LANCASTER DAILY IKTElJJGENCEK, THURSDAY, MA 19. 1881. fUneater SnteHigencet. THURSDAY ETKHINCr, KAY 10, 1mT "THB END OF THE WORLD." STAKTLlNU KFFECT OF CONKUHU'S WKATH. Tbe Story of the Trae Condition of the Capital That was Sapar ed. Tbe following eraphie account of start-1 ling- r.vcdts at Washington Monday, sent te tbe Cincinnati Gazette, soems te have been suppressed te this section, probably by Mr. Blaine General Bo'yntea says : The cry, " Conkling has resigned," spread through the buildings, and from the committees roems.restaurauts, rotunda, supreme court room, library and Heuse wing, attendants, judges, senators, officc efficc officc Kcekers, lobbyists, visitors and workmen, a great crowd poured out into the parks, each fleeing from the conviction in every mind that such a dire event must be fol lowed by an earthquake. With the Might rese cries, falling ! " " The 'Tlin ''ilnmn 10 Senate columns are swaying!" "The Heuse wing is settling !" " Out for your lives !" In half an hour the extras wei-e spreading the news throughout the town. As the cry "Conkling has resigned " wcutup and down the streets the same impulse which cleared the capitol caused men, women and children te swarm into the streets and parks. The sick, tee, were brought out,and in tliosheit space of two hours the public grounds of Washington were like these of Chicago en the night of the great lire. Families were crowded in group, shelter ing themselves as IwBt they might, guard ing the effects they were able te snatch in their flight, and many of them caring for and comforting the sick who had been rescued from the impeudlug earthquake. But even dread of the earthquake gave way te au added anticipation of the hour. The cry spread that Conkling would surely step the earth's turning ; that he was the :ile, and he knew it, and his anger was such that he would never be satisiicd with a paltry earthquake. Net lie! And se men, especially the New Yorkers, began te lash themselves te trees, and iron pests, and fences, se that if the earth did step turning cast, they, at least, would net spin off eastward into the Atlantic. These who knew Cenkliug best, iu addition te lash ing themselves fast, put en life preservers, for, as they explaiucd, Conkling might step the earth with such a jerk that no lashings would held, anil they might be hurled into the ocean in spite of ropes or cables. President Garfield has left the White Heuse and is camped in the yard of his private residence en the corner of Thir teenth aud I streets. He will net cuter it until after the earthquake, aud until the earth has stepped turning and settled down te work again, according te Mr. Conkling' s directions. General (Sarfield recognizes the fact that the lcpublie is toppling te its downfall. Everybody seem ed instinctively te knew there would be nothing less tlmu au earthquake. The president only stepped te gather up his family aud a little bedding aud cold meat, and having secured these he drove hastily te his private residence and camped i'i the yard as before. The late government has taken the fol lowing steps, feeling authorized te de whatever tends te ameliorate the national sufferings which must fellow in the train of the great disaster which has overtaken the nation : a proclamation by tub president. Whereas, iu a time of great and gen eral public prosperity never befere ex ceeded iu the history of the republic, Hescoe Conkling, a powerful citizen of the severiegn state of New Yerk, has let go the held upon the wheel which was stcer inr the shin of state tlireutrh these; itlea:- aut seas, aud declares he will let her j dtive te destruction ; "Therefore, it is meet that all geed cit izens, abandoning their usual pleasure and labors, should assemble without delay in the camps, aud all ether public places where they have taken refuge from the impending catastrophe of nature, aud sup plicate this mighty Conkling that he will allay his anger aud spare his children aud allow the laud te resume its prosperity. James A. Garfield." By the Prcsideut, James G. Biaixk, Secretary of State. The sigual service bureau sent out the following : "Ordered That danger signals be din; played at all coast stations of the United States, and that masters or vessels iu every pert be warned that this office expects tidal waves aud tornadoes for at Ie;ist a month te come. Observers should care fully watch and correct their instruments. These iu this oflice are badly paralyzed, aud the explanation must be found iu the uxitectcd earthquake which must fellow the Cenkliug icsignatieu. " The secretary of the treasury has re re sciuded his circular for refunding the 5s. He says : . "The unexpected blew which has been indicted upon the Uuited States by the resignation of the mighty Mr. Cenkliug must, of necessity, sink its credit te a low ebb, if it docs net destroy it altogether. The secretary is, therefore, unwilling te urge his fellow-citizens te ask that their bends be extended at the rate named in his last circular, and it is, therefore, sus jKHided until the full measure of the pun ishment which Mr. Conkling intends te iu flict upon this country aud the world shall become knewp." The secretary of state has telegraphed te all ministers of the late government as foliews : " Yeu will at once inform the nations te which you are accredited that KosceA Conk Cenk liug, of New Yerk, has blotted out the American republic, and that he will iu due time announce the kind of monarchi cal government which it may suit his lordship te establish. Te you, privately, I may say, with due shamefulucKs, that the "turkey gobbler strut" has wen ; that mud has become diamond ; the satyr is new Hyperion ; the New Yerk singed cat is new a Bengal tiger. " Yours respectfully, " Jamks G. ISi.aini:. "Late secretary of state of the late Ameri can republic, out of a job." LATER. The gracious and mighty Mr. Cenkliug, monarch of all he surveys, etc., etc., has sent his bugler, Piatt, around te say that be has concluded net te have an carthquake or tidal wave or tornado ; that he won't destroy the general prosperity of the na tion, aa he thought of doing, nor close the departments, nor shut up the courts ; nor dissolve the Senate. And se people are beginning te move into their houses again, and the government is recalling its orders, aud its proclamations, and has be gun te draw its breath with regularity. If Lord Itoscec gets a geed sleep all may move smoothly again, aud the repub lic may yet live. The Handsomest Tnrnent in Florence. The most sensational turnout in Flor ence, belongs te Mr. Livingstone, of New Yerk, who drives a "twenty-in-hand." Vive 1' America ! These twenty horses are finely matched in size and color, being all bright bay ; and they are decked out with gorgeous harness, leaded with geld-plated clasps and buckles, of which they seem as proud as a young girl in her first ball dress. The happy possessor of these horses, and also or a great mania for notoriety, ir ir sistsupen "holding the ribbons "'with his own hands; therefore, as he is ad. vanced in years aud is quite feeble, he is lastenea urmiy ana securely te the high front seat of the English "drag," which he usually prefers, though en grand recen recen seons be drives a mail coach made after the approved model of the Londen coach ing club. These leather straps have been added by his family quite lately, and much against the .old gentleman's will; but having net long since tumbled out of his place te the consternation of bis at tendants who picked him up none the worse for his fall, but very dusty, and in a state of towering indignation against everything and everybody, be has given a grudging assent te their wishes, naturally net desiring te literally " bite the dust " a second time. His fondness for notoriety must certainly be gratified, for the band wagon of Barnum's great moral show never excited mere attention than does tbc Livingstene turnout. An hour age he passed my window en his way te the Cas cliiue, where he shows himself en most pleasant afternoons. His horses pranced and capered, and the great golden buckles gleamed brightly in the sunshine. Twe pretcrnaturally solemn footmen, clad in blue liveries, sat with folded arms upon their perch, and the m.iin scats of the drag were occupied simply by a small, black terrier pup, who amused himself by jumping backward and forward, vigorously barking at tbe crowd. Mr. Livingstene git in solitary grandeur, strapped securely into tho'ceachmau's place, wrapped in au overcoat lined throughout with magnifi cent Russian sables The fur formed col cel lar aud green cuffs. A garment which a young American belle might well envy him. A retinue of th'uty or forty ragged gamins escorted him, commenting en the points of the establishment and watching for stray cenfessimi, but the owner of all this magnificence sat rigidly upright, bis eyes fixed upon his frisky leaders, for al though he is said te enjoy the plaudits of the admiring crowd, he is net given te any unnecessary expenditure of copper coins. The people call him " I'Amcricaue," or the American. 950O Heward. They euro all diseases or the Stomach, Bowels. Bleed. J.iver. Nerves. Kidneys ami Urinary Organ, unci $50.) will be uitl ler :i cise they will net cure or help, or ler any tiling impure or injurious found in lliem Mop Bitters. Text it. Sec 'Truths" or " Proverbs In another column. lnyKV-iwiI&w Hub 1c In. i.iceb l.uccknian, 271 Clinten Street, Biillalet N. V., says he has been using Themas' Eclec trie Oil ler rheumatism. He had such a lame buck that he could de nothing ; but one bottle entirely cured him. Fer sa'e at 11. it. Cocli Cecli mfs f irug Stoic, 137 North Queen street. Trouble Saved. It is a remarkable fuel that Themas' Eelcc I lie Oil is us geed ler internal as external use. Fer disease of the lungs ami threat, and ter rheumatism, itcuinlgin. crick in the back, w euuds and is t'ic best known reined v. Mini much trouble is saved by having ilulways en hand. Fer sale ut II. B. Cochran's Drug Stoic, 137 North Queen street. Guard Agalust Disease. U you find yourself getting bilious, head heavy, mouth foul, eyes yellow, kidneys dis ordered, symptoms of piles tormenting you, lake at once, u lew doses of Kidney-Werk It is uatuie'sgivut assistant. Use it :us uu ad vance guard don't wait te get down sick. See advertisement. uiUMld&w Hew often persons have been annoyed by bu: r-clinging te their dress or clothing, and hew M-ldein have they, when cleaning them, given it a thought that iiurdeek Keet is tin; most valuable bleed cleanser and purifier known, and Is sold by. every druggist under the name of Iiurdeek llloed 'Millars, l'rice $1, 1 rial size HI cents. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street. CARPETS. pitKAT KA1CGAINS IN cAttl'KXS, 1 claim te have lliu Largest and Finest Stock el CARPETS In Ihiscity. r.russcls and Tapestry CARPETS Three-ply, Kilni huper. Super, All Weel, Hall oel ami Tart Weel Ingrains : from the best te the cheapest as lew'us 25c. per yard. All the FINEST A XD CHOICE PA TTKRXS that ever can be seen in thisrily. I also have a Large and Fine Sleck el my en n make Chain and Hag Cni'iwts, AS LOW AS 35c. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDERul short notice. Satisfaction guureiileed. j-N trouble te show goods if you de net wish te purchase. 1 earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST EONO STREET, LANCASTER l'A. iaki'i:t.s. kv. NEW CARPETS. 40,000 YARDS. New Designs, llcaulifully Colored. i .'id cents. ST- cents." INGRAINS ? M) rents. 'JO rents. (7.".cents. $1.1(0. Tll'KSTI'V ITSecllls. $I.K. BRUSSELS J Scents. Sl.iu. ""'1''1'1 (m cents. $1.20, WII.TON AND f MOQUF.TTKS, GOOD VALUE OILCLOTHS, -J AT LI NOLEU.M, ALL PRICES. l.IGNUMS. i. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Street, :iMydced&!lwJ PHILADELPHIA. ( 1AKPKT.S, COAI,, tfc. ririLip sciiUM, son & ce.f MANUFACTORY, Ne. 1.70 SOUTH WATKIt STREET, Lancaster, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, BLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN,&e. CUSTOM UAH CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed cither in the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds of silks, Ribbons, Feathers and Woolen Goods lyed. Gen tleuiens Coats, Overcoats, Pants. Vests, e. Dyed or Scoured; also, Indigo Blue Dyciup done. AH orders or goods lelt with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PA1I FOR SEWED CAKPET UAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal of the best quality put np expressly bu family use, and at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YAKD 150 SOUTH WATER STREET. '."MydRSl PHILIP SCIIUM. SON CO CHINA AN1 OLASSWARE. w XOKATED WAKE AT CHINA HALL. J us opened a f i no 11 lie . ' Decorated CfaaiUbcr Ware, Of New Designs and Shapes at -t PRICES TO SUIT ALL, AT HIGH & MARTIN, 1G BAST KING STBEKT. MEDICAL. K IDKEY WORT. DOES WHY? WONDERFUL CURES. UecauM It seta en the LIVKB. BOWELS and KI1INEXS at the sniue time. Because it cleanses the system of tbc poison ous humors tliat develop in Kidney and Uri nary Diseases, JSilieusncss, Jaundice. Consti pation, Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervous Disorders and Female Complaints. SEE WHAT PEOPLE. SAY: Eugene B. Sterk, of Junction City, Kansas, says Kidney Wert cured lilm alter regular Physicians Had been tryluR for four years. Mrs. Jehn Amall, of Washington, Qhie, says her boy was given up tedieby lour prom inent physicians and that lie was alter wards eured by Kidney Wert. M. M.B. Goodwin, an editor iu Chardnn, Ohie, says he was net expected te live, being bleated beyond belief, bat Kidney Wert cured him. Anna L. Jarrett, of Seuth Salem, N. Y.. says that feeven years sulTering from kidney troubles ami ether complications was ended by the use of Kidey Wert. Jehn it. Lawrence, of Jacksen. Tenn.. suffer ed for years from liver and kidney troubles and alter taking " barrels or ether medicines," Kidney Wert made him ive'l. Michael Cote, of Montgomery Center, Yt., suffered eight years with kldiicv difficulty and was unable te work. Klducy Wert made him well; as ever." KIDNEY WORT PERMANENTLY CURES Kllft'EY DISEASES, L1VEH COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION AM) TILES. ir It Is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, in atin cans, one paekage of which makes six a-quarts of medicine. 3-Alse in Liquid Ferm.TCry Concentrated i-for the convenience of these who cannot -readily prepare it. 11 acts with equal W efficiency in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, 81. WELLS, MCIIAKIISON ii C., Prep's, Iturlmgten, Vt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) dcc27 lydw4 Ii Kill) THIS use- COUGH NO MOEE! AMERICAN HI SYRUP, A CERTAIN, SAFE AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR COUCUIS, COLDS, SOKE THROAT, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUGH, PAIN IN THE SIDE Ol: BREAST, And all Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS. Fer the relief e! Consumptives in :di stages el" t he disease. Fer sale only at IIULi;SI)llUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KING STJtEET, autrJtMydJ LANCASTER l'A. LOCHEH'S Renowned Cough Syrup ! A Pleasant, Sale, Speedy and Sure Remedy for (.'olds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influ enza, Soreness et the Threat and Chest, ISrenchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ting of Bleed, Inflammation of the Luiignni' all Diseases of I he Cheslaiid Air Passages.' Thls'valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved te -possess the most sale and efficient qualities ler the cure of all kinds of Lung Diseases. Price 25 cents. Pre pared only aud sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 9 KAST K1NU STICK.ET. OlU-tf Brandy as a Medicine The tollewlng article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slayiuaker, Agent Ter Reigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian ei this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but le be used as a medicine of great potency in the cure of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their ami ual t heiisauds of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice of invalids espe cially these alllicled with that miserable dis ease. Dyspepsia, a K'eilie remedy, which ii nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with Iccble uppelitii and mere or less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. Bu it, hewevei strictly understood that we prescribe and use bu tone art iele. and that is REMUItT'S OLD JSUANHY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, 11 U SLAYMAKER. This Brandy 1i:ls steed the test ler years, and has never failed, as far us our experience extends, aud we therefore give it the preference ever all ether Brandies unajLtlt.4- with hew many aw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics whuld suffice te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case or Jascs. I n proof of tlje curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, in cases of Dyspepsia, we can summon mini hers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working tanner had been affilctcd with an exhaustive Dyspepsia for a number of years; ms siemueu weiiiii reject almost every kind el feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict nis diet te crackers and stale bread, ami as a beverage he used McGr.iun's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at limes, aud iu his discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds of streug drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, lit Ids case, lie looked up with astonishment, but after hearing et its wonderful cilccls in the cases or some of his near acquaint an cits, lie ut last consented te fellow our advice, lie used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him au appetite, and belore the second was taken lie was a sound uian.wilh it stomach capable of digesting any thing wliich hejehose te cat, Hestil! keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since lie lias this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit le the doctor. A Piuctisihe Physiciaw. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AOKMT VOB Reigart's Old Wmc Stere, Established ill 1185,.- IXPORTKB AMD DKAX.KU IU FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported Iu 118, 1827 and 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE POUTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. 2U KAST KINO ST.. LANCASTKU. PA DR. SAHIORD'S LIYEE INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purines the bleed. A Boek, sent free. TV S ANPORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Fer sale by all Druggists. oll8-iveea alteew 2ME7 QOODS. A KTRICH BKOS.' ADVERTISEMENT. LANCASTER BAZAAR, 18 EAST KING STREET, Arc now8hewlng one or the Finest Selec tions et MILLINERY EVER SHOWN IN LANCASTER. Trimmed and Untriiniued Hats in great variety. Parasols cheaper tlian ever. Trimmed Silk Parasols $1.44. Flowers and Feathers lit all shades, Plain and Ombra'c. RIBBONS, in Silk and Surah, Plain and Ombra'c. GLOVES. Fine Real Lisle Gloves, Pearl Tep. 2 Elastics, 2c. a pair. Fine Lisle. 4. Elastics, 2. a pair. Fine Lisle, Leng Lace Tep, 25c. a pair. Ladies1, Gents' and Children's Hosiery and Underwear. We have a new CORSET which we sell at 49c. It is the best ever seen, for the price. TRIMMINGS AND LACES IN ORE AT VAR1ETT. ASTRICHBROS. M KTZUEK, IIAKD & UAUUIiMAN'S NEW CHEAP STORE, Continues the attraction of this city, and why? Because they arc selling The Cheapest lilack Silks," The Cheapest Colored Silks, Tlie Cheapest lirocade Silks, The Cheapest lilack Cashmere.-,, The Cheapest Luce Huntings, The Cheapest Dress Goods of every descrip tion. The Cheapest Black Silk Velvets, The Cheapest Carpets aud Mattings, The Cheapest Hosiery for Men, Women and Children, The Cheapest Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, The Cheapest Ceuuterpaues. In fact the Chcaiieel Let et DRY GOODS Eve ellcrcd in this city. I NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, Between the Cooper Meuse and Serrel Derse. Hetel, (ADLEU'S OLD STAND). SPECIAL ATTRACTION Just received from the factory :iOO DOZEN STOCKINGS, :; pair for i" cents ; rcgular priec, liji aud 15 cents a pair. S' I'KING AND SUMAIKK. DRY GOODS. HAGER & "BROTHER Are receiving daily large quantities el goed8 adapted te the present and coming season ler ladies'. Gents' and Children's Wear. BLACK, COLORED AND SUM MER SILKS. Newest Shades in Shiidas, Armures, Cash mores, Feulays, Nun's Veiling, Grenadines and Huntings. I.IXKXT.A WX, FRENCH J. A H1V.V. PACIFIC LAWXS, JiRESX VIXUIIAMS. Dotted ami Figured Swiss Mulls, Lluen de Indi Victeria Lawns, French Organdy and ether Wash Goods. PARASOLS In Large Assortment and all the Novelties of the Season. LADIES' AND MISSES' GAUZE UNDER WEAR, MSI.E AND KID GLOVES, LACE UOODS AXD HOSIERY. Many of the above goods have been pur cluiscd at less than cost et importation, and will be sold very low. HAGER & BROTHER. GENTS' WEAR, BOYS' WEAR. HAGEK & invite au examina tion of Goods for Spring and Summer Wear, of which they are ellerinir a large assortment in the Latest Styles aud Fabrics. worsted suirmas, Cheviot suirmas, CASSIMERE SUITINGS, FLANNEL SUITINGS, BOYS' SUITINGS, and made-up CLOTHING, all or which they are selling at the Lewest Ruling Price. t GENTS' AND ROYS' GAUZE UNDERWEAR, nil sizes mid qualities, tram 25c. up. We in vieo special attention te I he Feather Weight Drawers Ter Gents, a very superior and com fortable article for Summer Wear. NECK WEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &e. S-Vc invite examination. & Ne. 25 WEST KQia STREET. ZEUAL NOTICES. INSTATE OF JOHN McCAMlMON, LATe S J Of Lancaster eltv. defenneil ljfter ni administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are requested te make immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in Lancaster city. HENRY WOLF, Administrator. D. P. Kesxhmixkr. Att'y. a.T0-6tdeaw ESTATE. OF MBS. B: KITZPATRIUK, late of the city et Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested te make Imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay ter settlement te the undersign ed, residing in the city of Lancaster. JNO. T. MacGONIGLE, Executer. Jho. A. Cetxx, Att'y. mmtdeaw ASTRlCe BROTHERS Meter MM Bin BBOTHEB VJ.OTUISU. "OUS1NESS SUITS. BUSINESS SUITS- We have somewhere iu the region of one hundred styles of business suits new ready te put ou. A list of thcui would be the dullest of read ing ; and yet we want you te knew substantially what they are like. The lowest price is $8.50, and the highest is $20. They are all of wool. $8.50 is very little te get all-wool .cloths, sponging, cutting, trim ming, making, watching, handling, rent, book-keeping, advertising and selling, out of ; but we manage te de it by dividing the costs among se many of you that one hardly feels his share at all ; he pays for materials aud work, and very little mere. "We'll take auether day for the rest ; but you may as well coine and sce new as later. Seeiug is better than rcadiug. WANAMAKER & BROWN OAK HALT., MARKET AND SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. ft THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN AMERICA. Ck THT1CE HALL! ALL IN Every available hand is busy iu gutting out Clothing in our Custom Department. We liave facilities te make up iu geed style ever ONE HUNDRED SUITS PER WEEK, And that is just what we are doing at this time, and we are happy te say that the public np- ni;i.iiin t;iiii.-i ium;iiiiii vuiuiu jiuii i supported ucimr uwiay i nan in any ei us previous iiKuuy, mm imr irauc u:i.t suaiuny iiicnsiscu year alter year and we purpose te continue me leaning jieuung ieus, ler lair dealing and low prices will be rewarded. Our stock et piece goods Is still fall and complete et all the Leading Manufacturers, both Foreign ami Demestic. CENTRE'IIALL has the laigest stock et READY-MADE CLOTHING OUTSIDE OF PHIL A DELPHI A, Fer Hen, Youths, Beys and Children, And we dely competition.. We sell Men's AU Weel Suits for 3, $10. $12, $n, all our own iimuii facturc. Our $8 suits are as geed as suits sold at ether houses at $U. Call and judge ter your yeur sel t. The pu rcliaser saves one prell t by buying at CENTRE HALL, Se, 12 EAST Kim STKEET, LANCASTER, VK&X'A. MYERS & RATMFON. vlv3Hii:r:s c f KHOLIZKD MOT11 1'KOOK FEL.T. THE CARBOLIZED MOTH PROOF FELT SAVES THOUSANDS OFMM)LLARS EVERV YEAR BY DESTROYING MOTH. ONLY SIX CENTS A YARD. De net fall te see the most MAGNIFICENT CHANDELIER that has ever been produced in this country. All are invited te call and sfi it. A carload et COPPER AND ZINC BATH TUBS just received and. for sale le the trade at the lowest prices. A let et galvanized and plain BATH BOILERS at reduced prices. FOUR THOUSAND POUNDS OF GAS, WATER AND STEAM FIXTURES FOR SALE TO THE TRADE AT PHILADELPHIA PRICES. JOHN L. AENOLD, Nes. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. -fapRS-Ud MILLINERY Sl'KINU OPENING OF VVJI ariu.-xu FINE MILLINERY GOODS. THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES FOR HATS, BQNNETS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS Al HBONS. Alse, the Latest Spring Styles of DRESS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS AND FRINGES, at X. A. HOTOHTOFS CHEAP STORE, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, FOR SALE. 1)UI!LIC SALE OP VALUABLE KEAL ESTATE. On SATURDAY, MAY, 28, 1S81, will lie sold at public sale at the Kcystone Heuse, North (jucen street, Lancaster, Pa., the following described valuable real estate, late of Francis Ruth, deceased, te wit : Ne. 1. A two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with two story Brick Back Building and let or piece of ground, situate Ne. SOU, en the cast side of North (Juecn street, iu said citv. containing 20 feet in front (including a 2 feet wide common alley en the north line), and extending eastwardly 140 feet te Ne. 2. There are six rooms in said house, with gas in each room ; hydrant convenient at kitchen deer. There are choice fruit trees and grape vines en said let. Ne. 2. A one-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, with one-story Frame Buck Building and let or piece et ground, situate en the west side of Christian street, said city, con taining in front 22 rcet, 9 inches, and extend ing westwardly lft feet te Ne. 1. There are five rooms in this beuse and a variety et choice fruit trees en the let. Sale te commence at 8 o'clock p. in., when terms will be made known b -ur.rt.j jinn. uu au, , ,. .1.. ,.vm,t MIN JOHN WORKMAN. .Vtterncys In fact of the heirs of said deceased. II. Siiubkkt, Auct. maylO-l!-25-2S COAL. B. II. MARTIK, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. 9Yard : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n:i-Iyd COHO & WILEY, .ISO NORTH WATER ST., Lancaster, lt., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Oflice : Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. - Ieb28d;d fO TO RETTJiY & KELLER FOR GOOD, GLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers and ethers in want et Superior Manure will find it te their advantage te call. Yard, Harrlsburg Pike. Office. W)i East Chestnut street. agl7-tt . JEWELERS. ANCASTEK WATCHES! In all the New Styles et GOLD AND SILVER CASES. AUttUSiaUB JMMMUWI JI!wi J 20 East King Street, Lancaster, 1 a. rDSlNK3S SUITS. -:e:- CK NTKE UALL! MOTION. as svpi'iamss. MA,S NIHCENT CIIANIIEI.IKK. urcnuiu lOOl met hk a win an. lOMMOS WKALTU VISTUIBUTIOX CO. 32d Popular Monthly Drawing OF TH COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Maeauley's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en TUESDAY, MAT 31st, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act et the General Assembly of Kentucky, incorporat ing the Newport Printing and Newspaier Company, approved April '., 187H. 4SrTliis Is special act, ami tuts never been repealed. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That the Common wealth DIstrlbutleE Company Is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. N. B. The Company lias new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes ler the MAY DRAWING. i prizQ s vsas 9 3'W a JIlTIZU XUfUAa x jinx" a),UI)C 10 prizes $l,000euch 10,000 'JOpri.cs.MWcach lo.euo 100 prizes $100 each lo.euo 200 prizesSO each lo.euv coo prizes 20 each 12,008 1000 prizes lOeach 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 3,70 9 prizes 200 each, " " L8W 9 prizes 100 each, ' 900 Whole tickets, $2; hair tickets, $1; 27 tickets $50; 55 tickets, f 100. Remit Meney or Bank Draft In Letter, ei send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGIS TERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can lie sent at our expense. Address all orders te K. If . UOAKDM AN, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky ei T. J. COMMKKFOKD, 309 Breadwar. New Yerk. febl-TuThASAw SLEIOUS, C. Carriages! Carnages! AT EDGERLEY & CO.'S, Prartlcal'L'aniage BaiMers, Market Street, Rear of Central Market Houses, Lancaster, Pa. We have en hand a Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which we efTcr at the VERT LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, uive us a call; JVRepatring promptly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed for hat purpose. I nas-UdAw TK.I rKUUtS' HI' I It t: 1AKCAKTKK AM) 2IULl.KltSVII.I.K K. 4 Cars run as fellows : Leave Kiiicatser P. K. Depot), at 7, , an i 11:30 a.m., and ", 4, t and 8 JO p. ui., except en Saturday, when the l;it ear leaves at 9-JM p. m Leave Millersville (lower end) at 5, 8. aud a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. in. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. CWLUMltlA AND PORT DEPOSIT K. K Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Fert Deposit Railroad ou the following time: Stations Neimi-Kxpress.tExpress. Aceeiu wn:. a. . r. M. P. M. Fert Deposit.... Peaclibotteiu. Safe Uarber... . . Columbia... 6:35 7:12 7:55 8:25 55 4:28 5:11 5:40 2:15 3:18 5ra 6:20 Statiems Seuth- Express. Express. Accem WAKII. A.M. r. M. A.M. Columbia. 11SP two 7:45 r. M. Artf.Oi; Safe HarlKir. 12:0)'. 6:4'J 19:4(1 PeachbetUmi 12:48 7:32 ll.e; 1 It Pert Deposit 1:25 8:05 liie" R EADING A COLUMBIA K. K. ARRANG EM EST OF PASSENGER TRAINS OCTOBER 25TH, 1880. NORTHWARD. LKAVK. Quarry ville Lancaster, King St. Lancaster Columbia ARRIVE. A.M. 7il 9:30 9:40 Reading.... SOUTHWARD. LKAVK. Reading ARR1VK. Columbia a.m. r.M. r.M. B:C. .... 230 7:55 .... 3:40 8:05 14)5 .1:50 7:55 1:10 3:10 10:05 3:20 5.50 r.M Lancaster. 10:07 2.10 8: in 5:iM Lancaster. King St 10:18 .... 8sS 5:10 Unarryville 11:20 9:25 :4i Trains connect ut Reading with tniins te and from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrlsburg, Al Al lentewn anil New Yerk, vfci Bound llrek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA ItAILKOAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after MOND.W. MAY' li'.lli, l.-v-l. trains ou the Pennsyl vania will arrive anil leave the Lan-e.-vti'i ami Philadelphia depote as follews: Eastward. A.M. A.M. r.M. 8:05 ;I24 8:10 r.M. 10:15 2:10 8:20 10:07 2.10 8:10 10:18 .... 8:20 UrJO .... 9:25 Leave Arrive Lnnc'ter Phllad'u i.VA.M. 5:1.1 a.m 5:08 " 7S15 -8:e " .... 8:05 IU-.10 " 8:15 ftlti " litU i-.m. 1:10 " IsM r.M. 3.20 " 2aM 5:w 3:lO " 5-jai " 4:18 i;:ir, ' 4:3.'. " i.::i". ' n? " '.s 9:25 " Hsn " 'fcvavu Arrive Philad'a lme'ter ii:.i a.m. 5:liO A.N 7:30 " lir.20 " 10:2.'. " Jhtm - 11:55 " 8:110 " KfcStl " 12:10 " 30 r.M. 2:35 i:a r.M. km " 4:tw " 7rJe " 50 " 70 " rr 8:50 " 9:10 " llja " HAT. " 2.15 a.m Cincinnati Express..' rust I.liie... ..... Yerk Act inc. Arrives; Harrlsburg Express Dillcrvillc Accem. Arrives. Columbia Accommodation. Frederick Acciun. Arrives, I'aeinc r..prc?s Sunday Mail Johnstown E nns St. Leuis Day Express Chicago Day Express, Ilarrisburg Accomiuedat'ii, WKSTWAULr. Way Passenger, Mail Tram .Ne. I. ia Mt..lev Mall Train Ne.2,via Cel'hiu, Niagara A Chiiiige Express suiKiay man, Fast Line. Freilerick AciouumMlalieii, Ulllervilli: Lecal. via ML.iey Harrisburu Aceomiueilat'u. Columbia AccouimtHlatieu, larrisiiurg K.xpress,... Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express,.... Pacific Express. Pacific Express, east, en Stiimnv, wuen nag geil, will step at Miildletewn, Elizaliethtewii, Mt. Jey, Imdisville, Binl-in-IIaud, Leuinn Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Conies Vilie, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged. Will step at Den iiiiigtown.Ceutcsville, Parkes burg, Mt.Jey, Eli:'.aliethlewii and Miildletewn . llanovcrnfceiiiiiiodution west, connecting at Ijincaslcr with Niagara aiidChic:ige Express at 11:00 a. in., u ill run through te Hanover. Frederick Ac.'iiiumodntien,wcM, connects ut Lancaster, ith Fast Line, west, at 2:30 r. v., and will run iMinuirh te Frederick. l'AI'ERHAKUINUS, Jtr. wiNutnv siiAiif, Jtc. 200 WINDOW SRADES iua variety of Celers, that w ill be sold I mm lerly tesevrnty-llvii cent-i a piece. This is ulxmt half value for them. A few or these light patterns kit, in order te close, will be sold at seven ly-live cents a piece. Plain Shading for Windows in all the newest colors, and in any desired iiiality wanted. 4u inch, 45 inch mid 72 inch for large windows and Stere Shades. SCOTCH HOLLANDS the best made, American Hollands in assortment. Measure of windows taken, esti mates made and Shades hung in a satisfactory inanuer. Ot WALLPAPERS weare preiiareil tesuit everylHMly. Our line is larger, cheii er and chcacr tlian any season heretofore. Gilt Papers from the cheaiest irradc te the line-it reeds made. Grounded und Common Pacrs in such a line varietv that we can suit the most fastidious. Cornices and Curtain Poles, Window Pupcrs, Ac. Or- uers iiiKcn ter riuu Jiirrurs. PHARES W. PRY, NO.C7 NOKTI1 JUEEN ST. HOOKS ANlf STATIONERY. w EW AND CHOICE STATIONERY, NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES, AT L. M. KLYNN.'S, M. Vi WKW KINO STKKET. LANK IIOOKS. JOHN BAER'S SOBS, 15 ami 17 NORTH (JOBEN STREET, LANCASTER, FA., Have ter sale, at the Lewest .Prices. BLANK BOOKS, Comprising Day Ifoeks, Ledgers, Catli Reeks, Sales Reeks. Bill Beeks. Minute lUniks, Re eeipt Boek, MemeraiiduiiiH, Copying Beeks, Pass Beeks-', Inveieu Beeks, Ac. WRITING PAPEKS. Foolscap, l.ettci. Nete, Bill, Sermon, Counting Heuse, Drawing Pupcrs, l'ajMitcrics, Ac. ENVELOPES AND STATIONERY el all kinds. Wholesale and Retail. FAMILY AND TEACHERS' BIBLES, Prayer Beeks, Devotional Beeks, Sunday school Music Beeks. Sunday-school Libraries. Commentaries. Ac. TItuCLAMATION. Wherca-, the alarming prevalence of Incen diary fl re-" iu our midst, and the boldness of tlioperjietniters. make it th duty or all gHMl citizen-. iiM-eially the holders and owners of prejierty. te be vigilant and te assist by their Individual etlerts te bring these outlaws te usticc. Citizens. will de well te watch the goings and ceinings et suspected persons In their immediate respective neighborhoods, and.give early nnil authentic Information te the police authorities et the city, et any cir cumstances In the liabits or conduct et such suspected individuals likely, te fasten iien them the perpetration of se heinous a crime. POIlea emecrs Having mucs upon ura ie patrol in their respective wards, must neces sarily ullerd very inadequate protection against t he cnnnlnir of the Incendiary, unless their efforts are feipplcmcntcd by these or our citizens. I therefore call upon all Interested in preserving order. In the preservation el tranqulllity.te contribute te these ends by un usual vigilance ever the immediate vicinity et $500 REWARD. By virtue or the authority given me by the resolution or Councils of February 4, 1874, 1 hereby etTer a reward el Five Hurdred Dol Del ars for the arrest and conviction or any party or parties who have set tl re te any or tha build ings burnt by incendiary tire within the last year, and the same reward will be paid ler the arrest and conviction or any person who may set fire te any building In the future. J.N O. T. MacGONIGLE, aprl5-tfd Mayer.