LANCASTER DAILT INTEIXIGENCEK, TUiSSDAY, MAY 3. 1881. Lancaster intelligencer. TUESDAY EVKNINO, 1AY 3, 1881. Jim Henilersea's L'xplelts. A Maytcwn Operator la Postal f raatfa. X. Y. Times Washington Correspondence. A fair idea of the scope of the weric done by the Brady ring, through the agency of the "Ce-operative Mail and Passenger Transportation Company," will be obtain' ed from the story of a transaction in which the swindlers were foiled in the state of Xcw Jersey, and for which one of the company was fined in a court of justice in Newark no longer age than last week. It has already been explained in these dis patches that one of the main sources of revenue te this country is derived from the contracts which it holds for railway messenger routes, or conveying the mails from the railroad depots te the posteffices in towns and cities. Of the seven hundred and two contracts which it new advertises as under its control, the majority are for routes of this kind, and en each one it makes a geed profit, by having received from Gen. Brady a higher price for the ser vice than it pays te the mat who pet forms it. J. B. Hendersen is the general travel ing agent of the company, and what his duties are and hew be performs them will be seen by the following story : Aaren Mead, an expicssman of Newark, N. J., held the contract for the railway moving r service in Newark until last summer carrying the mails te and from the depot at a compensation of $2,000 a year. His contract- expired and when the new bids wcie opened it was found that he anil Michael A. Mullin had both offered te de the service for 2,000, while William E. Yeung was willing te de it for 81,800. Under the rules of the department the con tract was given te Yeung, and he began te carry the mails. After performing the service for about two months, Mr. Yeung received a request from J. B. Hendersen, the traveling agent of the "Ce-operative Mail and Passenger Transportation Com pany," te call upon him at the Hetel Bristel, in Nc waik. This was about the middle of last September. Yeung called upon llcudciseu, who represented himself as nn aeent of the nosteffice department. anil i-ef ci red te a fictitious resignation of i. ,.,.,.i,,,.f rvl.inl. linfl tuwn rn- U" . MVV - w -ww cched in Washington. Yeung pro tested that he had never thrown up hi--, c intntct. and said that he was very well witihlled with it, and that he t did net iiropesc te uivc it up. Hendersen then coolly told him that his resignation had been received in Washington, and ad vised him te make no fuss about it, but go and sees Mead, as he could make mere money in that way than by heldiug en te the contract. Yeung refused te de any thiinr of the kind, aud this ended the in terview. Hendersen next went te Mul lin, :ind induced him te withdraw his orig inal bid at 32,030. and put in a bid te de the work for $2,400. He then came back te this city, and put in a bid for the ser vice :it 2,383, just 815 below the bid of Mulliiiand $383 above that of Yeung, who had been doing the weik, aud en this bid he w.ts awarded the contract by the second assistant postmaster general. A week after Hendersen left Newark, Postmaster Ward, of that city, was given uotice that Yeung had been removed and the con tract given te Hendersen. In the meantime Yeung had taken the alarm after his interview with Hendersen, :ui(I his iriends. including Postmaster Ward, he-ran te interest themselves in his behalf The Hen. Geerge A. Halsey tele graphed te Acting Postmaster-Genera! Tynar that he was convinced something was vuenir, and asked that the order ap pointing Hendersen be suspended until he could investigate the matter. In response te this. Mr. French, the recently dis charged chief clerk of Gen. Brady's de partmeiit. tplcgiaphed te Postmaster Ward te delay tinning ever the business te Hen Hen dereon, :iud when Ilenudersen reached Newark he was confronted with this or der. Mr. Hul-sey wrote te the department here stating that Yeung was a faithful aud lespensible man, aud plainly intimat ing that something must be wrong when a contract was thus annulled and made ever again at an advance of 8585. Hendersen, however, was uet going te give up this fat job without a struggle. He went before Justice Xettleship. in New ark, accompanied by Michael Kenny, a back driver, aud the latter swore te an af fidavit that frequently drunk, that his drivers were drunkards, aud that he. Kenny, haskence geue iute a saloon with Yeung while he left his mail wagon ungual ded in the street. Hendersen wauled it also inserted that the mail bags were in the wagon, but te this Kenney re fused te swear. Affidavits wcre also pro cured from Aaren Mead aud his two sons, Jeseph and Lucas, stating that Yeung was habitually diunk, that be often left the mail bags lying at the Market street station in Newark with nobody te watch them, and that ene night he was se drunk in the street that he had te cling te a lamp-pest. Armed w ith these affidavits Hendersen re turned te this city, and worked se well that en October 1G Chief Clerk French telegraphed te Mr. Halsey as fellows : "The interest of the se- vie will net per mit a longer delay in the emeval of Mr. Yeung as mail messeugcr at Newark." At the s.ttne time an order was sent te Post master Ward removing Yeung and giving the weik agaiu te Hendersen. Iu response te tlii.s Mr. Halsey scut a dispatch te A. D. liazen, the third assistant postmaster genei.i!, which created a flutter of excite ment in the depart m ut here. There seemed, the dispatch sai.l. t - be a persist ent effort en the part of tee second assist ant postmaster general te remove Mr. Yeung. Mr. Halsey believed that rascal ity was at the bottom of the whole busi ness, and he intended te expose it, no matter who sulleied from the exposure. Alter thus venting himself Mr. Halsey asked that the order removing Yeung be again suspended until a thorough investi gation of the facts could be had. Mr. Hazfii granted the request, aud again Hender.sen feuud himself blocked in his little game. Inspector Sharretts, of the New Yerk postelBce, was new sent te Newark te in vestigate the charge against Yeung. He took the testimony of Postmaster Ward, Justice Ncttlcship, Mr. Mullen, Mr. Hau scr aud Lorenze P. Jenes. Mr. Hauser is the lawyer who drew the affidavits used against Yeung by Hendersen, and Jenes was iu his office when he drew them. Beth testified that after the Meads had left the office, Hendersen offered Hauser $23 if be would draw up another affidavit for Kenny, inserting the clause that there were mailbags in the wagon which Yeung left unguarded in the street, and $30 mere when Yeung was removed. Mr. Hauser declined te de this. Inspector Sharretts reported te the p.isiellice de partment that the charges agaiust Yeung were net sustained, and he was according ly icinstatcd. This is one instance iu which the Co operative Mail aud Passenger Transporta tion company failed te ruin a peer con tractor, aud it is a fair sample of the meth ods upe;.- which that branch of the Brady ring has been worked. It failed simply because Yeuug, the contractor, had mere powerful friends than the thieves counted upon. Had it net been ler tne active efforts of the Hen. Geerge A. Halsey, Yeung would without doubt have been swindled out of but contract, as hundreds orether men have been, and the govern ment would be paying te-day $3,385 for the work which is new done for $1,800 The plan in this cas. acirriiir i th testimony, was for Retdersen te cot "the! mnfcract. at fi-2.385 and s-.r.j.,.- :. . v.i for $1,900, which would lewre & clear gain 0 the Ce-operative Mail and Passenger Transportation company of 8485. Mullin entered into the scheme, and put in bis bid of 12,400, with the understanding that Hendersen would underbid him and then turn ever the contract te him. Frem this little bit of posteffioe history the reader will understand the necessity traveling agent te the Ce-operative- Mail sad Passenger Transportation company. The friends of Yeung, however, weie net satisfied with simply saviug his con tract. They determined, if possible, te punish the scoundrels who bad endeavored te ruin his charactei and te swindle the government. The facts were brought be fore the grand jury in Newark at the Januarv term, and indictmeuts for con spiracy were promptly feuud against Hen Hen dereon, Mead and Kenny. Hendersen, who resides near Lancaster, Pa., wheu he is net here or traveling in the interest of his "company," could net be feuud, but Mead and Kenny were arrested and tried and convicted recently in the court of quarter sessions in Newark. On Fri day of last week Hendersen, who bad become weary of his perpetual exile from New Jersey, went te the court in Newark and plead non vult. He was fined 5tM) and the costs of the court, making an assessment altogether of 8540, which he paid. Mead was fined the same amount, and, as be could net pay, was sent te jail. In the ease of Kenny sentence was sus pended. Judge McCarter looking upon him as simply a tool in the hands of the con spirators. Thus partial justice, at least, has been meted out te the criminals in this case, and their conspiracy was effectually foiled. It is an exceptional case. Brady and his paitners in the Ce-operative Mail and Passenger Transportation company have grown wealthy by the ruin of just such small contractors as Warren E. Yeung all ever the country. That they did net add him te their long list of their victims 1 owing te no lack of will and perseverance en their part. m A Lady's Wish. " Oh, hew I de wish my skin was as clear and selt as yours," tald a lady te her friend. " Yeu can easily nutks It se," answered the friend. " Hew t" inquired the first lady. "By using Hen Bitters, that makes nil re. rich bleed and blooming health. It did It for me, as yen ob serve." myz-2wuw Wnat's In a Name. The virtue of most et the patent medicines with which the market is flooded lies in the name, bat the virtues of Burdock Weed Bit- ..-- ---. ., tera lie in the fact that they cleanse the bleed et all impurities, and cure dyspepsia, bilious ness and indigestion. Price $t, trial bottle 10 cents. Fer sale at H. 11. Cochran's Drug Stere, 1J7 North Queen street. "Mether Has Recovered," wrote an Illinois girl te her Eastern relatives. "Sue took bitters for a long time but without any geed. Se when she heard of the virtues or Kldney-Vortshegetabox and it has com pletely cured her. se that she can de us much work new as she could before we moved West. Since she has get well everyone about here is taking it." fcee advertisement. my2-lwd&w A Splitting Headaches. C. Illacket Robinson, proprietor et the Can ada Presbyterian. Terente, OnL, wriles: "Fer several years I have suffered greatly from ott ett recurrlng billens headaches. 1 used your Bur dock Bleed Bitters with the happiest results, and I new find my sell in better health than feryears past. I cheerfully recognize the ster ling character et your preparation " Fer -ale at II. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, Ne. 137 North Queen street. Frem Emporium. Gee. Dedge, sr., a well-known citizen of Em periutn, writes thai one of his men (Sum Lewi-;) whilst working in the weeds se severely sprained his aukle that he could scarcely get home, but after one or two applications et Themas' Eciectrlc Oil, he was able te go te work nest day. Fer sale at H, B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street. SLEIGHS, JtC. Carriages ! Carriages ! AT KDGERLEY & CO.U PracticarCanlage Builders, Market Street, Hear of Central Market Houses, Lancaster, Pa. We have en hand a Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which we offer at the! VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, uivc us a call, y Kepairing promptly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed ter bat purpose. WANTED. NT1QUK FURNITURE. &C. Old Things Wanted. Antique furniture, rare old china, tine cut glass, old sterling silverware, candle-branches, silver shoe-buckles, old plated ware ; everything that is rare, curious and fine. Fer cash: Call or address JOHN WANAMAKER, PHILADELPHIA. 13tw&20tdee4 mar 10 GROCERIES. THU PLACE TO BUY PUKK WINES AND Liquor; also Druggist's 95 per cent, Alcohol is at A. Z. KING WALT'S Cheap Grocery and Liquor Stere, Ne. 205 West King Street, febl9-lyd Lancaster, Pa. T OOK AT THIS! SUPPLEE & OWENS, Successors te J. Bewers), The Centre Square Grocers The public are respectfully Invited te call and examine our New Stock of CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRUITS, CONFECTIONS, Jtc, which will be bold, wholesale and retail, at bot tom prices. Come and be convinced. Goods delivered free of charge, and every attention given our putrens. Please try us. SUPPLEE & OWENS, apr2S-lwd Ne. 6 CENTRE SQUARE. MOTEL. VTUULKB HOUSr, (formerly Clarenden.) i SOUTH EIGHTH STREET ( below 113 and 115 Chestnut). PHILADELPHIA. Pa. On the European plan. Meals at all hours, at moderate rates. Reems. 50c., 75c. and $1 per day. Hetel open all night. . AlsKL M1SHLER ft CO Prep's. Femerly or the MUhler Heuso, Beading, Pa. Has Stkwabt, supt , Fomerlyef the St. Clair, Atlantic Cit MXVICAL. rTR. nBOwNlMO'S C. & C. CORDIAL, FOB COLDS AND COUGHS, JrUICK, S535Ctff AiK YUUlt DRUGGIST FOB IT. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., SOLE PROPRIETOR, Ne. 1321 Arch Street, flMycedAw PHILADELPHIA. K 1DNEY WOBT. THE GREAT CURE teb RHEUMATISM, As It is for all diseases of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It cleanses the system or the acrid poison tb it causes the dreadlul suffering which only thu victims et Rheumatism can realize. Tneumtnil of Cases et the worst forms et this terrible disease have been quickly re lieved, in a short time Perfectly Cured. KIDNEY WORT has had wonderful success, and an immense sale iu every part of the country. In hundreds efcascs It has cared where all else had failed. It Is mild, but efficient, CERTAIN IN ITS ACTION, but harmless in all cases. It Cleanses, Strengthens and gives New f .iie te all the imnertant organs of the body. The natural action et the Kidneys Is restored. Th Liver is cleansed et ail disease, and the II.. wels move freely and healthfully. In this way the worst diseases are eradldated from the system . . As It lias been proved by thousands that KIDNEY WORT is the most effectual remedy for cleansing the si stem of all morbid secre tions. It should be used in every household as a St'RINU MEDICINE. Always cures Dilieusness. Constipation, Piles and all Fe male Diseases. jW It Is put up In Dry Vegetable Ferm, iu 4Vtin cans, one package of which make six 49quarts of medicine. 49 Alse in Liquid Ferui.very Concentrated 49 ter the convenience et these who cannot as-readily prepare It. It acts with equal 1&" efficiency in either form. GET IT OF TOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, SI. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prep's, Burlington, Tt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec 27 lydw4 KIDNEY WORT. "VTOW IS THE SKASON OF MY DIS- lll content made glorious " by the use of KTONEYOURA, a Tea composed of Roots and Herbs. It will remove ulf disorders of the Liver and Kidneys in a short time. It gives strength and tone te the digestive organs, purities the bleed and leaves the system in a geed, healthy condition. Price ftO cents a pack. Fer sale at Kautt'inan's Drugstore, Ne. 110 North Queen street. R i:ad THIS use- COUGH NOtMOREl AMERICAN WH SYBDP, A CERTAIN. SAFE AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, hoarseness, asthma, bronchitis, WnOOiJlXG COUGH, PAIN IN THE SIDE OR BREAST, And all Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS. Fer the relict of Consumptives in ali stages et lite disease, ter saie en:y at HULLS DRUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, au?2S-lyd . LANCASTER. PA. TTEALTH VS. DEATH. Health regained and happiness retained un der the OMNIPATHIC TREATMENT DR. GREENE. Thousands of old leng-tandlngdiseases have been cured or $, even when the patient had previously spent large sums of money without any advantage. Why will you, if in pain or out; of health, remain in doubt? A treatise en tlie eye, another en Catarrh, and a pamphlet containing tne names et nunureus cured in tills ceuntv given away (free) or sent te you. Over 1,300 patients, in It months, nearly all despondent in consequence et being previ ously unsuccessfully treated, all of them new well or Improved, with a verv tew exceptions : all cured uv external nnmicatiena of medi cine : no nills. newders. bitters, noisens or anv drugs placed in the steinacn. Many cured of long standing consumption, dyspepsia, rneu uiatisui. Ac, mr $3. Consultation and exami nations free. Come and see nie. Hundreds cured of Catarrh for 60 cents. The remedy sent te anyone en receipt et 50 cents. DR. C. A. GREENE, (33 Years Experience), Ne. 146 EAST KING STREET, 10-ttdMWFASl Lancaster, Pa. LOCHER'S Renowned Cough Syrup! A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Remedy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influ enza, Soreness et the Threat and Chest. Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ting of Bleed, Inflammation of the Lungs, ant" all Diseases of the Chest and Air Passages. Tlils'valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most safe and efficient qualities ler the cure of all kinds of Lung Diseases. Priee 25 cents. Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. L0CHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 9 KAST KINO STREET. el6-tf DE. SAMOEL'S LITEE INVIG0RAT0R Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek sent free. Dr. SANPORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Fer sale by all Druggists. ollS-lveed ulteew TIO INVENTORS. W. H. BABCOOEZ, Attorney-at-Law, et Washington, D. C, form erly an examiner in U.S. Patent Office, offers his services as solicitor before the U. S. and Foreign Patent offices. Careful werkattair prices. Was associate et Mr. Jacob Stauffer, et lancastcr, until the latter'a death. tl0-3mdw CROPLAND'S RESTAURANT. HAVING j engaged the services of a fl rat-class Res taurant Cook, I am new prepared te serve articles in my line ut short notice, such as Chicken Croquettes, Chicken Salad, Fried Oysters, Terrapin, and all delicacies found In scaen. N lour patronage Is respectfully solicited. JOHN COPLAND, Ne. 125 North Queen Street. l. s. Weddings and parties served at reasonable rates. f-24M4Stfd Mr INBNS. LINENS! We-bave received new linens from Belfast, Barnsley, Duntermline, Lisle, Brussels, Ghent, Silesia, Bohemia We bare ransacked all Europe for linens, and hare a variety of both fabric and finish that could net be gathered in the American market. The goods are fresh, tee. That's important ; for linens bought in Nsw Yerk may be several years old, and you knew starched linens de net improve by age. The dressings used by the manufacturers is net se de structive as starch ; but it does injure the fabric in time. We have another advantage in prices. We gain the importer's profit. The result is we get the best linens in the world, iu the best possible condi tion, and for the least money anybody can get them for. We can give you the importers' profit, and still have enough left. New it is proper for te consider that somebody else may be doing the same thing, and afford the very same advantages. Se, if you please, whatever you wish te buy get samples of it from us and from ethers, and compare. Or by our goods, if you like ; and if you can de as well elsewhere, bring ours back. This is rather a brave challenge ; for, you knew nobody wants remnants. The linens new in are sheeting, pillow, bolster and sbirtiusj linens, towels, teweltngs, doilies, napkins, table cloths and table linens. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. 1KEAT INDUCEMENTS. New Dress Ms of ALL THE ALL WOOL MELANGES, SILK MIXED ROMAN STRIPES. ALL WOOL SUITINGS, ALL WOOL FRENCH FOULE, SURAH SILKS AND SATINS. Brocade SUis, Trimming Silks, All Shades at Very Lew Prices. Satin and Serge Ribbons all Shades. Laces and Embroideries in all the New Goods. SUN UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. SUN UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. An entire New Stock just opened. All in the Xewest Styles. Our Stock is the Very Largest. Our Prices the Very Lewest. Our Stock is the Very Largest. Our Prices the Very Lewest. GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST, 25 EAST KING STREET, JACOB SI. MARKS JOHN A. LANE -ALL Dry Goods Offered at Great Bargains, AT THE OLD RELIABLE STAND, Ne. 24 East King Street. SILK DEPARTMENT. Special Inducement- in Rlack and Colored Silks. The general DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT constantly heing added te and prices marked down te promote quick sales. KOUUNINli GOODS DEPARTMENT cemtdctc in all Ita details. CARPETINGS, QUEENSWARE AND low rrices. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT unsurpss-ed acparunenis guaramecu te ue wuat tuey arc JCall and see us. JACOB M. MARKS. JOHN MILLISERY 1881 MILLINERY FOR SPRING 1881. New receiving every day the Latest spring ami iMDOens ier me MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Alse all the Latest Spring styles of Buttens, Fringes, Laces, Kid Gloves, and aU kinds of Dress Trimmings at the lowest prices in the city. 4Call and examine my stock, at K. A. I0MHT0FS CHEAP STORE, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - ESTABLISHED 1860. JURSITVRE. B USERS! BUYERS! i HEINITSH SELLS: Hair Mattress from $10.00 te $10 Weel - " 7.00te 11 Husk ' 4.50te B Woven Wire Mattress trem 10.00 te SO Spring Beds 2.50 te 7 Bolsters aud Pillows Made te Order. Call and see my assortment and be con vinced of the fact that my prices arc all right. Picture Framing a Specialty. RegUdlng and Repairing at short notice. HEINITSH, 15 EAST KING STREET, anS-6tnd Over China Hall ROOTS ANJt SHOES' rpHE NEW ONE PRIOE BOOT AND SHOE STORE, Ne. 30 EAST KING STREET. Ne person's outfit Is complete, especially ut this season of the year new that the new spring suits are out. without a new pair of Neatly Fitting Beets or Shoes. Especially should the children be provided with a new pair et shoes, for with no ether ar tlcle of new apparel are they se well pleased. We Invite you te call and examine our goods, as we bave beets and shoes te suit all. D. P. STACKHOUSE, JT. 80 EAST KIS&T STREET, al-lmd LANCASTER, PA. GOODS. 1NENS. r 1 HEAT INDUCEMENTS. Ix Every Description. ELTIES OP THE SEASON. LANCASTER, PA. CHARLES. J OHN n. ROTH. & OO. KINDS OF- GLASSWARE in immense variety and at very in quantity and quality, and goods in all the seiu ler. A. CHARLES, JOHN R. ROTH. 1881 Styles in Hats, Bennets, Feathers. Flowers CARPETS. pEKAT BARGAINS 1M VAKPEXS, I claim te have tha Largest and Finest Stock or CARPETS In this City. Brussels and Tapestry CARPETS l'liree-piy, r.xira super, buper, Ail wool. Halt Weel and Part Weel Ingrains : from the best te the cheapest as low as 25c. per yard. All the FINEST AND CHOICE PATTERNS that ever can be seen In this city. 1 also have a Large and Fine Stock et my own make Chain and Bag Carpets, AS LOW AS 35c. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDER at short notice. Satisfaction gnarentred. SST-Se trouble te show goods if you de net wish te purchase. I earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. "1ARPETS, COAL, c. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY, Ne. 130 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES. COVERLETS, BLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CITAIN. STOCKING YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either in the piece or In Garments; also, all kinds of silks. Ribbons, Feathers and Woolen Goods Dwi. Gen tlcnien's Coats, Overcoats, Pants. T sts, 4c. Dyed or Scoured ; also. Indigo R at Dyeinr done. All orders or goods lelt with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL.5 COAL. Ceal et the best quality put up expmalyfer family use, nnd at the lowest mrket raies. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 tOUTH WATER STREET. 21- lydRSl PHILIP SCUUM. SON CO DMT OOOSS, V2TBEBWEAB, JtC. TCrOBXfl SEEING TBI DISP IAI OF NECKWEAR.- SUSPENDERS AXD HANDKERCHIEFS, AT E. J. ERISMA1TS, MO. 56 NORTH QUKKK STREET, LANCASTER, PA. N EXT DUOK TO THE COURT HOUaE. AT FAHNESTOCK'S. THE NIMBLE SIXPENCE BETTER THAN THE SLOW SHILLING, AT FAHNESTOCK'S. ALWAYS ACTIVE, ALWAYS BUSY, AT FAHNESTOCK'S. REASON WHY: FAIR DEALING AND SMALL PROFITS, AT FAHNESTOCK'S. IN RECEIPT OF BARGAINS DAILY. AT FAHNESTOCK'S. Our CarxXt Roem is stocked witii Carpets and Matting, Carpets and Matting, Carpets and Matting, FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te Court Heuse S FECIAL BARGAINS. J. B. MARTIN & CO. NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. 'NEW STYLES, NEW FABRICS, NEW COLORS. We are opening New and Attractive Lines et SUITINGS & DRESS GOODS FOR SPRING WEAR. Handsome Lines of Madras and Scotch Dress Ginghams ! Opening te-day one case of NEW LAWNS IN BEAUTIFUL STYLES. NOTTINGHAM AND LACE CURTAINS, ANTIQUE LACE, BUNTINGS FOR CURTAINP, LOOPS AND FRINGES, CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES. J. B MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. PA. PAfERIIASGINOS, e. w IKDOW SHADES, C. 200 WINDOW SHADES in a variety of Celers, that will be sold from forty te seventy-five cents a piece. This is about naif value for them. A few of these light patterns left, In order te close, will be sold at seventy-five cents a piece. Plain Shading for Windows in all the newest colors, and in any desired quality Wanted. 40 inch, 45 inch and 72 inch for large windows and Stere Shades. SCOTCH HOLLANDS, the bet gee Js made, American Hollands in assortment. Measure of windows taken, esti mates made and Shades hung in a satisfactory manner. Of WALLPAPERS we are prepared te suit everybody. Oar line is larger, choicer and clieaper than any bca.-en heretofore. Gilt Papers from the cheapest grade te the finest goods mode. Grounded and Common Papers in such a fine variety that we can suit the most fastidious. Cornices and Curtain Poles. Window Papers. 4c. Or- iders taken for Fine Mirrors. PHASES W. FRY, NO. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. MISCELLANEOUS. TEMOVAL. XV N. LEWIN, M. D., has rcmevejl hia office irem 2U hcsi Jving street ii . ovum Prince street. Office hours from 7 te 9 a. m., and from 1 te 3 and C te 9 p. m. aprll 3md XTOTICE IS HEKEB IVEW THAT A j general meeting of the Stockholders of this company will be held at the office in Bal timore, en MOS DAY MAT 9, 1881, at 1 o'clock p. ni., ler the election or Officers and Manager for the ensuing year. Tbe transfer books will be closed en Saturday, the 80th bunX, and re main closed until after tbe election. By order of ROBERT D. BROWN, arp29-9td Treasurer. Quick sales anas Spm Hosiery mil TRA ri'XjEJfJJ' GVIDt 1ANCANTEK AXD .MILLEKSVIIXK R. J Cars run as fellows : ,.eave Lancatser (P. R. Depot), at 7, , an i UJea.m.,and 2, t, 6 and 3:30 p. m., except oe Saturday, when the last car leaves at ft p. m Leave Millersville (lewir end) at 5, 8, and a. M and 1,3, 5 and 7 p. ui. Cars run daily en above time except en Sua MOLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT K. K -K V. TralM new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad ou the fellow ins time: Stations Ne eth- Express. Express. Accen. WABP. A.M. F.JI. r.M. PortDepesit....... &35 &ss te? Peachbottem... 7:12 in S:18 Safe Harber.. 7:55 5:11 5:11 Columbia-. 8:23 9:40 6:30 Stations SecTH-iExpresa. Express., Accem ward. a. m. r.n. a.m. Columbia...... Safe narber.... Peachbottem... 11:43 p. v. 12:14 12:57 1:30 6a) 6:4tt P.M. 7:32 3:05 7: ArifcOB Le9:40 11.07 P.M. 125 PortDepesit.... T HADING & COLUMBIA K. R. ARRANGEMENT OFPASSENGER TRAINS OCTOBElTzfrH, 1880. NORTHWARD. LEAVE. A.M. P.M. P.M. A. M. A.X. P.M. P.M. 6:43 .... 230 75 .... 3:40 8:05 IKS 3:30 7:55 1:10 3:40 104S 3r20 5.50 UnarryviUe 6:45 .... 230 7--M Lancaster. King St 7:45 .... 3:40 930 Lancaster 8:05 IKS 3:30 9:40 Columbia... ABBIVK. Reading SUl'lUnAKK. tXAVK. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M Reading 8KB l00 6:10.. AU1TK. P.M. i- , Columbia 10:15 2:10 8:28 .... Lancaster. 10:07 2.10 8:10 5KW Lancaster, King St 10:18 .... 8:20 5:10 (juarryville 11:20 .... 935 &4t Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Hound Broek Rente. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY , JA?UAUY 17th, 18S1, trainsen the I'ennsyl vauiK Railroad will arrive and leave the Lan castf and Philadelphia depots as follewu: E,Wi, Leave ; Arrive gA9TwrARP- Lunc'tfi Phllad'a Philadelphia Expra 2:10 a.m. 4:15 a.m Cincinnati Express 235 " 4:15 FastLiue, 5:i8 " 7:30 Yerk Accem. Arrives? 8.00 " .... Harrisburg Expre.- 8:03 " 10:10 " Dillerville Accem. Arrive, 8:45 .... Columbia Accommodation, ".hlO " 12KU p.m. Frederick Accem. Arrives. 1:30 " .... Pacific Express, 1:4 p.m. 3:45 " Sunday Mall, 2:00 " 5KW Johnstown Express, 3:05 " 5:30 " Chicago Day Express, 4:35 " 6U Harrisburg Accenmwdui'n Br25 " 90 " Westward. Leave I Arrie Philad'u Lunftei Way Passenger, Mall Train .Se. l.via Mt..ley, Mail Train Ne. 2,via Cel'hU. Niagara A Chicago Express Sunday Mull, r ast Line..................... Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville Lecal.via Mt.Jey KStt 7:30 A.M. 5'i 0 A.M iicai 1025 " ihOO 8KM 12.1U IIK)0 I0-.SO " 2:30 P.M. 2:35 " fc45 " 7:20 " 7:30 " 8:50 ' IL30 ' 2.45 A.M Harrisburg Accommodate. 2'M Columbia Accommodation. 4:00 P.M. Harrisburg ExprebS, 5:3) Pittsbnrg Express 6:25 Cincinnati Express, 9:10 Pacific Express,..-. 1135 Pacific Express, e:i3t. en sunnay, wncn flag & mi, win step at Aiiuoieiewn, j&uzaiietntewn t. Jey. Landisville. Rird-in-HamL Lemun 4?i.n f.taf. .!.. !... 1 . . ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step atDowningtewn,Coatesviile, Parkes burg, Mt. Jey, Elizabethtown and Middletown . Hanover accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:00 a. m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, went, at 2:30 p.m., and will run tnrnngh te Frederick. LEGAL NOTICES. JSTaTE OF JOHN McCAMftlON, JLATlS X!i of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters et ai'ministrntien en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted thereto are requested te make Immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without iielay ter settlement te the under signed, residing in Lancaster city. HEXKY WOLF. Administrator. D. P. Kesesjiiiaek. Att'y. a.':o-6tdeaw IN THE MATTER OF THE ACCOUNT OJT Jehn S. Gable, trustee uuder fie will or Elizabeth Pinkerton, deceased. The under signed auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Jehn S. Gable, trustee, te and among these legally en titled te the same, wilt sit ter that purpose en TUESDAY, the 10th day et MAY. 1881. at 10 o'clock, a in., in the Library Roem et the Court Heue, in the City et Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. E. K. MARTIN, a9-4tdeaw Auditor. ESTATE OFGKORGE ALKRIUHT.'EATE ALKRIUHT.'EATE et the city of Lancaster, de ceasid. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te tli'j undersigned, all persons indebted te saiit decedent are request ed te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing In the city of Lancaster. JOHN 11. ALBRIGHT. mariS-Ctdeaw Executer. ASSIGNED JATA1K OF DANIEL 8. Bursk and wile, of Lancaster city, Lan caster county. Having by deed of voluntary assignment ussigncd and transferred all their estate and effects te the nnderslgncd ler the benefit or the creditors et the said Daniel S. Bursk, notice Is hereby given te all persona Indebted te paid assigners, te make immediate payment te the undersigned without delay, and these having claims te present them te CHIUSTIAN WIDMYEK. Assignee. 31. Bbesics, Att'y. roarll-fitdeew ESTATE OF JOANNA EBERLT, LATE et the city of Lancaster, deceased. Let- ters testamentary en s.i-d estate liavlng been granted te the nndetsigncd. all persons In debted theicteare requested te make immedi ate payment, aud tlie-c having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay for settlemeut te tbe under signed, residing in the rity or Lancaster. CATHARINE HEFELE. Executrix. Jse. A. Ceylc, Att'y- mar7-6tdew ESTATE OF CATHARINE KRENTZ, late et the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letter testamentary en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te muke Immediate payment, and these liavlng claims or demands against the same, wlllpre snt them without delay ter settlement te tbe unders'gned, residing in Lancaster cit v. Ne. CIS M:.nor Street. PETER KRENTZ, P. Attorney, Exceter. Ne. 408 West Kimr street. ml0-6tdeaw JEWELERS. 1 ANCASTKK WATCHES! In all the New Styles of GOLD AND SILVER GASES. AUGUSTUS KHOADS, Jeweler. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, 1 a. TITUOLESALK AND RETAIL Watches and Clocks, OK ALL GRADES AND PRICES. E. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET. TO THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF THE City of Lancaster, Pa. Gk'vtlemkx : In pursuance of the seventh section et the act et April 9. ISO, you are here by notified te meet In convention in the Com mon Council Chamber, in tin- City of Lancas ter, en the first Tins, lay in Mav, A. D.. 1381, being the third day or the 7:30o'cleck In the evening, and select, vita voce, by a ma jority et the whole number of Director pre sent, one peisen eflliemry nr.d scientific ac quit emenm and or skill and experience In the art or teaching, as City Superintendent, for tlii three succeeding years, and certlly the v Huli tethcMipcrintei'dentet Public Infrac tion at Harrisburg. as required by the eighth section ni said Act. ."".....-. JOHN B. WARFLL. Prvi eui. Lascasteu, Pa., April 2 lsl. - d ? tl nr -" "'