Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 09, 1881, Image 3

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The Lecal Tobacco Market.
On our first page trill be found the New
Yerk and Philadelphia tobacco markets
and some trade notes. Following are a
few of many recent local sales :
17m. llama, East Denegal, sold te
.Spingarn & Ce. acre at 18, 5 and 3;
Henry Bewman, of Providence, G acres te
Rescnbaum, at 20, 6 and 3. Geerge
Kreider, East Herapheld, te Zeller & Bre.,
four lets at 1, 3, 5 and 3 ; 14, 5 and 3 ; 14,
5 and 3, and 11, 5and3 ; Abram Greff,Man
hcim township, te Fatman 13, 5 and 3 ;
II. 8. Hershcy, East Ilempflcld township,
te Fatman, 15, 5, 3 ; Abraham Hostet Hestet
tcr, Maner township, te Fatman, 8, 3, 2 ;
Isaac Stencr, East Ilcmpfield township,
te Fatman, seven tens en private terms ;
Jlr. Tewuscll. Jiadsbury tewbship, te
Shirk, 15, 13, C, 3 ; E. P. JlcClellen and
Smith, Chester county, te Shirk,
10, 5, 3 ; Levi Heffinjrcr, Warwick
township, te Jehn S. Rehrcr, 8 and 3.
Nicholas Esch, Salisbury township, te
Shirk, four lets at 17, 4 and 2, 10, C and A,
15, 4 and 2, 10, 4 and 2 ; Stephen New New
heuser, same township, te Bamberger, at
10, 3 and 2 ; Mr. Liudcmuth, West Don Den
egal township, te Kesctibautn, two lets at
10, 8 and 4, 0, 4 and 2 ; Abram L. Musser,
Manheim township, te Becker, at 15, 5
and 3 ; Heward L. Baker, Chester county,
te Stirk, at 12 and 3.
The Lancaster Tobacco Market.
The past week has been an active one.
Great quantities of leaf have been pur
chased at greatly varying prices, and meic
of it has been delivered at the city ware
houses than during auy ether tice weeks
hi nee tlie first of April. We hear of sales
that were made as low as C and 2, 8 and 2,
and 5 cents through ; though a majority
of the sales were at 10 te 15 for wrappers,
0 for seconds and 3 for tillers. Several
sales are reported as high as 18, G and 3,
and a few ethers above 20 for wrappers.
The highest price reported is 31 cents
through, paid by Dan Mayer, agent for
Kerbs & Spicss, for a crop grevn by Levi
L. Laudis.
It is estimated that from one eight te
one-quarter of the crop of 1880 yet remains
in the hands of the grewcis, and is sweat
ing freely in bulk. It ought te be sold and
packed before het weather sets iu ; and the
probability is that it will be sold, as buyers
arc plenty, and express a willingness te
buy at fair, but net fabulous figures, and
the farmers arc, no doubt, anxious te gel
off with the old before they arc en with
the new crop.
Among the new comers within me past
week arc L. ltescushinc, of San Francisce;
M. Oppcnhcimer, of New Yerk ; Philip
Benn and O. Eiscnlehr, of Philadelphia. I
These gentlemen express themselves de-1
lighted with their drives through our
Mr. Fitzpatrick'aFuueral.
The obsequies of the late Mrs. B. Fitz
patrick, whose death en Friday morning
last has been recorded in this paper, oc
curred at the family residence, Ne. 3:50
East Orange street, this morning. The at
tendance was one of the largest that has
ever been seen upon any similar occasion
in this city, among these present being a
number et relatives and friends of the de
ceased from abroad. The prayers for the
dead were read and final absolution of the
body was performed at the house by Rev.
Father Hickey. of St. Mary's, assisted by
Rcv. Fathers Kaul and Christ, of St- An An
teony's, this city, and McDermott, of
AVest Chester. The remains, encased iu n
handsome cloth-covered casket, with
massive silver mountings, lay iu the
parlor and were viewed by hun
dreds of friends, though by special re
quest of the family thcre were no Hern!
offerings. The celliu was borne te the
hearse by half a dozen police officers. The
pall bearers were James Stewart, II. R.
McConemy, M. MacGonigle and Wm. M.
Slaymakcr. The immense funeral cortege
proceeded from the residence te St. Mary's
cemetery, where the burial service was
recited, and the interment made in the
family vault. Throughout, the obsequies
were marked by a sigular solemnity that
was in keeping with the unfeigned sorrow
which this death has occasioned through
out a wide circle of acquaintanceship and
flic community at large.
A Variety et Ltaiineis Transacted.
Court met this morning at 10 o'clock.
This was the week set apart for the ad
journed court, but for want of cases it was
decided te held no court. It met this
morning for the purpose of discharging
such jurors as might come net knowing
that they were net needed and te hear
current business.
The auditors' report in the estate of
Elizabeth M. D. Mullen was presented te
the court en February 5, 1881. Excep
tions were filed by Jehn A. Mullen and :iu
appeal was taken te the supreme court,
which appeal is new dismissed. The ceuit
directed that an order be made upon Jehn
A. Mullen, administrator, te pay out the
moneys of said estate forthwith, according
te the auditors' report new continued ab
solutely. The application for tavern license of
Samuel A. Greff will be taken up when
quarter sessions court is rerched in argu
ment court week, beginning Monday, May
The license of Peter Letz of the Sixth
ward was transferred te Christian Mat
tern. A. charter was granted te the Marticville
silver comet baud.
JohnMeran, plead guilty te being a
tramp, aud was sentenced te two mouths'
Jacob Feutz of Conestoga township
plead guilty te assault and battery upon
Sam'l McLaughlin, a tax collector, and he
was sentenced te pay a fine of $1 and
Court adjourned te Monday, May 23, at
10 a. m.
Death of Benjamin Strieker.
Benjamin Strieker, a well-known resi
dent of this city, died at the residence of
his son-in-law Captain Philip L. Sprechcr
yesterday morning at 5 o'clock. Mr.
Strieker was a meulder by trade, and, when
last at work he was foreman in the mould meuld
ing department of Best's boiler works.
About ten weeks age he was stricken with
paralysis from which he never recovered.
He was 66 years of age, and leaves a wife
and four children, two sons and two
daughters, all of whom arc grown.
Death et Edmund Landis, M. D.
Dr. Edmund Land is, formerly of this
city, died at his home in Chicago en Sat
urday, of Bright's disease of the kidneys.
Dr. Landis was a brother of the late Jesse
Landis, esq., of this city. lie studied med
icine with Dr. Jehn L. Atlee forty years
age ; was graduated at the old Pennsyl
vania university at Philadelphia and then
went te Baltimore, where he practised
until 18G0. In that year he went te Chi
cago, where he resided up te the time of
bis death, and had always had a very
large practice.
Death of Mr. Lechler.
William Lechler, who has died at his
residence en East Chestnut street, after a
long illness, was a brother of Antheny
Lechler, and has resided in this city for
many years. At one time he kept a les
taurant in Columbia. He leaves two
daughters aud one son, and at the time of
his death was 74 years of age.
The Fireman Chief Engineer.
Te-night the proper authorities will
meet te select a chief engineer of the fire
department. The meeting of the fire
men's union, its proceedings and recom
mendations will be found in full en our
fourth page.
Mr. F. A. Bennett left here te day en a
visit te Philadelphia, New Yerk and Bos Bes Bos
eon. Mr. Jehn Bewcu has been appointed te
a clerkship in the Pennsylvania railroad
Several mere rafts dropped in here te
day, but here they remain.
An interesting session of the teachers'
institute was held en Saturday.
Ex-Un:ted States Senater Alexander
Caldwell, of Leavenworth, Kan., is visit
ing in Columbia, the guest of his father-in-law,
Mr. Samuel B. lleise.
3Ir. L. 31. Williams left here te-day for
Norristown te attend a council of Red
All three of our Ure engines did credit
able service at their trial en Saturday after
noon, and most of the liose was found te
be in geed condition.
Rev. J. H. Fritz, of Yerk, Pa., preached
yesterday morning and evening for St.
Jehn's English Lutheran congregation in
Shulcr's hall, en Locust street above Third.
At both of yesterday's sessions of the E.
E. Lutheran church, its former pastor,
Rev. I. C. Bink, new of Baltimore, Md.,
officiated before large congregations. It
would seem that the Rev. Mr. Burk has
lest none of his old-time popularity. Beth
sermons are reported te have been able
Messrs. Abram Brunei- aud William B.
Given, esq., left here this morning for
The Iritis for the building te be erected
here for the colored schools will close to
morrow. We understand that several have
been put in.
Senater J. Donald Cameren passed
through here en a special train yesterday
afternoon en his return te Washington D.
The piegianime of exercises for the
high school commencement will be com
pleted, it is thought, by Thursday next.
On that evening the school beard will held
a stated meeting and it will probably then
be learned who will deliver the address.
Chiqucsalunga tribe Ne. 30, I. O. R.
31., of this place, who will held their 25th
annual picnic in Ilcise's weeds en Whit
Monday, June G, are about issuing very
neat anil handsome invitations. The ex
ercises of the day will be contiellcd by the
following named gentlemen : Chairman
of committee, L. 31. Williams ; fleer man
ager, William A. Glesser ; assistant lloer
managers, Jehn W. Mclntirc, Adam
Kratzcr, Geerge Rcisingcr, James Harsh.
The suddenness of the death of Geerge
Erwiu, the popular restaurateur, at his
residence en Locust street, above Frent,
at an early hour" last evening, has been
the talk of the streets ever since its occur
rence. At 3:30 o'clock yesterday after
noon Erwin was apparently iu excellent
health He went te supper shortly after
that hour still well, but at 5:30 o'clock
the spirit had flown and the body was
lifeless. On the first manifestation
of the illness which proved fatal Dr.
Tayler was hastily summoned. Dr. S.
Armer was subsequently called in, but
neither of these physicians could afford
any lclicf. The tlisca-e from which Eiwiu
died is pronounced rheumatism of the
hcait. Deceased was 51 years of age. He
was a member of the Knights of the
3Iystic Chain, and also of the Vigilant liie
Chief Burgess Sncath and High Consta
ble Strawbridge called last evening upon
the occupants of many of our tee popular
street corners and read te them an oidi eidi
nancc prohibiting the assemblage of per
sons at such places. The crowds thinned
out, but it was net long bufeic they were
again as bail as ever. The officers did
their duty. New, if the warning is net
sufficient, let them act, and vigorously, if
necessary. The law will sustain them.
Yesterday afternoon a young man,
whose name nobody appeared te knew,
hired a team from Geerge Redsecker, the
livery man, te take a young lady named
Miller out driving. The gentleman called
for 3Iiss Miller at her residence en Union
street above Fourth, and assisted her into
the buggy. Before he could get in himself
the horse started eit en a slew trot, but
the neighborhood turning out en masse te
step the beast, succeeded in frightening it
instead, aud the pace was quickened te a
considerable degree. A young man named
Harry Gcrfin displayed much indiscretion
in running directly at and against the
horse and he was overturned, rolled en
the ground and urn ever by two wheels of
the buggy, but without sustaining serious
injuries. The horse turned in Fifth
street te Walnut, and down Walnut te its
stable, where it stepped of its own accord.
All this time the lines were fastened
aieund the dasher of the buggy,'and the
lady by taking them up could easily have
stepped the horse, which 3Ir. Redxcckcr
assures us, is a very gentle animal. Neith
er horse, buggy, nor the latter's occupant
was injured.
The lieu Keepers.
Te-day the Bee-keepers' society was te
have met, but there being no quorum pres
ent no meeting was held. We learn from
members present that the bees that sur
vived the severity e( the winter are doing
very well considering the backwardness of
the season. A great mauy coleuies perished
with cold. Mr. Elias Hershcy, of Paradise,
lest 10 out of 27, aud some of his neigh
bors, who like him left the hives unpro
tected en the stands lest largely. 3Ir. J.F.
Hershcy of 3Ieuut Jey, who wintered his
bees in a house built especially for the
purpose, lest only a few, and Mr. I. G.
Mai tin, of Earl, who left his hives en the
summer stands, but protected them by
placing ever them a supplementary box
packed with chaff, with merely a small
opening below for ventilation, did net
lese a colony, out of fifty.
The Herse Maruct.
Jeseph Sendheimcr and Emanuel Bod Bed
enhcimcr shipped thirty-four Lancaster
county horses from this city te Jacob
Dehlmau in New Yerk.
Wm. Fiss shipped twenty head te Jehn
Decrr iu New Yerk.
Cyrus H. Celvin, who has Leen in Mich
igan for two weeks past, returned home
yesterday afternoon He brought with
him seventeen head of excellent horses,
which he purchased in Kalamazoo and
Daniel Lefcvcr, shipped 18 head of
horses te New Yerk en Saturday.
Runaway Accident.
On Saturday evening at Mount Jey,
Michael Englc hitched his horse in freut of
a barber shop and went into the shop te
get shaved. About 8 o'clock a train of
cars came along and frightened the horse.
He broke the hitching strap, and with the
buggy te which he was attached,-ran at
full speed through Mount Jey, up the
pike, and through Springville te the rail
road crossing beyond. By the time he get
there the train was also there, and a col cel col
lisien occurred. The engine struck the
buggy, smashing it te pieces and injuring
the horse.
Members Reception.
Arrangements have been made te have
a reception in connection with the monthly
meeting of the Y. M. C. A. en Tuesday
evening May 10, at 8 o'clock. The pro pre
gramme will consist of a recitation and
vocal aud instrumental -music by the fol
lowing persons who have kindly volun
teered their services for the occasion :
Miss Amelia Bachler, soprano ; Mr. If. C.
Mellingcr, basso ; Mr. Prezinger, bari
tone ; 3Ir. W. G. Hawksworth, elocution
ist ; Prof. T. M. Busser, cornet soloist ;
Mr. Rettig, violinist ; Prof. Haas, accompanist,
Sacred Heart EBtertalnineat.
The entertainment given by the pupils
of the Sacred Heart academy, in honor of
Rev. Antheny Kaul, pastor of St. Antho Anthe
ny's church, who sales for Europe en
Thursday next at the head of an excursion
party, was a very pleasant affair, the
music being finely rendered and the decla
mations and addresses well written and
well delivered.
Decoration Uj Orator at Hanover.
Rev. Calvin S. Slagle, at present a stu
dent at the Reformed theological semin
ary, Lancaster, will deliver the oration at
3Ieunt Olivet cemetery, Hanover, en Dec
oration Day. The Herald predicts a fine
address, as 3Ir. Siagle (who is of Hanover)
is a young man of ability apd culture.
Gene te Virginia.
Richaid McGovern and Theu, as 31c
Laughlin(better known as Temmy Mack),
of this city, have left for Virgiaia te work
en the Shenandoah Valley railroad. Beth
of these gentlemen were en the Cellins
expedition te Brazil.
Anether Old Landmark Gene.
The old leg house at the corner of
3Iiftiinand Water street, is being tern
down te-day. It is a very old building
and is supposed-te have steed for ever 100
Sale of Securities.
J. B. Leng, real estate agent, sold to
day at private sale $1,000 city 10-20 4
per cent, lean at 8105 : also 10 shares of
Farmers' national
bank stock at $101.25
ex div.
Fight Lat Kiei'lng.
Last evening a fight occurred en Wood Weod Woed
waid street, near the cemetery. Several
men had their faces battered. Ne arrests
were made.
Ilnat sour Canary Sins ?
Then get a bottle of Bird Uittcrb, which is :iu
unfailing restorer of song and a cure fei all
diseases of cage birds. If your druggist does
net keep it, or will net get It for 3-ou, send a
postal card te the Bird Feed Company, SOT
Federal street. Camden, X. J., and tlicy wiU
i,ee that you arc supplied. Price, 25 cent s.
ily Kill Pesters.
Carsen & lleii-ul, city bill pesters and dis
tributors. elV:u: Iktelliecnceu building, Ne. ti
Seuth (juci-:i street.
A natural beaut iner and restorer of the com
plexion Cuticnra Medicinal Seap.
Delicate females And Malt Bitters nottrbh nettrbh
iiig. strengthening and purifying.
lined for Babied.
We are pleased te say that our baby was per
manently cured of a M-rleus protracted irreg
ularity of the bowels by the use et Hep Bitten
by its mother, which at the sumo time restored
her te pertect health and strength. The
Parents. University ave., l'echcster, X. Y.
bee another column. my2-2vdft w
Ills Last Dese.
Said a sufferer from kidney troubles when
asked te try Kidney-Wert, "I'll try it but it
will be my last dose." The man get well, and
is new recommending the remedy te all.
When derangement ofttee stomach acts upon
the kidneys and liver bringing disease and
pain, Kidney-Wert is the true remedy. It re
moves the cause and cures the disease. Liquid
(very concentrated) or dry act equally efll
cient. Am. Cultivator. m'J-lwd&w
Xe Wonder.
Many a man's love lias been turned into
loathing en account of un-dghtly eruptions en
the race, and of the offensive breath of his fi
ancee. This trouble could have been avoided
if she enlv had sense enough te use Burdock
Bitters. Price $1, trial size 10 cents. Fer sale
at II. H. CechranS Drugstore, 137 Xerth Queen
st reef.
Itching Plltni Syinpteins and Cure.
The sympteuis are moisture, like perspira
tion, intense itching, increased by scratching,
very distressing, particularly at night, as if
pin worms were crawling in and about the
lcctum : the private parts are sometimes af
fected ; It allowed te continue very serious re-
Kiilts may fellow. Dr. Swayne's All Healing
Ointment is a pleasant sure cure. Alse for
tetter, itch, salt rheum, scald iiead, Krysipelas,
barber's itch, blotches, all i-caly, crusty, cuta cuta
neous eruptions. Price, 30 cents, three boxes
for $li. Sent by mall te any address en re
ceipt of price .i currency or three cent post pest
no stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swayne ft
Sen. 330 Xerth Sixth street. Philadelphia, Pa.
Sold by all prominent druggists.
mothers! 51 ethers l! Mothers!!!
Are you disturbed at night ami broken of
your rest by a sick childjsuilciing ami crying
with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth ?
If se, go at once and get a bottle of MKS.
lieve the peer little sufferer immediately de
pend upon it; there is no mistake about it.
There is net a mother en caith who lias ever
used it, who will net tell you at once that it
will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the
mother, and relief and health te the child,
operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te
use in all cases, and pleasant te t Iu; taste, and
is the prescription et one et the eldest and
best female physicians and nurses in the
United Mates. Sold everywhere ; 23 cents a
bottle. inar7-lvdftwM,WftS
A Grand Success.
Gee. Starkweather, Elgin, 111., says he has
used two bottles of 1 nemas' Ecleetric Oil, and
pronounces it "a grand siicces." He had
suffered from a kidney difliculty for a long
time, but the OJl has entirely relieved him.
Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137
North Queen street.
It is impossible for a woman alter a laithlul
course et treatment with Lydia E. Pinkhum'H
Vegetable Compound te continue te sutler
with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a
stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Pink ham, 233 Western
avenue, Lynn, Mass., tcr pamphlets.
I uavk been a suncrur for years with Ca
tarrh, and under a physician's treatment for
ever a year, have tried a number of '-sure
cure" remedies and obtained no relief. I was
advised te try Ely's Cream Balm. It gave mc
immediate relief. I believe I am new entirely
cured. G. S. Davis. First National Bank,
Elizabeth, X. J., Aug. 14, 1879.
Bv far the best remedy ler the treatment of
Catarrh and its kindred diseases is Ely's
Cream Balm, which is having the largest sales
with us of any preparation new offered. The
reports are all favorable, and we de net hesi
tate te indorse Has superior te any and all
ether articles iu the market. The Balm is
pleasant and easy te use. Craus Laivall ft
Sex, Druggist. Easten.Pa. my9-2wdftw
have our Hair Keep it Beautiful.
The " Londen Hair Celer Restorer" is the
most delightful article ever introduced te the
American people and Is totally different lrem
all ether Hair Restorers, being entirely free
from all impure ingredients that render many
ether articles for the hair obnoxious. Where
baldness or falling of the hair exists, or prema
ture grayncss, from sickness or ether causes,
its use will restore the natural youthful color,
and cause a healthy growth, cleansing the
scalp from all impurities, dandruff, etc., at the
same time a most pleasing and lasting hair
dressing, fragrantly perfumed, rendering it
soft and pliable, making it an indispensable
article in every toilet. Ask your druggist for
Londen Hair Celer Restorer. Price 73 cents a
bottle. Six bottles, $i. Main depot for the
United States, 330 Xerth Sixth street, Philadal.
pliia. mll-lvdTTliAF&w
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kexewek is
a scientific combination et some of the most
pewerlul restorative agents in the vegetable
kingdom. It restores gray hair te its original
color. It makes the scalp white and clean. It
cures dandruff and humors, and falling out el
the hair. It furnishes the nutritive principle
by which the hair is nourished and supported.
It makes the hair moist, soft and glossy, and
is unsurpassed as a hair dressing. It is the
most economical preparation ever offered te
the public, as its effects remain a longtime,
making only an occasional application neces
sary. It is recommended and used by eminent
1 medical men, and officially endorsed by the
state Assayer of Massachusetts, me pepu-
Our Stock of Fine and Cheap Watches, French Bronze, Marble and
Cheap American Clocks, Musical Bexes, Oil Paintings, Marble and Bronze
Statuary, Solid Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, Solid Geld and Rolled Geld
Plated Jewelry, and all the staple goods in our line, is one of the largest
and finest in the state. We have also many fancy goods and novelties,
pretty and inexpensive, suitable for presents.
Our patrons will find our Manufactory a great convenience. We can
make up any design of Jewelry of any description te order, at less cost
than city prices. Remounting precious stones and resetting and remodel remedel
ling old pieces of Jewelry will often transform an old style into a very de
sirable piece of goods. Monogram and Ornamental or Inscription Engrav
ing done equal te the best of work done elsewhere.
We have all the necessary lathes, tools and modern appliances in the
hands of expert mechanics for proper Watch and Musical Bex Repairing.
H. Z. BHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
4 West King; Street,
ED W. J.
Manufacturing -Jeweler,
Solid Silver ami Silver-PIaicd Ware in Spoons, Ferks, Knives, Casters, &c.
VV'c enVr te our patrons advantages which are rarely combined in enu establishment, be
e:iuc we hare :i complete MANDFAVTCHINU UtSKAKTMEN'T in connection with our retail
business .iinil are making a large part et the goods we sell. This enubles us te be sure of qual
ity, te bell at tins lowest prices, and gives us flrst-clasa facilities for WATCH WORK and J EN
Manufacturing Jeweler,
larity of Hall's Hair Renewerhas increased
with the lest of many years, both in tills coun
try and in foreign lands, and it is new known
and used In all the civilized countries of the
world. Fer sale by all Dealers.
Sroe KniNS. April 17, 1SS1, bv Rev. Win. F.
I.lchliter, yiv. Jacob Spoe te Miss Ida Elvira
Kiilnif. both et Lancaster, Pa. ltd
Cooper. In this city, en the 7th of May. Mrs.
ICate Cooper, daughter et the late Samuel
Ranck, acd 4!) ycats, 0 months and 1 day.
The i elutives ami friends et the family are
respectfully invited te attend the funeral,
from her husband's residence. Ne. 41S West
King 8treet,en Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
interment at Lancaster cemetery. 2td
Streakeil In thfe city, en the Stli Inst.,
Benjamin V. streaker, in his tWth year.
The relatives and friends are respectfully
invited te attend his luneral, lrem hislate
residence. Ne. 257 East Walnut street, en
Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment at
Lancaster cemetery. ltd
SrEiDLE. In lhiatity, en the 8th of May,"
Augustus Win., seu et Abram and Minnie
S penile, aged 3 years, 7 months and 11 days.
Death 1ms claimed ur darling Gustic,
Set its seal upon his brew ;
Anil his eyes that shone se brightly,
.Shine in heaven with Jesus new.
The relatives ami friends of the family are
respectfully invited te attend the funeral,
liem his parents residence. Ne. 29 Careline
street, en Wednesday afternoon, at. 2 o'clock.
Interment at Lancaster cemetery. 2td
Lix-blki:. In this citv, en the 7th of May.
William Lechler, aged 71 years, 3 months and 1
The relatives and lricnds of the family are
respectfully Invited te attend the funeral,
from his late residence, Ne. 243 East Chestnut
street, en Wednesday arternoen at I o'clock.
Interment at Lancaster cemetery. 2td
for Comity Commissioner :
FP.ANK CLARK, of" Strasburg township.
Sci-jeet te the choice et the Democratic coun
ty convention. ier6-d&wtp
ADAMS. IJIETR1CII. of Maner township.
Subject te the dccMen of tliu Democratic
county convention.
HENRY V. HARTMAN (Lime Burner), of
East Lampeter township. Subject te the choice
of the Democratic county convention.
Itoreugli. Subjeet te the deslsien of the Dem
ocratic county convention. apl3-dAwtp
JERK MOIILER, LphraU. Subject te the
decision of the Democratic county conven
tion. aprll-dAwtpJ?
for County Auditor :
JOHN L. LIGIITNER, of Lcaceek township.
Subject te the decision or the Democratic
ceuntv convention. " aprH-tfd&w
Residence 21 Seuth Trincc Street Shep in
the lear. uiyD-ltd
ptniy : The members of the company will
assambleat the engine house en te-morrow
(TUESDAY) at 1 o'clock, te attend the funeral
id Jtenjamiu Streaker,
ltd JACOII REESE, Sec'y.
DAY") MORNING at 9 o'clock will be sold
at the corner of MilUin and Water streets, a
let et lumber, consisting of shutters, window
wish, doers, legs, ratters, beards, and a large
let of kindling weed.
ltd Auctioneer.
MAY 27, at the Ranking Heuse of D. 1.
l.echer & Sen, ter twenty registered bends of
500 each, or any part thercel, te be issued by
the Lancaster City Scheel Heard, bearing 4
per cent, interest, payable quarterly. The
bends will be dated June 1, 1SSL and payable
at the pleasuie of said beard after one year.
Chairman Finance Cem. Scheel Beard.
CLOSETS. Proposals will be received at
Ne. 23 East King street, till SATURDAY, MAY
lltli, at 7 o'clock P. M., ler erecting the follow
ing water closets : One with eight apartments
en the let in rear et the Lemen and Lime
streets school building, te be the same in every
respect as the one new in use en said property;
also one with four apartments en the let in
rear et the West James street school building,
same in every respect as the one new in use
en said .lames street property. Fer further
particulais Inquire of
ltd Chairman of the Builuing Committee.
IRON FENCING. Proposals will be re
ceived at Ne. 21) East King sticct, until SAT
URDAY", MAY" 14, at 7 o'clock p.m., for the
erection et one hundred and thirty feet of
Wrought Iren Fencing with double gate in
front of the Lemen anil Lime streets school
building, and one hundred and twenty-six
ieet with double gates in front el the West
James street school building. The fencing te
be the same in every respect as that new in
front or the high school building en West
Orange street. Iren and pests te be same
weight and thickness as the Orange street
lenee. Granite blocks for pests and braces te
be 12x12 and three feet long.
ltd Chairman Building Committee.
Established Agency of the
M Fire Insnrance Ce.,
Eleven Hundred Thousand Dollars.
Invested in Sate and Solid Securities.
tUl-6mdI,WSR Sccond"Fieor.
Lancaster, Pa.
Zahm's Cemer, Lancaster, Pa.
Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Fa.
Beer Wa-en. Apply te
ltd 323 West King Street.
housework at 225 North Duke street.
f V the Daily Intelmeexckr of September
1 188J, and January 29, 1881. ifd
j men can be accommodated with finely
furnished and well-lighted rooms in a central
fiart et the city by addressing "ROOMS,"
and the advantaged wc have aie buying iu
large quantities aud
Selling at Lewest Cash Prices,
se the poorest judge et goods gets as much for
his money as the most expert.
Are worth your teeing.
Which we invite you te examine.
Just opened a line line
Decorated Chamber Ware,
Ol New Designs and Shapes at
ill the Eighth Ward. Apply te
25 Centre Square.
Single Set et Harness for sale cheap. In
use but a short time : geed as new. Apulv te
m6-3td 723 North Queen Street.
at 313 North Duke street, 1 Parler Suit.
Bed room Suit, Bedsteads and Bedding, Brus
61 Carpets, Rag Carpets, and my entire sieck
of Household and Kitchen Furniture. Sale te
commence at 1 o'clock p. m.
Samuel Hess & Ss. Aucts. m7-2td
Arc the Cheapest, because they are the Best.
L. II. HERR, Agent.
Ne. 8 East Orange Street,
apr33-2ma Lancaster, Pa.
X Europeen plan. Dining Reems for
Ladies ana Gentlemen. Entrance at Ne. 27
North Duke street. Clam and Turtle Soup.
Lebster Salad. Oysters in Every Style and all
the Delicacies et the Season. We solicit the
patronage el the public. may7-tld
Rent Dnplicatc is new in the hands of
the Treasurer, and en and after tomorrow,
April 23, Water Rents will be received, and
flveper cent, allowed for prompt payment.
Office hours from S te 12 a. m. and from 1 te 5
p. m. WM. McCOMSEY",
a27-tfd Treasurer aud Receiver of Taxes.
engaged the services of a ilrst-class Res
taurant Cook, I am new prepared te serve
articles In my line at short notice, such as
Chicken Croquettes, Chicken Salad, Fried
Oysters, Terrapin, and all delicacies found in
Your patronage is respectfully solicited.
Ne. 125 North Queen Street.
P. S. Weddings and parties served at
reasonable rates. f-21M&Stfd
Vashiset05; May 9. Fer the Middle
Atlantic states, fair weather, followed by
increasing cloudiness and local rains,
southerly winds, stationary or higher baro
meter and temperature.
Ills Premises te Partus Developing; Public
Interest la Mall Routes.
Denver, Cel., May 8. The Tribune
says it was discovered yesterday that pro
ceedings have been begun in the district
court of Arapahoe county agaiust ox-Senaeor
Dersey for money premised the
plaintiff for services rendered in
procuring a petition "creating au
interest among the people, &c." in
order te increase the mail facilities in cer
tain portions of Oregon. The bringing of
the suit here came about as fellows :
Seme months age a legal firm here received
from an attorney at Portland, Oregon, a
claim for collection against ex-Senater
Dersey. The claimant is a well-known pol
itician of Portland whose name fae Tribune
does net state. The latter has a number of
letters written by Dersey premising se
much per day for his services, and giving
minute directions new te proceed te gee
petitions for mail contracts &c. These
letters with the claim were placed in the
hands of Denver attorneys, and last win
ter when Dersey came te Denver te leek
after mining interests, he was visited by
one of the attorneys and the bundle of
letters aliened te have been written by
him were shown him in support et the
claim. Dersey pronounced the claim
fraudulent and denounced the claimant as
a blackmailer.
Proceeding were immediately beguu in
the district ceuit and Dersey instructed
his counsel te enter a demurrer en the
ground that these contracts were
illegal. 'Since then matters have re
mained in statu quo. One letter is dated
Washington, April 12, 1870, ami
tells the recipient that the writer wants
him te go te Eugcne City aud procure all
the petitions possible for au increase of
mail service from Eugene City te Bridge
Creek for daily instead of weekly service,
and also te have the time made faster.
The letter thus continues :
I want 10 or one dozen en this route ;
also get the people te write te the post
master general aud te their senators. We
want prominent Democrats te write te
Slater and Grever, urging them te st?e
that the increase is made."
The correspondent is further directed te
get ten or twelve different petitions en
each route, te have a large number of let
ters written te the postmaster general and
senators, and be sure that all ask for daily
and fast line ; te get the state officials aud
the Chamber of Commerce at Portland
also te write. The letter adds: "I will
pay your expenses while you are geno and
live dollars per day. If you have net the
means I will telegraph you sufficient."
The second letter was written four days
later. It states that contracts for each
read en the route from Bridge Creek te
Eugene City had been obtained for one
trip a week, and says, "if the schedule
time ia changed new contracts will have
te be made," and continues : "It is the
best we can de (and there must be a
guaranteed bend for the fulfillment of the
contract), lieing $7,000 per annum for
three trips weekly; time, one hundred
hours, which is slew walking time."
The writer further says : Make the
contract thus; three trips weekly, 37,500
per annum ; six trips weekly, $14,000 ;
seven trips $10,300. The contract
te run until July 1. 1882, and net
te be filed iu Washington." He
further says : " We must have a new
contract for the route from Leeking
Glass te Cogville. Make the contract for
the latter route . as fellows : Fer
three trips 62.000 (you may go te S3. 000) ;
for six trips $5,500 ; for seven trips $6,200.
Xe contract te be binding upon" us,
but upon them, until approved by
3Ir. Kidilell the agent here. Mr. Fink
has filed his contract. I-xlid net want it
tiL-d. I will pay him monthly if he wishes
it, but I de net want my contracts en file
The letter closes by exhorting the cor
respondents te send petitions, etc., " by
the carload" te himself, Slater and Assist
ant Postmaster General Brady. Anether
letter, concerning the same suit, and re
lating te a Washington territory contract,
is also published. These letters will be
produced in court as evidence te support
the claim.
ilc!d (or Trial at the Next United Statex
Philadelphia, May 9. Jeseph R.
Black, William R. Casen and Jeseph
Blackinan, charged with defrauding the
government in mail contracts, wer6 ar
raigned for a final hearing before
United States Commmissiencr Smith this
afternoon. Their counsel stated that
lie had been informed that Henry
C. Arbuckle would also be present, but
that defendant failed te appear. The
commissioner stated that it was evident
from the testimony that Blackman w:is
the principal in the transaction, but the
ethers were equally responsible. The
prisoners were thereupon held in $5,000
bail each for their appearance at the
coming term of the United States court
which begins ou Monday next.
Strike of Deck Hands.
New Yerk, May 9. The deck hands
and laborers of the Bridgeport steamship
company struck this morning, for an in
crease of $2 per month in their wages.
A Decision Against Telegraph Ceasuliilntiuu
Judge Speir this morning in superior
court gave a decision en the motion iu th j
suit brought by Rufns Hatch against the
telegraph companies te prevent the issues
of $15,000,000 increase of capital stock.
Judge Speir decided in favor of plaintiff
and continued the temporary injunction
previously granted restraining the dis
tribution increase pending judgment.
3Iatthew8 Squelched.
WAbiiiXGTON, May 9. The Senate ju
diciary committee this morning voted te
report adversely en the nomination of
Stanley Matthews as associate justice of
supreme court.
It is understood that the vote in com
mittee en this nomination was as follewf :
In favor of confirmation, Mr. Lamar,
against Messrs. Edmunds, Legan, Ingall,
AlcMillin, Davis, (Ills.,) and Bayard. Ab
sent Conkling and Garland.
Sunstroke t Chicago.
Chicago, May 9. A man was found ly
ing unconscious en the sidewalk about 5
o'clock yesterday afternoon. Bv the aid
of restoratives he partially recovered, but
seen relapsed, and a doctor pronounced it
a genuine case of sunstroke. The mercury
rose as high as 25 degrees during tha after
noon yesterday,, and the heat coming se
close upon the cold weather caused con
sidcrable distress.
Small-pox en a Crowded Ship.
Small-pox is raging enj the American
bark Henry Buck, from Heng Keng, with
300 Chinese passengers. They are quar
antined in the outer harbor, Victeria, B.
C. The first and second mates and one
Chinaman are at the pest house en shore.
The captain's wife and several passengers
are stricken with disease. The passen
gers are mutinous. There arc no quar
antine accommodations en shore. The
Dominion government has been appealed
te but will make no prevision for vaccin
ation. This action is denounced as bar
barous by the press.
WOTklSK Eighty Feet UBdergrenndtaSearch
or Ore That l Said te be There.
Several months age a charcoal burner at
Indiantown Gap, dreamed that at a cer
tain spot silver ero would be found. The
dream was repeated, he says, for five suc
cessive nights. He searched for a spot en
the meuneains like that which he had seen
in his dreams, and found one. A clairvoy
ant was then told of the dreams, and' a
seance followed at midnight ou
the .mountain, when the new moon
was apparently ever the spot. It
is clairned that 6trange noises were heard
en that night coming from the earth. A
few shovels of earth and gravel were
thrown up and a reek was taken out. and
examined. Veins of a bright mineral-like
substance could be traced in the stone and
when this news spread through the region
the valley was wild with excitement. The
spot is en the hill-side only a short distance
from the hut of old Jee Rabcr. who was
murdered by the- " Blue-cycd Sjr " te get
the $30,000 insurance en his life.
Ten hard-working backwoodsmen who
believed the gilt-edged story of the clair
voyant paid inilOOeacb, organized a com
pany, and resolved te begin operations at
once for ero. A force of ten men was put
te work en a shaft. After a few days'
work, one of the miners, named Kreiser,
was killed by a heavy bucket falling
en his head while working at the
bottom of the shaft. At first it
was supposed that the shaft would
be found at a depth of fifty feet ;
then sixty was named as the limit, then
eighty, and finally ninety. When the out
look at each limit was gloomy, the com
pany promptly made another ast-css-tneiit
and pushed the work ahead. The
shaft is new ever eighty feet deep and the
day and night shifts of men have been in
creased te fifteen. They are working under
Themas Jeb, an experienced ere miner
from the anthracite coal country. Netliine
of any value has yet been found.
Mlmrt and bwcet.
Wawiiixc.ten May 0. The SenUc went
into executive session at 12:10 te-day. At
12:30 the doers were rcopenedaud the Sen
ate adjourned.
Republican Caucus.
Washington, May 9. The Republican
senators assembled iu caucus seen after
the adjournment of the Senate.
.VAllKtlTX. "
Philadelphia Market.
Phiaukli-hia, Pa., May 9. Fleur firm, with
filii- demand: nupertlne, 233 75: ex
tra ?: Sj(J4 37 ; Ohie nnd Indiana family
K OOUdW: Pciiim. ftnilly $500"r : St. Leuis
f.tmily$5 75t;23: Minnesota Extra f55 75:d
straight, JGuefJt; 12: winter-patent SUS0&7S0;
spi ing de $i 50fJ7 50.
Kye tleurat$3.V).
WliiMif quiet and easier ; Ne. 2 Western
Red. $1 'iWgl -Jij ; Del., Pcnn'ti lted und Amber,
$1 -J5;l!."
Cern bcfircu und higher for local use ;
steamer, S9!e; yellewimd mixed C0fi60Jc.
Oab-hcuvcb and wnuted ; Ne. 1 White 55
Ode; tiat-i. do.SlKe: Ne. , de 5050e ; Ne. i
Mixed 19330c.
Itye scarce ut $1 0(1.
Seeds Uoed te prime clever nominal, 77 ;
de tle Timethy jobbing at $1 103;t II : de de
KliucaecitdullutSI .TO asked.
Previsions market easier: ratw perk
at $18 DO; beet hum?, 9ii 60021 00;
Indian m.s beer, WH 00, f. e. h
Bacen jiiiekcd shoulder 7c; suit de U.c:
smoked hams lll-.ta; pickled hams i
Lard easier ; city kettle 11 c ; 1eh butch
ers HSllc; prime steam, $11 S5fill 3!.
llntter rancy scarce ami wanted, ireneral
receipts dull; Creumery extra Penna.,
'iiiiMv; de geed te choice TAfi'Hl Uradferd
county and New Yerk extra, Mi63c. ltella
dull; Penn'a 1017c; Western 10317, as te
Kga Hrtu : Penna 13Jc; WealM-u lc.
Cheese scarce und flrin; New Yerk
till! cream 13 tfiaUc; Western full cream at
12!c :il fair t oett. H'l2e: de half akhns
y?J10c : Pa. aktius 7e.
Petroleum steady ; rellned 7,Mc.
Whisky at $1 09.
ftew VerK Market.
.new Yerk, May i). Fleur State and West
ern dull, buyers' favor S 11 peril no statu at ti 00
I. U: extra de UKmcZ: choice de l 700
173 ; fancy de$l S0&15 75: round hoop Ohl'4 W
03: choice de at 5ft"S75; superfine wivrt
(ru f4 tXiSl 65; common te troed ex
tra de $1 S5fj4 85 ; choice de $4 !M8 75 ; ciieicn
white wh'-.-it de jjJJB DO. Southern un
changed. i(uiet: ccmuieii te fair extra at
tt ft(.ri Si : iroed te choice de f.r 3if7M.
Wheat Ne. 1 White, caili a shade higher, all
ethers dull ; MmVM lower ; Ne.! White spot,
i 28Kc.: Ne. 2 Ked May I 2IJ Jfai 2I4 ; d .1 line.
Si 2I1 1X : de J uly, f I !!!, I 11
Cern market eitsli, steady options ; .
lewer: Mixed western spot, WfjCip; de fu
ture, S5357c.
O.itH dull: havers' favor Mate, i.'ig-jIMe :
Western, 45(g32c.
Cattle Market.
PuiLAiiKLrjiiA. May !. Cattle market aciivj;
prime, 77c.; jjoed, t4,c.; medium, ;,&
5Jc.; common, S-Ji5c;
sheep market active; wool .-diet-p, SiK7c,;
clipped ftbecn, SftCc.
Ileirs Market active ; pi Ime,04,Je.; geed.
s;fcc; common te medium, Hij8Je.
Live Stock Market.
Cuic.voe. The receipts of Hogs were 13,t0
head: shipments, b.'.m head; fair demand,
chiefly ler packing: pricet 510c. lower;
mixed packing at $5 7t)C: llxhtnt "i7-"it; ID:
choice heavy packing anil shipping nt $0 Vi'iv
Cattle Kccciptii, 1.&U0 head ; tdiipiucnlH, .1,1 ft
head ; market treiig. active and 10c. higher;
fulr te geed nt $r$5 1?) ; choice at ." t&Stf 15 ; ue
extra hen: ; distillery tdet-ra strong and plenty
at $."C'lS5 7- ; tailing at $130'5; butchers
very strenjr and active at $! 7.195 ; "deckers
and feeders iu geed demand and firm at 3.
slieep Uccelpts. 7ei head; shipments, !.'
head; market weak aud luftJ0c. tower, mak
ing the decline for the weeklully 7.'c; shorn at
T44S0; wonted nt70g5 75; no extra h:avy
Stock Manas.
New Yerk, Philadelphia und J.ecul Meck.
aleO United States lleuds reported daily by
.Jacob H. I.oxe, N. K.'Cor. Centre Square.
New Yerk rvrecKP.
Stocks buoyant.
May .
a. m. i. if. r x
lU-.UO 1.00 3.01
Chictwe ft North Western Ifli iai 127
Chicago. Mil. St. Paul 11 lis; !
Canada Southern 77
C. C. & 1. C. K. It 'aV 27 27i
lcl..isack.& Western vsu 123 124
Delaware ft Hudxe!i'Ciiul Ill a; m 112
Denver ft Kie Grande iOV
Hannibal ft St. Jee r.V,4 '"'4 7i
Lake Shere A Mich. Southern.. 12 li4 1-.Z
Manhattan 'Elevated. 27 TtyA 2
Michigan Central ,,.. 110 10.. le
Missouri, Kansas & Texas...?.. 5eJ; 40 4'J
N. , Lake Erie ft.Western.... 40 WA. 4K
New Jersey Central 101)4 I0OJJ I0P4
N. Y., Ontario ft Western a. 3B 3';4
New Yerk Central 147 117J4
Ohie Mississippi -t.Vi 4' 4:
Pacific' Mail Steuiiibhip Ce ;jj y, st
St. Leuis ft Iren Mt 72J4 ?i4 7-2
Sutro Tunnel .... '
Union Pacific lle HSIO';
Wabash, St. LeuUft Pacific.... 43'il 491$ S0
1 riiicrrcu. Jiyi i;j a-'.vi
1:11. lyA JY j-
.... IIVA H 117,
Western Union Tel. Ce .
Stocks Hteady. .5h W-i '$
Keadinp 'ii'a 28; i '&
Lehigh Valley 8-i
Lehigh Navigation tc Wi 'i
Buffalo, Pitts, ft Western 21 2f 2IJi
Northern Central 52,& 52
Northern Paeitle 43 tvfy
" Preferred 72J4 .... 75-i
Hestenville 22J .... 22
Philadelphia ft Erie It. It 27
Iowa Gulch Mining 4
Usitbe States Ilose.i. 1. m.
United States 4 percent 116
' 113!4
s wm
ti " U'3
Noen Quotation of the Grain Market
Furnished by Jacob u. Leng, Commission
Chicago. Cash. June. Jnlv.
Wheat VM'A '-
Cern ,422 .43J
Oats. .8 .37 .36
New Yebk. Ciedi. SI.2S 1.214 U.19X
Cern ! -A &
Oatu (.
Wheat 1-25 l.CO-lj; 1.17
Cern 58 .35?i .5Mi
Oata 31 .7i .47J.J
Alse bC6t Coffees, Teas and Sugars. Call at
leblMya Xe. 203 west king st.