY'S CREAM BALM, having gained an enviable local reputation, displacing all ether preparations in the vicin ity et discovery, is, en its merits alone, recog nized as n wonderful remedy wherever known. A lair trial will convince the most skeptical of Its curative pew ers. It effectually cleanses the nasal passages or catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretion, allays inflammation and irritation, protects the mcmbranal linings et the head lrem additional colds, completely heals the ser.'s and restores the sense et taste ami smell. Beneficial results are realized by a lew applications. A thorough treatment as directed, will cure Catarrh. As a household remedy for cold in the head it is unequalled. Tlie Balm is easy te use and agreeable. Sold by druggists at SO cents. On receipt of 50 cents, will mail a package. Send ler circular with full information. . ELVS CREAM BALM CO., Owego, N. V. Fer sale by the lancastcr druggists, and by wholesale druggists generally. r.i C.tneed.Vw Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OP JjYNN, MASS., Her Ved:iiileCeiiiiMiiu1 the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PINKHATVTS Vegetable . Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. Tlds preparation, as it name signifies, con sists et Vegetable Properties that are hr.iinle.-s te the most delicate invalid. Upen one trial theineritsnf this compound will be recognized, as relict is immediate; and when its uscls con tinued, in niuely-niue cases in a hundred, a permanent cure is cll'eeted, as thousands will testily. On account of its proven merits, it m te-day recommended and preserilx d liy the hest physicians in the country. It x ill cure entirely the worst form of tailing et the uterus, Lcucnrrhcpn, irrcgnlarand pain f nl Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, in in flammatien and Ulceration, Flooding, all Dis placements and the consequent spinal weak ness, and is especially adapted te the. Change of Idle. In tact It has proved te be. the. greatest anil hest remedy thai has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the sy.slem, and gives new lite and visor. It removes luintucss, flatulency, destroys all craving ter stimulants, and rclices weakness of the stomach. It cures Meating, Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness, op pression and lndle-dien. That leolingel bear ing itewn, causing pain, weight ami backache, is. 'always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, net in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney complaint; of either sex Ihis Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound .sj prepared at 2': and 'iEi Western Avenue Lynn, Ma-i. Price $1. Six bottles ler fs. Sent by mail in the lerm et pills, also in the form ei lezeng. en leeeipt et prhc, $1 per box-, ler either. Mrs. PINKHAM treely niisuersall let ters et inquiry Semi ler pamphlet. 'Adiliess as above. Mention this paper. Ne lamily should be without LYDIA K P1NK1!AMS LIVER PILLS. They cure Con stipation. Biliousness and Terpidi'.y el the Liver. i"i cents per bes. Johnsten, Holleway k Ge., (iriieml Agents, Philadelphia. I'erwil.-1 by C. A. Loeher, ! East Kins street and lii'e. V. Hull, l." West Kim; street. ytSMvdced&w j'-IPXKV nOKT. DOES WONDERFUL CURES. WHY? Ilecause H.iselHen the LIVKK, VUWKI.M and KIONKIS at the rcrnic time. Uecausi- It c!ean-'es the system el the poi-en-oiis humors thai develop 'in Kidney mid Uri nary Diseases, liilieusiiess, .laundiee. Consti pation, riles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervous Disorders and Female Complaints. S1H-: WHAT PEOPLfc SAY: Eugene U. Sterk, of .liiuctieu City, Kansas, says Kidney Wert cured him alter regular Physicians had been trying ler four years. Mrs. Jehn Arnall, el" Washington, Ohie, says her boy was given up iedic by Idur 1:10111 inent physicians ami that he was afterwards cured by Kidney Werj. M.3I. IS. joeduin. an editor in Cliarden, Ohie, says he was net cvpeeted te live, being bleated beyond belief, bet Kidney Wert cured him. Anna L. Janell, el heuth Salem, X. Y.. s.iys that .seven years suffering from kidney troubles and ether complications was ended by the use of Kidey Wert. Jehn 1:. Lawrence, et Jacksen, Teiin.. suffer ed ler years 'from liver and kidney reuble:; and alter taking " barrels orel her medicines," Kidney Wert made him yell. Michael Cole, et Montgomery Center, VI., sutfcrcil eight years with kidnevdilllciilty and was unable te work. Kidney Wert made him well 'as ever." KIDNEY WORT PERMANENTLY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES, LI V Kit COMFJjAIXTO. MST It is put up in lry Vegetable Ferm, 111 3-tin wins, one package et which makes six A4rquartset medicine. ; JGe-Alse In Liquid Foiiu.very Ceueeiitrnld 43rier the convenience nt these wie cannot e readily prepare it. It ads with equal tHrcJJlciciic! in either fur nt. UET JT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, !l. WELLS, lltCIIAKDSON Ac t'0. Prep's, ICarllWtnn, Vt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) ' tcc27 , ly.l.Vwl . TOCHER'S' Renowned Cough Syrup! ACe,S enza, Soreness el the Ttireut ami Chest Urenchllls. Whooping Cemd SnJt- tlng or Jiioe.1, Inttammarien of the Lnngs,an all Diseases or ,tm; Vi"'s,Iln,l Alr Passages. Thls.val liable preparation ciuiblnes nil u,e medicinal virtues of these articles whui, i,," fcxpci'ieneu lia.1 proved te possess n,u leJ, sale ami efficient qualities ler the cure et 'ill kinds of Lung Diseases. Price 2T. cents Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 9 BAST KINU STUfcUT. elC-tf le Discovery MEDICAL. PKOVKRBS. a "Sour stomach, bad breath, indigestion and headache easily cured by Hep Bitters. "Study Hep Bitters books, nse the medicine, be wise, healthy and happy. "When lire Is a drug, and yen hare lest all hope, try Hep Bitters. "Kidney and urinary trouble is universal, and the only sale and sure remedy is Hep 'Sit ters rely en it." "Hep Bitters docs net exhaust and destroy, but restores and makes new." "Ague, Biliousness, drowsiness, Jaundice! Hep Bitters remove easily." " Beils, Pimples, Freckles, Rough Skin, erup tions, impure bleed, Hep Bitters cure." " lnactiveKidncysand Urinary Organs cause the worst or diseases, and Hep Bitters cures them all." 4 " Mere health, sunshine and joy in Hep Bit ters than in all ether rcmeScs." f Hep Hitters Mannractnring Company, Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. s my5-lydMWF&w pKAU THIS USE- ' OOTJGH NO MQEBJ AMERICAN INBE MW, A CERTAIN, SAFE AND EFFECTUAL KfcllrJDl tuit COUGHS, COLDS, SOKE THROAT, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA, EROS'OIHTIS, WHOOPING COUGH, PAIN IN THE ' SIDE OR BREAST, And all Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS. Fer the rcliel or Consumptives in ali stages of the disease. Fer side only at HULLS DRUGr STORE Ne. J 5 WEST KING STREET, aug2S-lyd LANCASTER, PA. CIMTUISO. ' j VTKW STOCK OK CLOTH1MJ fob SPRING 1881, AT" D. B. Hestctter & Sen's, Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Having made unusual elTbrtsle bring before the public a tine, stylish and well made stock el we are new picparcd te show them one el the most carefully selected stocks of clothing in this city, at the Lewest Cash Prices. MEN'S, BOYS' AM YOUTHS CLOTHING-! IN liUEAT VARIETY. Piece tioeds el the Most Stylish Designs and at prices within the reach of all, JKe-liivc us a cull. 0. B. Hostetter Seb, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, ii lyd LANCASTER, PA. c it.Ol IIIN;. A(, Tlie ARTICLE in the Xeu Em yester day gives ellle idea of our lliudncss, lint it said nothing a! unit the ; CLOTHING that is coming in te-day. The rush of trade last week leek nearly everything we had, but te-day, jive any-ready te show von , NEW GOODS NEW PRICES. Ter we have taken advantage el the lateness el the season, and buying in 1 .- large iiiianiitlf 4 and our stecl; of BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S . CLOTHING Will all Im complete again by te-morrow morning. And the STRAW II ATS are coining in by the ease. Se we will be ready for yen lo-tunrrew. k ONE-PRICE HOUSE, 36-38 KfT'KING: STREET, .. LANCASTER. PA. si.Eir.iis, sv. Carriages ! Carriages ! EIXIERLEY & CO.'S, Practical "Can lagc Builders, Market Streets larrf Centriil HfnrketHeusea, , , ; MuidisteivKiu 1 - i 1 We have en hand a Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND CAltKIAGES, Which we offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, uivcus a callj S-Reiiairiiiff nreinntl v attended te. One set et workmen especially employed hat purpose. ' ' ' , fnMtdft ter w w ATKK-"KBNT-8PKCIAI gSOTlCK. AS there are ever tnrce thousand water consumers, and comparatively lew have paid, 1 nose wishing te save tlie live per centli ubalct inent will confer a favor en the Treasurer bv caliingutius early a day as convenient, as ft will bu impossible te watt en all within a few days. . . Office henrs lrem S te 12 a. m. and from 1 te 5 l. m. WJf. McCOMSEY, a27-t Id Treasurer and liccel ver of Taxes. dry HOODS. STKIC1I VKOS. ADVERTISEMENT. LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET, Are new showing one of the Finest Selec tions el MILLINERY EVER SHOWN IX LANCASTER. Trimmed and Un trimmed Hats in great variety. Parasols cheaper .than ever. Trimmed Silk Parasols 11.14. Flowers anil Feathers in all shades. Plain ami Ouibra'e. RIBBONS. lu Silt: and Surah, Plain anil Omhni'e. GLOVES. Fine Real Lisle Gloves, Pearl Tep, 2 Elastics, 20c. a pair. Fine Lisle, 4 Elastics, 25c. a pair. Fine Lisle, Leng Lace Tep, xz. a pair. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Hosiery and Underwear. ' We have n new CORSETwhicli we sell at 4:e. It is the best ever seen ler the price. TRIMMINGS AND LACES IN GREAT VARIETY. ASTRICHBRO'S. M ETZGEK, HARD Si HAUGIf MAN'S NEW CHEAP STORE, Continues theattracllen efthis city, and why? ISecause they are selling The Cheapest The Cheapest lllack Silks,' Colored Silks, Rrecade Silks, IJlack Cashmeres, The Cheapest The Cheapest 1 he Cheapest The Cheapest lien, The Cheapest Lace Huntings, Dress Goods of every deserip- IJIack Silk Velvets, Carpets and Mattings, Hosiery for Men, Women and Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, Counterpanes. The ChcnicBt The Cheapest Children, The Cheapest The Cheapest In fact the Cheapest Let of DRY GOODS Eveollered in this cily. Metier, Bard & Eaitai's NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, Itetween the Cooper Heuse ami Serrel Herse Hetel, (ADLEU'S OLD STAND). SPECIAL ATTRACTION .Inst received from the factory 300 DOEN STOCKINGS, :: pair ler 2, cents: regular price, vi'A ami i. cents a pair. OP1UNG AND SIIMIMEK. DRY GOODS. HAGER & BROTHER Aiv receiving daily large quantities of goods auapicu vt in! present ami coming season ler unites , ucnts' anu ciiuarcirs Wear. BLAOK, COLORED AND SUM MER SILKS. Newest Shades In Similar Armnres. Cash meres, Feulays,.N nil's Veiling, Grenadines ami uuniings. Lrxjzx la ir.v, niExvu i.awxs. PACIFIC LAWXS, VRESS GIXCUIAMS. Dotted and. Figured Swiss Mulls, Linen dc Indi Victeria Lawns, French Organdy and ether Wash Goods. PARASOLS In Large Assortment and all the Novelties of the Season. LADIES' AXIi MISSES" GA UZE UXDElt- WEAK, LISLE AXD KID GLOVES, LAVE GOODS AXD HOSIERY. Many i or the above goods have been pur chased at. less than cost et importation, and Will lie sold very low. HAGER & BROTHER. GENTS' WEAR, ISOYS' WEAK. If ACKIC & ISKOTUKK invite an examina tien of Goods ler Spring and Summer Wear, u wmeu iney are eiiering a large assortment in tlie Latest Styles and Fabrics. WORSTED SUITINGS, CHEVIOT SUITINGS, GASSLVE11E SUniNGS, FLANNEL SUH7NGS, BOYS' SUITINGS, and niadc-up'CLOTinXG, nil of which they are selling at the Lewest Ruling Price. GENTS' AXD HOYS' GAUZE UNDERWEAR, all sizes and qualities, lrem 25c. np. We in vite special attention te the Feather Weight Drawers for Gents, a verysnperier and com fortable article for Summer Wear. NECK WEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c. tefffc invite examination. Ne. 25 WEST KINO STBBET. VKK i001W,JXliEKlVUAK, XC. OOMKTIIlrtO NKW! LAVE THREAD' t UNDERSHIRTS, FEATHER-WEIGHT DRAWERS. : '' ?SITS P fi N D E R , ERISMAITSi .THE SIIIRTMAKlEK, Nl. 5C NORTH OIJEKN STKKET, ami Bin; mm t mm, VLOTHIXU. B USIXESS SUITS. BUSINESS SUITS- -:e:- "We have somewhere in the region of one hundred styles of business suits new read- te put en. A list of them would be the dullest of read ing ; and yet we waut you te knew substantially what they are like. The lowest price is $8.50, and the highest is $20. They are all of wool. $8.50 is very little te get all-wool cloths, sponging, cutting, trim ming, making, watching, handling, rent, book-keeping, advertising aud selling, out of; but we manage te de it by dividing the costs among se many of you that one hardly feels his share at all ; he pays for materials and work, and very little mere. We'll take another day for the rest ; but you may as well come and see new as later. Seeing is better than reading. -te:- WANAMAKER & BROWN OAK HALT,, MARKET AND SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. THE LAIlfiEST CLOTIflXf,- HOUSE IX AMEIUCA. ANE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. (YiK VR,CK d'TIIIN CHILDREN'S' SUITS. LARGE NEW LOT JUST GOT IN. 1,000 Different Lets te Select from. Ladies, you are invited te examine our mammoth solection of Beys and Children's Suits, whether you intend te buy or net. It is our business and pleasure te SHOW goods, as that is the only -way we can convince you that we are Headquarters for Clothing, and the only house in the city RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICES. AL. ROSENSTEIN'S ONE PRICE Cletiiing & Her Gbant Tailoring Establishment NO. 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET, NE.VT DOOR TO SIIULTZ AND HIIO.'S HAT STORE. MENTKK HALM ALL IN Every available hand is busy in getting out Clothing in our Custom Department. We have facilities te make up In geed style ever ONE HUNDRED SUITS PER WEEK, And that is just what we arc doing at this time, and we are happy te say that the public a preciatcs enterprise and Centre Hall Is supported better le-dav than in any of its previous history, and our tmde has steadily increased year arter year and we iurMse te continue as the leading Clothing Heuse, for fair dealing and low prices will be rewarded. Our stock et piece goods is still lull and complete et all the Leading Manufacturers, both Foreign and Demestic. CENTRE HALL has the largest stocked READY-MADE CLOTHING OUTSIDE OF PHILADELPHIA, Fer Men, Yentlis, Beys and Children, And we defy competition. We sell Men's All Weel Suits ter $S, $10, $1. $1 1, all our own manu facture. Our ts suits are as geed as suits sold at ether houses at $10. Ca'l and judge ler your yeur hcll. The purchaser saves one pretl t by buying at CENTRE HALL, Ne. 12 EAST KDJG STBEET, MYERS & VAKPETS. G KKAT BARGAINS IN CAftl'KT.'s, 1 claim te have the Largest and Finest Stock ei CARPETS In this City. Hrnsscls and Tapestry CARPETS Tlirec-Mly, Extra Super, Super, All Weel, Halt W oel and Part oel Ingrains : from tlie best te the cheapest as low as 25c. per yard. All the FINEST AXD CHOICE FA TTERXS that ever can be seen in this cily. 1 also have a Large ami Fine Stock el my own make Chain nd Itsig Carpets, AS LOW AS 35c. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDERat short notice. Satisfaction guarenteed. " 5-Ne trouble te show goods if you de net wisli te purchase. I earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KINO STBEET, LANCASTER PA. piAKPETS, COAIh c. PHILIP SC1IUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY, Ne. 130 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers or Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, IlLANKETS. CAItrKTS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS ASPEC1ALTV. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed cither in the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds or silks. Ribbons, Feathers ami Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlcmcn's Coats, Overcoats, Pants. Vests, &c. Dyed or Sceunsl; also, Indigo itiue Dyeing done. All erflcrs or goods lcit with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal el the best quality put np expressly ler lamily use, and at the lowest market rates. TBY A SAMPLE TON. YARD-150 OUTII WATER STREET. 2Mvd RSI PHILIP SCIIUM. SON & CO ATTENTION THOSE HA'INf; AVATEIt Rent te pay will save time nnd trouble and confer a favor en the Treasurer by bring ing with them their Water Rent Netice. WM. McCOMSEY, inl7-:;td Treasurer and Receiver of Taxes. USINKSS SUITS. uersK. -:e:- E.NTICE HALL! MOTION LANCASTER, I'LNNU. RATHFON. VLOUIINO, UXltEllWEAlt, &V. VTKW CLOTHING STOKE. CHAS.. A. HOHMANN flaying Opened a CLOTHING STORE Ne. 154 North Queen St., (irehmann's Old Stand), Ncxtdoeor te Flinn Ss WIlNen's Stere, is pre pared te make Clothing te Order at Short Netice and en reasonable terms. A complete assortment of Ready-Made Clothing of ecry variety constantly 011 hand and for sale at remarkably low prices. I'api-iVlind&w s 2PKING OPENING -A- H. GERHART'S New TaiMi Estaliini Ne. 6 East King Street. I have ju-d completed fitting np one of the Finest Tailoring Establishments te be found in this state, aud am new prepared le show my customers a stock of goods for the SPRING TRADE, which for quality, idyle and variety of Patterns has never been equaled in this city. I will keep ami sell no goods which I cannot recommend te my customers, no matter hew low In price. All goons warranien as represenien, ami prices as low as the lowest, at Ne. 6 East King Street; Next Doer te the New Yerk Stere. H. GERHART. B riLi ruLJUts' e uivk JancastITk and 3iii.i.Ki:svii.Li; it. .. i Cars rim as fellow? : Leave Lannttwr P. 1 IeHt). at 7, 9, an 1 11:20 a. m., and 2, 4, and S?a p. m., except en Salunlay, when the hist car leaves at 9:30 1. ni Leave Millersvllli-llewer ik11 at 5. S. and 1 a. ju., nun 1, j, a ana 7 p. 111. I Cars run dally en alieve ti laity en alieve time except en Sun day. CIOI.UMIUA ANO FORT DEPOSIT K. It Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Statieks Nekth- Express. Express. Accein WittD. A.M. P.M. 1X. Pert Deposit. P:35 3-JU 2H.1 Peachbottem 7:12 4r2J 3:18 Safe Harber. 7:55 5:11 5:21 Columbia.. S:2T 5:40 G:20 Statieks Seuth- Express. Express. Accein WARD. A. J. P.M. A.M. Columbia. 11:S fira 7:45 r. m. Safe Harber. PiaW : Le'J-.4U Peachbottem lits 752 ll.e; r. it. Tort Deposit 1:23 1 S:05 liCO EEADINtJ & COLUMBIA K. K. . ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS OCTOUEU 25th, ISSM. NORTHWARD. LKAVK. a.x. r.. r.M. A.X. Uuarryville 6:15 .... 3i Ml Lancaster, Kingst T:.Vi .... 3:10 !i Lancaster S:l IHTi SOD '.f.10 Columbia 7:S5 1:10 3:W .... AltltlVK. Reading liWS 3:Ci 5JM .... SOUTHWARD. MCAVE. A.M. A.M. P.M. V.M Reading S:05 ;iiwi 0:10 ... ARKIVK. r.M. Columbia lthl. 2:10 SrSi Lancaster. U:07 410 :10 .': lmcaster. King St HfclS 5:10 Quarryville :.. llrJO .... 9-.SV :! Tmlns cnnTieetMt Kt-.iding with trains te and lrem Philadelphia, Fettwvllle, llarristmrg. Al Al leutewn and New Yerk, via lUniml l:rKk Reute. At Celnnibia with trains teand from nrfc. Ilnnevur, Gettysburg, Frederick and Haiti Haiti mere. A. M. WILSON, Supt. PENNSYLVANIA ItiII.KOAl NKW SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY. MAY lf.tli, 1SSI, trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive and usw the I.HH eatei ami Philailelphiailepets as follews: Eastwari. Lcav Arrlvc luic'tei- l'lilliul'ii -i.V a.m. .1:15 a.ii 5:1 S " 7::t.", 8l " S:0ii ' 10:10 " 8:15 ' '.kill " 12:01 r.n. 1:10 " 1:2 v.M. X-J " iiie " 0:00 " :::or taut I: IS " :!." " 4:X " :: B:S5 " '.h.'ai Uri'i " ll:.T. " Lcsivv Arrive Philad'n liue'ter ltrai a.m. te .f 7:311 " UKSt " ie.-r !I:Iki ll:.V " s.iki ' lihWl " I'iin " J::ai r.M. -:3T " '.'.'.'. '-: " 'iae'v.u. r.:.ri(i 4:00 " 7:-V " 5:30 " :: " Br25 " S:.riO " thin " IU"ji " 115 " 4t.r A.X Cincinnati Express St HSb Allltjf Yerk At-com. Arrives; Harrisburg Espn'xs Dillerville Aecem. A rri v-s, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Aecem. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express, St. Leuis Day Express Chicaire Dav Exnress Harrisburg Accoiumedal'n, it! till Wkstwabd. Way Passenger, Mail Trai 11 N e. l,v ia Alt ..1 1 y, MailTrnln Ne.4via Cel'bia, Niagara Chicago Express Sunday Mall, Frederick Aeeoiiiniedatioii, Dillerville l.ecal.via M t.dey Ilarrisburg Aceommedat'n, Columbia AecomiiKMiatieii, Harrisburg K.xpres, Pittsburg Express, Ciuciuiniti;Expri.s, Pacific Express, Pacific Express, cast, en Minnny, wnen flag sed, will step at Middlelewii, Eliabet htewu, ML Jey, iindisville, Uird-in-llaud, Lcimtu Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkenburg, Cealcs villi, Oakland and (ilea Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Dowuiugtewn,Coatesville, I'arki-. -liurg,Mt..ley, Ellzabel blown audMidilleteun. Hiinoveraecemmoilution wi-st.cenneetingat iJincLstcr with Niagara ami Chicago Express at 11:00 a. 111., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, con nccts:t Lancaster, wltli Fast Line, west, at ':se 1-. 51 , and will run tlireiih te Frederick. 'ante. 1NTIIJVK FIJKNITliKK. XV. Old Things Wanted. Antique fiirnituif, rare old china, line cnt gl.iss, elil .sterling silverware, candle-lii-anclics, ;-iIvcr Klimt-Iitickles, old plated ware ; everything tliaf ih nire, curious ami tine. Fer casli. Call or aillrc:-.s JOHN WANAMAKER, PHH.ADKLPHIA. mar lit i::tw.x.'.i:td ihI M'AFERIIASUIXUN, 4c. w IN DOW SHAMIR, &U. 200 WINDOW SHADES lu a variety or Celers, that will be seli! from lerty te seventy-live cents a piece. Till- is about lialf alue ter them. A tnvef thee light patterns Itft, In order te close, will be sold atserenty-live ivntsa piece. Plain Shading ler Windows infill tin: newest colors, and in any desired quality wanted, te inch, 15 inch ami 4- inch for large windows and Stere Shades". SCOTCH HOLLANDS the Ixt made, American- Hollands In assortment. Measure or windows taken, esti mates made and Shades hilligin a'satistaetery manner. Of WALLPAPERS we are prepared te suit everybody. Our line is larger, choicer and cheaper than any seaieii heretofore. Gilt Papers lrem tlu: chc:iest grade te the finest goods made. Grounded and Common Palters in such a line variety that we can suit the uiext fastMieii". Ceruiets and Curtain Poles, Window Paiiers, &e. Or ders taken for Fine Mirrors. PHARBS W. FRY, NO. 57 NORTH OUEENST. HOOKS AXD STATIONERY. N KW AilD CIIOICK STATIONERY, NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES, L. M. ELYNN.'S, Me. 48 WEST KING STICK KT. B" NK COOKS. JOM BAEE'S SONS, 15 and 17 NORTH WEN STREET, 1.A3CCASTKK, A Have lerjsale, at the" Lewest .Pricw. BLANK BOOKS, Comprising Hay Heeks, ledgers. Cash Reeks, Sales Reeks, Hill Reeks. Minute Roekn, Re ccipt Itoek-, Mi:meranduin, Copying Reeks, Pass Roekss, Invoice Heeks, &e WRITING PAPERS. Foolscap, letter, Nete, Rill, Sermon, Counting Heuse, Drawing Papers, Papcteries, Ac. ENVELOPES AND STATIONERY el all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. FAMILY AND TEACHERS' BIBLES, Prayer Reeks, Devotional Reeks, Sinday school Music Reeks, Sunday-school Libraries, Ceiumentaricw, &c.