Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 19, 1881, Image 3

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better than they were before the '"picture
gallery ' was issued. It will disgust many
voters, as it Las already disgusted Judge
Livingston. The publication of their
shot t ticket will consolidate independent
voters against it." County Commissioner
"The picture circular " is net a very
jjiarp dodge, aud -will probably de the
NexeEra folks as much harm as geed."
Jkputy Sheriff Hippey.
"It is a 'staver' and will de them inere
harm than geed." Al. Ethcard. Deputy
'It is all right; nothing can lie said
against it. I was in the ce'uutry last night
and the pcople whom I saw speak well ei'
the book. Most of the pictures are bad."
Oircn P. Jlricker, esq.
" Seme of the pictures leek if tht'y were
taken from the Rogues' Gallery, and if
men with these faces were placed iu the
deck they would be convicted. Judge
Livingston is angry because his picture is
en a portion of the books." Francis P.
Kilbnrn. late Candidate for Jury Commis
sioner. " It will de them mere harm than geed.
The country people cannot be made te be.
licve just anything." C. F. Stencr, Dep
uty Register.
" Ne doubt the candidates whose pic
lures appear in the book think it leeks
well. 1 suppose there will be no mere il
legal fees." Jehn D. Clinten, Candidate
for Quarter Sessions Court.
" Well, if I am defeated by that book,
I still have seven mouths te be iu office,
and 1 will mark some people I knew by
whom the book was gotten up. I think my
chances are as geed as ever. I don't like
this short ticket. Under Danny Shifter's
picture am the words, "aud pledges him
self, if elected, te mate no unnecessary or
illegal fees or costs iu the discharge of his
duties.' I think that's mean aud they are
trying te iirtimatc that I took illegal fees.
There are enough independent voters te
elect me, and I am net frightened. Cor Cer Cor
eder Mishlcr (icie is the cresscsl man in
The picture of Danny Shi Her leeks like
Jehn I). Lee, the Mermau murderer. .
JV. .S. Wills, clerk te the commissioners.
" 1 saw a mau this morning who picked
up the book and first saw Danny Shifler's
pic tin e. He sa'nl : 'Why here is an advertise
ment for Sam G raffs bitters. This is the
picture of old Dr. Chill Chilli.' "County
Treasurer Graff, proprietor of the " Snap
per Bex."
"The lira might sell these cuts te the
Police Gazette te be used when murder
occurs." Editor Williamson of JlicstauVs
"We knew all about these nam ; what
is the use te publish their lives ? I can't see
that it will de any geed." Clerk Warfel
in County Treasurers office.
" I think it was a d d rascally trick te
get that bi.ek out." Ham Miller ex-police-man.
"It contains pictures of the most
'honest' foekiug-men l.have ever seen
They are mere honest than Democrats."
Prison Keeper lime.
" It will hurt them mero than de them
geed." Ex-Aldcrman Delict, of the Ex
aminer. "The pictures leek like the 1 labor mur
derers." A. J. Kauffman.
"The book leeks well and it may de
some geed." Dr. Complen, Candidate for
" The issue of the pictorial liatuimlel,
containing portraits aud biographical
sketches of the candidates of the New Era
set up, and the distribution of short tick
ets containing the names of these caudi
calcs only, stamps it beyond question as
a political ring, aud if Lancaster county
Republicans arc opposed te rings and set
ups, they will vote against it. Their set-up
is of itself the best answer te their cry of
Reform' and their sham opposition te
rings." .. J.. J.ytc Commedore JlicslamV s
Ke fend Male.
Olie or the Ilarrisburg MutuaU Investigate
The Reading Eagle says that Mr. Henry
llevertcr, general agent of the State
Capital Mutual aid association, of Harris
burg, was in Reading yesterday and made
a thorough investigation iute all the cir
cumstauccs attcudiug the insurance of
old Mrs. Gehris, and said it was the worst
case he had ever heard of. Mr. llover llever
tcr stated that the president of the State
Capital had told him that if affida
vits could be produced which would
tend te substantiate what was alleged, the
parties who had effected the insurance
would be arrested for conspiracy. Mr.
llevertcr left for Ilarrisburg early this
morning te confer with the officials of the
ceinpauy aud premised te return this
evening or te-morrow, when he would
promptly have the parties taken iute cus
tody. Last evening he visited Bcnja
mau Gehris, a seu of the deceased, who
first brought his father's case te the notice
of the public,aud took him and his wife, Re
becca Gehris, before Alderman Maxton,
where they made affidavit as te the physi
cal condition of Mr. Gehris immediately
before the insurance. They set forth that
the old maii was eighty-live years old, that
he had been sick for the past four or live
years, and unable te work during thai
time ; also, that he had been bed-ridden
for the past nine or ten months ; that he
was afllictcd with a complication of dis
eases, among them hemorrhage aud gan
grene, his tees being almost ready te drop
oil', aud that he was at death's deer when
insured, which was done without the con
sent of the old man or his children.
Mr. llevertcr has also ascertained that
the old man was insured for upwards of
$e0.000 in ether companies. The sum of
$5,000 is held by a man residing iu Bauins Bauins
tewn, the remainder by the two men who
accompanied Dr. Yergey te Daniel Gehris'
house. The case when fully developed,
Aldcrmau Maxteu says, will be one of the
most startling unearthed yet hew the
parties had agreed te recommend whisky
te tone up the old man's system, se as te
stimulate aud keep him alive long enough
te have the insurance clTectcd, as it was
feared he might die before the policy was
drawn up, and hew the men who had the
old man insured agreed even te have the
date of the policy set back if he should
die before it was drawn up. All these
facts will be mere fully developed when
llevertcr returns from Ilarrisburg with
instructions from the State Capital's offi
cers. Moravian Synod.
The synod of the Northern Province of
the Moravian church of North America
convened iu Bethlehem, Tuesday fore
noon, Rt. Rev. E. de Schwclnitz presid
ing. Subsequently the bishop was elected
permanent president, and Rev. Merris
Seibcrt, secretary, and Revs. A. Schultz
and Merris Seibcrt. assistant secretaries
The reading of the credcutials showed a
representation te be present of 93 out of a
membership of 1 11. Bishop de Sch wcinitz
delivered a short address of welcome, in
which be referred te the financial condi
tion of the church, which is net just what
could be desired. The synedical sermons
will be -delivered by Rev. Charles B.
Schultz, of Bethlehem, iu English, and
Rev. Charles Nagle, of Lititz, iu German.
There will be missionary aud ether ser
vices during the continuance of the synod.
"All en Account" of the Primaries.
. The drunken crowd of reunders en the
street is almost as large as ever te-day.
Last night beer was given away in an old
building en Grant street above Duke, by
the keg. Everybody get drunk and a
geed time was had. It is said te have
been given out by the McMellen-!ramttcr
faction, and te-night the affair will be re
peated. Beys, you knew where te go te
get free "sets." Net far off the flew Era
Sensenig party had a bar'l en tap last
This changeable weather is greatly in
conveniencing our people. We found a
lire in one lawyer's office ami one leing
started iu another. Who would have
theughc of such a thing a' week age ?
Mr. J. 1 Cushman, of Marietta, was in
town this morning.
Miss Maggie Wilsen left here te-day en
a visit te Canandnigua. (N. Y. -
Miss Anuie Wittcntu yer.ef Philadelphia,
will deliver her temperance address in the
M. K. church te-morrow evcuing. She is
said te be an eloquent and forcible speak
er. We arc informed that the lady was
the first president of the Weman's Na
tional Christian temperance union.
The particulars of the accident te the
young man Keppler, seu of a Mr. Kcpplcr,
who is by occupation a mover of houses,
a short note of which was given in the
Intklliuknckk of last veiling, are that
he had a leg broken above the knee by the
fall of a heavy leg wliich he was assisting
a couple of ether men tj carry.
The sociable given last evening iu the
M. E. church parlors by the Ladies' Aid
society of the church was a very pleasaut
aud successful affair. Refreshments con
sisting of lemonade, cakes, etc., were
served aud something mere than twenty
six dollars was netted.
A heavy and much-needed rain fell dur
ing most of last night, aud the leek of
things overhead would indicate that it is
net yet ever. Garden truck of all kinds
will bear witness this morning that geed
has been -done it.
The opera house engine room is about
being closed for the summer, and its chief,
Mr. C'riah new giviug the in
terior a few touches with a while wash
brush. Mr. S. will siH'iid the summer in
fishing, at which, with hook and line, he
is probably as expert as any man iu Col
umbia. Scheel beard meeting te-uight. Writ
ten examinations in public schools next
The anti-Cameren Republicans of the
First ward are looking for some one te put
agaiust K. A. Becker for ceuuty commit
teeman. Rather a late day te commence
a light.
A darkey was se beastly drunk iu the
1. R. R. depot at uoeu te-day that he fell
te the lloer and could scarcely regain his
Edward R. Black, of the P. R. R., is iu
town te-day.
A special meeting of council was held te
talk ever fire engine matters, etc. Ne
business of any importance was transacted
but the council was almost unanimous in
its censure (without a vote) of a couple of
the correspondents of the Lancaster dailies
for mixingup the proceedings of the hist
regular meeting. Fortunately we es
caped at least we have heard nothing te
the contrary.
Mr. T. Jeffersen Clcppcr has get his
slcani sand scow put together and has gene
te work witii it. He will furnish sand te
the Pennsylvania railroad company.
The Xeir Era candidates with their
records and portraits, dope up iu pamphlet
form, arc here. It new remains for the
voters te leek into the records, study the
premises aud vole the straight ticket. A
certain editor, in sneaking of the personal
appearance of the aforesaid candidates
said "they leek like the Rabcr murder
ers." The public schools close en Friday of
u jxt wesk.
A great number of catfish were caught
yesterday between the old aud new fish
ways. Twe Pennsylvania railroad engi
neers Messrs. Geerge Smith and Jehn
Madden had a string mere than four feet
long. An old rivcrmau informed us this
morning that at this season of the year cat
tish ' always run thick and at points
where they attempt te get above the
dam they are frequently se thick that a
three cent piece thrown iute the water
would be sure te strike one liefere reach
ing the bottom. He further averred that
the water at such time and places is
literally black with them. This statement
will account for the large catches of the
last few days.
Four or five men who had been given
lodgings in the borough lockup, were re
leased yesterday morning. One of them
was dressed iu broadcloth, carried a geld
watch and chain, aud were a couple of
geld linger rings.
Fatal Coincidence.
It may be noted as a singular incident
of the campaign that several of the promi
nent candidates have suffered severe fam
ily afflictions .during the canvass : Jacob
C. K ready, candidate for shcrid'.aiid Geerge
Spurrier, candidate ler clerk of orphans'
court, have each lest a sister ; and Isaac
Mishlcr, candidate for coroner, lest a brother
all of whom have died within a few days
past. And it is only a short time since
Judge Livingston lest a sistcr-in law and
Isaac Bushong.caiulidate for commissioner,
his wife.
Ititsysa Nailers.
The bosses and best workers of both
rings arc working day and night te make
things solid. "I'm fur 'em" or "I'm
agin 'cm " is iterated and reiterated at all
points and at all hours. Levi Sensenig,
Jehnsen and Lew Hartman were hob-nebbing
iu the vicinity of " the castle in the
alley " after midnight last night. Alder
man Spurrier's office was lit up nearly all
hist night, aud thousands of circulars and
tickets were cuvcleped and addressed te
the faithful in all sections of the ceuuty.
The Scramble in the .Ninth.
Lively times arc expected iu the meet
ing of Republican ret urn judges next
Monday aud each party is " laying low ''
te capture the organization. Jehn I.
Hartman is slated for chairman by the
New Era party ; se the ethers will oppose
his election ferjudge in his own ward un
less he agrees te support Spurrier at least.
Whoop it up.
Veautltul Snow.
Policemen who were out last night say
that during the rain storm which pre
vailed all night there was for a short time
a brisk fall of snow. The rainfall was
heavy aud has thoroughly soaked the
ground, but the weather is far tee cold for
Itcturned te Chambersburg.
Mr. Jehn M. Cooper, formerly of the
Intelligence!: and well known in this
city, who had lately moved te Washing
ton, Pa., and there edited the llccicu) and
Examiner has returned te Chambersburg
where he formerly resided.
Uoet Ida vie Kebbcil.
Calvin Carey, a colored bootblack, had
all his brushes, blacking &c stolen from
his box, which he sat down ou North
Quccu street last night.
Decoration Day at Meuutvillc.
. Hugh R. Fulton, esq., of this city, has
accepted an invitation te deliver au ad
dress en Decoration day, May 30, at
Tell XI All.
' Verick " in Columbia Courant.
Mr. Warfel's senatorial career especi
ally when the Unieu passenger railway
needed friends aud get them.
A Big Fleece.
Jehu llelnies, jr., of Celcraiu township,
lias clipped from a Cotswold sheep about
twelve months old twelve pounds of wool
of extra quality.
They Uave a. Deg.
Frank B. Hewell has presented the Em
pire hook and ladder company with 9
beautiful poodle deg.
The Confemien Which Brandt aad Hum
mel Lett Behind Them.
Ouc year age Charles Drews, Frank
Stichter. Henry Wise, Israel Braudt and
Jesiah Hummel were hanged for the mur
der of Jeseph Rabcr iu the northern por
tion of Lebanon county, in order te
secure the insurance money ou his life
amounting te $11,000. An important
sequel has just been made public in the
confession of Brandt and Hummel, two
of the conspirators, who requested their
spiritual adviser, Rev Geerge F. Trabert,
and counsel, Colonel J. P. S. Gebin, net
te furnish the same for publication until
one year after their death. Brandt was
the hotel keeper at whose inn the conspira
tors met and conceived their scheme. He
charges that the project was breached by
Henry Wise, who effected the insurances
ou Rabcr' s life, and that Geerge Zechman,
who was tried aud acquitrcd, was the
most active one in carrying out what
Wise had planned. Brandt's reason
for requesting that his confession be with
held was that it implicated Zechman
and hence he desired a delay of a year in
its publication. Hummel states that Wise
was the instigator of the scheme and used
his utmost endeavors te interest ethers iu
the project. Zechman met Hummel at
Wise's house aud made arrangements for
the insuring of Raber and then working
him out of the way. Five persons had
insurances en Baiter's life and Drew was
the man selected te de the job. Zechman
and Wise sent Hummel te Drews' house
te erder the killing of Raber upon a cer
tain day, but he failed te find Drews at
home. On the next day Hummel went te
Brandt's and asked the latter whether
Drews would de the deed aud was told that
it would be done that week. Drews want
ed $1,500 for drowning Rabcr, but the
sum was considered tee high, aud Hum
mel felt that as far as he was concerned
the project was abandoned. Zechman,
the only one of the six conspirators who
escaped the law, five having suffered the
penalty of death, is new engaged in farm
ing in Upper Bern township, Berks county.
Volunteer Firemen's Insurance Company.
The committee en insurance, appointed
by the Pennsylvania State Firemen's asso
ciation, met yesterday at the office ef.Maj.
S. E. Ancona. lieading, of the committee.
The ether members present were J. K.
Barr, of Lancaster, chairman ; Samuel II.
Ettla, of Ilarrisburg, and Jehn Siingluff,
of Norristewu. Henry A. Dcrr, of Nor Ner Nor
ristewn, president, and William W. Wun
der, secretary of the State Firemen's as
sociation, were also present.
The committee agreed upon a plan of
organization under the general iusurance
act of May 1,1870, and will report the same
te the state firemen's convention which
meets in Reading in September. The name
pnqiescd for the new organization is "The
Volunteer Firemen's Insurance Company
of Pennsylvania." The capital stock was
fixed at $200,000 in 4,000 shares of $30
each, books for which will be opened at the
time of the convention, September 20 and
21. Privilege te subscribe for shares of
stock will be given first te the several vol
unteer lire companies of the state in their
organized capacity ; next te the individual
members of said companies ; and finally
if any balance remains, te the general pub
lie. The papers have all been prepared
ready for organization, and if they are
apprevedby the state convention, the sub
scription books will be opened at once, and
it is confidently believed that all the stock
will be taken while the convention is in
l-'ace Cut.
A little daughter of Charles Beitzcl,
aged 8 years, while playing ameug the
timbei-s te be used for the re-construction
of the Shippcu street bridge, fell aud in
jured her face badly. The place is a dan
gerous one aud little children should be
kept away fiem it.
Hlg Catch.
Last night Geerge Speug aud his
brother Leenard set out lines in the Con Cen Con
cstega. This morning when they lifted
them they had caught 51 eels and 17 cat
fish, all of geed size.
Viewing Streets.
The viewers appointed by the court with
the commissioners and the city and county
solicitors are today viewing Poplar and
St. Jeseph streets te ascertain the amount
of damages te the land owners.
Ihnit ieur canary Slug?
Thru get a lietllu of I'.ird Kilters, wliich is an
unfailing restorer et song mid n cure fei all
diseases of cage birds. It your druggist docs
net keep it, or will net Ki:t it for you, send a
postal card te the ISird Feed Company, 307
Federal street, Camden, X. .1., and they will
sec that you are supplied. Price, 23 cents.
City IHII x'OHtcrs.
CurMMi & llensel, city bill pesters and dis
tributors, eflice lNTKLLKii-NUKit building, Xe. fi
Seuth Queen street.
Shaving is it rascally business, shaving with
Ciiticura Shaving Seap nlene excepted.
Equally adapted te the feeble or robust,
male or ienialc, are Malt Hitters.
11 is impossible ler a woman after a laitlitul
veun-c of treatment with Lydia K. Pink ham's
Vegetable Compound, te continue te sutTer
with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a
stamp te Mrs. I.ydia K. Pinkham, 233 Western
Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for her pamphlets.
Te Persons About te Marry.
" Te crsens about te marry," Douglass Jcr Jcr
rehl's advice was "don't ;"' we supplement by
mying, without laying in a supply of Spring
I'.lossem, which euros albuminuria and ether
kidney and bladder complaints. Price SO cents,
trial bottles 10 cents. Fer wile at II. It. Coch
ran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street.
When a beard of eminent physicians uud
chemists announced the discovery thai by
combining some well known valuable reme
dies, the most wonderful medicine was pro
duced, which would cure such a wide range of
diseases that most all ether remedies could be
dispensed with, many were sceptical ; but
proof et its merits by actual trial has dispelled
all doubt, and te-day the discoverers of that
great medicine. Hep Uittcrs, are honored and
blessed by all as benefactors.
1 iiavc been a suitcrer ler years with Ca
tarrh, and under a physician's treatment for.
ever a year, have tried a number of "sure
euro" remedies and pbtaincd no relief. I was
advised te try lily's Cream Palm. It guvc ma
immediate relief. I believe I am new entirely
enrel. U. 8. Davis, First National Hank,
Elizabeth, X. J., Aug. 14, 1ST!).
JJv fa it th') best remedy ler the treatment of
Catarrh and its kindred diseases is Ely's
Cream l'.alm, which is having the largest sales
with us of any preparation new offered. The
reports arc all favorable, and we de net hesi
tate te indorse it as superior te. any and all
ether articles in the market. The Balm is
pleasant and easy te use. Crncs Lawall &
Sex, Druggist, Easten. Pa. my9-2ml&w
have lour Hair Keep it lSeautifui.
The " Londen Hair Celer Kesterer" is the
most delightlul article ever Introduced te the
-American people and is totally different Irem
all ether Hair Restorers, being entirely free
from all impure ingredients that render many
ether articles for the hair obnoxious. Where
baldness or falling of the hair exists, or prema
ture grayness, from sickness or ether causes,
its use will restore the natural youthful color,
and cause a healthy growth, cleansing the
scalp from all impurities, dandruff, etc., at the
same time a most pleasing and lasting hair
dressing, lragrantly perfumed, rendering it
seitand pliable, making It an indispensable
article in every toilet. Ask your druggist for
Londen Hair Celer Kesterer. Price 75 cents a
bottle. Six bottles, $4. Main depot ler the
United States, 330 North Sixth street, Phlladel.1
phia. um-lydTXWtraw
The average weekly sales of Watches in the United States have
reached be t twenyr thousand, aud this great production has se
cheapened the cost, that a geed 'Watch is within the reach of every
person; Daring tins -week we' have added te our stock Ohatelain
Watches for Radies and Misses from $7.75 up. Gents' Stem
Winders from $5 up. ' '
Geld and Silver Leuis XV Watches a high style of the last
century revived made te order and engraved with our trade
marks, "Pennsylvania" and "H.. Z. Rhoads & Bre." Having been
well tested we can, give assurance of their excellence as time
keepers, and their cost is especially low.
We invite an examination.
A generous stock of all wares in our line will be found in our
cases, and we offer great bargains in Diamonds, Sapphires, and in
Jewelry of our own manufacture.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
4 West King Street, - .Lancaster, Pa.
Manufacturing Jeweler,
Solid Silver, aud Silver-Plated Ware in Spoeus, Ferks, Knives, Casters, &
We offer te our patrons advantages wliicli are rarely combined in one establishment, be
cause we have a complete MANUFAUTBKINU IIKI'AKTMKNT in connection with our retail
business .and are making a large part et the goods we sell. This cnuble.s us te be sure of qual
ity, te sell at the lowest prices, and ;;ivcs u lirst-class facilities ler WATCH WOltK and JEN
Manutiicturiiig Jeweler;
1,000 Different Lets te Select Frem.
Ladies, you are invited te examine our mammoth selection of
Beys' and Children's Suits, whether you intend te buy or net.
It is our business and pleasure te SHOW goods, as that is the
only way we can convince you that we are Headquartere for
Clothing, and the only house in the city '
CletMng & Merchant Tailoring EstQtlisIiment
Visible Improvement.
Mr. Neah Itates, Eluilra, N. V., writes ;
" About lour weeks ae.I had an attack of bil
ious fever, and never fully recovered. My dl-
Kestlve organs were weakened and 1 would be
completely prostrated ler days. Atter usini;
two beiues ei your isuriiecK isioen i.mei-s ine
improvement was se visible that I was asten- '
ighed. 1 can new, though ill years et u:c. de a
fair ami reasonable day's work. Trice $1. trial
size 10 cents. Fer sale at II. IS. Cochran's Hint;
Stere, 137 North (jncen street.
Nothing Short or UnmiMtnkable Itenclits
Centerred upon tens et thousands et sulfcrcrs
could originate aud maintain the reputation
which Ayku'b SARSArARUXA enjoys. It is a
compound et the best vegetable alteratives,
with the Iodides of Potassium and Iren, and
is the most cllcctuul et all remedies for scroiti screiti scroiti
leus, mercurial or bleed disorders. Vniiermly
successful and certain in its remedial effects.
It produces rapid and complete cures of Scrof
ula, Seres, Beils, nuniers, Piuiples, Eruptions,
Skin Diseases and all disorders rising from
impurities et the bleed, lly its invigorating
effects it always relieves and often cures Liver
Complaint. Female Weaknesses and Irregu
larities, and is a potent renewer of vitality.
Fer purifying the bleed it lias no equal. It
tones, up the system, restores and. preserves
the health, and imparts vigor ami energy.
Fer forty years it nas been in extensive use,
and is te-day the most available medicine ler
the suffering sick, anywhere, ter sale by all
dealers. mlD-lwdced&w
"The Docter Told Ale
te take a blue pill, but I didn't for I had al
ready been poisoned twice by mercury. The
druggist told me te try Kidney-Wert, and 1
did. It was just the tiling ter my biliousness
and constipation, and new I am its well as
ever." Torpid kidneys and liver is the trouble
for which Kidney-Wert always proves te be
the best remedy known. Hartferd Courant.
Mothers! Metliersl! Mether! II
Are you disturbed at night and broken of
your rest by a sick childrsuffcrliig and crying
with the excruciating painel culling teeth 7
If se, go at once and get a bottle of 31 US.
lieve the peer Uttle sufterer Immediately de
pend upon it ; there Is no mistake about It.
There is net a mother en earth who has ever
used it, who will net tell you at once that it
will reaulate the bowels, and give rest te the
mother, and rclicr and health te the child,
operating like magic It is perfectly, safe te
use in all cases, and pleasant te the taste, aim
is the prescription et nc et the eldest and
best, female physician and nurses iu the
United States. Sold every where ; 25 cents a
bottle. niarHyl&wM.WAS
Clark. In tuts city, en the Jth lint., Sirs.
Robt. Clark, daughter or tne late 1 Fitz
patrick, In the SCtli year of her age.
The relatives and friends of the family are
respectfully invited .te attend the funeral,
irem the residence of her mother, Mrs. P.
Fltzpatrick, Ne. 40 North Duke street, en Sat
urday morning, at ! o'clock. Solemn
requiem mass at St. Mary's church. Inter
ment at St. Mary's cemetery.
Kmeadt. May 18, 1881, in Maner township,
or diphtheria. Miss Margaret C.Krcady,ged 40
years, 7 months and 0 days.
The relatives and friends el the iamily ere
respectfully invited te attend the funeral,
from the residence et her brother, in Maner
town? nip, near the Columbia turnpike, en
Friday, May 20. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon.
Heitxaw. On May 18. 1S81, Sarah, wile of
Jesse Heffman, aged 71 years, 2 months and 4
Her relatives and friends are respectfully in
vited te attend the funeral Irem the residence
othcrsen-in-law, Samuel Echternacht, Main
street, Strasburg, en te-morrow ( Friday) after
noon at 2 o'clock.
WnvDT. In Allegheny Citj , en the 18th inst..
Mrs. Allca T. Wlldv. wife of J. I). Wild ami
4 daughter et the late Jacob r. Kantz, et this
taiy. zia
Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Fa.
Zalnu's Cerner, Lsumisier, Fa.
NK MUCK CMT1I1N; neusi;
Fer County Commissiener:
Fi'.ANK CL AUK, of StrusburK township.
Sci'jcct te the choice et the Democratic coun
ty convention. :iprG-d&wtp
ADAM S. 1HETUICI1, of Maner township.
Subject te the decision of thu Democratic
county convention.
11ENUY F. 1IAUTMAN (l.ime limner), el
East Lampeter township. Subject te the choice
. of the Democratic county convention.
! aprS-d&wtp
MARTIN Illi.DKP.UA.N T, or Mount Jey
Itoreugh. Subject te the ilceisieii of I he Dem
ocratic county convention. npl3-d&wtp
JEUE MOULEU, Kphrata. .Subject te the
decision of the Democratic county conven
tion. aprl!-d&wtp
for County Auditer:
JOHN I.. I.IUHTNEK, nl I.eueeck township.
Subject te tlie decision of the Democratic
ceitntv convention. uprlS-tfd&w
jv;ir AiirjcitTis:at.NT,
Ll -cheap. Apply te
It 7J9 North Queen Street.
Chanel, Sefith tjuecn Street. l'raver
meeting this eveuingat 7)4 o'clock. Itev. .las.
V. -Mitchell, D. !., will conduct the services.
1) ft O F S A 1. S S K A LVD i'KOWW A US
will be received by the Mrcet Committee
et the city of Lancaster up te THURSDAY,
MAY 20, at 7li o'clock p. in., for broken stone
for street purposes. All stone furnished must
be hard, of geed uuality ami of a size te pavj.
in their largest dimensions? through a ring
two inches in diameter. Jtids must state at
hew much per perch stone will be furnished at
the quarry, ami also at hew much they will be
delivered where required ter use The com
mittee reserve the right te reject any or all
bids. Proposals may be lctt witn Simen W.
Itaub, Clerk el Street Committee, or in the
Street Committee box at the Mayer's Oflice.
toy order of the Street Committee.
ml8-'.!tdTh&M Street Commissioner.
the Daily Intelliekkckr of September
1 1880, and Januarys). 1881. tfd
the Cooper Heuse. mHi-ttd
situation te de general housework. Ap
ply at Ne. Yii North Queen street.
will de tdl kinds of uerk. Apply te W.
G. Patten. Merchant Tailor, Ne. 31 Ojiera
Heuse. Columbia, l'a. - ' inlH-'Jtd
ltent te pay will save time and trouble
and confer a favor en the Treasurer by bring
ing with them their Water ltent Netice.
ml7-3Ut Treasurer and Beccivcr of Taxes.
there are ever three thousand water
consumers, and comparatively lew liave paid,
these wishing te save the nvc per cent, abate
ment will confer a laver en the Treasurer by
calling at as early a day as convenient, as ft
-will be impossible te wait en all within a few
Office hours from 8 te VI a. m. and from 1 te 3
p ni. WM. JIcCOMSK Y,
i'27-tfd Treasurer and Receiver of Taxes.
, uiltVUUtl K WHITMIlm'
Pi late et Bart township, deceased. Letters
of administration en uu raw nun
been granted te the nndersigncd, all per
sons indebted thereto are requested te make
immediate payment, and these having claims
or-demands, ugainst the same, will present
them without delay for settlement te the un
dersigned, residing in Celeraln township,
Kirkwood P. O. WM. N. GALBKAITH,
. apr20-6tw Admlnlstiater.
Washington, May 19. Fer the Middle
states, light rain, followed by partly
cloudy and slightly warmer weather, vari vari
ble winds shifting te southwest and north
west, and stationary or a slight rise in
home Important Nominations Snt In
Washington, May 19. The president
sent the following nominations te the Sen
ate te-day : Woodferd, district attorney for
the Southern district of New Yerk; Ten
ney, district attorney for the Eastern dis
trict et New Yerk; Henry . Knox, United
States marshal for the Southern district
of New Yerk; McDengal, United States
marshal for the Northern district of New
Yerk ; Charles A. Gould, collector of
customs at Buffalo, N. Y. ; Glenni W.
Scefleld, of Pennsylvania, te be judge of
the court of claims ; Blanche K. Bruce, of
Mississippi, te be register of treasury ;
Lucius P. Thompson, surveyor of the pert
of Philadelphia ; Jehn F. Drave, surveyor
et the pert of Pittsburgh ; Benj. Darling
ton, postmaster of Pittsburgh ; Gee. W.
Roosevelt, of Pennsylvania, consul at
The Kellogg Resolution Passed.
Washington, May 19. In the Senate
Mr. Kellogg offered his resolution calling
upon the heads of the various departments
for information as te names of officers and
clerks ou the rolls of such department, to
gether with date of appointment, state te
which each is credited, compensation, and
whether such employee is white or col
ored. Mr. Merrill opposed the resolution and
Mr. Plumb advocated it.
Mr. Sherman moved te go into cxecutive
session lest.
An amendment offered by Mr. Plumb
was then agreed te. It calls for the addi
tional information as te hew many of such
clerks served in the army during the 10 10
bcliien. The resolution was thus amended
and adopted. The Seuate then went into
executive session.
The Senatorial Situation at Albiy.
Ai,any, May 19. The senatorial situ
ation is unchanged. Adiuini.str.Uien men
say they feel perfectly able te defeat the
return of Conkling or Piatt, unless the
stalwarts coalesce with the Democrats.
The Democrats claim that the question
should be left te the pcople at the next
election. The probabilities are that there
will be an election without any preliminary
caucus en the part of the Republicans.
Governer Cernell and Chaunccy 31. DepeAV
are mentioned as candidates en the part of
the Republicans.
Soiue Forthcoming l'robable Nomination.
Washington, May 19. The White
Heuse was thronged with visitors this
morning though few were se fortunate as
te reach the president with their papers.
Several senators called and found the pres
ident busy in the preparation of his final
list of nominations te be sent te the
Seuate. Among these which there is geed
authority te bclieve will be made iscx
Rcprcscntativu Loring, te be commissioner
of agriculture (the resignation of Commis
sioner LcDuc having been accepted by
the prcsideut), and Colonel J. II. Baxter
te be surgeon general .of the army.
An OH Train Hurncd.
Am.entewn, Pa., May 19. An oil
train ou the Lehigh Valley railroad
brek'j an axle at East Pciin .Junction at
live o'clock this morning ami the
train was set en fire. Four tanks,
each containing 15, 500 gallons of crude oil,
were burned. Nine freight cars were also
burned, and the track was destroyed for a
distance of one hundred feet
Twe Fatalities.
Ai.toena, May 18. Samuel Black, mil
ler at Spring Meadow, Bedford county,
was caught in. the belting and mangled te
death. He was aged ue and leaves a
widow and live children, one of them only
two weeks old.
Henry Rccp, aged 12, of Allegrippus,
while en his way te spend the night at a
signal tower was thrown under a train
which he tried te beard and cut te pieces.
Mrs. (iaillelit Out of Danger.
Wahihnuten, May 19. Dr. Boynteu,
the attending physician, says of Jlrs. Gar
field's condition :
"She slept well last night for the lirst
time since her illness. She has but little
fever te-day, takes seme nourishment and
is in every way greatly improved."
She is new believed by her friends te be
wholly out of danger.
A Tie Vete en Chandler In Committee.
Washington, May 19. The Senate ju
diciary committee took up the nomination
of W. E. Chandler and voted as fellows :
Te confirm Legan, Ingalls and McMillan
e ; Te reject Davis. Ills., Bayard and
Lamar 3; Absent Edmund and Garland.
The committee will report the nomination
te the Seuate without recommendation.
Adjournment of the Odd Fellows Conven
tion. Uauuisisuicg. Pa., May 19. The grand
ledge of Odd Fellows in session here this
morning heard the reports of the standing
committee, installed the officers previously
elected, and then adjourned te meet iu this
city next year.
The Old (iuanl's (iiiim Turned Upen uar-
The following letter from cx-Picsidcnt
Grant te Senater Jenes, of Nevada, shows
that in the present contest between cx cx
Scnater Conkling and the president, Mr.
Conkling has the full sympathy and sup
port of General Grant. This letter te ex ex
Scnater Jenes contained one from the cx
prcsident te Mr. Garfield, which was de
livered te him personally by Senater Jenes.
Its contents are net known, but there can
be no denbtthat its purport is similar te
that of the letter te Mr. Jenes. That let
ter is as fellows :
" City ok Mexico, April 24, 1881.
" My Dear Senater I sec by the latest
despatches received here from the cap
ital of our country that the deadlock in
organizing the Senate is net yet broken,
and that nothing has been dene by the
president te allay the bitterness which
must be engendered by his most recent
appointments. When the first batch of
nominations for New Yerk was scut
in I was delighted. I believed
then the president had determined te rec
ognize the Republican party, and net a
faction. Bat his nominations of the next
day convinced me that the first act was
but a part of a deep laid scheme by some
body te punish prominent leaders for be
ing openly friendly te me. I cannot be
lieve that General Garfield is the author
of this policy. I eive him credit for be-
! ing tee big a man te descend te such
means ter tne puuisument ei men
who gave him a hearty isuppert in his
election and who are disposed te give him
the same support new, for the offence of
having had a former preference ter some
one else for the effiee which he new holds.
But Garfield is president and is responsi
ble for all the acts of the administration.
Conkling and Piatt are the chosen sena
tors from the great state of New Yerk,
and that, tee, against all the opposition of
an administration created by the same
party that elected them. This should
gire them, all the stronger claim te be
consulted iu the matter of appointments
in, their state. When it comes te filling
the most influential office in their state
without consulting tliese ?enatr it ix a
great slight, When he .selects lli.t most
offensive man te be found it. be
comes an insult aud ought te be re
sented te the bitter end. I sincerely Iieihj
the president will see this and correct his
mistake himself, and restore harmony te
the party. lie ewes, this te himself and te
these without whom he could net have
been elected. Nobody believes that he
could have carried the state of New Yerk
without the active support of her present
seuaters. Their passive support would
net have auswered. Without the state of
New Yerk General Garfield would net
new be president. His rewarding Robert Robert
eon is net only offensive te the New Yerk
Senators, but it is offensive te New Yerk
The ehauge of Uadeau ami Cramer, the
two appointments in which I felt a strong
personal interest, was very distasteful te .
me ; the llrst, because of our personal re
lations and my wish that he .should be
kept where hht office would support him
until he liuishcs some work he is engaged
upon, aud which he could de without in
terfering with his public duties. The
second, because .it was at the ex ex
pense of removing the son of my
old secretary of state, who prob
ably never had his superier cer
tainly never for moral worth in the de
partment. It is true Fish resigned. But
lie did this from a sense of honor, suppos
ing it te be the duty of representatives
abroad te give a new administration the
opportunity of sayiug whether they were
wanted or net. Very truly yours,
" 1 Ien. .1. I. .Ienics. United Status Senater,
Washington, I). C."
Philadelphia Market.
1'iiiLAHKl.viiiA. Pa., May i:. Kleur linn,
with goeit baker's lairly active ami
patents dull; superliue, i(.l ." ; ex
tra :; S7j4 i" ; Ohie ami Indiana lamlly
V, KiffHOO: Peumi. family $5 ?. 'i" : St. Leuis
family fr7."?);:i7: Minnesota Kxlnif."fST 7:di
slralglil, $.!): winter patent iiij,i);
spiiug de .ft! :)iin fiO.
Uyu Heur at $5 M.
Wheat linn, but tpiiet ; Ne. 'Z Western Ketl,
$1'JI!C: Delaware, Peuu'a Ueil ami de Atnlwr,
1 lltpl-l'A.
Cern tlrui, willi tail-demand : steamer, ."::$
fSle; yellow, l;i:i(t; mlxrd. resile.
Oats scaree ou spot and wanted: Ne.': White
.Vm;: Ne. :t, de ,'ile; Ne. 2 Mixed .YSgrrie.
llye steady at f I 07.
Previsions firm: iikss perk $17 ntiis mi;
licet haniH, fll WQSi OU; Indian mess
Im-cI ..! .W, t. ii. b.
Ilaceii smoked sheuMt'rs, ?4'"e: salt d
i;'4i ii'c ; smoked ham- llffjlie; pivklcd hams
Lard llrm ; city kettle ll:,'uc; loose butchers'
teji'c; prime steam, $11 le?lia.;
nutter dull, except tancy, which sold
up te receipts; Creamery exini Pennsylvania
( ; de giMMl te ciioice J.-.t-27: Kradlenl
county aud Svw Yerk extra, 'JJfSile. I tells
dull : Peun'a '.H-7l."e; Western :vI5, as te
Kgg.-t liriifuud lairly active : Pennsylvania
13c; Westcri IXjjU'l'iv.
Chccsu taiiev lirui, anil low crudes weak":
New Yerk lull cream Vl'tK Western lull
cream lljc: de fair te geed, InQUlt;; de hall
skims, 'J$4tJ..
Petroleum llrm: re lifted 74c.
Whisky dull at lir..
Seeds (.'(Mill te prime Timethy jobbing at
$: Uti?:l K ; iloile Flaxseed uegleetcrd al tl 2
1 'JS.
Mew Hern Jllarket.
Nw leRK. May !'.. Fleur Slale and
Western lirm and moderate e.Mrt
and jobbing trade imiuiry: Siiierline
Slate ilMlfgt.Vi; extra de tl m& I Si) ; choke de
il.S'imiU.'i;$.IMig:;7.,: round hoop Ohie
$1 7HfJ.' : eheiei; de at f' liOtla.l; tuiperline
western f iniv.l .Vi; eoiniiien te geed ex
tra detlt'iOHD-'t; choice de $5 lif; 7.",; e!ieien
White wheat de. at jr txxfti: . .Seullieru
llrm and uiet ; coiiimeiijto lair extra, $T OJj)
5 4(1 : geed le clieiee -de ." .'Mf7t!.
Wheat H?,! bclte',inedcrately active : Ne.
I While. Map.$lSC: Ne. i! KVd, May. $1 -11 ;
de.lune. l 2,ij) ;;;; de Jlllv, l W7;il3l:
de Ailg.$l n;;..
Cern tfisiji, lairly itcllve : Mixed
western kspet. I'JW.'i7' ; de luluri.Y.';,,e.
Oats a shade stronger ; Stale, W,iijX;; Wil
ern, li'(.V.V.
I.lve .Stock AlnrkeiM.
CmcAiie. Hogs Iti'ceipl.s. l;,ll head ; ship
ments, ',ll head; sharp demand and ."iftH.'ie.
higher; common te fair niixel pricking, $.1 M
fill l geed te choice iackiug and shipping,
$;ill,ic)i;.rjO; ll::lit". 7'fiji;; ctilNand lighl Vork Verk
ers, .tiStfiOttl; all sold.
Cattle lCeceipls,.r,.rKiiicaii; shipment-, :!,WiO
head ; geed demand ler shipping and tinner;
best steers. $." '.Wt; i" ; fair te geed, $." t)ii:,:;
common. $.Yj5::i; distillery slew ;nd easier at.
$5 'ZTifiCt M ; butchers mero plenty and slew at.
fl MKj"3: Mockers and leeders'dull ami Vu:
lower, at y.', TiOii't ; Toxumtslew at$t 40tl M.
fclieep Uuceipts, l.txci head; shipments, KJi
head ; no choice sheep: common le geed
shorn, $I.TMBH: tail vvoele.l- y, :aJ.". fJl; geed
te choice, $.""7..tF 'St.
Kakt I.iieektv. Cattle Uccviptslif I bead el
through, ami 311 head yard steck: supply
light and prices soiuctldugelf Irem Monday's
llgures: all sold ei,t; ItcsLtield at $i;i"; lair
toeo.l.$i.riiift.:ii; common. !ifiT 10.
Hogs Itceeipt-, .V.0 head; Philadelphia',
$ii Hht'! i" : Yorkers, ." ISOS se.
Sheep ISeeeipts, , ') lur.ul ; pi icen ranging
Irem $1 ).":.
Western vralii Markets.
DirruoiT-Fleur dull at friffciSe.
Wheat lirm. Ne. 1 White,.! ISJ ca.b ami
May; $I1H-.:, June; l ll4. Jnlv; IWh. Au
gust; Ne.'Whitr,?li: Ne.Jl:vil.l 17:ukcd.
Cern lirm ; Mixed I,ij,.l7c.
tfcits llrm : Mixed 41c;" Ne.:: White, I5je. .
Cleversccd Nothing doing.
Keeeipts Fleur, l,ra bbls.; Wheat, !,
Shipments Wheat, I.Oihi bushels ; Cern. I.otie
8 tecic market.
New Yeik, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks
also United States llend.s reports! daily by
.lACOit K. Leng. N. K. Cor. Centre Siiiare:
Nkw Yerk stocks.
t May 1.
A. M. 1. M. ! M
10-.WI l:iw :i.oe
Chicago & North Western W 121 VH
Chicuge.!Mil. & St. Paul l-.'i;.'. l-il' IJPJ
Canada Southern 7s ...I 7-1
C. C. I. C. It. K si . ;;i':i
Del.. l.ack.& Western my, i;y, Y2
Delaware A Hudsen Canal l:( 11.: 11.;;,
Denver & l.le Grande l7v'i I'-J V
Hanuiliul St. Jee 77JJ ty. 77
Iike Shere ft Mich. Southern.. l.i l.a irftyj
Manhattan Elevated i" lV,i 1
Michigan Central vil V.y. W.Vi
Missouri, Kansas A Texas V1 ."it4 :;'A
N. Y.,Luke F.rie Western.... l& : VX'A
New Jersey Central Vrlf. Ur.i nil
N. Y., Ontario A Western :!7;i Wi t,U
New ;Yerk Central H'Vi .... ITV
Ohie Mississippi 47 Vr 17
Paclllc Mall Mcamsmp 1,0 :mJ5 :nr; a.;s
St. l,euis& Iren Mt.
i'Ki -"UJ ;
Sntre Tunnel
Union Pacllic l-'i'f 1S! Kfyi
Wabash, St. Leuis & Paclllc .; .Vi .Vr
" " Prctcrrcd. !IJ 'X,yt ui-ii
Western Union Tut. Ce Ii 12! 13
Stocks steady.
Pennsylvania K. it- M r' ''Vz
tending ''A i "'A
Lehigh Valley fi-Ji
Lelitgu Navigation V.y. I'.iJ 17
Kuirale, Pitts. Western :ii;.: 21j 2IJ.J
Northern Central .'-t
Northern Purine. il'A :'A "!-
" Prctcrrcd 'M'A A l
Hestenville '3'::i -1
Philadelphia A F.rle U. K TiA T.'A
IewaUuicli Mining I'J !"
Umtku States ISe.niw. v. m.
United States I per cents 117
IJ4 " WA
5 " I0IK
e iw4
Neeu Quotations of the Grain Market
Furnished by Jacob It. Leng, Commission
Chicago. Cash. June. July.
Wheat iU I. f 1.0.
Cern.. .... ........ ..-'A - i A-A
Oats '7 .37 ")
Nkw Yekk. Cash. Tl-Si U2ZVt 1.2
Cern .- '''- '" -',A
JiHT a
Wheat .'iy. 1.22 1.17X
Cern 'H JW,i M
Wheat 1.2fiJ 1.22 1.17J
Cern 5 3S, .