LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY A A 3. 1881 Prof. B. 6. Ames, the incumbent, being the only nominee, was unanimously re elected. The convention then adjourned nine die. Professer Ames was first elected te bis position in 1875, te succeed Mr. Palm. He has proved himself te be an able and faith ful executive, and with each succeeding term has been continued in his office. His annual reports show that although the schools are in an excellent condition, they are improving with each recurring year. LITTLE LOCALS. Here and Tbere and Everywhere. Last evening the Friendship fire com pany held a ball in the engine beuse. It was largely attended. Everything passed off nicely and it was a financial success. Last evening Nathaniel Pickel, aged 61 years, while at work en a new stable which is being erected by 3Irs. McGrann en the Harrisburg pike near Prince street, fell from the reef. He broke his leit thigh an-J was taken te his home en Jehn street, where he was attended by Drs.Westhaeflfer S id Brown, Samuel Hcs & Sen, auctioneers, sold for Dan. Legan at the Merrimac house, yesterday, sixteen head of horses at an average of $170 ; the highest bringing $282. Bernard Casey, who seme time during the month of March, as is alleged, made an assault en a bon of Christian Hagelgaus, and seen afterwards left town, was ar rested by Officer Merringcr yesterday. He gave bail before Alderman Barr. The new German and English school recently authorized by the beard, was epaaed this morning at the corner of Seuth Duke and German streets, with 117 pupils, in charge of Miss Kate Bundcll as princi pal. Her assistant, Miss Scevcrn, net having sufficiently recovered from a recent illness. Miss Harkins was temporarily ap p3inted in her stead. Mrs. Margaret Recs, nee Ehler, wife of Lieut. Jehn Iteesjiied at her residence, Ne. 243 North Prince street, this morning at 4 o'clock, after an illness of some dura tion. Mrs. Rees was 55 years of age, and was widely known as an affectionate wife, a geed mother and a kind neighbor. Her funeral takes place en Thursday at 4 p. in. Since the departure of Recdan A. Fisher for the West, which was noticed yesterday, it has Ljcii ascertained that in his accounts with the ShifHcr fire com pany of which he u treasurer, the com pany is his creditor te the amount of near ly $150, and that he recently borrowed about 8100 from some of his friends which has net been repaid. Fisher was overseer in Ne. 1 cotton mill. His family are much distressed ever his failure te turn up. THE CITY AKCUIVE3. Ttielr Bemeval ami Ke-arrangement. The great mass of city archives consist ing of minute books of councils and com mittees, mayors' dockets, journals, dupli cates, receipt-books, order-books &c, &c, which for some years past have been lum bering the shelves of the back room at the mayors office, have been removed te the second-story frost room of the station house en Grant street, where they are being renovated, arranged and labeled by Dr. J. A. Fitzpatrick. There are some tens of these books and papers, many of which contain valuable historical informa tion, which will be much mere accessible than heretofore te these whose tastes lead them te investigate the contents of old documents. The eldest book that came under our observation during a brief visit was a street supervisor's account book going back te 1704. OFFICERS ELECTED. The Children Heme. This afteinoeu the corperators of the Children's home met at the office of Chas. M. Hewell and elected the following offi cers : President Christian Widmyer. Secretary Charles M. Hewell. Trustees Geerge M. Kline, H. R. Ful ton, .1. B. Keviuski, Geerge Calder, jr. Lady.Managcrs Miss Harriet Gaelbacl-, Mrs. S. A. Cox, Miss Harriet Heitsliu, Mrs. S. A. Gibbs, Mrs. Mary Shenk, Mub Kate Rcitzel. The trustees will meet for organization next Tuesday. St. Peter's Itcnellcial Society. The following officers were elected last evenin : President Francis Martin. Vice President Zephram Richie. Secretary Peter Rehrich, jr. Treasurer Bernard Reckenstein. Don't lour Canary King ? Then get a bottle of Bird Bitters, which is an unfailing restorer of song ami a cure fei all diseases or cage birds. II yenr druggist does net keep it. or will net get It for you. send a postal card te the Bird Feed Company, 307 Federal street, Camden, X. J., and they will see that you arc supplied. Trice, 25 cents. inar23-3uu!&w City Mil rosters. Caison & Jlensel, city bill pesters, office la TKU.IQENCKK building, Ne. 0 Seuth Qnecu street. Conspicuous und well protected beat ds in all parts e the city. Circulars, pregrammes und small bills judiciously and generally distributed. Cleanse, whiten and beautily the -kin iih Culicnra Medicinal Toilet Seap. Feeble digestion, sick headache, dlzslnes Hid laintness cured by Malt Bitters. SftJCIAL NOTJCJSM. A Cough, Celd or Sere Threat should ee topped. Neglect frequently results lu an In curable L'liig Disease or Consumption. Brown's Bronchial Troches de net disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly en the inflamed parts allaying Irritation, give relief in Asthma, Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles which Singers and PubllcSpcakers aiv subject te. Fer thirty years Brown's Bronchial Troches have been recommended by physi cians, and always give pertcct satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have at tained well-merited rank among the lew staple remedies of the age. Sold at 25 cent a box everywhere. tns-lvdTThftSftljw Itching f-JIcn Syn'ptems and Cure. The symptoms are moisture, like perspira tion, intense Itching, inetcascd by scratching, very distressing, particularly at night, as if pin worms were crawling in and about the rectum ; the private parts are sometimes af fected ; It allowedte cenlii.uc very serious re sults may lollew. lr. Swayne's All Healing Ointment Is a pleasant sure cure. Alse for tetter, itch, salt rheum, scald head, Erysipelas, barber's itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty, cuta cuta neous eruptions. Price, 50 cents, thrce boxes for $125. Sent by mall te any address en re ceipt of price In currency or thrca ccntpest- Kc stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Sw.iync A Sen. 330 North Sixtli street. Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by all prominent druggist. marl2-lyMwSAW SAMPLE MOT1CE. It is impossible ler a woman alter a faithtul course of treatment with Lydia E. Finkham:3 Vegctable Compound te continue te sutTer with a weakness et the uterus. Kuciese a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 23J Western avenue, Lynn, Mass., fcr pamphlets. iY29-lydeedftw A Few Wern Frem Milwaukee. Miss Kittle A. Hume, 252 Greve tt.,M waukee, writes : I was troubled with tniUm matery rheumatism In Its worst lerm ler three vcars, but have leund a permanent cure in Themas' Eclectrlc Oil." Fer sale at H. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street. Mothers! Mothers J 1 Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth ? If se, go at once and get a bottle or MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYBUL. It wUl re lieve the peer little suflerer Immediately de pend upon it; there Is no mistake about it. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at ence that It will regulate the bowels, and glva rest te the mother, anil relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere ; 25 cents a bottle. marMvdAwM.WAS jtxw AJrxKTiaxiuaria. WANTED AT THIS OFFICE, COPIES OF the Dailt Ixthxtekscek of September 1,1880. and January 29, 1881. tfd PUBLIC SALC OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS. Will be sold at nubile sale en FRIDAY J MAY e. 1B1, en the premises, corner et Lemen and Lime streets, the two 'one-story Scheel Buildings situated thereon. Sale te commence at 2 o'clock p. m., when attendance will be a iven and terms made known by the Building Committee. H. E. SLAYMAKER, - Chairman. Hkxrt Shtbzbt, Auct. may3-3td By Universal Accord, Ayei's Cathartic Pills are the best et al pur gatives ler family use. They are the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, and their extensive use, by physicians in their practice, and by all civil ized nations, proves them the best ami most effectual purgative Pill that medical science can devise. Being purely vegetable no harm cauaiisc from their use. In intrinsic value and curative powers no etherPills can be com pared w ith them, and every person, knowing their virtues, will employ them, when needed. They keep the system in perfect order, and maintain in healthy action the whole machi nery et life. Mild, searching anil effectual, they arc especially adapted te the needs of the digestive apparatus, derangements et which they prevent and cure, if timely taken. They arc the best and safest physic te employ ter children and weakened constitutions, where a mild but effectual cathartic is required. Fer sale by all dealers. apr27-lwdeedAw have lout Hair Keep it Beautiful. The " Londen Hair Celer Kesterer" is the most delight 1 ul article ever Introduced te the American people and Is totally different from all ether Hair Restorers, being entirely free from nil impure Ingredients that render many ether articles for the hair obnoxious. Where baldness or falling of the hair exists, or prema ture gray ness, fiem sickness or ether causes, its use will restore the natural youthful color, and cause it health' growth, cleansing the scalp from all impurities, dandruff, etc., at the .same time a most phasing and lasting hair dressing, fragrantly perfumed, rendering it soft and pliable, making It an indispensable article in every toilet. Ask your druggist for Londen Hair Celer Rc-terer. Price 75 cents a bottle. Six bottles, fi. Main depot for tile United .States, 330 North Sixth street, Phlladcl phia. lilll-lvdTTliA FAw Shan't I Take a Blue Pill ? Ne, don't lake it and run the risk of mcrcu lial poisons, but when bilious and constipated get a package of the celebrated Kidney -Wert, and it will speedily cure you. It is nature's great remedy for constipation, and for all kidney and liver diseases. It acts promptly en these great organs and se restores health, strength und vigor. It is put up in liquid and dry form, acting with equal efficiency. Price $1. Sec advertisement. myMwdAw Mb. C. B. Peiiteu, Druggist, Tewanda, Pa. Fer several years I have been troubled with Catarrh ; have tried many remedies, without much relief. Ely's Cream Balm has proved te be the article desired, having wonderful re sults in my cese. I believe it te be the only cure. L. B. Cenunsr, Tewanda. Pa. May It, 1379. Messrs. Ely Bnea., Druggists, Oswego. X. V. Tlie supply of Cream Balm I purcnascd of you sold rapidly. Such is the demand I have bad occasion te duplicate my orders no less than five tunes within three months. My custo mers have found this is no humbug, but a pre paration of real merit anil evidently a sov ereign calhelicnn for the cure et Ctarrh. An article that will produce such lcsulls will prove a blessing te any community. Wsr. Tick, Druggist, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Jan. 2d. 18S0. ap2.-2wd&w '-L' - "! I'OLITICAL. Fer County Commissiener: FPANK OLAKK, of Stnisbnrg township, srt'ject te the choice et the Democratic coun ty convention. -jrali d&wtp ADAM S. DIETRICH, et Maner township. Subject te the decision of the Democratic county convention. HKXin F. HABTMAX (Lime Burner), et East Lampeter township. Subject te the cheice et the Democratic county convention. apr2dAwlp MAUTIN HILDKBRANl', et Mount Jey Borough. Subject te the decision of the Dem ocratic county convention. nplS-dAwtp J ERE MOHLKK, Ephrata. Subject te the decision of the Democratic county conven tion, tiprll-d&wtp Fer County Auditor : JOHX L. l.TGHTXEB, of l.eaceck township. Subject te the decision et the Democratic ceuntv convention. uprlS-tfdAw JtJSATMS. ltKtsK. In this city, en May S, 1SS1, Maigaret. wife of Jehn Kecic, in thc5Jth year et her age, She was a geed mother. Her relatives and iriendsare respectfully in vited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, Xe. 213 Xerth Prince street, en Thursilay afternoon at i o'clock. Inter ment in Lancaster cemetcrv. 2td jvji'ii' Avj-:nTitiV3ij:xTs. GOOD STIUPPICKS WANTED AT 318 West Chestnut street. ltd D IVIUEND NOTICE. Farmers' National Bank of Lancaster, ( aiay 2U. issi. ) The Beard el Directors have this day de clared a dividend et five and ene-h.ilf per cent., payable en demand. EDW. II. BROWN, may3-2ld Cashier. TOTlCK. li Ail Jurers drawn for the week commenc ing MOX DAY, MAY S), ISdl, are hereby notified net tout tend, as there will be no court that week. By order of the court, JACOB S. STRINE. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Lancaster, Mav 2, 1831. ni2 3tdAltw A 8TK1CH HKOS.' ADVr.KTISK.UENT. ATMMTM Virtue Acknowledged. Mrs. Ira Mulhelland. Albany, N. Y., writes : Fer several years 1 have suffered trem oft recurring bilious headaches, dyspepsia and complaints peculiar te my sex. Mnee using your Burdock Bleed Bitters I am entirely re lieved." Fer sale at II. B. Cochran 9 Drug Stere, 1S7 North Queen stiect. rpHK CIGAR BOX," EDWABD WELCHAN8, Agt, 110 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCA&TEH. CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, CI GARS, CIGARETTES, PIPES, Ac. ltd INSURE WITH. THIS OLD ANT WELL Established Agency of the Girard Fire tame Ce., OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS OVER Eleven Hundred Thousand Dollars. Invested in Sate and Solid Securities. RIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 10 EAST KING STREET. dll-CmdM.WHR Second Fleer. MAY 3, 1881. ME i MI Arc new receiving from late New Yerk Sale a Large Line et Tapestry is Ci which they will sell at the low est price ever known for same qualities. rexbury tapestry, smith's extra tapes jry. In full assoitment, for Pailers, Halls, Ac., witli Borders te match. MOQUET CARPETS, BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS, VELVET CARPETS, White and Fancy Matting, Linoleum and Oil Cleths. . jtew advi:ktise3lekis' VTEW CLOTHING STOKE. NJ W CLOiHING STORE. LOOK OUT -FOB THE- OPENING -OF- AL. ROSENSTEIN'S NEW ONE PRICE a CLOTHING- -ASD- FINE MERCHANT TAILORIM ESTABHSHMMT, XO. 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET, NEXT DOOR TO SIIULTZ A BRO.'S HAT STOKE. SPECIAL NOTICE. S1 FECIAL NOTICE. Our Stock of Fine and Cheap Watches, French Bronze, Marble and Cheap American Clocks, Musical Bexes, Oil Paintings, Marble and Bronze Statuary, Solid Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, Solid Geld and Rolled Geld Plated Jewelry, and all the staple goods in our line, is one of the largest and finest in the state. Wc have also many fancy goods and novelties, pretty and inexpensive, suitable for presents. Our patiens will find our Manufactory a great convenience. We can make tip any ricHgn of Jewelry of any description te order, at less cost than city prices. Remounting precious stones and resetting and remodel remedel ling old pieces of Jewelry will often transform an old style into a very de sirable piece of goods. Monogram and Ornamental or Inscription Engrav ing dene equal te the best of weik dene elsewhere. We have all the necessary lathes, tools and modern appliances in the hands of expert mechanics for proper Watch ami Musical Bex Repairing. H. Z: BHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, 4 West King Street, - Lancaster, Pa. Wall Paper, Wall Paper, Wall Paper. ANCASTKK WATUUKS. LAN A MKK1CAN WATCHES. EDW. J. ZHGNC, Manufacturing Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa. f1.j. I nl... UhIii Wir nfi lam f iVik 4 .3St A.I.U JaiC?i fc3llllK 111 41v 3"W- j uiciii aim in lui ijuiuiLiuM ui EuilHssed Gilt, Plain Breiize, Choice Flats and Blnuks, WITH HOUDKUS .VXD CEILING DECO KA TIONS TO MATCH. 3Ceuipeteiit Paner Uangeid te !e the work. Call ami examine. IA&ER& BROTHER. TirKDDING PRESKNTS. WEDDING Eli-gaiil ami apprepiiatu girts, la Rieat va liety. comprising the whole i untie, trein the least expensive te the most elaborate. PRESENTS The finest Diamonds, nrrsenaliv selected abroad with great care, ami Imported direct ter our own sales. Unmeunted, or mounted In the best designs. Selilalre.s. .Matched pairs in pel feet ion. ARTISTIC The newest designs In Jewelry. The most superior Solid Silver Ware. The latest styles of Silver Triple Plated Ware. The greatest variety of Elegant Fancy Goens. BEAUTIFUL The Watches which we keep are renowned for their excellence, and are net surpassed by any in the world, either as te beauty et finish or reliability as timekeepers. ACCEPTABLE liy our thorough system of sending goods by express -'en approval," the Inconvenience et being at a distance from our store is over come. Goods sent at our expense for exami nation te any addre. REASONABLE We take the greatest care in the selection of the newest and trcshest goods. We carry no old stock. Wc buy se largely for cash that we sell at the lowest prices. Geed for Babies. We are pleased te say that our baby was per manently enred of a sorlens protracted Irreg ularity of the bowels by tue nseet Hep Itlttcrs by Its mother, which at the same time restored her te perfect health and strength. The Parents, University avc, Kechester, N. V. See another column. my2-2wdw LANCASTER BAZAAR, 18 EAST KING STREET. Grand Display et MILLINERY. TK1MHED HATS AND BONNETS, FEATHERS AND FLOWERS, TRIMMING SILKS AND SATINS. PARASOLS. Wc have opened a new and elegant line of F.irasels and bunshades, which we offer at ex tremely low prices. SPRING GLOVES. LISLE GLOVES, Plain and Lace Tep, lrem 23e. up. BABV DUESSES AND ROBES. LACE AND SWISS CAPS from 23c. up. LADIES' EXCELLENT SPRING COATS for $2.90. KID GLOVES, 3-Butten, at 93c; every pair warranted. DRESS TRIMMINGS. BUTTONS, LACE, LACE AND LINEN GOODS. ASTEIOH BRO'S. BAILEY, BANKS, BIDDLE, WE INVITE ATTt.VfiON TO OUR LARUE STOCK OF LANCASTER AND AMERICAN WATCHES, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CLOCKS. Solid Silver and Silver-Plated Ware in Spoons, Ferks, Knives, Casters, A.C. Wc offer te our patrons advantage u Inch arc rarely combined in one cstabMshmcnt. be cause we have a complete MANUFACrilltlNG DEPARTMENT in connection with our retail business .and are making a large part el the xoeds we sell. This enables ns te be sure of qual ity, te sell at the lowest prices, and give in fli-.t-cl.iss facilities for WATCH Wi KI1 and GEN ERAL REPAIRING. :DW. J. ZAHM, Manufacturing Jeweler, marSl-Zmd.twR Zahm's Cemer, Lancaster, Pa. 31 V DIC A L. Mrs. Lydia E.?inkham, OP LYNN, MASS., I tbe Discover? MISVEZAJWOVS. 12th & Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. tnay2 cedM.WAF l'llOVERVS. ' "Fer sinking spells, fits, dizziness, palplta tlen and low spirits rely en Hep Bitters." " Read of, procure and use Hen Bitters, and you will be strong, healthy and nappy-" Ladies, de veu want te he strong, healthy and beautiful? Then use Hep Bitters." "The greatest appetizer, stomach, bleed and liver regulator Hep Bitters." 0 Clergymen, Lawyers, Editors, Bankers and Ladies need Hep Bitters dally." 'Hep Bitters has restored te sobriety and health, perfect wrecks from Intemperance." " $500 will be paid ler a case that Hep Bit ters will net cure or help " "Hep Bitters builds up, strengthens and cures continually from the first dose." "Fair skin, rosy checks and the sweetest breath In Hep Bitters." " Kidney and Urinary complaints of all kinds permanently cured by Hep Bitters." ' Sour stomach, sick headache and dizziness. Hep Bitters cures with a few doses." 'Take Hep Bitters three times a dayanu you will have no doctor bills te pay." Hep Bitters MaBHutctnrta Company, Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario aprl-lyilMWF4w Her Vegetable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness Ro Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PINKHATVrS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer , All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name signifies, eon I sists et VcKCtable Properties that are harmless te the most delicate invalid. Uvn one tiial the merit set this comneund will be 1 ccei'iiired. as relief is iinmcditte; ami when its uscis con tinued, In ninety-nine cases in a hundred, a permanent cure is effected, as thousands ill testify. On account of its proven merits, it is te-day recommended and prescribed by t he best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Lcucorihcea, inegularand pain ful Menstruation, all Ovarian Trouble-, In flammation and Ulceration,. Floedlngs, all Dis placements and the consequent spinal weak ness, and is especially adapted te the O'lange of Lite. In lact It has proved te be the greateet and best remedy that lias vvir been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and elves new lite ami i:;or. It removes faintness. flatulency, destroys all cravlnsj ler stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bleating. Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness, De De fircsslenaud Indigestion. That leelinget beai ng down, causing pain, weight and backache. Is always permanently cured by Its usj. It will at all tunes, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney complaints of either s-ex this Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound sj prepared at 25 and 233 Western Avenue. Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for $3. Sent by mail In the form et pills, also in the form el lozenges, en receipt et price, $1 per box, ler either. Mrs. PINKHAM trccly answers all let ters of inquiry. Send for pamphlet. Addiess as above. Mention this paper. Ne family should be without LYDIA E FlNKHAMfS LIVER PILLS. They cure Con stipation, Biliousness and Terpldtly of tiie Liver. 23 cents per box. Johnsten, Holleway & Ce., General Agents, Philadelphia. Fer sale by C. -. Leclier, 0 East King street and Gee. W. Hull, 13 West King street. J'21-lvdeed.fcw IMPORTANT NOTIC''. ALL I'KKSONB i-uiiiig te join the Trans-Atlantic Ex cursion of 31 A Y the 12th, will please make ap plication AT ONCE te the KEV. A. F. KAUL, erB. YECKER, apr-27-lwd Lancaster City, Pa. JW. KCKKNKOBE, SPECIAL. AGENT . et the Pcnn Mutual Insurance Company, et Philadelphia, lias ben appointed agent ter Lancaster county, vice Jacob B. Leng, re signed. Oflice at HERB'S MUSIC STORE. aprJ0-7td Ne. 8 East Orange Street. WATKK KENT NOTICE. THE WATER Kent Duplicate U new in the hands et the Treasurer, und en and after te-morrow, April 2s, Water Rents will be received, and live tier cent, allowed ler prompt payment. Oilice hours trem 8 te 12 a. m. and from 1 te 5 p. in. WM. JIcCOMsKY, a27-tfd Treasurer and Receiver of Taxes. I riiHE ALBKECHT PIANOS Aie tin' Cheapest, beeanse they arc the Best. L. B. 1IERR, Agent. Ne. & East Orange Street, apr30-2md Lancaster, Pa. 1 JIUiCLAMATION. Whereas, the alarming prevalence of Incen diary fires in our midst, and tlie boldness of the perpetrators, make it the duty of all geed citizens, especially the holders ami owners et property, te be vigilant and te assist by their individual ctlerts te bring these outlaws te nstice. Citizens will de well te watch tlie goings and ceinings et suspected persons in their immediate respective neighborhoods, an 1 1 give early and authentic information te the police authorities et the city, el anycir cuuintances in the habits or conduct et such suspected individuals likely te fasten upon them the perpetration et se heinous a crime. Police officers having miles upon miles te patrol in their respective wards, must neces sarily alie ill very inadequate protection against the cunning of the incendiary, unless their efforts are supplemented by these of our citizens. 1 there feie call upon all interested -in itre-.i'1-vir.g order, in tht; preservation et tranquillity.te contribute te these ends by un UMial vigilance ever the immediate vicinity et their respective abodes. $500 REWARD. By virtue of the authority given me by the resolution et Councils of February 4, 1S74, 1 hereby offer aVeward el Five Hurdred Dol Del ars for the art est and conviction of any party or parties who have .set llrcte anvoftliebuiid anveftliebuiid ings burnt by ineendiary fire within the last year, and the same reward will be paid ter the arrest and conviction eruny person who may set tire te any building In tlie future. .INO. T. JIacGONIGLE, aprl3-tfd Mayer. OPEVIAL NOTICE. OUuANS AND PIANOS can be purchased at the Lancaster Organ Manufactory from ten te twenty-five per cent, cheaper dur ing the month et April than any ether time. As I have a large assortment et all kinds of Musical Instruments en hand, purchasers will find it te their advantage aticr examining ether Instruments te call at the warerooms, as they will then be able te see the superiority et the Lancaster Organ or Cliickcring Piane. 1 have added steam power and am adding a set et new machinery et my own inventieu for making all parts of an organ, lrem teeds te the key beard, therefore saving timv, expense and labor, und will give my customers the benefit of it by reducing the prices. Send for catalogues. All kinds et instrujnents tuned and repaired, at NO. 320NOKTU JUEEN STREET. ALKX. McKILLlPs, mar29-2wdftcS Proprietor. "lAltPKTS, XV. NEW CARPETS. 40,000 YARDS. New Designs, Beautifully Colored. INGRAINS TAPESTRY ' BRUSSELS WILTON AND MOQTJETTES, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, LIGNUMS. !90 cents. CO cent a. 75 cents. 73 cents. 85 cents. ( 00 cents. S3 cent1-.; Iki cents. 1.00. $1.00. $1.10. ?:.20. I: GOOD A ALUE AT ALL PRICES. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many yean. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut : treet, a4-lydeed&2twJ PHILADELPHIA. THIRD EDITIOff. TUESDAY EVENING, MAT 2, 1881. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, May 3. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, partly clendy or cloudy weather, with rain, northerly winds, high er barometer, and stationary e& lower temperature. THE SENATE. SMckiimn. New Torb, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks. ffS,yUtie5ta4n.Bna9 wperttrtdallTby JacebB. LesOjN. E. Cor. Centre Square. Nw Yerk Stocks. Stocks firm. Mayf. a. v. r. it. r m 10 109 5 Ne Conclusion by the Republics Caucus. Washington,; May 3. The Republican senators met in caucus this morning te re ceive the repert of their committee en the scope and order of business te be trans acted in tbe proposed executive session. Ne result was reached up te the hour for as sembling the Senate. The attendance was small; the discussion is understood te have been confined te the question as te what shall be considered uncontested cases, te be withheld from action for the present. When the Senate met the vice president laid before it the usual resolu tion, and Mr. Davis (W. Va.) took the fleer and spoke en the debt question be tween the Virginias. After a short debate en the question of the debt of the Virginias, the Senate ad journed until te-morrow, and the Repub lican caucus reassembled. TEXAS TIDINGS. Havoc by Herse Thieves and Lightning. Galveston, May 3. A special dispatch te the Xews from Dallas, dated May 2, says : " Jehn Preston, a notorious horse thief, was arrested hereto-day. He is one of the boldest operators in the state." Anether special from Dallas says : ' A heavy rain storm swept ever this section yesterday inundating the streets and seriously damaging buiklius? in course of construction. The mm was accompanied by vivid lightning. The residences of Rev. Mr. Smith and Webb Grienlew were struck, sustaining consider able damage. Twe weed choppers were slightly injured while seeking shelter under a tiee. A horse was struck and killed in East Dallas. A gas pipe in the mayor's court was struck during the session of the court, causing a momentary panic." OUtt OXVS COUNTRY. The News Frem the States. A young man named Hathaway was found murdered at Marblehead, Mass., this morning. He was known te have had money en his person, and it is believed robbery was the motive. Dudley Sweet (colored) shot and killed Belle Keys (colored) at Clayville, Ky last night. Ne motive assigned. Hundreds of the New Yerk striking bakers arc hanging around Irving hall to day awaiting concessions from the bosses . 108 bosses in the two cities had yielded yesterday and this morning 21 mero fol lowed and their hands went te work. The bosses' union is in session, and appeals lirra,claiming that many hands are willing te work 15 hours, while the strikers de mand reduction te 12. MAMKHTH. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, Pa., May 8. Fleur quiet, but firm : superfine, at $3 2."i:i 75 ; ex tra 93 974 25 ; Ohie and Indiana family Je 50f?t (0: Pcnn-i. family $4 "r 10 : St. Leuis family 15 75: 25 ; Minnesota Extra Wffl." 75 de straight, $.i8762.; winter patent JG5087 re ; spting de $0 73?t(7 75. Rve flour at$5 50. WhPat stronger ; Ne. 2 Western tied. $1 2 1 23 : lvnn'n Red anil Amlier,$l 22Jiffil -Sl'l Cern firm ; steamer, SGJJ.-i7c ; yellew and mixed 57M"a58Kc. Oats quiet but firm; Ne. 1 White, 49 J5iii ; Ne. 2. de, 13 19Jc : Ne. 3, de 47c ; Ne. 2 Mixed 146C. Rye scarce at $1 031 10. Seeds Uoed te prime clever steady at 77 ; de de Timethy Jobbing. $3 10.J 1J ; de de Flaxsee.) dull at SI 3d bid. $1 Si asked. Prevision" in fair Jobbing demand ; mess perk $13 25 18 50; beet lianw, $220023C0; Indian m.-s beef, $21 0022 Ce, f. e. h. Bacen 3mekt-d shoulders 7c; salt de (c: smoked hams HUc; pickled ham- 'iySji 10c. Lard steady; city kettle HJ12e; 1001 bul;hei'll4li;c; prime steam, $11 Si. Butter market sluggish ; Creamery extra 21$32tfc ; de geed te choice 2II&24 ; ISradfnrd county and New Verk extra, 222lc. Rell- dull: Penn'a ll18c; Western 17018, a- te quality. Eggs dull ; Penna. lie: Wester i l.'tjc. Cheese fl 1 ui and stock slightly; New Voik full cream 13)Uc ; Western full cre.nn at 13c: de fair te geed, 11JQiI2c; dp halt sUim. i10c ; Pa. skims 7c. Petroleum quiet: refined 7;i: Whisky at $1 10. New Yerx market. Nkw Yuie, May 3. Fleur State and West ern without decided change, niedcrat expert and home trade demand : Superfine btate, $3 7.'43.'; extra de f4 -Iiitpf jr;cl:eict-il) $1 i')Jii VM ; fancy de ."fji; 75 : round hoop Ohie f i -1.1 J. 3 : choice de at f505(; 75; superfine w cm $.t 75ft4 35: common te geed ex tra de $4 40t90 ; clinlcede $5 OOiiC 75 ; choici cheici white Qwhcat de 5G 00. Southern dull ; common te fair extra at $1 7".;5 2J: geed te choice de $5 27 00. Wheat slightly in buyers favor and in mod erate .'cinanil : Ne. 2 Ued,M.iy, $1 22,1 2JJ'; de June18il lSJf; Jle July, $1 is;wi l4;;. Cern dull: llxcd west in spot, SjfvAtic; de future, 5451c. , O.Vs a shade stronger State, 47ff54-; Wi s!-crn,4yjr2c. Philadelphia Cattle Market. Mesdat, May 2. The receipts et stock at the vaiieu-a yards were for the week: Cattle, 2,8.10 heiuU Hlieep, 8.000 head: hogs, 3 Oj0 head. Previous week Cattle, 2,fcC0 head"; sdie p, 1',0J.1 lit ad; hogs, 3,500 liiad. Ueef Cattle The market during the pat week was quite active, and with a fair dem.i' d and moderate receipts, prices were firm at last quotations. We quote a- fellows : Extra, C,'Slc: Uoed, ;c ; Medium, 5K&5c : Common. 45c. hulls and Cows Fat cows aniHjuils were in iroed demand at 3fJ5c. Slip.-ery 10. vs weie dull at $1525, while Uolena"cows were neg lected at $I015. Calves were fairly active at aJc, the latter ter choice Pennsylvania. Milch cons uerc fairly active, and wiles at $i5(S$C0 per head were recorded, the latter ler choice stock. Sheep The market daring the early part el the week was dull and lower, but at tli: -lfi-c te-day prices were firmer. We quote as follews: Extra 5Ji7c; Geed. Glc; M.dluin, 5J fiCc: Common 5."J-ic; Sheared 4?v ".)-,:; Lambs, tall G-;i7c; Lambs, spring $1M)S2'. ;i choice heavy clipped sheep sold at tic. Hogs were in geed demand during the week and prices were unchanged. We quote as fellows : Extra, 9J49Jc ; Geed, 8J!c ; Medium, 8 8c. BALK OF BEEF CATTLE. Reger May nes, 200 Lau.ce., gross, SHe. A. & J. Christy, 115 Western, gross, 5!6e. E. S. & 11. F. McFlIlcn, 150 Western, gre-,s, Owen Smith, 101 Western acct. M. Goldsmith, 506c !e 17 Western acct. Martin Fuller & &Ce.53Kc. 31. Ulman, 158 Lane, and Yerk counties 5J.JS 6Hc GO Lan.ce. acct L. Scnscnig52gcVi. .x. HOUSC- Aieney... -..........,, Chicago & North Western. ... Chicago. Mil. St. Panl Canada Southern L. C. a L C. It. Km. .... Del., tack. A Western Delaware A Hudsen Canal Denver & Bie Grande Hannibal A St. J 00 Lake Shere A Mich. Southern. Manhattan Elevated. Michigan 'Central Missouri. Kansas A Texas N. .,Lake Erie A Western... New Jersey Central N. Y., Ontario A Western .!tSr J'? Central Ohie A Mississippi Pacific Mall Steamship Ce.... St. Leuis A Iren Mt Sutro Tunnel Union Pacific , Wabash, St. Leuis A Pacific.... ,, " .Preferred. Western union Tel. Ce PHILADKLrni.V. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania it. It Reading Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation llnffale, Pitts. A Western Northern Central Northern Pacific " Pretejrred Hestenvllle Philadelphia A Eric it. It Iowa Gulch Mining United States Uesds. United States 4 per cents 41-' . 125K lat law 113)5 H5 1I5J 7K . 24 25 l'JTJfi 120 1: WOK 110U Hi IVl 39 59J 5l 1J? 123t 12W SfcS 224 2SS 110 1094? 109& 4l2 '& X 98 X 35 35 5Wi 52K Si GBX Gtt 69j .... 2j 2 H9& 119?i 1MX 4S& 2 mi 89JZ ll HG llt ... IK iBy 6 45?. SI J J ii" 21 21 52J.J 52 4J5 ). P. K. 1:00 1I6VS 114: Mtk 103 J Noeii4ufiUiousortlio Grain Market Furnished by Jacob IS. Leng, Commission iSrefcer. Chicvce. Cah. June. July. Wheat !. $l.04' $1.01, Cern 424' AVi .4.;i Oats ry. .37j zsy. New Yerk. Cnh' Wleat I.2(i $L20i; $I.18& Cern ...... Oats l'lIILADaLl'IUA. Wheat 1.23J 1.23 LlfiW Cern ,Y .55 J5J6 Oats 47 .4G .4KX Baltimekk. Wheat l-y.- 1.20! J M6) iuriiaaas im .K vmI Lecal stocks and Bends. Par val. .$li 100 100 100 100 . 100 100 100 100 Las sale $105 114 118.75 120 105 112 103 103.5 101 $114 102.50 105.50 ML50 Lanc.City G per et. Leun.duu 1S82. isse... " 1890... 1S95... 5 per et. in I or 30 years.. 5 per ct. Scheel Lean... " I " In 1 or 20 years.. " 4 " in 5 or i years., " I ' in 10 or 20 years. MISCPLLANEOUS HO PS. Quarryville R. i:.,dtni 1893 $10.1 Reading A Columbia R. Rdue 18.s 100 Uincasler Watch Ce., due lx 100 Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., due in 1 or 20 enrs 100 Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., due 1881! 100 Stevens Heiim- 100 1SAXX STOCKS. First National Bank. $100 Farmers' National Hunk 50 Lancaster County National 50 Columbia National Rank 10O Ephrata National Hank 100 First National Hank, Columbia . .. 100 First National Kank, Strasburg.... 100 First National Rank, Marietta 100 First National Rank, Mount Jey.. 100 Lltitz National Rank 1IXI Manheim National Rank 100 Union National Rank, .Mount Jey. 50 TUnXPIKK STOCKS. Rig Spring A Reaver Valley.... Bridgeport Columbia A Chestnut Hill Columbia A Washington Columbia A Big Spring Lancaster A Ephrata Lane , Eiizabctht'ii A MiddicL'n. Lancaster A Frnitville. Lancaster A Litltz Lancaster A Williainbtewn Lancaster A Maner Lancaster A Manheim LancasterA Marietta Lancaster & New Helland Lancaster A Susquehanna Lancaster A Willow Street StrasburgA Millport 25 Marietta A Maytown 29 Marietta A .Mount Jey 25 AXISCEIXAXEOLS STOCKS. Ounrryville It. B $50 $3.25 Millciwille Street Car 50 25 Inquirer Printing Company. AO Wutch Factory ion Gas Light and Fuel Company 25 Stevens Heuse loe Cel umbia Gas Company Columbia Water Company Susquehanna Iren Company 100 Marietta HoIIewwure 100 lCfi 7U $1701x1 103 102.23 135 135 134.50 200 131 13550 70.50 $ 25 $ 10.25 13JJ 20 . 25 11 25 25 100 50 25 25 50 25 25 . 100 11.10 47.25 51 50 X50 55 92 30.40 25.95 S3 . 300 275.25 25 40.15 21 40 37.50 47.90 U5htl r.".ie de de 14 Yerk co. acct. Myers man, Gc. Jehn McArdlc,2l5 Lancaster co., 3Gc. Daniel Murphy, 100 Lan. ce.,5kc. t-cbamberg A Paul, 135 Western. 5$GJc. G. Schamberg A Ce., 210 Western, bimtyfi. Lewenstein A Adler, 140 Western, 5jQGjc. " 120 Montgomery co. cows SK.03MC. II. Chain, Jr., 35 Penn'a, SligGc. Daniel Smyth A Bre., 128 western and Fenn'a 5K45GXC. Dennis bmvth. 53 Penn'a. 5Gkc Bachman A Levi, 153 Western, 6G',ic. 31. Levi, 10J Lan. co., and Western, 5jGc leuis uern. xt renna, aac. F. Scheetz, 35 Western, 5Gc. " 35 Ment. CO.. cea,4K4e. Win. Sales, 80 Lancaster co., 5G4c. James Clcmsen, 42 Penn'a. 5&c. J. F. Sadler & Ce., 29 Western. tSe. Abe Ostheim 20 Western. 5c. S. Uriel us, 17 Henn'a, 5!i6c Jas. Anil, 42 Western, 5iGc. P. Hathaway, 18 Lancaster co., 3)52c. Dressed beeves were in geed demand at BQ 9iic W..1.0 nr n.ui I'jmrM -The. Brndlev. 180 head City dressed at 8ffi9c ; C. S. Dengler, 66 de. .City'diu at SMflMe: X. A. Boswel 1 W ueaaiie aewjwvjic, . " "rr T,Vje8e - at 8ffl9V:c: J. P. Lewrten 42 dodo, 3.1 ilcci.iy3adeat(9e. trjs-edliefP were active at 949Jf Samuel Mewart sold 710 head dr-sed sheep at9flc- 4 OKLIlSIlTFIIL ANnt'OOLlNG 1IKINK Meutscrmt Lime fruit Juice. It forms, diluted v!th llveer eight times its bulk et water,-or blcndWt with Spirits, Seda Water, Ac., a .Most Wholesome, llclicleus und Refreshing Beverage. It may he sweet ened te suit the taste. In addition te being a most lcli;;tf ill and cooling drink, your phy sician will recommend it for its medicinal vir tues ; especially Rheumatic Pains. Fer hale at Rciait's Wine Stere, Ne. 1211 East Kingstn-et. aprl5.WA.St M II. E.SLAY.MAKER, Agt. Brandy as a Medicine The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. K. Slayinaker, Agent for Keigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively used the Brandy ruteiied te in Ids regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. Tin? new much abu-i-d Alcoholic .Stimulant wasitcwr intended as a beverage, bnt te be u-.cil as 11 pelcncyin the euro et some of the distinctive diseases which sweep a ay their annual thousands of victims. With a purely phli.tiilliiepie motive wc pre sent te the favorable notice fit invalids esiie- ei.illy these ulllicted with that miserable ills-e,e-e liyspepsia, a bpceitlc remedy, which i3 nothing mere or than Brandy. The aged, with feeble appetite ami mere or less debility, v. ill tind this .simple medicine, when UM'd properly. A Sovereign Remedy erali their ills and aches. Be it, hewevei -li Icily under'toed that vejnescrlbe mitt use tut tone article, and thi't i KEIWAliTS OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II fc SI..YYMAKER. Tin-, Brandy has steed the test ler years, and 1ms never failed, as far us our cxierienc extends, and we therefore glv it the preference overall ether Brandies nomatler vith hew many jaw-breaking French tilica nicy are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various Impotent dysja-psia specifics ueuld suRlee te buy all the Brandy te cure any such cane or j isc. In proof of the curative powers el Eeigart's Old Branay, Ineiacset Oysjcp-la, we can summon nuin hers of witnesses one case in luirticuiar we cite: A hard-v.erklng fanner had been a ill 1c ted witli an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number of years; his bteumch would reject almost every kind of feed; be had sour eructatiens con stantly no appetite In fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage lie used McGrunn's Beet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, and in his discourses often declaimed earnestly against ail kindsef strong drink. When advised te try Rcigart's Old Brandy, In his case, lie looked up will: MteiUsnuient, but after hearing et its weudcrlut ctlccts in tiie cases of some of his near acquaintances, lie at last consented te fellow our advice. Jle ucd the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and befere the second wus taken he waa a sound man.wlth i. tmniieli retualileef diirestlnir Ulivthinir Which 1 heSchenu te eat. ile stiil keeps it and uses a 111- T .. . . ..1 1... I...A kd ..tA.lf- lie occasionally; ami siura ou me -.u.-cine he litts ljeen of very Httle iecunlary bone 11 1 te the doctor. A PiiAC-risisu Phtsiciaw. H. E. SLAYMAKEK, Reigart's Old ine Stere, Established la 1785, IKFORrxn ASD tnULXR 1M KiE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUP- KlOIt OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in 1818, 1827 and 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O KVERY BKJtND, SCOTCH ALE POKTE; BROWN STOUT. N11. li'J tAST IUNO ST.. LaMCASTR, FA v--