Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 04, 1881, Image 3

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Uuitcd States Censul Fygelmesej, wife,
child aud nurse, and Miss Fannie tf aide
man left here yesterday for Dcmarara,
where Cel. F. is stationed.
Hie Bosten Ideal musical company ar
rived here at one o'clock te-day. They
apjjear in the opera house this evening.
Mr. Harry Fisher left here te-day en a
visit te Philadelphia and New Yerk.
Mr. Frank Ziegler, clerk in F. A. Ben
nett's drygoeds store, who- has been, se
verely ill for the past month, put in an
appearance at the store yesterday after after
neon. A. pregramme of exercise consisting of
vocal music, answering of referred ques
tions, conundrums, etc., has becu prepared
for the meeting te-morrow evening, at the
residence of Mr! Geerge Hains, en Lecust:
street, below Sixth, of the Yeung People's
social and working association of St.
Jehn's English Lutheran church.
By order of Chief Engineer Jehn Shen
bcrgcr. of the fire department, the ma
chinery of the Vigilant engine will be
given a trial en next Saturday.
The new orchestra which was formed
here a few weeks age is practicing fre
quently aud getting along finely. '
The exterior of Mr. H. F. Braner's res
idence, at Walnut and Commerce streets,
is being renovated.
Last evening at "YV. F. Wilsen's carpel
weaving shop, en Locust street, above
Fourth, a joist supporting the second
deer of the buikliiig caught lira from the
heat of a lamp which was hung tee close
1 elew it. The fire was discovered shortly
alter breaking out and extinguished before
doing any harm.
The fourth and fifth primary schools
were .examined en Monday and Tuesday
and the sixth is 'being examined te-day.
The examinations of the rest of the
schools will take place in the order given
1cIew : Thursday, May 5, seventh pri
mary ; Friday, May C, eighth primary ;
Monday, May 9, ninth primary ; Tuesday,
May 10, tenth primary ; Wednesday, May
11, eleventh primary ; Friday, May 18,
colored sccendaiy ; Sleuday, May 10, col
ored primary.
.Mr. C. S. Sliadd, principal of the col cel col
eicd school, will deliver a lecture in Mt.
Zion A. M. E. church en Frjday evening,
May 0. Subject : Disease its origin.
The suit of Geerge Wike vs. Sylvester
Miller came .up before Justice Frank yes
terday a(t:rnoen. Wike charged the de
fendant with having thrown water en him
with the hose of the Vigilant engine,
which was en trial about a week age.
It appeared that Wike had walked under
the stream, aud it was explained te the
squire that nothing was mere natural than
that Miller should liave allowed it te fall
en him. The law's executive was evidently
convinced that this was a fact at any rate
the defendant get off.
. At the regular monthly meeting of the
Vigilant lire company last evening, liftceu
new members were elected. It was do de do
cided te accept the invitation te partici
pate in the parade of the volunteer lirc
men of the state at Heading at the time
of the holding of the state convention in
September next. The use of the company's
meeting room was extended, free of charge,
te the Baptist congregation recently
formed here, for church services en Sun
day. The Herald iu speaking of Miss Ellen S.
Preston's intention of severing her con
nection with the high school, as its prin
cipal says ; " Te take her place we sup
pose there will be any number of appli
cants, but we have iu our midst one whe
can fill the bill, and one who as a pupil
and teacher went through every grade of
our schools. We refer te Miss Lillian
It. Welsh. She is new a teacher
at Millcrsville, and, wc understand will be
an applicant te succeed Miss Preston.
There is no question as te her ability, and
we have no doubt there will be no olyec elyec
- lien te her election." The above will re
ceive the hearty endorsement of the ma
jerity of our citizens. The school beard
may go farther aud fare worse.
In din Supreme Court.
In the supreme court, yesterday, the fol
lowing Lancaster county cases were heard :
Shirk and Becker's appeal. W. R. Wil Wil
eon for appellants ; Emlen Franklin for
Swartz vs. Heuso. D. G. Eshlemau for
plaintiff in error; E. D. and II. M. North
for defendant in error ; A. Herr Smith in
Haruish vs. llerr. A. O. Newphnr for
plaintiff in error ; II. M. North fordefeud ferdefeud
ant in error ; D. G. Eshlemau in reply.
The Haruish and Herr case was heard
further this morning aud also the follow
ing :
Edw. Wclchans vs. the city of Lancas
ter : Atlcc and J. Hay Brown for Wclch
ans, G. M. Kline and D. G. Eshleman for
the city.
Hcrshcy ct. al. vs. Gehn : Given for
Hcrshcy and H. M. North for Gehn.
About a dozen members of the Lancas
ter har had an elegant banquet in Mr.
Stcinmctz's room at the Lechicl last night,
Justices Paxseu, Mercur, Stcrrett aud
Green being guests of the occasion.
Sick and Destitute.
Yc-tcrday a Polish woman named
Francisce Gewalsk, who came here with
the emigrants who arrived in this city
about two weeks age, went te the clothing
store of Adelph Albert. She had a one
year old child with her. which was very
sick. She said she was in destitute cir
cumstances. Mr. Albert took her te Dr.
Stchman, physician at the city dispensary,
who attended the child, and advised Mr.
Albeit te have both it and the mother
taken te the hospital. Mr.Albert then saw
the mayor, Dr. Ehler, one of the hospital
physicians, audD.B.Landis.presideut of the
peer directors' beard and he had the wom
an and child taken te the hospital. The
child is suffering from inflammatory catarrh
and is better te-day. The woman went te
sec Mr. Albeit because he was able te
speak her language and by reason of the
interest taken in her by him, she is ;n a
place where she and the child will receive
proper attention.
An Unfortunate Juan.
Oxford Press.
J. Lcipcr Evans, formerly of Drumerc
township, who met with a severe accident
in Colerado, about a month age, is new
improving and iu a fair way te recover.
He was engaged in staking out. a claim en
the side of a mountain when a snow slide
occurred and enveloped him, breaking one
of his legs. He lay in this exposed condi
tioner a considerable time before he was
feuuer and rescued, during which time h:s
feet were both badly frozen. His left leg
has been amputated below the knee and
his recovery from the terrible accident is
new hopefully expected.
Tlie Decoration Day Orator.
Cel. J. P. S. Gebiu of Lebanon, was
recently invited te deliver the oration in
this city ou Decoration day. He writes te
Alderman Barr that for the first time in
several years he finds himself disengaged
for that day and it will give him great
pleasure te be here. The colonel is a
member of the Lebanon bar and is well
known here especially among the masenic
Tebaccp at Marietta.
The receipts of tobacco by Messrs Greve
& Cellins, at Marietta, last Friday, and
Saturday, amounted te 94,000 rounds,
embracing some of the finest grewnnn the
county. Notably one let purchased by
them from Capt. Henry Haines of May
town, grown (en Gen. Cameren's Denegal
farm at 25, 15, 8 and 3, his check amount
ingte $1,205.49. Large purchases have
been made by them, te be delivered this
Runaway, Breakdowns and Upsets In Town
Mud Cenatry.
This morning a hbrse'bclenging te Peter
Mebler. which was hitched te a baker
) wagon, frightened en North Prince "street
James street the wagon struck against a
plimp, breaking off both shafts, upsetting
aud spilling the bread, ever the pavement
in every direction. The horse ran down
te Lemen street and then returned te the
wagon where he was caught. The only
damage te the wagon was the breaking of
the shafts.
Market Wazen Demolished.
At an early hour thjs morning as Mr.
Finger, grocer, of North Mulberry street,
was en his way te market, with a wa&en
lead of marketing, his horse scared at a
flre'steamer at the corner of .North Queen
and Lemen streets, and' turning suddenly
breke the front axle of his 'wagon and
spilled his marketing.
Jumping Frem a Wagen.
Oa Monday J. P. Mcllvaiue, of Belle
mente, Paradise township, was driving a
young horse out te work in a field. When
they wcre going down a hill the lock broke
aud the wagon ran against the horse's
heels causing him te kick. Mr. Mcllvaiue
jumped from the wagon, and iu se deiug
sprauicd his wrist and ruptured a bleed
vessel iu his thigh.
A Narrow escape,
Last eveuiug an old farmer was di iviug
near the Pennsylvania railroad depot en
North Queen street. Just as the day ex
press, which was late, put in an appear
ance lie was about te cress the track. He
pulled his horse back and the animal es
caped being struck. In backing the wheel
of the wagon breke. Had it broken en
the track both the horse and driver
would undoubtedly have been killed.
Struck by a Train.
This forenoon a colored man whose
name was net learned was struck by the en
gine of mail train west, near the Pcnn
iron works. He was knocked from the
track and slightly cut. The train slacked
up after the accident, but it was feuud
that the man's injuries were net serious,as
he was able te walk away.
Frightful Uunaway.
Last eveuiug a lad named Nathan
Moere, son of Davis Moere, drove James
Montgomery's horse and wagon ever te
the village of Quarryvillc te meet Mr.
Montgomery, returning from Lancaster en
the first train. Opposite Fritz's butcher
shop. the horse frightened and running to
ward Alexander's hotel, the wagon struck
the rail of the bridge ever the little creek,
which cresses the read and it was utterly
demolished. Yeung Moere was violently
hurled a distance of ten or fifteen feet in
the air and fell into the water very heavily
some twelve feet from where the wageu
struck. He was severely bruised, and suf suf
fercd hemorrhages which indicate internal
injuries that may prove serious. Dr. II. E.
Raub is giviu-j him the necessary medical
A Lancaster Beer Brewer Among Tnein.
The following dispatch from Philadel Philadel
peia, it will be seen, is of interest te our
local brewers : " Suits in equity were
brought iu the Uuitcd States court te-day
by Matthias Gottfried of New Yerk,
n;rninst. the following brewers ill this
revenue district : J. & P. Raltz, H. J.
Walter. Charles Ulass, .1. Ilcinzicr,
II. Flack, Gcoige Keller and Berg
ncr & Enile. of this city : Fred-
crick Laucr. P. Barbey and W. P.
Dcpncn, of Reading ; Lawrence Knapp,
of Lancaster ; Jeseph Lieberm, of Allcn
tnwn. and Xavier Viele. of Easten. Dam
ages arc claimed for infringement of
plaintiff's patent for pitching barrels.
Injured in Ilariisburg.
Jehn Derwart, residing en North Prince
street, this city, received a dispatch this
morning stating that, his son William, who
resides in Ilarrisburg and is employed as a
machinist at the round house of the Penn
sylvania railroad, was seriously injured.
Mr. Derwart and wife left for Ilarrisburg
at 2:35 this afternoon te sec their son.
The Injured man is thirty years of age ; he
is married and has two children, aud has
lived in Ilarrisburg for eight years.
Trial of Read Machine.
A trial of Pennock & Sens patent read
machine, was given at Spring Greve hotel,
in Drumerc tewuship, iu presence of the
supervisors of said township, and about
twenty persons. "-The machine pleased the
supervisors se well that they gave orders
for one of them. A trial will be given at
Mount Jey te-morrow. Raplie township
has also ordered one of the machines.
On the Street.
"Yeung Lord Clyde," the stallion that
kicked te death Jehn Livingston, the
groom, en Saturday last, was en the street
te-day iu charge of another groom. The
noble brute looked as sleek and innocent as
if he had never committed a bad act in his
limit lour Canary Sing T
Then get a bottle of Bird Hitters, which is an
unfailing restorer of song ami a cure fei all
diseases of cage birds. It your druggist does
net kecp it, or will net get it for you. send a
postal card te the Bird Feed Company, 307
Federal street, Camden, X. J., and they will
see that you are supplied. Price, 25 cents.
The Lawn Mower.
At the store st Fllnn & Willson. Xerth'
Quern street, may be seen en exhibition a
wendcrlul lawn mower. The mower is neatly
constructed, very light, noiseless and net
liable te get out or order. It will cut nails and
paper with equal facility without dulling the
knife. Messrs. FUnn & Willson arc the sole
agents for the sale of this novel mower. They
advcrti-c it in anothcrceluinn. Call and sec it.
New Munlc.
Messrs. V Walker, music publishers, of
Philadelphia, have scut te this eflicc copies et
two et the latest productions of their house,
one being a beautiful ballad entitled ' A Mes
sage from my Mether," sung with great suc
cess by Mr. Carl Rudelph, the gifted tenor of
Carncross minstrels, and the ether a comic
song "Solid for Mulhoely," the latest addition
te the repertoire of Ilughey Dougherty, of the
same company. The airs of both these com
positions are pleasing and ear-taking and they
will doubtless And a cordial welcome. Messrs.
Lee & Walker's Musical Bulletin, containing
a complete list of their publications from
month te month, proves itself quite a valu
able atd in keeping its readers posted en the
latest additions te the world of music and
City Bill fester.
Carsen & llcnscl, city bill pesters, office ;is ;is
txlliegkcek building, Xe. G Seuth Queen
street. Conspicuous and well protected beards
in all parts of the city. Circulars, pregrammes
and small bills jmliclensl j and generally dis
tributed. Amusements.
Carncres1 JUitutrilt. Frem the appearance
of Mr. Ycckcr's books at the" present time, the
engagement of Carncross' minstrels at Fulton
opera house for Friday night next will prob
ably terminate the amusement season in this
city, and patrons of refined minstrelsy will
admit that it would be difficult te select a mere
enjoyable entertainment for the close than
this wilPundeubtcdly be. All the old favorites
remain with the company, including Ilughey
Dougherty, Matt Wheeler, Jimmy Quinn,
Carl Rudelph, and the .inimitable Carncross
himself, while the Deck-sUders are recent ad
ditions te the troupe. Among the features of
the bill, "Scenes in Our Markets," "The Col
ored Letter Curriers,"" Ail Hallewe'en,' and
"Sara Barnyard, as Caimccl ; or, the Fate el a
Croquette." Carncross" audience is certain te
be a " renscr."
Consumptives gain in'tlesb, strength and
spirits under a daily use of Malt Bitters.
Fragrant with delicious flower odors and
healing balsams Cutlcura Seap.
Virtue Acknowledged.
Mrs. Ira Mulhelland. Albany. N. T., write' :
" Fer several yean 1 have suffered from oft
recurring bilious headaches, riyspessia and
complaints peculiar te my sex. Since using
your Burdock B!oed B-tters lam entirely re
lieved." Fer sale at II. II Coehran s Drug
Stere, 137 Xerth Queen bti eet.
Gneu for Babies.
We are pleased te say that our baby was per
manently cured of a serious protracted irreg
ularity of the bowels by the use of Hep Bitters
by its mother, which at the same time restored
her te perfect health and strength. The
Parents. University ave., Rochester, X. Y.
6ee another column. wy2-2wdA w
Itching Pllrs Syuiptenis aud Cure.
The symptoms are moisture, like perspira
tion, intense itching, increased by scratching,
very distressing, particularly at night, as if
pin worms were crawling in aud about thu
rectum ; the private parts are sometimes af
fected ; it allowed te continue very serious re
sults may fellow. Dr. Swayne's All Ilcaling
Ointment Is a, pleasant sure cure. Alse for
tetter, itch, salt rheum, scald head, Erysipelas,
barber's itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty, cuta cuta
neous eruptions. Price, 50 cents, three boxes
for 9123. Sent by mail, te any address en re re
ceipeor price In currency or three cent pont pent
ile stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swayne A
Sen. 330 Xerth Sixth street. Philadelphia, Pa.
-Sold by all prominent druggists.
A Few Words Frem Milwaukee.
Miss Kittle A. Ilunie, 2i2 Greve street, Mil
waukee, writes: I was troubled with inflam
matory rheumatism in its worst form ter three
vciiw, but have found a permanent cure in
Themas' Kclectrie Oil." Fer sale at II. II.
Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 Xertli Queen street.
Mothers! M ethers l! Mothers!!!
Are you disturbed at niirht and broken of
your rest by a sick child suffering and crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T
If be, go at once ami get a buttle of MRS.
lieve the peer little sufferer immediately de
pend upon it; there is no mistake about it.
There is net a mother en caith who has ever
used it, wtie will net tell you al once that it
will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the
mother, and relief and health te the child,
operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te
use in nil cases, and pleasant te the taste, and
is the prescription et one of the eldest and
best female physicians and nurses in the
United States. Held everywhere ; 25 cents a
bettle. ' miir-lvdAwM,W&S
( !'nicrsal Accord,
Ayer's Catliai'i-' 'ills are the best et al pur
gatives for la I'i.y ube. They are the product
of long, lali:ltus. aud successful chemical
investigation, and their extensive use, by
physician m iheir practice, mid by all civil
ized nation, proves them the best and most
effectual purgative Pill that medical science
can device. Being purely vegetable no harm
can arise from their use. In intrinsic value
and curative powers no ether Pills can be com
pared with them, and every person, knowing
their virtues, will employ them, when needed.
They keep the system in period order, and
maintain iu healthy action the 'whole machi
nery et life. Mild, searching and effectual,
they are especially adapted te the needs of thu
digestlve apparatus, derangements et which
they prevent and cure, if timely taken. They
are the best and safest physic te employ ter
children and weakened constitutions, where
a mild b'.it effectual cathartic- is required.
Fer sale by all dealei s. apr27-lwdeed& w
.Shan't I Take a Blue Pill ?
Xe, don't take it and run the risk of mercu
rial poisons, but when bilious and constipated
get u package of the celebrated Kidney-Wert,
und it will speedily .enre you. it is nature's
great remedy for constipation, and for all
kidney and lirer diseases. It acts promptly
en them: great organs and se restores health,
strength and vigor. It is put up in liquid
aud dry lerm, acting with equal efficiency.
Price $1. See advertisement. my2-lwd&w
Mn. C. II. Pouter, Druggist, Te wain la. Pa.
Fer several years I have been troubled with
Catarrh;. have tried many remedies, without,
much relief. Ely's Cream Balm has proved te
be the article desired, having wonderful re
Milts in my case. I believe it te be the only
cure. I. IS. Ceni'itN, Tewanda, Pa. May II,
Mcssiis. Kly Bres., Druggists. Oswego. X. Y.
The supply of Creum Balm I purenased et you
Beld rapidly. Such is thu demand I have had
occasion te duplicate my orders no less than
live times within three months. My custe-
,n.,Ha li.kt-(i famiil I1I.1 iu lin ll!1llllltrr lint ,i,A.
...... ... . Bu...... . ...e . . .. ....... ."-ft, .... ,..t. -
paratien of real merit and evidently a sev- j
crcign catholicen for the cure et Catarrh. An
article that will produce such results will
prove a blessing te any community. Wat.
Tcck. Druggist, Wilkcsbariv, Pa., Jan. 28. ISSfl.
It is impossible tern woman after a lailhtti!
course of treatment with Lytlia K. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer
with a weakness el the uterus. . KiicIem'. a
stamp te Mrs. J.ydta K. Pinkham, 23.' Western
avenue, l.ynn, Mass., for pamphlets. t
for County Commissiener:
FI'.AXK CLAItK, or Stiasburg township.
Sui'jcct te the i heice el the Democratic comi
ty convention. -.prC-d&wtp
ADAM S. DIETltlCII, of Maner lewmlnp.
Subject te the decision of the Democratic
county convention.
IIEXKY F. IIAUTMAX (Lime Ilurncr), el
East Ijunpctcr township. Subject te the choice
of the Democratic county convention.
lloreugh. hubject te the decision of the Dem
ocratic counts convention. apl3-dAwtp
JEUE MOIILEIt, Ephrata. Subject te the
decision or the Democratic county conven
tion, aprll-d&wtp
Fer County Auditer:
JOHN L. LIGIITXEU, orLcaceck township.
Sublect te the decision of the Democratic
ceuntv convention. nprlS-tfd&w
KiKSK. In this city. eii'Muy 3, 1881, Margaret
wife of Jehn Itecic, in the 55tlt year of her age
She was a geed mother.
Her relatives and friends are respectfully in
vited te attend the funeral, from the residence
of her husband, Xe. 213 Xerth Prince utretst,
en Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Inter
ment in Lancaster ccmetcrv. 2td
Xjl I ween Mary and Watcr,en Water between
West King and Orange, en Orange between
Water anil Xerth Queen, or at the tire this
morning, a pocket-book containing fifteen
dollars, consisting et a ten, a two and three
one dollar bills. A liberal reward will be paid
for its return te
Established Agency of the
H Fire tarm Ce.,
Eleven Hundred Thousand Dollars.
Invested In Sate and Solid Securities.
dll-CmdM.WSR Second Fleer.
the Daily Irtmxieenckr of September
1 1SS0, and January 29. 1881. tfd
learn Tinsmithing. Apply te
a single middle aited man who is quick
at figures and is willing te make himsell gen
erally useful. Address
ltd lirmxiGBXCER Office.
TV Vest Makers at AL. ROSENSTEIX'S,
ltd xe. 118 Xertb Queen Street
Ne. 25 EAST
Call attention te their Carpet Department, which contains a Full Assortment of all the
UIVLEK, BOWERS & BUKST calls attention te their Mercliant Tailoring Department,
which is complete with Choice Styles or
which we make te order at lowest prices. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded.
GIVL.12R, HOWEKS & HUKST call attention te their large and varied" assortment of
Xew Spring Dress Goods in all the Xeveltics et the season. We especially invite examinatieu
of the goods in thU department, as we show many choice things in tfce Dress Goods .Line.
GIVLKK, BOWERS & HCKST call attention te their Xotien Department, which is
stocked full with Choice Kmbrelderics, I-aees, Kibbons, Ties and Fichus, Ilesiery, Gloves,
White Goods.
UIVJ.KIC, ueWEKS & HURST call attention te their Demestic Department, which is
complete with all the best makes et
Prints, Pcrwles and Cambrics, in the Latest Spiing Patterns ; also Table Linens, Xapkins,
Towels in great variety at bargain prices.
Our Stock of Fine and. Cheap Watches, French Bronze, Marble and
Cheap American Clocks, Musical Bexes, Oil Paintings, Mai bio and Bronze
Statuary, Solid Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, Solid Geld and Rolled Geld
Plated Jewelry, aud all the staple goods in our line, is ene of the largest
and finest in the state. We have also many fancy goods and novelties,
pretty aud inexpeu&ivc, suitable for presents.
Our patrons will find our Manufactory a great convenience. We cau
make up any design of Jewelry of any description te order, at less cost
than city prices. Remounting precious stones aud resetting and remodel remedel
ling old pieces of Jewelry will often transform an old style iute a very do de
suable piece of goods. Monogram and Ornamental or Inscription Engrav
ing done equal te the best of work done elsewhere.
We have all the necessary lathes, tools and modern appliances iu the
hands of expert; mechanic!; for proper Watch ind Musical Bex Repairing.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
4 West Bang Streot;, - Lancaster, Pa.
Manufacturing Jeweler,
Solid Silver anil Sllver-Plntcd Ware in Spoons, Ferks, Knives, Casters, Ax.
We offer te our patrons advantages which hre rarely combined in ene establishment, be
cause u e lm e a complete Al ANUFACTCKING IJKI'AKTJU KM' in connection witli our retail
business .and arc making a larg? p:irt of the goetln wc sell. This enables us te be sere of qnal
Itv, te sell at the lowest price-, and gives us flnst-clitss facilities for WATCfl WOKK and GEN
Manufacturing Jeweler, - - - Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa.
XEW AltriZltllSVSll-.NT,
1 r I'AXCastkr Ceusiv X.vnexw. Hask, )
Jlay :: iss.i $
The Directors liuve declared a dividend or
live and one-halt (5) per cent, ier the lust iix
months, piyahlc en demand.
It W. I.. lMUI'EK, Cashier.
I7UI.TON Oi'JSItA ueuki:.
i tmTnrrm tit n i
Frem their Eleventh Street Opera Heuse,
The eldest established and me-t successful
entertainment in exigence, uiulr the per
sonal direction of
Who will sing eaeii evening. The company
will ap'-rar in their original sciiMitiens iw per
formed by them during the past season in
Philadelphia te crowded houses. In the Com
pany will be found : Hugh Dougherty. James
Quiuu, Fred Wall:. 15. Sheppard. L. C. Melt ler,
Marphy and Morten. Matt Wheeler, E. X.
Slecnm, The Deckstaders. Carl Rudelph, If. L.
Evans Edwin French. Grlflin and Rice, Jehn
L. Carncross, aud twenty ethers. See pro pre
grammes. Among the new features will be
Scenes in Our Markets. U. S. 15. M.,
The Colored Letier Carriers.
Our Ainericrn Team, . All Halloween,
And pre-entlng ter the first Hints our own Im
ported Sara Barnyard, as Calmeel!
Or, the Fate or a Creiim ttc.
PRICES, . . .y . 75, ae & 35 Cts.
Seats at Opera Huiwe Oflice. ml-3td
Jl'lUNG V1.0TI11NO.
and the adrnntages wu have are buying in
large quantities and
Selling at Lewest Gash Prices,
se the poorest judge et goods gets a- much ler
his money as the me?t expert.
Are worth your seeing.
Which we invite you t3 examine.
Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa.
Ale the Cheapest, because they arc tha Best.
L. II. HE It It, Agent.
Xe. 6 East Orange Street,
upr39-2imd Lancaster, Pa.
22x65 lect, near Reading depot. Apply te
Xe. 22 East King Street.
ANe for sale y Ruilding Lets en accouime
tinting terms. apr30-3tdced
Will be sold at public sale en FRIDAY,
MAYO. ISSl.en the premises, corner el Lemen
and Lime streets, the two one story Scheel
llttllriings situated thereon. Sale te commence
at 2 o'clock p. in., when attendance will be
given and terms made known by the Building
Committee. II. E. SLAVMAKKK,
Hrnhv SmntKltT, Auct. may3-3td
. et the Pcnn Mutual Inaurunce Company,
or Philadelphia, has b-en appointed agent ter
Lancaster comity, vice Jacob U. Leng, re
signed. Ollice at
apr3C-7td Xe. K East Orange Street.
Xi Ail jurors drawn for the week commenc
ing MONDAY, MAY 9, 1881. are hereby notified
net te attend, as there will be no court that
week. By order or the court.
Sheriff's OrntE, Lancaster, May 2, 1831.
Farmers' Xatienal Bank or Lancaster, )
May 2d. 1881.
The Beard et Directors have this day de
clared a dividend et live and one-half per
cent., payable en demand.
may::-2td Cashier.
Meiitserrat Lime Fruit Juice.
It forms, diluted with five or eight times
its 'bulk et water, or blended with Spirits,
Seda Water, &c. a Most Wholesome, Delicious
and Refreshing Beverage. It may be sweet
ened te suit the taste. In addition te being a
most lel!K.';ft ul and cooling drink, your phy
sician wiil recommend it for its medicinal vir
tues ; especially Khcumutic Pains.
Fer sale at ltcigart's Wine Stere, Ne. 123
East King street.
aprl5-W&Slfil II. E. SLAYM AKER, Agt.
Whereas, the alarming prevalence of incen
diary fires in our midst, and the boldness of
the perpetrators, make it the duty' of all geed
citizens especially the holders and owners et
property, te bu vigilant and te assist by their
individual efforts te bring these outlaw te
ustice. Citizens will, de well te watch the
goings and comings et suspected persons in
their immediate respective neighborhoods,
and give early and authentic information te
the police authorities et the city, et any cir
cumstances in th habits or conduct et such
suspected Individuals likely te fasten upon
them the perpetration et se heinous a crime.
Police officers having miles upon miles te
patrol in their respective wards, must neces
sarily afford very inadequate protection
against the cunning of the incendiary, unless
their efforts arc supplemented by these of our
citizens. 1 therefore call upon all interested
in preserving order, in thu preservation et
tramiuillitv.le contribute te these ends bv un
usual vigilunce ever the immediate vicinity et
their respective abodes.
$500 REWARD.
By virtue of the authority given me by the
resolution or Councils of February 4, 1S74, 1
hereby offer a reward et Five Hurdred De.
ars for the arrest and conviction of any party
or parties who have set ti re te any of the bulla
ings burnt by incendiary fire within the last
year, and. the same reward will be paid ter the
arrest and conviction of any person who may
set fire te any building in the future.'
aprl5-tfd Mayer.
Washington, May 4. Fer the Middle
Atlantic states, partly cloudy weather,
.and in the southern portions occasional
rain, easterly winds, stationary, followed
by falling barometer, and stationary or
higher temperature.
The Wires Burdened With Dawes's Oar
raluasacM. Washington, May 4. In the Senate
te-day the vice president laid before the
Senate the unfinished business, being the
resolution for the re-election of Senate
3Ir. Dawes then took the fleer and re
quested tbe clerk te read the pending res
olution. This having been done, Mr.
Dawes proceeded te give a brief history
of the action of both sides of the Senate
upon the resolution. He had offered it,
he said, te the Senate' en the 23d of
March. On the 24th it had come up under
the rules for consideration. Up te that
time it had been supposed that every
senator in this body who desired te invoke
the voice of the senate had secured te nun
right under the rules net only te invoke
that voice but te obtain it. Under that
impression he(Mr. Dawes) had introduced
this resolution. He had net asked any
senator te support it te whose judge
ment it did net commend itself. He had
merely asked senators te consider it.
and pass upon it. It had encountered
opposition and that opposition had held
the United States Senate here for mere
than six weeks. The opposition had net
been directed against tbe merits of the
resolution, but it had been distinctly
stated en this fleer by senators that the
Senate should never pass upon it. He
had but te state what had been the op
position that the Senate had encountered
uuder its rules : te state in ether words a
question of graver import and importance
ana scope ana cousequcuee te tue msiiiu
tiens of the country than any ether which
had come up for consideration in this hall.
It mattered very little what sbenld be
the fate of this resolution. If it should be
extinguished in a half hour, provided it
were extinguished by the methods pointed
out by the constitution which sustained
the whole fabric of this gevernmeut, net a
ripple would be discovered and the govern
ment would move en as if the resolution
had never had any existence. But if it
were extinguished in the fulfilment of an
avowed threat from scnateis that this body
should net be permitted te pass its own
judgment ou any matter legiti
mate for it te pass upon it
would be extinguished by a blew
that would be felt when it fell and where
it fell in this body, paralyzing it, changing
it, crippling it, destroying it ; and further
and beyond it demonstrate te dissatis
faction and te faction and te rebellion
a method and au instrument il t.y
and a power beyond any which,
in open field aud in open war
fare, could shake the institutions
of this country. If a senator could
declare te the Senate of the United States,
'Yeu shall never pass the measure"
and had power te carry out that
threat, it could be se dene at
the ether end of this capitol at the
ether end of the avenue, here, elsewhere,
everywhere, in a government whose vital
breath and power was the rule of the ma
At this point a message was received
from the president and placed upon the
vice president's desk.
"Of what avail," continued Mr. Dawes,
"is a message in writing from 'the presi
dent of the United States te this body if
any senator can get up in his place and
with impunity, and with power te
enforce his threat, say te the
Senate, 'Yeu shall never consider
that message?' Of what avail is it
that wc come together te deliberate aud
debate if there is a power greater than the
Senate itself that shall dictate the subject
matter upon which we shall doliberate and
debate ? This resolution has come te assume
such importance that it can never be given
ever. It can have no ether resting place
than a settlement, aud a determination
whether this be a government and this
branch of it be se constituted that
it can control itself. There has
devolved upon the Republican party anew
and in a new form, but net in a less im
portant ene, the question, whether the
essence, the vitality and the value of re
publican institutions shall any longer con
tinue in this land. Net willingly.yet I trust
net hesitatingly, the Republican party
assumes again the responsibility, andheie
and new. se far as I speak for myself and
se far as I am authorized te speak for any
ene else, I de declare, sir, that I continue
this effort net for anything there
may be in this resolution which I offered
here in March, but because around it.
and with it, and en its futc hangs
the greatest living vital issue iu
this country, "Shall the Senate of
the United States determine for itself
what it shall pass upon, or shall senators
iu their place have power te say te this
Senate, ' Yeu r.cver shall pass upon this or
upon that or upon any ether measure tint
I shall specify.' "
Nominations Confirmed.
Washington. Mav 4. Tbe Senate in
executive session this afternoon confirmed
the following nominations :
Rebert R. Hill, of Illine's, tebe assistant
secretary of state ; Hiram Price, of Iowa,
commissioner of Indian affairs ; Al
fred W. Jenes, United States mar
shal for Northern district of Illineis:
Sanferd A. Hudsen, of Wisconsin, asseci
ate justice of supreme court of Dakota;
Jeseph A. Jenes, postmaster at lcrre
Haute, Indiana.
The foregoing were all confirmed by
unanimous consent. The ether nemina
tiens en the table were referred te appro
priate committees, and the Senate then
took up the (Jhincse treaties.
What He Has te Say About the Letter te
Washington, D. C, May 4. The pres
ident's attention being called te the letter
(published this merningl alleged, te have
been written by him te Hen. J. A. Hub
bell, from Menter, August 23, 1880, in
which he says, " Please say te Brady that
I hope he will give us all the assistance
possible," stated there was net
a line in the letter that he
would have the slightest objection
te giving te the public ; that the star
route contractors were neither mentioned
nor thought of ; that it was simply the
expression of hope that Brady, a citizen
of Indiana, who was reputed te have
made an immense fortune in Bell tele
phone stock, would respond from :his
ample means in aid of his party in the lire
ana death struggle then going en in bis
own state.
O. V. AX.
Sesoien of tbe State Council at Alleatewa.
Allentown, May 4. The annual ses
sion of the state council of United Ameri
can Mechanics is being held in this
city. Seventy ceutcils are represented.
The following officers were installed : E.
S.C., Jehn Eckstein ; S. V. C. William
Miller ; S. C. S., Jehn P. Bett : I. C. T.,
Jehn Kreider ; 8. O. L, A. J. Slack ; S.
0. E, E. H. Henwood ; S. C. P., Peter
Hyer. The next annnal conclave will be
held at Bethlehem.
Discharged Kailread Workmen SesaecMd of
.Dastardly Deed.
Eagle Bridge,' N. Y.,May 4. A train
comprising two sleepers and two passenger
coaches, with three baggage cars and a
smoker, en tue irey s Bosten railroad
left the track at Eagle Bridge, pleughing
ever the ties and tearing up the' rails
for one hundred feet. The train
was well-filled with passengers and
a considerable fright resulted, but, nobody
was hurt. Investigation shows that the
switch had been tampered with. The
belts had been withdrawn and lay beside
the track and as the locomotive struck
tbe draw bar it Was thrown from the
track. Twe men recently discharged by
the company are under suspicion.
GubbIec for Beecaer.
Baltimore, May 4. As Rev. Ueary
Ward Beecher passed through here en the
train te-day, he was served with a sum
mons returnable at Cumberland ou the
second Monday in May te answer a suit
against him for the failure te deliver a lec
ture as advertised a year ace.
' m
The Deterel Disaster.
Londen, May 4. Later advices from
Montevideo confirm the less of the British
sleep of war Deterel, which was blown
up in 3Iagellan straits en the 26th alt.
Her boiler burst and exploded the maga
The Senate Gees Inte Executive Session.
Washington, D. C, May 4. Tlie Son Sen
ate has just gene into executive session.
Oa the Kasllsa Turf.
Londen, Slay 4. Peregrine wen the
2.000 guineas stake ; P. Lorilard's Iro
quois, second ; Kcene's Den Fulane,
-fc-3- w:
n Yura Marxet.
;-vw Yekk, Muy 4. Plenr State and West
ern quiet mid price generally without im
portant change; Supernue State at $3 75
ig4 35; extra de 114034 55; choice de ft al$
4'JO; fancy de$59t"5: round hoop Ohie H I5f
5: choice de at f505j6 7: imperii ni west
ern IS 7594 35: common te ;oed ex
tra de II 404 00 ; choice de f. OOTJfi 75 ; chnlce
white wheat de 5j 00. Sentliern dull ;
common te fair xtru at M 7."i." 2): i;mmI te
chelett de IS 2"S" 00.
Wheat X?'e higher and niedcratclv ac
tive; Ne.2 Ited, May, $1 2f?l P; de June,
ll21l'21K?:de July.ll'J?l 19;du Am;.,
Cern a trifle better and Iu moderate trade ;
Mixed western spot, 543!c ; de future, b5
Oa: without decided change ; State, 475lc;
Western, 4-Ji52c.
rblladelBhla Market.
faiLADSiraiA, Pa Mty 4. Fleur firm,
hut unlet : Huperflne, ut S3 25613 75 ; ex
tra $3 9704 25 ; Ohie and Indiana fatully
15 SOiJCOO: I'cimi. family fl 735 IU : St. Leuis
family 15 75H 25; MiiineetaExtnif5U5 75;dn
straight, $5876625; winter pntunl fffSUtf? 50 ;
spiing de $6 75?7 75.
Rye flour ut$5 50.
W beat active and higher ; Ne. 2 Western
Red, 1 2lJ : I'enn'a Ked and Amber, 91 23
I 4t
Cern scarce and firm ; steamer, 57c ; yellow,
&$c ; mixed 58ft5Sc.
I mis higher, scarce and wanted ; Ne. 1 White
MX$57c;No.2,de, 4'Jli))ic: Ne. 3, de 47c ; Ne. 2
Mixed 47c.
Uye quiet at $1C;.
Seeds Uoed te prime clever steady at
77 ; de de Timethy steady, $3 10:t U ;
de de Kliixsec'i dull at SI 5I1 33.
Prevision market, anil prices steady : mesa
perk $182)18 00; beet Ham-, $-.uU23(H;
Indian m.s beer, $21 0022 te, T. e. b.
Bacen smoked shoulders 7c; s:ilt de 6c:
Hinekcd hain.1 HUc; pickled ham !)tf&
I.urd steady; city kettle 12c: loe- bulch
er'llJic; prune steam, 911 5ll 70.
Hetter quiet and weak; Creamery extra
ncarce atSSc; de geed te choice 2)21; Bradford
cennty and New Yerk extra, 22Q2IC. ItelN
dull : Pcnn'a l!It?c; Western I7QI8, ni te
Kjjgs quiet ; Penna at 12 'a 1.1c ; Western at
Ceecsc firm, with fair inquiry ; New Yerk
lull cream 134Hc ; Western lull cream at
13c: de fair te geed. Ildl2c: de half skinu
P 10c ; Pa. skims 7&&
Petroleum dull: refined 7c.
Whisky dull at 91 09.
Live Stock Market.
UurrxLe. The receipts of cattle wcre 7f0
hca'i ; consigned through, 294 ears; the mar
ket was acsive, firm anil higher; best gra-lcs
deposed et; extra btaers at ftijgii 20 ; choice at
$3 60580; sioed shippers at $.Yfj5 .) : Iteht
butchers' at 91 S5; still-fed bulU at fKJI.'SO.
The receipts of sheep and Iambs were 1,800
head : consigned through, 11: cur ; nothing do
ing for want of stoek.
The receipts et hegtt wcre 2,100 head ; con
signed through, 58 cars; dull und tending
downward ; light grades very dull; fair te
geed Yorkers at rifjfll5: geed te choice at
fi 20(6 25 ; geed medium weights ut $G VJMiW 35 ;
fuir te geed at $f'.;i0: fnir te geed pigs at
$5 25565, but a few extra stock pips brought
$59046; best grades disposed of.
Caicaoe. Tlie receipts of Hogs were i0,f4M
head ; xbipmcnls. 2,tiUU head; packers ahd -nippers
active ; common te fair mUcd packing at
$580ni5; choice fieavy packing und shipping
nt3G2ua00; light Yorkers and calls at $100
Cattle Receipts, 4.K head; idiipuieiitv. 1,100
head ; in geed demuud. active, steadier and
stronger; common te fair shipping at tinrif
5 2il ; geed te choice at $550g5 75; exrtK, V'-tp.
K25; butcher' fairly active and steady ; com
mon te geed at 9 505 4 10: corn fed Texan.
9155; stackers and feeder in geed demand
and strong-at $:t40ltM; calves per head. $ll
18 ; milkers and ppringcrs at J.'.OJi.V).
Miccp Receipts, 2,M)u head; shipments. l.HM
head; in geed demand and strong, anil Km
higher; common te fairat 955 25: medium te
geed, ? j 70a : choice, ft "SG).
stock maraec
New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks,
also United States UeiuIh reported dally by
Jacob It. Lone, N. K. Cor. Centre Square.
Niw Yerk Stocks.
Stocks active.
Slay 4.
a. m. r. n. r. m
10:00 1:00 3.00
BSOIa W 4trV9
Chicago A North Western IV.'i I2B 127?
Chicago. Mil. St. Pnul 11. 117 118
Canada Southern 77)4 77
C. U. & I. C. IL IC 25 25 25
Del., Lack. Western 12 1 'i 123 121
Delaware A Hudsen Canal....: 110 111 il4
Denver & Kie Grande 107
Hannibal A St. Jee Hijf .... r,M
Lake Shere A Mich. Southern.. VOfA 12 129
Manhattan Elevated 22 22,' 21
Michigan :Central !(! 110
Missouri, Kansas A Texas 47 47 4
N.Y., Lake Erie A Western.... 47 48 43
.New Jersey Central VOJi 100
N.Y., Ontario Western Xyt 20 3Wf.
New Yerk Central 147i 147&
Ohie A Mississippi 44 41 41
Pacific.1 Mail Steamship-Ce.... 52 52i 52
St. Leuis A Iren Mt ! '. K
Sulre Tunnel 2
Union Pacific lWft 120 12014
Wabash, St. Leuis A Pacific.... 4'.)'4 49) V.
" ' Prelcrred. W 81 VfH
Western Union Tel. Ce 1ICJ U7K 1IC
Stocks steady.
Pennsylvania K. K. 5 6
Heading......... - 27 27 27
Lehigh Valley 61
Lehlgn Navigation 45 V, 46
Buffalo, Pitts. A Western 21)2 21 21J
Northern Central 53 .... 51
Northern Pacific. 43 41
" Preferred 73
ilestenville. ............... - .... . 21
Philadelphia A Erie It. K 20 27
Iowa Gulch Sliulng-.....'. 48
Usited States Besd5!. r. a.
United States 4 per cents 110
Aiy wiia
. ,9i ..... .... .... JltD
' " l(l!4i
Noen "Imitations or tti ISrnln Market
Furnished by Jacob B. Leng, Commission
Chicaoe. Cash. June. Jul v.
Wheat 11.02 91.04 11.04
Cern 42 .42 .43
Oats JSl'A .37
NkwYebjc. Cash. 91.27 91.21 91.19
Cern J8 .56i .55
Wheat, VU- 1.21 LI7
Cern .58
Oats Mn
Whcat?!. L2I L20 1.17
Cern V4 ......
Oftt8 eeeeeeeee
j engaged the services of a arat-chuw Res
taurant Cook, I am new prepared te serve
articles la ray line at short Betftee, such as
Chicken' Croquettes, Chicken Salad, Fried
Oysters, Terrapin, and all delicacies found in
Your patronage is respectfully solicited.
. Ne. 125 North Queen Street.
P. 8. Weddings unit parties served at
reasonable rates. . f-24MAStrd