LANC1KEER DAILY pmXLIGBNGEk1 TOlSDii1 MAY 10, 1881 COLUMBIA NEWS. OUB KKOCLAK CORRESPONDENCE. flMr. Harry Fisher has returned from his visit te Philadelphia and New Yerk. Mr. Edward G. Mediger, of Baltimore, is visiting in Columbia, the guest of Mr. F. A. Reicliard. Edward B. Black, master of motive power of the Philadelphia division of the Pennsylvania railroad, was in town yester day. Mr. Jehn Ziegler and Miss Kate Smith were united in marriage this morning at Hely Trinity Catholic church by Rev. William Peiper. A little girl fell down an open cellar way this morning at Mr. Frederick Bucb er's store at Fourth and Locust streets, but with the exception of a few cuts and bruises was net injured. Mrs. Geerge Feeel, nee Detwilcr, form erly of Wrigbtsvilie, died last evening at her residence en Locust street above Sec ond. A child aged about one week sur vives her. Miss Mattic Given has returned from a visit of a couple of months te Trenten, N.J. Mr. E. L. Piper, of Williamspeit, is visiting in Columbia. lie is a friend of Mr. Alfred C. Brunei. This morning's market is reported te have been aiatber geed eue. The Pennsylvania railroad pay car will be here this week We trust it may cause the renewal of a little life in town. Tbe engine which Mr. II. F. Bruner has placed in his coal yard, te heist the "black diamonds " from the holds of canal beats, works admirably. It does away with a horse and its driver. Farmer Henry Wislcr receutly sold bis 1680 tobacco crop at private terms, arc informed that its quality was of We the highest. Petate bugs arc putting in their appear ance iu large numbers, and tbe growers of the plants from which they take their namc fear that they may de much injury te it. In the absence of potatoes, how ever, they take te anything else with tbe same relish. The eitera company which was te have appeared in the opera house last creuiiig failed te turn up, and consequently there was no peifeiniunce. They wrote from Ueadiug a couple of weeks age for dates which were furnished them. One was selected, the opera house engaged, a few bills thrown around and that is the last heard of them. The- did net advertise in auy of the papers. Arrangements arc biiug made for the running ei an excursion train te Yerk en May 24 tli, when tbe new opera house at that place will be opened for the publ ic. Te-day is doubtless tbe warmest of tbe season te date. At the First national bank the mercury registered 8(P and at Black's hotel at this writiug (12:50 o'clock) the thermometer has a showing of 84. Up te this date twenty-four connections have been made with the telephone cxr change " and still there's mere te fellow.' The foreman of the work is an employee of tbe Western Union telegraph company and is new kept se busy with the telegraph people that he cannot spare the time te make ether connections new ready. The Marietta network is as yet incomplete, but it will be finished just as seen as tbe managers of the exchange can again secure their foreman. Dr. S. Armer, of this place, has net yet been connected. Shad catches about here just new arc mall, if net few, by reason of the shallow state of the river and the clearness of the water. When the river becomes in the condition it is new the shad seek ether quarters where with deeper water its clearness is net of se much account. Un less we have a rise seen it may be well te expect little from this date te the cud of the season. At a business meeting of Company II, held last evening, the following civil offi cers were elected te serve for the ensuing term of one year : President, Lowdeu W. Richards ; Vice President, Edward 1. Eckmau ; Secretary. Edward 15. Ferney ; Assistant Secretary, Francis A. Reichard; Treasurer, Frank A. Bennett. The com pany decided te accept an mvitatieu of General Welsh pest Ne. 118, G. A. R., of this place, te participate with them iu the services of Decoration day. The fuucral of Geerge Erwin an ac count of whose sudden death was given iu the Intkli.igencer of yesterday will take place from his late residence ou Le cust street above b rent at one e clock to morrow afternoon. The remains will be interred at Washington borough and church services will be held there at two o'clock. Deputy Corener Jehn P. Frank summoned the following jury, who held an inquest yesterdag altcrnoen : Messrs. J. W. Yeung, L. W. Richards, Albert M. Sladc, William Brady, Geerec W. Ivech, Fred Struck. Physiciau of the jury Dr. Alex Craig. The verdict was "We liud that the said Geerge Erwin came te his death by reason of a foreign growth or formatieu known as threubus iu the heart obstructing circulation." TUB FIREMEN. Election or a Chief and Assistant k uglneer. Last evening the convention of fire pres idents and members of the councils com mittee en lire engine and hose compa nies met in common council chamber for the purpose of electing a chief engineer of the lire department te fill the unexpired term of Mr. Fordney, resigned, as pro vided by city erdiuance. The following members were present : Messrs. Decrr, Everts, Huber, Judith aud Cox, chairman, of the fire committee, and Messrs. Jacob Gable, Slaymaker, Jehn S. Gable, Hart mau, Barr, W. 31. Franklin and Hewell, representing respectively the Sun, Union, Friendship, Washington, American, Hu mane and Empire companies. Mr. Gee. M. Franklin, who is a member of the fire committee and also president of the Shif tier fire company, was the only member net president. The attendance of outsiders was small. Mr. Cox occupied the chair and Mr. Hewell was chosen secretary. Mr. Hewell read from the initiates of the firemen's union the action of that body in recommending Assistant En gineer Fred. Arneld, of the First district, as Mr. Ferdney'a successor. The chairman called for nominations, and Mr. Hartman nominated Frederick Arneld ; Mr. Slaymaker nominated Jacob A. Hellinger. On Mr. Judith's motion the nomina tions were closed ; Messrs. Barr and Judith were appointed tellers, and en a call of the roll Mr. Arneld received tbe votcsefall the members of the convention except Mr. Slaymaker, who voted for Mr. Hellinger. Mr. Arneld was thereupon de clared elected. Mr. Jacob Gable, of the Sun, then stated that the question arose as te whether this convention could properly proceed te the election of an assistaut en gineer te fill this unexpired term of Mr. Arneld, promoted, before official notice of the latter gentleman's resignation had been received. The general impression of the members, after the law had been referred te and found te have no bearing en the point raised by the president of the Sun, seemed te be that Mr. Arneld's position being pretty well understood, it would be in the nature of splitting hairs te postpone action new until the resignation of Mr. Arneld from his former position had been an nounced te the convention. Mr. Hewell thereupon moved te proceed te an election of an assistant engineer for the First district te serve Mr. Arneld's un expired, term, which was unanimously agreed te. Mr. Hewell nominated Harry N. Hewell. Mr. Slaymaker moved the nominations close, and en a call of the roll Mr. Hewell was unanimously elected. Secretary Hewell thanked the cenven tien en behalf of his son for the compli ment of the latter's election. Mr. Jacob Gable then presented and moved the passage of a resolution request ing councils te amend th9 ordinance ap propriating the public moneys of the city te the several departments thereof, new pending, se that the item providing for the fire companies be altered from $400 te enmn-inv liaviner a. steamer and 8250 te the hook and ladder company te $800 te each of the former and $500 te the latter company ; half of the proposed amount te be paid in August next and the ether half en the 31st of May, 1882. This proposed amendment would effect the object of the erdiuance which was defeated at the meet ing of councils last Wednesday providing for an increased appropriation te the fire companies. There was a slight informal discussion upon the measure, which was, however, adopted without diBsent. Adjourned. TAX EXONERATIONS. Tne List Surprisingly Lene. Yesterday A. K. Warfel, tax collector, filed in the county commissioner's office a list of persons exonerated from the pay ment of county tax for the year 1880. The list contains net less than 2,000 names, net a few of whom are heavy property owners, lawyers, doctors, merchants and ether business men. The vast number of names en the list is well calculated te sur prise anyone who is aware of the great care taken last fall by the several political committees, and indeed by almost every in dividual voter te have the taxes of every taxable paid. It is known that in a great many cases, both the Demo cratic and Republican committees paid taxes for tbe same voters, and that the voters in turn paid their own taxes ! It was confidently believed that there were net a dozen men in tbe city whose taxes were net paid either in 1879 or 1880, and yet tbe enormous number of 2,000 or mere, appears en the collector's list of ex onerations for 1880. In a brief interview had with Mr. War fel be explained te a representative of the Intelligence!!, that maujr of the names en tbe annual registry lists of tbe assessors, arc of persons dead or removed from tbe wards, and who, net being liable te taxa tion tbeicin, must appear en tbe list of exonerations After tbe annual assess ment made iu tbe winter, there are two extra assessments made. The names en these lists arc composed largely of per sons who have removed from ene ward te another, and whose names therefore ap lcar en the lists of both wards. As they cannot be taxed iu mere than one Wurd, they must be inaiked as exonerated in the ether ; aud thus it often happens that men who have paid their tax anil held receipts are marked exonerated. Mr. Warfel says, also, that in eue of the wards the as sessor assessed against many of the resi dents a " state militia " tax. A few of these taxes were paid te Mr. Warfel befere be became aware of the fact that this tax had been abolished ; but tbe great bulk if tbe in were net collected aud are returned as " exonerated." These aud ethf r causes contribute te swell the list te its apparently unreasonable proportions ; but Air. Warfel Ins sworn te the correctness of tbe list, aud avows that bis cash books and records will prove it te be correct. On tbe ether hand, taxpayers who have net removed and who were net assessed iu mere than one ward, aud who declare they paid their taxes and held receipts for the same, are iudiguautat finding their names en the "exonerated list." Air. Warfel labors under the disadvantage of having had this thing occur before. Air. Warfel says that iu many instances, where political parties had paid tax and the taxablcs after waids insisted upon pay ing it themselves and getting receipts, he took their money, but made separate ac count of it and he holds that fund, some $330, for the benefit of whoever may show himself entitled te have his tax refunded. Excursion te Europe. The following persons will go en the European excursion, under the manage ment of B. Yccker aud Father Kaul : Rev. Antheny F. Kaul, Lancaster, Pa. ; Rev. J- J. O'Reilly, Leavenworth diocese, Kansas; Rev. Jehn P.ielin. Nerthficld, Minnesota ; Rev. Jes.IIuber, College Point, Leng Island, N. Y. ; Hen. Dan'l. Ermcn- trout, Readiug, Pa. ; Win. D. Belhuger, AI. 'D., Lancaster, . Pa. ; Mr. and Airs, Henry Strobel, Lancaster, Pa, ; Aliss Liz Miss Alary zie btrebel, Lancaster, Pa. ; Kaul (sister of Father Kaul) Lancaster, Pa. ; Airs. II. Travers, Glassboro, rt. Y. ; Aliss Warrick, Oil City, Pa. ; Air. Alichacl Powers, Danville, Pa. Father Kaul left for New Yerk at 1:40 this afternoon. The ether Lancasteriaus will leave en Thursday morning at 5 o'clock. The party go ou the steamer "Nebraska" which sail ou Thursday afternoon. A second excursion under the Yecker Kaul management will sail from New Yerk en the 7th of July, iu the steamship Georgia. It is expected that a number of Lancastrians will be among the excur sieuists. Mnurlce O. Wlckenham. We recently noticed some serious charges made in tbe New Yerk Times against Postmaster Maurice D. Wicker sham, of Alebile, Ala. The following dispatch from there indicates that " Wicky " is en tbe war path : "In proceedings before the criminal court for the republication of a libel eucc published iu a New Yerk paper against Cel. Wickcrsham, Judge AlcCarfbu te-day sentenced Dr. Orsen L. Crampton, as the instigator, te $100 fine and one hours' im prisonment, aud the editor of the Neics te $5 flue and one hour's imprisonment. The cases will be appealed by these gentlemen. Dr. Crampton was a prominent candidate for Wickeisham's place as postmaster of Alebile.' Sr. ANTHONY'S PAROCHIAL. SCHOOL. Farewell Entertainment te Rev. Father Kaul. A farewell concert was given iu tbe basement of St. Antheny's church last evening by tbe pupils of the parish school in honor of the pastor, Rev. A. Kaul, who left Lancaster this afternoon for New Yerk, whence he sails for Europe in a day or two. The entertainment consisted of songs, ducts, choruses, recitations, dialegues, tableaux aud speeches by the pupils, all of which were creditably rendered. A farewell speech in English was made te Father Kaul by little Miss Bender and iu German by. Alaster Charles Ursprung, Father Kaul responding te both speeches. The attendance was very large and the farewell greetings te the pastor very affec tionate. Wanted an Overcoat. A tramp entered the residence of Air. Rese, Ne. 15 Plum street, this morning, picked up a spring overcoat that attracted bis faucy, and was making off with it when the lady of the house having witnessed his performance, compelled him te surrender, which the tourist did with evident reluct ance. Housekeepers should exercise ad ditional vigilance in guarding against the incursions of these festive pilgrims, for new is the winter of their discontent made glorious by opportunities that they are net slew te avail themselves of. The Seminary. Rev. Talmud W. Chambers, D. D., of New Yerk will preach a sermon te the sen ior class of the theological seminary, iu the First Reformed church this evening. The commencement of the seminary will take place at the college chapel en Thurs day evening. JTXW AVYEJLT1MEMXXTS- C FECIAL NOTICE. Our Stock of Fine and Cheap Watches, French Bronze, Marble aad Cheap American Clocks, Musical Bexes, Oil Paintings, Marble and Bronze Statuary, Solid SUver and Silver-Plated Ware, Solid Geld and Rolled Geld Plated Jewelry, aad all tbe staple goods in our line, is one of the largest aad f nest in the state, s We have also many fancy goods and novelties, pretty and inexpensive, suitable for presents. , , Our patrons will find our Manufactory a great convenience. We can make up any design of Jewelry of any description te order, at less cost than city prices. Remounting precious stones and resetting and remodel remedel ling old pieces of Jewelry will often transform an old style into a very de sirable piece of goods. Monogram and Ornamental or Inscription Engrav ing done equal te the best of work done elsewhere. We have all the necessary lathes, tools and modern appliances iu the hands of expert mechanics for proper Watch and Masical Bex Repairing. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, 4 West King Street, .... Lancaster, Pa. T ANCASTKR WATCHES. EI3W. J. Manufacturing Jeweler, WE INVITE ATTENTION TO OUIi LARGE STOCK OF LANCASTER AND AMERICAN WATCHES, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CLOCKS. Solid Silver and Sllvcr-Pluted Ware in Spoons, Ferks, Kalves, Casters, &e. We offer te our patrons advantages which arc rarely combined In one establishment. be cause we have a complete MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT in connection with our retail business .unci are making u large part el the goods wc sell. This enables ns te be sure of qual ity, te sell at the lowest price, ami gives us tirst-elass facilities for WATCH WORK and GEN ERAL REPAIRING. EDW. J. ZAHM, Manufacturing Jeweler, uiar2!-3uidwlt Lest a Wheel. This morning as a wagon belonging te Mr. Westtuau, leaded with ever three tens of limestene from Dillerville and in tended for Peacock's furnace, was passing down Seuth Prince street, one of the hind wheels came off and let the axle fall heav ily te the ground. The axle was some what bent, but did net break, aud net much damage was done except the less of time. Fire Company' Mall. Last evening the ball of the Washington fire company took place at the engine house. It was largely attended and was a success, DeB'i tour Canary Slag ? Then geta bottle of lltrd Hitters, which is an unfailing restorer of song anil a cure fei all diseases of cage birds. 11 your druggist does net keep it, or will net get it for you, send a postal card te the Bird Feed Company, 307 Federal street, Camden, X. J., and they will see. tluit you are supplied. Trice, 25 cents. mar23-3uulftw City Hill routers. Carsen ft lleusul, city bill pesters anil dis tributors, eflice Intei.liuexcbk building, Xe. U Seuth Queen street. The only medicinal soap adapted te easy sliaving Cuticura Shaving Seap. Nutrition improved, strength restored and disease arrested by Malt Hitters. special notices. tioed for Babies. . We are pleased te say that our baby was per manently enred of a serious protracted irreg ularity of the bowels by the use of Hep Hitters by its mother, which at the same time restored her te pcrtect health and strength. The Parents, University ave., Rochester, X. Y. Sec another column. my2-2vdftw His Last Dese. Said u sufferer from kidney troubles when asked te try Kidney-Wert, " I'll try it but it will be my last Jese." The man get well, and Is new recommending the remedy te all. When derangement of the stomach acts upon the kidneys and liver bringing disease aud pain, Kidney-Wert is the true remedy. It re moves the cause and cures the disease. Liquid (very concentrated) or dry act equally efll elcnt. Am. Cultivator. ui9-lwd&w Ne Wonder. Many a man's love lien been turned into loathing en account of unsightly eruptions en the fuce,and of the offensive breath et his 11 ancec. This trouble could have been avoided if she enlv hail Dense enough le use Burdock Hitters. Price $1, trial size 10 cents. Fersalu at H. II. Cechran'6 Drugstore, 137 North Qifccn street. A Cough, Celd or sere Threat should ue stepped. Xcglect frequently results in an In. curable I.ung Disease or Consumption. Brown's Bronchial Troches de net disenler the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly en the inflamed parts, allaying irritation, give relief in Asthma, Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles which Singers and Public Speakers are subject te. Fer thirty years Brown's Bronchial Troches have been recommended by physi cians, and always give ported sadfefuctleu. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have at tained well-merited rank among the tew staple remedies of the age. Sold at S3 cent a box overywhero. wS-lvdTTh&Sftlyw have lour Hair Keep It Beautiful. The " Londen Hair Celer Kcsterer" is the most delightful article ever Introduced te the American people and Is totally different Irem all ether Hair Restorers, being entirely free Irem ulfimpure ingredients that render many ether articles for the hair obnoxious. Where baldness or lolling of the hair exists, or prema ture grayness, from sickness or ether causes, Its use will restore the natural yeuthlul color, and cause a healthy growth, cleansing the scalp from all impurities, dandruff, etc., at the same time a most pleasing and lasting hair dressing, Jragrantly perfumed, rendering it soft and pnable, making It an indispensable article iu ever' toilet Ask your druggist for Londen Hair Celer Restorer. Price 75 cents a bottle. Six bottles, $4. Main depot for the United States, 830 North Sixth street, Philadel phia. inll-lvdTThAF&w I uavk been a suncrcr for years with Ca tarrh, und under a physician's treatment for ever a year, have tried a number of "sure cure" remedies and obtained no relief. I was. advised te try Ely's Cream Balm. It gave me Immediate relief. I believe I am new entirely cured. G. S. Davis, First National Bank, Elizabeth, X. J.. Aug. 14, 1S79. Br kau the best remedy ter the treatment of Catarrh and Its. kindred diseases is Ely's Cream Balm, which Is having the largest sales with us of any preparation new offered. The reports are all favorable, and wc de net hesi tate te indorse Has superior te any and all ether articles In the market. The Balm is pleasant and easy te use. Cyrus La wall A Sen, Druggist, Easten, Pa. niy9-2wdftw DEATHS. Lkchlkr. In this city, en the 7th efMny. William Lechler, aged 74 years, 8 months and 1 day. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral. Irem his late residence, Xe. 243 East Chestnut street, en Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Services te be held in Chestnut street Baptist church. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. 2td Spkidlx. In this city, en the 8th of May, Augustus Wm., son et Abram and Minnie Speulle, aged 3 years, 7 months and 11 days. Death lias claimed our darling Gustie, Set its seal upon his brew ; And his eyes that shone se brightly, Shine in heaven with Jesus new. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from Ids parents' residence, Xe. 29 Careline street, en Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. 2td FECIAL NOTICE. A MKK1CAN WATCHES. ZAttNL, Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa. Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa. POLITICAL. Fer County Commissiener: FRANK CLARK, of Strasburg township. Scl'jcct te the choice et the Democratic coun ty convention. inrtt-dftwtp ADAM S. DIETRICH, of Maner township. Subject te tlie decision of the DomecraUc county convention. 1IEXUY F. UAUTMAN (Lime Burner), el East Lampeter township. Subject te the choice of the Democratic county convention. apr2-dftwtp MAKT1N HILDEBBAXT, or Mount Jey I te rough, subject te the docislen of the Dem ocratic county convention. upl3-dftwtp JEltK MOHLEIt, Ephrata. Subject te the decision of the Democratic county conven tion. aprli-d&wtpJE Fer Count)' Auditer: JOHN L. LIUHTXEE.ef Lcaceck township. Subject te the decision or the Democratic count v convention. aprlS-tfdftw NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ten KEWABD.-U)8t THb MUKNIHV, II6U either en the Strasburg Pike, between Millport and Lancaster, or in this city, a pocket-book containing $US5 in bank-notes, and some papers of no value. The above reward will be paid upon returning it te this eflice, or te J. CUKT1S, ltd" Fertility P. O. "VTOTICE fUK MEMUKKK OF CIOAK- JA makers' Union, Ne. 83, ure requested te meet at their hall to-inerrow evening at 7 o'clock, as business et importance will be transacted. Every member Is requested te be present. By order of the Union. I)ULIC SALE OF VALUABLE KEAL . ESTATE. Ou SATURDAY, MAY, 28, 1381, will be sold at public sale at the Keystone Heuse. North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa., the following described valuable real estate, late of Francis Ruth, deceased, te wit : Xe. 1. A two-story BIUClv DWELLIXG HOUSE, with two-story Brick Back Building and let or piece of ground, situate Xe. 50!. ou the east side of North Queen street, iu said city, containing 20 feet in trout (including a 2 leet wide common alley en the north line), and extending eastwardly 140 feet te Xe. 2. There are six rooms in said house, with gas in each room; hydrant convenient at kitchen deer. There arc choice iruit trees und grupe vines en said let. Xe. 2. A one-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, with one-story Frame Back Building and let or piece et ground, situate en the west side of Christian street, said city, con taining in Ireut 22 feet, 9 inches, and extend ing westwardly KB feet te Xe. 1. There arc Ave rooms In this house and a variety et choice fmit trees ou the let. Sale te commence at 8 o'clock p. m., when terms will be made known by BENJAMIN KUTH, JOHN WORKMAN, Attorneys in tact et the heirs of said deceased. II. SlUBEllT, Auct. uiayl-19-2ri-23 OPRIXG 1881. Goods for Gents' Wear. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SUITINGS. HAGER & BROTHER are new offering Full Lines of Black Fiench Cleths and Dectskins, Black French and Eng lish Worsted ter Dress Suits. Alse the Latest Spring Styles and Colorings of worsted suitings, CASSniERE SUITINGS, CHEVIOT SUITINGS, FLANNEL SUITINGS, CASSIMERE FOR PANTS, SPRING 0 VERCOA TINGS, BOYS' SUITINGS. We have all the above in large assortment and great variety of Styles and qualities which we will make up te order in the best stvie and guarantee satisfaction. GENTS' NECK WEAK, COLLARS AXD CUFFS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND SUSPENDERS. CLOTHING! or our own manufacture, for Men aud Beys, in large assortment. PRICES LOW. 'Call and examine. i Ne. 25 WEST KINO STREET. s: urn BBOTHEB, THIRD EDITIOS. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 10, 1881. VVEATHER INDICATIONS. Washixgteh, Hay 10. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, slightly warmer, fair weather, southerly winds, stationary fel lowed by falling barometer. STAXLEY MATTHEWS. And Otber Odious Nominations. "Washington, May 10. The Stanley Matthews case was net taken up te-day but probably will be considered te-morrow. The judiciary committee this morning agreed te recommend the confirmation of Den A. Pardee as United States circuit judge for the Fifth judicial circuit, and sub sequently reported the nomination favora bly te the Senate. The nomination of M. J. Cramer, new charge d'affaires te Denmark, te be charge d'affaires te Switzerland, was reported fa vorable from the foreign relations com mittee during the executive session this afternoon. The judiciary committee reached the nomination of Wm. E. Chandler as solici tor general at their meeting te-day, but laid it aside for consideration at another special meeting te be held probably to morrow. Grier's Name Withdrawn. The Senate te-day received from the president his message which was tee late for delivery yesterday, withdrawing the nomination of W. A. M. Grier as third as sistant postmaster general. The message states that the nomination is withdrawn at Mr. Gricr's request. A Confederate Brigadier. The Senate in executive session te-day confirmed James Lengstrrct United States marshal for Georgia. INDIANA IX COLUKAIKJ. Cattle Run Offauil Ranch Men Killed. Denver, Cel., May 9. A telegram re ceived by the governor states that en the iith in La Plata county, a ranch was at tacked and 140 head of cattle run off, and three ranch men. named Thumb, Smith aud May, were killed. It i net known who were the attacking party. Seme think they were Indians and ether white desperadoes. The News furnishes the following addi tional information : " The governor's tel egram was dated Durauge aud said that Indians committed the murder, and the ranch was the ptepcrty of Jehn Thurman. Upen receipt of the telegram the governor telegraphed its purport te General Pepe and also sent a courier te Durange te ascertain the truth, and it true what band of Indians and hew many of them were engaged in the murders, and also if Chief Ignacio was at the southern agency with the main body of the tribe. Ne reply can possibly be received until to morrow afternoon. It is thought the murders may be the work of renegade Indians located iu the southwestern corner -of Colerado and Utah, who recog receg nize no chief 'and whose depredations iu the past nave been terrible. If these In dians belong te the Igancio's tribe then the situation is considered as very serious and a universal outbreak may be expected at any moment after the news reaches them of the indictment of four Indians for the murder of Jacksen. The indica tions seem te be that they will immediate ly take the war path. General Pepe answered the governor saying the report seems incredible, as Durange is only 14 miles Irem Fert Lewis, where four companies of infantry aud ene of cavalry are stationed and if an outbreak has occurred as far back as may eth he would have been uetitied by the commander of Fert Lewis, and states that reports received by him te-day from Uncampahgrc, and the White Kiver agencies indicate everything peaceable. Nine companies of regular troops left Kansas City te, Uncampaligre te-day.'' FI.OATKI) ASMOKE. Evidences eT a Shipwreck. Londen, May 10. A box containing a patent leg and two life buoys, all marked "Buccntaur," have landed at Scilly. A large mast and buoy, also marked " Buccn taur," have eoine ashore oil the west side of the Lizaid. It is feared that the British steamer Buccntaur, Capt. Hunter, which passed the Lizard, bound westward en the Uth inst., came in collision with the schooner Alicia of Abcrystwith. A medi cine chest se marked has been picked up and landed at Scilly by a pilot beat. The Republican l'owew. Washington, May 10. Immediately after the adjournment of the Senate the Republicans assembled in caucus for the purpose of continuing yesterday's discus sion in regard te the contested executive business. It is expected that a decision en the matter in controversy will tie reach ed some time during the afternoon. The Reading Case in the Supreme Court. Haukihuuug, May 10. Jehn C. Bullitt, counsel for tbe McCalmont interest in the Beading railroad case, this morning ap peared befere the supreme court and made application for a hearing te quash the ap peal. The court refused te lr.-ur him at present, but fixed Friday morning at nine o'clock as the time. Reeder Appointed Additional Law Judge. Haukisbuue, May 10. The governor te-day appointed Heward J. Rcedcr as additional law judge for Northampton county, and the Senate confirmed him unanimously. Net tiullty" County Fer Costs. Pettsvillk, May 10. This morning the jury in the case of Samuel "Garrett, senior commissioner of Schuylkill county charged with embezzlement of the funds of tlie county returned a verdict of " net guilty," the county te pay the costs. A Tragic Ending. NEwYeKK,May 10. Ffelcy W. Rogers, a clerk iu tbe employ of L. Schcpp & Ce., of Duane street, shot himself through the head this morning at his home in West 10th street, dying seen after. He was :il years old and a married man. Three New Catholic Vishnps, Twe iu Xew Diocese,. A special cable despatch from Berne te the New Yerk Freedmaii's Journal an nounces that en last Sunday, May 8, ICast of the patronage of St. Jeseph, it pleased our Hely Father Pepe Lee XIII. First, te ratify the erection of a dioccse iu Daven port, la., cut from the diocese of Dubuque, hitherto comprising the whole state of Iowa ; this See will be suffragan of the Metrepalitan Sec of St Leuis ; second, te name the Yery Bev. Jehn McMitlleu, vicar general of Chicago, te be the first Bishop of Davenport ; third, te name the Yery Bev. Killen C. Flasch, secretary of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, te be Bishop of the Diocese of La Cresse, Wis., vacant mere than a year by the promotion, of Bishop Heisc te be Archbishop and Coad jutor of Milwaukee. Te be Fenced In. The town of Elizabeth, N. J., appears te be suffering all the reverses of fortune. On top of its indebtedness almost beyond precedent, it is threatened with having at least one of the main streets obstructed with a fence. They want the trains en the railroads passing through the city te ran slower, but the railroad people say it cannot be done, and that if anything is attempted te interfere with them (hey will fence in their tracks. Ky ea Brady. New Yerk Sun, Erring Brether Key is anxious te have it generally understood that he is nothing worse than a feel. The fact that the pres ent proceedings against the star route con spirators imply a serious chaise asainst his own management of the posteilce, under Hayes, seems te have penetrated te his consciousness. Te a reporter who asked his opinion of the charges against Brady, Mr. Key said : " I de net believe they are true. I think Gen. Brady was one of the ablest, best officers that ever presided ever the con tract bureau of the department." And then, having turned his mind back te the period when he was postmaster general and Brady his able and geed assistant, Mr. Key added : " There is net word or figure in these charges that we did net have something of two years age." The last part of Mr. Key's plea is true enough. Nearly all the facts new pub lished in regard te the swindling system which Postmaster General James is en gaged in breaking up were in Mr. Key's possession two years age. The Sun printed them. Congress took up the mat ter and investigated it thoroughly. There was a very general public demand that tvey sneuid de tbe work tnat James is doing. The trouble was net that Key lacked the evidence ou which te proceed. What he did lack was either the brains te comprehend the organized corruption ram pant in his department, or the disposition te act under the circumstances like an honest man and a faithful publie servant. Burglars Who FaUed. Iu Providence three masked men ef fected an entrance into a large building ou Dyer street occupied by manufacturing jewelers. Having poisencl the deg, they seized, bound ami gagged the watchman and compelled him te open the deer of William Smith & Ce.'s shop. There they spent three hours in trying te open the vault, iu which was $6,000 in geld. Hav ing only blacksmiths aud beileriuakcrs' tools, they failed in their attempt, and left the watchman bound te a chair. He succeeded in alarming the police, but no clue is found te the burglars. MAKKJSTS. " - Nfiw tone Msrsn. w Yerk. May 10. Fleur State and West ern dull, buyers' favor ; Superniic Statu 1 00 4 X ; extra de MQ1C5; "choice de $4 703 4 ',: ; lancy de St SUQG 75 : round hoop Ohie St 0 ($5: choice de at I503Q675; su peril ue west ern fi ui&t ; common te geed ex Ujl de $1 .VQ4 &" ; choice de $4 WQd 75 ; choice white wheat de $5G 00. Southern un changed, quiet; common te fair extra ut II ', -r : iroed te choice de $5 300700. Wheat Jffljije iower, moderately active ; Xe. 1 White, May,l 'Hft : Xe. 2 Red, May, $1 23? I 21'; de June,1219l21!4;de.fuly,fl lOgl 11. Cern heavy, !4c Iower ; Mixed western spot. SOQftte ; de luture, S4K5CJc. Oa!s c lower ; State, )&lc; Welerii, fifflMc. Philadelphia Market. I'niLADXUHiA, May 10. Fleur steady, with lair home demuud ; snperflue, S3 2i3 75 ; ex tra 13. S74 25 ; Ohie and Indiana family : ); 00: Penna. family ST. 00 5 25 : St. Leuis family $5 75; 25 ; Minnesota Extra $55 75 ; de straight. G tie&r, 12; winter patent Stit97 50: Hpilug de $C SO7 51). Uye flour at $5 30. Wheat quiet and steady ; Xe. 2 Western Red, $1 Zyx ; Del., Penn'a Red and Amber, 1 25 1 -y.. Cern scarce and wanted ; steamer, G;M)c ; yellow and mixed UOQOOXc. Oats scarce and lirm ; Xe. 1 White nene here; Ne. 2. de. 516-V'ts: Ne. 3, de S0M5le; Xe. 2 Mixed S)50c. Ityc scarce at $1 0601 OS. Seeds Uoed te prime clever neglect ed,77M; de de Timethy jobbing at $3 103 IS ; de de Flaxseed dull at si 30 asked. Previsions quiet; mess perk $18 00318 25; beet nam-". S23 5925 00; mdlan m.ys beer, $2250, f.e. b. Bacen smoked shoulders, B7c; salt de &5c ; Bineked hams ll12c; pickled hams KKffilec. Lard easier ; city kettle U0Uc : loe-it butchers' lie ; prime steam, $11 215011 30. Bntter market dull; Creamery extra Pa., 2330c; de geed te choice 24025; Bradford county and Xcw Yerk extra, 2465c. Rolls lull ; Penn'a 10l7c; Western 10017, as le quality. Eggs easier; Penna i:S0l3c; Western 12J 13c. Cheese linn with fair Inanlrv; Xew Yerk tell cream 13g)l:ltC ; Western full cruam ut I2c ; de fair te geed, HKr2c;de half sktiu? 910c ; Pa. skims T&c. Petroleum steady ; refined TKc. Whisky at $1 Oil. Western Uraln Markets. Ohie Wheat quiet: Xe. 1 White Teledo. flilii...nt $i i4rj si 1 Vl; no. 2 Red Walmsli, spot. lay. $1 1 ; July, $1 09; August, l ti5; ar,$! OlfK; Ne. 3 de. $1 11; Ne. 2 iid Michigan Red, $114. all the year, Itti4tti till Cern easier: High Mixed. 4c; Ne. 2 spot, 47e : Mav. 47e ; June, 4tWc ; July, 47c ; Ne. 2 White, 49Je; rejected, J6j:; damaged, 33c. Oats steady ; Xe. 2 White at 42c. At the ntternoen call Wheat ilrmer ; Xe. 2 Ked. spot. $114; June held at $1 12, $1 12 bill ; sales. July, $1 08 ; August, $1 (MJi ; all the year, $1 03y asked : $1 tajc bid. Keeeipt wheat, 21,000 bus; com, 72,000 bus; eats. J,MI0 bus. Shipments Wheat, S3,0im bus; corn, 181,000 bus ; eats, 1,000 bus. Dctueit- Fleur in lair demand at 55 M. Wheat steady and lirm. Xe. 1 White, $1 12 ; May, $1 12 ; June, $t 10i ; July, $1 1JJ ; Au gust, $107; Xe. 2 White $1 09; Xe. 2 Ked, $l 15. Cern quiet and easier ; Mixetl 47c. Oats scarce and higher ; Xe. 2 Mixed, 41c ; de White, 44c. Clevcrseed quiet and scarce ; prime, $5. Receipts Fleur, 1,000 ; Wheat. 12.00J bushel". Cem, 2,t00 bushels ; Oats. 1,000 bushels. Shipments Fleur, I.CO.I barrels: Wheat, !2,eii bushels : Cern, 2,000 bushels ; Oa.h, none Philadelphia Cuttle Market. Mexdav, May 9. The receipts el stock at the various yards were for the week : Cattle, 2.300 head ; sheep, 8.000 head : hogs, 2,500 head. Previous week Cattle, 2,800 head ; slie.-p, 8.0JO head ; hogs, 3.0)0 head. Beef Cattle The strike en the Western reads had the effect et keeping cattle Irem coming East, and Friday found several Xew Yerk .drovers in our market buying stock, which mane a suert, supply ier our own iratie, ami prices consequently advanced, and at tin; close te-day rates were Jic per pound hlirher. We quote as fellows : Extra, 77c; Geed. c; Medium, 'yMe : Common, 5tc. Bulls and Cows Fat cows and bulls were In sympathy with beeves and were higher at 3 $5c.. the latter ier choice Montgomery co. Slippery and Bolena cows were also In de mand ut higher figures, the former at $lft25, and the latter at $12017. Calves Pennsylvania were active and read ily taken at ;7tlc. Milch cows were in lair demand and quo tations ruled Irem $25050 per head, although several sales of choice grades were made as high as $75 per head. Sheep The markets during the week were active, and prices since Wednesday last have advanced 0c f? ft. We quote as follews: Weel sheep 507c ; clipped sheep, 30Hc ; with sales or 200 clipped culls at 304c. Spring Lambs were fairly active at $306 25 per head. Hogs The light run and geed demand made the market, active and prices closed firm at last quotations. We quote as fellows : Extra, 949c ; Geed, 809c ; Medium, 8 08c. 8ALK OP mCEr CATTLK. Reger Maynes, 150 Lan. co., gre-s,C07c. A. & J. Christy, 37 Lene. co. and Western, gre9s.6(rJic. E.S. & B. F. McFlllen.150Lanc.ce.and West ern, gross, ?4Tic. Owen Smith, 191 Western and Pennsylvania, gross, G07C. M. Ulman. 26d Lane, county, gratis, O'i&Vic. Jehn McA rdie, 361 Lancaster co., 57e. Daniel Murphy, 175 Lan. co., 607c. Schambergs Paul, 210 Lane. co. and Western, &07c. (. Scliamberg A Ce., 222 Western, 7c. Lewcnstem & Adlcr, 75 Western, 607c. " " 175 Montgomery co. cows 4055?. II. Chain, Jr., 43 Penn'a, 50Gc. uamci smyi.ii a ure., isu v Western and Lnn- caster county, e7c. Dennis Smyth, 40 Penn'a, &4fGc. Bachman & Levi. CO Western, 606kc. M. Levi, 85 Western. C06jje. Leuis Ilern, 28 Penn'a, mixed and cows, 4 Wm. hales, 105 Lancaster co., 50'c. James Clcnisen, IS Western, 64tc. Abe O3thclm20 Western. 07c. James Eustace, 29 Laa. co.. cows, S05c. Dressed beeves were active and sales were reported at 809J4c until Friday p. m., when prices began te rise rapidly and at tbe close of the market the rates were quoted at lO01ee per pound. .. . Sales of Dressed Beeves -Thes. Bradley, 235 head City dressed at 809c ; C.S.Dengler 71 de. city de. at StfftHc: . A. Bpswell 1W head de de 809lc ; W. H. Brown 140 dp. de. at 809JiC rSrvTlewnen TOe de at SKc Dressed sheep 'were In' geed demand and prices were firmer. ,,., , , , , Samuel Stewart sold 912 head dressed sheep at !ic. ) , Xti Stock Markets. I "CmcAoe. The receipts of Hes were ssoae neaa; mpments. ijsau head; packers and suppers buying rreely ; prices lOcVlewer, par' tlcularry- for common :mlxca packing at $5 Ce 06; light at $3 730600; calls, $3400360 ; choice heavy packing and shipping at $6 1006 35. Cattle Receipts, 4,700 head; shipments. 3.403 head ; market exceedingly brisk ; somewhat excited, and stronger ; prices 10c. higher gen erally the best prices in years, being see higher than a week age ; common te lair, $ss 550 ; geed te choice. $3 7006 ; expert, ssaeS 635 ; distillery; $3 3503 90 ; butchers strong cows ami heifers, $305 25; mixed, as 5001 25 grass Texans, very thin, $3 30 ; steckets and feeders strong and higher at $37S0$313. fcheen Recelnts. LOOrt head: shinments. aie head : market steady ; common togeod shorn, $404 50 ; oed tochelce medium weight woeted. Kast LimcBTT. Cattle The supply ler two days' sales was 1C0 head less than last Monday's supply; all sold; prices 50e better, some BTade? reaching $7 ; the general figures were W 3Q. and $6 75 for geed te prime ; light lair butchers' brought $4 500595 ; bulls, cewa and ta. ,3001 50 ; still-fed steers.. $5 3003 75 ; sales, 5tl head; several leads were shipped la HeKs-Receipts 4,995 head ; Philadelphia, 65 06 73; Yerkers,$6206 35. Sheep Receipts, 5,080 head; market active and prices 15025c above these or last week. atecKAtanac ,NeYr Yprjc, Philadelphia and Lecal stocks, also United States Bends reported dally by Jacob B. Loxe. X. E. Cor. Centre Square. Smw Yeax STOCKS. Stocks strong. May 10. A. M. r.M.TM 10:00 1:00 3.00 Meney. 405 IMlliMnn ft- V.w,l. 1L'iu.tnM ,aT Chicago A North Western. 12S 127 127 117 116?;; cmcage. fliu. st. l'aul . ... Canada Southern C. C. A 1. C. R. R , Dvl...Lack.& Western Delaware Hudsen Canal. Denver & Rie Uraudc , Hannibal ft St. J 00 118 28 27 27 121Ji 123& KSV. 113 113 11 tg ITJ xi ? Lake Shere ft Mich. Southern.. 129' "4 ";, Aianuaiian Klevateii Michigan Central Missouri. Kansas ft Texas X. Y., Lake Erie ft Western New Jersey Central X. Y., Ontario ft Western New Yerk Central Ohie ft Mississippi Pacific; Mail Steamship Ce St. Leuis ft Iren Mt Sutro Tunnel..: titu or? nn liei 110 iej 50j2 4! 4i2 4972 50 4 101 101 101 sii 3i;4 35 147 1474 UGfi Mi 4iP4- 43',i 57' J MJi 55 72 .... 71'h Union Pacilic 1 20 ia u Wabash. St. Leuis & Pacillc.... 51 50?,; Vitl Preferred. !K '. SWJii Western Union Tel. Ce I'niLADKLPIlIA. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania R. It Reading Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation Buffalo, Pitts, ft W eslern Northern Central Northern Purine. Preferred Hcstenvllle Pbiladclphte ft Kriu It. It lewaUulch Mining United States IEeniu. United States 4 per cents 1. ..... 118 "7 II195 2Si 282 K 27 l 4 4KJS 45JA 2I 21ft 21 52ft .... 52,' .... 43J4 41 "' 7t!ft 75ft .... .... 22l "". """" "7V 45 "." 45 r.W. 1:00 104 Noen Ouuluiionnef the tiralu Market Furnished by Jaceii j. I.en, Cem mission llreker. Cash. June. July. ...$1.02 $1.03?;; $!. ... .12 .42 .43 Chicaue. V UClala fjOrii sLFiUS New Yerk. Wl.tttt....... sLerii Philadklfiiia. v"ni Baltimore. Wheat Cern "'HIS Cash. $1.28 $1.21 .51 $1.19 -51 1.16 .55 nil 1.16 55 1.25 .59 .51 1.23 58ft .55 .17ft 1.21 .55 Lecal Mecks anil Bends. Pur val. Lauc.City 6 per ct. Lean, due 182. . .$11)0 " " 1885... 100 " " 18911... 100 " " 18!G... 100 " 5 per ct. In 1 or 30 years.. 100 " 5 jjer ct. Scheel Lean.... 100 " 4 " in ler 20 years.. 100 " 4 " in 5 or 20 years.. 100 " 4 " in 10 or 20 years. I0O MIMCELLAXKOUS BOXUti. Quarryville R. R.. due 1893 $100 Reading ft Columbia It. Udue 1882 100 Lancaster Watch Ce., due ISSt; 1U0 Lancaster Uas Light and Fuel Ce., due in ler 20 years 100 Lancaster Uas Light and Fuel Ce., due 1881 100 Stevens Heuse ll HANK STOCKS. First National Hank. $100 Fanners' National Bank 50 Lancaster County National Bank.. Mt Las sale $105 111 118.75 120 105 112 103 10X50 104 $114 102.50 105.50 1(13.50 la; 70 $l70bd 103 102.25 135 135 131.50 J! 131 i:r..5e 70.50 Columbia National Bank Ephrata National Ban k First National Bank. Columbia.. .. IMt loe loe First National Bank. Strasburi'.... loe First National Bank. Marietta 100 First Xatlenal Bank, Monnt.ley.. loe 1.11.11Z joauenai ruiiiK Manhctm Xatlenal Bank 100 loe Union National 1:411k, Mount Jey. 50 TUKM'iKK STOCKS. liig Spring ft Beaver Valley $25 10.25 20 18 Bridgenert Columbia & Chestnut Hill Columbia ft Washington Columbia ft Big Spring Idincaster ft Ephrata 1.4M1C., Etiz-nbctlil'ii ft M iildlet'ii... . Lancaster ft Fruitville. lincasterft.Lititz Lancaster ft Williamster.'ii Lancaster Maner Lancaster ft Manhelui Lancaster ft Marietta Lancaster & New Helland Lancaster A Susquehanna. Iliieastcr ft Willow Street Strasburg ft Millport Marietta Maytown Marietta ft Mount Jey .VISCELLANtOfs STOCK". Quarryvllle Miller.-ville Street Cur Inquirer Printing Company. Watch Factory lias Lurhtand Fuel Cemtmiiv Va 14.111 47.25 51 50 IjiSO 55 92 30.40 255 85 275.25 40.15 21 40 37.50 $3.25 25 47.50 M.-.IhI 1.1 I0O 5)1 25 25 50 10O 3011 25 25 25 .$ M . M . 50 . 100 . 25 . 10O Stevens Heuse Columbia Uas Company Columbia Water Company Susquehanna Iren Company Marietta Hollewwan: 100 100 I5.10 NEW Alt t'EUTIS EM EX1M. H UY YOITK Cigars, Tolwcce, &c, AT THE CIGAR BOX," Ne. lift NORTH (H'EEN ST. K. AYK1.CUANS. Agent. ltd a vriuuu KKOS.' ADVCKTIHKiHKNT. LANCASTER BAZAAR, 18 EAST KING STREET, Are new showing one of the Finest Selec tions et MILLINERY EVER SHOWN IX LANCASTER. Trimmed und Uiitrluimcd Hats in great variety. Parasols cheaiier than ever. Trimmed Silk Parasols $1.44. Flowers and Feathers in all sluules. Plain and Ombra'c. RIBBONS, ill Silk and Surah, Plain and Omhra'e. GLOVES. Fine Real Lisle (ilevrs, Pearl Tep, 2 Elastics, 20c. a pair. Fine Lisle, 4 Elastics, 25c. a pair. Fine Lisle, Leng Lace Tep, 25c. a pair. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Hesiuy and Underwear. We have a new CORSET which wc sell at 49c. It Is the best ever seen for the price. TRIMMINGS AND LAOES IX GREAT VARIETY. ASTEIOHBRO'S. WANTS. WANTED AT THIS OrWCE, COPIES OF the Daily IimxueEifrER of September September 1 ikw, unu January si, issi. 1ITANTKD. A ;HH 45IKI. f f era! liu-icverK Win..- tfl nut v.Es- 5 ?r week, ltd Xe washing. Apply at this office. ASTBICH BBOTflEBS