Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 16, 1881, Image 3

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Lunt Mendav or a Bis Campaign.
Te-day being the last Monday of the het
campaign for the Republican nominations
te the important county offices filled this
fall, the excitement of the canvass culmi
nates in Lancaster, and where the candi
dates, political bosses and bummers most
de congregate all has been excitement and
bustle, which have net abated at the hour
when the Intelligences gees te press.
Very early this morning it might have
been observed that the eity bummers and
heelers were gathering in knots in the
vicinity of the court house, organizing in
the name of some bogus or bona fide
scheme, te levy tell en the aspirants for
their votes, and getting their pass books
and tickets ready for the onset. On every
train and by vehicle from every section el
the county the efiicc-hunters and the best
workers poured in. Around the hotels
there was quite a stir, and nearly
every candidate was en hand some of
these who have been left by the combina
tions trying te discover hew they could dis
pose of and trade off what strength re
maiued te them, ami ethers begging their
friends te stand firm, se that they may
gain political strength by the best possible
show in the returns. It is notable, how
ever, that no candidate who is en neither
set-up cherishes any lingering hope of
election. 'Squire Gridcr is indeed the
only one of considerable strength and just
hew his vote will affect the chances of his
competitors is problematical. It is te be
observed that Geed's friends have a fit of
nervousness lest Grider draw oil" their
The headquarters of the politicians were
at Bess Sensenig's Castle en the alley or
the Leepard's hindquarters, and Ress .Mc
Mellen's Exchange, but Sammy Graffs
Snapper llex and all its environs
en Barbary Coast were crowded
with a hungry aud thirsty crowd. At
Deichler's, J. W. Jehnsen, Lew Ilai-tman,
Jehn D. Skiles and some ethers of their
faction were explaining the situation te
their fellows, and Levi buttonholed the
boys in the back room. Here, as at
Graffs and McMcllen's, the country
roosters were arm in arm with the city
bummers and net a bit less demoralized,
the negre politicians were numerous, ra
pacious and loud-mouthed. The "small
fry " were generally very mysterious and.
kuewing that when the machine works un
easily tlie cuginccr pours in the grease,
they were very reticent as te hew it was
going in their districts and answered
that it was very uncertain, " it all depends
upon what is done te day." At the Ex
change the managers were closeted " far
from the madding crowd " and the scrutiny
with which visitors were admitted te the
councils of the saints bespoke a close and
resolute organization.
There is a very considerable decree of
confidence manifested as yet en all sides,
but it is plainly te be seeu that as election
day comes nearer the nervousness of the
politicians increases. The elements which
make up cither faction new are se inco
herent that they fear treachery from each
ether, and against that no c limitation can
be made. McMclIen is accused of being
for Umble se intensely as te neglect
Krcady ; ether Examiner people are ac
cused of a leaning away from Spurrier and
toward Keeser, though, en the ether hand,
in this city and elsewhere Spinner is
credited with decisive inroads into Lhc
Xem Era party's sources of strength.
Krcady is accused of stinginess by some
of the Examiner gang and they threaten te
carve him. Harry Itrcncman is suspected
of weakening in fealty te Uurklwdder, of
the New Era set up.
The events of the past week and the best
information we could gather te-day is that
the fight between High and Krcady is get
ting closer than the friends of High had
anticipated and a stiff contest is looked
for. Skiles seems te be the most hopeful
of the Xcw Era' candidates and most
dreaded by the ether side. Frilly's
friends are net taking his stock at par.
While lv ready is expected te carry the
town Skilcs's friends beast of crossing the
city line by eOO majority or mere.
In the Earls the chief contest is for
sheriff, prothenotary, register and clerk
of quarter sessions. High is solid down
there ; Skiles has the better of it ; Umblc
will carry districts, and E-.iby will
give Settley a wrestle.
Keep your eye en that man limbic. He
has forged te the front like a race horse,
and is one of the strongest elements in
the Examiner ticket. McMclIen has put
his stake en that card aud it is te win, even
if somebody else en the same side has te
be left te accomplish it. Make a note of
that tee.
Burkhelder and Spurrier have been
making active and effectual canvasses, aud
each has pulled np a geed deal, if net
shifted the chances from their opponent"'
te their own favor. Their respective sides
claim them among the strongest men in
their combinations. The Xcie Era people
will bet at odds en Burkhelder. Al
Smith advises his friends te net give his
enemies money te spend against him, but
declares that he is safe.
The treasurer fight is an interesting
though a subordinate one and seems te
depend largely en the size of 'Squire Gli
der's vote. Grissinger, it is everybody's
secret, is in better shape than usual, with-
Dr. Compteu feels under special ebliga- !
tiens te Majer Griest, his former close
friend, for the Inquirer1 s boost of Umble,
without a word for Compten. He and
Tebe Hcrshcy sec new what ought te
have been done, viz : a people's ticket or
ganized te beat both rings.
There will be a fight iu the Third ward,
this city, te snatch it from McMclIen ; in
the Ninth even Miles may net get away
with Krcady.
Jake Strinc and Harry Hippcy haven't
made up their minds yet. They prefer te
drop en the soft side of the fence. They
may yet sce light for Krcady.
All signs point te some startling develop
ments during the week, beginning with an
eipeseia te-night's Era of the doings of a
spy-artist, waudcring through the Exami
ner camp iu search of subjects for a cari
cature and of information for the Sen
scnig people.
. The Short Tickets.
The bob-tail ticket of the Era Seusenig
Jehnsen party is as fellows :
President Judge Jehn B. Livingston.
SherifT Jehn H. High.
Register Benjamin Wissler.
Prothenotary Jehn D. Skiles.
County Treasurer Jehn J. Geed.
Clerk of Quarter Sessions Geerge W.
Clerk of Orphans' Court Jeseph
Prison Keeper David K. Burkhelder.
County Commissioners Samuel M.
Myers, Abram Summy.
Corener Daniel A. Shifter.
Directors of the Peer Jehn Evans,
Martin Kreider.
Prison Inspectors H. B. Gish, Jehn J.
County Auditors B. M. Grcider, Enes
W. Marsh.
Delegates Southern District, Sena
torial H. N. Brcncman.
Representative Wm. II. Brosius, A. F.
Frantz, W. B. Musser.
It is complained of this ticket that of
the eleven candidates for leading offices
six are from Lancaster city. " All en ac
count of Eliza."
The JEcaucr-Mcntzer-McMellen party
have net issued a short ticket and de net
propose te. Their policy has becu all along
te concentrate the light en the upper part
of the ticket, and whether this cowardice
is au element of strength or weakness they
will centiuue in it, trading off everything
below director of the peer, if necessary, te
make a point for somebody above
that. Hence the tickets which
they mark differ somewhat at
the bottom. Seme of them are even
trading with Reeser. Fer county commis
sioner they will vote generally for Myers,
and for the ether place trade en Sammy,
Cellins, Bushong aud even Jehnsen. Fer
director of the peer some will "cut"
Evans and go for Longenecker, but net
many. In ether respects their ticket is as
fellows :
Judge Jehn B. Livingston.
Sheriff Jacob C. Kready.
Register Jeseph Umblc.
Prothenotary Sam. Matt Fridy.
County Treasurer Stephen Giisir.ger.
Clerk of Quarter Sessions Abraham
Clerk of Orphaus' Court Geerge Spur
lier. Prison Keeper Al. Smith.
County Commisiener Samuel M. Myers,
Directors of the peer Jehn Evans, Mar
tin Kreider.
Prison Inspectors Reuben R. Bitzer,
Jehn G. Weaver.
County Auditors Ezra Burkhelder, jr.,
Jehn K. Reed.
Delegates Southern District Senator
ial William A, Wilsen.
Representative A. F. Frantz, Milten
Hcidelbaugh. Dr. R. M. Belcnius.
.Ncwi tint Notes from the Campus.
Dr. Apple, president of Fianklin and
Marshall college, has announced the award
of the honors at the approaching com
mencement as fellows, the awards being
made with reference te superior scholarship
and class standing :
First honor Marshall Oration Elhvoed
Kemp, Hamburg, Pa.
Second honor Franklin Oration Ed
ward Bucher, Sunbury, Pa.
Third honor ( divided between Albert
1). Elliet, Yerk, Pa., and Lewis Reidcr,
Kittanning, Pa.) Morning Salutatory by
Lewis Reitcr ; afternoon Salutatory by
Albert D. Elliet.
The Valedictory, given for speaking and
writing, and uhieli is net governed by
scholarship or class standing, is awarded te
C. B. Heller, Danville, Pa.
The senior test ended en Thursday
morning last, after a week's duration, and
all the inembcis passing ; the average test
grade for the class was 87 3-10. The
average grade for this entire term of four
years of the honor men is as fellows : Mr.
'Kemp; 95 ; Mr. Busher, 01 :U0 ; Mr. Rei
tcr, 90 -1-10 ; Mr. Elliet, 90.
The senior vacation began en Friday
last., the Kith, and will continue until the
Kith of June, commencement day. The
class numbers nineteen, aud included
during the four year course thirty-four
members, of whom the ethers dreppsd
off at intervals'. The graduating orations
must be handed te the faculty ten days
before commencement day. Many of the
seniors have gene home te spend their va
cation and prepare their orations.
Dr. Apple, president of the college,
will give the senior class a reception at his
house en the campus some evening during
commencement week.
Of the graduating class nine will be
ministers, seven lawyers, two doctors and
one journalist.
Mr. Elliet, third honor man, will make
application for admission into the senior
class of Harvard university next year.
The alumni oration will be delivered en
the campus in the afternoon, after the
aluiuiii dinner instead of iu the evening,
as in previous vcars. J
'81 had a supper aud senior pwTiiien at
! Spaeth's en Friday eveniug, the leth, after
the Gecthcan anniversary exercises noticed
at length in our Saturday's issue.
The present graduating class is com
posed of eleven Gecthcans, four Diaguo Diague
thiausand four no-society men.
i Five fraternities arc represented at the
' rcit,tt MniAinr wlitffi m ei,.ini'i ;l?i 1i-
vided as follews: Seven are Chi Phis,
two are Alpha Gammas, two are Delta
Tan Deltas, two arc Phi Kappa Sigmas,
one is a Phi Psi,and live are non-fraternity
The Diagnethiau literary society will
celebrate its forty-sixth anniveisary at
the opera house next Friday evening.
There is trouble at the college ever the
preposition te held the commencement
exercises at the opera house. The seniors
have gene te the expense of having invita
tions engraved by Tillany of New Yerk,
which are said te be the most stylish and
hiuh-tened ever get up by any gradual
ing class at Franklin & Marshall. They
have been engraved with "Fulton Opera
Heuse, " and the class have engaged the
opera house from Mr. Yecker. The faculty
are reported te be against the establish
ment of a precedent that is calculated te
take the chief interest of the commence
ment exercises away from the campus and
the college buildings ; en the ether hand
it is argued that the opera house possesses
advantages ever the college chapel, where
the orations have been delivered hereto
fore, being se much larger aud having
better accommodations, and being besides
situated in the central part of the city and
in consequence mere convenient for the
people of the city. Divergent views of the
question arc taken by members of the
beard of trustees and by the alumni,
while the class with a single exception are
"solid" for the opera house. Hew the
affair will terminate is a matter of con-
And All Who Are His Friends.
Panama, May 7. News from the Seuth
say that the Chilians are in pursuit of
Picrela, ex-dictator of Peru, but since his
departure from Chicla, the terminus of
the Oroya railroad, nothing has been
heard of the expeditionary party.
Mr. Frederick Fowl, a British subject,
and representative of the ftmeus house of
Dreyfus, Brest fc Ce., of Paris, was ar
rested recently iu Lima by the Chilian
military authorities and held a close pris
oner for 23 hours. He was released only
after energetic representations en the
part of Mr. St. Jehn, the English minis
ter resident. The only crime alleged
against Mr. Ferd was that Picrela had
addressed him a personal letter which was
intercepted aud fell into Chilian hands.
Almest :i Fire.
Late Saturday evening the Vanderselc
residence, North Priuce street, narrowly
escaped a conflagration. Mr. Geerge A.
Shelly, of the Intelligencer efiicc, who
rooms in the building, while in the act of
lighting the gas in his room accidentally
set fire te the lace splasher of the wash
stand and in an instant it was iu flames.
With considerable presence of mind Geerge
succeeded in extinguishing the fire, with
no further damage than the destruction of
the lace draping, a soiled wall and carpet,
and a few burns and no little fright te
An Artist.
There is a man in town tc-day who is au
artist in his line. He draws pictures of
people en the pavements iu a very skillful
manner. He had a large crowd around
him en Chestnut street, near North Queen
all day. McMclIen and Sensenig ought te
sit for a picture ou the JVfac Era's slate
Cave Herself Li.
Seme days age a capias was issued
against Sallie V. Shaw, of Sadsbury, who
is charged with slander by Annie Deaue.
Te-day the former came te town and she
was taken before Judge Patterson, who
allowed her te go en her own recog
nizance. Mayer's Court.
This morning the mayor sent one drunk
te jail for five days aud discharged three
ethers en payment of costs.
The Susquehanna rolling mill employees
were paid en Saturday.
Te-day will finish the examination of
the public schools.
The pleasure steamboat, "Columbia,"
was ou the river en Saturday afternoon.
This was its first appearance this season.
Tne Catamaran (sail beat) will be
launched, en Tuesday evening.
The Pennsylvania railroad passenger
trainmen are out in their summer uniforms.
iney describe it as a welcome change.
Propitious weather marked the opening
of the Heme Communion fair en Saturday
Sener Bletz and a couple of classmates
of Lebouen Valley college, Annville,
walked te Columbia, the home of the
former, en Friday. They chose a warm
Dr. D. Emmett Welsh, of Latrobe,
Westmoreland county, is visiting his
parents at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Themas Smith, of Wash
ington, D. C, are visiting in Celumbia.thc
guests of Mr. Jehn Fendrich.
Rev. Henry Wheeler, pastor of the M.
E. church, is suffering with inflammatory
rheumatism and was unable te preach last
Miss Anna Witteumyer, of Philadelphia,
an accomplished and eloquent speaker,
will deliver an address en the cause of
temperance iu the M. E. church en next
i' riday eveniug.
Misses Katie and Ella Skeeu, of Lancas
ter, arc visiting in Columbia, the guests
of the Misses Pierce.
A window curtain caught fire en Satur
day evening in a room en the second fl jer
of the residence of Rev. Hairy Wheeler,
at Third and Cherry streets, ant! was con
sumed. Ne ether damage done.
A very severe storm with thunder and
lightning passed ever Columbia en Satur
day night. Its duration was short, but
while it lasted the. peals of thunder and
flashes of lightning were incessant. A
locust tree in the colored cemctary was
struck by lightning and the lower portion
of it split into several pieces. A wind
storm with but little rain passed ever here
last eveniug.
The second musical cutcrtaiumcut for
he benefit of the United Brethren church
cams off en Saturday evening and was
quite a .success.
Rev. W. P. Evan-;, of Cohansey, N. J ,
preached yesterday in the E. E. Lutheran
church: Rev. E. S. Herring, of Wrighls-
ville, in Shulcr's hall for St. Jehn's Eng
lish Lutheran congregation ; Rev. William
Shull, of Bybcrry Baptist church, Phila
delphia, iu Vigdaut hall, for the new Bap
tist congregation, and Rev. J. C. Mumma,
a former pastor, in the United Brethren
Our readers will remember that the new
schedule of the Pennsylvania railroad com
pany went into effect, this morning. The
old one o'clock train new leaves at 12:10
p. m.
An exciting runaway occurred this
morning. Gottlieb Yeumr's two horses
rau away with his beer wagon, which was .
wrecked. The horses were caught at the
'. it. K. depot with only the trout pair et
wheels hanging te them. The rest of the
wagon was left up town. Several narrow
escapes from collision arc reported.
Three lish commissioners said by some
te be of the United States commission and
by ethers of the Pennsylvania commission
arrived here this morning from Harris
burg with about fifty cans said te be des
tined for spawn, and left en a later train
for Pert Deposit, Md.
The ltoreutjh Councils.
At Friday evening's meeting of council
the finance committee presented a report
showing the receipts te be $5,013.93 ; o: e:
iipis paid since last report, 8L026.2S : bal
ance, 89S7.fie. The finance committee
recommended the negotiation of a tempo tempe tempo
perary lean for $2,000 (which recommend
atien was adopted and au order made ac
cordingly) te meet a bill lately submitted
by the auditor general for back state tax
es due the commonwealth of Pcnnsylvani i
for 82,112.59. The read committee re
ported repaiis te several alleys. The
paving committee recommended the
changing of the grade of the
gutter for Seuth Third street,
between Union and Perry, te meet a pro
file recently made which it is thought will
meet all eidinary requirement. The read
committee presented a statement of the
cost of Pert Deposit granite which they
thought superior te that new in use for
street crossings and the centres of alleys,
and it was decided te try itoueno of our al
leys. Amotien was adopted instructing the
finance committee te make inquiries as te
the pesibility of placing the floating debt
at a lower rate of interest and report at
the next stated meeting of council.
Messrs. Given and Stair, of the school
beard, appeared as a committee be
fore council te ask for the use of council
chamber for the beaid meetings en the
second Tuesday evening of each month ;
want of room in the library room, where
the beard is accustomed te held its meet
ings, being advanced as the reason for the
request. The permission was granted.
Mr. Frederick Bucher appeared before
council complaining of the defacing . of
property, cutting trees, ringing
bells and ether depredations com
mitted by malicious persons. Mr.
Peter Fralcy complained of the extreme
filth and odor arising from the drainage
from the different butcher pens, as run
ning through the alleys of the borough,
brewing contagion an I disease. The com
mittee en police was ordered te confer with
the chief burgess aud report at next
meeting a plan for the mere effi
cient action of the police. A com cem
municatinn was read from Henry
Hippey, secretary of the Columbia lire
company, asking permission te take their
steamer te Reading te take part in the
grand parade and tournament te be held
there en September 22, 23 and. 24, 1881.
Dr. Craig and Chief Engineer Enny
urged upon council the great necessity of
repairing the Columbia steamer. It was
decided te write te a Reading ma
chine firm te send sonie eue here
te examine the engine's condition.
Mr. R. J. M. Little was elected te run
the opera house clock and keep it in re
pair at a salary of 40 per annum. The
time of meeting was changed from 7:30 te
7 o'clock, p. m. Bills te the amount of
$2,037.99, including pay roll, were then
read. An order was granted for the State
tax of 82,112.59 spoken of above.
Assault and Battery.
A little girl named Agues Tshudy made
complaint before Alderman Barr against
her father, Geerge W. Tshudy, of drunken
and disorderly conduct and assault and
battery en her mother, the wife of the ac
cused, who was se badly hurt that she
could net appear and make complaint per
sonally. Geerge W. Tshudy, the above named
accused, has entered complaint of assault
and battery against Jeseph Kehr, before
the same magistrate. The time for hear
ing has net yet been fixed.
Stable en Fire.
About one o'clock yesterday morning a
small frame stable belonging te Henry
Mishler, en North Queen street, was dis-
-cevercd te be en fire. The "Washington
fire company easily extinguished the fire
before much damage was done. Hew the
fire originated is net known, but it may
have been caused by lightning.
Sale of Horses.
On Satuiday twenty head of Western
horses were sold at public sale at the hotel
of Jacob D. Warfel in Intercourse. The
average price was about 8170.
The average weekly sales of Watehes in the United States have
reached about twenty thousand, and this great production Tmt se
cheapened the cost that a geed Watch is within the reach of every
person. During this week we have added te. our stock Ohatelain
Watches for Ladies and Misses from 87.75 up. Gents' Stem
Winders from $5 up.
Geld and Silver Leuis XV Watches a high style of the last
century revived made te order and engraved with our trade
marks, "Pennsylvania" and "H. Z. Rhoads & Bre." Having been
well tested we can give assurance of their excellence as time
keepers, and their cost is especially low.
We invite an examination.
A generous stock of all wares in our line will be found in our
cases, and we effe.- great bargains in Diamonds, Sapphires, and in
Jewelry of our own manufacture.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
4 West King Street, - Lancaster, Pa.
Manufacturing Jeweler, - Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster,' Pa.
Solid Silver aud Silver-Plated Ware in Spoons, Ferks, Knives, Casters, &c.
We offer te our pultens advantages which are rarely combined in one establishment, be
cause we hiivc it complete JHANUFACTUItlNO UKFAKTMKNT In connection trim our retuil
business .mill are milking a large part el the goods wc sell. This enables ns te be sure of qtml
It&JV fc.eU.,ltA,!?Aew,st lrices, and Rives ns flrst-class facilities for W ATcll WORK and GEN
Manufacturing Jeweler, - - - Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa.
Increase of Wages Granted.
The .journeymen liouse painters have
secured the increase of wa?cs demanded
by them a few weeks age. They have
heretofore been working for $1.50 per day
and save notice that after the 15th of May
they would demand 31.75 per day and
after the 1st. ei August 2.00
per day. This notice was deemed
necessary as an act of fairness te the em
ployers who had taken contracts at low
prices in consequence of the low wages
paid. We are informed that Geerge W.
Brown, Geerge Pehtz aud Wm. H. Batc
ninn, who employ from 30 te 40 men,
promptly agreed te the increase, and
their men are all at work. It is believed
the ether bosses have agreed or will agree
te the increase.
Ceed Templars' Convention.
On Saturday the Geed Templars held a
convention in this city, all the ledges of
the comity, except one, being represented.
A committee was appointed te make ar
rangements for a general convention of all
who are in favor of total abstinence. At
the afternoon session Rev. Gee. C. Hart,
of Wayne county, Werthy Chief Templar
of the Grand Ledge of Pennsylvania,
occupied the chair aud addressed the con
vention. Te-day he visits Millcrsville ;
te morrow Strasburg ; ou Wednesday he
speaks in Philadelphia ; en Friday in West
Chester, and ou Saturday will attend the
Chester county Geed Templars' conven
tion. On Sunday he will speak in Oxford.
Narrow Ec.ipe or a Ciuld.
Tiiis morning a little child of Michael
Herzeg, who resides at Ne. 508 West
Orange street, made a narrow escape from
drowning. The child was at the house
while its mother was hanging up clothes
in the yard, when it accidentally fell into a
tub of water. The mother beard the noise
aud running te the house rescued the
Petitions in Divorce.
The following petitions in divorce are
tiled in the prothenotary's eQice :
Geerge R. Adams vs. Elizabeth Adams;
Maria P. Williams vs. Frederick Wil
liams ; Anna Hepkins vs. Wm. II. Hep
ten ; Mary E. Snyder vs. Lercntz Snyder;
Kate A. Fisher vs. Jeseph II. Fisher,
An Important Captnre.
Philadelphia Times.
In addition te the Heg Itiug aud the
Hull Ring in Lancaster Republican politics
the Hash Ring has just made its appear
ance iu the ring. That ought te capture
the free-lunch route party followers.
ringers Cut.
On Friday, Herman Wohlseu, a son of
Wm. Wohlsen, while at work with a circu
lar saw had two lingers se badly cut that
it was found necessary te amputate them
The thumb was also tern.
The Itelgain Mecks.
Workmen are te-day engaged relaying
the Belgian blocks en North Queen street,
between the street car tracks, which have
been very uneven for some time past.
i m i
Dent tour Canary Sing ?
Then get a bottle of Ilird Bitters, wnlch is un
unfailing restorcref song and a cure fei all
diseases of cage birds. It your druggist docs
net keep it. or will net get it for you, send a
postal card te the IJird Feed Company, 307
Federal street, Caunleii, N. J., and they will
see that you -arc supplied. Price, 25 rents.
Halt at Ketnvclter's.
A ball will be given this evening by an asso
ciation known us the "Will and Pleasure
Club," composed oryeung and active Republi
can politicians, and most if whom we believe
arc members et the " Cuckeqs." The manage
ment is iu stalwart and determined hands,
and they premise that best et order shall be
City mil rosters.
Caison & llenscl, city bill pastel's and dis
tributors, efllce Inteluqe.ncek building, Ne. 6
Seuth Queen street.
Mothers, as a deligtlul sanitary measure, al
ways order the Cuticura Medicinal Seap.
Malt Hitters regulate, purify. strengthen and
nourish the maternal functions.
It is impossible for u woman after a laithful
course of treatment with I.ydia E. i'inkhaiu's
Vegetable Compound, te continue te suffer
with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a
stamp te Mrs. L,ydia K. Pinkhatn, 233 Western
Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for her pamphlets.
"The Docter Told Me
te take a blue pill, but I didn't for I had al
ready been poisoned twice by mercury. The
druggist told me te try Kidney-Wert, and I
did. It was just the thing ler my biliousness
and constipation, and new I am as well as
ever." Torpid kidneys and liver is the trouble
for which Kidney-Wert always proves te be
thereat remedy known. Hartferd Courant,
When a beard of eminent physicians and
chcmUts announced the discovery that by
combining some well known valuable reme
dies, the most wonderful medicine was pro
duced, which would cure such a wide range of
diseases that most all ether remedies could be
dispensed with, many were sceptical ; but
proof et its merits bv actual trial has dispelltd
all doubt, and te-day the discoverers of that
great medicine. Hep Hitters, are honored and
blessed by all as benefactors.
Itching Piles Symptoms and Cure. .
The symptoms are moisture, like peranira peranira
tien, intense itching, increased by scratching,
very distressing, particularly at night, a3 if
pin worms were crawling in and about the
rectum ; the private parts are sometimes ar
tectcd ; it allowed te continue very serious re
sults may te) low. Dr. Swayne's All Healing
Ointment is a pleasant sure cure. Alse for
tetter, itch, salt rheum, scald head, Kryaipelas,
barber's itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty, cuta cuta
neous eruptions. Price, 50 cents, three boxes
for $123. Sent by mail te any address en re
ceipt of price in currency or thre.i cent post pest
SCO stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swaync &
Sen. 330 North Sixth street. Philadelphia, IM.
Sold by all prominent druggists.
Mothers! Mothers:! Mothers!!:
Arc you disturbed "at night and broken of
your rest by a sick child suffering and crying
with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth 1
If se, go at once and get a bottle of MUS.
lieve the peer little snllerer immediately de
pend upon it ; there Is no mistake about it.
There is net a met her en caith who has ever
used it, who will net tell you at once that it
will regulate the bowels, anil giys rest te the
mother, and relief and health te the child,
operating like magic. It is perfectly safc te
tise iu all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and
is the prescription et one et the eldest and
best female physicians aud nurses In the
United States. Sold everywhere; 23 cents a
bottle. marMvil&wM.W&S
A Forlorn Hepe.
Otte. I. Dee.sburg, proprietor Helland City
Xews, Midi , writes : " A bad cold settled en
my side and back, kidney trouble, liver and
rheumatism combined; 1 sutlered terribly,
though was obliged te move about ami attend
te business. 1 tried local doctors, hut received
no relief, and as a lorlern hope' tried your
Themas' Kclcctric Oil ; have only used halt a
flltv cent bottle, and feel as well as I ev.-r iliil
n my lite." Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's Drug
store, 137 .North (juuen street.
1 uavk been a sunerer for years with Ca
tarrh, and under a physician's treatment for
ever a year, have tried a number or "sure
cure" remedies anil obtained no relief. I was
advised te try Ely's Cream Ralin. It gave me
immediate relief. I believe I am new entirely
cured. G. S. Davis. First National Bank,
Elizabeth, N. .1. Aug. 14, 1S7'..
.By fau the best remedy ler the treatment of
Catarrh and its kindred diseases is Ely's
Cream Halm, which is having the largest sales
with us of any preparation new offered. The
reports are all favorable, and we de net hesi
tate te indorse it as superior te any and all
ether articles in the market. The Balm is
pleasant and easy te use. Cyisus I.awall
fcex. Druggist. Ens ten. Pa. myU-Swd&w
leiixs. Iii Philadelphie. May 14,
Mrs. Kute
i onus, wilee! Peter
Relatives and friends arc respectfully invit
ed te attend the rur.eral.en Tuesday, the 17th
Inst., en the arrival of the 2 .30 p. in. train, te
proceed te Lancaster cemetery. Service at
the chapel.
Fer County Commissiener:
FP.ANK CLAICK, or Strasburg township.
Sct'ject te the choice el the Democratic coun
ty convention. -snrK-d&wtp
ADAM S. DIETK1CII. of Maner township.
Subject te the decision or the Democratic
county eonventlen.
HENKY F. HAUTMAN (Lime Burner), ei
East Lampeter township. Subject te the choice
of the Democratic county convention.
MARTIN HlLDEBKAXf. et Mnnnt .lev
llorengh. Subject te the decision of the Dem
ecratic county convention. upI3-d&wtn
JKRK MmiT.KIt Knl. 1-11,1 KiiMnrt t flu.
decision of the Democratic county cenven
tien, aprll-d&wtp
Fer County Auditer:
JOHN L. LIGIITNEB, of l.caceck township.
Sr.bicct te the decision of the Democratic
ceuntv convention. anrlS-tftl&w
xmr AnruKTisusiESTs.
MAN'S HOTEL. Oreville. Geed Music and
Uetreshuients. rnUKitd
THIS EVENING. A Band of Musie will be
present. The Best and Coelest Beer Barbev's
ccicurateii. juii.x iiksm,
ltd Proprietor.
Netice is hereby given that the partner
ship in the Star Bakery existing between
Geerge Frey and Wia. Tmpnell has been dis
solved. I will pay no bills contracted under
the name or Frey & Trapnell.
m!4-3td WM. TRAPNELL.
Inquire of
at Flinn ft Willsen'g,
Established Agency of the
U Fire Insurance Ce.,
Eleven Hundred Thousand Dollars.
Invested in Sate and Solid Securities.
dll-CmdM.WSR Second Fleer.
An Appeal te Their Constituents.
"Washington, May 10.
In the Senate the vice president has laid
before the Senate the following communi cemmuni communi
tien. " "Washington, May 16. Sir : "Will you
please announce te the Senate that my
resignation as senator of the United States
from the state of New Yerk has been for
warded te the governor of that state? I
have the honor te be with great respect
your obedient servant.
Piatt fellows Mult.
This communication was received with
great sensation, which was heightened
When the vice president laid the follewiug
before tlia Senate :
"Senate CuAMBEB,3IaylG. Sir: I have
forwarded te the governor of the state of
Xcw Yerk my resignation as senator of
the United States from the state of New
Yerk. "Will you please announce the fact
te the Senate. With great respect your
obedient servant. T. C. Platt."
A hum of astonishment followed the
reading of the communications.
Ir. Hill suggested (sole voce) that this
would be a geed time te elect officers of
the Senate.
The Proceedings.
After some routine business Mr. Dawns
moved te go into executive session.
Mr. Cockrell I thought you wanted te
consider the ether resolutions. -
Mr. Dawes I had no idea but that the
senator would like te go en with it ; it is
iu accordance with the disposition which
he lias sueau from the beginning.
Mr. Hill (Ga.) The senator said
the republic would be subverted
if the
resolution was net acted upon.
Mr. Dawes But the senator would
ijever be convinced until he happened te
have a majority.
31r. Hill Oh ! we went insist upon hav
ing it considered.
Mr. Dawes An accident is an eye open
er te the senator.
Mr. Hill turned around audsuggestcd'te
Mr. Davis, (Ills.), that there was nothing
te prevent the Senate from adjourning
this week sine die.
The Senate then at 12:30 went into
executive session aud at 1:40 adjourned
until te-morrow.
Soen after the adjournment of the Sen
ate this p. m. the Republican senators
went into caucus for the purpose, it is uu
derstoed, of determining what course of
action shall be pursued iu regard te
the Robertsen case aud ether contested
nominations, and also te consider tbe sub
ject of adjournment.
It is generally believed that the nomina
tion of Judge Robertsen will be brought
before the Senate for final action during
the next few days aud that the Seuatc will
adjourn, sine die towards the close of the
Neither Mr. Conkling nor Mr. Piatt has
been at tlie capital te-day and in absence
of any authoritative explanation from
them the motives and meaning of their
resignations arc left subject te mere spec
ulation an J conjecture.
What is Thought of the Kesigufitien?.
Washington, May 1C. When the news
of the resignations f Senators Conkling
and Flatt reached the treasury de
partment te-day great excitement en
sued, and officials and subordinates alike
were seen gathered iu groups throughout
the bulldiug discussing the situation and
its probable effect. The theory which has
been advanced that the senators who re
signed are quite confident of being re
turned by the New Yerk Legislature,
is very generally accepted, but in
some quarters it is maintained
that en account of the Legislature having
heretofore endersd the nomination of
Robertsen te be collector of the pert of
New Yerk, it cannot consistently endorse
the action of the two senators in opposing
it. This course, however, it is conceded
by prominent Republicans can easily be
brought about.
All sorts of rumors are atleat regarding
ether resignations which are te fellow,
Vice Vrcsident Arthur, Attorney General
MacVcagh and Postmaster General James
being among these mentioned in this con
nection. There is, however, no apparent
foundation for the reports.
Secretary Windem called at the execu
tive mansion shortly after 1 o'clock and has
been there since, president Garfield was
apprised of the contemplated resignations
this morning and remarked te a treasuiy
official shot tly before 12 o'clock that he
expected the news te arrive momentarily.
The resignation of the senators is the
topic of conversation at the hotels and
ether public places, and large greurs of
men may be seen ou the street corners d is
cussing the affair iu an excited manner.
Cuwhldcd the Girl.
Cininnati, May 10. A special from
Nekanus III., says : " Henry Hall, pre
prieter of the Eureka hetchlast night pub
licly cowhided his sister whom lie met
walking with a young man te whom he
objected te her associating with. The
young woman was 18 years old."
Washington, May 10. Fer the Middle
Atlantic states, fair weather in the inter
ior and local rains en the coast, various
winds, mostly from N. E. te N. W.,
slowly rising barometer and no change in
New YnrK Market.
w Yerk. May 1(5. Fleur State and West
ern buyers' taver and dull ; Superfine
State tluOgSjO; extra de fl .VifJ4 05; choice !e
CI TO v 1 73; t:i:icy de $4&03U75: round hoop Ohie
jt 0i5 : choice de lit tr, Ii5t;75; superfine
western H W1H 53: common te geed ex
tra de 4 55ft4 IN) ; choice de fc mStt 7." ; choice
white wheat de, $5 006 00. Southern dull
unchanged ; common te fair extra, $1 7r(j
5 '25 : geed te choice de $." 3037 CO.
Wheat a shade better and rather quiet ; Ne.
2 Kcd, May, $l!fcys123; de June, 1 Xiym
1 20 : de July, $1 K bid : $1 19 asked.
Cern about lie lower and quiet: ftlixed
western spot. 5e57c ; de future, M55c.
Oats scarcely se linn ; State, 47054c; West
ern, 4fi-J3c.
Philadelphia Market.
Philadelphia, Pa., May 1C Fleur steady,
lair demand : superfine, (3 23;J 73 ; . ex
tra $3 87Q4 25 ; Ohie and Indiana family
15 37QC 00: Penna. family $5 005 87 : St. Leui
family 5 75tt 37 ; Minnesota Extra $525 7 : de
straight, $C00Q 10; winter patent j50n7 2.
spiiiigde$5 507.'M.
Kye flour at5 50.
Wheat quiet ; Ne. 2 Western lted,.fl 2li
ill 23 ; Del., Penn'a Ked and de Amber, tl 24
$$l 25.
Cern scarce and wanted ; steamer, BOtJGlc ;
yellow and mixed G3c.
Outs quiet nnd net se strong; Ne. 1 White
none here; Ne. 2. de, 51c: Ne. 3, de 5.JS33c;
Ne. 2 Mixed 32333c.
Kye scarccat $1 08. ,..,
Previsions dull; rats perk $I u, for Jeb
lets: beet haw, 23 50325 00; Indian m.-ss
beef $ 50 t e. b.
Baconsmeked shoulders, 7c; salt de
n'Sc; smoked bams II U'c; pickled hams
Lard dull ; city kettle scarce. UWe ioem
butchers' 10&O ; prime steauT, w 98 '
.-SSF"-market dull: Creamnrv extra Pa.
county and New lerk extra. dtassc Rniu
dull: Penn'a IKilCc: WwitSft Yn S
quality. " ' " "
Kirgs dull : Penna 12Jffil3c ; Western l-'c
Cheese dull and weak; New Yerk "lull
cream liaise: Western full creuni HQllVcc-
de fair te steed, 1010$c. w-.
Petroleum Mcrdy: refined 7c.
Whisky dull and weak.
Seeds Uoetl te prime clever, out et season -
de de Timethy Jobbing at fi 10Q.I i: ; de ,ie
Flaxseed dull at S123l 3D.
also United States Bends reported dallv by
" i. j-uju, .. x.. ter. v-cuirc squaru.
N iw Yekk Stocks.
Stocks strong.
May lii.
a.m. r. m. r m.
KfcOO 10 3:00
Meney. 4
Chicago & North Western 129J$ 129 120Ji
unicase. Mil. St. Paul laai lilJi 121
Canada Southern.'
C. C. 41. U. K. K 27K 29K 29
Dttl.. (.aclE-A
.4 Western lSijJ Vijjj is
Delaware Hudsen Canal 11 114 113
icuicrauiuuiamie veir.
nanniuai x t. Jee
Lake Shere A Mich. Sonthern
Manhattan Elevated.
Michigan Central
Missouri. Kansas 4 Texas
N. '., Lake Erie & Western...
.New Jersey Central
N. Y., Ontario 4 Western
Xp-ar Vnrt l!inl
.... iilA A,
I31VJ 131 121!
Hi 27ii
c.i mi? 113
a" w?h sift
50 0U& M&
10C1K UU 103
in' -an tmy
-'.-- - .i ... .
W71 '.! YA.
X&i. 54Ji
7$ 7
Ohie . MlulMlnnt
PacWc Mail Steamship Ce...
St. Louts 4 Iren Mt
Sutro Tunnel
Union Pacific
Wabash. St. Leuis & Pacific...
" " Preferred
Western Union Tel. Ce
Stocks steady.
Pennsylvania It. K
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Navigation
llutfale, Pitts. A Western
Northern Cent rat
Northern Pacific.
" Pretericd
Philadelphia 4 Erie It. 1!
Iewatiulch Mining
United Status Iemj.
United States I per cents....
1; ' ..".
iVA MV.l 124
5IU 51 5fi
12181 120K
27J.J 2S
r. .
Noen Oueiatinuii of tlie (iralu Market
Furnished by .): l 1;. 1.011;, Commission
ClUCAUO. Cash.
Wheat $I.0I
Cern IIJ.J
Oats e7.'
New Yoki. Ca-di.
Wleat fl.24
Cern 5S
?I 2H
.. 1.21K
. .fa
. .:ay.
Wheal ,
Live Stuck IMarket.
Cuioaeo. Iloes Receipts i,(H head; ship
ments 4,7(0 head ; market active, strong and
5c. higher, closing weak; common to(;eod
mixed packing, $5 KStiiii'. ."; ehoice heavy pack
ing and shipping, $;g.rt 25 ; Ulit, $1 0tt; culls,
$52005 40.
Cattle Iteccipts 2,500 head; shipments, 3.C0D
head; market iairly active and steady, but
pricesavcnige5fgl0e. lowcr.cleslng dull, owing
te scarcity et cars ; experts. ?5 73iS 25 ; geed te
choice shipping. $." 5e5t;5; common te fair,
$.&. 35; distillery cattle, $5:W; butchers and
canning. $l25il5; steekers and feeders mod
erately active but weak at 50 no.
Sheep lieccipts l,(ie head; shipments, 7jO
head ; market weak ; choice woelcd, fit ; com
mon te medium. $1 1'J.". 25; shorn, Sl5 ;
closed dull, but all sold.
Cattle Market.
Philadelphia. M:iy lB.-fatlle market active ;
prime, ty.l7e.; geed, eiGe.; medium, li
tc.; common, 3t;e ; .sales 3,200 head.
Sheep market active ; wool sheep. 5J-G7c ;
clipped sheep, u)(S7ti;; medium 545ic ;
culls mmut:
Hogs Market active; Miles 2,500 head;
prime, d!)jc. according te condition.
AY I, 18SI.
This morning u trio et patients, trem Head
ing, Philadelphia and Kdgcwoed, Itucks
county, each related their unfortunate exper
iences under the tieatment et their eyes by
the Oculi-ts, l)rs. Norris. Levis and Straw
bridge, of Philadelphia, and their decided im
provement under my practice. One of them
came te me totally blind: the second nearly
blind, and the third with almost constant
neuralgia in and around tin; eyes, with im
paired vision. A fourth patient. Miss Lizzie
Itrubaker. of I.itllz. said : " My dy.spepsla and
ether alllictieiis el long standing left me in a
short lime after going under your charge, and, worn since I was teurteen years fit
nge, were laid aside as useless, and my vision
is natural." Ne Oculist in this country or
Europe can preiliieesuch rciiilts wltlieiitthey
discover my remedies and applications, or
.similar ones. Persons wearing li la-sen for far
and or this
organ can usually have them removed inside
et two ineiithsaud the vigor et their eyes re
stored te its normal condition. Names e! per
sons cuicd et Astigmatism given upon appli
cation, a diseased condition el the eyes that no
oculist ever pretend-" te cure. ANe Catnracl
cured by absorption without using the knife.
letldM-WFASl Lancaster, Pa.
Aie new showing one of the finest Selec
tions et
Trimmed and Cut rimmed Hats In great
Parasols cheaper than ever.
TriinuiC'l Silk Parasols $1.44.
Flowers and Feathers In all -hades. Plain
and Oiiibra'c.
in Silk and Surah, Plain and Ombra'e.
Fine Keal Lisle Cleve?, Pearl Tep, 2 Elastics,
20c. a pair.
Fine Lisle, 4 Elastics, 27.c. a pair.
Fine Lisle, Leng Lace Tep, s5c. a pair.
Ladies', Gents' and Children's Hosiery
and Underwear.
We have a new COIISRT which wc sell at 49c.
It Is the best ever seen for the price.
the Daily Istellieexceic of September
1830, and January 2, 1831. tfd .
the Cooper Heuse.
man who understands the grocery bus
iness. Must b honest and tcuijiertftv. Apply
at once at 101 West King Street. 111IC 2ld
tion et taking care or homes, or any any
thingte make himself useful. A'place in the
county preferable. Inquire at 247 North Arch
Street, Lancaster. ltd
i air wages will be given te a geed hand.
Alse a boy te learn carriage pniutiu?. Apply
at once te EDCEltLUY & Ce.,